#sorry for leaving this blog inactive i have been so so busy....
incorrect-mltd-quotes · 2 months
Thank you so much.
Hello, all. This isn't a post I've wanted to make, and still don't, but I think the right time has come and it's apparently better to rip that bandage off, so to speak.
I've mentioned offhandedly a couple of times that I'm struggling to keep this blog going. I've considered stepping away but wanted to continue these silly quotes for as long as possible, in the hopes they make someone out there smile. I still hold true to this and didn't think I'd feel so gutted when writing this out, aha, but I think I finally have to admit defeat.
Without absolutely rambling about my entire life story, it's sadly just a matter of how busy (and stressed) I am. I do still study, and work, and that will likely be the case for quite a while longer. It's a challenge for me to find quotes that I can use, and this is made harder by the fact that I'm barely able to keep up with Mirishita anymore. I still love the idols and the series, but if I'm finding it difficult to keep up from a fan perspective, doing it from one that's supposed to be running a decent blog is almost impossible. My mental health isn't the greatest and while I do adore making up funny things that the idols say, I need to see how I get on without it.
Thank you for all the years you've given me with this blog. Checking back to jog my memory, it's been going for a good six years, which is baffling to me. I didn't think it was as long as that! I've truly enjoyed seeing your reactions to my little posts, and I'm pretty sure my heart died from too much love whenever I got a message sent in. I'm truly sorry, but I do have to go. I did try cutting the amount of posts down, and it did help, but not enough.
I will leave this blog up for anyone who might want to peruse it. I've checked, Tumblr shouldn't delete it, and if they do, I will be very miffed. I may try and put a quote up every once in a while, perhaps a break is all I need, but unless I announce that I'm properly back, please assume that this blog is inactive for that time. Who knows? I might just be able to get my crap together and come back one day. I hope so. But, until then, thank you all. It's been an honour, and I hope I was able to make you feel even just a bit happier.
Until we meet again!
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scarletwinterxx · 2 years
a day with the Lee's - Mark Lee au
Hi! it's been a while 😅😊 i'm just having a hard time writing these days hence the lack of content, sorry :( you can send any request/recommendations for a scenario, I'll see what I can do😊 thank u for the love you've shown this blog even when I'm inactive, i do miss writing too.
part1: day with dad mark lee
part2: another day with dad mark lee
part3: a day with the lee's
part4: (prologue) i don't know how to make eggs
part5: glitter pens and goodnight kisses with the Lee's
part6: first love and kisses
part7: naps and baby kicks
part8: then there was three
part9: just like you
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pic not mine. credit to original owner)
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It's a busy morning in the Lee household, not because you had work but because it's the first time your daughter would go to daycare. Even though you and Mark have already done this before with your oldest, Minjung, you can tell he's more wary and a bit on edge sending his youngest and only daughter to school
"Did you get Min-jee's backpack?" you ask Mark, seeing him come down the stairs.
"Huh oh yea wait a second" Mark jogs back the same way he came from, chuckling at your husband before turning your head back to little Minjee, helping her put her shoes on.
This is like a normal morning for you, Minjung leaves earlier for school then Minjee wakes up and you get her ready for the day. Now she's finally old enough to go to daycare, you were excited to watch your little girl meet kids her age and socialize but Mark on the other hand thought it's too early.
"Are we sure she's ready for this? We can still wait a year more" he says, walking down the stairs and taking the seat beside his daughter. Immediately she reaches out to hold her dad, you thought Minjung was a dada's boy oh you were wrong. Minjee is way more attached to Mark then her brother. Even as a baby, she only ever wants to be held by her dad and Mark loved every second of it.
Maybe it's the reason why he's more affected about sending Minjee to daycare.
"She'll be fine, she needs more friends her age. Plus I can tells she's getting bored being home all the time. Right, love?" you say lightly pinching her cheeks
"Mama, woo" she says referring to the snoopy plushie her uncle Jungwoo gave her when she was a baby, the name woo kinda stuck so now she calls it woo. Minjee takes that stuff toy with her everywhere she goes.
"It's here, Jee. Come on, we need to go" Mark says before scooping her up in his arms, you take the backpack and followed the two out the door.
Mark puts Minjee in her carseat while you settle in the passenger seat. Then the three of you were off.
The whole ride to the daycare you can tell Mark was growing more and more anxious, repeatedly tapping his fingers on the steering wheel, his legs shaking.
"Mark baby, she'll be fine" you smile at your husband.
"Yea I know, I just... How are you not as emotional right now?" he asks you
"I think I got most of it out with Minjung. I can still remember bawling my eyes out in the parking lot when we left him on his first day" you answer, reaching over to rest your hand on his knee.
"She'll do great, we know the teacher's here they'll take good care of her"
"I know I know"
Letting out a chuckle, you let him be.
When you finally got to the daycare, Mark parks the car but made no move to step out.
"I can't do this" he mumbles under his breath
"Huh? What did you say?"
"Baby, I don't think I can leave her here. Let's just wait one more year" he said turning to you, this time you see his eyes almost close to tears. Again this made you giggle, taking his face between your hands before giving him a sweet short kiss.
"She'll be fine, who knows maybe she'll love it. Right, Jee?" you say outloud to which you hear your daugther reply with a tiny "Yea!" making you and Mark smile.
The three of you walk hand in hand towards the entrace, you see other parents drop their kids off. Some kids were crying some were okay and walked inside with no problem. Minjee was looking around, the environment definitely new to her. When you got closer at the door, Mark stops walking. Crouching infront his daughter, you can see he's really trying to fight back the tears.
"Hey, me and mama will be right here when you finish later okay?" he asks the girl, "Remember what we talked about last night? You'll play with your classmates and teachers and you'll learn your ABC'S and colors"
"Color with dada?" she asks
"Uh well, dada has to go. But I'll be here when you finish"
"Dada not go with Jeejee?" she asks, a pout already forming on her tiny lips.
Uh oh.
You knew that look. That's the look that would make Mark run to the ends of the Earth just to get what his daughter wants.
"Well uh I uhm Dada can't come with Jeejee"
"Why no dada?" she asks
This time you decided to intervene before the two of them cries right here right now, "Dada and mama will be here okay? You'll go inside and do lot's of fun activities then when you're done we'll be here and Minjung too"
"Oppa?" Minjee smiles upon hearing her brother's name
"Mhm, we'll pick you up later then we'll get ice cream how does that sound?" you tell her, immediately the frown turns into a smile. Then a teacher approaches you, "Hi! Is she joining us for today?"
"Yes, this is Minjee" you say, standing up to greet the teacher
"Oh Mrs. Lee, nice to see you again! Mr. Lee" she greets the two of you, she was Minjung teacher before
"Then this must be Minjung's little sister, she looks just like him. Hello, Minjee I'm your teacher" she says crouching down to greet your daughter
"I know right, Mark's carboncopies" you laugh
"We better get inside, class will start soon. Like always, you can come around 11am to pick her up"
"Yes, we've been briefed during the orientation. Okay Minjee, you need to go inside now. Can mama have a hug?" you ask, crouching down again to hug her before she goes.
"Can't forget dada, come here princess. Dada will come later okay? then we'll cuddle after school" Mark says as he hugs her tightly like he doesn't want to let her go.
"Otay, babye dada babye mama" she tells the to of you. Waving her tiny hand before walking with her teacher. You and Mark watch until she gets inside.
You reach out and intertwine your hand with Mark's, feeling your husband squeeze your hand before walking back to where you parked.
When you get inside the car, you wait for him to say something.
"Love? You alright?"
"I think I'm gonna cry" you hear him mumble, how can this man have two kids and yet still be this adorable.
"Aw love, come here" you say opening your arms for him, Mark gladly hugging you. Holding you tightly against him.
"Our babies are growing up too fast" he says
You pat his back a few times, kissing his cheek before pulling away to look at him.
"I know, she's our second but it doesn't really get easier" you sigh
"How are you not as emotional?" Mark asks you
"Me? Oh I am emotional, you're just being too cute right now. Plus, Minjee might love going to school like Minjung" you tell him, kissing him on the lips before buckling in.
"Now, we have a few hours to ourselves Mr. Lee. What do you say we have some us time?" you smile at him, Mark blinks back at you then he's pulling out the driveway with the sound of your laughter resonating in the car.
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
Golden Hour
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minors + inactive/empty blogs do not interact
includes … celebrity chef!reader x idol-producer!mark, height difference, flirting, themes related to golden hour and child, kitchen sex, fingering, making out, light choking, oral sex (f receiving), penetration, safe sex ... I got a little inspired (?) and wrote this literally today after I got off work.
wc: 5,2k (two scenes)
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“So …” You lean across the cluttered counter, most of the cooking utensils used thus far, since the class finished past your instruction ten minutes ago, the other party guests having already moved on to mingling and eating their bibimbap dishes, garnished by a simple omelette. “… how do you like your eggs?”
Mark licks his bottom lip, dragging it behind his teeth, and turns a brown egg, uncracked, in his hands, smoothly gliding the entire oval across his dorsal veins. He opens his mouth, but so many factors surface, once he takes everything into consideration – fried egg sandwiches during 9 AM business meetings at the studio; feta frittata eggs with a Sunday brunch mimosa; fluffy scrambled omelettes, adding an extra dash of protein, before the gym. And those are just scenarios, the last one mostly inspired by the matching, scanty gym outfit you gatekeep below that long apron, making you appear a little more exposed than his hippocampus can handle: crop top tank pushing up your chest, leggings laying so flat that he saw the outline of your thong when you spun the straps around your waist, fastening the long strands twice. Conversely, if he considers just the ingredients – of an omelette – or just the egg, ignoring his personal skill level, as shown by the pulped bibimbap dish nearly starting a fire on the hot plate at the end of his table, Mark … still has too many options.
So, he taps his neatly cut fingernail on one of the three eggs he’d been allotted at the beginning of the class and answers, “Scrambled,” slowly, because he’s used to it, to that technique. A scrambled egg is simple; no finesse. And he can cook it at any convenience, with the bare minimum number of utensils – in a pan, whisked by a fork; cracked over a steaming bowl of ramen, mixed by wooden chopsticks; heated in a microwave, nearly exploding after he sets the timer for five minutes.
Mark puts his egg back in the dispenser, sighs, and glances around the room. He honestly did not know what to expect from this “party”. Three rows of two long kitchen islands stand, placed equidistant in Renjun’s penthouse dining room, extending all the way to the living room where Jisung’s, his roommate, guitar accessories scatter across the coffee table. On his way up the elevator – actually a little before that, too, when he was at the studio, still evicting this tune he got stuck in his head, Mark considered the party to be a casual hangout, having heard that maybe 15 people, max, would be in attendance, not some theatre production, complete with a whole stage refurbishment. Ah, maybe he got his hopes up too high, relying more on the intimacy of a small party to keep him from a spatula, possibly wrapped up in conversation over a potential collaboration, like a networking event, rather than an actual cooking lesson from the youngest celebrity chef in the country’s largest metropolis with peers who doing the same as him, better than him. Mark thought he might excel, once he saw bibimbap on the schedule, the most basic breakfast dish, even though his stomach’s morning routine has been limited to toast or cereal for nearly a decade (much to Haechan’s grievance). Then, he overcooked the steak, resulting in you giving him yours; and he cooked his mushrooms first, the most potent flavor seeping down to the carrots, again resulting in you handing off your dish. The rice, really, was the only thing unscathed, mostly because he threw two cups in a cooker, leaving it untouched for 20 minutes.
“Sorry,” Mark apologizes. He winces, realizing how much of your time he monopolized during class – whether it was messing up a step in the recipe or staring at you too long until you noticed him again.
“It’s okay,” you tell him gently, bumping his arm, quickly, to scoot him down the counter. He complies, feet shuffling tinily, and watches you officially take over his project. “It happens. I think most people tend to, like, really develop their cooking skills around the same time their cells start dying,” you joke, giving him a light grin while you pull a clean glass bowl into frame.
Mark passes off all three eggs to you, and his fingers brush your hands, nails grazing, briefly, between your knuckles. He glances down at where they meet but jumps back to your face, stumbling at your chest, a consequence of the height difference, sternum hidden by both your boobs squished together and the apron holding them in place, albeit low-cut. You say nothing, instruct nothing, since the class is practically over (and he stays, like a teacher’s pet), so he leans back, checking out the gap in your apron, just to make sure you really do wear, like, actual clothes, including that thong he saw earlier, small triangle branded on your lower back like a tramp stamp. And you do! – wear clothes, which, at least, concludes one of his spinning thoughts today (it’s not even six o’clock yet, the time work usually ends). Then, his stomach rumbles, reminding him that breakfast was 12-hours ago.
“You’re, um, really good at this,” he brings his attention back to the purpose of this party.
“Yeah, thanks,” you accept, tone vocally light, which almost has him thanking you, too – be-because you have given him something to focus on this afternoon, temporarily relieving himself from the mental journalling his brain has been writing since 4 AM (would that be weird?; he doesn’t do it anyways). “I have a degree in physical chemistry,” you tell him, sharply whisking the eggs into a consistent yellow solution. “I’m making them eggs fluffy. I hope that’s okay.” You look at him, pausing the wooden sticks between your fingers, bowl pressed into your stomach, below your chest, and he has to look, bouncing from your eyes to boobs bowl.
Mark nods, twice, eyes widening downward, like a baby cheetah, half his bottom lip inside his mouth again, teeth chewing at the seam. He can’t trust himself not to stutter, not when his tongue falls numbly over his lower incisors and his toes bear his entire body weight, palms pushed into the edge of the counter to balance him.
“Sorry,” you apologize, reflexively, in the silence. And he winces, involuntarily stepping forward to revoke his silence, to verbally answer you so that you don’t have to take your eyes off the food. But you talk again and explain, “I’m not really used to the, like, customer service yet.” Your arms tense again, restarting the whisking, blending out the albumen on the perimeter. His fingers, too, strain, flexed wide enough to display his webbed metacarpal. If you were like his other friends, like Renjun, Mark might have already started massaging your shoulders, getting you to relax. But you’re not. And he barely knows you, mostly knows of you, from all the interviews preceding him in the magazine, little tidbits floating around the Internet as if fact without giving you the opportunity to confirm or deny them. “Sometimes, I just start cooking and forget to ask people – customers –“ You point at him, and he wishes you wouldn’t. It adds to the distance between you, making him count the millimeters you retracted when your fingers brushed tips. “– about their preferences.” You turn the electric stove top on, over medium heat, then reach for aluminium-wrapped slice of butter, unwrapping it at the back and pushing the soggy square (Mark winces again; that is probably his fault, having waiting too long to use it) into the pan via chopsticks. “But I’m, uh, I’m working on it.” You pull the pan off the stove, butter halfway melted, easy for you to slip and slide, coating the entire surface. And once you finish, putting it back to melt the rest, you glance around the room, small whisper drawing his ear to your lips. “It’s just hard … being the youngest person in the room, always obligated to absorb everyone’s opinions, everyone’s advice – whether solicited or not, kinda balancing this dichotomy where people want to guide you into what they think is the right direction or completely takeover the thing you’re doing.” You stab at the remaining butter with your chopstick, wood thumping the metal pan, then, lower the stove heat and sigh, “Sorry, that sounds weird, I know.”
“No, I, uh, I get it,” Mark croaks, stuttering getting even worse after you hand the glass bowl of whisked eggs to him. He tries to, like, replace you in front of the stove, but you stand still and guide both his hands on the rim, fingers filling in the gaps between his. You face the bowl toward his chest, a little lower than he would do on his own, but he keeps quiet at the discomfort, body stiffened, diaphragm concaved all the way. He tilts the eggs out fast, faster than you probably intended because you put up more resistance against him, slowing the pour until the curds form gently in the pan. You pull away first, completing his plan – in which he stands at the stove, you at the side. And Mark smacks his lips, tongue pushing on his bottom lip. “You’re trying to find some equilibrium between your environment – the people, the setting, whatever – and your own identity.” You hand him the cooking chopsticks, temporarily distracting his train of thought, but he bounces back quickly when you nudge his hand over the pan, directing him through scrambling the egg curds, through pushing the eggs outward to inward. “S-sometimes,” he breathes, shakily, grounding his body in cooking, “people will tell me that I’m, like, mature for my age, or – or, like, an old soul, and give me more responsibilities than I know what to do with. And it’s not like I can’t ask for help or anything; everyone gives me enough unsolicited advice to make me feel, like, okay, or whatever, with asking for help. But other times, people feel this need to, like, take care of me.” You hand him a rubber spatula and take away the chopsticks, which slightly proves his point, but he keeps to that point, using the spatula to put around the eggs evenly, fluffing them edges to middle. “Thanks.”
“Mmhmm,” you acknowledge before sitting on the counter, blue Nikes swinging against a cabinet door. And Mark copies you, leaning on the counter, just right of the electric stove and pan, eyeing you up. “Eyes on the pan, Mark.”
“Right, yeah.”
Mark uncrosses his arms and turns back to the last step of his bibimbap, folding the eggs over itself. But they look complete, a little wet, yellow dark and runny, but still, complete.
“Do I, um, do I do anything else?” he asks, holding both the handles of the pan and spatula. He cautiously looks up at you, through his own lashes, careful not to stutter at your chest again (even though you sit with your palms digging into your knees, biceps supporting their weight higher). You stare at him a second, something indiscernible crossing your mouth, then you shake your head, fringe falling in front of your ears, prompting you to tuck them back.
“Is there something else you want to do?”
Ask you out.
A beat passes.
“I don’t know,” Mark answers, nervously laughing to himself, under his breath. “I, uh, usually see people add stuff at the end – like, sprinkle some cilantro or squirt a side of ketchup.”
You hop down the counter and walk around his side, putting the pan between the two of you, which makes Mark tilt his head left, almost bonking his long blond hair (really his shoulder) on your head, if the height difference hadn’t returned. And the spatula drops from his hand, involuntarily he tells himself, when you nudge into his personal space. You catch it, not so easily, he notices – and apologizes, then you undo his folds to the omelette.
“People usually add spices and veggies to taste,” you start, not looking at him. “The eggs should be slightly wet when you’re adding the final ingredients, so you need to act quick –”
Mark jumps behind you, arm reaching across the counter, toward the far side, at the bowl of diced vegetables mixed with crushed pepper. He shakes it across the eggs, like he’s seen TV chefs do on Netflix. The silence, as you watch him top off the omelette with a literal pinch of salt, is a deafening few seconds, and he feels a sense of pride, that expectation of him excelling returning to the scene as he hoped before the class. But it leaves his body, the next second, when he realizes how close he stands to you – his chest pressed against your shoulders; your neck bending backwards, nearly resting on his bicep just to see his face.
“Ye-yeah,” you stutter, and suddenly, he sees you less confidently, and his mouth dries, preventing him from both apologizing for the intimacy and moving. “Just like that.” You swallow, thickly, fleetingly dipping your gaze to his lips; so quick, he thinks he hallucinated it.
“Th-then, does it, um, does it look done now?”
Mark’s shoulders stagger to his ears, tucking his chin to chest. He pulls his stomach backward, without the rest of his body, standing like a geometric abstract painting, limbs stacked one on top of the other.
You snap your head back to the pan, hair hitting his shirt. “Wh – Yeah, no, yeah, you were perf – good; you did good.” You kick up your elbow, outside his oblique, parenthetically trapping him tightly in place (otherwise, he’d fall). He watches you repeat his fold in the eggs, this time with ingredients sandwiched in the middle, yolk running less and less, tucking bell peppers and mushrooms inside. It’s a basic dish – the omelette – not even complete, since it will top the bibimbap.
Making an omelette takes longer than he thought it would, to be honest; well, making a good omelette. And this is probably the reason why he never makes one himself. All the recipes say 5-10 minutes, including prep time, but he has been here, with you, probably longer than that. Although, it could be his fault, needing to fill the silence with words, to say something – because he really cannot talk and check you out at the same time. You keep the conversation going, always articulating something interesting or relatable, to him, beyond the simple stuck-in-a-matrix TikTok clickbait that Renjun sends him at three in the morning. So, when you start moving again, shutting down the stove, plating his bibimbap, and untying your apron, Mark grabs your arm, fast, just strong enough to catch your attention; he releases immediately upon receiving your eye contact.
“Don’t,” he breathes, somehow winded. Then, he inhales, sharply, filling his lungs. “Eat with me?” he asks, “un-unless you have somewhere else to be.”
You turn around, at a better angle, back pushed against the stove buttons, apron hanging half an inch off your body. And Mark grabs you by the waist, hauling you into his chest, away from the sparking stove. But you both push each other away again, noticing the intimacy, hands rubbing into where you touched each other – you at your hips, him at his chest. And the two meter distance returns.
“No, I, um, I was just going to the gym after this.” You look him up and down, and his eyes sparkle. “But, no, yeah.” You take off the apron completely, folding it onto the counter. “I c-can eat with you. Just let me get a spoon.”
Mark produces one nearly out of thin air (really, he swiped one of the three off the counter to make space for your apron). “We can share,” he nods at the ceramic bowl, “this bibimbap. Yours is probably cold by now,” he reasons, because, if you go, you might not come back, and he doesn’t want to let this be a mirage or, worse, be a dream; dreams can become nightmares. And as another beat overtakes the conversation, overtakes his request and explanation, Mark thinks he fell into another night with the same nightmare. The bibimbap is only a single serving, if that, drowned by three servings of eggs. You barely know him, only revealing maybe one or two vulnerable thoughts, on which he piggybacked his own apprehensions. And really, Mark should feel bad, about monopolizing your time both during and after class, even though this is technically a party and he has yet to say more than three words to his best friend, Renjun. He phrased his request, less like a question, more like a demand, and he can’t find a reason why you would agree, his brain already lined up three objections for you to reject –
Mark freezes, hand clenching around the air, since you took the spoon away from him (he hadn’t noticed  you did that, to be honest). He only moves after you squeeze his arm, guiding him away from the stove too, like he did you, except the stove is really off right now. And everything rushes out at once – he follows you to the side, still far from the rest of the party guests, who he, frankly, forgot were in the room still, despite this not being his apartment; and he repeats, “Okay.” Mark tilts his head to the side, you blurring the rest of his vision. “Okay? Okay. Cool, cool, okay, cool.” You hop back on the counter and skulk your foot between his thighs, bringing him a little bit closer, out of the aisle. His hands fall on both your sides, lowering him down your chest, which looks about the same without the apron – pushed up and compressed together. “Actually …”
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Mark’s request for you to eat with him changes.
In terms of location and subject.
He brought up that the bibimbap might not be an ideal meal to share, and that he wants to share a meal with you. It took a couple minutes, skirting around the whole date question, since he literally only knew you a couple hours, but if you know, you know. And Mark knew that he really wanted to see you more … privately. So, eventually, he got through the question, getting you back to his apartment on the lie that he has more food at home. But you never confirmed his lie, or maybe you never doubted him (he’ll clear it up later), because you shove him against the wall, kissing him between the photos of his friends and family, who he definitely does not want to see him railing the girl of his dreams.
Mark changes the position, scratching his nails up your scalp, behind your head, coiling thick strands around his fingers while he walks you down the living room to his bed, never letting up on the embrace.
However, the two of you fall on the ground, in the kitchen, Mark’s elbow slamming into the ground first as he tries to protect you from the hard wood floors. He yelps in pain, too, but you poke your tongue in his mouth, arms wrapping around his neck. You stumble toward his lips, chest beating on his, your back coming off the ground, nearly toppling him over. And Mark fumbles, hand feeling around the floor until he can sit upright, sloped against the island cabinets, which seem to have a lot of use today. He raises his chin higher, trying to match the way you bounce on his lap, cupping his face still. And, Jesus Christ, Mark compares your lips to every other person he has ever kissed before – his newest hairstylist a year after he became an adult; the concessions stand clerk at the movie theatre when he was 17; another idol he met through a mixed-up sandwich. You’re better than all of them, he concludes, swollen lips as pliant at his half-lidded eyes, puckering repeatedly to give you a sounding board each time you dive into his face. He grabs your ass, like an anchor, heels of his palms kneading into the muscles.
“Mm – Mark,” you moan, not breaking apart, hot breath exhaling down his tongue. You stand on your knees, and your nails drag into his hair, tugging at the roots.
Mark kisses you again, harder, bending you across his legs, one hand belting behind your waist, the other slamming into the ground. You hang off his neck, nearly dragging him on the floor with you, had he not already set himself up for support. Then, he starts falling back into the island, repeatedly pecking you, one last lick on your teeth before pulling away. He needs the reprieve, to organize his thoughts, figure out the first way he can fuck you tonight without blundering like a clumsy virgin. And when he peaks an eye open, he sees yours still closed; sees your chest heaving, the neckline somehow lower. So, Mark kisses you again, more chaste, patting down the side of your hair until his palm rests on your cheek.
“Why – why did you stop?” you ask, sinking your ass onto his thighs.
“I –“ Mark swallows. He wants you in his bed now, thrusting into you so rough that his blue sheets tear off the corners. He also wants you on his couch, the next immediate mattress, rubbing his boner up your tight, giving each other tight hand jobs, clinging to each other just to save room. But as he darts across your now flushed face, Mark is momentarily returned to that first moment when he saw you walk into Renjun’s apartment, a confident chef who eventually gave him your full attention, and he answers, “On the counter.” He taps your ass, getting you both to stand. He helps you jump on the granite, hands around your waist to place you perfectly in front of him.
“Like this?”
You wrap your legs and arms around him, nearly falling off, so Mark scoots closer to the edge, his mostly hard cock grazing the edge and your knee.
“Yeah,” he hisses, hands traveling down your calves, like a massage. “Good girl,” he praises. Mark brings one up your thigh, between your thighs, not quite touching the middle just yet. “Can I?” he asks, thumb resting on your stomach, above the waist band he already folded down your belly button. You both stare at each other, delicately grinding the paper-thin air between you two. Then, you roll down the counter, humping his abs so tightly that his shirt rides up.
“Yeah, Mark, please,” you moan again. “You c-can touch.”
Mark, impatient, doesn’t take your pants off, sliding all five digits down your stomach, palm facing you. His longest fingers trace your underwear, mentally drawing himself a picture of the thong you kept hidden from him for hours. It’s thinner than he imagined, wetter, too, the skinny string disappearing between your pussy lips, choking your clit. Mark breathes down your lips, inhaling through his nose as your breath hitches repeatedly, open-mouthed, staccato ah’s decreasing in octaves from moans to groans. He pads his index and ring finger on either side of your cunt, middle finger stroking your clit lightly. Actually, he tries not to touch you directly, wanting the ghost of his fingers to burn your loins first, but you keep grinding closer and closer to him; eventually, his fingers slip inside, starting with two interphalangeal creases. The tightness of your leggings holds his wrist against your lower stomach, but his fingers have some range, able to gesture for your G-spot to come hither, to find him.
“Wanna fuck you so bad,” he whimpers, kissing you again before you can retort – because it’s not a request; he’s not asking. Mark is telling you that he wants to fuck you so bad, right now, monster cock straining his jeans fully.
“You can,” you tell him between a kiss. Mark’s free hand holds you around the neck, palm on your jugular, thumb reaching across your larynx. Nothing supports your head, so you keep rocking forward, incidentally dropping further down his fingers in your cunt, stifling your voice box in his hand. “You can f-fuck – fuck – me, Mark.”
He almost takes you up on it, even stripping the both of you down to your underwear. And he finds out that your bra has been holding up your boobs, not your crop top, not the apron, your bra. He hopes you have a duplicate of this one, because he’s going to rip it.
Not actually though.
In reality, outside his thoughts, Mark hesitates. His cock twitches on his stomach, smooth tip leaking under the waistband, as he debates how he wants to get between your legs. Either way – stuffing you with his cock or lapping at your walls – would sprawl you across his kitchen counter, displaying you like a perfect meal prepared by his Michelin charisma, having moved the appetizer (flirting) from Renjun’s apartment into a main dish at his place. His place. Oh, yeah, you definitely have all night. So, Mark settles between your thighs, pushing your knees more open.
“No more teasing,” he tells you.
“What – Oh, fuck, just like that, Mark!”
You fall onto your forearms, over the counter, as Mark licks his way into your pussy, one finger holding the tiny thong string off to the side. He extends his tongue, all the way, angling his head diagonally. He keeps his wet muscle still and shakes his head, side-to-side, nose rubbing just outside your labia, more on your thigh, pushing your pussy lips together so tightly that your clit bears most of the tension. You moan his name, repeatedly, growing louder and louder over each passing syllable, encouraging him further – or, rather, deeper.
Mark pulls his dick out of his pants, stroking down only once, holding the pulsing base firmly, prematurely lining himself with the thought of your cunt.
“Ah, Mark,” you scream, palm slamming into the counter. Mark throws his glance at your face and sees your lips form a giant ‘O’ – God, he could fuck your mouth pussy. And he strokes himself again. The way you squirm on his kitchen island realigns your clit with his nose, and you grind the little nub on his nub, the hard ball jingling wetly. Your ass, too, bounces on the table, practically spanking yourself on the granite. Mark bites his lips higher, catching your clit in a hard suction, drinking the shaky nerves, tongue abrading the entire surface area. You return your hands to his hair, scratching into his scalp, never tugging him away, only yanking him tighter. And your thighs quiver, squeezing his cheeks, knees outlining his ears. “Mark, Mark,” you chant, “Mark, I’m gonna – I’m gonna – Oh, my God, I’m gonna – “
Then, he pulls away.
And you nearly scream again.
“Mark,” you whine for a good few seconds.
“Wait for me,” he tells you, holding your chin between his thumb and index finger to press a quick kiss on your lips. You try to elongate the kiss again, your sweaty ass adhering on the counter, but he pulls away fully after the one quick kiss. “Good girls wait,” he mumbles.
Mark leaves for a second, heading into his bathroom for a condom.
He catches himself in the mirror, toned abs full on display, lengthy cock flopping sans balls outside his briefs. His hair, too, has more volume than it normally does, even when his stylist fixes it up for concerts or stages (who knew sex hair looked this good?). Mark checks himself out another minute, then grabs a neatly packed L-condom. He exhales, jumping once, only to realize that it was a mistake when his dick hits his thigh. And he takes a moment, to just breathe, before going back to you, cock now wrapped up with protection.
In the kitchen, Mark finds you fingering yourself, writhing on the counter, opposite hand covering your mouth. He watches a little bit longer (but not long enough to be a pervert), then stalks between your thighs. You gasp, eyes widening.
“I thought I told you, ‘Good girls wait’.”
Your chest heaves a few seconds, and he realizes that he probably disturbed your orgasm a second time.
“I – I need to prep myself,” you explain, weakly, but he lets it go with the next half of your sentence boosting his ego, “Your dick is too big.”
“Mmhmm,” he nods. Mark wraps your thong around his dick, the little tiny crotch part choking his length, and rubs the new apparatus on your vulva, until you whine again, writhe again. “You’re gonna like it big,” he mumbles before untangling himself and impaling his cock all the way inside your cunt. “Oh, fuck,” he groans, shallowly thrusting half an inch out your labia, the acute angle between your bodies chafing his cock under your clit. Your pussy throbs at a 3010 tempo, practically squeezing him out, which gives him an excuse to thrust again, to bottom out again, the furthest part in your uterus clinching his leaky tip. “You – you feel s-so close,” Mark lisps, “T-to cumming.”
“I am,” you confirm, voice tight, moans asphyxiating your throat. “Mm – Mark, close.”
“Go ahead,” he tells you. “Come on, baby, you can cum. Be a good girl, cum.” Mark abuses your cunt harder, holding your waist lowly, sliding your ass off the counter as he pounds you harder and harder, cock driving up your pussy at the perfect angle, for what seems like the both of you. He tries continuously accelerating his speed, but as your pussy strangles him, and his thighs bruise on your ass, his cock flops around inside your cunt, spinning clockwise, ricocheting your walls.
“Ah, ah, ah!”
Mark weighs down your hips with one hand, the other tilting your chin up to look at him, to watch just him make you feel so damn good. Somewhere along the moaning and the sloshing, Mark squeezes his eyes shut, a familiar pressure building in his ears; he chases it, bucking his hips faster, spanking his thighs on your ass, your pussy ultimately trapping his tip deep in your uterus, only letting his shaft spring back and forth, veins stinging your velvety walls.
“Fuck, fuck, yeah, good girl,” Mark raps in one breath, all the music in his head building up and up and up, until the bass drops, and white noise backs up your screams like an instrumental. He digs his thumbs into your waist, grinding his hips on your labia, burying his cum as far as it can go, though impeded by the condom. And he lays down on the counter with you, feet floating off the ground.
You curl into his side, his arm wrapping around your shoulders. He can hear you steady your breathing, and it slows his, too. The moment hangs in the air, much like his feet, and Mark doesn’t know how much time passes, only enough for him to close his eyes, not a single thought behind those lids.
But you break the silence, mumbling something into his naked shoulder.
“Hmm? What was that?”
Mark lifts his head up, opening his eyes to stare at your newly shy smile.
“I just noticed you never asked me how I liked my eggs,” you laugh.
And Mark laughs too. “Okay, so how do you like your eggs then?” he plays along.
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princessxsstuff · 2 years
Hi! I'm new to your blog so, apologies if this is something you're not comfortable with. I'm curious, who do you think would have a breeding kink? And/or just the members' thoughts on breeding in general 💕
Ofc! And Welcome to my blog <33! (Btw this is soooo late I apologize I’ve been busy!)
(I did both for ya fren!) (these r not my gifs btw)
He was up for it as long as you were. He didn’t really like the way the condom felt anyways. He was ready to be a father, and also ready to cum inside of you. He normally used protection, but sometimes his kink gets the best of him and he ends up asking you to let him take of the condom. You let him because you were on birth control and it was nice feeling his actual dick inside of you.
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He LOVED breeding. He barely ever used a condom unless you asked him too. He didn’t like the way the condom felt either. It worried you that one day you’d find out that you’re pregnant even though you’re on birth control. Minho was proud to have a breeding kink. He told EVERYONE that. They would just look at him then look at you. It was quite embarrassing but, you loved him so it didn’t matter.
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He wasn’t a huge fan of it. It triggered his anxiety. He told you, “I’m not ready to be a dad just yet, and even though you’re on birth control, you never know what could happen.” That’s why you never asked him to breed you. Although, one time he did. He admitted unprotected sex was better than protected but he was still too scared so you both just stuck to, “rather be safe than sorry.”
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Hyunjin liked risks, and breeding you was one. He knew that he could get you pregnant, but you were on birth control so was expected nothing to happen. You both liked it to be honest. Feeling Hyunjin’s hard cock in you made you cum with or without a condom, but unprotected sex was better for both of you. Hyunjin liked it too. He loved breeding you. He has a lot of kinks but this one was his strongest. But he has to control it or else he’ll end up being a father.
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He was absolutely terrified of breeding. He knew it was apart of life and dreamed to do it someday with you. But he also knew if he ended up with a kid right now, he couldn’t continue being an idol. How would he go on tour if he needed to be they’re for his baby? Or how would he get to see his kid grow up if he was constantly away? Han wanted to wait on this whole “breeding” thing and just kept on giving and receiving pleasure with a condom.
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It was most definitely something you both liked. When he did breed you, he never seemed nervous about it. But deep down inside, he was. He understood the fact that he could get you pregnant, but on the other hand giving you pleasure and seeing you cum made him weak. So he just had to deal with it. You seeing his head thrown back moans leaving his mouth each thrust made you hornier. So you both deeply liked it. It’s way better than protected sex.
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Absolutely hated it. He needed to wear a condom when he had sex with you because if he became a father he wouldn’t know what to do. It’s a bad time right time for him to have children, but he’d most definitely get you pregnant one day. He didn’t use a condom once just to see how it was. He got some orgasm in but he was so scared that he couldn’t relax.
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He really wanted to do what ever made you happy and comfortable, but if he did end up becoming a father, it would mess up his life. He would get canceled for having children at “sUcH a YoUnG aGe” and because he had girlfriend. He liked breeding you because birth control was his best friend. However, he HATED condoms. He complains how tight and annoying they are. In conclusion; YANG JEONGIN LIKES BREEDING.
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Lol this is so bad istg I’m sorry for being inactive and dry. Merry Christmas and PLS FORGIVE ME😭🫶
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I was wondering who ran the justfeysand acc? it’s no longer active & i loved that account for us feyre girlies 😭 or queerincrisis too who i used to love. i’ll never forget when of the coolest people deactivated from fandom and their name was hotdiscodauce ..wherever you are hotdiscosauce feyre girls miss you. cant even blame people for saying “fuck this” lmao. i love feyre too much to crumble though so i suffer thru the toxicity of this fandom just to ride for my girl !!
the only thing that could make me inactive is if she doesn’t do shit in hofas while nesta’s mid self gets a pov while also being randomly paired with bryce when really that should be feyre. if the pregnancy ends up as a plot device to sideline her or the bargain i know ill be pissed and leave. especially if she has no cute scenes with bryce. just bc they aren’t that similar doesn’t mean i want to see bryce with nesta and bryce of all characters. and it better not just be rhys in the spotlight for hofas with amren sjm since only they know the language
Hiii! So sorry for responding late to this but I actually have the answers to your ails! Justfeysand was ran by my sweet sweet moot who has just become a little busy and less interested in SJM recently. Fear not though my dear anon for she is still here in the form of @moonfyre-s!! Aggressively defending our high lady Feyre and also giving us some darklina and miscellaneous content.
And the lovely aqueerincrisis is still here as well!! You can find them dishing out their hot takes on @acourtofcriticalthinking! Dw nonnie, our love for Feyre will always be there even as our interests and lives change :)
Honestly I'm very aware of the fact that I haven't been as active lately and I feel really bad about it, I still do reblogs and such but I just haven't been making as much original content recently. I've been trying to cut down on the anti content I post here and keep more of my criticisms in the Feyre server, I don't have a lot of energy to actually argue on here like I used to so I just talk my shit over there. Once cc3 comes out and I get Feyre crumbs though I swear I will be back to yapping, I just need more juice for my inspiration to come to me.
Some people in the Feyre server and I might be rereading the series after we've all wrapped up cc3 though so I'll def make some content during that. :) And I completely agree with everything you said, I don't really care that Nesta is going to be talking with Bryce as it is just a bonus chapter and I'm of the belief those genuinely aren't that important and only exist for marketing and to possibly build some excitement about certain things, I just hope that during their brief time in cc3 all of the acotar characters Feyre get treated well and we get some interesting scenes from them.
I'm not really a fan of cc3 theories that put one acotar character as objectively more important than others in the grander scheme of the SJM multiverse. I think they're all just cogs in one large machine and all these theories saying "X character is actually going to be the key player because of Y reasons!" is always silly to me. Tbh I'm not really a huge fan of the acotar characters becoming things outside of the context of their own universe/stories (if that makes sense)? Why can't they just be helping Bryce out? Why must one of them secretly be the key to everything? Or the Mother? Or the CC gods? Or a prince of Hel? BLAH!
anyways I got off track! It's so sweet that you noticed those two blogs were missing and they were both very touched when I told them I had an anon reach out to inquire about their wellbeing. You're a sweetheart!
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koiyin · 2 years
so uh idk why i come back on tumblr every couple months and make posts like this but i've basically ruined my account at this point haha perfectionist issues and i'm going to try to be honest with everyone of you guys because. idek at this point
i don't know how everyone's opinion of me is at this point, and it feels like i'm ruining it. i don't know if this is me now, if i kind of put up a front before, but why these posts seem different than the others on my blog is a mystery to me ^^'
maybe i'm just overthinking it, though?
well, my life is pretty shit. i don't really have any friends, except for a couple close ones who can somehow deal with me-- and, yeah. people at my school don't really like me, and i've fucked up a lot recently. this post sounds really depressing. sorry for that.
i don't know, i guess prior to the whole incident (moots, yk what i'm talking about) i always tried to put up a cheerful front. i had an idealized version of myself, and that was koi. and i did act like myself a lot around you guys, because i became comfortable with all of you and i felt accepted. i'm really grateful for what you all have done for me.
so, more about what's going on- basically, i'm just... not happy with myself, i guess. i wish i had more friends.
you know, my goal in life at one point was to be friends with everyone in my grade. that was more than a year ago. i guess that whole hope pretty much died out. but i do still try my very best, and this is turning into a ramble which i'm sorry for but i just want to get everything off of my chest.
i'll probably never use tumblr regularly again- but, who knows, shit changes.
the incident really affected me. after i was told about everything and learned about all of what happened, i was just... i don't know. i was told that it was that day that i began to eat less, act angrier, and all of that shit- and that went on for a couple weeks.
eventually, i tried to forget about it. i still think about every once in a while, though.
well, i'm starting to sound like a pessimist. i miss when i could be koi, the friendly, cheerful, happy person who had a bunch of friends that worried about him and asked if he was feeling okay.
i don't even know what's going on anymore. i feel fine, and then i go through short spikes of depression. or maybe i'm just a person that's sad all the time, but i choose to be ignorant. i'm really sorry that whoever reads this has to hear me vent and all that shit, but i'm just glad that i can say all of my feelings in the hopes that someone will read this.
so, let's talk about what's been going on since i've left- since i really feel like i should add some filler because of my long absensce '- -
well, i got a suit that kind of reminded me of haruchiyo sanzu from tokyo revengers (haha weeb things) and i look pretty hot in it, ngl- and, my family moved back to our house, which got remodeled. i've done a lot of drawing, too.
and, for context of the tokyo revengers comment earlier- i've been hyperfixating on it for so long. i love the series and the characters aaa
also, i started bakuman and black butler, and they're pretty good! i love the plot of bakuman so much!! (the death note team always makes amazing manga) i also got the first book of haikyuu from the library, because i've seen it referenced online so much and i haven't taken the time to check it out yet.
whew. i don't know, i guess saying all this makes me sound more human than just pixels on a screen. (but i'm actually 3 ducks in a trenchcoat) (i'm not funny)
i've had a lot of homework, so i've been pretty busy.
and i have to go eat dinner now, so i'll be leaving- but again, thank you guys for being my friends for so long. and, why are people still following me when my blog is inactive like- ????
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silentium-symphony · 8 months
hey yall! just wanted to update you on where I'm at :)
sorry for being rather inactive!! turns out they weren't kidding when they said that research position would be time consuming 😵‍💫😵‍💫 that + regular classes + projects + exams + social life (especially since this is my last semester and I won't be seeing my friends for... well, ever) + a new relationship?!?!?!?!? = I've been very very busy and haven't had a lot of time to write, or even be on Tumblr for the most part. this also means that requests are gonna have to stay closed for the time being... sorry yall :(
but!!! I don't plan on leaving any time soon! it's just.... gonna take a while for me to get anything out. I have a bunch of things going on in my life that (unfortunately) take precedence over writing, but I still really wanna write some stuff for you all. to do that, I've been thinking about posting shorter fics or drabbles or (what i call) 'bullet point fics' while working on longer fics on the side. that way, this blog doesn't collect dust, I still have a creative outlet, and you can keep reading!
also, I've been thinking about moving my fics over to ao3. I had a really horrible dream that *everything* on my blog got deleted SOOOO for my peace of mind as well, i'll be moving all existing and future fics to my ao3 incase smth goes wrong on tumblr (which will be linked in my pinned post)!
you can also find some old fics I've done in other fandoms teehee
please don't laugh I've had that acc since like middle school ASJSOQLSPA
my inbox is always open if you wanna chat or talk about random stuff like pigeons or fish or my research heheh! I get so excited when I see a lil message sitting in my inbox, so please don't ever hesitate to reach out!!
that should be it--thank you for being patient w me. tbh, I've been really struggling creatively, and real life isn't giving me much of the break I need to recuperate. I'm hoping this new format going forward will help w that!
love you all and take care!!! :) ♡
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clownboymcchucklefuck · 9 months
Update, and POSSIBLE hiatus until 2024:
Okay, for a quick update, in just this past month I've had 3 ear infections because of where I live and where we moved isn't all that well with us having to use a kerosene heater and so the cold and going inside and outside with sudden changes in weather is getting me sick.
I've been kinda inactive on here I know and I apologize cause this is where I have my biggest following. But I do have WIPS im working on with a Corpse Husband Zachary fanfic and a few theories in the work too, although I do fear that I might be running out of stuff to discuss until day 2 of Colored Gaze comes out but I also understand the dev is busy with stuff so don't go harrasing them about it please!
I've been working on my mental health and I've gotten alot better though luckily so that means I'll probably try to get more content out at a faster pace because I feel really bad about leaving you guys for so long.
But I have been quite busy and everything so I'm going on a hiatus even though I basically have been on one for a while (Im sorry).
I'll still answer asks or go and ask asks to other blogs when I can or if I get any but other than that I might be offline for a while.
I do feel really bad for leaving you guys like this for so and I hope I can come back soon! 🧡
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ackalice · 1 year
Hiiiiiii how are ya?? :D Been a while, sorry I've been sucked into another fandom lol Anyways I found this and thought: why not ask my fren! :3 Here's an ask thing
1. who's your favorite oc?
2. who was your first oc?
3. how many ocs do you have?
4. have you kept all of your
ocs since the beginning?
5. are any of your ocs based
off of a show/book you like?
if so, who?
6. what is the species of the
majority of your ocs?
7. are any of your ocs an
original species? if so,
what's the species and who?
8. if you can, draw (oc name)!
9. write a few sentences as
(oc name)!
10. are any of your ocs part
of a story? if so, what is it
about and who's in it?
11. do you have any twin ocs?
12. are any of your ocs
13. what is the gender of the
majority of your ocs?
14. make up a new oc right now
based on (concept/show/color/
15. would you ever give up any
of your ocs?
16. who is your oldest oc
17. have you ever roleplayed
as your ocs?
18. how many of your ocs were
adopted from someone else?
19. who is your least favorite
20. which oc do you think has
changed the most since you
made them?
21. who is your newest oc?
22. have you ever cosplayed
your own ocs? if so, who?
23. which oc do you think has
affected you the most as youve
grown with them?
24. have you gotten cosplayers
of your ocs? if so, of whom?
25. do you have any ocs that
you havent drawn/written as/
talked about in a long time?
if so, who?
(Please ignore this if you either don't want to answer or have had this sent to you already)
Hi meelu!! I’ve been alright, just very inactive because of busy busy life stuff- but I saw this pop up and I wanna answer dis cuz I luv u my moot!
1. Favorite oc: my favorite oc out of all of them? Uhhhh good god- I’m gonna say my favorite is my very first oc, C.J., because she was a very big part of my early art journey. And also she was very cringy and I love her for it.
2. First oc: whoops I answered this- it was C.J.! She was a generic fox girl I made when I was a very itty bitty kid.
3. How many ocs: don’t judge me here- from what I counted just now it’s 56. There could be more that I’m forgetting, so it’s pretty iffy. But I do remember that the number got up to 60 at some point.
4. Have you kept all your ocs since the beginning: Despite how many I have, it’ll be a surprise to hear that I have actually retired a bunch. And by a punch I mean probably over 15. This does include C.J. And her band but only because I felt like I wasn’t using her enough and she had done her part for me.
5. Are any of your ocs based on a show or book: HELL YEAH! God, dude there’s a lot. Well- I say a lot but it’s not 56 a lot- anyway-
I made warrior cat ocs, like anyone, but those were retired. I based a series I have, Remnant, off of magic girl shows but it’s too far from any of them to be directly from those media. There’s The Owl House, which was several ocs I never continued using (and I’m sad I never did), there was a Brand New Animal oc I scrapped, and of course there are more that didn’t leave the sketch phase.
I guess you could count fnaf, but that’s a given.
I also had some Helluva Boss ocs that I have sketches for and even started a comic for- but when I say a comic I mean half a page was finished and I lost motivation.
Good lord I just remembered I had a whole mlp next gen. So I made a crap ton of mlp ocs- anyway-
But then you delve into two of my favorite shows and you go down a rabbit hole of history I’m not going into- which is My Hero Academia and Tmnt. I’m saying Tmnt in general because I’ve put my ocs into several shows in the franchise. Tmnt has ocs I’ve mentioned before on this blog and MHA has seven ocs of mine, that’s Jejeru, Kami, Kai, Kianami, Marikaida, and Chinatsu. I’ve fallen out of the fandom but I might use them in future, who knows!
6. What is the species of a majority of your ocs: Okay. So. This question is very hard to explain because I delve into some WACK species genetics with my ocs- Remnant is literally based on splicing genetics. But if we are being honest, most of them either started out or were, at the beginning of their story, human. So I’m gonna go with human. The second place runner is definitely an animal crossed with a human though because those are just fun.
7. Are any of your ocs an original species: Yes, actually! I’ve got several. Not that they have names or official species types or backstories or anything, but they sure are there. I’m gonna describe random characters I’ve put together with no specific species in mind.
Lufoa, an oc I did a ramble on a while ago, is not crossed with any known animal. That’s actually part of her story, but I haven’t worked it in yet. Another I could count is Artemis, but I don’t know exactly what she is- I haven’t explained it yet. There’s also my oc Alice, (NOT A SELF INSERT) who’s some kind of demon. I dunno what kind but she’s also there.
I’m gonna be skipping 8 and 9 because I’m running very low on the creative juice and haven’t drawn or written for fun in a WHILE and just don’t have any motivation for it- I’m so sorry abt it but I’ll answer the rest gladly!
10. Are any of your ocs part of a story: Quite a few of them are, actually! The one’s based on tv shows and books are obviously apart of one, but I’ve got a few I’ve made up on my own. There’s Remnant, the big magical girl-ish show series about teens participating in a high grade school and also accepting genetics testing to be apart of the military (main character is not aware of this second part in the slightest, woOooOoo plot~). I’ve got Midnight Misteps, which is a similar concept but it’s the apocalypse and new species and monsters and cryptdids roam around while our main cast tries to rebuild society again. I have Vivian and Fin, the two characters I don’t have a series name for yet where Viv meets a demon through accidental circumstances but turns out it’s not accidental and she’s been kidnapped by literal Hell but she doesn’t know for a majority of her time down there. And then you’ve got Camila, the rich pink and proper girl who meets secret agent Thomas under the impression he’s just a grouchy guy and then gets roped into a big gang conspiracy in her town and has to avoid these dangers with her new cop buddy all while in heels.
So yeah I’m doing great with work in progress projects
11. Do you have any twin ocs: yes! I’ve got one set, and they’re fnaf ocs, if you can imagine it. I reworked a sister location oc around a few months ago and doubled her into two people! That’s Frankie and Danny, the sweetheart engineers! One of them isn’t a sweetheart, but yadda yadda, plot and story stuff- I’m movin’ on!
12. Are any of your ocs siblings: oh. My. God. Yes. It would be very hard for me to pick them all out and name them, but let’s just say yes. Yes, there are many. I’ve got one set of sextuplets in there somewhere-
13. What is the gender of most of your ocs: Female. It’s so female it’s unfair. I’ve been getting better at this, but I still prefer drawing women over men and I have no idea why?? It’s nothing negative or anything- I just think I started drawing girls and just kept drawing girls and completely missed the boat I had to jump onto to draw guys anatomy correctly. But I’m getting better!
14. Skipped again because creative juices….aughhhhhhh….I’m tired of not having energy to draw ;-;
15. Would you ever give up any of your ocs: Okay I’m gonna assume this is talking about giving up an oc to another person- like an adopt situation- and uh no. I don’t think I would be able to do that just because I have emotional connections to literally all of them. I love them too much to just hand over their birth certificate, y’know?
16. Who is your oldest oc (age wise): oh hah. Okay, so I’m inclined to say C.J., because I ended her story with a cute little story of her growing old with her partner in a little cottage in the countryside- but! I’m gonna give this one to Paula Fidreas, a Remnant oc, because she is quite literally in her 50’s as of the start of the story. In the simplest terms, she’s a PE teacher.
17. Have you ever roleplayed as your ocs: Yes! C.J. Was actually made from a role play! And I think I’ve role played as Camila before, but that memory is a bit fuzzy.
18. How many of your ocs were adopted from someone else: None of em’! They’re mah babies, tried and true.
19. Who is your least favorite oc: I don’t count her in my oc count but Adelaide’s adoptive mom is definitely my least favorite. As a character she has a purpose in the story but I would never use her again or draw her in detail. I don’t know, she’s just there for character development at the moment.
20. Which oc has changed the most since you made them: Vivian. Definitely Vivian. Not just because she’s the oldest of I still use, but she’s also went from a brown haired girl with zero personality and a boyfriend to a troubled teenager who is too weird and different to have friends so she seeks out companionship in the land of the dead.
21. Who is your newest oc: I mentioned them earlier and this totally breaks the abruptness of me mentioning them once out of nowhere, but the sextuplets are my newest ocs. Out of all of them, Orion is the newest because I came up with his concept first.
22. Have you ever cosplayed your own ocs: Alas, I’ve never had the determination nor the money nor the confidence to do such a thing, BUT I ALMOST DID. When I was little I almost cosplayed C.J. Because I had no other ideas for a halloween costume. I didn’t end up doing it because I chickened out. Kinda wish I did though..
23. Which oc has effected you the most as you’ve grown with them: I’m gonna give this one to Alice, actually. She’s the basis of my online persona and username, if you couldn’t tell- and she was with me through quarantine. That was a joke, but no really, she consumed my art that last year.
24. Have you gotten cosplayers of your ocs: No, lol- I don’t know near enough people or anyone who would do it. And if anyone did do it, I would be dead upon seeing or hearing it because OH MY GOD?? You thought my art was good enough to put time and money into a COSPLAY?? THANK YOU???? We’re getting married. Put on the ring.
25. Do you have any ocs you haven’t used in a long time: y e a h… I haven’t ever mentioned Pepper here. She’s uh…okay- imagine Entrapta from She-ra but ten times worse and no moral code. Evil scientist. That’s all I have to say here.
I’ve been off tumblr for a while bro thank you for bringing me these! They were so fun <3
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ask-dcf · 1 year
More or less a ask for the epic mod that I’ve thought about long ago and just found some
How would you say you deal with obligation?
More or less during times where you feel like you HAVE to make a post or etc so the blog doesn’t go “inactive”while people think it’s dead or something
Or even earlier on in the blogs life how would you say you’ve dealt with times of feeling tumblr burnout in the case of answering ask or making post? [Basically just wanting to find and enjoy cool stuff on here without the hassle of “having” to make post etc]
I dunno the best way to put it aside from that and sorry in advance if you’ve had something alike this question back then but not as a 2 in 1 combo package
Bit confused on what you asking. But if you mean you’re worried about me seeing this blog as a “must do it for fans”, aka that slippery slope that YouTubers take in order to get paid. No it’s not obligation. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for all the fans and friends who wanna see the story of literal text boxes and I love them all. But I don’t keep up to date in worries people think I’ll shuffle off and leave my blog to die. Nah it’s more like I feel easier just stating how things are going with everything instead of just staying silent. I love my story I love working on it and I simply just let everyone know how things are going for me to work it. As for my other blogs I’m aware there has not been much done. After February I kinda just wanted to focus on my main blog for a bit to help get me out of my rut. It’s not like the other ones are gonna be canceled no. Ask Sword frisk had some major bumps that I needed to clearly fix. Aswell as ease off on the multiverse traveling. Kaijutale, my gf has been super busy and we honestly have not given it much attention even though we should. Or at least I should XD As for the other blog it’s a bit more complicated but it’s nothing to worry about. Just some pause time till some things are situated (which I’m actually gonna try my best to help out in) and we will see how things continue.
I love this fandom and I love these blogs. And I wanna keep interacting and telling my stories of these fantastical characters that have birthed from heart mind and soul qwq
To me this isn’t an obligation. To me this is fun. And actually therapeutic. uwu
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sawcondeezicons · 2 years
hiii so!!! i've been super inactive here, so here's a little long post explaining my absence:
A) i haven't been using my laptop a lot recently. due to just Life In General it's a lot easier for me to just use my phone for most things, n then use my laptop for coursework and video games. i don't have the same editing software on my phone so, whilst i still make icons there, they look quite different to my usual ones, and i worry abt the difference in visuals throwing any of you off or disappointing you.
B) as i may have mentioned in my carrd or an earlier post (idr lol), i have hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome. i was diagnosed when i was 4 and have known abt my disability my whole life. that being said, sometimes i still can't anticipate how or when things will effect me - the way i made icons on my laptop started causing my fingers to subluxate a lot more often than they used to, and so it took me a lot longer to get through requests and, by the time an icon set was finished, i was too tired to post it. if i do continue taking requests on this blog, i'll probably have to change the way i make my icons - and, again, i worry about disappointing people by doing so, but it just isn't sustainable.
C) i do have a bunch of requests (from months ago now - sorry for the wait) in my drafts that are waiting for image descriptions etc. my only real excuse for not posting these yet is that i find it difficult to focus on things sometimes, and therefore just sort of... leave them for later. and then either forget, or end up getting really busy and just not having the time or spoons.
all this to say - it's been a really long time since i last posted anything properly on this blog, and it may still be a while until i get around to answering your requests. some combination of perfectionism and internalised ableism made me nervous to admit that i may have to change the way i make them for this to work out - it felt ridiculous to admit something so simple was difficult for me, but it is, and that's not ridiculous at all.
i still make my own non-request icons for fun all the time (i don't have the same worries about disappointing people, and so i make more simple icons for my own use) and may start posting a few to ease back into it - my birthday is in 2 days, and i found an EDS pride flag that i really like, so i'm tempted to post some self-indulgent projection icons
anyway! sorry for the long explanation. if you don't wanna stick around, i totally get it, but if you do, then thank you for your patience :] happy belated holidays!
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I think the reason I’ve been so inactive on this blog recently, aside from being back at college and busy, has to do with the slow move away from aspec labels I’ve been doing over the years and how it feels much more like a betrayal now that I’ve finally put it out there and changed the labels on my bios and all that. I preach a lot about fluidity within labels and fluidity of labels, but when it comes to applying it to my own life I’ve had trouble. 
From the moment I identified as ace (pretty much a full four years ago at this point) and then aro (two and a half years ago) I’ve felt constricted. I’ve struggled, if you look back on this blog, several times with feeling like I need to let go of the idea that I will ever find romance or have a partner in that way, and though I think it’s healthy for everyone to consider that they might not find a life partner ever, I think viewing it as an objective truth really troubled me because, well, I do want it. 
I’m a romantic at heart, and for the longest time, even though I know all the aspec terminology for romance/sex favorability and I’m very well aware of how diverse the community is and I’ve actively helped to spread that information, I always had this idea in my head anyways that ace/aro people can’t want sex/romance even if they do enjoy it while it is happening. 
Obviously that’s not true and a label can’t stop you from wanting whatever you want or feeling however you feel, and I think many people who have the exact same feelings I do still enjoy the aroace label, but I needed a change. Not just for how I see myself, but for how others see me as well. I struggled against the ace label initially all those years ago because, even having never had a crush before in my life, I was still worried that if I labelled myself that way I would be telling others I’m not available, and cutting off my chances of ever dating at all.
I don’t think the label has actually done that. In fact, it saved me from a really awkward situation with someone I was friends with for a short time last year who ended up being really toxic for me, so it has helped me avoid bad situations that I might have fallen into due to my desire for a relationship. But I had to say goodbye to it, which was what my last post (that wasn’t a reblog or an answer to an ask) was about. 
God I’m rambling so much. Back to the original point of this post: I haven’t been posting so much on this blog, because leaving behind my aspec labels made me feel guilty. I started this blog and built up the community around being aspec. And I may have abandoned all the previous branding that connected it to being an aspec blog at this point, but it’s still the community. It’s still what I’m known for. And I don’t want to abandon my aspec content, but I also want to post about my other queer experiences that don’t have to do with being aspec specifically. And honestly posting about aspec things is still a bit uncomfy for me right now, just because I left behind the labels for a reason and I feel like posting about them associates me with them.
This is not to say I’ll never post about being aspec again or that I’ll only post about being generally queer. I don’t know honestly what this is saying, but I like to be very open and honest about my experiences relating to me being queer on this blog, and this is the explanation I felt the most need to make. 
Tl;dr I am queer now, not aspec. This does not mean I don’t still have aspec exeriences, but I’m feeling disconnected from them currently and felt the need to change my label. I will probably be posting less about being aspec rather than just generally queer from now on, but rest assured, I always will answer any advice asks like please still ask me about aspec things I am a fountain of information and advice! You can still think of me as an aspec blog, I just felt the need to post this explanation as a sort of announcement about why my blog might seem different going forward.
Sorry even my tl;dr was long. If you have a problem with it, you must be new here, hi I’m cloudy and my original post tag is cloudy rambles and that’s all you really need to know to understand my posting style. If you made it all the way here, thanks for sticking with me! If you didn’t, I understand, haha. I will try to post more from here on out now that I’ve explained myself, because I really do want to come back to this blog and this wonderful community. Some queer confusion/ struggles just have to be dealt with less publicly than others, I guess. Or just less in real time. But I’m back now, I hope!
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pink-ghosty · 2 months
OC Announcement
So I've kinda been a little inactive here, and I'm sorry about that! Thing is I've actually been busy with a little personal project of mine. Granted this project is nowhere near finished but I feel like now might be a good time to talk about it: I'm creating my own original story! I mainly intent to have it as a webcomic, so there's no telling when it'll come but I promise I'll post about it when the first chapter is released! Now what does this have to do about ocs? Well considering the fact that my Hazbin Hotel ocs are one of the more frequent parts of my blog(ignoring Cookie Run ocs) I should also mention that from here on out any Hazbin Hotel ocs I have will no longer be associated with Hazbin Hotel and instead be characters in my original story! So, yeah, that's about it. If you have any questions just leave a comment!
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cinhomi · 11 months
HI RORA I sent you an ask yesterday about how apparently my ask did not get eaten, just my notifs cause i have your notifs on and tumblr never sent the notif about the ask that got answered-
and then tumblr ate that ask. how ironic.
anyways yes! I am so sorry that I've been inactive sending asks, I got a nasty cough and have been coughing my lungs out for the past few days 💀 it's much better now tho! hope uni has been treating you well (on the other hand here uni can eat my ass-)
yeah small update on moot guy: well a few days ago he said that he'd be occasionally online if he had time to reply to me, and then today he sent me this really long message about how he'd be helping out with his prof and his prof would teach him stuff, so he'd be really busy and he was sorry that he'd be leaving me with nothing. said he'd be thinking of me a ton no matter what. I sent a really short answer bc I wasn't sure what to say. he apologized again and said he was sorry and please don't be mad...I think he's having a panic attack as he posted on his blog. 💀💀 I love him and I wish this isn't ending this way but god if this shit isn't tiring atop my already very loaded plate. at the end, I'm a girlie who believes firmly in equal standing, so there's no point if he'll be gone, I guess. if he won't reach out, then I won't come back.
anyways, enough sad updates here! (skzflix broke my goddamn heart) aside from skz, who's your favourite musical artist? I'm curious 👀
- titracha nonnie :3 (literally copying this ask rn in case tumblr eats it again 😩) (second time sending this ask help)
hi sweetie! I did imagine you sent something but it disappeared again, happy to receive your asks again and to know that you're doing better now 😊 and yeah, I got this one twice but it happens often, don't know why! tomorrow I'll take a day to stay home and work on some projects so hmm it's kicking me hard and it hurts but I'll get through it in a way or another :)
I understand caring about someone and all but we all have limits. you're right and you have to treat yourself like you deserve and yes, we have to respect others but when things get to the point where we are stressed/sad/anxious because of a situation we're in it's time to slow down or stop. it's exacly what you said at the end, "if he won't reach out, then I won't come back" you got straight to the point. I'm sorry this is happening... I already said that I've been in the same situation (more or less, maybe a bit more intricate) and it's a saddening experience. hope you'll be good soon.
skzflix was devastating and I could talk about it endlessly because I love skz lore sm, with all the theories and stuff!!
and you know who makes these things too? Twenty Øne Piløts, my favorite band of all times! been a fan since 2016 and no one could ever take their place... they literally saved my life.
but I listen to all genres of music so I have a pretty long list of artists I like... I generally prefer death metal (yeah I'm serious I'm a metalhead lol), visual-kei, and all that hard/chaotic music. it's actually a very difficult question for me, always, so I generally send my spotify account to people to make them understand a bit!
if I really have to choose someone beside TØP it's Diaura, another band. I can't list anyone else or I'd feel guilty and want to say everyone... take a look at my playlists if you'd like, or at my followings!
if you want to know for k-pop, beside SKZ being my ult group I love BTS, NCT (all units) and recently Ateez too... I'm back from a long break so yeah, I'm starting to know them just now haha (as for girl groups I don't like them too much but I enjoy (G)-Idle and LESSERAFIM a lot). fav korean solist rappers are BewhY, Villain and Gwangil Jo!
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tsundereition · 11 months
HELLO i've been kind of dead, quick update 1. you may or may not know that i'm the admin of a twst fan community so i've been busy with activities for that 2. activities = october prompt list & organizing meet 3. drawing/writing stuff following said list 4. i am p messy and i work on several drawings at the same time and yes i am working on both of the requests that i still have to finish 5. also uni stuff and other irl boring things. but yea
sorry for the inactivity!! i mean this is a personal blog not a job but i don't like to leave ppl hanging so just so you know that i haven't forgotten
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hermitcraft--stims · 3 years
i’m really sorry for not posting in so long! i promise this blog isn’t dead. i have some requests already in progress in my drafts and i’m hoping to finish them up soon, stimboards will return sooner rather than later
sort of explaination + mini life update under the cut
i’ve been really busy between everything going on with school and it’s been hard to make time for stims and honestly it’s been hard to find the time to watch hermitcraft in general. still, i wanna keep making stimboards and i especially wanna keep making them for my special interest. things are going back to normal like business-wise and so hopefully i’ll get to get back into everything
another thing that’s made it hard is that since starting this blog i’ve realized i’m actually part of a system which i haven’t been comfortable talking about until now and i (being the alter who runs this blog) just haven’t been in the front that often, and since no one really knew that we were a system and the others didn’t feel comfortable posting as me they couldn’t post as themselves. but, people know now, i’m comfortable talking about it, and so if i’m not out there can still be posts when someone else is out rather than how it was before.
i’ll add more info to the pinned on the other people from our system who will be on here as they make stuff, but for now we’re probably just gonna sign off who made what post or answered what ask with our emojis and leave it at that.
as of now i’m gonna reopen requests and you can send stuff in even if i don’t get to it right away. i have a big test tomorrow but after thats done it’s just regular school and so i should have more time
i’m sorry for posting so infrequently recently and then just all-out disappearing for like 50 days, especially since i’ve been absent on all of my stim blogs recently, but i hope this kinda makes some of that inactivity make more sense and i’ll try to post more consistently again soon <3
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