#sorry for making you wait one billion years btw
fancyshooting · 2 years
epaulettes anon here, thanks so much for such a comprehensive answer!! I had wondered if perhaps the design process went something like "ok this guys a kgb spy so I'll put kgb on his uniform" > "oh shit they're not meant to KNOW he's kgb" > "quick change it" haha. a mystery for the ages, much like the choice of the captain design instead of the one for majors.
I really appreciate that diagram of the uniform too, since my (admittedly only cursory) searches of an actual historical example of that navy uniform has been pretty barren.
Trying to research a foreign country's military special forces and find out what was true during a very specific time period before digital archives is pretty hard, apparently! I appreciate all the effort you've put into this.
Do you speak Russian? I imagine id find much more information if I knew what keywords to search, but if you don't know the language its like... where to start lol. Definitely didn't download duolingo just to learn because of revolver ocelot. definitely not
no problem ^___^
I learned the cyrillic alphabet and did a tiny bit of duolingo too hehe..... but no I don't speak russian. I think it was on the mgs fandom wiki that I read about his uniform but finding pictures is quite difficult. I can't say for certain but it looks like it was actually a wwii uniform. there's nothing I can find to confirm that ocelot wearing that uniform in 1964 is period accurate but there's SO much information to wade through and tbh I don't have any interest in doing that :| all the different branches and years and battles and ranks... it confuses me LOL. it's such a massive topic but like... niche at the same time so I'm grateful for hobby sites and the like that make it slightly more digestible to the common ocie researcher. my knowledge does NOT go beyond the scope of ocelot I promise
searching Морская Пехота (marines in russian) might wield better results. there's a site on the very first page with these pictures:
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the only thing about these is that they don't seem to be wearing the same trousers or boots as ocelot:
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had to give him an undeserved angelic glow to show this sorry but his are much baggier, like riding breeches. they're called galife/galliffet/галифе and are worn with jackboots. the guy in the diagram before was wearing them, so maybe the unforms in the irl pics are from a different era or something. maybe the design of ocelot's uniform was a combination of multiple uniforms. idk but that's the best I can do right now o7
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mari-the-bimbo · 3 years
Hii there i was wondering if I could have a headcannon for Gojo, Itadori, Megumi having a crush on the reader who is only flirty around them? Like the reader is giving the boys clues and hints that they like them back?Thank you and have a great day<3
Sorry if this is confusing btw!
JJK + their crush flirts
A/N: Thank you so much! Oh god I can already imagine how clueless they’d be 😭 Anyways enjoy! <3
Characters: Gojo, Megumi, Itadori
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Bold of you to assume Gojo wouldn’t jump at you, the second you give him hints
You, his beloved crush finally reciprocating his flirting and drop hints too? HE CELEBRATING
“You looking like a model today Y/N 😏” “Just trying to be a supermodel like you Satoru”
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No but fr, the second you flirt back, Gojo is wasting no time, he’s making his move on you
“Oh yeah?” he says pulling you closer by grabbing the back of your neck, unable to fight off the wide smile on his face
“I could teach you a trick or two if you go on a date with me?” he asks you, luring you in with a kiss to your neck
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Poor boy is in C O N F U S I O N.
You flirt with him so much, openly complimenting him and him only, winking at him, occasionally brushing hands.
Whenever you flirt with him, he just freezes, and stares at you as you watch his pale skin slowly burn red. He can never produce a coherent sentence to you, just ✨stare✨
He just can’t get himself to believe that his crush may actually like him back
“do they like me? Do they not?”
It’s starts to leave him really frustrated
So the next morning, when your hands linger on his shoulders for too long, he finally snaps, he tuts and he grabs your hands and pulls you towards him, making you nearly fall on his lap.
“I-idiot! Do you like me or not?” He questions
You momentarily pause, then simply laugh, as you brace yourself into his lap. “Is it not obvious ‘gumi? I’ve been giving you hints for ages now!”
“Huh? I-“ but before he could voice his confusion, you pull him by his collar and lock lips, making him see clouds.
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Oh no
Stupid boi, very obvious boi
I’m sorry reader chan but he will not understand your hints for a long time 😭
NO BECAUSE imagine him complaining to Megumi and Nobara how you will never like him back
And megumi and nobara, the two unfortunate souls that witness you drop hints to yuuji everyday, looking at him like 🤨
ITS EVEN FUNNIER because he unintentionally flirts with you first
“How are you still single Y/N?” he asks with a lovesick gaze. “I don’t have to be yuuji 😏” you reply
“Yeah you don’t, there’s literally 7.9 billion people on Earth 😄”
Nobara and Megumi punching air rn
But ONE DAY, one of his brain cells WORK
You made a comment about his strong arms, and he just malfunctioned
“A-are you flirting with me Y/N chan?” he says with a burning red face
“I have been for the last year but thanks for noticing” you laugh as you walk away from the pink haired boy.
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justapayneaway · 2 years
Just curious (and sorry if you've been asked this before) but what are your thoughts on the boys and their music? I don't mean personal opinion of their public images or anything (I realize if you talk shit about Harry or Louis you'll get a billion 14 year old anon fangirls who will try to murder you), I mean strictly their music.
Personally, for me, best to worst is probably Zayn at 1st (his music is heaven turned into songs) and Niall second (he's not my fav of the boys vocally, but his music has been pretty consistently good.), Liam third (which is a shame because he's my favorite voice out of the boys but the only songs of his I've really liked have been his one off singles. I didn't care much for LP1 at all, though I admit a big part of that is that he wrote basically none of the songs on it and he himself pretty much seemed like he didn't want to be associated with it either) then Lou (I just don't really care for his voice but I love his songs) and then probably Harry (his new single put me to sleep and his voice is...well I'd rather not say, don't want you to get anon hate and also this ask would be much longer than it already is lol)
Again, everyone has their own opinions and I'm not trying to start flame wars or anything, I'm just curious is all.
Got this before bed last night and it's such a complex answer that I had to wait to answer it this morning (sorry!)
So basically I agree with your placement, but I want to explain my reasons behind it. And I'm not scared of haters coming at me, they always come at me and I just block them. They're the ones wasting their time since I don't care and I won't change my opinion.
Zayn - hell yeah! The songs and the lyrics are iconic. That man released three albums and all are so good and mature. Zayn is such a talented artist and the sad thing to me is that we don't have a chance to see him perform it live. The raw talent is all there! And his inspiration for songs and his own experiences with life are amazing. Even the unreleased stuff we got a chance to listen about religion, the hate he got, etc!! It's truly an inspiration! How people don't give him all the awards is something I don't understand!!!
Niall - surprisingly to me he has been the more consistent of all of them with the music he releases. He has come along way with his voice and I feel like now he is super comfortable. I watched him live here in Portugal and it was a blast!!! He used to hide behind the guitar, but now he is a complete artist. I'm super curious for his 3rd album since he didn't get all the recognition he deserved for HW.
Liam - sadly he is in this place and it really hurts me! Liam is clearly the most talented performer and his vocals are unmatched, out of this world especially live! It has been a deep shame that he hasn't been given the opportunity to blossom into the musician we all know he is. His team and label don't help of course, but it truly baffles me how they aren't using his talent as a musician and lyricist to make amazing songs. Who cares if it's a trend?! Just make it from the heart. LP1 has a few promising songs, but there is no narrative or a line to follow. So the message gets lost with too many concepts thrown together.
Louis - not because of his voice, btw. He has been evolving a lot and especially in getting comfortable on stage alone. I saw him live in Spain on one of his first solo shows and I see a lot of progress from him right now. We all know he is a really good lyricist and I feel like he found his place in pop-rock. It's his jam and the space where he can make so much more! I really liked his album as a whole, so I'm curious to see what he presents next.
Harry - personally, most overrated artist right now. The things he does with his voice (screaming and off key notes) really scare me because one day that boy won't have a voice. I think he throws a good performance since he is an entertainer, but he really needs to practice those vocals more. Personally, his songs don't call to me and I don't think he is revolutionizing the music industry since what he is presenting isn't something new. I honestly haven't seen or listened to his new song and I don't intend to activelly go look for it. Glad people are enjoying it, good for them and for him!
Hope this answered your ask about it :)
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stealingpotatoes · 4 years
Trying to Explain the Desmond (sorta) Lives AU: Part 2
(part one)
(hi I’m back and I was bothered to write more explanation. bla bla sorry for the mess also this bit was acccidentally lengthy and 2.5k words, whoops)
> > > >
Shaun and Rebecca more-or-less knew they were going to find Desmond. They more-or-less knew they were going to see him. They more-or-less knew that he was going to be all glowing like he was in the footage. This being said, they weren’t really prepared for um… any of that to actually happen. 
Desmond is standing here, he is talking. He is moving.  Alive. Shaun and Becs are across from him, silent and dumbfounded at the sight of their long-dead friend. 
(I need you, my darling reader, to think of the most confused and shocked you’ve ever been in your life, and then bap, you’ve more or less got what’s going on in this room tbh.)
“Desmond?” Shaun finally asks in shock. 
“...yeah?” Desmond answers, obviously very confused at Shaun’s tone. 
“Holy shit,” whispers Rebecca. 
“What happened? We were in the Temple and- and then suddenly I’m here and I’ve got… these?” He gestures vaguely to himself-- the Isu markings.
What he said is enough to sort-of snap the duo out of their shock enough. “What?”
“Yeah, what?” Des agrees.  
“No, no. The temple-- 2012… that was six years ago. And you...” Rebecca says (still looking at Des with an expression that can only be described as ‘what in the genuine fuck’). 
Shaun and Rebecca wouldn’t have even noticed Galina coming up behind them if it hadn’t been for Desmond’s slight shift into near ready-to-fight, tho he relaxes after a second (his eagle vision’s still there and says she’s an ally). 
Shaun and Becs manage to take their eyes off Desmond for long enough to glance back at Galina, who’s come to find them. 
“You were not replying on your comms--” Galina stops and takes a proper look at the man behind them. “Oh. He does not look dead.” Then back at Shaun & Becs; “We all need to go.”  
Desmond is somehow even more confused than he was earlier. “Why would I look dead? And-- who are you?” 
Shaun has manners, even in very confusing situations; “This is Galina. She’s an Assassin. And Galina, meet… Desmond Miles.” (audible question marks) 
Shaun and Rebecca share an awkward glance. “We’ll explain everything when we get to safety?” Becs says, though she’s really not sure how they are going to explain, or what they’re even going to explain.  
The two random assassins who don’t have names also came out of the fight fairly unhurt and meet up with the rest of them. They’re pretty weirded out to see a person with glowy lines on his face, and have heard of Desmond Miles’ death. However they’re obviously not as weirded out to see him alive because they just didn’t know him. They’re probably doing the best here lol. 
Galina’s pretty confused but she’s become very good at compartmentalising over the years, so isn’t dwelling on things right now. 
Shaun and Rebecca are-- okay, to say Shaun and Becs are “dealing” with this is definitely the wrong word. They’re moving forward like Assassins should, while trying to comprehend that Desmond is right there… and also trying not to look at him too wide-eyed and shocked.  To them, everything feels like it’s going way too fast and way too slow all at once.
The trio and Galina all get into a van and head out of there, not planning on waiting for more Abstergos. 
They reach an old Assassin safehouse outside of the city after a very Odd drive. The two unnamed Assassins stayed in the city to keep investigating and keep up their work before, so now it’s just Shaun, Becs & Desmond in the safehouse with Galina on watch outside. 
They get in, make sure they’re safe -- protocol stuff. But Des really needs some answers. Like right now.
“What happened?” Desmond asks. This time it’s very serious, and you can almost feel the hundreds of years of killers’ lives he’s lived behind his voice. 
Shaun and Becs share yet another look. The disbelief hasn’t worn off at all, but they’re, as I said, moving forward. “What’s the last thing you remember?” Shaun asks. 
It quickly comes to light that Desmond has no memory of what happened after touching the Eye-orb-thing in the Temple. It’s just “a helluva lot of pain” in December 2012 and then boom, waking up in the middle of a city (shut, i know i still haven’t thought where), in October 2018. He also can’t recall bursting out of that Abstergo facility either -- his memory seems to start from where the weird glowing-eyes-and-apple-light thing he had going on stopped. 
“But the Temple was six years ago?” Desmond quietly half-asks, half-states. 
“Yeah...” says Rebecca. 
“Then where have I been for that time.” 
“You died.”
Shaun takes over; “Or at least, we thought you died. In 2012, we got clear from the Temple as you told us to. But then Abstergo, they--” (how on earth do you say this) “They got there before we could. They took your body and...” 
“But obviously you didn’t die because you’re here.” Becs gestures at Des. 
“Right,” Shaun agrees unsurely.
Des nods slowly, trying to take this all in. “But that doesn’t explain… all this.” he gestures to the Isu markings on his face. “Or what I can do.” 
“Do you know what you can do?” Becs asks. She and Shaun don’t really know what was happening w Des’ whole abilities thing at ALL because they only saw a small bit recorded.
Des shrugs, but then unzips the definitely-stolen-hoodie a bit and pulls the opening to the side so his bare collarbone is on show. “I got shot when I… when I woke up.” Rebecca makes yet another confused expression. “There’s nothing there?” She’s right; there’s no wound, no blood there. Not even a scar.
“I heal faster, I know that. And--”
“What’s that?” Shaun numbly gestures to his own chest where a scar starts on Desmond’s. It’s not like either of them have seen Des shirtless much at all before, but that wasn’t there in 2012, they’re pretty sure. 
Des looks down then unzips the hoodie a bit more and oh. 
Shaun and Becs didn’t notice that on the security footage. Tbh Desmond barely noticed it, too busy looking at the glowiness. But that’s an autopsy scar. Des has an autopsy scar. That’s...
Desmond zips his hoodie back up, but everyone in the room is Very Confused. 
This is even more question-mark-inducing and raises about a billion questions; Did they do an autopsy on an alive person (for the sake of taunting the assassins)? Shaun and Becs wouldn’t put it past Abstergo; the Templars are messed up like that. 
Or… did Desmond genuinely die? And did Abstergo… bring him back somehow? 
Either way, Shaun’s mentally decided the “weird Isu clone of Desmond” idea is probably wrong because why would they autopsy a clone of a dead man?? makes no sense.  
There’s more long pauses of bewilderment before Rebecca makes the very good suggestion that they all have something to eat. So yeah, they eat, they’re chatting. It’s mostly basic stuff. They should definitely have all had medical checkups first, but they’re all very much too confused and in shock to do like… anything. 
It’s a bit awkward at one point (more awkward than the ENTIRE ordeal of seeing your dead friend again has been) because Shaun catches himself before telling Des a part of a story that involves secret Assassin crap and stops awkwardly. 
Desmond seems to catch on, and he’s like “I get it. Abstergo might have done something to me.” Made him a mole or a sleeper agent like Daniel Cross. 
Shaun and Becs feel really bad, but Desmond’s got this weird air of resignation about him. He understands. He knows he might be all messed up and controlled by Abstergo. That being said, the general resignation might just be pure shock at everything. A Lot Has Happened to him in a Very Short Span of Time (to him). 
They continue on chatting, mostly inane shit. Desmond asks if his parents are… still around. Shaun and Becs assure them they’re fine, though still fighting. Say a little about how William took Des’ death really hard, (no duh), and dropped out of the fight for a year. Only came back after finding out what Abstergo did to Des’ corpse (or… alive body???) -- tho the duo try to avoid saying what Abstergo did for now. 
However there’s another pause when Rebecca is, in very vague terms, explaining what happened in London in 2015. Rebecca starts telling Des what the Shroud is when she pauses and looks like she’s just solved some complicated code.
“I thought you were skipping the secret details?” Des asks.
“This isn’t that-- the Shroud heals people. Like, really fast,” Rebecca says.
Shaun gets where she’s going. “Ah... so say if someone got shot, it would heal almost immediately. And there would be no scar or visible wound afterwards.” 
Desmond takes a moment, and then he’s like “...you think I have the Shroud’s powers?” 
Now this doesn’t really solve any questions, and if anything creates more… but it adds something? Heck, this is all so confusing for everyone involved.
Anyways at some point they decide to actually all go to sleep. Galina’s still here btw, she also goes to sleep lol. Though before they do go to their own beds, Shaun and Becs have a quick chat about how weird this all is. Very Weird. 
Uh yeah so shrugging noises, Galina at some point the next day is assured the trio will be fine on their own and heads back to the city to investigate with unnamed Assassins. 
At some point they do actually do medical checkups lol, and comes up as, overall, Good. Desmond is pretty spritely for a dead guy. 
However they run into an issue: the DNA thingie just Isn’t Cooperating. It won’t sequence it. Probably definitely because they don’t have any tech that can get his wacked-up now-a-lot-more-isu DNA. But it also means they can’t check to see if he’s got the same DNA as he did. So yeah. 
For Rebecca and Shaun, it’s weird how quickly everything starts to feel like old times. As if they might be back in Monteriggioni, or the Temple, hiding out from the Abstergo and the Templars, as if the six year gap never happened. I mean- it’s not quite the same, obviously. Desmond glows now, and there’s always Something to remind them that they thought he was dead, that he was gone -- that something might be Wrong with him. 
Desmond’s, on the other hand, in this very awkward place. Aside from the fact he now has superpowers (which he doesn’t yet know the extent of), he’s also dealing with the fact he was supposedly dead for 6 years. That the world moved on without him and his friends haven’t seen him for six years. 2012 feels like days ago to him, not years. Shaun and Becs are very happy to have him back -- but Desmond didn’t know he was ever gone . So where they’re nostalgic for old times, he can’t help but only notice the differences? 
They need to find out what the heck happened in the 6 years they thought Des was dead. Seeing as the Abstergo facility that Desmond escaped from is -- funnily enough -- crawling with Abstergo agents that would very much like to get the three of them, (and that the trio has been told to lay low and try to go as dark as they can for now, while they all try to figure out what’s happening w Desmond) going back there to find crap out isn’t an option right now. So what Rebecca and Shaun are doing -- with a bit of help from Desmond, though he isn’t a tech guy or necessarily allowed to go into the Assassin database stuff yet -- is trying to scrounge up anything they can on Des and the missing six years.
They’re also slightly trying to work out some of Des’ powers, but they’re wary of him using them too much as Abstergo might pick up on whatever power traces he’s giving off. Shaun thinks Desmond definitely has a second PoE-based ability, and thinks it may be the Apple. 
One of the first nights, Desmond asks Shaun and Rebecca what they are going to do if Des turns out to be a sleeper or something. They can’t actually come up with an answer. 
Tbh, the search for info isn’t going brilliantly, even with two of the Assassin’s best searchers on the case. There are other assassins and PLENTY of Initiates looking for info across the world too -- Desmond just… coming back is a very big thing, and moreso is how he came back (ie all Isu-y). They haven’t heard any word from their mentor, Mr Miles senior, though. 
But then Rebecca has an idea! If Desmond’s conscious memory doesn’t know what happened, maybe his genetic memory does? Small issue: they don’t have an animus with them. So they ask for one ig lol. 
Anyways, they’re all chilling, researching, and trying to get to grips with the INSANE idea of EVERYTHING, ya know? Friendship hours. Catching up -- tho Des doesn’t have much to tell. There’s also emotional times!!! Shaun and Becs getting to say what they never had the chance to say while Des was alive, hugs, talking a little bit about the fact that his death (or “death”, perhaps) hit them Hard (though it’s difficult to talk about for all three). 
The first piece of the puzzle that they get isn’t from somewhere they expect. 
About a week after Desmond showed up (so after about 4-5 days of them being at the safehouse), Layla Hassan gets out of Atlantis. She’s just done the Trials via Kassandra and got the staff of Hermes Trismegistus (...in doing so, losing one teammate and gaining some anger issues. oops). Layla’s not that important yet. What is important right now is when she opened Atlantis.
Layla doesn’t have an exact time as to her opening the gates, but guess what happened very soon after the rough time she opened it? One Desmond Miles burst out of an Abstergo facility, glowing like your overly-dramatic neighbour’s Christmas lights display. 
So then this all just adds more mystery to the uh... Mystery™. Did opening Atlantis resurrect him? Did it give him these powers for some reason? If so, why?? The gang also find out/ the Assassins overall realise that opening Atlantis caused some weird powersurge in every PoE -- but if that caused some kind of surge in Desmond too, does that mean he’s a Piece of Eden now? He has the powers of at least one, PoE now, they know, so…? There are too many questions and nowhere near enough answers. 
The trio is itching to get out there and start investigating themselves -- but they’re told that there’s another assassin coming to join the three of them soon (it’s protocol to not say Who), before they start doing anything, and that they should wait for them. Also said Assassin is bringing one of them mini-animuses (animi? whatever; the one Layla has in ACOd) so they can do the genetic memory thing like Becs suggested. 
So I guess it’s time for more waiting, for whomever the assassin may be...
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secondhand-trash · 4 years
BNHA but it’s thebonappetittestkitchen
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A/N: I watched one Test Kitchen Talks and now I’m obsessed. I’ve been binging BA vids and this is the end result lmao (might write a part 2 later if I can think of other characters to put in there)
Bakugou Katsuki
Gourmet Makes but angrier
very serious about everything
*tch* “The weight of this layer of the cookie is off.”
“...you said 14.9 grams.”
“Yes and this is 0.1 grams off, we have to do this again.”
constant swearing when he is by the stove
the staff might have give him constant new topics just to see him tick off
always bickering with the other chefs
“Hey, kacchan-”
“Do not fucking call me that on camera.”
the fan favorite meme
(Kaminari is bitter about that)
“Taste this.”
“I think-”
“Say anything and I’ll burn this place down.”
“...it is great.”
Midoriya Izuku
the helpful one
always wandering in the background of every single video
works under the editor
is not actually a professional chef but kinda learned enough by being around everyone 
the one that got sent to deliver bad news because he is less likely to be stabbed by a kitchen knife by annoyed chefs
“...they send you here to tell me things that will my job harder, aren’t they.”
the one who will drop his own things to help around the kitchen
doesn’t normally cooks, but when he does it is always for very homely recipes
“This is not the most common way but that’s what I grow up eating...”
“My mom taught me how to do this.”
“I found this recipe in my mom’s old cookbook.”
Kirishima Eijirou
the “big friendly dog in human form”
started out as a butcher
gets appointed to do all the heavy work
prime thumbnail material
(he still has no idea why the editors are always telling him to roll his sleeves all the way up or where a tank top whenever they are filming outdoors)
campfire specialist
“Bro, this is sick dude.”
“Eyyyyyyy Bakugou-” *hand in the air*
“(sighs)” *high five*
very popular among older viewers??? 
(grandson material???)
Aizawa Shouta
the “tired guardian”, as always
puts booze in e v e r y t h i n g
“Now add a splash of white wine.” *proceeds to pour out half the bottle*
it’s an inner joke among chefs and fans that he never sleeps 
showed up in a video in a crisp shirt with his hair up like, once, and the internet went into a frenzy
comments like “WHY IS THE HOBO SO HOT” flooded the comments 
compilation videos with titles like “Aizawa being done with everyone’s bullshit for 10 minutes straight”
(it’s basically him sighing and staring with dread in his eyes in someone else’s background throughout the entire video)
gets undermined a lot because of his demeanor, but will casually namedrop his credentials which shocks everyone
“When I was working at (insert famous prestigious restaurant)...”
“Wait hold up a second wHAT????”
Yaoyorozu Momo
the “properly trained in some renounced culinary school and probably comes from some impressive background but we don’t talk about that”
ridiculously accurate tastebuds
often act as the guinea pig for other chefs
recreating (blank) by taste videos
gets oddly specific realy quick
*munch munch* “Is that prosciutto that was made in winter by hand and dried for two years in Italy?”
“I’m sorry what now???”
gets cranky when people misplace things 
never raises her voice, never swears, but somehow intimidating as all hell
when Yaomomo tells you to put the flour on the forth shelf counting from the left, you do it
unintentionally expensive taste
“Wait, you’ve never tried European white truffle (which can sell up to thousands a pound btw) before?”
Kaminari Denki
the “how the hell does he even get in here anyways????”
blog editor, but people like him so much that he keeps showing up
always causing chaos
always butting in when the others are filming 
the prankster
“I hide tiny babies all over the test kitchen”
“I replace all the extra virgin olive oil in the test kitchen with virgin olive oil and see how long it will take for people to notice”
No one has ever seen him cook on camera but he still has a fuck ton of screen time
“Make Kaminari film a cooking video” is now the no. 1 requests among fans
Todoroki Touya Dabi
the “I need this job or else I’ll have to go home and inherit the 1 billion dollar net worth family business”
how the fuck does he make the chef uniform slutty???
(the trick is to unbutton enough until you can see the line of his chest)
does that thing where he looks into the camera while chopping every video
how the fuck does he make basic instructions sound suggestive???
(the trick is to lower his voice enough until it almost sounds gravel but you didn’t hear that from me)
“Can you pass me that salt, doll? Thank you.”
the only one who has his nickname in the credits
“So I learned how to cook this because my dad told me that it wouldn’t work and I want to piss him off.”
sleeves are always rolled up because “these tats are expensive, why not show them off?”
rumors are that he has beef with Shouto from the office, but it’s just a rumour though
Asui Tsuyu
the one who will actually teach you something
gives very clear instructions
back-to-back cooking 
“Why is this not working-”
“Have you tried adding more butter?”
you can physically see her growing more and more concern by the second whenever she walks by someone messing up
she’s like your mom, somehow she’ll be able to find everything that you couldn’t even though you both look through the same places
her siblings showed up in the kitchen once and everyone was immediately smitten
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safetytank · 4 years
long-ass floral drama ahead
after the roaring successes of my Anders DragonAge Did Nothing Wrong & How To Dungeons And Dragons Good presentations, the host of the original had a follow-up DTL night and u KNOW a bitch is incapable of not doing Way Too Much while simultaneously leaving everything to the last minute
so here u go, customers i interacted with while working at one of the local florists between 2017-2018, organized and ranked for ur entertainment
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commentary added bc most the slides were just a visual component to a textual joke & i won’t make u all sit through a 10-minute video rendition, u got shit to do
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every single older guy cheating on his partner follows exactly the same script, it’s like they were made in a lab
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some did manage to break away from the mold tho, usually younger guys asking sheepishly if we had “i’m sorry” balloons (we did) or the following 2 honorable mentions for bringing innovations to the field of cheating on ur wife
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imagine using a BIBLE VERSE to try and convince your girl she should take u back bc something something FORGIVENESS
the audacity
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the second honorable mention is the very first customer complaint my manager handled after he was hired on back in like 2012, which was a guy whose girlfriend had looked at his credit card statement the day after Valentine’s Day and saw he’d sent 13 other one-dozen rose arrangements so he tried to convince her it must have been a credit card glitch & that he’d call and get it sorted out and my manager was like “lmao fuck no you’re not getting a refund, u made ur bed now lie in it asshole”
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number 4 is the time a customer wanted an order wired to chicago for a loved one’s birthday and have it be sent to their job and i was like “oh how nice where do they work” and they were like “the leather museum” and me, internally, thinking “wow like cowboy stuff :)”
it was not cowboy stuff
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number three i don’t even give a shit about censoring the name on bc if you know Vickie Fucking Fitzgerald in real life there’s no punishment u could enact upon me that would be greater than having to put up with Vickie Fucking Fitzgerald in real life
this slide is an example of a normal message someone might write on a card that comes in a floral arrangement, like 4-ish lines of text on a little plastic fork that says “happy birthday, love NAME 1 and NAME 2″ or “sorry for your loss, love THE LASTNAME FAMILY”
Vickie Fucking Fitzgerald does not know how cards on floral arrangements work
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like damn bitch just send a letter at that point jesus christ
fun fact this was also a wire order so the other florist called us on the phone to be like “uhhhhh is this....correct” and we had to be like “yeah” and they went “ok, cool, just checking, uh, so we had to staple 4 different message cards together to fit all of it” and we were like “yeah bet u did lol”
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vickie fucking fitzgerald was a million billion years old and if u saw her name pop up on the caller ID you learned to fear it bc it meant you’d be trapped on the phone for between 10 and 20 minutes listening to her entire life story in between trying to take a gd floral order
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one time she wanted a funeral basket sent out of state to FUCKING ALASKA and we’re on the east coast of the united states so we were like “ok well there’s a 4 hour timezone difference and it’s 8am here so they’re not even open yet, we’ll have to wait til 12pm when they open up at 8 and then we can wire it for you so we’ll take down your order and call u back when it’s time to wire it”
yall wanna guess how many times this bitch called back to waste our time before 12pm
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#2 is of course the dumb horny bullshit, bc it turns out if u order online and the quality control manager isn’t paying A Lot of attention u can slip all kinds of shit into ur card messages (just don’t do the entire fuckin Iliad like VFF up there)
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this one gets put in horny jail because of the sheer AUDACITY of contacting someone who has either 1. been broken up with/divorced recently, or worse, 2. THEIR PARTNER FUCKING DIED, and THEN TRYING TO THROW YOUR HAT IN THE RING WITH THAT “I’VE ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE BEAUTIFUL, CATCH ME ON THE REBOUND BABY ;)” HORSESHIT
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no comment
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this one haunts me in the depths of night and will absolutely be the last thing i see when i close my eyes to slough off this mortal coil
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this one yall get every single slide for bc the only reason it lives on in as much detail is due to me hopping on twitter immediately afterwards to preserve the memory while it was still fresh (the caller was not the ghost btw, she was a middle-aged acquaintance of the aforementioned Gay Nigerian Royalty Ghost)
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shout out to every stock website i skimmed off for this presentation btw
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we stan one gay ghost king (THIS JOKE WORKS ON MULTIPLE LEVELS)
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i cannot confirm literally any of this information please do not ask me to i was just paraphrasing what was told to me
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here’s where we got into the really wild shit
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if u ever worked retail u know this feeling
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and he’s like “so i walked in there to deliver the orders and the place was DECKED OUT in traditional fabrics, masks on the wall, everyone was dressed very traditionally, and i was like wow cool guess this guy was important” (he did not know about the International CIA Prosecutor stuff) and someone at the funeral home told him “oh yah we had to go all out bc the deceased’s family WERE A BRANCH OF THE NIGERIAN ROYAL FAMILY THAT HAD FLED TO THE UNITED STATES SOMETIME IN THE 80′S so obviously u can’t have a royal funeral and skimp on the decorations :)”
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artist’s rendition
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thank u for enjoying this little trip down memory lane also if u recognize urself or someone u know in any of these stories i blocked ur names out for a reason so don’t fuckin come at me ok
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softguks · 5 years
author + fic recs
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below are a list of writers and my my fav fics of theirs, pls give them some love!! don’t forget to REBLOG, SEND A MESSAGE, OR LEAVE FEEDBACK. sometimes leaving a like isn’t quite enough, so leave a small comment telling them how much you loved it! it really makes their day.
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@sketchguk TERESA, uGH my lovie, my world, my moon, my stars, the cause of my euphoria, my queen, the angel from the heavens. she is an incredible writer, and i’ve read all of her works probably thirty million times. they’re sweet, amazing, and definite must-reads! READ HER ENTIRE MASTERLIST, it’s worth it i promise 🥺
-> kiss the girl; worth the wait; lover to lean on; 10 muses
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@sleepyjhs​ violet??? omg, her reactions, drabbles, and writings are so soft and lovely!! pls give her a read, send her some love, reblog her amazing works, and leave come comments! she’s such a sweet angel, and her blog is beautiful (so aesthetically pleasing)
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@gukyi GUYI!! guys, this is a no-brainer. i’m sure you’ve read her fics, if not, go give her a read. her fics are absolutely amazing, incredible, and every positive word in the world. the amount of talent she pours into each piece of writing is incredible and phenomenal, she is literally one of the most talented writers on here. go send her some love if you haven’t already!
-> the millionaire & his lover; raspberry truffles; the courtship chronicles; if i told you; the underwear thief; the coffee shop contract
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@jamaisjoons hi i love solaris, she owns my heart. anyways, she is a pretty-well known blog in my opinion, and totally deserves it! her writings are amazing, incredible, and i love them so much. her banners are super cute like her too 🥺 she’s the sweetest person, her fics are some of my go-to rereads and my all-time favorites. pls go flood her inbox with love, she’s an incredible angel.
-> faded love; the sea & the storm; love alive
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@honeymoonjin​ guys sora is the most beautiful soul on here 🥺 i love her fics so much, they bring out the ugly tears, the soft feelings, the uwu hours, and emotions i didn’t know i had. i’ve read her entire masterlist probably a billion times because of how talented she is, like skskksksksk?? i don’t understand. go bombard her with love, adoration, and feedback for her lovely fics. she writes them so well, and they’re also hilarious to read!!
-> florezco; anpanman
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@jungshookz​ CEE!! omg i love all of her fics. each and every single one of them is absolutely incredible. i love the style of her writing, i love the hilarious interactions, the tropes, and everything about her fics. she is one of my all-time favorite blogs that i’ve come across, please send her lots of love if you haven’t already!! she is so so talented and incredible, make sure to check out her drabbles and tags!! it’s always hilarious and so much fun to read her fics -- i cackle like a witCH--
-> cowabunga baby; caramel macchiato; gymrat jungkook; beneath the water; suit & tie; soccer coach jungkook; yoga instructor jungkook; ta! jimin; ballet teacher jimin (OMG MY FAV)
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@junqkook hi yara is bomb guys. yara’s fics are oh-so-incredible and she’s one of the first blogs i came across in this fandom!! there’s something about the way she writes, the way her words seem to flow together so perfectly that’s incredible. really and truly, she is one of the sweetest people on here and is very very very talented. go give her some love. btw her banners for her fics and her navigation is super cute uwu.
-> rottenfolk; the young wolf; into the woods (series); la douleur exquise
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@httpjeon DAISYYY, she’s amazing and i love her. anyways, daisy is the QUEEN of cute banners and headers. she’s so talented and everything on her masterlist is a masterpiece. the way she writes is so beautiful and her stories are amazing!! the detail, the *cough* smut *cough*, the descriptive scenes, and the characters are incredible! gold! amazing! wonderful! i’ve run out of words to describe how lovely they are, but please give her some (re)reads and reblogs!
-> bunny blues (series); lovebug; sehebon; club ardor (series)
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@kinktae rosyyyyy is one of the sweetest people on here and im totally here for her friendship with daisy + nora + yara uw. they’re best friend goals. anyways, her fics are like watching movies. they are so detailed and well-written that it plays in your head. you can imagine each scene playing out as you read and they’re really amazing. pls go check them out and give them some love!
-> soliloquy; camellia (two-shot); bitchin’ (series); flesh & blood (series)
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@taesthetes uwu, cat’s works are some of the most amazing ones i’ve ever read. they never fail to amaze me and are always guaranteed to bring out emotions. thy’re truly beautiful works of art, and are some definite must-reads! her blog is so lovely and pretty too!
-> let’s unfall in love; amour; hiraeth; her masterlist (just read everything guys it’s incredible)
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@ughkive mo! mO! MO! mo is my lovie and an angel. she’s such a beautiful soul and has the heart of an angel. her writings are amazing and some you should definitely check out! the way she writes is beautiful and i love her style of writing, please go flood her mailbox with love and support! much love to you, bb!
-> broken cathedrals; heart strings; bucket list; habits
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@gukgalore hi rayan is my intelligent, gorgeous, radiant, and stunning queen. she is the absolute sweetest and must be flooded with love and hugs. go check out the queen, i love her, the aesthetic & layout of her blog, and her writings very very much!! they are very amazing and worth the read! many of them make me emotional and i dont know how she’s so taleneted. pls give her love.
-> young; jungkook breaks your trust (drabble); jungkook lies (drabble); something new
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@guksheart she is one of my fav blogs everrr. i truly adore all of her fics and have reread them millions of times. they’re absolutely incredible, and always leave me in awe or speechless because of the talent that’s poured into each writing. each fic is a work of art, a masterpiece, and a treasure. pls go check her out, give her some compliments on her pretty blog, her cute banners, and her amazing self! lots of must-reads all waiting on her masterlist. also,,, on a side note lol her titles are so cute and i love them with all of my heart!! uwu
->  close the distance; in twenty years time; cover me in blue; plans for wedding bands; sugar coated; victor’s game (series m.list)
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@gukills POPPY! or tati, i love her so very much with all of my heart and my entire being. she’s gorgeous, radiant, bright, and an angel blessed to us from the heavens!! not only is she the sweetest, she’s so talented in both writing and art! her writings are amazing and something you should definitely check out! uwu her navigation is so cute as well, go give her some love.
-> every moment is valuable; broken glass; just out the window (two-shot)
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@cupofteaguk​ omg omg hiiiii. LOL im sorry but traci’s blog is one of my favs!! she’s one of the first blogs i came across when first joining this fandom and is so incredibly talented. i’ve reread all of her fics millions of times and i love them so so much. they’re so cute, sweet, and hilarious. the way she writes is incredible and i love the tropes and cliche plots that she twists or tweaks to turn into masterpieces. each fic she’s written is gold and i’m always excited to see her pop up on my dash. her banners are all so adorable just like her blog. go give her some love!!
-> like flowers we bloom; the endless winter; breath of spring; hopeless hearts; take my hand (i love this one v much!)
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@onherwings​​ hi jo, i adore you with all of my heart and being. jo is such a sweet and talented soul that i’m incredibly lucky and forever grateful to be friends with!! all of her fics are amazing and totally worth the read. her writing style, the descriptive scenes, the plots, the cute banners, the funny interactions, and the way she constructs the relationships as they blossom is beautiful. it feels like a breath of fresh air, walking through a meadow of clouds and stars, and the fuzzy, warm feeling you get from being with people you love. her fics are beautiful and so fun to read. flood her mailbox with love, asks, and support!!
-> mask; the better one; reasons to say i love you
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@angelguk​​  she’s one of my favorite blogs ever (mwah!) her writings, her blog, her aesthetic, and her layout are absolutely gorgeous!! uwu they make me soft just looking at the pretty colors, matching themes, and accents. her writings are from another planet, omg, there aren’t enough words and emotions in the world to describe how utterly incredible they are. her writing style is just phenomenal and i love the way her words weave together like strands of silk into works of art. literally, hands down, one of the best writers i’ve come across on this site. i love everything about her blog and i’m sure she’s an even more amazing and beautiful person.
-> breakfast in bed; heartfelt; i wish i missed my ex; amour; phases
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@cutaepatootie​​​ hi sara seems like such a lovely and sweet person so pls give her some love. ask about her day, tell her a joke, make her laugh, make her smile today. :D her writings are incredible. “A Fallen Bookmark on a Thursday Afternoon” hit so hard. i was tearing up, nearly balling my eyes out because of how realistic and genuine her fics feel. it sounds silly, but they feel like their own little worlds, waiting for you to get lost in. they bring out so many feelings and thoughts that i didn’t know i had, or haven’t really thought about. i think about it so often, and she’s one of the first blogs i came across. pls check out her fics and give her some reblogs!
a fallen bookmark on a thursday afternoon; the blue princess and her red rose; animal (series); a brief story of time; touched by a fallen star
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@minflix​​​ elle is so very lovely and sweet. she reminds me of flowers because of how sweet and beautiful she is, i hope she continues to blossom. she reminds me of the ocean because of how strong, majestic, and powerful her energy and soul are. her url is so clever, we stan an intellectual in this household!! her banners are amazing??? like??? what??? when i saw them i gasped and proceeded to stare at them in wonder. her fics are even better guys!! what a surprise, pls go read them. they’re masterpieces and i’ve reread them too many times to admit. but in all seriousness, she’s absolutely wonderful and i’m super lucky to know her. go give her some love, lots of love to the sweetest bean!!
break the ice; much better; spellbound; a lack of color; the city comes alive
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@yourdelights​​ dee! deE! dEE! DEE! dee is such a talented and sweet soul. like??? she’s so sweet? you could get diabetes just from talking to her. nO seriously, she’s one of the friendliest, kindest, and nicest people on here. her fics are adorable and very funny as well as entertaining. her banners, her theme, and her navigation are so cute and stunning just like she is. go give her some love, send her some asks, start a conversation, make her smile, and be her friend!!
-> the best part of me is you; i’m sorry (drabble)
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@diortae​​ hi guys, isabel is amazing, stunning, radiant, and a literal ball of sunshine. go send her some love, reblog her fics, and make her smile!! uwu she’s such a sweet person with an even sweeter personality. her fics are so cute, funny, and fascinating. pls pls pls, check out her most recent fic if you haven’t already “An Abundance of Mondays”. each fic is its own world and tale, with its own special traits and unique twists. i love her banners and her writing style very very much. i would give her flowers if i could.
-> an abundance of mondays; the spaces between; until the spring comes again
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211 notes · View notes
coconut-cluster · 5 years
Can we,,,get some more,,,prinxiety tidbits for the,,wild west au?
oH for SURE my dude, consider this an “i’m so sorry it’s taking me ten billion years to write part three of the holy-hecc-wHeRe’S-rOmAn” post
the first couple weeks after Roman moves to the town (I’m just gonna call it Wrypeak btw), he and Virgil have a kind of tense relationship bc Virgil isn’t exactly a people person, but one day Roman tells an absolutely horrible joke (he heard it from Patton) and Virgil laughs
it wasn’t a big laugh - just a snicker and then he closed his eyes and turned away a little, obviously half-annoyed at himself for finding it funny - but it was a laugh!! and Roman brightened immediately and made it a mission to get Virge to laugh again, but for real.
(He did. Many times after that, actually. Virgil would be lying if he said he didn’t think Roman was genuinely funny.)
((Roman would be lying if he said he didn’t just want to hear Virgil’s real laugh - and if he said he didn’t almost pass out the first time he did hear it.))
(more under the cut)
There have been more than one instance of a bar patron being a little much toward Roman, and even though he’s outspoken, he’s still not from the West (and from a wealthy/privileged family), so he doesn’t really? know how to deal with them in a way that won’t get him, like, shot? 
Virgil is not as clueless. 
(Which is to say he’s pulled Roman behind the bar and shared a few strongly worded suggestions with patrons a few dozen times)
((Does it make him anxious? yes, unbelievably so. but it seems that in the battle of fight or flight, fight seems to win unconditionally in those situations.))
SPEAKING of anxiety, the first time Virgil’s gets bad after Roman moves to Wrypeak - after three fights in the saloon, surrounded by a mess in the aftermath of angry, yelling patrons he had to force out - he sits behind the counter with his head between his knees, tells Roman to just leave for the day, to leave him alone. 
Roman doesn’t really know what’s happening, but he knows Virgil isn’t okay, so he kinda leans over the counter to see him and asks if there’s anything he can do to help. Virgil says no, just leave, go, get out, and his wrists and voice are shaking; Roman goes quiet and asks, “Do you want me to play piano?”
Virgil doesn’t respond for a second - Roman can just barely hear him trying to breathe evenly - then, finally, says “Sure.” 
So Roman plays. He tries to play as quietly as he can, because he has a gut feeling that loud clamoring on the ivories isn’t exactly something Virgil needs right then, and picks a random but pleasant song, the melody of some lullaby his mom used to sing to him when he woke up with nightmares, her way of calming him down before his dad could hear him crying. Roman isn’t sure it’s the exact melody - he hadn’t heard it in over a decade - but it’s nice, it’s calm. 
After a good ten minutes, he slows to a stop and waits. He hears a sigh from behind the counter, and then a very, very small “Thanks.” 
They don’t talk about it in the days after, even though Roman is still a little confused and really wants to make sure Virgil is okay, but it does start their unspoken refrain of Roman playing piano at the end of the day for both of them to destress. 
(There’s one specific day where Virgil’s actually in a really good mood, so he comes and sits down on the piano bench to jokingly annoy Roman - Roman just grins and shows him how to play that little melody. Yes he holds Virgil’s hands to guide them. Yes they both hold on a little longer to each other than is really necessary afterwards.)
Back home in Illinois, Roman had a tutor for math and general business yknow, to prepare him to take over for his dad, but his tutor saw how miserable he was during lessons and thought “man if this kid has to read one more factoid about oil prices he’s gonna go ballistic” and snuck in some literature from the college she taught at
Roman obviously fell in love with the material immediately, thereby sparking his passion for poetry and prose - once he starts working at the saloon in Wrypeak, Virgil finds himself on the receiving end of a lot of literature info dumps during their across-the-counter conversations
Once, while rambling about a specific poem to Virgil, Roman pauses with a troubled look on his face; Virgil raises an eyebrow and asks what’s wrong, and Roman goes quiet for a second. He gives a small (kind of uncomfortable) laugh and tells Virge about the time he accidentally mentioned this specific poem to his dad over dinner. 
His dad stared at him for at least a full minute afterwards, Roman says, and put his fork down and asked where he’d found the poem. It’s not as if Roman wasn’t encouraged to read or anything, but poetry wasn’t something easily accessed in their household, so without saying anything else, Roman had already incriminated his tutor. His dad stood from the table so hard he knocked his chair over and walked out of the dining room.
Roman’s tutor didn’t show up the next day. In her place, Roman says with a wrinkle of his nose, was one of his dad’s partners, a stiff old man who told jokes and bitter comments that sent uncomfortable shivers down Ro’s spine, and he didn’t bring any material on literature or art history or music. 
Roman doesn’t continue the story after that, just stares at the counter for a moment before taking in a breath and putting a smile back on his face, offering Virgil a shrug as if to say “so it goes” before changing the subject. 
The next day, though, Virgil pulls Roman aside before any patrons arrive and hands him a book. The cover is a deep red, embossed with gold, clearly valuable - before Roman can even comment, Virgil says “It was my mom’s favorite book. I’m not really a reader, but you’ll like it, I think.” 
Roman starts to protest - he knows how much Virgil’s mom meant to him before she died, even moreso after she died, and such a relic from her life with him was hardly something for Roman to take - but Virgil just gives a tiny smile and says “She’d want you to have it.” 
So Roman takes the book, and he reads it that night, cover to cover - it’s a fancy copy of Don Quixote, he discovers - and he’s so enraptured that he kind of forgets to sleep and shows up nearly an hour late to the saloon the next morning. Virgil is annoyed until he notices how excited and bright Roman looks, even under all the obvious fatigue. 
Roman doesn’t waste a second before launching into how much he loved the book, how he was so conflicted about the character because he’s well-intentioned but clearly senile and does that negate the goodness of his motivations, yknow? and so on and so on, and Virgil just stares wide-eyed at him and says, “Did you read it all last night?” 
Roman nods enthusiastically and keeps going - Virgil, still a little shocked, can’t bring himself to interrupt again, so he just watches and listens, and he can’t help but grin because his mom would have adored Roman. 
i have math homework to do now but i hope this is good anon!!! again, sorry about part three of the where’s-Roman story, it’s not abandoned i’m just bad at priorities ://
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akechicrimes · 5 years
7 or 71 for either shuake or yukamitsu [big eye emojis]
7. “I told you that I’d never leave you; I’m not going anywhere.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
On Goro’s thirty-fourth birthday at ten-thirty in the morning, Akira calls him at work (which Goro dubiously eyeballs for a whole four seconds before picking up) and says, “Happy birthday, dear. I just got hit by a car, and I need to know what color bike you want.”
Well, neither Goro nor Akira own a car for Akira to drive, so that means Akira got hit on foot. Goro is very calm, and has no immediate panic response to that, because he’s a rational and responsible adult. “Are you dead?” Goro asks.
“Probably not.”
“And is there a reason you’re calling me instead of the ambulance?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I think I have a bruise on one of my legs, if that counts. But I was riding your bike when it happened, so the bike got totaled, so, you know. They’ve got the same model you had, but there’s tons of new colors, if you want pictures.”
Goro takes a very long, very deep breath. Goro is very, extremely calm. “Anything is fine,” he says. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, hundred percent. I even landed on my feet; you should’ve seen it.”
“You should go to the ER anyway,” says Goro, in a voice that is truly the epitome of calm.
“I mean, I guess I could, but that seems like a waste of time. And I don’t want to just leave your bike in the middle of the road.”
“Throw it away if it’s wrecked, then.”
“But it deserves a proper send-off.”
“You’re doing this to me on my birthday, Kurusu.”
“I’ll go to the ER if you go with me,” says Akira hopefully, who is a perennially bad influence who is of the opinion that Goro should have just said he’d be ‘working from home’ and spent the day with him.
Goro takes a look at his calendar, tallies up how many meeting he’d have to reschedule, and waits a whole five seconds before he lets himself say, “Fine,” because Akira just said that he’s fine and Goro isn’t upset and everything is so calm that Goro can wait five seconds before agreeing to leave work. “I’ll see you at Leblanc.”
“Wait, wait, which color for the bike? They’ve got green, blue, a red, a kind of fun rose-gold thing, which is a bit excessive considering it’s a bike, and teal, and a kind of blue and orange Naruto-y thing…”
“Anything is fine.” Goro stops. “Except the last one.”
“Red it is! See you in a bit.”
“Don’t ride that bike back to Leblanc,” says Goro, as if lightning might strike twice on the same day on the same man riding the same model bike of the same color, but Akira’s already hung up. Goro speed-drafts a rescheduling email, copy-pastes it to four different people, and then sprints out the office door without even a goodbye to his coworkers.
Friday, 11:16 AM
FUTABA: hey goro
FUTABA: hey gorororororororororo
GORO: If it’s about the traffic accident, I heard about it.
GORO: I’m going back to Leblanc now.
FUTABA: no it’s smthg else
FUTABA: well it is about the accident but i got smthg else for u
FUTABA sent MOV19.mp4
FUTABA: ripped this from the traffic cam
GORO: Is this footage of the accident?
FUTABA: yeehaw
GORO: …Thank you for the offer, but I don’t know if I want to see this.
FUTABA: ok i hear u but i promise it’s hilarious
FUTABA: and also u might feel better if u see it
FUTABA: like idk what he told u on the phone but like
FUTABA: look the car even slowed down at the intersection
FUTABA: the dude was obeying traffic laws and everything he was doing something like ten under the speed limit
FUTABA: the car ENTIRELY missed akira
FUTABA: got the bike full on
FUTABA: and then he just rolls up across the hood and up the windshield like a looney toon
FUTABA: rip ur bike tho it just goes cronch
FUTABA: instant pretzel
FUTABA: ty bichael for ur sacrifice
FUTABA: also idk i figured you
FUTABA: might wanna see for urself that he’s okay
FUTABA: like u can see him stand up at the end and he’s not even confused or anything he’s super duper ok
FUTABA: he’s not bullshitting u over the phone and pretending he’s ok when he’s not ok
FUTABA: u know how he does lmao
GORO: …Huh.
GORO: He really did land on his feet for a whole second there, didn’t he?
FUTABA: yeah like a cat
FUTABA: it’s nuts tbh
FUTABA: and then he remembers he’s a human and falls on his ass LMAO
FUTABA: show it to morgana i want his professional kitty cat opinion on the matter
FUTABA: rate akira’s near death experience
FUTABA: also the driver was v nice and v apologetic and he gave akira his insurance
FUTABA: but i have his home address and work address and phone number and the name of his dog if you want it
GORO: Just the insurance will be fine.
GORO: …And thanks for sending the video.
GORO: Even though I already knew he was fine.
FUTABA: you know those like
FUTABA: itty bitty teeny weeny micro dogs
FUTABA: that are like four and a half pounds
FUTABA: but they think they can take any mfer on the block out of sheer will alone
FUTABA: and theyve always got their eyeballs bulging out and they pick fights with 70 pound dogs
FUTABA: and they have only two emotions which are rage and anxiety and they shake constantly because theyre only four pounds and they have So Much Emotion and nowhere to put it so they vibrate at the speed of sound
GORO: Is this a metaphor about me.
FUTABA: it’s a metaphor about you
FUTABA: because i can hear your shaky angry anxious four pound vibrating all the way from the other side of tokyo
GORO: You are the smallest, angriest, most anxious person I know, who regularly picks fights with international hacking organizations and billion-dollar companies.
GORO: And I, somehow, am the angry shaky dog.
FUTABA: your husband got hit by a car on ur birthday
GORO: I know that.
GORO: I do not need to be reminded.
FUTABA: ah yeah
FUTABA: sorry
GORO: He’s fine.
GORO: He said he’s fine.
GORO: And from this footage, he’s more than fine.
FUTABA: he is super double extra fine with a side of fine
GORO: Unless this footage was in any way edited.
GORO: And unless he was faking his call, somehow.
GORO: In which case, I’m going to walk into Leblanc and find out that he was just pretending to be okay so he could hear my voice one last time and Leblanc will be swarming with police officers to break the news the newly bereaved.
GORO: But that’s not going to happen.
GORO: Because Akira is fine, and I’m perfectly fine.
FUTABA: im rly glad to hear my man
GORO: This footage isn’t edited, is it.
GORO: Are you very sure?
GORO: Videos are easily modified.
GORO: Would you even know if it was edited?
FUTABA: yes im a literal wizard of course i would know
FUTABA: where are u even getting this idea from
GORO: The entire series of events is unrealistic, isn’t it?
GORO: You said yourself that it was almost like something out of a cartoon.
GORO: The likelihood that someone gets hit by a car and comes out of it entirely no worse for wear is practically ridiculous.
FUTABA: i ripped that film straight from the cam it is entirely unedited
GORO: But how can you be sure? Did you see him in live camera?
FUTABA: i mean no but he texted me
GORO: What if that was his dying text.
FUTABA: i rly dont know if his dying text would have been the “i lived bitch” meme with the cat filter
FUTABA: he’s fine dude
FUTABA: that’s why i sent you the video
GORO: I KNOW he’s fine.
GORO: I’m asking if there’s any solid evidence.
GORO: I’m going to call him. Brb
FUTABA: so what he can tell you he’s fine AGAIN and you’ll be like
FUTABA: “oh but what if it was secretly a pod person who stole his body after he died tragically after calling me one last time to hear my voice”
FUTABA: like go ahead and call him if u want but
FUTABA: the only person who was gonna edit that footage was me
FUTABA: and if he were dead i would not be functioning enough to be doing any kinda photoshop like that
FUTABA: let alone LIE to you jesus christ!!!!!
FUTABA: i pronounce you King Shaky Dog
FUTABA: the tiniest and angriest and shakiest and most anxious four pound goblin
FUTABA: i will reclaim my title tomorrow
FUTABA: for now it’s my birthday gift to you
FUTABA: the title of Shaky Dog allows you to go absolutely apeshit and nobody will judge you
GORO: You know I hate birthday presents.
FUTABA: did you call akira
GORO: I hate birthday presents so much that I will be refusing my title as King Shaky Dog and will henceforth not be going ape shit.
FUTABA: ok so
FUTABA: i didnt mean to
FUTABA: get snippy with you or anything
GORO: It’s fine.
GORO: I wasn’t… exactly polite, myself.
FUTABA: you really can call him if you want
FUTABA: there’s nothing wrong with that
FUTABA: between u and me……………………. i definitely did that more than once for a lot lesser reasons than someone getting hit by a car
GORO: My stop is in less than thirty seconds.
GORO: I will probably live.
FUTABA: lmao ok well
FUTABA: if u change ur mind about losing ur shit then please know i gave u that footage in the first place because i think if something like that happened to MY partner i would mcfreakin lose it
FUTABA: speaking of her
FUTABA: sumi says happy birth btw
FUTABA: but cuter because u know how she is
FUTABA: “happy birthday crow-senpai~~~~~~~~” in her shy voice that makes u wanna die
FUTABA: ofoogofhghhfoghfhhghfh g gh SUMI ur so cute ilysm
GORO: Tell her I said thanks.
GORO: And stop telling me how much you love her and use the ring you made me go ring shopping with you for.
FUTABA: im being cyberbullied for being a cowardly lesbian
GORO: I’m at my stop, by the way, so I’m going offline.
FUTABA: which tbh i probably deserve
FUTABA: oh kk see u
FUTABA: watch the video again mr shaky dog
FUTABA: akira is fine
FUTABA: everyone is alive
FUTABA: you are one year older
FUTABA: happy birthday goro
The bike is totaled.
Akira isn’t the sort of person to dump a piece of trash right in front of Leblanc, but it’s hard to miss sticking out of the nearby public trash bin. The back wheel has exploded into serrated wheel-spokes and limb rubber bits that Akira’s shoved into the trash as best as he could. The body of the bike is crushed in on itself, exposing its sharp hollow innards; the handlebars resemble a badly-tied knot. The front wheel is left to stick up and out, creaking gently, spinning overhead from half a hinge like a head not quite fully severed.
The cafe is empty except for its usual barista who, of course, is a very normal and mild-mannered barista, who has nothing to do with the several hundred millions worth of dollars of repatriated art hiding in the attic en route back to South Korea. That would be illegal, of course, and Akira Kurusu-Akechi has never once in his life done anything illegal in the name of what’s morally right. “Welcome back, dear,” says Akira, and hangs up a coffee mug to dry, and it’s so normal that Goro is convinced that either he’s experiencing yesterday, or maybe he’s re-experiencing the year 2016 all over again, or maybe Akira really is dead and this is just his ghost.
Goro sits in his usual spot at the bar. Same chair, sixteen years later. Unbelievable. Maybe Goro’s giving him a little bit of a dumbfounded look, because Akira tilts his head, leans across the bar, and pecks Goro on the cheek.
“Where’s Sakura?” Goro asks.
“Having his midday old man nap. So,” says Akira, looking pleased with himself, “either we can close Leblanc for an hour and raid the kitchen and make lunch, or we can close Leblanc and go out and have a fancy lunch. Your choice because I already made dinner reservations and we’re doing those no matter what.”
Goro really means to give him an answer, because Akira really does love Goro’s birthday every year and never fails to pick someplace nice for the day, but instead what comes out of his mouth is: “Did you ride the new bike back home?”
“Yeah, I did. Figured I might as well take it for a test drive. It’s a good bike.”
“Why didn’t you take the subway?” Goro says sharply.
“Didn’t have my card.”
“You just rode the bike all the way across Tokyo?”
“It wasn’t all the way across Tokyo, just a bit away and back… Goro?”
Ah, Goro’s going to become one of those people who has a meltdown any time their loved one gets on a plane or a train or ksomething else associated with heebie-jeebie nonsense magical thinking. Great. Fantastic. God dammit.
“Do you really want me to go to the ER?” Akira asks eventually.
Goro really wants Akira to have never gotten hit in the first place, but people don’t get what they want and sometimes the universe decides to send one bad fucking driver through a red light and take away Akira’s entire life in a split second—one mistake, a coincidence at the wrong place and time, and the boy who fought God and won is a smear of bones on the pavement.
This would be different if it were sixteen years ago, and Goro had the power to bend people’s minds in half until they broke, or dive into the deepest, bloodiest parts of the collective psyche and pummel the worst of them to a pulp—but what’s he going to do here? Lambast a guy who was going ten miles under the speed limit and just wasn’t looking the right way? Is he going to summon a new Persona from his soul and undo time itself?
Can he do anything if the universe decides, one day, that Akira’s time on this earth is up? He spent all those years desperate for power, and then abusing that power, and then desperately guilty for having abused that power, and then desperately trying to get up that power, and now here he is with the power to do jack shit when his husband almost gets run over and if the Metaverse were still around he swears he would have carved Loki from his own soul out of sheer fury alone—
“No,” says Goro sharply, and stands up. “It’s nothing. I’m not hungry, and I’m going for a walk. Please don’t text me unless it’s an emergency.”
“What—hey! Goro, wait, wait—”
“I’m getting some fresh air!”
Akira’s scrambling to get out from behind the bar. “Didn’t you just get here—?”
Goro spins around and points a finger at Akira like it’s his fault: “You were the one,” he snarls, “who promised, when we got married, that we’d always be together. And now you get hit on a bike, and then stand up like it’s nothing and—and get on another bike and go cycling around the exact same streets where you got hit—? Aren’t you scared? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Akira falls silent. “I didn’t go back to the same intersection,” he says at last.
Goro can’t take this. “I’m taking a walk.”
“Wait wait wait, Goro, just—” Akira grabs Goro’s hand and Goro has the sudden urge to yank his arm away, but Akira’s hand is also incredibly real, just like it felt this morning and yesterday and the day before that and all the days Goro ever took Akira’s living, breathing body for granted. “I didn’t think it was a big deal. He was going, I dunno, twenty miles per hour at most. It was an intersection. He’d slowed down beforehand and everything, and I didn’t even get hurt on the fall.”
Right, because Goro’s the one who’s just freaking out for no reason. Right. Okay. Because that’s how he is, isn’t he, always being dramatic over little things. Right. Of course. This is fine.
When Goro doesn’t turn around, Akira moves around to the front to look him in the eye. “Sorry if I made you worry,” says Akira. “But it was really nothing at all.”
“Maybe it was nothing this time,” says Goro forcefully. “But what about the next time—the next car—the next time you borrow my bike? What about tomorrow? Or the day after that? Literally any one of the hundreds and hundreds of days coming up where you could easily die just as easily as you died today.”
“Then I’ll escape death hundreds and hundreds of times,” says Akira.
Goro scoffs.
“I mean it. I was a Phantom Thief, wasn’t I? I escaped death more than once. Did it again today. I’ll do it as many times as it takes until we’re both old and grey.” Akira takes Goro’s hand, but it’s Goro who laces their fingers together.
“Sometimes it doesn’t work that way,” says Goro, like a bad echo of his ten-year-old self, trying to figure out what kind of world would let his mother die.
“I’m just keeping my promise,” says Akira. “I told you that I’d never leave you. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Sometimes that’s not your decision to make.”
“It is and I’ve decided I’m immortal until you die.”
Goro scoffs. “Don’t be arrogant.”
“Is it being arrogant? I didn’t let death steal you away from me. I’m not letting it steal me away from you, either.”
“Sometimes…” Goro begins.
“'Sometimes’ what?”
'Sometimes’ what?
Sometimes things get worse. People die early, and unfulfilled; they streak through the sky in a blaze and then wink out, without even a burst of fire to show for it. Sometimes nobody gets a say in what happens, and plans don’t pan out, and wishes aren’t granted, and everything happens for no good reason and no good end.
Today, Goro Akechi-Kurusu is thirty-four years old, about sixteen years older than he ever figured he was going to be. He has a career in a non-profit for maladjusted youth getting reacclimated to school systems and preparing for college, instead of the career in law he figured he’d have if he actually lived that long. He doesn’t just have one friend, but multiple friends. He has, unbelievably, a husband, which honestly still floors him to this day, considering that he was and maybe still is convinced that marriage is a scam devised by asshole men like his father to manipulate young women into a false sense of security. The other day, Akira mentioned that he wanted to get a cat to keep Morgana company, maybe in a few years when they moved into a pet-friendly apartment, and in Goro’s head, it made sense that they would both be alive and together entire years in the future for them to get a cat.
Today is already an impossible day, isn’t it?
“Sometimes,” says Goro flatly, “you say ridiculous things, and I think that you could actually pull it off.”
Akira grins. Akira leans in for their regular greeting kiss when one of them comes home, but this time, Goro closes his eyes, leans into it, really tries to memorize the feel of Akira’s lips on his. Every line and scar on his hands, the odd ends of his fingernails, that familiar way he waits for four beats, then takes a breath through his nose and kisses Goro again, and never can quite seem to avoid kissing him more on the bottom lip than the top. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep,” he says plainly not three inches from Goro’s face. “It’s bad form to leave a calling card and never show up.”
Goro smiles. “Then I won’t let you break your word.”
When Akira pulls away, he kisses the back of Goro’s hand, like a proper gentleman thief of old. “Happy birthday, dear,” he says, and surprisingly, despite the way this awful day started off, Goro thinks that Akira might be able to pull that promise off, too.
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also i’ve been mulling over the “we’re Living ex machina!!!!” line and like, it still doesn’t make sense Really, but here’s my Afternoon Musings i guess
i’ve only actually seen ex machina once like 3 years ago but as i remember it goes a little something like This: some rando white-collar programmer guy has like, won a contest where the prize is to go hang out for maybe a few days or a week or so with this ~visionary genius~ tech dude played by oscar isaac at oscar isaac tech dude’s off-the-grid reclusive mansion or whatever.......i thiiiink the Protag Programmer won b/c his programming submission was Really Good but also maybe there’s a [randomly selected] element to it, or maybe we Think it was partly random selection but then learn it was actually All “yeah i chose you b/c your coding was the Best,” idk. doesn’t really matter but anyway yeah protag guy gets helicoptered in to the oscar isaac genius bro’s secret mansion 
oscar isaac soon reveals he has this advanced ai android whomst he wants the Protagonist to study / turing test, and the protagonist does that, but during one Conversation Session with this android (who is named ava i think? and designed to Look Like a Woman oo) like the lights turn off and ava-i-think informs the protagonist she’s found a Weakness in the mansion’s security system and hackt it so that the power (and thus the Security / Monitoring Systems) shut down for a minute like this but could feasibly be thought of as a glitch and anyways she’s like yeah i have feelings and thoughts and i want to Not Be Trapped here, ya gotta help me out here buddy, and then yknow ooh the systems come back on, oscar isaac can Observe them again, intrigue.....tl;dr protag and ava keep having these short secret convos and Do plan to break her out, there’s this dramatic moment where oscar isaac (who’s natch been acting weirder and more erratic as the plot unfolds) confronts the protag after the protag has just like, tried to get him blackout smashed by Hanging Out With Him lmfao and oscar isaac is like “ooh i knew you were planning to break her out, i’m gonna stop you guys though haha pwned” but then oh further twist, turns out ava and protag Knew that was the case and were thinking one step ahead and idk but yeah they break her out and oscar isaac dies but ooh further twist!!! ava locks the protag (or well, just Does Not Unlock, As Planned) in some room and leaves the mansion and gets on the Helicopter meant to take the protag back to wherever after the planned end of his stay. and the protag is just stuck there b/c everyone else is dead and presumably he dies as ava gets to exist in the outside world now, idk, we don’t need ex machina 2 where he’s escaped or smthing lmao
and i do NOT get what winston is comparing their situation to lmfao. like, oh rian is like an advanced ai android??? if anything, her being the more like ~true believer in High Finance as a means of socially beneficial effect~ vs winston like, having the supposedly cutthroat and cold Math approach would make Him more of the ~oh no more a robot than a person~ (though i think it’s Ambiguous whether we wanna judge ava as more Scary Bad or Sympathetic).........you can’t even really make the connection that “oh no we’re being deliberately Replaced!!” b/c if winston is [protag programmer rando] and rian is [ava] and wendy is, i guess oscar isaac then, uhhhh oscar isaac most definitely did Not intend to ~replace~ the protag with ava, he very much wanted her trapped in his mansion still........and the protagonist Only got “replaced” by ava in the sense that she took his place on the helicopter out of the reclusive secret mansion. i really doubt she planned to, or would even be able to, like take over his identity/life beyond that.....certainly not his job lol like, coworkers are gonna notice you’re a different person, there was no implication the androids can like oh shapeshift their appearance or whatever, and no implications about what ava even intended to do in the Outside World which is kind of bemusing b/c like, what of the Practical Questions of being an android and needing whatever Fuel Source a robot does, idk that might’ve been addressed or smthing like “oh yeah they can just Eat,” also she clearly does not Trust People considering her only company was evil oscar isaac creator and she wasn’t interested in bringing the protag along, plus yknow the fact that she Did deliberately manipulate the protag into thinking that she wanted to escape into the world With him........but not like i guess she has any choice for any other world to escape into but the one with all the people where she pretends to be an organic human
like there is just NO point of comparison where these situations line up unless you get soooooooo like broad strokes about ex machina that you’d do better to compare your experience to Anything else lmao. like, does winston think she’s some like, ideal advanced version of him?? like you might consider a crafted AI android to be?? i don’t know but i mean i think we have a more feasible explanation for why he’s so Insistent about this totally being Ex Machina, if only b/c as a straightforward comparison i swear to god it doesn’t work lmfao None of these points line up at all with any significance that’s worth insisting on
given that winston’s Apparently Canonically meant to be crushing on rian, and we have his example of ribbing her by calling her “gal gadot’s quirky sister” which is like, okay so the dunk is “you look similar to this famous a-lister who everyone thinks is pretty” and “also you’re quirky, boom” like, i think that could easily be meant as like, a Tell that winston already ~likes~ her.............aaaand it’s also somewhat ~ambiguous~ but i mean i think it’s safe to say that in Ex Machina you may understand the protag as having Fallen For the ai android lady. so maybe we can Understand this invocation of ex machina as being like “ooh person meant to replace me is Attractive but ultimately i think this Overall Situation is a bad thing i shouldn’t feel this way i resent it” like, a bit of a Reach, but honestly it’s way more of a reach to think about applying anything else about this scenario to ex machina, so i could v much believe that the thought that went behind writing this is once again, like, “okay winston’s invoking one thing on the surface level here, but simultaneously he’s already (inadvertently probably) acknowledging like oh also i have a crush on her already”
between this episode seeming to be Setup and the [winston has a Canon crush] and the fact that it probably seems like They Will Fuck A Nonzero Number Of Times or Make Out At Least But It’s Billions So, Might Get A Humorous Cut To [Postcoital] Or A Scene Where They Arrive At Work Together Short Of Breath With Messy Hair  And Hickies And Winston’s Got A Hoodie W/ “Property Of Rian” On It Until He Goes "Oh Shit Woops” And Hands It To Her And She’s Like “Oh Btw You Forgot Your Glasses.....Uh You Left Them Here On Your Desk Yesterday I Mean Of Course” And Hands Them To Him And An Unnamed Character Stands Up And Asks “Daily Poll: Who Had Sex With A Coworker Last Night” And Rian And Winston Raise Their Hands Before Going “Oh Wait” And Lowering Them With A Shake Of The Head And A Nervous Cough and i’m exaggerating but you know, the equivalent of the billions writing saying “wwinnnk” at us. i am fine with them having an unsolemn like, quasi-rivals-to-lovers (or -And-lovers) dynamic, even with it being a bit messy in like, still an overall Fun way, where yknow it doesn’t have to be peak epic romance cuz a) that’s just Always true and yet it can still be overall an okay thing even if they don’t quite get it together / mostly just trade sparks and sometimes hook up and b) idk seems like mayybe rian’s character isn’t meant to go beyond this season, so, an inherent limit there if true
i’m like Apologetic for being like “already i like their dynamic even as Romantique and it’s kinda cute and fun and i’m willing to continue to be engaged w/ this as long as the writing doesn’t completely fuck it up” lmao like, i guess i Did inadvertently give myself time to prepare for this exact eventuality b/c of wondering if this exact character would have A Thing w/ winston whenever she showed up and even if i was like “haha the character could show up Anywhere and do Anything and what are the odds, right” i was also like “hmm but i’m going to really think about it though” like, as always, didn’t think i was cassandraing that hard, but truly did do it 4x03 style where everyone else can be like “you never [made the text post or gave any indication you were thinking about “what if whoever she plays and winston have some kind of romance thing going on”]” and i can go “i only thought it but didn’t say it....doesn’t count” but well. i did think it lmao and why would i make it up.......sorry i had such a head start on Getting More Used To This Notion.......some crimes can never be forgiven.meme.......
anyways natch “intense horrible passionate” seems a little foreboding but maybe she was talking about it relative to [any Normal show] rather than the standards we’re used to on billions, where this was all but a Meet Cute, and a kind of quasi coworker rivalry where nobody’s taking it *that* deeply seriously and they also seem to mutually like each other by the end of 5x05 already so how not-amicable can it get. and re: Intense like, maybe the writing in future episodes will totally upend this, but i’d say rian and winston in 5x05, even when “clashing,” was like damn near laidback and chill. neither of them seem at all that pressed, but maybe even a sorta-playful Friendly Rivalry is more “intense” than, say, a dynamic that involves no rivalry at all. imo “Passionate” is just like, okay, so they’ll fuck or at least make out? sure. not sure what to make of “horrible” lmfao maybe again it’s addressing like “this is a lil messy and they’re kinda rivals!!!” like, certainly not an ideal start, except by billions standards it IS weirdly great. rian seeming good-naturedly amused by winston is something we didn’t get from his longtime-coworkers until like, now, sort of, and still not to the degree that anyone has smiled at him as many times as rian did in like that course of [1 min long First Scene Together] wherein also winston always gets off to a way worse start with people lmao............like everything about this seems Way Better And More Dialed Back And Grounded than usual, actually. but it’s that like, point of reference of “what’s Usual for winston and, more broadly, Billions” that maybe explains this weirdly strong language when all in 5x05 seemed chill actually
anyways like i said Sorry For Already Liking Rian/Winston This Much with my head start and all where like, i’m even tentatively looking forward to seeing where this goes, by “tentative” i also mean going [”i’ll kill you” the office.jpg] at billions where i am fully aware that maybe where this goes *is* a mess and not in like, just kind of a fun, non-melodramatic, not-treated-like-a-total-joke-but-also-not-that-big-a-deal way, where 5x05 could seem like Those Halcyon Days b/c everything from here out just devolves into an unappealing disaster.......but this is an unexpectedly solid start imo and like. even if this doesn’t become like this epic romance where they officially date and if rian does eventually depart the show by the end of the season, it can still just be Enjoyable and Fun for the characters and, god forbid, the viewers, where like, you don’t have to demand we be desperately invested with our entire life in this deadly serious heartwrenching epic romance, they can just kind of mess around and enjoy having a mutual attraction w/ this mathy rivalry and etc and it’s neither a tragedy of “the greatest love story of all time torn asunder” Or, truly god forbid,” this is a Whole Mess In A Bad Way b/c winston’s involved and ugh who could Really like him, being at all romantically entangled is an embarrassing mistake surely, ew cringe we hate him............like, cautiously optimistic in how like i always say that a Romantic Arc is just an easy/efficient way to develop both characters and it could certainly humanize winston an ounce in a show that treats him more like a walking algorithmic plot device and the thoughts of any viewers but us are limited to “winston annoying” basically........the show doesn’t seem to treat rian as a joke, so it seems possible that their mutual Romance in whatever way it unfolds could also be Not A Joke, which means winston’s part in it isn’t a joke, so that’s Some aspect of him for people to take seriously, for once..........like, the way his apparently-already-official crush played out in 5x05 *was* funny but it also didn’t seem like oh it’s a joke b/c his feelings are a total joke......it might seem that way if this *was* totally unrequited and going nowhere, but i somewhat get the sense that the interest is mutual even by the end of the ep, that didn’t strike me as a “shove off, it could Never Happen” shutdown from rian there, just like, hold off on that for rn maybe cue to rein it in a little, not just yet........anyways lmao i’m like “oh yeah i started this post about the baffling ex machina thing” but yeah the point is i think so far it’s pretty solid and i like it and am cautiously but [relative-to-billions level of Hopeful] about whatever developments we’re surely gonna get b/c it def sounds like this has Not ended with 5x05, but seriously @ billions i swear to god. yes so far the approach to winston’s crush here and even their unfolding mutual dynamique and dare i say, romantic interest, is being handled with an encouraging level of “this is Humorous but the characters / their feelings are not what’s being treated as A Total Joke or anything,” but who knows what will come next, this is billions and you can’t predict anything. fingers crossed about it all, though
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dolphiana · 5 years
People’s statements concerning Corona...
You know what time it is? Rant time! Because I spent waaaay too much time on Facebook and Twitter and read SO much ( excuse my words ) bullshit, that I need to talk about it. A disturbing amount of people still think this whole Corona mess is fake, a conspiracy, „just a flu“ or a bioweapon attack. Of course a random Youtuber, influencer or guy on Twitter is smarter than all scientists, doctors and politicians combined because they „woke up and see through everything that happens“ right now.
I guess they inhaled too much toxin while making their tinfoil hats, but let's take a closer look at those statements.
- „Corona is fake, people are not dying from it, they die from the panic that is caused!“
So hundreds, no, thousands of people are suffocating and their lungs are giving up because of media information? They hear that they are not allowed to go shopping at the mall anymore and gasp for air? They realize that restaurants are closed and that they have to cook meals themselves now and drop dead from the shock? Seriously?
- „It's a conspiracy, THEY want to control us, THEY want to change the system and distract from other things!“ None of those morons ever mentions who exactly THEY are. Lizard people? Illuminati? Toilet paper manufacturers? We'll never know.
Anyway, someone who seriously thinks that should think further. Why should THEY do this? The global economy is crashing, borders are closed, tens or hundreds of thousands have or will lose their jobs, people have to stay at home, governments have to invest billions to save their countries. Newsflash, governments usually want to earn money, not spend it.
More unemployment = less tax revenues.
Basically it's like someone usually earning $2000 per month, then suddenly they have to pay high bills for their broken car, get a new computer to continue working and help their sick parents while suddenly only earning half of their income.
And seriously, can you imagine all leaders of the world sitting down on one table in a secret Fortress of Evil and scheming a plan to terrorize and enslave humanity? Most of them only care for their own country and why would anyone risk driving their own country against the wall?
- „It's just a flu, lots of people die from the flu, it's normal.“ The flu  doesn't affect the lungs that badly and people's bodies often simply give up and they die at home. Corona directly attacks the lungs and many of those who catch it badly need to be taken to intensive care unit and be intubated. It's way more contagious than the flu and the dangerous part is that most people will never know they actually had it, but ran around and infected others who could die from it. The death rate is higher than the flu. Flu : roughly 0,1% Corona : 2-10% ( Numbers vary from source to source, but it's definitely higher than the flu. )
- „In Germany 25000 people died from it in 2017/2018, the country didn't shut down because of that either.“
I checked those numbers. 25000 is a rough estimation, including deaths where flu was assumed to be involved in the deaths. The cases that were actually tested and proven were less than 1700.
By the way, a flu season lasts 5 months and the Corona craze merely started a few weeks ago. Just saying.
The main problem here seems to be that people can't think ahead. Exponential increase is too complicated for their simple little minds. Corona spreads like crazy, so with the aforementioned higher death rate, if more people get infected then more will die. The only reason we don't have more deaths yet is because governments took action and everyone tries to keep the number of infections low.
So what do you want? Every country waiting for the number of Corona deaths to surpass those of the average flu first and only then starting to do something against it? I'm convinced those people would be the first ones to scream „Why did no one do anything sooner!?“
-“It's a bio weapon from China which they used against us!“ Nevermind the fact that a team of international and independent scientists examined the virus last month already and assured it's natural. Even if it spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology accidentally, that's what it was, an accident. Why on Earth would they want to endanger their own people? Their economy? Everything?
-“The average age of the Italian people who died from Corona is 79. The average lifespan there is 83. It's all normal, nature and such.“ Wow, just...wow. I wonder if they would still be as cold and heartless when their own parents or grandparents died a painful death from lack of air. „Well, sorry, Mom, you're 67, no one lives forever.“ Average means that there are older and younger people. Some are in their 90s, 80s, 70s, but some also are far younger than that. My grandma, for example, is 93 and still pretty healthy for her age. Someone who died because of Corona in their 70s could have lived for another decade or two.
-“There's only a risk for old and sick people, I'm young and healthy so I don't care. Survival of the fittest. I still wanna go out and have fun!“ Oh, so you risk the health/life of your parents, grandparents and lots of others just because you can't keep your damn ass on the couch? Survival of the fittest, natural selection....you're lucky that intelligence and empathy don't have anything to do with it or you'd be screaming bloody murder and begging for someone to finally end your suffering already.
Btw, there are numerous cases of young people ( we're talking around age 30 here ), who never smoked, are athletic and never had any health problems.
-“Corona is the revenge for those old white people causing climate change!“ Does anyone else get the urge to slap those who seriously said that? I do. Those old white people are your and your friends' parents and grandparents! The people who worked all day to afford your lifestyle, to buy you smartphones, computers and nice clothes, put food on your table, drove you around the town, took you on vacation, spoiled your ungrateful asses! For months young people went on the streets demonstrating for change, for realization what's happening around us, for actions. And now many of them ( not all of course ) prove that all they care about is themselves and that they're not an inkling better or even much worse than the „old white people“ they see as the ultimate enemy.
-“I keep hearing about hospitals being overcrowded, that's new, never was a problem before so why is everyone locked at home now?“ You probably lived under a rock for the past years, but hospitals are understaffed everywhere. Keep in mind that there are not only Corona patients needing medical help or a bed at the intensive care unit. Think of all the other reasons why someone needs to be at the hospital. Illnesses, cancer, tumors, heart attacks, strokes, pregnancy, broken bones and the normal flu. Those don't suddenly stop because Corona showed up. If hospitals are overcrowded because of Corona patients then people who have something not Corona-related will also be in danger because if they don't get the medical help they need then they could die as well.
Imagine you or someone close to you has a car accident and there's no hospital that can give the help which is needed, resulting in death. Taking the situation more serious now? China didn't quickly build 16 emergency hospitals just for fun.
There's probably more I wanted to mention, but I guess this journal is long enough already. To anyone who read it, thank you. Please feel free to use this against everyone who still doesn't take this situation seriously.
Be safe, everyone. We're in this together. *virtual hugs*
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Season 1, Episode 1: Izuku Midoriya Origin
First episode! I love this episode (well, the two-parter, anyway, as a whole. First chapter I guess). One of my favorite intros to a series ever.
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First scene! My ship! And their terrible, awful, rocky starting line. I hope the final scene of the series is some kind of callback to this, with an ironic twist on it. But yeah, this is Deku and Kacchan at the start of the series, at their most flawed. Deku being all hero with no super, Kacchan being all super with no heroism. But that’s about to change!
(why are they so cute?!)
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I think this scene is what cemented to me that I liked this series right off the bat. I love how they introduce the concept of what it’s like to live in a world where superhero battles are kind of mundane, with this guy on the phone telling his boss he’ll be late for work. Because of a super villain battle.
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Deku! Precious smile that cures me of all my ills. I love his design, BTW - I’m not sure what it is, but the freckles, the green hair and huge eyes, he’s just so unique looking. I can’t think of another character who I think he looks like.
(First impressions were basically: I love this guy, he’s totally like me. No wonder I relate to a geeky kid who takes too many notes on comic book heroes)
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So Deku’s class full of weirdos. How many pre-UA fanfics have these folks featured in, I wonder?
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Ah, Kacchan. First impressions: Apparently, I think like Tomura, because I totally thought this kid was being set up as a villain first time around. And I loved him. I love villains who are cool and charismatic and loved by all! (I started changing my tune by the end of episode 2). Yes, I like Bakugo. So if that’s a deal-breaker, just a warning (he’ll always be second to Deku though. Sorry.)
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Ooh, this ugly scene. I don’t remember what I thought of it at first, I just know that the fandom never stops bickering about it. Horikoshi has flat-out admitted that he didn’t mean Bakugo to come across this bad in the first chapter and feels he wrote him too evil though.
(BTW I think Horikoshi is the most “literally me” Mangaka of them all. I relate to him painfully hard. Ever commentary I hear from him about his experiences sounds like there’s some older Japanese male clone of me wandering around making manga.)
Better informed BKG meta writers than me have meta’d about this scene to death, and there’s about 50 billion fanfics out there where Deku tries it and turns into Yusuke Urameshi or something. I do wonder if this scene in particular will ever get a callback; I kinda doubt it.  
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Baby Deku doing the headbang while watching All Might vids. Meanwhile I headbang while watching this scene. Headbang-ception.
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Sad Baby Deku’s backstory. Rips my heart out every goddamn time they replay it. And they replay it a lot.
To get kinda serious, Deku being quirkless is sometimes interpreted as allegorical to being aneurotypical - I still remember how things were when my mom told me I had Asperger’s, and it was a lot like this scene (with less tears, because I was like 12 and 12 year olds don’t cry) - and I can totally see it. That’s one of the things I love about BNHA, btw - other superhero verses make having powers be analagous to being differently abled/LGBT/not-white/whatever, different in some way, not part of the privileged group, which just doesn’t make sense. Being gay does not equal shooting laser beams from your eyes. But being non powered in a world where most people have powers? That analogy works.
Sorry to get ya’ll down. Back to  cuteness!  
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Deku being so considerate of Bakugo! (ilovehimhaveimentioned) And still keeping up hope, in the face of all this sadness.
Thought in hindsight, it’s interesting how this still reflects Izuku’s character flaws. I mean, he’s not perfect. He likes to talk about how he could do this, but until the Sludge Villain Incident he never really does anything to make it happen. He’s a dreamer, but that’s also a problem. Shoto points this out later on “You need to back up your words with actions”.
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Deku gets attacked by the sludge villain. I love how they animated this, now having read the manga as well - his blurry vision really puts you in the scene.
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This next bit is perfect. Deku is more excited about meeting All Might than nearly dying. He has to get his autograph - but he’s already got it! (All Might you treasure). 
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The final scene on the roof is really interesting, it’s an odd place to cut the first chapter. But it does set up the big WTF twist at the start of ep 2. Episode 2 is one of my favorites of the whole series and I can’t wait to get to it tomorrow. As for Episode 1, it’s a solid setup and I’m so glad it hooked me in right away. 
BKDK Corner:
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So since, like, every episode has a little BKDK and I love it, I just figured I’d shove it in a section at the end of each recap.
Episode 1, where they start off on terrible terms with each other. Bakugo is introduced as a stereotypical bully, Deku as your typical lovable hero. You don’t really get into their layers until Episode 2 (though it’s all the same chapter in the manga). I like how the anime added a small look of “huh?” to Baby Kacchan’s face in the first scene, where he’s like ‘WTF why is Deku suddenly acting tough’ for a minute. Deku also gets protective towards him, even protecting Kacchan from himself. I didn’t start shipping them until episode 2, and I didn’t want to at first because they argue so much, but I fell in love with it anyway. 
BEST GIRL OF THE EP: Mt Lady/Yu Takayama!
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Check this link for info on her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOWPH4kLQ58&t=399s . Did ya know she was almost the MC?
Tomorrow: Episode 2 “What it Takes to be a Hero”
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roominthecastle · 6 years
I can't help but think you're being a bit too hard on Eleanor because of ship bias. I mean, why would you called her 'her worst self' and 'selfish' when she's always been one to throw stuff to get in heaven (even with the character development)? But suddenly she's being sappy and depending on someone who isn't Michael and the whole M/E fandom is at her throat. I'm as unconfortable as the next shipper with all the C/E scenes but is it really Eleanor and her characterization that's at fault?
Yes, of course I am biased (to a certain degree). When the show caters to my preferences, I’m more docile and much less likely to nitpick and complain, when it doesn’t and it drops the ball to boot, I get grumpy. So I’m your garden variety fan, basically. But I don’t believe I’m “at Eleanor’s throat”. Her and Chidi being together doesn’t make me uncomfortable bc it’s her and Chidi and not her and Michael (+ I often see things popping up in the C/E dynamic that can have potentially interesting implications for Michael’s development and for M/E, too. Generally speaking, the three of them make up a curious whole for me).
I know the chances of (2-sided) M/E happening are somewhere btw zero and never, so I’m not exactly eyeballing C/E as some kind of obstacle to my personal shipper nirvana, jumping at any chance to “punish” Eleanor for choosing the “wrong” partner. But I do feel uncomfortable with the way the C/E romance is written this season. “They are sidelining my no. 1 dynamic”, while frustrating, is not the reason for this, it’s not why I’m not crazy about Eleanor’s behavior and Chidi’s OOC-ness.
Eleanor + character development always resulted in stuff like her being emotional and vulnerable w/o getting aggressive and demanding, her accepting it when Chidi turned her down w/ dignity despite feeling heartbroken, and her being considerate of others to the point of volunteering to go to the Bad Place to save them. This is where she was a year ago and the year before that at the end of each season. This is not where she is now. I’m not saying being selfish and throwing stuff is not in her character make up or her problem-solving toolbox. Her overcoming these impulses, however, is the very point of her character development (made blindingly obvious last season when she lied about passing the Judge’s test and refused to go through the portal to TGP). What we have (currently! so it can change any time) in S3 is the opposite (see the in-your-face door to TGP that won’t open for her), it’s her completely giving in to these impulses to the point of seriously endangering everyone, meaning that she has, in fact, regressed. I suspect it is a point the show is trying to make but we’ll have to wait and see.
In “Janets”, all Janet asks is that they stay put until she and Michael deal w/ accounting. Eleanor works herself into a state over Chidi not opening up to her on command, putting Janet through hell and almost erasing her friends from existence while her own self is also disintegrating. Despite the serious consequences, this harmful behavior carries right over into the next ep where all Michael asks is that they lay low bc folks in TGP are so rule obsessed, they can send all of them right back to TBP. Eleanor immediately smashes stuff at the door to TGP bc it doesn’t open up for her when she demands it. It’s her bullying of Chidi from the previous ep all over again, only in a vase-meets-door form. Even Chidi has to be all about her now as he magically turns into a grossly idealized version of himself (see in S2 how she rejected a similar “fake Chidi”), spending the entire ep trying to prevent her from blowing up again while the rest of the team is cleaning up the mess in the mail room and Michael is away trying to fix the calculation issue. Despite the crazy-intense circumstances, everybody is trying to do something for somebody else except her - she is still hyper-focused on herself and it stands out to me bc this is a version of her I’ve never seen before and it’s def not the best one.
Again, it’s not because she is w/ Chidi but the issues become especially apparent within that dynamic since the second Michael showed her those memories, she just latched onto Chidi, expecting him to fill the void left by her screwed up upbringing that’s been freshly dredged up thanks to her not-dead mother. They made her lurch from “I’m incapable of love” to “I’m madly in love and nothing else matters”, hand-waving determinism while failing to provide any other reason why these 2 are suddenly together again. They are trying to play it as romantic/funny but it’s not romantic when someone’s whole identity has to be propped up by another person and it’s not funny how that other person has to repress his own identity/issues to be able to do this. It’s a suffocating, unsustainable interplay. Or if it’s meant to be interpreted as “love cures mental illness and erases every character flaw in 5 minutes, so you can finally be the proper romantic partner”, then it’s even worse. You don’t have to be a shipper of another ship or look too deep into this story to see these (imo) legitimate problems (but it helps, yes, since it’s natural to be more critical of sth you’re not emotionally invested in and gloss over stuff to preserve the fun potential when it’s your OTP or sth, I do give you that).
Eleanor having to coerce love and attention out of Chidi will never be cute, either, or proof that those feelings were there all along. People pushed some quotes from WJH into my face about how Chidi calms down bc he finally has what he always wanted - interesting choice of words, btw, given the pin Michael gave Eleanor - but 1) an actor’s opinion will not automatically replace my own (no, not even if it’s Ted’s or some other big fave’s) and 2) how exactly were we supposed to glean that Chidi wanted to be with her so much in this reboot? Was it when he went steady w/ another woman despite Eleanor being an option all along? was it when he refused to give private lessons to her bc he was just too busy? or was it when he - despite witnessing her meltdown - sent her packing bc they already had enough material for his study? For some reason the writers missed every opportunity to build this up properly and make this extremely syrupy display stick, but I’ve already said everything about that in another post.
This whole idea of “he felt this way all along, he just didn’t actually show it, so we can skip actual development” is a lazy, corner-cutting approach which reminds me of the worst kind of fanservice attempts I’ve had the misfortune of experiencing with several of my favorite shows recently. I have very low tolerance for that stuff now bc it never ends well. I did not expect to see this particular brand on this particular show, but here we are, I guess. Or if it’s a case of creative exhaustion/boredom where this billion times rebooted couple is concerned, then maybe it’s time to park them and give a not yet over-explored dynamic some attention instead to keep things fresh and fluid as opposed to stale and forced - again, not an unreasonable request, even if it comes from someone who is invested in another dynamic, given the lack of care that was apparently put into developing C/E this season.
I don’t like not liking things on this show (and it’s not Eleanor I don’t like, it’s the way they deconstructed her in order to write her back into a relationship as if she couldn’t exist w/o it), and I am sorry if I disappointed or offended bc it was not my intention. I hope they flip things or introduce a new angle that will make me re-evaluate. I am always open to that whenever new material arrives and I honestly hope they will make me eat my words soon. I will merrily absorb the suckerpuches. But for now, this is my opinion and “you just don’t like that she is not with your fave” - while a natural factor - is not the main reason why I made my comments.
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youcantundothepast · 6 years
javid headcanons
hey so I haven’t updated in forever (I have reasons just not good ones ngl) (also I’ve been absent on all of my blogs so don’t think y’all are special ;))
but for now here are some wholesome Javid (modern) headcanons that aren’t really supposed to be anything in particular they’re just kind of cute
they skip around from high school to married life and everything in between
also this is so long because I love imagining my two pure boys in love
tw: idk why but there’s more cussing than usual (but I wouldn’t consider it excessive)
- okay so first off, Davey is a mess
- like how does one date??? like he can barely stand his own life how can he share it with someone else????
- especially someone so perfect nice like Jack
- but this isn’t Jack’s first rodeo and God bless him he just smiles when Davey’s awkward and will kiss his cheek or something and Davey will never be sure how he landed someone so nice perfect
- they don’t like the hassle of splitting the bill on dates so they alternate on who pays for the date
- Davey brought Jack sunflowers once for his designated date day and on Jack’s next designated date day, Davey received a painting of said flowers
- as they continuously date, though, they begin learning each other’s favorite flowers
- like Jack loves stargazer lilies but Davey can’t have lilies because of Sarah’s cat, Cheerio (never forget Cheerio)
- Davey favorite flowers are baby’s breath
- on prom night, Sarah and Katherine surprise the two with matching stargazer/baby’s breath boutonniere and they just go soft
- “wait... oh my God I kissed you that night after you went dumpster diving!”
- also real quick, Sarah is Davey’s “best man” and he’s all like Sarah, you can wear a dress, you don’t have to wear a suit like Jack’s best man (Crutchie)
- and Sarah just glared and is like “bitch don’t take this from me”
- she was the best looking in the wedding photos rocking her amazing suit btw
- but back to when they’re just bfs
- when they first start being together Davey isn’t really sure what to think because they’re more than friends, but is it right to say Jack’s his boyfriend yet? (they hadn’t even had their first kiss yet)
- so he goes for a few weeks with them just have a few dates (are they dates though???) until Jack calls him his boyfriend in front of the other newsies (because he can register Davey’s apprehensiveness so he makes the first move)
- and Davey is just like ???!!?!!
- “you- you just called me the-the” and he can’t even register at the moment because the heart eyes are strong
- and Jack is just grinning and is just like “yeah, I just called you the b word. That’s okay with you right?”
- And Davey could just melt into a puddle and is internally like “HOLY SHIT WTF WHAT IS GOING ON I AM GOING TO IMPLODE BEFORE I DESERVE THIS NERD” but he just holds Jack’s hand and kisses the top of it and is like “yeah, I consider you my b word too”
- then Race says whispers “my bitch” to Spot and ruins the whole moment
(okay that sounded so awkward with the whole b word thing but I really wanted to make that joke because I love that meme(?) so allow me)
- their first kiss took a lot of time to build up to, but they both wanted to make sure it’d be perfect so it was on their last day of Junior year and they just spend thirty seconds afterwards just staring into each other’s eyes with their foreheads touching while holding the other’s hands
- Katherine takes a picture of the “first kiss aftermath” posts it to instagram (with their permission) with the caption “FINALLY!!!” with a billion heart emojis
- everyone who didn’t know the two were together scream in the comments
- Jack has to make a follow up post of Davey kissing his cheek and him winking with a huge smile of his face with the caption “my boyfriend ❤️”
- Race, ofc, comments “I thought he was your bitch”
- they’re not really into PDA except simple hand holding and small pecks on lips/face every so often
- Jack’s favorite sign of affection is rubbing his thumb along the top of Davey’s hand especially when Davey gets really anxious because it helps him calm down and remember to breathe
- Davey loves to run his hands through Jack’s hair because it is so soft and sometimes Jack won’t cut it for a while and it’ll curl at the ends and Davey loves playing with them
- they usually only do this though when in private or around close friends because they feel like they’re shoving their relationship down people’s throats with obvious actions
- sometimes someone like Finch will fake gag and Katherine will punch him and he won’t do it again because damn Katherine punches hard
- Jack’s favorite dates are when they just order take out and sit on the couch all night to watch movies
- Jack has made Davey’s watch Brother Bear probably 300 times, but while Jack loves every second of the movie, Davey just smiles and powers through
- it is a good movie though (go watch it if you haven’t you are going to cry your eyes out)
- Davey likes to watch the action movies and superhero movies like Marvel
- (they totally went to see Infinity War and Davey was so broken after like he just stayed in bed cuddling with Jack for hours balling his eyes out)
- (then they went to see Ant-man and the Wasp and the cycle repeated)
- Davey’s favorite dates though are packing some sandwiches and apples/chips and just going to the park and having a picnic or going stargazing
- in NYC, they don’t see many stars so for Davey’s birthday, Jack picked him up in the middle of the night once and drove them to the middle of nowhere to stargaze
- for Jack’s birthday, Davey wants to do something special, but isn’t really sure what to do until Sarah gives him an idea
- it’s Jack’s 18th birthday so he gets a big box and fills it up with “18 things I love about you” and Jack cries reading the little notes Davey writes
- it’s things like a box of new color pencils with a note saying “you add so much color to the lives of everyone you meet” and also a fidget spinner with a note taped on saying “once start something, you won’t quit until it’s finished. but you also get annoying pretty quick ;)” so it’s just a bunch of useless junk but the sentiment and thoughtfulness of it is what makes it special
- did I say Jack cried? I meant to say Jack BAWLED
- like some of the little tear marks never came out of the pieces of paper
- when they decide they want to get married, they just kind of propose to each other
- like one night they are just like “hey, here’s a wild idea, but I love you like a lot and want to spend the rest of my days with you so let’s get married”
- and a month later, they surprise each other with rings so they both have engagement rings
- (low key inspired by AKB/Scott Bixby because that shit is adorable)
- but every relationship has to have some turbulence but it took me a while to come up with something because I don’t want these boys to be mad at each other :(
- so first off, they don’t argue long about the stupid stuff because they realized early that none of that is worth it because they make each other happy and that’s rare to come by these days
- but there are some persistent things they argue about ike Davey never taking care of himself (especially during their college days)
- poor boy doesn’t get enough sleep :(
- Jack’s hamartia is the fact that he can’t stand injustice/assholes
- so he’s often come home with a bloody lip or black eye
- Davey understands, but he wishes Jack wouldn’t get himself hurt so much
- (so they basically both have the same problem they just experience it in different ways)
- it’s when Jack calls Davey from jail when they have a big fight
tw: vague attempted sexual assault
- “A bar fight? What the hell, Jack?!”
- it was the worse Davey had ever seen him with his jaw swollen and bruises littering his whole body
- “Not my fault that motherfucker-“
- “You can’t just fight anyone who is rude or is racist! I hate people like that too, but you can’t punch them a few times and expect them to change in an instant. Some fights you just shouldn’t pick!”
- Jack had never seen Davey so mad so he takes a deep breath and reaches through the bars of the holding cell and grabs Davey’s shoulder calmly
- “Dave... the drink was drugged. I saw the guy put somethin in the woman’s drink when I was passin by the bar. I warned her, but then he came up and started makin a scene. Started making him the victim. He practically demanded that I let him take the girl home as if I could give him permission. Poor girl was so shocked and scared, and he wasn’t backin off. It was just me and him for a while and then his buddies showed up. Some other people tried to help me, and then the cops showed up. Fuckers pinned it all on me and I was in here before I could even let a word out.”
- Davey is speechless by Jack’s story and he was pretty sure he fell in love all over again
- “I jus hope that girl’s okay. She was cryin when I was being put into car in handcuffs. The other guy was only brought in for questioning. Said I was the one who started it and they believed me, saying only kids my age would start trouble like that. Apparently he’s a mechanic at the building down the road. Probably gives these cops discounts or somethin. It’s a load of shit if you ask me.”
- “I know, Jack. Let’s just get you out of here so you can heal up. Knowing you, you’ll probably have another black eye soon enough. Have to heal this one up so you don’t keep the next one waiting.”
- when they’re in their car, Davey reaches across and kisses his swollen jaw
- “I’m sorry about yelling at you, I didn’t know. You’re an amazing person, I should’ve known you wouldn’t just get in a random fight.”
tw over
- ahhh they’re so in love!!!!
- the best thing though is that they’re each other’s support systems
- like every night they go to bed and just cuddle and whenever one has had a bad day, the other will just open their arms and hug them and kiss them for as long as they need
- there’s just so much reassurance and small little compliments between the two
- a lot of stuff has happened during their lives and sometimes it just catches up to them, but the other is always there to catch him
- it’s just full of all-rounded, pure-hearted goodness
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nautilusopus · 6 years
when you reposted the gaud post. no thats not all. don't "tumblr step up your game" us. that person is terrible and before you assume that's all they did you could at least look up gaud receipts???? even so people paying $1000 for them to eat crayons is still a bad thing as well, when there are tons of posts being reblogged that are about to be homeless lgbt people asking for money, or stuff like that. and you have the audacity to say "tumblr step up your game"
who the fuck is “us” 
who are you people, how do you keep finding me, and don’t you have voltron gifsets to make or something
i’m gonna need a little more to go on other than “that person is terrible” because i keep googling and i’m honestly not getting anything. anyone can say “that person is terrible” with nothing whatsoever to back it up. remember the aphobe list? or the billion other clones of it on basically every issue ever? remember that time i got called double backwards reverse racist against myself? 
also if we’re gonna pull the “there are people starving in ___” business, you know it’s possible to care about funding dumb bullshit without first making sure there isn’t a morally superior cause for it to go to, right? this is the same bullshit line of thinking that leads to people saying “you bought a video game instead of donating that $60 to charity!” “you reblogged this post about a movie being dumb when people are DYING in third world countries RIGHT NOW”. would i, personally, fund someone’s eat-a-crayon endeavour? no, that’s kinda dumb, i can go babysit my niece and see that. but it’s one absolute fucking hell of a stretch to suddenly call someone morally reprehensible for it. christ. 
like, did you miss the part last month where i fucking ran out of money and had to beg my followers for $60 because there were no more corners for me to cut because i was already eating once every four days and still couldn’t afford my meds? did you see me make a guilt-trip post immediately afterwards for everyone going out to eat when they could have given that money to me, someone who truly needs it? no, because that’s kind of shitty and demanding everyone be constantly aware of and fighting every single injustice in the world is, 1. unrealistic (there’s a reason people get exhausted and just stop giving a shit), and 2. really fucking manipulative and is less about encouraging people to do the right thing when they can and more about a bunch of performative nonsense where you look good if you yell at the right people, even if it is to absolutely no fucking end whatsoever.
is there a game you were planning on buying when it came out? too fucking bad. here’s my ko-fi. you’re morally obligated to give me that money instead. you owe me. i’m starving, in debt, and in actual, serious, no-joke, immediate danger of losing my apartment next month and have nowhere to go, and due to the shutdown i am unable to take out a loan to tide things over until then. your video game can wait. or your latte, or whatever non-essential you were gonna spend that money on. cough up, bucko.
what? you say it’s unfair of me to demand you have to give me your money when you’re not exactly loaded yourself, and that while it’s nice to chip in while you can, you’re not responsible for the welfare of a stranger on the internet especially when you want to spend that money on something so ultimately small that’ll make you happy? fancy fucking that. 
(btw sorry guys i swear i’m working on that bonus fic it’s just longer than i thought it would be bear with me, thanks for your support sorry i’m bad about deadlines)
now, if anyone actually wants to tell me who the fuck gaud is and if they’re a MAP or a neo-nazi or a terf or some shit, i’m all ears, fuck ‘em. but until then, if the biggest objection is “there are children starving in africa”/hardcore crayon-eating action? no chicken blood closet? no bone theft? no running a massive years-long financial scam over a Hamilton AIDS AU fanfic that only got outed because another author was mad that they were accused of “gentrifying cannibalism”? no gigabytes of kiddie porn on their hard drive? just crayons?
Tumblr, step up your game.
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Nothing Sez “Student Game” More Than The Dinosaur Evening News (that’s a good thing, btw)
The above is Mediazoic, which takes place in an alternate reality in which dinosaurs have come back to rule the earth and they've hired you, puny human, to make sure their televised broadcasts are dino family safe.
You moderate comments left on message boards, censor full frontal dino nudity, and so on. It's a student game alright, and one of my top picks from the NYU Game Center Student Showcase2018!
I was also fond of Dreams For Your Computer because CRTs, magnets, and cats...
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... Here's what it looks like in action, btw.
Though the one game that I liked the most, and which would actually fare well on the marketplace, would have to be Static...
And honorable mention goes to an updated take on Flight Simulator, which recreates a 6 hour long commercial flight as a passenger...
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... The best part was the look on Stephen Totilo's face, who kinda didn't get it.
When was the NYU thing btw? Over two weeks ago, and it’s been even longer since the last update. Sorry about that. You know the deal: a million, billion things going on. As usual.
Hence why it’ll take not just one, but two bursting at the seams posts, to cover the second half of May! So onto part one…  
Please, please, PLEASE let these Game Center CX Blu-rays have an English language option (via miki800.com)...
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Not a day goes by in which I don’t wonder how that guy who appears in the instruction manual for Bomberman B-Daman is doing these days (via videogameartarchive & videogameartarchive)...
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I really love the “are you for real?” vibe that Samus gives off in the instructions for the original Famicom Disk System release of Metroid (via nintendometro)...
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If you’ve ever wondered what a pair of bosses from Mega Man 9 & 10 would look like with 8’s 32-bit sheen, well here ya go (via mendelpalace)...
A print ad for the Famicom adaptation of Akira that wasn't all that hot (via videogameads)...
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Though whenever anyone hears the words “Akira video game”, this is basically what immediately comes to mind. Anything else is a disappointment, no matter what (via aaronkraten)...
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Welcome to the rabbit hole that is the Memorex VIS (via @ColinWilliamson)...
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Is the soundtrack to some ultra-obscure home banking software for the Mega Drive worth a listen? You goddamn right it is (via mendelpalace)...
… The accompanying article is also totally worth a read.
It’s the Battletoads X Blue Swede mashup that you can’t believe hasn’t been done yet (via SiIvaGunner)...
Replace Link with myself & Navi with my iPhone, which I use as an alarm clock, and you have earlier this morning in a nutshell (via nintendometro)...
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“So where you going?”
“Down a road. A low poly road…”
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“Where you headed towards?”
“Whatever’s at the end of this street. This low poly street...”
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“If you look up, what do you see?”
“Low poly buildings, under a low poly sky. Who knows, maybe there’s some low poly birds up there, behind those low poly clouds…” (via pmpkn)
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From looking at low poly skies to soaring high above them, but what a difference an arcade board makes huh (via kazucrash)...
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This is what Metal Max 2: ReLoaded on the DS looks like, at its normal resolution...
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And this is what it looks with the resolution bumped up (via gaucheartist)...
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Is this sprite of a BMX biker animated unusually well or am I just out of touch when it comes to 2600 software? Granted, it does come from a game made in 1989 (via segagenesisevangelion)…
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According to the law: “NO JUMPING” (via vgadvisor)
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“Hi guys.” (via beowulf-ultra)
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Such a heartwarming scene (via @PicturesFoIder)...
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This is what VR looked like many years ago, which is basically how it still looks today as well (via peazy86)...
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It’s Yuji Horii, from way back in the day, presumably before he had created Dragon Quest (via videogamesdensetsu)...
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Why yes, I have heard of the Ocelot Arcade System, by virtue of it being Quality Simon Carless content...
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... BTW, “Quality content” is in reference to this. Moving on: yes, I've also heard of VecFever. It plays games that you might be familiar with, since it emulates old vector MAME titles...
Meanwhile, am only just learning that Tiger released their handhelds in Japan under the Game Vision label (via segacity)...
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The Sega Dreamcast: it's thinking... about you, cuz it cares about you (via posthumanwanderings)...
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"Wait… was he always there?" asks the official Sonic the Hedgehog Tumblr (via sonicthehedgehog)...
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And the final nail in the coffin for this gag came courtesy of the official Sonic Tumblr as well (via sonicthehedgehog)...
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"Good news everyone skyrim has been ported to the Bethesda offices carpet" 
"Who the fuck designed support pillars to obstruct a quarter of the hallway?" 
"Bethesda" (via mysteriouslypeculiar)
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Yet another "it's funny cuz it's true" (via highlandvalley)...
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So annoyed that I only find out about this Games Glorious shirt on the very last day of kylefewell‘s Japanese extrusion (via miki800.com)...
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Not a fan of the game (don’t hate, I just don’t find it very enthralling), yet for whatever reason, I REALLY want this vintage Mappy sweatshirt (via namcomuseum)...
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When video game attire looks plausible IRL (via @cvxfreak)...
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Much like with regular attire, with cosplay, sometimes it’s all about the accessories (via frankiebalboa)...
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Don’t think I’ve ever seen this piece of Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter art before (via segacity)...
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For those who dig POC, as well those who dig VF, and also those who dig FV... that last one's Fighting Vipers, BTW (via fightersmegamix)...
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It’s a crying shame that Fighting Vipers is such an unknown commodity these days (via kazucrash)...
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Virtua Fighter vs Virtua Fighter… Kid (via segacity)...
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It’s a crying shame that Fighters Megamix is such an unknown commodity these days (via segacity)...
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So hyped for RPG Time, based solely upon the headline image used for this 10 ten list of BitSummit games (via @indiegameweb)...
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Please enjoy yet another thing that I originally posted on a Saturday late at night, whatever time it might on your end right this second (via contac)...
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Been a while since I’ve seen the handiwork of Joe Bleeps, largely since it’s been a while since I’ve been collecting Game Culture Snapshots; the man has certainly stepped up his game (boy mods) since way back when (via kotaku.com)...
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Am also very much impressed by the Game Boy Macro, though once again, am super irritated that GBA games do not rest flush with the DS Lite’s body...
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An example of function over form I guess (@gamesyouloved)...
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Familiar with Line Wobbler? Ever wished you could play it on the go? Are you into demakes? For the Game Boy Advance? (via @diskmem)
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Today’s corrupted GBA boot up sequence is (via corruptionasart)...
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Can anyone tell what Famicom game we’re seeing that’s all glitched out? (via mendelpalace)...
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My fave part of this NES 2 print ad is how, in order to truly drive the message of “EVOLVE OR BECOME EXTINCT” home, whomever felt it necessary to include a little picture of a dinosaur (via nintendometro)...
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Was this an ad for the SNES? I ask because it’s considerably more sophisticated when compared to what you usually encountered in gaming rags at the time (via nintendometro)...
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This ad for the GoldStar version of the 3DO, hailing from Korea, makes me so proud to be (half) Korean, you have no idea (via notablegamebox)...
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This Space Invaders tribute piece is like the cover art to some 80s heavy metal record (via shmups)...
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Meanwhile, the album art for the Metal Black soundtrack feels more Pink Floyd-ish than anything else (via reportal)...
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As amazing as it would have been to attend a ZUNTATA concert 20 years ago, I desperately wanted to see them perform various Darius cuts live just the other week (via miki800.com)...
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This cover art for a tribute album celebrating 25 years of Mega Man is still quite good, 31 years after the fact (via rnn-draws)...
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My recommended reading this time is a comparison of all the various Mega Man sprites that have been, including a few that you may not be familiar with (via retrovania-vgjunk.blogspot.com)...
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Apparently there was a Mega Man boss that was part arcade machine, but he only appeared in some mobile game, for f's sake Capcom (via mendelpalace)...
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Guess now’s a good time to share another random game canter pic (via gogopri)...
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Pathos at the game center, even among Sailor Scouts (via funnysailorm00n)...
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A pride & joy of my personal collection is both the original retail Japanese release of Jet Set Radio & the available via Sega Direct only edition: De La Jet Set Radio (via videogameartarchive & videogameartarchive)...
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Here's an alternate take on it’s alternate cover star (via @Drooling_Demon)…
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Putting together the necessary gear to properly grind the streets of Tokyo-to (via kiroziki-cosplay)...
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JSR tales place in a fictionalized, idealized interpretation of Japan, whereas this gif is a very realistic take, yup (via dehtyar)...
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Meanwhile and elsewhere, somewhere in the United States of America it would seem (via behexagusthegreat)...
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There's still dinner time in the future (via kirokazepixel)...
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My contribution to #WorldGothDay (via it8bit)…
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From dark & dreary, to warm & fuzzy, yet still black & white (via this old post from a few years back)...
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Old photos of a Japanese school kid obsessing over the Famicom are somewhat dime a dozen, but the PC Engine? A very rare treat (via gamingremembrance)...
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From black & white photographs of Japanese 80s kids playing consoles, to a full color animated gif of US 80s kids at the arcade (via tvneon)...
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Time to wrap things up by touching upon something that kept me awfully busy over the past few: Death By Audio Arcade X Dreamhouse II. Here's a rather mysterious image that appeared on the FB event page, and which was utilized in my promotional push...
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... Did it work? You’ll have to find out in my part 2 of my Attract Mode X Tumblr: May 2018 recap! Due tomorrow. Maybe.
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