#sorry for rambling when y’all send me asks
firstkanaphans · 10 months
Raysand flirting has me giggling and kicking my feet. I love that theyre letting us have this before all the shit hits the fan
It’s what we deserve! This was not at all the energy I was expecting from them, but we’re getting soft morning afters and romantic background music in episode 3? They’re endgame, I’m telling you! Endgame!
Clearly, neither of these boys knows how to have a one-night stand. The fact that Sand even slept over at Ray’s in the first place is wild to me, but then to have Ray acting all clingy with him the next morning? For Ray to go full boyfriend mode and ask to drive him home? My heart can’t take the cuteness.
What I loved about this episode is that even though Ray and Sand are both saying that things aren't serious, their actions are saying exactly the opposite. We see that Sand is never far from Ray’s mind. As soon as the opportunity presents itself, Ray uses the party as an excuse to see him again. We also see that Sand is having a positive effect on both Ray’s drinking and his self-esteem. Ray stays sober the entire episode and even has the confidence to tell his friends that he can handle the music because he knows he has good taste—something Sand told him in the previous episode. And the way they were flirting at that party…God, it was just 🤌🏻
I think we’re in a situation where Sand is fully aware of what’s happening and Ray is willfully ignorant. Like clearly Ray’s hangup is on the word “boyfriend” and not boyfriend behavior because baby, you are already boyfriend-shaped. I think these two could literally have a whole ass relationship and as long as Sand still calls them “friends with benefits,” Ray would be none the wiser. But of course Sand is eventually going to want more and that’s when Ray is going to break.
I talked about this a bit here, but my theory is that Ray wants to be in a relationship, he simply doesn’t think he’s good enough for one. So as soon as Sand wants more, he’s going to push him away. You can see this in his conversation at the bar with P’Yo. When she’s talking about her boyfriend, Ray basically says, “Where’s mine? I want one.”
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Well, he’s waiting for you, Ray. You just have to be brave enough to fight for him.
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dearsnow · 5 days
- after being harassed by a drunken stranger, your bar boyfriend swoops in to save the day (bob floyd x fem!reader, fluff, reader is intended to be on the quieter/more introverted side, but if you’re not like that you can ignore that one line ⚠️ verbal sexual harassment, drinking).
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word count: 1,206
a/n - tell a friend to tell a friend… SHE’S BAAACKKKK!!!! i’m so glad to be back to writing, y’all have no idea how much i missed it. i’ll probably be a bit rusty until i find my rhythm, so please ignore the not-top-quality writing until then. also, feel free to send in requests or chat!!
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“Oh, no, I’m sorry, I have a boyfriend.” You utter apologetically, side-stepping the arm of the man in front of you. He reeks of beer and a hard day’s work, his scruffy face all too unkept in the lighting of the bar. You can’t even fathom exactly why you’re in the bar in the first place- you’ve never been one to explore, but this man is making you feel like you never want to leave your house again.
Your eyes scan the room, but no one seems to notice your predicament. The bar is full of Navy men, surely one of them would be fine with pretending to help you. “C’mon, sugar, one drink. Thas’ all ya have to do. If it goes well, hey, I wouldn’t mind one fuck either.” He grins, winking. The hope that you held in your heart is quickly dissipating. “He don’t have to know.” You feel your stomach drop as he moves to grab your hand, but an firm grip shoves his fingers away instead.
“Honey, is this guy bothering you?” A voice behind you speaks. You quickly turn around.
“I… yeah.” You stutter. You’re staring right into the face of a guy in a uniform, his jaw set as he glares at the drunk through his glasses.
He moves in front of you, creating a physical barrier between you and the significantly shorter man. Relief floods you. “Then I think he’d better leave before someone kicks him out, huh?”
The intoxicated man rolls his eyes, but frantically shuffles out the door of the bar. His gait was evidently terrified.
The tension is pulled from your shoulders, and you unintentionally sigh. The guy with glasses turns around to face you. His expression is softer now that the threat is gone, and his concern is almost cute.
“Are you alright?” He asks. “I’m sorry for the pet name thing, but I overheard you and I couldn’t really just stand there and watch. I’m Bob, by the way, Bob Floyd.” He reaches his hand out for you to shake, and as you do, his hesitates through his rambling.
You smile at him. “Thank you, Bob, I’m fine. And I don’t mind.” His grip is firm but not crushing, just like his presence. You introduce yourself, and he nods like he’s desperate to commit the sound of your name to memory. The respectful tone is honestly a breath of fresh air with the raucous energy of the Hard Deck, causing your cheeks to be a few degrees warmer when you pull your hand away. Our of the corner of your eye, you can see him wipe his somewhat clammy hands on the sides of his pants.
“Also, I’m sorry for taking the place of your actual boyfriend. I assumed you just didn’t know where he was, so I stepped in.” His eyes search for your own, holding steady eye contact. They’re the prettiest shade of blue you’ve ever seen.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. I don’t actually have a boyfriend, but I thought a lie was the better choice. You saved me, and that’s all that matters.” Your voice has a certain breathy quality to it. You’ve completely transitioned from terror to being deeply attracted to the person who spared you an even more intense confrontation. Bob’s eyes widen just slightly.
He takes his hands away from his sides and motions to one of the tables in the corner, his face just the slightest bit pinker. “Would you want to sit down?”
You nod, and he leads the way. As he’s pulling out your chair for you, you can’t help but wonder how your night turned out this way. You went from having the worst night of your life to dizzily encountering the person you could only describe as being your bar boyfriend.
You just recently moved to this part of San Diego for a newfound job opportunity, completely unaware of your proximity to the Hard Deck and a Naval base. You didn’t know anyone or anything, and as someone who isn’t necessarily very outgoing, it was hard for you to adjust. Not even your coworkers were easy to make friends with, so you slowly became more and more isolated.
The bar was kind of your last resort. You didn’t expect to find anything great, and you still don’t know what compelled you to go, but some hidden part of you figured that at least you could get some form of entertainment. Finding Bob, though, you never expected.
Conversation feels easy with him. He seems like a quiet guy, but he knows exactly what to say to keep you talking, and he offers insights of his own that just further the subject you’re talking about. Words fly from your mouths, and you can say that you’ve never enjoyed talking more. You bounce from common topics like work and hobbies to deeper breakdowns of memories and experiences, your smile growing wider every second. You’re completely in a world that was built brick by brick for you and him.
You’re so lost in the moment that you don’t even notice the woman who rests her hand on the back of your chair until she speaks. “Bob, you of all people? Never would’ve expected you to abandon us for a pretty girl.”
Bob reddens as you turn to face her. “Sorry, Nat.”
She holds a hand out to you, which you shake. “Call me Phoenix. He’s my backseater, and apparently a lady killer tonight.”
Bob stands as Phoenix gives him a pointed look. “Sorry to steal him away from you, but he’s taken way too long of a break from our pool game. I’ll give him back to you later.”
“You say that like I’m a robot.” He grumbles, showing just a hint of disappointment at having to leave your conversation.
You wave him away. “Have fun, Bob. I’d better go anyways.”
“Wait-“ he starts as you stand up, “-could I give you my number first?”
You secretly cheer inside of your head. You nod, and he takes a pen out of his shirt pocket. “Here.” He mumbles, writing it on a spare napkin and handing it to you. His fingers brush over yours, sending electrifying sparks throughout your entire body. You could get used to this feeling, you think. His hand hovers for a split second before regretfully moving away. “It’s, uh, it’s up to you, but I’d really like it if you called or texted. I had a nice time with you.”
You tuck the napkin into your bag, eyes soft. Bob thinks he’s never seen a sight so beautiful- the sun is setting behind you, and it casts you in a golden light as your mouth quirks up. “Of course I will. I had a nice time with you too.”
Your voice is quiet, but a sound that he relishes all the same. He could’ve gotten lost in you if Phoenix wasn’t impatiently tapping her foot next to him.
She pulls him away, and though he knows he’s up for a lot of teasing, Bob can’t find it in himself to care. He just knows that he needs to see you again, and you know that no matter what, you’ll make it happen.
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7brownsuga7 · 4 months
Can you please write dumb/cute/random things BTS members will do while they are crushing on reader?
Sorry this took me 10000 years <3 but here we go :)
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He’ll be in his head a lot, zoning out, thinking about you constantly. I see him walking through parks trying to clear his head from thoughts of you.
I also see him writing songs or poems about you. This crush definitely helps motivate him!
He’ll purposefully listen to songs or read books/poems that remind you of him
He will listen to songs and make up scenarios in his head
Lmfao he’ll like randomly blush or chuckle when he thinks about you doing something cute.
Will send you recommendations like books, songs, shows etc. And will get into anything you’re into
Giggles a lot
Becomes quite shy from time to time
Constantly checking his phone to see if you messaged, and whether you do or not will affect his mood
He’s awkward as hell and will make stupid (still funny ofc) jokes to try and mask the awkwardness
He will try to be as casual as possible
In his head a lot. And overthinks every little thing he says. Will often be embarrassed by it
I can see him coming up with things to say (jokes too) for the next time he’s around you
Will constantly turn red every time he’s around you and will get defensive when you notice
He will come up with random excuses to see you.
He’s constantly bringing you up in conversations and will get defensive when someone mentions it
I can see him talking to himself about you. He’s stressed and will express that out loud to himself when he’s alone.
To be honest I don’t see the crush lasting long because he’ll be direct and confess quite soon after he figures out his feelings
He will lowkey get into anything you like. Like if you mentioned a show you watch he’s gonna definitely check it out. Oh you said you like this snack? Yh he’s gonna try that too
Will find ways to distract himself, more so with his work
This crush makes him feel uncomfortable. He gets butterflies which he isn’t used to and he is all of a sudden shy around you. He hates it
Finds himself fidgeting whilst around you
Zoning out and in his head a lot.
Constantly checking his phone to see if you messaged. And he hates it. He scolds himself when he catches himself doing it. And will then try to distract himself with his work.
Very nervous and giggly around you
He’s taking this to his grave btw. He’s not telling you about his crush unless you figure it out yourself
He’ll point out things that remind him of you. “Ah y/n loves that”
Constantly asking about you
Will have his cameraroll filled with random pictures/ videos of you
He will insist on getting his nails done to match yours
Will steal glances at you and then get embarrassed about it
He’s bringing you up in every conversation. Sometimes he doesn’t even realise it
He will ask for your opinion a lot
He will pick up on the little things you do and will mimick you. Most of the time mindlessly but also to make fun of you
Finds stupid excuses to touch you
Again he’s in his head a LOT! He can’t stop thinking about you
He will pick up on the little things you do and will mimic you. He does this to tease you.
He has a habit of staring at your lips when you’re talking to him
Jealous and he hates the feeling. You’re driving him crazy!
I feel like he will try to make you jealous now and then. But will soon realise that what he’s doing is stupid
Will take random candid pics of you
Catches himself staring at you a lot and will then get shy and blush about it
He will ask for your opinion about most things
Fidgeting when you’re around
Will 100% talk to yeontan about you. Like I can see him laying in bed stoking yeontan while rambling about you and sighing LFMAOO
He will completely show how he feels. 100% forward and bold. Y’all might as well be together because he’s already acting like your man
He’ll be very clingy and needy.
JEALOUS. He will probably throw up and faint if he sees you talking to someone else
Stalking your socials & 100% has no shame about it
Texts/facetimes/calls you constantly. Not to the point where it’s overbearing but whenever he’s free he will reach you.
He has a habit of biting his lower lip when he’s around you
This crush is taking over his life. He’s obsessed and is constantly thinking about you. It’s driving him crazy.
Biggest simp
Will occasionally rub his stomach because he feels butterflies when he thinks about you
Yeah he’s stalking your socials too. He’s going to overanalyse everything and find himself in a routine of constantly checking
Already treating it as a relationship lfmao. He knows he likes you and now can’t help but to treat you like you’re already together. Call it delusional, he calls it manifesting.
Will talk to Bam about you. Will literally let out everything he’s feeling to Bam while stropping about the situation and stroking him lfmao
Has made a playlist with every song you’ve mentioned, posted, listened to, and will add songs that remind him of you.
Constantly checking his phone to see if you messaged, and will overthink if you don’t. Will bite his lip as he thinks if he should text you first. He will then get all excited when you eventually text him.
He will pick up on the little things you do and will mimic you. He will do this mindlessly
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vacantgodling · 3 months
sorry this is gonna be a ramble. tl;dr help your local black transmasc queer pay his rent.
for those who want slightly more details:
i really don’t like asking for money (and i haven’t despite everything going on ever in my life) but this is just getting frustrating and i could use a little help. my job doesn’t pay me enough (even when i don’t take off) to pay my rent in one go and usually i have to split the payments. because i have been dealing with health issues lately and have had to take off some days, my paychecks have been shorter and shorter and it’s frustrating. i’ve been pushing myself this past pay period so i should be able to make things work next paycheck. but right now even just a little extra so i don’t have to struggle so much with rent and paying phones etc would be great.
tl;dr i pretty much need an extra $619 dollars.
i’m not expecting y’all to give me that much tbh, but anything does seriously help and i’d appreciate even an extra dollar. i do offer commissions through ko-fi which you can see here -> commissions
but if you wanna send me $ directly, my p@ypal is -> https://www.paypal.me/pinkpurgatory & my c@shapp is $renjaminb
thanks again if you took the time to read this. no worries if you can’t help but even just passing this around would be cool.
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milfsloverblog · 11 months
Life Eternal (last part)
Can you feel me longing for you forever and ever?
Larissa Weems x Fem!reader
A/N: Well, this story has finally come to an end. Thank you to everyone who’s been following since chapter one, I loved reading your comments of pure anguish and despair. It took me a (long) while to decide how I wanted to end this fic, I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. Here’s the song mentioned in this chapter, which I recommend listening to (I swear I’m not trying to turn y’all into The Cure fans…unless…). Thank you again, enjoy!<3
AO3 link in title
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She couldn’t know. It was impossible, you knew it was impossible for someone to remember once their memories had been erased. Unless… No. No, this was just fate messing with you, it was life sticking its middle finger right into your face.
You should have declined. You should have pushed the drink away and get out of the bar. But you didn’t. If life wanted to mess with you, then so be it. What did you have to lose, anyway? Larissa didn’t remember you.
So you found yourself picking up the glass, your legs moving on their own accord as you walked towards the tall woman.
“Hey!“ You pushed a small smile as you sat down on the stool next to hers.
“Hey, I’m Larissa!” She offered her hand and you shook it, introducing yourself in return.
“I don’t do this very often,” she said, gesturing around with her hand. “Going out to bars, I mean. It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t have much free time with my work. And I’m rambling now.” she chuckled softly. “I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I didn’t know if this was the right approach, buying you a drink. That’s what people used to do when I was younger.”
“Well, a free drink is always welcome.” You joked. “Unless it’s from some creepy old man. In which case, it’s never welcome.”
Larissa laughed, hiding her mouth behind her hand like she always did.
“Tell me more about you.” You said as if there was anything she could tell you that you didn’t know already.
You listened to the tall woman telling you about her life, your chin resting on your hand. You could feel yourself melt at the passion and the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about her work at Nevermore. She told you it was a school for outcasts and asked if you knew what that meant, to which you simply nodded and took a sip of your drink.
It had always been hypnotising, the way she moved her hands around as she talked. Her mouth spread in a wide smile as she told you about the last Outreach Day, her crooked bottom teeth peeking out from behind her lip. You almost wished you had found a way to erase your memory too, just so you could fall in love with her all over again.
“Jericho, you said?” You tilted your head. “It’s a bit far from here, isn’t it? You don’t have nice bars over there?”
“Well, to be completely honest, a former student recommended me this place. She said it was quiet and it would do me some good to be away from Nevermore, at least for a weekend while it’s the summer break.”
A former student, of course. Enid. I swear you won’t live to see another full moon, you traitorous fur-bag.
“I never thought I’d be taking recommendations from Wednesday Addams. But here I am, and I’m glad I did!”
You choked on your drink, turning away from Larissa as you coughed a few times.
“Are you alright?” Larissa’s hand gently rubbed your back and you had to close your eyes for a second, her electrifying touch sending a jolt through your veins.
You nodded and cleared your throat, almost letting out a whine at the loss of the woman’s warm hand on your back.
“I’ve been rambling about myself for half an hour, how about you tell me more about yourself ?” Larissa emptied her glass and gestured for the bartender to pour her another one.
“There isn’t much to say about me, really. I finished high school six years ago and tried university but it wasn’t for me. Currently working at a small coffee shop downtown but god knows how long that will last. I’m sorry, I’m not as interesting as you are.” You shook your head and looked down.
And then her hand was on yours, giving you a gentle squeeze that had your breath hitching in your throat.
“Don’t say that. It’s not easy to find what makes us vibrate, what makes us want to get out of bed in the morning. Everything takes time.” She gave your hand another squeeze before letting go. “And do you come here often?”
“I suppose it depends on what you call often? Once a week, usually.” You shrugged, realising how pathetic that sounded.
“And you come here looking for…?”
“I’m not even sure, to be honest. I guess I come here trying to forget some things. It doesn’t help though, and I keep coming back like an imbecile.”
“Mm, trying to mend a broken heart then?” Larissa’s fingers carefully took hold of your chin and raised your head so you’d look at her.
You were grateful for the song changing in the background right at that moment. You could tell Larissa immediately recognised it, as you did, by the way her eyes widened.
“I love The Cure!” She said, her ruby lips stretching in a wide smile.
I know. I haven’t forgotten.
“So do I!”
Truth was, you hadn’t listened to them in over a year. But of course one of their songs would play right when Larissa found her way back to you.
So, we meet again and I offer my hand
All dry and English slow
Larissa offered you her slender hand to take and you didn’t think twice before grabbing it, letting the woman pull you towards the small dance floor.
And you look at me and I understand
Yeah it's a look I used to know
Three long years and your favorite man
Is that any way to say hello?
And you hold me like you'll never let me go
You were hypnotised, entranced by the way she danced to the music. You had asked her once if she had always been so diligent and she had nodded, telling you that she’d always been a studious and dedicated student except for the few times where her roommate had managed to drag her to a bar downtown.
You imagined a younger Larissa, drink in hand and dancing to some new wave song with her roommate. Is that where she had learnt to dance like this?
Larissa spun you around and wrapped her arms around you from behind, pulling you flush against her body.
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you, I miss you so much
The older woman whispered the lyrics near your ear, the hair on your neck sticking up as her breath hit your skin. You wondered then if she knew. If by some miracle - or curse - she had found a way to remember.
You couldn’t resist closing your eyes and letting Larissa sway you from side to side, her arms tightly wrapped around your body and her lips dangerously close to your pulse point.
But how many times can I walk away and wish, if only
How many times can I talk this way and wish, if only
Keep on making the same mistake
Keep on aching the same heartbreak
I wish if only, but if only is a wish too late
It pained you how accurate it all was. How many times you wished you had told her the truth. How many times you regretted running away, making the same mistakes again and again. You wished, if only.
The song came to an end and Larissa held you a little longer before eventually letting go, spinning you around and biting her lip as the two of you locked eyes.
“I think I’d like to go home with you.” She whispered, the dim light doing nothing to hide the blush that crept on her cheeks.
Oh. Oh.
“Larissa, I don’t think…Fuck-“ You rubbed your hand over your face, trying to find the right words.
“Oh, god. I misread the signs, didn’t I? I’m sorry, I really did think you were interested-“
“I am!” You cut her off. “You didn’t misread anything, I’m interested. It’s just-“
“It’s the age gap, right?” It was her turn to cut you off. “Listen, I can make myself appear younger.” She blurted out “I told you about Nevermore. I’m an outcast too, a shapeshifter.”
“What?!” You scoffed. As if you would ever want her to shapeshift into anything else than what she was right now.
Larissa’s eyes widened and she froze looking like a deer caught in the headlights. She had told you too much. She shouldn’t have mentioned her abilities, you looked absolutely horrified about her admission.
“Come with me.” You said, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door.
Larissa had just enough time to reach her arm out and catch her bag from the stool as you pulled her outside.
“I don’t live too far, we’ll walk. The fresh air will do us some good.” You said, walking down the street with Larissa by your side.
You were halfway to your house when you realised that you had not let go of her hand, that her fingers were still intertwined with yours and she didn’t seem to mind. It felt so right to be walking home with Larissa, holding hands like lovers did. And yet you couldn’t ignore the dreadful feeling of guilt that pulled in your stomach. It wasn’t right to do this, to lie to her like you were doing right now. What if this went too far? You couldn’t take advantage of her like this, you would never.
“I hope it’s not too messy inside.” You joked awkwardly as you unlocked your front door and pushed it open. “You can take your shoes off if you’d like, I can’t imagine it’s comfortable to walk around in heels all day long.”
The woman nodded and slipped out of her shoes, placing them by the door. She followed you deeper into your flat and looked around, smiling at the decor.
“It’s cozy.” She said. “It looks like you, very fitting.”
“Thanks, I guess?” You chuckled and watched her sit down on your couch as you poured two glasses of water.
“So…” She started when you sat down next to her, placing the glasses on the table. “I don’t usually do this. I already told you that I don’t go out much, nor do I have sex with people I’ve just met, but there’s something about you…”
Larissa’s hand had landed on your knee and moved higher as she spoke, her fingertips rubbing soothing circles on your thigh. She moved her free hand to cup your cheek and pulled you closer, finally allowing herself to press her lips on the expense of your neck.
“Fuck-“ you breathed out, feeling your willpower slipping through your fingers.
You had dreamt of this moment for so long, imagined her lips on your skin so many times. All you had ever wanted was there in your arms, years of yearning and longing finally being rewarded. But you couldn’t let it happen, and you knew it.
“Larissa-“ You carefully held onto her shoulders and gently pushed her away from you.
Don’t look at me like that, please. If only you knew. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, and you’re all I can never have.
“We can’t! I can’t…Trust me, Larissa, you don’t want to do this with me.” You said looking into her eyes, hoping she would accept it without further explanation.
“You don’t know what I want.” Larissa breathed out and the next second her lips were crashing onto yours.
The world around you faded into oblivion as you tasted Larissa’s lips and she tasted yours. You eventually dared to reach for her, your hand craving to hold onto her waist when the older woman suddenly recoiled as if she had been burnt.
And you could immediately tell by the look on her face that she remembered. She desperately searched for your eyes, silently seeking an answer to the memories that had just gushed into her mind.
“I can explain.” You whispered, holding your hands out in front of you.
Larissa’s body visibly tensed and for a second you thought she was about to scream at you, half expecting her to slap you as well. But that wasn’t Larissa. She had never raised her voice at you, you weren’t even sure she had it in her. Instead, the woman opened her arms and pulled you in a tight hug that had you burst into sobs.
“I’m so, so sorry-“ you sobbed loudly, slumping into Larissa’s arms and gripping onto the fabric of her blouse to keep her close.
Larissa stayed quiet, her chest heaving up and down as she buried her face in the crook of your neck, trying to process the thousands of thoughts and emotions that ran through her.
“We should have talked this out.” She eventually said when you had calmed down.
She pulled away from you and brushed your tears away with the pad of her thumb.
“I was so scared to lose you.” You admitted, your lips dangerously wobbling once again. “I was so scared that you would forever be disgusted by my feelings for you, that you would kick me out of your life. I was horrified that you might think our friendship was based on lies, because it wasn’t! You were the most important person in my life. I was so terrified at the thought of losing you that I willingly chose to evict myself from your life, and your memory.”
Tears dropped from Larissa’s eyes and rolled down her cheeks, ending their path on the woman’s lips. She shook her head a little and cupped your cheek.
“Your feelings for me are anything but disgusting, do you hear me?” She said. “You should have let me speak, perhaps you would have found that my feelings weren’t very far from yours.” Larissa admitted, fighting against the little voice in her mind screaming how unprofessional this was.
“Are you saying-“ Your mouth dropped open and you were unable to say anything else.
“Yes, I am.” Larissa nodded. “I know I shouldn’t, you used to be my student and I was your principal. I feel like this could be seen as me taking advantage of you, and I would never want anyone to think that.”
“You’re not! You’re not taking advantage of me, Larissa. You have never, not once, said or done anything inappropriate. Please-“ you pleaded and took her hands into yours.
“Why do I remember? I thought erasing memories was irreversible, so why did it all come back?” Larissa asked, eyebrows knitted together.
“It is irreversible, unless…” You chuckled and shook your head. “Look, there isn’t any non-cheesy way to say this so I’ll just say it. It’s irreversible unless you receive a true love’s kiss. I know how corny that sounds, trust me.”
“So that means…”
“That your soul and mine belong together, yes. But it doesn’t mean it has to happen. You will still be able to find love somewhere else, to fall for someone who isn’t me. All it means is that your soul matches mine.” You explained, readying yourself for rejection.
“I would be a fool to find my soulmate and decide to run from them, don’t you think?” Larissa whispered, her lips pulling in a small smile. “If you’re still interested in me, in being with me…”
“Yes, yes of course I am!” You answered without needing to think about it. “We will take it as slow as you want.”
“As slow as I want? I was practically throwing myself at you all night long.” Larissa laughed, a blush creeping up her chest and face.
“Yeah, well, it feels nice to know I’m the kind of woman you’re interested in.” You grinned and she gently nudged you before pulling you into another hug.
“I love you, Larissa.” You whispered in her ear, her arms squeezing you a little tighter.
“I know,” she said. “I love you too.”
The first rays of sunshine seeped through your curtains, hitting you straight in the face. You slowly blinked awake and turned your head to avoid the light, smiling at the sight of the woman asleep next to you.
Naked, with her mouth slightly agape and her silver curls spread on her pillow, Larissa was a vision.
Your eyes fell on the golden band that adorned her ring finger, which matched yours. You still had no idea how you had gotten lucky enough to call a woman like her your wife.
You closed your eyes, lips spreading in a soft smile as you recalled your wedding first dance. You had held onto each other, as you always did, and gently swayed along to the music, your lips near her ear whispering the lyrics.
Can you hear me say your name forever?
Can you see me longing for you forever?
Would you let me touch your soul forever?
Can you feel me longing for you forever and ever?
If you had life eternal?
tag list: @h-doodles @enchantressb @kaymariesworld @lady-dimimi @milfdilf @katie-bennet @readingtheentrails @willowshadenox @dingdongthetail @m1lflov3rrr @wexrdaurx @wifeymaterialsstuff @giogwensversion @lils-cards @theonefairygodmother @rosieathena @inthemoonsea @sarahpaulsonsoftie @smutuniversesblog @mysteriouslysapphic @pro-weems-places @yourlocaldisneyvillain @rowboat-races @bigolgay @weemswife @bychrissi @pluied-ete @opheliauniverse @principal-weems09 @weemssapphic @kimiinou @winterfireblond @saintsvixen @simpsforwomen @eveymay @i-love-nerdy-stuff @slightlymalicedme @fictionalized-lesbian @renravens @emilynissangtr @almaperegrinespipe @inlovewithalcinadimitrescu @rosiexweil @danisogay @a-queen-and-her-throne @gwenweems @sugipla @amateurwritescm @non-binary-frogking @blessmysouljessisonaroll @plutolocks @on-an-egotrip
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mrssabinecallas · 2 years
Here Comes the Bride
Callsign: Angel; Before becoming a navy pilot, Angel worked as a field medic for the navy. Many of her patients called her their guardian angel.
Y/n is used in this fic!
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw / Fiancé!Reader
In which the Bradshaws prepare for their wedding, but decide to play a joke for the first looks.
This is entirely inspired by a tiktok I saw. Also long time no see guys!! I haven’t been super motivated to write, but hopefully my old ideas come back and we can get those out to y’all :)
i am in love with this concept tho. i didn’t know how to end this so sorry for the abrupt ending lol
WARNINGS!! swearing, fluff, i’m a comedian
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(god this man is a snack holy fu-)
Rooster couldn’t have been more nervous for the ceremony. He hadnt thought he was actually going to be nervous, as he wasn’t feeling jitters at all leading up to the date.
You were trying your best to stay calm and collected, but Hangman was not making that easy. He appeared more nervous than you, running around, claiming it had to be perfect. He made you cry. Twice. Rooster would not be hearing about it for the sake of their friendship.
When the time for first looks rolled around, you were running around like a chicken with its head cut off. There was so much to do, how were you expected to sit there for an hour to get your makeup done?
“Can’t we just, like, cancel first looks?” you asked loudly, directed at your best friend and copilot Phoenix.
“What? No!”
“Tashaaaaa… I’m not ready! And Bradley probably is, and we would keep him waiting, but then I would start crying, and ruin alllll this makeup, so I think it’s better if we just don’t do it,” you rambled on and on until Natasha cut you off.
“Y/n, no. Put on your big girl panties, you wanted to include all the wedding traditions, we aren’t changing anything now. That means no cancelling first looks, no sending someone out for you, none of that-”
“Send someone out for me?? Holy shit, that’s genius Tash!!” you cut her off, and she looked about ready to break the mascara wand in her hand.
“Who the hell would even go for you? That’s not like a normal thing people do…” Hangman pondered over on his personal sofa in the window, with his glass of white wine and custom “bridesman” robe.
You and Phoenix just looked at each other and smiled. Instead of feeling fear, you were now about to witness the funniest joke of the century.
It was quite the hastle fitting one of your back up gowns on your wingman, but somehow you and Phoenix got it on him. He looked like an idiot, perfect. As the time for first looks rolled around, you grabbed your veil and a bridesmaid bouquet, handed them to Jake, and sent him on his way.
Luckily, you were ready for first looks as well this time, so once your little joke was done, you would go actually do first looks.
There was a window in the hallway overlooking the courtyard, where the first looks where planned. You saw Bradley and the photographer, no Hangman to be seen yet.
The photographer spotted you in the window, waved, and made a comment to Bradley, who you could see visibly tense. He wasn’t ready, he was scared. You were too, but you knew he was going to act all calm and collected as long as he could.
You remembered that you never updated the photographer on this prank, so you sent him a text.
“Hey, we’re gonna have a little fun, so I’m not coming out just yet. You’ll see, just try not to spoil the joke and make sure to take pictures! I’ll be out after the joke is over, Thanks!”
Just as the photographer read your texts and sent you a thumbs up, the doors you were supposed to walk out of opened, and there stood Hangman. Coyote and Bob were losing their shit beside you and Tasha, both recording on their phones.
You would see the photographer try his hardest to hold back from making a face, and you could practically see Bradley’s expression. It made you feel bad, but you knew he would loosen up after this little stunt.
Hangman waddled to the middle of the courtyard, and tapped Bradley on the shoulder. He took in a deep breath, and turned slowly. As soon as he laid eyes on his best friend dressed in one of your backup gowns, he lost it. Coyote and Bob were practically crying, and Phoenix was on the floor laughing. You had to hide yourself behind a wall to make sure Rooster didn’t see you when he turned to look in the window everyone was looking out of. That only made him laugh harder, seeing all his friends were in on the joke.
Once things had begun to simmer down, you headed out the doors and had your real first looks, which ended up with Bradley in tears, as expected. The pictures from both looks turned out fantastic, and you couldnt help but be amazed by the memories a small prank created.
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Hey I've ever done this so I hope I've done it properly, but I just love, Love, LOVE your writing! I was wondering if you could write Early seasons Reid x platonic BAU!Reader where he's rambling of about a topic and gets all embarrassed but she super into it and tells him she's actually interested and listening. Then Morgan teases them or something?
I hope it's not too much, Thank you so much❤️
not too much at all, thanks for the request and the kind words!!
pairing: spence reid x platonic!reader
send me requests here!
(also: not gonna add taglists to drabbles i’ve decided. sorry if y’all are into that, but i simply don’t wanna)
“I’m exhausted,” she groaned, leaning back into her seat.
Spencer looked at her from his desk.
“You okay?”
She nodded. “Just tired. You got any suggestions to keep me going the rest of the day? This coffee is doing jack.”
“Actually, yeah, apples can be a really good way to up your energy if the coffee isn’t working for you. Plus, I’m sure your adenosine receptors are overloaded from how much caffeine I see you drinking on a daily basis,” he said, smirking at his own joke before he continued. “Apples are pretty high in fiber and vitamin C, plus they have a relatively high water content, so maybe it would help you stay awake for the rest of the day when you feel yourself start dragging around…”
He trailed off, looking a little embarrassed. She looked at him with a quirked brow.
“Everything okay, Reid?”
He glanced back up, opening and closing his mouth quickly, clearly unsure of how to go about the subject. He took a deep breath, then started speaking.
“I was rambling.”
She smirked, tilting her head a bit. “And?”
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
He leaned back in his seat, not making eye contact.
“I’m sure I was being annoying. You don’t need to know about apples and… And fiber and adenosine.”
She sat up a little straighter, looking at him for a moment from her seat. When he glanced back at her.
“It’s not annoying, Spencer. I asked and I actually thought it was really interesting,” she affirmed. “Not to mention, really helpful. I always get tired around three every day. I probably should try an apple.”
He quirked a brow. “Really? Not about the apple, sorry, just— You wanted to listen to that?”
She nodded. “Of course. I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want you to tell me what you knew. Now if you don’t tell me the rest of what I want to know, that’s when I’ll be annoyed.”
He smiled, about to start talking again about the carbohydrates and the possibility that aroma lends itself to help boost energy when Morgan walked up.
“Finally found someone who can take your never-ending talking?” he asked Reid with a smirk.
Reid immediately went pink in the cheeks, stumbling over his words.
“Actually,” she started, “I just show an interest in my friends. Maybe you should try it a little more, Morgan.”
He chuckled, feigning shock. “Ooh, you wound me, mama.”
She laughed, accepting a grateful smile from Spencer who was readying himself to spill as much information to her as she would allow.
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seraphicalsuccubus · 5 months
Really curious, how did you and your bf meet because y’all seem really cute and I want this!!
edit: fuck I rambled so this is really long I’m so sorry 😭😥
but we met on here, actually, lmao. he had been sending me anon asks for a while and then came off to actually chat and we really hit it off. the first time we FaceTimed, it was like a 8 hour long call because we just meshed so well and couldn’t stop finding things to talk about. even the brief silent bits weren’t uncomfortable with him. it was so peaceful and relaxing.
and then I met him physically about a month after he actually asked me out. and things went the same as that FaceTime call. granted before then, we called EVERY DAY when he got off work until we both were falling asleep, and even would stay on the call all night and sleep together. sometimes the call would drop between falling asleep and waking up but the times it didn’t, it was wonderful to wake up and see him. we still call every day even now, to make things easier on both of us. it makes the distance more manageable when we get to video call and see each other in some sort of way, at least.
he stayed for almost a week before he had to head back home. and it went so well, I was missing him before he even left. I just fell so hard for him after spending several days with him and just being all wrapped up in each other the entire time. he’s so sweet and affectionate, and just wants me to feel loved and safe with him, which I do. and have from the first phone call. but he’s also wildly feral for me like I am for him and the sexual chemistry is absolutely fucking insane, which is a big plus because we’re both very sexual people so we really have to be compatible in that aspect for things to work. and I’m happy to say that we 100% are.
talking about this just really miss him even more and I can’t wait to be back in his arms with my face buried in his neck so I can just breathe him in and finally fully relax again. I’ve been so stressed and strung out while he’s been back home. but I’ll get to see him soon, and then I’ll be moving to be with him, so it’s not too bad. I just have to make it a little longer with the distance and then I’ll have him every day. it’s fucking hard some days but absolutely worth it because I genuinely want every day with him for the rest of my life. even when he frustrates me, or even makes me angry, I still feel overwhelming love for him despite that. and that’s usually a huge issue for me because I have a temper that’ll fly off into a blind rage in .2 seconds (one of my biggest downfalls). so being with someone that can bring clarity to those moments that way I’m not so overwhelmed with the rage and can still see clearly through all the red, is a big deal for me. I’m never letting that go.
I dunno, he just makes me feel so incredibly loved and wanted and desirable, all the time, and I’ve never felt like that with anyone before. I’ve never really felt like I meant something to anyone but he shows that I do, every day. he’s kind, and considerate, and has the most beautiful brown eyes that soften so much every time he looks at me. I’ve literally watched it happen. he just looks at me with total adoration and devotion in his eyes every time and I’ll never get over that. I’ll never get used to or feel like I deserve to have a partner like this. but god, am I so fucking lucky to actually have stumbled upon one that loves me just as hard and as unconditionally as I love him. I didn’t think I’d ever find a love like this, and I feel so blessed that I finally have.
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togrowoldinv · 2 years
Weddings, Crushes, and Confessions
Jennifer Walters x Reader
At a wedding, you get seated next to an old friend that you definitely had a crush on in high school
Note: Yay for my first Jen fic! I’m like obsessed with her and I got this idea watching the most recent episode. There are no spoilers at all though. I’m opening my requests for Jen too if y’all want to send me any! I hope you enjoy it!
Jennifer Walters Masterlist, Main Masterlist
You really didn’t want to come to this wedding. You were dreading the crowd, the people you haven’t seen since high school, and the annoying questions about your life. And of course, every one of these things has already happened before you even get to your table at the reception.
While scanning for your name on the assigned seats list, you come across a familiar one that you haven’t seen in years. Jennifer Walters. You thought it was her in the wedding, but you couldn’t be sure.
But it just so happens that you’re placed at the same table as Jen. You walk over a little nervous to see the girl you once knew.
“Hey Jen,” you say as you pull out a chair to sit at the table. The woman looks up and shock is evident on her face.
“Y/n? Oh wow, I haven’t seen you since graduation, right?” Jen asks.
“That’s right,” you say with a polite smile.
“I didn’t figure you’d kept up with Lulu,” Jen says.
“Believe me, I didn’t. But she still invited me and I thought why not go and get asked a million questions about my life,” you say dryly. Jen laughs and you relish in the sound.
“Oh my god, okay so did she ask you if you’re seeing someone and then basically make you feel like a ticking time bomb?” Jen leans across the table and asks you.
“She did. She also asked me what my feelings were on the Twilight movies,” you say. You both laugh and somehow Jen ends up even closer to you.
She’s close enough you can feel her warmth and you remember the times back in high school when you could feel yourself falling for her. But you never told her. You didn’t think she was into you, so you didn’t want to ruin the friendship.
“So, what have you been up to?” Jen asks you. You fill her in on the years of your life since school and she hangs onto every word.
“What about you?” You ask her.
“For real you don’t- do you not know?” She raises a brow.
“I’ll admit I do know about the hulking out thing. And I do have many questions. But I’m more curious as to what Jen is up to. How’s JW doing?” You ask her.
She grins at the old nickname you had given her back in high school. She was on the debate team and you always cheered her on saying ‘JW always gets that W.’ It made her smile and that’s what you remember the most.
“JW is doing well. I have a really great job and the She-Hulk thing is pretty cool,” Jen says.
“I’m glad to hear that. I always knew you’d be successful.”
“Thank you, y/n,” she says sweetly. A silence lingers before she speaks again, “Hey, do you remember that time in high school we went to that party and had to hide outside all night when the cops showed up?”
“Of course, yeah. It was so cold that we had to cuddle for warmth,” you reply.
“Yeah, that was actually one of my favorite moments of our friendship,” Jen says.
“Really. I enjoyed being that close to you,” she says. Your heart races in your chest. Is it possible she felt the same way back then?
“I enjoyed it too, Jen. Can I confess something?”
“I’m all ears.”
“I kind of sort of had a major crush on you back then,” you admit.
If her jaw could’ve dropped to the ground like in a cartoon, then it would’ve. Jen is completely shocked at your words.
“Shit, I maybe shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry I’ve had a little bit to drink and-“ you start to ramble and try to stand up, but her hand on your arm stops you.
“I had no idea, y/n. I was so caught up in me and worried about my future that I didn’t see what was right in front of me. But when you sat down next to me tonight I just felt a comfortableness settle in my chest,” Jen explains.
“I have to say it does feel nice to finally admit this to you. I mean you’re absolutely breathtaking, so it’s intimidating. But I’m glad I finally said it.”
“I’m- I’m breathtaking? Have you seen yourself, y/n? God, you’re so beautiful I can hardly think with you sitting this close to me,” Jen says, heat creeping up her neck at her confession.
You lean closer to her and her hand comes to rest against your cheek.
Jen takes a deep breath, her eyes darting from yours to your lips before she speaks again.
“I think I want- is it- ah okay, can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please,” you barely utter before her lips are colliding with yours.
She’s not as tentative of a kisser as you thought she’d be, but instead she takes charge of the kiss easily. She feels perfect against you as her hand finds it’s way to the back of your neck as yours circles her hip.
The song changes in the background as an air horn blows and you and Jen break apart.
“I’m really glad we ran into each other again,” Jen says with a smile.
“Me too. Do you want to get out of here?”
“Yes, please,” Jen matches your earlier sentiment.
You take her hand and leave the venue together. The crush you have was finally fruitful and all you can think about is how lucky you are to get a chance with a woman as amazing as Jen.
Maybe coming to this wedding was worth it after all.
Tag list: @gracebutnotgraceful @i-wished-for-you-too @inluvwithfictionalwomen @notbornbutforged @makegoodchoices @anabananas13
Let me know if you want to join my Jen tag list!
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oh-shtars · 28 days
Hi Flicker :D! I just finished watching a summary and analysis of the movie “Soul” and I have to share my existential crisis with you and how I think this could support Rani's character development :] (Warning: I'm going to ramble and a LOT).
So, I was watching the movie and I saw that 22's character is quite similar to Rani, not in personality but in what they mean, she is someone who believes she hasn't found her talent yet, what she wants to dedicate herself 100% to or as they say in the movie “her spark”, they feel lost and feel like they are letting someone down because of that, but they both deal with it in different ways, we also see Joel believing that “the spark” is the THING that defines you, your purpose, this maybe what Rani may think, but I imagine as she gets older she realizes that's not such a bad thing, in fact maybe it's a bit negative to get 100% rooted to your purpose, because some people think that with that their life will be better or something, when no, I think Rani will realize that the “purpose” or what she “wants to be totally dedicated to” is not really what she expects, it's more those moments where you just feel something that makes you grateful to be alive, like when she finished carving a wooden figure and liked the result, when she enjoyed doing an activity, or when she was just with friends or her family having a challenge. Because that's also what that “spark” is about, isn't it? They are activities that generate a feeling of happiness and are one more impulse that helps you to be grateful to be alive, it is not your life 100%, it is something that simply sweetens it a little more, but not having it does not mean that you are a nobody, but it means having more possibilities to enjoy different things in life. (Sorry if what I'm saying is obvious or doesn't make sense, I was looking for the message I wanted my wish Au to give and I ended up having an existential crisis, I hope you didn't get bored reading this).
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You don’t need to find just one passion you need to be 100% dedicated to be happy and satisfied with life. These bursts of joy can all come from anything you enjoy doing such as hobbies or friends and family. Those are the little sparks scattered throughout your life!!
Rani just thinks that since his parents are these amazing figures he looks up to, that helped encourage people to have faith in pursuing their dreams, that he feels embarrassed of not having a definite one that he’s so sure of pursuing despite being their son. (Which is also why he doesn’t communicate this to them either.)
Please never apologise for sending me an ask. It always sends me over the moon to see y’all engaging with my story and AU. 🥺💖
In fact, you’re making me want to rewatch Soul again. Really good movie with a deep meaning, I like it ^^
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AutisticEmpathyDaemon’s RedactedAudio Match-ups!
because why not I love old-school tumblr games and making people happy and this beautiful heckin fandom so let’s gooooo
You know the drill- tell me about yourself, answer some fun questions, and I’ll match you with the Redacted boy I ship you with the most along with a little blurb about your relationship, a song that reminds me of you as a couple, and the runner-up dude!
Edit: I will also include a moodboard with the the name of the fic I would write you. Please note I’ve never made a moodboard before.
Details and questions under the cut!
(I wanted to be a little whimsical about it and pose some questions I thought would tell me really interesting things about you, but you don’t have to answer any or all of these. You can send in whatever information you’d like or feel comfortable sending.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
What is your Enneagram type?
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
The options will be all the boys that were up for this year's March Redactedness (edit: except Caelum, I forgot he was in the brackets.)
If possible, I'd love it if you could send it anonymously so that way I'm not influenced to pick who I know you like (but that's obviously not required. I overall want you to have fun~)
Please feel free to reblog or comment after it’s up and tell me what you thought; the anonymity is only so I may attempt to remain objective 🧡
There's no closing date or time on this event; it'll be open indefinitely, so send in an ask whenever you like!
Update: this got so many more entries than I was expecting! I’m so glad y’all think this is fun and cute, and I’m so sorry that I’m not doing these as fast as I was or as I’d like do. Rest assured, I’ve gotten your submission and I’ll get to it. I recommend following #busybee matches which is the dedicated tag for the matchups and checking every so often.
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scarebats · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Pierce My Heart - slicemav
this one has no warnings and isn’t as exciting as the last one, sorry about that (but it’s longer!)
Standing before Ron now, is his customer. Someone who he thinks would look amazing with a tongue piercing, might he add.
He lets himself drag his eyes over the form of the stranger. He’s not very tall, shorter than himself and Tom, atleast. Straight cut jeans that are loose around his shins and calfs work their way up his legs and hug his thighs, Ron hopes that he can catch a glimpse of his ass at some point. Just to see how tight the denim really gets, of course.
His observation is cut short when Tom clears his throat and looks at him expectantly with wide eyes.
“Ron, this is Peter,” Tom introduces the man.
“I prefer Pete, if you don’t mind. Or Mav works, too,” Pete informs them while a bright grin appears on his face that reaches his green eyes.
“Mav? That doesn’t sound like Peter,” Ron asks while gesturing for Pete to sit on the chair.
Pete complies and answers. “Mav is short for Maverick. My friend and I are ex-Navy. His call sign is Goose, and I still call him that. So does his wife.” Tom makes his leave after Pete finishes his ramble, exiting with a warning look that Ron will most certainly tease him for later. Alas, he needs to properly meet this beauty first.
“Huh. Maverick. That sounds like people didn’t necessarily enjoy working with you.” Ron pauses. “No offense intended,” he finishes.
“Nah, it’s fine,” Pete glances down at his name tag. “Ron. I get it all the time. Mostly from Goose and Carole, actually. But I’m pretty sure that they like me.”
Ron nods along as Pete sends himself into another talking fit.
“I mean, I would hope that they can at least tolerate me, because I've known them for, what, like, eight years? I think? Well, I met Goose back in ‘82, and it’s ‘91… No, I’ve known him for nine years.” Honestly, Ron isn’t really listening, just admiring Pete. He talks so animatedly, gesturing his hands for emphasis, eyes wide and sparkling like a cartoon. Ron could watch him talk for hours, that being, he’s this ecstatic when story-telling.
“Then Carole, a little less than nine, I met her after our first deployment. Right at the end of ‘82, in November. And then little Bradley was born in June of ‘84! Can you believe that he’s already seven?” Ron has absolutely no idea who Bradley is.
“I have a picture of him in my wallet, want to see?” Pete barely takes any time to take a breath between sentences before he has his attention on Ron, a grin adorning his beautiful face that’s somehow even brighter and wider than before.
Pete immediately reaches for his wallet in his front right pocket at the confirmation. Ron thinks it’s quite cute, how excited he is just to show him a picture of his friends’ kid.
(i should probably finish this soon cuz it’s the second time it’s been voted. i hope y’all liked this longer snippet!)
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lovessidney · 1 year
I could wait until the end of time
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Please note that this explicit story was written by an adult, for adults. If you are under the age of 18, please do not interact.
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader.
Pronouns: they/them (anatomy: AFAB).
Requested by: Semi-requested by @Layla2-49 who asked for a continuation to ’First date’
Summary: The reader and (y/n) meet once again. (Y/n) come to see Gerards gig and they end up spending the night at (y/n)s place having some fun.
A/n: This is my first time ever writing smut, and let me tell y’all; I’ve been STRUGGLING. It was fun, but also very tricky. I did my best though. I hope you enjoy it, and if anyone wanna send me some constructive criticism I’m more than happy to read it!
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(Y/n) was running late. They were so angry with themselves. They’d gotten ready well in advance, multiple hours before they needed to leave in order not to be late. But then Alex had called and they had gotten talking about Gerard and the magical first date they had shared. They ran across an intersection, a car honked angrily after them. The really hoped the band hadn’t started playing yet, or even worse, that Gerard thought they’d bailed on them.
Soon enough they spotted the bar in which the gig was taking place, and they could hear that they had indeed started playing. (Y/n) sighed, but headed inside, hoping they hadn’t disappointed Gerard. The place was very crowded, but (y/n) managed to see the total explosion of the band at the end of a song. They headed to the bar to get something to calm their nerves. They ordered (y/ fav drink), payed, and found their way in to the crowd.
The band kicked off their next song and (y/n) found themselves absolutely mesmerised. By the music, by the lyrics, the energy, but most of all Gerard. Gerard on stage was a whole different person comparing to the shy, sweet person they’d gone on the date with last weekend. And (y/n) absolutely adored this part of them as well. They were singing their heart out, trashing about on stage, interacting with their band mates. Just when (y/n) thought that Gerard couldn’t get more intriguing and magical. (Y/n) really hoped Gerard had seen them in the crowd. They’d tried waving a few times, but they weren’t sure they’d managed to stand out in the chaos.
As the set came to an end (y/n) retreated to a table in the back, as most of the visitors headed either for the bar, or outside for a cigarette. They sat there, alone, with their drink, trying their best to calm themselves down. Gerard had asked when they would see (y/n) again, and they’d invited them to the show. Surely, that must’ve meant that Gerard was interested in them?
Suddenly, (y/n) felt two warm hands on their shoulders. They looked up, and surely, there they were. They looked absolutely gorgeous. Still all worked up from the show, with a huge smile and a glimmer in their eyes. (Y/n) stood up to greet Gerard, and they immediately threw their arms around (y/n). And then recoiled just as fast. ”Oh my god, I’m so sweaty. That’s disgusting. I’m so sorry” the rambled, all at once, blushing. (Y/n) pulled them closer again. ”Hi Gerard” they said softly as they both parted. Gerard was shining like the sun. ”Hi yourself” they said softly, meeting (y/n)s gaze. For a second, the world around them was still and quiet. Only the two of them in the whole world. Then someone bumped into Gerard, who in turn fell onto (y/n), who in turn fell onto the table behind them. ”Oh my god, I’m so sorry (y/n)” Gerard gasped, immediately reaching out a hand to help (y/n) up. ”Sweet Jesus. I’m so sorry. I’ll buy you a new drink” they continued as (y/n) was up on their feet. 
Said and done, they went and got (y/n) another drink. ”So, are you ready to meet the band?” Gerard asked, smiling and squeezing (y/n)s hand. (Y/n) was surprised, but very happy. Gerard seemed so shy and (y/n) really didn’t expect to be introduced to some of the most important people in their life so soon. ”Sure, let’s go!” (y/n) agreed, once again squeezing Gerards hand.
Gerard knocked on the door to the backstage dressing room. ”Are you lot fucking decent in there?” they shouted, not waiting for an answer before opening the door and stepping inside. They immediately sighed. One man was lying on the floor, smoking a blunt. Another was laying upside down on the sofa experimenting with how to drink his beer in this state. A third was playing his guitar. ”Honestly, what did I expect” Gerard said with a little laugh. They pointed to the man on the floor with the blunt, ”that’s Frank, he’s just batshit crazy”. Next they pointed to the man on the couch, ”that’s my brother, Mikey. Bit of a wildcard, I must admit”. Lastly they pointed to the man playing the guitar, ”that’s Ray. He may seem normal right now, but I promise you, that’s an act”. (Y/n) waved to them all. ”I’m (y/n), very nice to meet you all”. Frank immediately sat up. ”Oh, you’re (y/n)! Nice to get a face to the person Gee has been gnawing our ear off about all week” he said with a huge grin Gerards way. (Y/n) looked at Gerard and quirked an eyebrow. ”Gee, that’s a sweet nickname” they said with a soft smile Gerards way. The man on the floor reached his arm out (y/n)s way. ”You want some?” he asked, offering his blunt and smiling kindly. (Y/n) shook their head. ”I’m good, thank you” they said, pointing to the glass in their hand.
”This is some first impression you’re making guys. I can’t believe you” Gerard said, laughing and shaking their head at the guys while cracking open a beer. ”You made quite an impression on stage though” (y/n) quickly added. ”You were amazing, really. I was absolutely spellbound, I can’t wait to see more” they quickly continued. They chatted for a while more, just hanging out and having a couple more drinks. Soon enough, they all felt like it was time to go. The guys were taking all the equipment back to the studio, and Gerard was coming with (y/n).
They got outside and Gerard lit a cigarette as they started walking. Walking no particular way to no particular place. (Y/n) thought for a moment. ”Do you wanna get some pizza, bring it back to my place and have a couple of drinks?” they looked at Gerard out of the corner of their eye, trying to see their reaction. They weren’t quite sure if it was taking things a bit to fast for Gerard, who after all was quite shy. Gerard pondered this for a moment before breaking up into a smile. ”Yeah, I’d love that. That’d be great” they said happily. ”Okay then, let me treat you to the best pizza ever then. And- uh- I think I have something to drink at home”.
They picked up pizza from (y/n)s favourite place, Massimos, a little pizza shop close to their apartment, and so they headed over there. They sat down in (y/n)s little kitchen, lit a few candles and opened a bottle of wine. The wine flowed freely, and so did the conversation. They talked about everything and anything in between. From time to time (y/n) caught themselves thinking that they were so incredibly lucky to have met Gerard. The butterflies in their stomach let themselves known every time Gerard said something funny or interesting, and (y/n) knew that they really were something special. All from the sparkle in their eyes, to their beautiful and heartwarming smile, to the way they were talking, gesticulating with their hands and laughing. And they were absolutely stunning too. The way their dark hair curled around their face, their stunning hazel eyes, their cute nose. Everything about them were absolutely breath taking.
After polishing off the last of the pizza they opened a second bottle of wine and cuddled up on the sofa. (Y/n) found themselves in Gerards warm embrace, with their head resting on Gerards chest. (Y/n) could hear their heartbeat. It felt safe. Like coming home after a long time of being away. They caught Gerard looking at them. ”You’re so beautiful” they said softly, and kissed the top of (y/n)s head. (Y/n) could once again feel the butterflies in their stomach, and a warmth in their chest. They leaned up to look at Gerard and softly kiss their cheek. ”So are you, Gee” they said with a smile, trying out the new nickname. Gerard smiled at them and pulled them closer.
They stayed like that for a long time. Just being close, enjoying each others company. The second bottle of wine came to an end. When (y/n) tried to get up to get them something else to drink, Gerard held them closer. ”Don’t leave me” they said softly, slightly slurring their words. They both had had a lot to drink after all. ”I’m just going to get us some water sweetheart. Don’t worry” (y/n) said softly, kissing Gerard again. ”Fine” they said, jokingly, and letting go of (y/n). 
They disappeared in to the kitchen, and Gerard could hear them rummage around the cupboards. They got up too. They looked around the room, (y/n)s record collection catching their eyes. They strolled over and started looking through the records. Soon enough they found the one (y/n) had bought at their first date and couldn’t help but to smile. They felt absolutely radiating with happiness, and couldn’t believe that first date had gone so well and that they were actually in (y/n)s apartment now, cuddling and having such a nice time. They were fully aware that they hadn’t known (y/n) very long, but they could feel it in their heart that there was something special between them. They felt so happy and safe in (y/n)s presence. Just as they’d put a record on, (y/n) returned with two glasses of water and a big smile.
”One of my favourite records” they exclaimed happily, while handing Gerard a glass of water. They gratefully accepted it and downed the whole thing pretty quickly. In some way, despite feeling so safe and happy with (y/n), they also felt a bit nervous. Maybe because they thought about how the night could end, what potentially could happen. Just thinking about it made Gerard feel dizzy and go weak in the knees. They put their empty glass down on the table and wrapped their arms around (y/n). Gerard couldn’t believe this was happening, and their thoughts went a thousand miles per hour as they swayed softly to the music from the record player. They were convinced that they could stay this way forever, holding (y/n) close, feeling their warmth and the sweet scent of them and softly singing the lyrics of the songs in their ear.
They stayed like this for a long time, just slowly dancing and holding each other close. As the music came to an end, (y/n) leaned in and pressed their lips against Gerard's. At first, it was just a soft, tentative kiss, a gentle exploration of each other's mouths. But as the seconds ticked by and their desire grew, the kiss deepened and became more passionate.
Gerard's nerves melted away as they lost themselves in the moment. They wrapped their arms around (y/n) and pulled them closer, deepening the kiss even further. They had never felt this way before – so completely and utterly in love, so completely and utterly turned on.
(Y/n) straddled Gerard on the sofa, pressing their bodies closer together as the kiss continued. Gerard's hands roamed over (y/n)'s body, exploring every inch of their skin. (Y/n) could feel the knots in their stomach tighten. They could feel everything getting hotter. And they could feel Gerard felt the same way.
The kiss was long and deep, a passionate, all-consuming embrace that left them both panting and wanting more. As they finally pulled back, both of them were breathless and aching for more.
They stayed like that for a long time, locked in a passionate embrace, completely lost in each other's love. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and every touch between them felt absolutely electric. Not knowing what came over them, (y/n) bit Gerards bottom lip. They moaned at the interaction and pulled (y/n) even closer. The feeling between them was like fire at this point. Every touch was positively electric.
Gerard could feel the fire between them, and they didn’t quite know what they’d gotten themselves into. They knew that they absolutely adored (y/n), and they couldn’t deny the electric passion between them. They also couldn’t deny the fact that their body was sending all the signals that this was something they really wanted. Yet, they couldn’t help but to feel nervous. And of course, (y/n) noticed.
"It's okay sweetheart, we can take things as slow as you want. I just want to be with you” (y/n) whispered softly in Gerards ear and peppered their whole face with little kisses. ”Thank you. That means a lot to me. I adore you so, but I’ve never done this before. I definitely think you’re gorgeous, and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before. I know this, even though it’s early” and then Gerard kissed (y/n) again. It was softer this time. But just as filled with love.
Gerard knew that they wanted this, and they didn't want to let their nerves hold them back any longer. They had waited long enough, and (y/n) had made it clear that they were willing to go at Gerard's pace. It was time for Gerard to take the lead and show (y/n) just how much they desired them.
Gerard pulled back from the kiss and looked into (y/n)'s eyes, filled with love and understanding. "I want this," Gerard said firmly, surprising even themselves with the conviction in their voice. "I want you" they continued. (y/n) smiled and brushed a strand of hair out of Gerard's face. "I'm ready when you are," they said softly.
Gerard's heart raced as they stood up, taking (y/n)'s hand in theirs. They knew that this was it, the moment they had been dreaming about. They led (y/n) to the bedroom, their nerves giving way to excitement and anticipation.
As they entered the bedroom, Gerard couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the magnitude of the moment. But (y/n) was there, grounding them with their love and understanding, and Gerard knew that everything was going to be great.
Gerard turned to (y/n) and pulled them close, gazing into their eyes. "I adore you so" Gerard said softly. "I’ve thought you were absolutely magical from the moment I met you".
(Y/n) smiled and pressed their lips to Gerard's, their love for Gerard clear in the gentle touch of their lips. Gerard wrapped their arms around (y/n) and pulled them closer, deepening the kiss as they finally let themselves fully give in to their desire for each other.
(Y/n) straddled Gerard once again, taking off their sweater and starting to unbutton their shirt. ”Is this okay, sweetheart?” (y/n) asked Gerard softly, trying to conceal the lust in their voice, at least slightly. Gerard nodded, to lost in the moment to manage anything else. (Y/n) carefully got their shirt off, and then just admired them. ”You’re just gorgeous. I can’t believe how fucking gorgeous you are” they whispered in Gerards ear. (Y/n) kissed their neck. Maybe a little rougher than they should’ve. Gerard let out the absolutely prettiest moan (y/n) had ever heard. ”You like that, baby?” they whispered. ”Yeah, I like that. I like that a lot” Gerard managed with a breathy voice. (Y/n) kissed Gerard again, leaving pretty little marks as they went.
Gerards pants were growing tighter by the minute and they felt so desperate for touch. (Y/n) was grinding against them and they felt like they might explode, just by that. Gerards hands were travelling all over (y/n)s body, touching every sliver of their skin they could get in contact with. ”Can I take off your shirt?” Gerard mumbled, wanting to see and feel more of (y/n). ”You can do anything you want honey” (y/n) gave for an answer, helping Gerard take their shirt off.
”Oh. You’re so beautiful” Gerard managed, after a quick moment of being absolutely stunned. (Y/n) laughed and kissed Gerards cheek. ”You should see yourself honey” (y/n) whispered in their ear. Carefully, (y/n) started their decent down Gerards body. They kissed their neck a few more times, down their chest and over their tummy before lastly placing a hand over their pants. Gerard whined at the touch. ”Can I take these off?” (y/n) asked him, careful to get consent. Gerard nodded. ”Please” they added. (Y/n) made sure not to disappoint them and worked their belt open before carefully sliding off their jeans. Then they palmed Gerards cock over their boxers. Once again, Gerard let out the most gorgeous moan. ”Honey, you sound so pretty. So very pretty”. (Y/n) looked Gerard in the eyes, and they could see the lust that resided in them. ”Do you want me to touch you? Will you let me make you feel really good honey?” Gerard only whimpered in response. ”Please. I want you so bad” they managed. (Y/n) admired them. The looked so gorgeous. Their whole body on display, just for (y/n).
They could see the spot on Gerards boxers where a slight wetness had started to form. They bent forward to kiss it. Gerards hips jerked up in response. They were so desperate for even the slightest touch. (Y/n) smiled up at Gerard, who looked back with half-lidded eyes and a desperate face expression. And so, finally, (y/n) removed Gerards boxers, leaving them exposed in the faint light of the lamp on the nightstand. They admired Gerard laying there, just waiting for what was about to happen. ”Everything okay honey? Do you want to continue?” (y/n) asked them softly while squeezing their hand, wanting to make sure that Gerard was still on board. They nodded eagerly. ”Good. You’re so good, sweetheart” (y/n) said softly, sending a heart warming smile Gerards way. ”You promise to tell me if you change your mind?” they then asked. Really wanting to make sure they didn’t do something that Gerard might regret later. ”I promise” Gerard stated softly, once again squeezing (y/n)s hand in their own.
Gerard breathed out. They knew this would all be fine. They knew that they had nothing to worry about. (Y/n) made their way up to Gerards face again, they kissed them lovingly all over. “You’re so beautiful Gee. I want to do this with you. I could do this with you tonight, but I could also wait until the end of time if that’s what you need. I promise” and with that, (y/n) kissed them again. Gerard looked at them and smiled. It really was the most beautiful smile (y/n) had ever seen, and they knew they would never get tired of seeing it. Slowly, Gerard leaned in again. They kissed (y/n) softly, slowly, but with passion. They wanted to show that they wanted to do this, and that they were ready. And so, the kisses grew more passionate again, deeper, more needy, craving. Almost animalistic. Gerard caught (y/n)s bottom lip between their teeth and tugged slightly, imitating what (y/n) had done before. (Y/n) gasped at the interaction, and something told them that this was go-time. Once again they made their way down Gerards body, kissing their neck, chest tummy on the way. And so, they carefully took Gerards cock in their mouth. Gerards response were imminent, their back arched and their hips jerked upwards, trying to get more of that long awaited friction. “Shit. Sorry. I’m so sorry” they panted as soon as they realised what had happened. “Don’t worry sweetheart. Everything is okay” (y/n) responded, gently rubbing circles on Gerards hip to comfort them. Slowly, they began again. (Y/n) worked their way around Gerards cock, focusing only on the head for a while, slowly sucking them off, twirling their tongue around it. The noises Gerard made was astonishing. Then, without warning, (y/n) took their cock all the way down their throat, just relishing in the beautiful noises Gerard made as a reaction to it. They kept that up for a while, occasionally looking up at Gerard to see their beautiful reaction to it all. ”You’re still good baby?” (y/n) asked whilst taking a moment to breath. ”Never better” Gerard offered with a weak smile and half lidded eyes. Gently (y/n) kissed their tummy, up their chest and neck. 
Their lips collided yet again, meeting in a frenzy. They switched places, so Gerard was on top of (y/n). ”I want to touch you” they said, no longer nervous. Just determined to make (y/n) feel good. (Y/n) reached up to kiss them again. ”I’m all yours baby” they answered with a sweet smile. Carefully Gerard lowered their hand, down the most magical body they’d ever seen. They soon realised they would have no real idea about what to do when they reached their goal. ”Can I take these off?” Gerard asked, gesturing to (y/n)s pants. ”Please do” they answered quickly, nodding eagerly. They fumbled with the belt for a moment, before finally removing (y/n)s pants. They then leaned in to kiss (y/n) yet again, as they carefully rubbed their thumb over (y/n)s underwear where a wet spot was forming. Gerard looked at (y/n), somewhat surprised. “Don’t look so surprised sweetheart” (y/n) said with a soft smile. “I want you” they added, kissing Gerard again. And with that encouragement, they dared to continue. 
They took of (y/n)s underwear. Carefully they dragged a finger across (y/n)s slick skin. (Y/n) gasped at the sensation, already so wet and waiting to be touched. The gasp went straight to Gerards cock, as if they could get any harder than they already were. They gently rubbed the pad of their thumb over (y/n)s clit, which resulted in another very vocal respons. ”That’s so good. You’re doing so well baby” (y/n) encouraged them. They kept this up for a moment, finding relief in having find something that seemed to be doing the trick. They placed themselves on (y/n)s side, as to allow them to keep touching (y/n) and kiss them at the same time. They decided trying their luck with kissing (y/n)s neck, remembering the effect it had had on themselves just a few moments earlier. ”Fuck. Gerard. Fucking christ” (y/n) managed between hitched breaths. ”Just keep that up. God. Please” (y/n) continued rambling. Gerard, who wanted nothing but to please did as they were told. They continued kissing and nipping at (y/n)s neck, leaving little marks, not unlike the ones they themselves were marked with. (Y/n)s ramblings were closing in on unintelligible, but Gerard managed to make out their own name among a slew of curses and pretty moans. And so finally, (y/n) came tripping over their orgasm. Gerard was just astonished with their beauty, and with actually getting someone off, no less the most beautiful person in the world. (Y/n) looked up at Gerard, eyes half-lidded and with that magical, dazed look in their eyes. 
”I’ve been dreaming about this” they confided. Gerard couldn’t believe their ears, it seemed unreal to them. ”I’ve been dreaming about this too” they dared admit. ”I’ve dreamt about you” they continued between kisses to (y/n)s neck and collarbones. (Y/n) who was still coming down from their orgasm looked up at Gerard, with newly awaken eyes. ”Tell me honey, what have you been dreaming about?” they asked, craning their neck to allow them to reach Gerards lips. Soft kisses were exchanged. ”I’ve dreamt about sex with you. About you riding me. About you fucking me”. They could feel their cheeks burn at this admission. (Y/n) wasted no time and got Gerard on their back, positioning themselves over them, despite their still wobbly legs. Just the sight made Gerard feel dizzy. (Y/n) placed Gerards hands on their hips. ”Are you sure you want this sweetheart? Just say the word and I’ll stop” (y/n) said softly. Gerard shook their head, quickly. ”No. No way. I want this. I want you. So fucking bad” they managed. That was everything (y/n) needed to hear. 
Slowly they sank down on Gerards cock. Gerard moaned loudly as they were enveloped in (y/n)s heat. Their head fell back against the pillows. ”Oh. God. Fucking god. This is amazing. You’re amazing” they managed between hitched breaths. Their grip on (y/n)s hips tightened as they bounced atop Gerard. (Y/n) leaned in close. ”You feel so good baby. You were made for me, you must’ve been” they whispered in Gerards ear, eliciting yet another moan from them. From somewhere deep down their throat. They kissed once again. A passionate, almost ravenous kiss. 
(Y/n) broke them up, getting up once again to increase the tempo. Gerard was absolutely stunning, mumbling soft curses and (y/n)s name. They looked up at (y/n). ”Fuck. You’re so beautiful. So beautiful when you fuck me. Oh. God” they rambled. Their hips jerked, meeting (y/n)s. Gerard could feel they were building towards a climax. ”Please, (y/n), whatever you do don’t stop. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck” they mumbled among moans and hitched breaths. And with those words, they came. (Y/n) continued rocking against them, riding out their orgasm with them. Just the sight of the most beautiful person in the universe in that state had (y/n) tip over the edge with a string of curses and gasps.
The both of them collapsed together in the afterglow. (Y/n) just laying atop Gerards chest. Slowly coming down together. (Y/n) carefully slipped off Gerards lap, cuddling up by their side. (Y/n) looked at them, and they looked positively euphoric. They softly kissed Gerards lips, as they returned to reality. Gerard blinked a few times before gaining focus on (y/n)s face next to them. Carefully they placed a strand of (y/n)s hair behind their ear. They laid like that for a while, just making the most of the moment and the ecstatic feeling. ”You’re magical” Gerard managed at least. (Y/n) smiled a warm smile. ”We’re magical, sweetheart” they answered, and softly pressed their lips together once again.
In this moment, everything felt absolutely perfect. Like all the stars in the sky had lined up just for the two of them. Like everything would be wonderful, always. (Y/n) dragged the blanket up over them, and held Gerard close. They stayed like that for a long time. Just enjoying the stillness and silence together. ”Do you want a glass of water?” (y/n) asked after a while. Gerard yawned, having almost fallen asleep. They nodded. (Y/n) got up and disappeared into the kitchen, soon to return with two big glasses of water. They handed Gerard a glass before getting back into bed, propping themselves up on a few pillows before downing the water and placing the glass on the nightstand beside them. They pulled Gerard closer, so that they were resting their head on (y/n)s chest. (Y/n) carefully kissed the top of their head. ”My sweet, sweet Gerard” they whispered softly between kisses. Gerard looked up at them, still with that slightly dazed look in their eyes. ”Can we stay like this forever?” they softly mumbled as they nuzzled their nose against (y/n)s. (Y/n) kissed them softly. ”I would want nothing less, sweetheart” (y/n) answered Gerard, who was already half asleep. (Y/n) reached out to turn off the lights before finally cuddling up with Gerard and closing their eyes too.
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That was the whole thing. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you liked it! As usual; if you want to send me a request, don't hesitate, I'd love to see your ideas.
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catboy-dummy · 2 years
Intro Post: ✨
Hello! I wish to not use a name on here. But some things i like to be called are good boy, puppy, dummy, and prince (will update if I find a liking to other ones too!). I also use it/its when im getting dumb (NOT in a misgendering way, don’t touch me with that)
Im 21 and my pronouns are he/him, I’m a bisexual trans man, lovingly taken <3.
A lot of what I post and rb is fantasy
Backup is @dummy-catboy-moved
Minors, this blog is 18+
No age in bio
Detrans and misgendering, don’t want to shame it’s really just not my thing
Ageplay, sissification, r4pe kink (this one is a weird field because cnc tags keep overlapping with it so idk, I have mixed feelings), feeder, incest, and trauma blogs
Usual DNI stuff
I will update this if/as I need to. Please also note I will also just block whenever I feel like my boundaries are invalidated or I just feel uncomfortable
My Kinks:
Resistance play
Breeding (not the birth part)
Hucow (maybe just a little bit)
Cnc (huge emphasis on consensual)
Drugging/Aphrodisiacs (also consensually)
Intox (fills in with drugging but adding anyway)
Free use
Royalty (as a treat)
-please don’t talk about me interacting with your genitals unless we’ve had a prior conversation/consent about it. It’s a huge overstep
-this also goes for involving other ppl that I interact with in ur ask without any real prior conversation or consent on it. Again it kinda puts me in a weird uncomfortable position with the other person that I’m interacting with :(
-unless initiated, please don’t tell me what you would do to me either. Unless it’s initiated it brings me out of the mood immediately
-don’t ask for pics/ audio anything of the sort. Also don’t ask invasive questions or ones that are too personal
-if you send me any pics I’m blowing you up
-if you ever try to overstep my relationship I’m also blowing you up
- if an ask or a dm makes me uncomfortable I will not answer/ reply to it (or I might but it won’t be in a positive way). I might also block out of sheer initial discomfort. (I do understand miscommunications can happen, but unless communicated I will probably just assume the worst out of safety/personal reasons)
-just because I post or reblog something it doesn’t make in an invitation to be creepy. Don’t do that. (Unless specifically mentioning it, but even then don’t be creepy)
Asks / Dms:
Asks are open! Just please don’t be an asshole. Maybe even encourage me to rub and cum my brains out (or make me edge my mind away) so I can become a good, empty, cockdumb boy. I always love pretty spirals or words filling up my inbox
Spiral maker if y’all wanna make a spiral for me to stare at
Go ahead and also just ramble and talk in there, as horny as I am I love normal interaction too :3
If you anon a lot feel free to claim an emoji or name so I can tag u and recognize you more :3
Dms are open to mutuals! Feel free to message and just talk about anything or do hypno related things. Might open them up to everyone someday if I feel comfy doing so. :3
Additional: I’m pretty sure I’m on the spectrum (I’ve been looking into it for years now. So if I’m a little ehhh sometimes I’m probably overwhelmed or overthinking stuff or just unsure of something and I’m getting uncomfortable. Tone indicators really help sometimes because I’m awful at reading tones of stuff.
Anon tag claims: 💜, 📀, 🕸, 🐾, 🐐,🎩,💙,💛
I’m new to all of this so I’m sorry if I sound nervous or awkward at times.
Whenever I write “sweet boy” or I’m thinking about my bf, but I also write these in a way so anyone can interpret the scenario as they wish! But I also just wanted to clarify :3
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islands-0f-violence · 6 months
Hey there! I just wanted to say that I love your work and look forward to updates, even if they take longer than you think they will:) I know writing is hard (as a fic writer myself) and people can get pushy about updates, so please ignore anyone who leaves complaints in comments on your fics. You’re giving us free content and they’re just being poo-poo heads :p
Anyway, I just wanted to send some encouragement your way because I was thinking of you! Have a great and wonderful awesome day/night!
Hi!!! Thank you for coming to check in on me!! I really do appreciate it :3 I didn’t even realize I had a negative comment until I saw this ask so I zoomed on over and was like really? Do they have to say this?
Fortunately, I deal with customers everyday since I’m front facing the store I work at, so this comment was more annoying than hurtful since some don’t want to consider what the author may be doing in life.
I really really really appreciate those who were sticking up for me in the comment section 🥹 Y’all are angels! I haven’t replied to them yet, and I probably will since I’m not one to stand by at nonsense spat at me.
For those following for the story, I’ve been working on it a little every day! I’ve almost got it finished and just want to work in one more scene (which might take a few pages since I have a few ideas) so the next chapter will be out before Christmas! Thank you for being patient with me so far 💖
I’ve got less than a week of school left since next week isn’t a whole one due to the holidays so I’ve been scrounging trying to finish everything before next Wednesday. Once that’s over with, I’ll have a bit more free time for myself and my hobbies again!
Before I’m done with this, I just want to add one more thing for any of you that have been following the story since day 1 when I was putting out multiple chapters a week (as this commenter clearly has been) and sometimes even in a day. I was really depressed since I lost my job and had nothing better to do. In between looking for jobs, I would just mope around with no goal. I couldn’t even bring myself to play my favorite game. I started digging through my Quotev and read the only chapter of this Demon Slayer fic. I realized then that I wanted to take it up and so it consumed my life for a while until I found another job and school started up in the summer again for me. So, I’m sorry I’ve stopped updating so frequently, and I won’t forget this story again at least until I finish it, but I am so much happier where I am right now and no comment like that will make me feel less because I’ve come so far since starting it again.
Thanks for coming to my little ramble :)
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onlyswan · 2 months
hi again, my precious art.
seeing you call your anons beloved just makes me :’) because its such a beautiful term of endearment and makes my heart flutter akfjejcjekcj
also, I saw ur post about not having motivation for in which drabbles or asking what we wanna see - honestly I don’t think i could come up w a fraction of a good idea compared to what your beautiful brain could conjure, because the way you write is so eloquent and beautiful. you make mundane scenarios so magical and dreamy and it’s like, this is just a day to day occurrence but it feels so special. I guess that’s what I like most about reading your works, it’s so obvious you pour so much of your soul into them and I honestly think that they’re really precious to me.
I’m kind of in my feels tonight hence the multiple messages but genuinely I’ve not found another writer that evokes the type of emotions I do when I read your works. they’re just so beautiful (struggling to find a better word).
if I’m completely honest I’ve never wondered what it could be like being in a relationship, but god do your works make me crave that intimacy with someone. when will I find my precious person I wonder…
Sorry for the random rambles. Hope exam season goes well my love <33 sending you all the best of luck and the warmest hugs.
- 🪽
hehehe of course because you’re all my dearly beloveds 💕 i love giving special nicknames to special people 🥺🥺🥺
you’re gonna make me cry :( thank you so so so much!!!! 🫂 feedback and conversations with readers is what really what fuels me to keep writing so sometimes it’s hard to motivate or not question myselfhfjdhfjdhf >_< but as always with this blog i won’t stop trying and trusting in myself !! writing about the mundane and finding the beauty in them 🥺 nothing makes me feel more connected with the core of what makes us human. and i deeply value this moment with you <3 your heart has reached me even from a great distance. thank you!
whoever your precious person is, i hope you meet at the right place at the right time :") <3
lol i love reading anonies rambles y’all are so cute!! and you guys deal with my ramblings too so i also apologize for that 🫢
i’ll do well at my exams and come back with a new in which 💕💕💕
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