#sorry for ranting lol
txtistheloml · 4 months
no bcs im ab to cry what the fuck.
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princeblue · 28 days
I’m in a weird state where I want to orphan/delete one of my fanfics that I have a negative association with these days, but also im really just not one for doing such a thing? So idk im just restless over it. Bleh.
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burningupp · 1 month
work is kicking my mf ASS rn 😭 why tf did I decide to be a programmer I'm so fucking-
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spicysagittarius · 2 months
do you have any plans for more challengers fics? not gonna lie she's a maneater might be the hottest thing i've ever read
YES ohhh yess dw anon I’ve been wanting to write another one SO BAD and especially after watching challengers on monday…my god. I am so down.
*Challengers spoilers below*
I thought about writing something about how after the final match they finally all just fuck like they clearly wanted to the whole time LMAO and esp after that hug between patrick and art at the end??? FUCK. That film also has the best kissing I have ever seen in a movie??? Like I didn’t know that could be a compliment one could give a film but mate it was spectacular. Unreal. There’s no way Josh and Mike did not absolutely fall head over heels irl after she kissed them like that I do not CARE that there were 7 cameras and 70 PAs and 700 fucking cameramen it doesn’t matter??? That was some insanely insane kissing. THAT TOO was the sex. Like the hotel scene?? They’re kissing but it’s the hottest sex scene that’s ever existed. And there’s no sex. And the dorm scene? FUCK me oh my god everyone watching all of the sudden wants to k*ll tom holland. After watching that damn dorm scene and looking at zendaya’s ass in a way that made me feel like a voyeur EVEN I WANT TO BEAT HIS ASS AND I AM MARRIED. to a MAN.
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mnt-eevee · 2 months
clawing at the walls. i need internet friends who have the same interests and hobbies and i need irl friends who want to go out and do things and want to learn about me and teach me about them
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rogue-bard · 8 months
Is anyone else listening to / reading Nnm's newest fanfic "Angel-centered therapy through a multicultural lens: An integrative approach"?
(The sequel to "Demonology and the triphasic model of trauma: An integrative approach")
Because I do need someone to nerd out to about what the FUCK Crowley did to Davey in "Demonology" while Aubrey wasn't there.
We know Aubrey was annoyed, so I thought, Crowley was just being an uncooperative little shit with snide remarks, but now that Davey had a full-on panic attack when Crowley came back, I'm like "wait, what?!"
(Also, I loved Aubrey before but holy hell do I love her for going all mama-bear when Davey insinuated that Crowley is trying to make her go to hell.)
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pizzaandaliens · 9 months
one thing that pisses me off is the fact that I can’t wear any tops or dresses that expose my cleavage without having someone comment on my boobs, even my mom says something about it. it makes me so mad because my boobs are huge and I get self conscious of them constantly. If I wear anything other than a turtle neck or tshirt someone is gonna say something. like heaven forbid I’d wanna wear something with less coverage for the sake of not sweating my ass off in the heat outside. there’s always a comment to be made about my boobs. -.- I can’t help that they’re so big. I’m plus size, I have PCOS and hypothyroidism and I carry a lot of my weight in my upper half, especially in my boobs. most of the time it’s my mom saying I’m showing too much but even when people say “omg I love your boobs” “your boobs are huge” “your tits look amazing” or whatever even if it’s a compliment it can still upset me because I’m sick of people talking to me about it constantly.
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sapphic-gardn · 9 months
Sage & camellia for the asks <3
hi mari baby <3
sage • what 'medium' of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
poetry and music have always been my #1. i used to be a poetry blog so my love really lies there. and music….oh music. i can’t survive a few hours without listening to some sort of music. however, i cannot play any instruments or sing. i tried singing lessons when i was 10 years old and my teacher scolded me for asking to sing “i kissed a girl” by katy perry. so yeah wtf.
camellia • what were you like when you were younger? do you think you've changed a lot?
when i was younger (like a small girl) i was a little ball of energy. i was always dancing and playing pretend. i would spend a lot of time outside in my own little world. i was very happy all the time and i wasn’t shy at all. miss girl was confident but also extremely annoying (undiagnosed adhd babe).
when i was in high school, i look at her and cringe. i was so insecure and docile, i never spoke my mind and i totally lost myself in a relationship that was toxic (traumatic times 💋).
i think in a lot of ways i don’t recognize myself from before. and i mean that in the best way. i feel like i’ve changed massively! i see so much beauty in the world, i see beauty within myself. all i wanna do is spread kindness and i think that’s really lovely :)
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finnsdumplings · 1 year
idk how you guys don’t draw piggy often, HES SO FUN TO DRAW! :D
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watching the prequel to the popular show because you think it will be popular too. refusing to read any book that requires interpretation. not engaging with any media made pre 2005. claiming that everything made outside of your own country or america /england is only enjoyed by pretentious people. how do you fucking LIVE??? where is your passion????? where is the goddamn love??? say something true and beautiful, FEEL something true and beautiful what are you afraid of?????!!!!!
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streetlightsunrise · 2 years
arly what is hs2 if not Harry styles’ second critically acclaimed album fine line
well. as you are well aware my first thought of anything has never and will never be harry styles or his second album fine line. HS2 is one of england’s most expensive and annoying ongoing bureaucratic thorns in my side and regular subject of my essays in high school. it was supposed to be a high speed rail network connecting the north of england (where stuff is made) to london (where money happens) first proposed in 2010. since then they have ended up billions over budget and aren’t even halfway yet. they’ve barely left london. this is stupid because that is billions we do not have, and even if we had it we should invest it into our very good working already existing rail system (currently inundated with strikes which I fully support) because england is not big enough to need high speed trains realistically. fun fact: HS2 is estimated to save AT MOST half an hour travel time on existing trains. this is not worth that much money. and that is the real HS2
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werebutch · 2 years
Dude my dad is the same he makes me crazy. Hes a conspiracy theorist and wants me to tell him he did a good job whenever he does smt like empty the dishwasher 💀
DUDE OMFG SAME my dad will pick up his garbage he’s left laying around for a week and expect me to congratulate him.. and any time he says a joke he gets mad/sad if i don’t laugh at it. He does this stupid baby voice and acts like a toddler.. also smth that bugs me is that any time me and my siblings are goofing around he HAS to be in on it even if he has no idea what we’re talking abt.. like maybe that’s mean but even w my friends he’s so in our faces about being included like he’s a little brother or something -_-
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cosmojjong · 2 years
making little snack-sized clips of jonghyun sounds like a great idea :) it seems like it would be really fun for you too, esp bc it’s less work and pressure than uploading a full video
hey! yeah agreed it'd be a good way of sharing small gems, to bring a smile on someone's face or some comfort to someone's day ^^ my only issue is that i'm not familiar with tiktok edits, as in i don't know how people edit videos and what the exact sizes are etc etc
the activity of subbing long videos itself isn't stressful but i do tend to pressure myself a lot. atm i'm subbing another radio interview from op. 2 radio promos and the process has been so slow because i've had a lot on my plate and some days i don't feel like even just turning on my laptop, it's been two months and i'm caught in a slump, it really sucks when you want to do things but your mind and body won't cooperate :( so ultimately having short clips would keep me a little active at least
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I am humbly asking, when chapter 6 of quiet my fears will be coming out? No rush or anything - you've gotten me invested, and now I'm lowkey just like 👀 and I miss Steve
Ahh I’m sorry it’s been so long!!! If I’m being totally honest it’s mainly bc I’ve written myself into a corner after the events of the last installment and now I don’t know how to get myself out 😬 😬. That, and things have been tough lately so it’s been hard to even open my laptop and try to write, let alone get any of it actually done.
Anyway, I can’t promise anything soon, but I can promise that I haven’t given up on them yet!! I have lots of very cute ideas for baby Harrington and family!! Thank you for reading, I’m glad you like it!!!
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phleb0tomist · 9 months
i keep seeing this idea that Real wheelchair users all have custom active chairs, and that transport/standard chairs are just an embarrassing stereotype. “no one really uses those!” “stop drawing disabled characters in standard chairs!!”
well, plenty of us are a stereotype. sorry. custom chairs require MONEY and good medical support. meanwhile active chairs are unusable for some people. i used an uncomfy transport chair (the kind with tiny wheels and no way to self propel) for a year, and a standard chair for 7yrs. until i got my powerchair i was only ever pushed by a carer. a lot of disabled people will never use an active or custom chair. don’t pretend we don’t exist just because we don’t fit some cool independent ideal.
shoutout to people who use transport chairs and adaptive strollers and other chairs that need to be pushed by a carer
shoutout to people who use standard chairs that don’t fit their body
shoutout to people who use secondhand or makeshift wheelchairs
in my teens i literally felt invalid as a disabled person because i didnt have the ‘real actual’ type of wheelchair everyone talks about online. just my garbage transport chair that my mom had to push. ​but people with shitty wheelchairs exist and are extremely common actually
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lopsidedtreetrunks · 1 year
Colleen ballinger's fucking stupid ass song is stuck in my head and it's driving me insane
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