#sorry for so many tsr links
givemeseasons · 1 year
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— Some of Amanda's fits
Left 🌿 outfit (tsr), shoes, socks (tsr), hat, glasses (tsr), earrings (tsr) Right 🌿 top, skirt (tsr), shoes (tsr), hat, necklace & earrings
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yooniesim · 2 years
So happy to see someone have enough balls to speak about Ravasheen. Can you also check the link I am sending you below. She had the audacity to fundraise for her dog's surgery just a few months ago. And you just calculated the amount she makes in her patreon!!! Sorry but wtf ??
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jfc. you've got to be kidding me.
It's awful to have a pet that needs surgery, but. Asking the community to pay for it when you're making that much per month, plus TSR, plus YouTube, plus rug sponsorships, and whatever else? How nice of her to release one set for 4.5K free, though! (With help from 3 other creators).
But Yoonie, you cry, what if she didn't have that much income back in April of 22? She said in the fundraiser she couldn't afford it, she was going through a rough time, and she'd already paid a whole $1,500!
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The amount for surgery was met by the 30th of April, right before the next Patreon cycle (May 1st). In which she had 2,712 patrons.
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The two month total of April + May:
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Now, this doesn't account for taxes (if patreon taxes and everything is being accounted for correctly), bills, and other costs she may have had. But none of that could be used for the surgery? Not even a little? What about the income from her other ventures (TSR, YouTube, anything offline)? 4.5K is a lot of money, yes, but even I'd be able to raise that on my own off my monthly salary (around 15% of hers), a little savings, and misc legwork. And if I'd been making 10K or more a month for several years? I wouldn't even have the balls to sit here and ask people on simblr to donate to me. In two months, she'd have enough money for the surgery & recovery costs and have over 20k to spare (before taxes).
She's still accepting donations to this day, btw. There were literally two sent to the Gofundme yesterday. And besides her Gofundme, there's no way to determine how many donations she's received through PayPal, which is still has an option to donate through on her site. Even if we give her every excuse in the book to consider this legit and she really was having a hard time a few months ago- patreon didn't pay out for some reason or something, or her bills/debt really are that exorbitant- she really needs someone else to pay the remaining $1,500 for her dog's recovery bills now? When she's made around $45K from patreon alone in the last three months? The options to donate should have been closed months ago. But they're still up, with no squeak from anyone.
(Meanwhile, marginalized people on simblr with no income whatsoever asking for donations for basic needs are ignored or attacked for being "greedy", but that's a whole other story ain't it.)
Source: Graphtreon.
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moonbiscuitsims · 11 months
The Sims 2 Storytelling: Werewolf Community Intro LOT TOUR + CC LIST “Deadmoon Lakes” Custom World Overview
(I will include my werewolf mods and correlated fur defaults in my next let’s play video with this household when we’ll see them transformed <3) 
Make sure you read every description carefully before downloading anything, use LazyDuchess’s HCDU program to check for conflicts and incompatibility with other mods. 
(I use ridiculous amounts of CC but I try to link to the main relevant downloads I can think of)
Sims 4t2 CAS Conversion Archive (I use a lot of the werewolves clothing) → link
Club Crimsyn (Fenris’s pants, and Dorians outfit are from this site, won’t let me link the exact page so go to TSR sets section, and on page 10 and page 1 I believe you’ll find them, I use a lot of CC from this site) → link
Mullet Dreads conversion by PlatinumApsiration → Link
Hazel Puff hair (Dorian’s hair) → Link
Hazel puff hair (Nora’s hair, I cannot remember the other hairs I have many hair dumps, if I find them I’ll add them, sorry!) → Link
Sims 4t2 Build&Buy Conversion Database for Werewolves, Vampires, Island Living and other CC (I use all werewolves items, cobwebs and cracks from vampires, and wallpapers and roofing from Island living, as well as other cc like growing together piano)  → link
Lord crumps 4t2 flooring conversions → Link
Michelle recolours many sims items (such as workout equipment, instrument recolours etc) →Link
Sims 2 Castaway Stories conversions collection (I use many items from here, including the two functional bongo (?) drum instruments, the stove, sofas, wardrobe, cracked mirrors, hammock and beds; this pack also includes cool objects like harvestable pineapple and papaya trees) → Link
Club Crimsyn for Walls (go to TSR Sets section, then click walls and floors below, I use 1959 wall set (page 1), Stone and foam walls (page 5), I use a lot of these in my game) → Link
PF’s Neon Set → link
PF’s Bubble blower → link
PSP Triple television conversion by PixelDolly Ghanima → link
Sims 1 Makin Magic Wine Rack as custom nectar bar → link
Club Crimsyn wall graffitis and deco (in Objects section page 2, and TSR Sets section page 1) -> link
Wild Mushrooms 2.0 mod by Sun & Moon →link
Pleasant Earth Pumpkin Patch crops mod → link
SimSlice Keg → link
The Sim Bouncer trampoline by NixNivis → link
Sculpture manufactory by Nadira (there are two versions, I use the first but you can have both) 
Version 1: link 
Version 2: link
Modular Buffet table and Pizza buffet by Paladin’s Place 
NO FREE LUNCH (open for business sales) → link
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candysims4 · 2 years
I hope this doesn't come off rude. I noticed you still have stuff on your Patreon from like last year and wondered why?
Hi dear! First of all, sorry for the late reply.
By now, I am basically on a "semi-hiatus," as I'm avoiding social media and social interactions because of how my mental health is right now (sometimes, it is hard for me to talk/interact). Also, I want to inform you all that there's no need to worry; I just need my time to feel comfortable taking/interacting again, plus I will not stop doing cc. And I want to say sorry to everyone for being so quiet, I'm trying to come back to talking, and hopefully, I'll be better soon.
But since it looks like many people are asking me this lately, I thought it might be good to explain again why my Patreon's post access in all my cc remains locked for patrons. 
And it is because of some benefits of being a patron, such as no ads from the site (or TSR in some cc), download sets, outfits, etc., in .zip folders or/and merged .package files.  
All my cc since I started creating until August/first half of September is free since their free release dates, three weeks after publishing. 
It also includes any of them that have "exclusive" or "patreon exclusive" on their names, as they were released years ago (2018, I believe); I didn't change the name of the posts/files to avoid broken links.
You can find and download all my cc that's free released on my site. (www.candysims.com) 
I'm always doing my best to keep the site working as best as possible; I'm not a web designer, nor do I have any knowledge of it besides what I have learned working on this site.And thinking in making you guys cc shop at least a bit easier, I have made the site the most organized as possible and a search bar that can be used not only for searching by name but also by tags; for example: "casual," "every day," "ponytail," etc.
I hope I have explained well why the posts are locked. If there are any questions left, I am here to answer them.  Sorry for this long text, and because of the rant, I felt that I at least needed to explain why I am too quiet by now.
Have a good day/night, and stay safe, XOXO.
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hmcb96 · 2 years
so many wcif/other queries about your full body model… meshing wip post, was it?
-is that a full body outfit? Is it one you made or may I ask wcif ?
-wcif the jewelry on that sim? (necklaces and earrings)
Hi! Okay I've finally tracked down all the relevant sites. I've numbered them to make it easier.
PHOTOS + LINKS under the cut.
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4t2 EP08 Jacket Hoodie by @memento-sims for AM Only. Find the TM + EM conversion by @deedee-sims HERE.
4t2 Marigold Jeans by @mdpthatsme. There's also a link there if you want morphs, done by @julietoon.
This necklace is olllddddd! I didn't realise how old! It's a male necklace by July77 on XMSims HERE. It's the first photo that shows up and has a swatch of 10 pendants. Click on the photo to download.
Long-Corded Necklace by @aikea-guinea (It's on TSR, I'm sorry. I know it's shit.)
Industrial Piercings by @yuxi-downloads. Click on the photo and it'll take you to their download post on Dreamwidth (photos on there are broken but the links are there for either Mediafire or Box.)
Lucky last, Layerable Facial Piercings by @aikea-guinea, this time on MTS. It includes eyebrow, lip and nose piercings too :)
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crimsonrozes · 7 months
Are you freakin serious? I posted the Simberleen wallpaper privately instead of public!? I just notice this now after updating my terms and links. *facepalm* I'm sorry folks for not catching earlier. It will be available to the public later today.
Anyways, I'm slowly submitting my CC to TSR for broader audience since not many simmers use Patreon or Tumblr for CC, that way its easy access for anyone. There is stuff that I can't submit, so those will be exclusive to Tumblr/Patreon only. Free off course ;)
Enjoy your weekend, and sorry for screwing up.
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kkbny · 2 years
the TOS tantrum
simblr has gone into full crisis mode after electronic arts put out a statement that putting custom content and mods behind any paywall, including early access, violates the rules with no exception:
We have a long tradition of supporting creativity in our community. We do not object to Mod developers continuing to share their amazing content, subject to the following:
Do not promote your Mods in a way that suggests they are endorsed by or affiliated with The Sims, Maxis, or Electronic Arts. This means you cannot use any game logos or trademarks, including versions of the plumbob, or key art designs to promote your Mods. You may state that your Mods are for The Sims 4 and/or for a specific game expansion pack.
Mods must be non-commercial and distributed free-of-charge. Mods cannot be sold, licensed, or rented for a fee, nor can Mods contain features that would support monetary transactions of any type. However, Maxis recognizes that creating Mods takes time and resources. Accordingly, Mod developers may recoup their development costs via passive advertisements and donations as long as:
Passive advertisements and requests for donations must be limited to the Mod website or distribution site, and not appear within the Mod itself.
All users must be able to access the Mods in full for free regardless of whether they donate.
We reserve the right to address any inappropriate Mods, including Mods that infringe the intellectual property or privacy rights of others, contain obscene, objectionable, or harmful content, jeopardize the integrity of The Sims 4 gameplay, or otherwise violate the EA User Agreement.
here's a tldr:
you cannot use plumbobs in advertisements, or imply that you are affiliated with electronic arts, instead you can (but don't have to) state that your mod or cc is for the sims.
mods can't be behind a paywall of any kind, but the distribution site can include donation links as long as donations aren't required to download the mod. mods also cannot be advertised within the sims.
the sims can take down any mods that contain nsfw content. popular mods that may be affected: basemental drugs, wicked whims, extreme violence
mods cannot infringe on intellectual property, so brand logos and names are likely off-limits. i have to get rid of my pokémon cc now... i'm so sad /srs :'(
what this means:
i am not a lawyer and i am not affiliated with patreon or EA. i do not know all of the legal stuff, and if i'm honest, i don't care all that much, but based on precedent i can draw some conclusions and make predictions on what will happen
patreon will likely just ban accounts that violate this rule, because most platforms don't have the time or resources to deal with all of this, especially when there's so many cc creators on patreon
this might affect TSR, with the nonsense "VIP" thing, but it might not. (i hope it does because i can't stand tsr)
i assume that as long as the actual content isn't behind a paywall at any time, creators can still use patreon to show wip, make announcements early to their patrons, etc. again, i don't know
the meltdowns creators are having is extremely funny
oh noooo i'm in trouble because i broke a rule that always existed waaaaaa
quitting making art because you can't profit from it is so funny to me. i'm sorry it's just so funny, especially the statements put out that are full-blown rants in all caps screaming about how mad they are at EA. for once, EA aren't the ones being greedy, which is very funny okay... it's very very funny
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ravasheencc · 3 years
would you ever consider releasing cc publicly on patreon (by that i mean like unlocking posts once it's time to release them to the public)? i'm asking because i've noticed myself and others having trouble using sfs pretty regularly, and for some of your cc sfs+patreon seem to be the only links. (sorry if you've answered this before btw!! i didn't see any other asks about it but i could be wrong lol)
no this hasnt been asked before! I actually stopped using sims file share for hosting about 4 months ago because of the website instability and their very poor ethics.
however, many of my links on my old site still are the sfs links because i havent updated them. BUT i havent updated them because i have spent the last few months rebuilding my website from scratch. i am hoping to launch it this week and the new site is so much better and includes these improvements:
1 click downloads (no taking you to another page to DL)
No sims file share links
Include links to my TSR cc (all CC in one spot!)
Better organization by category and tagging
Place to submit issues with CC
Search bar for the CC
Countdown for upcoming CC & autoreleases
When I say I spent months on this, I am not exaggerating lol! So to answer your original question, I really never plan on making my patreon posts public. This is for several reasons, but the main reason being that I can hardly keep up with social media as it is. I manage TSR, discord, instagram, tumblr, twitter, reddit, my website, and patreon. So i like to make my website the public place that has all of my most up to date CC. 
I understand this is not the way most creators do it, but also many other creators dont have a website. And I have heard everyones pains which is why i have put so much effort into changing hosts and rebuilding my site from scratch. so my hope is moving forward things will be alot easier on everyone
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hi! random question that you’re not obligated to answer (i just love your ka metas): do you think that aang acted like he was entitled to katara’s affection? sorry for the bother if this is a question you’ve gotten before, i’m just curious about your thoughts
Hi anon! It’s always lovely to hear people like my metas 💛 And you’re in luck - I have not gotten this specific question before, though I have answered similar questions, and as such I will probably link those posts throughout.
Forewarning: I use the general you very liberally in this post, so like. It’s not directed at you, anon djhskdjsajs I don’t want you think my sarcasm is in response to your ask (your ask was very lovely!! 💕)
Okay. Let’s get started! The funniest thing about the (nonsensical) claim that Aang acted “entitled” to Katara’s affection is that there is no canon evidence to support it. Opponents more often than not can only bring up one (1) episode as an example of supposed “entitlement” because no other Kataang interactions in the series demonstrate entitlement from either end! Like, wow. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. And I’m sure we all know what episode opponents love to propagate, don’t we?
Yep, you guessed it: “The Ember Island Players.”
From the get-go, the fact that people who vigorously oppose Kataang essentially only appeal to the contents of one episode for Aang’s supposed “entitlement” is a major indicator that, in fact, the entitlement is not truly there, and that those opponents are actually misconstruing the entire episode. I mean, if you are trying to make an argument about something but you only have one piece of “evidence” to support your claim, then a) any half-decent teacher/professor would fail you, rip and b) that’s a sign that maybe your claim doesn’t hold water. If you can’t find evidence to support it, then you’re probably looking at your case from the wrong angle. Analysis 101.
As such, I find the “entitlement” claim particularly ridiculous because opponents repeat the same faulty rhetoric over and over! The only people that might be convinced are those with confirmation bias. I’m sure that’s their audience, of course, but it’s still hilarious dfjaksdasks.
Anyways. Here’s the excerpt from the EIP transcript that opponents l o v e to spotlight with their “entitlement” claims:
Aang: Katara, did you really mean what you said in there?
Katara: In where? What are you talking about?
Aang: On stage, when you said I was just like a… brother to you, and you didn’t have feelings for me.
Katara: I didn’t say that. An actor said that.
Aang: But it’s true, isn’t it? We kissed at the Invasion, and I thought we were gonna be together. But we’re not.
Katara: Aang, I don’t know.
Aang: Why don’t you know?
Katara: Because, we’re in the middle of a war, and we have other things to worry about. This isn’t the right time.
Aang: Well, when is the right time?
Katara: Aang, I’m sorry, but right now I’m just a little confused.
Aang tries to kiss Katara.
Katara: I just said I was confused! I’m going inside. [Exits the balcony.]
Aang: Ugh, I’m such an idiot! [Puts down his head on the balcony railing.]
Opponents claim Aang’s behavior is “entitled” here for two reasons:
1) He asks Katara several questions about their relationship status.
2) He kisses her.
Before I get too far into this, we have to consider the context of the episode. Katara and Aang have this conversation after just watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” aka Fire Nation propaganda. I have talked about the specifics of the play being imperialist propaganda here, but the gist of it is that this play is meant to demean the Gaang, to portray them as lesser and weaker than the Fire Nation. The fact that the play ends with Ozai’s victory is a stark reminder of this mentality. So: Katara and Aang have just watched this play that preys upon their insecurities and paints them as awful caricatures of their true selves. It is only natural that they would be more tense than usual. The reason I bring this up is solely to inform their conversation on the balcony, however; I don’t think their frustration solely defines what they say/do, but it’s worth keeping in mind, “Hey, they’re stressed and upset, of course this conversation might not go perfectly.”
Now, I have talked about the infamous EIP kiss before and approached all the rhetoric surrounding it like Snopes Fact Checker in this post, lmao. I did discuss in there why the kiss is wrong, which no one has ever argued against, but also why the kiss is simply a mistake: not sexual assault, not entitlement, not an unforgivable decision. I’ve copied and pasted specifically my notes on the “entitlement” claim below regarding the kiss, but if you have time, I definitely recommend the whole post jksdhjasdka (I’m quite proud of it). Anyways! Here’s the excerpt:
Claim: Aang acted entitled to Katara and her affection.
Status: False.
I’ve briefly addressed this already, but Aang backing off when Katara pushed him away is the exact opposite of entitlement. An impromptu kiss is not always indicative of entitlement. It can be, especially if the person being kissed has never expressed any interest in the person kissing them, but Katara and Aang were mutually interested in each other. They’d mutually kissed twice already by that point: in CoTL and during DoBS. The EIP kiss was inappropriate. NO ONE HAS EVER SUGGESTED OTHERWISE. But when you’re 12 and you’re already kind of in this semi-relationship with a girl you’ve been through hell and high water with (who has kissed you twice on the lips and on the cheek multiple times, not to mention it is only you she ever expresses such affection towards), it is not fucking “entitlement” to make a move on her, even when the timing is off. IT’S JUST A MISTAKE. A POOR DECISION. NOT ENTITLEMENT. NOT MANIPULATION. NOT SEXUAL ASSAULT. Full stop.
Also, these EIP people love to call Aang entitled for this kiss, but there isn’t a single peep heard from them about Zuko’s line in TSR where he demands to know what’s “wrong” with Katara, since she hasn’t forgiven him yet when everyone else has. And look. I think Zuko was just frustrated here, and that he, too, made a mistake and is obviously not irredeemable for it, but. If you’re going to argue that Aang was entitled in EIP, you’d better be ready to acknowledge the argument that Zuko was acting entitled in TSR, too. And hell, let’s take it a step further! Call Aang entitled for EIP. Call Zuko entitled for TSR. Call Sokka entitled for choosing to stay at Boiling Rock on the off chance his father would arrive, thus making Suki and Zuko feel obligated to stay behind with him, effectively putting all of them in danger. What an entitled decision, risking his friends’ lives on the 0.01% chance Hakoda would be one of the many, many possible war prisoners arriving at Boiling Rock!
Damn. That sounds ridiculous as fuck, doesn’t it?
And guess what. That’s exactly how the “Aang was entitled” arguments come across. Hate to break it to you. Trust me when I say to do yourself a favor and stop perpetuating that faulty rhetoric!
So that is what I have already assessed, lol.
To be frank, the most frustrating thing I see perpetuated is that the EIP kiss somehow ruined Aang and Katara’s relationship. But when it comes to assessing weighty issues like the notion of “entitlement” in a relationship, the fact of the matter is that you have to look at both the relationship as a whole and the context in which it is situated. Opponents never want to do that, because doing so debunks their entire (baseless) argument, lmao. Katara and Aang are best friends. And by EIP, they have both expressed romantic interest in each other multiple times. (Here is a post explaining the development of Katara’s feelings for Aang, just to put out that fire before anyone sets it lmao.)
So why, why do opponents think Katara would never find it in herself to forgive Aang for a mistaken kiss? Katara is shown over and over again throughout the series to have one of the biggest hearts. She wants to see the good in people. That’s why she gives Jet a second chance (even though a person could argue he did not “deserve” one); that’s why she helps the Fire Nation village in “The Painted Lady”; that’s why she forgives Pakku (once she sees he’s willing to change); that’s why she is the second person in the entire show (excluding Iroh) to offer Zuko a hand of kindness (in CoD)! That’s why she eventually forgives Zuko, even after all he has done to the Gaang (e.g. sending an assassin after them, being complicit in Aang’s death, attacking her and kidnapping Aang at the NWT, manipulating her with her mother’s necklace, to name a few, lmao. bless his heart, but like Jet, someone could easily argue Zuko doesn’t “deserve” another chance - and yet Katara still gave him [and Jet] one. in fact, she gave Zuko multiple).
In other words, Katara is almost always willing to extend friendship and compassion and forgiveness to others - why would she revoke that privilege from Aang after a single error that is comparatively lesser to all the other horrible things she’s experienced in the war? Again, I’m not downplaying how terrible of a decision Aang made. It’s inexcusable. But it’s not the end of the world, and considering the context of the show (e.g. Aang and Katara liked each other and they both knew it), it’s… not some heinous crime. Compared to, oh, how about attempted murder? lmaoo
Even beyond Katara’s innate kindness, Aang is Katara’s best friend. She loves him. The show portrays it as romantic through the seasons, but even if someone isn’t into shipping (which is super valid), Katara and Aang’s connection is one of the primary lynchpins of the show! (The other being Aang and Zuko, the greatest foils of all time.) Katara and Aang epitomize several of A:TLA’s thematics (and aesthetics) because they are complementary: yin and yang, push and pull, Tui and La, moon and ocean, blue and orange, water and air. This gifset and related commentary beautifully demonstrate how even when Katara and Aang disagree, they respect the other’s the decision. So after 60~ episodes depicting Aang and Katara as having mutual respect and love for each other in every form as well as emphasizing Katara’s natural inclination towards kindness/giving people the benefit of the doubt, opponents still think Katara wouldn’t forgive Aang because of one mistimed, inappropriate kiss? What?? Make it make sense, lmao.
In sum, the kiss was a mistake, not an act of entitlement, and it’s absurd to think Katara would hold that against Aang for the rest of his life.
To backtrack a bit, opponents also love to use the fact that Aang asked Katara several questions about their relationship status as examples of his “entitlement.” Just typing that out highlights the ridiculous nature of this assertion, lmao! Let me rephrase it for maximum hilarity:
“Aang was unsure about where their relationship stood? Well, how dare he ask numerous questions to resolve his confusion!”
Like, what was the alternative jskfajksdas if you are in relationship limbo with someone, it is far better to ask them ‘too many’ questions for clarification than to simply assume one way or the other! Kissing Katara was wrong, flat-out, but asking her questions to better understand where they were in their relationship was like. exactly the right decision, lmao. I genuinely don’t see how that could be indicative of entitlement? Especially because, once again, Aang and Katara both like each other and they both know that by this point in the show. That’s why Aang doesn’t ask if Katara likes him - he knows she does. That’s why Katara doesn’t negate her feelings - she knows she’s interested in him, and the blockade between them is not a lack of reciprocation, but the fact that they’re “in the middle of a war” and consequently it’s not “the right time” for them to begin a relationship. Katara has seen Aang die before! She knows he’s facing a near-impossible victory! I can’t blame her for not wanting to start a relationship with him at that point. It would hurt twice as much to lose him again if they were together in a romantic fashion (amatonormativity, am I right?). Again, Aang’s kiss was entirely inappropriate, but him asking her questions about their relationship is a) an example of fostering healthy communication and b) what any therapist would encourage, lol.
Oh, but I’m “forgetting” something, aren’t I? Right. This line:
Katara: Aang, I’m sorry, but right now I’m just a little confused.
If we want to talk about parallels, which I know the A:TLA fandom adores, this line sounds suspiciously like:
Yue: … but I like you [Sokka] too much and it’s too confusing to be around you.
Yue and Katara are actually in similar situations here. Outside forces are interfering with their relationships; for Yue, there is her arranged marriage, and for Katara, it’s the life-or-death nature of the war itself. They aren’t confused about their feelings, as Yue knows she likes Sokka and Katara knows she likes Aang, but they are confused about how to reconcile those feelings with their external circumstances. And can you blame them for that? They are facing impossible decisions (the fate of their nation and the fate of the world respectively). I would be confused, too! So Katara’s response isn’t a reaction to any so-called “entitlement” from Aang; she is experiencing genuine confusion about how to approach her own feelings for him in the midst of a war.
In sum, Aang asking questions about their relationship was a logical step to take resolving his confusion and is in no way related to “entitlement.” Katara’s confusion was not “letting Aang down easy” and interpreting it as such requires disregarding every preceding line of the conversation and its context.
As you can see, Aang’s actions in EIP are not at all “entitled.” His questions were understandable. While his kiss was inappropriate and inexcusable, it was also a mistake, and there is no canon evidence to support the conclusion Katara would never be able to forgive him (her literal best friend!) for it.
Before I end, I’ll touch briefly upon the DotBS kiss, because it is also occasionally used as an example of Aang’s “entitlement” towards Katara’s feelings. Whether you like the trope or not, this moment falls under what is called the “Now or Never Kiss.” TV Tropes actually lists Kataang/DotBS as an example under the Western Animation tab:
“Avatar: The Last Airbender: The fact that he’s finally going to face the dreaded Firelord, and possibility that he might not come back alive from that battle, gives Aang enough motivation to kiss Katara.”
Again, whether you like the trope or not, it involves reciprocation from both parties:
“The Not-A-Couple [i.e. both parties] don’t want to go out without revealing how they [i.e. both parties] really feel. It’s now or never. They kiss.”
Katara and Aang both like each other. When Aang initiates the DotBS kiss, Katara kisses him back. Her lips are still puckered when he pulls away. Furthermore, Katara had initiated a kiss with Aang prior to this incident, in CoTL. Katara was also the one to initiate every cheek kiss with Aang (who is the only character she ever demonstrated such affection towards). So Aang kissing Katara during DotBS follows an established precedent of Katara initiating different kisses, romantically inclined, with Aang. It’s not entitlement; it’s him knowing they mutually like each other and him realizing this might be the last time he ever sees her. Again, you can hate the trope, but don’t blatantly misconstrue its meaning. You’ll sound like Fire Nation propaganda, lmao. (For clarification, jic: the general you. not anon!)
Here is a fantastic post by @imreallyhereforkataang explaining the DotBS kiss in more detail as well as discussing why Kataang’s progression in the second half of Book 3 was, in fact, well-developed, and how Katara and Aang are best friends above all else and know that (which was the core of their relationship from the start).
And a bonus fun fact: in the original storyboard (link takes you to storyboarder Giancarlo Volpe’s DeviantArt with said storyboard), it is noted that Katara smiles after Aang kisses her. Why? Because she likes him as much as he likes her! It was changed by a “higher authority,” according to Volpe, probably to add more realism to the romance (i.e. Katara likes Aang, yes, but as she herself points out in EIP - there’s a war going on, and love is always terrifying to reconcile with war).
(Seriously, though, do read Volpe’s description on the storyboard. Takes you a second to scroll down and maybe a minute to read. Short yet informative, discussing how you can see on the storyboard itself that someone revised the image so Katara isn’t smiling after the kiss.)
Anyways! Opponents’ argument that Katara wasn’t interested in Aang therefore is and has always been entirely inapplicable.
To conclude: the entitlement assertion is laughable. There is no canon evidence to support it. As such, I encourage you to laugh whenever you see it! Pull an Azula, for that matter:
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[ID: Gif from “The Beach” episode of A:TLA. Ty Lee, mimicking a guy, asks Azula, “Hey there sweet sugar cakes. How ya likin’ this party?” Azula proceeds to burst into exaggerated laughter, earning stares from everyone else at the party. End ID.]
Thank you for the great ask, anon! Hopefully my response was satisfactory 💛
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sundays-sims · 4 years
your fave walls and ground ??
Hey anon, you are a person of few words, I like it. 
Ok, so here it is:
w a l l s :
Stupidly enough, the Unbent Smoothness from the base game is one of my fave.
Beautiful Plaster walls made by Lexisim on TSR, they made a lot of versions, no.10 is my fave, here: [X] 
Absolutely mind blown by these stunning mineral wall surfaces by @tilly-tiger, here: [X]
@sjamboksim famous concrete walls, here: [X]
Basically every wall paper by @imminervaa, I particularly love these geometric wood, here [X] but they are all beautiful.
@pralinesims’s (or Cross-Design?) wood wall collection, version 40 is my favorite, I think… it’s hard to pick, but here: [X]
Some beautiful wooden walls by  @liness-simsinterior7 as well, here: [X]
f l o o r s :
Again, base game Construction-Quality concrete is one of my go to. 
I really use a lot of Nullspace concrete floor as well, I couldn’t find the link on her page, but I found a reblog with a link, here: [X]
Danuta729 and Rirann on TSR made some beautiful wooden floors that I also use a lot. Danuta720 [X] & Rirann [X] [X]
Also, Praline’s/Cross-Design Wood floor collection, they are all amazing! Here’s no. 5 [X]
There you go, anon, these are the ones I can think of right now, but, obviously there are SO MANY talented people making amazing stuff, I, for sure, forgot some (sorry in advance for this..). Take care & stay safe! 
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pickledtiarax · 4 years
Hello again, I hope you're well? I've just seen the apartment kitchen you posted and it's awesome, where can i get the objects you made it with?
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Editing to say yes I am well, hope you are too! I am sorry if I came off as blunt if you read the original post, I love problem solving so I tend to jump right in! 
I use quite a bit of items, so I will do my best. Posting this in case other people were looking for the same items:
Hanging plates, mirror, fromage cutting boards and moroccan tea set are from TSR Severinka, link to her page. I would recommend just downloading everything from that artist. 
Shelf with live edge TSR Wondymoon same download everything both artists do amazing and unique work
Pitcher and vase on right side upper shelf, stacked plates on both Nynaeve Lift decor, another creator who makes some of the cleanest and most pristine cc for the sims. I use their plants in every build and the new arc floor lamp is one of my faves. 
Crystal wine glasses are from ShinoKCR, use these quite a bit, gorgeous in game. Check out my blog, they are the ones in Judith Ward’s dining room. ShinoKCR has some great vintage pieces.
The brass coffee set is from Dox, the dining chair is part of that set. I would be careful downloading from there, I tried it and got some adfly. Dox items are gorgeous. The black bowl might be from Dox or Dare0n. 
Artwork is from from Baufive whose artwork was featured in one of my previous WCIF posts. 
Sink is from Minc who closed their tumblr. TSR probably has ones that are comparable. 
Many of my clutter pieces are from Leosims, some were part of patreon sets that are now free, again be careful of adfly and other such links. 
The appliances are from LittleDica who is at Mod the Sims. Modern and a nice transition between alpha and maxis match. 
Wallpaper is by @imminervaa, a fave and I use her wallpaper in every build. I also had a WCIF post featuring her work. 
Counter is by Sanoysims, I love that you have the option for silver or brass hardware. 
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Dining table is by @hephaestionsims and it is beautiful in game. She also makes some amazing iconic chairs. 
Another fave glasses LV xmas gift, mentioned in a previous WCIF post.
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The deserts are by @love-handles-bakery and the tiny details are stunning in game. There is also this cute takeout box but it did not fit on those particular counters. 
The cheese board and bread is by Dare0n, the artist pulled their files except at Blooming Rosy. Some builders include Dare0n’s with permission. 
I probably missed some but again I tend to use alot of clutter in my rooms. If you see something that you are not sure where to find please message me. I can either tell you where to look or come up with a substitute. Stay safe!
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applesaucesims · 4 years
Hi! I'm so sorry if this is a weird ask. I've beeb dying to play the decades legacy and am just wondering if there are any mods or cc you recommend? You definitely don't have to link anything to me if you don't want to, I'm just very curious. Especially for just starting out! Thank you in advance! I love your legacy
Thank you! It’s not a weird ask at all! I’ll be glad to help ya out.
First off, mods:
this one from MTS which keeps them from using the phone autonomously ... it’s just super helpful when it comes to keeping yourself in the “illusion”
MC Command Center because it helps customise your game (e.g. deaths in the war, pregnancy settings, auto renaming after marriage, etc.) i can’t play without it even for modern gameplay
Now, CC:
Lollaleeloo’s Victorian clothes, especially the swimwear, on TSR
basically everything by @historicalsimslife @vintagesimstress @linzlu @happylifesims @simsfromthepast @retro-pixels @peebsplays ... there are so many
this functional typewriter so you can use certain things you would otherwise only be able to do on a computer
the tea party set by @plumbobteasociety
@zurkdesign‘s historical tag here
there’s also so many different vintage radios and tvs, for example this phonograph I use, some others by the creators I listed before, and many more
Otherwise, I just mix and match with different era things. For example, different kinds of hairstyles that may be created with modern times in mind but actually fit into older times as well. Same for clothing, of course. (I also like to pair different kinds of long skirts with different blouses for some diy dresses lol)
That’s all I could think of for now. Since I’m only in the 1920s gen I don’t have too much beyond that, yet. But I hope this is helpful anyway!
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t4m4g0tch1 · 4 years
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Hello guys, this is my first ever public upload and post. As you can read by the title I created Yennefer in CAS and uploaded her in the Sims 4 gallery. I had to use plenty of CC to create her, but voilà! ♥
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TO DOWNLOAD THIS SIM: MY ID ON Origin/SIMS4 IS Tapatschki-Fight 
Random notes: 
CAUTION! I used a DEFAULT eye replacement in order to wear the lace mask! It’s your choice to use it or not. AND! IT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE THAT YOU WILL BE REDIRECTED TO AD.FLY PAGES if the links are not from TSR , so please use the links carefully.
I used one mouth preset of @ratboysims and  3 custom personality traits from @Kawaiistacie @simlicioussarah, unfortunately  I can’t find the source of the third one anymore. Thanks to @remussirion​ and @pralinesims​ , and just like many more creators of which CC I used I was able to create Yennefer as a Sim. ♥
The Pool Outfit on Yen is actually nothing *lol* I left her naked, because I wanted to. Anyone who does not have the amazing @wickedwhims-sims4 mod won’t see Yen without any clothing. 
But I think you can change the traits with the fulleditcas cheat.
 (Sorry for any mistakes It is my first time!!!) 
Since I don’t want to upload any zip files or anything similar because of respect (credits etc) I’m going to give you the direct links to the pages of the creators! There is only one link direct to SFS. EVERYTHING IS LINKED BELOW.
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aleniksimmer · 5 years
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*insert shocked pikachu meme*
I’ve made Gabriel’s top mesh. It took me a day, like the old CN times. And now I just want to go for a walk but it’s 11pm. Anyway, yay, the mesh is complete with everything, it has the uvs and it seems to work fine with weights in blender. The next days I need to do the texture (sigh), normal, specular and test in game (sigh sigh).
I put the pants, shoes and glasses just to have a general idea in blender. I think it resembles Gabriel’s outfit enough? I needed to change some parts (around the neck, the bottom, etc) because it’s low poly and I didn’t want to risk messing up the uv_1 or weights.
About the uv_0, to make it I had to merge all the uvs of the Miraculous sets I made to understand where to place the extra parts. Turns out that while making the sets I messed something up. Since I started with the project of making every villain I’ve always left a space in the bottom right to place Despair Bear texture “just in case” (the texture for when he’s attached to the leg). The space is still there, BUT just merging I noticed that both the yoyo and Marinette’s purse take a lot of place and they can’t be used with some shoes and bottom/outfits (for example the waitress one, but other outfits and shoes in general too). I’ve also took the chance to look at the Aqua and Ice power ups suits, expecially LB. Turns out I can’t reuse basically anything. I have to make a new yoyo, or at least part of it, and completely change the uv_0 and so the texture. There are a lot of details in those suits and the maps in TS4 are limited. For example, I need to use extra space for the decorations (they are actually 3D), the belt (both LB and CN), LB yoyo (that’ll probably move in a ring/bracelet space as CN’s baton so I can avoid future problems). I really have no idea why I made the yoyo like this (I can try to understand the purse, but no the yoyo), I guess it’s because it was the first set and I had no idea about the power ups? Or not a real idea? And I had very little “knowledge” on the whole project. All of this to say: in the future sets, if something comes from other packs, it’s going to be linked in the recommend tab of TSR (and S4S/tumblr post), if it’s not there it means it has to be downloaded with the new set (even if it’s similar to the old one, for example the yoyo!). Idk how many are going to be interested in this wall of text, but it’s more a reminder for me too I gess.
Almost forgot! The scarf/inactive miraculous are going to be in the necklace category, so that they can both be used with the top. (At this point I don’t even know if someone cares for Gabriel’s inactive miraculous, but it kinda became a must in my sets..and when I started making them, one of the reason I wanted proper miraculous sets was for storytelling lol)
*bloopers while I was checking the power ups*
Nooroo with a stomachache.
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Gabriel has extremely mirrored lifless eyes (I had to make them symmetrical in TS4 and add more life due to how the eyes are made in game).
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CUTE, CUTEEE, CUTEEEEEEEEEE KITTY!!! *I’m too old to fangirl*
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Quick, someone edit him into Chat Blanc! He basically can change from cute-dumb-kitty to I-cataclysm-you-and-your-house in seconds, like a real cat. (also, with all the changes they made, I can’t even reuse the pockets because they inverted them *cries*)
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So. Dramatic. (right, Frozer is the cursed episode that the *fandom* didn’t like)
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Actually, LB belt (in the aqua one too) is a transparent semisphere and the ladybug logo is underneath it. But since me and alpha don’t get along well together in game, it’s going to be a textured semisphere with a “fake” glass texture when time comes.
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There are spots where they shouldn’t be.
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There aren’t spots where they should be. Considering all the mistakes in these costumes, I assume CN ring is normal and not neon green (it bugged me a lot when I first watched Syren). And yep, Ice CN hair are lighter, Aqua LB are fluo and Ice are darker (I’ve checked them in the transformation sequences that should have the same light always).
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Checked in Mayura, the ring is normal.
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And LB’s belt is blue, like the neck.
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I won’t do the glowing miraculous! I mean I could but I kinda don’t want? Idk, tell me if you want it.
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SORRY FOR THE BABBLING, it’s been a while.
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oofnika-blog · 5 years
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Outfit for TS4 #1
ok hi sorry if this is really unprofessional but this is my first post lol
essentially i look for sims 4 outfits that look pretty ok so that you don’t have to do all that digging. depending on the kind of style you are after, you may or may not find the kind of stuff you want here but oops lol. i will link where i find the stuff so again you don’t have to find them yourself
glasses- come in so many nice colours get them here
shoes- i love them because they are like vans get them here on TSR
shorts- they are also so good the photo doesn't show them as well as they actually are, i think this is the right link; get them here
top- by elliesimple i love it sm get it here 
hair- comes in quite a few nice colours i am struggling to look for it as i cannot find it in tray importer but i will update when i find it
choker- difficult to see on this image  (sorry about that)   get it here
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
aaaahhhhh you're so nice i am blushing <3
i am so genuinely glad you feel a bit better now like it just makes me happy. also yes, zutara×taylor analysis is absolutely legendary behavior and its literally so wild that our swiftie conversion was in the same era zone?! i was shook. my favorites from the eras are "I Almost Do" and "Clean" respective. it was also literally so exciting to see someone else share their taylor songs like i stared at that for so long when you posted it (the first one lol) and it was also so good???? like omg i never even thought of some and it was very cool.
also i saw this post like a week ago and it made me think of you and i was just too scared to share lol (it's been sitting in my drafts ever since i found it just in case)
imo post red/1989 was her best era so i think we chose a great time for our swiftie conversion!!! i almost do is SO SAD, ever since you put it in your zk playlist i haven't been able to think of it without thinking of them. my favourite tracks were i knew you were trouble and wildest dreams (i'm basic, i know) but clean is SO GOOD + gives me such katara vibes (omg clean as post TSR katara???)
you're so nice, thank you!!!! it's all due to you, i would've never even thought of doing a zk post if you hadn't done the first one! i added so many of your choices to my zk taylor playlist because the interpretations were so good, like especially the way i loved you/long live/dancing with our hands tied??? i didn't even link them to zk until i read your post and i was like WAIT THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.
(people saying they thought of me when they see things makes me so soft afdnfksdnfkdf sorry i get way too emotional over things i shouldn't)
i absolutely loved that post!! katara would definitely be THE BEST ALLY i love her SO much. i agreed with almost everyone but mai, but i'm not a mai stan so that's probably my own bias lol. i just don't really think she'd do anything more than a "cool whatever" and move on. she also seemed to initiate a lot of the physical action in her relationship with zuko, so i don't see her as being on the ace spectrum, but that's just my interpretation. thank you for sharing though, that was really nice <3
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