#sorry for subtweeting this is not about anyone who i know in person!!!
mellow-hole · 4 months
Fucken phantom terfs in the melbourne lesbian community disgust me like we need a red alert
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Heyy, it’s been a couple of days since I’ve posted, even longer since I’ve been consistent. I would say I’ve been busy but that would be a lie because I haven’t actually had less time than usual to post. Truth is some stuff’s gone down, partially on this very platform, and it’s made it very hard to post. If you don’t want to read a kind of venty angsty personal post the TL;DR is I’ll get back to posting semi-regularly once I’ve dealt with some stuff but I promise it has nothing to do with the people who interact with my blog. You’re the highlight of my day even if it’s “just” a like and I’m sorry for the recent dip in posts.
I don’t wanna go into detail because surprise! I don’t actually like going out of my way to create drama with people and one person involved has essentially harassed me on every platform we share. That’s why I haven’t spoken about this before, and I’m only saying this now because I realized I’ve forgotten to respond to several reblogs and I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m ignoring them or abandoning this blog or anything. Basically, I feel bad about leaving without explanation and also I kind of want to vent? So without getting too specific: A close friendship recently died a slow, torturous death over several months, slowly getting worse until the other person threw me in the trash like I meant nothing. Then he came back two weeks later and tried to guilt trip me for being upset at him for how he treated me.
In that two week period some stuff went down on Tumblr here and well… there’s no way to sugarcoat this, so I’ll be blunt: it’s made me terrified to post anything on here. Every time I want to post something I feel sick to my stomach with dread because what if it’ll happen again? Or, alternatively, what if I’m next? And it sucks because I’m not even 100% sure it was aimed at me, but it lines up a little too perfectly and maybe I’m paranoid and it’s all on me but maybe it’s not and if that’s the case… I’d rather be wrong, for once, but the problem is that there’s no way to know for certain. I’ve been stewing in this weird, complicated mishmash of emotions and confusion and I honestly have no idea how to deal with it. I thought time would help, as it usually does, but clearly this is a special case.
Before anyone says it, yes. I’m aware that this is a subtweet, which is not a cool or nice thing to do unless it’s a joke between friends. That’s another thing that made me not want to post this. I hate being mean to people who aren’t mean to me first, and as I said I have no solid proof from a trustworthy source without ulterior motives that this had anything to do with me (which is what I usually use as my standard for when to start hitting back) but I just can’t seem to let it go. Every time I have an AU I wanna share I get this creeping, uncomfortable, clawing feeling crawling underneath my skin and tightening in my chest and I hate it. I hate it so much I cannot even describe it properly.
It makes me wanna scrape my skin off with sandpaper and scrub myself clean from the inside out with an iron sponge. I wanna claw my heart out of my chest and shake it until it stops feeling like this and the only comfort here is that I’ve found some fancy new descriptions to use in my writing. Speaking of: I’ll post on AO3 again soon, hopefully today or tomorrow, but just like with my blog I’m so drained of energy and I feel so nauseous about posting I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it again, which sucks because I love posting on all these platforms! It shouldn’t feel like a chore but it does now and I don’t know if there’s anything that’ll ever make it fully go away. It’s become more manageable, hence why I’m posting this, so I’m clinging to the hope it’ll all ebb away at some point. Until then though my posting schedule is gonna be even more inconsistent than it usually is, so I’m very sorry about that. Hope you all have a wonderful day and I’m sorry about the venty post I’ve subjected you to 😅
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lethekazhorai · 8 months
It really bothers me when people use "Class S" as an abstract label to contrast subtextual/euphemistic yuri with more overt yuri (I almost phrased that part as "a derisive label for yuri they don't think goes far enough", but I will try my best to be charitable.)
If the person I'm subtweeting (I don't know the word on Tumblr. Subtumblring?) happens to see this post, I'm really sorry. I have nothing against you personally, this is just something that's bothered me for a while and your post was the final push for me to rant about it.
First of all, Class S is a genre term, not an abstract label. It refers to stories about schoolgirls (more rarely, one of them will be a female teacher), one usually older than the other, who form strong and exclusive one-on-one bonds with one another where they practically become each other's entire world.
The most archetypal Class S story that anyone who doesn't read prewar Japanese literature is likely to encounter is Maria-sama ga Miteru, though it doesn't quite conform to the classic definition in some ways, such as playing it fast and loose with the "one-on-one bonds" thing. Other notable modern works are the FLOWERS visual novel series, Strawberry Panic, and Yuri is my Job! (a parody.)
I'm starting with this point because once in a while I'll see people describe things like Hibike! Euphonium as "Class S" and it's really weird. A school setting doesn't make something Class S, and neither does subtext yuri or yuri which one finds subjectively unsatisfying.
Second, while early Class S stories were rarely explicit about the characters being in love (especially in any physical way,) there was a good reason for that. And that reason is because the genre originated in prewar Imperial Japan. Anything that got published was first reviewed by the Home Ministry for, among other things, homosexual content.
The lady considered to be one of the first major Class S authors, Nobuko Yoshiya, was openly lesbian in a time and place where it was not easy to be a lesbian. She had to adopt her lifelong lover as her daughter because that was the only way for them to be in some sort of legally recognized relationship. Early Class S authors didn't choose not to write unequivocally lesbian novels because they didn't want to—it would have gotten them thrown in jail and their work suppressed if they had.
Third, and most importantly to me, relationships without kisses or physical intimacy or declarations of love aren't inherently lesser than those that do have them. Aromantic people exist. People who don't or can't love others in ways that align with social norms exist. I'm pretty sure I'm one of them myself.
I won't argue that if a story stops just short of making a yuri relationship overt and undeniable, the ulterior motive behind that choice is likely to have been anything other than a capitalist one, but who are we to judge? Maybe that one girl really does just wants to hug her girlfriend and smile at her and call her "onee-sama." Maybe kissing and saying the L word just aren't for her.
You don't have to like Class S, or subtext yuri. But the relationships in them aren't lesser.
To express myself more clearly and succinctly:
Most of the stuff people call "Class S" isn't
There's nothing wrong with real Class S either
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resmarted · 2 years
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honestly i feel considerably calmer than ever before and have worked through a significant amount of my anger from a very traumatic hand i’ve been dealt. the frequent backhanded rude comments don’t go over my head i just don’t feel the need to correct everyone and spar in public where i do that thing and verbally decimate anyone who dare cross me so it becomes fodder for subtweets the next day or whatever. like i literally don’t care and it’s very liberating. i used to have a lot of hang ups on how i do things my own way and not by the book (which is obviously an outdated manual btw) and like, i haven’t read chocolate war in years but something about traditional comedy scene stuff really reminds me a lot of this cult mentality where if you don’t sell yourself we are all going to gang up on you for daring to refuse to join our aggro traditions, or like WHATEVER that vibe is i have always been very much the person who works quietly on something for months at a time and comes out of my hole to present it and goes back to edit and write new things. this idea that you need to be running the same jokes you wrote x amount of years ago into the ground in order to be considered a Real Comic is so bizarre and far past the expiration date in concept alone. i also just get sensory overload like cannot handle constant stimulation i get very exhausted in rooms full of people it takes a lot out of me and i don’t need to explain myself to someone who thinks they’re being slick by trying to sneak diss me me as loudly as possible in some side convo that i have no desire to pay attention to in the first place. like i’m glad you’re better than me on every level good for you homie idk what you want me to say to that. i can die having done a total of two performances and as long as they were solid and something i’m proud of it’s better to me than a million where i’m just going through the motions like a zombie robot BUT i am sure that’s not everyone’s experience it just feels like it is for me when i try to do literally anything at all the Normal Way. idk what to tell you man i don’t need to assert my dominance over things that are not that serious to me and thank god for that bc a few years ago anyone in the scene would have warned you i would have easily been like yo what the fuck did you just say? which is maybe what people want or have come to expect on some level and it’s like, i’m very anticlimactic in my emotional responses and lashings out i know it’s disappointing sorry!do you want to eat italian and hate on sammi or
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neomuni · 3 years
I am fully aware that the whole fanservice thing is a mess, but just as much as any idol has the right to refuse aegyo or whatever else is demanded of them, they have the right to do aegyo all day long if they so choose and you belittling them for it or telling them they "shouldn't" does not make you woke
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
I just want to say one thing and then I’m not gonna talk about this anymore.
I have never once ignored an ask/dm/anything. Ever. Everyone knows that tumblr eats them, so if I have not answered something it’s because it has not gotten to me in any way, shape, or form. I do not believe in exclusivity and making anyone feel like they aren’t welcomed on my blog or as my friend.
I try to interact with talk with all my mutuals and the like because I genuinely like getting to know you guys and learning about you. I have never once had the intention to start some “group” like I’m in fucking high school again for god sakes. If you wanted to be added to a group chat, If you wanted to talk to me via DMs, all you have to do is ask.
My work schedule is 3 twelve hour shifts a week if not more and I have a personal life outside of tumblr. Sometimes I get behind.
When you question my integrity and kindness then I’m going to defend myself. I have never once done anything with the intention of making someone feel unwelcome. If you know me then you know this is true. I’m sorry if anyone has ever felt this way but I truly hope you would come to me and we could talk it out instead of publicly bashing me via anon or subtweet or whatever the fuck they call it on here. I pride myself on being a genuine person who wants to shower everyone with love and kindness. I don’t know that I’ve ever been anything different. No, I’m not perfect, but I don’t think I’ve ever been rude.
I love you guys but goddamn this is a hell site.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I agree I feel like Dream gets taken advantage off quite a lot, maybe a select few of his friends. I'm sure its not intentional but still leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth. Like I personally get the feeling that Phil doesn't like Dream all that much, but thats just me.
My problem is that while I'm proud that Dream has learned how to handle controversy better, it always irks me when I see other cc's critique him for defending himself, but then do nothing when he gets dragged through the mud. However when another cc gets attacked by Dream stans (which I don't support please don't harrass people) they suddenly get defensive.
Like I get it defend your friends, but how about how about during that whole n-slur scandal, the only people defending Dream were Bad, Sapnap, Skeppy, and Fundy. I can't even remember if George said anything about it. Like dreamisoverparty got trending that day, but someone like Minx who gets attacked by a couple of stans and suddenmy theres an army of other ccs to defend her.
It just frustrates me, I'm sorry for ranting.
Literally though. Don't even get me started on the Phil and Dream thing.
Like if Puffy who is friends with both Dream and Kacey can publicly defend Dream from Kacey then why can't anyone else.
Like Sapnap is always the only one to defend Dream, others will mention it on stream like Punz and Puffy but everyone else is suddenly silent. Like I know Dream said he can handle himself and he doesn't want his friends getting involved but only talking about it to make a joke is shitty especially if you said nothing to help. Like Alyssa has done more to defend Dream than half of the smp. Ludwig and Corpse have defended Dream more than George. Wilbur has defended Dream more than most of his friends.
If Bad gets involved you know it's bad which is why people suddenly got involved during the Geosquare n word drama.
It's the fact that people won't defend him but then in Dream's "thanks for supporting me" tweet they'll reply with some shit like "thank God that's over" like motherfucker you weren't a part of it, maybe if you were it would have been over quicker.
Not to shit on Tommy but he's a big example. He'll say shit like "Dream Stans 🤢" then make a joke about some Dream drama. Only to then turn around and be like "Glad it's over big man" to Dream's face.
A good example of someone who switched was Krinios who went from being like Dream always get in drama and his stans suck to defending Dream and his stans multiple times publicly. Like against Jawsh, John Swan, subtweeting Minx, Tweeting about the N word Geosquare situation and then congratulating Dream for multiple things. Like if someone who was publicly shitting on Dream can defend him better than his friends then something's up.
Honestly the munchymc group benefit Dream way more than the DreamSMP group could ever.
I trust 6 people to defend Dream. Sapnap, Bad, Boomer, Ludwig, Corpse and Michael Mcchill. (Michael was the reason for the bitch in mask and is a dsmp Dream apologists, that's enough for me. Also he's always been one to publicly defend Dream he was one of the first cc's to defend him during the speedrun drama and the Jawsh and Noah drama) Michael my beloved.
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numbaoneflaya · 3 years
I got a lot for you, you don't have to answer all of these 💀. 2, 4, 8, 21, 35, and 50 for Jilly. 3, 7, 10, 41, and 64 for Valkya. And 6, 7, 14, 25, and 52 for Mike. And a large fry 😁
I FINALLY DID ITTTTTT IM SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! all under the cut bcs ofc its LONG
2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)
-She has 2 stuffed ferrets shes had since she was little :) she calls them stinker and slinker and she loves them so much. Also a collection of friendship bracelets she pretty much makes matching ones for everyone she likes and wears them in rotation.
4. Are they a good gift-giver? What do they tend to give as gifts? -Jilly LOVES gift giving bcs she naturally hoards and steals shit and then ends up with too much shit, so what better to do with it than give to friends?? You're likely to get anything she can swipe that reminds her of u. Tries to vary it to suit whoever shes giving a gift to but her go to is something like stuffed animals and jewelry bcs thats what she likes best
8. What does their dream house look like?
-She would like an at home gym with giant climbable pillars and hoops and obstacles, or just a house with a lot of land and forest she can run around in. She's also way a fan of hidden passages and secret hiding places, anything she can snoop and weasel around in. No scary basement tho
21. What’s their ideal date like?
-Carnival or theme park! Anything with lots of action and noise and prizes. Shed want to play all the games for hours straight and go on all the biggest rides.
36. Do they trust easily? What would you have to do to earn their trust?
-Yes she trusts easily :/ mayhaps too easily. Her way of thinking is innocent until proven guilty and even then, it takes a looooot to make her start to doubt someone because she wants to believe everyone has good intentions. To earn her trust, being nice to her and other ppl is the easiest way, but she's also prone to trust you if you seem secure somehow or just in charge like a position of authority.
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
-Snacks. On demand. She packs every snack and drink you could ever hope for and stashes up on blankets and pillows too. The type to wanna play my spy and car games and to sing along really loudly to music. WILL stick her head out the window sometimes. Will want to stop at every roadside attraction. Just for fun the reason she might be a bad roadtrip partner is that she talks a lot. And will be loudly singing and sticking her head out the window. And after a while the car will start to smell vaguely of ferret and she might shed.
3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
-Shes really not a jealous person at all, especially not romantically. Shes pretty chill in general. Even so, some times she gets jealous of all the time other people get to spend with Naryu. If Valkya feels like someone else is being prioritized over her shes more likely to act out like a baby ggdghdf
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Women who could kill her and men who are pathetic, but shes open to anything. Has a thing for nerds, goths, vampires, werewolves, short people, assassins, and most importantly people who are easy to fluster. She will bone anything that moves
10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?
-Finishing a good book, especially a series. When shes not in life threatening danger or fucked up out of her mind shes a pretty avid reader. She likes having the free time to sit around a fireplace and snuggle up with a book, though she'll deny it if caught and say she doesnt know how to read hgfdgsd.
41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?
-Demetria 💀 shed just steal her clothes and stretch TF out of em gsdgdfhsd. Or dress up as herself bcs who needs originality when your famous?
64. Describe what their social media would be like.
- Random memes from the last century all mixed up, millions of selfies and nudes out of nowhere. Drunk posting at 4 am and getting into fights w Dem over dumb shit, subtweeting everyone to start drama. Has thousands of followers and does giveaways of shit she finds lying around her house for no reason but shes bored
6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?
-Shed prefer to have a few close friends as long as they ride or die. Most likely die tho. Shes desperate for frienship shell stalk someone to get to know them really well and then delude herself into thinking theyr besties. Sometimes it doesnt go well but she still gets a meal out of it even if shes sad
7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?
-Someone who looks like they're up for fun! Really into alt fashion and people who seem like they dont give a shit. Confidence, fighters, rebels, anyone she can party hard with. Likes people who are interesting and is especially interested in befriending other killers, they have so much to bond about!
14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person?
-Probably Zeke tbh. Since she turned him hes like the only other vamp besides prim she knows and hes always pretty level headed. Probably goes to him for advice on how to make friends and hes like “maybe dont break into ppls houses and drain their victims out of nowhere :/” and shes like “that was ONE TIME and it worked!!”
25. What are their dreams like?
-All chaotic! Theres seldom ever a storyline or anything, just bright colors and random things happening and an overlying sense of panic or dread. Like those images you look at to understand what having a stroke is like, everything is off color and melting and shes usually running away from something. Typically nightmares but about nothing in particular, just disconnected sounds shapes and figures.
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
-ANYTHING to do with twilight. She knows everything about it. Has seen and read is 12 times over and can quote it directly at any time, do not attempt to argue twilight with her. Diehard team Edward forever. If your tied up and somehow the topic of it comes up just pray she kills you soon bcs she will go on for hours and bring out her annotated copies and force you to go through them with her.
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ovvnwords · 4 years
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WANTED  CONNECTIONS  ....  hi  here  is  a  list  of  connections  i  would  really  really  want  for  my  gremlins.  inspo  from  all  places  ;  music,  movies,  pins,  etc.  i’ll  post  this  in  the  server  /  put  it  linked  in  my  pinned  post  but  for  best  results  send  me  a  dm  on  d/scord  bc  i  suck  at  things!  thank.
AVIVA  ROUX  .  podcaster  /  content  creator (  meg  t.  stallion )  !
GIRL  GANG  !  not  necessarily  ‘girls’  but  yk  what  i  mean.  very  close  knit,  always  hanging  out,  never  one  w/o  the  other,  etc.  i  like  the  idea  of  them  all  bein’  kind  of  different  ----  breakfast  club  style?  (  aviva  cld  be  the  *jughead  vc*  i’m  a  weirdo  for  example  ).  idk  i  think  it’d  be  neat  n  interesting  cld  even  have  group  chat  edits  n  things  on  the  dash  frankly  i  wld  just  like  for  her  to  have  some  friends!  inspo  ( one  ,  two )  .
PODCAST  PARTNER  ! the  shane  to  her  ryan,  so  to  speak.  the  show  talks  about  mysteries  and  internet  oddities  and  different  spooky  things ( they  borderline  on  true  crime,  but  they  don’t  necessarily  go  into  detail  about  cases  if  that  makes  sense  )  .  i  think  the  dynamic  of  a  outrageous  thinker  to  her  pessimistic  ideals.  inspo  ( one  ,  two ,  three  ,  this  tag  ) .
YOUNGER  SIBLING  !  i  like  to  imagine  they’re  pretty  close,  maybe  close  in  age?  i  don’t  rlly  have  much  to  say  about  this  one,  should  probably  put  it  on  the  main,  but  i  love  sibling  connects  so  !
HATEHSHIP  !  someone  she  jus  can’t  stand  yet  can’t  stay  away  from.  maybe  they’re  an  asshole  but  damn  cute,  or  another  reason.  inspo (  one  )  .
ROOMMATES  ! like  to  imagine  it’s  a  bunch  of  them  living  friends-style,  either  in  the  same  apartment  or  even  building  (  or  wld  that  be  jersey  shore  style.  idk  ) but  it  cld  be  fun  especially  if  they  don’t  get  along  all  that  well  but  the  rent  is  nice  and  they  make  it  work.
FIRST  CRUSH  ! eeeeeeeeeeeee  they  cld’ve  met  when  they  were  children  and  had  one  of  those  one  day  long  things  in  elementary  school  where  they  broke  up  bc  they  didn’t  share  crayons  or  something  JSDVKJDFVKJV  they  could’ve  remained  friends,  been  neighbors,  had  crushes  or  a  fling  in  high  school  .
EX  SQUAD  !  i  like  the  idea  of  aviva  having  a  solid  friend  group  in  high  school  that  all  aren’t  good  terms  with  each  other  for  whatever  reason  ..  don’t  have  to  figure  it  out  asap  i  just  love  the  tension  thts  all.
BEST  FRIEND  /  RIDE  OR  DIE  ! someone  who  has  her  back  and  vice  versa.  supports  each  other  thru  thick  and  thin,  gives  each  other  the  whack  on  the  head  they  need  every  once  in  a  while.  inspo  (  one,  two )  .
FLING  /  FWB  /  HOOK  UPS  ! kind  of  self  explanatory.  aviva  doesn’t  really  have  a  preference,  if  she’s  attracted  to  u  she’s  attracted  to  you,  has  her  fun  but  s*x  isn’t  really  her  idea  of  a  fun  thing  to  do  24  /  7  .  like  to  imagine  she  mostly  goes  for  women  ( hey  ladies  .... )  !
EX  PARTNER  ! i  like  the  idea  of  them  being  super  cute  n  lovey  dovey  in  hs  but  then  maybe  one  of  them  went  off  to  college?  they  had  a  falling  out?  ended  on  not  so  great  terms?  the  possibilities  are  endless  to  be  frank!
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  /  SOMEONE  SHE  JUST  CAN’T  STAND  !  ig  this  could  be  more  chemsitry  based  but  they  just  avidly  dislike  each  other  for  one  reason  or  another?  can’t  stand  each  other?  petty  tweets  /  subtweets  etc  etc  .  could  be  fun  n  juicy.
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.
DAWSON  ELLIS .  unemployed  /  formal  journalist ( chris  pine  )  !
FRIENDS  !  self  explanatory.    he’s  40,  so  rlly  he  just  kinda  vibing.
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  i  like  the  idea  of  just  hating  each  other  since  high  school  and  just  have  this  burning  hatred  for  each  other  even  after  all  this  time  …  chuckles.  inspo  (  one  )  .
PEOPLE  HE  TAKES  UNDER  HIS  WING  !  idk  what  this  could  entail  maybe  he  jus  likes  one  of  u  youngins  …  doesn’t  want  to  see  u  in  the  same  path  he  went  down,  tries  to  steer  u  straight  a  little  bit.  stuff  like  that.  very  dad  like  as  if  he  has  a  maternal  bone  in  his  body.
EX FIANCE ! heheh .. i plan on making this a wc possibly, but i like the idea of someone who he dated for a long period of time after he graduated and left irving, eventually who he proposed two. maybe his addiction could have caused a strain, maybe it was because he was traveling so much, or some other reason but then they broke it off. they came back to irving for one reason or another, he came back bc he’s sober now, there’s tension. kind of based on exile by taylor swift + bon iver .
EMPLOYER  !  this  man  needs  a  job.  so  ........    hands  on  hips  who  is  hiring.
FRIENDS  FROM  HIGH  SCHOOL  !  if  anyone  grew  up  in  irving  /  or  was  in  hs  around  the  time  he  was,  it  could  be  quite  fun  to  reconnect.  old  friends  yadda  yadda  yadda.  
SOMEONE  WHO  KNOWS  HIM  ONLY  FROM  HIS  SISTER  !  smiles  at  jean  so  wide  .....  yes  dawson  is  leonora’s  annoying  lil  brother.  he’s  very  elusive  (  or  so  he  thinks  …  )  so  .  we  cld  do  something  with  that  perhaps.
ELIJAH  PALERMO .  little  league  coach  /  student  (  lukas  gage  )  !
THE  LAST  PALERMO  SIBLING  !  yes  …  this  is  on  the  main  but  i  imagine  elijah  and  them  to  be  very  close  and  it’d  be  fun!  sorry  for  the  grey  hairs  though.
BEST  FRIEND  !  this  is  someone  elijah  trusts  more  than  jus  abt  anybody  ..  including  his  siblings  maybe.  they’re  always  together,  never  apart,  besties  forever.  causing  chaos  and  mayhem.  probably  co-parent  georgia.  knows  each  others  fast  food  orders,  encouraging  their  bad  behaviors  …  
EXES  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  is  the  type  to  rush  into  a  relationship  then  have  it  all  turn  to  shit.  could  be  on  good  terms,  bad  term,  neutral.  
EX  FRIENDS  !  along  the  same  vein,  maybe  they  had  a  falling  out?  one  of  them  just  didn’t  want  to  be  friends  anymore?  they  just  stopped  talking?  give  me  angst  thank  u.
FRIENDS  !  hes  so  talkative  and  annoying  please  give  him  more  friends  …  my  personal  favorites  are  old  couple  bickering  /  complete  opposites  /  good  or  bad  influences  /  new  age  “thembo  summit”  where  there’s  no  got  damn  thought  in  anyones  head  just  vibes.
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  they  flirt  …  they  give  each  other  eyes.  and  yet?  nothing.  wtf.
HOOK  UPS  /  FWBS  !  they’re  hot.  and  he  has  eyes.  it’s  basic  math.  
RIVAL  /  ENEMY  !  i  like  to  imagine  elijah  didn’t  mean  to  be  rude  /  or  did  something  bad  to  this  person  but  he  did,  even  accidentally,  but  now  they  hate  him.  or  even  mutual  hatred  <3  constant  subtweets  n  petty  comments  in  public  …
PARTY  BUDDIES  !  theyre  always  together  at  parties  …  self  explanatory.  
PARENT  OF  KIDS  HE  COACHES  !  self-explanatory.
CLASSMATES  !  must  go  to  community  college,  but  otherwise  self-explanatory.  
WILL  THEY  /  WON’T  THEY  !  i  love  this  kinda  shit  ..  theyre  constantly  acting  like  a  couple  but  also  aren’t  one.  everyone  is  dying  to  know  like  …...  so  isn’t  eli  <3
HATEHSHIP  !  they  hate  each  other  .  but  also  f*ck.  then  hate  each  other  again.
ROOMMATES  !  pls  give  him  a  roommate  this  fucker  can’t  function  by  himself.
KALANI  MADDEN  .  student  (  auli’i  cravalho  )  !
PEOPLE  SHE  TEACHES  ASL  !  this  is  my  favorite.  pls  pls  pls.  she  uses  asl  as  her  primary  source  of  communication,  she’s  most  comfortable  with  it  due  to  her  hearing,  but  many  people  don’t  know  it  so  pls  let  her  teach  ur  muse  i’d  love  it  so  much.
FRIENDS  /  BEST  FRIENDS  !  i’d  love  to  have  a  lil  squad  ..  lil  baby  squad  or  even  just  a  best  friend  who  they’re  always  sharing  tiktoks  over  videos  and  having  sleepovers  and  going  to  wendys  at  1  am  bc  they’re  bored.  
RIVALS  /  ENEMIES  !  people  who  just  don’t  fuckin  like  her  bc  she’s  annoying  like  i  understand.
PEOPLE  WHO  DON’T  TAKE  HER  SHIT  /  HATE  HER  DRAMATICS  !  pls  hate  her.  punt  her  to  the  moon.  
PEOPLE  SHE  SPOILS  WITH  HER  PARENTS  MONEY  !  pls  let  her  sugar  mama  u.  she  will  buy  u  legit  anything  if  ur  nice  to  her.  
FLIRTATIONSHIP  !  this  wld  be  a  bit  cute  ..  almost  a  will  they  won’t  they  vibe.  they  flirt.  they  smile.  they  make  googley  eyes.  they  subtweet  each  other.  it’s  messy  and  cute.  
BAD  INFLUENCES  /  GOOD  INFLUENCES  !  people  who  lead  her  either  down  a  really  good  or  really  bad  path.  
PEOPLE  SHE  KNOWS  BC  OF  HER  BROTHER  !  self-explanatory  but  also  kind  of  need  him  for  this  so  .  hehe  .
HER  BROTHER  !  on  the  main,  but  pls  bring  this  kid  her  parent  (  almost  )  .
PEOPLE  SHE  KNEW  BACK  IN  NYC  !  self-explanatory.  her  family  is  very  wealthy,  famous  in  the  social  scene.
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peakyblinderswhore · 3 years
I just wanted to send you this message because I am not the type of person to subtweet, and I really wanted to make you aware of how damaging the thing you have created has the potential to be. Even with the best of intentions, this will create a rift between people in an otherwise really respectful fandom.
The directory is a great idea, but having people join as members, and having a group of admins who have the right to refuse or accept applications without question is not. It creates “fandom leaders” and alienates people.
I know you asked people for their opinion, but I’m not sure even they understand what this could and probably will turn into (because in any fandom where this happens, it always turns into toxicity.)
I do wish you all the best, but I beg you to reconsider how you are approaching this so that others and myself don’t feel like they have to leave the fandom or stop writing for peaky all together.
okay, i see what you’re saying, i really do, i didn’t even think of that when i was putting it together. so, we’re amending the rules, because that’s what this is all about, right? learning and adapting.
honestly, when breaching the idea, i only had positive responses and since no one replied under where i had asked, possibly telling me the negatives to creating this, i wasn’t able to see this point of view until reading this ask.
concerning the applications: there’s two of us moderating. we want to see how it goes before boosting this for everyone else to see. that’s why we’re keeping it limited at the moment. it’s hard to gauge a reaction when people don’t give a big enough response so this is merely a trial phase. we do not under any circumstances think that we’re better than anyone else. the whole reason there’s more than one mod (aside from the fact i would not have been able to do this myself) is to have a different opinion. the hope is we stay active. the hope is we attract many people who create content for peaky, new and old. the hope is we end up in (more or less) one place. 
by enforcing rules concerning what people write, (the biggest reason why you would be removed from the network, which we believe we’re all grown-up enough to avoid) we’re:
1. not promoting romanticisation of sensitive topics
2. looking out for minors
3. removing anyone who ignores basic respect towards other people (racism, harassment, slurs, homophobia, xenophobia, etc) because we don’t want to expose people to that kind of behaviour.
i feel like some people may argue that ‘it was just one time’ -- or something to that effect -- towards the 3rd point but isn’t one time enough? if we’re talking about one time when you were ten then maybe things would be different but there are adults on this website who say some outright nasty things. i do not want to encourage that behaviour if i were to come across it and wouldn’t want someone to encourage it if i were navigating around the net and happened to stumble upon someone doing as such.
you seem like a nice person, a logical person who has had very deep thoughts and feelings about this, concerning your time when you were first writing, seeking out writing, whatever you would prefer to call it. you have mentioned to reconsider how i’m approaching this. okay. what do you suggest? i’m a very open person, i have a no bs tolerance but i am also someone who understands and notices reason when i see it. i am willing to sit and talk to you about your concerns in depth if you are willing to share with me how you think i should approach this. i’m sure you could guess but i’ve never seen a network on this side of tumblr, and neither had anyone i asked, so, i beg the question, how do you think we should run it?
that is in no way supposed to sound condescending, i do not want to be that person.
anyone and everyone is welcome to join, and the rules seem scary so they’re being amended. we do not discriminate, we are just trying our best with what we’ve got. you’re more than welcome to join, although i can understand why you wouldn’t.
if i’ve missed anything or not covered the ground you wanted me to, tell me. i hope for you, and anyone reading this, this explains further what myself and jess are trying to create. we had good intentions only. i’m sorry to have worried anyone into thinking otherwise.
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Sum lite 🤨
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Zion was ordered by management to apologize to the beanz on your behalf for your breakdown on live.
His jealous fans finally got under your skin after 4 months of officially dating. This being the reason Zion kept his relationship offline. You were no secret to his friends and fam.
Of course he’d subtweet you on the timeline so fans were under the impression there was a lady in his life, but who?
In a state of pure bliss and love you posted a pic of you and Zion from your camera roll, tagging him in the picture on your public Instagram.
The next morning fans poured in with the screenshot, summing up his subtweets and little hints with your picture to confirm the relationship.
Zion being the fan favorite member, making you the most hated girlfriend out the gang. The other guys’ girlfriends got hate but also received much more love from fans than you.
Out of boredom you decided to go live on Instagram, just seeing what was up in the world. You rolled your eyes at some comments, making a mental note to block the accounts later.
“None of you know me. Shit, you don’t even know Zion!”
You sighed in frustration, pulling your hair up in my messy bun. Now they were calling you rude and telling you that you didn’t deserve Zion.
“Everytime he posts a pic of us here comes 50 of you calling me a gold digger— on my life everything I have is because of me. Nobody gave me shit. I don’t ask Zion for shit. Anything he gives me is a gift”
Zion nodded to himself in agreeance as he watched the video with his headphones on.
PrettyMuch were flying back to California from Florida for some promo for their new album. First thing on his mind was to get back to you and shower you with his love which he knew you needed right now.
“Then there’s the ones who think I wanna steal clout. Bro fuck y’all. Honestly”
You reached down to Simba, setting him on your lap. You cuddled him, watching more and more hate comments fill your screen. As easy as it is to just turn off the screen, everyone knew you and Zion to be the outspoken couple. A thing never got past you two without being addressed.
“Y’all are delusional as fuck. You’re like 15 behind a fanpage and only spread hate? Go do your homework”
Zion grew a little angry with his supporters as the tears in your eyes welled up. He couldn’t wrap his head around why people that support him want to make his significant other feel bad. You’ve been nothing but quiet when fans disrespect you online because you understood what it was like to be boy crazy over a boy band in your teen years and not like the idea of your idol dating.
Today was where you’ve had enough because in person you’d never let the disrespect slide like that.
“I don’t even know why I’m upset. I don’t care about what y’all think. That’s my husband .. yes we’re married, don’t ask. I’m not going anywhere”
After the complied clips of the livestream came an old video of you two kissing. In the background Zion could hear himself say he loves you.
The video splattered a hint of blush across his yellow cheeks, making him eager to get home.
Time had crept up on you when Zion’s appearance startled you from your book. It was 11pm already and you knew he had a late flight so you stayed up.
“Are you mad?”
He chuckled, already knowing what you were referring to. “Baby you can’t just go off on fans like that”
“Z I’m sorry. They just ..” you let a harsh sigh, circling the room as the anger re-entered your veins.
“Don’t cry mamas. Talk to me”
You hadn’t noticed the hot tears falling from your eyes until Zion mentioned it, pulling you into a warm hug.
“they make me so mad” you muttered out.
“They’re kids babe. Calm down love” his thumb wiped away your tears, pressing his lips over your swollen pair.
“You’re smart, funny, sexy, crazy .. everything I want in a woman. Fuck them kids! I’m in love with you, not who they think you are on the internet”
“You’re quite the looker yourself kuwonu. I love you too”
“I’m gonna shower I’m tired”
“Tired?” His hands slid down your back, thumbs drawing circles over your back dimples “Baby let me put you to sleep”
You laughed at his devastation to come, spinning out of his grip and making your way towards the bathroom for a hot shower before bed. “My cycle is on you hornball”
He mentally cursed himself knowing he was waiting for this day since the day he left. His favorite hello and goodbye present is always sex. He’d be broke if he was paid to keep his hands off you.
You did as you said, falling right asleep instantly after the wash. Zion was in awe of how you’d mindlessly for for one of his shirts instead of actual pajamas at night.
Before the night was over he wanted to get the whole live situation out the way and under wraps.
He set up his laptop in his desk, heading straight to Instagram for a live session. Fans poured in with their thoughts and opinions on your from earlier, he read a few just to see where their heads were at before going in.
“Hey guys I just wanted to hop on here and say wassup” he waved to the camera, watching as greetings poured in from his devoted fans.
One question about you caught his attention. He stayed quiet as he pondered on how to address the situation.
Looking into the camera he could still see you sound asleep in his bed with his T-shirt on.
“Most of you know this .. (Y/N) is my girlfriend and she’s been around for a while now. Like she said she’s not going anywhere any time soon so get used to her. Also, be nice. The name-calling is childish and if you were a true fan of mine you’d understand she makes me really happy. I’d hate to lose her over something like my own fans bullying her. It makes me sad that I even have to address this .. bullying isn’t ever ok. I’ve talked to her about what she said and she’s really sorry if she offended anyone and if that’s not great enough, I am too. I love you all so much and I love (y/n) too. Okay now that that’s out the way I’m about to shower and hop in bed with my lady. I’m really tired. So much new shit coming to you guys so stay tuned! Bye guys”
On that note he ended the live, doing exactly as he planned. The cool night air whipping around your body as he lifted the covers to slide into bed with you after his shower. The bed sank in on his side making you roll into him, wrapping your arms around him. He smiled to himself, dropping a hand on your ass per usual as his own tiredness took over him.
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imaginedmelody · 4 years
Get to Know Me: Fic Edition!
I was tagged by the wonderful Maya @1mechanicalalligator! Thanks! <3
Name: Sarah (AO3: imagined_melody)
Fandoms: Currently writing for Community and the All For the Game book series, with a couple things for The Magicians also in the works. Have previously written for the Stranger Things, Spring Awakening, Shameless, Les Miserables, Heroes, Merlin, Game of Thrones, and Black Sails fandoms. (And this is just what’s on AO3- I could go back further into my earlier days, but we’d be here all night!)
Where do you post your fanfiction? AO3, but before that I posted on Livejournal, and before that fanfiction.net, and before that on message board forums as a teenager.
By kudos most popular one-shot: Homecoming has held that lead since almost the day it was published :D (Currently has 622 kudos)
By kudos most popular multichapter: I only have four fics that aren’t one-shots, but in the lead is Be There to Catch Me with 286 kudos. (Shout-out to the Shameless fandom for apparently being the real MVPs of leaving kudos!)
Personal favorite: I’m not sure I can actually answer this question! Currently two of the softest spots in my heart are for Cooperative Independent Studies and Uncharted Territory, but I don’t know if I could definitively declare them my favorites. (From God Above, to the One I Love is also a personal favorite.)
Method for titling fics: Good old song lyrics usually do the trick! The number of fics and chapters I have named after MIKA songs is unreal. (But sometimes a title just comes to me before the fic even starts and I work from there. There’s not really a method to it.)
Work I am nervous about posting: I’m currently writing a sort-of sequel to Cooperative Independent Studies; it’s called Remedial Room Reading, and it can pretty much stand alone from the first fic except that the 1st one establishes how Jeff got to be in L.A. with Troy and Abed. It’s a Troy/Abed fic, but it’s also a Jeff/Abed story and, eventually, a Troy/Jeff/Abed fic that has Troy/Jeff as well. I know that this pairing is gonna be...unpopular, because Trobed fans are pretty aggressively set on Trobed exclusively, for the most part; Jabed is tolerated and has its own dedicated fanbase, but the threesome pairing is very rare and often makes people uncomfortable because of the age gap. (I would hasten to add that if I counted my years correctly, Troy is 28 or 29 in the fic as I’ve written it, so even though he and Jeff are still 15 years apart, he’s not exactly a minor or anything here.) I don’t want to make people uncomfortable with it and this fandom is plagued by subtweeting and petty drama and factioning, so I’m afraid I’m gonna get pushback for writing it. I’m probably not gonna promote it on either the Community discord server I’m a part of or on here, just to prevent it crossing the feeds of anyone who doesn’t want it- the only reason I’m gonna even tag it Troy/Abed or Jeff/Abed on AO3 is because the majority of the fic is those pairings and it would be dishonest to just tag it Troy/Jeff/Abed purely to shield people from seeing it. I think the fic is good, and tactful, and worth reading- but there are a lot of people who might feel differently, and that makes me nervous since I’ve spent 20 years keeping myself firmly out of fandom hate and I don’t want to start now.
I’ve actually considered leaving the fandom discord server after I post this fic just so that they can talk shit about the pairing and about me as much as they want, because I know there are more people on there who dislike it/are uncomfortable with it than the other way around. And hey, they’re gonna vaguepost about it anyway once they see it, so why not just give them the space to do it there? But that would probably be unfair to the friends I have on the server who wouldn’t engage in that behavior, so I’ve rethought that decision since then. (Wow, sorry this got so negative.)
Do you outline your works or just wing it? I hate outlining my stories, even though it would possibly be easier to write them if I did! I skip around in drafts and leave little ellipses for the parts I need to come back to. I know if I do a multi-chapter fic at some point (beyond what I’ve already done) that I will need to outline, but it’s not really a rewarding part of the process for me.
Are you excited about any of your upcoming works? Despite everything I said about being nervous to post “Remedial Room Reading,” it’s also the work I’m most excited to post. I’ve been working on it for over four months now and I am immensely pleased with the quality of the writing and the story. I can’t wait for people (the people who would actually enjoy it, anyway) to read it.
AO3 statistics:
Works: 43 User Subscriptions: 56 Kudos: 6623 Comment Threads: 287 Bookmarks: 1113 Subscriptions: 119 Word Count: 168941 Hits: 104019
Not tagging anyone this time, but feel free to do it so I can get to know your writing!
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glossedchaos · 4 years
why i don’t fuck with beanz twitter
disclaimer: this doesn’t include ALL the stans on twitter. and yes i was on beanz twitter for a while (i was mutuals with ezra before her first n word scandal) so i’ve seen enough to make this post; and with that, let’s begin
there’s always some kind of fight going on. like i barely go on there anymore but every time i do, someone’s always getting attacked or cancelled
they’re very cliquey. while yes it’s completely normal to have a circle of friends who are similar to you and your taste in interests, they take it to the next level. they have an aura of “my clique is superior and we are better” and then proceed to tweet a million screenshots of their group dms.
small accs seem very isolated (but i could be wrong)
i’ve noticed that beanz twitter is basically “run” by a group of big accs. like when did this happen? when did everyone start following the lead of a select few? what fandom are y’all in again?
they’re very entitled. very. true story: bc of timezones, we got to hear Blind before the US stans so when it came out, i heard some chains rustling at the end of the song so i went back to twitter & tweeted pm and was like “i KNOW brandon was wearing all chains while recording. we can hear them at the end” and this girl came at me like “WE TOLD Y’ALL NOT TO SPOIL IT FOR US!!” like first of all, chill. i didn’t spoil anything i just said i heard chains at the END. second of all, i’m not allowed to tweet about a song until YOU hear it?? i have to contain my excitement? i have to curb my enthusiasm for YOU? until you’ve heard it?? please
they can’t take a joke. the number of times i’ve seen people getting attacked for what is clearly a harmless joke is insane like someone could say “brandon looks like a bobble head” and a few minutes later you’ll see someone going at them for their lane. maybe it’s bc i’m used to us trashing them but ive had to water down whatever i wanna say on that app
they attack if you don’t have the same taste. like excuse me art is subjective. just bc someone doesn’t like a certain song or artist there’s no need for a “rich coming from a *insert song title* stan”. so your taste in music is so elite that anyone who doesn’t conform is beneath you?
it’s nedwin or nothing
the amount of disrespect i’ve seen towards austin is baffling like do y’all not have a heart?
drama is blown out of proportion on there like i’ve seen shit that’s died down on every other platform still be talked about on twitter and they just keep dragging it and making it seem bigger than it actually is. (excl slurs)
they’re at each other's throats for situations that were never that big in the first place
they think they’re superior? idk what that’s based on but let me know with your 18 tweet thread
tumblr posts have been stolen and used as tweets. idk if it’s still happening but i’ve seen it twice back in the day
“1k likes and i’ll tweet brandon” like babe we know you’re looking for likes and won’t do it anyway
that one fan who called nicks mom bc he met and followed a fan who happened to be 15? (idk her age i’m sorry)
in conclusion, i do not like them. any twitter stan that has grievances can come up to me and reason with me personally on here. i know y’all love to subtweet but don’t be passive aggressive for once in your life.
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blodreina-noumou · 4 years
Hi! I hope you can help me understand ^^ what's all the drama with Bob Morley and the showrunner? I saw rumors and stuff but I'm not really sure I get the situation. Thanks!!
Oh goodness, okay. I’ll do my best to recap, but finding sources is gonna be impossible because it’s pretty much all rumors.
If anyone wants to jump in and fill in the gaps, please feel free!
Sometime last year, Bob Morley left a convention early. I don’t know why - I know he’s had some personal health issues (a knee injury, mental health struggles, etc,) and I think the con became overwhelming for him. Richard Harmon stepped in to fill the remainder of his slots. 
Rumors started up that JRoth and Bob feuded over his early departure from the convention - that JRoth found it unprofessional and ripped Bob a new one. Bob lashed back. That’s allegedly where the bad blood starts. It has supposedly continued up ‘til now.
Before all of this happened, Bob Morley and Eliza Taylor got married. It was a big deal within the fandom, because many people made the connection that Bob and Eliza fell in love while portraying Bellamy and Clarke. For many, it was affirmation that there is a romantic connection between the two characters, that perhaps, it might even indicate that Bellamy and Clarke are endgame and will become canon.
Then, Bob tweeted this:
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Many in the fandom suspected that this (very vague) tweet was in reference to the Bellamy/Clarke dynamic in The 100. It fits the timeline (the show had been in development for about six years at this point,) and JRoth has often poked at B/C shippers by saying they “misinterpret” the Bellarke dynamic as romantic.
From this point forward, Bob’s twitter becomes, almost exclusively, about his struggles with depression, and about connecting others in the same boat with resources. He mostly uses the platform to raise awareness about this, and other issues important to him, like the Australian bushfires from last December. 
The next time we get anything like a subtweet about the show, it’s this:
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Many fans saw this as Bob (1) asserting that he is, in fact, the lead of the show, despite potential pushback from JRoth and (2) he’s a unique lead on The CW, making him even more valuable. Fans begin to speculate that JRoth is no longer treating Bob as the lead, and has sidelined his storyline. (This is also around the time that the scripts for s7 were being written, hence people making the connection to BTS drama.)
The next big hint we get is in the promos. Bellamy is featured in the trailer even less than characters like Echo and Murphy, who were normally considered supporting characters, at least compared to him. Bellamy doesn’t even get a line in the trailer. Bellamy is missing from the poster. Bellamy isn’t featured in ANY of the countdown shots (maybe they’re reserving him for the Show Day picture, that remains to be seen.)
Edit: There was a huge cast and crew shot for the Show Day picture, and Bob was not in it.
Actors do get residuals from their likenesses being used in promo materials. So cutting Bob out of the promo material would be an effective and easy: “fuck you, you get less money” from JRoth.
Furthermore, both Bob and Eliza have been very, very quiet on social media about the end of the series. Given that this is the end of a seven-season show where they were both the leads, this is suspicious. Their silence indicates that they do not agree with the end of the show, they no longer feel an attachment to it, and they don’t care to do promotion for free. It implies that they’ve gone sour on the whole experience, and want to put it behind them. There are rumors that Eliza had a miscarriage (she might have said as much, Idk) sometime last year, and that Bob’s depression got a lot worse because of it. That alone could be enough to warrant some silence on social media, which is notoriously negative.
This is all heavy speculation. Maybe absolutely none of this is happening - maybe JRoth was super understanding to Bob when he left the con; maybe Bob’s tweets had nothing to do with Bellarke, or with his dissatisfaction behind-the-scenes; maybe the lack of Bellamy in the promo is a super intentional way to build buzz around the final season. After all, if he’d been in the promo, people would just see it and move on, like we usually do. Not including him has gotten a lot more people to talk about what might be going on with Bellamy. And maybe the only reason Bob and Eliza have been quiet about the show is because they’ve got some serious stuff going on in their personal lives, and can’t spare the energy to do the promo for free.
But... if you add it all up, and it starts to look quite a lot like Bob pissed off his showrunner, and JRoth severely cut his role down in the final season because of it.
I might be missing some things, but that’s the gist, as I remember it. It’s been going on for so long now, I almost forgot that there was a time when Bob and JRoth didn’t appear to hate each other, lmao. If anyone reading this has anything to add, feel free!
I hope this made things a lil clearer, sorry it’s so long!
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chibisquirt · 4 years
fandom bitching under the cut
I was in the MCU during CW.  That’s, uh...  That’s why I’m not really in the MCU anymore.   About the only Stony fic I’m interested in reading these days is Sineala’s, and she’s very specifically comics-verse only.  There were a lot people during and after CW posting fic, headcanons, rants, character posts, etc that I found... hurtful?  
But they weren’t hurtful because they were attacks-- or at least, they were never attacking me.  They were never attacking real people.  They were about the characters.  And it’s no one else’s fault if I identify too much with both trying-to-do-the-right-thing Steve Rogers and privileged-but-vulnerable, kind-but-flawed Tony Stark.  
So if I was hurt by CW--and Endgame--which I was, for sure--but it wasn’t anybody else’s fault.  The fandom was bad for me, and I left it--but it wasn’t attacking me, it was just not healthy.  And from where I was, at least, it was like that for all the real, actual people involved--not characters, characters don’t count.  
If folks got heated about CW, well--they were heated about CW, not about Sabre, or Kuro, or what-have-you.  
Someone should tell that to the person going postal in the mdzs fandom.
I’m not going to name them, because they are vindictive and crazy.  They will, guaranteed, come after me with vitriol if they hear about this post--and that’s this version of this post, which does not name them.  (I mostly just don’t want to risk it ending up in the tags.)  I will link second-hand to Fail Fandom Anon, though:  here and here, and here.  
That’s all from the first round of wank, back in July.  Since then, they have:
made their own big bang, only a) it doesn’t require a large wordcount and isn’t published all at once and therefore is neither big nor bang, and b) it’s the “Chinese Fandom Big Bang,” wherein all of China is apparently one big fandom--because that’s not racist as fuck. 
(If I write a fic for the award-winning 1993 film Farewell My Concubine, you gonna cough me up some art???  yeah, I didn’t think so, because artists are not actually machines!  China actually has a lot of aspects to its culture, and you can do fanstuff for many of them.  I know!  There’s more to it than BL novels!  It’s totally shocking!!!)
Harassed people just for participating in the MDZS BB (citation here, which is admittedly anon hearsay, but I 100% buy it based on Everything Else)
And now....  Subtweeted a fucking SIXTEEN YEAR OLD for *daring* to run a fandom exchange... while being sixteen?  And participating in the big bang?  Both of which are perfectly reasonable things to do?
(Full disclosure:  I don’t really Twitter, so I’m not 100% sure what a subtweet is, but I am reasonably certain it’s something you shouldn’t do to a fucking kid!)
Like, I know fandom has its share of bad actors--it’s a collection of humans, so of course it does.  And I’ve seen people get really upset about fandom things before, hence the way I opened this post.  But this is the first time I’ve seen someone in fandom do quite this vivid an impression of a rabid dog, going after anyone and everyone and biting absolutely anything that comes into range, and it’s just... really disturbing.
So anyway, I wanna take a few minutes to give thanks to the people who aren’t like that:  Sabremom, in particular, stands out as a sterling example of a magnificent human being.  Jelenedra, who has been very calm and grown-up in everything I’ve ever seen them do.  Sineala, who weathered the storm of MCU-Stonies flooding her blog recently (I’m so sorry, Sine).  Fucking Copperbadge, jesus, he deals with a lot!  
I’m not tagging anyone in this because I don’t want them to have to read this mess to get to the reason they’re tagged, but... Yeah.  Sometimes, it’s good to remember the positive examples.  Remember the people you want to emulate.... not so much the people you want to smack. :)  Thanks to the cool fans for being the cool fans, and keep on being you <3
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churb · 4 years
hi sorry for talking about my oc x canon naruto shit again i just need to rant. man i want to get back on Cherp and do a plotty rp about them bc i think it could be really cool and i’d love to see what another person thinks could be cool for a story involving that but man. first of all, the obvious issue of the general consensus of oc x canon ships is that its Bad™️. i usually wouldn’t care that much about that if there wasn’t a second issue- second issue being my oc is a woman, and people are REALLY aggressive about hcing the character i ship her with as gay. not because he actually is or is coded to be either, he’s not coded to be anything, we are given absolutely nothing about his relationship preferences and orientation. anything is free game with him. and i don’t have an issue with people having that hc even if i personally hc him as bisexual, people can have whatever hc they want. but what i do have an issue with is one of my last experiences on Cherp being someone making a whole separate prompt passive aggressively subtweeting (for lack of a better word) mine bc in mine i was shipping him with someone who was afab (not even a cis woman, they just happened to be afab) and apparently that is wrong and laughable bc either you ship him with a man or no one at all. which i mean, i’m not surprised especially bc the naruto fandom is kinda notorious for being misogynistic and aggressive about keeping the gross mean women away from their uwu precious boys but it’s still extremely frustrating and uncomfortable to hear esp as a fem aligned person and a bisexual person bc that’s unfortunately not an uncommon reaction to a bi hc or a woman-aligned character being anywhere near a dude in this fandom. idk it just makes me weary and disheartened. (and again i am stressing that i don’t care if ppl hc this character as gay, what bothered me is the fact that someone went out of their way to make a whole prompt that non discreetly was passive aggressively subtweeting me about it)— and i know i shouldn’t care and should just go on with my shit but like. it’s hard to not be discouraged and feel insecure about it to a degree when you feel like everyone is laughing at you and judging you for something harmless that you enjoy and feel comforted by
Oh yea, fandom is REALLY bad about women in many cases. It sucks! Anyone fem-aligned is considered like ‘Bad’ or ‘In the way’. It sucks majorly.
All I can say is keep on truckin’ and doing your thing.
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