#sorry for taking so long!!! i kept procrastinating.
locallepidoptera · 1 year
Droplet and the red heart!
i realize now i probably should’ve introduced all my ocs before doing something like this. so basic context. pearl is the (terrible) “mentor.” donna is her yes-man (and girlfriend). mauve (college student that dropped out) is the sweet and cheery one. lime (high-school student that ran away) is the mindless complainer. edison (also a high-school student) is the realist. and thyme (also a high-school student) is. hard to describe. he’s just my favorite delusional little guy. he’s just a weirdo. weirdo protagonist.
(droplet) random angst headcanon
pearl - her weird god complex has lead to a distant relationship with her parents. she just wants to pretend they don’t even exist. they’re not needed and so they don’t exist.
donna - she used to spend most of her time cutting coupons. it was her favorite hobby. she didn’t really enjoy it though. she just wanted to see pearl happy. pearl had a sweet tooth and donna just wanted to save on all the different shit they’d need. nowadays, donna really just bakes 24/7. except she doesn’t actually like sweets. she bakes them all for pearl’s sake. donna’s actually got a really bland taste in food. girl’s favorite food is unbuttered toast.
mauve - she used to have a really good therapist. she would cancel the appointments pretty frequently. she never really ‘opened up.’ but she definitely appreciated their presence. until she dropped out and moved into pearl’s house. pearl had already decided therapists weren’t allowed. why visit a therapist when you could just. rely on pearl.
lime - the thing she misses the most is actually all the different trophies she used to own. she couldn’t take any of them with her. she won’t ever admit it though. whenever the topic of trophies comes up she likes to complain about how they’re just a waste of time. she’s one of those people who loves to hate on participation trophies. she doesn’t understand why people love celebrating. but she does like having “undeniable proof” that she’s “worthy.” that’s what her trophies were to her. proof.
edison - she doesn’t like eating. she thinks eating is tedious. she really likes taking her time except eating just takes too much time and everything keeps getting soggy too quickly and everything keeps getting cold too quickly. she’ll eat regardless because she knows it’s good for her. but she won’t enjoy it. she’ll hate it. the whole experience. she’s got a pretty admirable diet. she makes sure she’s well-fed. and adequately hydrated. she always keeps a million water bottles in her room. but that’s just because of an overwhelming fear of death.
thyme - this man’s life is a random angst headcanon. he daydreams about being a beloved philanthropist in a huge mansion living together with his best friend who diligently takes care of all his needs in exchange for an endless love. said best friend doesn’t even like him irl. thyme’s controlling and self-centered and paranoid and his friend is just here to keep him sane. once thyme starts getting irrationally bold the friend just leaves. thyme thinks this is the third act disagreement inside the disney movie they’re both living in. and is convinced that he just has to wait a week or two and his bestie will come back. he probably won’t. all of that isn’t even a ‘headcanon.’ that’s basically his whole deal. it’s a big part of his character. this is all context for the angsty headcanon. he’s liked drawing him and his bestie as a happy family since he was a kid. it’s how he got good at drawing. he keeps all the drawings in one big box. he keeps drawing similar things even after his bestie leaves. he draws them spoiling the local children. he draws them eating dessert together on their big fancy table. he likes putting having disney movies playing in the background as he draws. he has a lot of disney movies on dvd. he owns a weird amount of straight-to-dvd disney sequels. the movies all remind him of his bestie. he’s sure they’re both destined to live a beautiful movie-like life. he thinks this is all normal behavior.
(red heart) their love language
pearl - words of affirmation. she’s very much a sweet-talker.
donna - gift giving. overzealous gift giving.
mauve - acts of service. you might not think so at first glance though. she’s very touchy-feely. and a flatterer. and a longtime gift-giver. and almost never alone. her love language seems indiscernible. but eventually you realize. her being so loving is an act of service.
lime - quality time. you kinda just gotta tolerate her complaining. make her appreciate your presence. she’s subtly affectionate.
edison - quality time. the kind of person that thinks all the other love languages are just too shallow.
thyme - well. the problem with thyme is. he’s in love with love. he’ll accept any form of love. he’ll provide any form of love. that said. if i had to choose one. one that surpasses all others. physical touch.
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starsh0cked · 1 month
does Meinna do anything that annoys Galacta knight? she seems to be the type to have info on everything and everyone.
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a lot of things, actually! he can be pretty petty at times, so minor things like just correcting his speech gets on his nerves. the fact that she knows most of the details about his life does annoy him, but not too much. he mostly gets ticked off by her habits, but he gets used to those soon enough
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ellecdc · 12 days
hii!! i rlly like your writing and was wondering if you could do a request ? remus (or wolfstar ) x reader where its like posthogwarts and she went to a diff wizarding school and the wizard thing was hush hush cuz she was a muggle, but then one day she like accidentally uses magic and they were like “ omg wait what” and like yeah. anyways pls feel free to ignore this its a very odd request LMAO. thank you so so much for taking the time to read this !!! (im sorry if this sounds weird i dk how to talk to ppl) ok bye 🫶
this was a very cute prompt! thank you so much for your request and your patience in my writing it!
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader who they believe to be a muggle [1.8k words]
CW: fear of werewolf prejudice, fear of muggle born prejudice, I also included a line in French and you can find the translation at the bottom of the work
Sirius knew that they were, perhaps, being a little bit selfish by keeping such a big secret from you.
Statute of Secrecy be damned, they were well beyond the point in your relationship where they could have (and likely should have) told you that he and Remus were wizards (oh, and, while we’re at it, Remus turns into a beast once a month so there’s that, too). 
And while their friends all suspected it was Remus who was hesitant to tell you the truth on account of his lycanthropy, it had actually been Sirius who kept procrastinating the long overdue conversation.
But Sirius had to admit that he was very scared to tempt fate, because meeting you had been a complete fluke and he wasn’t willing to muck it up by scaring you off. How many times in one life did someone get the chance to meet a perfect angel?
Sirius had already met Remus which felt like nothing short of destiny, and then they met you, and that felt prophetic. And who was Sirius to mess with the prophecy? 
“You cannot chicken out tonight.” Remus muttered as Sirius rapped on your door, earning him an indignant scoff from his boyfriend. 
“I’ve never once chickened out in my entire life, thank you very much. That’s why I was sorted into Gryffindor.”
Remus merely snorted. “Sure, that’s why this is our seventh attempt at breaking the news, yeah?”
Sirius refused to look at Remus before banging (slightly louder) on your door once more before you finally opened up.
Gods you were so bloody beautiful; smiling like you couldn’t physically be any happier that your two boys were here, eyes excited and bright and so full of love and fuck sakes he couldn’t do it.
“Hey dove.” Remus greeted for the both of them, seeing as Sirius’ brain was short circuiting on account of your beauty and loveliness, pressing a kiss to your hairline and all but shoving Sirius past the threshold of your door. “It smells amazing, what are you making?”
Your smile seemed to grow impossibly brighter at the praise. “A vegetable bake! It’s sort of Mediterranean, and I’m making pasta to go with it.” You explained excitedly, and Sirius honestly felt like he was going to start overflowing with the amount of fondness he had for you.
“You going to say hello to our girl, Siri? Or are you just going to keep staring at her?” Remus taunted as he walked further into your flat to place the flowers he was carrying for you in a vase - the routine of bringing you bouquets every time they visited so practised that he knew where to find your vases. 
“Of course, gorgeous. Sorry for being rude.” He murmured as he pulled you into his chest and breathed you in. “You’ve got to stop answering the door looking so bloody beautiful; I completely forget myself.”
You giggled into his chest and then leaned on your tiptoes to press a chaste kiss to his lips that he - the selfish bastard - didn’t find nearly enough before he pulled you into a second deeper, lingering kiss. 
“It’s good to see you, Sirius.” 
Sirius sighed happily - because really, it was even better to see you - as he shuffled the two of you towards the kitchen Remus was now fussing in. 
“Beautiful!” You cheered as Remus positioned the bouquet in the middle of your kitchen island; and Sirius could see the mischief in Remus’ eyes even if you couldn’t.
“Just like you, dove.”
And, quite possibly one of their favourite sights, they watched you turn bashful as you opted to fuss with the arrangement instead of looking at either of them. 
“Listen, sweetheart, we were wondering if perhaps before we eat, we could chat with you about something?” Remus decided to rip the bandaid, and Sirius wanted to hex him for the way your body tensed and you looked at him with what appeared to be mild horror.
“Oh- uhm, okay, yeah, sure that’s… that’s fine.” You stuttered as you moved to the kitchen table to take a seat, both boys following obediently. 
Sirius watched as Remus moved last week's bouquet - which Sirius had secretly cast a stasis charm over so that they would last longer - out of the centre of the table and closer to Sirius so that they could both have a better view of you. 
“Is…everything okay?” You asked cautiously as you fiddled with the sleeve of your shirt. Sirius wanted to throw up. 
“Of course, dovey.” Remus assured you, though it was Sirius’ thigh he gave a comforting squeeze under the table. “We just know that we’ve been seeing each other for a while now, and we’ve grown to care about you quite a lot- you know that, right?”
Sirius watched as the divot between your brows only deepened as you nodded hesitantly. “So much, gorgeous; we care about you so much.” He insisted when it didn’t look like you truly believed them. 
“But we just, well, we haven’t been completely honest with you, is all. And now that we’re at this point in our relationship, we…we feel like we owe it to you to be honest.” Remus continued, clearly beginning to feel just as out of his depth as Sirius was. 
Your face fell completely blank, though Sirius could tell you were still tugging nervously at your shirt sleeve.
“Baby, I swear this isn’t bad, we- I rather think I’m in love with you, and-”
But as Sirius went to reach his hand over to rub at your arm in a way he hoped to be comforting, he ended up knocking over the vase stationed in front of him.
It didn’t break, thank Merlin, but it did topple over before Sirius could catch it and the water poured over the table.
Remus went to stand quickly to avoid being soaked, but no sooner had he pushed his chair away from the table was the vase floating towards you and the water completely vanished. 
Not looking at the boys in front of you, you righted the vase and repositioned the florals to your liking before looking up at Remus who was now standing and staring at you owlishly, and Sirius who was gaping at you from his seat.
“Did you just-” Sirius started, voice no more than a whisper, but was quickly cut off by the sound of a timer in the kitchen.
You waved your hand in that direction mindlessly before sinking back despondently in your chair and staring down at your lap, the timer silent.
“Y/N.” Remus rasped. “Did- was that…are you a witch?” 
You appeared to flinch as if you’d just realised what you’d done before you looked up; all colour seemingly draining from your face.
“What? I-” You started with a nervous chuckle. “I don’t know what you’re talking about? There’s no such thing as witches…”
But Sirius knew what he saw, the first could have been an accident - a trick of the mind - but the second act of magic was all the confirmation he needed.
Silently, Remus summoned the vase of flowers towards him before charming them to dance to imaginary music, plucking one from its stem and turning it gold before reaching across the table to put it behind your ear as you gaped at him. 
“You’re…a wizard?” You whispered in disbelief. 
At that, Sirius stood and spun, turning into Padfoot and panting excitedly at your feet as his tail whacked against the table leg with every wag.
A wet laugh escaped you before either boy realised you were wiping your eyes.
“Oh my gods?” 
“Awe, dovey.” Remus cooed as he moved over to Sirius’ chair so he could take your hands in his. “Don’t cry.”
“Is this what you guys were going to tell me?” You asked cautiously, hopefully. 
Padfoot melted back into Sirius, but he stayed kneeling at your feet as he rubbed soothing stripes up and down your calf. “Yes, baby; this was it.” He assured you. “I’m sorry we scared you.”
“So, that boarding school you went to in France?” Remus asked with an arched eyebrow.
“Beauxbatons.” You confirmed with a nod of your head. “And your boarding school in Scotland?”
“Hogwarts.” The two boys chorused, and you all let out a chuckle.
“It’s almost embarrassing that didn’t give it away right there.” You laughed breathlessly. 
“Since we’re, uh, being honest about stuff…” Remus continued, trailing off awkwardly as he shared a grimace with Sirius. “I’m also, well, I’m also a werewolf.” 
“Oh.” You breathed quietly. 
Sirius held his breath as he watched you consider this before you nodded your head decisively. 
“I’m muggleborn.” 
Sirius and Remus shared a quick look before Remus let out a disbelieving chuckle. “Is that- …what?”
“Baby, are you trading that information like we might think that’s a negative?” Sirius teased you lightly. 
“I suppose it depends on who you ask…” You whispered, and both boys softened. 
“Not us, dove.” Remus offered. “Good.” You smiled at him. “Then me too.”
“Is that really how you feel about it? About me?” Remus asked quietly. 
“No, it’s not how I feel about you.” You denied. “J'ai l'impression de tomber très amoureux de toi.” You admitted shyly, and Sirius couldn’t be held responsible for the mortifying cooing sound that resonated from the back of his throat. 
He grabbed your face roughly and started peppering you with kisses: “how”, a kiss, “did we”, a kiss, “manage to find”, another kiss, “the most brilliant and beautiful witch”, kiss kiss kiss, “in the whole world?” 
You were giggling and trying - not very hard, mind you - to pull away from Sirius’ ministrations when you stilled and let out a gasp.
“What?” Both boys paused.
“Supper!” You nearly shrieked as you went flying into the kitchen, muttering to yourself in French as you turned off the stove top and fussed with various pots and dishes. 
“I am so unbelievably in love with her.” Remus murmured, eyes glued to your form as you danced through the kitchen. 
Sirius scoffed as he leaned against his boyfriend with his arms crossed, feigning nonchalance. “I can’t believe you were so scared to tell her.”
Sirius didn’t need to look at Remus to know he was glaring at him; he could feel it.
But he also felt his heart grow three sizes when you turned to look at both of them with a beaming smile and a steaming dish in front of you, completely unphased that one of your boyfriends was a werewolf even though as a witch you knew exactly what that meant. And not only were you unphased, but you were still falling in love with them regardless.
Sirius had admittedly been very scared to tempt fate, because meeting you had been a complete fluke and he didn’t want to muck it up by scaring you off. Because really, how many times in one life did someone get the chance to meet a perfect angel?
If meeting Remus had been destiny, meeting you was prophetic; and who was Sirius to mess with the prophecy?
(translation: I feel like I’m very much falling in love with you).
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cherriegyuu · 1 year
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in which mingyu wants to sleep on the couch after a fight
pairing: mingyu x fem!reader genre:  fluff  word count: 540 warning: none
requests are open
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“Come to bed”
You leaned on the door frame to the living room, your arms crossed over your chest as you looked at your husband. It was dark so you could barely make out the line of his body, but you were the one who chose the couch, the one who picked the spot it would occupy in your shared living room so you knew exactly where he was.
Mingyu let out a grunt but didn’t move, refusing to follow you to the room but desperately wanting to. The two of you fought and he felt, as silly as it was, that he needed to keep his ground and sleep on the couch for the night. 
The fight itself had been over something so stupid. You asked him to take out the trash, and he said that he would, he procrastinated for a while, then he forgot, then you got angry, and then he got angry because you had gotten angry at him first. There was nothing more stupid. Over the years, you argued over some nonsensical things, but it never got that petty. 
His best guess was that you both had bottled up your feelings for too long and it finally boiled over due to something so trivial as just the trash. He was sure that you knew he didn’t do it on purpose and he wanted to apologize too. And yet, there he was, being as stubborn as he could possibly be, choosing to sleep on the couch, for reasons that he too wanted to understand. 
“Gyu, come on, let’s go to bed. I’m tired and I know you are too” you said softly, trying to get him to soften up “You know that couch isn’t good for sleeping. You were complaining about it yesterday when you took a nap on it”
Mingyu still didn’t move, even though your words had gotten to him. He hugged the pillow over his chest a little tighter.
“You know what? Fine, stay there” 
He didn’t dare to open his eyes but kept his ears alert to know what you were doing. Instead of footsteps moving down the hall and away from the living room, he heard them getting closer to him. A second later he felt the pillow being taken away from his hands, as you pulled the covers up and squeezed yourself on the couch with him. 
“What are you doing?” he finally asked.
He barely fit on the couch by himself so he was sure that half of your body was over the edge. 
“We’re married, we sleep together, even when we fight” you murmured as you dropped your arm over his chest.
“ We can sleep apart, that won’t change anything between us”
You just shook your head, raising your lips to place a kiss on his chin
“It will change something between us, we will start to feel like we can just avoid a discussion and everything will be okay in the morning. It won’t make anything better” 
Finally, Mingyu wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into him and further turning on his side to give you more space.
“Sorry I didn’t take the trash out” he whispered.
He rubbed his nose against yours, making you smile.
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taglist: @wonwooz1,   @ryuwonieebae
if you want to be tagged in my next fics, please fill out this form
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tragedy-of-commons · 5 months
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lay your life down and pretty
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various hsr x gn!reader | wc: ~2k
In which you die (or they've already lost you).
tags/warnings: character death (reader), it's implied in dh's part but explicit and semi-graphic in hanya's, descriptions of mara and the insanity that comes with it, hardcore angst, hurt no comfort, there may be Lore Inaccuracies
notes: this was originally supposed to be four parts. i'm sorry it's only two but it's just been uhhh... hope you enjoy & thanks for the incredible support lately <3
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Dan Heng makes the best pancakes.
You’ve expressed this undeniable fact to his face multiple times, louder in their progression just to see the tips of his ears burn that endearing red. These declarations are reserved for breakfast. At this time you also chide him for trying to weasel his way out of eating the most important meal of the day!
And he’d sigh, letting you hound him about food options until he’d crack under the weight of your grin and end up mixing batter at 7:30 in the morning.
(“I tried flipping them in the air once and the pancake slapped me in the face,” you’d regaled, head resting idly on your fist.
Dan Heng stared into the black of the skillet. “...Somehow, I don’t doubt it.”
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” you huffed.
He almost let not-quite laugh slip then, but because of his stuck-uppery, he just managed to look peeved. “I would appreciate it if you passed me the butter.”)
Instead it is around 9:00 in the morning, and Dan Heng is alone. 
He’d stayed up late the night before doing some reading, causing him to oversleep and rush the process today. He’s almost burned his hand on the stove eye twice, nearly dropped an egg on the floor, and has just narrowly avoided burning the batch. Dan Heng is not clumsy (not like you were), and he is painfully aware that he is late.
After he plates the food, the oven clock reads 9:19. He gathers everything, including two sets of utensils and one awkward wad of napkins - before setting the table by heart. Your plate goes in front of the chair closest to the window, and his goes in front of the one adjacent to yours. 
The rhythm of distributing each item eventually leaves him with empty hands. Everything is ready, but there is still something colossal missing from the scene.
Dan Heng stares hard at your empty seat before taking his own. 
The pancakes are blackened around the edges, but it’s nothing a good heaping portion of syrup can’t fix, and the smell that wafts upward is sweet and inviting. The sun’s rays shining in from the outside world paint the kitchen in flecks of light that occasionally catch on his arm when he brings his fork to his mouth.
Resigned, his silverware clatters noisily to the table.
“I’m sorry,” he breathes, “I’m sorry that I was late.”
Predictably, there’s no response. Dan Heng’s throat feels like it’s closing up on him, and the syrup definitely isn’t helping. He dabs his mouth with his napkin for a good long while.
He is sorry. It wasn’t enough that he’d stayed up late the night before, but that he deliberately kept glancing at the clock and counting the hours until daylight arrived - reminding himself that if he drifted off, the next day would come much sooner.
He isn’t the type to procrastinate either. Even when you’re not here anymore, you seem to have a profound effect on his character. Dan Heng pinches the bridge of his nose. The sound of his voice echoing off the walls of the lonely kitchen is unwelcome. “Happy birthday.”
It’s strained, imperfect, and painful; which only serves to remind him of your insistence on celebrating his birthday as well. You had practically prostrated yourself at his feet, begging him to let you fuss over him - even if it made his vision hazy and palms sweaty. He needs to return the favor, even if the mere idea of another important date passing him up without you makes him want to hide.
So here he is. 
Here he is, floundering terribly, missing you terribly, loving you terribly. Dan Heng wrenches his hand from its secure position in his lap to drum on the table.
“I got you something,” he says. “I… I didn’t know which color you’d prefer more, so…”
You’d tease him into an early grave if you were able to see the knitted oven mitt he’d picked out over two months ago. It’s an almost hideous shade of teal that he’s sure you’d love, especially since you forced him to bake with you regularly.
(He was shopping with March 7th when he’d seen it and then reflexively dumped it into his basket. His companion only asked him if he was planning on using it as kindling for the fireplace.)
Dan Heng closes his eyes and slides it over to your placement. For a second, he almost fools himself into thinking you might magically appear to brush fingers when you accept the gift with a bright smile. He has no such luck.
Your breakfast is getting colder, and there’s nothing to be done today; his friends, as much as he can say he appreciates them - also meddle quite a bit. His schedule was mysteriously cleared up and he was gently encouraged to go home and take the day off. The feeling of three pairs of eyes drilling holes into his back as he complied was a bit too potent to be coincidental.
So he sits there and pretends he’s eating with you for as long as he can. The stutters in the familiar rhythm that comes with today are things he can smooth out over time, even if it feels like a betrayal to you. You would never see it like that, which is why he can even live in a home without you in it at all.
(The oven mitt rests beside your full plate until the afternoon, because he cannot bring himself to clean up just yet. He doesn’t think he’ll ever be ready to.)
Dan Heng is not a man who can afford to hope, but he’s already been in debt since the moment of his birth. If just one of his prayers is granted, he hopes it’s the one he runs through his mind every night:
In the next life, please let us cross paths again. And if there’s room for it, please let me love you for as long as I can.
He’s never been one for optimism, but it’s all he looks forward to.
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Hanya’s hands cradle the expanse of your face.
Her fingers ghost over any healthy glow remaining in your cheeks. You’re slipping, rightfully so, but does it make her a monster if she wants to claw and rifle through the sands of time to search for any universe where you were spared from this cruel fate?
(She thinks it does.)
You can’t get the words out, but there’s a resigned film that glazes over your eyes - one that tells her that she needn’t lie about where you’ll be going. Your mouth forms silent syllables punctuated by wheezes that will surely send her careening under the depths of the unconscious at record speed.
“Han.. ya,” you croak, “Stay.”
“I will,” she promises, because she needs to - over and over, until you remember it always, even when you’re gone. Even when you’re suffering through the last moments of your fledgling life. “I will remain here.”
Her duty as a Judge of the Ten-Lords Commission is to oversee life and death on the Xianzhou. When Hanya drifts aimlessly like a spectre between inky darkness and blinding daylight, it has occasionally struck her that one day she might have to oversee yours.
Presently, your mind is being swallowed by the maw of mara, a madness that she’s all too familiar with; faced with her dull countenance, she must have witnessed thousands succumb to the fate of infernal life. 
“D-Don’t cry,” you beseech. There isn’t much time until you’re no longer Hanya’s secret reprieve, but instead a writhing abomination - and she only has herself to blame. Had she not embraced you so tightly, would you be free of this curse? Would you still be smiling and dragging her by the hand through Exalting Sanctum?
“I will not send you there,” she breathes, “You are not deserving of—”
The agonizing cry you let out next is still beautiful. Even now you can mitigate the emptiness that’s dug its claws in her heart so deep that it’s become symbiotic with the organ. However, instead of the empty, Hanya feels its distant relative: the pins and needles. The hollow white noise crackles until she’s pierced with an arsenal of skeletal knives.
She could take it, and she would take it, if it meant that you weren’t about to die and then awaken again as a monster that desecrates the very concept of you.
She releases your now matching tear-stricken cheeks before seizing both of your arms. The thrashing has crept in, meaning that there isn’t much time before you start sprouting leaves and weeds like a statue abandoned by its devotees. 
A sharp inhale through clenched teeth. “You have… to. M’gonna hurt—” you convulse in her grasp, “—somebody...”
Of course you’re worrying about others right now. Kindness is a relic of the past that you’ve somehow managed to exhume, restore to its full glory, and gift to Hanya like she deserves to touch others’ lives in the same way you have. 
Every shopkeep knows your name, face, voice, and smile. Your warmth is infectious - even before she knew you in person, she knew of you by word of mouth. Xueyi had told her that the reason Huohuo was so resolute in her duties lately was because of “the person who defeated a bunch of reprobate hooligan bullies tormenting her”. 
If her big sister held you in high regard, she figured you were one she wouldn’t mind exchanging greetings with if you ever crossed paths. However, the thing about you is that you always give more than you take; you too eventually gave her your smile over tea, your opinion on her writing, and a perspective from the light she usually only smothers upon first contact. 
It seems that it was just a matter of time before Hanya extinguished you.
“You are not ready,” she begs pitifully, “You are not!”
She knows it’s never about being ready. Bad things always happen to good people - to sons, daughters, friends, big sisters, and lovers.
The word is foreign on the tip of her tongue. It’s strange to be actualized and even stranger to ascribe that label to your relationship, but Hanya doesn’t know what else to think when the knives stab her over and over to the elegy of I love you, I love you, I love you.
The trek from Fyxestroll Garden to the Alchemy Commission is sizable. The Dragon Lady could see you and do her best, but she’s seen where that’s led; best efforts gone to waste, inconsolable loved ones given false hope because they were too stubborn to let go.
Is that what she is? Too stubborn to let you go, even when she’s brought this karma upon you?
(Yes, something ugly whispers, this is your penance. Now it’s theirs too.)
“I...” you let out a strangled groan, and when your chest jerks upwards, it barely registers that you brush your lips against hers. There’s tears and snot everywhere, and you’re getting stronger - too strong for her to hold. Hanya’s forearms ache with the strain as gingko leaves begin to ravage your humanity and rip you apart.
The transformation process is cruel, but she promised to remain by your side. Twigs protrude from your neck, nestled between thorny brambles that poke and prod. You are not a Cloud Knight, so your screams aren’t muffled by armor - or muted by the numbness she feels when dealing with other cases. 
It’s too real, it’s too much, and it’s not enough.
Drowned out by the previous mantra of I love you, the background vocals of I’m so sorry peter off into whispers that are soon lost among the sickening squelch of Xueyi’s blade cutting through you in one clean motion. The tip of the sword rests over Hanya’s heart, stained with your blood.
“...That’s not them anymore,” her sister says. It’s off-kilter, the way her brow is furrowed in a silent apology.
One can only hope.
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taglist: @flower-yi, @moineauz, @aphrodict, @nomazee
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btsugarush · 1 year
GANGSTA | myg - 001
summary: rough sex, blood money, drugs, and gang related activity; four things you never predicted to experience in your simple life. not until you opened your mouth and caught his attention.
pairings: gang leader!yoongi x f!reader
warnings: smut, gunplay, drugs, drug addiction, dark!yoongi, drug lord!yoongi, strong language, gang violence, blood and gore, murder, manipulation, possessive/obsessive behavior, abuse, cheating, angst, fluff, dubcon, implied noncon (not from yoongi but within his gang with his knowledge), 18+, minors dni
word count: 4.2K
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You tossed and turned in your bed as the obnoxious sound of banging carries through your apartment. You snatch your pillow from under your head, placing it over your ears in hopes to drown out the sound. Sadly, it helped very little. “Ugh!” You groan, tossing the pillow to the floor in frustration. “GO THE FUCK AWAY!” You shout. The banging abruptly stops, and you sigh in contentment. 
Just as you were prepared to close your eyes again, your phone started to ring. You let out a loud whine, deciding to give up on slumber at this point. Looks like resting wasn’t in your favor. You grab your phone from your nightstand, the screen flashing your best friend, Mina’s, contact name. You accept the call, only to be ear assaulted by her shouting from the other side.  “OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!” 
You pull the phone from your ear, cringing as though she had burst your eardrums. You don’t even dignify her with a response before you end the call. Of course Mina would be the one banging on your door like she’s being chased by a masked killer. 
You swing your legs over your mattress, sliding on your house slippers that you kept on standby beside your bed. Purposely procrastinating, you take your delicate time, trying to stretch away your exhaustion. You saunter towards your living room, making no effort to rush and open the door. Mina begins to impatiently bang on the door again. “I’m coming! Geez!” You unlock your door, pulling it open to expose your displeased friend. “Took you long enough.” She simply walks past you, entering your abode without your permission. 
You shut your door, looking back at Mina as she takes a seat at your dining table. “What was so important that you had to drive to my place and bang on my door like a lunatic?” You questioned the blonde. She squints her eyes, her mouth dropping in disbelief. “Did you forget we were supposed to go out for lunch today?” She crosses her arms. 
“Of course I didn’t forget,” you say, taking a seat in the chair across from her. “I thought we were doing that at like 2:00?” 
Mina raises a brow at you. “Um… newsflash, it’s 1:50 right now.”  
Your eyes widened. There was no way it was already the evening time. You felt like you had just dozed off in bed not too long ago. You check for the time on your microwave for clarity, pouting when you realize she wasn’t telling a story. “Fuck…” you rub your cheeks with the palm of your hands. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I overslept.” 
“It’s fine,” she shrugs. “It’s not too late to still go.” 
The two of you weren’t going anywhere exotic for lunch. Just going out for ramen at Makoto. You worked there as a server, so you got a discount on food. Why not take the advantage? Especially since you didn’t make enough money to eat anywhere else, and you’d hate for Mina to have to pay for both of your meals.  “What has you so tired anyway?” She asks, pretending like she couldn’t get a clue. “Like you don’t know.” You roll your eyes. 
“Ooooh,” she smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. “Did you finally give Kookie the cookie?” 
You giggled, shaking your head. You wished that’s how the night went. Although,  you still enjoyed yourself because any moment spent with Jungkook was still time well spent. “No, not yet. He hasn’t pursued anything, so I don’t think he’s ready.” You rest your chin into the palm of your hand. “What the hell is he waiting for? Your wedding day?” She turns up her nose. 
“I think he’s waiting until we make our relationship official. We’re still just at the talking stage.” 
You’ve known Jungkook since high school. He started off as your best friend, next to Mina. He was always there for you, lending you a shoulder to cry on when you were going through a breakup, or listening to you vent. Never did you look at him as a potential romantic partner, or at least, never have you said it out loud. You two didn’t admit your feelings for each other until 3 months ago; now you were trying to see where it goes, and so far it’s been everything you’ve hoped for. Except for the lack of sex, which surprises you to care so much about considering you’ve never had sex with anyone before. Yet, you’ve craved it so much recently. 
“Well, he better make things official soon because there is nothing better than sex.” she bit down on her bottom lip, practically drooling as she reminisced about her sexual conquests with her boyfriend, Jin. “Yeah, I bet.” You chuckle. “Don’t get any slob on my table, whore.” You stand up from your seat, figuring that you’ve wasted enough of your lunch time sleeping as it is. You didn’t want to waste anymore of it by gossiping about sex. 
You head back to your bedroom, pulling open your wardrobe as you search for something to throw on. Mina follows behind you, plopping down in your bed with a light bounce. “So, is Kookie coming over again tonight?”
“Probably not,” you flip through your clothes like a photo album, taking hangers from the bars to see what looked good on you. “I have work tomorrow, and I cannot risk waking up late again.” 
You didn’t have the luxury of being late for work like most folks did. It was hard enough for you to find good paying work since you didn’t finish nursing school like Mina. You want to go back, but you didn’t have the funds to pay for college, and your apartment at the same time. You only made like $15/hr working at Makoto, and your checks from that went to your rent, and other bills. You couldn’t even afford a car. You had to take the bus to travel. 
You finalize your outfit choice, going with a mini floral print spaghetti strap dress. “How’re things going with Jin?” You query, undressing yourself before you slip on the red dress. “We’re pretty good, except I feel like he’s hiding something from me. He’s been really anxious lately, but when I ask him about it he says he’s fine,” she shrugs. “I’m trying not to overthink it. Maybe he has a lot on his plate with work and everything. He hasn’t been making any sales in real estate, and is afraid he might be jobless soon.” 
“Yikes,” you walk into your bathroom to brush your teeth. “That must be tough on him.” You grab your toothbrush from its holder, taking the tube of toothpaste and squeezing it onto the bristles.  “Yeah.” She sighs. You felt for your best friend. Nothing sucks more than watching your significant other go through a rough time, but for Mina it was much worse because she absolutely loved and adored Jin. 
You spit and rinsed in the sink, washing your toothbrush off before placing it back in the holder. While the water was still running, you took the opportunity to splash your face with the cooling liquid, making sure to clean away the crust from your eyes. Once you turn off the faucet, you grab a towel from the rack and dry your wet face. 
“Are you done yet? No need to get all fancy for some ramen.” Mina complained, which prompted you to roll your eyes. You weren’t even taking that long. You usually take a considerable amount of time getting ready on a regular day. Jungkook could definitely attest to that, seeing as he’s always whining about you ‘taking 40 hours to get ready’. 
You grab your white air forces, and a pair of socks from your closet, slipping them on. “Okay, I’m ready to go.” 
“Finally.” She jumps up from your mattress. “I’m literally starving. I felt like I could pass out from hunger any second now.” 
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” You grab your purse from your wardrobe, and your cellphone from the nightstand before the two of you make your way back into the living room. You grab your unit keys from the hook by your front door, the two of you heading out. As you were locking the door, your neighbor Hoseok exits out of his apartment. “Ladies,”  He smiles, locking his door as well. “Grand rising.” 
“Oh, hey, Hoseok. Grand rising to you too,” You return back the smile. “Where’re you headed to today?” You ask, dropping your key into your purse. “Just going to check the mail,” He laughs. “How about you, lovelies?” 
“We’re heading to Makoto for lunch.” 
Hoseok hums lightly, nodding his head. “Mmm, I love Makoto. Bring me back some rice cakes?” 
“Of course.” You giggle. 
“You’re a real one.” He lightly pats your shoulder before going on his way. Once he was far enough away, Mina spoke up. “He’s such a weirdo.” She snarls, shaking her head as she watches Hoseok walk down the hall. You shrug. “I think he’s eccentric, but in a good way.”   
“Whatever you say. I think he watches you through his peephole when you’re coming or going.” She jokes. “You’re such a bitch.” You chuckle, nudging her with your elbow. As you and Mina walk to the exit of the building, your phone vibrates from the inside of your purse. You pull it out, peering at the contact name. “Kookie cake 🍪🍰”. 
You smile upon seeing Jungkook’s contact name, answering quickly before it sends him to voicemail. “Hey.” You greet him giddily. “Hey, beautiful.” You could tell he was smiling on the other end. “What’re you up to?”  You ask. Not that you needed to. You could hear the buzzing in the background, which tells you that he’s at work. Jungkook worked at a tattoo parlor as one of the main tattoo artists and piercers there. He usually doesn’t have time to call you when he’s at work, being that he’s always so busy with clients. 
“I’m at work,” he lets out a sigh. “One of my clients doesn’t come in until 3:30, so I took this time to hear your angelic voice.” 
You felt your cheeks heat up. Mina looked over at you, making kissy faces. You make it outside, the sun blazing down on you. It had to be about 80°C out today. “Well, I’m glad you called. I wanted to tell you that you made me late for my lunch date with Mina today.” You approach the passenger side of Mina’s silver Chevy Cruze, waiting for her to unlock the door. “Oh, you’re blaming me?” Jungkook laughs. “I seem to recall a certain someone begging for me to stay longer.”
“Wow, expose me much?” 
Mina unlocks the car, and you pull open the door before climbing inside. She starts up the engine, looking over at you. “Alright, lovebirds. Talk to each other later, I want to play music.” You roll your eyes. She wouldn’t be saying that if it was her on the phone talking to Jin. “I guess I have to get off the phone, Mina’s being a hater since she’s not on the phone with her man.”
She throws a glare your way, childishly sticking her tongue out at you. “Alright, Angel. Call me later?” 
“You know I will.” You say your goodbyes, then end the call. “Thank you.” Mina turns on her radio, turning the volume to the highest it could go. The drive to Makoto wasn’t a long drive. From your apartment it was about 8 minutes away. You usually had to take the bus there on scheduled work days as the walk took an hour or so.  
“Hope we find a table, it looks crowded today.” Mina makes the observation, seeing that the restaurant’s parking spaces were nearly full. “They usually are on Friday.” You inform her. You’ve worked plenty of Fridays to know. Mina manages to locate a parking spot not too far from the entrance, and pulls into it. “I can’t wait to stuff my face with dumplings.” Mina licked her lips like an animal deprived of food. 
“Their dumplings aren’t that good.”  You shake your head. Maybe you only felt that way because you worked here, and are constantly having Mr. Kim make you dumplings. After a while they started to make you sick. The bell rings as you two walk through the entrance. “Hey, Jimin.” You greet your co-worker as he’s taking a customer’s order. “Hey, Y/N. Are you here to help out today?” He peers over at you with a smile. 
“As if. I’m going to enjoy my day off while I can,” you laugh. “Any tables left?” You ask, looking around. The restaurant was crowded just as Mina thought. “Yeah, we’ve got one more table left. You’re lucky.” After he finishes up taking orders, he leads the way to an empty table. You and Mina take a seat, and Jimin flips to a blank page on his notepad. “I’m guessing you girls already know what you want?” 
Mina piped up immediately, already making up her mind before you got there. “Dumplings.” Jimin scribbled down her order. “Anything to drink?” He asks.  “Water will do.”  Jimin nods, looking over at you. “Let me guess,  dumplings for you too?” 
“Wrong. I'm not a total cliché. I’m getting Hakodate ramen.” 
Jimin smirked, taking down your order. “Anything to drink?” He scribbles something else down in the notepad. “I’ll take a water too.” Jimin flips the notepad your way, showing you that he had already written it down. “Guess you are a total cliché.”  You roll your eyes, waving him off. “Just go put in our orders.” 
He chuckles, leaving your table to head back into the kitchen. “He seriously wants to fuck you.” Mina blurted. Your eyes nearly bulged out of your head at the unexpected assumption. “Don’t be ridiculous, he knows I’m seeing Jungkook.” 
“What’s your point? Guys don’t care if you have a man or not. If you gave him an opening he’d take it in a heartbeat. Trust me.” she whispers as she notices Jimin walking back over with your waters. He sat the glasses down on the table, then pulled out a pair of red chopsticks for the both of you to take. “Your food won’t take too long, I’ll be back with it shortly.” He smiles down at you before walking back to the kitchen. Mina stares at him as he walks away, a grin on her face. “If I were you, I’d fuck him.” 
“Not a chance. I care about Jungkook way too much.” 
“That’s cute and all, but you need to burst that cherry at some point, and Jungkook is taking his sweet time.” She takes a sip of her water. You didn’t see what was so wrong with that. Most women would find it attractive to know a guy is taking his time with sex. You did. It showed that he didn’t just see you as a sexual object. As much as you wanted to lose your virginity, you respected him for wanting to wait. It honestly made you feel more important to him. You knew you weren’t going to be Jungkook’s first–you weren’t even going to be his second or third, but for some reason it brought you comfort knowing he valued you enough to take it slow unlike he did with other girls. 
Jimin comes back to the table with your food in hand, handing Mina her dumplings, then sitting  your ramen in front of you. “Here you go, ladies.” 
“Thanks, Jiminie.” You grab your chopsticks, pulling them apart. “No problem. Enjoy–” Jimin is cut off by the bell of the entrance door ringing. His expression suddenly looks distressed, and sickly. “Uh…. are you okay?” You ask, following his gaze towards the entrance. When you look to see what caught his attention, your eyes are fixed on a group of men standing there. You noticed that the entire restaurant seemed to quiet down upon these men's arrival, the atmosphere not as family friendly as before. Some of the people whisper amongst themselves, not daring to speak aloud. 
“Can we get some fuckin’ service around here?” A taller guy within the group calls out, staring directly at Jimin. Jimin sighs, walking over to the flock of degenerates. You turn to look at Mina, her face was just as confused. “Am I missing something, who are these guys?” You whisper to her. “I don’t know, but they’re giving off some bad energy. Let’s hurry and eat so we can go.” 
“I’m sorry, but we’re out of tables right now. The wait time is going to be about 30 minutes.” Jimin explains to the men, but they clearly aren’t having it. “Why wait when we can find a table for ourselves right now?” The lanky man snarls, shoving Jimin out of the way as they stride through the restaurant anyway, laughing as Jimin seemed to freeze up instead of stopping them. The group of men are looking at tables, as though they’re shopping for who’s they’re going to take. People turn their heads, trying to avoid eye contact as they do so. 
They end up stopping in front of an elderly couple, and the taller one speaks again. He must’ve been the leader of the group, with the way he seemed to take charge. “You’re being booted, oldheads. Give us your table.” The older woman looks towards her husband, awaiting for him to speak up. “You should learn to respect your elders, young man. We’re still eating here.” 
The group of men snickered, clearly not giving a damn about respect of any kind. “You think we give a fuck? Get up, or we’ll make you get up.” Your eyebrows furrow, the threat not sitting right with you. Mina notices your expression, knowing it all too well. “Don’t you dare say anything. Stay out of it.” She warns, not wanting the attention of these men on you. One thing about you is that you didn’t take too well to bullying. You were always standing up for people, and judging by the fear oozing off of everyone at the restaurant, you’re the only one that was willing to do it. Even Mina was scared. 
The elderly couple ignored the group, clearly having no self awareness about the potential danger of the situation. The lanky guy shares a look with a raven haired man, almost like they were speaking to each other telepathically. “Handle it.” The raven commands the taller one. Those two simple words were all he needed to hear as he snatched the elderly woman from the table, prompting the older woman to scream out. “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Her husband shouts. “I told you to get the fuck up or we were going to move you.” 
You noticed that everyone looked mortified by the ordeal, but still made no effort to help. Who were these guys that made everyone here too terrified to even speak? “Let go, you’re hurting me!” The older woman cries out. You couldn’t take the sight anymore, you refused to cower and watch these men harass the elderly like everyone else; you slam your hand on your table, taking a stand. “Why don’t you assholes just leave them the fuck alone?” Your outburst catches the eyes of everyone in the restaurant, some shaking their head at you like you were a fool. Mina slides down in her seat, wishing she could hide from this confrontation. 
“Mind your fuckin’ business, bitch.” The lanky man spat, glaring at you like you were insane to be talking to them like that. “This just became my business, so how about you just walk the fuck out of here and find a different place to eat.” You snap back at him, your glare just as vicious. You were probably making a mistake by opening your mouth, seeing as you were heavily outnumbered, but you couldn’t turn back now. “How about we take your table then?” Mina is quietly whispering ‘no, no, no’, hoping that it didn’t come down to that. You knew she was going to be unbelievably pissed at you if it did. 
“Try and take my table.” You challenge him. 
That was the straw that broke the camel’s back; the man shoves the older woman back into her seat before he stalks over to your table. The way he’s approaching you looks so threatening, and you feel that you have no choice but to defend yourself. You grab your chopsticks from the table, tightly gripping the wooden sticks in your hand as you brace yourself for a showdown. “Joon,” the lanky man halts in place just as he’s about to grab you, and looks back at his posse. “Head outside and take a breather.” The raven speaks calmly. 
Joon pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue, not even bothering to argue back with the order given to him. He looks at you with an evil glower and points his slim finger in your face. “You just lucked out, bitch.”  He storms out of the restaurant, the bell dinging as he exits. You’re still holding the chopsticks as the raven now approaches you, his hands in the pockets of the green letterman jacket he adorned. The way he commanded the Joon guy told you well enough that he was the one in charge. “I apologize on behalf of my friend there. He was a little out of line,” 
‘A little??’ 
Even though this man was apologizing to you, there was something about him that sent chills down your spine. The way he looked into your eyes felt like he was trying to take your soul. He had eyes like the devil. They were dark, cold, lifeless even. He actually intimidated you more than the tall one, which you felt showed through the way your legs quivered like they were about to give out at any second. He looked so cool and collected, the disturbance he and his crew caused having no effect on him. It was like he worried about nothing, and feared no one. His eyes shift from you, to the chopsticks in your hand. “Were you planning on stabbing my friend with those?” 
You look down at the chopsticks as well. “If… if I had to.” You answer truthfully, swallowing the lump in the back of your throat. The raven smirks, running his tongue across his bottom lip as if the thought turned him on. “You’re brave,” his eyes roam your body in an uncomfortable, predatory kind of way. “I like you.”
Those were the last words he spoke to you before turning away, deciding to leave the restaurant like you requested them to do. He jerks his head towards the exit, signifying for his crew to follow him out. You wait for them to fully depart before you drop your chopsticks to the floor and collapse back into your seat. Your heart was beating so fast, you really were doubting your decision, not knowing how it would’ve turned out. Jimin runs to your aid, finally doing something useful after letting those guys punk him. 
“Are you okay?” He asks. You simply nod, not having the words to speak. “Who the fuck were those guys?” Mina spoke up after also leaving you to basically battle alone. “Trouble, and I can’t believe Y/N just stood up to them like that. Those guys are dangerous, I don’t even know how you’re still breathing after talking to them the way you did,” Jimin shakes his head in wariness. “The tall guy with the big mouth was Kim Nam-Joon, and the nonchalant one was Min Yoongi. Some people call him Agust D. He’s the one in charge, if you didn’t notice. I’ve heard horror stories about that guy, like that he stabbed a dude in the neck with chopsticks and killed him,” 
You snap your head up at him, your eyes wide. ‘He killed someone with chopsticks?’ Were you really in the face of a serious threat? You could tell that those guys weren’t like normal bullies you’ve stepped to, but you never imagined them being notorious enough to have heinous stories told about them. “I really can’t believe that you survived that.” Jimin repeats again, making you sick to your stomach. “Okay, you’re not helping. At least she did something, unlike you.” Mina snapped. Jimin threw his hands up in defense. “Hey, I’m a man. I might have not been so lucky if I pulled what Y/N did. The only reason she got out of that situation unscathed is because she’s an attractive girl.” 
“Can we please get the check?” Someone calls from a different table, catching Jimin’s attention.“Be right there.” He squeezes your shoulder in a comforting way before leaving you alone to get back to his scheduled work. You sat in silence, your appetite lost.  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Mina pressed. You nod again, reassuring her. You’re alive, right? Why wouldn’t you be? “What we should take from this situation is… I told you not to get involved.”  You whipped your head in her direction, your mouth gaped at her insensitivity. She shrugs, taking a sip of her water. 
“Excuse me?” You look to see the older woman and her husband walking towards you. “Yes?” You smile at the couple, taking solace in knowing that you risked your safety for them and that they were okay in the end. “We want to say thank you for standing up for us,” The older woman reaches out, taking your hands in hers. “Thank you so much.”
“It was no problem,” You lightly squeezed her hands. “I’d do it again.”
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@l0stindigo @minyoongimylove @mamidescarada, @corruqti0n, @cuntessaiii, @bubbles2300 @rosquilleta @justletmehavethenamemarsomfg @pineappleburger @secfir @bangtangalicious @mytokkiboyfriend @ahses-world @kenpachisimp @snoozeagustd @borahaerhy @officialholyagua @kooslilhoe @agustdsslutt @wittyreader @moonchild-qaads @all-black-darling @littlestarstinyseven @jojowantstocry @whipwhoops @moocow778 @multiasf @mxshikoo @passionandsuga @justdancehoba @missmin @kooksbunnnn @primadonnasdream @ashslytheringoddess @yoongislatinagff @itzz-me-duh @roguesthetic @melankooly @captaincarmel416 @strxwbloody @catchmybreath94 @yunkissis @miamorcitovante @sanxoxodra
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hey Mio-!!! I know your reqs are closed rn so I'm really just leaving this here so I don't forget the idea, but I saw a tiktok that inspired meee and I was thinking what ab a reader who accidentally confesses to Vox/the hazbin people when drunk and based on their reactions maybe thinks they're turning the reader down but they aren't oki bye bye have a good weekend!!!
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𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐰 + 𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐬 ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
a/n: hello 🍂anon!! i’m so sorry i kept you waiting on this, i couldn’t stop procrastinating it 😭😭 also i’m sorry if vox seems more mean then normal, i feel like i’ve been writing him too victim-y and at the end of the day he’s an asshole too and i tried to show that. but i hope you enjoy!!
warnings: mentions of alcohol/being drunk/drinking/etc, profanity, mentions of sex (no smut), vox being a bit of an asshole <;/3
proofread: HAH! no. (heh, your loss) someone tell me you got that reference 😭😭
including: charlie, vaggie, angel dust, husk, lucifer, vox
tags: hazbin hotel, fanfiction, x reader
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girl is flabbergasted. i mean, she’s always heard the term ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ or something like that, but she’s surprised you would say that to begin with — true or not.
but obviously, she feels romantically about you, so if it wasn’t true and it was just something you blurted out whilst drunk, she’s gonna be a bit upset
so she tells you, if you really feel that way, you can tell her when you’re sober, and she puts you to bed :)
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she can only maintain her calmness for so long until she simply loses her composure, she’s not good at hiding her true feelings and/or thoughts for an extensive period of time
vaggie makes sure you get to bed safe, but she doesn’t bring up until you’re fully sober, she wants your recovery from your hangover to be stress-free and relaxing — not anything that could make you distraught
although, she may or may not dote on you a little extra the next morning…
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𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭
angel knows what it’s like to say something you weren’t ready to whilst under the influence, he’s done it more times then he’s willing to admit
so he’s (as sweetly as he can be) stern about being 100% sober whilst making decisions to blurt this kinda stuff out
deep down, angel knows it’s true, he knows you wouldn’t lie to him about smth like that, drunk or not — but he can’t help but in awe in a way
like he’s a famous pornstar, you don’t love him for his money or body or looks, you love him for being anthony, and not angel dust, and he’s simply not used to it
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husker is a bartender, he’s heard everything in the book, exceeeept someone drunkenly confessing to him while he’s serving them drinks after a shitty night
it’s safe to say… he’s cautious, he’s seen a lot of drunk people do a lot of dumb shit, so he’s unsure if confession is as sincere as it can be
first, he wants to make sure you’re in the right mind before he even thinks before saying he feels the same, he’s been hurt a couple times, and he’s not ready to go through that again, whether he admits it or not
it’ll probably take him a few days until he brings it up, he’s the kinda guy who wants to reflect before making big decisions
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honestly, lucifer is probably the most shocked out of all them, after being divorced for seven years, possibly more, the guy eventually thought he was gonna be forever alone, especially considering he’s the literal king of hell
the thought of that you’re drunk and may not know what you’re getting into doesn’t even cross his mind, he’s had few interactions with women tbh, and most of them were mainly sexual (like with adam’s wives)
so he gets all giddy and happy and accepts your confession immediately ! it doesn’t hit him until a few months into your relationship that he probably should’ve waited until you were sober LOL
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vox, like angel, has never had someone genuinely confess their love to him. he’s had an on-and-off sexual relationship with valentino and gotten creepy love letters from fans — but that’s about it
honestly, as shitty as it he can’t help but take advantage of your drunken state, just slightly.
he sorta feeds into any praise you give him, and will lowkey force it out of you, his ego needs to be fed and it’s only getting started
let’s be real, vox isn’t the most perfect guy around, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t hold a soft spot for you, although, at this point, a solid relationship cannot be promised :(
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i do not permit for my work to be reposted, translated, or stolen. all rights go to signedmio. characters are not mine, unless stated, and belong to their rightful creators.
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spidybaby · 11 months
Can we get a Gold Digger Part III?
Gold Digger | Part III
Summary: Feeling fearful and insecure about the future after a downfall is what kept you away.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: I've been trying to finish this for a long time. Not able to find the inspiration. Buuuuut, after the Euros match, I totally find the guts to open my drafts and finish what I've been procrastinating. Hope you still find this interesting and read it. Love you all 💛 sorry about the time.
Part one | Part two
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London - Seventeen months later
"I think you're ready to go back. The question here is if you feel ready"
"I am. I think I've been ready for a while now."
"And what's stopping you?"
"What if we don't work out?"
"Time is unpredictable."
"What if he realized that I'm not what he wants anymore?"
"You know that is not the case. You told me that."
"I'm scared."
"It's okay, it's going to be fine."
Paris - Eighteen months later
14:35 p.m.
"So, can we say you find the one?" Julien, your friend asks you. "Because I think you have."
"Yes, I found the one."
He clapped happily, popping the champagne he had for this special moment.
You were looking for an apartment. Returning to Paris after more months of being out, he helped you look for the perfect place to return to your parisian life.
"I want to make a toast, for the girl I love the most, and the one I know is ready to shine in all the meaning of the word."
"Je t'aime." You smile, giving him a hug. He was a big part of your return to France.
After graduating, you got an opportunity to go to London with the company that you always wanted to work for.
They were expanding their business and chose París to begin. Since you knew the language and had your whole education there, they naturally asked you to take over the company.
"Let's get this paperwork done with and you and I are going on a furniture hunt." You say, grabbing your pen, walking to the entrance while drinking your champagne.
Paris - Kylian therapist office
"Did you bring the letter I asked you to write?"
"Oui, I wrote my heart out."
"Okay, know follow my instructions. Go home, have a shower, have a nice dinner and some wine if you want to extra relax. You told me you have a fireplace so, turn it on and burn the letter."
"Don't you want to read it?"
"No, I'm not, but you can do a last reading before the burning. This will end a cicle, this means you understand that it happened."
"It happened." He nods.
Parc des princes
- 5:30 p.m. -
"Kyky" neymar shouts from the inside of the stadium. "Want to come with us tonight? Bruna and I are doing a special dinner with friends."
"I can go a little after dinner, I have to do something first."
"Do you have a date? Hmm?" Ney poke his stomach, making Kylian laugh and smack his hand away.
"No, just something I have to do tonight. But for that pasta Bruna makes I'm definitely having a cheat day." He laughs, giving Ney a hug while they exit to the field.
The training goes fine. He let his frustration on the field, turning it into magic while he moves the ball with his feet.
"I miss Sergio. I feel like a part of me is gone, " hakimi says, faking crying and making everyone laugh.
"You miss Sergio more than your ex." Neymar shouts from the other side of the field.
"That's it, Junior."
Kylian laughs at the two guys running around, having fun.
Fun is something he ultimately didn't have. The transfer market is happening. After the higher-ups decided to announce to the world that he didn't want to stay till the end of his contract. The whole internet was a mess.
His parents had long talks with him about his career. Telling him what to do. He's young, too young to be this worried about life.
But he knows that without the help of his parents, he wouldn't be where he is right now.
"Ethan, don't sleep. That ball was an easy catch."
"Who's the boss here? Luis or you?"
"Just do what I say." He says, hitting his head in a joking manner. "Do you want to come with me to Ney tonight?"
"Nah, mom wants to go get this couch she's been obsessed with for the last month. The store lady told her that they only had one in existence and she wants it."
"Okay." He says, continuing with the training.
- On the other side of France -
"I want another couch, like one for the bedroom. I saw a beautiful one on pinterest."
"Do you have an idea if there's a store that sells this here?" He asks, looking at the pictures.
"Yes, I actually called like an hour ago, and they told me they will have one in existence. But they're unpacking it, so it's going to be in exhibition in like an hour. Let's go."
Julien shrugs, grabbing his coat and walking behind you to the elevator. "The PSG has a game this Sunday."
"Nice." You say, ignoring his intentions. "I need a charger."
"Don't give me that attitude." He hits you with the newspaper on his hand. "You know why I say this."
"I know, but like I said. Everything has a time, and I need to find my time to do what I need to do."
"Okay, no biggie."
You call an Uber to take you both to the mall. The store is located in this mall that's a little far from your house.
When you arrived you both check stores and pick some things to decorate. Julien knows the vibe you want for this apartment.
"Hey, I'm going to check the couch to see if it's worth the price." You pat his shoulder. He was trying to find the perfect "dinner plates."
You check some emails while you walk there, not paying attention to anything else. Once you arrive, the lady who spoke with you told you the couch was just about to be ready.
Letting you walk to the store, you check other furniture that might be a good competition for this one.
You wanted something that you could relax without replacing the bed, but you also don't want to do work on the bed.
An "L" shaped couch picked your attention. It was in a dark brown color. The couch was beautiful, pretty similar to something that has your mind burning.
"Mademoiselle, we have the couch ready if you want to see it."
"Merci, I want to ask, do this couch come in a cream color?"
While the lady shows the colors of the couch you were eying while you two walk over to the pinterest couch.
You turn your back to the other one. Even when you don't want to accept it. It reminds you of the one you had on the room you shared with him.
"I think I want the other one more."
"We have it in three colors. Shall we go to see the other options? We have them on our second floor."
"Oui." You nod smiling.
While you walk upstairs, there are two people walking in the store, two faces you know more than enough.
"Ethan, can you please put the phone down? I want your help."
"Fine, but after this you're taking me to eat."
Fayza laughs. "It would have been cheaper to come alone, I see."
"Having a daughter was also an option." He laughs, his mother hitting him on the back of the head.
They were scolted to the couch, and Fayza immediately loved it. Picturing it in the perfect space in her house.
While they get checked out, you were trying to decide between a light brown or a cream dirty white color.
"Okay, this one would be."
"Amazing, if you follow me back to the first floor to get everything settle, your address, the payment."
You texted Julien, finding he was waiting for you at this restaurant. Asking him to send you a picture of the menu so you can pick while paying.
You lift your head back to the room, finding a face looking at you curious. The way Ethan eyes light up when he confirms it's you.
- Kylian's House -
The music in the room is calm, a nice jazz to relax his muscles. The outfit is ready to go out. But he has to burn his past to prepare to start a new present.
But he can't let go of the envelope. He's holding it tight, holding it like his life dependent on it. Maybe because what's written on it made his life take a turn.
He sighs, leaving the letter on the couch. He was feeling ready when he spoke with his therapist, but now that he actually has to do it, it is like a burning sensation.
Does this mean he has to burn the feelings he has for you?
After all, it's been more than a year, and you haven't come back to him. He was working hard.
But his year wasn't the best, the club fighting with him, the press fighting with him and even Paris people mad at him.
All he wanted to do was go back to when you would be there for him after the long training hours, after the comments, after the thick and the thin.
But he can't, and he regrets it all the time.
- Neymar's house -
"Vamos Kyky, good thing you came, Bruna was asking about you"
"I bring her something."
"She's going to love it. Let's go inside."
The majority of the team was there. They were celebrating the news of Neymar and Bruna.
He was happy, even though Neymar and him had some shady times, he was friendly after all, for the sake of the team.
"Hakimi, stop with the potatoes, Luis is going to kill you, man."
"Shut it Mbappe, you were eating chocolate last week, and nobody told you shit."
They all laugh. He loves these times because that distracts him. That makes him feel less alone at home. Where no one was waiting, where no one was thinking about him.
The time with his teammates was good. He drank some cocktails. He was going to regret it tomorrow, but he needed them.
"How are the kids?" He asks Achraf, they were walking to their cars.
"They're with their mom. They are so big, I had to buy them everything again because they grew out of the clothes."
"In Spain?"
"Yes, I can't wait to see them, Hiba is bringing them here and they're staying a few days."
He's happy for his friend, after everything for him his kids were the most important thing.
"Dude, I really miss Verrati."
"I can't believe he's gone, he would have chug that bottle down and be fine tomorrow."
"I want to ask you something, Kicks." Achraf sighs. "How are you? I know you have been down, you know I'm here."
Was he okay? Was he bad? Was he sad? Or angry?
He's feeling everything and nothing at the same time. It's like this for time to time. Sometimes he's fine, happy. But then everything in him feels down, feels blue.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just I guess the season."
"You know I'm here. Right?" Achraf repeats.
"I do, and I'm thankful for that."
- The furniture store - Hours prior
"When did you come back?" Ethan throws himself at you, who with open arms receives the hug. "This is such a surprise."
"Hello, roots."
"Mom, look who's here." He says, letting you go.
Fayza turns at the call of her name, her eyes illuminating at the sight of you. She can't deny how much she misses you.
"Ma belle." Same as Ethan, she hugs you tightly.
"Hello to you two, I've missed you so much."
"When did you come back?" Ethan repeats.
"I been here for a few days now." You confess. "I'm going to be working here."
"So you're back for good?"
"Yes, roots. I am." You hug him back again. "I'm so happy to find you, I missed you a lot."
"We missed you too. You look so good. I was so happy when you told me about your job opportunity."
Fayza and you were close. She went to your graduation, gave you a gift for your birthday, and texted you on Christmas day, on the new year. She was like a mother to you.
"I wanted to be stable here with everything before telling you."
"Oh I'm so happy you're here." Ethan jumps a little. "Even Melissa is going to be so happy."
You wanted them back, wanted your little family bond back, but first got to get the boy back.
"I hope to see you guys again, maybe for a coffee or a chocolate."
"Wait, let's go to dinner." Ethan suggests.
Thankfully, Fayza notices the way you don't want to disappoint Ethan. "Maybe later, we have to go home because you haven't done your homework."
"Oh no, roots go home and finish that homework." You joke, pinching him on the ribs. "We can meet some other time for chocolate or a coffee."
Your conversation was interrupted by the worker who handed Fayza her card. The other worker is waiting for you to complete the sale.
"You guys have the same number? If you do I'll text you and we can meet up, okay?"
They both agree with the plan, saying their goodbye, and with another round of hugs, they left the store.
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It's undeniable that the Paris Saint German sucks. They have some good moments, and they have some bad. But the bad ones have lately been much more than the good ones.
The last matches were bad, barely even working as a team. It was like if eleven players were there doing their own thing. No union, nothing.
Some people will say "oh but then won the last two," but with the lack of technique they have, it was a big surprise.
The Clermont team was doing so much better. Leaving zero chances for the team. And it was obvious that they were lacking something because it was almost the end and no goals.
Twitter was crazy about the fact that "The Kylian Mbappe" didn't scored against Clermont.
But it's not on him. It's on the team. It's on everyone. Even the new coach. Galtier did so much shit that you can't change in a few days.
You turn the tv off, angry at the result. Stupid game, you thought. Even if it was a repetition, you were mad as if it was live.
Your phone vibrates, picking your attention. You opened the notification, and it was Ethan who sent you a reel about cookies in a new pâtisserie in Paris.
You needed to use your new oven to see if it was working properly. Also, you bought this chocolate that was really good with some butter cookies.
So you invite him to come over, wanting to release some stress and feel some normality again.
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The match against Newcastle was bad. The team lost 4 to 1, and the team was struggling.
You notice how Kylian was down. He's not in good shape. Not physically but mentally. Something that makes you worry.
His knee was bothering him again. He had to leave the field because of the pain. Thing that worried you even more.
You wanted to pick up the phone and message him, telling him that whatever is crossing his mind is just there, in his mind.
"Y/n?" Julian says, waving his hand in front of your face. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, sorry. I got lost in my thoughts."
"Notice that." He laughs, he guessed what you were thinking but didn't say it.
"I wonder if he's okay. He looks tired."
"Text him." He shrugs. "I mean, you came back for a reason, do it."
You tap your nail to your phone. You wanted, but what if he has someone else with him already telling him all the things you should be telling him?
"Not yet." You say, getting up and walking to your fridge. "Ice cream?"
- Dressing room - Parc des princes -
"Guys, honestly, we have to keep going. Don't let this bring you down." Luis, tell the team.
The dressing room has this quiet aura. Everybody is thinking of those four goals that nobody stopped, Donaruma feeling bad, the defense guys feeling the same.
And Kylian, even worse. He's thinking of the shots he missed. The moment where he had opportunities and missed them.
His knee hurts. He's tired. He's not focused on the field. He's just not in his prime. That's obvious to everybody.
Especially to the press, printing his mistakes as the first pages, making his missing shots as their conversation on sports programs. Making the Twitter people feel confident about the shit storm they're giving him.
"Kylian, can I have a word with you?"
Luis Enrique and he walked to the corridor. The other team was happy, leaving. Saying their goodbye to the two of them.
"How is your knee?" He asks, he notice the faces he is doing while walking. "You sure you want to play next match? You still have the euros."
"I'm good, I promise sir."
"Promise me something. If you feel like you're overworking your knee, you're telling me. I prefer to sit you for one or two matches instead of you missing the season and euros."
"I promise."
After the talk, Luis advised him to take some recovery therapy. More therapy, he thought.
The drive home was felt long. His chauffeur was quiet, noticing his demeanor. He needs a hot shower and a good night sleep.
He slams the door of his room. Almost ripping this t-shirt, throwing it with all his force to the wall. He wants to scream but won't.
The shower was more than hot. It was burning. But it was all he needed. To feel something again.
He hated to do skin care, thinking all he wanted at night was to sleep, but you taught him to take care of his skin. Creating a night and morning routine.
Even when you're not there, he still did it.
While he stares at his reflection, on the big mirror above his bed, he doesn't know what weights more.
His regret or the ring that sits and collects dust in his nightstand.
That same ring he bought two days before that night.
The same one he was putting on your finger. Now, sure, he will have to throw it away.
Sure, he won't be having nobody next to him to reassure him everything was going to be alright.
Sure, he won't be thinking of raising children with anybody else.
Sure, he won't be thinking about buying a retirement house with a big backyard where to watch his grandkids playing.
Sure, there won't be anybody after you.
Unsure about you being his future.
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"I need the last reports of the head office so I can start to organize everything and have it ready for the opening."
You were working on a meeting, having to multi-task and focus your attention between the meeting and what your co-workers were saying with the football game that's happening.
The Rennes game was better. They were winning. This was the last game before the Euros.
You wanted to see Kylian with the team of Les Bleus. They somehow cheer him up. They were like an energy drink for him.
Olivier, Antoine, even the coach. They were all like a family, and they were there for each other, no matter what.
Fayza invited you to the match, she knew you wanted to talk to him but didn't knew how. Ethan and her decided to keep your return a secret, letting you announced it on your own.
She sent you a jersey with his number on it. You try it on, smiling at the reflection. He loved seeing you in jerseys with his number on it.
And you loved to display your support for your boyfriend. Showing up at matches with his number on full display, showing the people you were his. And he was for sure yours.
You opennyour phone, going to instagram to see his page, you feel like a stalker. But it was the only thing you dare to do right now.
You turn the tv on, wanting to see something while working. And the first thing that pop up is a football news channel. They have Kylian picture on display.
"Kylian Mbappe leaves training to go to Bondy. The player suffered a family lost and asked his trainer Deschamps for permission to go back to his hometown to say his goodbyes."
You want to text Ethan, but you don't want to disrupt them. You wanted to know what was happening.
So you have two options. Achraf or Tchaga. Both will eventually tell Kylian you reach and asked about him. Both were only one call away.
You go for the second option. Having a little more trust in this one. You search for his number on your contacts.
The phone rings until you hit the voice-mail. You block your phone again, questioning if you had to try again or maybe just wait and speak with Fayza or Ethan later.
You take the jersey off, changing back into your pajamas, ready to be comfy again.
The vibration of your phone alert you, thinking it was from work you walk slowly to the device. But once you're close, you notice the name in the screen "Tchaga"
"Hey, long time no see, how are you?"
You smile at the greetings. "I'm good, how are you, scissors?"
"Been better, have a cold. But you didn't call me to know that. Tell me, how can I help you?"
"I heard the news about Ky, and I don't want to bother him or his family. But I want to know if I can help."
"I'm actually planning on going to Bondy, would you like to come with me?"
You wanted to scream a yes. But you have to be rational and think if this is something that he would want.
"I don't want to be a bother."
"You will never be a bother, not to him or his family. Get ready and pack something to change just in case."
"What? Wait, what if he doesn't want me there?"
"Bébé, he's been in a shit whole without you, so get your pretty as to the closet, change into something, and send me your location. I'll be there in an hour." He says, hanging up the call.
You do as you were told. Sending him your location and the parking code.
Running to the bathroom to have a quick shower and get ready.
After that, you took a black legging, a white blouse with a little London eye on the side. You white sneakers. You add some blush and mascara, just to add something to your face.
You pack the basics and the clothes Tchaga told you to pack. Just to notice you were done in time. Tchaga texted you that he was in the basement waiting for you.
- Bondy - Later that day
Kylian was exhausted. He feels sad and tired. He feels like crying. But won't.
The room feels cold, barely any air. Of maybe it's just him having difficulty breathing. Maybe it's the last few, maybe it's the lost shot, maybe it's the team.
Ethan was worried about him. He notices everything. How his brother has such prominent bags under his eyes and is losing a little weight.
How he chooses to sleep instead of doing the things he loves. How the whole "mbappe saga" destroyed a little his confidence.
"Want to tell me what's going on?"
Kylian scoffs, he can't believe that his little brother is the one worried and not the other way around.
"I'm supposed to be asking you that, Ethan."
"Well, if I'm worried about you, I'm going to ask and help.It's not like it's a crime being down."
"I just want this bad time to end."
"It will, don't worry, Ky, you're so strong."
He smiles, patting his brother on the shoulder. Ethan offers him a cookie. Knowing he likes them.
"Tchaga told me he was coming. He's probably about to be here." He sighs, not sure what else to do. "Let's play some fifa, I have the app on my phone."
He smiles, heartwarming with how much Ethan is doing to make him feel better. "If I win, you do the dishes."
While they got some distraction, you and Tchaga were stuck in traffic. You feel anxious. Maybe it was the drink you got at Starbucks, maybe the fact that after almost two years you and the man you love were reuniting.
"You need to stop with your leg, bébé." Tchaga says, putting his hand on your knee to stop it from moving. "The car is moving with you, and it's making me nauseous."
"Sorry, I'm just nervous."
"Okay, I want to know, let's get deep." He laughs, turning the car off and turning to you. "So you left after graduation, not blaming you tho, I would have done the same."
You smile at his rambling. You missed this so much. Maybe not the topic but the talk.
"The thing here is, you're back, but are you back for him? I know you came back to work. You just told me that."
"Get to the point." You laugh.
"My point is, don't rush me. We're not moving." He says sassy. "Are you taking him back? Are you sure you want to go back and take up every challenge you guys may face?"
You don't have to think your answer. You knew what you wanted way before stepping back into French territory.
"I wouldn't have come back if I wasn't sure that I wanted that."
-Bondy - 9:30 p.m. -
"Mom, I'm going back to the house, Tchaga is coming and Ethan is tired. Do you need anything else?"
"No, go and have a good sleep, baby."
He hugs his mom, kissing her cheek and leaving back to her house. Ethan and him walked over there. The night was calm.
"You know what I want?" Ethan asks.
"I want some chocolate with butter cookies." He says, caressing his tummy.
He nods, agreeing with how much a good chocolate and some good butter cookies will heal the day.
"Y/n used to make some amazing cookies. Never knew how to make them, but we can try doing them some other day."
Ethan was talking about other things, how he can't wait to see on the match against Netherlands.
When they got closer, he noticed the car of his friend. Tchaga went out, walking up to him and hugging him.
"Hey, Ethan, why don't you help me with something that's on the co-pilot side." He says with a smirk.
The teenager nods, not thinking about anything else walks to the door. He opens it, seeing you. He wanted to scream, but you shush him putting your finger over your lips.
"Hey, get inside, I will take care of this."
Both men nod to his words, walking inside while they talk, Tchaga was telling him about the crazy traffic and how a little trip turned into almost half a day one.
"What are you doing here?" He whispers while Tchaga walks into the house with his brother. "No that you aren't welcome but you surprise me."
"I wanted to make sure you guys are okay."
"Okay, sweet." He laughs, opening the door for you to get out. "I am, but I'm not if he is."
"I've been worried about him, his whole attitude, he not even being on the press conferences of les bleus."
"Yeah, my parents and I are worried. He won't open up to us." He sighs, tired of seeing his brother like this. "I just want him to go back to the happy Kylian."
"Hey, do you think you can give me some time alone with him? I want to talk."
"God, yes, let's go." He slams the door, grabbing your arm and practically running inside. "Stay here, I'm going to ask Tchaga to come see something so we can leave."
You nod, closing the door. He dissappear into the corridor. You open your bag to spray some mint scent into your mouth, take a small mirror to check that you look decent.
You hear two voices coming down. Tchaga and Ethan walked quickly to where you are. Excited about you and Kylian talking again.
"Okay, he's in the kitchen, go." Tchaga push you a little.
They both left the house. You stood there for a little while. Feeling the senses come back to you. You were about to meet up with him.
You walk slowly to the kitchen, hearing some music playing. You can't get cold feet right now. Not after spending hours in the car just to come see him.
His back is facing you. You run his whole figure with your eyes, smiling at the fact that you're matching without planning it.
You nock on the wood door that's at the entrance. He turns without looking, typing something on his phone.
"Hey E, I found a good recipe for those cookies."
"You can't bake even if your life depends on it." You laugh lightly.
He has to blink several times, scared this would be a fever dream and not you in front of him. With your rosey cheeks, you nice smile and the same shinning eyes he loves.
"I can write the recipe for you. That way, it's similar." You speak again. "But if you don't know how to use your oven the I don't think it will work."
He's still speechless, thing that worried you. He does the same thing you just did to him. Scan your whole figure.
"I been on Paris for some time now." You confess, "I wanted to call you, I just felt so scared you weren't going to answer."
"Why wouldn't I?"
You shrug, not really feeling like explaining your insecurities to him. "Just, my mind playing games."
He wants to hug you, missing the feeling and warmth only you can give him. He wants to open his arms around you.
Fuck it, he thought.
Opening his arms while walking to you. You drop your bag to the floor, opening your arms to him.
The hug was like a band-aid. It was what your hearts needed. Like when you put something back together and it just fits so good you can't even see the damage.
"I miss you so much." He hides his face into your neck. Kissing it. "Please don't go, I can't take being away from you again."
You kissed his shoulder, feeling the moment you dreamed about it, the whole thing was better than your dreams.
"Can you look at me?"
He broke the hug, hands on your waist so you couldn't run. It's not like you're planning on doing it.
"If we're doing this again, I need you to really fucking trust me." You laugh, maybe out of nerves. "Babe, I would never be with you for your money. I am with you for your heart, for your soul, you're my fucking soul mate and I can't let you go. But if you fucking pull some shit like that I will make sure you are dead."
"I swear on everything I have, I swear on the kids we don't even have yet, that I won't pull nothing like that. Have all my money, have all my properties, what's mine is yours. I was stupid enough not to back you up, and that was the worst thing I ever did."
You shut him up with a kiss. The way his lips are just like you remember, as soft as before, as warm as before.
His hands on your back, pulling you as close as he can. While your hands are on his face. Not wanting to break the kiss.
When the air becomes a necessity, you both can't stop looking at your eyes. The eyes never lie. They tell our secrets. And if anybody sees the way your eyes look at each other, they will see heart shapes on them.
You hear someone clearing their throat. Making you both turn. "Well, hello, I didn't mean to interrupt. But I want to drop this off on the counter."
He let go of his hold, helping his mother with the box she had in her hands. "Oi, that smile was lost until today." She jokes. Making you blush. "Well, I'm going to sleep. Y/n, belle. This is your house. Make yourself conformable."
You nod, wishing her a good night. Once she's out of the kitchen view, you return to the arms of your love.
"By the way, please go to sleep, we have to get Kylian to training tomorrow."
Tou both laugh at her words. Not promising anything. Not after that long.
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The game was good, Kylian just scored two goals. He was not only the captain but was the reason they won the game.
The crowd was crazy about it. people were sure he wasn't going scored the two goals that were sending them to the victory.
But oh boy, how wrong they were.
You walk with his mom and Ethan to the outside of the stadium. You were happy for him.
"You know, when he used to say you were his lucky charm, I was like, iugh disgusting. But I think you really are a lucky charm."
You laugh, hitting his arms. "I can go to your matches, maybe I can give you some of my luck."
"No need." Melissa interrupts, smirking. "He has his own lucky charm. Just a little shy to admit it."
"Oh shush." Ethan says, blushing like crazy.
Once you're on the basement of the stadium, where the private parking lot is. You all got into Kylians car.
"Hey, so you do like dudes with a car but without a license." E jokes, remembering the message you sent him.
"Careful kid," you warn jokingly. "You will be walking home if you keep with those unfunny jokes."
The whole trip was Ethan and Melossa fighting about something they saw on tik tok, making jokes about it and Fayza and you being confused.
When the time for Ky comes back home hits, Fayza, Ethan, and Melissa left. Letting him enjoy his night.
"Hey, handsome." You welcome him with a hug. "You did amazing, it was one of the best games you had this season."
"Another way of you telling me my club sucks."
"Shhh, just take the good part." You shush him with a kiss.
"Are we alone?"
You nod, kissing him again. You never had enough when you're with him. It was like a kiss with a candy. You love it and refuse to give in.
He picks you up, making his way upstairs. Almost falling, thing that made you laugh. It was like the beginning. And you loved new beginnings.
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- Five months later -
"Ready?" You ask, putting on your seat belt.
He nods, he was feeling anxious about this decision, but you made him understand that it was a necessity.
During the little drive, he told you about some plans Luis has with the team as they were going to the last games of the Ligue 1.
"I never asked you this, but do you ever get free Uber eats?" You ask, confused. He plays for the Uber eats Ligue.
"Why would I get free Uber eats?"
"Uber eats Ligue 1"
"Bébé, just no."
You laugh at his expression, but you had to ask. It was something that had your curiosity.
You park outside the house, Kylian quickly exit the car and run to your side. He was a passenger princess, but he was a gentleman.
"Thanks, Mister Mbappe." You kiss his cheek, taking his hands on yours.
"You're welcome, Miss fiancé."
You knock on the door. You can't help but deep the hold on his hands. It was something that was necessary, you repeat in your head.
The door is open by a woman. She happily lets you inside, offering you something to drink.
"We're okay, thank you."
"He's in the garden. He's reading."
He leads the way to the garden, opening the door and letting you step outside first. The Parisienne air is cold. Good think there's some sun after the cold cloudy winter.
Wilfrid smiles, leaving his book on the little table. He was excited about meeting you. He wanted as much as everybody a new beginning.
"Hey, you need to put on a jacket, is cold outside." He warns his son, hugging him. "Hey, Y/n."
"Hi, sir."
"Can I give you a hug?" He asks, hopeful that you will allow him to. "Aftet all, you will be my daughter in law."
You hug him, you left all the pain and resentment in the past, that was hurting you even more.
"Sit, please."
You loved the way his garden looks, wanting to stole some ideas for the new place. "I love the roses."
"They are looking good today. The sun is helping them to look good." He cuts one that's close to the table. Giving it to you. "Tell me. You guys came for a reason."
Kylian looks at you. He wanted you to be the one to talk. He nods his head once you look at him. A sign of support.
"I want to leave all in the past. We want to start a clean new beginning. And we want you on it. You're his father, and we're going to be family. So I. Well, we want you to be there for us."
"I want that, I know I have a long way to you, but please, now that my heart is full with good intentions."
"We know, père." Kylian says. "That's why we wanted to do this."
You feel out of breath. But at the same time, lighter, like taking something off your shoulders. Your life was taking a good turn.
You chatted with his father for a while, sharing some wedding details. Your plan was to have a wedding once the season finishes. So you can have a honeymoon and some free time with him.
You grab the hand of your fiance, the ring he gave you shining. You knew that even if it was hard, you needed to leave the past in the past. Just lean about it.
🏷: @slayweirdosaway @voguebikini @ironmaiden1313 @magicalfundragon @nightlockcornucopia @christianpulisic10 @bellinghambby22 @noodle81937 @moonlightholland22 @germanapples @paniwiaderko @megannandrewss @unstablefemme @suzysface @nightlockcornucopia @ama1a2 @topguncultleader @lunamelona
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emberfrostlovesloki · 6 months
Sated [Hotch x Reader]
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Photo credits: Left (@hotchbabygirl) Center (@psykopaths) Right (@aiirene)
Prompt: Aaron and the reader continue to have to postpone being intimate with each other, and when the jet breaks down stopping Aaron from being with the reader one more time, he takes matters into his own hands to get what they both desperately want. 
Pairing: [established relationship] Aaron x non!BAU!reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns
Category: fluff/comfort/smut
Word Count: 8K
A/N: Content warning after the cut. Hi loves! First off, this story is 18+, minors DNI. Please respect this boundary. Content warning after the cut. I have had the idea for this fic for ages, and it’s finally here. Sorry for my lack of writing/posting. I’m trying hard to stop procrastinating at my real job, which takes away from my writing time which I love. I might consider this pwp if you squint, but let me know what you think. If you enjoy this fic, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you’re having a great start to your weekend and thanks for reading. Love Levi - ❤️
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Content Warnings: Sex [Hotch and reader], shared masturbation, phone/video sex, use of sex toys [reader], hand job [Hotch] mutual pining, Aaron and the reader are horny, mention of poisoning and death [brief and case related], fear-mongering about the border, mention of drugs, mention of alcohol and food. Please let me know if I missed any. 
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
_y/f/d_= your favorite dinner 
_y/f/s/s_ = your favorite scented soap
Aaron had been itching to get back to y/n for ages now. It had been issue after issue that had kept them intimately apart for weeks. The jet breaking down had been the last straw as he moved back toward his room in the hotel for yet another night without the warm and calming presence of his partner's body and pussy close to him. This desire to be sated had been building up for some time. Hotch wasn’t always so needy, but it had been a long road here. It had started with their last date when Aaron had come over, and they’d agreed to take a long walk and look at the fancy houses two blocks from y/n’s modest apartment. The contrast in wealth was often astounding to y/n, who every now and then complained about rents being raised every year without a change to her salary. And even though she could run her mouth about that kind of thing, she said it less and less often now that she was dating Aaron. He’d helped make her apartment much more livable by fixing the leaky faucet and putting up removable wallpaper that she could take down once she inevitably moved in with him. That was a conversation still to come, but something they were both thinking of. Aaron had done a host of other things for her around her one-bedroom unit as well while she watched him dreamily. y/n adored him in a plain t-shirt or even better, one of his faded academy shirts or hoodies from his law school days that barely held together anymore. Often after he was sweaty from a project, y/n would offer him some cold water and lead him to bed, where she’d have the pleasure of peeling off his clothes. They’d make quick work of making passionate love after they had both stripped bare, sometimes going two rounds.
But as often as they could be found in the sheets or the shower, or wherever the couple might find to have sex, they were also good at reading each other’s energy levels and not pushing for intimacy if one or both of them was not feeling up to it. Aaron realized pretty quickly in his relationship with y/n that she enjoyed him just as much relaxing on his chest on the sofa while he played with her hair as she did while he was pinning her to the bed and making her moan out his name so all of her neighbors could hear them. This was perfect for both of them because it gave them quality time to relax together and get to know each other outside the confines of sex and that side of exploration of the other. Hotch was a good bit older than y/n, and he worried that he wouldn’t be able to perform for her as much as he wanted or y/n expected. But as it turned out, they fit each other perfectly both in and outside of the bedroom. There had been no sex on their last date, as they both were exhausted, but they’d talked about the future and what they hoped to achieve this year personally and in their shared life. 
Then a case had pulled Aaron away from y/n and it overlapped with Valentine's Day. He’d planned a nice dinner and to wine and dine y/n before they came back for some alone time while Jack was with a sitter for the evening. That didn’t end up happening, and y/n called the restaurant to cancel. Hotch had only had the chance to get about a twenty-minute call to y/n to tell her that he loved her before he got word that another victim had been found by Emily. By the time he’d gotten home from that case which dealt with heartache and murder, Aaron was too tired to do much else but collapse into y/n’s arms when he got to her place. She helped him to the bed, out of his oxfords, and then his tie and pants. Aaron smiled up at her and said in a quiet voice, “Sweetheart, don’t bother folding that stuff. I’ll get it dry cleaned on the weekend. I just want you in my arms, baby.” y/n turned to him and ran a hand down his jawline and dropped his clothes on the floor. y/n moved to turn off the lights in the entryway, bathroom, and bedroom before dropping into bed next to Aaron who had snuggled under the covers. Hotch pulled her close to his chest and buried his face in her neck and shoulder blades. y/n opened her legs enough for Aaron to slide one of his legs between hers. The warmth of her thighs around his leg grounded him, and y/n took his hand in hers and placed it on her side while asking, “Bad case, Aaron?” Hotch mumbled into the crook of her neck and replied, “Yeah.” y/n squeezed his larger hand. She wanted to be cognizant of his triggers, of the things that might make him relive things again either from his past or prior cases, but y/n also wanted to let him know that there was always an open channel of communication between them. So, y/n inquired broadly, “Kids?” Hotch nodded again and replied in a low voice, “Um-hm. Just two kids. Cousins. That was enough.” 
Aaron rarely expanded on case details. One because it would break security protocols and two, and more importantly to him, he wanted to save y/n from the horrors of what he saw on the field.  Sometimes, however, he painted her a vague picture of the team's exploits on their crazier cases without giving her any details on the unsub or the victims. Not that y/n was looking for the unsub or victims. However, she cared about Aaron and wanted to make sure he was okay physically and mentally. Dating an FBI agent did make reading the newspaper on the weekends more suspenseful. y/n would read a headline and look at Hotch and he’d come around to see what it was she was looking at and reassure her that he wouldn’t be involved in that, or that she shouldn’t be concerned. y/n’s mind snapped back to Aaron as his hand left hers and wrapped around her waist. y/n didn’t mind days like these when they were snuggled close and she let Aaron physically relax by her presence. Within a few minutes and y/n saying soft words and gentle brushes of her hand, Hotch fell asleep with y/n following shortly after. 
This had all been fine and both y/n and Aaron were happy, but their anniversary was coming up and Hotch had planned another night for them to make up for missing Valentine’s. This time he had planned on making dinner for them both and then he had a vision in his mind of what would come after. He flushed at the very idea of what he had in mind. y/n was so excited about what he’d told her to expect. Something about a bottle of her favorite red wine, _y/f/d_, and some dancing in the living room with his beige couch and table pushed out of the way while their playlist was in the background. Then there was the comment that had taken y/n’s breath away when he’d whispered in her ear, “And let me add, that I’m just grateful you're on birth control too. We might need it after our night is finished.” y/n had been so flustered that Aaron took the opportunity to peck her mouth and pull back, saying, “Penny for your thought sweetheart.” y/n pulled out of her reverie and smiled slyly saying, “hmm. You’ll have to pay me a whole lot more than that for me to share. But, if you’re patient, and you wait till our anniversary, I’d be more than happy to show you.” Hotch flushed and was itching for that day to come sooner. He’d make a move now, but it was his weekend with Jack, and he wanted to spend some quality time with his son. He and y/n would spend that Saturday taking Jack to the rollercade where his son and y/n always managed to lap him and he somehow always ended up on his ass. It was going to be a fun day no matter how many times he fell. 
That weekend came and went and Aaron didn’t anticipate seeing y/n again until that weekend on their anniversary because both of their weeks looked busier than usual. The anticipation only made Friday night more and more enticing. Hotch limped into the office and made it almost to his door when Rossi came out of his office and noticed Aaron’s odd gait. Dave couldn’t help but joke. “You and y/n try something new this weekend?” Hotch rolled his eyes in a way he only did when Rossi ribbed him. Aaron replied, “Unfortunately not unless you could falling while roller skating counts as something new.” He paused for a second and continued, “It’s actually been a minute since we’ve done… that.” Dave raised an eyebrow and asked, “Problems?” Hotch answered, “Far from. We’re just both busy and tired recently.” Aaron didn’t add on how he likes to be fully present and energized when he and y/n have sex. But to him, his stamina was essential so he could bring y/n to climax multiple times and in as many ways as they wanted. Aaron flushed again at the thought and said, “Now, any more questions about our personal life, Dave?” Rossi scoffed, and replied, “Nope. Grilling over. Someone has to check in on you.” Hotch rolled his eyes once more and unlocked his door to get out of Rossi’s mirthful gaze. Secretly Aaron was happy Rossi looked after him, and his sex life. It wasn’t exactly an easy topic for him to discuss with anyone apart from y/n, but it was nice to know that Rossi was invested in all parts of his life. The team was invested too, annoyingly sometimes. They all adored y/n, and she loved them too, but sometimes he caught them whispering and looking in his direction when y/n was around. He wasn’t so insecure to think that they were making fun of him, but y/n was younger than him and it could end up being a topic of conversation that he chose to ignore most days. 
The day started as normal in the office but ended in one of the most frustrating cases he’d seen in years and yet another reason why he couldn’t get to y/n and satisfy their needs. When JJ dropped the case off on his desk he thought it would be a short affair. Murders in a small Texas border town normally meant that it was drug-related and the jurisdiction went back to Mexico or it was a local or personal dispute that could be easily figured out in a town of three thousand people. It turned out to be the latter, a wife wanted to divorce her husband, but the poison intended for him accidentally ended up at the family reunion killing seven people. As easy a case at it turned out to be for the BAU, as soon as the team arrived the town was swamped. The police of Procedio Texas wanted all the credit for cracking the case, but one of the victims was from Big Bend, so the Big Bend Police force sent two units to try and solve the case as well. Along with this and the constant media blast about the tension at the Southern border of the United States, State Troopers and Border agents had come as well hoping to push the narrative of fear about those immigrating and people allegedly flooding the country with cocaine. 
It was a case of too many cooks in the kitchen. The precinct didn’t have enough space or resources for all of the people there, and the team was bombarded with fifty different angles and agendas upon arrival. It was annoying as if those trying to swing them in a certain direction did ‘t know full well that the BAU had to be fully unbiased as they worked. There were lots of wild leads and bad reporting and mostly it was hot. Hot and crowded. Something about the elevation and the Texas sun made sweat drip down Aaron's neck and back under his white shirt and suit in an uncomfortable way. It had been Derek who had finally cracked the wife who ended up telling Morgan and Emily that it had all been an accident. Everyone but the BAU seemed disappointed. The team was just happy they would finally be able to go home. No one could be more excited than Aaron. If the jet left in less than five hours, he’d be able to make it to the highly awaited anniversary dinner and his plans after. The thought had him a bit flustered as they finished up at the hotel and moved toward the small airstrip where the jet was being prepped. 
It wasn’t until everyone was on the plane that the pilot stated after five minutes on the ground, “Hey everyone. I’m sorry but we’re going to have to disembark. There’s something wrong with the electrical system that’s just popped up and I’ll need to get it checked out before we’re cleared to fly. This made everyone groan,  and Aaron ran a frustrated hand through his hair. Everyone got out but Hotch who moved to the cockpit and checked in with the pilot asking how long he approximated the fix would take. He asked for the team and himself. The man shrugged and said, “Depending on what’s wrong it could be an hour or it could be overnight. I’ll keep you updated Agent Hotchner. Sorry about the delay.” Aaron nodded and moved off the jet and onto the blistering tarmac. He knew it wasn’t the pilot's fault; he was just annoyed. Rossi had waited for him while the rest of the team went to get more vans to drive them back to the motel. Dave raised an eyebrow at him and Aaron replied to the unspoken question in a clipped tone, “He’s not sure. I have a feeling it’s going to be a while.” Rossi nodded and asked, “You sounded bummed about it.” Aaron rolled his eyes and replied, “You’re not? Tonight y/n and I had plans for our anniversary. I miss her.” Rossi got the implication and gave Hotch a pat on the shoulder as they moved toward the cars that were rolling toward them. Before they got in, Dave said, “Well, maybe it’s time to think outside the box.” 
The team ended up having to get another night at the motel and after everyone had settled and put their bags back in their rooms, most of the BAU made plans to get dinner at one of the restaurants in town. Emily asked Aaron if he wanted to join them, but he politely told her no, that he needed to call y/n and let her know that he wasn’t coming home tonight. Prentiss saw the disappointed look on his face and said, “Well, I’ll pick you up something to-go and keep it in my fridge. You can come and knock on my door when you want it.” Aaron gave her a smile and pat on the shoulder, appreciative of how she looked out for him. Once everyone was gone, Aaron picked up his cell and called y/n. His mind wandered to what he wanted to be doing to y/n right now or had planned for later that night, and he couldn’t help but let out a small groan at his image of her spread out on his bed, legs apart and shaking for him as he licked her cunt and clit over and over again until her first orgasm had her thighs wrapped tightly around his face pulling him closer to her core. He’d let her rest for a moment before prying her legs open again as y/n was still panting. He’d tease her entrance before sliding his cock deep inside her to have another go and get off himself for the first time. The very thought had his member twitching in his black slacks. Aaron couldn’t hold back the thoughts anymore. He’d waited for what felt like so long to satisfy y/n and himself, but her pleasure always came above his own. The tightness in his crotch told him how badly he needed y/n, and Rossi’s words rang in his ears turning them, and the rest of his face red. 
Hotch had an idea flash in his head as he waited for y/n to pick up. He wondered if he could even do it. He and Haley had been traditional, this idea would never fly with her. But y/n, either to due her age or just plain confidence was more adventurous than Haley had been. They tried new things in and out of the bedroom and Aaron wondered, for a moment, if she might agree to his wild idea. With the state of his cock pressing against his fly, he was going to need to do something to relieve the pressure, and if he couldn’t be there with her tonight in person, maybe there was another way for them to get off. Just as he was building up the idea, y/n picked up. 
y/n picked up her phone from the side table as she was fixing up Aaron’s place for when he got home. She had bought Aaron a bottle of his favorite scotch for him to sip on after dinner and before the real fun would begin. y/n was tidying up Hotch’s room and just moving to clean the kitchen so it gleamed when her phone beeped to life. y/n wasn’t expecting a Facetime call from Aaron. Normally after a case, he would give her a quick call on the way to the tarmac or on the jet where the reception was choppy at best. So already, y/n suspected something was up with that. She quickly swiped the answer on the call and smiled as Aaron’s beautiful face filled the screen. “Hey sweetheart,” he said in a voice that was a bit deeper than y/n expected. She noticed that he wasn’t in the jet and that he looked flustered. His eyes seemed deeper than normal. y/n smiled at him and replied, “Hi love. Did something go wrong? Is everyone on the team okay? Are you okay?” Hotch let out a huff and ran a hand through the hair on the back of his head. He said, “Well, everyone’s okay, But… well the jet isn’t. I think it’s going to be down for the night.” Aaron watched as y/n’s face fell and his heart clenched in his chest. He tried to not let the frustration get to him. Life happened, just at unfortunate times.  y/n swallowed back her disappointment as she realized that Aaron wasn’t coming home tonight. “Oh,” y/n let out, adding, “Well that’s frustrating, but your gift got delayed by FedEx so I guess it’s a blessing in disguise?” Aaron knew y/n was trying to keep a good attitude, and he appreciated that she tried to see the silver lining in things. He nodded and said, “Well… I had a few things planned that I thought you might like tonight too, and well… Maybe we could still do them in a way. Over the phone?” 
y/n tilted her head. The way he was talking was the way he talked right before they had sex. Even though he was excellent in bed, he always got a little shy. y/n was slightly shocked that Aaron would come up with such an idea, but it wasn’t unappealing, in fact, y/n’s core clenched in the way it always did when they started kissing and heading to the bedroom. However, they’d never had phone sex before, and y/n wasn’t sure if or how it would work between them. y/n also didn’t want to read into the situation too much in case this wasn’t what he was implying. If it wasn’t, y/n would be mortified. So to ensure she wasn’t wrong, y/n said coyly, “What exactly are you insinuating, Aaron.” 
Hotch’s face turning red told y/n that she was right, but she wasn’t going to let him off the hook. Instead, she smiled at him reassuringly as he said, “Well, I was thinking.” Aaron took a breath and continued with more confidence, “I was thinking that because I won’t be there tonight, we could come together, like if we were with each other, just on the phone?” y/n’s eyes glistened and Hotch’s flustered face made him so attractive. y/n nodded and replied, “Okay Aaron, we can try. I, I um, I’ve never tried that before, but I’d like to since we can’t be together. Just” y/n’s words faltered. She realized that she was now as shy as Aaron. y/n was going to say not for him to make fun of her, but he never would. Not in any scenario would he put her through that. That fact made y/n more confident, and she said, “Never mind about that last bit. So, how are we going to make this work? We both need our hands for what we’re talking about.”  
Aaron paused. The idea had come so quickly to him and he wasn’t sure what came next exactly. His brain kicked in and he said with a sheepish smile, “How about I send you a Zoom link from my account? That way we can see and hear each other better and we’ll have our hands too.” He watched as the idea flirted through y/n’s mind. He could tell that she was a little hesitant to try this, and he said, “y/n, we don’t have to do this. I understand if you want to wait for me to be there. I just miss you in that way. I miss being with you.” y/n softly smiled at his reassurance and said, “I miss you too, Aaron. Happy anniversary by the way. I kind of forgot when you said you couldn’t come home. And, I want to try this with you. Could you give me a few minutes to just take a quick shower and get in bed? You can send the link and I’ll open it when I’m ready?” Aaron nodded, happy to know that they were going to try for something and that y/n wanted this like he did. It also comforted him that y/n needed a few moments to get ready and composed. Hotch wasn’t feeling that composed either as he nodded, told y/n that she could take all the time she needed and that he’d send her the link in a minute or two. 
When Hotch hung up he took a long breath. He was surprised at himself for getting the idea out there and rather proud of himself too. That wasn’t a guarantee for what would come after they started, but it was a start. Aaron’s cock twitched in his pants again and he knew he’d need to calm down for a moment of risk coming all over his neither regions with just a few strokes of his hand if he heard y/n making the sounds he adored so much when they were together. His body was more pent-up and ready for release than he had realized. Aaron quickly pulled out his laptop and flipped to Google and his saved tabs. He kept Zoom pinned to the homepage because he often used it to talk to Jack when cases ran long and Jack needed a few minutes with his dad. Aaron always obliged his son when he could with this. He never wanted his absences to feel like a full departure for Jack and this was the easiest way for both of them if it was a longer talk. But what Hotch had planned here was nothing wholesome. Aaron tapped his fingers quickly and hashly across his keys and he brought up a new meeting and just titled it y/n. He sent her the link and access code and moved off of the bed. He knew that if y/n was just taking a quick shower and getting into something more comfortable, she’d only be about twenty or twenty-five minutes, so he took time to kick off his pants and get into a blue sweatshirt. He moved to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on his face and neck to cool him down slightly. He then moved back to the room pulled a cold water bottle from the fridge and took a few big sips. He was feeling warm already. Aaron turned to look at the image of himself reflected in the mirror on the wall across the bed. He realized that if he was facing forward on the bed he’d see himself and that didn’t seem that appealing to him. Yes, he and y/n might have liked to show off in bed, but the idea of doing that here in the hotel room with just him inside seemed narcissistic to him, so he pulled a towel from the bathroom and placed it over most of the mirror. He also decided to face away from the mirror just in case he could still see some part of himself reflected. The mirror did give him an idea for when he got back home to y/n and that sent another jolt through Aaron’s member and he stifled a groan. 
y/n was did take a quick shower to just relax for what was coming and to feel a bit more confident before it started. She washed over her body with _y/f/s/s_ under the warm, steady spray of the shower head. When she got out, she spritzed on a body spray that she knew Aaron liked. y/n had bought new lingerie for the evening in hopes of making Aaron, well Aaron and it was a style that she thought would drive him crazy. For a second she considered saving them, but why not wear them now Hotch still had eyes, and he’d see them fine on Zoom. They were sheer were her pussy was already getting wet and there was lace on the sides that matched her skin tone perfectly. There was also an accompanying bra to match with similar sheer panels for her breasts and lace on the band that wrapped around her back. y/n hoped this wasn’t too much. However, she didn’t want to just pop up on camera nude, as she highly doubted Aaron would do so. He was too much a gentleman for that. y/n lit a candle on the side table, threw away the match, and turned on the lamps in the room for a more atmospheric environment that would keep her calm and let her body unwind to be able to do what she wanted to do. Finally, y/n pulled out her laptop and opened her email. The Zoom link was waiting for her and with a last hint of hesitation, she clicked “join meeting.” 
Aaron was sitting on the bed with just the lamps on when y/n joined. His boxes were still on and he had pushed the laptop screen up so it was mostly his head, upper chest, and torso that filled the frame. When y/n’s camera turned on and he saw that she was wearing a new set of _y/f/c_ brazier and panties, his jaw slightly dropped, and his brain momentarily went blank. Suddenly his T-shirt felt incorrect for the occasion. He cleared his throat and said, “Oh my God, y/n. You look too hot in that. Did you get those just for me? Are they new?” From the screen, y/n smiled and tried to say something but her mic was muted. Aaron shifted forward and said, “Sweetheart, you're on mute darling.” When y/n recognized what Hotch had said, she rolled her eyes and moved forward on the bed so that she turned on her mic. This gave Aaron a much closer look at her beautiful tits, and he wasn’t mad about that one bit. There was a hint of embarrassment as y/n audibly said, “Oh lord, it’s all going South already. Why is forgetting to turn on your mic the most embarrassing thing ever?” Hotch chuckled and said, “Sweetie, there are a lot more embarrassing things than that. Now, would you let me get a look at what you have on. It looks fantastic on you.” y/n flushed and moved farther back from the computer at the head of the bed. She sat on her thighs with her knees open slightly enough apart for Aaron to get the whole package. y/n placed her arms behind her back which pushed out her chest a bit more for him as well. She could see his eye flash dangerously and his tongue slipped between his parted lips and wet them in a flash. Without saying anything, she shifted her weight up and turned to the side so he could see the details on the side and her profile lit by the lamp behind her. 
When y/n was back in a more natural position on the bed, Aaron said, “y/n, do you have any idea how badly I want to strip those things off of you right now?” y/n smiled and replied, “What, these old things?” while stroking a hand over her chest and down to her center. Hotch let out a hot breath and said, “You’re being a tease tonight, aren’t you, y/n.” y/ replied, “Only as much as you. You still have your shirt on and I haven’t seen very much of you, love.” Aaron nodded and took the hem of his shirt stripped it off and threw it to the floor He also sat up a bit so y/n could see the large bulge in his underwear clearly in need of attention. y/n let out a little whimper at the sight and she wasn’t sure if the sound carried enough for Aaron to hear. y/n realized she’d have to be a little more vocal to make sure Aaron got all of her pleasure and moans of his name. Aaron swallowed back a little grunt. Her vocalization was barely audible, but it turned him on massively. He moved a hand to his groin and stroked over his underwear. His hips jerked a bit with the movement and he moaned slightly. 
Aaron’s dark eyes looked at y/n as he said, “If I were there I’d slip my hands up your body and rest them on your breasts and massage them until your nipples got hard and begged to be played with. Instinctually y/n moved her hands up to her chest and did as he said even though her nipples had already become hard with his statement. The small bumps and hard center moved under her hand. They were sensitive and y/n let out a little moan when she pinched them with her fingers. Hotch kept moving his hand slowly up and down his clothed length as he said, “You sound so pretty like that, y/n. Keep playing with them for me love. You know how I adore your breasts.” It wasn’t long before y/n’s fingers slipped under her bra and she started tweaking her nipples the way Aaron liked to. All teasing fingers until his warm mouth got involved. The idea made her moan and her panties which were already wet, wetter. As hot as the idea was, her hands weren’t as skilled as Aaron’s large ones. Although Hotch had stamina and strength, he was always gentle with the foreplay. Helping y/n ease into whatever they had planned or innovated for the night. y/n knew she was being rougher than he was, but couldn’t find the right touch. After a few more moments of this, y/n slipped her hand under the right and then left straps of the bra and let it slide down her chest. Hotch took a deep breath like it was the first time ever seeing her like this. y/n had a way of memorizing him with her body that no one else had before. y/n undid the clasp at the back of the garment and tossed it aside. 
Aaron cleared his throat and asked, “Are you wet sweetheart?” y/n whimpered as her fingers traced down her center line past the waistband and into her warm folds slick with anticipation. Aaron stopped his palm where it was midway up his dick as precum beaded at the top of his cock. y/n took in a sharp breath as y/n’s fingers traced her clit up and down from her entrance to her sensitive bundle of nerves. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she could hear Aaron groan her name. When y/n opened her eyes which were still half-lidded, she saw Aaron had pushed his briefs down his groin and they bunched around his hips and under his balls. His pubic hair was dark, and y/n wished she could push her mouth down this dribbling cock to the root. To feel him throb inside her throat as he guided her head up and down his length as he pleased. y/n couldn’t take waiting much longer and she knew her hand wasn’t going to be enough anymore. Not after she’d had Aaron for as long as she had. y/n pulled her hand out of her panties and Hotch asked, “Hmmm. What do you taste like, baby? Since I can’t be there to try you myself. 
y/n pulled her dripping fingers from her pussy to her mouth and sucked them clean while Aaron watched, and his hand and hips started moving again. y/n pulled her fingers from her mouth and said, “It’s salty. Like your cum but different. Ugh. Babe, I’m going to get a toy if you don’t mind.” Aaron’s hips halted mid-way through moving up from the bed, and he replied, “Darling, do whatever you need to do sweetheart. I don’t mind if you use a toy at all.” y/n was a bit flustered. They’d talked about sex toys and getting off while they were both away before. Neither Hotch nor y/n often felt like getting off without the other, but sometimes the wait was long and instinct played out. Hotch had asked y/n if she used toys before him and bashfully y/n had nodded her head, though she admitted it was nothing compared to him pushing deep inside her until she could barely take any more of his length. He pulled out and pushed in again and again tantalizingly slow as he picked up to a furious pace; pushing her into the mattress with his strength and weight. Hotch had only once passed by her small basket of toys on a high shelf as he changed a lightbulb she could reach in her closet. He didn’t spend much time looking at her things, it didn’t bother him that she had them; he was fully aware that it took women a lot more effort than it did him imagining y/n undressed and seated over his cock while in the shower. But now that Aaron was going to get a chance to see y/n move with her own pleasure in mind, he was more interested to see how she acted and what she liked. 
After a moment and some shifting from the closet, y/n returned with a vibrator. y/n set back down on the bed. She knew she was going to have to go wash the sheets after this, but it didn’t matter. They’d be fresh when Aaron came back at least. y/n felt a small pang that he wasn’t here in person right now but pushed it aside to focus on the fact that he was still there just on a screen. Hotch watched as y/n settled on her back and tipped the laptop so he could see her face a bit of her lower body, but getting the angle right seemed difficult for Aaron to see all of her. y/n turned on the wand pressed the head to her still hard nipples and let the vibrations course through her sensitive skin. y/n let out another moan before turning to Aaron and asking, “How are you doing baby? Are you feeling good?” Hotch nodded, absolutely absorbed by y/n’s every movement. He was working almost on autopilot now, but the feeling of precum on his left hand as he moved it up and down reminded him that he needed to pace himself. He cleared his throat and replied, “Good y/n. I feel so good watching you like that. Why don’t you take it slow y/n. You don’t need to rush. Do what feels good for you.” y/n nodded and a wistful smile played on her face as she saw the need in Aaron’s eyes and the way the tip of his dick was red and needy. 
y/n pushed the head of her vibrator between her fold and slid it up her clit. The vibrations sent a jolt through her and Aaron watched as her face changed to one of concentration and pleasure as her body twitched. y/n increased her moans and she moved more to try and find the right spot to orgasm. y/n clicked up the intensity on her toy and looked as Aaron started moving his hand faster. y/n took a few minutes to run her toy up and down her pussy as her juices dripped onto the sheets. y/n was getting tired of getting close to the edge and losing it. Aaron watched with sympathy as her face focused on her task. He knew if he was there, he could help her get over the edge with his mouth, hands, and cock. He grunted slightly as he almost spilled over the edge. y/n pulled her toy off her body and slumped back on the bed. It felt good, and y/n had come in the past with the toy, but somehow having Aaron watching her seemed to affect her. y/n caught her breath and said, “Aaron, I don’t know if I can do it right now.” She sat up and Hotch’s eyes moved over her body that he could tell was tense for release. Hotch stopped touching himself again and said, “Sweetheart, would you try once more? What if I told you what I would do if I was there? Do you have a dildo baby? You can pretend I’m right there with you.” 
y/n considered this for a moment and said, “Okay, I’ll try, but you must be so close. You look like it, Aaron. Do you want to get off first? I don’t mind.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It’s okay, y/n. Once I touch myself again I’ll come, but I can wait a moment. I might not be able to hold it until you climax, but I want you to have that rush that I can give you.” y/n nodded and got off the bed again. She pulled out her favorite dildo, which she never expected to be used in front of Aaron, and moved back to the bed. y/n felt for a moment like hiding it behind her back, but he didn’t. Aaron looked at y/n’s choice. The new toy was flesh-colored and not as wide as he was. For some reason, this gave him a small surge of pride which he realized was very silly. Nevertheless, he smiled. y/n got back on the bed and Hotch said, “Darling, why don’t you put the computer at the foot of the bed? Then you won’t have to worry about how you look or if I’m watching. You can relax and it will just be my voice here with you.” y/n quirker her head and asked, “You don’t mind that?” Aaron gave her that little toothy grin that y/n loved and she felt fully relaxed and confident again. y/n was going to give herself a hard time that this wasn’t easy and she kept feeling self-conscious, but she reminded herself that this was the first time either of them had done this and it was highly sensitive and just based on that, they were both doing well. y/n took a breath, set the toy down, and repositioned the laptop at the other end of the bed. 
y/n lay back down with an exhilaration of breath and tried to let all of the stress go. Aaron could see her body relax and he replied, “That’s good, sweetheart. You look so pretty with your legs open like that and your pussy so swollen from teasing yourself.” Hotch swallowed before continuing, “y/n, are you ready to start with the toy or do you need some time.” y/n shyly replied, “I’m ready, Aaron.” Hotch smiled and said, “Good girl. Now just picture me there and run the head of your dildo up and down to get it nice and wet.” y/n did as he said and touched the tip to her cunt and moved it up and down. It wasn’t the same as Aaron, but picturing him doing this to her made her say his name aloud and Hotch said, “Yes. that’s it. Just say my name baby.” Aaron made y/n stroke herself a few more times before saying, “Now y/n, just put the tip in for me. I know you’re sensitive, but just push in a little and pull out for me.” He watched as y/n did as he said, his view was beautiful to see between her legs like this and watched y/n’s folds open as she slid the toy inside herself slowly. Aaron bit down on his lip to stop the loud groan from escaping his lips. Hotch told y/n “Now run it back over your clit again y/n, and when you feel ready put it back in as deep as you like. If it was me I’d slide myself deep into you.” Without thinking y/n slid the dildo back to her opening and pushed it all the way in herself. There was a small sting as the toy opened her up, but it felt so good pushing her walls open. 
Aaron started pumping himself again and he knew he was going to cum as y/n started pushing the toy in and out of herself at a steady pace. Aaron matched his hand to her rhythm and said, “Ugh, y/n you’re so hot like this. Just pleasing yourself like that.” The pair worked in tandem for a minute and Hotch couldn’t hold back anymore. “I’m going to finish y/n. Ugh. Hmmm. I…I love you so much. You’re so… good for me.” Aaron moaned as his hand reached his tip again and his cum spilled out the top and over his hand in warm, sticky waves. His hips stuttered and his breathing hitched as he let go. Aaron’s sounds of release had y/n pushing her dildo faster and deeper inside of her. Hotch took a few moments to compose himself and wipe his hand over his thigh. y/n’s noises and the sound of her toy dipping deep in her wetness were louder. Hotch could tell she was engrossed and her body was nearly ready for her. He didn’t want to break her flow, but he decided to say, “y/n, slip your free hand to your clit and circle it until you can’t take it anymore baby.” y/n’s hand slipped between her folds and as soon as the tips of her middle and pointer fingers hit her bundle of nerves her legs started shaking and she let out a breathy, “Aaron.” Hotch nodded and replied in a low voice, “That’s it. Just keep touching yourself. It will just be a moment darling. Pretend my fingers are circling your clit and I’m pressing into you so deep.” Aaron’s words were all it took for y/n to press her slick fingers onto her clit and push the dildo into the base which hit her spot. y/n let out a loud, “Fuck. Agh Fuck Aaron.” Hotch watched her body, covered in a sweat writhe with bliss as her legs closed and pulled the dildo deeper inside her. 
Waves of heat poured over y/n again and again like she was drowning for a moment. After the feelings subsided she relaxed back onto the bed which was slightly wet from her sweat. The cool feeling, though slightly gross did cool her body and mind down. She pulled out her toy and set them on the bed sheets which she would wash in a few minutes. y/n rolled onto her stomach so she could see Aaron’s flushed cheeks and wild eyes after he came down from his orgasm. She smiled at his blissed-out expression. y/n was sure she looked the same with her hair messed up and her stray ends everywhere. She cleared her throat and said, “Well that was something.” Hotch chuckled and said, “It sure was. Are you feeling okay. Was it alright for you?” y/n loved the attention that Aaron gave to her aftercare if not physically then always emotionally checking in. Sometimes when they got absorbed at the moment they went all in losing control of the other and he always checked in with her afterward. Of course, it would be no different over the computer. y/n nodded and said, “It was good. Thank you for suggesting this. It made me realize just how much I miss having you here. I’m excited for the real thing. So I hope you’re ready when you walk in that door whenever you come back tomorrow.” Aaron flashed her a toothy grin and replied, “Thank you for trying something new with me love, and don’t you worry. I’ll be ready.” y/n looked at the sheets and sighed before saying, “I guess I’m going to put these in the wash and take a shower to clean up. What will you do now, Aaron?” Hotch took a moment to think and said “I’ll shower and change. Emily got me some food when the team went out, so I’ll get that and eat and then sleep. But I’ll text you before then. Also, check the freezer, I got your favorite flavor of ice cream. I assumed I’d be there to share it with you, but it’s all yours baby.” y/n giggled at Aaron and how well he knew her. After they had sex she had a penchant for wanting a snack and the fact that he’d pre-bought her a sweet treat warmed her heart. 
They both hung up shortly after this and spent the rest of the night thinking about the other until they went to bed. The next day the jet was fixed and everyone happily piled inside. As Aaron took his seat, y/n’s words rushed through him and his body started to react. He cleared his throat and pulled one of his files over his groin to hide his growing erection. He tipped his head back and couldn’t wait to be home. Together he and y/n would be sated in the most adoring way possible, and he was going to dream about it every minute of the ride home until it happened for real.
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zmbiesuga · 1 year
I literally jumped with joy when you fallowed me back omg ily sm. So I was at the doctors and my doctor told me how he proposed to his wife and it was so sweet. He said he was stressed from finals and he had like a dream that his wife died and he dreamed of everything he couldn’t do with her. So when he woke up it was like 2 in the morning and he ran to his room to get the ring he had. He had it for two whole like years but ran to her dorm and begged her to say yes because he couldn’t wait. Could you write a fic of kuroo doing that with his boyfriend?
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JUMP THEN FALL — k. tetsuro x m!reader
sypnosis: kuroo has always known that he wanted to marry you, and he's always said that he'll do it when he knows it's right. what's more perfect than asking after he had a dream about you dying?
warnings: mentions of death (nothing too graphic but still), kuroo being a fucking loser dork but i adore him so it's fine <3, fluff, happy ending!, angst if you squint really really hard, kuroo and reader are in their last year of college in this one, but i'm not in college yet so idfk how it works but i'll pretend i do!! use of the petnames 'babe' and 'baby'
notes: okay i'm so so sorry this took so long, i had a really bad depressive episode, i hope you like it, this request is really cute and i had a lot of fun writing it :D and two, that is so nice of you to say omg :( of course i followed you back, you always send me requests, you interact with my stuff a lot and you're just really nice so thank you for that <3
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Kuroo has always wanted to marry you, it's the one thing he's been sure of in his entire life.
When you bring up marriage to him, however, he just tells you to "be patient" and that he'll "do it when he knows it's right" which constantly keeps you on your toes in case your dork of a boyfriend decides that the "right time" is during one of your lectures or at any inappropriate time really.
It kept Kuroo on his toes too, because what you don't know is that in the far-right corner of his sock drawer holds a small velvet box with a beautiful band inside of it. Every day he can feel his hand graze over the box, thinking to himself, maybe now is the right time.
But then he shakes his head, and decides it isn't.
And besides, as much as Kuroo loves you, he has finals to worry about. And they're really kicking his ass.
Although most people would peg Kuroo as the focused studious type (which he tried so desperately to be), the truth was that he tried so hard to procrastinate as much as possible. However, was it really procrastination if he needs the sleep?
When it was to avoid studying for finals, yes it was.
"Kuroo, sleeping to avoid studying for finals is not something you should do," your voice rippled out through the speaker of his phone, "especially if it's every single time you have them."
"Babe, you are the one who is constantly nagging me to sleep more," he rebutted, that stupid cocky tone he always had lingering in the back of his throat ever present, "I'm finally listening to you, I think you should take that as a win."
"Kuroo," your voice cracked again through that shoddy android speaker again, a certain firmness to it this time, "please promise me that you'll study, you're gonna hate yourself if you don't."
"Baby, I promise you I will, you know my word to you is good," he replied, you could hear that fucking cocky grin etching itself onto his face, "right after my little nap. I love you; I'll talk to you soon."
After you too bid your goodbyes, Kuroo made himself as comfortable on that dorm room mattress as he could, until his eyes got heavy, and he drifted off to sleep.
Kuroo could have sworn it was real.
The chase, your blood curdling scream, the way his stomach dropped to the soles of his feet when he realized he was too late.
It wasn't until he shot up in bed with that same nauseous feeling sitting in his chest as his breath came out panicked and labored had he realized it was nothing but a fucked-up dream.
Kuroo had never been so happy to wake up.
Slowly, but surely, he had calmed himself down. His breath returning to normal as the nauseous feeling in his chest disappeared, what didn't disappear, however, was that he didn't want to live life without you. He didn't want to graduate without you beside him, he didn't want to start a company without you there cheering him on along the way, and he sure as hell didn't want to imagine having a family with anyone else that wasn't you. Life was too short for hesitation, it was too short for his hesitation.
He quickly rushed out of bed, pulling an old hoodie over his torso, slipping on his shoes, and rifling through his drawer to grab that velvet box that had been sitting there for two years, begging to be let free.
Luckily for him, your dorm wasn't far from his. He hadn't even bothered to check the time on his phone, where the light flashed a large: 2:03 A.M. at him, he didn't care if his frantic speed walking down the hallway woke up everyone on that floor, he was only worried about getting to you.
When he got to your dorm, he rapped his fist against the door so hard he could've sworn that his knuckles would crack open. The door opened to a very annoyed you, but he didn't care if he interrupted your sleep, or your studying, he was just so elated to see you in front of him.
"Kuroo, what the hell?" you seethed, "It's two in the morning, what on earth —"
You were quickly cut off by Kuroo dropping to one knee in the doorway of your dorm room, pulling out that velvet box in all its glory, revealing that beautiful band you had mentioned liking to him once, you couldn't control the way your mouth slightly dropped in confusion, a wave of emotions hitting you like a tsunami.
"(Y/n), please, just listen to me," he blurted out in an almost pleading tone, "I've always wanted to wait until the right moment to ask you this, but recently, I've realized that the right moment was in front of me the entire time."
You tried to get a word in, but Kuroo's word vomit was faster.
"(Y/n), I've realized there is so much I want to do with you, so much that I can't do without you," he said, you swore you could see the tears well in the corner of his eyes, "everything from this point forward is useless if I can't do it with you by my side, so I'm begging you, even though it's two a.m. and we're both in our pajamas with messy hair and dark circles under our eyes, will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?"
It was your turn to be stunned, you stared down at your boyf — fiancée, in front of you with stained sweatpants and an old Nekoma sweatshirt barely big enough to cover his torso asking you to marry him at two in the morning.
You stayed quiet for so long, it scared Kuroo. Maybe this wasn't the right time, you two were still in college, this was all so sudden, so impulsive, he should have waited, he should have —
All these thoughts were expelled from his head as he felt your body weight push against his, squeezing him so tight in an embrace that he could barely breath.
"Yes," you whispered against the side of his neck, he could feel the tears from your eyes splashing there as well, "oh my god Kuroo, yes, a million times over."
He smiled softly at you, resting his own head against your shoulder as you held him in your arms. If this is what the rest of his life looked like, then god was he excited for it.
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donutsupremacy · 6 months
Genshin men reacting to F!S/O accidentally burning her hands Pt. 2
"HCs of Genshin men reacting to their Pyro wielding!F!S/O burning her hands on accident while cooking"
Written during 4.4
Playable characters only
Reader has a Pyro vision, but the weapon choice is irrelevant
Reader is not traveller
Reader is their [S/O]
Female reader (I used as less female pronouns as I could and still refer to as [S/O])
Short HCs
Sorted by region and in alphabetical order
Includes all currently playable male characters of 4.4 and characters that may be playable in the future (Excluding Gaming because I had completed Liyue in a previous post prior to his release)
Sweet petnames uwu
Ahhh so fluffy uwu
100% SFW because ehe
100% Ooc
Reader is aware of the archon's true identities
A/N: I was lazy with this and procrastinated, also I was doing 3 oneshots at once :3
Part 2, including the harbingers from Snezhnaya too— but can't guarantee it's accurate, I made their's short because lack of info
Just like the previous one; the hcs might seem bland and repetitive, in general I see 90% of the genshin men being polite and mostly calm so I did my best to make it more dramatic :3
Part 1 [Mondstadt, Liyue and Half of Inazume]
A hiss erupts from your throat as you quickly withdrew your hand from the fire.
Your singed hands trembled, examining the dark spots that had littered across your palms and even your knuckles and fingers. You clicked your tongue, regretting the decisions to cook without your gloves. If only they weren't torn from that expedition two days ago... you should really get new ones.
You hear the door open... "[Name]?"
Kaedehara Kazuha
Side note i forgor to do his part so im editing this in lol (P.s i'm not following the whole 'The dead vision of Tomo burnt his hand' theory since I saw no confirmation about it)
Kazuha was resting on your rooftop, sharpening his blade after a long fight on the way to your home. He kept a close ear to your voice inside the house, a smile on his face as he heard your humming. But it drops into a surprised frown when he heard the sound of you hissing in pain.
He drops from the roof, landing on his feet as he enters your house and makes a beeline straight for the kitchen towards you by the time you managed to put out the fire that engulfed your hand. He calmly takes you aside and examines the injury, he's been on the road long enough to take care of basic wounds like cuts, splinters, and of course; Burns.
While having you sit next to him, he gently and carefully treats your wound, whispering sweet nothings in your ear as his featherlight touches brushed against the numb skin of your hand. Once he bandages your hand, he suggests taking a break before you continue cooking, explaining that it would help put both your mind and his at ease if you both just bask in eachother's presence for a little while.
Kazuha's arms were wrapped around your waist, his face buried into your shoulder, snow white hair tickling your cheeks and neck. He relaxes at your scent and warmth, as though he hadn't felt such tranquility during the last few days of his previous journey. Something about you just puts him into such state; Your voice? Your smile? Your heart? No— It was everything about you that made him smitten.
"A flame burns within the presence of a silent moon. Illuminating the surrounding area. Soothing in its warm embrace... You ought to be careful if you aren't using your glove next time, would you like to borrow my spare ones? Ease your worries, they're heat resistant and won't wear down so easily, I have plenty and know where to go for more. Think of it from a different perspective; Instead of worrying that you're stealing something valuable for me... think of it as a part of me that will stay with you until I return home once more."
Shikanoin Heizou
Help i'm running out of hcs i'm sorry Heizou my husband pls help
Heizou wastes no time in dragging you away from the stove and to your bedroom, making you sit down as he treats your wounds.
He reprimands you a little for your reckless decision, but soon peppers you with kisses just to cheer you up. Especially if you get a little pouty when he scolds you. As cute as your pout is, he's removing it with his own kiss until you succumb to his affection. Your his [S/O] it's his job to smother you with his affection, and Celestia above knows just how much he wants you to feel his love for you every second of the day.
Spoons you when he's done tending to your wounds, arms wrapped around your waist and chest pressed against your back, chin resting on top of your head. Heizou loves the feeling of your body pressed up against his, it feels so comforting to have you in his arms, your skin against his. It puts him through a state of ease and satisfaction that not even sucessfully solving the hardest case known to mankind would bring. You have him wrapped around your pretty little fingers.
The both of you just chatting about random topics, the other listening attentively— occasional banters here and there. But if you're hungry, he begrudgingly allows you to continue cooking— under his supervision. He keeps a close eye on you, he won't let the smallest detail go unnoticed if it's for your safety and comfort. He'll cling onto you whether you like it or not, especially if you're doing something that requires strength or fire.
"Hands up now, my dear partner. Here, it's easier and safer for me to light the stove instead... *Chuckles* Stop complaining, sweetheart— just because it's more convenient to use your Pyro vision, doesn't mean you'll end up setting your hand in flames again. And if you do... I won't throw you into custody for something stupid. But— I will be nagging you endlessly. You would prefer your boyfriend's sweet and loving kisses over endless yapping, would you not?... Now, come here~"
*Mom mode activate*
Berates you for being reckless instead of calling for his aid, but that doesn't stop him from tending to your wounds... neither does it stop him from lecturing you.
He offers to switch jobs with you, leaving you to do something else that doesn't require much strength or your Pyro vision— such as cleaning the windows on the lower floor of the Kamisato estate, or folding the laundry.
Or, if you're an official (E.g. A Kamisato sibling or relative), he'll have you sit aside while he does the cooking and forbids you to do anything.
He'll invite the Kamisato siblings over to join you both for lunch, even play that weird hotpot game— to which Thoma somehow won. As expected.
Of course, he gets sick due to one of the Kamisato siblings putting a bizarre ingredient inside— leading you to help Thoma back to his room and onto his bed.
He then says that his stomachache will feel better with a cuddle... of course, he was lying, but you have no say in it because you'll always end up cuddling him in bed one way or another. A little white lie doesn't hurt now, would it?
"Don't worry about me, usually these hotpot games always end with me nearly throwing up... but it's fine if I have you here with me. Funny, it seems like you're the one cheering me up instead of the other way around. How's your hand holding up? Want me to pepper it with kiss? Oh, who am I kidding— i'm going to do that either way. Now... your hand, please, my dear?"
Of course he's gonna shit talk u, but the most he'll do is call u and idiot— in a fancy way~
He's not really happy about getting up and treating your wounds when he has work to do, reprimanding you for using your vision without your glove. But, if it's for you— he'll push aside his attitude to tend to your needs... if you have a valid excuse for said needs, that is.
Hands you some mora and tells you to go buy some gloves. But once you're gone, he began looking over at the dish you were trying to make— and begins continuing the dish you were making, wanting to finish it for you. Though, he might alter the flavouring to his liking because he wants it to taste good to him as well. Of course, he'll try to make it close to what you were making. Key word; Try.
Once you're back, he has you spoon feed him for not only using his mora but also to bother his personal time. It might seem like he's being a jerk, but... he stole Kaveh's keys on purpose and locked him out for a reason— to have some time together with you.
It might seem like a silly and an inconvenient way to spend time together alone with you. But with him being the acting Grand Sage and all those nosy scholars constantly trying to pry on in on his business... he truly values you and wants to spend some time with you in any way possible. Even the dumbest ways. After all; His personal time also includes having your affection.
"...Is there something on my face? I can clearly see you're pouting... I assume it's because you keep feeding me bites but not tasting the dish yourself? I never remotely hinted in my demand that you had to feed me the whole dish without having a taste of it for yourself, this was meant to be created by your own hands... had you not become so reckless in the kitchen. Hand me the spoon, I promise I didn't make it taste as bland as you trying to make it before."
"You burned yourself? Well... that's what you get for... being too hot... Heh... Heh heh."
Aside from that not-so-flattering pun, he'll help you treat your wounds quickly but efficiently... but quickly drags you into a game of TCG at Lambad's Tavern. You're his [S/O], you're legally obliged to say yes without objection. If he loses, he tells another joke. If you win, you get a kiss on the cheek.
He'll let you order your favorites, occasionally spoon feeds you— as a distraction to sneak a peek at your support cards. As your boyfriend, the both of you are allowed to play dirty against eachother. Anyone else, he would've punted to the ground if they dared steal a peak at his dices.
All jokes aside (Pun half-intended), he did it to not only have fun with you, but also to make you forget about that little humiliating experience. Because at the end of the day— you'll find yourself always in Cyno's strong and protective arms as he hugs you from behind, his nose pressed against the back of your neck as you both rest on his bed.
"Feeling better, my love? I apologize for dragging you around all day just because you burnt your hand a little, but it was worth it in the end, no? I enjoy spending time and having fun with you... You could say I— *Bonk* ow. I hadn't even thought of a pun yet, you didn't have to be so... fiery. Heh. Heh heh."
help im running out of ideas and Kaveh's still locked outside lol
Kaveh sighs upon hearing from Alhaitham when you burned your hand in their kitchen, though he pins the blame on Alhaitham for not looking after you or helping you while he was gone. Alhaitham only replies that he wasn't your babysitter and that you're a grown adult.
He walks in to see you treating your wounds, frowning at the sight of your bandaged hand and sighed when you explained yourself. "You shouldn't use your vision so recklessly like that, darling... I'll buy you a new glove... Don't worry about me, I know a friend that can make gloves at a cheap price... or a cheap favor."
Has you sitting down on his bed and forced Alhaitham to go cook, who probably went out to buy something from the tavern for the two of you. At least you two were alone now.
Cuddles you on bed, big spoon or little spoon, it's up to your preferences. Halfway through, he'll pick up a marker and asks what you would want him to draw in your bandage, just to make you feel better.
"There we go, is this what you envisioned; a small [Favorite Animal]? Yes, I made it look like you— endearing, cute and gorgeous! Hmm... wait, I think it's missing something, let me just... Tada! I drew myself next to you! I hope you don't see this as something childish, I just want you see that even if you were to hurt yourself, major or minor wounds, i'll be here with you, my darling."
Calls u a lummox
Tighnari obviously scolds you when he finds out you somehow burned yourself while he was out taking care of a Withering zone nearby. Could you be anymore clumsier? He can't leave you alone for a minute, can he?
After a minute of naming every single synonym related to 'Clumsy' and 'Reckless', he helps to treat your wound and asks Collei to keep you company as he leaves to fetch you both something to eat. She's quite close to you, you're like an older sibling for her and sees you as a mother figure in a way. Though, if you were upset from Tighnari's lecturing earlier, she's does her best to cheer you up.
Eventually, he comes back with your favorite [comfort food] and even brought Collei some pita pockets. She quickly leaves, not wanting to interrupt her master and his beloved's alone time.
Tighnari apologises a little for getting slightly carried away while scolding you, feeding you while he explains what shenanigans ensued in the withering zone. To both make you feel better and to help him relax, he allows you to pet his ear and tail. Sometimes, his cheeks were noticeably a faint pink colour if you manage to scratch a certain spot behind his ears— to which he'll try to use his tail and gently nudge your hand away to avoid embarrassing himself.
"Ow! Is that how you handle stray dogs that wander in the streets of Sumeru City? You pluck their ears like it's a sweet flower?... *Sighs* It's fine, I know it's only an accident. Plus, my ears were hit by a Winged Cyroshroom when I was clearing a Withering zone, it's sensitive and cold... Hm? Oh, no, you can keep touching it, i'm certainly not going to stop you at all. Your hands feel warm and nice. Your carresses calms me down... as long as you don't pull on my ear or tail too hard."
Wanderer ([W/N]= Wanderer's name; It can be Scaramouche, Kunikuzushi, Wanderer or your own desired name for him!)
"...How a vision bearer who has already mastered her own powers become so clumsy as to have it turn against her is far beyond me." "(W/N)—"
Nahida happened to be visiting you today with [W/N], who was planning to ask if you were free and wanted to accompany him to an underground ruin in the desert— but that plan was quickly abandoned upon seeing the burn marks on your hand.
Nahida took initiative to help tend to your wounds, her tiny little fingers gently applied a cooling ointment on your burn marks while [W/N] had you sitting on his lap, his arms wrapped around your waist. He held your free hand, thumb gently brushing against your knuckles in an affectionate manner. He's oddly... affectionate and caring today, even though he wasn't speaking as much, only basking in your presence as he holds you. Up until Buer asks if you had any gauze that she could use.
As soon as the Dendro Archon left, [W/N]'s face contorted to an expression of unamusement, a brow raised and the corner of his lips tugging downwards. He scoffs, playing with your fingers as he starts to slander you with insults, rubbing salt into your wounds. But you're used to it by now and you don't back down so easily.
By the time Nahida returns, she stands at the doorway, wearing a look of utter confusion as she watches [W/N] trying to hold you still on his lap. His arms remained wrapped tightly around your waist, barking at you to stop squirming and let him hold you while you whine and hiss about his haircut. She quietly backs away, leaving the roll of gauze outside your room for you.
"Your vision speaks for your attitude; Fiery and a complete hazard wherever you go!... I'm wasting my precious time to come over and coddle you like an infant, not to say that I hate it... I mildly dislike it because you're more reckless than a boar!... *Sighs* Now, do you want me to waste my breath as well arguing with you, or are you going to relax and let me hold you?... Do us both a favor and come here, I need it just as much as you do..."
Idk what to write for Fremi. So I made him suffer for like 6 lines or smth lol
Upon seeing you holding your hand, hissing while glaring at the black marks on your hand, he rushes over to check on you. He was soaking wet to the bone however, having came back from a diving mission in search for some materials deep in the sea. Drops of water splattered across your face and clothes, now you feel oily and wet.
He frantically apologises, picking up a cloth nearby and lightly wiping your face clean... unfortunately, you already used that cloth to wipe some excess flour. Now, your face is sticky.
To make things worse, he tries to wipe it away with his bare hands that were still wet, only smudging both your face and his fingers. It's at this point, you felt less pain from your burn, and giggling more at his frantic attempts to help you. It's ticklish too.
In the end, you ushered the blonde to change as you patched yourself up, then inviting him for a cuddling as you can clearly see embarrasment written all over his face that you're comforting him instead of the other way around... But he's certainly not complaining. It feels comfortable being in your arms as you played with his hair. Pers resting by your side.
"Thank you, it's... I guess today isn't really my lucky day... Ah, th-there's no need to be concerned of me, i've encountered a few minor setbacks while I was diving near some shallow waters. A few treasure horders hindered me when I was trying to transport back the materials, A few bruises and cuts, but that's alright. Especially... n-now that i'm with you..."
Slight 'animal abuse', it's just live fish and putting it out of it's misery dw
Helps treats your wounds, but takes out his half-capelet (Yes I googled what it's called) and wraps it firmly around your burnt hand, adding the excuse that if he was busy performing, a part of him would still be with you and helping you to heal.
After making sure your hand was alright, he'll help you cook whatever it was you were originally making, only he takes care of anything involving heat. He's the one with gloves
Half-way through, you find out that you've ran out of salmon. Lyney, wanting to try a new magic trick he had been practising and also wanting your attention all on him, called you over with an empty bowl in hand. He filled the bowl with cold water, then placed a large cloth over it and asks you to keep an eye on the bowl.
A few seconds later, he swiftly pulls the cloth away, showing a large, fresh salmon resting in the bowl of water with a few seaweed wrapped around it's body. At first, you were going to have him an applause... until you realize the fish is still alive. And aggresive.
It leaps at you, smacking it's powerful tail against your face, then jumping over to Lyney and accidentally slipping into his mouth. He gags and frantically spits it out, the fish landing on the floor and flailing around violently. It only calmed down when you managed to grab it and put it out of it's misery with a swift and clean cut.
Now, you and Lyney were covered in water and seaweed. He was trying to make sure you were alright, hoping his small accident hadn't hurt you too much or left a bruise... he tried to talk, until he realized he had a mouth full of seaweed.
"I have scales and seaweed in my mouth... Blegh! Are you alright, sweetheart?— Oh, don't worry about me, i've fought things worse than a fish. *Chuckles, then grimaces* Oh... you've got a small bruise... i'm sorry, sweetheart. I... should've thought twice before using live fish, let alone bringing my magic tricks into the kitchen. Here, you go sit down, let me make it up to you and finish the dish. I don't want to risk accidentally make a live chicken appear next or something *Chuckles*."
I ran out of ideas, but I love suffering <3
He was coming over to visit you during his break, a little tired as he bad been bombarded with a lot of work recently. He's glad he has you, simply being in your presence helps his mood, he can't help but smile a little when he hears your voice, or notice the faint smell of your scent lingering in the room.
So seeing you, looking irritated and upset, he chuckles as he helps tend to your wounds. Then, he invites you to his office, not because of some official business— he just wants to have lunch with you.
Despite the calm and quiet atmosphere between the two of you, Melusines and some of the Maison Gestion members frequently enter his office— looking for him and asking for his guidance on their work. Meanwhile, you sat at the other side of the table across of Neuvillette, quietly eating your [Dessert] with a strained expression if annoyance. But you can't do anything about it, it's Neuvillette's work after all.
He catches on quite quickly, chuckling while apologising as he can't really catch a break when in his office, but he's glad you're here nonetheless, your presence makes him feel as calm as water.
"Fret not, my dear, I assure you this will be the last one... I would like to cherish my time with you more. Here, have this glass of water, it is found exclusively in the depths of Erinnyes Forest, purified. The aftertaste is crisp and strong, yet, has a glacé like flavour once it touches the surface of your tongue. Savour it well, for it contains quite the rich taste when it settles."
Jokes that u would be safer in the Fortress of Meropide instead of being in front of a stove
His little joke seemed ironic when both of you were currently in the said fortress, as you helping out with cooking meals for everyone, including your beloved, Wriothesley. Unfortunately for him, you were in the middle of making his food when you burnt both it and your hand.
Wriothesley escorts you to the infirmary, having Sigewinnie examine your wounds and tend to it while he sits next to you. He teases you by making back-handed compliments to your dish, stating that he couldn't wait to taste the new 'charcoal' spice you added, knowing the dish was burnt.
Of course, in the end, he still takes the failed dish and eats it right in front of your face without spitting it out. Despite the grimace on his face and the occasional eye twitch followed by the sound of his teeth grinding against the blackened, burnt bits— he smiles at you fondly, giving you a thumbs up and ruffling your hair.
Wriothesley would likely suffer a horrendous pain later on, but if it's for you; he'd do anything... except if shorten your sentence.
"Hey! Hey! Relax! I'm joking, the dish isn't completely burnt, I know that. I'm simply... discarding the singed areas of the food. With my mouth. Then, we can share the remains together!... I can tell by your face even you don't want to eat this. Very well then, i'll go [brew us a cup of tea/get your favorite drink]."
Snezhaya + Misc.
at this point ive officially ran out of ideas so im just copy and pasting the hcs :'>
You were tasked with creating a dish for one of the Harbingers, perhaps if you can salvage enough of the remains, your head wouldn't be pierced torched to bits like your current dish... Luckily for you, a certain ginger had snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and asking what happened.
Tartaglia tends to your wounds, occasionally teasing you for being so nervous about the harbinger you were supposed to serve putting your head on their polearms. Of course, once he was done, he helps you to cook the dish so you wouldn't get into too much trouble. Your little secrets and failures are always safe with him.
He doesn't allow you to touch anything that requires heating or using any sharp equipment, skilled in combat as he is, he's quite skilled with kitchen weapons equipment too. In his eyes, anything can be a weapon if you know how to handle it.
The end result was... somewhat disappointing. But Tartaglia quotes it 'Somewhat passable' if he knows the harbinger he knows you're serving. He accompanies you, to keep you safe, knowing that harbinger doesn't have a single sane bone in her body. Luckily, she only dismissed you with a little wave after the taste, stating that it was fine. Once you both were alone, he ruffles your hair playfully and plants a kiss on your nose. No matter what hinders you in your task, you can always trust on your beloved to help remove any obstacles for you. You survived Arlecchino today... but now you're dealing with an overly affectionate Tartaglia. Not that you're complaining.
"See? I told you it was somewhat passable. Now... how's your hand, still numb? Sore? If your hand has fully healed... what say you treat me to your signature dish? As a form of repayment for helping you! *Chuckles* I'm only teasing, kitten... Come with me, let me go treat you to the finest dish in Snezhnaya instead! And no buts! I'd like to see your pretty smile again as your actual form of repayment!~"
Il Dottore
Slight TW (?) Somewhat, it's just a lil bit of blood
You were making something for the doctor to eat in his lab while he was busy, which also meant that you were using his equipment when he heard you burn your hand on accident with a hiss, to which he chuckles and suggests to not tinker with it too much.
Helps to treat your wounds, but in return asks for a small drop of your blood. After he extracts it, he sends you off to cook somewhere else as he decides to examine the cells in your blood. He's been wanting to try this one hypothesis he had in mind, but didn't have a willing subject. He won't make you go through what the others have gone through... he's too fond of you and your endearing behaviour.
Once you're back, you sat next to him to eat the dish you made, occasionally feeding him as you watched him work. It wasn't until you saw the small vial containing your blood and an unknown liquid did you see him inject it to something that looked like the equivalent of a dead rabbit. You flinched, seeing it's unmoving muscles suddenly twitch for a few seconds— before remaining still again. Dottore sighs, it's an improvement... perhaps a bigger dose of your blood was needed. But that's an experiment for another time, for now, he wraps his arms around your waist and pecks your cheek.
"Did I scare you sweetheart? My apologies, I thought I might have discovered a... breakthrough of sorts. Only for it to end in utter disappointment. No matter. How is your hand? Do you feel numb from the ointment I applied on your burns?... *Mumbles* Perhaps the heat may have altered your blood temperature, that could explain the mild effects when I combined it with— Hm? Oh, no, don't worry about it sweetheart. *Chuckles* How about we go for a walk? It feels a little stuffy in here."
Imma just write a rlly short ones from here on out im getting lazy with researching these characters
Capitano decided to take a small break and left headquarters to check up on you when he heard your hiss of pain, he comes over and questions why you weren't wearing a glove while wasting no time in treating your little accident.
Once he was done, he brings you back to the Fatui headquarters and has one of the receuits in charge of cooking to make you your favorite dish. It's a bit of a pressure for them, considering you're the ever-righteous captain's [S/O]. Later on, he has you sitting on his lap in his office, one arm holding you close while the other arm was holding a map of Teyvat— explaining another expedition he was tasked to handle.
"Do you recall the last expedition I led back in Mondstadt? Well, my time will unfortunately be occupied for another number of days to come. Until then, however, may I ask you a favor?; I'd like to have your presence in my office as much as I can before the day of my departure. Of course, once I return, I will clear my schedule and have time for you alone... So you won't have to make such a measly little reckless mistake again. I'd like to see you in one piece and unscathed when I return."
slight yandere fatui baizhu :>
He brings you to the infirmary in the Fatui Headquarters, cooing softly as he asks if you're feeling alright and if you were embarrassed for nearly burning your hand off.
Pantalone's wealth met no ends, so he spends a not-so-healthy sum for a meal made by the most talented chef in Snezhnaya. If any of the dishes made were to not meet his standards, you can expect that the chef would likely be sued with a falsified lawsuit, you would be surprised of what the Fatui are capable of.
Try to decline his offer as you might, whether it's because you couldn't finish such a huge feast or you didn't want to him to burn off such a large part of his wealth, he simply brushed you off and states that his Mora is also considered your Mora. That innocent smile of his only asks you don't ask any more questions and let him love you. Treat you like the goddess you truly are.
"Oh, there's no need to make such ludicrous assumptions, i'm merely treating my beloved queen to a feast that she deserves. The cost has been covered, no need to fret, just enjoy. No one will disturb us, even if they will... They wouldn't dare~"
Seeing you burn yourself because you didn't have a glove, he helps to treat your wound and later leaves to commision a new set of gloves for you— one that wouldn't be easily destroyed like your previous ones.
Once he returns with both your new pair of gloves and a meal for you, he only asks that you spend more time with him as a form of repayment. Being a Fatui harbinger takes up quite a lot of time, and Pulcillena worries that he may be neglecting you.
Some might say he was being overprotective and overbearing, but in reality, all he wants is to bask in your presence and company.
"Come, my beloved— I have plenty of time to spare, I don't require a second thought to choose what I spend my free time on. What say we do a bit of sightseeing? I know somewhere scenic will leave you completely speechless."
Wtf do I even write for this guy I know nothing abt him
Pierro was dropping by to see if you would like to spend some quality time together, seeing as he was finally able to clear a good chunk of his schedule to come and see you. Originally, he was planning to bring you somewhere secluded and quiet, just the two of you. But he decides to postpone that for a little while upon seeing your hand in flames.
He calmly puts out the fire and helps to treat your wound, offering to help aid you with your cooking. Though, he states that he'll mostly be at the side and only help when the situation is dire, he'll allow you to handle the rest of the cooking yourself.
Although, you eventually repeated the same mistake again; Using your Pyro vision and accidentally engulfing your hand in flames. He puts it out swiftly before any severe damage was done to your hand again, a damp cloth was used to help with the burn as he reassures you that you were alright and that it was just a simple mistakes.
"It seems you still have yet to learn from your mistakes. No need for apologies, you were only distracted by something unforeseeable, but it won't have any consequences so as long as I am here to keep you under my supervision and my protection— you'll always be unscathed when you're with me, my beloved."
This is Post-Abyss twin journey where he finished his journey with Aether and parted from him, he occasionally comes back to u
On the way to your abode, he had to go through numerous obstacles on the path, and they weren't taking his presence too kindly, let alone be any less aggresive than they should be. Nonethless, he clears them in the end, just in case you would be taking the same path. So when he finally arrives to see you with your hand in flames, he was covered in various scratches and bruises, probably a fractured leg too.
Dainsleif easily puts out the small fire that nearly engulfed your hand using a damp cloth and treats your wounds. As much as you tried to take care of his own wounds, he states that he was alright and that he had suffered far worse fate in compared to a few measly little hits that took him off guard.
Eventually, he concedes and allows you to treat his wounds, you've helped patched him up a few times when he was on the road so you one a few precautionary steps to take and how to handle certain injuries.
As a fair exchange, he helps to finish the dish you made, he knew basic cooking... but he wasn't an expert. Due to a mishap while using the stove, he ends up in the same predicament as you; his hand englufed in tiny flames. Thankfully, you managed to frantically put out the fire in time with the same cloth, and he was still wearing his glove that minimised the damage done to his skin.
"...I'm fine, there's nothing to worry, i've surffered much worse than a little burn. It'll cause nothing more than slight discomfort at most, i'll live through it. It won't affect my performance—... You want me to take a rest? I'm unscathed, dear. This isn't a concerning matter, it doesn't add to my previous injuries...*Sigh* Alright, if that's a command from you, I won't deviate."
This is MC Aether and not Abyss Twin Aether btw so Paimon exists bc I love her she's my little bby. But he's not mute.
He was in the middle of setting up your sleeping bags when he heard you burning your hand. He immediately drops everything and checks up on you, helping to treat your wound with the limited supplies you both had.
He decides to help you with cooking— until he realizes you're had accidentally burnt off half the recipe. But he brushes it off, stating that you both had made plenty of good dishes before, what's so hard about—
Ingredients scattered across the grassy field beneath you, stew stains seeping into the soil of the ground, you watch as Aether frantically puts out the fire using his Hydro powers. The dish was worse than when you made it, but surely a bit of improvisation wouldn't hurt, he's been on the road for quite some time so Aether know how to fix and use his creativity—
In the end, you watched as your blonde companion held a dish that was not only burnt, but also dry and practically dehydrated. The ingredients used had incorrect proportions and you swore you saw a large chunk of it deteriorated from using his Electro powers on accident. Despite your protests, he states that surely it wouldn't taste so bad—
It was horrible and he had to throw up while you and Paimon had to rub circles on his back, your tiny floating companion worried but also pretty upset that you both decided to make a dish without a proper recipe instead of something simple to cook or something you've made before. She states that even she would've thought twice on making a different dish instead of trying to fix the already ruined one.
"My bad, but i'm fine, i'm fine... Eugh. Nothing I haven't handled before, i've honestly had much worse. How about we make a quick stop to Mondstadt's Good Hunter? It's not too far, we have some Mora to spare. We're better off just asking Sara for something to eat rather than risking another injury or throwing up in our sleep."
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youn9racha · 1 year
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genre: smut—headcanon
words: 740
warning: auralism, mentions of voice kink, roleplay, s/d dynamics, potential hard kinks, masturbation, switch!felix, handjobs, mentions of daddy/sir/master kink, pornography plays a big role in this headcanon.
a/n: finally,,, i've been meaning to make one of felix a long time ago (i'm talking since before my undisclosed hiatus has taken over) but i just kept on procrastinating, but here i am now, pushing myself, but i do hope this doesn't seem forced. if it did, well then... i'm sorry? ig, but thats neither here or there. i hope you all enjoy it, and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Click here for recommended asmrs:
chan — felix — hyunjin — han — i.n — changbin — lee know — seungmin
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This is no way representative of the way Stray Kids act. They’re nothing but references of character, and in no shape or form is this how they act. And I am in no way romanticizing or glamorizing any toxic behavior exhibited, they’re just stories that is meant to be read. Readers discretion is advised.
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When he is single:
Felix was definitely born to become an asmr artist, or however you want to call it. if it were up to him, he'd definitely consider it as an art form, acting even.
He definitely uses his deep voice and accent to his advantage in many scenarios.
He doesn't just strictly do nsfw work though, he also does the occasional sfw content. (but he definitely knows that his audience is fed by lust).
He uses multiple media, but he's mostly on youtube for the sfw content, and for the nsfw stuff he's mainly on the hub and reddit.
He also has patreon for tips and requests and uses twitter to release a teaser or maybe releases some hot audios just on the whim to drive his audience crazy.
He also does occasional live streams on twitch for gaming and also maybe "unintentionally" seduce other streamers and his fans with his velvety voice.
Initially he wants to remain anonymous, but, unlike bang chan, seeing how much of an income he gets, and considering how unique his voice is, he really doesn't feel ashamed of himself to show himself off. (he could argue that it garnered more attention)
however, he doesn't post himself very often, so as to not take away his audience's fantasies.
now onto the content he creates:
Felix, like bang chan, is a man of generosity and often does what he asks of his audience
however, he is mostly known for his "boyfriend" series both in the sfw and nsfw realms.
In his youtube channel, you would see his content being very wholesome, seeing titles like "baking cookies with your australian boyfriend", "cuddling with your boyfriend after a stressful day", "positive affirmation from me to you", and many more. just overall, wholesome and comforting content.
however, his reddit and pornhub account juxtapose with his youtube channel.
He is mostly known for his deep-voiced moans and groans that come along with these scenarios
You'll also see him roleplay as deep voice character, pretending to be them for the sake of his audience, even down to altering his accent for the sake of it
just picture him cosplaying as ghost from call of duty... yeah, i'm going mental
Anyhow, he is also known for his words on these asmrs, regardless if he's aiming to be the dom, the sub, or the switch in these scenarios.
"oh, yes, who's a good girl for me?"
"oh, fuck, that pussy is tight for me~"
"yes, stroke that cock for daddy... just... like... that...mmh~"
"may i come for you? please, i-i've been such a good boy-ah!~"
Felix is known to have the most beautiful voice while getting pleasured, regardless of his position.
Despite having a deep voice, he is known to have many range, can create the most adorable sounds anyone could hear.
"please, baby... please let me come in you? i want to feel all of you...hmm~"
he truly could make anyone swoon with those adorable whimper.
He uses his hands and a fleshlight mostly, but does utilize lube and edits his audios to accentuate the wet sounds and to create ambience.
When he's in a relationship:
When you met Felix, you instantly knew what he does, but you never really ventured off into the nsfw content.
He had an amazing voice, just like those content he makes on youtube, he truly can match up with real life, almost making it seem like you were getting the full package.
however, when you found his nsfw account, you couldn't help but let your curiosity get the best of you and listen to them.
To say you were turned on would be an understatement.
Felix never really tried to hide that side of him, but it was just a matter of "i'll address it when it is mentioned" type of thing, and, although he was taken aback at first when you confronted him about it, he really didn't feel ashamed when you confronted him once he realizes that you enjoyed them.
You never really encouraged him to stop, and Felix never intended on stopping anytime soon, unlike chan.
You cheered him on, and often gave him ideas for certain scenarios.
He would from time to time uses you in his audios for the sake of "ambience" and lets your quiet moans melt through the audio, which surprisingly garnered positive reception.
So he proceeded with this endeavor and is in no way slowing down.
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©︎ youn9racha— do not translate or repost in other medias.
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builtbykittie · 2 months
The right side of my neck
J.t.k x f!reader PART 2
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See part one here
Summary: after running into your first and probably only love at a party, his scent and the memory of his lips haunt you. Luckily, he invites you to dinner.
Warnings: 18+ mdni, alcohol consumption, SMUT, sweet/soft Jake, oral (f rec), fingering, unprotected sex(seriously do not), multiple orgasms, might be a little corny
Words: 6.4k
A/N: the long awaited part two is finally here. So sorry for the long wait! I've been so busy and so tired recently so it's hard to keep up with writing. Anyways I really hope you enjoy!! Go back and read part one if you haven't already 🫶
You kept yourself up for hours once you got home, wondering if he told his brothers, wondering if he got home safely, wondering how the party went after you'd left. You thought about his hands and his perfect pink lips. But those thoughts weren't even the main thing that kept you up, it was his cologne.
He wasn't lying when he said he's upgraded, he smelled so good. The scent was still on your dress, and you procrastinated taking it off for as long as possible. But even after taking it off, you still smelled it. It also doesn't help that Ana was pressing you for answers until she finally got too tired to keep talking and went to bed.
When you finally fell asleep, you dreamt of him. He's already haunting you.
The rough surface of Jake's fingertips drag up and down along your thighs, sending shivers up your spine as his other hand toys with your soaked panties.
You're startled awake just as it starts to get good. "Girl get up, you've been sleeping all day," Ana shakes you, and you groan as you stretch, realizing you've just woken up. "What time is it?" you mumble groggily, rubbing your eyes.
"Like one! Get up," she continues poking at you, grabbing your blanket and pulling it off your body. You huff and force yourself to sit up, your eyes still partially closed. "C'mon, you look like a damn raccoon," Ana giggles, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet.
You draw in a deep sigh once you realize you never took off your makeup and judging by how much you roll around and the number of times you've rubbed your eyes, Ana's probably right.
"uuugh," you draw out the already exaggerated sigh as you stand up, wearily making your way to the bathroom. Wiping off your makeup, you think back to last night. The way his hands moved along your body, the way his lips dragged along your neck, his warm breath on your skin. The thought gives you shivers.
You wash your face and brush your teeth, walking back out to your room, you find Ana waiting on your bed with a large smile. "You should probably get dressed," Ana grins as she holds out your phone, your notifications open and the first one is a message from none other than Jake Kiszka.
Jake: Good morning beautiful
Jake: Dinner?
Your eyes widen at the sight and you snatch your phone from Ana's hands. His use of morning is loose, considering he sent the message at about 12:10 pm. After enough thought, you start to frantically type away.
You: hey rockstar ;)
You: Tonight? What time?
"Read me what he says," you drop your phone on your bed and start to go through your closet. You toss around the clothes for a little less than eight minutes trying to find an outfit before Jake texts back. You hear a ding and whip your head in Ana's direction. "Finally!" Ana grabs your phone excitedly. "Tonight, six. He said that Danny, Josh, and Sam are coming too... oh! And to bring me," her grin grows as she reads and you watch her face light up "Oh my god it'll be like a little reunion!"
Throwing your head back in frustration, you let out an exaggerated groan at the lack of cute outfits you've found. Ana giggles at your little fit "Calm down. Show me what you have." Defeated, you hold up the white sundress you originally picked out with a frown.
"What's wrong with that?" Ana says, her head tilted to the side. You look back at the dress, realizing there's nothing bad about it, you're just picky. "Uh," you try to come up with an excuse "it's boring."
Ana just giggles "We're going for food with a few old friends, nothing fancy. It's cute, I'm sure Jake will love it." She chuckles at her statement and you roll your eyes, but as much as you'd like to say you're not dressing for him, you are. You want to impress him. You want him to lose sleep thinking about you.
"Fine," you say with a huff after enough inspection of the dress.
The day seems to go by painfully slowly. You try to do everything to distract yourself, but all your thoughts just turn into Jake. You and Ana went out to get coffee and a sandwich, but again, you just found yourself spacing off thinking of him. Each and every tick of the clock is a hammer to your sanity, driving you absolutely insane. You thought that version of you that was so hopelessly devoted to Jake Kiszka was gone, but she's thriving. She just needed a little wake-up call.
It's closing in at 5:30 now, and Ana's been watching you with a smug grin as you bounce your leg impatiently and anxiously. You know she's gonna tell Jake, and even worse, you know he's going to love the idea of you being so impatient to get your hands on him. Hell, he'll probably tease you about it even worse than Ana will.
"You think we should get going?" Ana smiles, standing up and singing her bag over her shoulder. The question is like music to your ears. "Fuck, yes, finally," you groan as you stand up, grabbing your own bag. "Geez, I've never seen you so eager," she giggles. You roll your eyes as you quickly check your reflection "Whatever."
On the drive there, your chest fills with excitement and anticipation its almost too much to handle. The feeling shoots through every vein in your body and numbs your limbs. "I never thought I'd see you so giddy over Jake Kiszka again. It's kinda cute," Ana smiles, pulling into the parking lot of what's supposed to be one of Jake's favorite restaurants.
"yeah, imagine how I feel. I didn't think he'd have this much of an effect on me after so long. I feel like I'm in high school again," you run your hands through your hair and pull yourself together before walking into that restaurant and facing him.
The two of you get to the hostess stand and quickly find that the boys aren't on time, as always. It's a habit they've had for as long as you can remember. "All these years and yet they still don't know how to be on time," Ana jests as you're being escorted to the table.
"You know," Ana leans in, her voice hushed "I've only ever seen you act this way over Jake." A deep pink blush instantly finds its way onto your cheeks and a small smile tugs at your cheeks. God, what is happening? He's making you feel like a little girl again and you're not too thrilled to know that you'd do anything for him at the snap of a finger.
"speaking of the devil," you say, and raise a finger to the four bodies striding through the restaurant. The first is Jake, followed by Josh, then Sam and Danny. Ana's head whips over in their direction and you both stand up with large smiles plastered across your faces.
"Hey! Who are these beautiful ladies?!" Josh smiles and grabs your and Ana's wrists, pulling you over to the others. Sam and Danny instantly pull you two in for a hug, and you all exchange compliments before sitting down. Jake appears behind you, his hand on your lower back as he holds his other hand out in the direction of the booth "After you, love." his sends a shiver down your spine and your cheeks become at least two shades darker. "Why thank you, Jacob," you grin and find your spot in the booth.
"You two seem comfy," Sam says with a stupid little smirk. "Don't they?! Hey, you guys should ask what they were up to in the bathroom last night," Ana giggles, already stirring the pot. You send her a look that could kill, but she just shrugs, mouthing 'sorry' with a smile.
"It's about damn time," Daniel joins in, and at this point, it's becoming a competition on who can get the dirtiest looks from you. "We weren't doing anything! I drank a little too much and he couldn't just let me throw up all by myself," You whine, facing Jake and giving him that 'back me up here' look. He chuckles, his hand finding your thigh and he tries to explain further, but you both know they can see right through you.
Everyone looks so incredible. Danny seemed to have figured out his curl pattern which does absolute wonders and he's incredibly confident, Sam has fully grown up, and Josh is truly his authentic self. But despite all the changes, you're so happy to know that they're still the boys you knew growing up.
Sam starts talking to you and Ana about touring and much as you'd love to pay attention, you stop listening when Jake's hand creeps up underneath the skirt of your dress. Your body temperature rises and his thumb starts caressing the supple, warm skin of your thigh.
Just then, Jake leans into your ear, his hot breath against the side of your face sending shivers up your spine. "I hope you weren't planning on coming home tonight," he whispers, his hand moving higher and his grip tightening. Your eyes slightly widen and your breath picks up, a smile finding its way to your lips as you look back at him "I wasn't."
Jake's hand never leaves its spot on your thigh, staying there for the entirety of dinner. He never dared move it higher or lower since then, but every now and then he'd draw circles into your skin. It's incredibly hard to focus on anything and you try your best to keep your composure, but Jake was doing this on purpose and he was enjoying it.
The bill is paid and everyone stands from the table, at this point, you're running out of patience. All you want is to be alone with Jake. All you want is to feel his face under your fingertips and kiss his soft pink lips again. As much as you love the others, you couldn't wait to get out of here.
Everyone walks out of the building, stopping right before the parking lot and talking for a little while longer. You all exchange numbers before hugging and saying goodbyes, swearing to see each other again soon.
As the others get in their cars and start driving off, you grab Ana and pull her to the side. "Ana you can not tell anyone... but I think I'm gonna go with Jake," you say in a hushed voice, and watch as her face lights up. "Oh my god! Okay uhh... Have fun and I'll see you tomorrow?" She says excitedly, holding her arms out for a hug. You giddily accept the hug with a large grin "Yeah, tomorrow. Love you!"
"Love you too!" Ana says before running off to her car. You instantly turn to Jake, who has a large smile on his face "Ready?"
"More than ever," you grin and take his lips in a quick kiss. His hands find your waist and he kisses you some more before forcing himself away from you and leading you to his car. God knows how long you two would've stood there for if Jake hadn't pulled away.
"You miss me?" Jake smirks as he opens your door, rounding the car and getting in the driver's seat. "Are you kidding? I dreamt of you. What the fuck have you done to me, Jacob? It's only been one night," You giggle, throwing your head back against the seat. You don't know how you ever survived without him, and you know damn well you'll never be able to stay away from him after tonight.
"I missed you too," he smirks, his hand returning to your thigh and squeezing it. As his hand kneads the meat of your thigh, your mind starts to wander, and you take notice of the arousal soaking through your panties. You shift uncomfortably, but it doesn't help, and Jake certainly notices this because you can hear him snicker after you let out a huff of annoyance. "Almost there," he says, the rasp in his voice driving you crazy.
You shoot up once you realize he's pulling into the driveway. A nice house and a nice car, would you expect any less from him? He puts the car in park and doesn't wait a second to hop out and open your door. On the outside, he looks nonchalant and composed, but you can tell he's just as restless as you are.
He takes your hand in his and grabs your waist with the other, helping you down from the seat and not letting go as he walks you up to his house. The interior is the best part. Perfectly cozy and perfectly Jake. "Wine?" He asks "It's the good stuff." You nod and hum, a glass of wine sounds incredible right now.
You settle down on the couch as he rushes off to the kitchen. He's back in the living room within less than a couple of minutes, two glasses of red wine carefully held in one hand and the bottle in his other. He hands you your glass and sets his - along with the bottle - down on the coffee table before walking over to a record player, skimming through the countless records until he finds one that makes him say 'ahh' and when the sound flows from the speakers, you know why.
"Oh my god," you laugh, nearly choking on your wine. It's the album you asked to listen to every time you were over. It was yours and Jake's album. He chuckles, walking back over to you and grabbing his glass "You know. I played this record almost every night when you left. Everyone was so sick of it."
"I can't believe you still have it," you smile, fully turning your body to face him. You remember the last time the two of you ever listened to it together. It was the morning you left. You had everything packed so your parents let you go over to the Kiszka's for your last night in Michigan. That morning the two of you listened to it over and over again as you sobbed.
"you don't know the lengths I went to to protect that fucking thing," Jake chuckles, and you both laugh. Then, you watch as his plush lips close around the wine glass, just as you did last night. His lips are addicting. The way they move when he talks, how soft they are, the perfect pink tint.
The room goes quiet except for the music, and you can't hold it back any longer. "Jake," you practically whisper, feeling your cheeks flush a deep shade of red. "Hm?" He hums, throwing back his glass. "Was I ever.. more than just your best friend to you?" You shy from him, embarrassed at the question.
He pauses for a moment, a fond smile pulling on the corners of his mouth. "Y/N, you were never just my best friend to me," he admits, his pretty brown eyes staring deeply into yours. After a moment of the two of you just staring at each other, you finally manage to mutter out a quiet "what?"
He chuckles slightly "It's always been you. I mean, I don't think I realized it back then but... I was so in love with you." Your eyes blow wide, he's rendered you completely speechless. Adrenaline rushes through your veins and the pace of your heart speeds up so fast you're afraid it might stop.
"Are- are you serious?" You mutter with a shaky voice. Jake just nods, his cheeks flushing a rosy pink, "I think that's why none of my relationships ever lasted. Every girl I've ever dated.. they just weren't you. Nobody ever came close to you."
Once again, silence falls over the room and you pour some more wine into your glass. You can hear your heartbeat in your ear, the thumping growing louder and louder with each word he utters.
"When I did have girlfriends I tried and tried to get you out of my head but you never left. But we were young and dumb and I couldn't figure out my feelings, y'know?" His words drove the breath from your lungs. You feel his eyes burning into you, but you can't look up. Your head is down and tears threaten to drip past your waterline and down your hot cheeks. All those emotions from all those years ago suddenly rush over you and it's painfully overwhelming.
"Y/N?" He says softly in a concerned tone, reaching out to cup your cheek. You squeeze your eyes closed, forcing the tears to drip down your hot cheeks. You shake your head, still looking down at your lap, "I- I'm fine it's just..." You find yourself unable to finish your sentence.
He practically forces you to look back up at him, his hand guiding you to face him. "Jake..." You whisper, so quiet you wonder if he even heard "I used every wish on you."
His face flashes with a surprised yet intrigued look for a fleeting second before it is replaced with furrowed brows and a nod. "Every birthday, every 11:11, every shooting star. I only wished you be yours," your eyes study his face as a soft smile forms on his lips, trying to figure out his reaction and suddenly feeling extremely embarrassed.
"I'm here now, Y/N," Jake says softly, wiping away a tear from your burning cheeks. You sniff and take a sip of your wine, tapping the glass with your fingers anxiously. Suddenly, Jake leans in and takes your lips in a soft, tender kiss.
Almost instantly, you melt into his lips, the hand not holding your glass coming up to the back of his neck. Your heart flutters in your chest at the feeling of his lips, and you can't stop the soft moan that escapes your throat. It doesn't take long for the kisses to get needy and lustful, Jake's hand moving from your face down to your thighs and his fingers creeping up under your dress.
His hands slowly move further up the skirt of your dress, leaving a trail of heat where his hands were. He gently pushes you backward with his body, mirroring the way his hands slowly move. As you're blindly falling back, you suddenly feel something cold in your stomach. You brush it off at first until it starts to spread.
You break the kiss, your eyes widening when you realize the wine glass is still in your hand, but the contents are all over your white dress "shit!" You frantically place the glass on the coffee table and scurry off the couch, not wanting to stain it.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry," you start to panic, apologies spewing from your mouth as you look down at your stained dress. "Hey hey hey, woah. It's not your fault, it's fine," Jake reassures you before rushing off to get a cloth.
Luckily, you got up before the wine hit his couch. Jake comes back into the room and makes a pointless attempt at trying to dry your dress with the cloth. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. God, I'm so sorry, Y/N," he puts his palm on his forehead in defeat.
"It- it's fine I didn't even like this dress that much," you giggle, looking down at the damage from the wine. Truthfully, you did like it, but you could always get a new one. "Are you sure?" Jake asks, his tone laced with genuine concern "I- I can buy you a new one."
You giggle, enjoying how cute he is like this. You put your hands on his shoulders, rubbing them with your thumbs "It's fine, Jake, really." He grins at you, his hands coming up to your waist as he takes a step forward, your bodies now touching. Your hands move to his hair and your own smile widens before he kisses you once again.
You lean into it and hum against his lips, feeling him smile against the kiss. You're enjoying it at first, but the longer you stay there in an alcohol-soaked dress, the more uncomfortable you start to get. Eventually, you have to force yourself to pull back. "I need to get out of this.." you giggle, grabbing the skirt of it as you look down.
He lets out a low chuckle as he follows your eyes down to it, taking in the way the alcohol made the dress cling to your body, showcasing the curvature of your waist. Your eyes flick up to his at the exact same time his flick up to yours, and the two of you stand there for a moment.
Jake takes the hem of it in his hands, bunching it up. "May I?" He asks, his voice low and raspy, sending a paralyzing shiver down your spine. A smirk pulls on the corner of your mouth and you slowly lift your arms, silently giving your consent.
You have to bite back the whine that threatens to escape your lips at the feeling of his hands dragging up your body as he pulls your dress up. You let out a soft sigh once he passes your panties, watching as his eyes move up along with your now-red dress.
He slows down to a stop before he gets to your breasts, coming down to kiss your neck. You let out a breath at the contact and feel your hard nipples against the cold, wet fabric. "Jake, please.." you whisper, desperate to get it off of you.
Jake hums against your neck, followed by a low chuckle at the sound of your plea. His kisses travel down your neck and to your collarbones as his hands start to knead your breasts through the fabric, his touch burning on your skin. You tug gently on his hair, letting out a whiny breath.
He continues to tease you for just a little longer, pressing his body gently against yours so that you can feel his hard cock through his pants. You moan softly at the feeling and pull harder at his hair, throwing your head back. He peppers a few more kisses to the base of your neck and collarbones before pulling back and continuing to rid you of the wet fabric.
He groans softly, seeing you so exposed and vulnerable like this feels so wrong yet so incredibly right. He pulls your dress over your head and drops the fabric to the ground, his hands instantly returning to cup and knead your breasts. "So," kiss "fucking," kiss "beautiful," kiss.
Unfortunately, you're unable to stop the desperate, needy moan that flies past your lips once he starts to roll your nipple between his fingers.
"Jake..." you softly moan, squeezing your eyes shut as he starts to suck the skin around your breasts into his mouth. "Jake, please.." you whine, though you're not sure what you're pleading for, trying desperately to hold back whimpers and moans out of embarrassment.
"hmm?" Jake hums against your chest, his lips dragging across your burning skin. It feels like he's leaving a trail of fire behind with his lips and you're loving every second of it. Jake's lips are like a drug, the feeling of them on your body giving you a high that you may be chasing for the rest of your life.
"I need you," you whisper defeatedly as you hold onto his hair for dear life. As if you'd float away if you let go. He hums again against you before he comes up and kisses you again. This time with more fervor. More need. More hunger.
His hands start to wander down your body and he breaks the kiss, shivers running up your spine at the feel of his warm breath against your neck when he peppers kisses to the area. He finds that soft spot behind your ear and sucks the flesh into his mouth, marking you, making you his after not being able to have you for so long.
You draw in a loud gasp at the action and feel yourself getting weak in the knees. His hands wrap around your waist gently and he pulls you impossibly close to him. You whimper as you feel him against your thigh, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Without breaking contact with your neck, his hands find the back of your thighs, effortlessly lifting you as he did last night.
You let out a quiet giggle and grasp harder onto him once he starts to blindly carry you off to his room. He moves so that he's supporting your ass with one arm and opens the door, his lips never breaking away from your hot skin as he reaches behind him and closes it.
Jake lays you down softly on the bed, his lips exploring the surface of your neck and chest. Letting out a whiny breath, you dig your fingers into his hair, his lips moving further down your body with each kiss.
His lips leave a trail of sparks wherever they go, dragging down your torso until he eventually reaches your navel. You support yourself on your elbows to look at him, it's a view that makes you take your bottom lip between your teeth and you feel your arousal pool up at your core.
A shiver creeps its way up your spine at the feel of his calloused hands on your skin, dragging slowly along every inch of your torso down to where your thighs meet your hips. Your shaky hands gently stroke his soft brown hair, your brows furrowing upwards as he gets closer and closer to where you so desperately need him.
His kisses continue to move downwards until they stop just above the hem of your panties and he smiles up at you. You can't help but giggle softly, the soft flush of your cheeks deepening in color. "Jake..." You muse as his fingers start to dance along the soft white lace of your panties.
"God, you're perfect," he coos between kisses, slowly starting to pull the fabric down your soft skin. "My pretty girl, you wore these for me?" He asks softly, his warm breath fanning over your hot flesh and goosebumps cover your body. His hands move down to ghost over your core, placing a featherlight touch to your heat through your panties.
You let out a shaky sigh and nod, your cheeks somehow turning even more red and your grip on his tightening. Jake hums and puts more pressure on your aching heat, drawing a hot line of wet kisses along the hem of your panties and then down to your clit.
You suck in a loud gasp once you feel his tongue press against you, lapping at your clit through the lace of your panties "Oh.." He doesn't break eye contact, continuing his sweet torture to your aching core. "Jake... Please.." you whine, gently tugging on his hair as you buck your hips against his mouth.
Jake chuckles softly against you and his kisses start to move back upwards, sucking the flesh of your hip into his mouth as his hands slowly pull your panties down. He slides the lace down your legs at a painfully slow pace, drawing a line of kisses down your thigh. You feel the pounding at your center grow worse and worse the further down he moves, your arousal starting to drip past your entrance.
Eventually, he slides your panties off your feet and drops them to the floor beside his bed, instantly returning to his spot at your core. You watch his eyes darken at the sight of your glistening heat, his fingers coming up to drag themselves through your folds. "So pretty," he practically whispers, his voice as sweet as honey and he places a soft peck on your clit "So wet for me."
"Only you, Jake," you giggle, cupping his hot cheek. The fond, content look on your face is quickly replaced with what can only be described as euphoria once he slowly slides two fingers inside of you without warning. "Jake.." you whimper as his tongue slowly slides through your folds, matching the almost uncomfortably slow way his fingers slid into you just moments before.
Jake's fingers start to slowly pump in and out of your entrance and his lips latch around your clit, causing you to throw your head back with a moan that almost sounds like his name. You practically hiss as his fingers curl up into you, hitting a sweet spot "Oh fuck-"
His tongue prods at your clit, rolling over the sensitive bud and making you cry out his name. His free hand reaches up to cup your breasts, kneading the supple flesh behind his rough hands as he continues his attack on your cunt. You can almost feel his smile against your core as he revels in the sounds of your moans and the feeling of you squirming and writhing against him.
"don't stop, baby, please," you blurt with a choked whimper, your hips trembling and bucking against him and you feel yourself already getting close to the edge. He chuckles against your clit, the vibration of it sending shock waves throughout your body, and his fingers speed up. You mewl as his fingers move quicker in and out of you, curling up as they go deeper and hitting a soft spot every. time.
The sensation of his tongue flicking over your clit, his fingers pumping inside you, and his hand toying with your breast drives you absolutely mad. Your back arches off the bed, crying out his name and incoherent profanities as you feel a pressure rising in your stomach. "Jake I'm gonna- oh God," you moan, the words and the way you said them were almost pornographic, and he ate it all up, loving the way he could make you feel like this so easily.
His lips break away from your clit, but his fingers don't slow down as he looks up at you with a look of pure sweetness and love. "Cum for me, sweetheart," he coos, his tongue almost instantly returning to your swollen clit. With a few more curls of his fingers and swirls of his tongue around your clit, that band of pleasure snaps.
His fingers slow down and his soft words coax you through your orgasm, but your senses are far too blinded by the sublime pleasure of your high that you can't hear him. You can't hear or feel anything, really. Anything other than overwhelming euphoria.
"there you go, baby," Jake purrs, placing pecks to your clit as he slowly pulls his fingers from you. You huff a giggle and collapse onto the bed, your chest heaving and your thighs trembling. "Fuck.. where'd you learn to do that?" You huff a breathless laugh, trying to catch your breath. "Guitar fingers," he snickers.
You giggle as Jake slowly climbs over you, holding his fingers to your lips. You don't have to fight it or question it, simply parting your lips and sucking his fingers clean, never breaking eye contact.
Jake comes down to kiss you, tasting you on your tongue as you grant him access. You hum into his mouth, that pounding at your core returning when you feel his hard cock against your thigh. "Jake.." you whisper between kisses. "Need to..." Your hand moves from his hair to the waistband of his trousers "Need to feel you..."
He lets out a low chuckle, his lips traveling down to your neck. His hands meet yours at his waistband, unbuckling his belt and practically throwing it across the room. He props himself up with one hand and the other comes down to caress the soft skin of your hip, letting your frantic hands fumble the button and zipper of his pants for a moment before they finally get them undone.
You push both his pants and his boxers down just enough to free his cock from the jail cell that was the fabric. You almost instantly take him in your hand, letting out an almost inaudible "oh" as you feel his thickness and length in your hand.
Jake lets out a low groan and his hand moves from your hip to your cunt, putting soft pressure on your clit. You gasp and move his cock to line up with your slick entrance, your free arm coming up to sling itself around your shoulder. "Jake..." You whine, looking up at him with the best 'fuck me' eyes you can muster up and moving your hand from his cock to frantically unbutton his shirt, making quick work of ridding him of the fabric.
He smirks, and you can't bite back the moan that escapes your throat as his tip prods at your entrance. He takes your lips in a hot kiss before slowly sinking into you, stretching you out and filling you up so perfectly, he feels as if he was made just for you. Only you.
"Fuck," Jake groans, bottoming out inside you. His hand grasps your thigh and his other presses harder against your clit, sending a shock throughout your entire body. He stays like that for a moment before pulling almost fully out of you, coming back down to hit a soft spot deep inside of you. "Oh my god," you moan, grabbing the sheet harder and tightening your hold around his shoulders.
His hand at your thigh moves to prop himself up before coming down to rest his forehead on yours, setting a sweet, intoxicating pace as his fingers start to rub slow circles onto your clit. Jake groans your name as his hips start to roll into you, your eyes rolling back into your head and pornographic moans rip through your chest at the feeling.
His hips start to speed up slightly, staring into your eyes as he rubs quicker, tighter circles to your clit and sends waves of pleasure through your body. "Oh god- Jake," you cry, digging your fingers into his back as he hits a new sweet spot with every single thrust.
"yeah, that's it, baby. Just feel it," he purrs, taking your lips in a kiss. You're being completely and utterly consumed by him, he's drinking up every bit of your being. Your words, your breaths, your moans. They all belong to Jake.
His name falls from your lips over and over with breathless moans, feeling every inch of him fuck you so sweetly yet so sinfully. "You're doing so good, sweetheart, so good. Fuck. Just take it, baby," Jake coos, and you feel his hips falter. You know he's close, and you're definitely not lasting any longer than him.
"oh fuck, Jake!" You mewl as his fingers press harder against your aching, sensitive clit and his hips roll so sweetly into each and every soft spot buried deep within you. Your walls quiver around him and your vision starts to give out, your moans growing louder and louder until you're all but shouting his name over and over like some kind of dirty prayer.
His cock twitches inside you and he's struggling more and more to contain his whimpers and groans. "You gonna cum with me, love?" He rasps, fucking deeper into you as his fingers speed up against your swollen bundle of nerves.
You nod frantically, feeling your orgasm creep up on you as you clench and quiver around him "Oh fuck- please..." His face comes down to bury into your neck sucking the hot, sweaty skin into his mouth and groaning against the skin. Your entire body is trembling, bucking your hips against him and fucking yourself onto him.
"Give it to me, baby. That's it, fuck. Oh god- cum with me," he rasps, his thrusts becoming more and more sporadic and faltered until he paints your insides with one final movement. The feeling of his hot release inside of you is the tipping point, crying out as your orgasm washes over you like the wild waves of an ocean crashing against the shore.
Neither his thrusts nor his fingers stop or slow down, overwhelming every one of your senses and sending shocks of electricity throughout each and every limb. "Oh fuck- Jake!" You moan, your fingers digging so hard into his back you're sure that you broke the skin. "Fuck- I can't... Can't stop," Jake groans, his words causing your eyes to roll all the way back into your head "God- you feel so fucking good."
Tears prick your eyes and your entire body trembles and shutters at the overstimulation, your entire body on fire. It's almost painful, hot tears rolling down your cheeks as you practically scream strings of inaudible profanities and cries.
But it doesn't take long for the overstimulation to subside, replacing itself with overwhelming pleasure. "Fuck Jake I'm gonna-" you sob, grinding against his hand and fucking harder onto him. "Just feel it, sweet girl. Let go, baby," he rasps, his sweet movements driving you right to the edge for the third time. No man has ever made you feel this way, it's addictive.
Once again, your pleasure robs you of all your senses and feelings, white-hot fire spreading throughout your entire body like a forest in the summer. Jake's own orgasm rips through him just moments after you, the sinful feeling of his hot release spurting into you yet again driving you absolutely, devastatingly insane.
"oh my god," you whimper breathlessly, your entire body shaking. "So good," he whispers, his thrusts slowing to a stop "So.. fucking.. good." You start to giggle, your breaths coming in gasps as you try to reclaim the air stolen from your lungs "I didn't even know I could..."
He chuckles before moving your damp hair away from your face, a cocky smile playing on his gorgeous features "Yeah, well.. you've never had the pleasure of a night with Jake Kiszka before." You giggle, taking his lips in a tender kiss, "Yeah and who's fault is that?"
He snickers "you got me."
You suck in a hiss as he pulls out, and your arms move to wrap around his body, pulling him down onto the bed beside you. "I love you," you whisper against the hot, sweaty flesh of his neck.
"I love you, Y/N," Jake whispers, wrapping his arms around your body.
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bluejay-flies · 3 months
I’ve been thinking, and I’ve decided to put this blog on an official hiatus. I’m sure you guys have noticed the lack of posts recently, and that’s because I’ve just lost a lot of creative motivation recently. I think it’s burnout, and as much as I hate to put the story on pause when it’s already been so slow going recently, I think it’d be better to take a break than risk even worse burnout. 
I might still posts some silly shitposts and artfight attacks depending on my energy level, and I do have a silly interaction comic planned with the wonderful @pokemon-ash-aus that I plan to complete. But thinking about getting the main story done has become more stressful than enjoyable. 
I’m not sure how long this hiatus will last, it’s really just when I feel comfortable continuing the story. Sorry if this is disappointing to anyone (I’m disappointed too) but I’m trying to put my mental and physical health above content creation. That being said, I hope to start posting art again soon because I love this community and everyone in it so much, and I don’t want to miss out on anything. 
Thank you guys for being so understanding in the past with this type of thing, it’s been a long time coming but I kept procrastinating making an official post. I hope everyone understands :)
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69 notes · View notes
Everything at Once Part 5
Dieter Hellstrom x Original Fem Character
Btw this is very short! (Part 6 will be up soon as well!!!)
Sorry that this is later and shittier than expected. I had some personal issues to take care of and I kind of straight up procrastinated lmao. Hopefully y'all like it :)))
Warnings: antisemitism, cursing, some implied angst and smut, Dieter is a sad boi, Hans is meanie lol. Again, I do not support Nazis in any shape or form. This is just for the Inglourious Basterds fandom stuff.
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A few days past and Camille still hasn't heard from Dieter.
Did he forget about her?
Was he hurt?
Did he leave her?
Awful and heartwrenching thoughts clouded Camille's brain. She sat on her rocking chair with a book in her hand, and a self-crocheted blanket on her lap.
Fuck... she thought. Why do I keep thinking about him?
Her mind was flooded with the passion he shared the other night. What would happen if he kept going? Would he be nice?
Her mind then went to the emblems and symbols that scattered that man's uniform. What if he found out? What would he do?
The thought of what Nazis were capable of made her world stop.
Her throat went as dry as sand and tears prickled in her eyes.
Feeling worthless and hopeless, she curled herself in a ball on the chair and weeped.
Why does my first love have to my enemy? She thought.
Eventually the sun would set, people would sleep peacefully and the world would stop turning.
The same evening, Dieter was sat in his god forsaken Gestapo office, going over all the shitty personnel paperwork Hans has so gratefully gifted him.
The personnel paperwork included the Jews and Communists living in the arrondissement in the last ten years that Dieter needs to find and eventually arrest.
Angrily, Dieter flipped over one person's file so roughly it cut the middle of his thumb and index finger.
"Shittttt!" Dieter exclaimed putting the wound to his mouth.
His eyes fell to the paperwork.
The face seemed familiar.
Though in black and white, the long curly hair was a lighter shade, the skin pale, dark lips, light eyes...light doe eyes...
His mind panicked.
Riddled with anxiety, he looked at the person's name...
It cant be.
Robichaux. Camille.
Age 21.
Hair- blonde
Eyes- blue
le septième, Paris.
Owner of Boulangerie François
No communist allegations to date.
Father- in custody
Mother- deceased
Unknown family members - possible hiding/ deceased
Other information unavailable.
Dieter's heart was beating out of his chest at a rapid speed. If it was possible, his skin became paler. Nausea and anxiety filled his body.
His thin fingers traced the picture of the young baker... tears threatening to spill.
Stupid waitress...
A part of him wanted to prove himself to Landa. To prove he isnt some dickhead officer who is capable of being promoted. To prove he isnt some desk jockey.
But a very real part of him sunk heavily in his heart, wanted to hide Camille..to shield her from world. Make her safe.
He looked at the giant swatiska flag in the corner of the room. It mocked him. It displayed nothing but hatred and cowardness.
What can I do to protect her?
I am nothing but a uniform controlled by a pompous asshole.
Footsteps woke Dieter out of his saddened daydream. He stood up straight with his arm raised in a salute welcoming his higher up.
"So...how is paperwork going along, Dieter old boy?" Hans asked smarmy. "Dont tell you fell asleep again?"
It was one time...
"Negative sir. The missing citizens have been traced." Dieter replied emotionless.
Hans walked over slowly to his desk and saw Camille's documents on full display. He picked it up and sighed.
"Our little baker girl, eh? Who knew he was a dirty jew? Her cafe was so clean." Hans said condescendingly.
Dieter tried to swallow the lump in his throat.
Hans looked at him dead in the face.
"Find her tomorrow."
"But Sir..."
"Do not undermine my authority Hellstrom. I gave you an order."
Dieter sighed...
"Do you understand?" The evil stone cold look on Hans's face was chilling.
"Ja, Standartenführer."
"Gut. Keep working. You're not off until you're done." Hand left the room.
Dieter collapsed in his chair with a loud sigh escaping his lips.
He took Camille's documents in his hands and scared at her face. Studying it.
"I'm sorry..."
He downed his glass of whiskey in one go.
He drifted off to the night were Camille was under him, completely submitted. Dirty thoughts clouded his brain space. Her quiet sighs, her soft skin below his fingers, her eyes looking into his...his uniform pants got tight all of a sudden.
He looked at the documents once more. His eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
What if I lie to Landa...everyone lies to the prick so why cant I?
A plan was now in progress for Hellstrom.
He folded up Camilles paper and secretly stuck them in this coat pocket. He grabbed the main "Jew" paper and found her name.
After rummaging through his drawers he found white ink. Carefully and surely erasing Camilles name until there was nothing but a clear white line above the black ink. He blew on the paper to dry for safe measurement. Dieter smiled at himself, feeling accomplished.
But a real feel of crippling guilt creeped in him...
To be continued...
@whore4waltz @rurivu @xoxocillian @fridaycanbesadsometimes @racheljo47 @whitechoc135 @officerh4t @blueberrypancakesworld @hanslandasstrudel @gentlemenashortviewbacktothepast
(Lemme know if u wanna be tagged.)
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lottesreads · 8 months
Why Me? - Part 8
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Mitchell! Female Reader (Callsign Mantis)
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries, flashbacks, abuse, blood, violence, getting kicked out, forbidden relationship, swearing, pining
Word Count: 10k (i'm so sorry)
Summary: An insight to the past has you remembering just how hurt you were. You're still refusing to talk to your dad, and he isn't quite sure how to get you to open up. Even after a meeting with Cyclone, you're reminded you still have an entire team ready to back you up. Rooster is ready to apologize and welcome you back, but are you? (Also, can dogfight football really fix everything?)
A/N: Wow, I really didn't mean for it to get this long but here we are. But also I did procrastinate my homework to do this, and I don't regret it. I hope you all enjoy! Comments and reblogs literally make me cry tears of joy, happy reading!
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10 years ago
Driving your beat up Toyota Corolla down the streets to your mom’s extravagant home was nothing new to you. The anticipatory anxiety wasn’t new either. You had memorized your mom’s work schedule to know when she would or wouldn’t be home when you got back from school, but lately it’s been a little erratic. Almost as much as she was. So was the real estate market you supposed.
You sigh in relief when you don’t see her car in the driveway. In these moments you thanked her husband for owning three cars and parking them all in the garage. You, of course, get to park on the street, which added a couple extra dents to your car that weren’t there before, but you weren’t one to complain. Disappointed maybe, that your pride and joy you spent your summers working at the local smoothie joint to afford, was a little more rough around the edges than when you purchased it.
You check the mailbox at the curb before going in. Of course it was empty. It became a habit ever since you applied to USNA to check the mailbox daily, hopefully to intercept the good or bad news before anyone else could see it. 
The house is quiet as you enter, all three of your step-siblings must be with their mom. And Bret, your step-dad, doesn’t get home until after 5:00 most days, leaving you to your own devices. Even if you wanted to do something fun with the house to yourself, you never dare. The second your mom comes home she would notice if a single crumb was left in the sink. You have been on the receiving end of her anger at the state of the house too many times to count, even if it was Bret’s kids who made it. But of course, she wasn’t going to get mad at them. It always ended up being your fault somehow.
Still, you grab a snack and try carefully not to drop any of the pretzels as you go to your room. It was homework all the time in your last semester of High School. You were still waiting to hear from the Naval Academy, but you wanted your good grades to follow through to the very end of the year. Hours of taking notes kept your hand cramped, but it would all be worth it in the end. At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.  You had spent the last four years working ridiculously hard to maintain your grades, all in the hopes of getting the opportunity your dad and Bradley weren’t afforded. Of course, you’ll never know if Bradley would have been accepted anyway. Which is why you were all too happy to keep this little secret to yourself.
Only a couple short hours later you hear the front door unlock and slam shut. It rattles you out of the Physics textbook you were intently studying, as you straighten up. Whatever she was mad about, it wasn’t good. It was the sound of her heels clacking up the stairs that set you on edge. As they get louder and closer to your room, you turn to face her right as she throws the door wide open. Privacy not a concept she was familiar with. You don’t even notice the bundle of mail in her hand as her eyes glare absolute daggers at you.
“Hi mom, how was work?”, you attempt to start the conversation civilly. It paints you more as a mouse, the way it comes out in a squeak. Her manicured claws squeeze harder around the letters as she throws all but one onto the floor.
“What is this?”, she seethes, holding out the large envelope addressed to you. Your blood runs cold as your shaky hands take it from her and the USNA insignia in the top left corner is revealed.
“I-”, you swallow, “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”, she blinks.
“I’m sure it’s some sort of recruiting thing they send to all seniors”, you try to reason. She clicks her tongue, folding her arms.
“Then open it and let’s find out.” There is no room for argument as she raises her brows for you to continue, her eyes still alight with pure rage. Your heart beats faster as your shaky fingers slowly tear open the envelope. They don’t stop as you withdraw the paper. Tears start to form in your eyes as you read the first line of the letter. The excitement you had for any of this is quickly overrun by fear as your mom interrupts you.
“Read it outloud.” Swallowing, you clear your throat without giving her a look and start to read.
“Dear Miss Mitchell, congratulations. We are pleased to offer you an appointment to the United States Naval Academy…”, your voice wavers off toward the end. The moment you had so looked forward to was being tainted as you spoke. You begin to chew on your lip as your eyes slowly make their way back to your mom. Her jaw is set as she stares you down. “Mom-”
“I don’t even know where to start with you”, she seethes. “After years and years of wasting my own life to give you one, this is how you repay me? By throwing it all away, and for what? The chance to be like your father? Or- or Carole’s kid who can’t even be bothered to talk to you anymore?” The use of Carole’s name has you snapping your head back from where it hung in fear.
“Don’t talk about them.” She scoffs at your tiny show of courage.
“I just don’t understand how you could do this to me! You’re not going.” She says with an edge of finality.
“You aren’t going. That is final. No daughter of mine will be sucked into this trap.” Staring back down at your lap, you hope to find one last bit of courage sewn within the denim of your jeans.
“Mom, I’m- I’m going”, you manage to stutter out.
“No you’re not”, she bites back. “You know how I feel about your father, about this, and for some reason I just can’t get through to you.” She scoffs again and paces around your room, heels clicking with each step. You stand as she inspects the picture frames on your bookshelf, it wouldn’t be the first time she broke something of yours, and you want to be able to stop it if it happens again. “Do you know how much I gave up to raise you? How hard it was- is to be your mother?” What she says doesn’t hurt as much as it used to when you were younger, but it still stings every time. Like rubbing salt in an old wound that didn’t heal properly.
“I didn’t ask to be brought into this world”, you defend, your voice raising slightly. “And I’m sorry if it was so hard to be my mom, but you’re the one who brought me back after every summer. You could have left me with my dad if I was that much of a burden to you!” Before you’re able to register it, she’s moved closer and has her claws wrapped around your arms, pushing you against your desk. In her heels she’s only a couple inches taller than you, but it feels much bigger as she towers over you.
“Do NOT talk back to me you ungrateful brat!” Her fingers grow tighter as she shakes you. You blink rapidly as you wince in pain. “Your father is my biggest regret in life. I wouldn’t have wasted all those years raising his child just to know you would end up being just like him.” She steps away, gathering her thoughts as she turns her back to you. You thought it was only possible to feel fear when in your mother’s presence, even if you were ever angry it was quickly tamped down by the threat of her own rage. This feeling now is new. The one that has you clenching your fists, gathering the courage from the back of your mind to say something. Maybe it’s the fact that it’s all come down to this one boiling point. And you weren’t about to give up your dreams just to keep the peace one last time.
“Stop blaming me for all your downfalls, when you’re the one who slept with him in the first place!” You don’t see it coming. The backhand you had grown used to smacks across your face, causing you to fall back and slide to the floor. The taste of metal fills your mouth as you bring your hand to cradle where she just hit. The spot on your lip you had been chewing earlier has split from her ring, blood coating your fingers as you bring them away from your mouth. She eyes her ring, taking it off and pocketing it to clean later.
As your face starts to throb as your jaw wobbles, the woman before you crouches and puts her finger in your face while you cower on the floor. “When you leave, don’t even bother coming back. I mean it. Don’t come crying to me when you realize you can’t last a day, because once you exit this house, you are not my daughter anymore.”
You start packing that night. The rooms at the Academy aren’t available until a couple weeks before the school year starts, but you want to be ready when they are.
You go to school the next day, turn in your homework like you always do, and if people ask about your lip, you tell them the same little lie, “I was just playing basketball and it bounced wrong and hit me in the face.” They seem to believe it, even though you don’t have a hoop, or a basketball for that matter.
When you drive home the first thing you notice is all the boxes on the front porch. Your boxes. Scrambling to the front door, you attempt to unlock it with your key, but it doesn’t fit the lock. Your mom’s car sits in the driveway as you knock and knock, eventually pleading with her to let you in. The house remains silent, as if she isn’t in the kitchen nursing a glass of wine.
Realizing there’s nothing you can do, you pack your car with the few possessions you have and start driving. The tears start falling down your face as you look in your rearview mirror and see what little boxes your entire life has been packed into. You find yourself at a local park, one you’ve passed everyday on your way to school. The sun is shining as you pull out your phone and decide to make one last ditch attempt for help. Clicking Bradley’s name, you hold your phone to your ear and beg as it rings that he picks up. Just this once. The robotic voice tells you he’s unable to get to the phone as you hang your head, your split lip pouting until the beep indicates it’s your turn to talk.
“Hey Bradley. I know we haven’t talked in a while”, you sniffle, “but if there’s any chance you’re hearing this, please pick up”, you start to sob. “I really need to talk to you… I don’t know who else to- to call. Just please, please call me back.” You manage in between your cries. “I miss you, and I hope you’re ok.” You click the button to end it before you ramble on too much. Staring back up to the park, you watch the families playing with their kids. A mom chasing her daughter as she hides behind the slide, a dad throwing a baseball with his son. If someone were to look on they’d probably find it creepy, but you don’t care. You stay until it gets dark, and even after you end up staying your first night of many in your car.
Present Day
Cyclone’s office is unarguably the largest on base. The fact that he has his own waiting room and assistant is a testament to that fact. You’re sitting in said waiting room, across from Rooster, who is still sporting a large bruise. It’s starting to turn the slightest shade of green on the outside, but it’s still rather purple.
Your dad- or Captain Mitchell right now, is inside with Cyclone, discussing the potential for you to be punished. At least that’s what you’re assuming since you assaulted an officer. After dinner Saturday, your dad attempted to talk to you but you shut him out and stayed in your room all night. It wasn’t any better yesterday. He gave you your space, but you could hear him pacing downstairs the entire day, just waiting for you to come out. Bob checked in a couple times just to see how you were feeling, but other than that you kept to yourself.
You didn’t leave your room at all, even when your dad eventually came up to bring you food, he left it outside your door. All while letting you know he was going to be on base early tomorrow to talk to Cyclone, allowing you to drive by yourself this morning. You had barely stepped foot on base when you were intersected by Warlock telling you Admiral Simpson wanted to see you in his office. It struck you with panic causing you to start chewing on your lip, and it didn’t bode well that Rooster was also there waiting when you arrived.
Rooster clears his throat and your stern gaze shoots up to him.
“Sorry”, he quickly lets out. Taking a deep breath in, you let your head fall back to the wall and allow the awkward silence to continue. It occurred to you when you sat down how much this felt like being called to the principal’s office. Except in this case, the punishments were far worse than being put in detention.
The door to Cyclone’s office opens and the two of you stand as Maverick walks out. Clearing his throat he greets you, “Lieutenants.”
“Sir”, you let out in unison. He walks past the two of you as Cyclone’s assistant lets you know you can both enter. Straightening your khaki pants, Rooster allows you to walk in first and the two of you stand to attention in front of his desk. He sits in his seat, staring out the window, and turns to look at the two of you fully, doing a slight double take as his gaze washes over Rooster.
“I am going to tell the two of you what I told Captain Mitchell'', he starts, voice as deep and ruling as always, “The U.S. government does not sign my paychecks to be a god damn babysitter. If you cannot get along as a team, then you will not fly as one. I will send one or the other to another squadron faster than you can say ‘Yes Sir’. Am I clear?”
“Yes sir”, the two of you respond.
“Being on this squadron is a privilege, not a right. The two of you are on thin ice. If either of you have a problem, you better let me know now so I can find the next pilot who will gladly fill your spot in a second flat.” His gaze darts between the two of you as your palms grow sweaty. “Understood?”
“Yes sir.” He eyes Rooster’s face once more, and then back to you very briefly.
“Rooster, if there is anything you would like to let me know about I suggest you say it now.” Swallowing, you can see Rooster out of the corner of your eye do the same.
“No, sir. There is not.”
“You won’t mind me asking where you got the shiner from then?” He asks as he eyes you, you’re more thankful than ever your hands are behind your back at the moment.
“Tripped and hit my face on some stairs, sir.” Your breathing slows slightly as Rooster covers for you. It makes you feel the slightest bit guilty for hitting him in the first place.
“Rooster, you are dismissed.” Your heart tightens in your chest as Rooster exits, leaving just you and the fire breathing dragon. He turns his attention to a pile of papers on his desk as he fans them out.
“I have to tell you, I was initially surprised I hadn’t had to call you in here earlier, given your father’s reputation. But, taking another look at your records, I’m surprised you’re in here at all.” You remain still as stone, staring at the wall just above his head. “Top of your class at the Academy, as well as Top Gun, and yet, you’re still in my office.” Raising a brow, he brings his full attention back to you. “Why is that, Lieutenant Mitchell?” You scoff internally at him questioning you instead of Rooster.
“Things got out of hand, sir. It won’t happen again.” Sighing, he stands and faces his window, gazing upon his domain.
“I wasn’t hesitant when Admiral Kazansky suggested you be added to this detachment. Your records speak for themselves. The insistence on having Captain Mitchell in charge however, made me more skeptical. How would that look?” He turns to you once more. “Having a parent and child in the same squadron? Rooster might know your dad, but on paper you have more to gain. And your flying ability doesn’t mean anything when politics are involved. It doesn’t matter what was said.” Setting both hands on his desk, he leans forward, his piercing gaze burning a hole through your facade, “I am going to give you some advice, and it is in your best interest to listen and listen good. What happened last week cannot happen again. Tread lightly, keep your head down, and do what you came here to do. Your job.” Punctuating the last two words with his finger pounding on the desk, he finally takes his seat. “You are dismissed.” 
You hold your breath all the way to the hallway. Once out of sight from anyone, you take in a deep breath and let it out through your nose, collecting yourself before making your way to the women’s locker room. You know he’s right. You let yourself get comfortable, and once you get comfortable things start to crumble. It’s like everything you touch gets ruined and breaks right under your fingertips. This was no exception. You had to be better, do better. Emotions are where you lose control, say things you shouldn’t say, and you get justly punished for them.
You are still before the locker room door, taking in a breath before letting yourself in. Halo is lacing up her boots while Phoenix slips her flight suit on when you get to your locker. They both greet you with a small smile as you start to change uniforms.
“How was your meeting with the air boss?” Phoenix asks, already knowing all about it apparently. “Did he totally lay into Rooster?”
“If he laid into him more than you did, I’d be surprised he’s still standing”, Halo comments.
“Wait, what did you say to him?”, you ask Phoenix as she rolls her eyes.
“Something along the lines of ‘what the fuck is wrong with you’, ‘why are you being such a dicktroll’, and ‘I can’t even look at you right now’”, Halo lists off for her.
“Dicktroll?”, you laugh, “That’s a new one.”
“Yeah well, when I’m mad the words just start coming out of my mouth.” 
“He’s still your friend”, you mutter. “And I said some regrettable things, too.”
“Mantis. You’re my friend. I don’t even know if I would call him that after this. And yeah, I know you separately and out of whatever mess you’re in now, but I know when someone is being an asshole. And Rooster was being a major asshole. What you said didn’t warrant what he told everyone” She catches your shoulder as you finish zipping up your flight suit, “I’m gonna have your back no matter what, ok? And I guarantee everyone else in that room will, too.” You turn to Halo as she nods in agreement.
“I appreciate it, truly”, you thank them as you begin to tie up your own boots.
“What did Cyclone say to you, though?” Halo asks.
“Um”, you cough, “Basically I’m just happy to even still be here.”
“What does that mean?” Phoenix asks as her brows furrow.
“Doesn’t matter”, you reply, patting her back as the three of you leave the locker room.
Maverick is already at the front of the room, talking with Hondo as you walk in behind Halo and Phoenix. Bob smiles at the two of them, and you think for a second you see it get slightly wider as he spots you behind them. It almost makes you forget that everyone is trying and failing to hide the fact that they’re thinking about what Rooster said.
That fact alone has you crawling in your skin just a little bit. Bob turns to you as you open your notebook to where you were taking notes on Friday. You try your best to ignore the flits of eyes that turn your way, but you can still feel them on you.
“Hey”, he smiles.
“Hey”, you smile right back.
“How’s your hand feelin?”, he whispers.
“Oh that”, looking down at it, you stretch your fingers out and wiggle them, “Definitely feeling a lot better.” Phoenix turns at your own words, eyes widening as she looks at the discoloration on your knuckles.
“Jesus, what happened?” You’re about to tell her the same lie you told Penny, but before you’re able to open your mouth, Hangman whistles from his seat on the other side of the aisle. Everyone’s eyes follow Rooster as he makes the uncomfortable trek to the back of the room. Phoenix’s eyes quickly move from the bruise on his face back to your hand as you tuck it under your opposite one. A slow smile creeps on her face as she realizes how you stood up for yourself. “Nice shot”, she whispers to you.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about”, you whisper back as you pretend to look through your notes.
“Rooster”, Maverick’s voice speaks from the front, “Take a seat up here please”, he asks as he motions to the vacant seat next to you. Your brows furrow as do Rooster’s.
“Now”, he responds rather sternly. Rooster follows his orders and he sits next to you as you stiffen. The rest of the room is silent as they wait for Mav to start the day.
“It has been brought to my attention that there has been some hostility amongst this team.” If it wasn’t at all obvious he was talking about you and Rooster, the ways his eyes wander to the two of you confirm the fact to everyone. “If you can’t act as a team, it is incredibly hard to fly as a team, and when you don’t fly as a team, people get hurt.” He eyes the room as everyone looks on in anticipation. “That being said, we’re going to start today with a little… exercise.” He says the last word with a hint of a smirk on his face.
“I will ask each of you a question. If you get it wrong you will have to do 10 pushups. If you get it right, however, you can choose anyone in our squad to do those 10 pushups for you.” People start to groan around the room at the prospect of not answering a question correctly.
“Rooster”, your dad starts, “When did the U.S. land on the moon?”
“Um, July 1969”, he responds, no doubt he has the right answer.
“Wrong, the correct answer is July sixteenth, 1969. Drop and give me 10.” Rooster blinks in surprise, but does as he says. Everyone shifts in their seats, realizing how nitpicky he’s being about these answers.
“Phoenix, what year was Top Gun founded?”
“It was 1969, and I believe it was in-”
“Correct”, your dad interrupts her. “Who would you like to give your push ups to?” She smiles slightly and turns to where Rooster has just sat back down after finishing his pushups.
“You heard her, give me another 10, Rooster.” He does as he’s told, once more dropping to the floor.
“Payback, when was the Declaration of Independence signed?” Payback laughs slightly at the question, before noticing the very serious look on Maverick’s face.
“July 4, 1776, sir.”
“Very good, who gets your pushups?”
“Rooster”, he responds immediately. Payback looks over, sending you a small nod and smile, and you give it right back. Rooster stays down this time, as Hondo, who is all too happy to be doing this, counts his pushups from the back of the room. You watch across the room as everyone’s eyes light up. Maverick continues to go around asking possibly the easiest U.S. History questions, and everytime a member of the squad gets their answer inevitably right, they assign their punishment to Rooster. Your heart warms that every time someone gives their correct answer, they spare you a glance or a nod, subtly acknowledging they’re doing it for you.
Rooster’s starting to sweat and slow down as Maverick finally gets to you. His eyes grow a touch softer as they look at you. He clears his throat, asking his final question, “Mantis, who was the first American woman in space?” A small smile creeps on your face at what seems to everyone else to be a surface-level question.
“Sally Ride”, you answer. The memory of being 8 with dreams of being an astronaut fill your head. One summer at the Bradshaw’s, a documentary about Sally Ride was airing on t.v. and thinking it would be good for you to see a female role model, Carole left it on for you to watch. Turns out, you got a little too obsessed, to the point Carole hand-made a NASA jumpsuit for you to wear on Halloween months later. Bradley even helped you memorize the planets in the solar system that summer, telling you that’s the first thing you needed to know if you were going to be an astronaut. He was 14 at the time, and could have been doing a number of other things than hanging out with an eight year old, but he stayed with you the entire summer. It was one where your dad was deployed the last month, but he stuck by to make sure you never got lonely. You still knew the planet song he made up to help you memorize them like the back of your hand.
“Who gets your pushups?”, he asks, even as a formality now. As you stare at Rooster, who is behind on his last two sets, you’re reminded of that 14-year-old, who stayed with you when you were alone, and taught you how to go after what you wanted. The memory causes a lapse in your anger, and just this once you decide to go easy on him.
“Can I give them to you, sir?” His eyes go a bit wide as he blinks away his surprise. “You are technically a part of this team, are you not?”
“I guess, yeah- I am. Alright Hondo”, he says as he situates himself on the ground, “Count me out.”
Rooster and Maverick finish their pushups almost simultaneously, which leaves the rest of the time in the classroom to go over more flight maneuvers for the following week.
Bob saves you a seat at lunch like he’s been doing it forever, and you are more than happy to sit next to him.
“Do you realize that yesterday was the first day in like 3 weeks we haven’t seen each other in person?” You ask, taking a chip off of his plate.
“Wow”, he remarks, watching you so casually sharing each other's food. “I mean I did notice… It was awfully quiet at my house.” He gives you a small smile as you lightly shove his shoulder.
“Shut up.”
“What were you doing yesterday?”
“Quite literally nothing”, you reply, taking in a deep breath. Bob continues eating as you mull over your next words. “Rooster was at dinner on Saturday.”
“Are you serious?” He asks, almost choking on a chip.
“Yeah”, you nod, “He told me he was sorry, again.”
“How did that go?”, he treads lightly. You sigh, glancing across the mess-hall to see Rooster eating at a table by himself. For once he’s the one who looks lonely, and you can’t help but feel a little sorry for him. But then again, he did this to himself.
“I don’t know, I think he was angry at me for the wrong reasons, which made him feel worse about what he said.”
“He should feel bad about it. It doesn’t matter if they were the wrong reasons, he shouldn’t have said it at all.”, Bob mutters, causing you to look back at him. He blinks a couple times under your gaze as you don’t look away. “What?”
“Thanks for having my back”
“Of course, I’ll always have your back”, his smile gets a little more full, a little more crooked the longer you two look at each other. And you can feel the same happening to your own smile before you look over Bob’s shoulder to see Phoenix heading your way. Dropping her lunch bag on the table has you scooting the slightest bit away from Bob, just to create a little more distance between the two of you.
“Soo”, she draws out, “I know it’s been a wild few days, but are you two still coming to my house this weekend?” Shit, you forgot all about the party she invited you to. “I’m officially uninviting Rooster if that sways you in anyway.” Chuckling slightly, you look over her shoulder and watch Rooster as he picks at his own food.
“It’s fine, Phoenix. Like Mav said, if we can’t work as a team it’s hard to fly as one.” You decide.
“This is a party, Mantis. One in which I would not like to invite losers and assholes into my home, and he fits into both of those categories.”
“So does Hangman”, you reply as she rolls her eyes. “He did apologize to me, and I believe him.”
“Did you forgive him, though?”, Bob chimes in.
“That’s beside the point. Whatever is going on with me and Rooster doesn’t involve the rest of you, and I never should have brought it into work.” Phoenix looks on in contemplation as Bob gives you an earnest look in understanding. “Plus, we have direct orders to be on our best behavior.”
“I’ll think about it”, she trails off. There’s a lull in the conversation as you continue to eat until Phoenix turns to Bob. “Rachel’s friend Emily is gonna be there, too.” You stop eating, trying to glance at Bob’s reaction through the corner of your eye.
“Phoenix-”, he groans, “I’ve already told you I don’t want to be set up on any dates.”
“And why not?”, she probes. “I just wanna see you happy, you’re like my little brother now.”
“I just…”, his eyes move quickly from Phoenix to glance at you once before she moves on.
“It’s not even a date”, she reasons, “Just come to the party and meet her. That’s all I’m asking.” The conversation ends with that as you ponder Phoenix’s words. You don’t view Bob as a brother at all, but you want to see him happy. You’re happy whenever you’re with him, and you hope he’s happy, too. But you know it’s not sufficient. Bob deserves love, something you can’t give him, and something you don’t even know he wants from you. Even if it was a possibility.
The next day, your father takes a strange but familiar route to get the team back in its groove. He lets you know that day before you leave to meet at the Hard Deck instead of on base, and an immediate buzz fills the air. Everyone already knows what’s going down.
“Your dad’s not one for talking is he?” Fanboy asks as you trudge your way through the sand.
“No, no he is not”, you respond while placing your sunglasses over your eyes. Your dad had explicitly stated to you the day before that he got permission this time for an entire beach day. This explanation had come no further than two seconds after you had asked if Cyclone was going to make a surprise appearance this time.
The San Diego sun is as harsh as ever as the sweltering heat threatens to melt the sun screen right off your skin. Following Payback and Fanboy from the parking lot of the Hard Deck, you meet your father and the rest of the squad closer to the water. Everyone else is already shirtless and ready to start, except for Bob of course. Much to your battling emotions of relief and disappointment. You catch his eye, and make your way over to him as he talks to Omaha and Phoenix.
“Are you ready for some team bonding?” Phoenix asks you sarcastically as you roll your eyes.
“So ready. What better way to get over a fight than throwing balls and tackling each other?” You add with a cheery fakeness that has Bob chuckling. Hondo whistles, taking your attention away from the tall WSO as the day commences.
“Alright, listen up!”, your dad starts, “Today’s training is dogfight football. I’m choosing the teams this time.” Rolling your eyes at the notion, you turn to Bob.
“How much you wanna bet he puts me on a team with Rooster and Hangman?”, you whisper through the side of your mouth. Glancing down at you through his tinted prescription lenses, he chuckles slightly.
“I’m not a gambling man, but I’d bet it all on that”, you smile and shake your head, catching sight of Rooster off to the side of everyone. He’s already looking in your direction, causing you to furrow your brows and look back to your dad.
“Starting with team number one, we have Mantis, Rooster, Hangman, Fanboy, Omaha, and Yale.” He announces as you scoff only loud enough for Bob to hear.
The teams move to gather in huddles before the game starts, and as Hangman and Omaha argue over who gets to be the quarterback, you watch as Fanboy and Yale attempt to come up with a solution. You don’t even notice Rooster at first as he stands next to you. He clears his throat, startling you slightly as you look in his direction, then back to the boys fighting.
“I wanted to say thank you for not giving me your push ups yesterday.” You know an olive branch when you see one, having offered him multiple over many years. Still, you don’t look away from the display of toxic masculinity in front of you before answering.
“Don’t mention it.”
“Seriously, I appreciate it.” You don’t respond to him this time, prompting him to fill the silence between the two of you. “Mantis, I really am sorry-”
“What are you doing, Rooster?”, you ask now, turning to face him. He’s taken aback by your abruptness as he stammers for a response.
“I just thought maybe since-”
“Since Cyclone told us to play nice?” You finish for him. “Don’t get it twisted, Rooster. My actions from yesterday are purely so that I can remain on this team. I worked my ass off to get here, and I am not going to let you of all people jeopardize that.” Walking away from him, you tear the football out of Hangman’s hands while he’s distracted. “Do we have a game plan or what?”
Bob is desperately trying to pay attention to Maverick reiterating the rules of dogfight football, but his eyes keep wandering back to you as you stand next to Hangman. You’re wearing a loose tank top and he can see your sports bra through the sides, leaving the tiniest sliver of skin available for his eyes to roam over. You’re trying your best to act interested even though you know this game front and back. He catches your eyes wandering over the squad, and through his sunglasses he sees you widen your eyes in fake agony. He smiles as you continue to roll your eyes, and as he shakes his head in an attempt to hide his laugh, he glances over and finds Rooster staring at him. Squaring his shoulders as if he’s been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to, Bob turns his attention back to Mav.
The game gets ready to start, you and Bob being chosen to snap the footballs. “Get ready to go down, Floyd”, you joke as you bend forward, setting the football on the sand. He mirrors your actions, and as he bends forward, he forgets any response he was about to say. From where he’s bent over, he can see right down your tank top and sports bra, giving him the perfect view of your cleavage. Swallowing, and looking back to your eyes, you don’t seem to notice his miniscule distraction. He barely even hears the whistle before you’re snapping the ball to Hangman and attempting to block the rest of his team. His hands feel a little more clammy than before the game started.
In order to keep your team happy, the decision is made to keep switching positions. You think it’s a good idea at the time, but as you run slightly backwards in order to try to catch the ball, you don’t even see what you’re hitting until the wind is knocked out of you. In an attempt to catch the ball Omaha’s thrown, your arms are stretched out, but you ultimately end up with your arms full of Bob as the two of you hit the sand hard.
Hondo blows his whistle, signaling everyone to stop as Bob groans from beneath you. The vibration of his chest against yours distracts you from the ache in your temple as you sit up to stare down at his face, eyes squinting in pain.
“Oh my god, are you ok?” You ask, assessing for any injuries.
“I’m fine, are you ok?”, he manages to slip out. His face looks fine, but as you quickly sit off to the side of him to assess the rest of his body, his hand moves to his face. “Oh geez”, he mutters. Glancing back up to his eyes as he sits up, a gush of blood pours out of the hand now clutching his nose. The rest of the team has gathered around you, and a couple people wince through their teeth at the amount of liquid pooling in his hand.
“Oh shit”, you let out without really meaning to. “Does anyone have a towel?” The team scrambles at the urgency in your voice, and without having to say anything else, a towel is plopped into your lap. You immediately move to replace Bob’s hand with the beach towel, holding it right beneath his nostrils which are simultaneously releasing blood.
Mav moves to bend down next to the two of you, “Here, let me see.” You take the towel away just for a second to let your dad inspect Bob’s nose as he looks up. There’s blood dripping over his lips and chin, prompting you to place the towel back.
“Is Penny working tonight?”, you ask, glancing back from the Hard Deck just beyond the sand.
“Yeah she should be in.”
“Good, I’m gonna take Bob up there and try to get this to stop bleeding.”
“Yeah, we should probably call it a day”, Mav replies as he places a hand under Bob’s elbow to help him up.
“No, I’m fine really”, Bob’s muffled and now nasally voice replies. “You guys keep playin’, I’ll go and take care of this.”
“You are not doing that by yourself”, you reply, almost amused at the fact he thinks he can get rid of you that easily. There’s no room for argument in your voice as you throw one of his arms over your shoulder to guide him up the sand to the bar. Phoenix steps in front of you before you leave.
“You got him?” She asks, her features twisted in a grimace as she examines his face.
“I’ve got him”, you reassure her as she watches you pass. Your arm is around his waist while his lies across your shoulders, and you’re trying ridiculously hard to focus on the task at hand instead of his warm body encasing yours. Bob on the other hand wants to tell you he can walk perfectly fine, but he doesn’t want to risk you letting him go. His nose is starting to throb, but all he can feel is your bare shoulders against his skin as your smaller hand grips his waist.
Once arriving at the bar, you walk through the glass door until Penny sees the two of you and rushes over.
“What happened?”, she asks as she watches you help Bob into the air conditioned building.
“There was a small crash”, you explain. “Do you have any towels or ice?” It’s still fairly early in the evening, the sun not setting quite yet, but the first patrons who have sat down in the bar look at the two of you with wide eyes.
“Of course”, she blinks as she moves behind the bar. “There’s a couch in my office, you can take him back there and I’ll get you something else to clean him up with.” You do as she says and open the door to her office, gently letting Bob sit down on the small loveseat, taking the seat next to him. He’s still holding the towel to his nose as he tries to lean back.
“Wait, you’re not supposed to tilt your head back”, you tell him. Gingerly placing your hand on the back of his head, you tilt him so he’s leaning forward slightly. With your other you’re lightly pinching his nose to help stop the bleeding while he holds the towel. Bob can’t help but think how you seem to already know every trick and quirk to stop the bleeding. How you must have had to clean up your own nose bleeds. 
Your brows have been in a constant furrow since the collision, and he takes in the way your teeth chew on your lip.
“Hey”, he tries to muffle through the towel. Your gaze shifts from his nose up to his eyes. “I’m ok, really.” You give him a doubtful look as you pinch his nose. Your elbow rests on his shoulder, hand still cradling the back of his head.
“How’s your head?” You ask in earnest.
“Haven’t had any complaints yet”, he responds as soon as you’re done asking. His comment causes you to crack a smile, clearing the furrow out of your brows as you laugh.
“You did not just say that to me”, you laugh. Bob laughs along with you as he tries to breathe through his mouth. Using his shoulder as support, you lean forward and laugh closer to him.
“Ok I’ve got-”, Penny walks in on the two of you, causing her to pause in the doorway, “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah everything’s fine”, you wave off her concern
“Good… I’ve got some wet rags and a bag of ice.”
“Thank you”, you reply, still trying to stifle your laugh with Bob. Confusion is written all over her face as you turn back to her.
“Right, well… I’ll just be at the bar if you need anything else.” Your eyes are still crinkled from laughing, and Bob smiles at the notion. Your eyes meet his again through the same tinted lenses, warping the color of his irises. The dust settles from your laughing fit and it’s just the two of you in Penny’s cramped office, perched on the edge of the ratty old sofa she must have got in a garage sale. You’re still cradling the back of his head as your fingers absentmindedly play with the short hair. He sucks in a breath, stopping your movements.
“Did I hurt you?”
“No, that’s not- No I’m fine”, you manage to hear him through the towel. Looking at the bright yellow tropical flowers of the cotton now stained in crimson, you slowly remove your fingers from his nose.
“Does it feel like it’s still bleeding?” Bob attempts to sniff through his nose as he takes the towel away from his face.
“No, I think we’re ok.” You wince at the sight of slightly-dried blood that is now smeared from his nostrils down his chin and neck. It’s soaked into the yellow of his t-shirt, leaving a stain you don’t think he’ll be able to get out easily. “That bad, huh?”
“No, not too bad”, you attempt to lie to him. Obviously not doing that great of  a job as he squints his eyes at you. Looking to get away from his playful glare, you eye a box of tissues just behind him. Reaching around him, you grab a few tissues and start to twist them.
“What are you doing?”
“We gotta plug you up.”
“Excuse- plug me up?” He laughs.
“Before we get all the blood off, we just gotta make sure it’s not gonna start bleeding again.” You hand him the first piece of tissue as he delicately places it in one nostril. “Otherwise you’re just gonna have to clean yourself up again.” He glances back up at you, this time with an unreadable gaze. Like he’s trying to study you. “What?”
“Nothing.” You eye him suspiciously as you hand him the other tissue. His eyes move to your fingers stained with his blood, and he looks away again in contemplation as you grab the wet rag.
“Seriously, what is it?” He shrugs.
“Nothing.” Huffing out a breath of frustration, you reach into the pocket of your gym shorts, taking a penny out and placing it in the palm of his hand. He smiles slightly at the notion of you just having this in your pocket, moving the penny to his crimson fingertips. The hint of a smile on his face is quickly replaced with a lopsided frown. “I- I’m sorry you know how to do all of this.” Your shoulders slump as he avoids your gaze. “And I’m sorry you have to do it again.”
“Bob- it’s ok.” You tell him softly, he glances back up, eyebrows twisted.
“It’s not though.. You shouldn’t be an expert at this.” Chewing your lip once more, you stare deeply into his eyes as they gaze back in worry.
“Bobby, I’m ok. I’m ok now and that’s what matters.” Bob is trying his best to believe you, but the image of you crying on the floor of the women’s locker room comes to mind. Then the feeling of your tears soaking his flight suit. You squeeze his hand around the penny once, gaining his attention once more.
“Ok”, he responds just above a whisper. You grant him a small smile in the silence that lingers, reaching back for the wet rag to clean him up with. It’s dried more since you’ve sat down, but you’re still just as gentle with your swipes across his chin. Glancing at his face, you notice there’s a couple specks of blood on the apples of his cheeks, almost underneath his frames.
“May I?” you ask, motioning to his glasses.
“Sure”, he breathes out. Your hands slowly rise and slide the glasses off his face, folding them and placing them gently on the table next to you. The breath is just about knocked out of your lungs as his wide, sky blue eyes blink at you for the first time without a barrier. You’re stuck for a moment in time, just admiring the color and how intently they look at you. You’re broken out of your trance as a drop of water from the rag slides down your hand, dripping on your lap.
Continuing where you left off, you dab at what was previously covered by his glasses, moving down beneath his nose and around his chin and mouth. The rag you were using is now stained a light red and you switch it out with the spare one Penny brought. The bar has gotten a little louder now as the day turns to evening, but it’s still muffled through the door and hallway. It’s quiet enough you can still hear Bob breathing so close to you. Your other hand gently nudges his chin upward so as to gain access to his neck, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. Once you’ve ensured his neck is clean, you look back on his face, hoping to get the spots you missed.
“You can look down now”, you whisper. You don’t know why you started talking so quietly, maybe to preserve a moment of silence you don’t get to enjoy so much, but as he looks back at you, you understand it’s just to preserve Bob. If you don’t disrupt the bubble you’ve put yourself in, it won’t burst. And you can stay in this moment with him for as long as you decide to. He doesn’t tell you he can clean himself up, even though both of you are thinking it. And you’re glad he doesn’t say anything. Right now it’s just the two of you, in this stolen moment in time where nothing else exists beyond the four walls of the dingy office.
Your hand moves instinctively to cradle his jaw, just to get a better hold on him while you wipe around his lips. With the rag wrapped around your finger, you swipe underneath the plush of his bottom lip, then over the top. Your eyes move slightly up, to check for any more blood, but catch sight of the tissues sticking out of his nose. It catches Bob off guard as you start to chuckle.
“What?” He asks this time. You lean back slightly, both hands now in your lap, to get a full view of his face and start to laugh a little harder. “What is it?” He presses, starting to laugh as well.
“You look absolutely ridiculous.”
“You’re the one who said I had to ‘plug myself up’”, he mocks, not meaning to laugh at the end of his sentence.
“At least it’s not a tampon up your nose”, you mutter. His brows raise at your comment.
“A what?”, he stammers.
“Would you believe me if I told you that Bradley’s mom shoved a tampon up his nose to get it to stop bleeding?” He chuckles in surprise, but also at the thought of a now adult Bradley with a tampon dangling out of his nose. “That was actually the first time I saw a bloody nose, I thought he was dying”, you smile at the memory.
“What happened?”, Bob asks. Setting the now bloodied rag next to the old one, you grab the bag of ice.
“Back in his old neighborhood he had some really annoying neighbor kids. Brad took me to the park, and these three eleven year olds would not let me swing on the damn swings. Then they started saying some really mean things, and that’s when Bradley stepped in. He told them to apologize to me and share the swings and they refused. He-”, laughing at the image you continue, “he shoved one of them off the swings, picked me up, and started to help me swing.” Shaking your head at the memory, you reach up and gently rest the ice pack against Bob’s nose as he watches your face the entire time. 
“Not five minutes later, all three kids are back, this time with their older brother. Keep in mind, Bradley was only twelve, and their brother was just about to start high school and absolutely huge. Brad tried to calmly explain what happened, but before he could get a word in, this guy decks him. I ran to the house to grab Carole, screaming that this kid was going to kill him. We raced back to the park, and once this guy saw a raging Carole Bradshaw running full speed towards him he sprinted the other way”, you smile.
“Bradley’s nose was bleeding and I just started bawling, thinking that this is it. He’s dying.” Bob laughs with you as you readjust the ice on his face. “We walked him back to the house, and the first thing she did was shove a tampon up his nose, while explaining to me that he was going to be fine.” Your laughing subsides as well as your own smile as you reminisce.
“Carole Bradshaw sounds like a woman that should not be messed with.” Bob comments, bringing your gaze back upon him.
“Yeah”, you sigh. “She was a fierce protector. They both were.” Bob’s hand searches for your own, squeezing softly.
“Mantis-”, whatever Bob is about to say is cut short as someone clears their throat from the door. The two of you look up to find Rooster, only this time Bob’s hand doesn’t stray from your own. It holds your fingers more firmly at the sight of him.
“Sorry”, Rooster interrupts. “Mav wanted me to check in, see how Bob’s doing.” He glances between your connected hands, then back at where you’re icing his nose. You clear your own throat this time as your hand retreats from its place in Bob’s.
“Yeah, he’s good. Blood’s stopped.”
“That’s good”, Rooster offers, trying to and failing to make this small interaction less awkward.
“Was that all?”
“Actually, um, Mav wanted to talk to you. Privately.” He adds on after glancing back at Bob.
“Fine. I’ll be out in a couple minutes.” He taps on the door before leaving the two of you alone again. You turn back to Bob, not looking him in the eyes as you place the ice pack in his hand.
“I guess duty calls.” You start to gather up the rags, but before you’re able to stand, Bob’s large fingers caress the back of your wrist to get your attention. He’s very mindful to not grab a hold of your arm as the hairs on the back of his hand tickle you.
“Hey, thank you.”
“You’re welcome”, you manage to breathe out. “I’m sorry I ran into you.”
“I’m not.”
After running to the bathroom to wash your hands off, there is still a wide smile on your face as you stare at yourself in the mirror. You check for any more blood, but decide it’s all gone as you attempt to squash your smile. The rest of the squad is sitting in the bar, each of them with more clothing on then they had earlier. Your eyes roam the room for your father, but come up empty. Rooster is standing  on the back deck outside, and you begrudgingly walk towards him. The door swings open and shut, muffling the noise from within.
“Where’s Mav?”, you ask, getting straight to the point. Rooster looks over his shoulder at you, setting his drink on a nearby table.
“He took Penny for a bike ride.”
“I thought you said he wanted to talk to me”, you ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“About that”, he scratches the back of his neck, “I meant to say that I needed to talk to you.” Rolling your eyes and giving him a scoff, you turn around, hand stretched toward the doorknob. “Mantis- please. Just give me five minutes.” And for some inexplicable reason. You don’t reach any further. You turn around, fold your arms, and give him the floor. He lets out a sigh of relief as you walk closer to the edge of the deck and watch the golden sunset.
“I want you to know that I’m apologizing because I really am sorry. It’s not just to keep the peace for Cyclone. I failed you.. And I failed my mom.” You turn towards him, and just for a second you don’t see the stone cold eyes that were set upon you just days ago, you see the sandy hair and soft hazel eyes of a brother who would do anything for you.
“It won’t happen again. I won’t let it happen again.” He reiterates. Absent-mindedly you start chewing on your lip, and avoiding his eyesight. A part of you wants so deeply to forgive him and go back to how it used to be, but the other part is still hurt by what he did.
“Which is why I need you to listen to me. You can’t go down the path you’re already falling towards.” Your head slowly looks up as confusion clouds your features.
“What does that mean?”
“I know Cyclone chewed you out more after I left. We’re both on pretty thin ice here, and you worked so hard to get to where you are. I don’t want to see you throw it all away for someone else.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Your heart rate is steadily climbing, wondering if Rooster is about to go where you think he’s going to.
“I’ve noticed things. I’ve told you to be careful before, and now more than ever I wish you would please just listen to what I’m trying to tell you.” Swallowing, you turn back toward the coastline so he can’t read into what you’re trying to conceal in your face. “I see the way you look at him. The same way you’ve looked at boys you’ve had crushes on since you were little.”
“I am not some little girl, Rooster.” You seethe toward him, your face flushed in anger, embarrassment even at his accusations. “I grew up a long time ago, so whatever version you still have of me in your head, get rid of her. Cause she doesn’t exist anymore.” Shaking your head, you stalk toward the back door, catching a glimpse of Bob with his sunglasses on once again, the tissues since discarded, playing a game of pool with Phoenix and Fanboy. “And I don’t have a crush on him. Bob and I are just friends.”
“I never said his name.” Your blood runs cold at his words. You don’t dare turn back and give him the satisfaction of being right. “So you can keep lying to yourself all you want, but I already know the truth. All I’m trying to say is be careful, and remember why you’re here.”
You let Rooster’s words wash over you as you reach for the doorknob and let yourself back inside. How stupid could you be? Sure, you’ve perhaps come to terms that you maybe have more than friendship feelings for Bob, but you were never going to act on them. But now apparently Rooster can still see right through you. The mix of his and Cyclone’s warnings run through your mind as you get closer to the pool table and stand next to Phoenix.
You can tell she’s already a couple drinks in as her volume is a little louder than normal.
“Tell him, Mantis!”
“Tell him what?” She motions over to Bob as he watches Fanboy take his shot, shaking his head at her while he does so.
“Tell him to go on a date with Rachel’s hot friend!” Your eyes catch Bob smiling and shaking his head at her antics, obviously more amused with her drunken state than her words. His crooked smile makes you want to wrap him up in a hug so it never goes away, but you’re reminded of the warnings from Rooster and Cyclone. Repeating over and over in your head the longer you look at him.
“You should”, you tell him, as much as it pains you to say. He glances up at you, smile falling as his brows furrow the slightest bit. “Give her a chance at least.”
“Oh, ya think?” He asks, the slightest tone of disappointment in his voice.
“Yeah. It can’t hurt, can it?” And even though it is tearing you apart to say it, you do it anyway.
“I guess not.” You give him a slight smile, although it turns into more of a grimace the longer you hold it. He does the same to you, turning back to stare at the pool table with a hardened gaze, eyes not actually following where Fanboy’s ball runs to. Phoenix cheers out in glee at Bob’s acceptance, and you slip out the front door, saying your quick goodbyes. You pass Rooster at the bar, not giving him a second look as you make it to your car. Your heart aches at the thought of telling Bob to find happiness somewhere else, knowing damn well if the circumstances were different you would be first in line to offer it. Your brain reminds you however, you're making the right decision. It's the only decision. Right?
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