#sorry for the late response anon
savebylou · 4 months
Hi, could you recommend me some larries accounts to follow?
Hi anon, yes althought I will probably forget so many people. Basically everyone I reblog I recommend but here are some:
@awesomefringey @daisiesonafield-blog @skepticalarrie @twopoppies they have a very organized blog with a lot of things about the fandom's history, I learn a lot of the fandom with their blogs and they also shared a lot of great content, fanart, interesting and funny things. I love following them.
@dreamings-free @sunshineandlyrics besides the organized blog that I love, they share updates on the band or other people related with Louis, articles etc. They also share funny things as well.
Now my mutuals and people that I follow. They share so many great content: fanfics, manips, gifs, analysys, discussions, fanart, edits, photos, reactions, memes, articles etc. I love following all of them:
@thechavier @hl-obsessed @srldesigns6277 @justthinkingaboutlouis @louisisalarrie
@louisarmpits @omglarryrabbit @rachelchinouriris @wendersfive @enchantedlandcoffee
@redpantslouis @shinylights @goldcrumble @statementlou @rainbowbeanstyles
@delicatepointofview @whatifai @tobethemselves @medicinelarrie @harryisthelilspoon
@nauticallyrics @nouies @punkpillowprincess @moonstrucklouis @tangerinequeen19
@sunflowervoltwentyeight @sunkissedlouis @ocean-sailor @louisgayvodka @lets-laughagain
@captainrayzizuniverse @defences-down @defencelesslt @bidamonalbarn
@braverytattoos @voxina @polarighost @starrysaturdays @nunchailou
@calordelverano @curly94 @thebus1boys @theeliampayne @theydopissmeoffavocados
The order is how i remember the url, I love their blogs the same and I'm sorry to miss so many.
Sorry for anyone that I couldn't mention, tumblr only let me tag 50 but I will do a part 2 and maybe 3 the next few days.
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orviposition · 10 months
Joongdok coded everything anon here
I'm back with a realization
The saying every dragon needs a phoenix
Is incredibly Joongdok coded
Usually I'd stop there but I have to infect someone with the the brainrot
Dragons symbolize strength and passion. Phoenix symbolize kindness and tenderness. Together they symbolize auspiciousness and harmony.
They balance each other out. They can both be destructive by themselves. They both protect the other. It's so interchangeable (although I'm leaning towards Dragon YJH and Phoenix KDJ, but the other way around is pretty fuckin good too)
*death gripping them while shaking and crying* I just think it's a neat thought :)
god theyre so yin and yang
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applestruda · 11 months
is it ok to use your art for edits? with credit ofc.
totally cool if not :)
yeah sure, with credit like you said!
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icedhockey · 1 year
hey do you know how i can watch hockey from the uk? i have no idea at all so anything is helpful :))
the only legal way i knew of was a subscription to the swedish streaming service viaplay, but in july they announced they're pulling out of a few countries including the uk
nhl66 is the best site for free streaming, however last season i had a few issues with it that i tried to get around with my vpn but that was pretty screwy and only got worse as the season went on
there are other less great, pop-up ad-filled streams you can get from a google search and unfortunately at this point they might be our only option
if anyone else can help, please let us know 🙏
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pessimisticgh0st · 10 months
Which songs best represent your life?
I think these ones represent me and my personality a bit more than my life, but here they are anyway:
Remember When – Wasia Project
Summer Child – Conan Gray
No surprises – Radiohead
Winner – Conan Gray
July - Sir Chloe
Creep - Radiohead
Let down - Radiohead
How to disappear completely - Radiohead
I'm afraid of the things I can't control - We Are The Dirt
I deserve to bleed - Sushi Soucy
ur so pretty - Wasia Project
Jigsaw - Conan Gray
And there are probably a more but I just can't think of any right now.
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sapybara · 2 years
Shadoune who came so far and was so helpful and kind to everyone (except that one girl). He was a good person and it was his skill that pulled him through this tournament. He lost all of his friends and wasn’t there for many of their deaths, just watched their names appear and felt the world get emptier and emptier. There he was in the final 2, with the skill that put him there as the only way out and could do it. He could. But still
You wouldn't know it for his attitude, but Shadoune was a beast at pvp. During the night, he only ran with the group to protect his friends, but he could never damage any of the other people there (well, except for those who were mean to his newly made friends). He's always so kind and trying to keep the spirit up in that horrible situation.
He should've noticed when Missa died, but he didn't. Then, before he noticed, Quackity, Rubius and Spreen were gone too. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Flashes of Minecraft Extremo pass in front of his eyes. This is the same wicked scenario. He didn't even process the fact that he watched all of his friends die in front of his eyes when it was happening again. Both times he couldn't do anything to save them. Winning the game wouldn't bring them back, but maybe it'll mean that they didn't die for anything, he could carry his memory, he was the only one from Team Vacío Legal and he will represent it. He remembers the first time Spreen died. It was like something switched in him and he didn't stop until everyone was dead.
But this time? This time it was different. In front of him, there was a guy covered in the blood of his friends. He remembers him, he remembers laughing together and trying to teach each others words in different languages. He remembers his eyes shining with excitement as he wished good morning and good night every day. Fuck. He has to focus. He needs to win this. For the Team, for his friends; for himself. But as soon as the battle starts he realizes he might not be the only one hiding an immense ability behind kind smiles. It was hard, God it was hard, they were both covered in blood, he wouldn't be able to tell you whose blood was. Maybe it was his, maybe it was Sapnap's. Maybe it was the blood of a hundred and ninety-eight people weighing on his clothes. This needed to end. He tried to trick his opponent to walk to the border and push him off but that didn't work. He could only fight now. His vision was blurry, he could taste blood in his mouth, he could felt his legs starting to fail. He looks up and he sees the exhausted eyes of his opponent before closing his eyes.
He blinks his eyes open. He's laying on the floor and feels a bit floaty. He sits up and sees someone extending a hand to him.
"Cmon is over now" says Spreen
He takes the hand and stands up. Briefly looks at Sapnap, who is just standing in shock before looking in front of him and offering a sad smile Quackity, Missa and Rubius. "I'm sorry guys"
"Shut up. You did your best, we are proud of you" Rubius says while tucking him under his arm. "We're alright now"
As they walk away from the arena, Shadoune let's himself believe that.
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Speaking of Monaco, funnily enough it was the influencer that Tom and Haz were photographed with that convinced me TZ were back on. There was a picture posted of the three of them, and I checked the girl’s instagram account to see that she had followed Tuwaine, Tom, Haz, AND Z all at the same time. I was like 👀 and was convinced that Z had been mentioned by Tom or on FT with him when he met the influencer girl. That antis Monaco message reminded me of that little bit of tea 😂
Omg you're so right lol 😆
I remember that tea! 😂 That was a huge sign that TZ were def back together. ❤
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ignitionxbomb · 11 months
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Unprompted Ask (always accepting) || Anonymous sent in:
A girl with big tities walked up to him and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
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"OI, I have a fuckin' boyfriend."
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How much did Alvaro interact with the TWST fandom? AKA did he pay attention to fanmade contents?
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To put it simply: yes. Yes He Did LMAO
He did participate slightly himself too, though he mostly admired fanart and read copious amounts of fanfiction - and a part of him is very grateful he never wrote any because he thinks he might've died on the spot if he did only to then have to face the characters he wrote about KDFJJLKDSF
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
I like this ask that I answered way too late. Cause there is no way on earth that we could have predicted that the run and jump reunion kiss of a lifetime, would be followed up by a shoulder tap. Trina and Spencer are not easily predictable, you have to give them that.
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detransdamnation · 2 years
Do you think there are any cases when transition is the answer, is justifiable? Really want to hear your thoughts on that. I hope you are doing okay
I'm doing alright this week. Thank you for caring, Anon.
Do I think transition is "the answer" in that it relieves dysphoria? Sure. That's... kind of why we seek it out in the first place, and the truth is, for the vast majority of people (anecdotally), transition does help to some extent for some length of time.
But do I think transition is "the answer" in that I think it is a valid means of addressing dysphoria, even if it "helps?" No, I do not.
My main reason for this is the medical implications. In the grand scheme of things, there are few studies on the long-term, objective health and well-being of medically-transitioned people, which goes to show that this "treatment" is closer to an experiment than anything else; however, what ones do exist show that medical transition does not actually help dysphoric people. In fact, on the contrary, it has shown to be detrimental to us. A collection of studies on medical transition and more can be found on Stats For Gender, a source I highly recommend—but if you want a basic gist,
The world's largest dataset on patients who have undergone sex-reassignment procedures reveals that these procedures do not bring mental health benefits.
[P]atients who had sex-reassignment surgery did worse than those who did not.
The study found no mental health benefits for hormonal interventions[.]
The study identified increased mortality and psychiatric hospitalization compared to the matched controls. The mortality was primarily due to completed suicides (19.1-fold greater than in control Swedes).
—“Transitioning” Procedures Don’t Help Mental Health, Largest Dataset Shows outlined in this post [AL], emphasis and edits all my own
[T]he risk for suicide went way up the longer time after treatment, suggesting that there is a “honeymoon” phase [...] which only lasts a few years at best[.]
[T]here is an initial period of patient satisfaction lasting a few years, but there is a drastic decline 5, 10 years down the line with increased risk of suicide and psychological and physical disability. Patients report way higher levels of satisfaction than objective statistics measuring health and well-being, indicating that they are not accurately perceiving reality.
—Excerpts from a breakdown of multiple studies on longer-term health outcomes of medically-transitioned people [AL], emphasis and edits all my own
Additionally, from a personal standpoint, I no longer believe that it is possible to truly separate gender ideology from the act of transition. This was my main reason for stopping hormone replacement therapy even despite my very severe dysphoria. My past attempt in being a gender-critical transitioning person didn't last long—because regardless of how I tried to twist it, I was still directly supporting something that I claimed to be against. I was still barely taking any steps to actually deal with my dysphoria beyond taking a shot, calling it a week, all the while scorning those who did the exact same thing (ironically). I was still looking at all these grave statistics, still genuinely believing that I was the exception to them and I did my transition "properly" and these people are victims but I am somehow exempt from them. We all think we're the proper exception, the special case, the last resort—and then, as the research shows, the majority of us end up killing ourselves because our "antidote" is a poison.
It is absolute, total bullshit. If the research that exists proves that outcomes in transition are overwhelmingly poor, why would I support transition? Why would you (rhetorical) support transition? Do dysphoric people deserve a "treatment" that shortens our lifespan?
For the record, I do not agree with taking the option of hormone replacement therapy away from transgender people who have been medically-transitioned for decades, or even those of us who have been transitioning/ed for a shorter length of time. I think that this would do more harm than good—physically, socially, and emotionally. I also don't think that the issue is as simple as just removing medical transition as an option going forward because the fact that people feel the need to seek transition out in the first place is a small part of many larger issues.
However, I do strongly believe that medical transition needs to be phased out as a "treatment" and become a thing of the past. I do not believe that transition is ever "the answer." Ethically, morally, I do not—cannot—believe that modifying one's body is ever an appropriate solution to emotional turmoil.
Death to gender and transition along with it. Those are my thoughts on the matter.
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savebylou · 17 days
I've never posted or reblogged anything at all ever because I didn't see the point and I find the thought so scary. This is like my safe space - and exept from sending an anonymous ask sometimes (It was not until quite recently I had the courage to and felt safe enough to do so.) - I kind of don't want anyone to see me. But now I am considering to start reblogging posts that I like instead of just liking them. Because I've seen a lot of posts recently about how important it is for fandom and tumblr itself.
I know that there's probably a lot of posts out there about how to use tumblr, but do you have any tips about how/where to start? And can you go back and write tags on your post after you have posted them or is that impossible?
Thank you for being here, I think you are very important to this fandom and I love your blog. Hugs from me❤
Hi anon! Sorry for the late response. First thank you for sending your ask, the last part of your message make my day, I really need it that. I think is amazing you had find the courage to send asks and interest to reblog content that is wonderful. This is a long post so answering below resources of how to tumblr and tutorials:
I totally understand the feeling of just wanting to see content, I was a lurker for months before I really have the motivation to start being active and it can feel intimidating sometimes because is not something we used to do, but with time you start to feel comfortable.
For resources here are some:
1.This post explains some basics of how to tumblr, how to use the tags, some suggestion in your profile and just general recommendations of how to behave on tumblr.
2.For personalize your blog: I recommend this post of making your dash in chronological order and this one about shorter posts. Also how to put some basic info in your bio (I will said that you don't need to put some much details of you, not even your name depending of how much you are comfortable to share, but the basic is just changing your profile pic and put some info like what you like or something along those lines so people know you are not a bot).
3. For using gifs in posts this is very useful.
4. How to find a post.
5. Protect your blog from AI resarch propouse.
6. I like this post reflecting on the reblogs, how your blog is a space to collect your shiny fandom objects. I see it as like my dairy of the fandom, post and reblog what you like to have this as a memory.
7. In case you want to make a post but don't want anyone to reblog your post.
My advice on how to tumblr:
1.Curate your own experience: Follow the people that you enjoy their content, filter the tags that you are not interested to see (I will put below how to), in case you keep seeing content for someone you disagree and don't like unfollow or block them.
2. You can reblog without the need to write tags or you can write tags, that is up to you.
3. Always be kind and if you don't like a post don't engage with it, ignore it.
4. Enjoy! Tumblr is to have fun, the moment that starts to not being fun, reflect of what you need to enjoy it or put some boundaries that you need so it doesn't affect you.
5. Don't overthink it. It feels very intimidating when everyone has their own mutual bubble but this is a very welcoming fandom if you follow people that you enjoy.
6. Try not to worry so much about follows, likes and reblogs. People come and go, you stay true to yourself regardless of who follows you or don't, is hard to get someone to follow you especially at the beginning but just try to focus on your blog and having fun.
7. Don't be afraid to interact, send asks, or talk in the tags, people enjoy it as long as your are kind. I will also say don't spam the asks hehe, if you want to share your thought make your own posts as well.
8. If you are a creator: In case you want to create something and share things do it for yourself and no one else. Is hard to get people to see yor posts but still don't lose the joy to share content regardless if people see it or not. I will add that for post of your own creation add tags so more people see it, for example if is about louis put the tag #louis tomlinson (there are also some especific tags that other blogs follow to reblog creators let me know if you want them).
-Filter tags: This is super useful to not see content that either you are not interested or is triggering. First you go to Settings>Account
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After this you go to the part Filter Tags and click on the edit icon on the right.
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It appear a space where you can write the word or words to filter, when you are done you click on add.
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After that it will show you this:
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You can add filter tags as much as you want or remove them in case you need it. On your dashboard the filter content will appear like this:
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Only if you click on view post you will see the content otherwise it will always look like that the filter tags. The only problem is when people don't use tags so you can't filter those posts.
-How to edit tags: About your question on edit the tags after, you can totally go back and add tags after. Here is how:
This is a post of a reblog I made, in the right corner there is a icon of a pencil that means you can edit, tap there.
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It will show you either your tags or the post without tags:
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You start writing in the add tags. The trick for the tags is that you write your word or phrase and to end your tag you tap the # that will automatically save that tag and let you go to the next one (there is a limit of words for each tag but you can still write in the next tag). When you finish you click on save and your tags will be save.
And because my brain is half a meme a funny post about reblogging.
I hope this is useful and not very confusing. Let me know if you have a specific question and I can make you a tutorial or share resources.
Thank you again for your ask, your motivation to want to reblog and for your sweet message it means a lot.
I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night. Sending you a big hug too.
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floof-ghostie · 7 months
Wdyt of a dynamic between a tired lolita fashion designer and their sneaky disguised mothman assistant?
This intrigues me, actually.
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tryinminen · 2 years
wat ur shaders
Sildurs Shaders
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basketobread · 5 months
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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chimchiri · 5 months
Help why is Rarity me 😭She's so me, I was dating sweet and funny guys but secretly super into the buff wrestler build men and is in line with my realization that my attraction to hunks also extended to women. I was at an amusement park and struggled with the lowering the bar at the roller coaster so this hunky female attendant pushed it down for me so easily, forearm so firm, smelled so nice and gave a dimpled smile and I couldn't think about anything else the whole day
When the hot and nice smelling cowboy lady working at the roller coaster makes you question your entire life
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(Very cute story, anon! I'm sure Rarity and many more women could relate!)
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