#sorry for the random rant tbh
the-passer-outer · 8 months
oc lore drop time but might have the total drama tag depending on how much i talk about them :3 (adding this one at the end, the tag is not being added)
okay so this is focused on mainly Titanium rn cuz uhhh.... that reset was wild af. basically okay i need to give the info about the guardian angel shit so heres that rq, Titanium used to be the guardian angel for both alejandro and tyler but at some point has gotten his guardian angel role like half revoked and is now only tyler's guardian angel. also the guardian angel role doesnt make them like an actual angel it just makes them their protector. Titanium is also one of the many to fall to the guardian angel effect which causes the person to fall in love (even if they dont want to be) with the person they are protecting.) so in this past reset Titanium and [REDACTED] got into a fight and for some reason [REDACTED] decided to taunt Titanium which isnt a good idea based off of the robot incident and the card incident, and just like those incidents it triggered something but it wasnt some violent freak out like i was expecting from Titanium.. instead it summoned a figure known as The Account, which I originally thought was some sort of representation of me cuz of certain reasons but turns out The Account is their own character. although this character is one of the ones who will glitch out when outside of their world (roblox for The Account) which leads to small issues and the fight never actually includes Titanium due to when The Account appeared, it sent Titanium to his original state, a horse with no thoughts or free choice, thats right Titanium is from the roblox game Wild Horse Islands (the herd is a very odd group sorry) Im a bit worried that Titanium will have a more then one reset snap and finally kill [REDACTED]
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nanstar200 · 5 months
Hi gueys 🧍 (run away again)
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
Thematically i kind of liked that.
But man that plot was... not good.
#Doctor Who#DW Spoilers#Doctor Who Spoilers#Empire of Death#DW Negativity#(another rare tag in case anyone wants to avoid)#might be my least favourite finale tbh#sorry but need to do some random ranting (and I'd rather do it here than in a full post of negativity because that's not my vibe)#like... the champion of life teases#the meaning we put into things#those were ok#the callback to 73 yards was neat#plus the connection to the perception filter#as were all the references in general#but Sutekh has been hanging on to the TARDIS for that long?#and the TARDIS / House just never noticed him in TDW?#they make it sound like he latched onto the TARDIS immediately after Pyramids so doesn't make sense#when did he hide in the Void?#the Time Vortex is linked to the Void but they're not actually the same thing#also when did he “evolve”?#the reason why Ruby/her mother were so powerful/resistant doesn't actually make sense without some other influence#especially with time literally changing#there's a lot of mysteries in the universe - what makes this one so important?#also no elaboration on the memory TARDIS?#I thought we'd at least get a nod to Tales#also how does Sutekh being pulled through the vortex undo what he did?#since everyone actually seems to see the consequences / partially remember it - are there just piles of sand all through history now?#the TARDIS has some laser weapon system now!?#(come on RTD why not just make it the heart of the TARDIS or something?)#also the genealogy thing still doesn't really make sense either
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gemsofgreece · 3 months
Idea for new college courses abroad:
Course “How to not make a bullshit itinerary plan in Greece”
First year: Avoiding making bullshit itinerary plan in the mainland
Second and third year: Avoiding making bullshit itinerary plan in the islands
Fourth year: Thesis (where you pick a destination and incorporate it in a trip plan that you have to prove is not shitty)
People graduating from this course can travel to Greece correctly but also get employed as travel agents and tourist guides in Greek destinations
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angrybatart · 3 days
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Quick rant doodle based on a REALLY annoying experience today while clearing the darkness in Golden Wasteland.
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lilacthebooklover · 10 months
i think it's sad how little empathy kids tend to have these days. the other day, i was walking down a flight of stairs at my school when a random 11-year-old boy tapped my arm and asked "are you gay?". now, i thought he was saying "are you okay", and nodded (nothing wrong with being gay! i'm just not one to tell my sexuality to random kids who interrogate me). then, he began hollering the f-slur and yelling that everyone should get away from me. it's sad that literal children are so used to throwing around language like that and making jokes out of what is just plain hate speech. we're all human beings. i don't see why differences like that should matter.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
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Can anyone help word this more formally
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One of the funniest things about having moots w/ differing opinions & mindsets & views is that some of y'all would fuckin' hate each other.
I am moots with some users who adore Patton! I love hearing their thoughts on their favourite Father Figure Figment. How he's their comfort character and such, bc I love listenin' to all my moots.
I'm also moots with at least one (or more, idk) Patton-haters. I like hearting their rants to show some basic support of "I hear what you're saying", and seeing their own analysis on Patton bc he isn't perfect & they always make that a nice point in their posts.
Both parties make excellent points! And both parties understand he isn't a perfect character. They'll still clash if they ever meet, but both have some valuable thoughts on the character.
It's even funnier when ya take in account that I am somewhere in the middle of "kinning" and "hating". I am neither, but also in-between. For me, it's a complicated relationship with this character. One thing I really love is seeing grey-area, complicated Patton.
I like to write things my moots want to see in fanfic. So, yes, I have written hurt/comfort w/ Patton being comforted for a Patton-kinning moot. I have also written Patton who faces the things he's done wrong, especially when it comes to him and Roman (mainly in drafts).
Like I said, it's funny to me how different y'all are. I love each one of ya (/p). Being someone in the grey area/complicated viewpoint is also kinda funny when talking to my wonderful moots <3
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Semi-ranty post (it's kinda long so I put a divider lol)
Y'all ever get so unbelievably angry that you feel like ripping out your own teeth using your bare hands? Or is that just me? ... I have healthy ways of dealing with stress and anger; why do you ask? Really is times like these when I realize that I have issues displaying and conveying my emotions. Like I want to pull out my own hair (which I used to do and apparently that's not a good thing lol) and scream. ... As bad as it is to say, I wish I was normal. Seriously hate how my brain functions. (not trying to shit on the rest of the neurodivergent folks; please don't take it as that.) (Also, just in case someone asks: I can't afford therapy so venting via socials is the best I've got... Since I don't talk to my parents about how I feel either.)
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moonswolfie · 1 year
Yall i'm back in my valorant phase after deleting the game a while ago
I really wanna play again but i forgot my riot account's user and pass not to even mention that I would have to redownload the game and get used to playing again😭
I might end up making a completely new acc anyways but then I won't have any weapon skins which i had on my old acc😭
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azuloceano · 1 year
Forever happy with how david tennant acted the love confession bc crowley was anxious and on the verge of tears and you could feel it, it felt so real for a character like this who isn't used to express how he feels or talk it out, i did not expect that lol and it caught me so off guard, I think he did it so well
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the-passer-outer · 8 months
okay so, another rant ig but um more of focused on the link between characters and me/reality idk man, who knows what tags ill even put on this...
starting off, Variant. he was never meant to even exist, let alone effect the real world, but here he is. Variant makes me worry, to become almost one with a character just isnt right. nor will it ever be. not with a character like him. it would be more okay if Variant was a good person or something but i know he isnt. hes just awful, and to end off the Variant section of this, i think ill kill him off within the story to stop this. I know I haven't spoken about her much but Moony is very important when it comes to the link between characters and reality. At some point she was me and I was her. Although, over time we grew apart gaining more and more differences till.. she died in the story. Now, that might seem like the end of her but no, she came back, hateful. But due to the original link between me and her, it gave her access to more then the other characters, access to the real world. She saw everything for who knows how long, appearing within the corner of my vision everyday, always just watching. It only started to drop off when.. hm, I'd rather not mention that. But anyways, I also made a pact with her.. and then she went missing. Oops. Monitor Girl. A character who is barely remembered by the other. Even if she got to go back, the higher ups would taunt her for what she did. She is the only character to ever fully escape the story. They way she did it was.. not the best, but it proves there is an escape from that hellish loop. Sorry if there is a difference, stopped writing for a second. Monitor Girl sees everything, even this, hi Monitor Girl! Shes the most normal in this rant. I no longer have anything left, for now. Hope it stays that way
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Dragon Ball fandom that read super, why the fuck Goku and Vegeta trains for two/ almost three years non stop without visiting family once? I was shocked reading superhero, that was so unnecessary
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porcelainvino · 8 months
white people need to STOP I’M GONNA 😭😭😭
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SO with the fact that we got Helluva Boss episode 4 of season 2, I wanna talk about the next episode to come! Which I am 95% sure is gonna include Fizzarolli, I wanna share my thoughts on a few thing we know! Even if I'm wrong and the episode has nothing to do with my precious Fizzarolli. I'm still gonna share my thoughts on a few scenes involving what we are expected to see! :D
As expected, there are spoilers for certain things, such as episode 7 of Helluva Boss and the upcoming episode where we are supposedly gonna see Fizzarolli again.
Episode 7, House of Asmodeus Song
First off, I think its an ongoing discussion of the interpretation of Asmodeus's words towards Stolas and his relationship with Blitz, and this is how I see it.
Of course we get the line of "I hope you didn't give it up, so you and him could get it up" which yeah, obviously leads everyone to the assumption that he is shaming Stolas, but honestly, I think it was a rhetorical question and that he knew absolutely knew that Stolas did, kind of give up a part of his life for Blitz.
The main reason for that thinking is because of his next line which is "You sold your life for a thrust!" Now stating he gave it up, as a fact. of course this is only addressing the first part, and I was analyzing the scene i noticed a part that had them in a background, where Verosika is talking about Blitz being terrible partner in bed. To which you see Ozzie lean over and kinda just nudge Fizz, which makes me immediately think that Fizzarolli has probably talked to Asmodeus about how Blitzo was if we were to say they were in some kind of relationship.
To add on to that, even if it wasn't anything romantic OR sexual, Fizz could have also talked to Ozzie about how Blitz didn't give as much energy in a friendship as Fizz did, seeing as one of the scenes in the trailer Fizz seems excited for something while Blitzo seems less so. But due to certain scenes like Fizz dipping Blitz down in a dance and possible musical number, I am belief there was probably a romantic relationship in the past, then again I do have the believe that his love language is touch, so maybe it isn't platonic, or maybe it is and his love language is touch :D
So basically I'm thinking when he was singing "So you and him could get it up" he could easily have been just referring to Blitz and judging Stolas as his chosen partner for giving up his "smoking wife", and his kid.
Next line to the song is "Now that's the spirit of lust" which honestly was the reason I've dug so deep into this so I can explain why I viewed this the way I do. So adding the other lines together, "I hope you didn't give it up so you and him could get it up, You sold your life for a thrust! Now that's the spirit of lust" , It is Ozzie praising Stolas for giving into lust and feeling it almost the same way Ozzie does.
Upcoming Episode discussion
Now then, time for slight spoilers for what is upcoming in the episode where we see Fizzarolli and Asmodeus again!
Most of us have seen the trailer containing the scene where we see in the news "KING OF OZZ A HYPOCRITE??"
A lot of people have also assumed the reason for Asmodeus being called a hypocrite was because Asmodeus was also with an imp, but even without my argument about the interpretation of Ozzie's words at Ozzies, I feel it should have been a little obvious he was being called a hypocrite due to the fact he seemed so lovey-dovey with a demon, considering he is the King of lust and has made it evident to the rest of hell he doesn't enjoy anything to do with love and such.
I don't think I have much else to say but I'm also thinking that the episodes with Barbie wire are ALSO connected to the episode with Fizzarolli, mainly because in one scene it sort of looks like Moxxie is singing, while in an outfit you see him wear while pushing back against Barbie wire trying to get someone else, and because of the scenes where Fizz looks like he's also singing.
Also because it gives Blitzo more of a reason to seek FIzz out, as we see him confront Fizz where he's wearing his green glasses, before that teaser we see FIzz wearing those glasses on a stage where he shoots out firework like things. So I think that after the performance Blitz talks to him and probably mentions either the newspaper, or Barbie, maybe even both and that lead to the scene in the car. Or Blitz just broke in, but I think he was invited.
Lots of possibilities but with or without FIzz and Barbie in the same episode, I am so excited to see Rolli again!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Also random tangent, but I swear, Milk, Purple Yam, and to an extent Chess Choco, kind of confuse the timeline of when Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom, at least to me (at least in terms of Ovenbreak, we’ll leave Kingdom out of this discussion).
Like, from what you could gather from the Shattered Kingdom, as well as Dark Choco’s visual changes between current day and his old look, it’d be easy to say that his betrayal happened years ago. But then here Milk and Yam come in, and apparently they have no clue about Dark Choco turning to the dark side, despite them going on a quest looking for him. And also I’m told he went to Dragon’s Valley to find the Strawberry Jam Sword, which again, was a long time ago (I don’t know if he went back sometime recently, hence why they’re going there, I haven’t seen that part of their story yet). So why is it that Milk and Yam are going there now to try and find him?
Either Milk and Yam’s sources are horribly outdated, and/or they’re completely ignorant of knowledge that seems to be at least moderately well known, given characters like Knight and Pistachio know about it, despite neither seeming to have any affiliation with the Shattered Kingdom, or this event could not have happened that long ago.
And going back to Chess Choco, the fact that they’re from there despite them being young children also sort of implies that it couldn’t have happened that long ago. But again, looking at the state of disrepair the Shattered Kingdom seems to be in (at the very least this, not counting Dark Choco’s appearance), this could not have happened so recently
So which is it, Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom relatively recently, to the point where two people who are actively looking for him don’t know, or did it happen a long time ago and is somewhat known, at least amongst other knights and warriors?
Also pivoting off slightly, but how does Milk not know that Dark Choco betrayed his kingdom? Like, he seems to think that Dark Choco is still the same hero he met before, at least that’s how I understand it. I mean, they’re in the Shattered Kingdom, and Milk knows the place is in ruins, and that it’s Dark Choco’s home, but neither he nor Yam make any reference to Dark Choco being the one who caused this. But as someone actively looking for him, how would he not have this information? Like what does he think happened to the Shattered Kingdom?
I know I said to ignore Kingdom, but there, while Milk does still admire Dark Choco and seems to be looking for him, as far as I can tell, he hasn’t shown up enough to say whether or not he knows of Dark Choco’s betrayal, and I mean, his and Yam’s search for him works either way. I mean, I’d hope he knows of it, given Milk comes from Dark Choco’s kingdom and should logically know of his own prince’s betrayal, and even if by some means he’s been out searching for him since before that happened and hasn’t returned since, you’d assume someone from the Milk Village would know of Milk’s quest and tell him what happened. But yeah, with Kingdom I can give him a pass since we just don’t know yet
But with Ovenbreak, we know that Milk is unaware (as well as likely Yam, since while we know he’s heard things and also doesn’t like Dark Choco, considering the fact that he’s now close with Milk, you’d imagine he’d tell Milk if he knew. But I don’t really mention Yam in this since I don’t think it’d matter to him either way, so long as he gets to fight Dark Choco). But how?
I feel like the creators may have had the idea to create a character that knew Dark Choco back when he was a hero and admires him for it, which I admit is interesting, but at the same time, they make it so Milk isn’t aware of Dark Choco’s turn to the dark side for whatever reason (likely to preserve his admiration without it seeming strange that he’d still admire someone who’s done horrible things), and it just creates logic holes
I know that Ovenbreak doesn’t have the best quality storytelling in the franchise, but still
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