#sorry i just. i really have just been in an absolutely foul state. i don't even know when i'll fucking relax LMFAO
moe-broey · 4 months
Does anybody wanna grab me by the hair and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the wall and smash my head into the walland . I could use a little help hwre.
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jpitha · 5 months
Between the Black and Grey 34
First / Previous / Next
Kerry knew better than to duck when the vase was thrown. Luckily, it struck her shoulder instead of her head. Even more luckily, it managed to snag on one of the buttons of her uniform so it shattered. She worried what would have happened to her if it had just bounced off harmlessly.
"Pick that up!" The Empress screamed.
Kerry bent low and started scooping up the pieces of vase. It was from Earth, and easily a thousand years old. Priceless. The Imperial bedroom was floor to ceiling packed with more gimcrackery than Kerry had ever seen. Most of it was worth more than she'd ever see in her life. A broken priceless vase was only a drop in the proverbial priceless bucket. Another attendant bent down to help her, but the Empress snapped her fingers.
"No, not you. She has to do it on her own."
Saying sorry with her eyes, the other attendant stood back up and remained at attention. This had been going on all day. All week really. Everyone at the palace was walking on eggshells. The Empress was in a mood most foul.
Empress Meredith The 3rd was not having a good year. Early on, she lost three Super Dreadnoughts to something. Something nobody has been able to properly explain, even with high amounts of encouragement. The only thing anyone knows is that Dreams of Hyacinth was destroyed and took out the other two Supers - her three oldest ones! - on the final approach to Minaren. The damned K'laxi - useless, all of them - have no idea who did it, no person or group has stepped forward to claim responsibility, nothing. Ships don't explode for no reason, she shouted at her Admiralty, but they had the temerity to explain that yes, sometimes they do. Starships are large, complicated machines and even with the highest quality maintenance - something that may not have been carried out at all times (the Admiral with a known death wish stated this) - they can explode for no reason.
The K'laxi had even questioned a frigate that was passing by at the time, but they didn't see anything, and the K'laxi didn't think it was worth their time to execute or even imprison the captain of the frigate. They asked them if they had seen anything - of course they hadn't - and let them go on their way. Useless!
If that was not bad enough - and it was - Meredith discovered 5 weeks ago that she didn't have a connection with the Nanites anymore. She could implore them to answer her questions all she wanted; silence was their only reply. She tried to use her Voice on her attendants and while they rushed to obey her whims, they did not do it with the absolute robotic precision they used when they were Voiced. So far only her most inner circles of handmaidens, attendants, valets and other hangers on knew. Her Admirals had no idea and none of the Venusian nobility knew, and she was keenly aware that it had to stay that way.
She stood up from her couch and paced her room. This was supposed to be easy! You walk around, you give some orders, you open a new hospital or school, smile and wave for the sensorium and that was it. Then back to the Palace for some well-earned sex with whoever was her flavor of the week and a big dinner. She was facing the impossible. Intrigue. Politics. The Unknown.
One of the handmaidens standing to the side of her bed held out a goblet, half full of a burgundy liquid. Meredith snatched at the wine and drank greedily. She knew how to sip demurely, but behind closed doors she could be herself. Belching, she handed the crystal goblet - also worth more than the handmaiden made in a whole year - back and waited for it to be refilled. This time she drank it more slowly as she paced.
"They're not listening. They can't hear me? They won't hear me? What's going on? I've been a good Empress. I've done all the right things. Kerry!" Kerry's head snapped up and she stood rapidly. The pieces of vase in her uniform shirt lifted up like a basket. "What am I doing wrong?"
"I'm sure you're not doing anything wrong, Empress."
"Then why did they leave?!" Kerry and the others saw then that Meredith wasn't just furious. She was deathly afraid. As if for the first time, she saw Kerry's uniform. "Why is your uniform like that, Kerry? What are you holding?"
"Er, it's the vase you threw at me. You ordered me to pick it up."
Meredith blinked back tears. "And you did? Did the Voice work?"
"Ah, no Empress. I was following regular orders that you gave me."
"Why did you do that?"
Kerry blinked. "Because... this is my job?" She said very slowly.
Empress Meredith stood very slowly. The four women in the room watched her as she strode to the main entrance to her bedchamber, and locked the door. She strode to the servants' entrance and locked that door. She lifted up her mattress and pressed a palm against the lock in the center, and it beeped happily at her.
She walked into the pantry and brought out 4 bottles of wine. A red, from the mountains of Parvati, said to be some of the best in the Galaxy. In the cabinet opposite the wine cooler, she took out 4 more crystal goblets.
She set the wine and the goblets on the table and gestured towards the woman who was pouring the wine earlier, Tina. She shrugged and opened the first bottle with a musical pop. The cork was made of Parvatian corkwood and was fragrant. Empress Meredith the 3rd, leader of Sol, Luna, the Outer Planet Alliance as well as her Colonies and Protector of The K'laxi poured five glasses of wine.
"Kerry, throw that out. Ladies. I need your help. You four are some of the only people who know about my... condition. What do I do?" She gestured towards the wine.
Tina grabbed a glass first and took a sip. "Well, can you tell anyone else?"
Kerry took one next. "No, she can't. The minute she tells someone else she's dead. If people find out the Empress That Can't Be Disobeyed can be, they'll kill her and put someone else on the throne."
"Or worse." Alina, the woman opposite Kerry at the bedchamber door pipes up and takes a glass.
"Is it really that bleak?" Emery takes the last glass of wine and sips it demurely. "Surely everyone in the Nobility and Admiralty won't want to kill you. You must have some people who are loyal to you utterly."
Meredith takes the last glass and flops onto her bed. She pats the mattress and the women sit. "There are some families that are completely loyal, but it's more out of inertia than any kind of love of the Empress. Tch, if the K'laxi found out they'd declare independence before the return ping confirming the beacon was received."
"Okay, let's look at it another way: How do you know they're gone? Other than not having The Voice?" Bruised shoulder aside, Kerry felt sympathetic. Meredith was in the middle of having her world crumble around her.
"I can't hear them."
The girls eyes' widen. "The Nanites talk to you?"
"They used to yeah. Based on how Mom spoke of it, they talked to her more than me. Grandmother complained that they basically never stopped talking."
"What do they say?" Kerry finishes off her wine, but doesn't go for more. Meredith pours her another glass anyway.
"Ugh, they always are trying to tell me what to do. They have ideas. They want us to build more Gates. I keep telling them the wormhole generators work better, but they're like "no we need more Gates." Meredith sighs and rolls her eyes. "They're very boring."
"They want more Gates?"
"Yeah, I think it's how they get into our dimension or something. They tried to explain it to me once, but I practically fell asleep."
"Wait." Alina pauses with the wineglass partway to her lips. "If they use the Gates, what would happen if you went to a Gate? You could talk to them directly!"
"And leave the palace?" Meredith rolls around on the bed, dramatically groaning with her arm over her eyes. "It's so far, and I'd have to ride in a ship, and I'd have to deal with a wormhole link and, and, and..."
Tina's eyes flick to Kerry and Alina and Emery's. They return her gaze.
"Is that worse than others finding out you lost your powers though? We'll never tell, but it'll get out eventually."
"What if just the five of us went!" Emery is animated and on her third glass of wine. "You could take a small ship and just us. Tell everyone you're on some kind of Empress Pilgrimage. Link over to wherever the closest Gate is, talk to the Nanites and come home. Maybe do some light shopping at whatever station is closest."
Meredith raises her arm off her eyes and looks at Emery. "That's an incredibly dangerous idea."
Emery's face falls and she tilts her chin low. "I'm sorry Em-"
"I love it!"
The four handmaidens look shocked.
"It's so stupid! It's so dangerous! It's so exciting. Let's go. Right now?" She takes a whole bottle of wine and starts drinking directly from it.
Kerry sputters. "Now? How are we going to leave?"
Meredith polishes off the wine and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "Just like Emery said. Empress Shit. I'll just tell people I need to go and only you can come with me and they'll do it. If they say no, I'll have them killed."
"We can't pilot a starship though!" Alina reaches across Kerry and takes another bottle of wine and pours a little more, only slightly unsteadily.
"They drive themselves! It's easy. You just say "Ship, take us to wherever." and it does it." Kerry is on her third glass of wine, but has noticed that Meredith is getting sloppy. She's downed two bottles herself in just a few minutes. She gets up from the bed and grabs three more bottles.
"You're just going to go by yourself with 4 handmaidens? Won't that cause problems?" Emery may have finally realized the gravity of what they're planning.
"No! I'm going with my honor guard!" Empress Meredith grins lopsidedly. "We'll stop by wardrobe on the way to the docks. You four need new uniforms." She hiccups. "Come on. We're going to tell those fucking Nanites to give me my powers back. Maybe some powers for you four too." She nods at Emery. "And some shopping. It's been forever since I've gone on a shopping spree."
Emery squeals in joy, her face flush. The five of them weave uncertainly out of the Empress' chambers and stagger towards wardrobe for their new honor guard uniforms.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
hii! i was wondering if you could write something about robin buckley choosing reader to go to europe with her for the summer! (maybe a rebel robin au??) ive never seen anyone write anything about it and id think id be cute!
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✧.* operation crossaint!
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— summary : summer in hawkins is boring. so, how about a trip to europe?
— pairings : robin buckley x fem!reader
— word count : 0,9k
— warnings : fluff, friends to lovers, oblivious reader kinda, messy plot whoops, foul language, kissing mwah mwah, weird time jumps, not proofread, this is set in the summer btw!! robin & reader is 18 here.
a/n : hi there! thank u for the request anon ^_^ i tried fitting some aspects and references from rebel robin because i couldn't really fit in the whole au and storyline of rebel robin because i don't think it'll fit that well, so sorry about that!!
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"operation crossaint?" you question as robin nodded. "just hear me out. i want to live outside of hawkins y/n. i want to know whats outside of this shitty town," she explains.
"it's sounds weird i know but, i want to learn and experience things." she continues.
"so like europe?" you ask, "yes! exactly like europe. i want to travel, meet people who live exactly how they want to, i want to see beautiful museums, and walk down old streets!" she rambles.
you nodded listening to everything she says. "and live off of crossaints and cheese?" you laugh — "mhm!" she nodded.
"i told mr hauser about it and, he told me to take someone with me, and he suggested milton or dash but i was thinking-" she paused, "that maybe you could go with me?" she asks, scrunching her nose.
"or don't, i understand that maybe you have something going on or maybe you focusing on othe-"
"i'll go with you." you stated. "but we literally have 0 dollars and, have you asked your parents?" you ask.
"we can work on that! mr hauser said that he could help talk to my parents which automatically means that he could talk to yours so-" she rambles, "all he said is that if i find someone to take with he could help me. and you said yes."
"yeah well of course, i mean spending any time at all with you and in europe? that sounds like an absolute dream." you smiled.
robin's cheeks grew pink as you stated that. europe? with you? together? is she dreaming right now?
"i'll go work things out, i'll see you tomorrow y/n." she waved.
you were so caught up with the conversation you don't realize you were outside your house now as robin skipped away.
robin could barely sleep that night, was she really going to spend her time in europe with you?
god, she was so excited to tell mr hauser all about it. she had already started learning languages she thought might be important for the trip, like french or their culture and stuff.
she is so excited to spend time with you, especially outside of hawkins. the walks you could go with her, the food you get to taste together, the memories she could make.
"jesus, get yourself together buckley." robin sighed, her thoughts haunting her as she slowly falls asleep.
you sat down the bus, going home from another miserable day at hawkins high. flipping through the pages of your book, you see robin hoping on, almost missing the bus.
she ignores the taunts of some of the older kids before spotting you and sitting next to you.
"dunno whats their problem," you look back at the older teens mocking robin — "their probably failing another year anyways." you stated, voice a bit louder. "i hope they fall off of the bus." she sighed.
it's been a few weeks since robin told you about 'operation crossaint' and you two just got back from thanksgiving break.
"so, how was your break?" you ask. "amazing actually, i got a job, and i think i can finally afford tickets for two people to go to europe!" she smiles.
"really? that's great! i saved up a bit and i think we can manage. plus, you know extra money for gifts and stuff." you added.
robin was so beyond excited that you stuck by her, the last few weeks everything had been going the total opposite for her, yet you were still there for her in every moment.
"i also bought a camera recently, and we could bring that to our trip. you know? for memories and stuff, so they last forever." you say as robin nodded, smiling wider than ever.
and here you are now!
the past weeks is the probably the best few weeks ever. europe, with robin, together.
you two finally get to experience the europe dream, going to museums, eating in fancy cafes, going on trips on a boat, and just living a life outside of hawkins.
you've been carrying your camera around everywhere, documenting your summer with your person.
and for robin, the past few weeks was somewhat of an awakening for her. she finally could understand herself with the help from you and everything around her.
she now understands why she's been feeling a certain way around certain people, especially you. like butterflies fluttering in her stomach, and how her heart feels like its going to explode.
and that brings you here, on a random hill surrounded by pretty flowers and bright stars above.
"heres one where we were at the fair, the ferris wheel looked so pretty here." you showed robin the pictures you've been taking along the trip.
"oh! and these are some cats near by the water, remember? the ones i told you. gosh, they're just so cute." you smile.
you didn't notice how quiet robin was, you could feel her smile but she hasn't said anything.
you look up and notice that she wasn't looking at your camera like you had been doing. she was looking at you.
"what? do i have something on my face?" you questioned.
in robin's defense, you're really pretty. cherry stained lips, gorgeous hair that just falls in place so perfectly, and the prettiest eyes.
"it's not nice to stare buckley." you chuckle, "you're too pretty not too." she replied.
the tension grew as the moon shined, perfectly reflecting robin's freckles.
she moved closer to you, the smell of your perfume overwhelming her.
she kissed you.
you kissed her.
robin pulled away, realizing what she just did, what you just did. your cherry stained lips now staining her.
"i'm sorry i should've-" robin got cut off, your lips connected to hers again. "don't apologize robs." you say, tucking her hair.
"i like you, like, like like you." robin stated — "i like like you too." you replied.
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ellecdc · 5 months
oh no omg babes i am the anon who asked about hockey i would never block you!!! firstly, i think its really cool (way cooler than me and my hockey habits, but if that's what i get for being only HALf canadian and not having as extensive of a hockey culture in the states :() that you keep up with the non nhl teams, i know usually its more personal and more fun to cheer for the more local teams, and also those dudes literally shred harder than the nhl sometimes! genuinely jealous of u there! also i literally don't have any legs to stand on in terms of nhl elitism (and also as a canadian, my entire canadian family is from alberta so 🙃). my teams are the sharks (literally foul) and the oilers. also you definitely are more plugged into hockey than i am babes i am very casual and random with my watching/supporting. for the lack of response, i just haven't been on tumblr as much this week (and i have adhd, which is mostly to blame) so i completely forgot i sent u an ask! also this ask has literally taken me several hours to draft so like, embarrassing on my end in terms of timeliness. you are valid and cool for cheering on the leafs (go leafs!!), but you are also much more than whatever sports team you like, i follow you because you are literally a wonderfully amazing person full of kindness and insane talent, and beyond the fact that i have literally nothing against the leafs. i am literally in love with u so i think the only thing that would make me block you is if you turned out to be a secret mass murderer or something (which seems highly unlikely so we are good there). i'm truly sorry if my lack of response made you feel uncomfortable or sad about sharing something about yourself, that was genuinely the exact opposite of the intended effect. because i enjoy reading both your stories and replies so much, and also value you as a person so much, i wanted to know more about you and other things you like! and i am really grateful and thankful that you did share about your hockey likes, and also grateful you continue to be so open with us. you have singlehandedly made me the most involved in a fandom community that i have ever been because you have created such a wonderful and welcoming atmosphere on your blog. so again sorry, and thank you for being so freaking cool. OMG i almost forgot about the hockey headcannon thing, as soon as i sent that last ask i was like why didn't i say anything about james and sirius they would absolutely gobble hockey right tf up. mayhaps it would be a bonding/truce between them and barty lol. ig the barty brainrot got to me too much (that fucking smut rattles around my skull so much you'd think i have rattlesnakes living in it. i refuse to believe you have never written smut before the remus fic. you're simply lying). anyways, sorry this is so long, but tldr is that i love you and you are amazing and you could never do anything wrong 🩷🩷🩷
omgomg omg ok I'm gonna respond to this in bullet points:
I was totally taking the piss im ngl; I didn't think you actually blocked me or assume that you were hating on me! I'm sorry hahaha I was making fun of myself really like "typical....cant even make friends properly because I have shit taste in hockey teams" 🤣
oof Alberta - thoughts and prayers my girl (gender neutral), Alberta is Canada's Florida
it's too bad about the oilers too because they have some really great players? but they suck just as hard Toronto, such a shame
"i follow you because you are literally a wonderfully amazing person full of kindness and insane talent, and beyond the fact that i have literally nothing against the leafs. i am literally in love with u so i think the only thing that would make me block you is if you turned out to be a secret mass murderer or something" ok so......what are we? 🥹🫣🤭😘 jk but you're literally so sweet; I'm sorry I made you feel like I was made/upset/offended or, worse, displeased with you cuz I'm soooooooo not and you don't owe me anything - least of all your time or effort in sending me messages 😭 -> also definitely not a mass murderer; far too lazy and don't like the mess, also, I'd likely break a nail - no thanks.
no apologies necessary at all babes, I'm a yapper and loved talking to everyone about it too and was just running my damn mouth
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo love you literally so much, thanks for being here and also for taking so much time to write to me; it's greatly appreciated <3
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maginxlia · 3 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji and Sukuna Ryomen In It’s all about Your Hair
Rated PG-13
Contains Foul language and Suggestive themes
✨Director's Commentary ✨ I've been going through a creative block and I'm so so sorry for neglecting y'all! I've been working on other headcanons Too Boos💖 Now let me state for the record that all hair is absolutely beautiful, Please don't ever be ashamed of Having Coily or Straight or Wavy or Curly hair because it's something that you can't control and something that your body grows in it's own beautiful way💖 I really tried my best to include all hair types in this including those of Us who wear protective styles, some of these I can relate to because I once had dreads, I used to wear wigs and Now I currently got My Curly hair out for the world to see💖 This won't be the last y'all see of me this week I swear it. I hope y'all are safe and those of y'all who are out for fall break are getting lots of Rest and Relaxation 💖 I love all of y'all 💖 I want to thank you all for the love and support you all send my way💖 I am so grateful and appreciative💖 Pronouns outta of this cause it’s a party for all
Nanami Kento
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Pays for your hair appointments and he doesn't care how much it cost as long you're happy
He's knowledgeable about your hair type and porosity
Best hair care products on your shelf
This man will DIY you some hair care products from Gel to hair masks
He loves wash day because he gets to assist you with your hair
He always seems to have time for you and your hair
Lemme tell you this man is makes wash day 100% easier
He Will detangle your hair with loving hands so if you are tender headed you're in luck
His give the best head massage that make you lean into him while falling asleep
Really this man take good care of you
Shrinkage shocks this man but stretching amazes him
Expensive bonnets and scarfs for you boo
If someone dare to disrespect you by touching your hair without your permission, he's gonna tell them the fuck off
Learning about your hair has encouraged him to learn more about the proper way to tend to his own hair type
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
I'm adamant that this man is Husband goals
The moment you even mildly suggest you want to get your hair done he's gonna do some research for the best stylist in y'all area on his down time
He knows that Braids/Faux locs are protective styles and understand why you want to get your hair done
Whatever hair you want you're gonna get, If you want Remy braiding hair that cost 50 dollars per bundle you best believe Nanami gonna get it for you and he pays for your hair appointment too
Nanami actually helps you wash and stretch your hair before your appointments
This man buys you Whatever you need for your hair
When you come outta of your appointment looking fly as hell he's gonna spin you around and tell you how beautiful you look🥺
Oils your scalp and give you bomb hair treatments
Helps you with scalp cleanses too
Actually helps you a lot with keeping your hair within the Braids/Locs Healthy
Buys you so many beautiful accessories for your hair
Lovingly Helps you with your nighttime routine
Just a over all a Good man
If You're a Dreadlock babe
This man thinks you look Absolutely beautiful 
His curiosity makes him knowledgeable about locs and your hair
Knows the difference between locking Gel and wax
Buys that expensive ass dreadlocks Shampoo and conditioner for you
If you say your scalp is itching he will apply oil to your scalp gently
Hunts for the best hairdressers who knows how to handle locs and if he can't find one he'll learn how to safely loc your new growth
Love Dreadlock cuffs, he buys you so many accessories for your hair
He actually adore your locs but he Support you if you want to comb out your locs one day too because it's your hair
Nanami will fucking scold a fool who calls your dreads dirty or unkempt
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gets only the finest natural hair products for the both of you
If you don't like doing your own hair Nanami will pay for your salon visits hell the man will book your appointments if you want him too
He always Notice any little thing you got done to your hair and he's always compliments you too
If you don't like going to a salon he understands
This man will help you wash, condition and style your hair
He watches YouTube tutorials and practice everything he learnt before he dare touch your hair
Actually is very good at giving you a hair cut without damaging your hair
Use the best products for your hair and doesn't dare to add heat to your hair without a heat protector
Man is made skilled with a flat iron
Do everything in his strength to give you the hairstyle you asked for
Actually your hair looks like you visited a salon and feels like it too
Hair Serums that makes your hair shine beautifully
Gojo Satoru
If You Rock Wigs
As a Master class Hoe This man knows you wear wigs but he don't say shit
Doesn't touch your head at all because he doesn't want to accidentally wig check you until you tell him your wig is secured but HE KNOWS that doesn't mean he can tug on it
Surprisingly knowledgeable about wigs
He names your wigs and he actually have favs
Pays for your wigs and installs
Loves you with and without the wigs but he acts like a schoolboy when he see you with his fav on your head
Do not let him go into a beauty supply because he can't control himself🤦🏾‍♀️
Will wear your wigs while doing a cover of TLC No scrubs music video
Actually can install the fuck outta of a wig
Will do a install on himself to mess with Megumi and Nanami, Melts the lace perfectly and his bald cap method can't be touched💅🏾 Walks out of y'all home with a 22 inch Snow White Bone straight Brazilian Remy wig with the Baby hairs laid
You actually start letting him do your installs because he doesn't fuck around.... well in this instance
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Is Mesmerised by your hair
The way your hair is poofy, soft and gravity defying is exciting to him
Loves your hair and will not let you talk down about your hair
Get too invested into natural hair YouTube drama and videos
Starts bitching about Eco styler Gel, Petroleum Jelly and mineral oil
Actually back tf up when you tell him to chill
He Pays for new products if you jump on the all natural products bandwagon
He Actually Stans Coconut oil and it's Versatile uses
Gets excited to participate in your wash day
Surprise! He's a Pro at detangling
Goes through your hair with gentle precision
His fingers in your hair makes you sleepy asf
Wash n Go's become a breeze with this man
He got you From the Denmen brush to the praying hands technique
Knows how to Safely stretch your hair to eliminate the dreaded shrinkage
Your hair always is frizz free and looks fucking beautiful after he gets done; This man has done his studying, Homework and passed all the tests with flying colours
Gojo will start using Shea butter on his hair and skin
BUT he has this deep obsession with 360 waves and he swears one day he will achieve them
Sleeps with a Bonnet his damn self now
If someone dare touch your hair without your permission ITS OVER
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
The moment you said you was planning to get your hair done he was like 👀 and then you said the words "I gotta go to the Beauty Supply" like a kid hearing the words Toys R Us (Rip Big homie) he was up
When y'all got there You told him to stay in the car and he begrudgingly did
Look imma be honest but he loves when you get your hair done
Especially if you get hair to match his eye colour or his hair colour, tbh you might as well be in the nude because it all has the same effect on him
He knows your head might be hurting so he will do whatever it takes to make your head feel better
Hot oil treatments and tending to your scalp is his specialty
Helps you clean your hair and scalp
Constantly bragging about how beautiful you are to Yuuji, Megumi and Nanami
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Are You from Jamaica? Cause Jamaican me crazy jokes all the time (Boy if you don't sit your ass down) tell him to stop it and he will never repeat it again
Love how your hair makes you look like a baddie
Whatever you want you know he will provide, out here driving to Five different beauty supplies trying (and succeeding) to find your favourite locs shampoo
Assists you with different styles
Will search hard and heavy for a reliable stylist for you but he's not above learning how to tend to your hair and he's actually good at except he uses too much Gel/Beewaxs
Repairs your broken locs too
Is very patient when it comes to how long it takes for hair to dry like he will hold a hair dryer for hours if it meant helping you get your hair dry
Makes him weak when you wear accessories in your hair
Wishes someone would disrespect you so he can obliterate them
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gojo is a Product Junkie (I CAN RELATE)
Love to walk into Sally's and go ham
Y'all own so many different shampoos and conditioners it's ridiculous
He loves natural products tho and will DIY hair masks for y'all hair
Pays for your salon visits
But he knows his way around a flatiron and curling rod
Actually thinks he knows everything about hair because he watched one Brad Mondo video 🤦🏾‍♀️
Wants to bleach your hair so bad because he really believe it's gonna come out perfect ( It won't)
Cuts your split ends pretty good tho but shit goes belly up the moment you ask him for a trim like this man will keep fucking your hair up while adamantly saying he can fix it (He can't) So watch him
Master of the French braid
He loves Hair glosses and Serums
Fushiguro Toji
If You Rock Wigs
This fucking man🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Ignorance is not a virtue so Toji really isn't virtuous
Lemme be honest he didn't know your hair was a wig
He's not gonna ask either
The first time y'all got busy Mister super kinky pulled your fucking wig off 🤦🏾‍♀️cap and all (He's VIOLATING)
Your Edges? Gone. Toji? Holding your wig shocked asf. Wormy? Fucking Frighten. The Hotel Toji staying at for the next few nights until (IF) you forgive him? Booked with Trivago
Gives you 500 dollars for a new wig and pays for your install BUT (That's a big booty btw) the damage has been done
He Never touch any of your wigs again
Toji will use the Lace Glue you don't like as glue to fix shit around the house like your favourite vase that got broken is being held together by lace glue that was incompatible with your skin
He will patiently sit and wait while you try on wigs at the beauty supply
His guilt always makes him buy whatever wigs you likes and the installs everytime
If you have Curly or Coily hair
UnKnowledgeable but Respectful
Really tho he fucking loves your hair and the way the products you put it smell
Do not let him detangle your hair until you PROPERLY SHOW HIM HOW
He's absorb all the words you say like a sponge and learn slow but surely how to tend to your hair
Since he's not always home he consider it pure luck to participate in a wash day with you
He just love to touch your hair and it's one of the things he keep hidden
Detangle your hair as soft as he can and the way you taught him
Something about looking up at Toji while his hands are in your hair that is just so intimate and sexy
Scalp manipulation makes you go 🤤
He watched your wash day routine one time and he remembered all the products you used in what order too
It still amazes him when the water touches your hair how the frizz dissipate
Mans bought you towels just for your hair
Buys you new products especially if he used it on himself
When he Sit on the couch with you He likes to subtly smell your hair
Would bury his face into your hair if he could get away with it
If some rando touch your without permission their asses are going MISSING
Accepts the life of sleeping on satin pillow cases and watching you put on a bonnet or wrap your hair up before you let him wreck you like his name Ralph
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He left home for a week and came back to your hair laid plus swaying when you walk
Questions? He got em but he's not saying shit. He just call you sexy and spank your ass with both hands
Will oil your scalp for you if you want him to
Asked you how long did it take to get your hair done and when you say it's was long ass time he's floored
When he's out on his travels, he buys you cute accessories and adornments for your hair
Loves when you move your hair to one side slowly
Wants you pull your hair when he freaks you but he knows better
He is a big Help when it comes to your scalp treatments
Also is a huge help when it come to finding hard to get products especially braiding gel
Easily Gets you everything you need to maintain your hair
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
This Man loves your hair
Questions you a lot about it Like is you okay if he gently pull on your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
If you have a hard time searching for someone to do your hair, he will quickly learn
He Loves the way beeswax or gel smell in your hair
When he comes back home from work he always brings you new things for your dreads especially things you voiced that you can never find
Actually a big help when it comes to a ACV rinse
He learns how to repair your locs too
Loves to see style your dreads in a new way
Would unconsciously play with one of your dreads if you’re looking at TV with him
If Your hair is Naturally Bone Straight or Wavy
He's not a knowledgeable Man about What shampoos is good for what hair types
He has and will google what Shampoos can clean blood from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
You have to tell him what to get you
Also Toji don't know shit about a flat iron or a curling wand
So with that being said He pays for you to get your hair done
He will assist you with brushing your hair
This man is a god at getting out knots from your hair
Actually good at trimming hair, he's very precise with a pair of shears
Eliminate spilt ends effortlessly
Toji Finds all the hair ties you thought you lost around the house
He loves to smell your hair cause it smells so fucking good
Toji will use THE ENTIRE BOTTLE OF SERUM ON HIS OWN HEAD (Go ahead and tell him a little goes a long way and That Serum cost 50 dollars; Toji has Instant Regrets)
If you want to shave it all off he's right behind you and If you want to grow it down to your knees he's right behind you
Ryomen Sukuna
If You Rock Wigs
Sukuna lived thousands of years, He knows Damn well a Human can't have a Blonde Bob today and have long Red hair tomorrow
So gets all his knowledge from Yuuji
Don't ask you about your hair and he don't touch it
Offers to pay for your wigs and installs with Yuuji credit card
Everybody Knows damn well Sukuna isn't allowed with near Any of Yuuji credit cards but that doesn't stop him for remembering the numbers and security codes, Yuuji got a statement for a 700 dollars custom human hair lace front and mans got nauseous
Amazed at how different each wig feels and the different varieties of them
Sooner or later the curiosity gets to the king of curses and he just got to ask you how do you fit all your hair under a wig? Show him braids and the bald cap method, it will surprise the hell outta of him
If you say you need wig glue This man going to nag Yuuji to buy all the wig glue the store got; coming in bragging about I spoil my baby yes I do🤦🏾‍♀️
Only wants the best for you because if you're fucking a King you're royalty in his eyes
If you have Curly or Coily hair
Now He openly admits he doesn't know shit about your hair type
Gives you the money outta of Yuuji wallet for you to go to the salon with
Will complain when you say you have to wrap your hair up before any night activities but don't fret he's learning
It's a slow process because he just can't grasp the Idea that your hair needs more maintenance than Yuuji
Talking about poor Yuuji When Sukuna and him are alone Sukuna is constantly on that ass with questions like " Insolent fool. Y/N sleeps on a luxurious silky pillow case, Why must you rest our head on cheap microfiber?" Or the infamous "Brat why the fuck do Y/N use different creams and oils in their hair when all your lazy fucking ass do is run water and soap through Ours??"
Yuuji is down very fucking Bad at this point and all he wants for is for Sukuna to shut his fucking mouth so He decided that it would be in his own best interest to learn about your hair
With the help of the internet The King of Curses has one less thing to bitch about
Next time Sukuna is out and about when you're washing your hair he surprises you with offering to Detangle your hair...... with his fingers BUT the feeling of his claws on your scalp feels oddly delicious
He's actually very soft and gentle with your hair
He's not a real big help he like will fully detangle your hair and hand you the items you need while you're in the shower but that's it
remember he's slowly learning and when he get your routine down He will excel at helping you
If he seeings that you're running low on something he's gonna bitch until Yuuji buy some for you
Thinks some of the products you use smells damn right scrumptious
You often find him Admiring (He will deny it) your hair
Finds himself asking more about Frizz and shrinkage
Used Yuuji money to buy hair accessories he thinks you like
Actually helps you a lot at night when it's time to put your hair up, he has many different ways to keep you from waking up with flat crushed hair
Buys you Everything and anything you want for your hair
Demand that Yuuji buy the same Shampoo you use because he secretly want to smell you even when you're not around
Will rip someone arms from their body if they dare to lift a finger to touch your hair without your okay
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He paid for your hair to get done With his vessel (His words) money
You showed him the idea and explained how everything is done so he has no questions
He's already arrogant asf, You got him really out here showing his ass now
You even got Yuuji bashful asf now
Proudly oils your scalp
Doesn't know what a scalp treatment is but baby he quickly learns
Compliments you all the fucking time
More of Yuuji Money is spent on accessories for your hair
All you got to the is say the word and he will be paying for your hair to get done again
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Sukuna loves your hair but hate how beeswax gets everywhere
Actually love the smell of beewaxs tho
Yuuji and him Is very supportive, If You can't find a stylist who take care of locs they will learn
Sukuna is surprisingly good at locking down new growth but is rough handed and consider this bonding time between the two of you. Yuuji tho Works Slower than Sukuna and is gentler at separating your hair to expose your scalp better. So pick your hair warrior wisely
Sukuna will make Yuuji Hunt for the best products for your hair
Gets you articulate accessories for your hair
Sukuna Will help you Blow dry your hair even if it TAKES HOURS
If Someone calls your hair dirty they will be swallowing their teeth if They form those words in front of Sukuna
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Oh so you Said you want to get a haircut? Maybe a new hairstyle?
Sukuna Sukuna Sukuna🤦🏾‍♀️ Has ancient hair styling and trimming techniques... Some work, some don't but why in the fuck would you risk it? I mean yes he's sexy but it's your hair if you dare Humor him on this
After Yuuji Explained to him how that is not the greatest idea Sukuna dropped it but he most certainly asked Yuuji to open them pockets for you to get your hair done
So you got three solid options a nice salon, Yuuji who at least will try to learn and his best or Sukuna who will try to learn but please remember old dogs and their struggles with new tricks at times
Congratulations! You picked Option One A nice Salon! Your hair looks bomb and you're happy which means The King of Curses is happy; Yes Yuuji pockets maybe lighter but You look beautiful and there's a smile on your face so no complaints from him.
Oh you picked Yuuji! A solid choice while he is inexperienced at least he's willing to learn and give it his all! Yuuji actually did a decent Job at styling your hair even tho he took three hours to finish trimming your split ends and was fearful to use a flat iron, he did a decent job! He was also very gentle and sweet with your hair so A+ for effort, Technique and love Yuuji!💖
You picked Option Three? Sukuna? I tried to tell your ass but eh it's your hair. Sukuna Tried he really did but he fucked up by going in with enough arrogance and ego that could make a Corrupt Tax dodging Billionaire Blush (If you know you know)
He bought the Expensive Products including shears and Serums
Washed your hair like a pro and made your ass fall asleep
Hair treatment he gave you was 100% perfect but it all went down hill from there
He went in to bold actually had the audacity to get cocky after rubbing and washing Suds from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
First cut was aight but The second is where he took too much off and The third became noticeably uneven
The King of Curses is baffled so he keeps going for his pride sake but end up fucking your shit up worse
So he gives Poor Yuuji full control and Yuuji is shocked, mortified and disgusted.
Yuuji calls in a stylist for help costing Yuuji $$$ but he's saving you from having fucked up hair
Sukuna is very regretful about what happened, ofc he blames the shears and the lack of adequate training from the YouTube videos he watched🤦🏾‍♀️
Only shampoos your hair from now on if you even let him touch your hair that is
Comments, Likes, Reblogs and Requests is Hella Loved and Appreciated 💖 Please don’t Steal My Shit.
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taechaos · 3 years
Your Boy, No?
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pairing: bully!Jungkook x nerdy!fem!Reader
genre: drabble, smut, college au
synopsis: You can't stand seeing Jungkook with another girl, so you give him a piece of your mind in a stranger's bedroom by becoming his outlet of sexual frustration.
warnings: losing virginity, riding, degradation
a/n: jungkook's character is not exactly submissive, so i added my own twists to this request. i hope you don't mind @madygswich c:
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word count: 2.5k
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You can't stop pouting. Holding back tears when seeing a woman perched up on Jungkook's lap while they make out has proven to be difficult, but you're trying. It hurts your heart; hell, you're aching everywhere. It doesn't take a genius to know he's doing it to get a reaction out of you when his eyes are throwing daggers at you with his tongue down another girl's throat.
Following Jungkook around like a lost puppy isn't ideal, especially at a frat party. He never gives you the time of the day if it's not out of menace, but you aren't willing to give up on him. It's just not possible when you are so in love with him, and so fucking jealous.
More than Jungkook, you're mad at the girl. You want to rip her heart out, make her suffer for ever touching the love of your life. You're becoming irrational, mentally cussing her out for being a whore while you stop yourself from breaking down in a house filled with horny young adults. You don't know a single person here, and you have to deal with your pent up emotions all by yourself.
You choke out a sob when Jungkook starts kneading the girl's ass shamelessly with her skirt hiked up to her back. They're being so inappropriate in the kitchen of a stranger's house, while you can't even take a sip from your spiked drink in the bustling living room. You abruptly stand up and throw away your plastic cup when Jungkook's hand disappears elsewhere, and you have an idea of what he's about to do. You march over to him, looking absolutely tiny next to the overbearing college students and you don't notice Jungkook's sinister smile as he watches you fume.
"Let go," you sound hoarse, and not at all intimidating when you push the girl off of his lap. She stumbles at the force, but you pay no mind to her confusion as you pull Jungkook up by his arm to drag him away. You think it's the anger and adrenaline giving you so much strength, but it's Jungkook amusing himself by allowing you to take him upstairs.
"This isn't a therapy session, little girl," he yells over the music, "I didn't come here to listen to you cry."
You huff and let a single tear slip before harshly wiping it away. When you reach the hallway, you enter the first bedroom you find. It's occupied by a foreplaying couple, but you're driven as you hiss, "Out!"
They leave at your demand, and you're confusing a lot of people tonight. Jungkook is surprised by your sudden aggression, but he doesn't stop with his remarks, "the chihuahua's gone mad."
"Shut up, Jungkook!" you whirl around angrily to face him. "How could you do that to me?!"
He quirks a brow. "Do what to you? I'm sorry, am I the one who forcefully brought you here? Am I tripping or are you?"
You push at his chest, "you're a fucking whore! Tonguing a girl in front of everyone, in front of me?"
His shoulders shake in silent laughter and you cross your arms when he starts cackling loudly. The music is drowned out and muffled behind the door, but it's nothing compared to how hysterically Jungkook is laughing.
"What's so funny?" you ask lamely. He throws his head back as he clutches his stomach, and you're starting to get annoyed. You push him on the bed, but he's still laughing. "Quit it already," your voice wavers, but you don't back down as you smack his chest. You place your knees on both sides of his hips to limit his movement and cover his mouth to shut him up.
His crescent eyes turn intense instantly as he glares at you under his hooded lids. He exerts only a tiny bit of his energy into pushing your hand away and you weakly collapse on him. It's foul play to compete with his muscles, and you realize he can snap you in half if he wanted to regardless of your rush of adrenaline.
You sit back up as he lowly speaks, "The fuck's it to you? I wanted to fuck her, and I was going to until you stepped in as if you're my girlfriend. Tell me why I shouldn't go back to her right now." He clasps his hands under his head, making himself comfortable with your weight pressing against his crotch.
"You know why," you huff with a frown, and you look so cute in the dim lighting with your baggy knitted sweater bunching up on the sleeves, sitting on his bulge with so much innocence in your expression. He's smitten, but it doesn't show in his cold stare. "I'm your girl, and I won't tolerate you messing around with other women. It's slutty!" You slightly bounce for emphasis, but your knee-length skirt hides your actions. Jungkook feels it with you, and his eyes trail down to your lower region.
"My girl?" he parrots with a raised brow. He gazes back into your eyes. "You do my homework."
"I don't care. I love you," you plead pathetically, "please say you love me back."
"Wasn't I a whore just a second ago?"
"You were! Apologize to me," you harshly yank his head back by his hair. He doesn't react in the slightest, so you softly add, "please."
"Oh little girl," he sighs, "are you really trying to dominate me right now?"
"I am dominating you. Promise me you won't kiss another girl like that again. I won't forgive you a second time."
"Yeah? What's my loss?"
"Well, you're lazy in school," you bluntly state, "and no one loves you like I do. No one would try to cater to you like I do. I'd do anything for you, Kookie." You tug down your skirt to take it off and plop back down on him before saying, "Including sex. You can only use me for your sexual needs."
He's enamored by your words, but he doesn't dare share it with you. Instead, he thrusts upwards and you yelp when you jump. "Go on then," he says nonchalantly. "Show me how much of a slut you are."
"U-Um, okay," you stutter and start unzipping his black denim jeans. You've seen a lot of porn videos to make sure you were prepared for the next step with Jungkook, but you have no experience with penetration.
And he realizes that rather quickly when you're so meek with your actions. With a groan, he asks, "You're not a fucking virgin, are you?"
"I've been saving it for the right guy," you answer with offence. This is a special occasion, and you want him to take it as seriously as you do. But it's definitely not a good idea to be snarky with him when you can barely remember the steps for safe sex. "Do you have a condom?"
"It's in my pocket," he grumbles and points at his front without taking it out himself. You're excited and nervous as you tear the wrapper and take out the preservative. You have no idea how to put it on, but you're topping so you clumsily push down his briefs. Jungkook is surprisingly throbbing under you, and you blush at the sight of his erection.
He stops himself from teasing you and saying that the girl from earlier gave him this boner, but he doesn't want to be cruel yet. It's your first time, and truthfully, he jacks off to thought of you too often anyway. He can handle being somewhat nice by staying quiet, but that doesn't mean he would teach you how to put on a condom.
You slip it on with little struggle, and don't waste any time in positioning his cock in your entrance. Before he can stop you, you sink down on his length with a painful moan. He wants to tell you that losing your virginity in this position is the most painful, but instead he groans, "Holy shit, how are you so fucking tight?"
It hurts so fucking bad. Your tear ducts are like clockwork as they water instantly, but you lower yourself down to the hilt anyway. You're quite literally sitting on his cock as you try to catch your breath because God, you're in so much pain.
"Fuck, are you okay?" he asks, but he's more worried about controlling himself from fucking into you before you can adjust. It's difficult, but he's trying.
"Jungkook," you whimper quietly with your eyes screwed shut, "it hurts."
"You're so fucking dumb for doing this, but you feel so fucking good," he pants as he holds your hips.
"Thank you," you muster out in a breath. A few seconds pass until the pain starts to numb, and you move against him very slowly. Your walls are stinging, but it feels like Heaven for Jungkook who you clench down on.
"Go up and down," he instructs with a bit lip. He tries to move your hips, but you're resisting in fear of another shock of pain. "Come on!"
"Can you wait?" you hiss through clenched teeth.
He's trying to rile you up when he says, "Sana wouldn't take this fucking long."
And it works, because you bounce once. "Don't say her name!"
He groans at your tightness, and he can't believe how wet you are. You're dripping on him, and he curses himself for holding back because of your hopeless romance. He can't entertain your conservative way of going on about this any longer, so he continues, "She would have made me cum by now, but this prissy princess can't even get a move on."
It's almost pathetic how one push from Jungkook makes you start moving, and it feels less uncomfortable to hop up and down against his pelvis. The filthy sound of slapping skin mixing with the generic radio music is making you feel so slutty because it's so stereotypical, but when Jungkook moans, it brings heat all over your body. You take your sweater off when sweat begins to cumulate on your temples, and he commands, "Take off your bra too."
He's thrusting into you as you unclasp the black material, freeing your breasts as he finds his new eyecandies. You are so pretty, your nipples are so hard, and your cunt sucks him in so perfectly. It almost upsets him when he realizes how much pleasure he's deprived himself of; the amount only you seem to be able to provide, because it's beyond physical intimacy.
"Good girl," he exhales and gently slams into you with his hands fondling your tits. You smile coyly through your tears, and he asks, "Does it still hurt?"
You contemplate for a second, because you don't feel the best yet, but you don't want to disappoint Jungkook either. "I-It doesn't," you lie.
Jungkook mentally rolls his eyes; he really wants to believe you so he can chase his high, but he sees right through you. He slaps your tit without mercy and chastises you, "don't lie. I thought this was your little moment of control."
"I'm sorry," you pout as you slowly ride him.
"Another lie," he slaps your other tit more harshly and you yelp.
"I'm not lying!" you plead and hasten your pace, desperate to sell your lie. It's working, because you're starting to feel a knot in your stomach the more you adjust.
He moans with you, and you lose yourself when he stills your hips and begins to fuck you himself. It's rough, loud, and the pain is your pleasure. His balls slap against your skin as he easily slides in and out of you with the help of your arousal. Your love dawns on him when you're so turned on for him without any foreplay, and he's on cloud nine because nothing can compare to being inside you.
The setting is so unlike you, fucking in someone's bedroom with a bunch of people behind the unlocked door who can barge in at any given moment, but he finds it so sexy. You only care about being with him, and you really do look like his slut now.
His hands start holding onto your ass, kneading it until it turns red with his fingerprints, and he demands you to kiss him. You're out of it, your ears are ringing and you can only moan out his name, but you can't bear to ignore him. Your lips fall on his, and the kiss is sloppy with his tongue all over your mouth. You can't keep up, but your chest swells with pride when you realize how needy he is for you. He goes as far as to spit in your mouth, and you swallow it without hesitation.
"You want me to play with your clit?" he murmurs against your lips, and his voice sounds so airy and melodic to your ears. "Hm? Want me to make you feel good, little slut?"
You whine without a clear response because his lips feel so soft and wet, and that's the only thing you can focus on. All you want to do is kiss him and he doesn't stop you from doing so, but you're even more overwhelmed when he starts touching you while penetrating you. "No," you whimper, "I'll cum."
"A slut can take it," he grunts and rubs your clit faster, and you come undone all too soon. You moan loudly as you tremble, shaking as he rides out your high with a pinch to your clit. You're numb when you collapse on top of him, but he's relentless with his thrusts. He's using your body as you intended, and he's vocal with his pleasure and teasing climax. It's remarkable how he holds you up when you've gone limp and still fucks you just as hard.
You want to record his voice when he starts to whine pathetically, but you have no energy left within. He's panting in your ear, and it's not long before his hips fall on the mattress with a sigh. He's surprised by how powerful his orgasm was, as he fills the condom with his release instantly. His cock is still nestled inside you as both of you recover from your climax.
"Get off," he taps your thigh, and he pushes you off when you don't obey immediately. Your spell has worn off as he starts to dress himself. "I'm going back to the dorms." You listen to him with your mind in a haze. "Unless you want to get raped on your way without me, get the fuck up now."
"Can you carry me please?"
He shrugs and swings your arm over his shoulder, picking up your body with ease. He collects your clothes in his hand, but doesn't hand them to you as he steps out of the room.
"W-Wait, Jungkook, I'm naked-"
"You're my girl, no? Be a good slut and shut the fuck up."
Dangling off his shoulder with your bare tits pressed against his back, you close your eyes and drift off on the way to campus.
Boyfriends typically drop their girlfriends off anyway, right?
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the-fae-folk · 3 years
Hello again! I was wondering what some people meant by not projecting human traits onto the fae because they are otherworldly beings. In stories I've read fae can be jealous, hold grudges, are sometimes benevolent, and other times deceptive. These things can count as human traits. So what do some mean by not attributing certain traits to the fae because they are ones mostly associated and felt by humans? Sorry if this is confusing, I don't know how else to word it.
A fantastic question! Absolutely brilliant! And something I myself have been pondering for some time now. The answer gets a little complicated if we're taking into account that some believe Faeries to be real literal beings who exist and have cultures and lives of their own, while others only believe they are literary and folkloric inventions and largely fictitious. But the idea is that if Faeries are truly some other kind of being, something not a deceased human spirit or otherwise directly related to humans, then we can probably guess that their psychology and biology (if they have a physical form) is different from ours. Perhaps they might appear human, but take a closer look and they could actually be a lot closer to a tree or a really really resilient form of coral or a fungi. Maybe instead of carbon they are made from some other type of matter. Or maybe they exist largely in different dimensions of space or time and thus have a very different range of understanding about things. Sure, if they are anything at all like the beings we’ve described in countless folkloric tales and songs, then there is certainly some overlap. But the question is... where? And if something appears to be the same, can we be certain that it’s not just outwardly similar? Let’s talk about emotions for a minute. Emotions seem to be triggers, set off when our body and brain responds to our environment. Some of them seem to be learned responses, such as a moment of anxiety upon seeing a scarf of a particular color that might have matched the scarf of a person you fear. Others, such as an emotion of foulness when you haven’t eaten, or a momentary surge of anger when someone takes something of yours away from you. These sorts of emotions are harder to pin down, because we want to say they’re instinctual, natural. Whether they are much different than learned emotions is a subject of debate, as is the whole topic of emotions in general. But are emotions the things we are subjected to all the time? What makes us depressed, or anxious, or irritable? No. Not at all. Emotions are triggers, quick responses of neurons and releases of chemicals. They last a few moments before being replaced by something else. No, what you are thinking of are Feelings. Feelings are not the same thing as an emotion. But they do encompass emotions within them. Often lots of them, cascading through you. Had a spark of irritation? Or are you irritable? One is an emotion of a brief moment, the other a feeling that lingers for a time. Feelings don’t have to have emotions to work. You could have a feeling of knowing, the sensation that you know precisely what is happening in a situation despite it not being explicitly stated or otherwise made known. You could also feel tired, a feeling that causes emotions due to physical stressors, but is not caused by emotions. We like to use the words feelings and emotions interchangeably, and its a source of much confusion. You see, Love is a feeling. But it is not an emotion. Sometimes it has some emotions as part of it. Passion or excitement about something or someone, lust towards a person, the emotion of care (the desire to provide for, protect, and generally give to someone or thing that which we believe is best for it. The emotion of Care is NOT Love). But love also encompasses an understanding of someone, getting to know them really well and falling into a pattern of behavior based on your familiarity of that person or thing. Understanding isn’t an emotion, though understanding someone can bring about warm fuzzy emotions in us. Understanding is a feeling. Love also can contain other aspects such as true sight, the ability to see the other person as a multi-faceted living being who has victories and downfalls, who has both virtues as well as many flaws. It is seeing that instead of putting someone on a pedestal (either seeing them as flawless and wonderful or the epitome of everything that is wrong with the world) you see that the other person is complex and cannot easily be placed in any category. True Sight isn’t an emotion or a feeling. It’s a skill that must be taught and then honed with practice. If you were to ask me, I would say that Love is Choice. Choosing to take the time necessary to understand, choosing to look truly at someone while questioning all of your assumptions and biases, it is choosing to care for someone and to ignite the feeling of care for someone when you consider how to provide for and protect them. It is choosing to put ourselves at a place of emotional vulnerability that we might feel such things as passion or sexual desire for another person, that we might also find deep intimacy, and be able to forge a relationship of some kind. Love is choosing, but it is also granting choice. The freedom to choose. To stay or to go, to listen or to ignore. If a parent loves a child, they will protect them from things that they cannot see, cannot understand. But in the end, they need to let go. You cannot make every choice for your child. Not only is that literally impossible as the sheer multitude of choices going on at every moment of life takes that out of your hands immediately, but your child must also learn how make the large choices on their own, to grow or fail by their own word and deed. To seek out what you might know is very worst for them. You might beg and plead, advise, rail against, or worry over their choices. But Love... love is letting them make their choice if they will not listen. Loving a romantic partner, loving a friend, loving a child or a parent, loving a brother or sister, loving a pet, loving a culture or group of people. All of these are different kinds of love. Each has different components, and if you don’t know what to look for, you might confuse it with other feelings that drift close to love but do not quite match up. Obsession can be that kind of feeling. When it drifts into the area of relationships with other people, obsession can mimic many aspects of love. But it cannot gain a deep understanding, it cannot see true, it cannot give choice. It can only play the part, follow the dance, memorize the facts by rote and miss the point of them entirely. Filled with the fire of passion or of lust or a feeling of power and control, it will eventually fade and the embers will flicker out. You wanted to know about human traits. Why they cannot be attributed to Faeries. If we agree that these faeries might be fundamentally different from us in some way, as they must be, they will likely feel things differently too. Different emotions, different feelings. And yes, things will come close, perhaps unknowingly overlapping with, emotions and feelings we experience. Perhaps they do feel jealousy, perhaps they do feel a surge of rage. But how close are they to the emotions we give those names to in ourselves? Are they the same? Are they deeper somehow? Perhaps the differences between us are merely cultural, or perhaps we’re projecting emotions we understand upon their behavior without really understanding what it is we’re seeing. If I came to you today and said that all Faeries, but especially the ones who dream for hundreds of years at a time, felt an emotion called Durchmenalia whenever they woke from a particularly long sleep. That when they felt the emotion it was always accompanied by a very very brief sensation of pressure under their skin that was not pleasant but not quite unpleasant either, similar to the sensation of holding your breath under water for a good long time and then popping up to the surface and gasping in a breath of fresh air. What if I were to describe all the associations they make to the feeling? That it’s slightly to the left and down of unsettling, yet perpendicular and bisecting to the feeling you get when you see a friend or an enemy that you knew for a very long time and understood, yet haven’t been around for a very long time, and just ran into them on your way to pick up a bun at the corner shop. If a pixie told you that the feeling of Durchmenalia was connected to the colors burgundy, yellow ochre, and periwinkle. And a goblin described how it makes them want to go searching for something green and leafy to be near. If a dragon explained all the ways in which it would be felt if any of the circumstances of the sleep were even the tiniest bit different.... Would you be able to comprehend that emotion? No. You couldn’t. You cannot even wrap your mind around the emotion of Durchmenalia because you cannot feel it (also because it doesn’t exist). Some might point out that if language were not as limited as it is, perhaps you could describe it so carefully and closely that you were able to feel that emotion just by hearing it described, or know precisely what a specific color appears like despite being blind, or upon reading a description know the exact sound a person is describing despite having never heard a sound in your life. Perhaps, if language were more than it is, you could do that, but language, sadly, is too limited for that to work. So we may never know if such a thing is possible. But River, you ask, what if they aren’t real? What then? If they’re just fictitious beings that arose from stories and tales over time? Well then, you’re free to attribute whatever you like to them. After all, stories about Faeries are for human benefit, not the Faeries themselves. Describing fanciful wonders, far of places, and strange happenings. Certainly you can have some aspects of the alien about your characters, something inhuman and different.
But if your purpose is to tell a story, then you must have SOMETHING your readers can comprehend. Otherwise you might as well tell a story in the language of the trees about the exact way this particular oak in this part of the country got its hundred and twenty seventh ring. I’m certain that even if they could they actually read it, your audience would be more than a little lost. That is why all the old stories offer these beings, whatever they are, all kinds of emotions and feelings and behaviors that they might not have had. Because those stories were told by humans for humans. Warnings, interpretations, messages, and lessons. Carried by stories that could entertain or excite. And giving them emotions and traits that we can understand and relate to is the easiest way to make a character seem full and fleshed out, more interesting to your reader in a way that wants them to keep going to find out what happens to that character. There are other methods of writing characters than finding ways of making them relatable, of course. But giving human emotions and character traits are certainly one of the easiest ways of doing it. Are Faeries deceptive? Yes. They may speak the exact truth, but in the tales we see them doing so in just the right way to fool and beguile others. Regardless of what they feel, that is still deception, even if they never speak a direct lie. So they are deceptive. Are they benevolent? Maybe. Benevolence is a disposition, a moral value that leads to one being inclined to act to the well-being and benefit of others. Since we cannot possibly know what they are feeling or what they value unless they tell us, then we might better attribute to them Beneficence, which refers to actions or rules aimed at benefiting others. It can still encompass benevolent feelings, but many instances in history highlight instances of Beneficence which are merely obligatory duties of an official or other authority.
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A Little Closer
[Raphael x fem reader]
sfw, apocalypse AU, 2012
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The city that never sleeps.
They jinxed it, you thought as you dragged yourself along the street, Raphael at your side. The city wasn't only sleeping—it was dead.
You and him were alone, trying to get back in touch with everyone after getting split up. The team had been separated by unfortunate circumstances, nothing short of Murphy's Law. If you hadn't believed in the law before, you did, now.
But Raph could and would plow through a horde for you. He had to; he was your friend, the protector, at the moment. Because while you were able to handle yourself to some degree, ultimately, Raph was the one defending the both of you. And not even because you told him to. He took the role up himself, assumed it silently and never complained. You couldn't quite tell if it was because he felt obligated, or if it really was just his nature.
"You see that building up ahead? The tall one." He pointed toward a particular rooftop rising high among the ones around, and you nod. An infected ambled around in an adjacent alleyway. You glanced over at it anxiously, while Raph seemed completely unbothered. He was focused mentally planning their route. "That's our checkpoint. From there, we'll rest and see if we can regroup with the rest of the team."
The infected, a slower, pustule-covered form, started coming toward the two of you, stumbling out with quiet gurgles. "Raph," you said softly, with a tap on his hard shoulder. He glanced back at you before pulling out his sai, running at the infected and quickly dispatching it by a stab right in the eye socket. He avoided the sickly green caps.The creature fell heavily, and some of the pustules popped on the pavement, squeezing out a foul-smelling concoction of mutagen and infector cells. It amazed you every time just how fast he could get it done, the killing. And without fear—a few infected were more of an inconvenience to him than anything. He got in and got out, all the while you were left in awe at his ability to work on autopilot.
"Actually," he muttered, stepping around the body and into the alleyway the Infector had just come from. He noticed the fire escape and decided they'd take it from there on the rooftops. "I think we can get there from here. Feel like a little roof-running?" he asked you, throwing a subtle smile over.
Anything to get off the streets. Down there, it was bad. You had to look around every corner, watch your back even more carefully, and even then, straggling infected would still manage to slip under the radar. Though, luckily, Raph often was able to predict the movements of groups, which was what made you avoid the building horde making its way through the city. It was still a major scare to think you were clear and suddenly have a hunter-class infected jump out at you.
"Yeah," you answered him, following into the alleyway. "Yeah, let's do that. There are way too many Infectors down here." A shudder crawled up your spine to think about what the ooze those things carried could do to people.
He leaped up onto the railing, while you took the stairs. "It ain't the Infectors you have to worry about. It's the Hunters," he replied, pulling himself into the edge of the roof. You finished your ascent up the staircase as quietly as possible, and he met you at the top, grabbing your hand and helping you up the rest of the way. "But don't worry; I'll make sure none of 'em get you." You leaned forward and looked at him with a small smile, noting what he said. And that he still hadn't let go of your hand. "Or me," he added quickly as he released your hand and turned away to survey the series of buildings ahead.
You laughed, "Well, I'd be pretty screwed if I lost you, Raph. I kinda rely on you, y'know?"
Unknown to you, those last words would stick with him. For a long time.
"Yeah…" he trailed off. He didn't know how to respond to that. Of course, he'd been relied upon before; by Mikey, especially. He knew what that felt like. But protecting this girl? There was a new sense of pressure. Even Mikey could handle himself well enough alone. But there wasn't anything for you to fall back on, should he be out of the equation. No ninja training, not much knowledge of how to use a melee weapon aside from the basics, and guns were few and far between. Very far. A gang would trade you one, if you were lucky. Most people weren't lucky in that regard. Raph didn't want you anywhere near those thugs, anyway.
Between the two of you was nothing but the sound of the breeze. The city was almost dead silent, save for the occasional racket of survivors, or feral animals. Both were in low numbers; most of the city—the country—had been turned. The rate at which the infection spread was astonishing. Only here and there would a lonely human cause ruckus anywhere.
Raph cleared his throat, "We should get moving. Sun's going down and we need to hunker down for the night, the Hunters will be wakin' up soon."
"Sounds good," you said as you stretched your tight muscles out. Hours of almost nonstop walking and jogging could really work up some nasty knots.
You moved forward, him naturally taking the lead as you both made your ways across the roofs, him helping you along when you needed it, and you keeping watch for stragglers while you were at it. Sometimes, there would be other people up there. Other times, former people.
Coming up to a run down building, Raph made the last jump across, expecting you to be able to handle it. But you were hesitant, your body worn and weary from days of over exertion, and today was the straw that broke the camel's back. After all this time, you just couldn't muster the strength to clear the gap yourself.
Raph was about to go on ahead when he noticed you hadn't made it across yet, and he called out, "Y/N, what're you doing over there? Come on, this is our stop."
You wanted to do it, for the sake of his convenience, but it was too far. You could have over or underestimated and plummeted down into the alley below, gotten incapacitated, and became even more baggage. He watched as you backpedaled from the ledge. "I can't," you answered, slightly ashamed, "it's too far of a jump. I can't do it."
You watched as Raph easily bounded across, landing in front of you. "Here," he motioned for you to step in, and you did, where he then picked you right up into his arms and started backing further away. He'd lended you a helping hand before, a catch, sometimes, but never had he picked you up like this. "Wrap your arms around my neck, this is a little dodgy," he instructed you. He tried to ignore the fluttery feeling it gave him when you did what he'd said to do, wrapping your arms around his sturdy neck as he got ready to leap the gap. You were comfortable enough—Raph was strong. Really strong. But the threat of you both falling still have you anxiety, and for that, you had to clamp your eyes shut.
Without a word, he took off in a dash, one powerful leg launching the both of you off the edge. His arms tightened around you somehow more than they had been before. And for a brief second you felt wind. You still couldn't open your eyes, only focused on the feeling of almost absolute security in Raph's grip. Next was the hard landing, which jarred you out of your brief moment of warmth. He grunted, following through into a crouch and setting you down on your feet.
"You alright?" you asked him, concerned, placing a light hand on his shell.
He had a level of endurance that far exceeded the average person's, but even Raph was getting tired. He despised feeling weak, but his body was now actively working against him. He felt slow and heavy for his standards, running on fumes and secretly desperate for rest. As good of a sleep as he could get without worrying about being ambushed by something, be it human or otherwise. He knew he'd be back to the grind soon enough though because you needed sleep, too, and he would die before leaving you undefended in such a vulnerable state.
You realized then just now exhausted he was as he rose, taking in a deep breath. "I'm alright, let's just...clear the place and get in there," he said.
He approached the door into the stairwell and listened for a second before trying the knob. Locked. He was impatient to get in and finally be able to rest, so he just kicked the door in with everything he had, deciding to deal with anything that might be in there as they came. You grimaced; stairwells were awful places to fight anyone or anything.
Collecting yourself, you came over and peered in along with him. "Easy there, shouldn't we be quiet?" you questioned him in earnest.
He never intended to be rude to you, but his mood got the best of him, and he snapped back with a sigh, "Look, I'll get rid of them, okay? It's not like you're the one going in and killing them, so just stay out of the way and let me get it done."
You backed out of the doorway and shot him a look as if to say, are you serious? You knew Raph was prone to moodiness, but you'd never expected it to be targeted your way.
Shit. He slapped his hand onto the doorframe and leaned his forehead on it, groaning. Not even at you, but himself, because he'd just snapped at his only friend and ally out here at the moment. Seeing the flash of the look of hurt on your face at his words made him feel like a total asshole.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled after a minute of uncomfortable silence. He looked back at you, eyes falling on the sombreness of your expression. "I'm just tired. I'll be more careful here on out, if it makes you feel better. I know you're just trying to look out for us, trust me. I do."
"It's okay," you said softly. "Don't worry about it. Let's get in there now, yeah?" you nudged him, stepping in. You looked over the railing in search of anything suspicious. Oxidized blood, the hybrid mutagenic fluid that the Infectors secreted. No, it all appeared clean. But that didn't mean it was safe. Raph descended the stairs slowly, listening for anything he could pick up on. The two of you were surprised that it seemed clear, maybe even skeptical, but it didn't stop you as your paced picked up. Raph kept you behind him at all times with his sai out and ready.
"You think it's good?" you whisper, leaning your head over his shoulder. His eyes scanned the surroundings in the hallway you had just been lead into, still searching for any red flags.
There was nothing. No sounds, no signs of infected, and deathly quiet. The lack of noise disturbed Raph more than anything, but if it meant one night of peace, he'd take anything he could get.
"The residents must've abandoned this place when the evacs happened," you noted.
"Everyone should have stayed. Maybe then we would have had a chance of actually containing this thing and Donnie wouldn't have to be busting his ass to save us all. If that's even possible at this point."
He let his guard down a little. All he wanted to do was pick out any random apartment and take it over for the night. Trying the one on his left, the door slowly opened to reveal a messy studio, papers strewn about, cabinets still open, things discarded on the floor. He almost melted just seeing the couch, let alone a bed.
You were watching the hall just to make sure, but felt his calloused hand land on your forearm, pulling you in.
"Wow," you breathed out. "I never thought I'd be so happy to see such a mess. I feel like I haven't slept in three years," you muttered to yourself, shutting the door behind you.
Raph wandered around the room as he made his last checks behind the counters and such before he finally relaxed and slid his sais back into their holders. "No kidding," he commented. "I'd bet there's nothing to eat in here, though."
"Can't hurt to try."
Turned out that there wasn't anything but a couple of granola bars and a single bottle of water you'd found under the kitchen table. Probably rolled under there and the owner never noticed, but you were running low on your water supply, as your backpack was starting to feel light.
Raph kept the blinds closed tight in fear of being spotted from the window, even though it was practically a wasteland out there, but you couldn't help but part them a bit to catch a glimpse of the sun going down. That beautiful, warm glow that the Golden Hour produced, and the way it painted the sky. Though, it wasn't all that visible from where you were.
Sunset came and went and gave way to night. It was dark in the apartment; no electricity was being routed there, and so the only thing that lit up the area was the lone lantern you had sitting on the coffee table. Your eyelids were becoming so heavy that you couldn't stop to care if the furniture had bed bugs or other gross stuff. It was comfortable on your aching back, that's what mattered. You lay down on it and was already dozing off when Raph padded by. He stopped. You were so tired, he could see that. He could stand to stay up for a few more hours, he told himself—he would do that.
As you slept, he spent his time cleaning his weapons, adjusting his gear, snacking on what little the two of you shared. Also thinking. About how tired he was in that moment, his brothers (wherever they were), and finally...you. He found his gaze shifting from the knife in his lap that he'd been sharpening to you, sound asleep on the couch and for the first time in days, looking at peace. You had dark circles under your eyes, bumps and scrapes all over your body, yet for a little while, you'd forgotten all about it. Because you were asleep, obviously, but even though he was downright beat, he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. Not yet, at least. The clock on the wall was still ticking on. It was quiet, except for that—Raph couldn't complain. He softened watching you. There was something comforting to him about being able to drop the act and just observe you without having to talk. He wasn't always good at talking. He judged that perhaps you were only trying to fill the silence when you kept rambling or muttering, which was understandable. It made him wonder briefly if you felt awkward when he was quiet.
Raph was on his proverbial last leg in terms of his wakefulness when he heard your voice, the slightest call that was almost inaudible. He set his gear aside and shifted towards you where he sat on the coffee table, trying to figure out if you were only dreaming, or if you really needed something.
"You awake?" he whispered.
Arm dangling off the couch, you rested your face on your other hand. "Yeah," you answered through a dry throat. He remembered the bottle of water from earlier and reached into the backpack at his feet, handing it to you. He'd already drank over half of it.
"How long have you been laying there awake while I could have been getting some shut-eye?" he jested. You did your best to muster a smile, but it wasn't going. It wasn't like you to be so solemn.
He spoke again as you downed the rest of the water, "Uh...joking. Are you—"
"Can you hold me?"
You weren't looking at him. Your eyes were closed, and on the inside, you asked yourself why you'd said it. Maybe it was the mid-sleep grogginess, or you had just lost all care in the world. He was staring at you, but in the low light, you could hardly see his expression. He swallowed; oh, how this had taken him off guard.
"Just for a little bit."
He was going to stammer out something, he wasn't sure what, but anything to relieve the mix of awkward embarrassment he was feeling. He wanted to crawl into that couch with you, to feel the warmth of your body against his cold one—why couldn't he move? Why was it so hard to just say: "Yes, I can hold you."
He could fight. He could defend. What he couldn't do was comprehend his own emotions.
"I, uh…do you feel unsafe, or something?" He felt stupid to ask that, but that part of his mind wanted to rationalize your request. He would feel vulnerable in your shoes. He knew that for a fact. But really, he was aware that wasn't the case, you feeling unsafe; he was there. Your sentinel, willing to push himself as far as he possibly could, and then some.
A sigh left you, and the single word, "Please."
No more thinking. Just do.
He sat up, tentative in his approach to your tired form. You shifted back as far into the cushions of the couch that you could, offering him the space on the edge. He climbed down, and after a minute of trying to situate all of your limbs, he was finally comfortable. He would be lying to say his heart wasn't beating faster, that it didn't feel weird to drape his arm around you the way he did, being pressed against your back like that. Despite everything, it felt natural. Right. Like he'd been missing something that whole time, and as soon as he had pulled you into him, he had a revelation.
There were no words exchanged. Just the sound of the clock ticking and the both of your breaths as you were lulled back into sleep. He couldn't sleep yet. You still had an hour to go before it was his turn. Not that it bothered him. Not then; he wanted to be conscious for this, the feeling of fullness he had with how you seemed to fit against his body so well. The contrast of soft skin to his scales, his lean, solid muscles compared to your own less-developed. His fingers brushed along your wrist in some of the lightest touches he'd ever administered. His leg found its way over your own.
What started rigid and awkward now had melted him. His body hadn't felt that loose in a long time.
Whatever the next move was, he was fine with it. The team was close to finding each other after four days of separation. There was a horde forming outside, gathering up to blow through the city in one last sweep. But as long as they got where they needed to go, he didn't mind it at all.
a/n: i 100% did not feel like explaining how or why they got separated from the rest of the group just be along for the ride bby
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Gift exchange
It’s Christmas Eve, and you’ve forgotten about your Christmas company party. Even worse you forgot to get a gift for the “not so secret Santa” - your company’s tradition. Wanna top it? Make it even worse? No problem. The person you were supposed to get a gift for? Your crush. Defsoul - the most talented, kindest and hottest person alive. What are you going to do now?
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pairing: Lim Jaebeom (Defsoul) x reader
genre: smut, fluff, Jaebeom is a producer, Y/N is a manager
warnings: smut: daddy kink, light choking, ass play; foul language (please don’t read it if you’re not old enough)
words: 4989
A/N: TFW you try to write a GOT7 reaction, and you end up with one-shot. I know I’m kinda late with whole christmas theme but i wrote it last night and figured out I could post it anyway.
You barely got to shut your eyes before your alarm tore you up from your dreams. It was nine in the morning, and you went to sleep at six AM because of your work. You groaned as you shuffled in bed cursing your job, three hours of sleep was not enough for anyone. Being manager of K-pop girl group was hard enough but being the manager in December when there was award show after award show and festivals - that was a nightmare. To other people December was equal to Christmas, gifts, parties, New Year's Eve but to you, it was synonymous with constant state of tiredness, your biggest wish right now was to spent Christmas break alone, just you and your bed. You sighed as you dragged yourself to shower. Girls had only slept for 5 hours, and you felt bad for them — not only were they invited to each award show that existed they also just have had a comeback. You could see how exhausted they were and yet your superiors still pushed for them to go to some stupid TV show on Christmas Eve. You got yourself ready and went to pick them up and get them to set.
The recording went smoothly, and you were already daydreaming about coming home early and passing out on your bed. It was six PM already, but you still had to drive girls home and step into the office for a bit. You sighed you'd be home eight PM at best - well it was still better than coming home at two or three AM. You were about to go and thank everyone for their hard work when your phone vibrated. It was your best friend and coworker.
"Hey Inha. What's up?"
"I wanted to check if you remember about the company party tonight."
You hit your forehead and groaned.
"OMG! You forgot! Have you bought a gift at least?"
"No..." you whined. You wanted to die. You had so much work lately that you've absolutely forgotten about that party — it was for staff only and each year you'd drew lots to pick the person you were supposed to give a gift to. It wasn't even secret Santa your boss simply came to conclusion that gift exchange would help out with forming friendships...
"Girl... Do you at least remember who you drew?"
Of course you remembered. How could you not. This was your lucky year, you got Defsoul the hottest, kindest and most talented person working for your label. You had a small crush on him since that day he gave up his coffee for you. You were falling asleep standing while girls were recording their vocals, and he chuckled at you before telling you to sit by him and drink some coffee. It probably meant nothing to him but that was one of the most stressful weeks in your life, and you weren't sleeping at all during that time — ITZY were about to make a debut, and you couldn't stop worrying over it. You remember how touched you were by this simple gesture, after all no one ever gave you coffee, usually you were the one getting it for other people. His looks certainly didn't help with your hopeless crush. He was H O T and not even simply hot, more like "I-look-like-an-idol" hot. He had a black mullet, piercing under his eye, he also had his nose and ears pierced to make matters worse for you he also had most hypnotizing almost feline-like eyes. Honestly you wondered why didn't he become an idol with a face and talent like that. After that one time, he would buy you a coffee whenever he had seen you and you two became somewhat close - you'd swing over his studio when girls had to train and talk about everything and nothing. He told you about his cats, his favorite restaurants, his passion for taking pictures and well you mostly told him about your job since you basically didn't have any private life - it really felt pathetic. He even took your photo once - telling you that the picture would help him later when he would be looking for inspiration (it is a mystery till this day how you haven't fainted that evening). One day you were waiting for girls to finish up their dance practice and fell asleep on one of the benches — it was difficult day for you since you haven't slept for twenty hours already (you had to fight off some crazy sasaengs and didn’t sleep whole night keeping an eye on their dorm — some would say you were overdoing it, but to you members of ITZY were like your little sisters). You woke up in his studio on his couch. He carried you there while you were asleep and tucked you in, covering you with his jacket. You were extremely embarrassed, apologetic and thankful at the same time. He chuckled at you before saying that it was okay and forced you to promise that you'd oversleep to work the very next day. Inha claimed he had a crush on you since he never treated her with the same kindness or anyone really. But you knew better, he was a good colleague. A good, extraordinarily attractive colleague you wanted to kiss and lick and...
"Hello? Earth to Y/N??" your friend snapped you from your thoughts.
"I have to go Inha! Thank you for reminding me! Love you!" You checked the time, there was no way you'd manage to drive girls back, buy a gift, get ready for a party and do all that without being late. You sighed you will have to improvise. You drove off girls and came back rushing straight to your apartment. The party started at 10 PM and you had to shower, somehow fix your sleep-deprived face and figure out how you're going to apologize to Def... You were home a few minutes before 8 rushing into your bedroom - at least you knew what you were going to wear. That would be the most expensive, or more like the only expensive piece of clothing you had — a birthday gift from girls. It was an oversized tuxedo jacket from Alexander Wang and you haven't worn it yet. You tried it on, it had quite deep cleavage, and exposed a lot of your legs, but you figured it would be ok for tonight. You smoothed out black velvety material before stepping out of it. You still had to shower and do your makeup. An hour later you were looking at yourself in the mirror — the mask Inha got you really helped out with bags under your eyes. You did good with makeup as well: it was soft brownish smoky eye, orange toned lipstick and some shimmers here and there — you actually looked healthy and well rested (a true Christmas miracle really). You looked even better after getting in your outfit — Ryunjin was right, the tuxedo like dress fitted your vibe. You even wore some black heels which didn't often happen since you always chose comfort over looks when at work.  
Fortunately you got to the party on time even though you couldn't catch a taxi for twenty minutes or so. People inside were already mingling and drinking, and you decided to grab something to drink before looking for Def. You located a small table with champagne in the corner of the room. You downed two glasses as quick as you got there, and were already grabbing a third one when a voice spoke up startling you so much you jumped a little.
"Rough day?" Defsoul was standing next to you, whiskey in his hand, smirking at you. You immediately blushed and gawked at him. He was so handsome it was simply unfair. This man clearly woke up today and chose violence. He was wearing a silky black shirt — and it was quite unbuttoned, so you had a chance of seeing his broad chest (you were currently having a heart attack), and slacks he also styled his hair so that his forehead was exposed with one defiant streak of hair falling onto his brow bone. You wanted to groan. You fucked up — this could've been your chance to get him to like you more...
"Y/N? Are you alright?" he was genuinely concerned, and here you were, basically salivating and staring at him like a starved, nasty man. That was so embarrassing. You cleared your throat and looked away.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm just really tired today..." He smiled at you warmly, and you wanted to punch yourself for not getting him something, anything.
"That's great!" You gave him a confused look, and he bit his lip nervously while scratching the back of his head. He was so cute you could kiss him. Well to be fair you felt like you could kiss him any time. Why...why did you have to forget that bloody gift...
"I mean it's not great that you're tired... It's just… ah, shit I suck at this. Here." He handed you a plastic card, and you read it absolutely puzzled. Lifetime pass for coffee with Jaebeom — it also had a cute chibi character that looked just like Def, except it had some cat ears.
"Now you can get coffee whenever you want. I mean I know you can have it whenever you want anyway, I just thought that maybe you'd like someone to get it with... I mean get it for you… It's ok if you don't like it really, oh by the way I'm Jaebeom, I don't know if I already told you my real name or not…" he was rambling, and you were screaming inside your head. That was so cute. So kind. You wanted to hug him and kiss him so badly. "Ah, shit. I really do suck at this." he said more to himself than to you. You finally looked at him and grinned.
"I love it." you said and his eyes turned into big orbs before light pink colored his cheeks.
"You do?"
"I do. It's a perfect gift." you smiled, your heart swelled with happiness. You could technically go on a date with him whenever you felt like with this handy piece of plastic. That is if he wouldn't start to hate you in the next few minutes for forgetting his present.
"I'm glad." he grinned and it took your breath away. How come he was so perfect? You got even more nervous looking at the gift from him.
"Ah... I was your not so secret Santa as well…" you started.
"Really? So what did you get me?" he was genuinely interested, and you wanted to go back in time and kill yourself for forgetting about this party. You looked up. His eyes were gleaming with curiosity — you were fucked.
"It's me! I'm your gift!" you joked and looked down to cover your nervousness. You were about to say that it was just a stupid joke and apologize before he spoke up.
"I love it." his voice was deeper than normally, and you looked up shocked by it. He was checking you out, his hungry eyes traveling up and down. You've never seen him like that. You could feel warmth spreading on your cheeks under his intense stare, a tight knot forming somewhere near your core in excitement.
"Y-you do?" your voice faltered, and he chuckled while moving closer to you. He smelled musky with a hint of citrus. Your legs were about to collapse under you.
"I do." he hummed he was so close you could feel the warmth radiating from him. His hand brushed against yours as he bent down to reach your ear. You were sure your skin was burning where he touched you. "So, tell me Y/N, when can I unwrap you?" his tone was dark and dangerous and when he straightened up you've seen this gleam in his eyes as he smirked. Your legs felt like made from putty and you'd collapse if his hand weren't already wrapped around your waist. You couldn't believe it was happening. Your heart was beating so hard it was about to spring off your chest — you were wondering if he could hear it. You certainly could even though blood ringed in your ears. You felt your throat going dry and your panties getting moist.
"Def…" you started weakly. Shocked by your own voice — it sounded so needy.
"Call me Jaebeom.." he purred. "Would you like to go to my place? I don't think I can wait any longer to enjoy my gift…" You quavered from excitement, his voice was laced with a promise of sleepless night.
"Yes, let's go." you said and he smiled at you. You were sure you lost any oxygen you still had in your lungs at that moment. His hand left your waist, and you wanted to catch it and wrap yourself with it again. Instead, he grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with his, smiling at you sweetly before he led you outside. You couldn't focus on anything else, but his fingers wrapped around yours. His hand was warm, and he held you firmly, his skin soft and delicate. You managed to quickly catch a taxi and through whole drive Jaebeom's hand lazily travelled up and down your thigh. His gentle fingers sending sparks to your core every time he brushed the inside of your leg. You glanced at him, eyes filled with desire — he shivered, and it made you feel a different kind of excitement — you didn't know that you had this kind of effect on him. You got out of the taxi and his hand was instantly on yours, he was almost dragging you skipping every other step as he rushed upstairs to his apartment. He opened the door and let you in. Immediately three cats came in and brushed against your legs. You smiled softly.
"They like you.." Jaebeom murmured against your neck while taking off your coat for you, you gasped at the feeling, and he released low chuckle before he started planting soft kisses against your neck — each time his lips touched your skin your muscles clenched with anticipation. You couldn't wait any longer. You turned around and looked at him, his eyes were glued to your lips and excitement bubbled somewhere below your stomach.
"I waited so long for this..." he started but never got to finish as your lips were on his in a second. Even his lips felt like cotton, and you sighed against him when he kissed you back. He was clearly enjoying slow kisses. You grew impatient once again and licked his lower lip, he gave you access you asked for, and your tongue brushed against his hungrily. You could already feel how wet you were, arousal making your panties stick to you painfully. Jaebeom's hand travelled around your back dropping dangerously low now and then but never grabbing you — you really wanted him to hold you and take you roughly. Once again you grew impatient this night. You took his lower lip in between your teeth, you bit it hard and moaned. That seemed to make him lose his cool, he let out a growl that travelled straight to your core.
"Bad girl..." he said before he turned you around and pushed you against the wall so that your back was facing him. His tongue already on your earlobe, you sighed and shivered when he licked it and let out breaths against wet, sensitive skin. "I wanted to take it slowly, but you're so eager, so impatient…" he was purring into your ear, and you were aching down there more and more with each syllable.
"Jaebeom..." you moaned as you pressed your ass against him. He sucked some breath in when you pushed down against his hard length, his body working on its own accord, one hand already on your hips pressing you harder when the other one cupped your breast. This is not how he envisioned tonight, he thought that he'd at best confess his feelings not have you here crumbling in his hands while moaning his name. Your hips bucked against his by itself as soon as you felt how hard he was. His hand grabbed your clothed breast, and you regretted wearing anything. You wanted to feel him against you naked skin not through layers of clothing.
"Jaebeom-ah..." you moaned his name again, and he rewarded you with sucking on your neck — it was painful yet pleasant, and you almost forgot what you wanted to say before he licked the fresh mark and kissed it. "Didn't you say you wanted to unwrap me?" You said in weak voice still affected by his mouth on your neck. He laughed against your skin, and you thought that's how paradise would sound like.
"You really are impatient... do you want me to fuck you so bad?" he asked rubbing into you, his dick almost in pain from the friction.
"Yes...please..." you panted out, and he let out some animalistic sound upon hearing how needy you were. He made you face him and unbuttoned your tuxedo-like-dress before he tossed it somewhere behind him. You shivered under his stare. He pulled you into him and his hands immediately travelled to your ass, grabbing it and lifting you up without effort. He began kissing your jaw, neck, collarbones, and you tilted your head, so he could have better access. He carried you to his bedroom and laid you down carefully on the mattress before he took a step back. His sheets smelled just like him, and you sighed in pleasure, sinking deeply into his fragrance. He bit his lip seeing you in his bed, wearing nothing but lacy underwear. However, you didn't want just lay and wait, you got up and reached out to his own shirt undoing the buttons hastily, but he didn't let you, he was in control. He held your hands and pushed you back on bed. You bounced and your hair created a sort of crown, spreading around your face — it emphasized your features even more, and Jaebeom felt as if he was making love to some kind of goddess. Your lips, eyes, hair, body everything was perfect. He wanted to taste you already.
"You need to ask me nicely." He smirked at you and you pouted a bit before a mischievous gleam appeared in your eyes. You let one of the straps fall from your shoulder and gave him an innocent look before taking off the other one as well. Just one move and Jaebeom would see your torso naked. He bit his lip unintentionally, when you pushed your breast closer while also moaning.
"Pleeeaaase... undress already and fuck me... daddy." He groaned - you'd be the end of him. He quickly tore any clothes that were on him leaving only his boxers on, and you stared him down hungrily. Saying he was beautiful was and understatement. He was perfect. His skin was light and smooth, it gleamed in the moonlight that illuminated the room through a small window located right above the headboard. It was still dim, but you could clearly see the outline of muscles on his stomach, and a tempting v line, waiting for you to be licked on his abdomen.
"Take off your bra." he ordered and you obediently followed. His eyes devoured your glistening breasts, two darker beads already hard and inviting him in. He licked his thumb and brushed it against your nipple watching intently for your reaction. You didn't disappoint him as you arched your back hungry for his touch. He took another one into his mouth, his tongue making circles around it for what felt like forever. The sound of his wet licks and your quickened breath feeling the silence of the room. You squeezed your legs looking for any kind of release, it didn't help much. Your core was aching and since you could only wait for him to bring you pleasure you closed your eyes and focused only on the sole path of his tongue. It was almost like a torture and Jaebeom seemed to enjoy it greatly, lazy licks, circles around your nipples, blowing cold air on them to hear your whines. And so when he finally sucked on your swollen nipple you moaned his name so loudly his neighbors could hear you. His dick twitched in his boxers. He couldn't wait for much long either, you were the most beautiful person he ever saw, and you were squirming under him, waiting for him to fuck you. He was honestly shocked he didn't take you against that wall in his hall when you pushed your ass against him. He smirked at you, he haven’t even fucked you yet and you were already having this kind of expression. His lips travelled from your breast lower and lower before his face hovered above your panties, hot breath on your wet, clothed pussy sending you almost over the edge. You looked down at him, his eyes were full of lust. He was so beautiful you felt like it was just a dream, not reality. When he pressed his nose against your wet folds you moaned again. He inhaled it a few times as if it was the most ravishing smell in the world.
"You smell so good I might go crazy." He actually was going crazy as his cock let out a bit of pre-cum only upon him smelling your pussy.
"Daddy... please..." you pleaded looking him in the eyes, he couldn't take it any longer. In one swift move he tore the panties off you, they were soaked, and he sniffed them one last time before throwing them out.  He took off his own underwear, and knelt between your legs his cock in his hand already.
"You're so wet for me. Such a good girl, I'm going to fuck you so good." he purred out, and you could go off his words only. He put on condom quickly and teased your entrance before sliding into you slowly. He was watching your face intently as he didn't want to cause you pain.
"Just don't move for a second, you're so big I need to get used to the stretch." It was painful a and pleasant at the same time - the way he filled you up. He didn't buck his hips as you asked, instead he kissed your lips, your jaw, neck, and you kissed him back with passion. Soon he started rocking into you and you moaned into his mouth.
"Harder." you managed to say between the panting and kissing. He straightened up and increased the tempo, sweat building on his forehead.
"Harder..." you said and his hand went to your throat while he almost crushed into you. He choked you lightly, and you felt the orgasm building already.
"Daddy... harder..."
"You dirty girl. On all fours." You obediently followed his order and soon he was fucking you doggy style, his hand spanking you lightly. "You like that? You like when daddy takes you hard?" His voice was so low you shivered under him.
"Yes, daddy." you moaned out when his huge dick filled you with each thrust.
"You're so dirty and good to your daddy. I will reward you and play with your other hole." Before you could say anything he spat on your ass and his finger danced around the other entrance. Just that was enough for you to see white. Your toes curled and your head went back, you screamed his name like it was the only thing keeping you alive, and you could feel how he twitched inside you when you clenched around him in orgasm spasm.
"Y/N, ah... I'm cumming, I'm…" he said through gritted teeth while pounding into you. You both reached your highs and fell onto the bed. He discarded the condom and started kissing your back lazily.
"Do you want to shower together?" he asked.
"Yes, but I don't think I have enough energy to go for another round…" you said while turning his way. He was looking at you lovingly, his expression completely fucked out. He was beautiful, the most handsome you've ever seen him actually. You sighed when his fingers brushed off hair from your face in sweet gesture.
"That's ok, I'll just shower you and we can go to sleep." You nodded, and he took your hand and guided you to his bathroom. He switched on the shower and pulled you under the water when it was warm already. He was so delicate with you, soaping your body, shampooing your head. You smiled at him warmly, and he chuckled.
"You're really cute." he said with a smile after making and weird shapes out of your shampooed hair.
"Stop it, I'll blush." you said while getting under the water, he was quickly spooning you, kissing your back almost with devotion.
"Good, you're even cuter when you blush."
You both towelled yourself dry and Jaebeom even brushed your hair for you before pulling you back to bed. You cuddled your face into his chest and he closed his arms around you. You didn't know if it was one-night stand only, but you'd worry about your possibly broken heart in the morning since his scent was already inviting you to the dreamworld.
You woke up to some rumbling. You opened your eyes and shot up, fear washing over you — that wasn't your bedroom. Memories of last night came next, and you fell back to the sheets squealing quietly into his pillow. That's when the realization hit you. What if it was just one-night stand, and you were rolling around his bed happily in love like an idiot? You sighed but before you could do anything, the man in question came to the bedroom smiling at you warmly.
"You finally woke up sleepyhead." He sat next to you and bend down to kiss your cheek. You looked down. "What's wrong? Have I done something?" He looked concerned.
"I.. no." You said sitting up, and he raised his brow on you. Ugh, he was looking great wearing a plain gray hoodie. You sighed.
"Was that one just for one night? If it was a one-night stand tell me now before I do something stupid."
"One-night stand?" He looked at you offended. "One-night stand?! Do you even know for how long I've been crushing on you? It was few years of my desperate attempts to ask you out, buying you coffee, looking for you constantly. Hell, I even made Yugyeom exchange the stupid lottery draw with me, so that I could give you that card. I actually thought that would helped me out with asking you out. One-night stand?! Jesus, Y/N, he made me basically his slave for a day, and you're asking me if it's one-night stand?" He was angry, and you looked at him shocked, you have never seen him like that. "Do you want this to be one-night stand?!" he raised his voice again.
"No!" you answered him immediately.
"No?! Great, then you can... wait you said no?" He cleared his throat, and you could actually see him smiling like an idiot before he cleared it again. "Well… good because I made us lunch already, and it would go to waste otherwise." He tried to act cool. You giggled at him and pushed him down before sitting on top of him.
"You're cute." You said and he blushed looking away.
"I'm not."
"Yes you are. You are the cutest actually." He groaned in response getting even more red, and you giggled once again. It was the first time you got him to blush so much, usually it was just light pink appearing on the apples of his cheeks. You kissed his face leaving pecks all over it, he chuckled before speaking again.
"I don't want this to be one-night stand. I like you I was actually planning on asking you out yesterday."
"You were?"
"I was. So would like to go out with me?" he wiggled his brows at you and you grinned before nodding.
"Mmm. I'd love to." you answered and he pulled you for a lazy kiss.
"Come, I prepared some food for you. It's hardly festive, but it's something"
"I'm sure it's great. I just need to put something on myself first."
"You can have my hoodie and sweats." he said while looking through his cabinet. "Here." He handed you clothes and blushed once again mumbling that he will wait for you in the kitchen. He got embarrassed — that was just too cute.
You slipped in his clothes, his smell wrapping around you. You got out of the bedroom only to be greeted by three cats purring and brushing against your legs. You smiled and petted them, scratching them on their chins. Jaebeom was just standing and staring at you, still not believing his luck. You were wearing his blouse, it was hanging on you like a dress basically and his heart ached at this picture. You looked up and grinned.
"They like me!"
"I'm pretty sure they're going to like you more than they like me." He chuckled. "Now come, let's eat."
You nodded and entered his kitchen, there was kimchi jjigae and rice prepared for both of you. You smiled and sat down already salivating because of the delicious smell.
"Merry Christmas Y/N." He said looking up from his dish.
"Merry Christmas Jaebeom." You smiled at him lovingly. "So what did Yugyeom made you do?"
"Don't even ask." He said and you giggled. Let's just say you didn't get to spend the Christmas break alone in the bed like you wished.
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could we get a part 4 to that best friend Ethan thing?🥰
Sorry it took so long :(
(sexual harassment, violence, alcohol intoxication and death)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4:
You were now 4 drinks down and to say that you were absolutely fucked was an understatement. Your vision had become blurry and you were struggling to walk like a normal person without embarrassing yourself by walking into strangers.
Grayson was right. You can’t handle your drinks.
Every now and then you flash a cheeky smile at the odd guy that walks by you, earning yourself an eye roll from both Yael and Sam. You're such a flirt when you're drunk and you never have a problem showing it.
”You're such a lightweight, y/n!” Yael shouts over the loud thumping music as you both dance side by side, swaying your hips along with the music.
You— being the most drunk you've ever been— miss hear her completely. ”who the fuck are you calling shark bait?!”
Yael snorts out a laugh, amused with the state that you were in. “I said LIGHTWEIGHT! Fucking idiot!”
Sam casually dances his way over to the two of you, in the middle of the dance floor, with a drink in each hand.
”Who’s a lightweight?!” he questions, handing Yael one of the alcoholic beverages.
”Look! Sammy whammy is here! Welcome brother shark bait!” you point out as you dramatically throw an arm around his shoulder, causing the two of you to stumble back into a group of wasted girls that were dancing behind you.
”Oop! My bad!” you giggle, stepping away from the collision you just caused. You spin around to see that all 3 girls had liquid spilt down their attire and expressed a face to say ’are you kidding me?’— but you didn't give a single fuck.
Without a second to think, you stick both middle fingers up in the air and grin tormentingly before mouthing a ’fuck you’. Much to your amusement, this riles them up.
”Ignore her! She doesn't mean it! She's just drunk!” Sam clarifies, holding his hands up in defence as the girls start to throw abuse at the two of you.
”He’s lying!” you protest. ”I think you all look like clowns right now with all that fucking makeup on your dumbass fac—”
Pulling you away from the situation, before it gets out of hand, Sam raises a brow at you. ”Stop trying to rile up strangers! And Shark bait?”
Wow. You were even starting to annoy yourself with the childish shit you were coming out with.
”enough with the shark bait!” Yael demands, playfully clamping a hand over your mouth.
”get ya nasty hands off me!” slapping her hands away, you grimace. ”Could’a been touching sam’s dick for all I know!”
”don't be so silly!” yeal leans closer to your ear, holding your shoulder to steady your balance somewhat. ”I've washed my hands since then.” she winks.
”FILTH! ABSOLUTE FILTH!” you screech, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand, sending Yael into fits of laughter.
”I’m joking!” she claims, taking a sip of her drink. ”although—” yael eyes Sam from head to toe, almost drooling at the sight of him. ”Sam is looking pretty hot tonight. Look at that fine piece of—”
”RIGHT!” you turn on your heel, beginning to walk away ”I need another drink.”
”Be safe! We’ll be right here if you need us!” she calls, waving a hand in the air as to say ’bye’.
No, they won't. Give it 5 minutes and Yael will be getting it in the toilets.
You were at the bar, ordering another 2 rounds of shots for the three of you, when a guy comes and sits himself down beside you.
”having a fun night?” he attempts to spark up a conversation.
”uh— yeah? Yes! Very fun!”
”That sounds like sarcasm, babe.”
Ew. Don't ’babe’ me.
You force a smile before taking your phone out from your clutch.
No messages.
Deep down, you were hoping to find a message from Ethan. But instead you received a notification-free screen. You found yourself staring at a picture, of you and E, that you had set as your lock screen. It was taken at the beach a few months back when you first properly hung out with everyone. Ethan was very attached to you that day and wherever you were, he was sure not to be too far away. You found it sweet.
In the photo, Ethan was standing behind you, both arms wrapped around your torso and his chin resting on your shoulder with a huge beaming smile spread across his face. It's your favorite photo to date and you've had it set as your lock screen from the very moment it was taken because E claimed it was ’kinda cute’.
The stranger next to you must have noticed your facial expression alter slightly because he's soon leaning over to get your attention. You slide your phone back into your clutch and close it after double-checking your actions.
”you seem like you're having a shitty time.”
”I am not! I'm having a fucking wicked time, if you must know! See that girl over there?” you turn to look for Yael, but she's nowhere in sight. Neither is Sam.
They're fucking in the bathroom, I bet!
”who?” the guy looks around the room in confusion.
Panicking, you point to a random girl. That random girl just so happens to be the wildest girl out on the dance floor as she was grinding against anyone who walked by her with her hair an absolute mess and red lipstick smudged all over her face. She looks like she knows how to have a fun time, that's for sure.
”That's your friend?” he asks, voice full of doubt. ”Seems like a massive whore to me.”
Was this guy looking to get his ass beaten? Because you'll square up right now!
”fuck you, asshole! That's my best friend! Don't talk about her like that!” You snap. You have no idea why you felt the need to defend this girl so bad but you weren't going to sit back and let this nincompoop hate on her like that.
”what the fuck are you gonna do about it?” the man laughs, taking a sip of his drink.
Smack his drink out of his hand.
You scowl at the man, shaking the thought out of your head before the bartender walks over with the shots you had ordered. You thank them with a small smile before picking the drinks tray up to take it over to an empty table in the corner of the room, furthest away from the bar.
After concentrating on your steps, and guarding the drinks like your life depended on it, you reach the booth you had your eyes on.
Wasting no time at all, you place the tray atop the table and swallow a shot straight down, grimacing at the burning feeling in the back of your throat.
Just when you think you're alone with your own thoughts, you feel a tap on your shoulder, prompting you to turn around. When you do, your heart plummets into your stomach.
It was the nincompoop from the bar and he didn't look happy at all.
”You know, it's rude to walk away from someone when they're talking to you.” his eyes were all over you, scanning your body from head to toe. You cringe, internally.
Still fairly drunk, you mimic his words in a mocking tone. ”It's rude to walk away when someones talking to you— GUESS WHAT?! I. DON'T—”
Taking you by surprise, he grabs your face with one hand and pulls you closer to him by harshly yanking on your arm.
”Watch your fucking mouth, slut.” he grumbles next to your ear, making your blood run cold with fear.
You'd think that someone would notice what's going on and intervene but this is a club, after all. Everyone was too drunk to notice their surroundings, let alone care about a couple of people in the corner of the club.
You always knew your drunken mouth would get you in trouble one day.
Out of instinct and panic, you kick him as hard as you can in the shin and shove him back. He howls in pain, hopping on one leg, as you make a quick dash for the nearest exit.
This is when wearing heels really fucks you.
You didn't dare look behind you because you knew if you did, that asshole would be right on your tail.
Forcefully shoving an exit door open, you become aware of your surroundings. You’re currently standing in the designated area for smokers. But no one was in sight.
To your left: dead end. No brainer.
To your right: 6-foot wire fence. There's no way you’d be able to climb that thing in sweatpants, let alone a fucking dress.
Unfortunately for you, just when you were about to figure out your next escape route, the guy kicks the door open to reveal an evil smirk on his pale face.
Yeah, maybe running through a side door wasn't the best idea.
There was only one exit and douchebag here was standing right in the way of it.
”You really thought you could run away from me?” he scoffs, ambling closer. With every step he took, the more fearful you got. What were this man's intentions?
”fuck you!” you spit (quite literally) into his face, making him flinch over-so-slightly.
He chuckles darkly and wipes his face clean before clamping a hand over your mouth and traps you between himself and the brick wall behind you.
The foul stench his body emitted was gut-wrenching. It was a foisty smell, alongside alcohol and sweat and it was not a good combo, at all. Never have you smelt anything so horrendous in your life. This guy has clearly never heard of a shower before.
”Wanna say that again?” he growls, breathing his disgusting breath in your face, only inches away.
You squirmed in his tight grip, trying desperately to escape but it was no use. He was too strong compared to your intoxicated self.
You begin tugging on the hand that was wrapped around your mouth, managing to break free for long enough to bite down onto it.
Crying out profanities, the man shakes his hand followed by bringing it back up towards your face. Instead of covering your mouth though, he tightly wraps his hand around your throat and squeezes your windpipe. You gasp for air as you begin grabbing at his hand once again but the pain you inflicted on the man in front of you caused a rush of adrenaline to power through his body, making him stronger than he was before.
”You looking to get hurt, huh?” he grumbles angrily, pulling an object out from his back pocket with his free hand. With a flick of his wrist, a blade pops out from the little rectangular-shaped object. Your eyes widen as you come to realise his intentions.
You wince as he angles the razor-sharp blade against your cheek. He then proceeds to press the point into your skin, chuckling tauntingly as blood begins to seep from the fresh wound and onto his hand that was still restraining you from breathing.
You wanted to scream and cry for help but it almost seemed impossible. Everything around you was becoming even more blurry than before and you were positive you were going in and out of consciousness from lack of oxygen.
”you’re so pathetic. Look at you! So weak. So helpless.” he uses his blade to smear the blood that was seeping from your cheek, all over your face. ”any last words, bitch?”
You have nothing to lose.
”F-fuck y-you,” you wheeze, kneeing him in the crotch with all the strength you could muster.
With a groan, he drops the knife and falls to his knees, cupping his privates in the process.
You collapse onto the floor and frantically start gasping for air. Without hesitation, you proceed to army crawl towards the door you passed through moments ago but before you could reach it, you're being dragged back by your ankle. You twist your whole body to lay on your back and begin kicking your feet in an attempt to get the pest of a man off you.
Managing to dodge all of your kicks, he drags you closer to him and places himself in between your legs after yanking them apart.
”GET THE FUCK OFF ME!” you screech, throwing your fists directly into his face.
”Stop! Just hold still!” He holds an arm up in defence as the other begins jerking at your dress, making it ride up somewhat.
”I SAID FUCK OFF!” Your foot flies up, purposely, kicking him straight in the jaw. The impact sparks him out cold as he falls back and cracks his head against the concrete flooring beneath him. You lay there stunned.
Blood begins to pool around his body while you remain sat in the exact same spot, eyes never leaving the scene before you.
You pay close attention to his chest area to discover that it wasn’t rising and falling like it should be. The only movement evident was the deep red fluid that continued to spill from his brutal wound on the back of his head.
Your breathing hitches in your throat as you feel as though you were being strangled like moments prior. Following shortly behind was a tightening sensation in your chest. It was just like someone had you in a bear hug and refused to loosen their hold of you, only tightening more when you begin to freak out. Everything around you becomes hazy as you try your hardest to focus on your breathing.
The exit door unexpectedly flies open to reveal the club's security guard with his mouth agape, looking absolutely mortified.
”I- I swear I- he just—” you stutter shakily, beginning to explain what happened before completely blacking out.
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The Parent Trap AU
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This absolutely WONDERFUL art is done by @sanderssidestrash27 Thank for making this I love it so much!!!!!
Summary: Almost twelve years later, separated at birth twins Roman and Remus both end up at the same Camp Sanders. What chaos will ensue those short eight weeks? And where will it lead the twins when their time together ends?
     "And, once again, we have a winner! Presenting Mr. Napa California, Remus Parker!" The crowd of boys watching the tournament let out an uproar of applause and shouting as Gavin held Remus's hand up above his head in victory. Remus grinned, whooping along with all of the boys and swooping his arm in a righteous bow. "Now, do we have any other competitors?" Gavin asked. 
     Remus walked over to the group of onlookers to them all high fives, grinning and laughing at their words of praise. Even he couldn't deny it (not that he ever would), he *was* pretty good at fencing. Great, even. 
     "Oh come on now, boys!" Gavin said as he surveyed the nearby campers. "Someone here has got to be able to beat this champion, let's give it a go!" 
     "I'll try!" Roman declared as we walked up to the scene. He had a soccer ball tucked under his arm and had two other boys trailing behind him. They all looked like they just walked off of the soccer field, still sweaty and hot of breath. 
     "Alright, epic, let's go!" Gavin scribbled down *Roman James* next to *Remus Parker* on his clipboard. Above that sat rows upon rows of *Remus Parker*s next to previous opponents, all of their names crossed out and a star besides his every time. 
     Roman walked over to the pile of equipment while Remus talked with his friends. 
     "You're gonna win this one again, man," one of them said. 
     "Yeah, you're gonna whoop his ass, dude!" Another boy exclaimed. Everyone gasped at the foul language before laughing. "Besides, look at him. He's whooped from his soccer game, he wouldn't be able to win even if he tried." Remus grinned before turning to look at his new challenger, who was already suited up. 
     "Good luck, Re!" Camden said as Remus grabbed his sabre. 
     "Thanks, Cammy. But, I don't need luck." He tossed his blade into the air, catching it in and landing in a fighting stance. He pointed the protected tip of the weapon only an inch from Camden's chest. Who immediately flinched back. Remus smirked, proud of the reaction he was given. "I'm Remus Parker. AKA the best fencer in the whole country, AKA the one who's about to beat this poor boy's ass." The boys burst into laughter and playful applause as Remus made yet another ceremonious bow. Janus *did* always tell Remus to be confident in himself and his abilities, though he always made a point to assure Remus that he got his confidence from his other father, whomever that may be. Janus usually left that part out. Well, whoever it was, Remus had to thank them one day. Without them, he wouldn't be able to wack other people with long swords. The thought made him giggle quietly to himself. 
     "Alright boys, are we ready?" Gavin asked. Remus turned back around sliding his protective mask over his face. 
     "Yup," he stated, getting into position.
     "You know it," Roman said. Remus didn't know who this boy was, but he couldn't help but want to laugh out loud at his clear British accent. What British dude would want to come to a camp like this when he could be enjoying a cup of tea with the Queen or something? Remus almost laughed out loud.
     "En garde." Gavin said, crouching down to get a better view. The two boys touched their blades together, tense and ready for battle. Most of the campers held their breaths, a few of them letting out words of praise for the player they were rooting for. Things like *let's go Roman* and *you got this Roman* rang out amongst the crowd. Anticipation hung in the air like a rope, swinging back and forth between the opposing teams. The noise dropped as silence filled the air for a few frightful seconds before Gavin declared the magic word:
     With that one, little word, Remus smirked under his gear. His attitude reeked of confidence as he swung his sabre back and forth towards Roman. Roman arched his back, avoiding every blow with surprising ease. Shocked, Remus almost lost his footwork, barely avoided the tip of Roman's blade. He regained his thoughts and ran by Roman to the nearest tree. He jumped with as much grace as he could muster, kicking his foot off the tree and propelling himself in Roman's direction. Roman, however, was able to jump back and duck, moving out of the way and missing all four of Remus's attacks. Roman, catching on to Remus's style quickly, decided that it was his turn to strike. So he jumped forward and launched his sabre at Remus. Remus was able to block Roman, causing them to run backwards into the grass. Remus, having to run backwards, lost his footing and rolled onto the ground on his back. The air was knocked out of him and he clutched the dark grass with his free hand, gasping for air. A chunk of the dewy plant was ripped from the Earth as his hand flew up to his chest. When he was finally able to regain his composure, he lifted the hand up to his eyes to block out the obnoxious rays of sun and view his determined opponent. He saw Roman lurking above him. He looked like he was trying to be dramatic, waiting until the very last second to strike. *What an idiot* Remus thought, rolling his eyes. *Two can play at that game.* Remus played there, pretending to be beat. The crowd of boys had quickly caught up with the two and were now shouting at each opponent. Some called for Remus to get up, while others cheered Roman on to finish his work. Roman, being the over-the-top and confident that he was, flexed his muscles in show. Remus almost chortled at his dumb this boy was, but instead kept up his act. Finally, done with his dramatics, Roman brought his blade up above his arms, lowering it to stab directly in the middle of his chest. That's when Remus rolled away, jumping to his feet and letting out a battle cry as he ran sword-first at Roman. The 6drown let out an uproar of yells while Roman shrieked out of pure terror. He ran away from Remus and up the stairs of the outdoor dining hall with Remus following only steps behind. Remus was able to run ahead of the other and hopped onto the seat if the bench. The boys continued to fence and he shimmied down the bench and Roman along the wooden deck. Until, that is, Remus got to the end of the bench and also the end of the deck, which if course, with Remus's luck, lacked a railing. And as he turned back around to find a route of escape, Roman decided to make his final strike. Where was his dramatics when Remus needed them? As the tip of his blade collided with Remus's chest above his rapidly beating heart, the force caused Remus to stumble and tip backwards, before eventually falling off of the deck…
     And into a trough of water. 
     Oh. *There* were his dramatics. Great timing. 
     As Remus hit the water back-first, the now large crowd of onlookers all gasped and fell still. Droplets of water splashed through the air and hit the warm grass, a few campers getting wet in the process. Still, they sat there, tense and unmoving. Finally, Remus was the first to move as he slowly turned his head towards Roman. He lifted his arms, watching as water pooled off of him and back into the trough. Turning back to Roman with his arms still extended, he growled. 
     "Really?" He snarled, his strained voice muffled by his mask but clearly seeping with rage. Roman had one of his hands up to his mask to cover his mouth in shock. He shook his head in an attempt to regain his thoughts before quickly dropping his sabre. 
     "Oh my God, I'm so so sorry! Here, let me help," he said as he extended his hand towards Remus. Remus peered up at Roman, smirking. He went to match onto to Roman's hand, but before Roman could even think of pulling him onto the dock, Remus yanked his arm as hard as he could. 
With a small, high-pitched shriek, Roman went falling butt-first into the container of water. Even as Remus was hit with the spray of water and even more soaked, he couldn't help but burst into a loud fit of laughter. As he continued to laugh hysterically, Roman looked down at himself. He let out a choked, offended scoff before shoving Remus back into the water, causing him to both stop his laughter and get even more wet. When he resurfaced, he saw Roman laughing just as he had been before and huffed, clocking Roman in the face. What could he say, his dad always did teach him to stand up for himself. And if that meant punching some random dude in the face (or even shoving someone down the steps, something that apparently his father found funny but told him to stop doing after the fourth time. Sorry, Billy, but that was MY Thomas the Train.) then so be it. 
     When Roman came down from the initial shock of being punched, he turned to Remus and decked him the same way he had, right square in the face. Now *that's* when things got bad. 
     The two boys went full out brawl mode, rolling around in the water, kicking, cursing, punching, and everything in between. Both boys found the other to be surprisingly around the same strength as himself, along with very similar fighting techniques. Punches right to the face and bites on the arm seemed to be both of their go-to's, apparently. Finally, after fighting for what felt like ages, they both felt Paris of strong arms wrap around their middles in an attempt to untangle them. They continued to go at each other's throats until the second they were dropped a feet apart in the grass, soaked and furious. 
     "Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick.
"Boys! That is enough!" Gavin said as he stood by Roman's side. 
     "There is absolutely no fighting at this camp, do you hear me? We work through our differences with words and nonviolent activities only. Is that understood?" Leo asked, hands held on his hips as he looked between the two boys. 
     "Yes, sir," Roman and Remus muttered in unison, their muffled responses dripping with annoyance and little guilt. Their minds were elsewhere, both secretly hoping that their masks were enough to protect them from the other's blows. Neither of them had been prepared for the other's strength, their egos to big to think that they would be beat. If not, they'd both walk out of the situation with black eyes and bloodied lips, not to mention a crap ton of red scratches. A cool story in Remus's opinion, but to Roman, who had never been in a legitimate fight before, he would be horrified. People might think he was a fighter, something he kept solely for playing and daily activities, up until now. His dad would kill him, his grandfather scold him, and his butler worry over him endlessly. A part of him found this new endeavor cool, secretly hoping to keep a few small marks for a while. But longer lasting ones that would stay after the eight week camp were not worth worth any of that. 
     Sure, Remus's dad would be mad, and his nanny worried sick, but they were used to this kind if behavior from Remus. Many days he'd come home from school beaten or bruised, either from his adventures or his schoolmate differences. Janus had to even go to his schools sometimes to pick him up or clear things up with his principal and teachers. He was always really good at convincing people of things. Remus felt bad when his father had to come get him or patch him up, but he always tried to be better for him. He knew he wasn't easy to handle all the time, especially with only his dad and nanny there to take care of him. But, like usual, he would definitely be given more chores and a scolding. Not to mention, black eyes hurt. A whole lot. If he did have any, however, he was lucky that his nanny had been teaching him how to use makeup lately now that he was getting older. Some ice and concealer would do the trick. 
     "Boys!" Leo said, snapping his fingers. "Up here!" Both of the boys shook their heads and left their thoughts behind to linger on their own in favor of listening to the counselor. "Now I want you two to apologize to each other. And take off your protective gear, it must be soaking wet by now." 
     The two boys huffed and turned to face each other. In unison, the two reached up for their masks, dipping their heads downwards and sliding them off. As their arms fell to their sides, they lifted their heads, and immediately locked eyes. They both gasped at what they were met with. 
     Light brown eyes met the same pair of light brown eyes in return. They scanned each other's face, taking in their similarities. Scattered freckles splayed like the night stars, fluffy light brown hair, only partially wet as the summer sun quickly worked to dry it. Unfortunately, they both had obvious scratches and bruises along their faces, most noticeably on their cheeks and noses. It was as if both boys had the same thought process as the other. So, not only did they *look* alike, but they *thought* alike. Strange. 
     "Well, boys?" Leo asked after a few silent seconds. The boys looked over to him, confused. 
     "Sorry?" They asked in unison, the man's speech only seconds ago now long forgotten. 
     Leo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll take it. Now please, get to your respective cabins and clean up before dinner in the mess. If you require any assistance, the medic cabin is that way. Now go, shoo. And please, no more trouble." Flapping his hands,bhe ushered the boys along. They stared at each other, not breaking eye contact as they walked towards their cabins. Once they hit a fork in the road between their two cabins, Gavin ran up to them. 
"Wow, it's like you two are twins or something! That's so weird!" He said before running off. 
     The boys looked back at each other, sparing one last glance before they glared and stomped off. 
     This was war. 
Taglist: @sanderssidestrash27 @dew-drop-of-honey @ab-artist @iinyxtello @safesandersides @yep-another-fander @savetheupholstery
I hope you guys liked it!!!!!
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spiderfunkz · 2 years
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summary : just some cute memories of you with your lovely girlfriend <33
pairings : robin buckley x gn!reader (modern!au sorta)
wc : 0.7k
warnings : kisses?? bit of foul language, but other than that just tooth rotting fluff.
a/n : sorry for not posting so much i had no inspo for a couple of weeks, but i got an idea for this blurb fic thing inspired by the song 'nothing' by bruno major!! italics in bold are lyrics btw
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tracksuits and red wine, movies for two . . .
"robin the movies starting!" you shout out as your favorite movie starts playing on the tv. it was a lovely afternoon, and what better thing to do than to watch movies with your beautiful girlfriend? "coming m'love" robin replied, rushing towards the small living room in your house.
"look what i found in the boxes back there earlier" she says pulling up a bottle of wine. "ooh, must've got left out" you shrug. "maybe, anyways you up for some drinks?" she asks as you nodded.
the movie went on for an hour or two as glasses of wine started filling the coffee table. you're cuddling with robin as you sip from the glass, paying attention to the movie while robin is doing the complete opposite. yeah she seen this movie for maybe 47 times so it was pretty valid for her to get bored of it. but i don't think that excuses her from accidentally spilling the red wine all over your new tracksuit.
"shit!" you curse out as robin gasps. "oh my god sorry, lovebug i didn't mean to do that!" robin apologizes as the stains started to appear. you look up to her in a disbelief face as she chuckles awkwardly, scratching the back of her neck.
"well the good thing is you just diy'd a halloween outfit! the uh, bloody tracksuit-er?" robin shrugs as you furrowed your brows. "your lucky i love you, buckley"
we'll play nitendo, though i always lose . . .
"aha! another win, the mario cart pro is unbeatable! sorry love" you chuckle as robin smile. "mhm, i can go on days doing this" robin says sarcastically. "we can play another game if you want" you suggest as she shook her head. "honestly i don't mind losing, because there's nothing, like doing nothing, with you" she says, kissing your cheeks.
dumb conversations, we lose track of time . . .
"and then there was petey, you know petey right?" robin asks as you nodded, listening. its been an hour, or maybe a few hours? you're not quite sure anymore but you don't mind. you would honestly pay to listen to your girlfriend ramble about anything really, you love it.
"he was absolutely terrified! he sat in the corner with a blank face, trying to process everything that just happen... i mean you don't see a drum set get thrown out of the window very often huh? especially your drum set that you payed for since the school has a pretty low budget for these things" robin continues as you chuckle.
"gosh you should've seen his face! he- he was like—" robin pauses, imitating a scared yet straight face causing you to laugh as she joins. you both laugh for a few minutes not realizing the time that just hit 2 am.
have i told you lately? i'm grateful your mine . . .
it was your 1 year anniversary with robin. and you were more than excited to celebrate it with her. you just finished a reservation at you two's favorite restaurant, and now your driving home with her. "okay when we get home, there's still something i wanna do so you just stay in the car for a bit, yeah?" you stated as she nodded.
once you arrive at your drive way, you parked your car before rushing in your house, trying to quickly get the surprise together. a few minutes pass by and the surprise is finally done.
you go out and walk towards the car where robin is. "hey! you can come in now" you say, gesturing towards the car as she smiled. you held robin's hand, walking towards the house.
you cover her eyes with your hands as you open the front door, guiding her to the kitchen where everything is placed. "okay, open your eyes, slowly okay!" you say as she nodded, opening her eyes. "tadaaaaa!" you smile, waving your hands as robin smiles. she grabs the box on the counter, opening it.
inside the box was a sweater you knitted just for her, a little love letter, and a heart locket with a picture of you with robin. it was one of your favorite memories with her, you were cooking heart-shaped pizzas just like the ones you found from your camera roll. it was you and robin, holding the pizza while being covered with flour after a small flour fight robin caused.
"aw this is perfect, lovebug! thank you so much" she smiles, giving you a warm hug. "gosh i love you so so much, bug. i'm so grateful to have you" robin says, kissing your cheek. "i love you more, birdie" you reply.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
HI! I see you write for One Punch Man. Could I please request an anniversary date with Tatsumaki? If you don't write for her, maybe Fubuki? Thank you!
Anon, let me say, I’m so sorry I made you wait for as long as I did. I had the plot all decked out, I knew how I wanted to do this aNd YeT, it took me like three months anyways. Because I felt bad, you also now get to flat out have Tatsumaki propose to you too. I hope this was to your liking, I did my best to keep it gender neutral just in case. Enjoy!
Tatsumaki x Reader “A Perfect Night”
Tap, tap, tap
“Tatsu! Right on time,” You giggled as you opened the door. Your mint green girlfriend merely huffed and looked the other way.
“Of course I am, I’m not about to be late to our anniversary.” She stated cooly, but you could see the hint of a blush on her face. “And I thought I told you to stop calling me that!”
You couldn’t help but giggle at her flustered state. “It’s not my fault that it’s a cute nickname,” You sung and grabbed her hand. The action caused her to look back at you and her face softened.
Tatsumaki was never sure how you were able to do it, but even if she was in the most foul mood, as long as you grabbed her hand or kissed her cheek all of her anger would melt away. A small smile broke out on her face as she slipped a stray hair out of your face. “It’s only cute when it comes out of your mouth. Now come on, can’t be late for our dinner reservation.” The woman led you over to a limousine and you felt your jaw drop to the floor.
“Wait a second, we’re going in that? How much did that cost,” You exclaimed. The car was sleek and black, there wasn’t even a speck of dust on it.
A smug expression settled on your girlfriend’s face as she helped the both of you into the backseat. “(Y/N), I am the number two hero, that comes with a very pretty salary.” She stated before instructing the chauffeur to start driving, a pleased smile on her face.
However, her pleased mood didn’t last long.
The car started rolling before stopping abruptly, the engine coughing and spluttering. Quirking an eyebrow, she got out of the limo with the chauffeur to check it but it billowed out smoke. She was astonished. “What? No, this has to be perfect, dumb car!” She growled, summoning a rock and tossing it at one of the tires. “It’s fine, I can make this work… Call a tow truck, have them take it to the shop,” Tatsumaki ordered.
Once satisfied with her workers agreement she opened the door on your side. You let out a concerned chuckle. “Everything alright up at the front?” You asked to which your girlfriend shook her head.
“Well, no. The stupid engine broke down. But I’ve got a better idea anyway. Take my hand.” She tells you, waiting expectantly.
You take it with an excited grin and just like that you see a familiar green outlining your bodies and lifting you both in the air. Tatsumaki let out a small chuckle seeing the stars in your eyes. “I told you I had a better idea,” She smirks.
“Way better! This is awesome,” You laughed, watching the people on the ground grow smaller. “You know I wouldn’t mind one bit if this was our regular mode of transportation.”
The green haired woman rolls her eyes. “Keep dreaming, dummy. I’m not always going to abuse my powers like this for you.” You merely shrugged at her words, looking all around as you flew through the city.
It wasn’t long before you reached the restaurant and got yourselves settled. After ordering food, you went on a ramble about your day while Tatsumaki listened. Though she’d never fully admit it, she liked hearing you ramble like this. It was endearing that you felt comfortable sharing so much about your day with her. It was also relaxing, your voice always sounded so pleasant, and your sometimes ridiculous phrasing always had her snorting with laughter.
Just as you were getting to the middle of your story, the waiter came back with your food. Just as she was about to dig in, she noticed the faded smile on your face and she paused. “What’s wrong?” She asked and you shrugged.
“It’s nothing, they just put tomatoes on my food when I asked for none cause of my allergy…” You trailed off. Tatsumaki frowned and stood up in response, lifting up your plate of food.
“Then, I’ll be right back.” Before you could stop her, she had already disappeared into the kitchen. Damn it, this night was supposed to be perfect and yet here were these moronic chefs trying to kill her date! She smacked the plate on an empty spot on the counter and cast her stormy gaze out to the workers. “I don’t know which one of you idiots thought this was a good idea but you’re going to remake it immediately without a single tomato on it, do you hear me?” She shouted, bowls and ingredients whirling around the kitchen in her anger.
They all nodded, terrified of what she would do otherwise, and she huffed before slamming her way out of the kitchen and back to her seat.
Your embarrassed expression was waiting for her when she got back. You tugged on her sleeve, feeling the tips of your ears burn. “You didn’t have to make a scene! I could have just had the waiter take it back…” You whispered, ducking your head from any stares.
Tatsumaki scoffed in response. “No, that was completely unacceptable. You told them no tomatoes because of your allergy and they were idiotic enough to do it anyway. That cannot and will not be tolerated.” You merely whined and tried to swallow down your embarrassment.
The waiter came back, your dish with no tomatoes and the green haired woman smiled. Good, everything could go back to being perfect.
The dinner continued, with excellent food, before you both split the check as you wouldn’t let Tatsumaki pay for so much. Then you left, getting your dessert at a nearby sweets shop where you both got candy apples and took a stroll around a nearby park. Tatsumaki couldn’t help but smile. There were some bumps in the road but they still got to where she wanted to be. You caught her smile and took her hand. “What are you smiling about?” You inquired with a grin of your own.
Your girlfriend looked back up at you. “Not much, this was just a good night. But, I was hoping to make it better if I could ask you something?” She now avoided your gaze, feeling her face start to redden.
Curious, you nodded. But just as she was about to speak, her phone rang.
Tatsumaki growled as she fished out her phone. “Give me a second, it’s work.” She sighed, stepping away from you before answering the phone. “What do you want? I requested this night off for a reason!” She practically snarled.
“I’m aware, but there’s a villain in your area, and it needs to be-”
“Get someone else on it, there are loads of other heroes out that are, you know, on the job!”
“Tatsumaki, please this is very important.”
“I don’t care. Respect that this is the one time I’ve requested to be off duty,” She seethed. However, before she could hear another response, she was cut off by a scream.
Specifically, your scream.
Her eyes darted to where you were, on the ground having barely missed a boulder being thrown your way by a monstrous sized rat. She hung up the phone and stood in front of you protectively. “Get going, you rodent!” Tatsumaki antagonized, but the rat monster laughed, deep and mocking.
“I will not allow some little girl to tell me what to do.” He bellowed. The hero’s eye twitched.
She was only 90% pissed before, but that comment drove her all the way to 100.
She used her ESP to launch the boulder he had previously tossed at you straight into his stomach, sending him flying. She followed quickly after, pelting him with whatever she could find. When there was nothing round, she picked up a street sign and rooted it through his leg back into the ground. “First things first, I am not a little girl.” She bashed his head with another rock. “Second of all, you are ruining the night I had planned. I have been waiting to ask (Y/N) to marry me for a year, and yet you turn up and destroyed it all! You absolute bastard, die!” She screamed, unearthing anything she could to break the monster apart.
By the time her rage fell apart, the rat was nothing more than mangled muscle and blood. She huffed before floating her way back to you, checking you over for any injuries. When you turned up with nothing, she sighed and laid her head on you. Confused, you looked down. “Tatsu, are you okay?” You asked, even more concerned when you felt a wetness on your clothes.
“No, I’m not. This night was supposed to be perfect, but it all got ruined. Was it too much to ask for one even nice night? This was horrible…” Her arms wrapped around you tighter and you felt sadness stab at your heart as you returned the hug.
“Hon, I know you wanted tonight to be perfect. But it really wasn’t that bad. So what, the limo broke down, or food troubles, or a villain appearing. Either way, I got to spend time with you, I got to see you smile and that’s all that really matters. This was still a great anniversary to me.” You reply, gently rubbing her back.
She didn’t say anything for a moment before she pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “I don’t know how, but you always know what to say to make me feel better. Ugh, I don’t even deserve to ask you to marry me,” She breathed out. Then she took a pause, realizing what she said and proceeded to hide her face in her hands. “No, this wasn’t even supposed to come out like this! Damn it!” The green haired woman continued cursing herself before you grabbed her hands and pulled them from her face.
“You, you were going to ask me to marry you?” You stammered, trying to process it, a grin stretched out across your face when you saw her nod.
“Look I get it, I’m not ideal-”
“I said yes, Tatsu. I will absolutely marry you!” You beamed, getting even more excited when she slipped the ring she had bought you onto your finger. The rest of the night was spent with you being as gushy as could be and Tatsumaki waving you off with a blush on her cheeks.
Maybe the night was perfect after all.
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hannie-dul-set · 5 years
(thirteen times) i love you— 05
— wherein y/n (a hopeless romantic) seems to fall in love with nearly ever guy she meets. so, she writes letters for them to compensate. these letters weren't meant for them to read, but what happens when they all end up receiving them?
05 // you put flowers to shame
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hnnn yn is dumb and a mood
next part will be on July 23rd, 8:00PM EST!
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The walk towards the garden went at an agonizingly slow pace. You were supposed to meet Joshua there according to Seungcheol (whom arranged the meeting without your consent— the male is gonna receive a beating from you later, for sure). To say you were ready to face Joshua would be a gigantic lie, but you can't back out now.
"I swear to god, the next time I see Seungcheol's face— he's gonna fucking get it." You continually muttered, passing through the hallways filled with numerous students. You could see a few weird looks thrown at your direction, causing your mood to sink down even further. Try being in my place for a day, will you?
A faint buzzing interrupts your incessant curses. Pulling out your phone, you let out a groan.
[seungcheol: psst hey hey
seungcheol: joshua's already there hehehe]
[you: 🖕]
A myriad of green foliage and blossoming flowers came into view. You pause for a while, letting out a long sigh. Alright, Y/N, you can do this. Joshua is literally one of the nicest people you've ever met. If anything wrong happens— there's a well nearby. After mustering up the slightest amount of courage you could manage to conjour, you made your way to the garden's entrance.
The smell of fresh flowers drown your senses. A few feet away, you could see Joshua sitting on one of the benches, arms crossed and eyes closed. He blends perfectly with the greenery; as if he belonged in the center of a painting scenery. The air around him is nothing but serenity— your previous foul mood dissolving into thin air upon seeing the sight.
You shake your head, snapping you out of your trance. Focus, Y/N. You're here to retrieve your letter, not to gawk at this devastatingly pretty boy without his consent no matter how tempting it could be— there's always a time for that. Focus.
Repeating the mantra in your head, you inched towards the resting male, careful to not disturb him on your way (the rocks on the ground made it quite a difficult task). Once you've reached him, you weren't sure what to do next. You pondered whether or not to say something to wake him up. A few seconds of silence pass until you finally decided to say something, but a low groan stopped you from doing so.
"Oh, Y/N. You're here."
Well shit. Goodbye, focus.
"Um, y-yeah. Have you been waiting long?" You stammered. Dear god, why did he have to say your name with that damned morning voice— it isn't even morning for fuck's sake. Your mental scolding continued until the male managed to stifle out a response in his half-asleep state.
"Mm, not too long," Joshua placed his palm over his mouth, letting out a yawn. "C'mon. Take a seat," he scooted over to give you room to sit on the bench. Slowly, you sat beside him. Despite being seated next to the male, you refused to look at him; your focus was entirely on the purple patch of forget-me-nots in front of you. You placed your hand on your chest in the hopes of calming down your erratic heartbeat. Y/N, you dumb bitch. The letter— you're here to bring back the letter, not to bring back your buried feelings for the damned male. Absolutely not, you reminded yourself once more.
Neither of the both of you say a thing. The once peaceful air was replaced with an uncomfortable touch of awkwardness. You decided to spare a quick glance at the male. But upon turning your head towards him, you were met by a pair of eyes as well. A flush of pink covers your cheeks at the sudden eye-contact and you instantly turned away. You could hear a slient cough coming from beside you and the sound of him shuffling in his seat.
Y/N, go say something, for god's sake.
You bit your bottom lip, thinking of the proper words to say to break the chilling silence.
"So, about the letter—"
"About the letter you sent—"
You slap your hand over your mouth, preventing you from saying anything any further. You cheeks began to flare a bright red even more. A small smile forms on Joshua's face as he lets out a gentle laugh from the exchange. "You go first."
Holy shit—. You mentally smacked yourself. Keep it together, Y/N.
"Um well," you bit the inside of your mouth, raising your head to look at the male (which was a really bad idea). He stared down at you, the corners of his mouth slightly lifted upwards and his eyes filled with nothing but a soft glint of attentiveness. In short, he almost murdered you with that stare.
You stifled out a cough, trying to get yourself back on track. "Actually, Joshua. That letter was written like, four years ago."
"I had a feeling it wasn't recent," Joshua smiled, his attention turning towards a nearby rose bush. "Your way of words in the letter seemed different from how you currently write."
"How—how would you know?" you gaped, eyes widening from the males remark. Joshua lets out a chuckle, still not facing you.
"Well, you are in the school paper. I read your works, sometimes," he hummed. He gives you a side glance, mouth still in the form a sweet, gentle smile. "It's hard not to, you know."
This guy is really out to kill me.
You wanted to punch yourself, but you couldn't do that without looking like some sort of weirdo in front of the male. Lightly slapping yourself in the face (without Joshua seeing, of course), you made yourself recall what you came here for.
"A-anyways. If you don't mind, Joshua, I'd like to have to letter back," you sputtered out. "Everything written there is all in the past so you don't have to worry about anything— I, uh, I don't like you anymore. At least not it that way."
Joshua remains silent for a while, pressing his lips together tightly. His expression is unreadable and you started to grow anxious by each passing second, staring at the male with an evident nervous look in your gaze. Did I say something wrong?
"Ah, is that so?" he spoke out and you nodded in response. Joshua hummed and reached for his pocket, pulling out the familiar yellow envelope. "Here," he handed it over to you, a slight smile plastered on his face, causing one to bloom on yours as well. You slowly took the item from his hand and held it tightly, giving him a grateful look.
"Thank you so much, Joshua."
"It's not a problem."
The male gave you a close-eyed grin, sending a surge of warmth all throughout your body. Time to yeet out of here, Y/N. Dont give into the devil's tempation.
You readied yourself to stand up and to take your leave, but a sudden but firm grip on your wrist prevented you from doing so.
"Y/N—," a flustered look shrouds Joshua's face and he immediately lets go of you. "Sorry, my bad," he scratches the crook of his neck and bashfully looks away from your direction.
"It's fine, Josh. Is there something on your mind?" you inquired, raising your brow at the male. He hesitantly opens his mouth but closes it once again. Your mouth forms into a slight frown. You don't know what was going inside the male's head, but as far as you've known him, he's always hesitated in doing things for his own self-satisfaction— he's always done what the people want, even at his own expense.
"Joshua," the male snaps out of his trance upon hearing the sound of your voice. "You don't have to be afraid to tell me anything— whatever it is, I'll listen."
Surprised at your sentiment, Joshua's eyes widen. He then trails his attention to the ground, taking in a long and deep breath. Slowly, he pulls his head up, eyes taking you in entirely.
"Y/N, if you don't mind," he pauses for a while, one of his hands playing with his sleeve. "I hope this won't be the last time that we talk to each other— of course, unless if you don't want to."
Joshua's eyes scan your face for any sign of discomfort and seems to relax just the slightest bit when he sees none. You weren't gonna lie— you nearly passed out because holy shit is he asking to my friend that's so adorable fuck. You breathed deeply, trying to calm your racing heart (courtesy of Mr. Hong Jisoo) and Joshua patiently waited for your response, anxiousness evident in his features.
"I'd like that, Josh," you tell the male, eyes gleaming and mouth smiling. Clearly, Joshua didn't expext that to be your answer. He was taken aback at first, but that changed almost immediately. Eyes formed into small crescents and the corners of his lips turned upwards, Joshua's blooming expression nearly puts the dozens of flowers in the garden to shame.
The sun was starting to set, giving everything a beautiful, orange warmth— and making Joshua look even more breath taking than before (in your defense, you could still admire people without harboring feelings for them, duh).
"It's getting late, isn't it?" Joshua mused, eliciting a soft hum from you in response. "Shall we get going?"
You gave him a quick nod and started to head over to the garden's exit with the male trailing behind you. You took your time taking each step, admiring the numerous blooms that are present in every corner (and maybe because you wanted to stay with the male a little longer, but you'd never admit that). Distracted by the gigantic patch of sunflowers on your left, you didn't notice a rather big rock right in front of you.
In short— you tripped.
You let out a high-pitched yelp, closing your eyes and waiting for the painful impact to come— but it didn't. Rather than being pulled straight into the bumpy ground, you were somehow pulled away from it, and with a faint thud, your head landed on a smooth and hard chest.
"Y/N are— are you alright?" Joshua questions, worry evident in his tone. You opened your eyes, raising your head to see the male who was only inches away. His hands landed on your shoulders, gripping you with a firm yet gentle hold. A light flush of pink spreads on your face and you scrambled away from the male.
"I—I'm fine, Josh, thank you" you coughed out.
"Are you sure?" he asks once more, brows furrowing with concern. "Do you want to go the infirmary?"
Infirmary? You nearly choked. Memories of last times mishaps surfaced inside your mind. The nurse pretty much hates you now, and going in with the same fucking guy you were literally hiding from would end up being absolutely awkward to the point that you could literally drown yourself in the awkwardness— that's not something you'd like to experience (you've had enough, thank you very much).
"No!" you exclaimed, surprising the male a little bit so you immediately toned yourself down. "I—I mean— it's not like I'm hurt or anything and it's all thanks to you, Josh. You were there to catch me on time so I didn't end up slamming into the ground or anything."
Joshua remains silent for a while, his eyes focused on you. You could feel your blush resurfacing and you averted your eyes from the male. He let out a sigh and spoke, ruffling your hair in the process.
"If you say so."
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Lmao hi... Just saw your prompt list and I was wondering if you could write an imagine with Draco Malfoy with prompts 7,13,14,20,23,41&63. Ik they're a lot and they're pretty angsty so if you don't wanna I'll understand lol. x
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A/N: Hi guys! Long-time no write. I’ve been on a Harry Potter binge lately so I dug through my requests to try and find this so I’d have something Harry Potter related to write. I hope you guys enjoy and make sure to request if you want! (pssst, if you want to request something, I’m more likely to write if it’s HP related.) Also, your House is not specified, so basically whatever House you belong to. 
Word count: 2,603
Warnings: Angstttttttt, like four swear words
Prompts: #7: “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and I’m definitely not a second choice.”
#13: “No matter how good your heart is, eventually you have to start treating people the way they treat you.”
#14: “I am sorry I have trust issues, but when you give someone everything and they throw it away, something inside of you breaks.” 
#20: “You changed.” 
#23: “You know what sucks? Being the one who always cares more.”
#41: “I will not let you undermine my worth.”
#63: “I wish you were dead.”  
What Once Was
Your POV
All summer you had agonized over coming back to Hogwarts. With the recent return of You-Know-Who, your parents had practically refused to let you go back, saying you were unsafe in the place you loved so much. You had begged and pleaded with your parents, wanting nothing more than to pursue your education and rejoin your friends and boyfriend, Draco Malfoy. Eventually, they wore down and relented but by the time they agreed to let you return in the fall, you were unsure if the return was the right choice. You took solace in the fact that your friends were facing the same argument with their parents, but your boyfriend had been pulling further and further away from you, as letters became fewer and farther in between. When he did write, the contents of letters became small, and the wording took a rather abrupt turn from the affectionate tone his writing usually had to a cold, distant tone. You figured he was having a particularly hard summer, what with his father going to Azkaban and the very public trial that had preceded it. You had offered your support, but he refused to talk about his feelings with you or really anything that was occurring in his life. You held out hope that once you returned to the school to start your sixth year, things would return to normal and Draco would share all the things he had been withholding from you. As you waved goodbye to your parents on Platform 9 ¾, your hopeful eyes searched for the pale boy with the platinum blonde hair. Unable to spot him, you trudged onto the train and headed towards the compartment the Slytherin Prince and his buddies usually occupied. By sheer luck, there he sat, staring out at the quickly moving scenery as Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle, all sat around and chatted, presumably about their summer vacations. You cleared your throat to make your presence known. All heads turned to you, but the only one who truly mattered took a few moments to draw his view away from the window. He briefly glanced at you and turned back to the window. Blaise gave you a sympathetic smile and offered you a hug. You accepted, and as you were hugging Blaise he whispered into your ear, “Don’t take it to heart, he’s been in a foul mood all morning.” You nodded against his shoulder, still unable to figure out why your boyfriend was working so hard to stay so distant. He pulled away and offered you another smile, for which you were grateful for. Blaise was the only one from Draco’s group that you truly considered a friend. “How was your summer holiday?” 
You shrugged in your response. “It was alright. Mum and Dad almost didn’t let me come back.” Blaise raised his eyebrows. “Anyways, I just wanted to stop in and say hello. I’m gonna go find my friends.” You stated in a rush, desperate to get away from the uncomfortable feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. You waved goodbye to the group and exited the Slytherin area of the train. You walked further down the hall in an attempt to find a friendly face or someone from your house. Anyone who would take your mind of the storm currently raging through it. You stumbled upon the compartment where Griffyindors Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Ginny Weasley, and Neville Longbottom sat. You noted Dean’s arm around Ginny and could only imagine the tantrum Ron would be throwing if he saw them. You opened the door. “Mind if I sit in here?” They all shook their heads and Neville and Seamus made room for you to sit down in between them. You graciously accepted. 
“How was your summer holiday (Y/N)?” Ginny asked, offering you a friendly smile. You shrugged. 
“Fairly awful. Mum and Dad said I shouldn’t be coming back to Hogwarts; that it wasn’t safe anymore.” You retold, pulling a knee up to your chest, trying to get comfortable for the long ride that ahead of you. 
“Mum said the same thing. Said we had no business going back. Ron and I had to practically beg her for weeks to convince it was safe here.” Ginny told you, leaning into Dean’s side. 
You let out a chuckle. “Sounds familiar. So you guys are together now?” You asked as your eyes moved between Ginny and Dean. Ginny blushed as she nodded, looking down at her lap. “So how big of a fit did Ron throw when he found out?” At that, the entire compartment burst into laughter and thus began the rest of the train ride, filled with laughter and jokes that made you momentarily forget the gray cloud hanging over the train, particularly the one hanging over a one Draco Malfoy. 
Throughout the feast and Sorting ceremony, your boyfriend had disappeared. As much as you tried, you could not find him at the Slytherin table. You signed yourself to eating and participating in the conversation surrounding you half-heartedly.  Towards the end of the meal, you watched from your seat as a couple of moments after Draco entered the Great Hall, Harry and Luna followed, Harry sporting a fresh bloody nose. You had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach as you realized Draco was probably the one who gave him that. After the feast, you tried to catch your boyfriend before he took off for the dungeons but Draco left the Great Hall and disappeared into the sea of students before you were even able to get close to him. You sighed and headed towards your House, wanting to get away from people as quickly as possible. The next few weeks went about the same way, despite the fact that you shared most of your classes with Draco. He seemed hardly focused in class, very on edge and mind clearly in a different world. You watched him at meals, you know, when he actually decided to show, and he was cold and distant, uninterested in the going-ons of the castle. He was clearly losing weight and the dark circles under his eyes only seemed to grow larger by the day. As time went on though, your concern evolved into anger. Why was he doing this? Why was he shutting you out? Did the last two years mean absolutely nothing to him? You began to take his distance personally. If he didn’t have enough balls to break up with you to your face (because why else would he act like this??), you were going to let him know that you had had enough. The trick was just now to catch him alone. Or to get him to talk to you at all. It was the end of October before you were able to get him alone. It was the day of the Halloween feast, and while the entire castle was downstairs buzzing with joy, all you wanted was to crawl into bed. You had a god awful day and the last thing you wanted to do was be surrounded by others at the feast. You headed in the direction of your Common Room when you caught him. He was exiting the fourth-floor boy’s lavatory, rubbing his eyes furiously. As much anger as you had, some of it seemed to ebb away at the disheveled sight of him. “Draco?” You called out to him. He brought his gaze to you and actually stopped. As you reached him, you reached for his hand. He pulled away as if your touch stung him. Your heart fell, as the thoughts of the end of your love clouded your brain. “Draco what’s going on with us? What’s going on with you?” He shrugged, refusing to make eye contact with you. “Draco, love, I want to be here for you, but I can’t if you won’t open up to me.” He again chose to remain silent. Your anger quickly filled you again. “Well, you know what, Draco Malfoy, I’m done being treated like this. Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and I’m definitely not a second choice. It’s time you made the choice about where we stand because I’m not doing this anymore.” You stated harshly and quickly spun on your heel towards to Great Hall, wanting to put as much distance as possible between you and the boy who was tearing you apart. 
As you entered the Great Hall the next morning, you spotted Ron, Harry, and Hermione. Harry had pulled you aside just a few days prior to ask about Draco but you had no answers to give. None of your friends were currently in the Great Hall, and you wanted to stay as far away from the Slytherin table as possible. As you neared the trio, their attention shifted from their conversation to you. “Do you mind if I sit here?” They shook their heads and Ron scooted over to make room for you next to him. 
“Everything alright?” Hermione questioned with a look full of concern on her face. You shook your head. 
“Just needed a friendly face is all.” Harry nodded and gave you a smile as they turned back to the discussion of the latest Potions assignment. You lost yourself in your bowl of cereal as you thought of the events from the previous night. You were so distracted that your brain barely registered someone sitting down next to you. You looked up to see Blaise Zabini looking extremely displeased. 
“What the hell did you say to Draco last night?” He asked you angrily. 
“Why does it matter to you?” You shot back. 
“It matters to me because he’s my friend and he’s your boyfriend-” Blaise started but you cut him off. 
“Maybe it’s hard for you to understand in that pea-sized brain of yours Zabini, but Draco Malfoy hasn’t given me the time of day in five months and most certainly doesn’t act like he’s my boyfriend. I am sorry I have trust issues, but when you give someone everything and they throw it away, something inside of you breaks. So no, I’m not sorry for what I said to him. I deserve a whole hell of a lot better than what he’s been giving me lately. For the last two years, I have defended him, gone to bat for him, being endlessly loyal to him, sometimes to my own detriment and he treats me like the dirt under his feet. I refuse to be treated that way. Not anymore, not ever again.” By the time you were done speaking, you were hyper-aware of the looks you were gathering from other tables. Blaise lowered his voice. 
“(Y/N), you made him cry.” The comment took you aback but only for a moment. 
“Good.” You hissed, standing up from the table. “Maybe now he’ll actually start giving a damn about me.” As you turned your back on Blaise, you saw Draco standing a few feet away from you. You paused only for a second and then promptly shoved past him and out of the Great Hall. 
That night, the halls of the castle seemed empty as you made your way out of the library. You had stayed to study until Madam Pince had nearly kicked you out. You had a big Ancient Runes test tomorrow, and on top of it being your hardest class, you felt so unprepared what with the events of the last 24 hours. You let out a yawn when you suddenly felt yourself being pulled into an empty classroom. You nearly panicked and raised your wand as you saw Draco standing there. His eyes looked bloodshot and he looked more exhausted and disheveled than you had ever seen anyone else. He looked as if he was the mere remains of the person he once was. He ran his hands through his hair, once, twice, three times. You watched him fall apart, not knowing how to feel. “What happened to us?” He asked, voice barely above a whisper. You shrugged and sucked a breath in through your teeth. 
“You changed.” He let out a whimper at your response. For the first time in months, he looked at you. You felt a surge of emotion. Now that after all these months you finally had his attention and you were going to let him know exactly what you had been thinking. “You changed Draco. I don’t know what you want me to say to you. You pulled away and treated me like shit. You’ve barely spoken to me since last term.” 
“You don’t understand, I had to-”
“Bullshit. You just didn’t want me anymore.”
“That’s not true-” 
“Yes it is Draco!” You exclaimed. A silence fell over the both of you and you took a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself as tears came to your eyes. “You know what sucks? Being the one who always cares more. I’m so sick and tired of being the one who cares in this relationship. I have been endlessly loyal to you, I stood up for you, I have lost friends because of my devotion to you and this is what I get in return?” Draco remained quiet. “I will not let you undermine my worth. I refuse to. I am a damn good person and an even better girlfriend and you don’t deserve me.” Draco’s face contorted in pain as you spoke. 
“You’re right, I don’t deserve you. I just love you so much, I just had to.” 
“You love me so much that you just had to treat me like garbage? Right because that makes so much sense-”
“YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND!” He screamed and you winced and took a couple of steps back. A couple of tears slipped down his face. He reached for your hand. You flinched but did not pull away. “You don’t understand, I had to. I had to protect you. I had to protect you from him.” 
“Draco, what- what are you talking about?” Shakily, he pulled his hand from yours and lifted his sleeve. As the fabric was moved away, you saw something you wished you hadn’t. One look at the mark that had caused so much pain, grief, and death, a mark that represented all the evil and darkness within the world and-
“I wish you were dead.”
As you sat at the Burrow over the Christmas holiday, you watched the Weasley family and chat and enjoy the cheer. You watched as the twins showed off a new product to Ginny as Ron turned to you. “Hey (Y/N), what ever did end up happening between you and Malfoy?” You thought back to that night, his anguished cries that haunted you as you left the classroom. You stared into the fire as you thought about what to say. Ultimately you just shrugged. 
“We broke up.” You said simply. The attention shifted from the joke product to you. 
“How come?” Hermione asked softly. You shook your head and swallowed your tears. 
“No matter how good your heart is, eventually you have to start treating people the way they treat you.” Silence fell across the room as Tonks and Remus studied you fiercely. “I don’t want to talk about it.” You stated, standing up. You pushed past the twins, escaping to the front porch. You sat down and looked up at the stars. You wiped away the invisible tears on your face. As you thought of the boy you once loved, you did not know he was looking out at the same stars thinking of the girl who once loved him.
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