#sorry i wanted to be thorough lmao idk if that's what you wanted
mashmouths · 8 months
Oh sick you dance? What kinda dance do you do? :)
i've trained in ballet for 19ish years, in tap for i think 18ish years, in jazz for probably 16ish years, and i've taken classes in hip hop, raqs sharqi, ballet foklorico and west african dance in the last couple of years!! oh wait also contemporary and modern (but neither of my studios really did lyrical) and also also musical theater both through my studio and through my high school :) sorry for the resume lol
in the show i'm in right now i'm doing like 2 contemporary pieces (one is more soft movement and the other is really gestural and conceptual), a contemporary/foklorico mix (we have the big super full skirts and rebozos and i'm doing some stompy footwork in character shoes at the end!!), a jazzy kind of hip hop funky? piece? (it's to a couple jungle songs, idk if that's helpful to visualize), and a big company finale piece that's also kind of contemporary and hip hoppy :)
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capricioussun · 6 months
Sorry gamers I fell asleep and also appear to have a throat infection(?) BUT I am awake now so
The hashtag Commentary on the artists and styles✨ (under the cut ⬇️ )
⭒ Up first is decafcoffee00 - decaf's art is so next level, everything is so SHAPE and there's personality in every line istg. Surprisingly, this one didn't fight me as much as I expected! I don't think it's half bad, and I had an easier time w/ this one than any other lol, but fr if you're not following him uhhh you should <3
⭒ The next to the right, minksinty - phenom's art inspires me SO so much, the way they colour things is absolutely stunning and life just flows through it, even the doodles! I think this one is probably the one I did the worst on lol, idk! It just doesn't seem to have any of the right energy, but it'd be more than worth it to do a more thorough study bc uhhh absolutely gorgeous art fr
⭒ And the third in the top row, bonetrousledbones - the only one I've actually tried before! So I had a liiitttle more familiarity with it, but it's such a fun, super expressive style. Their art just seems to translate the characters feelings and personalities so strongly, it's like. A narrative art style. If I had more time and focus I'd have loved to do a full body shot like this, especially to get more into studying their Clothes Technique, of which they are a master in their craft !!
⭒ Now on to the bottom row✨ jnpie - this one is small bc I was so happy w/ the first sketch I didn't want to try making it bigger and having it get all fuzzy lmao, but! Jnpie's style is so cute and like. Idk what would be a good word for it, sincere? It really is an expression, and you can feel how much they put into their art just by making it, it's just so -gestures emphatically in a positive way-. This is also the only one that didn't have a direct ref to look at! So pls forgive any discrepancies 🙏
⭒ On to the right, savestar - her art always exudes such a softness to me? Almost like a somberness that I don't quite know how to describe but its sooo pretty and makes their stuff feel very nostalgic when you look at it. It probably comes in second for the ones I struggled w/ a bit and feel I couldn't quite capture, but you can make the judgement for yourself by checking out and following her :*)
⭒ And last but certainly not least, owl-bones - this one was very fun, I'm not sure how obvious it is but his art has definitely been an influence on whatever direction mines taken for how I draw these bone boys, as it should! Rayne's art is sooo cool and pretty and this is another style I'd love to try doing a full body shot w/, the way he poses and draws clothes is so fluid and appealing and !!!
Sorry if this reads a little off I'm a bit fog brained atm and did NOT check for typos well but I didn't want to put this off any more! Bc seriously while I was working on this I kept getting distracted just scrolling through everyone's art these ppl r sooo cool and good at art and just 🌟❕💗
I wanted to get to the second part too yesterday but I was flagging so hard man, so next week! And until then don't forget to rest and stretch and hydrate <3
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 years
I didn't follow any of the pre-release promotional materials; do you have a link to the showrunner(s) stating/implying that queerness is merely "subtextual" in the absence of literal sex? (Apologies if you've shared it before and I just wasn't paying attention.) Also, thank you for your prolific and thorough critiques. I'm a more casual book fan and was tentatively excited to see the show forge a new narrative path while still guided by the same lifeblood, if you will. But at this point, hmmmmmm
I don't recall him commenting on it being about literal sex, THAT WAS ME EDITORIALZING LMAO.
I haven't been able to stomach the entire SDCC panel but I know they talked about it in there, I kinda peeked around for a transcript but didn't find one. ANYONE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THE DIRECT QUOTES please I don't have the strength. There's a summary article here, though, which touches on the convo a little:
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(Don't even ask me to start unpacking the Fiona Apple comment dude what?)
This article also talks about the SDCC panel and doesn't directly quote him but it sums up:
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There's just been article after articleeeeee of people who didn't read the books or just watched the film or whatever and keep going WOWIE IT'S NOT SUBTEXT, GREAT JOB, when like ? It was never subtext lol. And that's not entirely the show's fault, how mainstream perceives it, but they've been running with that and taking credit for it.
Like there's just been tons of headlines and praise like this -
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I think the show & RJ have also been pretty blurry with how often they claim they're not a remake of the movie and yet constantly make digs at the movie and even reference it often on the show itself. So I think sometimes they're commenting on the movie when they forget they've already told us they're not remaking the movie. =P
There's also this quote (I didn't screenshot bc there's an ad in the middle LOL!) but:
"It’s aggressive subtext in the first book, but by the time you read books eight and nine, it was the love affair of the century. Without spoiling too much, subtext becomes text in our show."
(Let's not point out that books 8 & 9 are ... *checks notes* Blood & Gold and Blackwood Farm. Okaaaaaay Rolin. 😪)
Also sorry by love affair of the century do you mean Lestat goes around and has adventures and uses everyone while Louis stays safely tucked away at Armand's house until he's needed, or? Sorry lmfao I'm so fucking. dghadgkjs.
That interview is full of nonsense that will make you want to scream if you're feeling brave.
Anyway I feel like, I've been obsessively watching the production unfold for the past year and I kept getting so many red flags like there's been so many odd comments and little sexist quips, the complete misunderstanding (or lack of fucks) about what Claudia is supposed to mean in the story, etc. I just keep getting aggressive CISHET MAN vibes from this team and the lens they read VC through.
And yknow what, fair whatever I guess, we all read different versions of the same book and they're the ones that got to make it. But idk I like VC for the dark elegant spooky existential angst, I didn't need it to be gritty and open up with shit jokes. And five episodes in I didn't need it to use outdated, dangerous rape tropes and I also don't need it to oversell the domestic abuse. (Hint: Lestat was already abusive as fuck from the moment we met him, don't oversell!)
It's an okay show lmao. It's not recognizable as VC at all except that it recycles the names. None of the characters have been accurate so far. Even Lestat, where Sam Reid is doing so many fun things with his delivery and mannerisms that almost seem like Lestat, is just so fucking OOC and a caricature and just really lacks the depth and nuance and sensitivity of who he is in the books.
If you can turn your brain off and not look at it as VC there's some fun moments, but it's also full of continuity errors and just plot holes and bad writing when you look too close, so don't try to analyze it too hard or you'll have a bad time lol. Even the stuff that's really interesting and that they get right, they tend to lose interest in and drop, or they mix it into so much vampire soap opera shenanigans that it's hard to walk away knowing what the episode is actually about. It's just. Woof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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mangoisms · 1 year
Gotham war opinions?
honestly seems sooo dumb. and like. Ok disclaimer. i have not actually read it so take all this with a grain of salt because i've only consumed information secondhand through people posting about it (someone made a comprehensive review of what's going on right here) but it just seems silly
like i am a big proponent of the 'batfam' Needing to return to having drama and conflict because the weird push for happy happy nuclear family batfam and no drama whatsoever has had very weird and ooc consequences (looking at you tt making dick call bruce dad) but this particular brand of conflict is just. Dumb. and not what i want in terms of That. and also seems to implicate selina as some kind of mother figure??? to them??? which is so insane and incorrect and butchers her character completely... i mean it seems like the general conflict of her v. bruce is already way out of character but that right there is the final nail in the coffin LMAO i saw those panels of her about jason and i just. selina honey i'm so sorry i know this is not in your heart....
like intuitively i know it will never be like 90s/00s batfam like in bruce wayne: murderer?/fugitive where, when bruce was acting like a bitch and dick was having an issue with that, they got into a fistfight and dick crashed into the display case holding jason's old robin costume during it like?????? we are never going to get that ever again. but i think they're trying. but they're still trying to lean into this nuclear family ideal (or a version of it anyway) where uhhhh mom and dad are fighting LMAO and it's just. idk. it seems bad.
i've also seen and NO ONE quote me on this because it was in passing and again. haven't read it and yes i know i should read it before speculating but i don't have time for that. anyway. i was seeing something about how bruce's evil batman alter ego thing is supposed to like... make up for the abuse he's done to them? like some panel about his 'evil alter ego' calling tim a soldier and the 'real bruce' being like No!!!! That is my son!!! so i feel like it's some weird roundabout way of absolving him of the emotional and physical abuse he's inflicted on them? which is again stupid. and atp too core to his character to really fix other than having a thorough reconciliation which is never going to happen. and then i recently heard about the shit with jason and it's just like. what is going on here. what we doing right now. idk
(also i was seeing something about that alter ego thing being maybe ableist? i can't speak on that but i know that was brought up at some point... also the name origins being a tad suspicious... idk)
but again. haven't read it. just seen other people talking about it and panels. but i do feel reasonably good about concluding that it's not good LMAO
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icespyders · 1 year
i finished disco elysium today!!! & as someone who plays a lot of choice-based rpgs, the way the game acknowledged the way i played was particularly fun and rewarding (readmore for spoilers)
so obv at the end you're confronted by the cops from harry's precinct and kim can defend you (i assume if he hates you, he does not defend you, but i literally unlocked that Goodest Of The Good Cops achievement at the end of day 1, because i've been trained on bioware games to make every companion in every video game love me), and i got a real kick out of some of the dialogue i got during that finale sequence. particularly: one thing kim said to defend me was that i was unbelievably stubborn and thorough chasing down leads, no matter how vague or unrelated to the actual case they seemed to be, and that's 100% how i play rpgs lmao, i chase down every dumb random sidequest no matter how far it diverts me from the main plot. and in this game, some of my most joyful/interesting/thought-provoking/just plain nice moments were in these random sidequest diversions, so i loved how the game basically gives you a thumbs-up for that. and i was really unsure how to play it with evrart & joyce, who i give information to and why/when, and felt like i fucked up, and the game acknowledged that too, kim had some dialogue like, ok, yeah, maybe it wasn't a smart move, he ran his mouth a bit too much to the wrong people, but it was an ethical move and it maybe helped the whole situation, somehow, slightly. and i did okay in the tribunal sequence so kim noted that too, how i got in between the mercenaries and the union guys and put myself in harm's way and minimized the bloodshed. and! i didn't even realize the game would track my drinking/smoking, but the fact that i stayed sober and only smoked once (to light that graffiti on fire, lol, i did it for ART ONLY) was verbally mentioned by a couple characters and seemingly improved their opinion of me. OH OH and i was a very Sorry Cop and characters noted that in particular, kim was like ok yeah he apologizes for everything and it's kind of weird, but still, he's a good guy. and my actual partner is like YEAH YEAH i know you're sorry, you're always sorry, you fucking sad sack. & obviously my insane political views were noted (kim like "i know he's a communist, and also somehow a centrist, idk how he reconciles these things in his mind, but he's a good cop, i promise") (i never got to go back to my communist book club :(((( i read all the literature, i just didn't have time to go back, i ran directly into the plot too fast :(((((((( tragique)
and i was SO EXCITED to meet the phasmid...that was so nice...what a weird and lovely and odd game. it's just very rewarding, because like...i never felt like i was playing Perfectly, yknow? i started the game and was really intrigued by it, but felt a little overwhelmed as my Need To Play Perfectly habit crept in. so i put the game aside for like 9 months, worried i'd never get back to it or finish it, picked it up again 2 weeks ago and felt kinda stuck...and then i got to day 3 and i just cruised through to the end. i played pretty much blind, just looking up a sidequest or two when i was stuck, progression-wise, but i always have this bad habit in rpgs where i want to do things Right and get way too invested deep-diving on wikis trying to orchestrate the most perfect outcomes possible. i tried to kind of free myself of that habit for this game and play looser (though i am grievously guilty of save-scumming ahead of checks and doing dice rolls over and over again, but save-scumming is a sacred art to me, who the fuck doesn't do that in rpgs, if save-scumming is wrong i don't want to be right!!), so i wandered through the game, flailing around and fucking up and failing skill checks, always wondering if i could be Playing Better, but all of that second-guessing is worth it, because in the end i felt really rewarded by this sensation of acknowledgment i got from the game. this feeling that my failures and my successes were noted and catalogued and referenced directly as my companion character sticks up for me at the end. i'm always seeking that in rpgs, that acknowledgment, the sense that my choices mattered and were noted and made both subtle and obvious impacts. and disco elysium has so many variables that i REALLY didn't expect it to be as specific at the finale as it was! like, seriously, i can't get over it, the game scripted shit to acknowledge "you pursued so many fucking sidequests with a maddening and almost obsessive determination, good job," i feel so SEEN. and i got to hold hands with a big bug. what a game
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silversoulstardust · 1 year
Hi YES i'd love to see ur ver of law! ((And if i werent shy af id also love to share mine (prob might just slide into ur dms w this one c.c))) If it happens it's gna be pretty underwhelming tho. my plan so far is zou-time law (sans kikoku) bc i think it's the only outfit i can try to pull off ahhh, if even that.
So im currently looking around the secondhands for a white baseball cap (it's so hard to find one without some text on it? Jfc. But ye gna put spots on it w a marker); a black dressshirt; jeans that i might also paint with spots but tbh im too scared ill ruin em (and i only have one pair of blue jeans xD i wear black usually); +plus i'll buy some facepaint n do the tattoos!!; The only one thing i actually have so far at the ready is a black wig, purely by chance. Idk if ill manage the rest in time ahhh.
Whats funny is that im gna be at that con for around 3-4hours tops, and my only motivation to do law is because i wanna let ppl know that i wanna talk ab him asffghjjkl (tho i might be too awkward to actually hold a convo lmao thatll be funny. In and out.). My whole idea w going to that con started actually PURELY bc im deeply hiperfixated w law rn (and by 'right now' i mean 'for the last two months', ever since i read the most recent spoiler regarding him n drowned in the fandom again ahah), and im having a very minimal outlet socially ahh. The next anime-related con i could attend would be in winter.. i dont wanna wait that long..
Sorry for the long message asdfgh it got away from me. ALSO just saw the pool noodle!! Love the idea!!!! We need thorough updates on the progress!!!! (ofc as long as u wanna keep doing em v.v)
bestie there's no such thing as underwhelming cosplay!! it's either you do or you don't and if you do? you already deserve a star bc at least you tried! ⭐ I know how some people are very particular and want it to follow their character design to a perfect t but you also need to consider time and resources for it. some people can afford to buy expensive props while others have to make it from scratch and I think that's the fun part of cosplaying that is lost these days. you have to get crafty ^-^
ashjkl also mildly related to this I love watching hijabi cosplayers getting creative with their costumes whilst covering themselves properly. I think I'm gonna take a leaf out of their book and wear my yellow blouse and make it a modest version of law so I don't have to draw all over my chest lol. I recently cut my hair to a short wolf cut and it's naturally black so that part is settled too :] don't paint on your jeans, though!! it's pretty risky. maybe buy a black cloth duct tape and cut it into small round shapes and paste it on? that's what I'm planning to do to my jeans too hehe
and I feel you on wanting to talk about your fav character with other people!! honestly I can't shut up about luffy even for a second. I went to a concert with another tumblr mutual recently and one piece was all I talked about lol. but since I'm a big lawlu believer I can't help but love torao too 💛
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itlivesproject · 2 years
Daily Anon Chronicles chapter four (writing the cjapter number coz i literally had to replay ch 3😭)
Again everyone on edge except MC is Coping so yay for that ig
I feel kinda bad for Noah. Like ik what he did but i was always like the Jane kinda used him
Oh noiceeee i thought Ava lost her powers
Idk why but again taylor swift is playing in my mind
Oh i just realised what it lives within could mean. It prolly means within like the ilw mc. Or all the three mcs. Idk
The recent asks abt ilitw mc/Noah not coming back makes me so sad. Like, Connor and MC are sooooooooo good for each other. She better come back to life or else imma riot😭
(Nadia the next time u doubt Connors relationship imma whip slap u)
YES HER DEATH IS REVERSIBLE. plus i had a theory that her body would still somehow be there. Like she'd randomly turn back to human coz not going mad coz of loneliness is the key to break the curse🤷
Awkward silence in car is always soooooo uncomfy
HI AVAAAAAAA I MISSED YOUUUUUU *tackles her into a hug*
Hmmmmmmmmmmm. What kind of freaky?
Maybe the cave is used bye some rly rly bad person who wants the Power for themselves. OOOOOOOO THEY MIGHT WANT MC'S POWER 😯
Well hellooooo Luis👀👀👀
Ok Luis is kinda sketchy but well. Why didn't we get a chance to stare at his butt?
Too easy lmao. I know I'm quite something Luis, I know.
Tf is that q supposed to mean😭😭😭 he literally just said gauntlet of healing
I know, Luis, my lips are tantalizing (i hope that means what i think it means)
The fact that I'm reading this just so that I can get inspo for my book is a lie, brain. You and i both know that I'm horny
I'm sorry isn't this like a campsite? WITH A LOT OF PEEPS OMG EVERYONE IS HEARING THIS-
Ofc ofc through. So thorough that we won twice hmmmmmm.
Angry but supportive. Who do i have to beg to get that kinda friend? GOD ARE U LISTENING
Mhmmmmm a pleasurable experience
Lmao Abel chill. Wait La Llorona? Isn't that the song from Coco? Aye di mi Llorona Llorona, Llorona de mi azul celeste. Gray character trickster god. Sure you ain't talking abt Loki? Oooooooo so i feel like this trickster god is doing this stuff so he can be alive again maybe?
No coffee Abel sleep. Can't function that much on coffee u need to sleep.
I mean if people can turn into murder angry after visiting the place then well
Hmmmmmmmmm. Nerve loss in all it's glory😖
LJ? Who's that? Is he an ancestor? THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME
Ummmmmmm. Is everyone's fam member just coming back as a ghost or smn?NOOOO CONNOR IS ON EDGE AGAIN NOOOOO. Super trippy? Rly? Lmao. Hope the sensor doesn't burst or smn.
Daily anon you are a BLESSING
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wh6res · 4 years
sedan | jaemin
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—part 2
synopsis. it was only a matter of time until he snapped. he was right, you should've seen it coming.
warnings. noncon, swearing, yandere themes, there’s a knife lmao
note. yalls idk :( it keeps deleting paragraphs when i add a readmore wtf is this sorcery IM SO SORRY
[read part 1]
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apparently, your captor had enough respect for your dignity not to take you in the backseat of his old sedan. saying something along the lines of how you had completely ruined the mood by how much you were crying underneath him. “it’s not even pretty crying!” jaemin had exclaimed, hauling you up to your feet and carrying you bridal style towards the house. 
respect? pft. he has long passed the line of respecting your dignity—the moment he forced that drug into your system and shoved you inside his car, he was a goner. 
you don’t bother thrashing against his arms, having thought better. with your wrists and knees duct-taped together, running seemed like a joke. instead, you stare longingly at the outside world over jaemin’s shoulder—it definitely isn’t the last time you’ll see it, but if you were here because of his fucked up possessiveness over you, then escaping will be a challenge. 
three months of working alongside jaemin is enough for you to know how thorough he can be. he’s quite the perfectionist, and you remember admiring his keen attention to detail but now you only fear for the things he has in store for you to make sure you’ll never leave his side. it was due to this train of thought that you involuntarily start shaking against him. the automated lock in the front door beeps into place and now you were stuck here with him, once and for all. 
before you are able to take a look around the house, scoping enemy territory, a hand comes up to cover your eyes. the moment your fingers wrap around his wrist to pry it away, he hisses, and you let go immediately. 
“stay still or else,” you obliged, scared of what he can do now that he has you all to himself inside the house. “i know what you’re thinking. still so fucking predictable. you’d have to earn my trust until i let you roam around here.”
the loud clicks of your restraints locking together prove that he is a man of his word. 
the basement he keeps you in is disgusting. the tiles beneath you are cold, a few leaking pipes in the corner, dust everywhere, and a tiny window across the room—you doubt your chains can reach that far. but what captured your eyes the most is the numerous pillows stuck onto the walls and ceiling. the colors of its casings are faded, none of them matching one another at all. it was as if everything was messily put together at the last minute and you almost feel a tiny bit of relief that maybe, jaemin isn’t as thorough as you thought he’d be. 
“i soundproofed the walls and everything, isn’t that romantic?”
you don’t answer, too caught up thinking about how you’ll stay warm that you don’t notice the way his eyes trail over your shaking figure, knees tucked under your chin, pressing yourself firmly against the wall to appear smaller. to create as much distance from him as possible. 
jaemin frowns in distaste, a low hum resounding in the back of his throat as he thought; no, this won’t do.
“are you cold?” he asks. 
once again, he’s met with silence. 
if there is one thing jaemin absolutely hates with a passion, it was being ignored. the feeling is so foreign to him. maybe it was because of how much he naturally expects to bear the spotlight, that when you refused to even slightly acknowledge him as anything, he was confused. fascinated but frustrated at the same time. 
it is the same frustration he felt when you turned him down. the same frustration he felt when you fought against him. the same frustration he felt when you don’t stop crying underneath him. the same frustration he felt right at this very fucking moment.
“i don’t think ignoring me will do you good, sweetheart. i asked you a question, didn’t i? i’ll say it again, one last time,” the edge in his voice is unmistakable. “are you cold or not?”
at this point, jaemin feels stupid for even thinking about granting you the slightest bit of leniency by leaving you alone tonight. jaemin had been willing to put aside his desires and wants for you. but his patience can only stretch so far until it comes snapping back. 
and boy, were you in for it. 
he utters your name, low and threatening and you just knew what it meant. as the victim, it should’ve been in your best interest to keep your captor from losing his shit and hurting you… and yet, you remain silent. you don’t know what’s gotten into you. the words are right at the tip of your tongue but you don’t say anything. it was as if time had stopped and your brain had short-circuited, making you forget how to speak. 
when he stood up from the stool and started stalking towards you, you knew it was too late. 
“jaemin…” your voice shakes. “jaem—yes, yes—i feel—i feel cold—”
the sting on your right cheek is the only thing to register in your mind for a few good seconds until it all clicks into place. he just backhanded you. 
“i never thought you’d be such a fucking bitch,” he hisses, pulling at your restraints. “you were so silent, i thought you went mute, baby. how can you treat me like that? it’s no way to treat your lover.”
his soft tone catches you off guard for a fraction of a second. it was the same way he spoke to you before… all of this. it was the same tone that had once lulled you into a sense of security when you were stuck in a new environment, scared, making mistakes left and right, but jaemin had proved he can be someone you can depend on.
and look at what that cost you.
jaemin’s eye twitched when he noticed the slightly dazed look on your face, eagerly slotting himself between your thighs before holding your legs down with his shins. his hands dart out, grabbing your jaw in one hand before placing the other snug around your neck. the man can feel the rush of his blood flowing through his veins, ears ringing as he admires how pretty you were underneath him—pretty and helpless.
with a sudden urge, he darts his head forward to take a long whiff of your hair, eyes rolling back in ecstasy. he barely even registers the tears wetting the hand holding your face. jaemin is too far gone in his head because finally, fucking finally, he has you right where he wants you and absolutely no one can steal you away from him anymore.
meanwhile, you try hard to push him off of you but the pressure he’s applying to your legs proves too much. the hand encased around your throat pulls away and your happiness was short-lived as jaemin reaches for something above your head. it glints against the sole fluorescent light in the basement—
you freeze at the sight of his pocket knife.
he laughs, sounding too sweet and lighthearted. “now, now. i won’t hurt you…” 
you hold your breath when he drags the knife across your body. from your collarbones, down the valley of your breasts, and finally settling at the bottom of your shirt. “i won't hurt you if you don’t move around too much.”
the sound of fabric ripping against the sharp blade made you want to thrash as hard as you can but jaemin had purposely angled the knife so the tip dragged against the surface of your skin. bile rises up your throat when you notice the way he eyes every inch of your torso as its slowly revealed to him. 
“see, i know you’re a good girl. i just have to force it out of you sometimes, huh?” he mocks, quickly hooking the knife under your bra so he needn’t struggle reaching for the hook in the back. 
his reaction is immediate the moment he sees you bare before him. he doesn’t even grant you the chance of hiding when he’s managed to hold your wrists in one hand, the knife clattering loudly on the floor as he surged forward, lips latching onto one of your breasts as his free hand feels the other one up. you turn your head to the side, not wanting to see his ministrations. until one particularly hard nip makes you yelp, his teeth latching painfully against a nipple before glaring at you through his eyelashes. 
“eyes on me.”
jaemin can’t have you turning away from him. it simply looks like another act of defiance, as if you were depriving him of the expressions of pleasure found in your face as he continues to lick and suckle at the skin of your breasts, purple and red blooming on your skin. 
when jaemin retracts from you to pull his shirt over his head, you made the last feeble attempt of trying to escape him. you’re able to free one of your legs from underneath him and have successfully delivered a kick to the groin. jaemin folds in pain. you managed to flip onto your stomach, dragging your body away with just your arms. you’ve only managed a few inches, chains rattling aggressively, when you felt his nails dig into the back of your thighs. 
“fuck,” he grunts. “you’re going to fucking pay for that, pretty thing.”
he turns you around with one hand, unfazed by the pitiful look of your tears and snot cascading down your face as he looms over you, his knife in one hand as he fists your hair. 
you shook violently as you brace your hands against his bare chest. jaemin would’ve revelled at the feeling of you touching him if you hadn’t kicked him in the balls only seconds ago. 
“jaemin, please… i don’t want any of this—”
“you’re so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this.”
you flinch, eyes shutting closing on instinct. you feel something sharp poking on your neck, and it only takes you a fraction of a minute to register that jaemin is now holding his knife against your throat. digging the blade enough for you to know it’s there but not hard enough to draw blood. 
“look how much you’re shaking, baby,” he coos, the tightness in his pants becoming unbearable as he gives you a one over. “such a sheltered kid, aren’t you? no wonder you’re so fucking naive, always making mistakes. always making the wrong judgement. you’re used to depending on someone, right? well…” 
jaemin slices the skin above your collarbone. you don’t scream, the fear of him slicing your throat all together lies heavy in the air. 
“…it’s a good thing you met me, huh?”
fuck you.
“i’m here, baby. you can depend on me all you want,” the giddiness and the sudden spark in his eyes make you dread what he’ll do next—you hear the sounds of a belt unbuckling. “i’ll bathe you, i’ll feed you, dress you up, but…”
there are no tears left when you feel his fingers pulling your shorts down together with your underwear. no tears left when you feel the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance. 
“…you’ll have to give me something in return. that’s what good girls do, right?”
you screamed.
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cecily-xyz · 3 years
So I just did one of those PowerPoint nights with my friends- so I present~
What PowerPoint presentations the main 6 would do at a PowerPoint party.
(Modern AU for obvious reasons)
He would most definitely do “What each of us would get arrested for and why”
I mean he has experience in being wanted so it makes the most sense
I feel like he’d make Asra’s one of those weird ass “Florida Man” arrests that were really popular, for example: “Florida man arrested for calling 911 after kitten denied entry into strip club” or “Florida man fights off alligator that attacked his dog” except insert Faust instead of dog (I would fight an alligator if they attacked Faust too let’s be honest).
Would definitely find a way to insult Lucio in a way that he could play it off as a joke.
Would give Portia something stupid and ridiculous like “sneaking Pepi into a showing of Cats the movie” (is that illegal? We’ll let it slide)
He’d give Faust an honorable mention slide that just had:
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I would like to think they would do “which frogs represent us”
Then would include the following:
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Portia- (does this count? LMAO)
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BONUS: Them and MC 😌
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I think it’d be hilarious if Nadia did some vague shit like “Why Abby Lee Miller is a danger to society”
I was honestly so lost on what to do for Nadia so yes I am pulling this out of my ass and we’re going with it.
Would give a thorough break down on all the abusive shit she did
Would include screenshots of all the girls from dance moms crying in order to prove her point
Would also include the video of her trying to bite that moms finger for dramatic effect.
Thought I would include said video:
I think Portia would do something like “How and when each of us would die in the apocalypse”
“Lucio would die first because he would convince himself he could somehow gain control of the zombies and create his own zombie army, but would get bit in the process.”
“Julian would die second because he would be trying to find a cure but would be infected by doing so (thank you for your sacrifice Julian)”
“I would die third not because she was reckless or stupid but because she was protecting/saving someone else (awww)”
(It was hard to figure out what would become of Asra and Nadia lol)
“Maybe Nadia would either die a similar heroic death as me- I think Nadia would definitely put herself in harms way to protect her friends- or honestly, survive.” I mean cmon her sword skills.
“And Asra and (especially) Muriel would survive, maybe Asra would also be in danger trying to find a cure? But I don’t think he’d be reckless. And Muriel has managed to live by himself in the woods for a very long time, so he’d do just fine.”
I think Lucio would DEFINITELY do “which tv show and movie characters I could beat in a fight”
So much debate
Most of said debate would be over him saying he could be certain characters, and the rest of the group refuting it.
Would claim the most ridiculous shit like that he could beat Voldemort or something even though he is incompetent when it comes to magic.
His feelings would definitely get a bit hurt
I’m so sorry to disappoint, but I sat here for a good hour trying to think of something for Muriel and came up with nothing. I think a big part of it is I can’t imagine Muriel wanting to do a presentation? Idk maybe I’m being a total idiot and am totally missing a good obvious opportunity but I’ve got nothing :(
Anyways, I’m sorry if some of these are total misses, my brain is not being very creative rn and idk why, but I hope you guys enjoy it :)
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
okay hi! this is going to be very long! (i’m sorry) but in response to your marecal song post:
here is my list! titles/artists are bolded and lyrics are italicized. i wrote some lyrics that stand out to me and a little explanation for each one :) i am very extra and marecal occupies my brain at all times 🤠
ghostin - ariana grande
“i’m hating myself because you don’t want to admit that it hurts you”
“i know that it breaks your heart when i cry again over him”
“he just comes to visit me when i’m dreaming every now and then”
- reminds me of glass sword when mare is reading maven’s letters while she thinks cal is sleeping
die for you - the weeknd
“you’re scared to be lonely, especially in the night”
- reminds me of mare seeking out cal in GS just to be near/hold him
“I don't want this feeling, I can't afford love”
- mare saying no distractions (lmao look how that turned out)
“the distance and the time between us, it’ll never change my mind ‘cause baby i would die for you”
- no matter what (mavens capture, both cal and mares betrayals, etc) their love never goes away
“I would die for you / I would lie for you / keep it real with you I would kill for you, my baby”
- aaaaa this line !! gives me very much mare and cal beating the shit out of samson merandus (f that guy)
see you again - tyler the creator
“can I get a kiss? / and can you make it last forever? / I said I'm 'bout to go to war / and I don't know if I'ma see you again”
- all the little goodbyes and reunions they have throughout the books, especially the end of GS and KC when they know they have to separate
“I can only see your face when I close my eyes”
- I thought of you before the end, I saw your face in the water 😩
my boy - billie eilish
- this song just gives me petty mare post KC epilogue vibes lmao
“he just sounds like he's tryna be his father”
- looking at you, tiberias 🤨🤨
“but he's such a pretty liar and by that I mean he said he'd change”
- cal’s promise to the guard and to mare to not accept the crown (even though what did she expect but like that’s a story for another day)
let me love you - ariana grande (reminds me of “how to flirt” marecal)
“i just broke up with my ex / and you’re the one I’m feeling as I'm laying on your chest”
- f you eli 🤠🔪
“and if it feels right, promise I'll stay here all night, just let me love you”
- cal just wants to love her 🥲 dumb virgin slut boy
bonus bonus:
idk if you’re into musicals but “sunrise” from “in the heights” SCREAMS marecal to me !!! it’s so cute, it even says “calor(e)” and “lightbulb” hehe
are you seriously asking me if I'm into musicals? don't you know by now I'm an extra bitch? of course I like musicals smh😤 I loved how thorough you were with these recs and I liked ghostin so much for them!! perfection 👌 and thanks for the little HtF reminder, so sexc of you
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softgrungeprophet · 3 years
posted this as a thread on (private) twitter, will post it here now slightly modified and expanded up
sort of related to the tags on (this post)
i was mostly fuckin around with the "seduce kim" plan, like i know that the game doesn't offer that kind of thing, it is pretty clearly not the kind of game with actual romance options and whatnot, not that kind of rpg. don’t have to even look it up to know that, though i did see mention that there aren’t really hookups or anything of that sort when i was looking up something else, which did not surprise me. like i said, not really that kinda game.
but after the homosexual underground thought and now this stuff w/ harry's idolization of guillame le million’s smile and dazzling charm *and ass* (though i haven’t finished that thought in-game yet, so idk what the result will be, i think it’s like 60-some percent right now)
there’s also ofc the infatuation w/ the beautiful smoking man from the balcony that goes with the homosexual underground thing obviously. all these little things, and the insecurity in his own masculinity and in others', adding up to a sad, broken man, with all these little things hidden away in him
... makes me wonder how much he's really repressed. how much has he tamped down without knowing, without thinking about it, even aside from the, you know, amnesia and the woman that hurts him so much to think about
i do gotta say i like the approach i personally took with slowly opening him up and changing his worldview w/ the amnesia as a kind of barrier-removal because i think it suits all these little hidden things slowly coming to the light about him, his name, his thoughts, etc. i made the choice to use his unmoored self as a blank slate for him to question things that everyone takes for granted, to ask himself questions, and ruminate on that a lot... etc... while also having this yearning for the past, and this attachment to things he can’t quite let go... so even though i did accept the name, all of that questioning kind of expanded naturally into this stuff as well as the uhhh communism path lmao
if i’d gone a different approach and been more straightlaced cop-like (the copotype he ended up as was the sorry cop instead 😂) i guess it wouldn’t fit in the same way. or obviously if i’d embraced the physical instrument and such that balks so heavily at the queer and the androgynous and the effeminate. but that’s not the route i’m going. i mean this dude woke up from dead with amnesia several days into the investigation, hates himself, is miserable, etc. why not have this be the kind of turning of different leaves, this form of self discovery.... slowly going from only 3 empathy (i started w/ a 3/3/3/3 profile lmao) to like, 6 or 7 now i think.... becoming more in-tune with every aspect of himself, his mind, his body, his dreams, his past...
idk i like it, and i like taking him from bumbling, uncertain, forgetting, omitting the truth, to something softer and more honest though still sometimes cagey (but not necessarily weak), empathetic, but still with this instincts slowly being uncovered--observant and thorough
speaking of the beautiful man from the balcony i TRAGICALLY did not get the "kim laughing at harry for being obviously head over heels for a gay sex worker" thing, when i got the mind palace thought from him. at least i don't recognize it from what the wiki mentions, and i don’t remember any kind of skill check related to kim after the man gave harry the homosexual underground thought for processing, though i could have sworn i kept picking the “i want to talk more about you, i want to see you again” dialogue options (not a direct quote)
but that too--kim laughing--feels a little funny and relevant--
like here’s kim, who knows exactly who he himself is (though this is obvs before it’s confirmed for the player, and he’s obviously very aloof and withdrawn about himself unless you push him) and this hidden amusement at harry's oblivious infatuation
he knows what that's like, most likely. he can recognize that in another person, even as different as he and harry are, you know? at least that's how it reads to me
little pieces
everything a part of this unfurling and carefully slotting puzzle
anyway tldr i don't think harry's as straight or as masculine as he thought he was lmao
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hematomes · 3 years
other anon - crowd control and healing is pretty important and honestly i think the main thing is levelled characters (artifacts are important but they don't have to be perfect or anything at this stage). i think the main thing is to play with characters your fairly comfortable using in the overworld bc i avoided the abyss for ages and ended up clearing it just fine bc of beidou and it's mainly because i was comfortable with her playstyle. if u just want to clear it survivability is the most important thing so just slap a ton of hp on ur healer or use characters that let you tank stuff - the reason i used beidou - and hit everything until it dies. 3 starring it might be easier once you've already cleared it once.
i'm basically just saying what ced told u in a much wordier way but still hope this helps!
(sorry for hijacking ur inbox)
and yeah whole heartedly agree! also i have to confess a bit of a trick, before i was able to 9* the 11th floor i used to do 2 teams per room. like i used 2 specific teams for the 1st room, left the abyss and made another team for the 2nd floor etc. mainly bc the pyro hypostasis was excruciating for me without kokomi and xq, but i needed xingqiu in the other team to help yanfei.
idk if it makes sense but basically you can 3* the floor room by room with different teams! as long as they can tank the former room(s) you're good
(don't apologize, this is super helpful!!)
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presszl · 3 years
Hi! As someone who deals with lifelong chronic GI (gastro intestinal issues) and ive got some little tips for your trouble! (If you want, feel free to ignore if you want.)
1. Of course if you can, look into a doctor that specializes in gastro issues, bc a professional opinion is the best thing you can get. They may also point you in the direction of some over the counter meds that can really be life changing! Don't be afraid to get into detail, ya gotta say whats up.
2. Try to look for probiotic products, they'll help with digestion health!
3. Perhaps do get allergy testing, bc depending on your symptoms you might be allergic to something that you commonly consume.
4. Keep track of what you eat, if you have the attention span keep a record of what you eat and how it makes you feel after. This is how i figured out I'm sensitive to dairy, greasy foods, tomatoes and a handful of other odd specifics!
5. (This is a bit gross srry) but if your troubles lie especially in the in the lower intestines levels and functions, make sure you pay attention to the productions, and log that along with what you ate prior. If you have like, a Lot Of Blood, its not normal and you should get a doc's attention about what to do, for it could mean a lot and not a whole lot good. (As u can see im sidestepping a lot of words um. Again sorry. I know u dont want some anon talking abt the scary/ickyness bits)
6. For some reason i find bread sometimes agitates on bad days (other fam members can recite why but i can never remember why) so if you find yourself making a lot of sandwiches, maybe just roll the ham n cheese or whatev up in a little tube and consume it that way! Or do the bread for lettuce swap but ive heard a lot of recalls so maybe not-
7. If you want a more natural reliever for stomach issues, Ginger is your bestie. Tea, candies, get a product you can tolerate and keep it handy. If there is a ginger candy id reccomend, it would be Gin-Gin's, but specifically the hard candy kind. The flavor is somewhat strong but it's easy to get used to when your bod gets to know it helps (or u can just. Cronch) ginger is the main one i remember currently but research into what can alleviate naturally is worth it, cuz sometimes it's all you need on a decently troubled day!
8. Things like tums can also help, worse comes to worse take some ibuprofen with it too. Pain is best not endured is the motto.
Anyways, that's the advice i have! I hope it helps, pretty please take care and reach out to those that can support you! You deserve to lead as painless of an existence as possible. Gn! - 🦓
marry me right now 💍
YES omg so i am doing some of these things (seeing a GI again, taking ginger frequently (550 mg pills once a day)) but i know i need to get my ass in gear & start logging what i eat & stuff (a little late to do it ten days before my appointment but anything works i guess?)
i did not know that about bread or probiotic stuff and i've been curious about allergy testing for a little while now. i suspect red sauce might be troublesome?? but that's just because that's what i was told is troublesome so. idk LMAO. spicy food is obviously a no go, i will never eat spicy things again unfortunately
all in all your message is very appreciated!!! i have never gotten a thorough bullet list of tips like this before & tbh coming from an actual person it is more helpful than just rereading medical websites over & over and not knowing what's true or what's not u know. i am proposing right now
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raracool04 · 3 years
Oh man, we have a lot to catch up on, don't we?
November/December Update
I wouldn't blame you if you forgot I streamed. It has really been a while. However, I have never stopped thinking about streaming. A lot has happened since I was able to stream regularly, not even in my life, but in the streaming world. Twitch's blunders making a lot of people consider or even straight up switch to YouTube and StreamLabs' fall from grace to name the two most notable events. I'll be addressing both here.
Where the hell have you been loca??
Literally just school. Lmao idk how to elaborate further. I just finished a couple of exams so I should definitely have free time, and I would start now, but given recent events I am in the middle of some technical changes behind the scenes.
What's planned?
Absolutely nothing is set in stone yet, but I have Winter holidays coming up which will grant me a lot more free time, so I'm definitely taking advantage of that, I have a few ideas for a marathon 👀. Also, my birthday is also in December so I am absolutely gonna do something for that, stay tuned!
Well... where are you gonna stream?
This is gonna be controversial, but I'm gonna stick with Twitch. A lot of this is down to me just despising how I can't close the app without Premium, which is something I do with Twitch all the time. Not only that, but raids are one of the coolest features of Twitch (not hate raids though of course, fuck hate raids), and on YouTube, I don't ever watch a specific streamer consistently enough to want to raid them (oh sorry, Live Redirect them). These two opinions are entirely subjective, I know, but I have yet to warm up to the idea. If more of the streamers I watch move to YouTube, I'll reconsider, but for now, I'm staying put. If its an issue, I can look into multistreaming, but that is a short term solution until I am absolute in my decision.
About you using SLOBS...
Gone. Uninstalled. Fuck StreamLabs. I installed it initially because Touch Portal was being a bitch when I was messing with network settings, and I didn't wanna pay for the Stream Deck app, and I just got sucked into the ecosystem. I am going back to my roots of OBS and StreamElements, and this time I'm a LOT more prepared. I realised that it might actually be viable to start using the designs I promised last update! With SLOBS, since overlays are on-device, I had to choose between 90% CPU utilisation or massive files too big for my HDD to read real time. I'll have to compress them a small bit (and I'm talking 1 or 2MB here) but it's looking a lot more realistic now.
I'm still in the moving stages right now. I just simply haven't had the time I want to dedicate to making the transition as thorough as possible, and it's a big proponent as to why I'm not streaming right now.
This went on longer than I expect it, but I think it's necessary. I'm not quitting streaming yet and I'm excited to bring more to you guys!
- Rara
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dashielldeveron · 4 years
Viper VIII: Inter Vivos
*author slaps bumper sticker across ass that reads I BREAK FOR QUARANTINE* 
Summary: You have a thought that only Steve Urkel and black-out drunks can have: did I do that?
Warnings: swears, the law. Murder/death. Stupid internet comments.
Show (3719) Comments on “There is Nothing New Under the Sun, But You Are New in Your Conglomeration.”
skellingtonbabey: thanks for putting all of the *gestures vaguely* into historical context. no one’s ever bothered to explain this shit to me, especially in such simple and thorough language. it’s like every other resource i try to learn from is stylistically designed to make me more confused.
readyplayer69: Just because it’s from the 60s and is racist doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have intrinsic value based on the goal towards which it was working. You’re a fucking lunatic. I have a degree in political science, so I know what the fuck I’m about. Though some of the protests may have excluded the minorities you’re talking about, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t ultimately working towards good fucking policies for everyone involved. It’s not like they were doing anything important then anyway; white people had to be the mouthpiece for…Read More
volcanolesbian: bro have u seen the incels freaking out over this???? it got linked in their cursed forum and they SO BADLY wanted u 2 hate women now. like you can regress from being a feminist once you’ve woken up. they’re giving u shit bc you called out the racist terrorists who were active in their community lmao. i can post screenshots if u want. But bruv it’s like they haven’t read anything you’ve written before lol
mozARTsexandviolins: I get when you say that ingenuity spawns ideals for the greater good, but don’t you think tradition has its place? How do we know if the new can spawn the greater good? How do we judge ourselves? Who watches the watchers?
simpleplan2eatthedirt: cool cool nice nice.  protesting is awesome, but be sure to get out there to fucking VOTE, people!!! Here’s a link to register to vote.
EaterJohn: Hello. It is nice to hear from you again, Epiales. Always a treat. Very insightful commentary on modern and past protests. I didn’t know about all of the revolutions in Europe 1848. I’ve send this to my co, and it’s already sparked a good conversation about who we are as a protesting people as we stand in history. Again, sorry to bother you, but I was wondering when the next article in your “Aeneid Autopsies: Current Crimes Reflected in Ancient Times” series was going to be released? It’s my…Read More
horneyvulcanbasterd: @mozARTsexandviolins Is that a Star Trek reference? Bc if so the answer’s Starfleet Command lol
MrsKatsukiBakagou: epiales. you have watered my crops and harvested my fields. thank you for the food.
mightiestavengereatmyass: eat shit and die, commie scum. your just a hired propagandaist for the fucking alt-left, aren’t you? You have no right to be running your collum in a real newspaper or on this fucking website. sending u anthrax in the mail would be too cool a death for you. I hope your so-called terrorist groupsfind out where you live and fucking murder you in the middle of the night. fukcs like you are the reason the country is going to shit the police have a total constitutional right int aht jurisdiction to enter. They had a no knock…Read More
fuckyouit’sjanuary: @readyplayer69 [image attached] [image description: blonde woman with caption reading, “I can tolerate racism, but I draw the line at looting the local target]
saltnpepa!!diner707: Hi. I’m trying to cite this piece in an essay, but your publisher isn’t listed on your website. Would you suggest using the NYT as the source in my bib? If it helps, this is due new week; idk if this will run in the NYT by then. Thanks
“I’m sending someone on a grocery run this morning,” said Tom, thumbs tapping away on his phone, “Do you need anything? Want anything?”
You glanced up from your laptop, closing it as much as you could without the light dimming. “I think I’m good, unless you used the last of the shredded cheese at some point.”
“Shredded…cheese,” he said under his breath, typing, “You mentioned capri-suns the other day.”
“Yeah, but I can tolerate the nasty, new flavour. No rush. Here’s a wild idea,” you said, and you waited until he looked up from his phone, a couple of ungelled curls falling over his forehead. “What if—now, don’t dismiss me as crazy; hear me out—what if we went to the store ourselves?”
“Again, no.” Tom grasping his coffee by the round of the mug, despite there being a perfectly functional handle. “Stop pressing me for it.”
“I’m not asking to go to a damn Broadway play. I’m asking to go to the closest 7-11,” you said, jiggling your leg and then making a conscious decision to stop fidgeting, instead scooting your chair closer under the table so that the arms slid underneath.
Tom hummed, his eyes not leaving his phone screen, but when you didn’t continue, he raised an eyebrow as he scowled at you. “Broadway is shut down because of the bomb threat.”
“Fuck off; you know what I meant.”
“Viper,” said Tom, and he locked his phone to set it on his napkin. “Do you want to get assassinated?”
“The term assassination implies I’m getting murdered for political reasons instead of the copious other crimes you’ve had me commit. So, I invite it.” Put your hands on the table where he can see them; it makes you seem more trustworthy. “Does 7-11 have an open carry policy?”
“If it’s any consolation, the renovated office should be waiting for you when you return.”
“It’s not.” You lifted your mug to your lips. “Working from here only makes me feel like a damn bureaucrat. Like I have no stake in the matter. I don’t want to become detached from everything; I might make a callous decision and send people where they can’t come back.”
“Keep watching yourself. If you stay on guard,” said Tom, running his middle finger around the rim of his mug, “then you won’t stray from me.”
“I’m useless here.”
“Then maybe you should become accustomed to the idea of being useless.”
Swallowing, you stared down into your tea. “There’s only so much I can get done through answering emails. Not to mention I hate answering emails. That’s how you get more emails.”
“Harrison has been telling me that your schematics have been more thorough since you’ve been holed up in here.” Tom tipped his mug all the way back to get the last of his coffee. “You’re still being just as productive, if not more methodical.”
“Did you mean obsessive? I have—I’ve had too much time to think. I’d rather not be alone with my thoughts, if I can help it.”
You could only read so much before losing your mind. You could only deal with so many of the same exact problems over and over again for lower level soldiers. You could only chart so many stars. You could only read so much fanfiction (if your identity thief were tracking your phone, he’d probably be baffled as to why you kept reading fic for fandoms you weren’t even a part of due to the desire for new ideas).
You could only give Glory Pham so many excuses as to why you’re not with her in person at the Museum of Natural History.
Sucking in through your teeth, you hovered your fingers above the keyboard.
Dear Ms. Pham,
Glad to hear John Mulaney’s signed on. Next step would be to ensure de Blasio doesn’t directly interact with him, given their history. Perhaps I should proof his set beforehand?
Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that I cannot attend the briefing in person yet again. I am currently indisposed, seeing as I am currently in hiding at my hot boss’s house, due to how dead I might be should I leave it (thus the basis of its appeal). Not to mention that if you criticise my blazer choices again, I shall peel the skin off your perfectly made-up face. Get fucked; getting your eyeliner tattooed on was a hell of a decision.
You shook your head, backspaced the last few lines, and stretched towards the wicker end table to grab your glass of pink lemonade, and you stole a glance at Tom’s work as you did so. A couple of files spread across his white wicker lounger (two blue files [socials of the family], two green [recent bids], a yellow [Manhattan locations], and a brown [requests from politicians, upper East side]). The pink sticky-notes had your and his written exchanges and edits on certain papers, and his laptop was open, the screen dimmed, while he copied something into a notebook with his cell phone held between his shoulder and his ear, just listening to the computerised voice.
He had joined you on the back porch to work remotely, claiming he couldn’t go into the city today due to the absence of news on Zendaya—if any information arose, he’d said he wanted your diagnosis immediately.
You wiped your forehead with your sleeve as a sweat drop slinked behind Tom’s ear. Even Tessa wouldn’t run in the heat; she’d curled up by the porch railing, her tail slapping against her water bowl. In an experiment to see if she wanted to spend some time outside, you’d slid the glass door open for Trout, to which she turned around to retreat to the bedroom.
Not all of the clothes you’d ordered had arrived yet, so you were stuck wearing autumnal clothes with long sleeves. To exacerbate matters, you were constantly moving—jiggling your leg, tapping your fingers—you couldn’t sit still for very long anymore; you had taken to pacing the porch when you couldn’t concentrate on the stars.
(Once, Tom had come out at night to check on you, wiping the sleep out of his eyes and sitting in silence with you. He’d made you go to bed after a while, claiming you’d run yourself into the ground if you kept this restlessness up.)
When your phone beeped, the both of you jolted at the sound. Tom hung up on the robotic voice as you scrambled to your phone, and he bent your way. “Is it Zendaya?”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you shook your head. “No. Looks like it’s a jailbreak.”
Tom sighed, his shoulders heaving as he eased back in his seat. “Where from?”
“I don’t even care,” you said, letting your phone fall to your lap. You slumped back in your chair, shielding your eyes from the sun with your arm. But you straightened yourself again and checked. “From Central. They don’t even know who’s all escaped yet.”
“It’d be too much of a gift if New York City would fucking relax for five minutes.”
“It seems like it’s in more uproar than usual lately,” you said, sipping through the reusable straw of your pink lemonade. “Do you suppose it’s our fault?”
Tom took a moment to pluck his damp t-shirt away from his chest. “I don’t think we’re instigating. If anything, we’re simply reacting to chaos.” He stood up and stretched, raising his arms above his head—his biceps strained at the sleeves, and the hem rose above his v-lines. “Unless you’re doing something I don’t know about.”
Ah, casual suspicion. “You’ve caught me,” you said as he approached Tessa and crouched next to her, “I’ve been running a koi smuggling gig on the side.”
“Why koi?” He held out his hand for Tessa to sniff, and she readily accepted his hand for pats. “Are they hard to get?”
“I don’t know,” you said, shrugging, “but I’ve been wondering if they’d be able to survive in your grist mill pond. You look through that water straight to the bottom, nothing living in your way. Just rocks and old equipment.”
Tom sat against the porch railing with a jittery Tessa partially in his lap. “Should we get some?”
“Oh, fuck off, Tom,” you said, grinning, a sweat drop falling onto your mousepad as you shook your head, “You can’t entertain every little pipedream I have.”
“Watch me. What do you want for Christmas?”
You ducked your head, biting your lip. “Promise me something.”
“Provided it’s not my head on a stake, I will,” he said, scratching Tessa behind her ears and cringing a bit when she stretched to lick his face.
“Then we’re going in person to the pre-opening fundraising gala for the Gawain Diamond.”
Tom narrowed his eyes. “Viper.”
“Bitch, I got John Mulaney to sign on to do the opening monologue, and he’s probably gonna roast de Blasio again. I’m not missing that.”
Your phone blared an alert again, and both of you held your breath as you unlocked it.
“Got a list of prisoners who escaped. Small group. Delores, Larson, Duncan, Mays, Selvin,” you said, “There’s more, but I don’t know them. Tell us something important, by God. Anyway, we’re going. I didn’t say I was going alone, did I? You’ll be there. I’ll be safe, and you’ll be safe.”
His jaw shifting to the side, Tom stilled his hand on Tessa’s back, and then he lifted it to flick sweat off his neck. “How many of us maximum can you get in?”
“It’s a fundraiser for idiotic rich people; if there are too many people without a name, they’ll be noticed.”
“It can’t be just us.”
“Why? Afraid you can’t protect me on your own?”
“Now, don’t start that.” Tom herded Tessa off his lap and onto her outside bed. “I’m not falling for it.”
“Yes, yes, I’m fully aware you’re capable of ripping me in half,” you said, draining your pink lemonade, the airy suction coming through your straw (almost loud enough that you couldn’t hear Tom’s sputtering over it—almost—and his phone beeping). “Want me to get that?”
“Bring it here,” he said, and you snatched it while he sat on the railing, dangling his legs off the side.
“It’s,” you said, eyebrows shooting to your hairline as you read the little notification, “It’s a tweet from Zendaya.” You tossed it to him to unlock and leant on the railing next to him, arm grazing his thigh with a heightened awareness of how close you were to his sweaty, sweaty abdomen. No! No time to thirst. Friend time.
Tom unlocked his phone and held it at your eye level, turning it horizontally as he pulled up the tweet.
ZENDAYA (@ZendayaMedias): Felt cute. Might delete later.
Tom pulled up the clip, waiting for it to load. “Why didn’t she post it to instagram, then?”
“The finer details of social media are an enigma. Do I look like I know,” you said, and his thumb hovered over the play button.
He cranked the volume up before pressing play, having to try twice due to how slippery his fingers were. “I wonder if Haz has seen this yet.”
A vertical shot of a murky, grey sky from the bow of a boat and dark ocean as far as the camera can see. It pans across the starboard side, and this boat is the only one in sight.
Only the sound of waves striking the boat.
The camera tilts down. Zendaya’s writhing on the deck, furiously straining against rope bonds that line up the entirety of her arms and up her calves; she’s yelling furiously at the person behind the camera through duct tape.
Scuffed, black boots roll Z to the starboard gunwale. She’s still fighting, still shouting.
The camera trucks to the right; before, the pair of cinderblocks attached to her feet were concealed. It returns to her face. A glove grabs part of her hair to show the weights tied into it. She bucks up to headbutt the camera; he avoids it.
Tom clenched his free hand on his thigh. “We’re running another scan for that black-stubble bell jackass from her instagram; did we have any fucking leads at all? What’s his fucking motivation? So he slept with her, allegedly; did she say no to a second time? Doesn’t fucking merit—”
The boot kicks the cinderblocks off the boat, and the camera tilts down to follow the trail of bubbles.
It’s quiet.
But then the camera pans to portside, where the guy in the picture with Zendaya is similarly tied up, but he’s openly weeping and shaking his head. He’s got something drawn on his forehead in black marker. The cameraman steps closer to focus on it: it’s a circle with an upward curve resting on top of it.
He’s still wearing the bell necklace.
Then the cameraman backs away and raises a gloved hand, in which a gun is aimed at the other’s forehead.
The bullet goes through the circle, and the bell rattles as he’s kicked off. Fewer bubbles.
Then the camera tilts up to show off the boat’s surroundings: a black and barren ocean, as far as the eye can see.
When the video started to loop, Tom switched his screen off, his phone hanging loosely in his grip. You released of his thigh once you noticed you’d grabbed onto him, and the evidence of your touch faded as the fabric relaxed.
His eyes glossed over at the blank screen, and his mouth opened before closing again, running his tongue over his lower lip. Tom brought a fist to his mouth and furrowed his brow, his hand hardly concealing the growing tremble of his jaw.
You took a step away from him, rubbing your arms as you ducked your head. “I’m going back inside,” you said, hoping Trout felt like being clutched to your chest, “I’m cold.”
The next morning, your mouth felt heavy and dry. You sneaked out as the sun was rising to go hide in the woods surrounding Tom’s house, but you talked yourself out of it. He would make too much of a fuss if he couldn’t find you—but you could delay the inevitable conversation even further. Both of you had separated and kept to yourselves the rest of the evening. Kept quiet.
So you rounded the outside of the house. You’re not camping out in a fucking copse. When you reached the pond, you scanned it for a dry place to hide, but nothing really held any appeal, save for the rounded platform where the mill wheel used to spin, its spoke notches overflowing with moss. You managed to get to it after scrambling alongside the stones for a few minutes, and though it didn’t look like you could get down the same way, you settled against the wall, scraping some moss out of the notches so that your feet could rest more comfortably in them.
(Dr. Prine called ten minutes after you sent her the email. “Did you send me the correct article?”
“Yeah,” you said, rubbing your face wash onto your cheeks, “Considering it’s the only one I have ready, and I can’t bring myself to write anything. I tried. I just fucking can’t.”
“I don’t think you want this published at this point in your life.”
“I don’t fucking care. Whoever’s using my pen name probably knows who the fuck I am in general. Just publish it.”
“Honey,” said Dr. Prine, her voice softening (and fumbling, like she was holding the phone to her ear with her shoulder), “You should probably rethink this. It’s going to connect Epiales you back to Viper you. Get some sleep; eat breakfast. Call me back then.”
“It’s an appropriate article for the political climate.”
“Not for your personal life.”
“I don’t fucking care,” you said between splashing water on your face, “I don’t. It’s a good fucking article, and hopefully, it can affect people for the upcoming election. Fuck self-preservation. Send it to the Times already.”
“Did I dial the wrong number?”
“Hilarious, Dr. Prine. I know it’s not the smartest thing for me to do, but I can’t—absolutely can’t—write anything. I don’t know for how long, but for now, at least.” You blotted your face dry. “I’ve got to meet standard deadlines if I’m keeping my column. It’s really only dangerous if Tom reads it and makes the connection, and his brain is offline right now.”
And so Aeneid Autopsies: Current Crimes Reflected in Ancient Times, chapter twelve, “The Political Tradition as Mob Rule,” would be published on Saturday. It’s a little too in the know about the mafia, but hey, you had written it on a whim a month ago, and you were known for your extensive research, anyway. It most likely shouldn’t be too different from your other exposés, though they weren’t on topics that were deliberately misleading the public by what information was out there.
The more you thought about it, it was almost like you wanted to reveal yourself, wanted to get stabbed while you were sleeping, because there’s an overwhelming question rolling around in your brain like a mis-weighted shooter marble: is this—)
“It’s not your fault.”
With crossed arms, Tom leant against the stone wall, his leg bent back for his bare foot to rest flat against it. He glanced sideways at you, sitting on your mill wheel perch almost halfway across the pond, but closer to the far side than to him.
He’s got major bedhead, his curls just fucking flopping about out of his part, and even from where you are, his face burned red amidst wet tracks trailing down it. Still, thank God for little mercies—his biceps were fucking straining the sleeves of his white t-shirt, and those idiotic, blessed grey sweatpants were low on his hips.
You lifted your head from your knees but still clutched them to your chest. “You’re not going out, then?”
“Of course not,” Tom said, and he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. “Can’t be crying during a meeting, yeah?”
“Been boxing?”
“Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Not really.”
He ran his tongue over his lower lip and sighed, and then he slid his hands into his pockets, his eyes glossing over while he watched the moss you’d picked off float in the pond.
You’re not going to fucking cry. Tom came out here for a reason. He has a purpose. All you have to do is wait.
Eventually, he said, “You’re avoiding what I said.”
You tilted your head.
“Listen, I know you’re beating yourself up about it. It’s not your fault this happened. None of this is your fault. Hey.” Tom tapped the wall, the travelling reverberations making you look up at him. “Whoever’s doing this is doing it of their own volition and not because of you. You hold no culpability for this.”
“Bruh,” you said, “One of your best friends is dead, and you’re comforting me? I thought I was the masochist.”
Tom scowled, his brow furrowing. “Viper—”
“I can’t interact with someone without putting them in danger, at a disturbingly high rate. You want me to enumerate where I’ve stuck my nose in not my business and people have gotten killed? Senator Hernandez, Isadora,” you began, holding up two fingers, “The nine men guarding Isadora, Maccabruno, Polson—”
“Don’t you dare do that to yourself.” Tom took a step forward, his foot almost curving into the pond. “You didn’t use the knife. You didn’t pull any triggers.”
“Yeah, but I sent them there. And a good many of them went because it was their job.” You sneered and propped your chin on your knees again.
“And it’s part of your job—”
“Yeah, whatever. Your friend is dead, and I have no home. I’ve stopped contacting the few people in my circle on the chance that they get dragged into this—Grace, Adrien—he’s the lights specialist guy, in case you don’t remember—I’ve got to email Glory, but that can’t be helped. And Dr. Prine only—fuck,” you said, dragging your hands down your face. “I don’t want anything to fucking happen to Dr. Prine. Or your family, for that matter.”
“Everyone not involved in the business is currently in hiding upstate,” said Tom, eyes narrowed as he glared at you. “If you like, I can ensure the same—”
“Stop acting so damn calm, Tom.” You let your legs dangle off the platform, hands clenching the edges. “I don’t have any strings left to pull. And fucking hell, I know that it would be extremely and absurdly conceited of me to believe that this series of crimes is aimed specifically at me, because how deluded, how arrogant could I get—but goddammit, this stuff feels a little too personalised. It feels like this person knows me.”
Tom clicked his tongue. “Don’t you think it’s worth something that Glory Pham has been left alone? He knows how to get into Crosscreek, yet Glory hasn’t been touched. Is that not worthwhile?”
Your eyes watered, but you ducked your head so that he couldn’t see—but you released a dry sob (Fuck! Now is not the time for crying! Now is the time for being badass! Frown, or something!).
Tom spoke so quietly you almost didn’t catch it. “Do you want to leave?”
God, no. But it would make you feel like less of a burden. “Let me find an apartment first.”
“No, not like that. Hey, V. Look at me,” he said, and he tapped on the wall again.
You wouldn’t. Not like this. Not when your nose was running and when you didn’t have a plan.
“Please look at me, Viper.”
Glowering, you raised your head, lifting your chin higher than normal to seem confident, and oh, God—his eyes were wide and gentle; he’s leaning as far as he can over the pond, still unable to reach you.
“What I meant was if you wanted to leave the mob.”
It rang through your head like a distant cathedral bell, chiming through a deserted town—but then you were farther, out on the mountains, still listening to faint clanging.
“You’d have to kill me,” you said, shaking your head, “Don’t you remember?”
“Fuck,” Tom was saying, sucking in through his teeth, and after glancing at the water, he started jogging around the pond.
“I swore. I bled. And then even after that—then you knighted me.” You inhaled sharply when he reached the stones you’d climbed. “I’ve let you down.”
“Viper, get the fuck down from there and come here,” he said, and he withdrew, winching, when he stepped on a sharp edge.
“We shouldn’t have met,” you said, looking over your shoulder at him, and Tom froze, his hand partially gripping a hole in the stone wall. “I shouldn’t have taken the job. I should have gone to a different city. I should have—”
“Wasted your life away in the shadows? Just shut up and get down here.”
“Ah! The fuck?” You swatted his hand away when it grazed the platform, and when he climbed up another step, you pushed yourself off the platform and into the pond.
The first thing that struck you was how quiet everything was once the bubbles dissipated, and then you noticed how clear the water was, even from within it—glancing down, you could easily see your feet treading water above the broken grist mill wheels that had sunken to the bottom.
Before you could take it in to feel the emptiness in your chest, bubbles filled your vision again—and then his hands were grappling for you, grasping at your clothes, and pulling you towards the surface.
“I wasn’t fucking drowning,” you said, sliding a hand back through your hair, while Tom shook his head to flick off excess water. “I was fine without—”
“I know you weren’t.” Tom gripped your waist tightly enough to be painful, and he slid his other hand up between your shoulder blades. “I know. You wouldn’t die on me, and I’m not letting anyone else lay their hands on you. C’mon, arms around.”
He guided your arms around his waist, and once you had a good grip (hands sliding up his back), he kicked off to swim to the stone wall, backing you into it. Your toes skimmed the bottom of the pond, but Tom kept your head above the water, his thumbs circling your hipbones through your wet clothes.
Tom closed his eyes, his eyelashes heavy with water droplets. “There’s no solution to this where you die, got it?”
“I mean it. Talk to me. Tell me what you can.” Tom let out a breath slowly, and he bent to rest his forehead on your shoulder. “Please,” he said once you tensed up, his breath hot through your wet shirt, “Won’t you let me in?”
(Fuck fuck fuck fuck his chest is flush against yours; he’s so warm, so damn warm all over, and the water’s chill only makes you want to cling to him more, fuck.)
“You won’t like me,” you said, tentatively lifting a hand to curl your fingers into his hair, pulling slightly, “I’m not whom I’ve presented to you. I don’t have it under control.”
“I don’t expect you to.” Tom turned his head towards you; his lips almost grazed your neck (you relish their warmth anyway). “You wouldn’t be human, otherwise.”
“I don’t know an awful lot. Some days it seems like all I do is guesswork.” You grimaced but kept the slim distance from Tom’s mouth. If he wanted to, he would. “I’m lost completely on whoever the fake Epiales is. I keep looking for a pattern in everything, even—even so far back as to—”
You stuttered. Tom had pressed his lips to the base of your neck.
“There’s no consistency,” he said, nuzzling his nose against the spot where your neck met shoulder, “but there’s got to be a larger plan. I get it. The whole case is like a hydra, and we’re chopping blindly at the heads.”
(Oh, my God, he kissed you? He kiss the neck? He?)
“Oh! I forgot to tell you.” Tom pulled away to look you in the eye, and your mouth hung open of its own accord—come back! “I made myself watch the video again.” His jaw shifted. “To see if I missed anything, and I did. This time, I recognised the symbol on the guy’s forehead.” Tom lightly traced it onto your forehead with his middle finger. “It’s a zodiac symbol. It’s the one for Taurus.”
You nodded, still not really thinking at full capacity. “Great. Another piece of evidence that I won’t be able to make fucking sense of. Goddammit. I’m so useless. Goddammit,” you said, dropping your hand from his hair into the water with a splash. “Tom, I don’t talk to my mother much anymore. She doesn’t know where or who I am, and to be honest, I don’t know who I am, either. I don’t know where the truth is.”
You nearly slapped him when you cupped his cheek, like you were desperate, like you had to be touching him, skin on skin, that instant. It’d be nice if he would close his eyes and lean into your touch, maybe kiss your palm, but Tom simply stared at you in shock, eyes wide, brows raised, mouth pinched.
Don’t tell him, you whore. You built this fucking kingdom with its walls and bastions so that you would be safe when the outer defences crumbled. You’ve set aside parts of yourself into neat little boxes so that you can throw any of them away at any time and escaped unscathed. Don’t you fucking dare screw that up. Tom doesn’t know about Epiales so that you can expose and destroy him if you’re on his chopping block; it’s insurance for when everything falls.
Bitch, since when do you want to be honest and raw and vulnerable around anyone?
You can’t let him in.
“You’re still a woman of honour,” Tom said, and—oh, God, oh, fuck—he’s easing his hands down your body, his chest pressed against yours again, and he’s sliding them down your thighs to hook underneath your knees, and he’s hitched you up against the wall, the definition of his muscles real and palpable through the wet clothes, warm, warm, warm—
“I should apologise,” you said, turning your head to the side while he steered your legs around his waist, “I can’t imagine what you must be feeling right now.”
“You can’t?” Tom shifted you upwards, and that’s it; your heat is directly against him; you can feel every pull and tensing of his tendons, and if he keeps moving the way he is, then you’ll—
“I’m so sorry for making this about me when Z was closer to you. We shouldn’t waste time on me; we need to be searching, arranging a funeral if we can’t find anything.” You scrunched your eyes shut.
“You’re deflecting.” Tom let out a shuddery sigh. “I’ve lost too many people. Don’t make me lose you when you’re right in front of me,” he said, and he pressed his lips right below your ear.
You flinched away on impulse but tried to relax into him, blinking profusely.
Tom pushed against you (not localised enough to qualify as a thrust), and he cleared his throat before pulling away from your neck. “Listen, please. Please.” He shifted your weight to one hand and gripped your chin with his freed one. His eyes flickered to your mouth before he moved to rest his hand on your cheek. “You’re invaluable. Irreplaceable. You are no burden and are not at fault.” He clenched his jaw. “But I know you’re keeping something from me, and I will make the answer fall from your lips soon.”
Your own chin was shaking, and he was too close. If you put aside separate-self-as-insurance for a moment, let’s consider Tom did find out about Epiales. Would he control you through it? Would he use you to influence those he couldn’t reach? Would he grab hold of Dr. Prine? He might squeeze your life and time through his fist, and your freedom would be gone. Epiales was your freedom, your space to create and connect.
He was too close.
“You’ve got to promise not to hate me,” you said, and when he raised an eyebrow, you made your decision to lean in.
“No,” he said, and—and your lips met his cheek.
He’d turned his head.
After all that, he’s going to turn his head?
“No,” he said again, taking your chin again and leading you away, back to leaning against the stone wall, “I don’t want our first kiss connected to the memory of mourning. I can wait a bit longer.”
Tom released your legs, letting them sink. “You once told me that if you let yourself be vulnerable, you didn’t want an audience. I think,” he said, frowning, “I think you still see me as an outsider. As a member of that audience. And again, you said that you didn’t want it if it weren’t real.” He stepped away from you entirely, and he started wading towards the edge of the pond. “I’m going to hold you to the same standard. I’ll wait until you’re ready to be real with me.”
Tom slinked out of the pond, flicking away what excess water he could, and he squinted into the sun on the horizon. He shook his head, water flying, and he glanced back at you and scoffed. “Easy, sweetheart. No need to wear your heart on your sleeve now.”
His voice trailed off as he rounded the corner towards the door.
The sun is rising, and you feel rather cold.
inter vivos: between the living
taglist: @hollandroos @madmadmilk @parkerroos @parsleysbaby @z-ukos @pparkerwrites @lunamyangel @stealth-spiderr @presidentbttrflyfreak @paradoxparker @bi-writes @astronomyparkers @infamous-webhead @laurfangirl424 @softspideys @gryffinpuffs @plethoraofpuppies @laucontrerasv @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @spiderboytotherescue @cassiopeiaskies
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anlian-aishang · 4 years
32 - 35! Lmao I feel like a teacher assigning homework 😂
Hey girl hey! Thank you so much for the ask! And pffffffffffft plz 😂 I love doing these! If this was my homework, I would be in heaven lol.
32. What story do you think showcases your signature style the most? 
Hmm... this is really tough for me. I think today I’ll say Love Game. There are a lot of italicized inner thoughts and // // // separators. More notable, though, I think that the descriptions of feelings behind actions are important in this fic. The differing perspectives are built up throughout and then climax at the end. IDK haha. I just think it’s a good representation of how I try to explain motives such that the events make sense. ^^
33. Have you ever stopped yourself from writing something? Why?
This is a really good question! I’m kind of a yes-woman, so instead of deleting a request, I just put it off indefinitely. Most often, this is just because I feel inadequate to fulfill it and that I have to do a lot of thorough research beforehand. Some examples of such include:
Overprotective Levi x Reader
Jealous Levi x Reader
Levi x Traumatized Reader
Levi x Insecure Reader
Any in which either of the characters has a condition/disease.
The last thing I want to do is offend anyone or paint an inaccurate picture.
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before? What scene was it?
I answered this in a previous ask here, but I’ll mention some more! :)
Make-up: Writing fights always gets to me. Fighting is the worst! Haha. I have no idea how the angst authors do it. I have to lay down and weep afterward.
Giving TLC: Sad Levi makes me sad. The scene that I described in the beginning, I could totally see it actually happening to him in canon.
Pet Loss 1 & 2: Of course, it’s always tough to write about death. I felt emotional while writing these because I knew that there was a particular purpose behind the request. There was an added meaning to writing the fic. I felt so sorry for their losses and determined to help. 
35. Where’s your favorite place to write?
I answered this in a previous ask here, but let me elaborate! :) When I’m not on vacation, I always write in my apartment! Come to think of it, I didn’t start writing until the pandemic lockdown started. I wonder... once libraries and cafes open up, I could see myself being a lot more productive there! I hope... haha
Thanks so much for the ask, love! I APPRECIATE YOU 💜
Feel free to ask me some Fanfic Writer Asks!
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