#sorry if there's errors I didn't read over it yet
strugglingorb · 3 days
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Streamer Noah x Content Creator/Streamer Reader
Photo credit: Pinterest
Summary: The story takes place in a time of lockdown when everyone is in their homes and musicians can’t do tours so the whole group starts streaming while you are a content creator so it never worries you to be inside the house 24/7 in this story you alongside with the boys play a horror game named Devour and a sandbox game named Minecraft with a little soft flirts here and there.
It contains: A little mention of long hair Noah, a Spoiler of a horror game named “Devour” and “Minecraft” if you haven’t played it yet, fluff and soft content (If there is more to add to this please let me know and I’ll add it as soon as I can)
Game preview recommendation: Devour and Minecraft
Author’s Note:
This is proofread. Grammatical Error, Punctuation Error and Wrong spellings can still be seen somewhere just point it out in the comment section. Thank you and I am sorry.
I didn't made it too descriptive so you can add your own actions, motions or visual imagination to yourself though you can comment down if you wanted everyone to know more of what you wanted to add, let's talk down there in the comments ♡
This might come out as cliché or not super amazing or cute but I just imagined this scenario and went with it. My reaction while I proofread it I was mad blushing also my first One-shot to put out hope you enjoy reading all of it and a little if you decide to leave midway. Okay, I’ll stop rambling enjoy!
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The whole group was in the living room finishing one movie before everyone started streaming on Twitch. When the credits rolled everyone clapped while laughing. It was a good movie I won't lie that deserves a 7 out of 10 in the ratings. There was one part that was a rabbit hole other than that everything was amazing.
You look at Noah who has a smile. You run your fingers on top of his hair untangle some of his hair strands and tuck the hair behind his ear. He smiles as you repeat the motion.
"Hey you lovebirds time to work" Jolly said while he headed straight upstairs to his room
"Don't forget your relationship isn't displayed yet you might slip up" Matt said following Jolly up the stairs then he got into his room
The rest of the boys were already in their room you looked back at Noah and then smiled before kissing his lips
"What if we slip up? what happened?" you asked
"I mean I have been hinting it, people seem to pick it up and if we fully display it accidentally, it is what it is I am not worried about people knowing that we are in a relationship and I know you too well you are tough enough to ignore those stupid comments" Noah said while he caresses your jaw using his thumb
"Okay, thank you for letting me know because I don't want for us to disagree once one of us accidentally slips up" you said
"I understand, now you have my word never worry anymore okay? I love you" Noah said then he smiled his white teeth showing
"I love you too" you said then let out a chuckle
He is so beautiful, as a result of you adoring him so much you gave him a peck on the lips before you two went upstairs holding hands. Two of you took your time walking down the hall before letting go of each other to get in your room
You open your CPU and let it run its course as you check if your background is clean and nothing to worry about when the blank white box appears on the screen you fill in the box with your password hit enter then let it give some time to load up everything while you wait you take your time filling up your water you have your own water dispenser because Noah doesn't want you to be thirsty or get tired from going up and down the stairs just to get water
Everything was set up. You hover your cursor over the software logo you use for streaming, double-click it, let it load while you do the same action to your discord. You put on the in-ear monitor headphones that you had from Noah, He gave it to you because he has a new one. You fixed the arm holder of your microphone making sure it's the same level as your mouth. You look at yourself on the screen fixing your hair and everything making sure everything is good before starting the stream when viewers start to come in your live stream
"Hey everyone, what's the vibe today?" you asked
The chat was giving a rundown of how their mornings went since most of the time the whole group starts streaming by afternoons or evenings. Today was a relaxing day so we could do it early to rest up early.
“Everyone seems to notice the headphones I have, yeah this was Noah’s he gave it to me don’t tell him I told you that” You respond to your viewers and whisper the last sentence to the microphone, you afterward giggle
While you read the chat, particularly finding a good response from the viewers in the chat, you load up the discord group chat where you will do group calls for the game.
"Mhm… seems like everyone is in a good mood some of you may not have a good day but I hope you guys had a good time hanging out over here in my stream" you said giving your viewers a little courage to get through the tough times
As you read a little more into the chat you started speaking again "We are now joining the call so expect some loud noises everybody don’t tell me that I didn’t give you a warning, I am clicking now"
I clicked the group call we were in, they were bantering and all when you said a simple "Heeeey, what are we playing today?" everyone calmed down and started thinking
I wonder what Noah is doing. Why is he so quiet?
Noah's Perspective
"Her voice, I know it is divine" Noah said, he was reading the chat everyone was complimenting your voice. He wanted to say more but he just covered his mouth because people might get shocked by what he will say more about you
He unmuted himself and said "What about devour? it's Halloween anyway get some content out for y/n"
"I mean if you are down sure but if you can't take it let me know" you said with genuine concern in her tone
Noah muted himself and read the chats while Jolly and Matt spoke agreeing to the suggestion that Noah gave but he was too focused on reading the chat complimenting your voice he covered his mouth trying not to say much you wanted to smile so bad because you love that everyone is complimenting his girl he decided to speak out what he is thinking to the chat
"Yeah I know she has an angelic voice once she is playing horror games she saves our hearts from the jumpscares more likely when she giggles" he whispered the last sentence, enough for his microphone to pick up what he said
He unmuted himself to catch up on what the group was talking about and what everyone had agreed on since he was kind of lost from being happy with people complimenting his lovely girlfriend's voice.
Your Perspective
"Finally he is back, where did you go?" You asked Noah
"Just answering the viewers on the chat" Noah said calmly
Everyone is so used to a screamy or loud Noah but the whole chat starts to catch up with Noah's changes when you are in the game with them. The group jokes about it when we all gather in the living they say that Noah is such an angel when you are on call with them but when you are on your solo streaming content Noah is one of the loudest in the call
"Okay, well jolly and Matt agreed to play with it for a little bit then we play what you wanted to play" you said
"Honestly whatever you wanna play I'll play I'll be there with ya" Noah said calmly
"Shut up just load up devour" Matt said
We all laughed "Fuck you Matt" Noah said between his laughs
I laughed more when he responded you knew he is already gonna say that but it's still so funny the way he responds or says Fuck you it's funny for you.
The group's games are loaded up, and you invite them and fix the character's abilities, outfit checking, and other things to explore on the start menu. When everyone agrees it's time to play I press start. We tried to beat at least one map. Last year’s Halloween we tried to play the game but we finished none of them we just kept losing and kidding around. Today we promised to finish one map so we chose the easiest, the farmhouse.
Everyone was focused on getting the objectives started as we kept putting gas and burning goats in the cauldron while Anna kept visiting us at the ritual I did my best to use my UV light to blind the monster and to run away there were a ton of times some of us are getting lost in the house while finding either the gas, med kits and hays for goats. We took turns letting the monster take one of us just so we could get a goat, burn it, and do the same process the monster got aggressive around 7 or 8 goats. The group struggles to find the 9th goat
I heard Noah mumble "Fuck"
"You died?" you asked
"Yeah she left me on the third floor I'll find the med kit" Noah said
"Okay coming!" you said as you bunny hop your character on the way to Noah’s body in-game, you command "Matt check the second floor jolly do the third the last two goats might be there the monster might be camping it"
The two said "on it" in unison
You got to Noah's character crawling down on the floor, the weird moaning or crying sound coming from the character. The sounds from the character kept going while you revived him, it made you and Noah laugh.
"Well that was intimate" Noah said with a lower voice
"I know right very freaky sound I was just trying to revive you" I said
Everyone in the group call starts shouting “HEEEY!” “WEY! HEEY!”
We both chuckle all of a sudden the monster did her animation and screaming sound before it started to charge up hunting whoever was in the house me and Noah split up while we said to each other "Byeee"
I was being chased down by the monster "Aaahhh I am being chased, my UV is recharging!" you shouted calmly
"Wait I am coming hold on we might be on the same floor" Noah said calmly
We bumped into each other in the hallway of the second floor he flashed the monster his UV lights he let me run away first before he followed me
"Let's goooo!" jolly shouted then Matt clapped while cheering the map was finally done me and Noah joined the celebration at the ritual place
It got to the cut scene jolly remarked on it "The woman is levitating holy shit I wanted to levitate like that right now" Jolly said
"What the fuck?" Noah said before laughing at Jolly's words, you join in his laugh because Noah's reaction is funny
After the cut scene was done Matt wanted a calm game, Minecraft.
you agreed to it just walking around with Noah in their world but you are not much of a fan of Minecraft you play it with Noah more likely off-stream like a date to walk around while we speak about anything
When the game is loaded and you are in their Minecraft world jolly and Matt are already doing busy things the others in the group start joining in the Minecraft world and the Discord group call is getting busy with their businesses while Noah and you are finding each other
"Where are you? why aren't you here in my house?" you asked Noah
"I think we were doing something and I need to get a sleep so the zombies will go away apologies" Noah said calmly
"No it's fine I'll go there" you said
"No, no, no you stay there I am going to your place" Noah said calmly
"Okay, what do you want me to do with my house?" I asked while moving my character to look around the house I made that is made out of dirt blocks
"I have some stuff you might wanna upgrade to your house also are there wood planks and sticks in the treasure box?" Noah asked calmly
"Hold on I'll check" you said, you made your character walk towards the treasure box and check if there was enough for whatever he needed "95 wood planks and a lot of sticks" you said
"Okay I am close let me just get up there" Noah said calmly with a little struggle and grunting indicating he was acting like it was hard to climb up the mountain
your house is set to the very top of a mountain because Noah said it's safer if It's at the top of the mountain I just do what he thinks is right since I don't play much Minecraft
"Hello" his character appeared in front of your character's perspective
"Hello, all the things you need are in the treasure box" you said
"Okay cool before I get to work I have something to give" Noah said with a little enthusiasm in his tone but still with calmness
He always does this in Minecraft. Every time we play he gives something random but meaningful, cute and sweet. He dropped a flower and your character moved a little forward to grab the dropped flower.
you open your inventory to check what is it since it's pixels it's hard to notice what is it a bubble speech pops out and says 'Rose'
"Aww this is a lovely rose thank you" you said and you felt your cheeks heating up making you blush
"It's not done I have one more this one is the last one for now" Noah said calmly
"Mhm" you made a sound telling him you are still with him while you exit on the inventory
He dropped another item but this item is evident you move your character forward to pick up the item, open the inventory and hover over your cursor to the item the bubble speech pops out it says 'Ring gold'
"Aww this is so beautiful, thank you, how can I wear this?" you asked Noah
He explained it until you are now wearing it he renovated your home with white concrete walls two beds close together a bookshelves and a table on the side your house got a little bigger because Noah renovated it every design is detailed
"Thank you, thank youuu" you said a genuine appreciation in your tone
He chuckles at your cuteness. He wishes there was a mod for hugging characters or patting the top of the head motion. He will abuse that mod so much to the point every time you both play every second it passes he will randomly pat your character's head
Throughout the time both of you have your own world, you guys are like just background noise to the boys you're in call they either are making scared sounds, someone screaming for help or the boys having conversations
The guys seem to be tired so they start one by one leave same goes with Noah but you decided to keep on streaming for content, you played Valorant
You can hear the boys talking outside the hall while you read your audience's chats you chuckle when people are saying they can hear them
"I know they are so loud let them be they for sure had fun with their game" you said then let out a chuckle
You load up Valorant, make sure you don't leak your email and password then hit enter another loading screen appears that means another waiting so you read the viewer's chat and join in the conversation engaging with them until the game lets you play your action throughout the stream was repeating of waiting for a match found and reading viewer's chat
After a bunch of game queues, you heard your door creak indicating someone had come in you heard the door faintly make a sound so you weren’t sure if someone had come in nonetheless you spoke
"Did someone come in?" you asked softly eyes still glued to your monitor
"Hey" Noah said softly while walking towards your back, he stood behind you. Half of his body is in the frame of your stream his hands on his hips
"What's up?" you asked
Without a response he wrapped his arms around your neck from behind he buried his face on the side of your head as he engulfed your scent making a huge sniff sound you giggled at his motion you held his arms caressing his right arm using your thumb
"I miss you" Noah said while he tried to bury himself more on the side of your head
"I miss you too also I am still live streaming" you said and your last words came as a whisper so he was saved to his embarrassment
"oh shit, oh yeah" Noah whispered then he play it off by kissing the side of your head where his face was buried
Then he slowly let go to crouch down on your side while he looked straight at the camera "Hi chat" he said while waving his hand then he stood up properly he waved his hand again in the frame while his body was half on the frame "Okay bye chat" he walked away not even worried that he just leaked to the whole world your relationship with him
You laughed at his actions he is so goofy that's why you love him so damn much
"I'll be in my room" Noah said before he closed the door
He is showing no signs of embarrassment on his body you carry on playing a little bit more games before deciding to end the stream.
As soon as you end the stream, turn off your PC and run towards Noah's room. You hang around with him, be a lovey-dovey couple playing more games together on his PC, and end the night by watching a movie while cuddling up on his bed.
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chuusmuts · 6 months
imagine innocent kabukimono going wild
smut. afab reader, fingering, tiny angst before kabukimono went wild. not proofread so... grammar errors(?)
i was too busy playing project sekai, everyone. i'm sorry. also, thank you for 200 followers. .·°՞(≧▽≦)՞°·.
kabukimono was a puppet. a naive puppet. or at least that's what you thought. he was new to the world, especially to human's feelings. he didn't understand them yet why– why did he feel so warm around you? why was he so afraid you might leave him as well? why did his heart goes doki-doki around you and his palm grow all sweaty whenever he's with you?
ah, it must be that– friends. but wait, friends don't feel like that toward each other, was what one of the kids in the village said. at last, he made up his mind to tell you about this matter instead.
"y/n?" as usual, you were reading a book when kabukimono suddenly knocked on your door. you turned around to find him looking at you with that innocent face of his. "hm? what is it?" you petted the empty space beside you, inviting him to sit beside you on the bed.
kabukimono walked over to you, noticing how tired you looked after helping the villagers for the day. he sat down beside you and laid his head on your lap, his arms snaking around your waist. he felt safe and loved being close to you. he didn't know why he did this, but he couldn't help himself. he just really liked to be near you.
naturally, you ran your fingers through his indigo hair despite being in confusion. "what's wrong?" your eyebrows furrowed as you asked him softly. did something bad happen to him that caused him to be this clingy? you were beyond concerned.
he suddenly looked up at you, his eyes full of tears, causing you to panicked. "I don't want to lose you," he whispered, his voice shaking. seeing him cry definitely made your heart ache. you quickly wiped his tears away as you too began to feel emotional, feeling tears forming in your eyes. "i- i won't leave you. i won't leave you, okay? so don't cry." your voice cracked as you said so.
kabukimono hugged you tighter, burying his face into your chest. he believed that you wouldn't abandon him, no matter what happened, but he's still scared. it was as if there's a voice in his head telling him you'd eventually leave him sooner or later. even so, having you there gave him some comfort.
"gosh..." a silent sigh left your lips as he cried softly on your chest. he's too schmaltzy, you couldn't even do anything about it. that's when you got an idea. "shall i kiss you to cheer you up?" you suggested, trying to stop him from crying. a little crazy idea, but that would do it.
kabukimono looked up at you, his eyes wide with surprise. he didn't expect such a thing from you, but he also didn't mind it. he nodded eagerly, his cheeks still wet from his tears. without a word, he leaned forward, giving you permission to do whatever you wanted. you could do anything you wanted to him, and he would let you.
you let out a chuckle as you felt him getting more and more excited. you couldn't help but think of him as a sad puppy. when you gave him food, he'd immediately get excited. slowly, you leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw, and lastly, his lips. the kiss was slow and short as your hand crawled up to cupped his pale, soft cheeks.
a moment later, you pulled away to be met with a warm cheeks kabukimono. "there. do you feel better now? or should i kiss you more?" you asked with a small smile. your cheeks weren't that different from his, hinting that you're probably shy and your heart was beating millions per seconds yet you still acted like this was nothing to you.
the corner of kabukimono’s lips curled upward, feeling much better. you kissed him just to cheer him up, and he was grateful. he leaned closer to you, giving you another small peck on the lips. this time, he held onto you tighter, not wanting to let go. you instantly reciprocated his hug, feeling warm in your chest and butterflies in your stomach. you pinched his cheek softly, earning a grunt from him, "you're so cute. i wish i could kiss you more." you blurted out accidentally.
kabukimono looked up at you with surprise, his eyes glistening under the room's light. he knew you meant well, and he trusted you completely. he leaned in again, he didn't hesitate as he pressed his lips against yours. he was nervous, but he also found himself enjoying the sensation. the reason was unknown, but he liked it so much, and he knew he wanted more. more kisses, more touches, more closeness. he needed them to survive.
you closed your eyes, savouring the taste of his saliva and the feel of his skin against yours. but the kiss quickly turned into a heat make-out session as he pushed you, so you're laying on the bed while he's on top of you. his wet tongue was now inside your mouth as he explored the depth of it. though, the longer you kiss him, the harder it was for you to breathe hence you pulled away, trying to catch your breath. kabukimono was fine as he's a puppet, he didn't need to breathe.
"have you kissed someone before?" it was kind of unbelievable that you're asking this question. but he was just too good at kissing, and it made you flustered. and for a second, you forgot you're making out with kabukimono, himself.
he shook his head, unable to speak due to the lack of vocal cords. he looked fine to you, but on the inside, he was really nervous and excited. grabbing your hands, he held onto them tightly. he wanted to tell you that he had never been kissed before, and he was so happy that you were his first kiss. he wanted to tell you that he loved you and that he would never leave you. but he couldn't, so he just held onto you, hoping that his actions would convey his feelings.
an awkward smile appeared on your feature when you realised you couldn't move your hands. "i– i see... i'm sorry, that was wrong of me." you teared your gaze away from him as blush creeped up your cheeks, feeling slightly embarrassed because of your wrong assumption.
however, when you turned your head to the side, his hand grabbed your chin, forcefully making you look at him. his eyes held no malice, but it was no lie that you felt a little stunned and shocked at his sudden behaviour. when his eyes locked with yours, it seemed like an electric charge kept you from looking away. before you even realised, he crashed his lips against yours once again. this time, harder with a tad of hunger.
kabukimono moaned softly as he kissed you. his hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of you as you whimpered and writhed underneath him in response. he wanted to touch you everywhere, and he didn't care if it was wrong or not. he was lost in the moment, and he wanted to stay that way forever. as he kissed you, he felt a surge of energy flow through him, filling him with life and happiness. it was the first time he had ever experienced something like this, and he wanted more. he wanted to feel this way all the time, with you by his side.
he wanted to express his love and gratitude to you, but he didn't have the words. instead, he showed you through his actions. he didn't mean to push you, but he was so desperate for affection and connection. his body responded to you in ways he didn't understand, and he didn't care. all he cared about was being close to you and experiencing these newfound feelings. he wanted to feel you deep within him, to hear your moans of pleasure, to feel your body tremble underneath his. he was lost in his own desires.
you couldn't believe how fast things escalated. he was so overwhelmed by his own emotions that he lost control. in the beginning, he thought you would be upset, but when he saw you all blushing and flustered, it only fueled his desire to kiss you more.
kabukimono groaned as he continued to kiss you passionately. he felt his body reacting to your touch, and he couldn't stop himself. he wanted to please you, and he would do anything to make sure you were satisfied. reaching down between your legs, he felt your wetness and excitement. he slid one finger under your kimono and pushed it inside of you, causing you to cry out in pleasure, his other hand still holding on your wrists tightly.
your soft whimpers were muffled by his lips as he began to thrust his slender finger inside you. you kept bucking your hips, trying to chase the pleasure he's giving you. "one– one more finger, please..." you pleaded. how could he refuse, especially when you begged him with your sweet voice and that cute face of yours.
kabukimono nodded eagerly, his eyes bright with desire. he slid another finger inside of you, causing you to cry out louder than before. he continued to thrust his fingers inside of you, moaning into your mouth as he did so. he wanted to make you feel good, and he wouldn't stop until you came on his fingers.
feeling an orgasm building up, you clenched your fingers as your walls clenched tightly around his fingers. when the coil in your stomach finally snapped, you moaned his name loudly, white liquid came spilling all over his fingers shamelessly. you panted heavily as your clit throbbed with neediness. you had just orgasmed, but you felt like it wasn't enough. though, you quickly dismissed that thought as you focused on kabukimono, who's right on top of you.
kabukimono grinned, feeling satisfied with his work. he leaned down and pressed his lips to your neck, sucking on it gently. "I want to please you," he said simply. he crawled off of you, then stood up. reaching for his kimono, he pulled it off and dropped it to the floor. he reached for your kimono as well, pulling it off you. he watched you carefully, wanting to make sure you were okay with everything he was doing. he then took off his own shorts, revealing his eager and hard cock, twitching to be inside you.
he wasted no time positioning himself above you before lining his hardened member with your entrance, wanting to feel your tight walls wrapped around him. he started to slowly enter you, giving you time to get used to his size, which earned a small moan from you.
kabukimono groaned as he felt you wrap yourself around his cock. he leaned down, pressing his lips to your neck once more. he moved his hips, starting to thrust slowly, each movement causing him to moan into your ear. eventually, he let go of your wrists as he reached down, cupping your breasts in his hands. he played with your nipples, rubbing them gently to further stimulate you.
he let out a breathy moan, his eyes shut as he began to thrust into you. he wanted to take you to heaven and back tonight, and he wouldn't stop until you screamed his name (again) in pleasure. he bit his lip, feeling your walls tightening around him and he increased his speed, fucking you hard and fast.
soft moans began spilling from your lips, feeling the way he slammed into you and reached the deepest parts of your pussy. god, you felt so good, your gummy walls wrapped tightly around him.
kabukimono moaned into your ear, his hands running through your hair. kissing your cheek, your neck, your collarbone, he increased his speed, wanting to feel you come around him. he felt your walls squeeze around his cock, causing him to groan in satisfaction. as if that's not enough, he pinched your nipples, causing you to mewled in pleasure.
your moans grew more desperate the faster and the sloppier he thrusted into you. moaning his name loudly as you came on his cock, your thighs trembling and your walls fluttering around his length. he wailed, feeling your walls contract around his cock. he came, shooting his seed deep within you. he held onto you tightly, not wanting to let go. kissing your forehead, he gave you a warm smile. "one more round, yeah?" he whispered before leaning down and giving you an open-mouthed kiss.
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mywritingonlyfans · 9 months
Teacher's pet. // Prof!Alex Turner X Stud!Reader (Smut) Part 1 of 3.
prompt: (Age Gap/Smut) Alex, an undergraduate professor, wasn't known for his friendliness until he found himself gradually warming up to you. Your remarkable writing skills, particularly directed at his class, heightened his interest even further. He's determined to show you firsthand just how talented you are, even if the journey is challenging. Eventually, both of you realize that resisting this connection is futile, and you must let go of your inhibitions to explore what lies ahead.
words: 9.3K
a/n: Be aware that it's a smut but it has a whole context, so it's long. There are changes of the next parts being more smuts, this part was assembled around how they feel in front of each other and what they make the other feel. It is important to point out that I'm not native of the language, it is likely that there are some errors, but hopefully few because I try to be careful. In addition, I hope you enjoy!
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You were nervous; it was difficult to digest what he was explaining when all you seemed to notice in class was the timbre of his voice. As hours passed, his accent seemed to grow stronger and huskier, not to mention how he had taken off his blazer within the first few minutes and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. You couldn't quite tell whether you were enjoying the subject matter due to its inherent interest or whether it was him who had become your focus of interest.
You found the buttons on his white shirt alluring, the warmth adhering to his skin, and the occasionally tousled hair being lazily brushed away from his eyes exuded a charm. Watching him was intriguing; at some point, you had tried to avoid such distractions, but realizing your failure, you allowed yourself to be swept away completely.
"Did you hear me?" He asked a bit louder, trying to get your attention. He hadn't shouted; he never did. You were immersed in him, yet couldn't grasp the meaning of the disjointed words he had gestured. However, the movements of his restless hands and the prominent veins when he placed them on his waist had etched themselves into your memory. If someone requested, you could depict his fingers in oil on canvas.
"I'm sorry," you shook your head, waiting for him to repeat, as he often did with everyone else. He studied you more closely, even from a distance, his hands tucked in his pockets and your breath catching slightly. He didn't often make direct eye contact with students, maybe with no one. He was somewhat reserved, and it was evident that lecturing for hours wasn't quite his natural disposition. You found the stumbling over words and how he would look out the window or shift his gaze when someone met his eyes rather appealing. You feared that you had been thinking about him for so long that you had built up an image of him beyond what he could actually be.
However, he held his dark eyes on you, offering a gentle smile, a touch relaxed as if he had expected that from you, and playfully continued, "Well, I didn't expect that from you. I must have been mistaken in thinking you're a great one." He carried on with the lecture as your cheeks began to burn. Perhaps his not-liking for you was part of his nature too.
You couldn't bear for him not to like you. Not until the end of the semester; you considered his subject crucial for your repertoire. He just couldn't dislike you. Some nights were spent awake, but you were certain your paper was well-written, and your readings for his class were up to date; any question he might ask, you'd know the answer to. Your seat in the classroom was always the same, out of habit. Honestly, if you had known the distraction and nervousness that Mr. Turner would cause you, you would have opted for seats further back for your own good. But now it was too late, and besides, you needed a good grade in his class.
He was wearing a light blue blazer, a shirt with a few buttons open, and high-waisted slacks, the usual attire, but it never failed to soften your senses. He looked well-rested, his expression serene, no signs of dark circles, and his hair was even silkier than usual as his fingers brushed it back. You found yourself fidgeting, imagining what it would be like to run your fingers through his hair, touch his skin, and feel the texture of the beard that was just beginning to grow.
Realizing your mental drift, you closed your eyes tightly and buried your head in a notebook, trying to avoid looking at him. The rest of the class proceeded as usual, his voice pleasant and utterly hypnotic, and occasionally, he cracked a light joke to lighten the mood. Almost no one laughed, but you found it funny. There were only a few students, so he had no choice but to notice you.
You weren't foolish enough not to notice his eyes briefly passing over you, but you chalked it up to his duty to see if anyone needed help. So you avoided letting your brain jump to impossible conclusions.
And then there was the age difference; he was older, you couldn't say for sure how much, but the more pronounced lines on his face and his authoritative demeanor made that evident. Still, he was charming and, dare you say, a bit sexy. He had a well-sculpted physique, leaving enough room for you to describe him for hours.
"Could you continue for us?" he said, his voice distinct, making you look at him reluctantly. You didn't know it, but avoiding his gaze throughout the class had bothered him, but who was he to say anything about it unless you couldn't answer him?
You nodded, your hands sweaty; you knew what to say, just not where to find the courage. Your cheeks were already burning with anxiety. "I'm sorry," your voice was soft, and you stumbled over the first syllable. He seemed to understand. "It's okay," Mr. Turner leaned down to your level at your desk, his hands on his knees, and a somewhat encouraging smile. "I know you wrote an excellent paper on this; I know you know what to say," he said softly, turning toward you, his calm eyes and a nod of the head giving you confidence. His words made you look away for a moment, and your shy smile spread awkwardly.
Once you finished, he thanked you and added that you had done very well. He seemed genuinely pleased to see you speak, but perhaps it was just a product of your imagination. You even received a light applause from him, which didn't seem ironic. This made you feel more at ease and attentive during his classes; he was a great teacher.
At the end of class, he passed by the desks, handing out the respective papers we had discussed. Your face fell into a worried expression as you touched yours. Alex knew you deserved more, but he wouldn't make it easy for you. It wasn't his style as an educator to give out high grades easily.
Your smile disappeared in confusion; he felt a pang in his chest when he saw your reaction. He didn't say anything, just returned to his desk and said he was open to discussions. He hoped you would come to him and fight for the grade you deserved, but it was clear how upset you were about it.
Others left, content with their grades, and you still had the paper in your hands, looking between the notes. He avoided looking at you directly, yet couldn't help but glance at you from time to time.
"Mr. Turner," you sounded angelic as you approached him, your steps light as you handed him the paper. Your shirt was short, and when you handed him the paper, he couldn't help but notice the exposed skin of your stomach, which was briefly visible. "I thought I had done well; that's what you just said," your voice trembled, and as you got closer, he noticed your sweet scent. On the other hand, you couldn't focus on anything; minutes ago, you were sure you had done well, and things with him had been sorted out; he didn't hate you.
"It's not a bad grade," he said firmly, then immediately regretted it. It was brief, but for a moment, your eyes filled, and he could see how much it had frustrated you. He didn't blame you; in fact, he knew you were talented, and by the way you had written, he knew you had put in the effort. The problem wasn't you; any other teacher would have given you the highest grade. However, your grade wasn't bad; it just wasn't what you deserved and wanted.
"Do you think I can redo it? I can do better," he looked at your trembling hands and continued, "This grade is final; I can't allow you to do that." His words didn't match his tone, but you didn't notice; you wanted to rip up the paper in front of him and say you didn't need it.
You stood in front of him, disoriented, while he couldn't help but let his attention wander over you. He felt wrong, both because you were his student and because he was aware that you were over a decade younger. Still, without being able to explain it well, he found himself lost in thoughts of you from time to time, especially after having read what you wrote.
"Please," you pleaded softly as a last attempt, your eyebrow arched and your nose wrinkled in emphasis of your plea, and you looked so beautiful. "I can allow you to submit another," he confirmed, his face serious, the little furrow between his brows. Up close, you felt your breath catch as you noticed the exposed hairs on his chest. The scent of cigarettes and his cologne became more pronounced, and you liked it. Creating a new one would take so much time, but if it was your only option, there was nothing to be done.
Alex had only asked that in the hope of being able to explore more of your writing; by the end of the semester, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from letting you know that you were his number one fan if you allowed it. You had a beautiful way with writing; feelings seemed worth experiencing in your words. You nodded in agreement. "Okay, I need you to submit it by the end of the week." You didn't object; you seemed grateful, and Alex took mental note of how caring so much about that grade was something youthful; in the future, it wouldn't matter, but you didn't know that yet. Your smile, now smaller but still present, returned to your kind face, and he felt more comfortable, even dressed in his serious university professor attire. With that, he guided you to the door, his palm resting lightly on your back, not inappropriately, but gently, which caused him to blush a bit. You felt shivers run down your spine, but he didn't seem to notice, and both of you made your way to the exit. You thanked him once more, telling him that you wouldn't make him regret his decision, to which he assured you it wouldn't happen.
Your path to the next class was accompanied by a light and relaxed smile after his final words were simply, "I know you won't disappoint me; you didn't the first time," in his pleasant accent, followed by a pat on your shoulders. You felt like a fool, but you couldn't even think of trying to avoid it anymore.
"He's good, knows what he's doing. He follows my lead during, when I'm tired and breathless; he tilts his face and lets his nose graze my clit," your friend said casually, as if it were an everyday part of her life. Well, you couldn't relate. She was lounging on your bed, while you were on the floor with your laptop open to one of Professor Turner's published stories. As well as a valuable audiobook that was read by him between the navigation tabs, waiting for her to leave so you can have your moment of peace. You wanted to learn more about him, and your friend kept failing to get you to go out and meet new people. You were unfamiliar with the sensation of being touched, and she wanted to change that.
"I don't want to have to force someone to like me," you said, reconsidering what you had just breathed out, not wanting to sound offensive. You two were just different. She didn't mind; she just laughed. "I'll keep trying for you," and you appreciated that about her. You wanted someone in your life like that, but you didn't want it to be as insignificant as she described. She had already set you up with someone to talk to before, and the kiss was good, at least until you refused to have sex right away, which resulted in his friends laughing at you and whispering as you passed them in the hallway. You learned that sometimes it's better to wait and avoid certain situations.
"I'm okay like this, it's alright," you said, even though you weren't, but you wouldn't go through that again. She respected your decision. Your smile brightened as you saw a notification that you had received an email from Alex on the screen. You bit your lip, trying to contain your eagerness to click on it, making it something important that needed to be read slowly and appreciated. His notes on what he thought of your paper would be there, and he always made a point to highlight the positives and areas for improvement. It warmed your heart.
For a brief moment, his smile for you flashed in your mind, the wrinkles forming at the corners of his eyes, and his pointed nose following in harmony. You had to grip the fabric of your skirt between your fingers, soon having your friend's words echoing in your head. Professor Turner seemed like a good man in every sense of the word. You did believe he would treat his partners well in every way. Your friend pointed out that the boy she went out with listened to her, and you felt that he would too; both in listening and in other ways. You were sure, with what little you had learned about him, that he was observant.  There would be no need to tell him what to do, Mr Turner would understand your body and then he would not disappoint.  He could tell when a woman was tired or overwhelmed. An important one was that you also thought he was provocative, too impatient at times not to be.  You wanted to be able to know what it was like with him, even if it was through other people's experiences with him, just to get a little of that taste.  You didn't exactly feel good about the inconsistency of such thoughts. Still, you let yourself be carried away by them.
He made you wet with just his voice. If he were to touch you in that way, you were certain you would give yourself over completely. You sat up straighter, envisioning how good it would be to have his tongue on you, gentle and with relaxed moans because he wouldn't think going down on you was a bad thing or something to second-guess. You remembered how easily you could make your small vibrator slide when you were really excited, and you felt it would be the same with his fingers. They were longer and thicker than yours, but wet with his saliva and your body melting from his voice, they would be skillful.
The tip of his nose would surely brush deliciously against your clit as he savored your taste, following your cues. The beard that was beginning to grow would graze your sensitive skin, causing a slight burn that would remind you of his presence. Professor Turner would also shake his face into you, wanting to make sure he enjoyed pleasuring you as much as he did receiving. Oh, and you would love to be able to provide that to him. Unconsciously, you found yourself breathing heavily. Your friend laughed, "Are you this worked up over a notification?" She had gotten up to leave but returned when she noticed you were flustered. "Spill it, who's the lucky one?" You recoiled, shaking your head in denial, not wanting to admit that there was someone (or not exactly), but your smile was hard to hide.
"It's not really anyone," you still felt uncomfortable in your own skin, fearing you had done something wrong. She waited for you to continue. "Just an email about a paper I submitted, I got feedback on it now." She rolled her eyes, muttering under her breath, "What a nerd." Then you felt like exploring the situation further, considering that she also had a class with him but in a different subject. "Was it positive feedback at least? What subject is this for?" You mentally thanked her for asking, giving you an opening to continue.
"It's for Professor Turner's class. He let me redo one of the papers to try for a higher grade," you answered, and she raised an eyebrow. "He gave you a low grade?" The girl seemed surprised but not entirely. "This guy is impossible, what a..." She used a strong word. You didn't quite understand. While you still thought there was a chance he might dislike you, he didn't seem so harsh. He wasn't the friendliest at first, but as you thought back, you realized you had never seen him smile at any student in your class except you.
"Do people think he's bad?" You asked, furrowing your brow. Deep down, you wanted her to reassure you by saying positive things about him and making you feel normal about having this confusing crush on him. She then talked about his strict grading style, how he acted like a difficult person to talk to, and always had a stern expression. She wasn't wrong; you couldn't deny that. But he wasn't like that with you; it was different, and you couldn't explain it.
"I talked to him about my grade, and even though he was reluctant, he allowed me to redo it and submit it by email. He talks to me during class as well, asking me to explain something or asking for my opinion on what he's explaining. I think he's talented, but I can understand your point," you defended, without taking a breath, as if it were already a formulated and concrete idea in your head. You did spend a lot of time thinking about him since the first day of his class. She quickly caught on to where this was headed. "You like him, he's your type. Charming, grumpy, and writes well." Your cheeks burned. "He likes you; in my class, he doesn't chitchat with anyone, just does what's necessary. He enjoys teaching, I can see that in him, he's just not so sociable and too strict for a subject that should be straightforward. I've never even seen the guy smile." You pondered for a moment, deciding to pay closer attention to see if he treated you differently from the others or if it was just your head playing tricks on you.
You shrugged and concluded before she left, "I like him, and he frustrates me sometimes for being so strict, but I don't think he does it out of malice. He seems like a good man." She got up, laughing at how you talked about him. "Then go for it, suck his dick, choose him as your thesis advisor; I'm sure he'd love to have you under his wing." Her tone indicated it was a joke, but it sparked your imagination. He would be a good advisor, and you liked the idea of him praising your work with that pleased, bright look on his face. Alone, you opened the email. Your joy went from extreme to controlled; he could be quite harsh when pointing out the negatives, and sometimes you wondered if he did it just to be difficult. But this time, he found more positives in your writing. He had marked the parts he liked the most and written next to them why he liked them. Your heart warmed, and your stomach filled with happy butterflies. The last comment read, "You give me pleasure in reading something," and you heard it in his voice, deep and drawn-out. You felt yourself grow warm and realized how messed up you were for feeling like this. Your mouth was dry, and in the end, you saw that your grade was the highest, even with the not-so-great notes he had made.
Maybe he didn't dislike you after all. You lingered on the blurry, not much clear photo in his email signature for a while, with a stupid smile of accomplishment on your face. Then you decided to write him a thank-you, and you weren't as brief as you would have liked. The sensation of comfort taking over your body, along with your pleasant but not entirely appropriate thoughts about him causing things in your breathing, made you contemplate what could be done.
You rested your head comfortably, your laptop placed beside you. In a new tab, after opening the audiobook website, you found yourself browsing through the selection that appeared when you searched his name. If his voice was enticing in an inappropriate context, it would be even better alone, wouldn't it? Your chest tightened, knowing that it was wrong, but you weren't going to stop.
You put on your headphones, clicked on the longest one you could find, and relaxed your tense shoulders as the first whispered words filled your head. It was even better; here, you had him all to yourself, complete silence, and his voice echoing, well-recorded and clear as it guided you. He sounded precise, with deep and marked pauses, his typical breathing between phrases, and, with your eyes closed, you could imagine him gesturing and occasionally touching his nose or mouth as he spoke. Just like the gentle adjustment of the necklace and shirt that made his chest more visible and room for more of your thoughts to be explored.  In fact, that necklace coming off his soft skin on top of you in sweat would be something so pleasant.
You felt weak but in a relaxed way; it was good, pushing the voice that haunted your thoughts about him into the background. Delicately, as if any abrupt movement might break the spell, you reached for your box under the bed. The small, pink object came to life in your hand, your throat already dry and his narration causing your head to tilt slightly to the side, as if he were caressing your face. You let yourself be completely carried away as you pressed it against yourself.
You swallowed hard, leaving it there for a while, immersed in how Mr. Turner seemed to be speaking to you. Everything was slow, every syllable that came from his rosy lips was cherished. You wanted so much for it to be him there, touching you and whispering while guiding you. You were sure he would say things like, "That's it, you're taking me so well, doll," or "Look at how good you are, you're such a good girl for me." And as cliché as it might sound, you had no doubt that he would make it sound like something the gods themselves would envy.
You pulled the thin fabric aside, pushing the vibrator inside you. Your legs trembled a bit, but as expected, the small object slid in just right. Your lips parted in a satisfied sigh, whispering his last name as you closed your legs slowly and felt the tingling sensation intensify. His name never felt so delicious and engaging as your tongue rolled out to the sound and went through your lips so vividly. Your head throbbed, and you could already see him sitting at his desk in front of yours, guiding you, telling you what to do and say, teaching you tricks to make it even better (you knew you weren't very skilled).
You got louder, whimpering because you wanted your thoughts to become real so badly, and then you saw nothing but white spots in your vision. Your chest heaved, your breathing completely out of sync, and the area beneath you grew wet as you felt too sensitive to continue with the vibrator.
This time, you didn't feel bad; you felt really good, actually. Your body relaxed, his voice still being absorbed by you in a therapeutic way. Then, you imagined lying on his chest, pulling your pillow to your arms, and how he would kiss you solemnly and have his hands in your hair, giving you comforting words until you fell asleep after he had made you feel so wonderful. 
Although you were feeling good now, the following morning would be a bitter testament to how you were digging yourself into a hole with no bottom, and the light wouldn't be there to save you.
 Alex received your email, and a pleasant blush crept onto his face along with a warm smile. He could picture you reading what he had written, your hands between your thighs, a happy expression on your face, and all giddy, unable to contain yourself in your chair. He appreciated how much you valued his feedback, but he knew how hardworking and intelligent you were. He wanted to help you realize that you were good on your own, not just because he believed it.
He ran his hand through his hair, feeling hot from the heat. Your notification had arrived on his phone, and being a seasoned university professor, he preferred to wait to access his laptop to read and respond to you properly if needed. He tried to get into the thing that he was used to teaching, but that wasn't entirely the case. While he found it tiresome to teach subjects he liked and found interesting when no one seemed interested, he enjoyed it when you were there for him, you were the exception (the teacher’s pet). The thought made him chuckle and bite his lip. It was tiring, but he liked it, except for all the social interaction that weighed on him.
He had just returned from the market after giving two lectures, and he had exceeded his limit for social interaction. Yet, seeing your email notification on the screen gave him the extra energy he needed for the rest of the day. Just the thought of your quick exchange earlier when he passed by you on the first floor during lunch, even if brief, brought a warmth to his chest. You smiled at him, waved, and whispered a "good day" or "have a good rest of your day, Professor." He always smiled back with a hand in the air, trying to keep his face relaxed, and he actually showed his teeth. He wasn't used to all this sweetness from his students and had never found himself making an effort for it, but with you, it was worth it.
Indeed, no one but you spoke directly to him out of pure, spontaneous will. If others did, he would remain serious, with a furrowed brow, and nod in agreement. He honestly preferred it that way, with no one besides you trying to have a small talk with him. He didn't dislike his students, but he didn't like flattery and dumb questions that could be avoided if they paid attention in class.
His head began to ache, and he noticed the sweat on his body, prickling and making him feel irritated. Stress was about to come back, but he remembered that he needed to read your email. He removed his belt, sliding it off his waist slowly and soon feeling relieved. He felt even better after unbuttoning all the buttons on his shirt and peeling it off. He quickly decided between taking a shower or reading your sweet words first, considering which order would leave him relaxed for longer so he could sleep. He knew that whatever he did, thoughts related to you would still linger in his mind until he fell asleep.
He sat on the bed, pulling the laptop toward him, and although he wasn't in a hurry, he found himself restless until the screen lit up, and he could access his account. Once he did, your simple message didn't fail to soften him. The excessive exclamation points reminded him of how young you were. It was like a letter, with your polite and correct punctuation. He could almost hear your voice as he read your words.
The way you called him "Mr. Turner" never failed to affect him. Others had addressed him this way, but it was different with you. Your eyes sparkled, your smile widened, your pupils got alive, and your pleasant face eagerly awaited for him to look at you and speak to you. He thought he was too old for this, and he certainly was, but he couldn't avoid how you had invaded his soul.
You had no knowledge of what was going on in his head, but he felt like he was corrupting you. He felt dirty for getting so energized by giving you compliments he knew you liked to hear and then patting your back while seeing you happy about it. What the hell was he doing? And he couldn't deny that he found comfort in how beautiful you looked when you were frustrated, your eyes seemed more tired, and your breathing uneven when you were upset about one of his negative comments (sometimes he did it on purpose).
Feeling his own chest grow heavier and his mind getting increasingly lost, he opted for a shower, even though he was aware that idealizing you wouldn't end there. Now without clothes, under the shower, with you like a curse surrounding him, he realized just how messed up he was. He couldn't avoid it anymore, even though he didn't want to. He knew there was no turning back.
The words from your email clung to him as water flowed over his hair and down his shoulders. You had shown how much you appreciated him and knew his work, the care in choosing your words to praise him, and saying that you wanted to get to him in person soon to reinforce how much you had liked his feedback, the way would like to work through them and see you unravel in front of him because he noticed that your courage in emails wasn't the same as in person. He found that so adorable.
His overactive imagination was leading him to cute places related to you, but it was sparking other curiosities in him too, even though it was about how delicate and somewhat innocent he found you (although he would never admit it that way). Soon, he felt heavy, needing relief as the water splashed over him, and he sighed in exasperation at himself. He was being as pathetic as a teenager. Why couldn't he stop?
His breathing grew rigid, catching in his dry throat, and he allowed himself to be carried away by the flow of his fantasies. His hand ran over his abdomen, eyes tightly closed, hoping that this would make him feel less guilty about it. His thumb glided over the sensitive skin, and a soft sigh escaped his lips; he felt sore and swollen despite doing so little. He continued slowly but with precision. He believed that giving you pleasure wasn't such a difficult task; you would appreciate the touch no matter what. Not that it made him want to go easy on you. He felt like he could have his hands around your waist, squeezing your soft flesh with delight while admiring your breasts, giving them gentle bites and generous suckling that would make you gasp for air for extended periods. Your hands would be cradling the nape of his neck, fingers entwined in his tousled hair. He found comfort in this, feeling that he could make you feel the same way.
He also thought that your body would respond well to his. He was convinced that you were addicted to being a good girl, and that was not up for discussion. The way you melted under his compliments, listened to his harsh criticisms, and sought to improve upon them, you would deny any chance of being labeled a bad girl. As more moans escaped his lips, with the strength of his fingers unaltered, he thought about going a little harder on you, not to hurt, but to make you think about begging him to stop. The tears that would stream down the corners of your eyes as you tried to be good for him and take him in you just right. "You're doing so well, babygirl. You’re so good to me." You would open your bright eyes to him, feeling encouraged to continue being what he needed. He would clearly notice and slow down, accommodating his fingers on your clit and making you adjust to him with soft whimpers that made you endure and enjoy it until the end.
He also liked how you would react when he stimulated you to the extreme, your sensitivity and his desire to taste your essence on his tongue. He could say that you were as sweet as his last name sounded when you talked to him in class. He would tease you with his tongue, kissing you as if it were the only time and chance he had to touch you. And you would fight not to close your thighs around him, but as you were a good girl, you would succeed in keeping yourself spread open while he exhausted you a few more times. The thought of you reaching your peak, your eyes closed, and the tears he knew would be there because you did that when you got frustrated with his opinions on your writing, and your mouth slightly open with his name escaping, made him reach his climax. A deep, raspy groan echoed through the bathroom, his head heavy, and his shoulders feeling lighter and more satisfied. He worked his hand until the last drops came out and marked his stomach just before the water could wash it away down the drain.
He felt good, guilty, but his body wasn't saying that. "Fuck," he sighed, not knowing if it was relief or the headache that would come later due to this; it was getting worse to a dimension he hadn't imagined. He would surely ruin you if he continued; it wasn't as enjoyable as he wished.
Still, he got out of the shower and found himself picturing how you would snuggle up to him, your tired body and calm eyes enveloped by his, and how he would love to tell you stories until he saw you fall asleep safe in his arms or listen to you talk about your day. He liked your voice; it made him feel good. At this point, he desired you in all these ways, from the most profane to the most adorable, for your physical and emotional well-being.
You still haunted his dreams, so vividly that he reached out for you in bed. In his imagination, he had lifted you by the waist and placed you sitting on his desk. The remaining students had left, and he could revel in how your hands were trembling and your face was so delicate as you gazed at him. You used to wear knee-high socks with longer boots, and he found it sexy yet cute. He felt like you made things your own, that you gave life to them. And then he found himself pulling at that piece of clothing, your legs spreading apart, and he had to instruct you to stay quiet before someone noticed as his fingers touched between your thighs. He caressed over the damp fabric, nodding his head and waiting for you to do the same, indicating that you understood to stay calm and quiet. The door would be closed, but the glass window could still give you away. You were facing away from it, and if you behaved, everything would go smoothly.
Alex could feel you soaking through his fingers, making them slippery. You sucked on his finger skillfully, being such a great girl, and stayed still without him having to coax you into relaxing as he went deeper. Your sighs were adorable, and he felt himself getting hard. He woke up before he could make you reach your peak and realized that the dream had an effect on him. There, he knew that if given the opportunity, maybe he wouldn't be able to fight against what he wanted to do, purely out of morality.
The following week, there was no class with Turner due to some unforeseen circumstances of his. However, he was still around for the week. Being as observant as you were, you passed by the same spot at 12:45 on Friday, gave him a slight wave, and although you had planned to approach him and ask how he was, you didn't. That is, until he called out to you, causing your body to freeze and your heart to race, forcing you to get closer.
He adjusted the bag on his shoulder, his cheeks flushed and intense. You noticed his restlessness as you got to him; it was cute, not awkward. He held a coffee and had a cigarette between his fingers. He exhaled the smoke in the opposite direction to yours and got rid of it as soon as you arrived by his side.
"Are you good, Professor?" It didn't fail to make him nervous, but he still looked at you without understanding. "I'm sorry, I guess it's not my business; I just thought to ask out of politeness since I haven't seen you this week."
He laughed at how you stumbled over your words, and he didn't blame you; he felt the same way. The fact that he made you feel like your question was inappropriate even made his chest tighten a bit.
"It's okay, I had a routine check-up, but I'm fine," he replied briefly but nodded with a comfortable smile. He could see you swallowing nervously and how your fingers wouldn't stop moving while he had his eyes on you.
"I thought of a book for you, if you don't mind." Your eyes met his, and you seemed excited. "I really like it, and I thought you might like it too."
The idea that he had thought of you made your body tingle, and the rush of blood to your face drowned out the noise around you. You took the coffee from his hands, noticing how he fumbled with opening his bag, and the light touch of your skins made you wish for more—it was warm and soft.
He took out the book, handing it to you, and you nodded with a faint smile. You hugged the cover to yourself, avoiding his gaze for a moment. It felt insane being around him after all the things you did with him in mind. You weren't exactly proud of that. The collar of his striped T-shirt was carelessly folded, and the buttons you loved so much were unbuttoned, revealing his chest briefly. You wished you could fix it for him.
This time, he wore a dark blazer and flare jeans, and he was pleasant to look at. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "I left notes in some parts so that I can know what you think later, if you'll allow me." Then you realized that he was doing this because he knew you needed to do well in his course to get into the master's program; still, you found it cute.
"Oh, yes, I can write to you when I finish, right?" He agreed, knowing that he would be waiting for your email in the coming weeks.
"I'm glad to know you're okay, Mr. Turner," you said awkwardly, your face fervently hot, and thanked him for the book. As you turned around, you felt his hand on your wrist; it wasn't as soft as before, but it was comforting, with the fingertips firmer as he squeezed your skin. Then, your eyes met his with a raised eyebrow.
"I need you to give me back my coffee, pet," he said playfully, and your knees weakened a bit. He felt pleased to be able to contemplate you in his mind.
The heat had taken its toll on Alex. He had left his blazer in the car and decided to visit one of the open bars near the campus. His hands rested inside his pockets as he patiently waited for his juice and water, yearning for the moment when he could finally get home and enjoy a cold beer. It was his final class of the afternoon, which meant it was getting quite late, and the students were scattered around. While the bar wasn't overly crowded, he could still recognize a few faces.
As soon as the chilled cup was placed in his hands, he caught sight of you with your back turned. You were wearing your signature knee-high socks and boots, but this time, you had opted for a skirt and a tank top, giving you a more relaxed and comfortable appearance. You looked stunning. With you engaged in conversation with a friend he had glimpsed from a distance, you were all smiles and animated hand gestures, bringing life to the scene.
Realizing he was staring, Alex chided himself and tried to divert his attention back to his juice. Yet, within a few minutes, his gaze involuntarily returned to you. Now, you were alone, engrossed in his book that sat next to you, its pages marked to indicate that you had already begun reading. A smile of satisfaction graced his lips; he had strategically placed notes between the pages for you to discover, hoping you would notice.
You sipped from an orange beverage, and Alex decided not to speculate whether it contained alcohol. However, he knew you weren't intoxicated when you suddenly turned towards him and greeted him with a friendly wave. He felt momentarily caught off guard but managed to offer a warm wave in return, nodding to acknowledge you. Your smile was radiant, and he couldn't help but notice how different you appeared outside the confines of the classroom. He longed for the opportunity to engage with you in a context that wasn't purely academic, but he was well aware that pursuing such a connection might be detrimental to both of you.
You turned back to your previous position, sipping your drink through a straw, while still sneakily stealing glances at him. Alex deliberated whether to linger a bit longer for your sake. The table you occupied was well-lit, offering a refreshing ambiance that was perfect for a summer day. The atmosphere was delightful, and he could easily imagine you enjoying such a setting regularly.
He held his bottle of water, pondering the ethical implications of sitting with you while you were alone. His initial plan was to finish his drink and then leave. But he couldn't bring himself to do that—not for his sake, but for yours. It wouldn't be fair to you. He feared the potential consequences would fall squarely on your shoulders rather than his own.
He shook his head and eventually decided to leave. As you lowered your head into his hands, he waited for a few more minutes, half-expecting you to look his way. But it didn't happen.
Then everything seemed to happen very quickly. He returned to his car, leaving behind the water and even starting the engine before realizing he had left his wallet inside. He hesitated but ultimately turned back, despite his frustration over forgetting his documents.
His wallet was still where he had left it. He retrieved it and then shifted his attention to you, curious and attentive. Your hands were fidgeting with your socks, as if attempting to wipe away sweat. A boy was seated in front of you, but your attention was elsewhere. The guy sported a smile that made Alex uncomfortable on your behalf.
Your discomfort was palpable, yet you seemed powerless to do anything about it. You turned to the side, your head moving away from the boy, and as you gasped for air, the guy's grin widened. Your elbows dropped onto your knees, and your hands moved to pull your hair away from your face. You appeared more sweaty than usual, and you felt increasingly weak.
As you realized your strength was waning, the boy signaled for someone else to assist you. You resisted, but they gently pushed you back into your chair to prevent you from collapsing. They weren't being nice about it.
For Alex, that was the tipping point. He strode over to them and forcefully removed the boy's hand from your arm. "Get away from her," his stern voice reverberated, and you didn't understand what was happening, but you knew you didn't feel well.
The guys attempted to speak over Alex, trying to explain themselves, even though there was no justification for their actions. Their chatter only served to irritate him further. He held onto you, his hand caressing your face, and your eyes were half-closed; you were clearly not in a good state.
After another remark from the boys, Alex glared at the boy with an even more intense hatred. His brow furrowed, and his tone grew sharper. "Just stay away from her; I won't let her be alone with you," he warned, making it clear that they should not attempt such behavior with anyone else either.
The boys exchanged nervous glances and silently agreed to leave, though Alex couldn't have cared less about them at that moment.
"What’re you feeling, pet?" He placed his hands on his knees, lowering himself to your level. You were dazed, your skin tingling, and you weren't sure what to say, or if you could say anything at all. Alex considered asking where you lived and offering to take you home, but he suspected you lived in the vicinity of the campus, and it wouldn't be appropriate for him to be seen with you in this state. Taking you to his own home didn't seem like a good idea either, but he did live nearby, and it appeared to be the most reasonable option.
He cupped your face in his hands, close enough to smell your scent once again. You smiled faintly, your eyes still distant but focusing on him. You were conscious, just not in the best condition. "I don't want to stay here; my head is spinning," you mumbled, not entirely sure what was wrong. It could have been due to poor nutrition or dehydration, you thought.
"Look, I'll stay with you ‘til you feel better, alright?" he spoke gently, as if soothing a baby. You nodded, his touch on your cheek making you lean into his warmth. As he thought about reaching out to your forehead with his lips, he realized where he was and quickly pulled back, rising to his feet with you leaning on him for support.
Alex gently sat you in the passenger seat, and you huddled in front of him, noticeably self-conscious about your attire. He chuckled warmly, pulling his blazer from the back seat. You felt cradled by his presence as he slipped the fabric over your arms and fastened the buttons around your midsection. It resembled a short dress, making you feel more comfortable, and it carried a pleasant scent. Your stomach still tingled, and you were aware that it was because of him and not whatever had happened earlier.
He rested your head against the headrest, his serene eyes guiding you, and he didn't seem regretful about helping you, despite the crease between his brows. Then he fastened your seatbelt and handed you his water bottle. Your vision was blurry, and sudden movements hurt, but he wasn't a saint, and he had a rough view of how you must be feeling. He'd been your age before, although thankfully, in his case, it had been a result of a spontaneous choice.
"I'll wait a bit before starting the car, alright?" he suggested, and you nodded. He gently led the bottle to your lips, encouraging you to drink a substantial portion of it. He wiped your chin and face with the hem of his T-shirt, and you followed his every move, your attention fixated on him. Without the blazer, he looked even better, and you lightly held his wrist. He seemed concerned, but you did it because you wanted to and felt that you could, even though you'd never been this close before. "Thank you, Mr. Turner," you said casually, as if it didn't affect him profoundly.
As he sat down on the driver's side of the car, he closed the tinted windows, feeling safer with that precaution. He still worried about putting you in danger. He waited, knowing that feeling dizzy along with drinking water wouldn't be a good combination, even though he had insisted on it to help your body recover more quickly. He could hear your calm breathing, which put him at ease. You had closed your eyes, your mouth slightly ajar, and he looked at you, allowing himself to be captivated by every detail. He carefully adjusted your hair to prevent it from catching on the seat and strands from being pulled, whispering, "You can sleep; everything’ll be alright, I promise, little one." You found yourself charmed by the pet name, involuntarily smiling, and he made a mental note that you like it. Your arms lightly touched, and with the comforting scent of him surrounding you, you drifted into a light sleep. It was strange to be in such a bad situation with an outcome that neither of you regretted. He kept the radio off until reaching your destination. He’d never drive without music. 
Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light as you realized you were leaning on him for support. Your forehead was resting on his shoulder, his soft T-shirt against your skin. He was more comforting to touch than your mind had led you to trust. He was kneeling in front of you while you sat on the bed. You no longer felt dizzy, but you were weak, with not all your senses fully present. Alex's hands delicately removed your earrings and necklaces, and it was nice to have him so close, a bit surreal. You almost believed you could be a doll with how he was treating you. He moved back, laying you down on his bed, and he smiled at you as a way to reassure you that everything was okay. You grabbed his arm, afraid he would leave. Alex quickly shook his head. "Hey, little one, I'm not going anywhere. I just need to get some water for you and something to dry your face." He sounded caring, making you want to cry because you knew this was wrong. But why did it feel so right?
"Promise?" You asked, not into the idea of falling into a deep sleep and when you wake up he wouldn't be there to call you little one anymore. He nodded, extending his pinky finger to seal the promise. The silence without him wasn't comforting; you felt like there were monsters under the bed. Still out of mind about time and space, you realized you were in his room, which made you feel even more fragile. The room had a light blue color, seemed well-lit during the day, had books scattered in an organized manner, and two guitars hanging on the wall. That made you put your hand over your mouth as you imagined how his fingers would behave playing those strings. You wanted to hug him, to let the scent and the soft chest lull you to sleep again. Your head was noisy, and you didn't like it.
When he returned, he moved in slow motion to you. He wiped your face and neck with a damp cloth, and you wondered why he was alone. He was a good man; you had thought about that before. Alex wouldn't sleep next to you, but he would stay with you as long as you needed him. He sat with his back against the headboard, looking at you for a moment. It was too late; this was no longer just a casual situation. You'd have to talk about it; you had formed a bond. Although you were scared, Alex liked it.
You asked him to lie down, and he complied. You were side by side, facing each other. Your eyelids struggled to close, but first they followed your fingers as they roamed his face. You traced the gentle lines at the corner of his eye, then the bridge of his nose. He was handsome. Sometimes you wanted to forget that he was older than you, even though you liked him that way. Your hand then touched his rough stubble, and he smiled when he saw you smiling at him. It was like a dream, like you had imagined and even better.
In an abrupt and unquestionably unplanned proceed, your hand hooked onto the collar of his T-shirt, pulling yourself closer. It was a light pull, and in the blink of an eye, your lips were on his, tender and airless. They lingered there, just touching, feeling each other's warmth and the mixing of breaths. Your hand pressed against his chest and held him to yourself, like he could heal you. You moved your lips with his slowly, warmly, and precisely, enjoying in a comfortable sigh every second of it, until he broke into a sigh of reality. He couldn't be doing this, not with you like this. Not wanting to startle you, he sealed your cheeks and nose a few countless times before planting small forehead kisses when he needed to refuse your touch. He felt guilty, but he wouldn't deny that it had been good, way better than he had fantasized. There were no words, and none were needed; both of you were aware of it. Although he thought you might not be as much, he feared you might not even remember this when you woke up.
Alex held your palm against his chest until you fell asleep. Then he got up, covered your body with a warm sheet, and left you there. Unable to restrain himself from touching your face before and stroking your hair. The next day, you would wake up, wondering if it had been a vivid dream or not. But his room would leave no doubts, with the guitars, the well-lit atmosphere, and his blazer still carrying his scent on you. You didn't know how you were going to talk to him after that, you thought about how he must think of you as a kid who doesn't know how to be in the real world. This time, however, you noticed a photo on the bedside table. He was hugging a woman while kissing her forehead. She had a neatly cut fringe and an angelic face; she was very pretty, and it made you feel insecure. She was around his age. You were wrong to be there, and then you got that the bed you were on was a double bed. You wanted to run away even though your head was pounding. Professor Turner might act like a good man, but he was still a man. Above all, you tried to think well of him; perhaps it was a divorce, right? You would have noticed the ring on his finger if he were married. He wouldn't take off the ring, would he? But why was that photo still there? You quickly got up, failing to remain composed when you saw that he had left a note and some money in case you needed to call an Uber. You couldn't just read it right away. You wanted to believe he was good, but it hurt. You felt used even though you hadn't done anything. Yet, you still felt like you wanted him around more often because you felt good with him. In the middle of class, Alex struggled with impatience, hoping you wouldn't leave without taking the note and the snack he had left for you, so you would have his number and be safe. But it didn't happen, at least not when he expected it to. 
taglist: @ohladymoon @indierockgirrl @bloo-wisteria @bellaturner @cosmoschaotic @nikisfwn @andrews-lovr @nela-cutie @artimonkii @alexturnersbbg3 @blackberryblossom @lilmisssweetdreams
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740 notes · View notes
yunjardi · 8 months
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy!jake × fem!reader]
[click here for this series' masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[!!chapter warnings!!: smut [mdni], DADDY KINK, unprotected sex, fingering, handjob, oral, gentle sex, cockwarming, angst, crying, arguing, minor possessiveness (???), mentions of negative body image near the end, some fluff, lmk if i missed anything!]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 16: the ugly truth?
"y/n, please, i really do love you," jake begged you breathlessly, "you're seriously such a big part of my life. what would i ever do without a friend like you?"
a friend.
a friend.
that's what you and jake are, huh?
the bubbly and shocked feeling that took over your body after hearing jake tell you that he loves you quickly fizzled away once jake uttered that 6 letter word.
that stupid 6 letter word.
how were you even supposed to react to this?
well, you reacted the only way your body would let you.
with anger.
"jake, i need you to do something for me, okay?" jake nodded as you took a deep breath inward before continuing, "once you walk out that door, never come back again. don't bother contacting me either because i don't wanna hear it. friends don't do what we do. you led me on, you asshole. now get out."
"y/n, i meant- i-"
"i said i don't wanna hear it!" you raised your voice, helpless tears falling again, "i-i think it's best if you leave now." your voice softened as tears uncontrollably rolled down your face, causing jake to cry too.
"i'm not going anywhere, y/n," jake declared with a stern tone, "i'm not letting you push me away, not after everything we've been through." you scoffed. "after everything we've been through? you're unbelievable, jake. i'm not gonna fall for your pretty-boy antics anymore, so you can forget about all that."
jake was at a loss for words. he'd never seen you be so cold before, not to him, not to anyone.
"listen, let's both just calm down. i know we're both heated right now, and we shouldn't be arguing when we're mad like this and-"
"will you shut up with your preaching and just go already?!" you yelled out in frustration, wanting nothing more than to crawl into a ball and be left alone. you didn't want to face the man who was actively breaking your heart into tiny little pieces any longer.
"fine," jake gave in, not saying another word and simply walking out of your house.
secretly, you wanted him to keep fighting for you even though it wouldn't make sense if he did.
the millisecond you heard the door shut, you immediately began bawling your eyes out.
you had no idea what was gonna happen next, if anything that is.
all you could do is sob helplessly in the same spot he left you in.
you made sure to sob your eyes until you could no longer feel tears in your eyes before heading to work with heavier makeup than usual to cover your tear-stained skin.
calling your manager beforehand, you let her know that you were able to work from opening to closing for which she was quite pleased to hear.
you needed to be as distracted as possible so that you wouldn't think of jake's pretty, yet also cute, puppy face, and the way his hair flowed whenever he'd turn to look at you, and also-
damn, you were already failing your mission miserably.
you managed to pull yourself together on the bus ride to work and walk into the bar without any trouble.
lucky for you, the bar extra was packed this evening which meant you'd be too busy running around to think about anything besides alcohol and more alcohol.
there was no room to think about how much you missed jake's presence, how much you wanted him to kiss you and tell you that everything was going to be okay, and you definitely weren't thinking about how much you missed the way his scent blinded you whenever he pulled you into an embrace.
it seemed nothing else could gain control over your clouded mind the way jake does. the way that only he could possibly do.
you were so distracted by faded thoughts of him that you nearly spilled drinks multiple times during your shift and nearly dropped a crystal wine glass floor because of how zoned out you were.
luckily, your mishaps were enough to keep you on your toes plus distracted for a teensy amount of time and by the time you checked the clock, customers were already on their way out for closing hours to come.
you volunteered to stay later than usual to lend a hand and clean up around the bar as an excuse to stay away from your thoughts for as long as possible. your manager found it strange, but she was thankful nonetheless to have some extra hands on deck helping out.
waving goodbye to your manager after cleaning tables and counters, you finally exited the building with a deep sigh and began to walk to the bus stop.
as soon as the night time air hit you, you were suddenly plagued with the most extreme wave of loneliness you'd ever experienced. you feared that you would feel lonelier at night because of the jake situation, and you hated that those fears were steadily becoming a reality.
your brain began to run laps as you started to wonder how things could have turned out if you'd been less nit-picky.
maybe you overreacted. maybe you made something out of nothing. maybe everything was your fault.
you couldn't help but sigh.
the walk home from the bus stop was when you finally let all the tears you were holding in pour from your eyes. you almost couldn't see where you were going due to the tears blurring your vision, but you eventually got to your house. your eyes jaded with tears, you turned the corner to enter your house only to be greeted by a figure sitting at your doorstep.
none other than jake.
he simply could not bear the pain of you not being by his side. he was determined to get through to you; whatever it would take, he'd do it ten fold. jake refused to let you go.
ever since you popped into his life, his greatest fear became losing you, and he refused to let that fear become a reality. he swore to himself that he'd do anything and everything to prove himself to you.
"w-what are you doing here?" you questioned jake between sobs, "i though i t-told you to stay away."
"i'm not going anywhere, y/n. hell, i'll sleep out here all night if i have to," jake declared firmly, his bloodshot and teary eyes gleaming in the moonlight, "trust me, you're not getting rid of me that easily." his tone turned slightly sly.
"jake..." you sighed out, "come inside. how long have you been sitting out here?" you asked whilst opening the front door. he shook his head, not wanting to answer as if it wasn't important for you to possess the knowledge of his time camping at your doorstep.
you let him step inside before you, locking the door once you both got inside.
"so, what is it?" you questioned him again with a sigh, "are you here to collect your things or something?" you tried to keep your voice steady, not wanting to show just how badly you were hurting.
"why would i? it's not like i'm never coming back," jake responded with the same stern tone as before, "you told me to leave and never come back, but i know you better than that, y/n. we both know that we're not just gonna let each other slip through our fingertips. well, at least i'm not going to.
you hated the ease that jake had when it came to seeing right through you and/or literally reading your mind.
he always joked that his sixth sense was 'reading y/n's mind,' but it was scarily true, especially in this moment.
pondering on how attentive jake had always been toward you was enough to have you bawling your eyes out again. thinking about all the little things he did for you every since the beginning made your heart feel like it was about to burst.
jake cautiously stepped toward you, testing the waters to see if you'd push him away if he got any closer, but to his surprise, you didn't. he took this as an opportunity to hold you in his arms, and he was relieved that you even let him do so.
he let out the most intense sigh of relief at the feeling of your head falling against his chest, certain that you were able to hear how quickly his heart pounded.
"shh," jake whispered quietly as he held you tightly, "i'm here, princess. don't cry. you're gonna make me start crying again, baby." you simply melted at his touch as he gently rocked you from side to side, comfort rushing through your body. once you calmed down, you were able to wipe your tears away from your eyes and look up at his tear-stained face. the sight of his upset expression made you bury your head back into his chest, a slight guilt creeping up on you from making him cry along with you.
but you began to feel guilt for another unrelated matter.
unfortunately, you were seconds away from ruining the endearing moment because you couldn't help yourself from expressing your thoughts.
"you're all dirty now," you uttered a soft whine as you wiped a few stray tears away from your eyes, "i was all over the bar cleaning up which made me all gross, and now you're probably all dirty now too."
all of jake's clothes were expensive, and knowing that the hoodie he wore most definitely had remnants of unsanitary bar grime, makeup, and tears made you shudder with unease. his cashmere prada sweater would definitely be unforgiving when it came to attempting to get makeup stains cleaned off of the material.
"is that really what you're worried about, silly?" jake asked with a refreshing yet shy smile whilst tilting your chin upward to look up at him. nodding, you felt your face shifting into a pout yet again and wanted to hide your face as a result.
"give me a second to wash up, please?" you gave jake another pout, embarrassed as you wiped the last stray tears away from your face, tears finally coming to a halt.
"only if i'm allowed to join," jake remarked with a cheeky expression, slightly too soon.
you should've seen this coming.
you should've known that you'd be under the warm water, letting it trickle down your skin, getting lost in a make-out session with the man who can't seem to make up his mind.
you could never seem to gain a sense of morality when the subject of the situation is jake.
you let him overtake you physically and mentally.
there was something about seeing you covered in droplets of warm water whilst steam surrounded the two of you that steadily made jake's desire for you grow deeper and more intense.
jake never knew until now that he had a 'thing' for seeing you with body wash suds all over you; it was like he unlocked a new part of his already-filthy brain.
"hey," jake uttered between kisses as his hands explored your soapy body, "everything i said earlier, it was all a misunderstanding. i love you, y/n, i really do. i just got nervous saying it out loud and started talking out of my ass as a result. please trust me when i tell you that i love you so badly."
your kiss with jake deepened, shutting him up before he could say anything else.
you didn't feel like responding, mostly because you didn't know what to say, so you simply kept kissing him as his hands continued to wander themselves around your body, unknowingly making your core heat up.
as soon as things began to wind down, you turned off the water, handing jake a towel as well as taking one for yourself.
upon arriving to your bedroom, the two of you put on some comfortable clothes as if you weren't about to get undressed in the next five minutes.
you two found your way onto the bed, kissing each other on the lips softly until the situation turned more erotic.
"you're so pretty," jake mumbled into your lips, "all mine." you nodded your head at his comment, "yours." jake seemed to be pleased with your response, it becoming more apparent that his boxers were growing tight.
you let your hands feel down his torso until you got lower, and lower, and eventually down to the waistband of his boxers, ready to take them off after only a few short minutes of them being on. jake followed suit, hastily getting your panties off and discarding them onto the nightstand.
continuing the intimate kiss, jake began to rub gentle circles against your sensitive clit whilst you took his hard length into one of your hands, slowly stroking it at the same pace as he touched you. amorous moans were the only sounds filling the room as jake smoothly slipped a finger inside your needy hole. he moved his hand slowly, feeling every bit of your walls against his slender finger as you began to moan helplessly into his mouth, gripping his cock and stroking it a little harder than before. the two of you moaned in tandem, using your hands to please one another until you reached your limits.
"wait," jake quickly broke the kiss, causing you to look at him as he still continued to rub your clit, "i need a taste."
his statement made your face flush red as you let go of his throbbing cock, letting it fall against his toned lower abdomen as he slid his finger out of your pussy, now positioning you comfortably against the headboard.
"don't be shy, princess," jake chuckled at your coy demeanor, "i've seen you before, silly, and i love what i see." he arguably made you more shy once he parted your legs, biting his lip at the sight of your wet cunt. jake wasted no time, going in for a taste half a second later. the feeling of his tongue against your warmth making a moan escape your lips as your fingers tugged on his pretty brown hair.
"fuck, that's so good, daddy," you mewled as his tongue worked wonders against your hole. you could feel the way he smirked against your clit every time he earned a little moan from you. jake practically lived to please you whether you realized it or not. "i need your cock, please, please, please?" you begged as he stuck his tongue into your soaking hole. jake looked up from between your legs, smirking at how needy his tongue made you.
jake positioned you onto your side, wanting to hold you while he fucked himself into you. he held your leg up, stroking his cock a few times before letting his tip enter you. you squirmed at the feeling, letting out a little moan at the feeling of his thick tip passing through you. slowly, he inched his length into you, his breath hitching at the way your walls clenched around him.
"good girl, so tight for daddy," jake breathed out as he began to thrust softly.
you could feel him so deep inside your cunt, your core quickly burning up at the sensation of his tip steadily bumping against your sweet spot.
jake somehow managed to fuck you like a whore whilst holding you like you were his precious princess.
his thrusts were gentle but very affective, making you twitch as you brought your hand down to your clit, wanting badly to reach your climax.
"daddy, right there," you whined quietly as you brought your hand from your clit up to his spare hand, bringing it around to cup one of your boobs. jake moaned at the way you held his hand against your chest, his core tightening and heating up alongside yours. the stimulation was too much. you found yourself cumming around the base of his thick cock, coating his pretty member with your arousal. "such a good girl," jake praised you as he brought his hand down to your lower abdomen, "you're so pretty when you cum for me."
"your turn, jakey," you urged him by reaching down to play with his balls, causing his head to fall back with a loud groan. he had no choice but to fill you up, ropes of cum shooting deep into your pussy as you both moaned at the feeling.
calming down from your orgasms, you two stayed in the position you were in before inevitably falling asleep as jake kept you close to him throughout the entire night as you both slept.
the morning after, you felt deviously groggy as if you'd gotten drunk the night before.
the first thing you noticed was jake being gone.
for a second your heart shattered yet again, but your drama queen moment was interrupted when you noticed a handwritten letter on the bedside table.
my lovely princess,
i had to head home early this morning, princess, please don't alarmed by me not being there. i'm not sure if you're working this evening, but it would be great if you could stop by my place beforehand if you are.
-jakey <3
you let out a sigh of relief knowing that jake didn't leave out of pettiness or anything like that.
you rolled out of bed earlier than you would've liked to so that you could go and visit jake before heading to your shift. you couldn't help but wonder why he wanted you to be there. shrugging it off, you quickly got changed into your work uniform, the usual tight and cropped button-up that you barely had buttoned, and a short skirt.
after getting into your work clothes, you put on a significantly less amount of makeup than yesterday before feeding the fish and slipping on a pair of pretty black heels that were easy to walk in.
and you, of course, couldn't forget to bring (one of) your favorite bags that, of course, jake bought for you. since you believed that your recent fight with jake was now behind the both of you, you felt comfortable with using the clothes he'd gifted you throughout your time together.
feeling thankful for the fact that you made up with jake, it was now time to head to his place.
after the lengthy train journey to jake's house, you walked up to his door and rang the fancy doorbell, waiting for him to come to the door.
you were greeted with a soft kiss from a handsome-as-always jake before he looked you up and down, seeming surprised and shocked at your skimpy work clothes as if he hadn't seen them before.
i mean come on, he literally met you while you were wearing these clothes.
"here," jake reached over to you, buttoning your shirt up higher and practically trying to cram your boobs back into your shirt in the process. he could've sworn they'd gotten bigger, but maybe it was just his dirty imagination. "much better," he sighed with relief. you couldn't help but giggle at his antics; you never saw the day where he'd but buttoning your shirt up.
"you're so silly, puppy," you chuckled as you gazed into his sparkly eyes, completely entranced by his handsome face.
you two stood there, your arms around his neck and his around your waist until you were brutally interrupted by a loud "ahem!"
startled, your head snapped in the direction in which the voice came from.
you couldn't believe your eyes.
"jake, w-what's going on here?" you questioned him with urgency as you stepped away from him, losing physical contact.
it had been so long since you've seen her face that for a second you believed that your eyes were playing tricks on you.
there she was, stood right in front of you.
the girl from the bar.
"y/n, just give me a chance to explain myself," jake begged to which you motioned for him to go on as you tried not to roll your eyes, "i just thought that maybe by bringing you both here, you'd bring this drama to a close, call a truce or something, you know?"
"you're joking, right?" you questioned him a second time, feeling like you were about to lose your mind, "there's no drama that needs to be 'closed,' and i don't appreciate the fact that you're bringing me face-to-face with someone who belittled me for months and went on to physically assault me. there is no drama; she's just- she's- a bitch! that's what she is, and i never want to see her again, jake!" your tone was firm, clear, and serious until you panicked after calling her a bitch. you couldn't help but feel your stomach fall into the depths of hell as you tried to hold back tears.
"now just who the fuck do you think you are, y/n?" she began aggressively moving closer to where you and jake were standing, causing your body to tense up, her knowing your name while you didn't even know hers making you fear her presence even more, "you- you're the bitch in this situation, so don't you get it twisted! why are you in jake's life in the first place? all you've done is take up all his time while you sit around and spend his money all while ruining his reputation! before you were around, he dedicated his whole life to his family's business, and once you waltzed in, he started wasting his time taking care of you like a liability. you're ruining him whether you want to admit it or not!"
her words brought you to a standstill. why did she seem to know so much about you and jake's relationship? more importantly, why does she think she has the right to say these things? more, more importantly, why hasn't jake said a single word?
"who are you to say any of that?" you blurted out furiously, "why are you so concerned about what we're doing? just mind your business! none of this would be happening if you just decided to leave him alone! leave us alone while you're at it! blaming me for random shit isn't going to change a thing; jake and i both know what's going on between him and i, and that's none of your concern. leave me out of this."
trying to remain calm, you took a deep breath only for her to start coming closer to a point where you could smell her flowery perfume.
"his business is my business," she stated firmly, looking into your soul via your eyes, "you better believe and internalize when i say that you're a no-good, useless commoner who could only dream of living the life we do. just because you think you're in cahoots with jake doesn't mean you're gonna snake your way into his life, you got that? you're just a bit of fun for him, someone he can use for a little while before he realizes that you're just a pathetic commoner who he shouldn't associate with. god, when will you realize that you're just an object that he can put his arm around and fuck when he has nothing else to do?"
at this time, you wished that your ears were deceiving you; you truly couldn't believe that anyone could say something as cruel as that seemingly without feeling any shame or guilt.
you also couldn't believe that you were basically having a cat-fight with another woman over a man. you never ever thought you'd get to this point, but jake... he just means so much to you to a point where you couldn't bear the thought of someone trying to take him away from you. god you felt pathetic for letting a guy take control of your emotions like this, but you couldn't help yourself; jake was so precious to you.
"soyeon, that's enough!" jake suddenly spoke up, shocking both of you.
well, at least now you finally learned her name after all this time.
"i'm not just gonna sit here and let you say disrespectful things to y/n! she did nothing wrong, and i'm sick of you thinking that she did. she's not ruining anything, and she's especially not ruining me! just leave her and i alone and find someone else."
"seriously, why did you bring her here?" you asked jake quietly, "you knew she wasn't going to be civil about this."
"y/n," jake looked into your eyes as he spoke, "i really thought things would be settled. in hindsight, i should've seen this coming, but i never meant to hurt you by doing this."
she seemed to smirk at the way you finally began to tear up.
"well you did," you spoke out, gently wiping your waterline to avoid messing up your makeup, "i honestly don't know how much more i can take. you told me that you loved me last night; was it all a lie? were you just sweet-talking me? i don't know what you want anymore, jake."
at this point, jake's feelings were as clear as mud.
"look at me. please don't cry," jake begged, wanting so desperately to wipe your tears away, soyeon watching the situation from just a few paces away.
"see, there he goes again," her voice making you tense up again, "taking care of you like a child. it's sad to watch, really. you're only stressing him out by acting like this, so go take your tears somewhere else-"
"haven't we heard enough from you already?!" jake raised his voice at her, "look, if you can't suck it up and leave her alone, then get out and never show your face around her nor i ever again!"
"how could you say that, jake?" she began crying out, "if it weren't for her, things would've played out perfectly! if it weren't for her, we'd be married!"
"m-married?" you managed to speak out as you looked over at jake in disbelief. after that, you couldn't get another word out, only mustering up the courage to take your phone and wallet out of the bag you brought with you (that was, of course, from jake) and leave it on a chair before walking out the door.
no matter how many times jake called your name, you couldn't find the courage to turn around. hearing the words that she said made your entire world crumble around you.
marriage? is that why he invited you to his house to meet her formally?
you didn't want to think about it anymore.
you wished that jake's front yard and driveway wasn't such a strenuous walk because you could still hear him calling your name endlessly, begging you to come back.
"let her go, jake," you heard soyeon's loud and mocking voice, "she doesn't understand this lifestyle, and she never will."
maybe she was right. maybe you'd never understand because you weren't born into a rich and noble family like they were.
you couldn't hear much else once you got to the end of the excruciatingly long driveway, only being able to hear a loud "get out" that you presumed came from jake.
after finally making it out of his residence, you took a second to tell your boss that something came up and that you couldn't come in after all. luckily, she was understanding and thankfully didn't make you explain what went on which was a relief.
at that, you took your sad ass back home and planned to stay there for the next couple of days.
"that's absolutely insane," yeji's jaw dropped over the phone.
you decided to call her and tell her the sequence of events because, come on, you can't hide anything from your best friend.
"and i'm a wreck over it," you admitted lowly as you spoke into the phone, "i think i just need some time to myself, you know? after all, i've spent virtually all my time with him since we met, so maybe some time apart will do us some good."
"who knows, maybe he'll finally make up his mind," yeji shrugged before letting you go, reminding you that you could call her any time no matter what.
you sighed softly once the call ended, feeling more alone than ever.
stupidly, you decided to open up his designated drawer in your bedroom where he kept some clothes and put on one of his hoodies. the smell of his clothes only made your heart shatter into even smaller pieces as you curled up on your bed in hopes that you could get some sleep, your eyes sore and tired from crying.
a sudden panic filled your body once you heard the sound of your front door being unlocked, causing you to jolt up from your bed.
"y/n, are you home? it's just me," you heard a familiar voice call out to you from the living room. you peeked from underneath your covers to see jake standing before you, holding out his hand for you to grab it, but you refused.
as much as you wanted to curl up in bed with jake and act like everything was dandy, simply seeing his face made you start crying like a baby.
jake's heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight of you crying.
he did this.
he fucked up.
and he was unsure if he could do anything to fix it.
"g-get out," you managed to stutter through your tears, "y-you're a liar; you d-don't love m-me. s-shouldn't you be g-getting ready f-for a w-wedding with h-her or s-something?"
"for fuck's sake, y/n, i'm not marrying her!" jake raised his voice at you unintentionally, "i don't even want her in my life, so what makes you think that i'd do anything of the sort?" you could only let out sniffles in response, letting tears trickle down your face as jake slowly approached you.
upon seeing you up close, he noticed that you were clad in one of his hoodies which only made his heart soften even more. he couldn't stop himself from climbing into your bed and sitting next to you, his back against the headboard as he looked down at you.
you turned away from him, not wanting him to see your puffy, tear-stained face.
"is it because she's prettier than me?" you asked, your emotions suddenly spilling out, "because her figure is better than mine? or maybe how her hair always looks perfect? is it the way that she always dresses up no matter where she goes? or how you and her probably have a lot more in common in a sense that you two both come from noble and rich families? if you really think i'm an unattractive nobody just say it."
you couldn't see it, but jake's face was in a state of shock, absolutely refusing to believe that your mind came up with all of those ideas.
"you don't really think that, right?" jake asked softly, getting his answer from the way that you stayed still and silent, "princess, how could i ever? don't you know that i only have eyes for you? please, look at me." you felt jake's warm hand meet your shoulder, helping you turn your body to face him.
you sat up against the headboard next to him, your eyes glistening as you looked into his eyes that seemed to be saddened upon finding out what was going on in the depths of your mind. jake couldn't help but stop and wonder how long you'd been feeling that way, and it caused a sinking feeling to bubble up within him.
"if there's one thing i want you to know right now, it's that i think you're the most gorgeous woman i've ever laid my eyes upon," jake declared, pulling you closer and closer, "i don't care what you say, i don't care if you disagree because this is my truth." jake eventually pulled you close enough to where you were sat on his lap, your forehead against his while he lowly mumbled sweet nothings to you.
"you know, ever since i first put my hands on you, i never wanted to touch anyone else," jake admitted in a whisper as his hands began to travel around your waist, "even the thought of being in this position with anyone else makes me sick to my core."
you let jake's hands feel all over you as you felt his obvious hard growing underneath you, letting a small whimper pass through your lips.
some would argue that your relationship with jake was in too fragile of a state to be intimate with each other, but you couldn't disagree more; you needed to feel jake in the most intimate and vulnerable way possible.
"please," you whined in a whisper, jake knowing exactly what you were asking for and following suit.
in the blink of an eye, you let jake slip his hard cock inside you, his hands still wandering around your waist as he pushed his hoodie off your body. you let out quiet moans as goosebumps formed all over your body from his touch. the combination of the slow movements of your hips against his along with the way his hands ghosted over your chest was enough to send your body into a frenzy.
not wanting to rush the pleasure, you slowed the movement of your hips to focus on jake's beauty.
you took time to adore the way his lips looked against your chest as he left gentle pecks along your skin, the way he ran his fingers through your hair, the way his eyes would meet yours, causing you to become shy.
"see how beautiful you are?" jake began, his lips finding their way back onto your skin, "i couldn't even imagine anyone else who i'd give myself to almost every goddamn chance i get. i want you all the time, you have no idea." his breathing slowed down as you began to kiss his soft lips.
it's impossible.
he's impossible.
jake sim is impossible not to fall in love with.
a/n: sorry this one is so long and isn't exactly an easy read. i hope you still enjoyed it anyway and are looking forward to the next one <3 ily all and tysm for being super patient with this series. i love it so much and don't want to give up on it, so your support really helps <3
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @valiantwastelanddelusion @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @lhsng @i-dalso @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @l0st-h0p3s @leeis @jaeyunology @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @dilftime @qoh3 @sh1mja4yun @leeheeheeseung @jenshinee @sjakewrld @markleeisdabestdrug @futuremodeldiary @jeondolly @lil-iva @lalalalawon @noirgray @jckeplanet @teddy-lhj @meinapricity @jjkshies @bubbleseo @cherryunie @mqndnolia @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @ihrtk1ve @wonkiluvr @teti-menchon0604 @lovienikitty @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @lv4rin @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @iloveoceaneyesss @jakeswhore @jinsfavoritedoll @brownsugarbaybee @heehee01 @mesopret @heesitation @heeverseblog @yoursjaeyun @mklhyvn @jungwon-xo @crazydelulu @kyurizeu @ineedsomezzz @beeomgui @graythecoffeebean @mixtape-racha @jaehoonii @wave2love @ifykyk3 @niniisnormal @miumiuoi
(everyone in bold will be removed from my taglist in the next post, so if one of these accounts is you, please check your tag settings!)
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sixofcrowdaydreams · 4 months
Six of Crows Russian Edition
Today I found this gorgeous gem at the bookstore!
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So a few years ago I moved overseas to live in a Russian speaking country. I am not in Russia, for the record. The national language here is not Russian, but it is commonly spoken in my city.
Today at the bookstore I looked for a copy of Crooked Kingdom for the cast of Shadow and Bone to sign this May when I go to A Storm of Shadows and Crows convention in Paris. I don't own a copy of SOC or KC in English and there's no chance of finding one where I live. The next best option was getting a book in the local language and calling it a souvenir of my time abroad. To my delight I found this lovely Russian edition of Six of Crows!
More stunning artwork below.
There were multiple versions of the books to choose from. The original art and the Netflix artwork were available too. The most impressive part was finding copies of the original covers WITHOUT the Netflix sticker. (Haha, suck it Netflix.) To the right, not pictured were King of Scars and Rule of Wolves.
I've never seen this cover variation before. It was an exciting find!
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The Russian version I bought is illustrated by (I assume Russian?) artist Eva Eller.
I didn't see a copy of Crooked Kingdom with illustrations by the same artist at this bookstore, but it must exist. Mine was the last copy of SOC with the Russian artwork. Maybe it was sold out?
Google Translate titles the book Six of Ravens, lol. But that's just a translation error because a little google-foo showed that ворона (pronounced vorona) means crow. Interestingly, while typing the title, I learned that вор (pronounced vor) means thief. Interesting how similar the words crow and thief are in Russian. Checks out.
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Above is the art printed on the side of the pages. Love how it still includes the side of the pages colored, just like the original books.
The hardcover underneath the jacket is a crow. It's not the same as pictured on the original CK cover, but it is similar. Love the messy, broken, bent feathers, yet the crow is still able to fly. Metaphor for our six characters? Absolutely!
The book was wrapped in cellophane so I didn't realize there was even more art inside! Here is the inner cover. IT'S BEAUTIFUL! The back is the same. It captures the foggy haze of Ketterdam so well.
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The flaps of the book jacket are images from the inner cover. But there's a cracked texture over them that gives it a gorgeous grittiness.
The candle is the left side of the inner book jacket. Sorry the image isn't flat, I didn't want to damage the jacket by straightening it out.
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The right side of the book jacket shows all the Crows!
Let's appreciate how Matthias looks snow pale and serious. Inej is taller than Nina -- she must be standing on a step stool. No clue why both of their eyes are closed, especially when Nina is the one pointing to the paper. They are lovely. Kaz has on his scheming face. Jesper is as handsome as every version of him should be. And Wylan looks bored AF because A.) he's already memorized the map he drew or B.) he can't read whatever document Kaz has in front of them. Wait, no, Wylan is making heart eyes at Jesper. All of the above can be true.
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Inside is a small illustration at the beginning of each chapter, which changes with each section.
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You can also see the Crow's names written in Cyrillic. Inej, Kaz, Nina, and Matthias translate easily. Jesper uses the д (letter D) and ж (pronounced like zhe) letter combination that makes his name sound like Zhesper since there is no J in Cyrillic. It's worth pointing out (again) that Wylan's name does not translate perfectly. There is no W in the Cyrillic alphabet. (As someone who also has a W in their name, I sympathize with Wylan here.) I'm no expert in Russian, but I'm pretty sure -- with the help of google translate -- that Wylan is pronounced as Oo-ai-len. Poor boy can't catch a break.
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Each of the five section of the book use different chapter art. They all do an excellent job capturing the atmosphere.
The paper is so thin that you can easily see the printing on the opposite side. Not ideal for an edition that's otherwise this lovely. Oh well.
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Given that Ravka is fantasy Russia, it's not a surprise to find the Grisha Verse books in Russian.
I am so excited to bring this book to Paris for the cast to sign!
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potatohoon · 4 months
i'm yours
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pairing: non idol! heeseung x reader
synopsis: your boyfriend gets jealous and wants kisses
theme: fluff, established relationship au
warnings: kissing, making out, very suggestive, swearing, pet names (baby, princess)
word count: 976 words
note: reader wears a skirt here, hee is reader's boyfriend and vice versa, there's lots of kissing so beware, although it's not really mentioned heeseung is a basketball player, it's kinda cringe but deal with it, it probably has spelling and grammar errors so apologies beforehand, that's it and happy reading, feel free to share your thoughts and leave criticism if needed :)) thank you.
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As you face Heeseung in his car, the tension and silence that had been hanging around is finally broken by the words that come from your mouth. "Seungie, I already apologized can you stop being upset now?", you exclaim to your boyfriend, watching as he shuffles around in the driver's seat before scoffing, "I'm not upset that he gave you flowers and confessed his love to you, I just don't get how fucking hard it was for you to tell him you had a boyfriend and weren't interested."
He sulks, his possessiveness and jealousy clear in his voice; it makes sense that he would be, having just watched someone confess to you while you were waiting for him at his game.
"I already told you, he didn't let me speak and by the time I was gonna tell him, you'd already come over", you retort, you weren't lying when you said he didn't give you the chance to speak. Heeseung just made the task of doing so easier by seeing you and coming to you.
He opens his mouth to respond, but his heart melts when he turns to face you and notices that your hands are fumbling in your lap and your head hanging a little. He can tell by your features and how uncomfortable you looked that you were clearly rejecting that guy and doing everything in your power to get away from him, which is why the little pout on your face makes him feel even worse.
Yet being the jealous boyfriend he was, he'd let it get the better of him. With a sigh he turns over to face you, cupping your face in his hands. "Baby, look at me please", he says noticing how you were avoiding his gaze. He waits as your attention finally shifts to him, and the faintly grim expression on your face breaks his heart.
"I'm sorry, you're clearly not at fault here, I let my emotions get the best of me and, I don't know what came over me", his voice trailed off softly as he finished, sincerity evident in his words. "It's alright seungie, i know you didn't mean it, besides you look cute when you're jealous." "Who said anything about being jealous, princess?", he asks, chuckling softly before you respond with a playful glint in your eyes. "Oh really, so you weren't jealous when he told me how he could treat me better than you if he were with me?", you remark coyly.
His eyes go somewhat dark, and then you see a tiny but noticeable pout form on his lips as he takes off his hands and turns his head away. You blurt out, "Hee, I'm just kidding, come on, I'm sorry", in a state of panic.
He remains stern as he continues not looking at you, before you hear him say something, "Kiss me", he asserts his voice low yet soft in tone. He turns towards you and watches as you hastily caress his cheek with your hand before pressing your lips to his and pulling away.
"There, done", you utter, removing your hand from his face. He grasps your wrist in an instant and remarks, "Do it again; that wasn't a kiss." As you prepare to lean in once again, he interrupts you by nodding his head in the direction of his lap. He mutters a small 'come here' along with it.
You feel your face slightly heat up before you look away, "n-no what, I'm not sitting there." He doesn't give you an option as his hand comes down to your waist and he shifts you over to sit on his lap in the driver's seat, you squeal surprised by his strength and sudden action.
With your legs sprawled across on either side of his thighs and your back facing the steering wheel, the ends of your skirt hike up, revealing your thighs to his gaze. He observes how you avoid his eyes and turn your head away from him, your earlier playful attitude giving way to shyness.
"So fucking cute", he mutters before slamming his lips on yours, one of his hands rests at your waist while the other roams around your body, squeezing your sides before placing it on your slightly exposed thigh. You place your hands behind his neck playing with his hair and kissing him back.
He pulls your body in closer to his, as though he's attempting to fill whatever distance  left between you even in this cramped area. He's addicted to the taste of your lips and it's an addiction he never wants to get rid of.
His tongue grazes over your bottom lip before biting down on it, making you gasp into his mouth. He relishes in the sound you made and slides the wet muscle inside, moving his tongue with yours in harmony.
You part your lips more to allow him greater access, which he evidently finds pleasing based on his low groan before squeezing your thigh. After a few seconds, you pull your lips away from his to regain your breath, watching as he follows after your lips, leaving a tiny string of saliva connecting your mouth to his.
He kisses you quickly on the lips, then again on the corner of your lips. As he kisses every part of your face, the ticklish sensation causes you to giggle softly.
His face is resting in the area between your neck and shoulder, and his warm breath touches your skin. He kisses you there, pressing his lips onto the the curve of your neck. "You're mine", he whispers, using his hands on your back, he draws your body in closer to him.
As you sit there and run your fingers through his hair while he kisses you, time appears to stand still. For you at that moment, nothing else mattered except for him.
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lacroixwh0r3 · 2 years
Watch me, Touch me (part 2)
Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You've been avoiding Bucky after that night, but he isn't ready to let you go yet.
Part 1
Warnings: SMUT!!!, unprotected sex, creampie, spit, orgasm denial, dry humping, clothes ripping, alcohol usage, petnames (doll, honey, etc.), rough sex, mentions of exhibitionism/voyeurism, and teasing
Song inspo (feel free to listen if you want):
A/N: I am sooo freaking sorry for being gone for so long...I barely had a break this summer because I was taking classes and this is my final year in college (thank god!). But I will definitely try to write more when I can. Also I am so sorry about the errors in the first part...I did not read over it but I'll fix any errors when I get a chance lol. Anyway, ENJOY<3
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"God, how long is this going to take?" I asked myself out loud as I impatiently waited for the papers to come out of the printer so that I could get home before the storm started. I'll be damned if I have to walk home during a storm in a skirt and heels.
Once my papers were done printing, I sped to my desk with my head down to avoid anyone speaking to me. That was until I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. I stop to check it and see that it's Bucky, once again asking if he did anything wrong.
I just sigh and shut off my phone before heading to my desk again.
It's been weeks since Bucky and I last spoke to each other.
After that night, we only spoke for a week until I realized I was getting too attached to him. I didn't want to end up with a broken heart because he seemed like an amazing guy, handsome, and his dick was like, really big.
I dropped the papers off at my desk, slipped on my jacket, and ran to the elevator. Once I was finally in, I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the elevator walls, feeling exhausted. I wanted to do nothing more than just go to sleep right now.
I hear the elevator ding, indicating that it was going to stop for someone else. As it comes to a complete stop, I hear the sound of the doors opening, and someone walks on.
"Hello," a familiar voice says to me, causing my eyes to shoot open and me to jerk my head to where the familiar voice came from. Right in front of me was Bucky. He went to press the button for the floor he wanted, but I guess we were going to the same place.
Once he noticed that I was looking at him, he looked back at me, and his eyes widened at the sight of me in front of him.
"Y-y/n? "You work here?" He inquired, surprised that I was present.I break eye contact with him and look at the front of the elevator.
"Uh, yeah, I do," I simply reply, not wanting to look at him right now.For a moment, it was awkward, and for the next 40 seconds, which felt like hours, we both made it to the lobby of the building.
As soon as the doors opened, I dashed out of the elevator as I heard the sound of Bucky behind me. "Hey, Y/n! "Wait a minute, can we talk?" Bucky pleaded with me. The two doormen open the large doors as I quickly run out of the lobby, bidding them a quick "thank you" and "see you later" as I ignore Bucky.
As soon as I make it out the door, the rain instantly blinds me, causing me to almost run into a jogger. However, Bucky's vibranium hand quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his body before I could run into the person. "You need to watch out," Bucky says to me as we both stand in the rain, pressed against each other. "You could've gotten hurt badly, y/n." He whispered. Just hearing the way he said my name made me weak in the knees.
"Sorry..." I mumble as I try to avoid his hard gaze.
"How about I take you--"
"NO!" I said this before he could even finish his sentence. I can't be alone with him.
"It's raining, yes," he pleads with me. "I know you're avoiding me right now, but please let me take you home?" I let out a sigh and looked at him only to find him already staring at me with large, hopeful eyes.
"Please?" He begs again.
I finally give in, not wanting to leave him hanging even more.
"Fine," I say to him. I really hope I don't regret this.
"Thank you, my car is just up the street. We should start walking fast." He tugs at my arm as he begins to walk in the direction of the car. He was still tugging on my arm as I tried to keep up with him, but due to the wet clothes on my body and my uncomfortable heels, it was too hard.
Finally, we make it to what I assume is his car. He lets go of my arm to dig into his back pocket to get the keys to the car. I reach out my arm to open the door, but he beats me to it and opens it for me.I just shake my head and give him a look of disapproval.
"Thanks, Bucky," I say to him as I slip into the expensive car. As soon as he closed the passenger door, I looked around the spotless car and noticed the clean leather seats, cringing at the fact that they were probably going to be ruined now because of our wet clothes. Bucky finally gets in the car and instantly presses the button to start it up.
It was silent as Bucky made his way towards our apartment. I decided to speak up and lessen the awkward silence by saying, "I am so freaking sorry about messing up your nice seats." I say to him as I look over at him with a guilty look. He looked so good while driving with that concentrated look on his beautiful face that it made me clench my legs even harder.
"No, it's fine," she says.He takes his eyes off the road for a slight moment and looks into my eyes and down at my legs as my skirt goes farther up my thighs, but he quickly looks back at the road and clears his throat.
I swear, for a split second, there was a look in his eyes that could bring any person to their knees. In order to contain myself, I bite my bottom lip and look out the window. I was afraid I might say or do something I'd regret later. My mind then starts to drift off to the first time I "met" Bucky.
I soon snapped out of my daydreaming when I realized that we were sitting in the slightly dark parking garage at our apartment complex and Bucky was calling my name.
"Y/n? "Are you okay?" Bucky asked me with a concerned look on his face once I snapped my head towards him. I just nodded my head, still not trusting myself to speak.
"Are you sure, doll?"  "You were squirming in your seat for a while," he said, making my face flush with embarrassment. He was watching me get turned on the entire time I was thinking about the time we both watched each other through the window.
"Um yeah, I was just thinking about something—work!" "You know how work gets." I let out an awkward laugh, trying to get off the topic quickly. Bucky lets out a small hum and chuckles a bit as he looks at me and turns the car off, almost like he knows what I am actually thinking about.
He most definitely knew what I was thinking about, but I would never admit it out loud.
We both get out of the car and begin walking to the elevator. "Thanks for the ride, Bucky," I say softly as I give him a weak smile, causing him to smile back and brush his fingers through his long locks.
"Anytime, sweet girl," our stroll returned to silence, but not before he asked me a question."Do you want to come over for a drink?"
When he noticed my hesitation, he quickly clarified that it was only one drink and I was free to say no if I didn't want to. Even though I knew I should've said no, I still agreed.
Soon, we arrive at the door of his apartment. He quickly scrambles for his keys, unlocks the door, and pushes the door open. He allows me to go first and closes the door behind himself. Surprisingly enough, the apartment was one of the cleanest places I've been to.
"Your place is so clean, Bucky, I'm a little shocked," I say to him jokingly as I look around the apartment that was slightly the same as mine. I see him snap his head towards me as he drops his keys on the countertop.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean, Y/N?" Bucky lets out a laugh.
"I'm kidding," I reassured him. "Your place is one of the cleanest places I've ever seen."
He lets out a hum in response.
"So, I have red wine or some whiskey. Which one do you want?" He asks me as he looks into my eyes and leans against his arms on the countertop.
The dim light and the way he looked at me right now made me want to climb up and let him have his way with me, but I resisted the urge.
"Hmm, you pick." He bites his lip and turns around to grab the glasses. He grabs one wine glass and another short glass for the whiskey, which I would assume is for him. He sits them down and begins to pour the drinks for them.
"Here you go, sweetheart," he says to me as he hands me the wine glass. I felt my heart beat out of my chest due to the nickname and our fingertips touching as he handed me the glass.
"Thank you, Buck." I spoke to him softly.
"Of course," he says before taking a quick sip of his whiskey. "How about we have a seat, hmm?" Bucky leads me to the couch.
I put my drink down and plopped down on the couch so that I was facing him. We both sat there for a minute just looking at each other until a smile slowly crept onto his face, causing us both to laugh.
After a couple of seconds, we both begin to cool down, and he immediately asks me the question I've been avoiding. "Why haven't you answered my calls or texts, Y/N?" His face was now laced with concern.
"Was it something I did?" He followed up.
"Bucky, "It was nothing you did that caused me to stop responding," I sighed."I just didn't want to get attached in case you didn't want anything to do with me."
I look down, but he quickly grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Y/n, I would never lead you on." He reassures me as he searches my face and strokes my chin with his thumb.
"After that first night with you, I knew I needed to have more of you." He bites his lip once more, which causes my eyes to focus on his lips.
"Do you understand me?" Bucky asked me sternly. I just let out a hum, but I guess that wasn't enough for him because his grip on my chin got more firm. "Words baby."
"Yes, Bucky," I whisper back to him. At this point, I wanted to climb into his lap and fuck him into oblivion. I needed him.
"Good girl." He was now looking at my lips as his thumb swiped across my bottom lip.
The sexual tension was out of control, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to control myself much longer.
He suddenly pulls me onto his lap, causing me to let out a yelp. I could feel his cock pushing against my pussy through my tights as I was sitting right on top of it. I knew he could feel the warmth of my pussy due to his cock stirring in his pants and his thighs slightly flexing as he pushed his hips against me to get more friction.
"Did I do this to you, Bucky?" I whisper in his ear as my breathing gets heavier. I feel his lips slowly ghosting down my neck.
"Fuck yes, Y/n." He lets out a breathy whisper, causing me to shiver. I feel his hands move down my back and stop on my ass.
He pushes me down farther as he grinds against me. I could feel my puss pulsing. I needed him right now. I've been craving him, and now that I have him, I'm not sure I can let go.
He kisses my neck softly as we both let out gentle low moans and dry hummed each other like teenagers.
"Bucky-shit—I need you in me right now, baby," I whined out to him as I threw my head back in euphoria.
"Yeah? "Are you going to be a fucking good girl for me?" He grunted as he left his hand up and quickly brought it down to spank my ass.
"Ye-oh, my god!"
"What was that doll?" He spanks my ass once more as he waits for my reply.
"Fuck, yes, Bucky!" I moan out loudly. "I'll be your good girl, only for you."
"Only for me?" Bucky whispers in my ear, causing me to push my pussy down on him more and to clench around nothing.
"Only you, Bucky." I say as I bite down harshly on my lip. He grabs the back of my neck and pushes down on my ass as he flips us over so I'm laying on my back on the sofa and he's sitting between my legs.
Bucky bunches my skirt up some more so that he has better access to my pussy. He then rips my thin tights and rips my underwear, which were apparently too flimsy.
"Bucky!" I let out a gasp, getting ready to scold him because he ripped my underwear, but I was quickly interrupted by my own moans as he brought his rough yet soft fingers down on my clit and slowly began to rub it in small, gentle circles.
"I'm sorry, baby, I needed to get to this pretty little pussy fast." Bucky says as he leans in for a rough kiss. All I could do was moan into his mouth.
However, he suddenly pulls away from the kiss and removes his fingers from my clit. I let out a small whine out of frustration.
"I'm sorry, baby, I know you're wet already, but I'm going to need to get you even more wet." He says this as he brings his fingers up to his mouth and spits onto the tips of his fingers. Bucky then rubs the spit-covered fingers onto my clit as I let out a loud sob of pleasure. I know I'm loud right now, but I couldn't help it.
"You like this, huh?" He looks up at me with his beautiful eyes as he keeps himself up with a metal arm. "You like it when I please you like this, darling?"
"Fuck, Buck. Yes more!" I let out a groan.
"I'll give you more doll, but can you take them?" He teased me as he continued to play with me. I whine again as I pull his head close to my chest.
"Who am I kidding? I know you can, my little whore, isn't that right?" All I could do was just nod my head. I couldn't even form words at this very moment.
He suddenly stops once again and says, "Bucky." I moan loudly, becoming more and more frustrated as he teases me. This time, he jumps off the couch and stands on top of me, unbuckling his pants.I could now see the outline of his thick, erect cock through his boxers.
Bucky then pulls down his boxers too. His cock springs out as it is released, causing me to gasp. Even though I had seen it before, touched it, sucked it, and had it in me, I was still shocked by his size. He chuckles at my reaction.
"Oh, baby, don't be shocked now. I know you can take it just like the other times, right?" He chuckles and lets out another beautiful moan as he begins to stroke it slowly. The way his arm flexed as his hand moved back and forth on his cock while his metal arm stroked his torso made me even more wet.
"Buck baby, please—I need you in me now," I beg him as my hands inch down to my pussy. The ache inside me only grew stronger and stronger, and I had to relieve it somehow.
"Fine, baby, since you've been good." Bucky says as he spits on his plump, pink lips.He climbs between my legs and pushes my legs open so that I am exposed to him. I could feel his thick, warm cock rub against my pussy. We both let out loud moans.
"You're getting me so wet already, baby, and I'm not even inside you yet." As he continues to thrust his tongue between my lips, he says. "Do you like it when I do this, hmm, doll?" Bucky looked at me before lifting his shirt and biting his lip at the lewd view. I decided to look down too and was met with the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"Oh Bucky, look at us, baby." I breathe out. He moans in response and continues his thrust, but once he goes back, I decide to reach between us and guide his cock into me. We both let out loud, sharp gasps once he thrust in again. I felt myself stretch around his length.
"Holy fuck!" He moans as he slowly thrusts into and out of me.Bucky decides to lift both of my legs and push them up as his strokes begin to go faster.
"Oh my god, Bucky," I almost yelled out. "You feel so fucking good, so fucking deep inside me!" This only encouraged him to go even faster. I felt as though his balls slapped against my ass, causing a loud sound of our skin meeting together. He bent down and attacked my lips with his. Both of our tongues moved against each other as he let out a few grunts here and there in the kiss as I whimpered.
I sucked at his bottom lip, but he jerked back, looking down, and pulled up his sweatshirt, which had felt down his chiseled abs. His once perfectly slicked back hair was now unkempt. I had begun to feel my pussy clench down on him tighter as that familiar feeling that we both were chasing got closer. I was ready to release.
"Baby, I'm about to come!" I moan out as I throw my arms above my head, unsure of what to do with them at that moment.
"Yeah? You're going to cum for me, good girl?" He asked me teasingly.
"Yes-Fuck Bucky!" I moan and close my eyes, ready to release, but I guess Bucky had other plans because he pulled out of me before I could even complain.
This dirty motherfucker
"Hmm, I'm not so sure, dirty girl..." He lets out the sexiest laugh as he wraps his hand around the base of his cock. He pushes my legs up again with his metal arm and begins to flick the tip of his cock against my clitoral. I was becoming overwhelmed by the feeling.
"Bucky, what are you doing to me? Oh my god!" I moan. I reached around my thighs as I tried to get him to slow down his fast motions. He then pushed inside of me again, but this time he had gripped the back of my thighs as he roughly gripped me. I couldn't even breathe at this point—all of my senses were overwhelmed.
Bucky was concentrated as he thrust into me hard, never making a single sound as he looked deeply into my eyes. The loud clapping sounds could be heard throughout the whole apartment, most likely in the hallway too. The thought of someone hearing us only turned me on more.
I opened my mouth to let out a moan, but nothing came out. His thrust never slowed down, causing beads of sweat to begin to form and roll down the side of his face.
This was a different side of Bucky I had ever seen; there was almost something animalistic about him right now. That didn't frighten me though...I only wanted more.
His grip on my thighs tightened as he got closer to coming. "Are you going to cum for me, big boy? Hmm?" I moaned. He didn't respond to me, but he began to let out deep moans. His thrusts started to get sloppy as his orgasm got closer.
He lets go of my thighs and leans his body onto mine so he can kiss my neck. The sensation of his breath hitting my next, his cock repeatedly hitting my spot...I knew that I was going to cum. As he came inside me hard, he let out the loudest moan I've ever heard from him. This caused my orgasm to hit me like a truck.
"Oh my god, I'm fucking cumming Bucky," I moan as I pull him closer to me by his hair.
"You're cumming all over me, pretty girl." He moans into my ear. We were both cumming together at this point and loudly moaning. I feel his hot soup begin to fill me up. His body shook and hardened against mine as he reached his release. My pussy clenched even tighter around his cock.
"Do you like cumming around this cock as I feel you up?" Yeah?" He kissed my neck some more as he was coming down from his orgasm. I just whimpered and nodded my head as I was coming down from my orgasm too. I couldn't speak even if I tried. His hips were now slowly moving until he decided to stop and just lay on top of me.
We both sat there in silence for a little bit, as his cock was still in me. Bucky then finally decided to pull out, causing us both to gasp, and he looked down at my pussy as his cum slowly leaked out of me.
"Doll, look at you. My messy cum is leaking out of that beautiful pussy." He almost coos at me as his finger tips gently swipe the cum back inside me.
I decided to sit up and stare at the handsome man in front of me. I felt like I was glowing, like I could be whatever with Bucky.
He looks up at me as I stare at him, causing him to tilt his head like a lost puppy. "Are you okay, honey?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face.
"Of course I am Buck; I was just looking at how handsome you are." I smile at him sweetly wanting to do nothing more than sit there and cuddle with him on his comfy couch. His cheeks began to get red as he blushed and looked back at me with a shy look.
I made Bucky flustered. This causes my heart to flutter against my chest.
"Aww, thank you, honey. You look amazing right now too." Bucky tells me as he leans forward to kiss my head and pinches my cheek afterwards.
"Come on, let's go get in the shower and get some food after. Does that sound good to you?" He asked me as he climbed off the couch and reached for my hand.
"That sounds great, handsome." I grab his hand, and he begins to lead us to his bathroom.
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tw1l1te · 5 months
blueberry₊˚✩⊹sal fisher x reader₊˚✩⊹
(Not edited, so please forgive men if there are grammatical/spelling errors. Random thought I came up with. Please let me know if you'd like more backstory/a continuation of this!
Sitting on top of Addison Apartments was a place to think. A place of silence except the sounds of breathing and the occasional shuffling around. You haven't been up here in a while, since the fight you and Sal had a few months ago.
"God you're such a hypocrite. You keep telling others to take care of themselves and not isolate, but yet you don't give two shits and don't even take your own advice. Not answering your phone or leaving your apartment for over two months? Do you know how worried Ash was? How heartbroken and distant Larry became?? We thought you were fucking dead Y/n. And after all that you decide to drop by and ask 'what's up'?" Sal seethed, his tone getting more hostile by the second.
You don't think you've ever seen him so angry.
"I'm sorry Sal, I didn't mean to make you all worry. That was the last thing I wanted you guys to feel. You know I don't handle my mental health well," you murmured, avoiding Sal's eyes. You could already feel the tears streaming down your face.
"Listen I get it Y/n, but you can't just cut us off like that. You made us all husks of what we used to be. Do you know how many nights I stayed up till the early morning just staring at my phone, hoping you'd at least call?? I couldn't even remember what you sounded like until today."
"Don't call me that. You have no right calling me that after the months of heartbreak and worry you've caused us. Every time this happens, I get my hopes up in that you won't shut us out and disappear. I get disappointed every. Single. Time. You're lucky that Larry, Ash, and Todd are such forgiving people. You don't deserve them."
You mulled over his words. He was right. You didn't deserve them. All the affection and love that they gave you all for you to throw it down the drain when you got too ill. The hundreds of phone calls from Ash. The constant check-ins from Larry over the walkie-talkie, talking about stupid shit that happened that day or speaking softly about how much he missed you. Todd emailing you every few days asking how you were holding up and if you needed anything, but eventually those emails automatically went to spam. And Sal. Sal was probably the hardest to avoid.
He sat outside your apartment door for hours, talking, pleading you to let him in to talk. He brought snacks and slid them under the door, worried if you were eating enough. Playing his guitar for you through the walkie-talkie, hoping it would soothe you or cheer you up. Sliding random doodles and letters under the door so you had something to help remind you about how much they cared about you. How much he cared for you. You kept them all under the bed in a shoe box, reading over every word and cat doodle every single night.
"I can't do this again, Y/n. You've hurt me over and over and over again. Each time I expected it to end different."
He took a pause, waiting for a reaction or a word from you.
"We're done. I don't know about the others, but don't bother writing or talking to me. I can't do this anymore."
And with that, he headed downstairs, not sparing you a single glance back.
You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard the rooftop door creak open.
You don't look back, hoping the person would get a hint and leave.
You hear the footsteps get closer, and stopping right beside you.
"Didn't think you came up here anymore." he mumbled, shifting uncomfortably.
Fuck. He was probably the last person you wanted to see right now.
"I come here to think." you stated, looking out to the street and nearby houses.
"Y/n, I'm sor-" "I'm leaving." you cut him off, already knowing what he was going to say.
You've thought about your time in Nockfell and decided that it was time for you to move on. You couldn't be stuck in a time capsule forever. The more time had passed, the more it had started to hurt being here and see reminders of what had happened. Reminders of him.
"What?" he whispered, finally looking at you.
"I need to move on. I can't be here anymore." you stated, trying to keep your voice level.
"You were right, I can't keep leaving people in the dark and constantly worrying them. I'll keep doing that if I stay here. I need to be somewhere else, I don't know where, but I'll figure it out."
"Y/n. If this is about what I said, I'm sorry, I was in a bad state too. I was just so worried that something had happened-"
"Sal, please stop. I'm not changing my mind. I'm leaving tomorrow morning-"
"What about Ash? Larry and Todd? What about me?? I need you here. It was wrong of me to shut you out, to ignore you. I'm so sorry, Y/n."
You finally looked at him, right into his blue eyes.
His hair had gotten longer, choppier, like he'd tried to cut it himself. No longer in the pigtails you loved. Seems like you'd both changed.
"I need to go, Sal."
You walk away, not looking back because if you did, you wouldn't be able to leave. You wouldn't be able to leave them. Leave Nockfell. Leave him.
"I'll see you around, Blueberry."
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read this post by @bitethedevil and ended up writing this idk don't take it too serious
Tav's fingers skittered over the red skin of Raphael’s naked back. It was always hot to the touch and smooth, its texture almost like leather. Patches of tiny scales grouped together in different spots, especially around the big joints connecting his wings to his body. Raphael fascinated Tav - not quite in the same way she fascinated him, but they were birds of a feather, so to speak. In fact...
"I've been wondering about something," she said, breaking the sleepy silence that had settled between them some time ago.
"Mm?" Raphael was utterly relaxed, the laziest Tav had ever seen him. On his belly in his (their!) bed, shirtless and shoeless - the scandal! He'd been enjoying her aimless touches. His Majesty, indeed.
"Can you fly?" She ran her palm across the thin membrane of wing she could reach, then the sturdy bone. "You've got these huge wings, but I've never seen you use them." She'd witnessed them fully stretched out once or twice, but otherwise he always kept them folded close to his body. A shame. They were magnificent. Heavy as anything, though - especially when he was dead asleep. Tav had almost been suffocated a few times trying to spoon him, and he refused to sleep in his human glamour just to let her be the big spoon. Waste of magic, he said. Spoilsport.
"What an inane question." Raphael didn't even open his eyes. "Of course I can. My wings are not for show, little mouse. No more so than a bird's are."
"Well..." Tav chose her next words carefully. She'd learned through trial and error how much she could prod her devil and when. Most of the time he was amenable to light teasing, but sometimes, when he was in a good mood like this, she could have some fun. "There are some birds out there who have wings but can't fly, you know. Peacocks, for example. They're kind of like big chickens, if you think about it."
Raphael slowly lifted his head, turned it so he could look at her over his shoulder. Tav bit her tongue in a futile attempt to squash her impish grin. His orange iris burned in the inky depths of his black sclera. A few locks of his hair were free from his usual coiff.
"Big chickens," he repeated flatly.
"Yes," said Tav, her voice strangled by the giggle she was trying to suppress. "How do I know you aren't an infernal peacock?"
"I can fly, you insipid little gibbon," he snapped, but he wasn't angry. She could tell by the twitching at the corners of his lovely mouth. Tav coughed, choked on a laugh.
"I think you should show me."
"Do you."
"For posterity's sake, of course."
"Of course."
Tav waited, watched, moved to make space for Raphael as he sat up, languidly stretching like a big cat. Accidentally whacking her with those wings she was so obsessed with.
"Apologies, dear," he drawled, about as sorry as a horny kobold in a bathhouse. He smiled when she scowled. He stood to his full height, preening as she ogled him. In nothing but a pair of trousers, he truly was a sight. Without warning he beat his mighty wings and took off, soaring across the room to land on the other side, where he nonchalantly poured himself a glass of wine. Tav spluttered in the wake of that massive gust of air. Raphael sipped his wine, staring at her as if to say, "well?"
"Good distance! You looked a little wobbly with your execution, though," Tav said. It wasn't true. He was majestic in flight, but he didn't need to know that. His ego was big enough. She combed her fingers through her rustled hair, grinning when Raphael’s eyes narrowed.
"Perhaps you're right." He put his glass down and sauntered towards her. Tav's heart leapt into her throat, fear and excitement together. "I need a counterweight."
"A what? Hey!" She didn't struggle when he picked her up, shifting her in his arms until he was holding her bridal style. It was a thrill to be held by her devil, and yet. She giggled nervously, her cheeks warm. "What are you doing?"
"Why, showing you that I can fly, of course!" He declared, making a scene of looking around. "But we simply cannot do it here. There's hardly enough space. Hm...ah, perfect."
He walked them to the balcony overlooking the endless landscape of Avernus. Tav sucked in a sharp breath, suddenly aware of what he was about to do. Now she began to try and wriggle free, but his grip was iron.
"Okay, you've proven your point! There's no need for a second flight, your technique was perfect!"
Raphael had no mercy. He smirked down at his little mouse, showing teeth. His eyes alight with dark mischief. "Big chickens, Tav," he said, and leapt off the edge. She shrieked, clung to him like a limpet, feeling and hearing his chuckles as he effortlessly flew them around.
After the intial spike of shock, Tav relaxed, just a little. This wasn't so bad. Raphael was an adept flier, and if she ignored the monumental height she was suspended at, it could almost pass as romantic. Soaring about the hot skies of Hell in the arms of her underworld Prince. Feeling every powerful flap of his wings. His strength. Avernus, from a distance, was beautiful in a devastating way. Unfortunately for Tav, she'd forgotten quite how fiends liked to play.
"Oh dear," Raphael said, stoic. He'd been waiting for her guard to lower. Tav's stomach lurched when she sensed his grasp on her slacken. "I seem to have lost my balance."
He dropped her. Tav screamed as she plummeted to the ground, terrified and betrayed. Raphael was rapidly becoming a shrinking red blur as she fell. He was probably watching her with sick satisfaction. She cursed him. She cursed herself. Mostly she cursed him. Bastardbastardbastard -
"Fret not, little mouse," he purred, hideously amused. She was in his arms again. "I've got you."
Tav couldn't speak; could only tremble, dig her fingers into him. He laughed the entire flight back to the house, deep and rich and raw. Tav planted herself on stable ground the first moment possible, glaring at him.
"You're horrid," she hissed. Raphael cackled.
"Oh, come now. You didn't truly believe I would allow you to fall to your death, did you? Such little faith. Ah, but how sweet your screams were...I shall be hearing them in my dreams for weeks."
"Horrid," Tav muttered again. She wriggled between the bedsheets and buried herself under the covers. It didn't take long for him to join her, surrounding her with his cloying heat.
"You'll forgive me, won't you?" He murmured sweetly into her ear, raising goosebumps all over her skin. One big clawed hand slipped beneath her shirt to gently rub her stomach just the way she liked. Wordlessly she pressed into his touch.
He played her like a fiddle, always.
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harunovella · 2 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ something about him was made for somebody like me; l.s.k.
synopsis: you never knew love at first sight could strike you so hard, and neither did he... content: canon divergence, age difference (older male/younger female), love at first sight, you and leon are both on the delulu train, minor mention of injuries (nothing crazy I promise), kissing, just a lot of swooning and blushing, not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: my first ever leon fic!!! (pls be kind to me) I love this man so much and have read so many good fics on ao3 that I wanted to finally give it a go... I hope you all enjoy! (p.s. I imagined it as infinite darkness/death island leon since I made it older leon but you can always picture him as re!6 or any of the other older leon looks since he has so many!)
In a million years, you never thought you'd fall in love with someone at first sight. Yet, here you were, seated at your parent's dining table across the man who saved your life, with the biggest heart eyes you could ever form. Leon Scott Kennedy, the absolute man of your dreams. He was the love of your life, and you knew it instantly went you meant him only hours prior. 
It wasn't wise to walk around in public distracted, you knew this, you were raised to know this... Yet, here you were, earphones popped in as you hummed along to one of your favorite songs that recently became an instant repeat. There was a pep to your step, your heels clacking against the concrete beneath your feet as one hand clutched your phone while the other twirled some of your loose hair. Of course, in all your infinite wisdom, you were completely oblivious to the chaos occurring right behind you. 
In a matter of seconds, you were tackled onto the ground. Your earphones flying out and your phone slipping from your grip as you made the instant collision. Your ears were ringing and your head began to throb, you weren't sure what the hell just happened but the last thing you expected was a handsome man pressed against you. Actually, the most handsome man you had ever laid eyes on. Quite possibly the most handsome man in the entire universe. 
Dirty blond hair, piercing blue eyes, stubble spread across his jaw... Your racing heart wasn't fluttering around in your chest from the sudden collision, rather, the man practically yelling in your face. It wasn't out of anger, but worry. You couldn't quite pick up on what he was saying, but he seemed like he was in hurry. Panicking as he instantly grabbed your waist and pulled you up to your feet. 
Your cheeks were burning as your heart continued to thud against your chest. The unknown man tugged you along with him, running off into the distance as he lead you somewhere safe. Still unaware and unsure of what was happening, the dirty blond had you turning corners and slipping in between buildings before he stopped within an alleyway. Pressed against the brick walls as his back was faced towards you, he peeked over the corner and sighed in relief. 
"Coast is clear," he said before turning towards you. It was the first time you were actually processing his words, understanding what he said and... shivering at the low timbre of his voice. "Are you okay?" 
It was then that he realized you weren't in shock, rather, you had practical hearts forming in your eyes. If it wasn't for his years of experience with women constantly ogling him, he would've been fooled, would've believed you were just processing what happened... not... practically drooling over him. 
That, however, didn't stop him from worrying. "Are you alright?" He asked again, earning a nod from you before you blinked a few times. 
"Thank you..." you nearly whispered, heart thudding in your ears. 
"You're lucky I was there to save you in time," he said, looking down at you, eyes locking with your own. "You could've taken several fatal bullets."
"You're my hero," you gawked, a smile forming on your lips as he felt his heart race. 
Swallowing the small lump in his throat, a bit shaken by how enthralled you were by him—as if mesmerized—he cleared his throat. "Leon S. Kennedy, by the way," he introduced as you nodded and said your name in return. It was then he noticed you were sporting a small gash on your cheek. Eyeing the rest of you, he frowned at the sight of your scraped knees. You were clearly off to work, the blouse and skirt being the biggest giveaways. "Shit," he mumbled. "You're gonna be missing work."
Blinking a few times, then looking down at your hands, you pouted, "my phone was left behind... Can't call my boss..." you muttered as Leon eyed you, feeling sorry. 
"My apologies... I'll get you a new one," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, knowing he was rather rough with you... but, it had to be done. You could've been dead if he hadn't. 
"Oh, no, it's alright," you shook your head, looking up at him and not realizing just how tall he was. You felt your once steadying heart begin to pick up its pace. God, he's so hot. 
"I insist, I knocked it out of your hands when I... tackled you," he said and you couldn't help but wear a small grin. He was so charming without even trying. 
"Thank you," you quietly spoke, softly smiling up at him as he looked down at you. 
Remembering your minor injuries, Leon gently held your chin, "you've got a few scratches. Mind if I clean them up?" Seeing you shake your head, Leon lowered his hand. Without another word, he lead you away from your temporary hiding spot, knowing very well it was safe to move once again. Returning to where he had left his bike behind, thankful it was still there and in one piece, he turned to face you, "I don't have a helmet..."
Eyeing him, then the bike, you sucked in a small breath. "You saved my life, I trust you."
Feeling his heart skip a beat, he gave you a small nod. Turning once again to mount his bike, he gestured for you to do the same. He watched as you carefully climbed on, your skirt riding up due to the position. Keeping his mouth shut, he looked back ahead as he felt your arms circle his waist, stomach tightening at the feeling of your smaller hands pressing against him. It was when he started his bike and sped off that you clutched onto his shirt, balls of fists gripping as you pressed your forehead against his back in fear. He couldn't help but smirk, for some odd reason, it felt... nice. 
It wasn't too common for Leon to bring a bystander into the DSO headquarters, but it wasn't as surprising when he brought a pretty lady like you with him. He lead you down the halls and into a room where you assumed was the infirmary. He handled your little wounds, cleaning and patching them up before giving you a kind smile when it was all done. You thanked him with the sweetest voice as he was knelt before you, now being the one to look up at you. For some reason, it made his blood rush. He shook the thoughts away as he stood to his feet. You were just an innocent bystander, a civilian who got caught up in something accidentally. He was just your savior, you were almost a victim. 
"I'll be right back, I gotta speak to my team," he said, and before he could leave, you spoke up. 
"Your team?"
Right, you only knew his name... nothing else. Not why he was being chased, not his occupation. Nothing. "I work for the government. As you saw from outside of the building with all the security, the scanning and identity confirmation... You basically got caught up in something that was—"
"Top secret?" You tilted your head with curious eyes. Leon nodded. Your intuition was good for someone who was quite oblivious. To be fair, governmental affairs were usually hush hush. "Figures. You must be an agent of some sort with the way you're dressed," you pointed out. "And your instincts..."
"Right..." he grinned. "I'll be back." Seeing you nod, he turned and walked out, leaving you on the cot, swinging your legs patiently. It wasn't like you could do anything else when your phone was left behind. 
"So?" Hunnigan eyed him as Leon approached. 
"A bystander, saved her life from being a causality in the chase," he explained as he cracked his neck. 
"Normally, you don't bring... bystanders with you. This is a first, Kennedy," she smirked as she crossed her arms. 
"Don't start," he shook his head as she looked at him with a questionable expression. "I'm sure you knew anyway, someone is always watching."
"Yes, her father," Hunnigan gestured as Leon's eyebrows narrowed before an older man made his appearance. "Agent Kennedy, please meet one of the most elite agents of the FBI," she introduced as the old man stood before him, extending his hand. 
"I'd like to personally thank you for saving my daughter's life out there," the man spoke. Clean cut, tailored suit and all. He could tell he was the real deal. It made Leon a bit antsy, now knowing your father wasn't a simple civilian but rather an expert agent with years on him. "We saw it all happen, and the moment I recognized my daughter I was about to appear on the scene myself. You, however, went ahead and risked your life for her own. I truly appreciate what you did for her and our family."
"I just did what I had to do, sir. I wasn't going to let anyone get hurt or killed if I could do something to stop it," Leon nodded. 
"And I am very grateful. I wanted to personally come and thank you before seeing her. I know she's safe and unharmed thanks to you. Please, my wife and I would love to have you over for dinner. It's the least we could do to show our gratitude." At that, Leon's eyes widen. He believed the thanks was enough... but to invite him into your own family's home? If only your father had known how blatantly obvious your feelings were (after only knowing Leon for such a short period of time).
However, he couldn't say no. Leon S. Kennedy was a lot of things, but not disrespectful, and he definitely didn't want a man of your father's caliber disliking him for declining a simple offer. 
Which is how he found himself seated across from you in your parents dining room. A lovely home fit for a family of 5 comfortably. However, he had learned it was just your parents living there now that you and your siblings all had moved out. It was your childhood home and your parents had it paid off, they didn't see the need to move away unless purely necessary. Your father also hadn't retired, still invested in his work to make the country a safer place. 
As Leon was deep in a conversation with your father, discussing matters that weren't too confidential, you found yourself absolutely swooning. Your chin in the palm of your hand, silent sighs leaving your lips as you admired the agent before you. From his haircut to the way he dressed in a suit for dinner, you couldn't help but bit your bottom lip. You weren't hiding it, that was for sure, but your mother couldn't help but stifle a giggle at the sight of her daughter swooning over a man who was easily a decade older than her. Not that she'd complain, at least it was a successful man with a career before him who had some maturity on him. 
"Honey, help me get the dessert," your mother broke your trance, causing you to huff before standing up and following her into the kitchen. "You want him to know, huh?" She asked as you stood by the island table, grabbing the dish as your mother gathered the cutlery. 
"What do you mean?" You asked in confusion. 
"The way you're gawking at Mr. Kennedy. You are very much attracted to him, aren't you?" She grinned as you blushed. "You were even squirming in your seat, as if eager to touch him..."
"It's love at first sight," you mumbled, tracing your finger along the marble counter, earning a laugh from your mother as you immediately looked up at her. "What?"
"Nothing. You're an adult, you can make your own decisions even if you can be so oblivious. Your father raised you better when it comes to your safety," she lightly scolded as you rolled your eyes. "Though, I'm sure you're happy since you met the love of your life," she teased with a smile before walking back to the dining room, leaving you there pouting. You were glad she still had a funny bone even if her daughter was in a near death experience... without the actual wounds. 
Your mother's words echoed throughout your head for the rest of dinner as your parents and Leon ate the dessert. You'd find yourself gazing at Leon, only to look away bashfully whenever his eyes met your own. It wasn't like Leon was unaware, he had phenomenal instincts and your stares were very powerful even if they were filled with awe and admiration. Still, he had hoped you'd take it easy in front of your parents... or, at least your father. 
Helping your mother clean up as your father walked Leon to the front door, exchanging a few more words, he placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder, "I know this is a lot, you're a busy man and all... but, could you please look out for my daughter? I know for a fact she's considered involved now after everything and I don't want anyone coming after her. I'm afraid they'd remember her and would consider her a target and try to use her against the DSO. I have eyes everywhere, but even then..."
"I understand," Leon spoke. It was true, he, himself was a busy man as it was. With the missions he took, constantly overseas or in other states, it was hard for him to even call you... but as hesitant as he was to agree, he couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Sure, if he hadn't snagged you away, you could've died... but he also could've just dragged you into the nearest building and fled on his own. Normally, he wouldn't be so caring, knowing he couldn't save everyone... but maybe he fell victim to your doe eyes. Maybe your infatuation in him was growing into a similar feeling towards you. 
Or maybe he was just lonely and should indulge in a girl so interested in him—
Leon swatted the thoughts away, knowing this was in no way something he should be considering. "I'll do my best when I'm in town and not away for work."
"I appreciate it."
Eavesdropping on the conversations you decided to finally show yourself, playing oblivious as you approached the two figures. With an innocent smile on your face, you listened to your father's words, informing you about the minor changes to come into your life now that you were basically a witness and involved in the incident. You simply nodded, understanding his worries and knowing very well it was for the best. You just had to hide your excitement. Whatever it took to see Leon again. 
"If you can, can you please escort her home..." Your father asked as Leon nodded. You said your goodbyes, thanking your father for dinner and telling him you'd let him know when you got home, before following Leon out. 
You were rather silent at the beginning of the drive, slightly amazed that Leon had a ride outside of his bike. You assumed it was solely for work purposes but he seemed the kind to have his own (or several) at home. Gazing out the window and watching the city become colorful streaks, you spoke up, "you don't have to watch over me. I know you're a very busy man..."
"It's the least I can do, I brought you into this—"
"If I wasn't distracted, this wouldn't have happened..." you mumbled with a subtle pout as you looked at him. 
Leon could hear it in your voice, even peeking over to confirm that you were a bit embarrassed, but he couldn't help but shake his head. "It could've happened to anyone. It would've been a shame if the world lost a pretty face like yours."
Growing stiff in your seat, you couldn't help but grip your thighs, eyes widening at his words as you quickly looked away. Your silence had Leon looking back at you, grinning at your reaction. It almost felt like a game the way one would flirt and the other would grow flustered. It felt nice, it felt out of the norm for Leon... and sometimes he needed that. 
Maybe he needed you...
He brushed the thought away, knowing that wasn't logical. Instead, he kept the rest of the drive silent, music softly playing from his radio. 
Arriving at your place, taking you up the elevator and to your door, the two of you stopped and faced one another. Silence continued to weave between the two of you as you gazed at one another. Leon cleared his throat and reached into his pocket, handing you something. "I was able to retrieve it from the scene."
Looking down at your palm, you nearly gasped. "My phone?"
"Luckily, the area was sectioned off, your phone was left untouched. Not even damaged. It really is your lucky day, huh?" He teased as you smiled with pure gratitude. 
"Thank you," you beamed as you peeked up at him, pure stars in your eyes. God, did you make him feel indescribable things. 
Looking down for a moment as he reached for his own phone, Leon took in a deep breath, "we should exchange numbers. You can call me if you need anything. I'll be there."
"Even if you're out of the country?" You tilted your head with a playful smile. Leon couldn't help but reflect the same expression. 
"Even if I'm out of the country."
Exchanging numbers, you thanked him for everything before settling your phone into your purse. "I appreciate it. You're so thoughtful."
Only for you, he thought. As strange as it was. You truly were doing a number on him and it was only getting worse as time progressed. "It's the least I could do for you."
Tiptoeing and kissing his cheek, you thanked him once more. "Thank you, again..."
Your soft voice made Leon shiver as red dusted his cheeks. His skin tingled as his cheek felt your kiss linger. "Like I said... it's the least I could do..." At that, he turned and made his way back to the elevator. 
It almost felt as if you didn't want to end things, as if you didn't want him to leave, practically running in circles with your gratitude. You just wanted to enjoy his presence a little longer. Just a bit more, as much as you could keep him there... Maybe you were delusional, but you knew this man was made for you. "Leon!" you called out, causing him to turn in his spot. "Would you like to go to dinner tomorrow? Just the two of us..."
Eyeing you for a moment, wanting to decline solely because he knew where this was going, his mouth opened before he could stop himself. "Yeah, sure."
It's out of kindness, Leon thought. I'm doing this to be nice, and because I kind of owe it to her. His mind was running as he sat at the dinner table, patiently awaiting your arrival. You had texted him to let him know the time and place of where to meet up, a nice restaurant with great food and a calming atmosphere. The people around were talking in low voices, enjoying their meals and each other's company. Of course, when his eyes first landed on you, he should've guessed you'd put your very best outfit together. As delusional as he wanted to be, he knew you did it to impress him. For yourself, that was a given, but there was no denying you got all cute for him. 
Standing from his seat to greet you, trying to mask the awe written across his face from your beauty, Leon greeted you as you did the same. Settling across from one another before looking through the menu, you couldn't help but partially hide your face from him. He's so damn handsome. Dressed in his suit, hair freshly brushed, and his cologne... you felt as if he was playing with your heart strings. 
It was a silent at first between the two of you, nothing too uncomfortable, but almost as if one of you had something to say. Of course, when you decided to speak up, so did he. Excusing himself to let you talk first, you couldn't help but smile at his courtesy. In reality, he was trying to break the thoughts circling his mind. The way he couldn't help but gawk at your beauty, trying everything in his power to focus on something else and not the sweet scent of your perfume. This is so wrong. He shouldn't feel even an inkling of this, scolding himself for even considering what could happen. You were much younger and this was on a superficial level. He wasn't the right man for you, you had a whole future ahead of you...
Yet, when you told him to talk first, he couldn't help but take the opportunity. Speaking before he could even process it. "You look beautiful."
It was all you needed to hear to know what direction this dinner was going in. Practically in your favor (and maybe his, too).
The dinner went smoother than expected. You got to know one another a little better through wine and laughter. Leon felt at ease to speak about his career for once, seeing as he always had to lie with previous partners. But, with you, you met him in the middle of what his whole job entailed. It also helped that your own father worked with the government, which meant you knew and understood what line of work he was in... for the most part. In all honesty, he hated that there were so many good signs coming from you... after two days. 
Two whole days. 
It was like you were getting what you wanted, wining him so easily without realizing it. He hadn't expressed anything, but his thoughts about you were swarming in his mind. Leon was an easy guy to get when it came to the bare necessities of pleasure... but, to win his heart? He couldn't recall a single person who struck a chord like that. Like you seem to be doing so easily. I'm getting too ahead of myself, I'm just lonely. 
Leon couldn't recall a night this... easy. This nice. Most of his nights were left to him drinking his thoughts away in the quietness of his lonesome home... if he wasn't sleeping with a woman he met at the bar. He hated his ways, but how could a man like him find love or a partner trusting enough to understand what his life was like? What, with the past he's had, and everything that happened since Raccoon City. Maybe he was just that desperate, he was only getting older... and you popped into his life. A person who fell head over heels for him the second you met eyes, a person who could possibly understand him most—
Leon's thoughts wouldn't leave his mind on the way back to your place as he escorted you home... and they only grew louder as he found himself standing before you. 
Both of you had made it to your front door, ready to call it a night and say your goodbyes. You, on the other hand, had something else in mind as you gazed up at him. "I had a great night with you."
Feeling his heart race, he looked down at you with a gentle smile, "me too."
"Never knew a man like you could open up so easily..." you teased, biting your inner lip as you batted your lashes up at him. 
"I never knew that, either. I keep things to myself... but, you met me in the middle of a chase and I did take you to where I work... and your father is an agent. I figured you'd understand how chaotic the life of an agent can be," he said as you nodded. 
"I can, I've known it my whole life," you continued to smile up at him, speaking so smoothly. "I know you've got more in you, I feel I've only got the tip of the iceberg. I hope someday you trust me enough to tell me more. You look like the kinda man who internalizes things. Or, at least, wishes there was someone he could talk to about these things that aren't your coworkers."
Leon couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at your words. Did you know what you were doing to win him over? Are you like this with other men? Why should he care? God, but I kind of do...
He couldn't really remember when it happened, but before he could even process it, both of your lips met. The softest kiss he had ever experienced... softer and more meaningful than his kiss back in Raccoon City when he was younger and inexperienced. Blind to the world's horror. This one, however... There was something about it. 
"Sorry," Leon gently pushed away. "I should—"
Before he knew it, his heart dropped when you clutched onto his collar and pulled him back into the kiss. It was obviously mutual if you instantly kissed back, so why would he apologize? You wanted this more than ever. Hell, if you could've, you would've kissed him the moment he had saved your life! "Don't apologize, I wanted to do this yesterday the moment I saw you."
Hunched over as you still held onto his shirt, Leon's eyes searched your face. He studied every little detail, from the length of your lashes to the plumpness of your lips. Was he really head over heels, too? You were magical, you must've been an angel... something to have him feel the same way you did. "I'm... not surprised... The way you look at me, it's kinda like a cartoon with heart eyes."
Letting out a small giggle, you nodded, "I've been told I can be very obvious, but, it's how I feel every time I look at you."
Although he was flustered, Leon couldn't help but grin, "I find it cute."
Letting him go and looking away as you bit your bottom lip, blushing at his compliment, you felt his hand gently hold onto your chin. Turning your head to face him with doe eyes as your lips parted, Leon leaned in and kissed your cheek. You could practically hear your heart pounding in your ears. He was going to be the end of you, wasn't he?
"Get some rest, I'll see you again soon."
Watching him back away as his hand fell from your face, he turned and made his way back to the elevator. Gazing at his backside, you then turned to unlock your door and slip inside. Closing and locking it behind you, slipping off your heels, hanging your keys and settling your purse down, you rubbed your hands against your face before squealing into them and jumping in your spot. "I am so in love with him!"
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oceanbleu · 2 years
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warnings: none
synopsis: surprise kisses with some of the harbingers but no capitano.. sorry i tried he just doesn't have a.. face..... to kiss..........yet
writer's note: i'm hoping to write for the other harbingers but i don't want to put out something i wouldn't really be satisfied with ( - -; ) scaramouche is still a harbinger in this because 1. i wanted to write for him 2. i don't think i want to write a separate continuation with the non harbinger characters since i can't really promise anything
this isn't beta read except for columbina and i usually die and come back to life when i read my own writing so forgive me for the errors (blows kisses)
content under the cut!
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If you were to sneak a kiss in while he was working, he would be a bit taken aback. Pierro would prefer if you didn't do things like that during moments he would be focusing on something particularly important. Besides that, he happily welcomes the affection and would give you a quick kiss back before getting right back to his work. Your best chances of doing things like these with him without really causing a disturbance would be in passing.
During the more long lasting moments, he likes to rest his hand on the back of your head while brushing your hair gently with his fingers. Pierro's eye closes in relaxation most of the time, he likes to savor the moment with you.
He wouldn't often reciprocate this specific type of affection because his schedule just doesn't allow him to. He never has the time to really initiate anything because he's extremely busy. But during the rare occasions he does find you doing something, he'll be sure to greet you unsuspectedly with a surprise chaste kiss on the cheek before inquiring about your activities.
He accepts all kisses, anytime, anywhere; as long as they're for him. He absolutely adores the fact that you actually think you could catch him off guard at all. Dottore constantly ruins your sneaky little kisses to him by craning his neck last second to face you before planting a kiss on your lips and then teasing you afterwards. The image of The Second so animated over a simple kiss is almost so endearing you might just forget what he does for a living.
While the moment lasts, he prefers to keep you close to him, close enough so he can feel his own warmth envelop yours. During his kisses, he'll always have a hand firmly holding you, either on your chin or pulling you closer by your side. His movements are brusque yet unbelievably, they hold a certain tenderness behind them.
Dottore would often reciprocate. In his own words, he would do a "better job" and "actually surprise" you with his own smooches. There are some truth to his words as his affections come when you least expect them, but they're welcome all the same. The only thing is; they're smothering and he often treats it as some competition to hold over you so you find it just a little hard to take him seriously. Tease Dottore about this and it'll lead to him giving you an all-knowing smirk. "Are you against me arguing for your attention?" Before you can even reply, he'll lean in for an abrupt peck before he saunters off to his work.
She has an affinity for physical affection with you. From holding hands to resting her head on your lap, nothing is off the table for The Damselette. So imagine her pleasant hum when you had snuck a kiss on the corner of her mouth. Columbina wouldn't be surprised but would play along on the rare occasion by acting just a bit shocked just to see your reaction. She finds the triumphant look on your face cute.
When the two of you are close like this, she can't help but bring both of her hands to cup your face. Columbina likes to caress your face gently, effectively warming it in the Snezhnayan cold and wishes the moment could last just a tad bit longer.
She would return the same kisses whenever you're in the middle of talking. Columbina likes hearing you ramble, usually happily chatting back in her better moods. But in the middle of rambling her attention will redirect.. elsewhere. She eventually refocuses her gaze from your eyes to your lips and all of a sudden she can't help the desire to feel them upon hers.
Trying to kiss him normally is already a task in itself, but trying to surprise him with one? That would be a bit unfeasible considering his towering height and obstructing helmet. He isn't, however, exempt from hugs. Surprise him, but do it in a manner where you won't startle him. Years of fighting and experience on the battlefield has polished him into a warrior, one who can't help but register even the slightest touch as a threat.
Capitano only hugs back with a single arm. He fears that if he were to indulge you with both, your warmth would make it so that he would never be able to let go. The contact alone is far too tempting. As much as you insist that you don't detest the added weight, he's a bit reluctant to lean against you (despite really wanting to) whenever you hug him.
He likes to put his hands on your shoulders whenever greeting you from behind. It doesn't startle you because you're able to anticipate his presence from the sound of his footsteps. Capitano finds it intimate to go up to you after a long day and just indulge in holding you.
Initially, he recoiled whenever you so much as laid a hand on his person without warning. You had assumed that it was due to not having experienced such contact before. Whatever it was, you didn't do anything like that again until he shows that he had eased into your company more. When the time came, you decided to surprise him with a kiss while bidding him farewell before a mission.
He was flustered. His hands twitched at his sides and before he could really decide what to do, you pulled away and gave him a smile and a short goodbye. His time to set sail was coming closer and he couldn't help but wonder why you would do something like this right when he was about to leave. No matter though, he thought. Scaramouche quickly recovered and pulled you close, planting a kiss on your lips before backing up.
He likes to return the gestures when he knows the two of you are alone. He finds that such intimate acts should be strictly kept private. For they only need to live in his memory for eternity, isn't that enough? Why should other people see? Unless he's trying to prove something to someone, he would much rather share these vulnerable moments with you and you alone as his witness.
He's extremely greedy when it comes to your affection. Pantalone likes to have you follow him around even when he's working, but considering how busy he can get, certain opportunities are sparse throughout the day. The Ninth doesn't like surprises, preferring to handle things that he can anticipate to some extent. But he wholeheartedly welcomes your little "surprise attacks" even if they do serve as a distraction at times.
His hands are usually found resting on your hips or sides; often rubbing up and down slowly as he happily leans towards you, kissing back unhurriedly. He often hums pleasantly in these moments, a wordless sign to let you know that he's enjoying himself.
Pantalone likes to return the gestures whenever you're by his side doing work with him. Even if he's a Harbinger, everyone needs breaks. His are spent giving you a quick peck on the nose or a lengthy smooch on your forehead before indulging in a conversation for a brief moment. His smile, usually deceptive and dread inducing seems to grow more relaxed and resigned whenever he's with you.
He's is a simple, straightforward lover. If you were to treat him with such straightforward advances, he would see it as another challenge to overcome. Just give him a moment, he's still processing what exactly you just did to him before he registers your figure briskly walking off with a teasing grin. He's catching up in no time, trying to get back at you as soon as possible.
Tartaglia opts to let you lead during these instances. The Eleventh Harbinger always takes the lead on the battlefield, dictating the flow of every single moment with every strike he takes. But with you, he is not a warrior. With you, he is Ajax, a man who has simple wants and dreams of anything relatively close to a normal life. He's grateful that you fulfill his dreams, that you fulfill him.
He adores smothering you in his own pecks, each short lasting yet full of energy. Tartaglia would definitely use certain tactics you have against him on you, and it never fails to surprise you. Not because he catches you off guard, but because you're touched he remembers such moments from the past so vividly.
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Comforting night || Bakugo Katsuki
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Dad! Bakugo x Mom! Reader
Summary: A common night between your little family.
Note: Sorry for spelling and grammatical errors, English is not my first language. <3
Your daughter Niki's soft hands ran all over your face, as if she was trying to memorize every part of it by tracing it.
You tried to move her hands so you could continue to rock her, as you found yourself sitting on one of the comfortable couches in your and your husband's apartment, while Niki was held by your arms.
Your sleepy eyes drifted to the clock, which read 4:00 am. You had become partly accustomed to this change in routine since your baby arrived, specifically 6 months ago.
Letting out a tired sigh you look over to Niki who has her eyes closed, but she's not sleeping yet and you know it as you run your finger across her lips eliciting a giggle from your baby that distracts you from Bakugou's soft footsteps towards you.
"Go back to bed, it's my turn" Your husband's sleepy voice came from the living room startling you a little for being off guard.
"It's okay" Was the only thing that came out of your mouth, you were so tired that Bakugou understood and proceeded to give you a kiss and then took his daughter from your arms only for her little hands to cling to your shirt.
"Come on, baby. Mommy needs to rest" Was what Bakugou said when she refused to let go of you. He frowned as he realized that the baby, wanted to be with you and not him. "Tsk, Niki wants you."
You let out a chuckle as you saw him jealous that she prefers you, even though it was common for you her attitude towards you. You were like a magnet and she was like metal.
"Let's go to bed, I'm so tired I wouldn't mind if she slept with us." You said carefully standing up not wanting to disturb your daughter's tranquility.
Bakugou silently followed you, just as you didn't want to disturb your baby's peace and quiet either. He watched you turn on the small light you had for when your daughter slept with you, the lamp lit up the sky in the room with stars.
"Ma." Was what came out of Niki's mouth which pointed to the sky of the room with a smile.
Carefully you laid her down in the middle of the bed, making her lie down in the shape of stars just like the drawings that were projected in the room, followed by that you lay down next to her and with your hand you made a beckoning gesture for Katsuki to lie down with you.
Without hesitation he was the next one to lie down on the bed, on his side just like you since your baby with the way she was lying took up quite a bit of space.
"Tsk, it's my bed and I'm almost falling off." Bakugou grumbled. Clearly she wasn't bothering him and was just saying that out of wanting to annoy.
"Well, she doesn't really care that it's your bed." you told him, moving a little closer to him being careful not to squash your daughter who was reaching towards your body out of attention.
Bakugou simply rolled his eyes and moved closer to kiss your forehead and murmur a goodnight, proceeding to do the same to your daughter, but she simply stayed close with her eyes closed, and now she was indeed sleeping.
Copying her action you also closed your eyes, falling asleep instantly without noticing that Bakugou was still looking at both of you.
His gaze fell on his little daughter who had small blonde locks just like his, her little body was covered by one of her pajamas that belonged to his Merch. As he always did, he proceeded to look at you.
His wife, and the love of his life.
He had met you when he was in the U.A. and you were in a regular high school at age 16. You had both taken the same train and sat together, he hadn't noticed you but when you kindly offered him a candy because you were eating and you felt sorry for him not giving it to him, that's when his heart skipped a beat.
A year later you were both engaged, 5 years later you were both married, two years after the wedding and you had your first daughter.
The blessing and happiness of both of them.
And bakugou slept happily that night, because seeing his little family warmed his heart more and more.
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rin-fukuroi · 6 months
𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 [𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 | 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧 | 𝐃𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐧𝐠]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Blade, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng x fem!reader
Warnings: just a little cute fluff.
Summary: by the will of fate, you both found yourself in a snow-covered Belobog on the eve of the New Year, and it seemed funny to you to offer your lover to fool around and play snowballs.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Eve - 白雪
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
I hope these small sketches will awaken the New Year mood in those people who haven't yet been overtaken by it! ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧
✦ Blade
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The Stellaron Hunter didn't understand at all what you were offering him and why you were crushing snow in your hands. He decides to just ignore you, continuing to walk back to the walls of Belobog to return to the room and warm up, which, of course, doesn't suit you at all, and only encourages you to catch your brazenly indifferent lover by surprise.
Blade sighs in displeasure when your footsteps fade behind him, forcing him to turn around.
— Y/N, are you coming or…
What an accurate hit! Blade's grumbling is drowned out by a clod of snow flying directly into his face, and you both freeze for a few seconds, but each for a different reason. You suddenly realize what just happened, because you were aiming at Blade's back, and now the only thing you can do is just pray that he doesn't get too angry.
— Oh… S-sorry, Blade… — you cover your lips with your hands frozen from the snow, muttering your apologies uncertainly and watching the lumps of snow slowly fall off Blade's face.
The Hunter himself froze only because he was thinking in his head what he should do with you.
You step back when Blade raises his hand, brushing the snow from his eyes, which instantly open, fixing his menacing gaze on you.
— Hey, you're not mad, are you? I didn't mean to, I just wanted to scare you, and you turned around, that's it.… You wouldn't kill me right before such an important holiday, would you?
The Hunter didn't say a word, silently closing the distance between you and abruptly wrapping his arms around your waist. You only had time to squeal when the gate of Belobog turned upside down in front of your frightened eyes, and the body plopped into the nearest snowdrift.
— What the fuck, Blade?! — you are indignant, but you can't help laughing when you raise your head, meeting the stern gaze of the man looming over you, in whose hair and cheeks there are still snowflakes that have not had time to melt.
— I thought you should cool down your childish ardor a little.
— Oh, come on! — you giggle, throwing another hastily made snowball at Blade's chest.
— I guess I'll just leave you here since you're having so much fun, — the Hunter sighs before turning around and heading towards the gate, leaving you behind.
— Hey! — you're floundering in the snow in a pathetic attempt to get your ass out of a snowdrift, but you're only burrowing deeper. — Blade, wait! Help me up!
Although you can't see it, when Blade stops, the corners of his lips lift slightly, and a smug grunt leaves his chest. Let's see what you can offer in return for his invaluable help.…
✦ Jing Yuan
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— Hey, look, he looks so much like you! — you giggle, running up and sitting down in front of a lonely sleeping bear in the snow.
— Ha-ha! And what do I have in common with him? — Jing Yuan chuckles, stopping behind your back and watching you gently poke the nose of a sleepy little animal.
— Whenever I come to your place of work, you always look exactly the same.
— Oh, honey, do you really think I'm such a bum? — the General awkwardly rubs the back of his head as you straighten up and turn around, standing on tiptoe to get a closer look at his shameless honey eyes.
— It's not just my opinion, believe me. You really are a bum, Jing Yuan!
— Unfortunately, I can't agree with you, honey. I can prove that I'm conscientiously fulfilling my duties, but do you have any evidence of my idleness? — the General smiles softly, tightening the scarf around your neck.
— Oh, I have a thousand proofs! A whole gallery of photos of how you shamelessly sleep at work! But I left my phone in the room.…
— Well, in that case, we won't be able to figure out which one of us is right now.
— How about a duel? — you squint, smiling slyly.
— Duel?
— Yes, let's play snowballs, whoever wins is right! Or was the General afraid to lose to a fragile girl? — you gloat, poking your finger into Jing Yuan's chest, ripping another velvety chuckle from his lips.
— Okay. Just don't complain when I win.
— Okay. In that case, don't even think about giving in!
The teddy bear lazily opens its eyes, twitching its ears at the loud sound of laughter and unfamiliar voices coming from somewhere near the place where the animal decided to take a nap. The little heart flinches when a snowball flies in front of the bear's eyes, falling clearly into the fluffy hair of the smiling Jing Yuan.
— Now you are exactly the copy of this bear!
— Oh, really? — the General grins, brushing snow off his shoulder.
— Yes, and you also seem to be losing.
Jing Yuan examines his clothes, which are completely covered with snow, and pretends to sigh in resignation.
— Well, then I'll have to even the score.
— What do you mean?.. — you're muttering to yourself, engrossed in sculpting another snowball, when Jing Yuan slowly sneaks up from behind, grabbing you by the waist with his big hands and dumping you with him into the snowdrift behind which you were hiding. — What are you doing?!
You writhe in the General's arms, feeling the snow seep under your jacket and into your boots, to the sound of a man's loud velvety laughter tugging at your snow-covered hair.
— Now we're both in the snow, how are you going to keep score?
You gently slap your palm against Jing Yuan's chest in mock annoyance, while he refuses to let you out of his arms, pressing you even tighter to his body.
— You!.. If I get sick before the New Year, it will be on your conscience!
✦ Dan Heng
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— Play what? — Dan Heng looks puzzled as you collect a small pile of snow in your hands, forming a small ball out of it.
— Snowballs! Defend! — you cheerfully throw a lump of snow into the chest of an incomprehensible man, pausing and freezing for a second when he just silently stares at the snow spot on his jacket.
A doomed sigh leaves Dan Heng's throat, and he looks up at you, adjusting the red scarf around his neck.
— You're acting like a child, Y/N.
— And you're acting like a bore, — you shake your head disapprovingly, resting your mittened hands on your hips. — If you just keep standing like that, you'll soon look like one of these snowdrifts!
— Okay, okay, I get it, — Dan Heng's turquoise eyes roll up under lazily lowered eyelids, but he still bends down, picking up some snow under his feet, clumsily crumpling it into a snowball.
— And how many conversations there were!
Although from the outside it might seem that you are the only one having fun of the two of you, the corners of Dan Heng's lips still slightly lift as you mercilessly bombard him with small snowballs, the attacks of which he reluctantly tries to resist.
You just look so happy and carefree that Dan Heng is unable to resist your infectious playful mood, gradually, unnoticeably for him, joining the duel into which you forcibly dragged him. Although his throws are obviously not as strong as they could be, because he is afraid that bruises may remain on your body, still some excitement wakes up in the man, to which he unknowingly succumbs, hitting one of the snowballs in your head.
— Oh! Y/N, I'm sorry! — Dan Heng immediately runs up to you with a pronounced concern painted on his face, which you only meet with a puzzled look.
— Come on, it didn't even hurt me. I'm okay, — you smile, noticing how prettily the tip of Dan Heng's nose and cheeks have turned red, and take off the mittens from your hands.
— What are you doing?.. — Dan Heng's words melt on the tongue, as does the cold on his cheeks when they are unexpectedly touched by your warm palms.
You giggle, pulling his face down to yours to leave a short kiss on his nose, which is flushed from the cold.
— I'm so glad that I can celebrate the New Year here with you, — your lover's emerald eyes widen when they meet your gentle gaze, and you could swear that you noticed how Dan Heng's face turned even redder after your words. — Shall we go back to the hotel?
— Y-yes…
You pull the mittens back on your palms, which have absorbed some of the cold from Dan Heng's face, and grab his hand, carefully stepping over the snowdrifts under your feet to return to the path you originally walked along.
«I'm glad too…» — these words are spinning on Dan Heng's tongue, but he only tries to bury himself deeper into his scarf so that you don't notice how embarrassed he is.
— And by the way, this time we will consider that we have a draw, but I'll wait for a rematch!
p.s. Part 2?... |・ω・)
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cottondo · 2 months
BUTTERCUP | master shake x reader
— 6. | an ego thing
a/n : I haven’t proof read it enough times yet so I’m sorry I’m advance if there’s errors lmao
  "What you did was irresponsible, rude, and quite frankly, a little immoral!"
"Well, what did you expect me to do! You should've known better than to put me in charge. It's anything, it's your fault for not being home!"
"I didn't! I put y/n in charge of the house, and you messed everything up and pissed off meatwad." Frylock crossed his arms, an eye narrowing on Shake.
Yeesh, you really didn't wanna listen to their arguing at your job.
You cringe inwardly, glancing around the small diner to see the few people's gazes starting to focus on your roommate's argument.
"Kay- can we like, not do this here?" You speak up, a little look of annoyance starting to flood your features. "You're gonna get me fired."
"So what? What's a job good for, anyway! You're workin' for the man, and not yourself." Shake looks back to your pleading face.
"Yeah, well, thats how I get to buy things, and live with a roof over my head." You respond, going back to filling up meatwad's glass of orange juice.
Shake looks away. "Pft. Who needs that?"
"Your sorry ass, when he kicks you out!" You gesture towards frylock, who was glaring at shake.
Shake huffs, crossing his arms. He clearly forgot about the situation at hand. "He can't survive without me there. I'm the one that holds that house together, if you hadn't noticed."
Frylock scoffs, and you place the cup of juice back down on the countertop with a little eye roll.
"Right— the minute you leave, is the day I finally get some peace and quiet." Frylock sighs, dulling his eyes.
"You love havin me around!" Shake argues.
Frylock carefully picks up the steaming mug of coffee, and sips it. "Keep it up, Shake. One more slip up, and I'm not gonna feel sorry when your ass ends up on Carl's lawn."
Frylock's tone sounded so done with shake. And rightfully so.
Meatwad side eyed Shake with a little knowing smirk hidden on his face. He took another bite of the chicken tender from his plate.
The look clearly didn't go unnoticed, and shake glares the boy's way. "The hell are you lookin' at?" He asks, leaning over into Frylock's personal space in order to scare Meatwad with a death glare.
Okay, this was going on for too long now.
From under the counter, you dip your fingers in the melted corner of the ice case, and flick it at Shake's face with a little smirk.
He flinches, shooting upward and looking towards you with a look of, 'what the hell was that'.
"Hey!" Shake starts to retort, but you grab his plate and slide it towards you. Oh, he did not like that.
"Leave him alone, and shut up. Eat your food, before I have to take it away." You push it back, leaving him with wide eyes of amusement at your behavior.
Just as he was about to retort, frylock came to the rescue.
He sighs, wiping his face with a napkin, and gives you a thoughtful expression. After all, they were causing a scene at your job. "Everyone, just- - try to behave. It's rude."
"Whatever." Shake shuts up, and meatwad goes back to eating the rest of his meal in a guilty silence.
  "Y/N, what time do you get off your shift?" Frylock asks through an audibly tired voice. He tries to change the conversation, and honestly, you were kinda grateful for it. There was just only so much you could tolerate in one sitting.
"I just gotta finish up those two tables over there, but it won't take me long at all." You respond, a gentle smile on your face.
"I was thinking maybe we should go shopping for some groceries later. It has been a while.." you saw the embarrassment creasing into Frylock's face, so you nod along with a soft smile of reassurance.
Things happen, and life gets in the way. You totally understand how that goes, and choose to empathize with him.
"Sure, yeah. We can do that." You turn your attention to shake and lean your elbows on the counter. "What do you guys want us to pick up from the store?"
Shake smirks a bit, stealing a slight glance down the front of your uniform shirt. It was within seconds that you noticed. "I know what I want, baby—"
"I bet you do." You play along with a light curl of your lip, now earning frylock and meatwad's attention in shock.
"But right now, we need to know what you guys wanna eat for meals and stuff."
You think the last thing that shake was expecting, was for you to enable that situation. He prolly figured you'd just get pissed off, and swat him away. But, his attention was starting to grow on you now, so that wasn't necessarily the case anymore. Why not just let this roll?
Frylock clears his throat, awkwardly, seeing the shocked expression on Shake's face.
He was totally noticing what was up now.
A thought came to Shake as you notice the way his smiles stretches. "Lasagna~! Quattro formaggio," shake makes Italian gestures with his hands. Meatwad grins with amusement, looking up at the male beside him.
"Italian food!"
"I've gotta admit, shake can make a really good lasagna dish." Frylock smiles weakly, holding his cheek in his hand with a tired expression.
"Hell yeah, I do." Shake smiles proudly, eyes drifting up to meet yours. With his arms crossed over his chest, you notice the smug little look of pride he had.
"Carl likes it too. Which is half the reason I make it."
Amused, you crack up a little grin. "You make it for Carl?"
That didn't sound like the Shake you knew. He never did anything for anybody.
Frylock shakes his head. "Don't get the wrong idea. Shake likes to mess with Carl's head. He doesn't actually let him eat any of it."
Confused, you turn to shake for answers.
Shake grins, "I just put that shit on a leash, and let him run. Sometimes he breaks his neck, sometimes he lets me swim in his pool." He shrugs innocently, "It's a win win either way!"
Damn, he was really fucked up for that. But how could you not love that about him—?
"That's messed up," you snicker, taking all three of their empty plates and walking them to the dirty buss pan. "But I'm so here for it."
Shake smiles widely at your response; clearly you piqued his interest. Not just anybody would laugh at the cruel pranks he liked to pull. But you did.
You peer over Shake's shoulder, an intensifying grin creeping up on your face, as you noticed the little annoyances you've been causing him.
Shake was making up that lasagna dish; something you could only believe if you saw it with your own eyes.
"Do you mind? I'm trying to put together my masterpiece, here!"
You only smirk in a retort. "Shut up, you love it."
"I am pretty hard to stay away from. That's why they call me the chick magnet." He shrugs you off with a nervous smile, and focuses his eyes back down on the sauce he was using. "Now listen- I know that only I can make this taste good, but I'm gonna let you put the cheese on it." He takes a step back, eyeing you. "Since you wanna be apart of this plan."
Wow, he was letting you help him? How thoughtful.
"Don't mess it up! It's a delicacy," His shouting made your ears ring.
"Okay, I got it, Fuck." You snap back. Of course, this only made him glare harder, but whatever. 
Shake was so dramatic, fuck.
Rolling your eyes was the only other proper bodily response you could give, before bumping him aside to place yourself in front of the half prepared lasagna dish. It did look pretty good..
Reaching your hand into the bag of cheese, you begin to sprinkle it around the pasta.
Then, he hands you the other cheeses to put into the pan. "Okay, good. Not as good as what I'd do, but it'll probably be fine." He mumbles, standing over your shoulder.
Dangerously close, you noted.
You turn your head over your shoulder to deadpan him with a look of annoyance, but you couldn't help that butterfly feeling that kept trying to crawl up your throat. Shit.
You caught the feels.
You inhale a soft breath, and look back down to the pasta dish. Just try to ignore him! That was super easy- - right—?
Even though now his hand was reaching in front of you to grab the other cheese— oh shit, his shoulder is totally bumping into yours because he doesn't know personal space even if it whacked him in the face.
"Kay, now what?" You break the silent tension you felt, looking to him. Shake grabs the dish, and throws some seasoning throughout it. "We bake it, then the fun can happen." The smirk was bright and cheery on his face.
"Cool," you chortle.
Shake tosses the pan in the oven, and sets a timer for it. His eyes then set on you, narrowing a little.
You frown, looking up at him. What was he looking at?
"What," Your tone came out a little sour, and you didn't mean for it to. He didn't seem to mind, though.
His gloved hand reaches out, and soon enough, you feel his thumb brushing at your cheek. "You've got sauce on your face, dumbass."
Welp, that's embarrassing.
You can feel the heat in your face rise as he wipes off your cheek, not so gently, and sticks his tongue out with disgust.
"Gee, thanks." You turn away, brushing your cheek off with the back of your arm.
Then, a thought floods it's way back into your head suddenly.
Weren't you supposed to be doing something..? 
"Oh!" You rub your cheek, hoping there wasn't any stain still left on your skin. "I was supposed to post you making that," you pout a bit, gesturing to the fact that he was still supposed to be your fake boyfriend. How could you forget?
He looks at you with a questioning expression. "Huh?"
"Y'know- - My boyfriend made me lasagna," you tease, pulling out the phone from your pocket.
Now it came back to him.
He nods slowly, "Riiight. Right!" Shake smirks proudly, opening up the oven door to crack it. "It's not too late." Heat blows out, and you look inside the crack to see the pan sitting there, trying to bake.
You angle your phone camera on it, but you feel your other hand being grabbed.
What was he doing—?
"C'mere," Looking down, shake forces your hand on the oven door handle, and guides you to grab it. He then puts his hand on top of yours, and holds it. "Come on, take the picture already!"
Your cheeks did that weird thing again where they got all hot and clammy. Shit shit shit.
Oh, and now your heart is speeding up a little? What the fuuuuuck.
You take the picture of your hands on the handle, and smile up at him, though it felt pressured now. "Got it,"
He shuts the door, and suddenly his face was flared up, too. Damn, was he sweating?
"Cool, great, good!" He laughs out, but it sounded awkward. "I bet that asshole thinks I'm sexier than him. Like— what were you even thinking? Going for a guy like that," shake laughs at you. Of course, it was just him turning the situation around onto you again, because why wouldn't he be a narcissist?
You let yourself frown slightly.
"You're too good for him, obviously." Shake then adds onto the statement, though his voice grew a bit more honest. There's another smile lingering in his features when he says that.
Your frown turns upward at him slightly. "Yeah . . I know." Your voice is light; not even defensive, because you knew how shitty you let that guy treat you.
"I know you know!" He says, "If there's one thing I know- it's women. And women want me."
Welp, that ruined the moment.
The smirk on his face was enough to make you laugh at him. In all the time that you've known each other, you didn't see a single girl trying to talk to him. Ever.
If anything, you were the first. And that . . Well, that's saying something.
"Yeah?" You ask through a chortle, "Where are they, then."
Shake quickly frowns with annoyance, and crosses his arms. "Well, obviously they can't come around, if they see you next to me." He defends himself poorly. You shrug in response and laugh a little again.
"Riiight. That makes sense," sarcastically, you nod along to tease him. Does he know you're just teasing him? You weren't sure.
"It does! How else can a hot babe come up to me if I already have one next to me? They'd get jealous, obviously!" Shake rolls his eyes. "And, I don't need any more girl drama. Which is why I keep telling them not to come around anymore,"
His voice was so casual when lying, that it was almost kinda insane.
The other thing insane about that story though, was Shake just called you hot.
Not that you didn't know that already.
"I knew I was hot," you tease, looking over at him with a little smirk. "Girl drama is literally ridiculous though. You're better off with just me."
His eyes widen a little at your comment. Obviously he took it in the way you meant it.
"Yeah, I probably would be. But y'know, there's still plenty of me to go around." He points his thumbs towards himself, and gives off a cocky smirk.
"Shut up, cup." You laugh him off with a light shove on the shoulder, letting his nickname slip from your mouth. It was something you've picked up from Carl over the years of hangin' around the boys. It never seemed to bother him too much, but you knew he'd prefer a less demeaning name.
"You gotta make me," Shake's smile is innocently bright, and all you can do is stare back with a challenging grin.
Ooh, that was it- -
To your right on the counter, you notice the bowl of pudding Meatwad had left out. When you and Frylock went shopping earlier, you should've expected the two ding bats to go on a binge fest of junk food, because they totally did. They left food out all over the place.
The evil grin on your face was enough to show Shake that you had tricks up your own sleeve.
Not even bothering to care how sticky and slimy it was on your fingers, you dipped your hand into the bowl and quickly smacked the pudding to his face.
The challenge was so on.
His eyes widen, shock taking over his body as the chocolate pudding smears across his cheek and mouth. That was not at all what he expected from you when he meant for you to shut him up.
"Y/N! What the hell!"
You laugh loudly, crouching down in a defense stance as he wipes the chocolate from his face.
"I'll kill you," Without a second thought, Shake lunges towards your laughing figure, hands grabbing yours playfully, and soon you find yourself backed into and trapped against the counter.
With your backside to the cabinets, you look up at him with a pleading smile, still finding it absolutely hilarious that you caught him off his game like that.
"I'm sorry! Shake— I'm sorry, I swear," you wheeze out through laughter, hands up and still being tightly held by Shake's.
"Shoulda thought about that sooner!" His one hand let go of yours, and with one swift movement, snatched the glass of water from the countertop, and splashed it at you with a wild grin.
"Hey!" You squeal out and tense up as the water quickly runs down your cheek and neck.
Game on, bitch.
You push him back as he chuckles under his breath.
"Asshole," There wasn't much time to think it through anymore, so you grab the closest food item to you, and smash it at him. Shake dodged, but it ended up still managing to hit his body anyway.
The two of you now wrestled a bit with each other; hands locked, and push and shoving each other playfully.
Actually, it was probably the most fun you and Shake had together in a long time.
"I swear- - Y/N, if I wasn't letting you win, I'd beat your ass," shake glares up at you from the hold you had on him. You now currently had him pinned down to the floor of the kitchen, food everywhere, sitting on his back. The smirk you had on your face was beaming with amusement as your tilt your head down at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry, letting me win? I own your ass right now."
He grunts, dulling his irritated eyes up at you. "I'm only going easy on you because you're a broad!"
"Pfft— yeah, right. You couldn't beat me if you tr—" the wind almost gets knocked out of you when you suddenly find yourself being flipped over with your back to the floor. Shake smirks, and now holds you down by sitting on you.
"Ugh, oh my god, fatass, get off me!" You wheeze out, glaring up at him. His prideful smile was enough to let you know that, okay, maybe he was sorta letting you win earlier.
"It's muscle weight! And don't smack me with pudding, then maybe I would!" He declares, eyes narrowing now as the pressure of his gloved hands holds your arms down to the floor at shoulder height.
"I'm sorry," You pout playfully up at him, wiggling your wrists out of his grasp, but not to much use.
"Not good enough!" He says. "I think it's time you learned not to mess with the master~!" Shake was totally not bluffing anymore, and you knew he was unhinged enough to actually hit you, or throw more food at your face- which you didn't want.
So, you flinch, wincing up at him.
Managing to speak with half of his body weight sitting on top of you was actually so hard to do.
"Wait— Is this the part where I kiss you?" He asks, in the dumbest, most casual way only shake could manage.
"Oh my god," you groan. With some thought behind it, you manage to flip yourself to your side, and kick him off you. Shake lands beside you on the floor, and you remember not to take breathing for granted.
You slowly rise up to a sitting position, and glare look at him. "Lose some weight."
Shake glares up at you, and switches to a sitting position as well. "I can't help that my muscles are too big! You're just too weak to handle the weight." The narcissism rolls off his tongue so smoothly. Shake was always good at turning situations or facts around on other people. It was sort of like a really fucked up gift.
You stand to your feet, brushing off any leftover food that clung to you.
"Want me to pin you to the floor again?" Your threat only made his smile grow, and you could imagine why.
"No, because I'm always on top!" His smile stretched, and you roll your eyes at him. "Haha! Boom! Someone should be writing these down,"
The timer on the oven dings, alerting the both of you.
Whoops, you totally forgot all about the lasagna in the oven during all this play fighting.
"Come on, honey, let's go offer our neighbor some food~" you stand to your feet, and hold out a hand for him. Shake stares at it before locking eyes with you, and smirking.
His hand grabs yours, and stands to his feet.
Pulling you into him, shake wraps an arm around your shoulder and smiles. "A little taste of Italy, right to his door. He should be paying us!"
You lean into his hold and find yourself smiling up at him. "Once we get to use his pool, it'll all be worth it!"
Shake laughs and let you go. "As long as I get to see you in a hot bikini, babe."
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yunjardi · 1 year
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my heart bel♡ngs to daddy [series]
[young sugar daddy jake x fem.reader au]
[click here for this series's masterlist to read previous chapters, general warnings, and playlist]
[‼️chapter warnings‼️: smut [mdni], fluff, DADDY KINK, jake is a little possessive (???), going on a flight, public-ish sex, teasing, spanking, fingering, grinding, handjob, dirty talk, unprotected sex, mile high club 👀, lmk if i missed anything!]
*sorry for any grammar errors
chapter 13: love phobia
"but you love me because i'm an idiot, right?"
your mind has been racing ever since jake uttered those words.
your stomach filled with butterflies from simply hearing him say the word 'love,' so what more if he told you that he loves you or vice versa? you didn't even fully know if you loved him for real or if he was just so kind, which you weren't used to, that you just think you love him.
love is not a word to use lightly, so you use it sparsely or not at all.
now that you had graduated university, you had way more time alone with your thoughts. the only thing standing between you being completely alone with your thought was your job at the bar which you were now wary of. you would quit your job because of those horrible incidents but if jake ever left and cut you off financially, you would barely have enough money to keep yourself afloat. those tips and your regular salary could only get you so far.
speaking of work, you should be focusing on serving drinks at your first night shift in awhile, but you can't seem to get your head straight, thoughts of jake floating in your brain with seemingly no end.
"earth to y/n," yeji said in a ghostly voice, snapping you back into reality, "your next round of guests are here." she laughed as she looked at your dazed expression.
you quickly got your shit together, unbuttoned your shirt lower to appeal to the guests, and went over to serve them.
"good evening, everyone," you greeted them whilst pulling out your notepad and pen to write down what drinks they wanted to order, "would you like to know our weekly specials or-" your voice stopped itself once you looked up at the group you were serving.
you didn't pay any mind to them until you locked eyes with the one and only sunghoon.
but it wasn't over yet.
sitting next to him was none other than mr. choi yeonjun.
at this point, you were sick of your worlds colliding with one another.
you tried to keep things casual and act like you didn't know them, but sunghoon just had to say something.
"oh hey, y/n," he greeted you with a smirk, his sharp fangs showing through, "you never struck me as the type of girl to work in a bar." you smiled sheepishly and simply nodded, trying so desperately to eliminate the awkwardness. "ah, i'm sure this place keeps you busy, doesn't it?" yeonjun chimed in with a smirk painted on his face, "you should call me whenever you have free time, though." he so casually flirted with you. the rest of the table didn't seem to pay any mind to you and sunghoon though you wished someone, anyone else, would just say something.
"so, um," you started with a painfully awkward chuckle, "is everyone ready?" you asked to which the rest of the table, thankfully, nodded. you took their orders as fast as you possibly could before practically dashing off to your side of the bar to begin mixing drinks. unfortunately, sunghoon and yeonjun both decided to follow you over to the bar like two puppies following behind their owner.
"i haven't seen you in awhile," sunghoon sighed out sarcastically as he rested his chin on his palm, "we should catch up." yeonjun nodded as if you didn't just see him a few weeks ago.
"that's probably not a good idea," you sheepishly laughed as you turned around to pour liquor into your drink shaker, "isn't it a little awkward after what happened? isn't jake literally one of your best friends?" you tried to keep your voice low. "oh yeah, of course he is," sunghoon said casually, "he kept calm around you, but he definitely didn't take the fact that we fucked lightly. he's so adamant about no other guy touching you or whatever. we made up, of course, but it's still a sensitive topic; he'll quite literally leave a room if it's ever brought up. but man, i've never seen that guy be so serious about anything." he shrugged. you were fully appalled at how he so easily talked about the situation.
"i had no idea that you were this kind of girl, y/n," yeonjun pointed out to which you cocked your head in confusion at his statement, still shaking and pouring drinks, "the type of girl who likes to have multiple guys, you know?" your eyes widened. "ah, it's not like that, i promise," you smiled weakly followed by a sigh, "just a coincidence, maybe?" 
"in case you aren't aware, literally every guy who's seen you and jake's little videos wants a taste of you," yeonjun remarked as he took a sip of the drink he ordered. "and rightfully so," sunghoon added under his breath, recalling his time with you at the sex club. 'pervs,' you internally rolled your eyes and scowled as you finally finished making the last of the drinks. 
"i'm not sure you realize how popular you are amongst men," yeonjun said breathily.
yeah, you didn't know and you didn't want to know either. you didn't log onto social media that often, but that messy situation led you to not open it for months; you weren't ready, or ever will be, to hear what the public thinks about you and your relation to jake.
you didn't even exactly understand what all the fuss was about; it was just a few dirty videos, so why were people making such a big deal over something you're trying to forget. like come on, it felt like that situation happened ages ago. 
after mixing the last of the drinks for sunghoon and yeonjun's table, you went over to serve the others who accompanied them and left the situation as soon as you possibly could. 
that's when you remembered that jake was supposed to pick you up after your shift ended, and he, of course, always arrived earlier than he should whenever he'd pick you up.
shit, shit, shit.
you hoped and prayed that he wouldn't think there was something going on with sunghoon and yeonjun if they were still at the bar by the time he showed up, which they likely would be. in your frantic state, you were able to spot yeji across the bar to which you dashed in your direction. she was quick to notice how frantic you were as you walked toward her, putting down the drink tray she was holding to check on you.
"hey, yeji," you started with a sheepish smile, "we have a bit of a situation." her eyes widened. "which is?" she questioned with curiosity. "potential drama alert," you whispered to her, "sunghoon and yeonjun just so happened to be part of my assigned table. do you mind covering from me so that jake doesn't think there's anthing suspicious going down whenever he gets here? i'll go check up on them once last time before i hand them over to you if that's cool with you?" you looked around the room as discreetly as you could just in case. "of course, y/n," she agreed, shaking your shoulder playfully, "the last thing you need in your life is more drama." you let out a sigh of relief as you began to approach the table one last time before officially clocking out.
"is everything okay over here? anything else i can get you tonight?" you asked, hoping with your entire being that they'd say no.
"well..." yeonjun let his voice drift off as he pretended to think, "another cocktail would be nice if you don't mind." you gave him a sheepish smile followed by a nod. 'actually, i do mind,' you thought to yourself, annoyed. "sounds good," you lied, "i'll have that out for you asap." you tried to walk away alone, but of course both yeonjun and sunghoon wanted to come and join you.
you pulled your drink shaker out from behind the counter and began to pour alcohol and ice into it, trying to mix as quickly as you could. "actually," sunghoon started, "i'd like one too." at this point, they were both just teasing you. now you had double the work all because sunghoon wanted to be a difficult piece of shit.
you were fully aware that you probably looked goofy by the way you were trying to quickly mix two cocktails basically simultaneously, but you stopped caring after remembering why you were rushing in the first place. you just let sunghoon and yeonjun keep staring at you do whatever you were doing, but you were soon sent into a panic once you saw jake enter the bar.
'please don't come any closer, please don't come any closer,' you repeated to yourself in your mind, but alas, your begging to the universe was not successful. you could see jake getting closer and closer from the corner of your eye, but you decided to avoid eye-contact until he reached your bartending counter.
"oh," you heard jake start speaking, "i didn't expect to see you here, sunghoon." it was obvious that he was trying his best to keep his composure. "oh, hey, bro," sunghoon reached out to do a weird handshake thing with jake, "i didn't expect to see you here either. here for a drink?" sunghoon questioned. "actually, i'm here to take y/n home whenever her shift ends," jake seemed to brag as he sat on one of the barstools nonchalantly, trying not to seem bothered, "just let me know when you're ready to go, princess." he emphasized the nickname he had for you. "actually," you started as you wiped down the counter one last time, "i'm ready now." sunghoon and yeonjun seemed surprised at your answer considering that you were technically their hostess and they hadn't finished yet.
"don't worry, you two," you tried to seem as reassuring as possibly, "yeji will take care of you for the rest of your time here." you flashed them a forced smile as you untied your short waist apron and headed over to the break room with jake.
once you got inside the break room, you walked over to the labeled hooks on the wall and hung up your apron, but before you could turn around, you heard the door lock.
"jake?" you asked, watching his hand leave the doorhandle. "mhm?" he responded, "something wrong, princess?" he questioned as he approached you. "n-no," you stuttered out, "just wondering why you locked the door is all." jake looked down at you and smirked before beginning to speak again.
"any particular reason those two were making eyes at you while you were mixing drinks at your station?" jake questioned as he cupped one of your cheeks with his big hand. your face grew hot at the tone of voice he used. was he jealous again? "of course not," you responded shyly, "they just happened to be at the table i was serving at and they decided to follow me to my station. nothing going on, i promise, jakey." he stepped closer to you. "hmm," he pretended to think as he let his hands wander your body, "i don't like how flirty they were being toward my princess. you weren't thinking of doing something behind daddy's back, were you?" jake asked amorously with a hint of sarcasm. "n-no!" you shook your head frantically, "n-never." jake smirked at your answer, slowly backing you into the back of the break room's couch. without warning, he lifted one of your legs so that your knee was resting on the back of the couch. slowly, he began running his hands up and down your inner thighs, ever so slightly swiping your entrance with one finger which made you let out a quiet yelp.
"please touch me," you begged him as you looked up at him with your pretty eyes. "what do you mean, princess? i already am," jake responded with sarcasm as he continued to tease you gently, "how do you want daddy to touch you?" you turned your face away from him, not wanting him to see how bashful you were getting simply because of his words, but that was soon reversed when jake took it upon himself to tilt your chin back over so that you were looking at him again.
"tell me, princess," jake repeated, his tone more firm than before, "you know daddy always gives you exactly what you want."
not wanting to verbally respond because you felt too shy, you let your hand trail down his thigh, feeling around until you could feel his hard through his jeans. jake's body grew goosebumps from your soft caresses. he kept on rubbing his big hand on your ass and letting his knuckles brush past your clothed entrance until he worked up enough courage to spank you, earning another yelp from you. 
"daddy, please?" you begged again, "w-want your fingers." jake let out a sexy chuckle as he continued to rub circles on your ass and thighs, eventually pulling your panties to the side to feel how wet you'd gotten for him. "so wet for me already," jake smirked, his accent turning you on further, "do you like when i scold you for letting other men be all over you, hm? do you like making daddy jealous?" jake asked you as he left hard spanks on your ass, making you whimper in pleasure. "n-no," you responded in a squeak, "n-no, i promise."
jake let his hands wander more, eventually cupping one of your tits as he slickly slipped one of his fingers into your dripping wet pussy. you let out a breathy moan at the sensation of him fingering you while playing with your breast. you let out a moan to which jake moved his hand from your breast to your mouth, covering it up. "shh, princess," jake whispered in your ear, "you have to be quieter; no one can hear us in here, right?" you nodded as jake removed his palm from your mouth, gently telling you to hush once more before continuing to finger you again.
"jake," you breathed out as you reached out to grab his wrist, "i need you... please?" you begged him as he let out a light sigh of pleasure at your submissiveness. "i could never say no to you," jake kissed your neck, "but we have to make it quick, okay? and i need you to be as quiet as possible, yeah?" you whimpered and nodded.
you let jake bend you over the arm of the couch, his arm holding you steady as he unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down. the clanking of his expensive designer belt buckle always turned you on further because that noise always meant that he was gonna let you have it until you couldn't remember your name.
"keep quiet, okay, princess?" jake hushed once more before pumping his cock a few times before slowly letting his tip enter your tight entrance. he hissed at the feeling, placing one of his hands on top of yours once bottoming out.
at this point, you were trying to control your moans with ever ounce of your being, but you couldn't help but let a few escape your lips to which jake tilted your head to the side so he could swallow every sound that you let leave your lips. it didn't help that jake was beginning to speed up so you two could finish faster in fear that someone would start knocking.
'no one knock, please,' jake thought to himself as he fucked your tight hole, almost at his high.
"daddy, slow down," you mewled almost silently, "i c-can't control it." the 'it' being your moans. there was something different about being pounded from behind by jake that sent your body into a frenzy. jake tilted your head up to his and gave you a kiss on the lips as he slowed down his pace, not wanting you to get too overwhelmed.
your request may have seemed simple enough, but not many guys would have been respectful enough to fulfill your request, opting to make excuses as a way to manipulate you into agreeing to their ideas/ideologies. jake was not that type of guy, though, making sure that he catered to your every desire whether sexually or generally.
"is that better, baby?" he asked after kissing your lips to which you nodded, still trying to keep your noises to a minimum. after your response, jake continued to fuck you steadily. pumping his cock into your tight pussy at a gentler pace turned him on further, getting to feel every little bit of you.
"fuck, i'm close," jake let out a breathy groan, "where do you want it?" a stupid question for him to ask considering the fact that he always finishes inside you. "i-inside," you mewled as you pushed your ass back at him, causing him to hiss at the feeling. jake wanted so badly to spank your pretty ass, but he knew that it would make you moan out loud so he had to control himself.
it became increasingly hard by the millisecond for you to stop yourself from moaning and crying out for jake as he continued to fuck you at a steady pace. you couldn't help the tiny, breathy moans that subconsciously escaped your lips as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. "jake," you mewled ever so quietly, "n-need to cum." jake bent himself down to kiss your neck, whispering in your ear for you to let loose for him before he let his seed leak into you. obeying, you came for jake, your body twitching and quivering from the extent of how much you were controlling yourself.
once jake was certain that he emptied all his seed inside of you, he helped you get cleaned up with some tissues that were stored on a shelf.
"you did so good for me, princess," jake praised you as he assisted you in straightening out your outfit. your face turned warm as jake flashed a smile at you.
"now don't think you have to go around and make me jealous just to get me to fuck you like that again," jake let out a light chuckle as he tightened his belt. "i wasn't trying to make you jealous, jakey," you pouted as you held into the sleeve of his shirt, shaking it around playfully, "i would never do it on purpose."
"i believe you, y/n," jake reassured you with a sweet tone, "but regardless, i don't like when other men touch my princess in ways that only i should be touching her." jake seemed to go quiet for a second, worried that he sounded overly possessive over you, but he just let the words fall out of his mouth without thinking beforehand.
was he implying that he wanted you all to himself?
as another day came, it meant another day to think about how you feel about jake, another day to think about how jake makes you feel, and another day to ponder if jake was telling you the truth or just trying to get you to swoon over him with his sweet-talk. (which was working like a charm)
you wished that you could stop thinking about jake for just for one measly second, but your mind always had other plans.
you kept letting thoughts circulate in your mind as your fingers toyed with the fabric of the short silk nightdress you were dressed in that, of course, jake bought for you.
he was literally everywhere with you though not being physically present.
the clothes you wore? jake bought them.
the diamonds that lay cold on the skin of your neck and wrists? jake bought them.
the several pairs of shoes that you'd never thought you'd own in a million years? jake bought them.
the vintage accessories from all your favorite brands? jake bought them.
all the money.
all the spoiling.
everything was because of him.
jake reeled you in with his charm and his money, but why did it feel like something more than just a sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship? maybe you were just delusional and blinded by his actions to think straight.
after all, your life had been molded into a fantasy because of him practically over night; something that some could only dream of. you felt like you were living every girl's dream life while barely having to life a finger.
you went from working 12 hour shifts at the bar to barely be able to afford paying for school and your home to being affiliated with one of the richest men in the country.
all because of sex in exchange for a diamond necklace.
some would call you pathetic and a gold-digger, which you often felt like in all honesty, but you knew in your heart that this was something more.
or at least it felt like it was something more.
but in all honesty, you didn't want to feel anymore; you wanted to truly know. you wanted so badly to find inner peace in regards to anything that was related to jake whether it was him admitting that he (allegedly) wants to be more than friends, or, if that isn't the case and he's just been stringing you along all this time, basically leaving everything behind if you wanted even the slightest chance of forgetting about him.
you want jake, but you also feel like you don't or maybe shouldn't.
your ears perked up at the sound of your phone vibrating as you scrambled to find where it was on your bed.
once you found it, you didn't even bother to check who was calling before pressing the green button.
"hello?" you asked once answering the phone, "sorry it to me awhile to pick up." you chuckled sheepishly. "don't worry, princess. i'm just glad you answered," the person responded to which you realized the familiar accented voice.
ah, jake. who else could it have been?
"oh, hi, jake," you smiled as if he could see your giddy expression, "did you need something?" you asked, curious as to why he decided to call you because it's rare that he does so; he usually just shows up to your front door. "hmm," jake's voice trailed off, "i was wondering if i could come see my favorite girl today, maybe pick her up and take her to my house, go out to town with her, possibly have her spend the night?" he rambled on and on. each time he made a statement, you felt yourself blushing more and more until your cheeks became the equivalent of a ripe strawberry.
hearing jake say the phrase 'my favorite girl' made your stomach erupt with butterflies. he made you feel so special, so pampered, so... loved?
wanting to seem as if you weren't trying viciously to control yourself from giggling into your pillow, you slickly responded to him with a flirty tone.
"hmm... maybe drive over to her house and find out."
the sound of knocking on your door came to the front of your mind after a few seconds of being distracted by fixing your hair. you sped over to the front door from the bathroom to open it up, a bit eager to see jake. you were greeted by jake's smiley face as he held out some luxurious roses that he'd bought for you.
"aww, puppy," you gushed with adoration as you melted into a puddle of bashfulness, making jake blush in return, "so sweet." jake pulled you closer upon placing the bundle of roses onto the counter next to perry's bowl.
"i missed you," jake pouted before pulling you into a kiss, his soft, plump lips sending a swarm of butterflies into your whole body. "jake, we saw each other two days ago." you pointed out with a light chuckle after breaking away from the kiss. "well," he started, "i always miss you when you're not around."
you felt your stomach do a flip upon hearing jake tell you that information. of course, you felt the same way, but you definitely weren't going to voice it because you didn't think you'd physically be able to.
"you don't have to miss me anymore," you smiled against his chest, "we get to spend the whole day together." jake let out one of his excited giggles as he trailed his hands down to your lower back in a somehow non-sexual way; it felt more comforting than sexual if anything.
"well, i have some news before we start our day together," jake announced, his hand trailing up to your chin to tilt it upward, giving you no choice but to look at his pretty face as you nodded for him to continue, "i'm going to japan for a business conference, and-"
"wait, when? when are you leaving? how long are you gonna be there? ... when are you coming back?" your mouth spilled out questions because of unexpected worry, causing you to interrupt jake before he could even finish his statement.
"hey, hey, don't worry, princess. you didn't let me finish," jake reassured you with a pretty smile, "i was gonna ask if you wanted to come with me, silly."
your eyes lit up and widened at the thought of going on a trip with jake. him asking you to come to japan with him felt like a dream in itself.
without any hesitation, you responded with "i'd love to!" to which jake gave you a toothy grin as he held you close, his heart feeling just as eager as yours at the thought of going on your first trip together. he took a second to ponder everything that he wanted to do with you in japan.
going out for walks at night when the city is all lit up, trying out a new restaurant, going to a cute little animal café, shopping (of course), and, most importantly, getting to watch the beautiful cherry blossoms together which is something he's always wanted to do with you.
jake could barely hide his excitement before making you throw on an outfit, that matched his, of course, and dragging you out to buy new clothes for the trip.
"i think this one is perfect, yeah?" you let out a content sigh, smiling as you spun around for jake to see the pretty garment from all angles. "it's hard for me to give an opinion considering that i think you look beautiful in everything," jake chuckled shyly as he adored you, "besides, you can choose any and all the clothes you want; no limits. so i'm sure we'll find a bunch more things that look perfect on you even after we buy this one."
you always loved going out shopping with jake, not just because you could literally buy everything you laid your eyes on, but also because jake always made you blush with his sweet compliments that never failed to give you a bit of self confidence.
the shopping trip was far from over, and let's just say that you two were about be the best-dressed people in japan for the duration of your stay.
after purchasing the garment, you two moved from store to store all throughout the shopping center until you felt content with all the pretty clothes and accessories jake bought for you. he even took it upon himself to get a few pieces of clothing for himself that coordinated with the outfits you chose. along with everything else the two of you bought that day, jake decided that the last touch should be something matching, so he took you into a dior store and let you pick out a pretty diamond choker then finding one for himself that looked similar to the one you chose.
going on shopping sprees with jake never failed to astound you; it seemed that the final price at the end of the day got higher and higher after every individual shopping session that you two have gone on. were you getting used to it? yes. do you still have underlying guilt for spending that much money? absolutely.
after spending what felt like, and probably was, millions of dollars, there was one more stop that jake wanted to make before going back home.
he led you into a fancy, luxury lingerie store that made you gulp nervously, not knowing what he had up his sleeve. jake was very mischievous when it came to stuff like this, so you wouldn't be surprised if he had some dirty intentions.
jake approached the counter as he waved at the employee who was working behind it. you watched as she blushed over jake once he began to talk to her, making you feel a bit of discomfort at the way jake seemed to talk to her with such finesse. her building flirtatiousness took over your mind, causing you to subconsciously pull jake closer to you. jake immediately noticed your nonverbal action and knew exactly what was bothering you, after all, you two spent a majority of your time together so of course he eventually began to pick up on your body language.
"anyway," jake smiled, "i'm here to pick up and order that i placed a few days ago." the employee seemed to be caught off guard by jake's sudden change in demeanor but still proceeded to ask him for his order details although she had zero time to process why his tone switched so suddenly. she turned around to check the shelf with neatly placed boxes that were tied off with gold, shimmery ribbons to look for the box that was labeled with his name.
"is it this one?" she asked, undoing the bowtie to reveal the contents of the, very extravagantly decorated, box. your eyes widened upon seeing the garments, them specifically being custom lingerie sets. you couldn't control the way your face was beginning to turn bright pink upon laying your eyes on the pretty panties that had 'jake,' 'daddy's girl,' and 'princess.' embroidered on the fabric in shimmery pink thread. you thought it was over, but nope, there was another layer of tissue paper covering more of the box's contents. jake gently moved the tissue paper to the side only to reveal more risqué garments.
pink lace lingerie, thigh garters, sheer bralettes, more custom embroidered panties decorated with cute, tiny bows, basically everything that he wanted to see you in.
jake is such a horndog for buying all this stuff for you, but you couldn't lie and say it wasn't making your stomach jump at the thought of what was going through jake's mind when he was ordering everything.
"yup this is the one," jake smiled innocently as if he didn't do anything cheeky.
once the employee turned the box to face her so that she could tie the ribbon back up, her face immediately turned bright red at the sight of what was inside the box. she scrambled to knot the ribbon and quickly pushed the box back toward jake. you couldn't tell if the look on her face was one of jealousy, flustered-ness, or both.
"you are such a dirty boy," you scolded jake with a light smack on his bicep as he giggled, "i can't believe you actually bought all that." jake couldn't help the smirk that formed on his face as he looked down at you, your face still pink from being flustered. "i can't tell if you're pleasantly surprised or surprised in a shocked sense," he chuckled as he held you close to him while the two of you walked back to his car. "a bit of both," you laughed in response.
"oh, the things you drive me do, y/n... you have no idea."
you, stupidly, decided to pack for your trip to japan last minute which caused you to scramble around to make sure you had everything you needed before jake came to pick you up.
honestly, it was a lot easier to pack since you had way more clothes and outfits that jake curated for you; digging through your wardrobe for decent clothes to wear on vacation was now a thing of the past. you were done packing before you expected to be, so you had a bit of downtime before jake would arrive.
just before you pulled your phone out of your pocket, you felt it vibrate.
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you let out a light chuckle after your little text conversation with yeji ended, but you couldn't help but begin to think about those cheesy things even though they were far from your reality. you wondered if that's how you and jake looked like from an outside perspective.
a couple.
just as you were about to get lost in your thoughts again, the doorbell rang. 'thank god,' you thought to yourself as you ran to answer the door. you opened up the door, surprised to see that jake had suddenly changed his hair color again.
"woah, since when were you blond again?" you chuckled as you pulled jake closer to you, hugging him and letting his cologne blind your senses. "since earlier this morning," jake responded with a sheepish smile, "just wanted to change things up again. d-do you like it?" he asked with a nervous tone to which you giggled. "i love it," you reassured him as you played with strands of his freshly dyed hair, "as much as i love your natural hair, i've missed the blond; it makes you look like a cute fuzzy puppy." jake's ears began to turn pink at your sweet compliment which made you giggle and give him another tight hug.
"we should get going now," jake pointed out as he glanced at his expensive cartier watch, "lemme get your bags for you." you let out a hum in response, a smile subconsciously growing on your face due to jake's gentlemanly gesture. the fact that this was how he genuinely acted without request always made your heart beat a bit quicker than usual.
he's sweet.
jake is so sweet.
getting into the car, jake began to head over to the airport. your stomach couldn't help but feel funny due to a bit of flight anxiety.
odd for you considering you've never been on a plane before.
"i'm kinda nervous," you voiced with a light chuckle, "i've never..." jake looked over to you with wide eyes, shocked at the new piece of y/n lore. "so... it's your first time?" jake joked cheekily, earning a light smack on the arm from you as became red in the face. "yes, it's "my first time," jake," you bickered back jokingly.
"i promise you'll be okay, princess," jake reassured you with a kiss on the cheek while you two waited at a traffic light, "i'll be there the whole time."
once you pulled into the private parking lot of the (rich people) part of the airport, you were unpleasantly surprised by a decent-sized swarm of reporters with cameras. you looked over at jake with a bit of a concerned expression on your face.
"oh, that," jake smiled nervously, putting one of his hands on the nape of his neck, "whenever one of the company's heirs goes on a business related trip without the head of the company, it's seen as a huge deal. oh and also-"
knock, knock, knock.
jake was interrupted by knocks on the window, startling both you and him. looking over, you saw the face of the man who you'd rather not be seeing at the moment.
excited, jake opened his door, hopping out of the car to greet one of his best friends. it made you feel rather uneasy to witness them interact; not because you didn't like or sunghoon or anything like that, but because you wondered how things could be so chill between them even though you unknowingly fucked jake's best friend.
were you the only one who couldn't get over it? the only one who still felt gut-wrenching guilt?
jake peeked his head into the car, smiling at you nervously before telling you the not-so-great news that you, him, and his friends would all be flying in the private plane together.
you felt your stomach drop, knowing that you'd be stuck in a floating metal tube with his friends for roughly two hours. and on top of that, it's your first time flying. you just shook everything off, remembering that jake was kind enough to let you tag along. that's all that matters, right?
once you were done freaking out, you opened the car door to step out. you so badly wanted to avoid the paparazzi, not ready for the press to be writing about you and jake again, and it'll probably be worse this time around considering that you're with him alongside his friends. 'stay calm,' you scolded yourself as you walked over to help jake unload the luggages from the trunk of his car.
"don't worry, i got it, princess," jake smiled warmly after tucking some of your hair behind your ear and leaning in for a peck on the cheek. it made you nervous to be kissed by jake with so many cameras around. you hoped and prayed that they didn't get a shot of it because of obvious reasons. people who worked for the private flight company began to load the plane with everyone's bags as you, jake, jay and heeseung (jake's two friends that you'd met previously) and of course sunghoon started to head over to the plane's entrance.
jake held your hand while leading you over to go up the ladder to get into the plane, continuing to hold your hand with every step up you took. you could practically feel the cameras all over you and jake, but he didn't seem to mind for some reason.
and as if the situation couldn't get any more shocking, you were pleasantly greeted by the interior of the private aircraft.
private seating if you wanted to be alone, group seating if you wanted to mingle with the other people who you're on the flight with, and two little closed off cabin rooms which was crazy because you didn't think that was a real thing.
"go ahead and sit wherever you want, princess," jake told you, letting you pick out where you wanted to spend the duration of your plane journey. "can we maybe," you looked down, becoming bashful, "use one of the rooms." you shyly suggested to which jake couldn't help smirk. "whatever my princess wants, she gets," jake remarked, giving you a passionate kiss on the lips, "go ahead and wait in there for me, okay?" you looked into his pretty eyes and nodded, opening the door to reveal a comfy looking bed, overhead storage, and a little window. closing the door behind you, you went to go sit on the bed.
"is this actually my life now?" you asked yourself quietly as you looked around at your surroundings. you still weren't used to it despite all the time you've spent with jake. more often than not, you were wondering how you, a, now graduated, broke college student working at a bar, managed to end up in this situation. you were thankful, yes, but it still left you feeling overwhelmed by everything that came along with living this type of lifestyle. midway through getting lost in your thoughts, you heard the door handle twist, being greeted by jake's pretty face.
"we'll be taking off now, okay?" jake informed you as he walked over to the bed and pulled you close, "i'll be here if you're nervous." you nodded, cuddling up to him while fearing the fact that you were about to be so high in the sky. simply hearing the plane engine start was enough to freak you out. jake felt you tense up as the plane began to take flight.
"hey, hey," jake comforted you, "focus on me, okay? you'll be alright." you nodded though you grew shy from looking at his pretty face. jake chuckled, pulling you on top of his lap and holding your face in his hands. "that's right, my pretty girl."
instinctively, you pushed your hips onto his, prompting jake to bring his hands to your waist. "needy?" jake asked, "in this situation?" he teased. "i-i didn't mean to," you sputtered out nervously to which jake shut you up with a passionate kiss. "well, do you want to?" jake asked curiously as he ran his hands all of your body, eventually trailing them down to your ass. "mhm," you responded, "please?" jake kissed your neck as you continued to grind on his clothed member. you don't know when or how, but your clothes were now discarded to the side, your lips on jakes as you stroked his length with your hand. you loved the groans and light whimpers that jake let out as you pleased him with your hands, and you were eager to let him use your body.
when he felt like the time was right, jake lifted you up and sat you down on his length, causing you to moan out as you held onto his shoulders. "so warm and wet for me," jake spoke lowly in your ear, sending shivers down your whole body. "just for y-you," your voice quivered as you roughly moved your hips on his, wanting to feel him deep inside you. "mhm, all for daddy," jake smirked while squeezing your pretty ass, "no one else but me." you nodded with a whimper in response.
jake pushed your hips further down onto his, wanting his tip to perfectly hit your little sweet spot. you whined as your thighs trembled, already feeling overstimulated from his length. you found yourself glancing to the side at the small window to which jake placed his hand on your chin to face back at him. "focus on me, baby," jake said softly, giving you a peck on the lips and rolling his hips against yours. you gasped and moaned out at the sudden waves of pleasure traveling from your inner thighs to your core.
"turn around," jake demanded after lifting you off of him to which you, of course, complied. you pushed your hips toward him as you arched your back eagerly, begging him to fuck you more. "that's a good girl," jake smirked, teasing your entrance with his swollen tip before fully pushing himself inside. "s-so good," you stuttered out in between moans and whines, "w-want your cum so bad."
jake bent forward to lift you up, your back now against his chest as he thrusted upward into you. you tightly gripped onto one of his forearms while he kissed your neck, your pussy aching. "mmh," you moaned out, "feels so good, daddy." jake groaned for you as he caressed your inner thighs, causing you to shiver. "i know, princess," jake chuckled sexily, "fuck, it feels so good to be deep inside you. it's your first time flying and all you can think about is being stuffed with my cock, huh?" you nodded and whimpered in response. "m-mhm," you managed to sputter out between moans, "always want you s-so bad."
it wasn't long until jake finally let loose, ropes of his hot cum painting your walls white.
putting you down, he gave you some time to catch your breath before giving you a few kisses.
"you're so cute," jake said out of nowhere. "where did that come from?" you questioned with a chuckle as your cheeks turned pink. "just wanted to point it out," he shrugged with a smile, "now go ahead and rest for the remainder of the flight, princess."
once the flight landed, you were forced to wake up from your nap which you weren't very happy about. upon getting off the plane and into the car that would take you and the others to the fancy airbnb, jake decided to keep you separated from his pestery friends because he knew that they'd only make you grumpier.
you spent the duration of the car ride with your head on jake's shoulder, trying not to fall asleep yet again and wanting to enjoy the view of the sunset over the city. unfortunately, you ended up drifting off to sleep again which jake found cute after watching how desperately you tried to keep your eyes opened. upon arriving to the place you would be staying at for the duration of the trip, jake, still keeping you a good distance away from his friends, brought you into one of the rooms so you could lay down and rest. he assisted you in getting changed into one of his shirts before you laid down on the cloud-like bed.
"you're so cute when you're sleepy," jake gushed as you wrapped yourself in the duvet, "i'll be right outside in the lounge area with the guys; we're gonna catch up a bit before we go to sleep. i'll be here later, okay?" you nodded sleepily in response, grabbing him closer by his hoodie sleeve so that he could give you one last kiss before leaving the room.
your drowsiness was really getting the best of you, causing you to expose your vulnerability and yearning for jake and his presence. you felt queasy at the thought of jake possibly thinking that you were being too needy. you also felt an odd sense of uneasiness from all the intimate moments that you and jake shared throughout the whole day because it felt almost wrong to be so intimate with someone who isn't even your boyfriend. jake isn't your boyfriend, but why do you feel so comfortable giving yourself to him? you began to feel somewhat guilty about your natural instincts when it came to being around him, but you couldn't seem find it in you to stop. why did it all feel so natural?
your thoughts were brought to a halt when you felt jake touch you.
"oh, and one more thing," jake added, "i need you to hold something for me until i get back in here." confused, you cocked your head to the side, squishing your face deeper into the pillow.
jake motioned for you to hold out your hand, and once you did, he gave you a kiss on your palm, rolled your hand into a fist, and let you move your hand back toward yourself.
you couldn't control the way your stomach flipped and the amount of blood rushing to your cheeks as jake flashed his cute smile.
"and you can give that kiss to me later when i come back."
you found yourself in a haze and half awake after what you presumed was a few hours. jake still wasn't in bed with you, but you could hear him chatting with his friends just outside your room which put you at ease. as much as you tried not to, you ended up eavesdropping on their conversation and were shocked to hear that you were the topic of discussion.
"poor y/n," one of his friends joked as he took a sip of alcohol, "jake really dragged her all the way out here because he can't survive 5 minutes without her." his friends laughed in response as jake's face turned red.
"hey!" he sulked, "i-it's not that." he responded shyly, taking a small sip of his drink.
"then what is it, hm?" another one of his friends questioned with a smirk plastered on his face.
"well, i-i just thought it'd be fun to go on a trip, y'know? s-she's never been here before, so i wanna show her around, right?" jake sputtered out, the mild interrogation being enough to make him sober from the alcohol him and his friends had been drinking, "i already have some things planned out; i just wanna show her a good time."
"a different kind of good time for once," one of the guys joked again, "c'mon, man, we all heard the two of you earlier." hearing one of his friends admit that made him get shy again as they all continued to tease him. "hey, we gotta give jake some credit," another friend chimed in, "he knows what he's doing if you know what i mean. not every guy can make a girl moan like that-"
"okay," jake said with panicked chuckle, stretching out the last syllable of the word he spoke, "i think it's time we all got some rest. after all, it's getting a little late, right?" his friends laughed at his bashfulness but agreed that they really should get some rest. "wait, don't turn off the lights yet," jake said holding out one of his hands, "i need to get a glass of water to put on y/n's bedside table." one of his buddies let out a light sigh followed by a wholesome chuckle. "how do you manage to remember all these little things about her?"
"well," jake's voice trailed off as he poured a glass of cold water for you,
"she's my everything."
a/n: chapter 13 is finally here after literal months! thank you all for being so patient with me throughout these past few months :,) it means a lot that you've stuck around with me 🩷 now that school and exams are over and it's officially summer break, i'll have an abundance of free time to write for you all! pls look forward to more updates from me 🩷
taglist: @axartia @jjhmk @valiantwastelanddelusion @jayroseyy @ayohahaha @asaheyow @lhsng @i-dalso @bunhoons @red-xherry @duolingofanaccount @lix-freckle3 @l0st-h0p3s @leeis @muffinminnie @green-orangeade @imbaeksbae @sunghoonmybeloved @tum73er @dilftime @qoh3 @sjakewrld @markleeisdabestdrug @futuremodeldiary @jeondolly @lil-iva @lalalalawon @noirgray @jckeplanet @teddy-lhj @meinapricity @jjkshies @bubbleseo @cherryunie @mqndnolia @bently-baby @fluffypiesstuff @ihrtk1ve @wonkiluvr @teti-menchon0604 @lovienikitty @rjsmochii @omgjwon @sunshine-skz @wy1999t @lv4rin @oceanyocean @nyfwyeonjun @mxshimoo @multifandombtvh @donghyckl @iloveoceaneyesss @jakeswhore @jinsfavoritedoll @brownsugarbaybee @heehee01 @mesopret @heesitation @heeverseblog @yoursjaeyun @mklhyvn @jungwon-xo @crazydelulu (some accs were unable to be tagged)
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random0lover · 1 year
Her Past Is Their Torture
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x GN!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Angst/No Comfort (yet), SFW, talk of death, readers fake funeral is mentioned, fake identity is mentioned, healing wound referenced, A gun is mentioned one time, words "terrorist group" is used once, nothing to serious!
Things to know: reader themself is never referenced looks wise so this is POC friendly! Also if you decide to follow me after reading, READ MY PINNED POST, thank you ♡
Notes: I wrote this in 3 hours after not writing anything for a while, so I hope this is okay! This somehow is getting turned into a mini-series, but I cannot make any promises on how fast each part will come out, but it will be a happy ending!! Kind of proof read but not really so sorry for any errors <3
Part 1 Part 2 (You’re here!)
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You were not supposed to be alive. Your heart had stopped while you were lying in the arms of the man you loved but somehow you were alive sneaking your way through the base that you used to call home. 
Today was the day of your funeral, a month after the incident, you knew it would be your only chance to make it onto base to grab a few of your main keepsakes from your room, and no matter how bad of an idea it was, you wanted to stop in Simon’s room one last time. 
Laswell didn't know you were here as far as she knew you were on your way to pick up everything to complete your temporary new identity. A 24-year-old from the States wanting to get some traveling in after completing nursing school before going back home to start their job as an ER nurse. Enough information to satisfy anyone that wanted to have a chat but nothing that would be too memorable. 
Kate was the first person you saw after you woke up in a room that was decorated with floral designs that reminded you of the worn couch that sat in your grandmother's living room until the day she passed away. She told you that your getting shot that night wasn’t a coincidence and that the same people you've spent the last few years running from were once again coming after you.
 Before you became part of Task Force 141 you had previously been part of a different unit, one that now has no evidence of existing after a mission that went haywire. You had all been tasked to eradicate a terrorist group that had supposedly made threats to multiple governments not knowing that you were not the first unit being sent in, that it was a death wish going after them. You and your captain had been the only ones to survive at first until four months later you woke in the middle of the night to a frantic phone call from him saying that they were going to come for you next, the sound of a shotgun being cocked, then the line went dead. Not ten minutes later you had packed a bag and were getting ready to go out the backdoor when you heard your front door being kicked in, if it hadn't been for your captain making that call you would've been dead too.
From that day you spent two years running, going everywhere from China to The United States, to Poland, to Japan, anywhere you could hide until Kate had you staying in the UK which is when she introduced you to Captain John Price and you officially became part of task force 141. Price was the only one that knew your full story until you told Simon but you never got the chance to tell him that you might have to keep running one day. That the people that were after you would only show up to try and kill you to then disappear without a trace until they decided to come after you again.
You had become too comfortable, too hopeful that they were not going to come after you again, that maybe it was all over but the healing bullet wound in your side states otherwise.
You shake your head to get out of your thoughts and continue to make your way through the base while keeping your head down.
This morning you had watched to make sure all of the task force members had left so that you didn't risk running into any of them. You had already been to your room making sure to grab the necklace Soap and Gaz had gifted you on your birthday last year, the little notebook Soap would doodle in when he would sit in your room with you, the t-shirt you had stolen from Simon’s closet, and a coffee mug that Price had jokingly given you that said “dad’s favorite”. 
You knew it was all pointless stuff but the little things had always meant the most to you especially when it was things that people that were as close to family as you'll get had given you.
Walking through the men's barracks would not be a good idea usually but today they were mostly barren for obvious reasons. You quickly made it to Simon’s room having to resist stopping in Gaz’s room and staying focused. Oddly enough the door was unlocked but you didn’t think much of it, mainly just thanking the stars that you got lucky enough that he forgot.
You make your way into the room gently shutting the door behind you and move until you're standing beside his bed closing your eyes for a moment taking a deep breath, taking in the smell of pine and cedar mixed with notes of vanilla and a small hint of smoke. 
You open your eyes and finally let your eyes drift across the room. The room itself is completely clean not a thing out of place almost as if it hadn't been touched since the morning before that last mission what catches your attention though is the small desk in the corner that is currently the dirtiest you've ever seen it, covered in a few stacks of paperwork, mugs that have dried-out tea bags in them, and not so shockingly your file. It was sitting on top of everything else but you could tell from the creases and a few dirt stains in the manilla folder that it had been opened multiple times and maybe even thrown or dropped a few times. 
You feel in your pocket for the folded note that you had written the night before and pull it out. You stare at it for a moment before opening the folder and sliding it in between some papers at the bottom of the stack hoping that he’ll find it. As soon as you close the folder you hear some voices coming down the hallway and make your way towards his closed closet waiting to see if you’ll need to hide. You hear the voice fade and let out the breath you were holding until you see the door handle turning and frantically throw yourself into the closet hiding behind his clothes and trying to shut the door.
Simon comes into your view for a moment and you see him looking around the room, you hear him let out a sigh before taking a deep breath and you see his body go rigid, you freeze hoping he didn’t hear you, and hear him sniff again almost as if he smells something weird. He turns towards the closet and you can see his eyes settle on the door, you want to slap yourself for not making sure to close it all the way and suck in a breath as he takes a step forward reaching out to open the door but before he can you hear his door open again.
“You got that file you were looking for Lt.?” Soap asks from the doorway.
Simon looks at the closet door one more time before turning to the desk and grabbing the file, “Yeah Johnny, let’s go.” 
You wait in the closet for another five minutes before you decide that it’s safe to venture out and quickly make your exit, locking the door behind you before you sneak off base. 
As soon as you reach your car the burner phone that was in the center console starts ringing the screen saying ‘GREEN’ in big bold letters meaning that it’s Kate. You pull out the phone and answer it while starting the car. “Where are you? You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago.”
 “I'm almost there Kate, I’ll be there soon. Promise.” You sigh before hanging up.
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Hi my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed the second part to Open Wounds and War Paint! Feedback is appreciated but not necessary. As always I hope you have a great day/night. &lt;3
As of right now I have a few requests, but requests are open! I cannot promise when or if I will write them, but I do prefer requests that are slightly more specific as I find them easier to write but it's not required. Thanks for reading my darlings! ♡
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