#sorry if this isnt worded well i am still a bit high!!
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queen did you forget that the biden "apple" we picked is very much also killing people. like literally thousands of people. currently and actively??
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desswright29 · 9 months
Come Find Me
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Word Count: 4,3k
Contains: ANGST!, Fluff, Cheating, Mind control, Sexual Content (18+), Heartbreak
A/n: Sorry this took so long. I had a lot going on. Whew! But here we are and I hope you guys enjoy the ANGST!
I've seen this place before
A color blinded senseless sight to see
And when it rains, only rains on me
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Memories. These memories where the fuck were they coming from? They swirl around her head like a tornado. Constantly causing her variance. The memories all with Rianna, felt so existent, so tangible. It wasn’t a daydream. They were memories, they were there right in her head. But she didn’t remember making them. It was driving her towards insanity. She was always inside her head trying to figure it out and lately she’d seemed aloof. Unaware of things going on around her. What is wrong with me. Something isnt right.
“Shuri!” Shuri jumped at the sound of her name being yelled suddenly snapping back to reality. Where she sat on her thrown, surrounded by the elders and Dora Milaje.
“Are you here with us your highness or is there something more important than the topic we’re discussing?” Shuri looked around the throne room as everyone stared into her. Okoye, Ayo, and Aneeka with concern etched in their faces.  
She cleared her throat, tugging on the jacket of her suit. “I-I apologize. I am not feeling well today. The safety of our country is always a priority for me. The barriers are consistently checked and reinforced. There is no threat to Wakanda’s safety at the moment. Now if you don’t mind I would like to wrap this up. Thank you all for your dedication. This meeting is adjourned.” Shuri stands and everyone follows with a salute. Shuri returns the gesture as she strolls out of the throne room. Okoye, Ayo, and Aneeka close behind. 
“Ikumkazi wam? Is everything ok. You’ve been a bit out of sorts lately.” Aneeka spoke up. This had not been an isolated event. Shuri zoning out had become a consistent thing and it was raising concern. “Uh. Yea of course I’m fine. Just a bit tired lately.” Shuri deflected.
“Well maybe you and you’re wife should slow down with all of your congicals. That would probably save the majority of both of your energy.” Okoye added with a sly smile, eyebrow raised high. Shuri can’t help but smile at the mention of your name. She let’s out a sarcastic “Ah ha. Actually, that might be exactly what I need” She smirked. “I should probably go get fed. That’ll boost my energy. I have to get all of my nourishment.” She winked. And Okoye scrunched her face in disgust. “That is disgusting Shuri! Keep your nuptials to yourself!” It was pointless Shuri was already bouncing down the hall happily, in the direction of her wife.
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So what can I say but I'm hoping
The hour will still turn to golden
We will see the sun as it's supposed to be
Shining straight through to you and me
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You pace outside of the bathroom door wringing your hands together nervously. Tolu sat on the bench infront of your and Shuri’s bed quietly watching you drive yourself into a nervous break down. “Ok Y/n.” Tolu stands and walks over to you grabbing your hand in hers. “You’re making me dizzy. You have to stop. Come on take a deep breath with me.” You stop staring into Tolu’s eyes, taking a deep shakey breath along with her. “One more” You both repeat. “Okay girl! It’s time. I’m right here with you. Do you want me to check it or would you like to do the honors.”
“Can you do it? I don’t think I can. I’m a wreck right now.” Tolu smiles and walks into the bathroom. Your mind races as you sit on the bed. Heart racing and palms sweaty fidgeting with your fingers. Tolu emerged from the bathroom and your eyes immediately draw to the white stick in her hand. Leaning against the frame of the door she gives you an almost unreadable expression until she couldn’t control the twitch in her lips. “Congratulations Umama. You’re having a babyyyy!!” Tears welled in her eyes a broad smile covering her face. Your eyes grew wide. Your hands mindlessly landing on your tummy, a choked gasp releasing itself from your chest. You stand, hurriedly brushing past Tolu heading to the bathroom counter, staring down at the other two test, both reading pregnant as plain as day. Turning back around to your friend tears quickly began to flow down your face. She rushes to you holding you in her arms. “It’s happening y/n! It’s real girl.” 
Leading you over to the bed, sitting holding eachother as you cry tears of joy. “Lu, I can’t believe it worked! I-I really have a peice of Shuri growing inside of me! And we’re both women! How could I not be in love with this woman she’s fucking brilliant!” You pull away as both of you fall into laughter. Tolu giving a playful roll of her eyes. “She’s alright I guess.” You giggle knowing neither Tolu nor Shuri would ever give eachother that much credit. “We’re going to be mommies Lu! Oh Bast! What if we’re terrible parents!” Tolu scoffs.
“Ah ah! Stop there and be realistic. There are no two people on the planet more qualified than the two of you to be parents. You both have been through hell and fought for this moment. You’re deserving of this and you’re going to enjoy it! No negativity. This is a happy time.” You sniff and nod in agreement. “I love you, girl. You’re the best friend a girl could have.” 
“I love your crazy ass too” You both laugh embracing eachother once again. Pulling away you wipe the stray tears from your face. “Now I just have to figure out a special way to tell her!” You clap happily, excited for this new begining. As if on cue, you both hear the front door of the house open and close and turn to eachother in a panic. “Oh shit! She’s home. She can’t know yet!” You yell in a whisper. Both of you hop from the bed and rush into the bathroom to get the pregnancy tests. Trying to move around eachother getting flustered and whispering in hushed panicked tones “I have to throw them away.” 
“No! She’ll see them in the trash!”
“I’ll wrap them up. Duh!” You grab the tissue and began wrapping the test. “Still you can’t put them in the trash! Give them to me I’ll put them in my purse. Hurry up!” Running back into the room you both plop on the bed Tolu snatching her purse off the night stand and stuffing the test in her purse just in time for Shuri to walk in the room, with you and Lu putting on your best normal poses. She walked through the door to see you with Tolu and her face scrunched in faux disgust. She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. “Ew. I knew I smelled you. I thought Y/n was making oxtail.” She said entering the room, shutting the door behind her. Tolu looked over at her mirroring her expression, unamused.
“Funny. Since those Panther senses pick up my scent so well. Why didn’t they pick up on those pits you musty bit-“ You pop her arm before she could get it out.
“Don’t start that shit. Be nice today.” Shuri turns her lip up at Tolu as she walks over to peck you on the lips and Lu rolls her eyes. 
“She started with me first, but Aaaanyway, I was just getting ready to head out.” She stands clutching her purse as though she held the worlds most precious jewels. 
“Best news I’ve got all day.” Shuri smirked at her. “Shuri you can kiss my ass and meow at the hole.” Shuri wrapped an arm around her stomach and brought her hand to her mouth pretending she would vomit. “Yeaaaa get that hairball outta there feline. I’m sure it’s building up from all the pussy you eat around here.” Shuri smiles and licks her lips as she nods. “True, True” Tolu’s face distorted into an amused grimace. “Ugh!”
“Now how the hell did I catch a stray in the middle of y’all beef. I stay waxed.” You butt in.
“It gets a lil fuzzy sometimes babe but I like it! Adds a little texture.” Your mouth drops open and your face contorts as all of you burst into laughter. Tolu wraps an arm around Shuri’s torso in a hug and Shuri kisses the top of her head. “I’m headed out weirdos. Love you guys.” 
“Love you too.” You both call after her as she heads out.
“The two of you are going to be the death of me.” Shuri chuckles slightly as her arms wrap around your waist. You look up into those beautiful dark eyes and you see sadness lingering in the depths. “Baby what’s wrong?” The concern in your voice apparent as you place a hand on her face. “You’ve seemed a tad off lately is my love overwhelmed?” You began placing soft kisses on the line of her chiseled jaw. “Not entirely. I’m happy sweet girl. The happiest I’ve been in a long time. I just .. something feels off. I haven’t felt completely like myself. I don’t know. Maybe, I’m just a little stressed.” 
“What’s going on? What’s got you stressed? Riri isn’t giving you any issues is she because  she’s over due being sent home really.” Shuri smirks. “Anything to bring up getting rid of her before time huh love. She’s due home in a couple of days babe. You don’t stress yourself about that. She’s been straight as an arrow these last few weeks. We’re good mfazi. And I don’t need you stressing out my little seeds.” She bent down speaking to your belly. “Isn’t that right.” She placed a kiss to your tummy and stood back to her full height. “I’m not stressing over that bitch. I just don’t want her here anymore. I don’t care how unproblematic she’s being, I know she wants you.” 
“Ok sthandwa, that maybe so. But I want you. Only you. So none of that matters.” She tilts your head upwards with her pointer finger. And you melt into her touch. 
“You’re right. And we were talking about what was bothering you any way.”
“It doesn’t matter baby, I’m here now.” She kisses your neck. “And I know exactly how you can make me feel much much better.” She gave a bite and suck right underneath your jaw. “Mm. Oh really?” You felt her nod against your neck as she place her hands on your im waist slowly backing you up against a wall. “Mhmm”
“You don’t get enough of me daddy?” You giggle seductively. Pulling back, her eyes lower following every curve of your body. She bends and takes hold of the back of your knees lifting you and pressing you into the wall. “Never” You responded with a hum wrapping your legs around her waist. “You know I love you more than anything right. I promise you I’ll forever give you my all. I’m not perfect but I’ll do my best at it for you. Promise me you won’t ever give up on me my love. That we’ll always be this way no matter what.” Your hands massage the nape of her neck as you bring your foreheads together. “I promise sthandwa.”
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I don't understand why you blame me
Just take me as I am, it's the same me
We should be together
So tell me where you go when you know better
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“I PrOmiSe SthAnDwA! Oh please! Let’s cut this shit short. Stark activate the atoms send Shuri to the lab.” 
Riri demanded annoyed by your and Shuri’s interaction. “Sure thing kiddo”. Turning off her beads She stood from her bed making her way to make her way to the empty lab. It had been closed for the day to give the lab staff a much needed break. And Riri was going to use that to her advantage. The memories weren’t working. Allowing her to remember their rendezvous hadn’t been enough to make her fall in love with Riri without the use of the atoms. She treated those memories like annoying nats floating around her head. And as soon as Riri would deactivate the atoms she went crawling right back to her precious little wife. Obviously the basis of her experiment worked flawlessly. Her time with Shuri with the atoms had been delicious. Sensual and erotic. But she needed Shuri to love her. She couldn’t possibly control her mind forever without causing damage which is the only reason she didn’t keep the atoms activated at all times. Time was limited. Now was the time to tip the scales in her favor..
Shortly after entering the lab Riri felt strong arms circle her waist, a firm body pressing up against her back as a nose tickled her cheek. “Hello my love.” Riri smiled biting her lip and turning around in Shuri’s arms where she belonged. “Baby!” Her arms circled Shuri’s neck as she brought her down into a kiss. “I was missing you and these lips.” Shuri whispered against her mouth. “Never as much as I’ve missed you.” Shuri shook her head. “I beg to differ.”
“Oh really? Why don’t you show me joy much you’ve missed me then Panther.” A smirk rose on Shuri’s face as she lowered herself back onto Riri’s lips kissing her hungrily, while walking her backwards into one of the lab tables. Her hands went under Ri’s shirt carressing the soft skin of her abdomen sending shivers down her spine. 
“I love the way you touch me Shuri.” Ri whispers as her eyes closed savoring the feeling. “Not as much as I love touching you.” All of a sudden Ri was being lifted onto the lab table. She slid the jacket of Shuri’s suit from her shoulders revealing her bra. Tugging on the center of the bra she released one of Shuri’s breast instantly attaching herself to her nipple. Shuri threw her head back in ecstasy reaching to remove Riri’s shirt. Riri unattached herself from Shuri for a second to allow her to remove her shirt as she unhooked Shuri’s bra. Shuri began unbuttoning Ri’s pants as she lifted allowing Shuri to remove her panties along with her bottoms as Ri reciprocated. They were both now completely naked as Shuri straddled Riri’s thigh. Riri moved closer to the edge of the table lining her core up to Shuri’s thigh and they both began to move against one another. Shuri’s arms were on either side of Ri keeping them both balanced as she panted in Riri’s ear while they both used eachothers thighs to get off. 
“Sss mmm, Ri you feel so good against me.” Shuri moaned her breath tickling Riri’s neck. Riri’s hips bucked harder against Shuri her arms wrapped tightly around Shuri’s neck as she cried out. “Yes! T-Tell me h-how gooood I make you feel. Oh God!”
“S-so good! S-so f-fucking good!” Riri’s eyes fluttered open briefly, before snapping back open to see a blurry figure standing at the entrance of the lab. With a few blinks clearing the tears from her eyes, the figure took form into you. Ooohh this was deliciously perfect!! Riri almost came from sheer excitement! She took the moment to unwrap her right arm from around Shuri’s neck placing her hand at Shuri’s entrance. She slowly added  her ring and pointer fingers inside of her while pressing her palm into her sensitive bud as Shuri rocked harder onto her. “Oh fuck Ri! Just like that! I’m gonna cum!” 
“Yea baby cum for me. I’m gonna cum with you! Say my name when you cum for me. Let everybody know who’s pussy this is.” Ri panted into Shuri’s neck as both of their bodies began to shake both on the edge of their release. Knowing that you were watching as Shuri’s body quaked against hers, and that soon she would have Shuri to herself made Riri’s orgasam come quick and heavy along with Shuri. Her Juices pouring over her hand onto her thigh. Ri opened her eyes looking over Shuri’s shoulder as they both caught their breath, fully prepared for conflict. But you were  gone. What the fuck! Had she imagined it all. 
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I love holding you, touching you
'Cause you help me deal with the pains
So how could you turn into
The demons you
Once said that you'd keep away?
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“AAAARRRGGH!!” You scream as you remove the large wedding photo from the entrance of your home smashing it into the ground. You walked through your home destroying any semblance of your relationship with Shuri. Tears streaming down your face. Releasing agonizing screams. You’d trusted her. Fell for her lies. She was one hell of an actress. Making you believe she really loved you and the whole time she was fucking that BITCH! So that’s why she wouldn’t send her home! You start to feel faint from the stress. Heading to the nearest wall you balance yourself. Remembering your baby you wrap an arm around your tummy placing your back against the wall sliding to the floor. 
“Why Shuri? Whyyyyyy?” The last why escaping your throat in a shaky whimper. You look around at the damage you’d caused. It reinforced the pain you felt inside. And for the first time ever you no longer wanted to be there. 
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“You hungry baby. We should probably get some food after that workout.” Shuri looked at Riri in all her naked glory still sitting on the lab table watching Shuri get dressed. She contemplated deactivating the atoms and sending Shuri back to you to be sure she wasn’t loosing her mind. “You ok Ri baby?” Concern etched itself in Shuri’s face as she walked over to her placing her hands on her naked thighs. Riri placed both hands on Shuri’s cheeks looking her in the eyes. 
“I’m so in love with you Shuri and I’ll do anything for you. You’re the best thing to ever happened to me.” Her eyes began to mist and Shuri captured her lips. 
“Heyyy, Hey beautiful don’t cry. I hate to see you cry.” Her voice soft and comforting. Riri smiled. “They’re happy tears. Because I have a feeling that after today no one will be in our way.”
“No one could ever be in our way. Because I love you.” Ri planted another kiss on Shuri before standing and gathering her clothes to put them back on. Once her clothes were back on she walked over and embraced Shuri.
“Soon that will be true.” She let go and with the press of a button Shuri was back to normal.
“Ms. Williams, why are you still in the lab. Go explore. Or get some rest. Relax for once. I’m going to spend some time with my wife.”
“I was just running in to grab something. I’m headed out now. I hope you and y/n have a wonderful day. I’ll see you later.” With that she walks out of the lab.
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I'm in my feelings, I'm tired, I'm bleeding
I'm nothing, I'm choking without you
I become weak from the mountains
I'll scream 'til the morning wraps me back around you
Where the colors of your mind will turn around
And so will you too
Oh, no, no, no, don't let it go
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Shuri walked out out of the lab. Heading home with a bounce in her step ready to curl up and relax with her wife. Once she reached the Queens wing her heart dropped as she noticed the commotion. Dora and staff scurried in and out of her home. Her face scrunched in confusion as she watched them remove things from inside. Your things. 
“You can just take that one down to my car.” Tolu walked out giving directions, when she spoted Shuri looking lost. 
“What’s going on Lu? Why are y/n’s things being taken.” Tolu walks up with one arm held out as Shuri proceeds forward “Shuri. I think it’s best you stay out here until she leaves.” Tolu placed a had in the center of Shuri’s chest attempting to push her backwards. 
“Leave? Leave where? Wh-what game are you two playing? Stop.” Shuri’s heart began to race.
“This is not a game Shuri. She’s not talking. I don’t know what you did. But you fucked up.” Shuri looked past Tolu towards the entrance to her home. Quickly she side stepped Tolu and made her way towards the door. 
“STOP! EVERYONE STOP! Put her things down now!” Everyone stopped looking at eachother confused on what to do. Stepping inside the first thing Shuri noticed was the wedding photo in peices on the floor. Her breathing became short and choppy as she looked around her living room. What the fuck was going on? Where were you? She hastily ran into the bedroom just in time to see you walking out of your closet with the last of your bags. 
“Baby what’s going on? What’s happening?” You only stare at her for a second face blank, grief hidden behind your eyes. Diverting your eyes you continue on your way. She steps infront of you grabbing at your bags. “NO! No y/n. Talk to me. W-What did I do?” She stuttered as her eyes began to water. Your eyes settled every where but on her as your lip began to tremble. Shuri’s movements followed the direction of your eyes as she tried getting you to look at her. “Y/n please.” She whispered. Stepping away you head towards the bathroom to grab a few things you’d missed. Shuri fell to her knees crawling after you. “B-baby, talk to me. I can fix it. Whatever it is I can fix it.” She sat on her knees in the doorway of the bathroom. Watching you pack up things. She was confused. Her mind reeling searching for the answer. The memories they were there but there’s no way she did that. No way she would ever betray your trust in that way again. 
It’s wasn’t me. It’s wasn’t me baby. Stay help me!
Shuri could hear herself screaming almost as though she was separate from herself. She shook her head. She started to get frantic as you stepped right past her walking out of the bathroom. She crawled after you again the tears flowing as she tried to catch her breath. Everywhere you went she was right behind you begging for understanding. 
“Please baby please just talk to me. I don’t understand! I’m begging you p-please d-don’t leave me! Everything was just fine! What could I have done!” She hiccuped through her tears. Finally you finished packing and headed towards your bags. Shuri got there before you, knocking over the bags and trying to get them open to take out your belongings. “Stop Shuri.” She starts to open the bag and you grab the handle pulling at the bag. Shuri held tight making the bag rip open clothes flying everywhere as you stumbled backwards. “Fuck Shuri Stop it!! I’m leaving with or without this shit!” You try walking out but Shuri once again was on your trail. She crawled infront of you, wrapping her arms around your lower torso as she buried her face in your stomach. 
I’m lost sthandwa. Please don’t leave me here.
“What did I do baby?! What did I do? Please I-I can’t lose you. I’ll fix it umfazi wam. I’ll fix it. I need you! Don’t do this!” Your body trembled with sobs that you held inside as the dame broke. You hit a button on your beads. 
“Okoye, I need your assistance in leaving. She’s not letting me go.” You choked out. Shuri’s arms tightened around you. “Y/n what is going on?” In seconds Okoye was at the door. “Shuri. I think it’s best you let her go. Just come with me ok.” She walked over squatting next to her. 
“Just talk to me pleaaasssee.” Her jaw trembled as she sobbed into your stomach your shirt soaked in tears. She began to wheeze from lack of air. Her breaths shakey. Okoye and  Aneka grabbed hold of Shuri’s arms trying to release you from her grip. “You have to let her go. You’re hurting her Shuri.” Her grip loosened instantly. “I don’t want to hurt you baby. Just-Just let me fix it.” Okoye lifted Shuri to her feet.  “Come on Shuri. Give her time.”
“No no no! Just tell me what to do! I’ll do it!” Shuri was inconsolable as they carried her out of the house. “Let me go! I just want to know what I did! I just need to know how to fix it.” She began to sound as though she was choking sobs and breaths getting stuck inside her chest. Okoye pressed Shuri against the wall right outside of the door of her home. Grabbing her jaw and squeezing to open her airways she coached Shuri through her cries. “Breathe Shuri! You have to breathe!” Shuri let out a cough an agonizing cry not far behind. Okoye wrapped her in a hug gently placing her head onto her shoulder. Her body became weak with sobs as Okoye held her weight. Tolu walked over placing a comforting hand onto Shuri’s arm. Aneeka standing guard infront of them. “What did I do?” she continued to repeat. 
Finally you were able to walk out. You look in Shuri’s direction. Had you not witnessed what you did in that lab. The sight would’ve torn you to pieces. Her pressed into a wall to keep her stable with Okoye cradling her head like a baby’s. But all you could feel was hatred. Anger. Removing your Kimoyo beads and rings you drop them to the floor with a clang and walked away. Shuri released a grunt that sounded as though she’d been punched in the gut at the sound.
You were gone and she didn’t know why.
Please come find me.
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Up on the mountain
Searched through the valley
You hear me calling
Won't you come find me?
Please don't forsake me
All of a sudden
My heart is breaking
I feel it coming
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Taglist: @imjusthere2readbruv,@bubbleblowinggirl, @euph0ricx0,@bellaallebbella1, @minionslikeppl, @melanated-queen, @letitiasnyash, @tishlvr, @writtenbymarie, @doramilaj233, @lichuchin, @6-noir, @jackdrawsjunk, @Ippriceisright
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kodev · 2 years
MY GOODNESS THATS SO IN DEPTH!! Love it!! Few more things sorry for putting them all in one ask
1) I have absolutely 0 previous mahoyaku knowledge so it was vaguely word salad to me like. I got the gist but if you wish to elaborate (mahoyaku for dummies)
2) Relationship chart would be awesome yes
3) I LOVE THESE GUYS. I'm shaking them around they're so well thought out and cool seriously seriously so excited to see the game!
okay first off i am so sorry for this like month late response... im currently a high school senior in the midst of college apps season haha so i havent had time to really do anything T__T my apologies again... and thank u for the questions! i will literally talk about mhyk for ages if enabled lol. word dump below
mhyk for dummies: mahoyaku is a pretty boy mobage. i am so sorry i just need to get that out there. anyways two things that *i* think that set it apart from other mobages is its not an otome so you cant date any of the characters AND its got more of a focus on non-romantic pairings i guess? idk if that makes sense but it does show and i do greatly enjoy the relationships (platonic, romantic, or whatever the fuck) between a lot of the characters since imo its very well written. even if i havent been keeping up with any of the stories. ALSO since its in a wizard universe they do some pretty cool things with gender... dont want to say they are nonbinary but the creator did confirm that gender works differently for wizards. Highly enjoyable. Also a lot of bisexuals but some of them embarass me
ANYWAYS its a wizard world... wizards are born as like um.. idk theyre pretty rare unless its hereditary i think but i would say out of 100 random human babies one of them is a wizard. this comes with neat perks like: magic! immortality as long as you dont get killed (tbf its very hard to get killed if youre magic but wtv)! trying to think of other perks but really i think thats it! it also has cons like: a lot of people fucking hate you for no reason if they find out youre a wizard! and if you make a promise and break it you lose all ur magic :(. wizards turn into mana stones when they die (pretty rocks, also the gacha currency which is really fucking funny), which other wizards can eat to gain power or humans can use to power magic tools. ppl wont find out youre a wizard unless you start using magic or youre there long enough so that ppl r like "Hey its been 50 years why is this guy not aging". (ofc u only STOP aging after u hit ur magic peak but thats only a fun bit of trivia that isnt super relevant? idk)
before i get into anything else: there are 5 countries (north, east, south, west, central, very creatively named ik ik). north is a brutal country, the idea of survival of the fittest is probably taken to the extreme there, although there are some exceptions. its "ruled" by whoever the reigning wizards are there at the time, which leads to some pretty insane northern wizards! so muchmental illness. east has probably the worst of wizard hating, very forested country and ppl there tend to be pretty isolated/keep to themselves but witch? wizard? hunts are fairly common there. probably worst place societally to live as a wizard. south is the nicest place to live out of the five sort of... i think in recent history the coal miners overthrew the feudal lords so the entirety of south is still sort of being actively developed, its kind of barren but also not? idk. wizards and humans live in harmony in south, but as a result, the wizards there are also known for being really weak and err... "softhearted" in comparison. western country is full of insane people. they also generally dont like wizards but if youre funny enough theyll enjoy you. western is sort of steampunky as a result of being like the idk tech capital of the wizard world. most western wizards are fucking insane but in a really benevolent and cute way. im skipping over an insane amount of worldbuilding btw HELP umm theres nuance to all of these places nods nods im kind of just giving the broad strokes here. anyways finally central! i love central. sort of the trading hub of the world. had a famous revolution led by wizards about 100 years ago and there was wizard jesus christ. anyways wizard jesus christ gets betrayed by his closest friend, his closest friend burns him at the stake, the revolution fails but then his closest friend rewrites history to portray wizard jesus christ as a saint and also to say that the revolution wasnt for wizards but rather against the reigning king by humans? i love central rev btw such interesting worldbuilding... sedespa and aapeli from my game aare from central rev. ANYWAYS thats probably the closest i can get to the mhyk for dummies < guy who didnt talk about the pplot or characters of mahoyaku at all.
also the moon is evil and tries to kill everyone once a year they call it the great calamity. not super relevant for my game but very relevant for mahoyaku.
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had to make this quickly sorry lol THANK U FORASKING AGAINNN
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
thoughts about TNSATSI
very ominous, especially the last part.
i love how he just does everything to at least try to make her feel comfortable. i have a feeling that behavior has a story behind i. it just cant all be chivalry cant it.
how shes very guarded is interesting. the constant mentions of he or them is just the tip of the iceberg innit. she's really traumatized by whats happened that her walls are so high up she could barely trust anyone.
this island is also proving to be very very mysterious. how come of the two other teachers in said island, the both just decided on taking a vacation just as she start working. i mean its understandable through further thought but i just think its questionable. and the towns people, what the bloody hell is wrong with them that they look at her as if she brought the plague. did they have a bad experience with a previous new comer? does she look an awful lot like minola or does she remind the of her? i have a feeling minola isnt/wasnt very kind to the town, either that or shes a tortured soul.
i absolutely adore how this is ramping up to be.
i still cant help but think back to lokis concern for her and the last bit. that'll be nagging for a while now wont it. what does he mean she wont survive the next week i believe? and the sort of protectiveness he has on her is really intriguing to me, (though that might be for personal reasons).
i just cant get over how guarded she is. what happened to her and therapy is a common thing but so far why does every hint given so far make it sound so severe. it quite possibly is but... ill have to wait to know wont i?
i saw your earlier post about not receiving much interaction or feedback and about others having to just want to go straight to the height of action on interest, i mean i know what they mean but the slow starts are as important as that. the structuring of the characters and the steady build up of mystery is what makes a good story. sure jumping straight to the middle, in where the most action is drawn in is cool but others miss the meaning in that. the meaning that could only be realized if you read the start. structuring makes a good story people. personally i think its what made your other stories so brilliantly wonderful. the questions left after every chapter pile up until answered in later pages. the intrigue is palpable if you begin at the very start.
i apologize for ranting but in short of what i meant to say, im sorry that you dont get the proper response or enough of it. your work is absolutely marvelous and other may just be shy but they love it just as much a person who sends feedback. im sorry that you feel down love but if it ever raises your spirits, know that i eagerly wait for your posts as much as a child waits for Christmas. that doesnt mean to pressure you into posting, i am completely satiated in reading your older works as well.
i really just want you to know that your work is deeply appreciated. others may not show it or express it but your writing is loved. it really really is. the amount of times ive talked to myself (i really dont have friends) about your work, the reactions ive expressed are absolutely ridiculous but all of it was caused by your brilliant work and the other talented writers in this app. mere typed words or words alone cant do justice to the praise held up for your work. its just beautiful, from the heartbreaking angst to the steamy smut, all are just a work of art.
damn this got lengthy, i apologize for length of this rant and just hope you have a good one. sending you all the hugs and love i can muster
from your lovely😊❤️💜💙💛💚😊
Yess there are many hidden details, or I should say it's not really hidden though, just a matter of perspective I guess. She feels a sense of safety around him which is surprising even for her.
Also the he person and them she thinks about are the people from her past. Whatever happened to her had destroyed her will to live normally, that's why she thought living at a place where she wouldn't have to interact much, especially with men would be good for her. Epic fail because now she's desperate to seek connections because the house is either haunted or she's losing her mind.
Something is not right at The Slumber Island
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Thank you for everything else you said about me and you have a virtual friend here, you can talk to me anytime you feel like. 🤗
Now I personally believe that people can write bad stories even after writing good ones, so sometimes the story just doesn't connect with people. Sometimes the story is just bad, but I KNOW that there are some people who are reading every chapter but they just don't want to respond or give a feedback because ofcourse it takes time and effort, people are busy, have lives, not well etc and I understand that very well but that doesn't mean it's not disheartening for me to be disappointed by the fact that people don't want to engage with me directly.
I think reading a series is not everyone's cup of tea, people just want to read quick smut fics or a oneshot, that's not the issue, issue is that I know they are reading but not wanting to respond. It might seem boring or dragged but pacing is very important for me, even when I'm reading x reader stories if I read a full fledged series where the characters just fall in love with each other even though there were no emotions described, no inner thoughts were shared, it immediately takes me out of the story because I can't relate with these people..I don't know what gives them a substance, a motive. So I try to build my characters, ofcourse it also depends on the plot, hmbomt had characters engaging with each other quickly but there were conflicts and issues that kept coming because that's how it is, people don't just magically start loving the other person madly for no absolute reason.
You never have to apologise to me for literally drowning me in the praises I don't feel worthy of, thank you for taking the time to send me this. Usually after I'm done venting I feel better and I was afraid of complaining again but then it's my blog and people are free to unfollow if it bothers anyone.
Love you 💚❤️
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solardick · 4 months
Uh. The Vatican has its own country of 500 people.
India 1,4 billion. China 1.4 billion. Canada. 38 million.
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So what came first, the chiken or the egg? It’s so odd. Create the image, influences then come to being. … how does that work?… at any rate, the card works. Works as a powerful transmuted christian image. Helpd to pull the carnivorous nature of reptiles, dinosaurs and monsters into a positive momentum. Bearing semblance to magestic creators. Fear in knowing the dangers of its rebuke. If thats not too harsh of a word. Not knowing the still pressence of what should be radiating light. Warm rays of sunshine on a cool departure. Intimidation. Engagement is perplexing.
This card placed ontop of the deck. Centerd between the two 5’s of ten. The pope raising its hand. Two fingers to the sun. Pointing up about to infinity. Save that it can replace the pope card. Breaking out a barrier. balancing the equation between sexes.
Adds definition to strength as harmony. Clashes horrendously with waites magician. Belittling the serpent as a belt to hold up his pants with. Is that its purpose? Well people back then were fucked. Thats the generation that started ww 1 and 2….
It becomes the center card of the deck layout. And the pope card doesnt lose any signicance as it is p’aced above on a spot on high. A throne. Which he is clear’y occupying.
Anyway the two infinity cards from the tarot become the parents to the serpent. Showing the emperor’s holy lineage. Ideally the devil card 15 from tarot modified to the likness of the serpent shows from what the empress is descended from.
Connected to my personalize oO death card numbering 15 connects it again to the sex. Symbolizing that wanting inrush of potency towards the creation of kin. Or to what id expect it to be in reality. Those glowing red cheeks. Mmmnn. Theres nothing more beautiful.
So i was watching some gay porn just the other day and, i felt bad for the bitch. Poor guy. So i went and jerked off to a hot russian getting banged in a sports bar toilet stall.
Well think im just going to start smoking whole cigarettes now and stop ripping them in half, so the girl has less reason to swoon over me. Hate being psychic like that. Since her nature is like that. She locks on to a small detail of something that isnt up to standard or whatever and goes obsessive. Seek and destroy based on her own delusional egotistic set. But. Everything i do is wrong and over agrandized. Its like they all pretend to be my mother. While others do the same. Its on’y a problem if its coming from me. Hows its always been. Time to eeupt. Hurt me some more. Whole other around do worse. Yup. Thats life.
Oh no i no i daid atupid. Time to start freaking the fuck out in bits of over energized destruction! « Hey mom can we” ehat! I said can we…? What?! I said can we? Ehat?! I dont understand you! Blag blah blah. Ok start beating in my face. Sorry i suggested soemthig helpful and posiitve. Oh well, guessnom never talking to you again even ifbit was a life of seath situation. You would listen anyway. Just beat on me some more. While playing to good christian. To all the girls and boys. Fuck off.
Not allowed to escape that reality by the maneuverings of other people. Im here for the sole purpose of being fucked. Laways was. There is no such thing as justice in life. Only punishment. Theres bothign to learn in life except not to try. “Shouldn’t we try to fix this family? Maybe go see a family therapist?” Oh yeah right. No one else cares. You wouldnt even send me to thearapy to save my life. Why did i try?
Your all fucken dead to me. The only differenve i dont go out of my way to fuck your lives. And gere i am 39 years later still being raped by existance. Its all its ever been. Nothing to learn. No wag to grow. Just the same bs from others. The way its alway been. I do t want to be alive anymore. All life does is fuck with me by criminal minds. Unyilnyou lose your sanity and then get fucked some more vause theres actually a good excuse this time. Hahahahahha the world Always sides with evil. There’s noyhing in life for me and theres nothing to do. Dint really have much choice in the matter, being abused into suicide.
While i spend my days serounded by the corrupt, the criminal, the degenerates, the effeminate, the violent and the brains washed gay’s. God forbid if i rather not spend soemtime with members the opposite sex or the proactive masculine.
Now excuse i have to go get high for breakfast and waste the day. Its ok. Im used to it. 25 years and counting. And excuse me if i have flair ups soemtimes. Its alot of pressure. While i wait for yhe first aid training and possibly the organization of health and saftey. After all i may need to save your fucken lives one day. Yay!
A wise serpent without a dove isn’t very gentel now is it?
What?! Sorry i capuld hear you you spoke at the same time as the crows. All i heard was “Caw! Caw! Caw!” Oh, we’re going to be partnering up? Awh…… no. Considering you’re relying on a drug dealer to drive you home everyday. And thats the guy i get paired with. Well either that of the “dipshit” as everyone calls them. Talking about gays and dildos, and sagitarian rape court case and a pimp civic under various trafgic violations whom doesnt take working seriously? Uhm. The gay guy, the criminal, or the combination of the two? Uhm, well, i lose. While i get sexually harassed by a “22” year old whith a similar sounding name as the lygbbq organization that continued suggestion i was a cocksucker after i repeatedly asked her to stop. Durring 2022… ok. Sure why not. What door number is that. The exit door number 22? What is that the fireextinguisher convineently olaced next to the males washroom? Exinguisher number what? 22? What? My ninimum credit payment is what? 22? At the same time as they pulled this shit? Ok.
Am i supposed to learn somethign here? Or is my spyche getting drastically raped by evil? What card is number 22? Nothing by the tarot. Maybe the fool. Maybe the world card. Maybe that magically missing number 22. In the typewritter its thr star card. A naked woman pooring out the spirit. The bestowment of a hope to meet the dream. Passivity to the reception from the collective.
Im not allowed to have a life free from captivity and malicious influences. Why try? I literally don’t know anything else. They’r eproba ly just framing me up to spend the second half of my life in prison.
Om now the small buzz in bottoming and i think my coffe is wearing out. Think i beed to go take a nap.
If one used the wheel. Thinking astrologically. As the twelve seasons. Then thr minor arcana would all occupy a quarter season. The four A-1’s place in the center of the circle facing out. On yhe wheel. One is traveling up. While the current is pulling down faster then one can move. Is consistent the lunar/solar cross sections with that of a serpent. While one swims agaisnt the current, one will only slow the final destination. Until one circles around the circle to the last quarter of fears and dreads, now helplessly trying to swim away from it. Creating this complex based upon repression of lies and delusions as the explanation. To the coming fate. I hate astrology. A fear. And the will to not accept whats (not really) inevitable. Give in to the lie. For when one passes that descendant point the half way. One tries to swim for that balance. Towards the 6th card of the lovers. But, its a lost cause. While one is helplessly being pulled away from it.
… the right side of the circle is comprised of the wands to swords. The left side coins to cups. The angles are A’s and each zodiac house is assigned three cards. The semi-square angle holds a conflict card. The left side of the circle is the individual. Number one. He is surrounded by life affirming cards and accomplishments hard work and discipline. And the bounty of a happy home life is where it ends. One can rise to career or descend to the self and family. Resources ideals, dreams accomplished. On the right side of the chart is all the bad. A relationship to bs. Starts with a desire to leave home. See the world have fun with friends. And where one has to pay the penalty for being alive. It’s pretty depressing. As all things tarot. Which is here shown by the split natures of white and black both cancer and Capricorn share.
Maybe since there’s already an arian plan in opperation all future arians are forced down and oppressed from any divergence. Which isnt set and bound for them to attend. Mostly its just a trophy. Good’lad heres a loolly pop. There’s only death and sorrow if you go any further. Better save it for the militant going on and beyond the capricorn point. To death and war.
So when doing a reading with the minor. Its best to see where in the zodiac it is placed and see what planets are aspecting those degrees. The self then has an added layer of information that isnt neccesarly allocated to “fate”. One then takes the major arcana and plug in the proper card to the appropriete number based on cyclic repetition. Thats what a circle is. The only problem here is that circles are only found in nature in the form of pulses. A ripple in water. The ring of a tree. Its never singular. Beyond that of the sun and the moon. Or a bubble. Circles are never still. Always in motion. Growing outward until it fades. Relying on that drop in its center.
Now the minor arcana is paired to a planet and to a major arcana. Precision grows more clear. Complexity adds reaction. And the star card always fallows the threat, and violence. Which may lead into a world of metal illnesses. As the child tries to distract it’s attention into something else, for the violence goes counter to its well being. Creating a world of delusions and retractions from the world. Adopting a passivity to action. And further reception to something more pleasing. It being a dream. These conditioned dreams based from the collective reception of information, all gets poured into the same cup. There’s no segregation, no separation. One becomes what it is being fed. A desire to do good. And a motivation to be receptive. Like i said. Theres nothign to learn in life. There’s just punishment. Fromoutsode violebce while it being twisted as an echo to be villainized by. Where the origin of the destructive acts take a place of innocence. On and on. From time memorial. Do now the next moon card comes in and the one is screaming at the world. Causing a ruckus. Howling at the moon. To be futher punished by the “good”. Or to praying to god for salvation, or getting shitfaced drunk or using other intoxicants. Which are made abundant and always is easy reach. From time memorial. Cant even be int he seclusion of solitude. Without it. Sorry mom i’m smoking my brothers pot i found hidden behind my poster. In the same room im forces to share with him. Eith this dominant pluto opposition aspect. Fun fun. And well the world as shown me profusly that im just a bitch. Nothigs changed.
What i got an attitude problem needing correction?! No thats ok. Ill a nother beating after they just jumpednon my face. Ok. Sire why not.
Hey! Ho. Stop tellign at your daughter! Your other one detaching from reality right noe becaus eof it. No! I font want to sleep woth you. You have a boyfriend. Fuck off. Stop insisting.
God dames women stop being sexually suggestive! Im trying to socialize jesus! If i wanted to see you naked id just go watch some poor they’re way hotter than you. And if that was the case. I aint no single stand. Cant sleep eoth you even if i wanted to if i don’tt know what im dicking. Kind of hard to enjoy. Maybe the lesson here , Is that i should. Hey stranger. You got a pretty mouth. Wanna fuck? Why you making it sexual for. Now im turned off.
It’s fun to play with power words like this.
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The son the father and the Holy Ghost.
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Draw out the chariot! Move!
Careful what you eat.
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-I expect there to be a top qualité Asian movie involving a dove and a dragon coming out. Hopefully it won’t be toO fif.
And thé on l’y appropriate letter to assign to infinity is temperance. Letter R. Not of it directly. But as the minusculed r. Becoming EFr. But this is a new area for me. So I don’ know. The minuscule R serves quite well as temperance’s white dove wings.
DEF as mother, son and father. As the 0-5 card speaks for itself. Def., equals absolute. A definite act. From nothign. O. If one extends on this the holy ghost as the emperors foundation is balances by the empresses dragon/devil card.
As E moves into F. F moves into the equalavent of a capitalized minuscule sembling letter r. Above and beyond that, one finds a straight line. Resembling the capital i as the sun and the minusculed L of the hermit. Or as the number 1 and another journey.
I cleaned her up, coloured her in and her prettier her’d up while, she did the laundry. 14-18
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Though it becomes curious when one stops and writes. BRP and again it shows symbolism in motion.
- Doesn't this card just say R. The mirrored angle for the water is neat.
Chicken and the egg and all that. Temperance. On the study of letters.
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0 notes
souljournaler · 2 years
content warning; grief
the grief feels like a whole weather system outside.
i feel glad to know that one chair wont be empty this solstice. [name removed for privacy] got through another long night. i can only hope this one is her longest for a while. i'm so not qualified for this, and yet i'm in this situation so often, i even put myself here when i know no one else is around. and i do it because i want to, even if i'm not going to handle it perfectly, and i learn from each time and try to be more effective in the future. but the grief appearing in the wild has become so common these days that i've had to come to terms with knowing i can't always be the one there to help, i am only one person, i only have so much time and energy. i'm learning how to balance it without burning myself-- after all, empathy without boundaries can lead to self-destruction. but still, these conversations feel inevitable and necessary right now.
i feel good knowing i could be there, even a little bit, for someone, when they needed someone, anyone, please. it gets a little easier each time. i feel like i can figure out something to say, at least, a little more each time. for the most part, i've noticed that the grief has a lot of similar sources, but it takes a different shape for each person, and everyone handles it differently. i guess i should read up on what the actual recommended process looks like, for talking someone down from a high-strung place, or lifting them up from a deep despair-- i'm in this situation often enough, i might as well get some recommendations from others who have been doing this a long time.
i said more things i would have regretted not saying. i didnt stay silent when i had energy to speak. i hope my words got through to her in the way i was trying for when i said them. it would have sucked to see another empty chair at my table so soon after she'd joined it.
it's interesting sometimes to me, to remember that, at the end of the day, pretty much no one knows what the outcomes of their actions will be, given enough time. there's never going to be a time when someone gets absolutely everything right, or wrong. even those with a lot of practice arent immune to error. sometimes even our best efforts feel like a drop in an ocean. i'm glad she's deciding to stick around. i wish her rest, and healing, and softness, and power.
i wonder who else is dealing with grief today. i wonder who is seeing an empty chair that belonged to someone they love. i wonder who is having to sit at a smaller table than they're used to. i wonder how they're handling it. does it feel big, or small, light, or heavy, or nebulous, or supermassive? do they even know it's there, or is there a megafauna in their itty-bitty living space? does it feel invisible, intangible, but undeniably present, like a ghost wailing from inside them? i wish them grace and acceptance while acknowledging it.
if you're reading this, i want you to know-- thanks for being here, on this earth, with me. i'm sorry you feel alone. i know it's hard to imagine us all being here with you, but we are. we're tired, and exhausted, and scared, and hurting, and seething, and angry, and hopeful, right next to you, all the time, across time and space, every time you struggle with these feelings. i'm sorry you feel alone when youre not. i'm sorry you aren't able to feel us there right now, celebrating your comeback. remember that what you can see isnt all there is. remember that we see things not as they are, but as we are.
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kylie-writes-stuff · 3 years
pairing: corpse husband x reader (female)
words: 1,714
requested?: no (send some in tho pls :) )
plot/summary: felix invites his friend, y/n, to play among us when they need an extra player. her and corpse get along well
authors note: so this isnt that good and i know a lot of corpse fics use a similar plot. i just wanted to try to write for corpse. hopefully things i write for him in the future are better. let me know what you think tho! also i really wanted reader to be best friends with karl bc i love him sm. uh every swiggly line is like a small time skip. this was written late at night btw and i didnt take much time to go over it
You sat up from laying down when you heard your phone ring. You looked at the caller ID.
"What's up Felix?" You ask with a small yawn.
"Aww, how sweet," You hear in the background.
You giggle and ask, "Is that Sean? Hi Sean!"
"Yeah, we're playing Among Us and need an extra player. You down?" Felix explained.
"Sure, just give me a few minutes. See you soon, whore"
"Bitc-" You hang up before he can finish.
You got up and turned off your TV, going to get ready. 
You quickly tweet out that you're going live and say something on your insta story as well. You start your stream and slowly watch people flood in.
"Hey everyone! How are you guys doing?" You wave and smile, reading the chat.
"Everyone doing good, awesome! And i'm sorry to anyone having a bad day. I hope i can brighten it a bit!"
"Okay, sorry i didn't give you a further notice. I didn't even know i was gonna stream. Felix invited me to play Among Us so... here we are!"
You quickly join the discord and pull up the game, putting a cover over where the code goes.
"Hello?" You ask as you join the call. A chorus of greetings came your way.
"Karl!" You smile brightly.
Karl Jacobs was a good friend of yours. You would play on the Dream SMP sometimes. When you would, it would mostly be you being stupid with Karl and Alex, also known as Quackity. You were even a well know citizen of El Rapids.
"LET'S GOOOOO!" He yelled, making you laugh.
"Hey (Y/n), do you know everyone here?" Sean asks you.
"Um," You quickly scan through the names, "no, i don't think so."
You recognized names but you only personally knew Felix, Sean, Karl, and Ethan.
"Oh my god! Your voice is so cute!" Pokimane exclaims.
You giggle softly, "Thank you Poki!"
You're voice wasn't high pitched or anything like that, you just always spoke very softly and calmly. You were also a bit quiet.
Felix introduces you to those that you didn't know.
"There's one more person we're waiting for," He says.
While everyone waits, you and Karl run around each other's little characters and make jokes between yourselves. You mute yourself to read donations every once in a while.
You hear the discord chime, signaling that someone joined the call.
"WAIT CORPSE! DON'T SPEAK YET!" Felix yelled. "We have a new player. This is my friend (Y/n), say hi to her"
"Hello (Y/n)," Corpse said. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was but you didn't show it.
"Hi Corpse! Nice to meet you!" You said happily.
"Okay, how is she not freaking out?" Bretman said, making everyone laugh.
"Uh, (Y/n), do you mind letting me have black? It's cool if not.." Corpse asked gently.
"O-oh sure, no problem." You were usually black with the pink flamingo hat, but you ran over to the little computer and changed your color.
"Simp," Ethan mumbled, knowing you never switch from black.
"Thank you," He said, then the game started.
The word “Imposter” appeared on your screen in red, yours and Corpse's characters underneath.
As the game started, you thought no one could hear you so you spoke to your chat. "His voice was so deep, what the fuck? Holy shit that was hot, i'm gonna-"
"(Y/n)," Rae laughed, "You know we're playing proximity chat, right."
You blushed as you realized and said "Ha, anyways..." and ran to start faking tasks.
You ended up in electrical with Karl. "(Y/n)! My good friend, my buddy, you would never kill me right? Haha..." He said.
"Of course not, Karl! My good friend, my buddy. Why, I'm not even imposter," I said as i quickly dipped into the vent and back out, making him laugh.
I decided to show him because I knew Karl wouldn't say anything, and it's funny.
"Oh that's good then. Are you sure you're not imposter?"
"Mhm, pretty sure," You said, going back in. As you came out, Sykkuno walked in and froze.
"Uh, (Y/n)?"
"Fuck... Karl run! Go!" You said, Karl starting to leave. You walked closer and quickly killed Sykkuno then vented to security.
"That was close..." You told your chat.
You saw Corpse as you made your way around the map and walked into navigation.
"Hey, Corpse, how ya doing?"
"Ah you know, good. Just being crewmate and all."
You stifled a laugh, "Oh yeah I feel that, buddy."
"Yeah because there's no way that i'm imposter. No way i could be faking tasks and there's no possible way you could be the other imposter" He said quickly.
"For sure. Hypothetically speaking, though, if you were imposter, how many people would you have killed by now?"
"I would say probably around two."
"Interesting," You said right before a body was reported. It was Sykkuno's. Felix and Rae were also dead.
"WHAT!" Corpse yelled.
"Where was the body at?" Sean laughed.
"Uh I found it in electrical," Bretman said.
"I'm pretty sure Karl was in there earlier."
You calmly said, "It's not Karl, I was with him for most of the round."
"How do we know the two of you aren't imposters?" Sean asked.
"I was alone with him, he would have taken the chance to kill me."
"No, he's your best friend."
"He's also ruthless,"
"TRUE! SO TRUE!" Karl yelled.
"So skip?" Corpse asked.
Everyone agreed and the voting was skipped.
The next round, I spent with Ethan. He was pretending to be mad at me because Sean said Karl was my best friend.
"What happened to Blue Boi Buddies, huh?!" He exclaimed.
"Neither of our hair is even blue anymore!" You argued back.
You were in reactor with him when Corpse and Poki walked in. He hit the lights and you took it as a sign to double kill. He killed Poki, you killed Ethan, and the two of you made your way to electrical to help fix lights.
You and Corpse went the opposite direction of reactor after the lights were fixed, Karl going with you.
Poki's body was reported. That double kill only left you, Corpse, Sean, Karl and Bretman. You only needed two more kills.
"I still think it's Karl and (Y/n)," Sean said quickly.
"I was with (Y/n) the whole time," Corpse said, "In fact, I think it's you."
"That does make sense. Why so quick to accuse others, Sean?" You ask.
"It's not me!" He yelled.
"I actually agree with Corpse and (Y/n)," Bretman said.
"I was with you!"
We all voted for Sean, him voting for Karl. Sean was ejected.
When you load into spawn, you wait for the kill cool down and kill Bretman, saving Karl.
"Victory" appeared on your screen.
"God damn it!" Sean yelled.
"Good job, (Y/n)," Corpse said lowly.
You smiled, a slight blush on your cheeks, "You too Corpse."
"Their voices go together and they're a fuckin dream team? What have i done...," Felix sighed.
A few more games went by. Most of them you and Corpse spent together, whether you were both crewmates or if one of you was imposter.
You really enjoyed his company and you actually got along with him pretty well.
"(Y/n), before we get serious, I have one question to ask you." Corpse said as both of your characters stopped.
"What's that?" You giggled.
"Do you know Bingus?"
"Bingus? As in, our lord and savior, Bingus?"
You could hear the smile in his voice, "It's settled, you're my wife now."
This made both of you laugh and your chat go crazy.
Eventually, people had to start leaving. You said your goodbyes to everyone and left the discord call and the game.
You set stream to where it was just your face cam.
"Guys, what should we do now?"
You saw some people asking what time it was for you.
"It's 3 AM right now... I’m not tired though.” You had been streaming for a few hours; You never even noticed how late it got.
People in chat were yelling at you to go to sleep, making you chuckle.
“How about we do a quick QnA, then at 3:30 I go to bed. Deal?”
You watched as the chat filled with questions. They obviously seemed to like the idea.
“‘Who is your best friend? Karl or Ethan?’ Neither, Alex Quackity. Next question.” You answered quickly.
You laughed, “I’d like to clarify that that’s a joke, i love all my friends equally.”
You answered more questions. Some were from new viewers asking basic questions, some were about future streams and videos. 
“‘How do you feel about people shipping you and Corpse?’“ People are already shipping us?” You laughed, “I’ve said before that I’m okay with shipping, as long as the other person is too. I think it’s funny.”
You continued to read chat. “Wait, we’re trending?”
You checked Twitter and “#(your and corpse’s ship name)” was trending in the US.
You laughed as you scrolled through the tag, “Oh this is so funny.”
“Fanart already?! You guys are so talented!”
You read chat, looking for more questions. You saw people telling you that it’s 3:30.
“Okay fine, a deal’s a deal. I hope you all have, or had, a great day and I’ll see you guys later. Depending on what time it is for you, you should also get some sleep. Stay hydrated, love you!” You ended stream.
You scrolled through Twitter as you laid in bed, liking fanart and dumb memes. Also replying to a few of your friends’ tweets.
karl :) @/KarlJacobs_
@/(your username) what the honk ?
*clip of you saying Quackity was your best friend*           
You liked the tweet and replied, “karl no,,, look away,,,”
You continued scrolling, feeling your eyes get droopy. Your eyes fell closed but quickly opened when your phone vibrated. It was a DM. 
From Corpse.
You two had followed each other earlier.
Corpse: hey (y/n), just wanted to say you’re really cool and i’d love to play again with you soon 
You smiled, a light blush spreading across your cheeks, and replied.
You: i’d love to, corpse
Corpse: ok, see you soon ‘wife’
You: back at ya, ‘husband”
Corpse: :)
You: :)
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Hi!I've always wanted to write something myself, but my vocab isnt very large. Sssoooo can you write something that involves a Female M/C and Levi??? She loses her virginity to him(because let's face it, he may be a loner,and non social but hes been living a very VERY long time. Hes had to have gotten some ass at some point in his life) And hes very understanding and sweet about it all.(but meanwhile trying very hard not to be too rough and just plow into her. If you dont want to use Levi, Maybe Satan..If say Beel would be a good fit(no pun intended) but I'm siding with every fan here. Dudes dick is too big.
I forgot to add(for my virgin idea with Levi) hes trying hard not be too rough since it's been oh so long since the last time he had sex.(that and the M/C just makes him feel like that regardless)
(I don't mind it being about Levi, I love me some otaku boy :3 I really hope this come out as you hoped, and thanks for sending in a request, lovely!)
Of all the beings available to her, why did she have to pick him? He's just the disgusting hermit who hides away in his room full of anime figurines and games stacked to the ceiling, glued to his computer screen and in his own little world all the time. Why oh why did she chose him?
Leviathan's brain asks these questions over and over again as he is laying next to MC in his bathtub-bed, her lips softly moving against his own. He can't shake the feeling that this has to be a dream; there is no way in all of the Devildom that this could possibly be happening to him.
He and MC had formed a bond of sorts over her stay in the Devildom; in fact, they had practically gotten glued at the hip with how often they would be around each other. She would hide away in his room til the wee hours of the morning, and even sleep over from time to time, taking up the futon he would lay out for her. Up until she slowly began working her way into his bed. This led to a shy first kiss, one that fried his brain to bits and left him a sputtering mess for days after; even that he couldn't believe actually happened.
As their relationship bloomed, so did their closeness, Levi working out his dislike of being touched to allow her to lay her hands on him, slowly but surely getting him used to her. Their kissing would become more and more heated, hands wondering and touching the most intimate of places, until she finally brought herself to admit she had never physically been with anyone before him. Her admittance was followed by a shy downturn of her face, hiding it against his chest as she waited for his judgment.
Another moment of his brain short circuiting. He felt the heat rising in his chest and creeping up into his face, but he wrapped his arms securely around her, giving her reassurance. "I-It's fine that you've never been with anyone before me, MC. It doesn't make me like you any less, ya know?"
She pulled back and looked up at his face, her eyes soft as they locked with his own. "You sure? I know as a demon who has lived for so long...I am sure you have, um, been with plenty of others..."
"T-That doesn't mean anything!" he yelped, covering his face with his hands for a moment. "I l-like the idea of being with you more...so I, uh, wouldn't mind if, ya know...you let me...be your first."
The tail end of his comment came out in a mumbled whisper, but she caught in none the less. "I would love for you to be my first, Levi. I trust you."
A small groan leaves his throat as her words play back in his mind. She trusts him. He had to make sure this night was the best of her life. With him.
He pulled away from the kiss, both of them panting for moment as they gazed at one another. He visibly swallowed, his fingers fisting into her shirt. "Can...Can I take this off?"
She nodded, sitting up to allow him to pull her shirt off, leaving her in a bralette, his eyes averting from her at first. "It's okay, you can look," she reassured him, reaching her hands out to touch his own.
He swallowed once more, slowly moving his eyes to look, taking in her chest as she reached behind her to unclasp her bra. "L-Lemme do it!" he called out suddenly, and she nodded, allowing him to reach behind her back. He undid the clasp easily, letting out the breath he was holding, only to suck in a deeper one when he saw her bare before him.
He stared for a moment before locking eyes with her once more, asking for permission. Another nod was given, and he lifted his hands slowly, cupping her breasts in each one, giving them a firm squeeze. She whimpered slightly, and he paused, gaging her reaction before continuing, feeling her nipples grow pert against the skin of his palm. He pinched them lightly, rolling them between his fingers, eliciting another whimper from her, before leaning in to capture her lips in a deep kiss.
"You're wearing far too much," she mumbled against his lips when they separated for air, and he gave her a funny look before addressing himself. He gave a small laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "S-Sorry, just...really wrapped up in you. Lemme just, ugh..."
He stood up from the bed and climbed out, taking off his shirt and kicking off his sweatpants. She stood as well, removing her shorts, leaving herself in just her underwear, as they climbed back into his bed. This time he climbed atop her, nestling himself between her legs. His flush had spread up to his ears and down to his chest, making his skin warmer than usual, and she ran her fingers along his skin.
"You doing okay?" he asked softly, his fingers shakily running along her side.
She smiled warmly and nodded. "Ready for whatever you have next, babe."
He visibly shuttered at the pet name, then leaned in to plant kisses to her neck and collarbone. He latched onto a specific spot at the bottom of her throat, sucking the skin there to leave a dark mark. He pulled away with an audible pop, and looked down at the mark, smirking slightly; good way to show that she was his.
He began to nervously plant kisses down her chest, coming to the valley between her breasts. He remembered a scene from a hentai he had watched before, and leaned over one of her mounds, blowing lightly on her nipple. It became pert at the sensation, and he felt her wiggle against him, making him smirk to himself. He than took the bud in his mouth, drawing a tight circle around it with his tongue and gave it a generous suck. She gave a high whine, rutting her hips against him, making him gasp and release her nipple when her core came in contact with his erection.
"G-Getting impatient, huh?" he tried to dirty talk, his hand slowly edging towards her still clothed cunt.
"Maybe," she mumbled, gasping a bit when his fingers rubbed against the damn fabric.
He shimmied down her body until settled between her thighs, his face now level with her core. He swallowed once more, mouth suddenly watering as he noticed the dark spot in the fabric covering her. His fingers shakily moved it aside and he leaned forward, giving her a tentative lick.
Her thighs clamped shut for a moment, making him yelp, until he pushed them back open, looking up at her. "Too much? Want me to stop?" he asked, worry apparent in his voice.
"No, no! It just... surprised me is all. New sensation, ya know?" she replied shyly, biting her lower lip. He nodded, giving her thigh a loving rub. "It should feel good, MC. Just, um, tap me on the head if you need to stop, 'kay?"
She nodded, and he bowed his head back down, pressing his tongue back to her folds, licking generously against her. Her thighs attempted to close once more, but his free hand kept them apart, his other hand opening her folds so he could tongue at her clit. She moaned, wiggling a bit at the sensation growing in her lower belly. His lips wrapped around the small bud, as he slowly pressed a finger inside her, thought stopped when he felt her tense.
He pulled away to look up at her, but she let out a deep breath, and urged him to continue. Lips going back to latch on to her clit, his finger slipped in with ease thanks to her slickness, and soon a second finger joined the first, stretching her out as he scissored them.
A slight sting made her wince as he stretched her, but soon she found her hips rutting against him, a pleasurable build up sending sparks along her spine. He pulled away what felt like too soon, and she whined a bit, looking down at him.
"I, um, I think you're ready," he reassured, climbing back up her body to lock eyes with her. She took in a deep breath, bringing her arms to wrap around his neck. He leaned down and kissed her deeply, his hands working his boxers down to free his cock. When she felt the head prodding her entrance, she tensed and looked at him with worry in her eyes.
"You can always back out, MC. I won't be upset or anything! I understand if you change your mind or if you're grossed out by me..." he babbled, but she hushed him with another kiss.
"No Levi, I want it to be you. I'm just nervous, and kind of scared of pain," she admitted, giving him a wry smile.
He frowned, but nodded in understanding. "I-It'll probably hurt for a little while, but I will do my best to be gentle, 'kay? Whenever you want me to stop just smack me or something."
She giggled and nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He pressed his own to her forehead, and let himself press against her once more. His hand guided his tip into her entrance, and he tried not to groan aloud at how hot and wet she felt already. He was worried he might cum too soon with how good she felt as he slowly began to sink in. He felt her tense suddenly and he froze, looking back to her face.
Her brow was drawn together and lower lip bit tightly between her teeth as she felt the sting of the stretch. Once the initial pain dulled down, she motioned for him to continue. He pressed in further, her walls giving and molding to his cock, until he was fully in, skin pressed to skin.
He waited, feeling her walls flutter and pulse, until she began to roll her hips against him did he begin to move.
He started with shallow thrusts, letting her feel the drag of his cock inside her, little whimpers and moans leaving her. The sounds went straight to his cock, and he wanted so badly to pound in to her; but the last thing he wanted to do was take away from this being her first time.
"D-Does it feel good, MC?" he asked shyly, his breath coming in shaky pants. She nodded quickly, her hands running down his back and trailing down his arms to grip his biceps.
"It feels amazing, Levi...please, can you go faster?"
He groaned loudly at her request, burying his face in her neck to hide to flustered look on his face. He sped up his pace, pressing himself closer to her frame as he kept his cock deep inside her with each thrust. His tip made contact with that sweet spot within, and her vision began to turn white at the ends.
"L-Levi! I think I'm gonna--!"
"Go ahead MC! C-Cum for me, please!"
His name left her throat in a high moan, as her walls clamped down on him, milking him hard and pulling him into his own orgasm. He pulled out as quickly as he could, spilling his seed all over her belly. He leaned back on his haunches, panting for breath, as her body became limp against his pillows.
He looked her over, taking in the blissed out look of her face, and his cum all over her skin; he wanted to etch that image permanently into his memory.
"Lemme get you a towel to clean you up," he mumbled almost embarrassed, jumping out of his bed and throwing on his sweatpants to head out into the hall. When he returned, he also had a bottle of water for her, climbing back into to wipe her down. He gave her his shirt to cover up, and curled into the pillows with her, pulling his blanket over the two of them.
She sighed contently as she nuzzled into his chest, planting small kisses to his warm skin. He shuttered at the sensation, but cleared his throat suddenly.
"Was it, um...was it good...ya know, for your first time?"
What he wanted to ask was did he do well for her. Was he good enough for her; but he'd be damned before he asked that out loud.
Though as if she could read his mind, she gave him the brightest smile, reaching up to kiss him on the lips. "It was amazing, babe. You were amazing. Thank you for taking care of me."
He flustered again, verbally key-smashing in his words, as he wrapped his arms tightly around her and buried his burning face in her hair.
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bloodycassian · 3 years
Defender - Reader x Cassian - reader is injured and almost caught by the king. Cassian cares for reader after. Short.
Cassian knew he was yelling. Distantly aware of his two brothers trying to hold him back from the battle. Well, not much of a battle. You were surrounded, and injured. And the king was marching through that crowd to get his killing blow.  Cassian snarled and ripped at his brothers, attempting to fight through them. Rhys' clawed mental hand rendered him still, unable to yell or pull at them anymore. They were all panting. Azriel's shadows boomed from him, sliding around the forces and tickiling up your legs. You held your side in pain. "We need the distraction so Amren can finish the spell." Rhys spoke into Cassian's mind. "My mate is not a distraction." Cassian roared back mentally, his jaw setting. His eyes stung watching that banner of the king grow closer and closer. He knew Amren would be too late if your injuries were as bad as he sensed. The tingling from blood loss echoed in his mind, feeling your pain as if he was experiencing it himself. His heart throbbed, aching on your behalf.  Rhys' claws dug deeper as Cassian struggled again. Then Azriel was vanishing, becoming the mist and shadow itself. Rhys sent a spear of his power to the edge of the opposing army, just where Cassian's mate lay.  "Power is deceptive, high lord." The king spoke once he reached the clearing of bodies. Cassian watched his mate struggle away from the king. His white officer's uniform he wore stood out starkly against the bleak muddied colors of the surrounding forces. Pristine, posing as an angel among lesser beings. Cassians' siphons flared, pulsing with power waiting to be released.  Rhys' grip tightened, even as he spoke. "Deceptive? I am offended." Rhys mock gasped. Then smirked like a cat. Azriel's shadows loomed at the white uniform of the man who called himself king. Like a flash of lightning, he reached out. When Cassian blinked, he was holding Azriel by the throat. The stone bracers on the man's wrists glowed with the effort of fighting off the shadowmaster's magic.  Rhys gave nothing away in his expression. As if he was expecting it. "You can kill him, if you'd like." Cassians' mind roared. "If you think that'd get you to win this battle." Rhys dared not take his eyes off the king, of those piercing blue eyes that threatened the peace of all of Prythian.  Cassians enter body ached to be free - to rip into the hand that threatened his brother's life. Rhys' power spiked at the shared thought with Cassian, sending a ripple of darkness out over both the armies. Murmurs rang out through the crowd. "This one isnt the bastard I need to kill. But I can...reuse him if you're looking to get rid of him." The king said casually, loosening his grip.  Cassian couldnt think, couldnt move. Could hardly breathe as he watched his mate and his brother get closer and closer to death. Rhys chuckled softly, "I dont think you could break him even if you had a Fae's immortal life to try it." He looked to his brother, who was clawing at the king's hands just to get a breath in.  Rhys flicked a hand, and a dark of power shuddered through the earth. The king's eyes turned to the back of his army. To the looming light growing and devouring his forces. "Go now." A soft voice growled in Cass' head. He was unleashed. He was at your side in an instant, scooping your limp body up and flying in one move, glancing to his brother to make sure he was alright. Azriel was already gone, dissipated back into mist.  Rhys was winnowing when Amrens white light crashed across the battlefield, destroying a good chunk of the king's army. Yet his white uniform seemed to stand out against the otherworldly light Amren brought. A stain of falseness against pure light. Cassian beat his wings harder, faster. Flying back to the base camp so Rhys could winnow you back to Velaris.  + "Where is Az?" you gasped as you woke. The house of wind's rooms were too open, too bright for your sleepy eyes.  Cassian was there in an instant, he shushed you, his hands pushing your hair from your face. "We're okay, you're okay." He reassured, his voice a bit choked. "Az is downstairs."  "He saved me. Cass I-" You choked on your words. Hot tears pricked at your eyes. He pulled you into his shoulder, giving you a tight hug. You wiped the tears on his shoulder. The pain in your side when you pulled away was like a burn, a warmth that seemed to radiate all over. You lifted your shirt to see a red glow there, a small patch of bandage Cass summoned.  "We ran out of bandages about an hour ago. Madja is coming to check in soon." He explained, taking your hand away from the injury. He kissed your knuckles, sighing. "I'm sorry. I should have-" He broke off mid sentence, shaking his head. You felt a hot tear against your hand.  "Dont- Cass!" You scolded, pulling his head up by the hair. Forcing him to look at you. "Dont apologize. It was nothing you could control. And I'm fine now!" You insisted, giving him a weak smile. He nodded, but you knew he didnt believe you. He rested his head on your hands, taking in your scent.  You stayed like that for a long while, enjoying each other's embrace. The silence of your minds twisting together. Playing, until there was a knock at the door. "Dont be difficult." Cassian called back to you when Madja walked in. Giving you privacy. Madja smiled, her friendly eyes twinkling. "I would ask you how you're doing but it seems your mate had to...remedy some bandages." She began picking through her bag.  Your heart sang for Cassian's small sacrifice of power. You wished you could leave the siphon powered bandage on forever. A piece of him that would never leave. You may have talked to Madja a bit longer than necessary just to enjoy the warmth the patch of red brought you.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 32
Happy Halloween to everyone! I hope that you enjoy this treat. Sorry this took so long to write out. This one took a few rewrites to get it where I wanted it to be.
Plus, Real life stuff got in the way So hopefully this will be a nice little treat for you all.
(Master Post)
Marinette watched in horror as she watched her best friend struggle on the floor.
She dashed to her side, and tried to help Alya get that weird mask off her face.
“By all means go right ahead. Its already too late.” Masquerade laughed as she watched Marinette struggle. “Soon enough she will be helping me take you down.”
The designer pushed the words of the psychotic akuma out of her mind. She refused to let her friend get turned into a mindless drone like before.
“It wont come off!” Marinette grunted as she tried so hard to remove it.
Masquerade watched her bracelet, waiting for a change to occur.
Alya’s muffled screams and frantic movements stopped.
Marinette jumped up as she watched her friend transform, her casual clothes transformed into a familiar black and white costume. The Wi-Fi symbol on her chest. Lady Wifi has returned.
Masquerade’s bracelet gained a new charm, one looking reminiscent of a cell phone.
“And now she is my friend.” The villain stated as she watched Marinette start stepping away from the enslaved akuma.
“Alya… you need to fight it. You can’t let her control you.”
“Sorry Marinette, but Alya is unable to answer.” Masquerade mocked. “But I can take a message for you.”
Lady wifi stood silent, like an inactive robot, awaiting orders from its master. The inner machinations of the mind are not shown with the emotionless white mask covering her face.
Marinette turned her eyes toward the mask themed akuma, anger burning in her pupils.
“Let her go Lila. Let them all go before things get serious. Your plan will fail, Ladybug and Chat noir will arrive and beat the akuma out of you. Then you will have to answer for this too.”
Masquerade’s smile faded when she saw the fierce look. Marinette was not a sniveling mess, she actually looked even more defiant then before!
“Acting all high and mighty. I think I will enjoy turning you into my helpless puppet next.”
Masquerade lifted her hand towards Marinette, waiting to unmask her deepest secrets, and break her down.
“When I get a peek at what is hiding behind all of that fake courage, it will all come crashing down. Now let’s see your greatest secrets.”
Marinette looked around, trying to think of something. If Lila figured out her big secret, it was over. Ladybug would be exposed. She needed a way out, until she noticed something. Masquerade wasn’t doing anything.
Marinette was perplexed by the akuma simply standing there.
“Ummm... are you going to do it now or...”
“Why can’t I see your secrets? My powers should allow me to see what you’re hiding and allow me to exploit it. It worked on everyone else I used it on, why not you?”
“Maybe I just don’t have any secrets to hide.” Marinette commented, watching with a bit of satisfaction as the akuma’s smug look shift.
Masquerade felt her frustration and anger boil at the comment. Something wasn’t adding up.
“Hawkmoth!” She cried out in rage.
A purple butterfly outline popped out.
“What is it?” The dark voice connected in her head.
“Why can’t I read Marinette’s secrets?” Masquerade angrily questioned.
“Her secrets! I was able to zero in on everyone else I’ve used the ability on. Why does it not work on her!? Of all people I want this power to work on!”
Marinette felt both concerned and a bit flattered that she was the one Lila wanted to defeat the most. It was sort of mutual.
“Your power works on anyone I’ve akumatized, regardless of who it is.” The butterfly villain communicated. 
“So… your saying you didn’t akumatize her before? How is that possible?”
“I haven’t gotten to every single person in Paris.”
“You’ve akumatized that stupid pigeon man 26 times! How have you not gotten everyone!?”
“Paris is a big city, even if I akumatized someone every day, I doubt I would have hit 1/10th of the population. Besides, it takes strong negative emotions for me to send out an akuma. And that man seems to just be the easiest target for it. “ Hawkmoth defended himself. “Its not like I WANT to akumatize him every other day.”
“Just get the miraculous. That is your focus, the girl can wait for later.”
Masquerade’s butterfly outline dispelled as hawkmoth was finished with that conversation.
“Well that sucks. I guess I can just go back to plan A. Having you watch as I turn everyone against you... aren't here. What!”
Masquerade frantically looked around for the teen she had been antagonizing and found that she was no longer in the same spot. In fact, she was no longer in the office!
Marinette had decided to slip away from the akuma while she was having her little tantrum to the evil butterfly man.
“Why didn't you do something!” She shouted at Lady Wifi.
“You did not give me an order.” Lady Wifi answered robotically. 
Masquerade glared at the akuma servant. She would almost think it was rebelling against her.
“Even as a mindless servant you still find a way to ruin things.”
She looked around and noticed the other akuma in the room that was still on the floor.
“Dark Owl get up!”
The owl themed akuma got up from the floor. Removing parts of the broken pot from his costume.
Masquerade snapped her fingers. Catching the attention of Dark Owl and Lady Wifi. 
“Both of you, I want Marinette brought back to me right now! I want to make sure she stays quiet and sees everything we have set up. I don’t need her causing trouble.”
“…and that is everything.” A young woman said with a mixture of relief and excitement. She had finally finished setting everything up in the school infirmary. She had organized the files, restocked the bandages, changed the sheets on the resting cots, and put her personal decals on the desk. She was starting her first day as the school nurse, and things have been going up.
She put herself back out there and started dating Curtis, the sweet guy she met last week despite what would’ve normally been a deal breaking misunderstanding, she got into the med school program she wanted to get into and will be attending part time, and she managed to get a job at the school she went to when she went to Lycee.
She heard a ding from the front of the nurse’s office just as she was about to sit down.
“First student of the day. I better see what they need.”
She exited the small office area in the infirmary to see a blonde student who was clearly impatient
“What is taking so long!?” The teen shouted.
“Hello there. How can I help you?”
The blonde looked up a bit to see the nurses smile, she rolled her eyes.
“Who the hell are you? Isnt there supposed to be a different woman here?”
“If you are referring to the previous school nurse, she retired officially last week. I am the new school nurse. You can call me Nurse Angela.”
Angela never really liked using her last name, it made her sound old. So, she would be fine with the kids calling by her first name. It also helps with psychology, allowing more for a social dynamic based on mutual respect rather than authority.
Angela felt a twinge of frustration at the girl’s dismissal. But she kept her smile.
“And you are?”
The teen smirked.
“Chloé Bourgeous. And before you ask, yes, the daughter of the mayor.”
Angela felt a shiver go down her spine. She remembered from what the previous nurse told her. That Chloé was the mayor’s bratty daughter who would use her father’s influence to get anyone fired if she got angry enough.
‘That at least explains her rude attitude. She is a spoiled Brat.’
Angela was not going to let this bother her. She was going to take it in stride. She would be kind and courteous as she planned to be with any student at the Dupont.
“So, Chloé. What brings you here?”
Chloé walks in.
“My chair broke because someone sabotaged my chair. I ended up bruising my… anyway I need some ice, and anything to numb the pain.”
“My goodness! That sounds terrible. Who would do such a thing?”
“It was probably Marinette, that nasty little rat. Adding insult to injury now that she is dating Adrien.”
Nurse Angela moved to get some ice from the freezer for the bruised bottom of the Mayor’s daughter, listening to the girl vent. She was sure that whoever this Marinette girl was, probably didn’t do it. And if somehow, she did, it was likely because the annoying blonde deserved it. But that was not something Angela felt was worth mentioning. She kept that bit to herself.
“She is probably blackmailing my adrikins with something. There is no way he would be dating her without some sort of reason.”
“Is it possible that maybe he just likes her?” Angela inquired as she presented the bag of ice to Chloé.
Chloé looked at the nurse as if she had just told her that she had 3 eyes and a scorpion tail.
“Adrien liking Marinette?! That is ridiculous, Utterly ridiculous! There is no way that Adrien would…”
Chloé felt her mind flash through moments. Adrien and Marinette about to kiss for that movie, Adrien and Marinette dancing at her party? The photos she found of them running from fans, that kiss at the picnic during heroes’ day. Adrien taking Marinette to that interview instead of her… The stubborn blonde felt as if everything clicked into place.
“Chloé? Is everything okay?” The nurse called out, trying to get the spaced-out teen’s attention.
“He might actually LIKE her!”
Chloé felt her own skin crawl as she made her realization.
Angela didn’t know how to respond to this situation.
“I am going to straighten Adrien out right now! I am not going to let him make such a foolish mistake!”
The nurse could tell this could be bad if the mayor’s daughter was so heated, what if she got this innocent girl expelled? If she stood by and did nothing then her time at the school would be internally marked with the regret of not stopping such a potential disaster.
“Wait, Miss Bourgeois.”
Chloé stopped.
“What is it?”
“I… I just noticed that you’re limping. The injury might be more serious than you think. Let me have a look at it closer before you leave.”
The mayor’s daughter would simply have left without a second thought. But having a limp would make her walk much less dignified and lacking the power she needs to intimidate, but mainly that she would look lame with a limp.
“Alright, just make it quick.”
“I don’t get why you felt the need to leave.” The cat kwami rolled his eyes. “If you want to be rebellious Adrien, we could leave the school and head to the movies. Though if we do, you should invite your girlfriend.”
“Plagg, this isn’t about rebellion or future date ideas. Something isn’t right with this whole situation. I just want to sneak a peek in the office, make sure Marinette and Alya get their story out, and then I am headed right back to class. No problem.” Adrien summarized as they kept walking.
Plagg noticed someone headed their way and went to hide in Adrien’s pocket.
Adrien took notice that it was his homeroom teacher. Perhaps he could ask her.
“Hey Ms.Bustier. Can I ask you a quick question?”
The red headed teacher walked past the teen without acknowledging his question. Her eyes focused on what was ahead.
“That’s weird… She would always stop to help a student.”
Adrien could feel that his favorite teacher may have been affected by something sinister.
“Ms.Bustier, can you hear me out for a second?” He asked as he touched her shoulder to try and get her attention.
The mirage of her appearance shifted from the homeroom teacher to the stylized patchwork costume of a familiar akuma enemy.
Adrien was surprised to see the true form of the imposter. The kiss zombie maker, Zombizou.
The akuma turned to show the face mask that hid her face. Her attention was now firmly on the boy, whether he wanted it or not.
Adrien backed away, nervously keeping his eyes on the teacher as he carefully backed up.
“You know, I think I will just ask someone else.”
Adrien took down the next hall running.
Masquerade reclined in her chair, her frustration was growing as she wondered what was taking those two minions she sent out to capture Marinette so long.
“They shouldn’t be having that much difficulty. She is just one person!”
She heard a ring, and knew her sentimonster was trying to contact her.
“What is it Simulare?”
“The illusion I had on Zombizou was broken. Someone is on to us, and the minion is in pursuit.”
Masquerade felt a headache forming. She didn’t have time for a wild goose chase. She needed to move on to phase two of her plan, making her army of akuma.
“Track down Marinette and this other  person that found out about Zombizou, keep them busy as long as possible. I am going to move on to phase two. Make sure no one is on to us.”
“Understood. I’ll get them back in the office and make sure neither of them escape.”
Masquerade ended the call and felt her head ease a bit. The sentimonster she was given was obedient and competent. It was based on her mindset, so it would make sense that it would be capable of handling this problem.
“Now, let’s get that army.”
“Give me a break.” Marinette muttered to herself.
She thought she would have time to transform once she escaped the office, but the two akuma were right out of the office before she had time to make sure everything was clear.
In her rush she cut a corner down a hallway and ended up colliding with another person.
“Ouch.” They cry out in unison, both looking to realize who they bumped into. Their faces turned to relief.
“Marinette!” “Adrien!”
The two called out in unison.
“Why are you running?” “Why are you running?”
“An akuma!” “An akuma!”
“An akuma?” “An akuma?”
They both look behind the other to notice the incoming akumas approaching them.
“As cute as this is, we need to go.”
Adrien Grabs Marinette’s Hand and they both head to the open area and try to get to the main entrance.
‘I need to get Adrien somewhere safe, then I can go transform into Ladybug.’ Marinette thought to herself, unaware that Adrien was thinking the same thing.
They make quick movements down hallway, moving up and down staircases to confuse their pursuers. They managed to give them the slip as the controlled akuma seemed to not be able of basic reasoning and quick fake outs and movements.
The two make their way down to what appeared to be the front of the school.
“The entrance!” Marinette called out. “Okay, we split up at the entrance and try to get help. They can’t catch us both.”
The run to the entrance only for them to stop short, colliding with some invisible wall.
It was only after making contact did the front entrance of the school shift back into a wall. The layout of the entire school seemed to shift instantly. The school had been put under an illusion to trick them into thinking they were escaping.
“It’s an illusion. Which means Lila must be involved with that group of akumas.” Adrien exclaimed.
“More like she is the cause. She is the one controlling the akumatized mask wearers. She got the Principal and Alya.”
“Wait, does this mean that Lila’s power is to make akuma!?”
“From what I saw, she can only akumatize people that have been akumatized before using her face masks. You haven’t been akumatized right?” Marinette questioned.
“No, and since she didn't get you, you haven't either right?”
“Yea, though I have had a few close calls.”
“So, if Lila’s power is akumatizing people, what akuma made this illusion on the school?”
“That would be me.” A third voice calls out.
The two turned to look and see a familiar fox themed villain smiling confidently.
“Not exactly.”
The Volpina impersonator looked around to see if the other akumatized servents were going to arrive.
“Seems you both are quite clever when it comes to annoying Mistress Masquerade.”
“That’s what Lila’s calling herself.”
“Oh... cause of the masks.”
The villain rolls her eyes, encapsulating the personality of the arrogant volpina that it was pretending to be.
“Masquerade realizes that you two are both quite difficult to snag with mindless servants, so she requested I handle this.”
“No, you won’t.” Marinette grabs Adrien’s Hand and tries to run away only for the Faux Fox to flip in front of them
“Yea, I am not letting you out of my sight. Now be good and come along peacefully.”
Adrien moves in front of Marinette.
“Go, I’ll hold her off.”
“Go. I trust you.” Adrien smiles as he looks to her for a moment.
Marinette wanted to stay and fight with him, but she knew that she needed to go and transform. Ladybug will be needed before this blows up.
“I’ll get help.”
Marinette runs away from the two as fast as she can. Adrien making sure to block the way should their foe get any ideas.
“She won’t get far, she will get captured before she even gets a chance.”
Adrien shook his head.
“You would be surprised with how just how amazing Marinette is.”
Marinette rushed out of sight and into the closest bathroom, quickly making sure it was a safe place to transform.
“Coast is clear. Time for Ladybug to step in.”
“Let’s hope we can get to Adrien in time before things get worse.” Tikki commented.
“Don't worry, I trust he’ll be okay. Tikki! Spots on!”
“Can you believe it Juleka?” The peppy perfume enthusiast squealed. “Marinette and Adrien are finally an item.”
“Yes, I was there rose.” Juleka commented with an eye roll and a smile.
“I know! I am just so happy for them both.” Rose calms herself a bit. “Though… how will your brother take it?”
The purple haired teen reflected on the comment.
“It will be an adjustment, but I am sure Lulu will be fine once he gets a couple songs out of it.”
“I’ll be sure to be supportive.”
Juleka patted Rose’s head, smiling sweetly at the blonde’s caring attitude. She decided now would be a good time to spring that surprise on her. She was planning on showing her during lunch, but since Ms.Bustier wasn’t in class. Now would be the perfect time to show Rose the earrings she got her.
She casually reached into her bag, sliding her hand into her lunch bag, trying to find the earring box, only to notice it not there. Her hand moved frantically searching.
“Is something wrong?” Rose inquired, a bit of concern on her face.
“No, nothing. Nothing is wrong, just…” Juleka dismissed as she kept searching only to know for certain that her gift was not in there.
“Are you sure?”
“I just need do something really quick.”
She quickly grabbed her phone and calmly while hoping that her brother would see her text.
In her quick movement, she failed to notice the door of the classroom opening.
“Psst, Luka. Luka!” A dark-haired teen whispered, trying to get the attention of the teal-tipped hair guitarist that was hiding his sleeping face with an open science book.”
“Hmm?” The tired teen responded with his eyes still closed. He was barely awake. He had been up all night working on that new song that was stuck in his head. He could still hear it playing in his thoughts as he tried to shake himself awake.
“Your phone vibrated, seemed important.”
“Oh, thanks Theo.” He moved his hand to take a look at his phone.
The science teacher was rambling on about molecules or something, clearly unaware of how disinterested everyone in the class was with his boring lecture.
Luka looked through to see a few text messages from his sister.
‘Hey, can you check your lunch to see if there is a jewelry box in there? Rose’s gift is in there.’
‘If you find it, can you swing by around your free period to bring it to me?’
Luka quickly snuck his hand into his backpack and sure enough he felt the small box. He was about to text a response. But stopped when he read the last two texts.
‘Sh*t there is an akuma in the class!’
Luka’s eyes shot open, his sister was in danger. Which also meant his band was also in danger. He needed to get there.
He shot up from his chair. And started making his way to the door.
“Mr.Couffaine, where do you think you’re going?”
“Family emergency.”
The science teacher was about to tell the young boy to wait until his parent calls, but he remembered who is mother was and what she did the last time he held up her kid when Anarke wanted to pick him up early. The teacher proceeded to held back his response.
“Proceed. Just be sure to get the notes from today’s lesson.”
Luka was out the door before the teacher could finish.
A car speeds down the road, the driver cursing to herself as she tries to move faster.
‘Get in, get Adrien, and get out before everything hits the fan.’
Nathalie mentally repeated to herself. She knows that pushing herself too hard was also dangerous. She couldn't risk feeling weak right now.
The driver slammed the break as she arrived at the school. She needed to hurry. She parked the car and opened the door.
“Lets hope that this akuma hasn't gotten to Adrien yet.”
Ms. Bustier’s class had diverted all their attention to the costumed individual in the front of the classroom. The eerie masks that adorned her costume seemed to unsettle everyone.
Juleka put her phone away and joined in on what everyone was staring at
Alix was the one to say what was on everyone’s mind.
“Who the f*** are you?”
The akuma smirked.
“Excellent, a volunteer.”
Raising her hand and pointing towards Alix, her charm bracelet began to glow.
“Interesting, seems that you have quite a soft spot for cute things.”
The class turned to look at Alix with confusion.
Alix kept her cool.
“And? Is there a point?” Alix rolled her eyes, ignoring the akuma’s attempt to get under her skin. It would take more than that to actually do anything to her.
“You pretend you have this ‘Devil may care’ attitude, that you are too cool to care about what people think, but really you are more obsessed with how people perceive you than anyone else in here.”
Alix felt her smirk falter for a second.
“You are really sensitive about your height and anytime someone brings it up you are in a bad mood for the rest of the day. But what really gets to you is your ‘Family’. You hate how your brother is a laughing stock because of his crackpot theories and your greatest fear is that no matter how much you try to be this punk rebel, you will always be cast as ‘The Conspiracy nut’s sister’.”
“Shut up! You don’t know my life!” Alix yelled.
“Not so fun getting exposed, is it?”
The class realized immediately who this mysterious akuma was.
Masquerade smiled as she flung a mask right at the pink haired teen. Causing her to fall down. And struggle to get the mask off, but before anyone could help her. It was too late.
The class could only watch in horror as their classmate transformed into their Akuma persona. Before standing up.
The class tried to make a break for it. They knew full well the dangers of this new akuma.
“Timebreaker, guard the door.”
The akuma skated to the door and everyone jumped back. They knew that touching Timebreaker was not a good idea.
“Lila, this isn’t cool. Let Alix go.” Nino called out.
The Mask akuma shook her head.
“Lila is not a thing anymore. She was unmasked and dismissed. But now I have a new mask, I’m Masquerade. Soon enough, you will all be unmasked and given a new mask that better suits you. Alya knows that very well.”
Nino’s his eyes flared at the statement.
“What did you do to my girl?”
Masquerade pointed her hand at him just as her charm bracelet glowed, now with a rollerblade charm added to it.
“The same thing I am about to do to all of you.”
Will the rest of the class fall victim to Masquerade’s evil plan? Will Ladybug be able to save Adrien from the Sentimonster? Will Nathalie get to Adrien before its too late? Will I ever update consistently?
Fine out all these questions and more in the next part.
Thank you all for reading the most recent addition to Soulmate Survey.
Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter and if you really liked it. Reblog it. (Sharing is the only way my story actually gets out.) Plus, tagging has been kind of glitchy for me, so until that gets straightened out, I can't tag people for the story at the moment.
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cloudycrystalkpop · 3 years
SMOKY | Heaven Above
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Blind! Prince! Mingi x [unstated skin deformity] fem! Reader
words: 3k+
warnings: childhood trauma, smut
au: crown royal au | moodboard 
series masterlist: SMOKY
You lay in bed, just a bit away from the edge of the king sized mattress. Tonight was your wedding night, dressed in a silk slip that left little of your figure to the imagination, you looked to the other end of the bed, where your husband lay.
The boy was curled in a ball, his large frame made incredibly small and just a breath away from falling off the edge of his bed.
His body twitched and shook every now and again, you could only assume it was tears.
You couldn't blame him, in the madness of the last month youd cried yourself a sea of saltwater, watching as your future slipped away like sand from your fingers.
"... Mingi?" you spoke as softly as you could to the other end of the dark bed. The man jumped at the sound of his name.
"... Y-yes?" his voice shook in his throat, laced with fear. This caused you to frown.
"I know youre upset but, would you like to talk about it?" you offered gently. He stiffened at your words.
After a long minute of silence, and no movement from the other end of the bed, you assumed that perhaps he had fallen asleep, turning back to gaze up at the canopy.
"... Im sorry." the voice was so quiet you thought you might have imagined it. "Im sorry for everything. Im sorry youre stuck with someone... Someone like me."
"Someone... Like you? Marrying a stranger isnt something i resent you for." you tried to comfort him.
"No-well, yes but... You didnt have a choice..."
"Neither did you." you turned to face him, watching the outline of his back.
"... Mother says I should have run away and died in the woods." you felt shock fall on your chest at his confession. "Mother says im an embarrassment, that i shouldnt have been born. All ill ever be is a burden... And im sorry... Sorry that it falls to you know, and when im nothing more than a stranger... "
You felt a piece of your heart break at his words, the sniffles in his voice and the shaking of his shoulders now falling into place.
"Mingi, you are my husband. Which, means we are meant to be a team. I... Understand all of this is frightening, but, will you please give me a chance? So we can be... Not strangers anymore?"
After a long pause, the man rolled over, now facing you. You saw the stains on his cheeks reflected in the moonlight peeking in from the silk curtains.
Upon instinct, you reached out to tuck the hair away from his eyes, but you hesitated.
"... May i touch you?" you asked.
Mingi nodded his head, nuzzling his cheek into the pillow.
He flinched only slightly as you brushed his hair away from his eyes. Watching as he blinked them open, the smoky, empty irises stared back at you, tears still hidden in the corners.
"Mingi, I think... We can prove your mother wrong. With practice, you wont be a burden on anyone," you placed a hand on his cheek, watching his eyes flutter closed at the contact.
"With time, i think you can be a good king." the boys body racked in sobs once more as you pulled him close.
You slept that night, with your husband wrapped up in your arms. Tomorrow, is your coronation. You are to be the crown princess, and the sleeping man in your arms, the prince.
Mingi disliked walking with a cane. it was loud and he too often found himself still tripping on his own two feet. at home he knew the halls by heart, navigating them even when tired like any other resident. but in this new strange place, he had to keep one hand pressed against the wallpaper, feeling his way to build his map of this castle. the castle that was now his new prison.
he had been assigned a guard as his guide, a charming young man who gently guided the prince, Mingi’s left hand resting on his shoulder, his right hands fingertips brushing the walls.
you trailed behind the pair, watching curiously. Mingi’s head rested bent, his chin almost touching his chest. his resting state seems to always involve making himself as small and unnoticeable as possible.
the guard’s playful voice chimed in, interrupting your studying of your husband.
“I must say, I really expected you to deny the request for me to join you today, Your Highness.” he smiled over his shoulder, clearly speaking to you.
“oh? and why is that?” you asked.
“well, you have that knight of yours~ he speaks so fondly of you, and I almost never see you two apart. I was almost frightened id make him jealous.” the man giggled.
“hmm, Seonghwa has been loyal to me since I was a teenager. I trust him very much as I'm sure you've seen.” you nod. “may I ask your name sir...?”
“Hongjoong!” he smiles over his shoulder, bowing his head.
“...are...we in the main hall?” a quiet voice speaks. Mingi’s hand fell from running along the wall, instead laying limp at his side.
“ah, yes! it would seem we have arrived!” Hongjoong chimed.
the coronation was, a frightening experience. you stood at the head of the hallway, almost envying Mingi for not having to look the countless royals in the eye. see the seething and loathing, and plots for your murder, just to take a crown you never even wanted to begin with.
you placed your hand on your husbands bent arm, and it was then you realized, he was shaking. it was customary that the now crown prince lead his princess out of the hall, but Mingi still had only half learned the layout of this castle. never mind the panic he was hiding under the circlet on his head.
“Mingi,” you spoke, not even a whisper. you felt his arm flex under your hand. “match my footsteps, and lets get out of here.” he let the smallest nod, and the two of you set off.
you held your head high, eyes forward, not even bothering to return the stares from the court. you would be queen, weather you liked it or not, and now was not the time to show weakness. now was the time to prove that you were unshakeable. your “unroyal appearance” be damned.
when you arrived back at your bedroom, Mingi asked if he could have a moment alone. the poor man was close to tears once more, arms wrapped around his body as he shrunk into a chair, curling in on himself once again.
a part of you wanted to go and pull the shaking man into your arms just as you had done the night before. cooing soft words into his hair. but, you didn't want to invade his space, so instead you ventured out, closing the door behind you.
“my Lady!” a new voice called from down the hallway. you turned to see a head of dirty blonde hair, as a court member walked up to you. you braced yourself, turning to face the man head on. “my Lady, I don't mean to intrude, but I wanted to introduce myself. I am Duke Kang Yeosang, of the west valley.” he kneeled before you, head bowed low.
you blinked in surprise. a duke? on his knees in an introduction?
“you needn't be so formal, Duke Kang. there is no guard here to pierce your breast for sneezing at the wrong time.”
the man let out a hearty laugh, raising to his feet.
“ah, I see you dread such social conventions as well. and please My Lady, just Yeosang.” he smiled. the man before you was incredibly handsome, his speaking voice a gentle but deep baritone. he then took your hand, placing a kiss to the back of it, bending in a low bow with his eyes closed as his lips lingered just a moment on your skin.
your heart beat echoed in your head as the warmth of his mouth on your bare skin. swallowing your blush down, you gently pulled your hand away from his touch. his eyes opened, staring up at you through his lashes.
“I am sorry my Lady, have I made you uncomfortable?” his brows furrowed in a frown, before the edge of a sword meets his neck.
“step away from the princess please.” a growl like voice calls from behind the Duke.
“Seonghwa! this man means no harm, leave him alone.” you glare to the man with the sword.
“if that is true perhaps you should answer his question Princess-”
“no. no, he did not make me uncomfortable. he simply took me by surprise.” you stated, staring down the man with the sword. he sighed, but sheathed his blade nonetheless.
“you should speak to your future Queen with more respect.” Yeosang stated.
“you shouldn't touch people without their consent.” countered Seonghwa.
a sigh fell from your lips. so this is a new dynamic you are going to have to deal with.
as the days bled into weeks, you found yourself within the company of the young Duke often, your guard dog never far behind. the pair could never get along, Seonghwa seeming to think every time Yeosang breathed, it was a threat to your safety.
you’ve spent countless hours in the library, Yeosang at your side, coaching you through politics, philosophies, and ideologies. his eyes sparked every time, he as well fit for the part of a Duke.
you’d be lying to say that the closeness with the young man didn't stir something within you. his curious eyes, his intelligent speech, the way he guided you.
more than just a flutter in your stomach, Yeosang’s long thin fingers dancing across the pages, the small dart of his tongue to his lips before speaking. this man sired feelings in you you had ignored since your girlhood.
days curled up in the library, hiding away from prying eyes, reading the strangest erotic poems you could find. most so ridiculous they made you snicker. but others... that was the same warmth you felt when Yeosang grabbed you by the wrist to keep you from knocking off your water goblet.
“my Lady, you must be careful! you could have stained your dress.” he placed your hand back in your lap.
“nonsense, water will dry. it leaves no stains anyway.” you huffed. Yeosang let out that hearty laugh once again.
Seonghwa complained about the Duke while escorting you back to your quarters. you simply laughed and rolled your eyes at his childishness.
“princess, please promise me you will call me if that... that mockingbird, ever lays his hands on you.” you laughed once more at his words.
‘mockingbird’ for his deep and ‘droning’ voice Seonghwa hated so much.
“you are not my father Seonghwa. you needn’t be so protective over such things.” you teased. “or are you perhaps, jealous?”
Seonghwa’s cheeks tinted pink as he looked down. “...you have not called on me for such... help, in a long time.” he admitted.
ah, that explains his borderline possessiveness.
“...Seonghwa, I am a married woman.” you stated.
“I know that! but you are not married to that Duke-” you cut him off with a sharp turn on your heel.
“enough.” Seonghwa fell silent at your stern tone. “watch your tongue, for you speak above your rank and I have little interest in hearing it.”
he clenched his jaw, but did not speak further.
“I have no further need for you tonight. you are dismissed.”
“as you wish, my princess.” he bowed low, but he never dropped his eye contact with you. Seonghwa begged you silently, begged for the affection you used to wrap yourself in. Seonghwa was a loyal knight, one who would carry out any request you had of him, be it sinful or murderous.
but you had little interest in making an adulteress out of yourself tonight.
you turned your back to the man, and entered your room.
it took a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room, but once you had settled into the darkness, you could see the figure of your husband sitting on the bed, head in his hand.
“Mingi? are you alright?” you quickly rushed to his side of the bed, kneeling before him.
“y-yes, I'm alright, I'm sorry to frighten you.” he spoke softly, raising his head from his hands. you felt a twitch of pain in your chest at the puffiness around his eyes.
“have you been crying, my darling?” you asked, raising to wipe the dampness from his cheeks. his breath hitched, before he sniffled. grasping at your wrists, Mingi raises his head, empty eyes level with your own.
“...will you be honest with me?” he asks.
“of course, Mingi you are my Husband, I have nothing to hide from you-”
“stop. do not- please... please don’t say that until I've asked you my question.” his face is pulled in pain and sorrow, cracking your heart. you fall to your knees once again, placing your hands in his lap, and leading your head against one of his bent knees.
“what is your question, my prince?”
“is it true you have slept with the Duke?” his voice is small as tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
“no. I have never had any form of physical intimacy with Duke Kang. the man kissed the back of my hand when we first met, never have we done more.” your words were true, and you saw relief flood Mingi’s chest.
“...thank you... thank you thank you thank you...” he let out a hiccup just as you cupped his cheek.
“who told you such an awful rumor?” you questioned, raising to your feet.
“i... I overheard some of the guards speaking about it.” he admitted. “people forget... I am blind, not def.” you nearly jumped to ask who he had heard saying such things, but thought better of it for the moment.
“and people are fools for such a thing.” you lifted Mingi’s head gently, before placing yourself on his lap. “and they are bigger fools for gossiping about something with no evidence.” gently, you lay Mingi’s head to rest on your collar.
the man melted at your touch, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your chest.
“...you smell... like honey...” he mumbled, voice far away and almost intoxicated.
chuckling you petting his hair, “perhaps you are hungry, my darling prince.” Mingi let out a whine at your words. quickly pulling your hand away you raised his head again, thinking you had caused him pain from the sound.
his eyes were glazed over, cheeks pink, and breath panting in his chest. ah, not pain, pleasure.
“Mingi... have you ever slept with a woman before?” you purr. the man swallows hard.
“no. you think... any woman would want to crawl into bed with me.” he sighs. you tisk, grabbing a fist full of his hair and pulling his head back.
Mingi lets out a squeak of surprise, that quickly turns into a high pitched moan.
“you are the fool now, little prince. I understand you may have not had the privilege of seeing yourself in the mirror, but” you lean down so your lips graze the shell of his ear. “you are one of the most attractive men I have ever laid eyes on.” you feel Mingi shiver beneath you.
grabbing his jaw tightly, you twist his head, turning it away from you. “I do not care about your blindness Mingi, if I hear such negative self speech from you again, it will earn you a punishment.” he whines once more, before you begin peppering his open neck with kitten kisses.
“p-pl-please-” he whines, hands fisted in your dress, chest rattling with every breath he takes.
“please what? my darling prince~” you coo softly, hands now scratching through his hair.
“p-please... please... use me... I need you...” his voice cracks, barely speaking each word. you coo, cupping the mans cheeks.
“we have been married for almost a month, my prince, and yet we have yet to consecrate our marriage~” you tease, tracing your fingers down his throat.
Mingi may be blind, but it takes little time for him to map out your whole body.
his head thrown back against the pillows, neck on full display for you. one of his large hands with a bruising grip on your hip, the other’s fingers tangled with yours above his head. you coo softly to the man as he gasps in pleasure, your free hand bracing yourself on his chest.
you press your forehead to his, panting from the energy it takes to keep bouncing on him. you are thankful he never asked if you had experience in sex, for you worried he might be saddened at the truth.
yet even still, the mere... size of Mingi had your eyes rolling back in your head when you first sunk down on him.
you heard his voice hitch in his throat, hand pulling more on your hip.
“..I-i-ahh-” you could feel him pulse within you. shushing him, you leaned over to place more kisses over his throat.
“its alright, little prince, let it go. will you cum for me?” you cooed softly.
right at your command, Mingi came, spilling himself within you. his voice cried out your name, shoulders shaking as he squeezed your hand.
you softly cooed as you helped him ride out his orgasm, petting his hair and running your hands over his torso. his body finally stilled, and you felt him begin to go soft within you.
your thighs burned slightly as you lifted yourself off of his lap, feeling his cum drip and pool out of you. Mingi whined at the loss of warmth, hands pulled at your hips.
“I-i’m sorry, you didn't...” his face still burned pink, hair a mess on the pillows as he finally began to catch his breath.
“its alright Mingi, you can make it up to me another night.” you chuckled. He swallowed, but nodded.
after leaving to the attached bathroom to clean yourself up and change into your night clothes, you returned to the bed to find Mingi had managed to change the blanket the two of you had soiled. you smiled, noting not to underestimate the man in the future.
“can we... can we do that more?” Mingi mumbled as you crawled into bed beside him.
“of course~” you cooed, stroking his cheek. he sighed in contentment, mumbling to himself.
“what have I done to deserve you...” he wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling you against his body. “...I am no good for a husband... and probably worse choice for a king... but, for you..” he blinked his eyes open, somehow managing to stare at you. “for you... I'll be whatever you want me to be.”
“is that so? you’ll do anything I ask?” you cooed.
“yes. yes, I promise. you... you own me, mind, body, whatever you want from me... take it.” he begged, eyes hazy once more.
“lets not worry about such things now, little prince.” pulling the man against you, Mingi quickly fell asleep against your chest.
“you own me, mind body, whatever you want from me... take it.”
“oh sweet boy, you should be more careful with your words. you’ve already got me falling in love with you.”
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anne-white-star · 3 years
Brian may x reader x roger taylor : holiday disaster
Notes : brian roger and reader are on a holliday near the sea swimming and relaxing. But the calm and peacefull holiday turns to one of worry when reader almost drowns because of a big wave crashing in to her. Takes place during the mid 80s. There might be inacuresies like distance and locations.
Sorry if its a mess but enjoy anyway, also don't mind any spelling mistakes thank you
Words: 2286
Warings : angst and drowning
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Finaly summer and you know what that means. Nice weather, staying up late listening to music. And just playing around in general, but summer also ment swimming of course.
Y/n had invited Brian and roger along to go to the beach. John had gone away with his wife on holyday while Freddie stayed at home with his boyfriend jim.
She stood outside freddie's house where they spent the night prior and beeped the horn of her car.
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Freddie opend up the window "Oh y/n are you here to pick up roger and Brian?"
"Yes i am we are suposed to go to the beach, could you sent them down?"
"Yeah sure, hey! Your taxi is here you better hurry up And don't keep the lady waiting! They are on their way" he smiled
"Thanks Fred, if i find some Nice shels i take them with me for you"
"Thank you y/n you are an absolute sweetheart" he blew her a kiss. At that moment both Brian and roger walked out the front door and placed their stuff in the back of the car. "Ah there They are".
Jim stood behind Freddie and waved "have fun you three and stay safe near the shore, they said that the waves could be quite high at this time of year".
"Don't worry we will be fine"
"Alright have fun" jim and Freddie closed the window.
"Hey boys" she grind and opend the pasenger side door. Brian sat down next to her.
"Hello y/n"
"Hello doll" said roger as he sat down behind her and kissed her cheek "Nice car"
"Thanks Roger it was my dad's car i got it for my birthday a year ago
"Oh Nice do you know what type it is?"
"If im correct its a Tri-Power… 1958 Bonneville convertible" she started the car and drove of towards the beach (idk where the beach is located but lets pretent its 30 minuts away or so)
"Oh verry Nice indeed" he said and placed his sunglasses on his face And leaned back against the Seat.
"So did you two have a good night at Fred his home?"
This time Brian spoke up "yeah it was alright we watched some telly and drank and eat some Nice food thats all."
"Hmm intresting you two wernt intruding to fred and jim their relation ship wernt you two?"
"Oh god no y/n"
"Just joking bri just joking" she laught, y/n focused on the road again "we will be there in 10 minuts i think"
"Yes finaly swimming"
"Calm down roger" Brian laught
Just as y/n had promiced they had arived in 10 minuts at the beach "We have arived". Roger jumped over the side of the car and grabed the beach ball and placed it in the sand. He pulled his shirt and pants off under it weren his swimming trunks. Brian and y/n did the same. (What you Brian and roger wear )
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"Nice shorts guys" she huged Brian from behind
"Looking very Nice yourself princess"
"Why thank you" she plucked the sunglasss from roger his face and put them on "oh wow thats to mutch"
Roger grabed his glases from her hands and put them back on "that are my presciption sunglasses sweetheart"
"I should have known, Anyway lets go and play some beach vollyball"
"Alright who against who?"
"Um me against roger first and then you against roger and then me against you, how does that sound?"
"Sure sounds good, i'll keep the points"
"Alright" y/n nodded and waited thil roger was ready "you are going so down blondie"
"Ha! You think (your nickname)"
"Alright start" y/n trew up the ball and shot it over the net. It went a few times and then she shot it to the ground.
"Roger are you alright?"
"Yeah i am don't worry" he smiled. Once the game between y/n and roger was over she won with 5 against 3.
"Alright your turn brian" brian took her place and took his stand. "Ready?"
"Yep" he nodded
"Alright may the best win"
"Its on poodle"
"Hey! Oh you are so going to get it rog" he smirked
The boys played for about 6 minuts thill it was over. It was 4 against 4.
"Alright who makes the next point wins" they both noded, Brian threw up the ball over the net. It went over and over for about 1 minut. Roger won
"Well done rog, now you and me bri" they both took their stands once again and started the game. Once again 6 minuts later the game was over Brian had won by 5 against 3
"Good game y/n" he smiled
"Thanks" she wiped her face with a towel "Man its really hot ugh"
"Want to go swimming?"
Y/n took off her hat and placed it in her car "Yes i would love to" they all walked to the sea. "Cold cold cold"
Both Brian and roger laughed "yeah no shit y/n"
"Shut up rog" she laughed and splased him
"Hey! My hair, you are going to pay"
"Then you have to get me first." She ran further in to the water
"Be carefull the waves can be quite high" but y/n and roger dint hear him "guys come back don't go to far!"
Y/n had gone in thil her shoulders "try to get me now roger!"
"Roger she really needs to come back" Brian looked concerned
"Y/n! Come back its not save!"
"What?!" All of a sudden a big shadow fell over her, a big wave crashed in to her taking her under.
"Y/n!!" Both roger and Brian screamed as they tried to get to her
Y/n tried to swim up but couldnt wave after wave crashed in on her. She tried to breath but instead she took a big gulp of water in. Y/n was panicking and couldnt breath. She thought of brian and roger how she was going to leave them behind now. Y/n let go of her last breath as the sank to the bottom.
Roger and brian swam to her once they reached her, roger went under and picked her out the water. Both Brian and roger got back to the shore "brian go get help i try cpr we need a ambulance" Brian nodded and ran to get help
"God y/n please don't die on us" roger was literaly crying while trying to push the life back in to her chest. He pinched her nose close and put mouth to mouth "come on! You can't do this to us" all the while he continued to give her cpr.
The sound of sirens filled the air as the ambulance came to a hald on the beach two paremedics climbed out. At the same time Brian ran back to roger "is she alright?!"
"No i still don't have a respond" roger was crying But still preforming cpr
"We will take it from here sir" both the paremedics placed her on the brancard and started to weel her fast to the ambulance
"Can we come with you please?"
"If you drive after us then its fine but we can't take you with us in the ambulance
"Thank you" roger looked up "brian you need to drive i can't"
"Alright, but calm down now roger she's in good hands" Brian huged roger close and rubbed his back "im concerned to but y/n is one tough cookie"
Roger laught a bit " yeah she is..... we should go now" they both walked to the car Brian put the key in and turned it so they went after the ambulance. Once they arived they weeled her in to a hospital room.
In the back of the ambulance they were able to pump the water out of her lungs and get her to breath again, she wasn't conciouse but it was a good sign or so they hope.
Roger and Brian had to wait outside the room where y/n lay because they were doing some tests on her, so they decided to call John and Freddie
"Hello John deacon speaking"
"Hey John its me"
"Oh hey Brian hows everything?"
"It really could be better, we are at the hospital"
John sat up straight "hospital? Why whats wrong?"
"Its Y/n she almost drowned" it was silence on the other end "john?"
"Im on my way right now" and the phone hang up
He turned to roger "john is on his way can you call Freddie?"
"Sure" roger grabed the phone from Brian his hand and dialed Freddie his number
It rang a few times thill he picked up "with freddie Mercury how can i help you?"
"Oh fred thank god you are still home"
"You sound panicked roger whats wrong?"
"We are in the hospital, we were at the beach and we were messing around but y/n almost drowned because of our stuppid antics and..... we almost lost her"
As same with John, roger was met by silence "me and jim are on our way"
"Thanks you see you then"
About 20 minuts later john, Freddie and jim had arived at the hospital, they were waiting for the doctor to give a clear sign so that they could go in and see her.
A doctor walked in to the waiting room "wel we have good news and bad news, the good news is we managed to get all the water out of her lungs and she's breathing on her own, the bad news is that she's still unconsiouse"
"Oh thank goodness" brian placed a hand over his heart
"We did a couple of tests to see if there was anything ells like damege to the lungs but thats not the case, once she wakes up And taken care off she can go home"
"Thank you doctor, may we please see her?"
"Of course, if there is anything needed let us know"
"Thank you we will" the group walked in to the room, it was pretty light in there, it looked like they had walked in to heaven, John and Brian grabed a chair and sat down next to the bed while roger, Jim and freddie sat down at the table near the window.
"We should never have gone to the beach, this is all my fault"
"Roger don't be to harsh on yourself, it could have happend to anyone" Freddie placed his hand on Roger his shoulder
"But im the idiot who chased her in, im at fault"
Brian spoke up "rog it really isnt we all should have been more carefull, but like the doctor said everything will be alright, she just needs to wake up, and she will we just got to wait"
"Mabey you are right" he sighed and placed his hand under his chin and looked out the window.
A few hours had gone by without any indecation of her yet waking up, so they decided to leave and get some food, during the time they were gone y/n started to stire and wake up
"Ugh were am i? Why does my chest hurt so mutch" y/n blinked a few times against the light "this isnt my bedroom" she tried to sit up but couldnt because of the pain, plastic patches were put on her chest that were conected to the heart monitor she looked at them confused "what the hell happend?" Then y/n remembered, the beach, vollyball and roger chasing her and then the wave...."Oh god i almost drowned"
Then the door opend And the guys walked in with food and drinks, Brian looked up from the conversation "y/n you are awake!" He ran to her side and grabed her hand in his "we were so worried about you"
"Hey bri" She smiled softly "im sorry for worrying you all i dint mean for this to happen"
Roger stoot at the otherside of the bed and grabed her other hand "i shouldnt have chased you in to the water it was dangerous and i was so stuppid for doing so it almost got you killed"
"I know rog and im sorry to i should have watched out What i was doing" she squeezed their hands and gave a light kiss on them
John, jim and Freddie watched as they gave echoter their apolgies, and then the doctor walked in "ah miss y/l/n good to see that you are awake" he looked at the papers in his hand "everything seems to be in oder, do your lungs hurt?"
"A tiny bit but i asume it will go away in a few days"
"Yes it wil" he gave a smile "wel then if everything is alright and nothing hurts then you may go home"
"Really? Oh thats wonderfull thank you" then she looked down at her chest and pointed at patches that were still in its place "um about these"
"Oh don't worry a nurse will come soon and remove them for you"
"Alright thank you". About 10 minuts later the nurse came in to remove the patches, john freddie and jim had brought some clothes with them on their way to the hospital, once she got dressed they went on their way to go home "are you willing to drive Brian?"
"Yes of course i am, anything for you y/n". Roger went again with Brian and y/n while Jim and Freddie went with john.
"Wel see you all later i think its time for a lazy afternoon" said y/n as she waved them goodbye. Both roger and Brian stayed the night with her to make sure that everything would be going fine now. They promiced echoter that of they would go to the beach again one day that they would be more carefull.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed reading. ♥️♥️♥️
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hops-hunny · 3 years
I- professors gangbang their resident bimbo?👀
"Wait, wait, wait...you guys didn't fuck her?" Neville exclaimed, running his hands through his hair. Although the four were all speaking at the same time, the general consensus was still the same. "Then, what did you get in return for you giving her Os?"
"I didn't get anything. She was just so cute and too stupid for her own damn good. I felt bad for the poor thing so I sorta just began to give her anything she wanted." Harry started. He gave him a look of understanding. She was just too cute and stupid to handle.
"I told her there was a system where the more panties she'd give me the high her grade would be." Ron said. Seamus snorted rolling his eyes.
"Bullshit!" he challenged. Ron shrugged nonchalantly before pulling a frilly pink pair out, waving them around a bit before he sniffed them, letting out a loud groan. Seamus's eyes widened, attempting to lung for them only to have Ron shove them back in his pocket. "Get your own! What about you Zabini, what did you do?"
"I gave her separate assignments that had sexual questions on them. How can you not get an O when every question is about yourself?" he chuckled, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded.
"That's genius mate! I told her it's extra credit if you hand in nude polaroids and bloody hell am I glad our pictures move unlike muggles." Seamus muttered, pulling out a thick envolope. He emptied on the desk, revealing the nudes and lewds of the girl. They all looked in awe, her body looking better than they would've ever imagined. "What about you Longbottom?"
"Well um..." he trailed off, coughing to cover his words. "I may have fucked her face a bit." before anyone could respond, in came the woman of the hour herself. Her shirt was halfway on and her skirt was extremely short, barely covering her ass.
"Professor Longbottom, my shirt is stuck! It's like, not going over my boobs. It like totally fit the other day." she said, unaware of the affect it was having on any of the men. Neville sighed, banging his head against his desk before letting out a long groan.
"And you came to me with this because.."
"Well you say in class all the time if we need help to come to you!" she stated as if it was the most obvious thing.
"I meant on your coursework!" he exclaimed. He was conflicted once more. He could either send her on her way or pull the itty bitty shirt over her breast. He sighed motioning her as he looked at the shirt. "Well for starters, you could try putting it on the right way. It's backwards." he muttered, pulling it from off her shoulders. His eyes dropped to her chest that was on full display on the push up bra. Her tits looked massive. He bit his lip before putting the shirt on her the right way, beginning to pull it over her breast. He watched as the fabric resisted and strained against her chest, causing him to clear his throat.
However the rest of the men continued to gawk, looking at the girl. She turned towards them and smiled.
"Oh, hi professors! Oh, Professor Weasley I almost forgot." She went to take off her underwear, tossing them into the man's hands. His face turned red at her casualness. Was she really not aware? She grabbed a red lolipop off the man's desk. "Strawberry? Nice!" she unwrapped it, placing it between her plump lips before walking back out.
"Bloody hell."
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tomdiddlyumptious · 3 years
Hey! If your uncomfortable please ignore this ask, but i was wondering if you could write something similar to malcome & marie? Thank you! Happy belated birthday!
Thank you baby! I actually thought about this ask for a bit. As a community we do NOT support or want anything like that in our lives, okay?
But if you as a reader would be uncomfortable with reading this then do not.
this will be kinda very similar to the plot of malcome & marie sooo....
Pairings: Film creator!tom x used to be sex worker!reader
Summary: after a celebration its time for the downfall
Warnings: argueing, slut shamming, smut mentions. Drinking, smoking. Not proof read. TOXIC- suicide mention.
I hopw this is just as confusing as it was in the actual movie, cuz yeah. Pls dont be shy to say something about it. And tbh if it isnt that good to you i dont blame you, its currently 11:16 and i should be asleep.
Tumblr media
You and tom walked in, a wide smile on his face as he danced around and shut the front door behind him. “Baby i did it!”
A faint smile played on your lips as you walked to the kitchen “yes you did, tom. You hungry?” You asked, opening the fridge as he went to go get a bottle of remy and two glasses, the rings shinning bright on his finger. “Yeah, can i have uh-“ he thought, stopping in his tracks and jerking his head as he couldnt think of anything.
“How about pancakes?” He randomly said and you chuckled “pancakes? Really?” “Of course! A sweet treat for a very sweet day” he walked up to the kitchen placing the glasses and the remy down.
You laughed again before taking out the pan, he also got to work by getting out the mix and the water while you got everything else. A cigarette in your mouth as tom helped light it while you mixed up the powder with the water.
“I never knew i could make it so far” he muttered, grabbing the remy and pouring it into the glass, tilting his head back and letting out a small moan from the sting in his throat. “You did a good job”
“Ya know, everyone is so judgemental, like i could walk around with my shoes untied and somebody would fucking give me a glare- or even what you call it. a stank eye” you nodded at his words letting him know you were listening, “but when i made that fucking movie i had all these women just- i cant even explain it” he shrugged, walking around the house with the glass in his hand, a wide smile on his face while you sighed and puffed out the smoke, the sizzle from the mix going on the buttered pan audible before he speaked again.
“They just kept on telling me how fucking talented i am, how i get women so fucking well. I mean goddamn im such a fucking genius” he edged on, cocky as he stomped his feet at his words,’ such, a, fucking, genius’
“Yes you are tommy” you looked down and seen the mix bubbling, taking the spatula and flipping the pancake, shifting and leaning on your right leg as your dominant hand sat on your hip, the other holding onto the cig.
“But it’s confusing. Any other time they would probably fucking- what do you call it” he snapped his fingers before taking a sip. “Aha! Fucking cancel me!” He pointed at the ceiling. “Why would they do that tommy” you lifted your eyebrow, “youre only writing a good story” you sighed, looking at the plates and rubbing a mark that was left on them.
“People now days do it just because....just because their bored- or even because they dont like them- BUT-“ he lifted his finger towards you “they have no reason to”
“Mhm, you should wait for the reviews” you took the cigarette and put it in the ash tray, taking the fire out before putting the pancake on the plate.
“They have to be good! I can make fucking millions off of this” he smiled, quickly walking over before chugging his drink.
“Yes...yes you can” “and then we could buy a fucking island, a boat and even a horse!” He laughed, amazed and he set down the glass before coming behind you, pressing kisses to your neck as he watched you put the batter on the pan again.
“What makes you want a horse?” “What makes you think about reviews?” And with that you shrugged “just because a few reporters and new york news writers like it doesnt mean that everyone will”
“Why are you being so negative? Goddamn you bring the worst out of everything y/n” he let you go, and you looked at him, giving him the famous eyes.
“The worst? How about you go fuck yourself” you said, aggressively grabbing the spatula to flip the pancake. “Go fuck myself? Whats your problem”
You stayed silent, wondering if you should just go outside and smoke another cigarette or hear him bitch and moan. “Y/n you have a problem every other fucking day. I try to talk to you but you dont. You rather talk shit and let it marinate” he rested his hands on his hips and starred at you while you bit your lip and put the pancake on the plate, grabbing the syrup you put the right amount for him before aggressively walking to the table and slamming it down.
Your heels clanking against the floor as you made your way to the bathroom. Leaving tom by his self as he let out a harsh sigh and rubbed his chin, thinking about what he should do before finally grabbing a fork to eat his breakfast.
“You know. You do the same shit every night- you curse me out then the next hour you wanna suck my dick or something” you starred at yourself in the mirror, biting the side of your cheek before you took of the heels, then coming back out.
“How dare you, thomas” you said harshly, walking back to him and watching him eat the pancakes. “How about you be fucking mature and stop eating”
“No. I dont wanna fight” he shrugged, cutting the pancakes fancy before he placed them in his mouth. “Your such a fucking bitch” your eyes squinted as you leaned forward.
His eyebrows raised and he cleared his throat “a bitch?” He let out a loud laugh, tilting his head before coming back “i think we both know whos the bitch here”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” “Oh you know exactly what im talking about” and with that your jaw basically droppped to the floor “why are you suprised?”
“Have you ever thought-“ you caught your words before repeating them “im the reason why youre gonna get millions, if i was never there for you. If you were never in my life youd still be in that house that you hated so fucking much” you walked closer.
“Trust me baby you were apart of it, but you sure as hell werent the main character” “then please-please tell me who else was doing sex for money?” You asked, and he didn’t answer, instead continued to eat the pancakes.
That made you more aggressive, quickly walking to the table and snatching the plate. “How dare you have to nerve to talk shit about me while you eat what i made you”
“Fuck you y/n” “no fuck you!” He dropped the fork, his face becoming a shade of red. “Im the reason why youre in this fucking house right now, im the reason why you have that fucking ring on your finger” you said, then put your fingers on your ring.
“Dont you fucking dare take off that 50,000 thousand ring y/n” “why shouldnt i?” “Because you love me dont you, darling?” that made you soften up a bit, taking your fingers off the ring as he smiled, telling you to come over. He sat you on his lap, taking the cigarette out of his jacket that youre wearing, grabbing the lighter from his pocket.
You put the cigarette in your mouth and he repeated the same action, lighting it for you. “I love you y/n”
“Mhm” you smiled, taking out the cigarette to press your lips on his and he rubbing your hips, the passion over the tension in the room. “Oh well i thought the movie was shit, i uh- couldnt help but think thats not how it ends” you teased with an old grandma accent and he laughed.
“Yeah i did to, how does man get with a prostitute and marry them” he teased back making you both laugh. “The movie felt so real, it reminded me of my friend miranda” you playfully said with a more younger high pitched voice.
And it went back and forth, laughs leaving both of your lips until he pushed the buttons “man she really was a thot” your eyebrows furrowed as he laughed to his self. “Man he really was desperate for a blow job” you said in your serious voice “man i wonder why he hooked up with such a thot”
“I didnt mean it like that-“ “fuck you” you got off his lap and walked back to the bathroom. “Here you go again y/n!” He shouted, and you turned back around.
“Your so fucking selfish” “we werent even talking about that-“ “no fuck you. All you do is say i-i-i” you yelled, words strong. He stood up agitated “you know what you wanna argue, lets argue”
“You gave up on me” “if i gave up on you why would i marry you” “our love was strong in the beginning and then you just-became you” you looked at him up and down.
“That was because i was in love with your body” he smiled “really? Why didnt you just leave me on the fucking street!” You yelled again, “because I thought you deserved better, maybe you should still be in that fucking old apartment with fucking big ass rats running through it, men twice your age fucking your loose ass whole”
“FUCK YOU” you shouted pointing at him “maybe i shouldve used that sloopy mouth of yours to stay on my dick so you could stay shutting up” “NO FUCK YOU THOMAS” and with that you walked away, into the room this time before tom followed behind you.
“Please leave me the fuck alone before i flip out on you, please just leave” “no”
“You know what. I feel like once you feel like you gave everything they wanted and more you expect them to stay with your sorry ass” “oh im not sorry. And thats not true” he shrugged, standing infront of the door as you sat on the bed. “Im so embarrassed to call you my husband” you shook your head.
“Why shouldnt i be embarrassed to call you my wife?” He shrugged again, leaning against the door looking at you. “If it werent for me you wouldn’t be as happy as you are now” “what makes you think im happy y/n! Im really not” “and you think i am?!” You looked up at him, getting up and walking to him but he continued to back up, until you both were in the open hallway with a table in the middle of it.
“I was never happy in the first place” you said, eyes starting to tear up. “Dont give me fucking alligators-“ “do you know how embarrassing it is for someone to tell you to get your own fucking ride home because you wanna fuck someone else?” You asked, your voice changed as you wiped under your eye, smuding the makeup.
“I had to ask Harrison to give me a ride home. I was scared tom” you sighed, shoulders becoming slump. “What if i ran into somebody i fucked? And they forced me to have sex with them again or else theyd report me to the police?” You asked, breaking down and falling to the floor while tom watched, guilt and shame all ocer his face as he leaned against the table.
“I watched you with my two own eyes make out with someone then the next day you asked me to ride you. But you wanna slut shame me for being broke and needing to survive, that broke me so much. And i did it” you choked “i gave consent everytime, brusied my knees from getting on them for you. Just to make you happy. I let you get full of yourself and now its all about you” you whispered and he came down to you, holding you and pressing kisses on your hair while you broke down more, hiding away from him. “You let me stay out there on Christmas day” a frown met on his lips, thinking back on the day and how you were probably reallty cold, he knew you couldnt stand it.
“And i gave consent to getting married to you, your such a hoe” he couldnt help but chuckle “no seriously your a hoe to feeds for attention” you made eye contact with him, and then you both broke into laughs, sniffels leaving your lips causally but easily ignored knowing you feel slightly better.
And with that you both beard his phone ding, well multiple dings. You told him to answer it, check it. And it was a review, he stood up and helped you up, walking to the livingroom before going over to grab the glasses and remy, pouring it in both cups you both took one.
“Alright, this is from whats her name....janice!” He said, sitting on the couch and you sat between his legs in the floor, sipping the drink. “Overall the movie was great. But there was a few things that werent right in my opinion-“
With that his eyebrows furrowed, you played with the carpet as you waited for him to continue, he leaned forward with his elbow on his knee using his thumb to scroll. “I couldnt understand why the character had all these strange things about her, why the sex scenes were that necessary”
“Ding ding ding”
“Shut up y/n you arent helping- i don’t understand how jhon and candy got along and became freinds if they continue to have intercourse. What the fuck are you talking about? Bla bla bla” he muttered, skimming through it “how candy and ron got along? Shouldnt they be together of they clicked so well?”
A small laugh left your lips “me and Harrison? That wouldnt be so bad”
“How in the world did they get married? Honestly the whole relationship is toxic, but i see it as they were to late to give it up, they were already in a too tight knot. Thats not true we are madly in love with each other” he jerked his head at the phone.
“Ms janice does have a point” you cleared your throat a bit. “Y/n please. Ms janice has no fucking idea what shes talking about jhon and candy are in love with each other and they have problems sometimes....well most but oh well its not to late either one of them couldve got up and go”
“Not if one loved more then the other and it was to late to go, janice is right tom” you crossed your arms.
“Do you wanna-“ “no tom i dont. Just speaking my opinion, coming from a woman your being pretty harsh about it” “well it wasnt really about candy-“
“That doesnt make any sense, shes the main fucking character” you looked at him. “It was more on how jhon viewd candy” “then why was candy always in camera”
“Because...” he shrugged. “Your so dumb” you got up and sat far away from him on the couch, he eyed you in confusion “isnt that fucking movie based off of my life. Like im some type of experiment and you solved made something out of it” you dozed off, swirling the remy in your glass. “Im not feeding into this” he ignored you, until you got up and barked at him, which he looked at you as if you were crazy before doing it back “fucking prick!” You stomped off out of the livingroom and went outside.
“Fuckin-“ he couldnt come up with anything before he let out something random “fuckin mood swinger-“ you finally took the time to take off your makeup and dress, muttering words about him “thats why he stinks, smellin like a gorrila- asshole- man whore” you took a bath too, you didnt feel your best at the moment.
Tom on the other hand just took off his shoes and aggressively stomped on the pillows, throwing a tantrum and jumping on the couch and punching air, kicking it until he accidentally fell.
By time you were dont he thought about it “harsh?” He questioned and walked into the room, finding you reading a book on the bed with the night light on and a cigarette in your mouth.
“Y/n?” “Yes thomas?” You looked up at him “harsh?” He asked and you tilted your head at him “i wasnt being harsh about it” “mhm” you shut your book and set it on te night stand, he undressed until he was in his underwear and climbed into bed with tou.
“How was i being harsh about it” you sighed and rested the cigarette in the ashtray, not putting it out just yet. “You arent really aware of others feelings tommy” you said simply. “What does that mean?” He asked, crossing his arms and sitting up next to you, both backs against the headboard and he looked at you.
“It meas i loved you more then you loved me” his eyebrows furrowed at the statement “that cant be true” “tom it is. You didnt say it but you did. You only wanted me for my body. My love and soul came later and i was to blind to notice. That was my bad”
“Loved?” He questioned. “I think i started to love you less and got on a even level with you, then we built together” you shrugged, crossed a leg over your other one and crossing your arms to. He let out a small laugh, “you know i never understood why jhon died in the end and why candy committed suicide” you said and his heart sunk a bit low.
He cleared his throat before saying something “i know you’re afraid of losing me, y/n. I never told you this but ive read your journal” he nodded his head and you bit your lip, knowing every single letter you wrote and how much it sucked thinking back about those days.
“I know how much you loved me but hated me. But something really grabbed my heart. ‘I want to keep tom, hes like my soulmate. My hearts gotton closer by every minute and moment ive been with him. Even though i feel like ive been burned by some of the things hes done, id forever love him. Losing him would be like losing me entirely’”
“I still don’t understand” you mutter, silently wondering how he knew word by word. “I took advantage of that. Because when i was done reading it i knew it was true, it is true. I couldnt feel it in my heart, thats why i picked you up and took care of you. I noticed you really care for me and ive done nothing but asked you to suck me off, i thought i was making both of us happy by giving you what you needed, or wanted. I became so happy when we got closer, you told me about your new apartment and i was so excited, but it wasn’t because of me entirely. I wanted you to myself. I needed you to myself and you needed it too. So if you lost me you would lose everything, give up on love.” Everything he said was true, it wasnt what you wanted to hear but he needed you to hear the truth.
“So candy gave up on it” he shrugged “she didnt try because there was no need to, she didn’t think anyone else would love her, ‘without tom i have no one else, i know ive done some un speakable thigns with him but i can tell by his eyes and heart that he wants something, he just wont tell me’” he smiled, quoting off of your journal again with a smile on his lips. “Thats why i try every time to keep this relationship strong, go to therapy with you, kiss you and tell you how beautiful you are everyday, cook you breakfast when i know your trying to do something new”
“So youre only doing this because you dont want me to kill myself?” “No y/n. I did it at first but then i opened my eyes and noticed how much i really fucking love you” he uncrossed his arms and reached for your hand. “And i know you love me too, on a even page” you both shared a crooked smile, using your free hand and grabbing the cigarette and putting it to your lips. The time currently 4:30 in the morning as he reached for the cig, your eyebrows furrowed as you let him take it. “Since when do you smoke?”
“Since i had too much of your bullshit” “shut up” you both laughed, slapping his chest as he handed it back, a small laugh leaving his lips. “Im sorry for giving you such a headache” he muttered and you ignored it, putting out the cigarette and turning off the night light, keeping your distance from him you got under the covers and shut your eyes, and he did the same, turning away from you so you are back to back.
A smell of bacon filled your nose when you woke up, a faint smile on your lips as you got up, walking to the kitchen and finding thomas cooking.
“Whats the special occasion?” “I know youre trying something new”
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Flashing lights→prince!tom
Parings→prince!tom x princess!reader
Summary→when two kingdoms come together to form allies, A marriage between you and tom will hold that bond. you and tom have to learn to love each other. In front of cameras and media it’s love at first sight. alone it’s scarce touch’s and innocent looks scared to know each other.
Warnings→arranged marriage, small talks of smut, slowburn
A/n→ this was requested from someone who donated. If you donate to a blm campaign I will write a request for you! I am still doing this and a few other blogs are too! Every penny and every signature counts. Your voice counts💗 also there are going to be two parts and this is just part one!!!
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England's golden boy. That's what he was. The oldest prince that was still young, his white smile mixed with the well kept curls was what made him so charming and made the girls swoon. His sweet soul and his availability when it came to relationships was what kept the media on top of him.
Although everything changed in a matter of weeks, a marriage to form allies caused tom to shut his gates and only focus on you. There were no more late bar nights, no more public sporting events, it was now only you and his new marriage. The public only got a glismpe of the new relationship that blossomed over night but was staged to be love at first sight months ago.
“That's good,” you smiled at the maid who poured your tea. “Thank you.” she nods her head before locking you back in your room.
You didn't say much when you arrived. The only words you spoke with Tom was with the media around to catch them. Tom's arms snaked around your waist acting as if hes known you for a lifetime. Sweet cheek kisses and held hands to Tell the cameras whatever they wanted to hear to keep himself high and you higher. Other than those small moments in front of millions of cameras and people, you did not say a word to tom, Nor did you see him that much. 
Your fingers wrap around the cup as you bring the warm mug to your face. You knew your duties, breakfast at nine, lunch at one, attend any meetings in between, dinner at seven where you must sit with tom, and the rest of the night is yours but you must be in your room by ten. It is recommended that you and tom get to know each other in those nightly hours but the two of you rarely did. You are not allowed to leave the castle unless Tom is by your side because if he isnt that suggests to the media that you two have split. Any activities outside of the kingdom must be done with tom or a member of the royal family. The rules were strict but easy to follow if you didnt care about breaking them.
You felt bad sometimes about not making much of an effort with Tom, you'd been here for only a week but a week felt like a month and the days felt like weeks. Tom was almost always busy as well, too busy to love his own wife.
A knock on your door pulls you out of your thoughts, you set the cup down as you flatten out your skirt walking over to the door. Assuming it's a maid, it's not. Tom stands there in a polo shirt and khakis, its his golfing outfit and in about twenty minutes he would go out with his brothers to golf. The course was private and it was always reserved for them and a few friends. You didnt know much about tom but you knew he loved golf, everyone who kept up with the royal family knew that. Maybe all you thought you knew about tom personally, the public knew it as well.
“Tom?” you look at him confused as to why hes shown up at your door at a time like this.
“Hey.” his hands fiddle with each other as it was his thing he did when nervous, he would mess with his hands or rub his thighs. It was cute, he was cute.
“Hi.” you smile and he looks past you to see if anyone was in your room.
“I thought id ask you to golf today. We should get to know each other more. I mean you're technically my wife. well.. going to be anyways.” he speaks in a stutter, you make him nervous. Your eyes bat softly before looking down at the glove he wore. You dont golf, you didn't play much sports before coming over here so why would you make a fool of yourself in front of the prince.
“I dont golf,” you get nervous, you clear your throat not trying to be rude but you can already feel yourself shrinking more and more. “Sorry.” you start to shut your door but he stops it with his foot.
“Wait!” he stops you. Speaking a bit louder and his voice carries through the empty hallway. “You dont have to know to golf, honestly most people who dont golf just steal the cart.” he lets out a soft laugh. A laugh he gives to the cameras, the laugh he gives at dinner, the laugh he gives to everyone as he welcomes them into his home. It was a sweet, nervous, genuine laugh that he gave to everyone. “But i can show you. I just thought because we dont have much time together and were going to get married in three months--” marriage. The wedding in three months that was so far but so close. Mostly for the public, the knot was technically already official but the wedding would make the public swoon. Make everyone know you two are official.
“Right.” you cut him off with your own thoughts. You look outside into the garden and in a distance there is a golf course. The land looking different from your own home and making you miss the kingdom you originally came from. Your eyes water slightly at the idea of being home. The idea of laying your head on your mothers lap as you two watched movies before being told off to bed. The beautiful thought of working in the garden with your family. All of that traded for marriage and becoming united.
“Like I said.” you don't mean to be harsh, you feel a tear getting ready to fall from your eye. You sniff and look down. “I dont golf.” you shut the door and lock it up behind. Your eyes trail down to the wedding ring tom had given to you, the ring to show everyone who you now were. Who you now loved. You could learn to love each other but you had not tried yet.
Tom stood on the other side of the door scared. The mahogany wood stares at him back and he wants to each out for the door, try again, not mess up but he knows you need to be alone. He knows you miss home and dont know him more than a prince. He knew you only knew prince tom and he was going to change that.
It had been two days since your encounter with tom. You had only seen him at breakfast, lunch, dinner and outside your window when he golfed. Maybe you were too harsh with him. You had spent nights standing by your bed contemplating to go to his room, apologize for what you said. Try again, try to let him know that you only miss home, you could never hate him.
Now moonlight came through your window. With every twist and turn, checking your phone to see the time had reached another minute of less sleep. It was one of the nights where you missed home a little extra, you wanted to be back in your own bed but you were here.
With a sigh you rub your face pulling yourself out of bed. You weren’t supposed to be up around the house when no one else was, you didn’t understand why but it was among the list of rules you had to follow.
It would be the first rule you had broken, opening your door with a creek, you tip-toe down the hall and down the stairs to make some tea. Hoping that will work hard enough to put you to sleep for the night and leave your worries for the morning.
You weren’t the only one who couldn’t sleep though, Tom had the same motive you did. Although he snuck out more often so he knew all the secrets of the house.
He stood shirtless in the kitchen, pulling out a mug to get ready for some tea. You pause in your steps as you see him standing. He's facing away from you, his back muscles seem to flex everytime he reaches for something, it only causes your stare to worsen.
“Fuck!” He almost shouts as he turns to be frightened by you. You jump by the sound of his voice and run your hands over your face.
“I’m sorry!” You whisper and he places his hand over his heart. He takes a deep breath before he speaks, regains his composer before starting the conversation.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked you with a cock of an eyebrow. You nod and he turns to reach for a second mug, knowing already what you wanted.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “I mean no! No I can’t sleep.” You correct yourself and he chuckles a little getting the kettle ready.
“You’re missing home.” He tells you and you walk over to him. You’re close to him, closest you’ve been to him.
“ it’s obvious?” You ask and he shakes his head.
“No,” he tells you looking over with his soft brown eyes. “But I think if I was torn from my own home and forced to marry someone random I would be petrified too.” He tells you assembling the two tea bags. You watch as he does so, how the tea bags look so small I’m his hands, how he does everything so delicately.
“Well...I’m not as scared as I was when I found out but this is all still new to me. The kingdom I mean, your kingdom.” You lean against the counter as he passes the tea to you. You smile as a thank you and he turns off the stove.
“Our kingdom.” He reminds you and you nod still having to get used to it being for the both of you.
“Right.” You take a sip and he walks over to where you entered. Noticing you not following him he turns around, his eyes soft and his face pleading for you to come with.
“You coming?” He asked and you didn’t have much of a choice. Stay here in silence or get to know Tom, your future husband. You push yourself off the counter and follow, you follow him out of the kitchen and into the large library. The library that most days seemed empty, almost no one came in here unless it was for their own studies.
Tom leaves you by the couch to start the fire pit. It’s always cold on London nights, you seemed to learn that quickly. How cold the air gets, you always bundle up with extra blankets and sweatshirts but Tom seems to be perfectly content.
He takes a seat on the floor next to the fireplace. Reaching over to the small love couch and grabbing a blanket and a pillow for himself he looks at you with sweet eyes.
“Do you want to sit?” He glances up. “Or will you stand all night.” Teasing seemed to be his sense of humor, his sense of humor that was harmless.
You take a seat across from him. He shares some of his blanket with you before finding his gaze stuck in the fire. The room was silent, there were no birds like the morning, there was no chatter of guests like the day, the golf club meeting the ball was nowhere to be heard. The only sound was silence and the void was to be filled by your voices.
“When I was a little boy, I used to sneak down here all the time.” He starts and your eyes are now on him. His face lit by the fire causes you to see every freckle, mole, and wrinkle on his face. “The funny part was I hated reading. It’s just that this room seems to be unoccupied most of the time so I enjoy the bliss of getting away.” He takes a sip of the tea, you watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows the warm liquid. You hear the mug clink with the wooden floor as he leans back watching the fire unfold.
“It’s nice, I like it.” Were the only words your mind allowed you to speak. A small smirk rises to his face but then falls, he likes the sound of your voice.
“I read a lot as a little girl,” you tell him. You’ve caught his attention. “I was all about fairy tales and my mother would read them to me all the time. I loved the written idea about princesses but that’s what they do with them, they write all the good things and leave out the bad. They never tell what happens once the people look away and the crown comes off.” You tap your fingers against your mug. He understands, he didn’t read fairy tales nor did his mother read them. But he knew that in public he was the ideal prince, behind closed doors he wished so badly for a Normal life.
He moves, leans over to touch your face, move the eyelash that bothered him. His larger fingers come into touch with your delicate skin, it was almost like he didn’t touch you at all but the short eyelash rested on his pointer finger.
“Are you going to make a wish?” He asks holding it out for you to blow. You look at him then back at the lash. You’ve never been this close to him before, so close and so alone.
You close your eyes and blow gently, when you open the eyelash is gone. Toms got a cheeky smile before letting his hand fall.
“What did you wish for?” He asked. You cracked your own smile and shook your head.
“If I told you it wouldn’t come true.” You laugh a little and he looks at you more seriously.
“Oh come on! We’re going to be married in three months. Can you at least give me an insight of what you wished for?” He lets out a little laugh and you shake your head.
“No Holland, that’s not how it works.” You tell him and he leans in again and looks in your eyes. You’ve never seen such a goofy side to him, you don’t even think anyone has seen it.
“What are you doing?” You giggle a little as he has this face of seriousness. He’s staring deep into your eyes mostly just to get you to smile.
“Oh, I was trying to see what you wished for.” He jokes before moving back and accidentally knocking his mug over. You quickly lean in to grab it but don’t realize you’re leaning on Tom. Legs now intertwined, shoulders touching and faces only inches apart. You quickly try to clean up the spill but Tom can’t take his eyes off of you. He picks up the spoon and places it back in the cup before you realize how close you are to him.
His hand drops from the mug and trails up your shoulder, he touches every mole, every scar, every bump of the skin he may feel, he stops right as he gets to the strap of your shirt. He takes it into his hand but he doesn’t let it fall.
You watch as he does so, watch as he plays with the strap and maybe you’re so desperate, tired, needy for him to do something or for anyone to do something.
“Tom,” you whisper and he Looks up. His lips only inches away from your face as you speak. You’ve got his attention and now you’re lost for words. He leans in first, you do as well and feel his lips brush against yours. Anyone could walk in, anyone awake could walk in on you two right now.
His right hand supports your lower back, it wants to trail up but to be respectful it stays in place. His lips ghost yours before you pull back in a more teasing way. He only chases them, it shows how desperate he is for them.
“I’ve never kissed a boy before.” You admit. It was semi-true, in secondary school you played spin the bottle, the times you landed on someone it was just a small peck. Nothing more nothing less. You had never fully kissed someone, locked lips, pulled them close, eyes closed and begging for more. You never had that.
“It’s okay,” he leans closer. “If you’re uncomfortable we can—“ he starts and you quickly cut him off.
“I’m not uncomfortable.” You told him and he presses his lips together looking down at yours. “I promise.”
“Do you want to kiss me?” His lips now gently ghost over your cheek, it’s almost like he’s directly speaking into your cheek.
You nod but that’s not enough.
“I won’t do anything until you speak.” He reminds you and you say in the shakiest voice you have, a soft ‘yes’ leaves your lips.
His hand now on your face, he pulls your lips into his, they fall against his. They’re warm from the tea, chapped from the lack of sleep, but feel so good molded against yours. He’s gentle but let’s you know how much he loves it. Your hands hold onto his shoulders, touching the bare skin and feeling the heat as the kiss escalates. You had never felt so good in your life before, no one had made you ever feel this good. Even if it was just one, desperate kiss.
He pulls back, you catch your breath and want to lean in for more but he moves back. The sun is coming up, you didn’t realize how much time was spent down here, what felt like minutes was truly hours. His thumb rubs your cheek, reaches up to feel the bag under your eye before he plants a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“I should get you to bed, it would be irresponsible of a prince to let his princess lack sleep.” He told you. His cheeky sarcasm comes back as he stands up from his spot. He holds his hand out for you to take and it’s almost like what happened never did. Like it was just in the fairytales you read.
Cups and blankets left in your spot as you get started to leave the library. The fire still burns and it was obvious the two of you were down here but like Tom said, no one ever went down there.
He holds you close as he sneaks you back into your room, when the sun comes up the maids start to come out, get things ready for the day before everyone wakes up. For Tom, waiting until the last minute to sneak back to his room was always a part of the no sleeping fun.
“Prince tom? Princess (y/n)?” A voice stops the two of you. Tom turns around seeing a maid, a maid with towels walking down the hall. He always treated them with kindness, he knew all their names, all their stories, he knew everything about them.
“Eve!” He smiles and she gives a strange look. “The princess couldn’t sleep! I offered her a midnight stroll that clearly was longer than expected. We’re going back to our rooms now to sleep, don’t be worried if she is late for breakfast, the princess needs her sleep.” He tells the woman and she nods. He gives her a soft smile before making it back to your room.
“Thank you.” You tell him when he opens the door for you, not only for the door but for everything he’s done for you tonight.
You turn around, place a soft kiss on his cheek before holding onto the door handle.
“Goodnight Tom.” You smile softly. His cheeks rose red after you kissed just the one. He bites down on his lower lip and nods.
“Goodnight princess.” He watches you close the door before going back to his own room. He almost skips in joy as he goes back. The point of tea was to sleep, let his mind slip and fall back to sleep. Now his mind was racing, he wasn’t going to sleep, he would think about you and your lips, how sweet they were and how they were just like you.
That night in the library was only the start to something real, something the media and your families wouldn’t understand.
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Training Session [Peter Parker]
pairing - peter parker x fem!stark’s daughter!reader
type - fluff
note - hope you enjoy! also idk ANYTHING about martial arts or combat fighting so lol dont take i wrote too seriously
summary - peter finds out mr. stark has a daughter and you two are put together for a training session.
warnings - lil suggestive
*gif isnt mine*
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“How do you like it?” Sam asked.
You turned to the mirror, eyes wide and mouth agape, admiring your new suit.
“This is awesome!” You squealed.
Sam, Tony, and Nat had deisgned a new suit for you. After your last battle, your suit had been torn to shreds. It had been months since you were able to go out in the field and you’d be anxious to fight crime. Now that you had your new suit, you were now able to fight crime.
You were named Fox. You were sly, witty, and and charming. Not just in your moves, but your personality, too. You had been working alongside your dad, Iron Man, for 7 years. You were 10 when you started, obviously too young to actually be fighting, but you were his right hand woman at all times. You helped him with his suit, team, and plans on how to deal with missions.
Your suit was a dark orange body suit, much like Nat’s. You had fingerless gloves, black combat boots, and an orange mask that went around your eyes. You had a black stripe down your suit’s back, much like a fox’s. You also had a utility belt with a grapling hook, taser, and pepper spray — you could never be too careful in the city. You and Tony tried hard to keep your identity safe, especially since you were still in high school.
“Do you think we need to add anything?” Tony asked.
“Can I get rockets on the bottoms on my shoes like you?” You asked.
Tony chuckled, “We’d have to change the whole material of your suit, cupcake. You don’t like metal, remember?”
You grumbled, “Yeah, yeah. Well, I love it! Thank you guys so much.” You turned to them with a big smile.
“No problem, babe,” Nat smiled. “You have training with me today at five.”
You nodded, “Noted.”
“There will be someone else joining you in trianing today,” Tony said.
“Who? Is it Bucky?” You asked. “No, he’s new,” Tony said.
“Wow, that gives me a lot. Who is it?” You pressed. 
“You’ll see. He’s actually pretty good for just starting out,” Sam smirked. 
You sighed, knowing they were gonna make it a surprise. 
“Well, I can’t wait!” You faked enthusiasm. You didn’t like surprises. 
You went off and up to your room, changing out of your suit and into running shorts and a t-shirt. You decided to take a nap before your training.
You woke up 2 hours later, still as exhausted as before. You filled up your water bottle before going into the gym. You saw Nat and a brunette boy. He wasn’t too much taller and by the back of his head, he didn’t look too much older.
“Hey, Nat,” you greeted as you walked in and set your water bottle near the mat. 
“Hey, Y/n! This is our new recruit, Peter Parker. You probably know him as Spider-Man,” Nat smiled. Peter turned around and his eyes widened. 
His heart started to race and his face turned red as he looked over you. Your eyes were bright and lively, your smile being the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. Your skin flawless and you had no makeup on, but you still looked beautiful. 
“Hi,” you smiled. “I’m Y/n Stark,” you held out your hand. 
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but the only sound that came out was a squeak. Nat and you chuckled at his shock. 
“H-hi. I’m Parker. No, Pe-Peter,” he stuttered and shook your hand. 
“Not used to meeting important people, huh?” You smirked. 
“Ye-yeah, but also pretty people,” he blurted. His face turned a darker shade of red and he slapped his mad over his mouth. 
The action made Nat giggle and his words made flustered as well.
“Thank you, Peter,” you said shyly and looked down at your shoes. 
“Ready to get to work, love birds?” Nat teased. 
You rolled your eyes and nodded. You took a long sip of water.
“We are gonna start on the treadmill, do some weights, and I’m gonna teach you some combat moves,” Nat instructed. 
You and Peter nodded and got up on the treadmills. 
“One mile today. Remember to pace yourself. If you get tired, don’t be afraid to slow down a little,” Nat said. 
You started the treadmill at 3.5 so you can warm up for a few minutes before running. You took a small sip of your water as you sped-walked. You looked over and saw Peter already running his mile. Your brows cocked upwards as you saw him running at 6.0 speed.
You worked your way up to 6.0 speed, finishing your mile in 6 minutes. Peter, however, finished 3 minutes after you. 
“I said pace yourself, kid,” Nat said. 
Peter blushed again and nodded. 
“Next time, follow Y/n’s lead. She paces herself nicely,” Nat said while you took a drink of water. 
“Thanks, Nat. I have been doing this for a long time,” you smiled. 
“How long? Are you a superhero?” Peter asked. 
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I’ve been helping my dad since I was 10. I’ve been a superhero for 3 years.”
“What’s your superhero name?” Peter asked. 
“Oh, my God! Really? I-I am such a big fan. You were what actually inspired me to become Spider-Man. I think it’s so cool how you save people and fight off bad guys without any superpowers,” Peter gushed. 
“Thank you, Pete,” you giggled at his excitement. 
“You’re welcome. Wow, this is so cool. I am working with Fox, Iron Man, Black Widow,” Peter smiled. 
“You’re lucky, kid,” Nat smiled and patted his back. “Okay, why don’t you all stretch. Peter, have you ever benched before?” 
Peter shook his head while stretching his hamstrings. 
“Okay, we’ll start you out with 45 pounds. If that’s too light, we’ll bump it up to 50,” Nat said and put the weights on the bar. “Y/n, what do you wanna do today?”
“Uh, I’ll do a leg and glute day today. My arms need a break,” you said. 
“Rock and roll, then. I’ll spot you, Parker,” Nat said. Peter went to bench press while you went to the kickback machine. 
You and Peter worked in weights for about an hour. You did a variety of workouts while Peter mainly focused on how to use each machine and which would be most beneficial for him. 
“Okay. Grab a drink, use the bathroom, whatever you need before we do some fighting,” Nat said. 
You both went to do your things before you were going to fight. You came back in the gym, stretching your arms while walking in.
“Ready to work, Pete?” You asked the boy and patted his back. He nodded and choked on his water when he looked up at you
You changed our of your shorts and t-shirt to black biker shorts and a grey sports bra. The biker shorts hugged your body perfectly and the top of your breats showed, making Peter stare.
You noticed and smirked. “My eyes are up here, kid.”
His eyes immediately shot up and his face blushed for what seemed like the 100th time today.
“I am so sorry. I just don’t see girls in bras, like, ever. In gym class we all wear t-shirts, which makes sense. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I swear I’m not a prevert or anything, you just look really uh... nice? I—”
Nat and you turned to each other, amusement played on your faces. You turned back to the rambling boy.
“It’s okay, Peter. I get it, boobs are nice to look at. Especially when you’re a hormonal, almost always horny, teenage boy,” you teased.
“I’m not horny!” He claimed, embarrassing himself more.
“Don’t worry, I never assumed you were. I was just speaking generally,” you smiled.
“Oh,” he said and he looked down sheepishly.
“No worries. Now, let’s get goin’,” you said.
Peter nodded and followed you to the mat. 
“So, we are going to practice some basic moves. Y/n, I know you already know them, but there is nothing wrong with reviewing,” Nat said. 
You both nodded, waiting for further instruction.
“So, the first one is simple, yet very dangerous. It’s also fairly easy, in my opinion. It’s called the rear neck choke,” Nat said. “Peter, you’re gonna stand behind Y/n and put your arm around her neck.”
Peter nodded and awkwardly stood behind you. Your butt brushed against his crotch, making him cough awkwardly. He put his arm around your neck. The skin-to-skin contact made your heart flutter. You cleared your throat, too, breathing deeply to try and slow your heart rate.
“Good. Now, you basically just squeeze until the person passes out. Y/n, why don’t you demenstrate the next move,” Nat said.
You smiled and took ahold of Peter’s arm. You then crouched down and pulled him over your head. You flipped him over on the mat.
“Ow,” he whined as he fell. He looked up at you and couldn’t help but smile. You stood tall, hands on your hips and a smile on your face.
“Now, Peter, what you can do when she does that is hook your legs on her ankles and pull so she looses balance. You then can reach for her ankle and throw her across the room. But, we arent going to do that. What you can do, though, is do the ankle bit I told you. Then you can pin her down,” Nat explained.
Peter looked at you two hesitantly. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Y/n chuckled, “It’s all right. You won’t hurt me that bad, I promise.”
Peter nodded and did as he was told. He hooked his feet over your ankle and jerked you so your feet gave out beneth you. He then got up quickly to pin you down, but you were quicker.
You rolled over and pinned him down instead. Your left hand held his wrists above his head while your right held down his shoulder. Your legs went around his waist and squeezed slightly to make sure he wouldn’t move. Your head leaned down to his, a triumphant smile resting on your lips.
“W-wha-” Peter was at a loss for words. Not just because you beat him, but how close you two were.
He breathed in deeply, catching a whiff of your scent. You smelled like cherries and vanilla. Your skin was smooth, clear, and glowing from the sheer film of sweat on your face. You looked like an angel to him, nonetheless.
“And that is why you gotta be faster, Parker. But you’ll learn in time. You’re already pretty good on the field by yourself,” Nat said.
Peter nodded. You got up off of him and helped him up.
“Wanna try that again? I promise I won’t do that again,” you suggested.
“Sure,” Peter nodded and laid back on the mat.
He hooked onto your ankle again. As you promised, you let him pin you down. You watched the way he moved. He was swift and fast. The way his muscles flexed when he grabbed your wrist made your stomach flip.
He got on top of you, pinning both your wrists like you did to him. His free hand went to the side of your face, helping him support himself so he wouldn’t be laying directly on top of you.
Your heart rate quickened once more and you felt like it was hard to breathe. A few strands of his hair were hanging down from his head and he had sweat glistening on his forehead. His honey-brown eyes was something you found yourself getting lost in quickly. He was so handsome.
“Uh... Y/n?” Peter muttered, catching your attention.
You blinked rapidly and looked away in embarrassment. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he gave you a friendly smile and got off of you.
“Okay, water break. You two practice those few moves a few more times,” Nat said.
You got up and took a big sip of your water bottle. You then got back to training with Peter. He was a fast learner and almost every time pinned you down. You, however, were slightly faster.
Each time you got on top of him, Peter couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach. He’d never been this close to a girl before.
Thirty minutes later and the session was over.
“Good job, you two. Next time we’ll get into more moves involving punching and such. See you later, kiddos,” Nat smiled at you two. She left the gym and you turned to Peter.
“It was nice meeting you, Pete. Maybe we can hang out outside of training?” You suggested.
Peter’s eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that.”
“Great. Give me your number next time. See you, Spidey,” you waved and left the gym.
Peter jumped up and down. He couldn’t wait to tell Ned.
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