#sorry if this sounds to venty idk what happened
How are you my child?
on one hand im really angry about what happened to craze rambler on the other hand I got a laptop (although its old so :/) so i should be really happy but i moved schools and that means everythings new again and im back to being the '-' kid (I WAS SO HYPER AT MY OLD SCHOOL TOO SO IDK WHAT HAPPENED?) ((maybe its just me being overwhelmed idk)) and i keep getting the "BOO YOUR FEELINGS ARENT REAL AND YOUR A FAKE ROBOT PERSON WHO FAKES EVERYTHING" feeling BUT IM DOING VERY GOOD TODAY BECAUSE NOW I CAN KEEP IN CONTACT W FRIENDS MORE :DD
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husbandohunter · 1 year
hello!! this is my first time requesting something ever so if i did something wrong im so sorry 😭
but i’d really like to request something with xiao where reader really wants to go to the festival with him but obviously he can’t/doesn’t want to so he rejects them :’) and reader ends up not going and just watches the fireworks alone from afar untilllll xiao comes and sits next to them and it’s just the two of them enjoying each other’s company 🙊🙊 and maybe like an angst to fluff/comfort typa moment
idk idk AHH if u aren’t comfy writing that it’s all good! this scenario just been stuck in my head for a while.
The Lights Bring me to my Qixin [Xiao x Reader]
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Synopsis: He was hard to love, you were easy to love
Genre: angst/comfort, gender neutral reader, You fell first but Xiao fell harder and I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL!!
(A/n): tldr; Xiao needs to love himself 😤 also I'm so sorry it took this long anon. And you didn't do anything wrong! Thank you for sucha cute prompt :)
Xiao materializes himself on a bridge, a gust of wind fading beneath his feet. He doesn't move for a certain time, standing still as if he had no presence and just stares quietly. Only the moon was present tonight. No stars. A lone glow emitted right above where he remained and briefly he imagined, there was something melancholic about it. How the scenery made the lights in Liyue Harbor more apparent.
You would have loved to see this.
The adeptus recoils immediately and shakes away from those impending thoughts. No, he musn't dwell too much. He already made his decision. When you asked him to spend the lantern rite together, a voice inside his head acted before he even realized.
That was what he told you. It came out far more blunt than intended, followed by the poor choice of teleporting away. The pain on your face was something Xiao didn't want to think about. Because to him, you were like the city he gazed upon. Best admired from a distance. What affected the adeptus at the cost of what he wanted didn't matter.
His heart tightens. It's better this way.
"Why hello there! Care to join me for a drink this fine evening?"
Xiao spun around and saw Venti crouched on the handle while holding out a ceramic cup. Was he there the whole time or had his senses been dulled? It was hard to tell coming from an Archon.
Normally, he would refuse just as he would with anybody. But a part of him wanted to. Part of him wanted something that would help him take off his mind from those bothering emotions.
The two anemo users share a glass of rice wine pudding under the sky. Venti downs his fourth drink and Xiao glances at the watery reflection held by the glossy rim.
"If I recall, festivals are meant to be celebrated with wine and laughter. Maybe more of the former but it can't be complete without the other!" The bard cheers, his voice echoing around them, "Is the taste not to your liking?"
Xiao frowns, "No."
"No? Hmmm," Venti hums and taps his chin, "That's a shame. You were the second person who told me that."
As if he waited for Xiao to ask him who exactly, Venti proceeded to answer anyways, "As a travelling bard, I like to spread tales of heroic stories far and wide. Just so happened I landed a spot at the Teahouse yesterday. This good fellow sat in a corner, not even reacting to a single word I spoke, hmph!"
The teahouse? Wasn't that the place you always told him about? Repeating exaggerated stories about the mighty Yakshas who fought beside Rex Lapis during the Archon war?
"Ridiculous. Adepti cannot transform to anything but what they're already given. Mortal imagination are incomprehensible these days."
"Though you gotta admit, Bosacious with a serpent guardian sounds pretty cool...hold on, are you...laughing?"
"Did they say anything in particular?"
"Let me think, aha!" The bard snaps his fingers and looks upwards, "They said my interpretation of the story brought back good memories. That it reminded them of someone, which, they didn't tell me the name. But poor thing looked as if they were about to cry."
"...I see," he downs the drink in one gulp.
"Not even curious about who this mysterious person may be?" Venti insisted.
The adeptus huffs quietly and turns his head, "I have no recollection of such events. I must have mistakened them for someone else."
That's right. Whether you were happy or sad doesn't affect him in any way. Xiao knew where he stood. Karmic debt was a heavy burden to bear, it could be contagious and destructive if he wasn't too careful. Although you didn't like whenever he mentioned this, he truly believed that soon the curse will consume him completely. The yaksha's sole duty exists primarily for Liyue and to serve Rex Lapis whenever needed. Everything else becomes insignificant.
It's better this way. Xiao tells himself again. Mortal desires have no substance to him and neither does his own. I really don't care.
Settling down the glass, the adeptus walks toward the opposite direction, his back facing Venti away from the Harbor they watched.
"Leaving just when the celebration started? Someone's in a hurry," Venti chirped.
Xiao looks with downcasted eyes, stopping right at the edge. The trees rustle and a soft breeze picks up, brushing against his skin. It was colder now.
"Sorry," he breathes out, "Tonight, I just want to rest."
You headed home through your usual route, sword in hand, except now there were no monsters to be dealt with.
How strange. Surely the landlord didn't suddenly commission members from the adventurer's guild, at least not regularly. It had been reoccuring for the past couple of days. Hilichurl masks sprawl across the field and whoever left this mess surely wasn't the type to play gently. Judging by how it looks, they were probably an aggressive fighter. A very powerful and aggressive fighter.
"Totally not complaining, though..." you mumbled, still perplex. It would be nice to know who did all this.
Xiao pierces the eye of a ruin guard and grunts as he retrieved his spear forcefully.
Just how many lives does he need to keep taking until he can finally rest? The question occasionally pops into his mind. Though seeing that he was fighting another day is proof enough. These hands were meant for war and destruction. Whatever comes near him, whatever he touches, would wither like a Qixin affected by poison.
When Rex Lapis appointed him, the adeptus said to be treated at his disposal. Xiao was a tool for battle. An extension of his blade and a mind equivalent to the vigor of any weapon. If he was ordered to throw his life away by facing the gods of Celestia, then there would be no hesitation.
But really, Xiao was more of a shield than a blade. He took every blow without complaining and did so for many years. Even if his achievements resulted in no glory, Xiao would remain in the shadows, exactly where he belongs. Just as you would one day come to hate him for hurting you that day, despise him for his silence, and see him as untrustworthy, Xiao would never leave his post. Because...that was his duty. The guardian yaksha.
Yes he'd rather had you hate him. Yes, he distanced himself without explanation and left things unsaid in more instances than one. Yes, it was better this way.
What am I even doing?
Regardless, in this year's lantern rite, he wanted you to enjoy the festival as you did the last. It was the least he could do. Xiao thought by eliminating the monsters that crowded your path would somehow alleviate the trouble he had caused. So he tosses blow after blow, harder than the last, trying to eradicate that pain and these unecessary emotions.
And right before the final strike, he stops. Within the adeptus a Qixin flower sprouted alone amongst the depths of his withered heart. Something that had already been planted during last year's lantern rite. Xiao made his decision. But he hesitated, unable to gather the strength and remove the thorn that bothered him incessantly.
"Adeptus Xiao."
The yaksha's breath races. Your voice. Thankfully he didn't sense any danger and concluded you made your way home safely. Did you eat yet? What were you doing out this late? Xiao waits and listens, once more, watching from a distance.
"Nevermind. I just missed saying your name, that's all."
The hard line of his mouth opens halfway as he tried not to make a single sound. He camaflouges himself among the trees, your back in his view while you hugged your knees close. Xiao leans against the bark, a shadow casting over his features.
He really shouldn't be here. An adeptus has no right to traverse into the realm he does not belong in. Xiao knows better than anyone exactly how the events will turn out between god and humanity. Like dark and light, made to balance the other, but too close would result in one's destruction, and the thought of that terrifies him to the core.
"I wonder if I said something wrong back then," you softly said, "He always did how much of a nag I could be. What if he...was fed up with everything I did...?"
Xiao caught his breath on hold, almost saying something he shouldn't. That's not true! Those words are clawing on his throat. You have no idea how hard it was for him to reject you over and over again. He pushed you away because he was afraid he would hurt you in more ways than one. Do you realize these feelings have been torturing him? Seeing you hurt, on the verge of tears, why can't you just understand that all he wanted was for you to be happy?
"I'm sorry. I had no idea that my actions affected you so much."
Yes. Yes they have, and he was forever grateful for it.
"Are you...happier though? If you're out there."
Silence passes through between the mortal and yaksha, accompanied by the chilly touch of a sky's breathly sigh. Bright rays thinned across the plains built upon Wuwang hills as the sun sets and around your small form. A golden reflection mirrored in the adpetus' eyes. 
He could never.
You hear a thump and the sound of leaves falling down as Xiao unmounted himself from the branches. Seeing him was like a dream, you hardly believed it was real. The man wore an unreadable expression, often carrying the hard edge in every part of his features. However perhaps it was the sunset which hindered your perception. There was something different this time, something you haven't seen before and you were oblivious to.
"You called?"
Even until now the shock hasn't left you completely and you struggled on what to do next, "I did, but," still seated where you were previously, you dared not to blink, "Why are you here?"
Xiao casted his gaze to the side as if unable to look at you any longer, "I should be asking you that question. Didn't you want to see the lantern rite?"
What a silly statement. Of course you wanted to watch the lanterns, and most of all, with him by your side.
You stood up and dusted the grass of your sides, "It's not the same without you, Xiao."
"They're just lights," he dismisses.
"Yeah, now that you mention it, there really are just a bunch of floating lanterns," you shrugged your shoulders, "But not for me. When my siblings passed away, I thought nothing would ever be the same again. We used to make lanterns every year. I didn't have the courage to do them on my own because I just thought there was no point."
For the first time in a while, Xiao stays instead of leaving, "Is that so?"
The adeptus has observed the changes Liyue had gone through. If there is one thing in this world which can carve the core of every human, it was loss. He has known many who were victims to it or were the cause of each grief. An emotion that can warp a man, to something more darker, more distant.
"I was right. Things won't be the same," you parroted, yet grinning from ear to ear, "When we watched the festival with you last year, I realized just because you've lost something good doesn't necissarily mean you won't find it again."
"Don't ever change," his gaze on you was softer now.
"I didn't but you did," stomping up to him, you puffed out your cheeks with an angry look, "What has gotten into you? If I did something to upsetting, don't just get up and leave me hanging! Here I thought I made you so angry which caused you to he in a bad mood around everyone else."
"I-- I apologize..." Xiao nears himself to you, little by little, he examines your countenance, "It wasn't my intention."
"I was worried, you know?"
Although you were showing signs of relief, you continued to bring forth your hands and wipe away the tears building up at the corner of your eyes. What an emotional creature. His Qixin. While you slowly recovered, Xiao waits patiently, with every passing moment filling his withered heart. And then things became clear to him.
It was impossible for the adeptus to severe his bond with this human.
"You can be such a fool sometimes," you meekly stated, sniffling from the cold, "The worry you cause others. Always putting up a mask when you obviously don't want to."
"I know."
"And going off on your own without considering how they feel."
"I know."
He wasn't going to argue against your words and admittedly, well deserved. You let out a breath and the two of you stayed there in comfortable nothingness. No exchanges but the gap mended itself somehow. Xiao hadn't moved all that much even when you were in arm's reach. This man was always so careful and you knew he wouldn't hurt anyone out of his own selflessness.
You took a hold of both his hands and brought them to your face.
"What are you doing?" Xiao retorts, desperately, "You can't touch me."
The nudge indicates that he wanted to pull away, but when you squeezed them a little tighter, his tugs have grown weaker.
"You're saying they do nothing but kill and destroy," whispering, you closed your eyes and reveled in his warmth, "They're rough from years of use but so soft. I can't help think about those horrible things you said about yourself, weren't true at all."
Xiao feels as if he was being washed away in a current he couldn't control. It brings him from his own sense, watching you fondly speak of him with words he didn't think was very fitting. Not a single drop of urge from the adeptus wanted to remove your touch. Like water to the Qixin growing in his heart, a healing balm to his tattered soul, he revels in it.
"Stay with me," you whispered.
How could he refuse?
In the sky, a thousand lanterns lit up among the stars. Xiao wonders to himself, if it would be selfish for an adeptus to dwell in human feelings. The battles he fought over a milennia was enough to make him solidify his identity as a warrior. Yet the new emotions he have come across, Xiao doesn't know when he will ever have the courage to give it a name.
Time. He has plenty.
Whatever the future may bring, Xiao will accept it as long as he can see you flourish into the beautiful Qixin he'd come to cherish.
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your-queer-dad · 2 months
hi uhm ive never sent an ask in before ever on tumblr so woah new experience anyways this is probably gonna sound stupid but my parents got rid of my baby blanket like a couple years ago without telling me before and im um autistic and i have anxiety and that was my?comfort object and they’re kind of scary so my stuffed animals and that blanket are kind of the only things that make me feel safe in this house and im just really sad and mad about that (im 16 so i guess that’s too old to be upset about it but yeah idk i miss the blanket) (this isn’t really related to being queer at all i just needed a place to put this im sorry if it’s too venty)
Hey kiddo! I don't think you're too old to be upset about it, it was something important to you and you're allowed to be upset by that. I'm so sorry that happened and I'm always here to listen, no matter what, you don't need to apologise. 🫂🫂
- dad x
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kazumist · 1 year
masterpost / prev ep / next ep / timestamps don't matter
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scaramouche must have been crazy.
seriously? a date? it was the last thing you expected! however, if you were going to pretend to be a couple, going on dates is actually a given. and like you said in your message to him:
we both have to suck it up.
even if that means having your first date with the guy you hate.
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luckily enough, the awkward ride to the aquarium ended faster than you expected. but now that you’re here, how does one enjoy an aquarium date anyway? or what does one even talk about on their first date in general?
these were the questions running through both of your heads as you mindlessly wandered around.
“hey,” scaramouche starts.
“this fish looks a lot like childe for some reason.”
when you turned to look at what he was looking at, you seriously had to hold back a loud laugh. because why does the fish actually look like childe? “that’s a clownfish, right?” you ask him.
“you know about these things?”
“not really; i just watched finding nemo back then as a kid.”
“oh wait, here’s the description. yeah, it’s a clownfish, and it seems like even their description fits childe even more,” scaramouche says, pointing his head at a podium nearby with his hands inside his pockets.
“clownfish are active and territorial fish with an erratic swimming pattern who sometimes appear to be doing acrobatics while defending the area around their anemone," you read aloud. “see? it fits him perfectly.”
“are you saying childe seems to do acrobatics sometimes?”
“no, i’m saying that he’s way too hyper for his own good.”
“isn’t that supposed to be venti, though?”
“they’re practically the same kind; does it really matter who is who?”
you laugh at his response. 
maybe this isn’t so bad. just maybe.
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with the sun almost setting, your little trip to the aquarium ends, and you both decide to stop by a cafe on the way home.
but unfortunately, the awkward tension comes back.
what now? are you supposed to say, “hey, i had fun today,” and just move along? are you supposed to ask, “so how did the date go for you? did you have fun like i did?” you couldn’t find the right words to say, but you couldn’t stand this awkward atmosphere either.
“i… kinda had fun today.”
can this guy read minds or something?
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time flew by faster than you expected, and now you were walking out of the cafe with scaramouche. “thanks for today, even though i was kinda against it at first,” you said.
“i hope you realize that we have to do this often if we really want to be convincing.”
“yeah, yeah, i get it. give me a break. who would’ve thought that i would be going on a date with you, of all people?”
“why do you sound so icked by the thought of going out with me?” he rolled his eyes.
“because i am icked by it, smart ass.”
“says the one who equally enjoyed the day like i did?”
“sorry, my pride is too high to make me admit that i actually enjoyed your company.”
he shakes his head at your response. how very… likely of you to say such a thing.
“i guess this is goodbye, then?” scaramouche asks.
“yeah. why? do you not want the day to end?”
“don’t put words into my mouth.”
“you didn’t really deny it, you know.”
“why are you like this?” 
“why shouldn’t i be like this?”
from your peripheral vision, you could see a familiar sight of blue-ish white hair as well as a blonde walking nearby. since they didn’t really know that this wasn’t real, you acted out of impulse. but what did you do exactly?
you kissed scaramouche on the cheek and waved him goodbye, just like that.
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extra notes.
i didn't expect this chapter to be so long uhm idk im 50/50 on the narrations bc deadass it was hard 2 write for me ... OTL
theyre kinda getting close! emphasize on kinda though
more silly little romance in the next chapter haha pls stay tuned
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what happens when scaramouche, your rival since the first year of highschool, had some annoying admirers on his back? easy—he (fake) dates you to shoo them off. nothing can possibly go wrong with faking a relationship with the guy you hate, right?
spoiler: apparently, a lot can go wrong.
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taglist (open): @niiheng @yinyinggie @ilyuu @veekoko @motherscrustytoenailclippings @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @akairaindrops @kichiyoshi @lxkeeeee @user11918163805279 @sketcheeee @yukiipc @kyouzki @quokkatss @ynverse @yuyumaru @danhenglovebot @sheep-from-rad @gekkow @aeongiies @scararaw @beriiov @thenightsflower @simpforsubmissivemen @sakurapeach @akxtagawaxryxn0sxke @naheana @supernova25 @mitsu-moshi @yelleloww @kiyomi-hoku @kazemiya @theblueblub @lazy-sanns
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Sobbing and crying just saw your post of us sounding like a Sim, and I am DYING.
What if it went the other way? They can understand us, but we can't understand them!
Us : hey so what the fuck is happening why tf am I in genshin impact
Them : OMG ASKSKSKSKS FEDERRRALL MEERKK TREEESO! (Omg it's the divine God I'm shittinh myself oml) or whatever idk)
Us: excuse me what the fuck did you just say about my mother? (US mishearing or maybe the words are randomized? Who knows)
Everyone just being confused and frustrated on why you can't understand them. Is it because they aren't worshipping you enough? Maybe some friendship level BS where obly those who are lvl 10 can understand u or smth? Who knows, certainly not the Creator.
I highkey am thinking about writing smth for this now but having it be for like each archons reaction or smthin but who knows. I just wanna see a bunch of divine beings confused outta their mind in like whatever cities square and it turning into a "holy game of charades"
Also happy early birthday ajdjdjkdkdkdk
(づ  ̄ ³ ̄)づ here have a hug for your patience- sorry karma!! :')
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LMAO this inuyasha gif- obviously everyone else guessing what ur doing and the 2 others r like ppl like Venti or Kaeya who r just fucking with ppl by joining you lol
Oh no.
Oh god (you??) no.
What if you had the highest friendship with little d**ks like Scaramouche.
He’d be like, “Eh, I don’t feel like translating today.” 💀
Also I’m rolling with the idea that 
perfect understanding = lvl 10,
Most words 7-9
Some words 5-6
Kinda ?? they get 2 words per sentence or smth 3-4
Basically nothing 1-2
Anyway ornery bitches like Scara/Xiao/Alhaitham/Rosaria/Diluc (all for diff reasons like diluc/xiao would just be overwhelmed and dont like ppl that much lol, whereas haitham doesnt give a fuck lmao) would kinda suck to have as translators
They pull something like “oh well the god of gods said I could have the last slice of cake/an extra glass of wine hehe”
For different reasons these people would also be ROUGH translators: FISCHL OH NO- , Zhongli, Albedo (he simply would omit “unnecessary details”, cyno, ITTO PLEASE, Raiden (puppet) bc shed take stuff too far/too literally u would never be able to communicate jokes, Razor (im sorry bbyboy), Shenhe
You may or may not get another title of a jokester god bc of these SILLY charades 💀
The people u have higher levels of friendship with giving hints LMAO
“Uhhh….. Oh! Oh! Greatest Lord wishes to see a dance performance!” 
Nahida’s sweet voice rings out in Yujing Terrace, her tiny hand waving in the air like an elementary student who’s really excited to answer. …Which isn’t that far off honestly.
“Hmm, I disagree Buer, I believe the Hundun Emperor is saying they wish to take a bath perhaps. I am also attempting to use context, as it has been a long day for them.” Zhongli is in his classic “majestic thinking gentleman” pose, and you’d admire it more if it weren’t for the fact that they don’t seem to be getting what you’re saying.
You hadn’t yet found someone with a higher friendship level than 2 or 3 (hey, don’t blame yourself, you really have to put effort into friendship levels to get them anywhere and you were still busy screwing around in Sumeru when you got spirited away).
So needless to say, most people were getting “the, me, I, you, etc.” rather than the actual important keywords you needed them to, hence the godly charade game now.
As you “hold” something, you throw your hands up in the air, still keeping your hands wrapped around nothing. You think if somebody told you last week that you’d be playing charades with the archons in Genshin Impact so you could actually communicate with them… well you don’t know what you would have done. Maybe just gave them a really awkward laugh.
“Oh! Are you asking for a weapon? Akitsu Mikami, my emperor, we or our nations will surely provide protection from any harm that might befall you. Hm, I suppose we should offer something anyway… I wouldn’t want to displease them…” Ei mutters to herself, having taken over her puppet once more for the occasion.
She and Buer, still retaining their authority status, had asked for the area to be cleared in order to try and get closer to communicating with the Divine First, or you.
“Ha! What idiot would try to hurt the All-Parent in their home, unless they wish to get thrown?” Venti cheekily says, as you don’t understand him, but judging by Zhongli’s clenched jaw, Ei’s sigh, and Nahida’s giggle, you can guess.
You give your own sad sigh… it’s already been 3 hours. 😭
How hard is charades for 4 archons??
Well… apparently very hard.
You put your face in your hands, and you hear the (retired) archons start to debate something, you can tell it’s getting a little passive-aggressive between Venti and Zhongli by their tone alone. 
…Okay, now it’s just aggressive.
The archons eventually give their attention back to you so you can go back to your charades lol
You tried opening your mouth and closing it, very obvious, they can’t go wrong. 
…Turns out they can. 
Somehow you find yourself with a hot tea brewed by the geo archon. 
(Venti attempted to offer you Dandelion Wine, or Osmanthus Wine even, and only god, well you now, knows where he pulled them from. Ei swatted his head, he looked so offended, and his cheeks were all puffed up, heh.)
Giving up, you just try to motion for them to stay still, your hands gesturing like trying to calm a wild animal.
They give you questioning looks, and you begin to walk off, they all seem to immediately start discussing something with each other. All of the gods look very conflicted, and after a minute of you getting further away (yes, you’re almost home free, Xiangling here you come! ) Nahida skips to catch up with you.
She gives you a beaming smile, and you can’t bring yourself to not return it. She's so much cuter in real life, even the official art didn't do her justice.
You make your way towards the restaurant, finally.
And apparently you’re happier than you thought to smell the savory scents flowing out of the kitchen because your stomach growls loudly.
You’re too hungry to even attempt to stop it, no one will care, except Nahida’s eyes go wide. She begins to sputter, and flail her hands desperately trying to charade an apology at you.
…you were just trying to tell them you were hungry. 💀
Ask box open again! :] 🎊
✨️Hope you guys got smth out of this rough draft✨️ ♡
:D hope u guys have had a good weekend!
My senior art exhibit is april 6th so wish me luck and prayers (from any religion im not picky pls)
Safe Travels,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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tw mention of sex/sexual topics?, sexuality confusion, mostly venty lol
okay so for a very long time I've considered myself aroace and I still think that to be true, like I've never felt attracted to someone before (I actually forget romance and sexuality exist at all most of the time) BUT I've been curious for a few months about what it would be like to have sex.
Now the thing is is that first, I am trans (trans masc nonbinary), second I live in a conservative area, third I'm living stealth rn for safety, and fourth I have previous trauma from CSA and low/no contact CSA exploitation that makes me feel SUPER SUPER uncomfortable about being naked around people and uncomfortable around other people who are naked. Also I have big trust issues.
So if I wanted to have sex, I'd have to find someone that isn't queerphobic, find someone that is willing to be partnered with me, find someone that I can trust enough to be with, and somehow get over my own disgust of naked human bodies (which is a ME thing. Nothing to do with other people, it's just a weird me thing -_-).
I mean like it's a small thing I think about every once-in-a-while but it's not a huge deal? but I'm curious ya know, like a lot of people around my age (19-22) act really sex-focused and idk how to relate to that at all. Like ??? Also I worry about stds and all that stuff.
Like idk do people go to a bar and ask someone? if I went out and got drunk would that work? like that's super irresponsible and idk if I'd be able to do that but I'm curious. What's the big deal? Plus additionally if I were to sexually partner with someone I think I'd prefer them to be amab but idk?? I don't find anyone attractive but if someone had a penis the whole sexual interaction would be more obvious to me <- odd reason, hopefully I didn't word it too weirdly?
Which I guess might make me gay??? Then I'd be gay aro ace and trans nonbinary and that just feels like too much you know? I'm too paranoid to try anything but I'm also pretty curious. Also there's the fact that I get mistaken for a lot younger than I am and that uhhh might draw some weird people? idk if I'd be considered attractive but I've had multiple people confess to have had a crush on me in the past.
why is this stuff so complicateddd
Hi anon,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing and I’d like to start by saying how sorry I am for your trauma history as well as trying to navigate some complexities between gender identity and sexuality in a cultural climate that doesn’t often allow room for exploration of either, much less both.  
I think it can unfortunately be easy to generalize how people might react, and/or behave, and forget the individuality to be found anywhere and everywhere - it’s understandable and valid to worry “am I the only one who feels this way?” - but it’s a lie.  There are so many people out there who are looking for the things you’re looking for, too.  
To me, and I apologize if I have managed to misread this, but unpacking some of the things you’ve shared, it sounds like there might be conflating sexual orientation with sexual activity.  They are two distinct things and though of course can overlap, don’t cancel each other out.  An aspec person is still aspec regardless of sexual activity.  Though at the end of the day, only you get to decide what - if any - your labels are, and the boundaries around what and much you share with any intimate partners in the future.  If you consider yourself aspec today, then explore your sexual orientation further and realize another label actually speaks more to you, then all that happened was you’ve discovered more of who you are: and that’s a beautiful thing.  
As for how you might go about exploring that sexual activity, I think the first step to consider is: “what are your boundaries?”  I had the opportunity to answer a similar question about pursuing experiences/relationships, which might be a helpful addition - though it sounds to me like you know what you’re looking for, it’s more about how to explore that in a way that feels comfortable for you?
Is there a possibility - if you are seeking to explore intimacy for the first time, but with a bit of distance and the ability to decline, and leave when you feel you need to - a virtual connection?  Something where you could engage in non-penetrative sexual intimacies within a comfortable environment?  There are several online communities that might feel safer to explore as you navigate your own boundaries, and could connect via a camera?  That way if you realize it’s not for you, you have the power to turn it off and curate your online experiences moving forward? Of course, if that doesn’t sound appealing please don’t think you even have to consider that, I just wanted to offer a potential since it sounded like there was some concerns when it came to in person contact. Regardless of what you decide for yourself, I hope you have the opportunities and safe environments to explore the things you want on your own terms. - Mod Kat
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alsktudy · 1 year
— moon cat cafe
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» cashier!jun x reader.
» fluff ☁️, strangers to lovers, coffee shop au HAHHAA, mutual pining, minghao cameo.
» warning: none
» w.c: 2.1k
» a/n: first junnie fic :) idk how a cat cafe really works, um, i tried my best LOL also my mum rlly did put coffee grounds in our front yard. semi proof read - sorry!!
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you weren’t a cat person.
your parents weren’t either, in fact, they hated cats so much that they put coffee grounds in your front yard to deter the neighbours cat from your house, which seemed quite silly but it worked. so when you heard about a cat cafe opening in town, you weren’t interested.
“nayoung, i said no.”
“c’mon, it’s literally so cute! we have to go in!” nayoung says as she tries to pull you into the ‘moon cat cafe’.
“it’s just a cafe with some cats in it. what’s so special about-”
“just a cafe with cats? just?” nayeong scoffs, arms still linked around yours, “you don’t appreciate the nice things in life.”
“whatever.” you roll your eyes, “is the food at least nice?”
she hestitates for a few seconds eyes flickering side to side, “um, i don’t know... but cats!”
“we didn’t even make a reservation and it looks like a small cafe, i’m sure there’s no spa-” you stop your sentence as you realise the loss of warmth around your arm and see nayoung running into the cafe. “damn, that idiot, how is she not embarrassed?” you sigh.
she quickly skips back to you, “there’s space right now. so, we’re going in!” she links her arm with yours once more and begins to drag you in. “don’t worry, i’ll pay.” she says, cutting you off before you question about how sanitary the cafe could possibly be.
“welcome to the moon cat cafe!” the cashier says with a smile, “what would you guys like to order?”
nayoung begins to spit out her starbucks order, (which frankly sounds like a rap) to the poor cashier, his droopy eyes widen at her request. a nervous lopsided smile appears on his face, his hand going to scratch his neck. his eyes dart to you, eyes filled with confusion and a plea for help. you chuckle in response and read his name tag, moon junhui. how cute.
you tap nayoung’s shoulder and with a quick whisper you remind her that this isn’t starbucks and is in fact a small cafe that cannot personalise her coffee order to that extent. she’s quick to apologise to junhui saying that it’s a habit and asks what they can make.
“a large plain latte…?” she manages to say, her nose scrunches at the simplicity of the order, making you stifle your laugh. “yes, sure i’ll go with that!”
after you finish ordering, your bestfriend tries to wrap her head around how people can be satisfied in ordering a plain latte instead of a venti caramel…. (you stopped listening at that point) as you walk to your seats. The cats were in a separate room so anything that was to be digested wouldn’t be anywhere near the felines which made you let out a sigh of relief.
nayoung tried dragging you into the cat area while waiting for your food but you insisted you stay in the eating area so the waiter, who also happened to be junhui, could find your table. which nayoung seemed to understand so she happily skipped away leaving you alone at your table, gazing at the man behind the cash desk preparing your order.
he seemed nice, and boy, was he tall. his face was nice too, his features, especially his nose, stood out to you the most. but you barely knew him and probably will never see him again. you look away to check how nayoung was doing until you hear someone clearing their throat.
“your large latte and chocolate chip cookie.” junhui says, making your eyes widen as you quickly turn to face him and give him a quick thank you as he places the drink with a cute latte art cat and the cookie onto the table. he begins to walk away then stops in tracks, turning towards you again. “oh and thanks for stopping your friends coffee order, i was too scared to stop her.” he says giving you a shy smile.
before you could reply to the man, nayoung returns from the cat area and thanks him for bringing the food and apologises again for what happened while ordering her drink. she begins to take her seat, before you tell her to go wash her hands first and mention how you don’t want cat hair in your chocolate chip cookie, earning a sigh from nayoung.
as she stands up again, she looks and junhui then looks back at you, then again, eyes back to junhui then back to you, a sly smirk slowly creeps on her face. “wait! mr…” she squints and leans forward to look at junhui’s name tag, “mr moon junhui, you know what you look like?”
junhui’s eyes flicker to you then back to nayoung, “no?” he says with a nervous chuckle.
“you look like…” her eyes dart to yours, “you look like my friend’s type!” she says as she points right at you, grinning widely.
you’re quick to rise from your seat and begin to push her away, “okay! she really needs to wash her hands and so do i, please excuse us!” you say to junhui with a fake plastered grin on your face.
“nayoung, my dear friend nayoung…” you smile while walking to the bathroom.
“i’m going to murder you.” you smack her arm, ”why did you say that?!”
“first of all, ow! and second of all, he is totally your type and i’m not lying,” she says with a giggle earning a scoff from you. “i saw the way you looked at him.”
no, she wasn’t lying. moon junhui was definitely your type.
as you both exit the cafe after finishing your latte and drink, you didn’t dare to look back and make eye contact with the boy behind the cash desk, saying a good bye to him in your heart as you knew you would never be seeing him again.
you were wrong. you saw him again.
seventeenth street, where the cat cafe was located, happened to be a popular street for businesses, so popular that your favourite book store, fallin flower, happened to move to the same street right next door.
it was around 8am, relatively early in your opinion, and you wanted to pick up the book you ordered which finally arrived after weeks of waiting. you strolled down the familiar street, the cool morning breeze hitting your face.
as you approach the cat cafe, the door swings open with a sound of a chime. you see a familiar silhouette of moon junhui struggling to carry multiple bags of rubbish out of the front door. you let out a stifled laugh which made him aware of your presence, his head turns to look at you, your hand over your mouth and your cheeks raised.
“h-hey! what are you laughing at?” he says as he at points you, letting go of one of the black plastic bags making the bag and the contents inside of it fall out.
“you,” you say with a smile, pointing back at him, “do you want help?”
he responds with a shy yes so you quickly walk over to help clean up the mess he made. “where are you headed?” he asks as he carefully places the rest of the bags on the concrete.
“fallin flower book shop, it’s right next door actually” you say, picking up another used coffee cup and placing it into the bag.
“oh, i love that place!” he smiles, tying up the bin liner after you place the last cup inside.
you take the bag out of his hands wanting to extend your time with him a bit longer, “you know fallin flower?”
he smiles as he sees you signal to pick up the rest of the bags, “yeah, i shopped there before they moved next door actually.” you curse yourself mentally, blaming yourself for not meeting junhui before and instead experiencing your first moments with him as an embarrassing interaction at the cafe.
you make your way to the skip bin which he said was close, but was rather far which made you question how he thought he could possibly manage walking with all these bags by himself.
“here take it,” junhui says as he hands you a paper bag with a chocolate chip cookie and a latte with a heart as art. “as a thanks.” you gratefully accept his gift, your heart beating a bit faster than it usually does when he holds the door open for you. “my name’s jun by the way. don’t be afraid to stop by.” he flashes a smile at you and slowly closes the glass door, waving to you from the other side.
you hope you get to see him again.
“about time you came.” minghao glances at you through his glasses (with no prescription) as you walk in relishing in the smell of paper, leather and dust.
“i was helping someone out okay? it was jun, the guy next door? the tall one with a nice nose-”
“you don’t need to describe my own customers to me, i know what the kid looks like. now here’s your book."
“thanks hao.” you chuckle as you put the awaited book into your tote and walk out the door only to walk in again. “actually, i might come again tomorrow.” you chirp as you finally walk out of the door.
he shakes his head and returns to whatever garbage he was reading, talking to himself. “for me or for jun?”
it was definitely for jun minghao.
you did not only come the next day, you came every single day. yes, you indeed do like books, but not to the extent where you have to visit book shop everyday.
you liked moon junhui a bit more than books.
the fallin flower book store became your excuse to help jun carry the rubbish to skip bin every morning at 8:03am. you got know him on a personal level, more than just the regular consumer, you could even say that you were even friends.
“at this point you should just live here.” minghao scoffs as he sees you walk into the store for the 6th time this week.
“morning to you too hao and honestly i would live here if you’d let me (it would be much easier to see jun), my question is how would i get food?”
“from that boyfriend of yours?” he says while pointing at the bagel in the paper jun had given you this morning.
“i- he’s not my boyfriend!” you huff, crossing your arms.
he looks at you with an unimpressed look then continues reading that tea book of his, “so when are you gonna ask him on a date?”
“what!?” you chuckle, “i’m not gonna ask him on a date. i don’t want anything more than a friendship,” you thought you were good at lying through your teeth, “i like being just friends with jun."
“wow you suck at lying.” minghao says, seeing right through your facade. he looks up from his book, seeing a very flustered you crumpling the bag the bagel was in. “want me to set you up with him?”
your ears perk up at the suggestion, “really?”
“no. do it yourself.” he laughs, earning a sigh from you.
it’s been two weeks since you started helping jun take out the trash and now it’s both of your morning routines. jun now waits outside of the cafe for you, bags of trash in his hands.
you decided to start helping him out more. after you both take out the trash, you wipe the tables clean and sweep the floor of the cafe while he takes care of the cats, although today he said he needed to grab something out of his car first. he should just hire you at this point or better yet, ask you on a date.
he walks back into the cafe and heads towards one of the booths and lays himself on the seat, “i have a question.” he sits straight up and looks at you putting the broom away.
you hum in response. is this finally the day he asks you out?
“why are you helping me out? oh wait. i think i know,” he holds his palm out to stop you from answering as you sit on the opposite side of the booth from him, “you must be cat person.”
no. you aren’t a cat person. but you are definitely a junhui person.
you stand up from your seat and slam the table. “jun. lets go out.”
“wait what?”
“lets go out on a date.” you repeat again, “i’ve been thinking this for such a long time and-”
“you ruined my plan…” he says as he lifts a bouquet of flowers next to him, which was previously hidden from your view, “i was gonna ask you out today, minghao told me i should do it sooner or later.”
you instantly sit back down, “oh.”
“wait, it’s a yes right?”
“it's a yes.”
you thanked hao endlessly later that day.
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17mayoftaurus · 2 years
Halo, yess this is me…
Maybe aku gatau si mau nulis apa di sini i just can’t sleep and i know in this day and this time you already sleep well with your bedcover. Oke oke mulai dari mana ya a past few months ago, you yess you who read this stupid script canda hehehe you always beside me in every situation and condition. So aku ga inget mulai dari mana juga since that day we change our nick name each others. Yess you know what it sounds right? Emang basically aku bisa untuk mulai ngobrol sm orang baru easy going isn’t it? But i not type of touchy person so if i already regularly do the physical touch or maybe physical attack hahaha kidding it means (i wanna say pikir lah sendiri tapi kamu kayaknya tidak akan paham ya jadi biar lah ini menggantung). So yah after it we chat every single day and call almost every night or maybe sleep call? The first time i know how does it feel sleep call ya denger napasnya orang tidur and kadang i sampe ketiduran juga. Than i made a huge mistake for everyone i’m sorry i really sorry for it. Aku bener bener ngga niat gimana gimana but it happened and now everybody leaves me 🙃. But ya back story then now it’s been a week since the day you know what’s going on and we are crying yess crying berjamaah bertiga on phone call
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I accidentally recorded bahkan aku juga ngga notice after 5 days i open the gallery then i found it. Aku gatau arti nangis kamu di sini apa jujur sampe hari ini seminggu kemudian di jam yang kira kira sama juga bener bener pas sama jam kejadian minggu lalu aku masih ngga tau apakah ini titik di mana you wanna leave me ? Idk.
Mau tau ngga kenapa aku orangnya skrg lebih milih YOLO ? Aku ga mau jatuh sama expektasi. Mending ga ada expektasi jd aku ga sakit right ? But you said you always wanna replay my chat you wanna call like usual and more promises i don’t even remember you never did. Aku tau sih jawaban kamu kalo aku nanya satu per satu akan bilang “aku kan kerja masa bales chat kamu doang” or why we never call in the night kamu bakal bilang “aku capek banget abis kerja dr pagi aku udh melek terus lanjut gym kamu telfon malem mulu sih malem kan waktunya untuk tidur” yass that’s the true things i have to accept right. But it’s okay i’m fine you are still adorable person for me and i really adore you.
Walaupun aku gatau kamu kapan baca ini but keep being you ya dengan ke kakuan kamu marah marah nya kalo di suruh suruh sama temen kerja kamu yg wangi wkwkwk with americano iced venti sbux + relx kacang ijo yg ga abis abis itu mending aku saranin jadiin tak jill deh ya. Aku ngetik di sini karna kamu udah tidur and try to wanna leave me. Sometimes aku kesel sih sama perkiraan aku, 85% accurate soalnya jd aku juga harus bisa ya ga ada temen cerita yg aku lg cerita tp malah ninggalin aku tidur wkwkwkwk.
That’s all for today aku bakal update lagi apapun sampe tanggal 17 mei so good night ay🫶🏻
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sawamono · 3 years
genshin nsfw hcs pt 2
read part 1!!
warnings: nsfw, MINORS DNI, drugging, bdsm, perv albedo, stalking ment, light talk on blood kink, cum play, exhibitionism, wax play, degrading, breeding kink, hair pulling
notes: i kept thinking of that fred song “my babysitters a vampire” while writing this and im sorry this is so late i meant to post this like 2 days ago
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i just wanted to touch more on pervy albedo
can u imagine it.
albedo probably takes pictures of you and says their “for the memories” or “something to remind me of you when you leave mondstadt”
but he really only has them to jerk off to them cmon now
this is gonna sound stalker-ish but albedo probably watches u change through ur window
it’s such a funny thought to me omg
you see him outside ur window with his dick in his hand and he’s a stuttering mess LMFAO
you’ve probably caught him staring at ur ass a couple times too
if you ever go to the beach with him.. i’m praying for ur safety..
i feel like albedo would be a little bit of a family guy too
imagine babysitting klee with him and he’s just watching like “yeah.. i’m gonna have a family with u..”
breeding kink imo
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arataki itto
i love him.
if you look closely on him you can see he has a spiked collar
pull it i DARE YOU
slaps his whole abdomen
probably big enough to kill a dragon
he probably has a blood kink
just a lil one
like he’ll scratch up your thighs or bite you till you bleed bc he knows the mark will last
loves when you ride him
all of it can barely fit so he has to help you out
when he sees his dick imprint on ur stomach he’s going wild
he WILL go many rounds too
rip you and your holes bc he will fill ALL OF THEM
cums a lot
an unrealistic amount because i said so
if you don’t like cum play or any mess, he’ll TRY to stay clean
he fails in the end but he gets A for effort
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my boy toy.
idk if i covered this already or not but enjoys wax play
he’ll light a candle and hold it over u and just watch it melt onto u
probably likes it on himself too
(if ur ever fucking him and he’s comfortable with it do it he’ll love you forever)
whether you’re top or not, give it a nice lil tug
he may or may not moan
i forget whatever i said about him in the first hcs but this man is my whore idc
yes, he’s fucked you in the tavern
he’s fucked you while on the job too
he’ll take you to the back and give you that dickmeister9000
don’t play with him!!
doggy style, his favorite.
i feel like while diluc would fuck you in the tavern, he’s shy so he likes to keep you in the winery
the maids have definitely walked in on it more than once
it was just awkward staring before the poor maid just left
at this point adelinde is used to it though
so while it’s happening she just acts like normal and leaves
it’s scary as fuck
diluc probably got a few tips from albedo and may or may not have added a little extra sumthin sumthin to a new wine he wanted you to try
he’s experimental let him live
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if this mf don’t get some damn official art
an absolute menace.
and he’s so mean too
he will degrade you to all hell
and he’s rough omg..
deadass i think his dick is like 7 inches
idk them short people be packing sometimes
hate sex is like normal with him
i’m a genius
probably into bdsm too
will tie you up
so u know how he kinda drugged mc in that place when we meet him again
what if he does that to u…
spoilers over
i feel like scaramouche would actually be really big on consent
safe words with him are a must
he wants u to feel safe and comfortable
he’ll fuck you into oblivion yea
but only if ur okay with that
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it’s long.
like you would never imagine it
but it’s long
he’s very. very. fast.
lighting mcqueen don’t got shit on him
cums a moderate amount
probably has a thing for exhibitionism
he will dead ass fuck you in windrise
like just out in the open like that
will probably grope you at angels share
he’s very touchy me thinks
ooo pull his braids
he will love it.
fucked him so good he wrote a song abt it
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kuraiangeliusm · 3 years
hi hi hi can i ask for 4nemo hcs? Like when you fall asleep when theyre not home?
can i be 👀 anon?
hey there 👀 anon!! im sorry this took like days to do, i've been busy with school and yeah i have a bunch of exams so-
but anyway i hope you still enjoy
Aether ✨
when he comes back to you sleeping he's half happy and half sad
happy because he knows you're having a good rest
sad because he has no one to rant to about his day 😕
also no one to comb through his hair as he falls asleep
so when he does come back to you asleep,
he cleans himself up and then snuggles with you
tries to snuggle with you as quietly and softly as possible so that you don't wake up
he does succeed
but you do wake up sometimes and you just hug him really tight and you sleep with him that way
either way, he loves when he falls asleep with you
after aether had finished all of his commissions and requests, he couldn't wait to get back to you. he was practically running back to where you were and even pushed a few people on the way (he didn't mean it tho).
when aether did get home to you, he cleans himself and then slowly walks to where you are. he stands there for a while, looking at you admiringly. he then walks to you, careful to not wake you. once he did get closer to you, he kissed your forehead and laid down next to you.
you woke up and heard the boy settling in. you turned to him. he looked surprised that you woke up, he thought he was being careful! "aether, dear. how was your day?" you asked him softly, running your fingers through his hair. "it was okay i guess though, a lot of people still kept asking me to do simple things like delivering letters or flowers. to be honest, it's getting quite annoying, [name]" he replies with a sigh.
"aether, i know it's hard but just remember, i'm always here for you." he continues telling you about his day, with you combing his hair with your fingers gently. soon, you fell asleep and aether noticed this. so he stopped talking, held you closer to him, and laid his head above yours.
Kazuha 🍁
happy and scared when you fall asleep
he looks at your sleeping figure lovingly
also is scared cuz you might be dead so he goes to you and checks your pulse
relieved asf when there's still a pulse
cuddles you like you'll turn into his friend if he lets go or loosens his grip
very protective because he thinks someone's gonna attack you two while sleeping
big spoon or small spoon, doesn't matter
as long as he's with you anything is ok because u always put a smile on his face
Your lover comes home, tired but with a smile on his face. He came back from a journey in Inazuma with the traveler. He was mentally drained, he never wanted to go back there after what happened.
he just wanted to get back to you and hold you tight. now that he was finally here, he went to where you were. he found you sound asleep in on of the Crux's beds. he walks slowly to you, careful not to wake you up.
he lays down with you and with his (fine ass) hands he holds you slowly and pulls you close to him, feeling your soft heartbeat. his hand holds your stomach as he falls asleep with you in his arms.
Venti 🍷
mf will either let you sleep or wake u up
depends on his mood and your tiredness
if ur super tired even if he rlly wants to wake you up he doesnt
because he can either be the sweetest bf or the most annoying mf in your life
50/50 chance and idk if you'll win
when he comes home to u asleep and ur not that tired he will act like a kid when its Christmas morning
be jumping on the bed and be annoying
but he rlly is sweet tho
cuddles you and makes sure u dont wake up
snuggles his head on ur shoulder
you have to hug him back
venti the drunk ass bard comes home and cant even walk properly and at this point you just dont care anymore cuz you've seen him like this lots of times before. but today you were really tired. people around monstadt were asking you to help them here and there and of course you loved to help but it was too much.
you were sleeping in your bed (which you shared with venti). you were planning to cook his favorite dish but alas, you were too tired. once venti came home, he immediately went to where you were. he was stumbling and couldn’t even stand up straight but as soon as he saw you sleeping, he tried his best not to wake you up. he saw you running around the city helping others earlier and he understood that you were tired.
venti slowly (and drunkenly) walked to you. he tried his best to get in bed with you as softly as possible so that you wouldn’t wake up. he successfully did it (but was 🤏 this close to failing) and put his head on your shoulder. he grabbed your hand and placed it over his own. lets just say tomorrow morning he wont be able to get out of bed after all that drinking 😔
Xiao 📝 (lol its a contract)
at first, he never slept with you
he loved you, he really did but doesnt know how to show it
hes also afraid of you getting hurt because of him
“xiao, why are you always staying away from me? i feel like you’re never here and it’s starting to bother me”
after that he tries his best to initiate cuddles and eventually starts “sleeping" with you GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF THE GUTTER BY “sleeping” I MEANT HE DOESNT SLEEP STOP BEING HORNY 🤬
when he comes home and you’re asleep hes extra gentle
holds you tightly and even tho he doesnt sleep he watches over you
occasionally he does fall asleep cuz u have magical powers like that
when xiao arrives back at wangshu inn, he’s tired and just wants to be alone. when he comes back and sees you sleeping tho his bad thoughts just become diluc’s dad ✌️. (haha im evil)
he walks to you and slowly holds your hand, placing it on his cheek. he kisses it (cuz hes f-ing traditional) and goes into bed with you. he holds your waist and brings you closer to him as he stares at you. he gets lost while looking at you. he's grateful to have you as his lover, he's grateful to have someone as kind and caring as you.
hey omg im sorry it took so long and im sorry i suddenly got lazy but yeah-
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chocoenvy · 3 years
You play the lyre for them
Warnings: Cult-ish behavior. Wholesomeness. Zhongli's part contains spoilers for the liyue archon quest. Ei's part contains minor spoilers for the inazuma archon quest.
Idk what this formatting is called but i wrote little scenes for multiple characters here they are in order: Venti, Zhongli, Ei, and Jean
Venti is absolutely estatic when you pull out the lyre you had gotten from the windblume festival. Lucky for you, you still have access to all of the items in your inventory so you pull it from thin air in front of him.
"Sorry if it's bad I'm not used to actually playing it." You smile sheepishly.
He waves it off, "Anything you play will be amazing!"
Your fingers hover for a bit, trying to think of a song to play. Nothing too hard, something easy. Strangely, when you had the song in mind and you remembered how you played it on your device, your fingers simply moved on their own. Strumming the lyre in a simple pattern, playing a song from your world. You hummed along to it, with a big grin on your face.
Venti almost has tears in his eyes. It's simple but you're so happy. You're so happy playing the instrument he is known for that he loves so much! The wind calmed down and was silent as your melody filled a corner of Mondstat. When you had finished the small tune you giggled.
"It's so nice to play that song, it's been a while since I've heard it."
Venti nearly tackled you to the ground in a hug. Tears were in the corners of his eyes,
"Your grace you have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you play! I'd give anything to listen to it all day!" Venti, with his head burried in your shoulder, was already coming up with a song to sing in favor of his god. One you would hopefully play with the same grin you had on today.
Zhongli, while not the biggest fan of the lyre, was still exictedly waiting for what you would play. As your "bodyguard" or "guardian" he was by your side almost 24/7. So eventually he was going to hear you play or practice.
When you pulled out the lyre from your inventory, Zhongli immediately perked up. He said nothing as you mindlessly strummed a random pattern.
Then a thought struck you. What if... no, that'd hurt him. Would he even recognize it though? It's in the game's soundtrack I don't think they'd be able to recognize it... Well, I might as well try?
Uncertaintly, with Zhongli's feelings in mind, you strummed what you remembered of the song. You didn't want to stir up any feelings in him, but honestly you were stirring up your own feelings. With the tune and Zhongli sitting right in front of you, and knowing what happened to her, you had tears pricking the back of your eyes.
Zhongli sat still, his eyebrows furrowed together. He wasn't sure why or how, but the melody was stirring memories from when he was Rex Lapis. When he was the untstoppable god in the archon war, and when he lost... her. He assumed it was your godly powers stirring up these emotions in him. Or perhaps it was a test? To prove his loyalty to you by bringing up memories of someone he cared so much about?
He barely breathed as you finished up the song. You tentatively and worridly glanced at him. He was motionless, as his eyes met yours, there wasn't a glint of emotions you could see in his eyes.
He smiled, "That was a lovely song your grace. May I ask, where you heard it from. It sounds familiar."
There it was, the smallest crack in his voice. He recognized it. He knew who it was connected to.
Zhongli nearly jumped a foot in the air when you laughed, tears almost falling down your face.
"It's hard to explain but it's called Lover's Oath, or, as many people like to call it where I come from, Guizhong's Lullaby." A tear fell down your face.
Zhongli never felt more exposed or connected to someone. You truly were his god, he realized. There was no way you weren't. You were crying at Guizhong's death. Just as he did, just as he should. But he couldn't shake how her name sounded on someone else's lips- your lips. It was like a wall between the past and present broke. She was still rememebered. By the god they both revered so much. The god she loved, remembers and cried for her passing.
And Zhongli, too, cried that day. For the friend he lost, and the hole in both of your hearts where you loved Guizhong.
Ei was definetely not one for music, but when you pulled out the lyre after a stressful day she couldn't help but stop what she was doing and listen.
Your melody was beautiful, she concluded, nothing complicated, but soothing all the same.
It when you started singing that her heart was taken away. The lyrics struck her right in her heart and made her weak at her knees (thank god you? she was sitting down). It wasn't a song she knew, but every word you sang she committed to memory. So that she may return the favor and perhaps sing you something if you were feeling unwell. Although singing was far from her specialty, she'd do anything for you.
"Did you like it?" You asked, grinning eagerly.
"I loved it," Ei smiled softly, "Please, if you'd like to, sing for me more?"
Jean was refusing to take a break from her duties as acting grand master. It was comendable how much she worked, but it was just insane. You were tempted to use your godly "powers" to force her take a break (use your puppy dog eyes and beg until she sighed and finally did it). But you decided for a different route this time.
You brought out the lyre and played like a toddler that barely knows how to use their fingers. Jean couldn't exactly kick you out of her office, well, she could but Zhongli would give her hell for it. So you had free reign to annoy her with your god-awful music as much as you wanted.
When you finished your piss poor execution of your song, with the chords and notes all wrong. Jean held her head in her hand, no doubt a headache forming.
She smiled, "That was amazing your grace, I'm glad you're enjoying Mondstat's culture enough to partake in it."
You were at a loss for words. One: She complimented you purposefully trying to be bad. Two: She deadass lied to you. Looked you in the eyes and lied about that being amazing. Three: Why was she so sweet?! Thank you for enjoying Mondstat's culture?! Babe! With how bad you played it was more of an insult!
"Jean," You sighed, "I was- you-... Take a break, please. You need it, especially if you think that's good." You nearly collapsed at how insufferably polite Jean was.
"Your grace-"
"Nope! Too late, come on!" You grabbed her hand and pratically dragged her away from her desk, "When was the last time you ate?"
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sips-tea-cutely · 3 years
I dont mind if long or short, but the drv3 guys accidentally looking up their s/o's skirt? Horny anon found her way to upskirt porn -🍑anon
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NDRV3 boys accidentally looking up their s/o’s skirt
note: sorry for disappearing for so long, i had venti and zhongli brainrot. also, maki got sick
cw: religion (rantaro)
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#Rantaro Amami
if this was staged somehow, istg, they better start praying to every god they believe in
if it was just an accident–– uhm
just headcanoning that rantaro’s a good catholic kid like me, so he probably learned the consequence of sin
he just ✨k n o w s✨ he sinned because he can’t look you in the eyes at all
lowkey dramatic about it too hehe
#Ryoma Hoshi
haha what if miu just pushed him under bc he’s just so tiny hehe
he’s just gonna pretend that never happened
he’d probably apologize in his lab as not to embarrass you any further
if someone, say kokichi brought it up again, ryoma would just stare at him until they ran off (like how he did after miu said that bad joke in cht. 2)
#Korekiyo Shinguji
he would be mildly embarrased
but how? he's over 6'
well, you're beautiful- er, that sounds pervy
i mean yes, you're gorgeous, he DEFINITELY regrets it, but you have nothing to be ashamed for, he should really apologize
i think he'd let you borrow something from his lab as an apology
this was an interesting experience, i suppose
he'd still rather burn 'i'm a bitch-ass pussy' on his head rather than it happening again
#Gonta Gokuhara
omg noo
red face, i’m so sorry gonta
“gonta so sorry, s/o! not gentlemanly at all…”
he’d be so ashamed 😭😭😭
angie might’ve made a–– h0rn33 remark
he’d try to give you a ton of things to make it up to you
materialistic things, acts of affection, etc…
ok but gonta is filthy rich, he’d buy you a ton of stuff just to say sorry
he could probably buy martha stewart just from his entomology discoveries alone/hj
#Kokichi Ouma
he's play it off as a joke/lie thing
side note, my guy is the human embodiment of /j ngl
"nishishi, s/o! you're soooooo lewd! why aren't you wearing any undergarnments?"
-followed by a bitchy remark by miu herself
i saw an NSFW headcanon that after the dance/make-outs, he needs some time to himself, its the same here
he'd brush the incident off by asking kiibo if he can shoot fists like baymax
he's flicked on the head by kaito for being such a dick
dw, he apologizes later in private!!
#Kaito Momota
lmao he probably accidentally saw it while carrying you with his head between your thighs
he promises he didn’t do it on purpose
idk but i think he'd just regret his entire existence lmao
he’d probably avoid you for a while like he did to shuichi in cht. 5
it’s ok, it eventually washes off and he’s pulling you to sneak out of your dorm again!!
“s-s/o! i sincerely apologize for my actions! i will erase this from my memory bank!”
miu would tease him hard
im getting ripped tonight, RIP kiibo
*sits in regret*
he'd def be terrified of it happening again so he'd cover his eyes when girls entered the room
the thing jay from modern family would do to mitch and cam
tenko would be proud ngl
kaede woud have to tell him its okay cause he has been doing it forever now
#Shuichi Saihara
kaito would immediately help shuichi up, bro thingz
haha, poor shuichi, tenko would beat his ass too
most of the guys would get kicked in the balls by tenko actually
he apologizes sm, bless his soul
okay but i think he’d go back to the hat but he’d be shit on for it
like someone might think ‘because he wears the hat to cover eye contact, he must be hiding his pervy eyes!!’ unironically made it miu lmao
alr, but i don’t think he’d have the balls to face you for a couple days, he’s so embarrassed
seriously can’t win with my guy 😔
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baxndaid · 3 years
hii could i have a few head cannons for venti and xiao where the reader and them are forced to work together for something idk lol tysm i love ur work (separately if u can <3)
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REQUESTED - HEADCANNONS - xiao + venti x gn!reader (separate)
━ [ ⋄ ] work colleagues
note : i actually love this idea ngl, once again, sorry for the late reply </3
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⁃ you could tell by the very second he looked at you, XIAO wasn't going to be very easy to work with
⁃ as you were a warrior, you were both instructed to look out and keep the hotel safe as there was a small event taking place inside, the flashing lights could attract monsters which was the last thing everybody wanted
⁃ though today, it seemed pretty quiet
⁃ besides the people chattering and the sounds of plates and glasses clinking together
⁃ xiao and you were sitting on the balcony, looking for any threats in the area
⁃ nothing
⁃ you sneaked a glace at him, oh fuck never mind he's looking at you
⁃ you quickly looked away, secretly praying that he didn't notice you creepily watching him for a second
⁃ you could feel his eyes burning in the back of your head as you finally summoned the courage to turn your head back around slowly to face him once again
⁃ and he was still looking at you
⁃ wtf was he thinking ?? you can't read his expression
⁃ was it surprise? disgust? love? horror? who knows
⁃ though, if you looked a little closer, you'd see a faint pink taint on his cheeks
⁃ during work he wouldn't even look at you, and would try his best to keep chat to a bare minimum
⁃ though, if you were in trouble, he would always swoop in and take care of you
⁃ once you were safe, he'd give you a quick nod and clear off the rest of the areas
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⁃ "oh my god ! (y/n) !"
⁃ VENTI would be more than happy to work with you, maybe a little too happy
⁃ though, the tone-deaf bard never really seemed to do any actual work
⁃ he always managed to drag you into a tavern and get drunk off his ass like a normal sunday evening
⁃ it's not like it wasn't funny seeing the god wobble around and annoy diluc
⁃ it's just that it distracted you from your work (and because you always had to carry him home because he would never let go of you)
⁃ he was really clingy when he was drunk, when you got a new commission, he would not let you go without him
⁃ you told him it was too dangerous for him to be out while not very sober, but he would not stop whining
⁃ "your soo mean ! i just want to spend time with you !"
⁃ so instead of going out and completing your commissions, you had to cuddle the bard, in a pretty suggestable position via his request, until he fell asleep which doesn't usually take too long
⁃ after he's asleep in your arms, you gently place him on a bed, or anything that looks comfy, and go out to do your job
⁃ the next day, a groggy and obviously hungover venti asks you what happened last night
⁃ it seems he can't remember the whole "let's cuddle" event because the short deity drank too much, as always
⁃ thank barbados - !
⁃ wait a minute-
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-> genshin masterlist
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is-very-sad · 3 years
Act 2, scene 4
Word count: 996
Warnings: weird cosmic stuff, horror stuff, war and all that it brings, a character of highly questionable sanity, animal hunting
Idk the map of Inazuma so just pretend that you don't either so the storyline works pls lol
Idk how to write fight scenes sorry
I appreciate the heck out of everyone that's given me support but I'd like to specifically call out @nicebonescomrade and @eemyr for practically shoving condensed motivation down my throat with the kind words they threw at my face
I'm also gonna badger @willowedwisteria, @gunterdon and @raidengaile bc I adore them too
I've known two of these people for less than 12 hrs and if anything happened to them I'd ritually sacrifice everyone in this room and then myself💖
Part1  part4
Under an empty sky, Teyvat awoke in an abysmal fog.
Venti awoke screaming in Angel's Share, as Diluc did his best to calm the bard despite his own dreams haunting him. The Knights of Favonius were recalled to inside the walls until something changed. Even then, no one stayed out longer than absolutely necessary.
In Liyue, even the adepti and Zhongli himself were unwilling to brave whatever lay within the fog. The day spent in joint isolation as he attempted to forget the scattered pieces of his dream from the night before as Xiao cowered next to him.
In Inazuma; the Raiden Shogun didn't wake at all. Doctors were rushed by anxious soldiers to awake their archon. Sara was put in charge until their leader awoke. The islands were put on total lock down, none dared to leave the forts and the capital.
From the fog; forests of alien fauna appeared in what were once fields near Mondstadt and Liyue. In the sea between Dragonspine and Inazuma, an equally strange island appeared.
Soon enough, the fog cleared; only to reveal the new locations. Though none had stumbled on the island by chance, small bands were sent cautiously to investigate the new forests. They never came back. Only the sound of fear inducing drums came from somewhere deep within. It was quickly decided they weren't worth the effort of mapping without a worthwhile reason.
'Days' slowly passed as sightings came in. Mondstadt watched in worry as figures covered in primitive fur cloaks creeped closer by the day.
Liyue tries to ignore as blurry creatures watch them from treelines that weren't there yesterday.
Inazuma loses ships in droves to unknown things from the ocean. Tentacles and teeth.
Both harbors see strange ships traveling in the mist.
The first to suffer is Inazuma. A minor outpost on a western island was anxiously waiting in their encampment, just as they had for some time now. A watchman cried from the walls, summoning the commander. She and her soldiers watched as the ships drew closer, finally seen clearly for the first time. There were three total, spiraled symbols weaved into the sails sending sharp pains into their minds. A horn was blown. Then two more.
The ships crash into the shoreline, beaching themselves as howling warriors grabbed armaments and charged the gate. The defending soldiers move with a start, finally realizing their situation.
Torches were thrown at the wooden walls and gates, soon giving the invaders access as they burned down. Axes were thrown, taking enough of the soldiers that the formation was already weakened. A massive man with bear skins and two equally imposing axes charges the line, sending the soldiers scattering in panic in a desperate attempt to not be cut in half. The others followed their line breaker, charging forward for easy kills before the defenders can regroup.
The Inazumans quickly learn they have to move, the savages don't use as precise techniques as theirs, relying on brutality and momentum to kill quickly. Their shields are thick enough their swords can't pierce easily, soldiers fighting shoulder to shoulder in an attempt to fight two on one.
The captain is the first to strike a blow, darting forward to slice into a bearded man's belly as he defends himself against her underling.
A black tar-like substance is all that comes out. The warrior swings his axe in a back hand without even flinching, roughly cleaving through her neck. The soldier screams as he watches his leader fall, before the axe comes back in an overhead to be embedded in his skull. Victorious shouts ring through the air as the garrison crumbles.
Inazuma city can just see the smoke on the horizon as the fort is burned and pillaged.
Strange howls reverberated through the air around Liyue as the citizens watched the fog anxiously. Skittering, slithering, and indescribable sounds came on the wind. Sometimes they were far enough that they were only another reminder of their bleak situation.
And sometimes they could be heard just beyond eyesight.
From within the Jade Chamber, Ningguang and her staff holed up, sparing as many rooms as they could in the hopes some would be safe with them. Zhongli, Xiao, and Hu Tao were among them, doing what they could to aid in relieving stress in their own ways. Truth be told-they weren't helping as much as they wished.
In a foreign forest, a tall and lithe figure watches from tree branches. Covered in furs and bones, she watches a young brunette in red and white peer into the dark woods along with two of the local guards. Disjointed, chaotic thoughts echo in her head excitedly.
Two swordsmen, an archer, easy.. hungry, bored-
They walk along the edge, discussing the strange forest; the one in the branches follows them. Enter, come in please please please-BIRD the one in the trees grabs a sparrow from the air as it passes her, biting in with a wet crunch. A short while later the scouts leave, eliciting a disappointed whine from the woman in the branches as her talons pick feathers from her serrated teeth. Don't leave… fun to watch… Her whole body twitches. Should she stalk them for a while? That'd be fun..
No, sister said to stay clear until the tribe's ready.
Her head swivels as she hears a boar in the underbrush below. She grins as she jumps down the tree like some sort of demented squirrel.
Jump off the tree, twist mid air, fall arms first. Grab a branch, swing onto the next, BOAR-she throws herself into the air, crashing onto the creature's back. It doesn't have a chance to regain itself before she cuts its throat with her knife. For once. Her sister made it clear she'd hang her by the ankles again if she wasted good blood by tearing into another game animal's throat with her own teeth.
Her sister never lets her have any fun.
I didn't proofread this as well as the other parts so if something seems funky in the bad way just wander over to my asks or comments and smack me over the head pls ty💖
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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skyeeeesworld · 3 years
Genshin Impact AU | actors au part 2
Part one is here
Im kinda focusing on the harbingers here?
Idk just roll with it
- Fatui harbingers interview is chaotic.
- Like most people would expect them to be calm and collect. Nope.
- Signora is that chaotic neutral person. She does whatever she wants (politely) and is funny about it.
- She accidentally actually kicked Venti during THAT scene. She felt so bad.
- She got all of Venti’s favourite food to make up for it
- Scaramouche is naturally hilarious. He doesn’t need to try to be funny. He just has that talent.
- He is also really nice. It’s really hard for him to say no to someone as well.
- During filming, he always makes sure everyone is okay. He feels bad about how his character is so harsh sometimes.
- Tartaglia... tartaglia... he’s a goofball. Like really.
- He creates a lot of cursed content and memes. He usually teams up with Scara to be as cursedly chaotic as possible.
- Their Instagram lives are never boring.
- Tartaglia on set tries to “accidentally” spoil what’s going to happen in Genshin Impact along with Signora.
- Well, is Signora it IS more of accident since she has a lot to say.
- Dottore just gives off crazy grandpa vibes idk
- I have nothing else to say about Dottore since idk much about him.
- Moving on!
- Kazuha is much like the character he plays. He’s calm, and his vice is nice to listen to.
- He snuck in some lines of his favourite poem in a scene once. The director and editor or whatever kept it in since it sounded fitting.
- Beidou can make anyone flustered on set.
- Even outside of filming. She just has “the aura”
- Mama Lesbian Beidou.
- That’s it.
- I live for it.
- I don’t think we talked about Venti much last au post
- Venti is not his real name (shocking I know /j)
- It’s Bartobas... sorry Barbatos.
- Lil angst here
- Barbatos uses Venti as a stage name for 4nemo cuz of his twin brother. He well.... passed away
- (I just headcannon Venti using the nameless bard’s name lol it’s sadder that way)
- Anyway, Venti is a prankster when he’s not recording for Genshin Impact
- He also likes to tease everyone as well
This is the most I can do lmao
It all started with me having a thought of modern Scaramouche too lol
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