#sorry if you don’t cause you’re missing a lot of context and stuff
twoants · 2 years
this is a callout post for my sister. they havent done anything lately but i’m bored so im calling her out
they have a tumblr but they used a niCKNAME THAT IS SUPER CLOSE TO HER ACTUaAL NAME AND OUR REAL LAST NAME????????????????? did she learn nothing from those bajillion internet safety videos and lectures they had us sit through in school???????????????? have they no brains in their head??????????? do they have no sense????????? and on top of that sHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE ANYTHING ON IT???????? she just likes shit???????? her tumblr is completely empty, default icon and backround??????? like wtf girl?????? ur an artist?????? draw some drugs or mushrooms or at least one of your pride flags like me or something???? i’m sorry but like does she know nothing
also her cat is a criminal. a little crime cat
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boggsart · 20 days
EXCUSE ME who told you you’re talking too much about your art?? Dude that’s the part I love most!! I like hearing about how you struggled to get it where you wanted, or how much the tools you’re working with frustrated you, but you got to a place you were happy with anyway.
I don’t know anything about 3d animation, and I know even less about game design. So it’s really important for me that you describe your process and how much work you had to do because it your work context. I’m sorry anybody made you feel like that wasn’t valuable. I’d argue that’s more valuable than the finished work itself!!
I always love seeing your posts pop up on my dash. And Wolffe and the 104th look absolutely fantastic in the newest one!! If you don’t mind me asking, what were some of the weird issues you ran into in the 104th’s one, and what makes them different issues from the ones you ran into before?
Thank you so much for all the kind words, but to be completely honest, they are kinda right. I think any artist can relate to the feeling of being too critical towards your own work. I tend to overexaggerate mistakes, or point out issues that aren't even really noticable to someone that knows little about this field. But at the same time, i always have a vision of how i'd like my current work to look like, and when i don't meet my own expectations (which i rarely do), that's when i start yapping. Well there were some minor ones, like noticing how some of the armors were not modeled accurately( like around the shoulder part of the chest piece, it's completely missing that part where it connects the front to the back, elbow pieces are way too big, helmets were also not modeled accurately, etc). I also completely messed up the rigging process, thus giving myself so much more work when animating. There are always certain body parts that just go into eachother (lower arm going into the upper arm when it's bent, feet going into the floor, hands going into the chest, etc) that could have been easily avoidable if i took the time to make a proper rig for my models.
There are also always some texturing mistakes, or wrongly placed focal points i notice once the final render is done. In this one, once all of the characters come up, and the camera starts zooming in on their faces, the focal point was placed too far, resulting in some parts of the helmets looking blurrier, than they should look. Since renders take a whole lot of time, i always try to fix this by putting the final renders into a 3rd party AI upscaling program, instead of going back to place it correctly, then re render it. That's probably a crappy workflow, but if this project wouldn't have a deadline that's approaching WAY TOO QUICKLY, and i wouldn't have a lot more stuff to model and animate, i would do the latter. At the same time, i probably should just pay more attention before hitting the render button lol. Also, the movements of the characters sometimes look way too stiff, and don't have that fluidity to them. I haven't been animating for long, so here's the reason for that, at the same time tho, i'm noticing some impovements when comparing the recent piece to my first animation. These are the problems i'm running into most of the time. In the recent one though, if you look closely, once Wolffe goes into his stance (after the commander Wolffe text disappeares) there's some weird black flickering going on around his chest/belly area, that for the love of God, i could not fix. Sometimes the particle system can cause some really interesting issues, that most of the time can be fixed by baking the dynamics. Since i did that (multiple times, deleting them, then re baking) and the issue persisted, i started to think either the shaders, or the particle system+volumetric fog combo was causing this problem. I also use a s*** ton of REALLY powerful lights, with the power constantly changing throughout the entire animation, that could also be causing this issue (i think?) I tried re-placing the cube that's making the volumetric fog, tried placing the lights and camera slightly elsewhere, but nothing worked, so i just decided to leave it as it is. The super slow mo parts are being made in the Non Linear Animation editor, which is... just as confusing as it sounds lol. Making the slow mo parts sometimes causes the blasters to disappear then reappear at the wrong time. The way grabbing the blasters then putting them away works is by having one blaster that's always parented to one hand, and one, that's always parented to the holster, and you change the visibility accordingly. (the moment the character pulls the blaster out of the holster, both blasters have to be perfectly alligned so the change in visibility doesn't have a weird jump in it) The visibility itself gets an action strip on its own, and it's hard to line them up correctly once you chopped up all your other strips and scaled them to make them slow motion. Because if the armature's action strip gets chopped up and scaled to make the movement slow motion, then everything else that has movement linked to it has to as well. So lights, the camera, the empty axes that the camera is parented to, and the blasters as well. This could be achieved by just placing the keyframes further apart from eachother, but i found this method to be somewhat simpler.
I'm probably doing this the wrong way though and could just place the keyframes accordingly without pushing the blaster action down to the NLA editor (cuz after all it's just visibility, not slow motion movement the blaster has). Though i have some really cool ideas with blasters in the upcoming animations, that would probably require to have them as NLA strips. Or maybe not, and everything i'm doing and talking about is bullshit, and isn't the way it should be done, and i really hope someone, that's in the industry doesn't read this and go "what the f is this woman talking about" lol. Basically everything about animating confuses the hell out of me, and i'm always doing stuff on the trial and error basis. So i hope one day i'll be able to learn it properly haha See, i'm yapping way too much after all. And i'm sorry for the long answer, but i'm really really passionate about this. And it actually feels so nice to know that there are people out there that care. 💖💖
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gay-dorito-dust · 1 year
Sooo I've been reading your re4 fics and I've been loving them! ✨️ I like how you depict Leon (ngl 👏🏾 that's my fav version of bb boi). While munchin at the re4 buffet table (thanks to the remake) I've been seeing drabbles/hc of Leon and current memes, but like Leon isn't gunna know any meme/joke past '98.
Not to speak bad about the posts. I truly love them and understand they're for comedic purposes. (The 🥚 post come on now 😽 delicious)
It just got me thinking (😏 iykyk), what memes do you think Leon would get? Like if reader or oc referenced a meme/joke that's an inkling past the 2000s, I think Leon (all vers) would either laugh/pity laugh () cause he doesn't get it or and tell you he doesn't get it and inquiring about it. Some of your re4 posts have a dash of humor in them, so that's why I asked.
Sorry for the long post. Take care and put your health first. ♥️✨️
(Sorry for any typos)
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Firstly I want to thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to read my resident evil stuff, and I’m even more thankful that you like how I depict Leon. I honestly thought I would do shit. So once again, massive thank you for taking your time to read my stuff. 🦦
If anything this felt like an entire post about how little Leon knows about memes….tbh he probably called them ‘me me’ or ask why there was a second e in meme before you tell him that’s it silent.
That’s an excellent question and I know other people will have their opinions and I’d love to hear what others think, whether it’s the exact opposite of mine or other wise. I’m always open to hear out anyone and everyone.
So, I genuinely believe that Leon would have a better time with memes that are straightforward in what they’re about, compared to the ones where he’s expected to be up to date on modern forms of media.
His job doesn’t exactly grants him a lot of free time to catch up on everything that he’s missed that he might as well make a list like Steve Rogers does in Captain America: the winter soldier.
You’re absolutely right in saying that Leon would laugh and or pity laugh at some of the memes due to your differing senses of humour; though that is entirely dependant on what type of humour you’re into.
So if you’re one to likes memes along the lines of;
‘me and the boys,’
‘Is this a butterfly?’
Markiplier’s Farquaad ‘E’ meme
And the ‘tuxedo Winnie the Pooh’ meme (aka the ‘a fellow man of culture’ meme)
Then he will not get them at all and will need you to explain to him what the context of the memes were and why they were inherently funny to people nowadays.
Leon would defiantly do the age old ‘eye squint and moving the phone closer to him’ thing when looking at the memes you show him.
Bonus if the meme in question was poking fun at how people of an older generation reads memes.
I think he recognises some obscure meme that probably wasn’t even funny to begin with but is funny to him and he’d be like ‘I understood that reference.’
To me, Leon S. Kennedy is the Steve Rogers of memes, he doesn’t know many of them but once he does, he makes everyone aware that he does, whether by a snicker or outward acknowledgment.
This might just be me projecting but he’d torture Ashley with the infamous dad jokes. It doesn’t even matter if Leon like them himself, he just knows it annoys Ashley and he’s willing to continue doing it cuz he’s a little shit.
Ashley: I’m tired
Leon: hi tired, I’m Leon.
Ashley: 😒
Leon: 😎
Hate to be the one to say it but he probably likes those Facebook minion memes… I don’t know why but then again I’d say the same for Ethan Winters but that’s neither here nor there.
Overall thing to take away; Leon is a little cringe and likes minion memes, dad jokes, and the like. He’s got really shit taste in humour, plz help this man, he needs to be exposed to bigger and better things.
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chirpingfromthebox · 13 days
My favorite bits from Minnesota's post-game press interviews after PWHL Finals Game 3
You can find the entire interview here! Be sure to give them some views/likes/nice comments/etc., because her channel is great and the support it gets means the more people who will find it.
At the table were Michela Cava, Taylor Heise, and coach Ken Klee.
Transcriptions and some of my thoughts under the break.
[p.s. did you know that on computer, if you press "J", then Tumblr will automatically skip you to the next post? Something to consider if you get bored of my ramblings after expanding.]
[The gang all come up to the table while having an odd conversation.]
KEN KLEE: Sorry, we were just having a little side bar there.
REPORTER: Can you elaborate on the sidebar?
KK: Apparently we had a ponytail holder break. And then they said, “Coach, she can’t go, ‘cause she broke her ponytail.” And I said, “I played with Chris Simon. His hair was flying everywhere. She’ll be fine. She can get through a couple shifts.”
TAYLOR HEISE: So our athletic trainer gave her hers. So, she’s a team player.
KK: Our trainer came to save the day. Which was huge. She didn’t have to miss a shift.
[I will include a picture I found of Chris Simon here for those of you who are like me and don't know what he looks like and want some context to Klee's reference:
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In other news, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say the words "pony-tail holder" before? I buzz my head 'cause I'm lazy like that. People with hair, is that a common term? Growing up I've only ever heard people say "hair ties" for the general term.]
REPORTER: For Michela and Taylor, you’ve obviously scored and assisted for each other, is that something you’re working on, obviously, in practice? It’s quite the series.
TAYLOR HEISE: I just think we both think pretty similarly. I don’t think we’re always in the same place, but we’re always looking for one another. You know, Kendall [Coyne Schofield] makes it easy too. All three of us roll off what we’re doing. And we do talk things out a lot. I’m someone that likes to talk a lot and Cava does too and I think it’s fun for us to roll through things. You’re not always gonna have time to practice in actual practice when you’re playing this many games. So I just think we have trust in each other and know where we’re gonna be at.
MICHELA CAVA: Yeah. I’d say the same thing as her. We kinda feed off each other. And we give each other positive energy on the bench and stuff. And always talk out plays. And every time we come off we always have something for each other to be better. I think that’s the most important thing with our line. Everybody goes and everyone’s supporting each other. It’s been a lot of fun so far.
KEN KLEE: I would say, high hockey IQ. That’s why they’re good.
[I have no evidence for this, but I have a suspicion that the reason I tend to see Heise at these press sessions more than Captain Coyne Schofield is because KCS is incredibly direct in her interviews. Delightfully succinct. Which I would love from a Captain, but would probably hate as a journalist. For an example of this check out this brilliant moment from the post-game session after Finals game 1.]
REPORTER: For Cava and Heise, can you speak to the emotions of getting to play in front of an electric crowd like that?
MICHELA CAVA: Yeah, I think, obviously, it’s great. It’s a change for a lot of us to have so many people supporting our games. And the fans definitely elevate your energy levels when you’re feeling a little down after a shift. The crowd has just been phenomenal here all season for us. And I would say a big way to help us get these wins when you’re feeling tired. And it’s been a long playoffs so far. So yeah, they’re amazing and we love them.
TAYLOR HEISE: I think it comes full circle for me. Like, going to Wild games as a kid and kind of wanting that? And knowing that wasn’t a possibility at the time. But knowing that such an electric atmosphere of playoff hockey is something that’s special. It holds a special place in my heart, and I know in our entire team’s. Even after they scored with that 1 second left. You wouldn’t have been able to tell that. Like, in the 2nd period, we came off the ice and the fans were electric. And to have them on our side is definitely a one-up that any other team that comes into this building can’t find and can’t have.
R: And just to follow-up, Michela, what happens to your game in the playoffs? And Taylor can you speak to that as well? Of how well Michela’s been playing.
TH: I’ll start. I’ll take that one.
She has a lot of confidence in her play and what she does. And not to say that the beginning of the year that wasn’t a thing, because we both have gone through ups and downs this entire year. We’ve had some injuries, we’ve been through the losing streak, we’ve been in the gutter, we’ve been feeling bad. But I think, at the end of the day great players step up in great moments. And this is definitely one of those. She sees the ice really well. Clearly she put two defenders in a blender in her move. Just getting her the puck and knowing that she has that confidence. And sometimes it just takes getting that puck in one time for you to change your game. And I know that’s happened to me, but you know, she’s a great hockey player. She’s got all that, like coach said, all the IQ in the world to make it happen.
MC: Yeah, [points to Heise] that was really nice.
[Everyone laughs]
KEN KLEE: What she said.
MC: I don’t really know how to add to that.
TH: Retweet!
MC: Playoffs is do or die. Obviously it’s a super fun experience to win a championship and obviously this is gonna be the first one. Basically just do everything you can, use all the skill you have, use all the energy you have, and leave it all out there. Kinda what I try to do every single game.
TH: And she’s won a championship too! So let’s put that out there.
MC: Couple.
TH: Couple. [gives an impressed ‘Whooo!’]
[see what I mean? Journalists have gotta love Heise. She gives them so much material to work with for their stories.
Transcribers, however? Well, she certainly ups the difficulty rating, I’ll tell ya that.]
REPORTER: Michela, you know, you and Taylor are obviously scoring a lot of big goals in the post season right now. Can you just speak to some of the little things that Kendall Coyne has been doing on your line? Particularly on the goal you scored. She’s driving the net, she’s taking Tapani’s attention.
R: What does she do to make things more open for you guys?
MC: I mean, people can’t keep up with her speed. So she’s definitely driving on the rush, she’s driving players. Usually that goes unnoticed. But when you play on a line, like, obviously a lot of times you guys are asking about us, but she could be sitting here too. Because she’s creating the opportunities. And she sees the ice really well too. Obviously we’re both- like, Heise’s a little bit taller than us, but we’re both very small, but I mean, she had 5 or 6 hits today. She’s playing so physical and so strong. Definitely a lot of credit to her too. And she’s definitely taking their players out of the play for us as well.
R: Ken, can I maybe just follow-up and get your thoughts on Kendall?
KEN KLEE: Sure. I mean, she’s awesome. She’s one of the fastest players in the world. When she’s on the ice the other team knows it. Just her speed alone creates large holes in the other team’s defense. Because she such speed they all, they either over back check or the D have to give her respect, which creates a lot of room for these two guys to be able to make plays in. She’s hunting pucks, she’s on it. She’s just going a great job. I think all three of them together are playing really well.
[I really like this exchange, because I think they really get at the heart of what makes KCS such a powerhouse of a player to me. If you just look at goals and assists she doesn’t have the highest in the league, but take a look at her +/-. She had the second highest in the league during the regular season for a reason. Part of why she’s one of my favorites is because of the way she makes an impact every time she hits the ice. Like, damn, she just seems like she’d be a nightmare to play against.]
REPORTER: Taylor, Michela touched on it a little bit, but have you allowed yourself to think about, it is one win away, it’s the first inaugural season, what it might mean or feel like to win the first championship?
TAYLOR HEISE: Yeah, not really. I mean, obviously it’s gonna be a special moment, but it’s like, kind of thinking about what my next first shift is next- uh, next game. Thinking about the whole game: it starts with one shift. Obviously we came out and scored in the first shift. Cava came and had a great forecheck, got the puck to the net, Kendall drove to the net, and I was just there and was able to shoot. Those are moments you want to think about for the future, wanna think about for next game. So, no, I haven’t thought about what it’s gonna feel like, ‘cause I want it to be a feeling, that like, when it happens? I want it to be electric and I want it to be something that I haven’t had time to think about. So I guess that and just coming out hard next game. We’re just so thrilled to be in the position we are and hopefully we won’t have to go back to Boston. That’s what our goal is.
REPORTER: This could be for either Michela, Taylor, or Ken, really. I think Sydney Brodt’s goal will prove to be the game winner in this one. Considering her injury and the rehab in the early season, what does that goal from that player mean to this team?
KEN KLEE: Well, I can speak for us. It’s huge. It’s awesome to have a player like that who’s rehabbing the whole year basically, I mean, she had, I think, one game before the break. And then, you know, came into the team when we were not playing our best hockey. But she stuck with it. She’s been at the gym every day, at rehab every day, working hard. I know that her teammates see it and they know how hard she’s working. I know that she wants to contribute. In some of the other games she wasn’t getting many shifts, so for an opportunity for her to step up? I think it’s a huge boost for our whole team.
[End of Interviews]
What follows is a just a lot of me thinking out loud and at length. And what and the hell do I know? Continue into the maelstrom at your own peril.
The reporters were asking much more interesting and thoughtful questions here than they did to the Boston team. And I know that it's easier to go in depth on things with the winning team, but still. I think a knowledgeable reporter can do a hell of a lot better than the standard "What are you gonna do better next time?"s and "Why do you think you got beat?"s they're always throwing out there.
Minnesota seems really confident here, which I love. And crucially, I got the feeling like they were confident, but not cocky. I like Heise's answer about them not thinking about winning the championship, they just wanna focus on how they can win the next game.
Of all the teams in the league I think Minnesota is the one who benefits the most from this format of playing the same team multiple times.
Nicole Hensley said in her interview after Game 2 that they're all used to a more one-and-done format when in comes to playoffs/finals games. And as we've seen, in that format Minnesota would have lost the championship to Boston. In fact, they never would have gotten to Boston, because they would have lost to Toronto.
But they've shown themselves to be highly adaptable. On that note they are the only team in the post season who was willing to try a different goalie. It's gotta be annoying to play against a team who's willing to mix things up like that!
Look at Game 1. Both teams playing out of their minds. Minnesota barely loses. And instead of saying, "Well, we were so close! Let's just do that again and maybe it'll go better this time." They decided, "hey, our offense is doing great, but Boston they seem to have a read on Rooney's style right now, let's mix things up defensively."
(speaking of which, no shade to Frankel, but guess who's been in net for Boston during 2 of Boston's wins against Minnesota? That's right! Emma Söderberg. And I suspect Boston itself thought Söderberg had a good defense to Minnesota's style, because they put her against them in their final regular season game against them too. But after Frankel went full raid boss against Montreal, there was no way they were swapping her out. And that's exactly my point of why Minnesota has got to be annoying for being so willing and able to make moves like that.)
[as I've said before I will always advocate for swapping goalies around, because I'm selfish and want to see them all more. And every goalie has a different style. AND wouldn't you want to try and match their styles to the offensive style of your opponents?]
Anways, when Minnesota is at their worst seems to be when they lose confidence and start trying to do the same thing again and again, trying to force it to work. But when they start to get confident they'll come at you every which way they can until they find that in.
But you can never count Boston out, because Boston seems to be unfamiliar with the word quit.
And as long as Boston doesn't let the stakes get to them, they are definitely a team that you have to respect. When they're on their game? The second you underestimate them, they'll come for your throat.
So will Minnesota get cocky and let their win streak go to their heads? Will Boston let the looming risk of losing the championship get in the way of playing their best? Will both teams bring everything they have and leave it all on the ice?
Here's hoping that whatever happens on Sunday, it's a game to remember.
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
hello! i hope you’re doing well so far ❤️ i was wondering if i could have some headcanons of the bucci gang with their fem! crush who’s usually on the reserved side when she joins the team but they later find out she’s actually not as reserved? for context, let’s say the reader was hanging out with some of her close friends on one of her days of (i doubt this could happen on a regular basis considering how being in the mafia is time consuming) and when she sees the bucci gang also out in public, she invites them to join the group. the bucci gang initially assume that this hangout with the reader and her friends is gonna be chill and reserved, but NOPE THEY THOUGHT WRONG. they don’t cause major trouble in public, but the reader and her friend group is just a bit…chaotic. at one point, the reader and one of their friends hears their favorite song playing in pubic, and they full on dance to it, not caring if anyone was watching. if they’re out in some parking garage (or a place where there’s barely any people, the group will pretend to make moaning noises (LMAO 😭). and in those apple stores (let’s just pretend this all takes place in the modern world instead of 2001 😂), the reader and her friend group will just go out and change all the computers, phones, ipads, etc. backgrounds into cursed image while laughing about it. yeah, just overall, the bucci gang finding out the reader is secretly hella chaotic (and the only reason she was just reserved was due to how serious being in the mafia is). btw, i kid you not, some of things i listed here were actual things me, my cousins, and some friends did when we hung out. we were at the mall and in the parking garage, for a few minutes, we made fake moaning noises, and we went into an apple store and we changed some of the backgrounds into cursed photos 😂💀 sorry if this is a bit too long haha. ty!!
Author Note: Thanks I'm doing okay, not the best week for me unfortunately. I appreciate your patience I know it took me a while. So this request is fun. I adored this request. Please send more 🤣 Also none of them are allowed to make room for judgement when they're all pretty chaotic themselves. Hope you enjoy the scenarios with each of the members. I decided to do separate headcanons with each of their reactions. For the scene w/ the garage I tweaked it for story purposes but reader and her friends are still going to be moaning lol I found that funny I used to do stuff like that with my friends too.
One more thing. You and your friends kinda reminded me of Mei Lee and her friends from turning red which I loved.
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Bucci gang x Crush! Reader who turns out to be surprisingly outgoing & carefree (Modern AU)
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Giorno Giovanna
Giorno thinks you’re a perfect addition to the gang. You’re helpful and understanding of him. Giorno is also reserved so he likes to stay by your side a lot of the time.
He developed a crush on you over time as you were put on missions with each other. He got to know you very well. 
One day you asked if he would like to join you and your friends at the mall then a movie after at your friends. Not missing this opportunity to spend more time with you he agrees.
Giorno wore a different colored suit seeing as his usual one was bloodied from today’s mafia work. He wore your favorite color not that you noticed he did.
At the mall you and Giorno headed toward your friend group. He was happy for you because he saw how excited they were to see you. When you introduced him he thought it was nice that they each introduced themselves.
While you’re all wondering the mall you and your friends realize your favorite song is playing and all sing along to it excitedly. You begin dancing along with them. Giorno will give a small smile and he’ll give you a smile when you pull him along to dance. He’ll gladly join.
Your friend needed a charger and decided to buy one from the apple store. More hilarity ensues when you all decide to change all the computers, phones, ipads, and backgrounds into cursed images while laughing about it. Giorno was both curious and amused. I think he’d lightly chuckle about it. He wouldn’t expect the image you all chose but he’s definitely laughing at the scene.
Giorno was surprised by the moaning noises you and your friends made at the empty parking lot. You’re all so carefree and fun. His eyes widened upon hearing your false moans he blushed a bit about it and his mouth is agap (Like this👇) he’ll be thankful no one saw
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All in all Giorno is very surprised by some of the actions of you and your friends. He’ll admire how much fun you and your friends have together. He’s going to think it was fun when you all started dancing. He’ll think your singing is cute.
As for his thoughts on you he’ll think that its nice you’ve got a carefree and extroverted side. He wasn’t expecting some of it. He’ll be embarrassed about your false moans and blushes when he thinks about it after today. He hopes you’ll continue to be carefree and extroverted around him.
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno respects your hard work you display while on the job with him. He is thankful having another companion such as yourself. Your introverted side doesn’t bother him in the slightest he thinks it’s admirable. 
He develops a crush on you since he enjoys all his conversations with you. He admires your personality and your hard work ethic.
You invite Bruno along with you and your friends to a shopping trip. He had free time on his hands so he gladly accepted. He couldn’t wait to spend more time with you. He’ll be sure to make a good impression on your friends while he’s at it.
He’s happy to see how joyous you and your friends are being together again. They greet Bruno with a carefree, “Hi” or “Hey!”. He greeted them like such a gentlemen they were all taken back a bit but smiled nonetheless.
Bruno was looking at watches while you and your friends were looking at clothing nearby. When a particular song plays in the store you and your friends immediately sing and dance together. Bruno was surprised but he’ll laugh and smile. He thought nothing of it. He’s used to Mista and Narancia doing the same.
At the apple store Bruno didn’t realize you and your friends were switching out the background photos on all the devices. Not his humor but he is smiling at the shenanigans. Nothing new for him. He’s thinking about Narancia about now as he is watching with an amused smile.
At the parking lot with no people around he enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere so when you and your friends loudly moan then laugh afterwards, he’s very shocked. His blue eyes are huge. He was surely surprised by your actions as well as your friends. After the shock he’s going to smile at the fun you’re having. As long as you’re happy he is too. 
Bruno wasn’t expecting your actions today. He’ll make a teasing comment but its light hearted. He will like to see more of your extroverted side in the near future. The fact that you’re so carefree really makes him happy for you. It’s all he desires for his dearest crush.
Narancia Ghirga
Narancia thinks you’re a lot of fun to be around. He will think as a team mate you’re reliable and he’s always glad to be paired with you. Your introverted side is very much the opposite of him so he’s liking the dynamic you both have. Your conversations are a lot of fun because of this.
He has such a big crush on you because you’re understanding and patient with him. You’re kind and ready to help. He finds you to be so admirable.
When you invite him with your friends to the mall he’s beaming with delight. He’ll be so excited and gladly accept your invitation. He hopes he’ll get to spend more time with you.
You’re all chatting about when you and your friends pause realizing what song is playing. Narancia is understandablely confused until and of you break out in song and dance.
Narancia will be very impressed he’s going to be joining with his own impressive dance moves. He’ll even do the torture dance to which you and the others are begging him to teach. He happily obliged and teaches everyone outside of the store.
After learning the torture dance you’re all in the Apple store now. Narancia was bored until he heard you and your friends giggling. He notices what is going on and joins in laughter. He’s going to want to help all of you change the background photos of all the devices in the store to cursed images.
Everyone is laughing hard afterwards before leaving the store where the poor apple employees are left with said images on the devices in the place.
At the empty parking lot Narancia is lightly dancing as he’s following behind since he has a song stuck in his head. He does a double take when you and your friends make loud false moans. He finds it absolutely hilarious and is joining in. You and your friends are commending him. They compliment his dancing and hope to see him again.
Narancia is thinking how awesome you are as well as your friends. His crush for you grows deeper and he believes you two would make the perfect couple. He’s brewing up a couple ways to ask you out after today. However he is surprised you’re more laid back and fun than he thought you were. After thinking it over it made since why you’re more serious at work. He’s incredibly happy learning you’re as carefree as himself. He finds it very attractive.
Guido Mista
He’s thinking you’re pretty attractive and bad ass. He’s thankful you’re a good team mate and not some dirt bag mafioso. He’s also super thankful you’re paired with him on missions many times because he gets to flirt with you and tries impressing you. Your fast friends but he also grew a fat crush on you.
Mista grew a crush on you because you’re dedicated to him and the others. You’ll do whatever you can to help. You’re also protective so he finds all these qualities attractive.
You invite Mista with you and your friends to the mall so he’s looking forward to it. He’s going to try impressing you at all costs. He’s also going to make a flirting comment wondering if it’s a date. You don’t think much of it and laugh it off. You explain the plan to him.
At the mall Mista is pretty happy for you. He’s thinking you and all your friends make a wonderful group. He wasn’t expecting it from you or your friend group but you’re all pretty carefree. When they introduce themselves to him they each compliment his outfit. Expressing how they like fashion because it isn’t mainstream. Something he was grinning about since most people mock his fashion sense.
Mista is having a blast especially when he joins in on the dancing when you and your friends randomly decide to do so. Afterwards when you complimented his dancing he offered to teach you the torture dance. You agreed and Mista set up a time with you for a different day together.
At the Apple store Mista is thinking how boring it is until he notices you giggling. When he asks, you explain how your friends decided to put cursed images on all the photo backgrounds of devices in the store. Mista wasn’t expecting it. If the image is funny he’s laughing but if it isn’t his humor he’ll simply say he likes the act in itself and approves.
When you’re all leaving the mall and notice how empty the parking lot is your friends are taking advantage of it including yourself. Mista’s mouth drops at hearing all of your fake moans. He’s particularly flabbergasted by your fake moans. He’s not sure what to say but he does find it funny. He’ll laugh about it later but at the moment he’s stunned. This was the last thing he’d ever expect from you.
Your friends enjoyed his presence and expressed it to him before leaving. They also compliment his dancing. Mista’s ego is definitely boosted.
All in all Mista is pleasantly surprised by your carefree side. It makes his crush for you deepen. He’s wanting to see more of it. He hopes he can get you to be like that more often. He’s looking forward to more dancing with you as well.
Leone Abbacchio
He thinks you’re a blessing to have in the gang because you’re not annoying and get the job done. Your no nonsense attitude is also a plus and he also finds it attractive.
He grew a crush on you when you showed him exactly how you get the job done no questions asked. He also admires your care for him. It’s your best quality yet and he won’t let it go unappreciated though he is a tsundere at times so he’s not going to outright express his feelings to you.
He’s pleased when you invite him with your friends. He’ll simply give you a small grin and a “sure”. He wants to be around you more so this is his opportunity.
When he meets your friends they weren’t what he was expecting. They’re carefree and are giving you a group hug. He thinks it’s nice that you’ve got a group of friends outside of Passione.
He is wondering how you met a bunch of carefree individuals when he notices they’re all looking at him. They introduce themselves with such kindness. It’s very nice.
Inside the mall you’re all looking over a bargain bin while Abbacchio is looking at CD’s nearby. A new song is playing in the store causing you and your friends to gush then dance. Abbacchio is thinking how cute you look dancing but he’s pleasantly surprised by it. He’s blushing about it a bit.
At the Apple store your friends snicker while changing the photo backgrounds to cursed images. You join along upon realizing what they’re up to. Meanwhile Abbacchio is thinking what you’re all up to. He stood behind all of you and figures it out immediately. He simply huffs and leans against the wall. He’ll begin listening to music until you’re done. When he glances up he realizes how fun you’re all having and lightly smiles. When you all notice him you drag him to another store. He’s never been dragged like this before. He’s allowing it because you’re holding his hand.
In the quiet parking lot Abbacchio raises a brow upon witnessing you and your friends making loud fake moaning noises then laughing about it. He’ll be a stick in the mud about it for sure but he’s secretly flustered about hearing the noises you made. He’s excellent at hiding it though.
Your friends tell him they hope to see him again and how happy they were spending time with you as well. Abbacchio thought it was a nice sight seeing you and your friends in a group hug.
All in all he thinks you and your friends are immature but he’s kinda used to it. He did get annoyed when all of you made fake noises but he can easily let it go. However he does think it’s nice you’re all enjoying yourselves. It reminds him of his friends so it’s nice to him too.
He’s surprised you’re so carefree and outgoing a revelation that makes him hope you’ll show that side more around him. He’s wanting to learn everything there is about you. He understands working for Passione can be shitty which is why you’re so serious. It made sense to him and he would like to see more of your true self whenever he can. He’s also not going to stop thinking about how you held his hand.
Fugo Panacotta
Fugo admires your effortless work you do when getting a job done. You’re reliable, loyal, and easy to get along with.
He easily grew a crush on you for all your admirable qualities. He also enjoys being around you.
Fugo was surprised you’d invite him with you and your friends to the mall. He thought it would be a nice trip. Though he would never be prepared for all the chaos that would ensue.
He is sure to shake all their hands and get their names upon meeting them. It was so formal that your friends will be a bit stunned but accept it immediately after.
Fugo thinks it’s sweet how excited they were seeing you. They gave you a group hug. You even held some of their hands.
In one of the stores a song plays and all of you begin dancing to it. Fugo will smile and chuckle when he sees you dancing. You invite him over ready to witness his dance moves. He surprises all of you by being a good dancer. He thought it was a lot of dancing with all of you.
In the Apple store he’ll simply roll his eyes playfully but he won’t say a word simply nod your direction while you and your friends change the backgrounds to all the devices. The cursed images made for a funny site to see. All of you were laughing. Fugo thought it was nice to see you so carefree and extroverted. He never got to see that from you before. He’ll smile despite how ridiculous he thinks the situation is.
Later on in the parking lot your friends start letting out fake moans and you join in and do the same. Your laughter made him blush but your false moans turned his face into a red hue.
Fugo never suspected you to be this carefree it’s fun but also a pleasant one. He’s not sure how to react at first but after he collects his thoughts it’s admirable to him despite not having the same humor. Your friends give him goodbyes before leaving. Fugo kindly returns the goodbye.
All in all Fugo will think it’s nice you’re carefree and outgoing as you are. He wished he knew sooner so he could dance with you more. He will work on bringing that more out of you. He wants you to express yourself always and is ready to support it.
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rasby · 6 months
I think you’re in the wrong here. I’m Jewish, I don’t think you’re Jewish but correct me if I’m wrong. I think you’re missing a lot of cultural context here and it’s not your place to go after a Jewish author for how they portray a Jewish character. I don’t think the author cares if you apologize or not, their post was just clarifying that they’re Jewish and Julian’s sweater in that fanart is something they own. But to me your comments felt pretty fucking insensitive so bragging about refusing to apologize only hurts other Jewish fans.
Okay, before i get into anything i wanna say that nowhere did i brag about not wanting to say sorry? I don't want to say sorry to the creators cause i genuinely don't feel sorry. I know i was in the wrong for assuming stuff, i acknowledge that.
I am not Jewish, but i don't think that means that i can't comment on stuff like this. And just because they are Jewish doesn't mean they can't represent a Jewish character in a weird way (I'm not saying they did, it's just a general thing)
When it comes to the sweater, in the image i saw the sweater was cut out weirdly so, again, i assumed it was Christmas related because, again, it wouldn't be the first time i saw someone in the fandom put Julian in a Christmas sweater. I assumed, i was wrong for assuming
I didn't think me saying that Dorian and just in general the Arcana fandom tends to forget the Devoraks religious backround and that I'd like seeing more of their traditions represented in the popular stories, especially around the holidays, was antisemetic or insensitive, it was critical if anything (which i said in later posts not in the original one). I am sorry to you or anyone else if you felt that way, i know i could be a lot nicer when i talk about dorian and maybe just think a bit before i post. I never expected the creators to actually see the post and if i did, i probably wouldn't have said anything or at least i would've worded it differently.
Also, side note, if they didn't want me to respond or apologize or whatever, they didn't have to screenshot only my reply and post it while having me blocked, just saying (i am kinda bitter about that)
I don't think I'm gonna respond to any more stuff like this if i can help it, mostly cause I'll just be repeating myself. In short, I'm sorry to people who found my comment insensitive as i meant it in more of a "i wish people explored this part of Julian more" way then anything. I'm not sorry to the creators, i think they kinda suck from both this and past expiriences. I definetly was wrong and I'll think more about what i post next time.
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banditllamas · 10 months
Chismest Dialogue (Part 1)
Chapter 4 has a lot of missable dialogue. I'm mostly brainrotting over Elara but if people are interested I can try making a schedule for everyone in Chismest. For now, heres a bunch of dialogue from and concerning Elara. (I have many screenshots so I've only put snippets in, the full conversations are typed up below.)
You can catch Elara as shes walking to and from Beth's diner. Before entering:
You can pester her while shes walking to the diner.
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“Hi, sorry…” “I can’t talk right now…” “I’m…” “Starving…” “I must be at the diner right away…”
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If you keep trying to talk to her she will ignore you then repeat herself.
"Please excuse me…" "I'm going to the diner." After leaving:
As she's leaving you can also pester her. This dialogue plays out much like the previous one.
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“Hi, sorry.” “I can’t talk right now…” “I need…” “To get back to my research…” “But, if you want to talk,” “Find me in the diner between midnight and 5AM.”
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“...” “I have important research to conduct now.” “Find me in the diner after midnight.”
I'm sure most people know about this, but if you're like me you immediately agreed to help Elara and missed all the stuff she had to say when questioned.
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(Included Bard's prompts for context.)
Bard: “A cohort?” Elara: “Uhm… An accomplice.” Bard: “Why an accomplice?” Elara: “I can explain if you’re interested in doing it.” Bard: “Why should I?” Elara: “Hmmm.” Elara: “Maybe you shouldn’t. It could be dangerous.” Bard: “Sounds like a bad idea.” Elara: “I’m acting in the best interest of the town.” Elara: “Danger sometimes is an unfortunate necessity.” Bard: “How dangerous?” Elara: “OK, not really very dangerous.” Elara: “I was trying to make it sound exciting.” Bard: “Oh?” Elara: “All we really need are people on the inside.” Bard: “Like secret agents???” Elara: “Yes, just like that.” Bard: “Secret agents are exciting!” Elara: “Hmm. I suppose they are.” Bard: “But where do we find them?” Elara: “Well, that's the thing,” Elara: “I need someone to help me find them.” Bard: “How do you find secret agents?” Elara: “We’d need to focus our search on certain individuals.” Elara: “I.e. People who are awake during the day but unemployed.” Bard: “Perfect recruits…”
She also has a different response if you agree at any point where she mentions danger.
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"Whoah." "Seems reverse psychology works, after all."
If you accept at any other point she will simply say "Excellent." then continue as normal.
Recruit intelligence:
She has two hints for winston; theres the standard one:
“There’s a man who is constantly crying around the town during the day.” “He seems to have no direction in life…” “So he would probably be willing to help us.” “Find out what he wants.” And one for if you help him out before meeting her:
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“Have you seen the man who used to always cry around town?” “He has a dog now…” “He seems emotionally susceptible…” “Seek him out.” Peter only gets one tip cause he's always sad even if you help him beforehand:
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“There's a sad man who plays music from a rooftop at all hours.” “Since he’s so sad and hopeless,” “He almost certainly could be convinced to help us.” She also has a tip for recruiting Mirriam. This happens if you fail to find Mirriam by the time you've recruited Winston:
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“There’s a girl standing in the field outside town.” “I pass her every night on my way to and from here.” “I don’t believe she’s from here…” “But, maybe she could be an ally.”
On the flipside, if you completely ignore Elara and go to Mirriam first (+ attempt the overseer song) She will give you hints on finding Elara.
Mirriam hints:
“Apparently there's an astronomer outside of town.” “They have a big telescope.” “Who knows what kinda stuff they know, right?”
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“Nobody knows much about the astronomer.” “They just research stuff at their telescope all day.” “But… they have to eat sometime, right?”
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“Sounds hokey, but grandma Saphy always said…” “Look to the stars for answers…” “That’s what makes me think the astronomer might know something.”
Part 2 here.
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yveni · 4 months
YVE opened discord for the first time in daysss and just saw your shrimp!!! SHRIMPTIVITIES 🦐🦐🦐 if you don’t mind me talking a lil in your inbox ehheh:
So the past week or so i was on a (barely) sm break (it IS hard) with not as much attention on focusing on my r/ship w god as i would have liked 🙃🙃 for context i was a lot more dedicated to it until halfway through last year when I had these major exams, like the results i would be needing for uni apps, and I slacked on my routine and haven’t been able to restart it since :((( I made it my New Year’s resolution to get back to it and it worked rlly well the first week! But then i fell sick and kept falling into a spiral of guilt (that I only asked Him for things like good grades or watching over my family ie a connection based on convenience) and hopelessness (cuz i started to feel like I couldnt rlly feel His presence in my life anymore) and now it’s Feb :/
but anyways recently I had this terrible fight w my parents and when I went to my room I tried to meditate a little to connect with Him but I was just too agitated and tired so I went to bed just holding my rosary (not exactly that, but the rosary equivalent in my religion) cuz I was so emotionally drained and I missed Him SO so much, and my dad came in a while later to apologise/smooth things over. this NEVERR happens and maybe it’s a coincidence but in that moment it felt like He was taking care of me again (not that He ever stopped) and I felt so so grateful and also a little terrible for ever thinking that He’d abandon me
JANDKSLLS im so so sorry this turned out so long I didn’t mean to get this emotional HEHEHE so you can ignore it if you’re not interested! I’ve just never rlly met anyone outside of my family who took religion as seriously as I did and I think i got a bit too excited shsnkdkd
anyways how have you been!! Anything fun happen recently? Did you go for the Jan 27 meetup/will you be going for any of the other ones?
-discord anon 👻
Hello !!
First of all, I do not mind getting long messages, it’s actually really touching that you think of me to talk to about stuff 🫶🏽
I think it’s great that you’re making efforts to get closer to God, cause trust me, I have felt exactly the way you described (missing Him so much it hurts and feeling distant/guilty about only asking Him for things), and I believe God responds to that. I’m not sure exactly which religion you have, but I think everyone knows I’m Christian, and lately in my bible studying, I have found so much scripture reaffirming the fact that God does see me, and I’m glad you felt reminded about that too. It’s so awesome how much He really does love us.
I hope everything is good with school and your parents and stuff !!
Oh and I did not go to the January 27 meetup, I wish I did lol but I am broke, and for the same reason I probably will not be going to any future meetups (at least for this year). Everyone had so much fun though and I had so much fun seeing all the pics and vids come in !!!!
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
In Which Palpatine Leaves the Door Open
So, @purronronner suggested this on discord:
au where anakin finds out about palpatine during clone wars era like, coming in for a visit and overhears a conversation with Dooku about war planning he’s been pulled between palpatine and the Jedi/obi-wan/various things but I want to see him pulled between palpatine and his men could go either way on the sith part of the reveal even
palpatine is not aware! unless anakin’s course of action is to go “hey palpatine I must have misunderstood something right? :(“
(This was a group effort but there's a thing I wrote that requires this context so please bear with me.)
I'm just imagining Anakin backing out, closing the door, and turning to the Corrie Guard by the door to say a thing... and not finding words.
Eventually "Did you guys know he was evil?" "He's a politician, sir." "But like the evil ranting..." "He's a politician. Sir."
He's willing to use his men to save R2, but that's because R2 was part of the team and helping, not arranging battles to make things worse.
Anakin: Normally, I'd go to Palpatine to talk about my problems, but right now he is the problem... Obi-Wan and Yoda are off-planet.... Anakin, phoning up Padme: Help?
Per @atagotiak we also have some Intense Thoughts
Oh hey. The deception arc. And the subsequent argument that we don't see and stuff. Like there's all the ways you could justify it especially from an opsec standpoint (If Anakin acts like that around Padme why would anyone assume he can keep a secret about anything?) And it was a pretty tactically important thing for the war as far as anyone knew. But just. I've heard some people say that perhaps also Obi-Wan reasoned that hurting Anakin is an ok price to pay to make sure someone Anakin cares for doesn't die for real which seems plausible enough.
Anyways. My point is. Anakin gets a front row seat to sheevception when he actually sorta knows whats going on. Gets sidetracked halfway through yelling and stuff to think about how convoluted this whole mess is.
For more clone-centric things all the times Palpatine's like "I wish I could do more, it's truly regrettable, but..." Would just seem awfully fake now.
Anakin, belatedly: Wait, does this mean that, behind all the layers of bullshit, Palpatine was the one trying to kill Padme at the start of the war???
WHICH IS WHAT LEADS TO A WHOLE LOT OF FUN and yes this is the part I'm sort of proud of.
Okay so: Anakin's a shit liar, yes?
After he meanders over to Padme and has a breakdown, he then goes off to tell the Council about all this. I imagine she goes with him as moral support, and also because she wants to protect him from them calling him out on his legitimately terrible decisions. They're trying to come up with a plan to take Palpatine down without tipping their hands too early, because they need to investigate; for the sake of this plot point, we'll say that Palpatine mentioned a contingency plan while talking to Dooku, even if he didn't directly name the chips.
Someone mentions that Palpatine is going to ask to see Anakin, because he does regularly. And, as experience has shown, there is very little that will stop Palpatine from insisting that Anakin come see him. They can stall for a bit, maybe, but not for long.
"You could send me to the other side of the galaxy," Anakin suggests. "Short notice, so sorry, won't be around for a bit."
They point out that won't work forever.
"So... arrest me, or put me on a mental health hold?" Anakin tries. "Say I got violent at civilians or the clones for no reason and you need to make sure I won't hurt him, and then even if he visits me in the cell, I don't have to act normal 'cause he'll EXPECT me to be upset."
Palpatine presumably has spies all over, so he'd know that hadn't actually happened. Also, Anakin's too important to the war effort for anything short of a cold-blooded murder of an innocent, and they can't just take him off the field without an absolutely massive violation of the Code or his orders.
"Tell him I Fell," Anakin offers.
A Sith Lord would be able to feel that from across the galaxy, if it had happened, especially with the amount of time that he's put into grooming Anakin.
"Oh," Anakin says, and his stomach drops out as he realizes that he can either keep his secrets, or keep people alive.
He thinks about how Palpatine had targeted Padme already, and how if Palpatine thinks Anakin's betrayed him, then he'll probably do that again.
He thinks about 'a Sith Lord would know' and realizes... well.
Anakin values his freedom, but he also values his men, his padawan, his master, his wife... the wife that's in danger if Palpatine knows that Anakin caught him out.
The Order has to keep Anakin away from Palpatine. They need an excuse to arrest him. They need an excuse to hide him away, one that Palpatine won't question too hard.
A Sith Lord would know if Anakin fell. Even if he came back afterwards.
"So... so tell him you found out about the Tusken Massacre."
The what.
"...tell him you found out about the time I actually did Fall," Anakin says, squeezing Padme's hand. She knows. She's the only one who knows, on Coruscant, other than the Sith they're hunting. "On... on Tatooine. You can claim it was an anonymous tip. He already knows about that one. He's one of the only two people outside Tatooine that do. He might not question it."
(He won't question it.)
What did you do, Skywalker.
"I killed... a lot of people. A Tusken tribe. Including the children. Right before the war hit."
It's a hell of a way to fall on his figurative sword.
(Mace is... both impressed that Anakin would take the hit to make sure they can handle the Palpatine problem, and horrified about the Massacre, because... who wouldn't be.)
(Mace is unfortunately Anakin's main handler on this project.)
Anakin puts in so much effort, all the time, into not Falling, so it’s surprisingly (terrifyingly!) easy for him to fake a 'near miss' with the Dark just by thinking really hard about things that make him angry. Nobody wants him actually Falling for the ploy if they can help it, but they need to sell the bit, and Anakin's... well. He's Anakin. It's easy to think about his own emotional volatility until any control goes out the window.
He's sacrificing a lot for this mission! It's fine! He's fine!
(Padme, the council is judging you so hard right now.)
Palpatine comes to visit Anakin in prison, and it is very easy for Anakin to disguise his anger as... a different anger. I have a very intense mental image of Anakin working himself up into a frenzy when Palpatine comes to visit, and then at some point in the following conversation he just snaps something about how "you said they were animals who deserved to die."
The Council can even eke it out a bit, make it so they don't want to admit why Anakin's in prison or under a psychiatric hold or whatever they claim it is, so their "I'm hiding something vibes" look like "I'm hiding the fact that one of our most recognizable war heroes just came clean as a mass murderer and we have no idea how to handle it" instead of "I'm hiding that we know you're a Sith Lord and are working to take you down."
Obi-Wan comes back from an off-world mission to find out that Mace arrested his former padawan and Ahsoka hasn't stopped crying for three days because nobody will tell her what's going on.
(The Council decided this couldn't be risked on even an encrypted comm.)
(They maybe tell him soon enough? But also they might treat it like the Hardeen thing and use his reaction as fuel to keep Palpatine convinced.)
Rex is overwhelmed because it's been his job to keep her calm.
Anyway, padawanship has been temporarily transferred to the grandmaster. You were half-training her anyway.
Insert a subplot about Obi-Wan being horrified and betrayed and aiming the feeling at Padme because she knew about the Tuskens and never told.
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So Many Fanfics So Little Time
This is just my list, I have seen so many (but if you want to use it it’s all yours too!).  I’m not a writer.  But I am a hell of a reader. Voracious one might argue. I just wanted to track my progress through the weeds of the absolutely never ending supply of Destiel and Cockles fanfic. 
Read on if you want to see what I’ve read, and what I’ve thought. I am but one person with opinions - some of them may be unpopular - some of them you might agree with, but if you find something you haven’t read here, I encourage you to do so. 
Honestly, this is just so I can track what I have read already, and when my friends ask, I can reference something easily. I have found some different fics on all kinds of ‘best of’ lists all over the interwebs. And I love recs - so rec away friends. 
As someone who reads a solid 40 novels a year typically, I don’t come by the “I read a lot” innocently. I do actually read a LOT.  When not reading fanfic (a new obsession, all things being fair), I usually read a lot of Fantasy/high fantasy, romance/erotica, and or YA (yeah, that was a bit of a ride no?).  So from this one might digress that I like fluffy, cute stories, complicated and supernatural/paranormal type stories, and I sure do not shy away from violence or smut (or maybe violence with smut? *smirk*). 
I have read all of these in the last 2-3 months (I will continue to add as I go). I had never read a fanfic until 2-3 months ago.  A lot of these wonderful people are on here, and I mean you no offence by not directly tagging you - I’m still learning how to actually properly use this site. Links to AO3 are included (and I love you all). 
These aren’t necessarily in any real order - I did read T&S first, followed by 91W, and 4LW...after that it’s just a shit show of Long or Short, Destiel or Cockles - smorgasbord. Some of these are the most popular Fics out there, and others I’ve never seen recc’d anywhere (just sort of accidentally happened upon them).  So let’s get to it, shall we? 
Twist and Shout - ok look. I understand the stigma associated with this one, but it was the FIRST one I read. It was the ball that shot me down the hill, and I haven’t stopped since. So. I loved it. I CRIED like a baby. SOBBED. It was not the quality of the writing but the way the story was developed and delivered. I have Never Cried Like This Reading a Story IN MY LIFE. It’s a rite of passage. Read It and have an opinion - it doesn’t need to be mine.  
Author(s): gabriel, standbyme   https://archiveofourown.org/works/537876/chapters/955188
Ninety-One Whiskey - aka 91W, it is mentioned so much, and is SO worth the read.  I continued my dive into the war fics (not typically my bag really and here I was reading 2 in a row).  There are a couple of followup stories as well to this series (and yes, I’ve read them all).  Although I’ll say that the original is my favourite. I often got lost in a bit of the War/Tactical descriptions, but would recommend it to anyone anyway. Ugh...the “stolen moments”...they were at the same time tragic and the most amazing things ever.  You feel me? no? go read it. 
Author:  komodobits   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2362190/chapters/5214500
Four Letter Word for Intercourse - aka 4LW.  OMG just, OMG. I loved this story. I loved it so much. I think I read it in a day.  Devoured it. It’s so HOT. Just read it. If you haven’t you’re missing out.  LEMME AT IT. I loved “knowing the secret”, and had some major anxiety about that realization dawning (I had to take a breath, and be like, no, no, this is gonna be a mess, but it’s gonna be SO GOOD - I was not disappointed).  There’s more than one work here too - read them all. PLEASE. 
Author: bendingsignpost  https://archiveofourown.org/works/16086839/chapters/37568591
Memories Bring Back Memories (Bring Back You) - This was the first Sobs one I read, but it sent me on a spree.  this is the Memory Loss one.  I have one piece of advice here - read everything by Sobsicles. You can thank me later...just go to her page, and fucking sort to supernatural (or not, read it all!) I’d list them but I’d fucking seriously be here all day.  Also, her tags make me laugh so hard.
Author:  sobsicles https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Orpheus - I love this one too, Tattooed!Cas, my LOVE. paired with Mechanic!Dean, my HEART, #help.  Read this one in one evening as well. (I was on a roll).  It’s a one night stand that turns into more (much like my last relationship)....hmm...maybe this is why I was pulled in - although to be fair that is the last similarity to my shitty love life! I do not remember how I stumbled onto this one (tattooed Cas may have been the draw...tbh). Read the warnings though, there is some triggering stuff in this one - but if you can handle it, it’s definitely worth the read. 
Author: sysrae       https://archiveofourown.org/works/2364347/chapters/5220227
Have Love, Will Travel - Can you say no to Stripper!Dean? Cause I sure as hell cannot. Typical sort of character development here with Dean having trust issues, and Cas being painfully awkward...(but in like a super cute way?).  Would Recommend. 
Author: squeemonster   https://archiveofourown.org/works/565455/chapters/1011747
The Inexhaustible Silence of Houses - Change of pace here...It’s got a nice twist.  I didn’t actually clue into how it was going to end until very near the end (maybe I was being oblivious), when the realization came over me and I was...man. I was DONE IN.  I hope that doesn’t spoil (I need some kind of way of remembering them). Voiceless!Cas Hunter!Dean
Author: Askance (doomcountry)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/560268/chapters/1000755
Adagio - This is super short, and super cute. Honestly, I would read the whole thing just for the last line. It’ll take you less than an hour if I remember correctly. Go, I’ll wait. I squeeed. did you? 
Author: noangelsinthegarrison   https://archiveofourown.org/works/1397248/chapters/2928145
Any Little Heartache - super easy read (not in a bad way, but in a ‘you’ll fly through it’ way).  It’s mid-length, not graphic, but really fun hospital AU. HeartSurgeon!Dean / Nurse!Cas - enemies to lovers anyone? Fuck you to Fuck me? yeah. YUM. 
Author: followthattardis https://archiveofourown.org/works/5143376/chapters/11838311
Ad Astra - This is another short(ish) one, just one chapter.  And by that I mean that this is written like a very long poem. Cas as a star who has visited Dean many times over the years of his life, that culminates in 4x01 barn scene. It’s ‘awe’ sad. ‘puppy dog eyes’ sad. The writing format took me a bit to understand what was happening - it’s my lack of poetry knowledge, not the writing.  
Author: nhixxie https://archiveofourown.org/works/1013491
Ad Astra Per Aspera - This is a cute story.  ESL writer, no judgement.  I found this while looking for the one above, and thought the premise looked cute - and it was. Misunderstanding leading to Dean realizing he’s actually Bi.  Miscommunication leading to realization.  
Author: Riverchester https://archiveofourown.org/works/12354336/chapters/28101816
Psalm 40:2 - Time travel post-canon Cas and Pre-series Dean.  If you’re wondering how that works, strap in for this ride, it’s well worth it. 
Author: unicornpoe https://archiveofourown.org/works/30786425/chapters/75992444
Addicted to You - Warlock!Dean/Incubus!Cas - accidental ‘mating’ (I actually really don’t like that word, but there’s sort of no avoiding it in this situation). Cute story.  When you drunk dial a succubus and get an incubus instead...Whatever will we do? 
Author: Ltleflrt https://archiveofourown.org/works/4387346/chapters/9959288 
A Glimpse Beyond - End Fix-it. Not yet complete, 10 chapters so far...I want MORE! Reliving memories Dean/Cas & Sam/Eileen.   
Author: NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/27731689/chapters/67875925
Cas-ti-el - Please I want more...It’s like the story just started. Please write more of this story!! 1 chapter, it’s a trope prompt challenge, but I want it to be a full on story of its own. Imprinted names of their soul mates, Dean doesn’t understand his (because it’s in a different language)...I’m frustrated by wanting this story to keep going. 
Author:  Valinde (Valyria)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/1941591
Our Bodies, Posessed by Light - another short one. Not going to lie, this one took a little getting used to, and I can’t say that I enjoyed it too much for the sole purpose that the premise gave me the willies.  Cas has to vessel jump - ends up in Sam...I got through it, it had a good ending, but yeah, sorry. This just wasn’t for me. 
Author:  obstinatrix  https://archiveofourown.org/works/260289
Peanut Butter Pumpkin Wedding Cake - Waiter!Dean / Writer!Cas - This is so effing cute, just misunderstanding after misunderstanding bumbling around like the couple of dorks that they are. It’s only one chapter. 100% would recommend. 
Author:  Sparseparsley https://archiveofourown.org/works/223962
Destiel, Actually - This is another super cute story, 5 chapters. Gabriel playing a singular role in putting Dean and Cas in awkward positions to push them together.  I fucking DIED at “oh, I am the sub” - needs context, but I guarantee you that you’ll laugh out loud...
Author:  Bexism  https://archiveofourown.org/works/399934/chapters/658398
The Smell Before the Rain - This was my first A/B/O - a big apology to all those who are into mpreg and whatnot, this was my lesson that I am not. this was not for me. Also - I’m a firm Cas (Alpha/Dom) believer, and i’m good with switch Cas, but it’s hard for me to take him being the full Omega here, when paired with the rest I just couldn’t do it. I finished it, but, not my thing. I know now. 
Author: jscribbles https://archiveofourown.org/works/22355230/chapters/53406127
Crazy Diamonds - This is another short one, only 3 chapters - it’s a body swap for Dean, 4x02 him and 2018 him swap places (assumption that 2018 him is “with” Cas).  It’s a super cute little story. 
Author:  pantheon_of_discord https://archiveofourown.org/works/16151642/chapters/37738631
The Breath of All Things - Wheelchair!Dean / Volunteer!Cas.  This is a lovely story, typical Dean self-hatred etc. Triggering for those with suicide warnings. It had me in tears at the end. There’s a really spectacular quote near the end that I found so romantic I screen grabbed it. 
Author:  KismetJeska https://archiveofourown.org/works/994750/chapters/1967519
Kind of a Forever Deal - SummerCamp!AU This is just a really cute and fluffy summer camp AU.  Which is so different from 91W (That’s right, check the author)! I was a little disappointed with the ending, but otherwise really enjoyed this all the way through and was loving all the discovery and young characterizations of all the characters. 
Author: komodobits https://archiveofourown.org/works/999291/chapters/1978478
Everytown, USA - Best way I can break this one down? Wanderer!Dean (listless and without a place in the world, he ends up in a small town...), Twin!Cas (that leads to some fun things). There are a number of points where you’re gonna yell at Dean for doing stupid shit (that are very much in character for him to do), you think, well, yes, obviously you’re going to do that you silly fucking boy [affectionate]; but whyyy? (but we know). 
Author: aileenrose https://archiveofourown.org/works/1797559/chapters/3854836
Chalk and Chainmail - HighSchool!AU, Cas is an artist, Dean LARP’s - it’s cute and angsty. 
Author:  lemonsorbae https://archiveofourown.org/works/804704/chapters/1517551
A Little Patience - Ok. you want smut? This is your story. You want Kink? This is your story.  I actually did not finish this. It got a little carried away in my opinion. It was VERY panty kink oriented (which, while essentially canon isn’t really my kink) so, if you want that Panty Kink on full display? Go forth and enjoy! it  is thirty something chapters, I got to the mid-twenties I Think. 
Author: riseofthefallenone https://archiveofourown.org/works/1750058/chapters/3739232
Control - I REALLY ENJOYED THIS. Which is saying a lot for someone who has already admitted that a Subby Cas isn’t really my HC - so to so thoroughly enjoy a Sub!Cas story? (maybe it’s the tattooes...*wink*). It’s an AU where Cas is the head of a company - Dean is a callboy I guess, for lack of a better term. Just read it.
Author: dothraki_shieldmaiden  https://archiveofourown.org/works/31156601/chapters/76993217
More (I copy pasted the next lot from my google doc, I’ll flush them out later - no i wont...)
Teach Me (short) - movie night in the bunker, things get a little carried away   Author:  Chiyume  https://archiveofourown.org/works/5961327
You Light the Spark (in my bonfire heart) (short) - when cas doesn't realize that dean is unaware of his feelings, super short, super cute                      Author: noangelsinthegarrison https://archiveofourown.org/works/1193910 
Communication Breakdown (short/cockles) - dean ends up in Jensen's head while he films the confession scene, no sexual content Author: jujubiest   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Look What You Made Me Do (short/cockles) -      -  Vegas Con 2020 / jensen comes out with a song     - cute short - no sexual content Author:  green_blue_heller https://archiveofourown.org/works/30251592 Full House (short/cockles) - reimagined version of the rented house story - putting it in order (so to speak). funny / cute / fluffy not explicit   Author: n_nami  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30855827
Cyber Sex (short/cockles) - anastiel https://archiveofourown.org/works/31467086      - shameless post GISH Fest zoom call porn      - Short (very short)
It's Complicated (cockles) - gail_morgan https://archiveofourown.org/works/31434938/chapters/77747519       The GISHtake (short/cockles) - MellyCrazyCoconut https://archiveofourown.org/works/31508099     - cute short post GISH zoom     - oops "babe, really?"  
(10.02.2021 updated) Since last update: New reads - Fuck i’m gonna be here all day - there’s not gonna be as much gonna be NO detail in these breakdowns...sorry! This has now just become a “what i’ve read list” as opposed to a Rec list...
Love, All Alike (Pt. 1 Love, All Alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4555599/chapters/10370646                             - Though The Stars Walk Backward (pt 2 Love, All alike) - Phantoms_and_Foxgloves
And this, your living kiss - opal_bullets   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18083927/chapters/42744872
Come On, Let's Strike a Match (Domination and Submission: a love story pt 1) - anyrei & queerwerewolf ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/25722478/chapters/62458810    - Playing With Fire (D&S: a love story pt 2)    - We Kiss and the Flames Get Higher (D&S: a love story pt 3)     - Sparking That Old Flame (D&S: a love story pt 4) 
Cinderwings - bendingsignpost Cinderella!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12847041/chapters/29336421
Linden - fleeceframe Swan!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33126730/chapters/82236118
No Netflix, No Chill (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28764966
Can't Drink You Away (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28785792 
Jensen Totally (Does Not!) Snore (short RPF) - Dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30315717
Dean Ships It (short) - dorian_they   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30349434
All about control - wingless   https://archiveofourown.org/works/9151930/chapters/20791243
Aesthetics in Autoerotica (pt 1 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3885544                                                             - The Ties that Bind (pt 2 Aesthetics in Autoerotica) - relucant
Let's take a drive - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32581027/chapters/80819581 
Enchanted ink - castielslostwings TattooArtist!Dean TattooArtist!Castiel AU ***   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23043622/chapters/55109530
The bones beneath our skin - darknessbound   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24633754/chapters/59515804
The Plot (RPF) - Castiel_Left_His_Mark_On_Me   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2795588/chapters/6274970
The Gentle Force with which you Take Me (RPF) - Phoenix_Ascended   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32110120/chapters/79549183
According to all known laws of Life (Pt. 1 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29207901                                                          - and he's back (with a mind of his own) (pt. 2 Cursed Metaphors) - sobsicles
Six hundred sundays (and many more) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31158776
Aching in the Absence of you - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31832977/chapters/78811378
gorging myself on you, still can’t get full (insatiable) (Short) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32203291
memories bring back memories (bring back you) - sobsicles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022945/chapters/57796885
Dream Come True (short) - bendingsignpost   https://archiveofourown.org/works/28071159
tall grass - aeli_kindara   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13127040/chapters/30030726
asunder (Short) - rageprufrock https://archiveofourown.org/works/62115
Apheresis - bendingsignpost BloodDonor!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32674783/chapters/81056680
we always were but never knew it - frightfullyrude   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32698324/chapters/81119503
In this Louisiana Bar (Short) - fleeceframe   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31764487
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Alternate Universes - n_nami   https://archiveofourown.org/works/32687929/chapters/81092785
my heart a compass - lagaudiere https://archiveofourown.org/works/28629951
Unsound Inverses - sp8ce (not complete)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29836881/chapters/73413300
The Jensen Mistake (RPFish) - fellshish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31950169
tell me about the dream (Pt. 1 Kids are coming home) - playedwright   https://archiveofourown.org/works/27984813/chapters/68544450
It's handy to know (FIMMF Themed ;)) - RosaMarloes   https://archiveofourown.org/works/31761322
So Says The Sword - komodobits AngelTrueform!AU**   https://archiveofourown.org/works/12597892/chapters/28695592
Communication Breakdown (RPFish)- darkshrimpemotions (jujubiest)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/29669601/chapters/72951339
Carry You Home - Casloveshisfreckles   https://archiveofourown.org/works/26982637/chapters/65862916
In the Shadow of your Wings - Enochian Things (Salr323)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7531294/chapters/17121655
When Harry Met Sally (RPF) (Pt. 1 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood   https://archiveofourown.org/works/7622347/chapters/17351845    - Eight Dildos (RPF) (Pt. 2 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood    - Attention, Please (RPF) (Pt. 3 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood             - Boat Trip (RPF) (Pt. 4 When Harry Met Sally ‘verse) - mnwood
A Winter's Tale - NorthernSparrow   https://archiveofourown.org/works/2654327/chapters/5930561
A Close Shave - NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/3090167
r/supernatural - renrub (short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/27626783
sam reads destiel fics - rebshome (short - funny!)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33721624
Angel Cookies - noxsoulmate Chirstmas!AU **  https://archiveofourown.org/works/11729640/chapters/26427765
Under The Midnight Sun - NorthernSparrow Arctic!AU **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/16690645/chapters/39143677
Bron-Yr-Aur - mrbluesky (Short) https://archiveofourown.org/works/28225335
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet - saltyfeathers   https://archiveofourown.org/works/19258594/chapters/45800209
The Meaning On My Skin - saltnhalo   https://archiveofourown.org/works/18005378/chapters/42538133
Red Right Hand (Pt. 1 Murder Ballads)  - Duckyboos   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4306110/chapters/9760008    - Are you the One that I've been waiting for? (pt. 2 Murder Ballads) - Duckyboos   
Riptides - sharkfish   https://archiveofourown.org/works/13230426/chapters/30263556
Damn Fine Ride - Cimorene105 (pt 1 - rodeo) Cowboy!AU** (I’m a horse girl, sue me...)  https://archiveofourown.org/works/14342340    - My Face Just Does This, Sometimes - Cimorene105 (pt. 2 rodeo)    - The Kinkiest Thing I've Ever Done- Cimorene105 (pt 3 rodeo)    - All Signs Point to Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 4 rodeo)    - Monster Love - Cimorene105 (pt. 5 rodeo)    - My Man, The Siren - Cimorene105 (pt. 6 rodeo)    - A Pain in My Ass - Cimorene105 (pt. 7 rodeo)
Astrolabe (terra incognita pt 1) - reluctantabandon, Winter_of_our_Discontent   https://archiveofourown.org/works/3348812/chapters/7326794    - Drollery (terra incognita pt 2) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent    - Rubrication (terra incognita pt 3) - reluctantabandon Winter_of_our_Discontent
Go Down With This Ship - PorcupineGirl   https://archiveofourown.org/works/8023642/chapters/18370474
Fire and Ice - Castielslostwings (Firefighter/Paramedic AU!) **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/23286295/chapters/55768486
The Structural Similarities of Hunters and Onions - Faster_Than_the_Speed_of_Sound (Short)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/33383101
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean - emmbrancsxx0   https://archiveofourown.org/works/22411336/chapters/53545840
Out of the Deep (out of the deep pt. 1) - riseofthefallenone - MERMAID AU! **   https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878/chapters/977676
Dean (and Cas') Top 13 Zepp Traxx - pantheon_of_discord   https://archiveofourown.org/works/10909440/chapters/24256989
I'll Be Good - LittleAngelCassie   https://archiveofourown.org/works/4118334/chapters/9282234
Kenosis - CastielsCarma (Short - part of Destiel ABC collection)   https://archiveofourown.org/works/30411720
59 notes · View notes
a-dragons-journal · 3 years
Hello again. This is the 5-part anon from earlier. I wrote a long response to your post and I think it’d be more convenient to dump the text in a pastebin than split it into asks. The link is going to expire in a few months, so I recommend copying the contents into its own post rather than posting the link: pastebin. com / 2r49iein
Tumblr media
I had, sorry; you've just caught me in the lead-up to and midst of finals week, so I haven't been answering asks as quickly as usual, especially ones that will take a significant amount of time and energy xD (No worries about checking in, though, Tumblr does have a horrible habit of eating asks and it's good to check! And also my ADHD no-object-permanence ass will see an ask, go "I'll respond to that later," and then forget it exists sometimes with no Tumblr interference necessary, so good to check for that reason too xD)
Hello again. This is the 5-part anon from earlier. Thank you for your thoughtful answer. First off, I want to apologize to anyone who may have been hurt by my words on the topic of otherheartedness, copinglink, etc. I did not mean to in any way minimize the importance of these identities for others. Because I felt I didn’t have the "right" to claim a "full" otherkin identity, I felt like I had to settle for something that simply didn’t fit my experience, which led to my frustrated, generalized words.
With that out of the way, I’ve been giving what you said some thought. I have to admit I never really participated in otherkin communities, only watching from afar. It’s good to know that I "qualify" as otherkin, but I wonder if it’s such a good idea for me to identify that way. I have so few experiences in common with most otherkin that I would probably feel *more* alienated by calling myself that, not *less*. In my experience, forcing myself into an identifier that is technically correct but feels wrong/bad is not the way to go. At any rate, I’ll describe my feelings in more detail, just because I’m really curious to know if you’ve ever heard of anyone similar, or if this reminds you of anything. I apologize if some of it is repetitive or if it jumps from topic to topic without making much sense.
Some parts of otherkin… culture, I guess? Baffle me. For example, needing to narrow down one’s exact species or the cause/origin of one’s identification as nonhuman. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s not valid; just that I don’t personally see the point? All the rules about who gets to call themself otherkin feel constraining to me, because I guess there’s not really any other term that fits, but even that one doesn’t fit that well, so I’m kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place.
So I’m more inclined to just say, yeah, I’m a bird. Do I behave like a bird? Do I have bird instincts? Not really, but I’m still a bird. Adopting an otherkin identity throws a wrench in that, making me feel like a failed nonhuman, because it’s *hard* not to feel invalid when everyone else seems completely different from you. If anything, I feel more valid doing my own thing! I didn’t come to this bird identity because I felt like I was Different somehow and needed to find an explanation for it (been there, done that with the autism, lol). Instead I came to it because it felt good, and right, and it made me happy.
You say since I don’t know if I chose this or not, it’s unlikely to be voluntary. I guess I just… feel weird about this? I don’t really have words to describe it. Maybe it boils down to "does it matter?". And I know when it comes to the term "otherkin", it *does* matter, which is kind of one of my problems with it.
I looked at that daemonism post you reblogged and found myself relating to the way Rook described Tukuxa: "She lacks a shark’s instincts, fears and drives - but her core is still shark." I wouldn’t say I *lack* these things, just that I simply don’t have them. Do I have a human mind in a human brain? Sure, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a human, nor does it make me any less of a bird. It makes me happy to conceptualize myself as a bird, to design my own appearance as a bird with qualities that can’t physically exist in this world, to daydream of flight. Is that such an uncommon experience?
I have a headmate who is a dragon. She was born as a dragon, she looks like a dragon, she simply Is A Dragon. She’s not dragonkin, she’s not based on any fictional dragon, she just… is. (Not to say that dragonkin folks aren’t dragons, just that she doesn’t identify as dragonkin.) But she doesn’t have any of the typical dragon traits you might expect; like me she has a "human mind" in a "human brain", and yet she’s just a dragon. I guess it’s sorta the same with me.
I just feel like it’s better for me to say "I’m [X]" and keep the specifics to myself. Despite these asks, I have no intention of holding my identities up to the scrutiny of others. If I say I’m a thing, I could mean it in a number of ways. Total or partial identification as/with, or even just a passing attachment. Ultimately, it’s my business, and trying to define it beyond just "I am this thing" or "I relate to this thing" or "This thing is me" feels sort of obnoxious? (For context, I do have nonhuman identities other than a bird, I just used that one as an example/shorthand.)
I guess that about covers everything. What do you think? If your followers/anyone who sees this wants to chime in, I’ll be looking at the notes. Thanks again!
(Regarding the 'hearted/'linker stuff, I figured that wasn't what you meant in your previous asks; I just wanted to bring it up because it's a conflation that gets made a lot, accidentally or on purpose.)
Honestly, these are all incredibly valid points, and if you just want to call yourself nonhuman or bird but not otherkin/therian then that's entirely up to you. If the label doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you! You are not obligated to use every label that you technically fit under (gods know I don't), and I didn't mean to imply so - just to make it clear that it's available to you if you do want it. I can see now that I probably kind of missed the point in that response.
And you're right that frankly, even though there is a wide range of experiences under the otherkin umbrella, there's also a set of common experiences that almost everyone seems to share at least a few of, and when you don't share those I can imagine it makes it kind of hard to connect with others in the community. Unfortunately, like I said, I don't know that there's a way around that other than trying to host a platform for those atypical experiences to speak, which is a good idea but probably not very effective in practice because of the sheer numbers game.
So you've decided you're probably better off not trying to make the "otherkin" label or community fit, and that's entirely valid - I guess the question is, what now? If you're wanting to find others with similar experiences to you, you still need somewhere to look, and it seems like this isn't it.
You might want to look into other nonhuman terms - "nonhuman" and "transspecies" come to mind, and while neither of these might fit you, they do collect different subcultures that might be less alienating for you or easier to find others with similar experiences within. The broader "alterhuman" label may also be useful, though that can be a bit like trying to find a needle in a haystack just because of how many things are included in "alterhuman" and I don't know that you'd have any better luck than with "otherkin".
Or you might want to try older platforms, if you haven't already - forums, IRCs if they still exist. The community wasn't always as focused on some of the things you noted as it is now (pinning down a specific species, voluntary vs involuntary, etc.), and platforms with a population that trends toward people who've been around longer sometimes still have more of that culture than Tumblr and Discord tend to, though they come with their own problems of course.
Ultimately, if "I'm a bird" is the easiest way to communicate your experiences, then that's that on that. These words only exist because people find them useful - if you don't find them useful, don't feel like you have to use 'em. As far as finding community when so much of the otherkin community feels alienating to you, I'm afraid that's all I've got - y'all got anything for anon?
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femme-malewife · 3 years
Breaking Down Sia’s Movie
Okay, so I watched Sia’s movie “Music”. And I bear witnessed how awful it truly is. So before I get into this, here’s some warnings:
1. This is going to be a long post
2. There will be mentions of restraint scenes and how they’re handled as well as images. View at your own discretion.
3. There are Spoilers so if for some godforsaken reason you WANT to see this movie...don’t click “keep reading”
Okay, so before I get into the actual contents of the movie let me say the characters all suck. Not a single character was likable and the plot was barely coherent. The main character, Kazu (or just “Zu”) is a recovering alcoholic and she’s just,,, all around not a good person. She’s very irresponsible.
Ebo, her love interest, is also shitty. Not only is his character based on racism to make the white girl look heroic and brave, but he doesn’t actually know how to take care of Music, the autistic girl.
There was also this weird subplot with this fat Asian guy but we’ll get to that later.
And another thing to address there’s like about roughly 10 music videos sprinkled in throughout the movie??? And almost all except ONE of them were extremely bright and colorful and each time I had to keep looking away. Not only that but ALL of the transitions from “reality to music” was always very sudden and has sent me into sensory overload.
And one last thing before we dive into this- Music stims a lot. And yet in her music videos in her mind, she’s not stimming...like, at all. Considering Sia researched with AutismSpeaks, I’m sure she has the idea that stimming is a bad thing.
So the movie begins with Blackface and immediately we jump into extreme bright lights and music. Music wakes up, and we get a feel of her daily routine. Get up, eat eggs, have her hair braided, go on a walk, come home, watch tv, go to bed. (Or at least that’s the generalization of it) And I DO mention this schedule because it’s important later.
As we already know, Music (who is played by Maddie Ziegler, a neurotypical actress) has very exaggerated movements. She has this very weird way of walking and constantly looks like she’s doped up on medications and is high off her ass.
Everyone around her treats her like a toddler, being overly friendly and being all around accepting and caring of her.
Now I bring this up because that in itself is already problematic. It makes neurotypical people think “oh it must be great being autistic people will buy you things, give you free stuff and you’re so unaware!” when this is the furthest thing from reality. If people saw someone like Music out and about, they would be giving her dirty looks, they wouldn’t buy her free things, they’d move away from her.
Autistic people are not that accepted into society. You’re more likely to get cussed out than helped.
So Music returns home, and finds her grandmother, her previous caretaker, dead on the ground. She has no reaction, just smiling and giggling away and sits down.
One thing I noticed about Music is that she’s literally always stimming. Like, LITERALLY always. There is not a single moment on screen where she’s NOT stimming. And that’s not to say it’s bad but it feels way too forced and honestly? It felt and looked more like a mockery of autistic people who need to stim often.
So George, a man next door, came over to help fix something in the apartment. And it was only After he came in that Music got worried about her grandma. Or at least she was lowkey panicking. This is when Zu comes into the movie and gets a call and has to now come take care of Music.
Also apparently the fat Asian neighbor would??? Flash a flashlight in her room while she’s in bed and move it around as if she was some sort of cat??? I’m pretty sure that scene was just an excuse to launch into the second music video of the movie.
So Music wakes up and echoes “Make you eggs” to Zu, who makes her eggs. Remember the routine I mentioned? How Music gets her hair braided as she’s eating? Well, as Zu’s going back to bed, Music starts echoing “Braid your hair”. Zu doesn’t know how.
So Sia incorporated a meltdown scene of Music being stressed of the routine is being broken. Music starts hitting her head and thrashing around screaming “braid your hair” repeatedly. Zu not knowing what to do tries to pin her against the wall and was literally screaming at her to calm down.
And this is where we met Ebo, Zu’s love interest. He noticed Music having a meltdown and...well...
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Zu questions if he’s hurting Music and...
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And after that, everything is suddenly all perfectly fine because Music understands that Ebo doesn’t want her hurt and she needs to calm down. And it’s also wonderfully okay because he can braid her hair. She goes back to breakfast as if nothing happened.
Obviously this is extremely problematic. Restraining autistics during a meltdown is a very sure way to kill them. If a neurotypical is reading this and is doubtful, here is one instance of an autistic boy being restrained and killed.
After that, Zu and Ebo follow Music on her walk to get to know her route. After returning, Zu makes a comment about how she’s thinking about sending Music to a “people pound” and then adds “oh but I guess I can keep her”??? Honestly if you took this scene out of context I’d be wondering if they were actually talking about a fucking animal.
Zu later finds some of her old toys and talks to Music about them and mentions how someone “has seizures just like Music”.
Um...when did Music have seizures? This was NEVER brought up prior to this and it will never be mentioned throughout the movie. A meltdown! Is not! A seizure!!
The movie follows Zu around being irresponsible, borrowing money, and so forth.
And then we get to the park scene. Hey remember the first meltdown scene? Music had a meltdown about her routine being broken? Yeah that doesn’t happen. Zu flat out says that the change of route is good for her and Music just happily goes along with it with that dopey ass expression on her face.
Ebo explains that Music wears her headphones “because her hearing is so sensitive she can hear whispering from two rooms away”. First of all, we autistic people are NOT superhuman.
After he says that he says “she can understand everything we are saying” and yet they literally have to repeat themselves several times to get her to understand. They don’t treat her like she understands them. They treat her like a two year old who doesn’t know any better. That was literally the vibe I got throughout the entire movie, especially at some later scenes.
So Music sees some kids running around and that sends her into a meltdown. And Zu wants Ebo to restrain her like he did at the apartment and...um.
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Ooooooookayyyyyy. Yeah, that’s your problem??? Okay make the tall white girl be a “hero” then.
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Oh yeah just like that!
Also what the fuck is Music’s expression here??? This is a normal look for her throughout the movie and she’s having a Meltdown.
Oh and after Music “calms down” from the meltdown??? She’s back to being 100% PERFECTLY HAPPY.
So, we keep going on with the movie, following Zu continuing to be irresponsible and frustratingly impossible to care about.
And at one point, she has to bring Music with her to this place where she “works”. And on the way there she tells Music to “not do one of her freakouts and just get it out now”.
Um...so sorry that a meltdown is causing YOU trouble??? A MELTDOWN IS NOT A FUCKING TANTRUM!!!!!!!!!
Later, when walking, Music wanted a snowcone, so Zu got her one. While she was getting her one, Music, QUITE LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE, lays on the ground under the bench and starts to eat gum from it.
...Um. What??? Why??? To show us how “hard” it is being with an autistic girl??? Literally what was the point of this scene???
So, afterwards, Music gets stung by a bee, which she’s allergic to. Zu restrained her while she was screaming, though it was brief, it was still uncomfortable. She gets brought to the hospital and she’s gonna be okay because she had an EpiPen with her.
But the doctors say that Zu’s occupation is empty for the insurance.
And here’s where I got from pissed and annoyed to downright uncomfortable.
Zu realizes her bag is missing and for several minutes, she literally starts screaming in pure anger and frustration, at home she’s searching, throwing things, kicking things, screaming some more...
Like WHY isn’t ZU being restrained??? Why is it acceptable for her to do that but it’s bad for Music to have a meltdown??? Honestly when Zu started screaming and throwing things, I actually flinched.
Oh also during these scenes the fat Asian kid was taking Ebo’s boxing class and hugged his opponent during a match and I guess at his apartment his parents argued about that (they didn’t include subtitles on that bit as they were speaking another language....nice. Note the sarcasm.)
and the dad literally attacks his wife and throws his son aside...and the fat Asian kid dies.
So like...what was the point of the kid dude??? No, seriously, what was the point? To buy Music a watermelon pop at the start of the movie??? We didn’t get ANY information about him or ANYTHING. And he just up and dies. Like if you take all his scenes out of the movie, nothing would change.
While the kid’s dying, Zu’s so stressed that she gets drunk and tries to talk to Ebo, but she gets loud and emotional and a neighbor comes out and Zu drunkenly attacks him.
Oh, so even if Zu is drunk and attacking people, pushing them, etc, SHE doesn’t get restrained. She just gets told stop. Okay. Sure.
Zu goes to a bar, returns home after another annoying music number, and makes Music her breakfast before she goes on her walk.
Ebo visits, and he practically says “aight I’mma focus on my own health I’m out”.
Zu starts becoming actually clean after that, she and Music staying with George.
There was pretty much just a dumb montage of her life after that??? One bit was Music having ANOTHER meltdown (for unexplained reasons) and Zu grabbing her yelling to calm down.
After some time Zu decides to drop Music off at a mental health facility, and when they were there, Music suddenly starts saying “don’t go sis” and “sit down now”.
Hold up.
So this movie is telling me that Music is nonverbal, but she can say some phrases, and also she understands what’s going on and YET NO ONE IN THIS ENTIRE MOVIE HAS TREATED HER LIKE SHE’S A HUMAN BEING WHO KNOWS WHAT’S GOING ON...suddenly, out of nowhere, she knows what’s going on. She suddenly knows she’s about to be left alone and suddenly she can talk more than repeated phrases.
I...I don’t think that’s how that works there, chief!
Zu changes her mind and she and Music go to the wedding that Ebo is at. Ebo is a guest at his brother and ex-wife’s wedding. (Which he mentioned earlier in the film and said he’ll tell Zu the rest of his story later which he never does btw)
and while he’s on stage finishing his speech, which is about how he doesn’t know what love is, Zu and Music come running in and Zu goes up on stage and basically tells him she’s now clean and she’s learning to love. And suddenly Ebo’s in love with Zu and introduces her to his entire family at the wedding, share a kiss and then everyone started clapping.
...No, I’m not kidding. Everyone was applauding them. At his brother’s wedding.
They start to play a song, but then Music starts kinda quietly kinda brokenly singing, it was hard to hear but yeah.
And then it cuts to another bright music video and the movie THANKFULLY ENDS.
GOD. That was so frustrating to watch.
I hated the characters, I hated the plot, I hated how Sia chose to “represent” autistic people, it was all a one, big, irritating MESS.
And in the end, do we learn ANYTHING about autism??? NO.
In fact, if I was a neurotypical with NO knowledge of autism, I would assume autism makes you some stupid 2 year old that you need to restrain when they’re stressed.
I wish I was kidding.
Just because some autistics are incapable of fully taking care of themselves doesn’t mean they’re just “teehee brain empty everyone around me is in a super bright music video!” like what the fuck???
This movie was problemtic, offensive, and WHY is it titled “MUSIC” when literally Zu is the protagonist??? Zu is the protagonist, her main story is about her and Ebo falling in love, and her subplot was...taking care of Music.
And then the mini subplots of the movie too. I genuinely don’t understand the point of the Asian kid. And Once, Ebo mentioned needing medication but they never bring THAT up again either.
Even if you erased Music’s character entirely in this movie and it wasn’t about a recovering alcoholic taking care of her autistic sister, the movie would be trash, poorly made, poorly executed, poorly directed.
And, the site I used did NOT add any warnings about restraint NOR did it say “hey don’t restrain autistics in a meltdown” or anything. And considering this movie had 4 RESTRAINT SCENES (2 of them being fleshed out and the others being quicker)...that’s pretty bad.
All around, this movie was awful.
-50/10, I would sooner watch 2019′s Cats.
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dathen · 4 years
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What are the missing tapes?  
So much happened after Season 3 and during Season 4 that we didn’t get to see.  With us being limited to Jon’s point of view/whatever force is behind the tapes, many events and character interactions take place offscreen.  The Missing Tapes is a fan content challenge to visit these moments and explore character feelings from new angles.
How do I participate?
This isn’t an event week or tied down to any specific time.  Go for a bingo, or just try a prompt or two!  If you write anything for this challenge, use the #missingtapesbingo tag so others can find it easily.
Many thanks to @somuchbetterthanthat​, @evanescentjasmine​, and @holdthosebees​ for helping me brainstorm prompts, and @zykaben​ for the lovely graphic!
After the cut is a text list of the prompts, from top left to lower right.  I also included a brief summary for context, and episode references for when these are mentioned or implied.  
1.  Others’ PoV of Martin losing his mother - (TMA 127)  Basira tells Jon that watching how hard this hit Martin kept her from pushing him too hard about his plans.  “He tried to stay strong, keep it together, but...that sort of thing...”
2.  Basira finding that she’s the sole survivor of the Unknowing - (TMA 122)  “The others-- Tim--  Is he…?   ...Oh.”  “Daisy, too.”  “I’m sorry.”  “Yeah.”  
3.  Melanie and Georgie rekindling their friendship post-surgery - (TMA 131, 145)  Melanie fell out of contact with Georgie during Jon’s coma, but gets in touch again after escaping the Slaughter.  “Who else is there? I mean, Basira is… heh. She’s been the only one for a long time.”  
4.  Basira and Martin’s phone calls during the Scottish Honeymoon - (TMA 160)  Martin and Basira have regular phone calls while he and Jon are in hiding.  “How was she?”  “Oh, same as last week.”
5.  Basira, Daisy, and Jon going for drinks - (TMA 136, 140)  “You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?”
6.  Reactions to the s3 deaths/disappearances - (TMA 122)  Tim’s death, Daisy’s body not being found, and Jon as good as dead.  Not limited to the Archives team (the rest of the Institute? Jon’s extended family? Oliver’s dreams? go wild).
7.  Basira and/or Martin reacting to Peter Lukas vanishing researchers - (TMA 123)  “Rumor is a couple of researchers up on the third floor decided to ignore some of his new directives, and… whoosh.”
8.  Anti-Lonely sleepovers - (TMA 150)  “We’re all well aware that with Peter Lukas in charge of the Institute, [the Lonely] is a very real danger to all of us. We are trying. Daisy, Basira and I, we don’t leave the Institute much anymore, so we do spend a lot of time together.” 
9.  Melanie and Georgie getting together - (sometime between TMA 145 and 157)  “I didn’t-- I didn’t realize you were to-together.”
10.  Basira during the S4 finale - (TMA 158-160)  Left alone after Daisy draws off the Hunters, waiting for Jon to return with Martin, her PoV of the aftermath, etc.
11.  Georgie learns about Jon/starts visiting him in the hospital - (TMA 121)  Georgie regularly visits Jon during his coma and talks to him.  “Sorry about that, Jon, but you really don’t need friends like that.”  
12.  Melanie and Basira trauma bonding during Jon’s coma - (TMA 123)  “She saved my life, John. She saved all of us. I won’t forget that.”
14.  Melanie picks up a hobby as part of therapy - (after TMA 136)  (Implied) Melanie is trying a different approach to life as part of her therapy sessions.  “Since when?”  “Always.  I’m...trying to be more open about this stuff.”
15.  Basira or Melanie helping Daisy with physical therapy - (TMA 133)  “Hey, there you are. You’re meant to be doing your exercises.”  “You were out.”
16.  Basira, Melanie, and Martin going out for drinks - (TMA 98, 106)  Started in season 3, but could have also happened between the seasons. “Listen, you really look like you could use a drink. Um, me and Basira were just about to pop out. So...do you want to join us?” 
17.  Daisy and Basira conversations post-coffin - (TMA 132+)  “Basira she’s...she��s been good.  We’re together, so it’s good...if she didn’t keep treating me like a china doll.  But it’s alright.”
18.  Daisy learns Melanie’s name; possible fledgling friendship - Daisy didn’t bother learning Melanie’s name pre-Unknowing (TMA 112), but can’t stand being alone post-coffin.  "He’s gone with Martin and… the other one.”  “Melanie.”  “Sure.”
19.  Melanie moving in with Georgie - (TMA 157)  Takes place sometime between Melanie going to therapy and Melanie recovering from blinding herself.
20.  Archive member ambushed by a jealous avatar post-Unknowing - (TMA 123)  Stopping the Unknowing drew a lot of hostile attention to the Archives from the followers of other entities.  “We made a big noise with the Unknowing and… other stuff and now they’ve taken notice. We’re safe in here, usually. But we don’t go out much anymore.”
21.  Jared Hopworth’s attack on the archive - (TMA 123, 131)  “When we came up through the floor, it was wonderful. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on their faces.”
22.  Melanie and Basira’s dynamic post-surgery - (TMA 131)  Melanie goes through the same struggle with hating Basira because of the surgery as she does Jon.  “I sort of, maybe, hate her now.  I don’t know.  I can’t look at her without my leg hurting.  But what else am I going to do?  ... She deals in ‘intel’ these days, in usable data, assets. Not feelings. Not people."
23.  The team discovering Martin’s stash of tapes - (TMA 151)  “Jon found the tapes you made for him.”  “Shh, shh!”  “Found a stash of them awhile ago. I made sure he shared with the club.”
24.  The Archives team hating on Elias/Peter Lukas together - (Implied)  Nothing causes bonding better than a common enemy, right?
25.  Post-Flesh attack fallout, hurt/comfort - (TMA 123, 131)  “You were attacked. When?”  "About two months ago.  It was the Flesh."  “Oh, god.”  “Yeah, it was bad. We took them all out.” 
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 years
Rating the Films I've Seen This Term in University In a Completely Arbitrary and Subjective Fashion
Because I'm getting a degree in Film Studies. This is also a recommendations list go watch all the 8/10 or above ones. Also I'm separating these by which module of my uni course I watched them for, with recreational viewings at the end.
Film History:
The Immigrant (Chaplin) 8/10 the funniest and most down to earth Chaplin film I saw this term
Easy Street (Chaplin) 7/10 again very funny but didn't have as much to say imo
City Lights (Chaplin) 6/10 too long I'm sorry I got bored. Also not as funny to me
Strike (Eisenstein) 7/10 communism :)
Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein) 8/10 communism plus the staircase scene very iconic
M (Lang) 4/10 you could literally skip the middle and you wouldn't miss anything
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari (Wiene) 6/10 not my thing but if you like weirdo German horror shit then it'll be your thing. Nice stylisation
Grand Hotel (Goulding) 7/10 if you like old Hollywood glamour you'll like this. Lots of good supporting cast. Entertaining
Bicycle Thieves (De Sica) 8/10 fun and sad but not too sad, a lot of class commentary
Rome Open City (Rossellini) 7/10 based on true stories much much sadder still good tho
Contempt (Godard) 6/10 kinda boring, there's like four characters and barely two storylines, but interesting contextually
Day for Night (Truffaut) 7/10 more entertaining, tragic, big supporting cast, lots of storylines, interesting!
Young Mr Lincoln (Ford) 7/10 honestly better than I thought it'd be ngl
Game Change (Roach) 4/10 I don't care about Sarah Palin
Lagaan (Gowariker) 10/10 the 70 minute cricket match was so fucking worth it and ily if you have seen this. I have all of the songs stuck in my head
The Official Story (Puenzo) 5/10 I get it but also eh
Rojo (Naishtat) 6/10 history
Visual Cultures:
Persepolis (Satrapi) 8/10 brilliant animated work and beautifully adapted from the original graphic novel
American Splendor (Berman and Pulcini) 10/10 made me cry, is very hard to watch in some places, definitely doesn't shy away from difficult topics, again brilliantly adapted from the comics
Spiderman: Into The Spiderverse (Persichetti) 10/10 do I even need to tell you this
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (Wright) 9/10 Edgar Wright can't write women but he can write a damn good film, go watch it if you haven't but you're on Tumblr so...
Theories for Film Studies:
Rear Window (Hitchcock) 8/10 love a story set in one room
American Psycho (Harron) 7/10 hey did you know that rich people can do crime and get away with it. Or maybe they can't.
Falling Down (Schumacher) 8/10 Joker before Joker. Unfortunately one of those films like Joker and Fight Club where certain men watch it and miss the point completely
King Kong (Cooper and Schoedsack) 1/10 it gets one point for the dinosaurs being cool
Bad Boy Bubby (de Heer) 2/10 I get it and yes it's a decent film but no you didn't have to do any of this actually
Bhaji on the Beach (Chadha) 8/10 girlboss
Paris is Burning (Livingston) 8/10 a good introduction to ballroom culture, there is however a lot of discourse surrounding the director and what her intentions were with making the film so keep that context in mind ig
Bamako (Sissako) 6/10 you need to know a bit of contextual stuff before watching and it's pretty boring but I guess it's kinda moving too
As Good As It Gets (Brooks) 9/10 every kind of prejudice is in this film, still slaps pretty hard tho
The Piano (Campion) 6/10 woman has piano and plays it. yeah
Film Analysis:
Rebel Without a Cause (Ray) 6/10 I had to write an essay on this so it's kinda dead to me but it was alright. Amazing cinematography.
Touch of Evil (Welles) 5/10 sorry Welles this kinda sucked ngl
The Shop Around The Corner (Lubitsch) 9/10 very fun very cute again it's the ensemble cast which did it for me I love them yes yes
Blow Out (de Palma) 9/10 absolute banger film tbh very interesting and made me feel emotions
La Mala Education (Almodóvar) 6/10 kinda cool kinda confusing I get what they were going for. Also the guy from Y Tu Mama Tambien is in this which is cool I love that film...
Recreational Viewings:
The French Dispatch (Anderson) 10/10 fuck yeah I even wrote an editorial piece about it. Beautiful and amazing
Passing (Hall) 5/10 it didn't make me feel the emotions I think it wanted me to feel. It felt quite empty but not in an existential way? I understand the importance of it and the Point of the film but it just didn't resonate
Seven Samurai (Kurosawa) 10/10 I understand why people call this the best foreign language film ever. It was insanely long (3 and a half hours) but I loved every second. A masterpiece.
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rawbin69 · 3 years
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*Slowly walks up to you, cradling this*
*Gently sets it down in fromt of you*
Okay anyways hi I’m back after like, months lol, sorry about that (but I’m not actually back because I’m busy trying not to die because of school-work and trying to work on some MAP parts. I literally said five days ago on my yt channel “Hi I’m back now!! :-D” and school just said “no <3″ which, um, rude. So yeah I might come on and occasionally come post something but I’m really not gonna be coming on here to be active
OKAY OKAY but I need to explain these sketches because they will be suuuper confusing without context, I am very aware, yes, so there’s an explanation (+ some extra art and a non-shaded version of the stuff above) under the cut :-)
BASICALLY, @lulzyrobot​ made this AU of Pokémon Sword and Shield and now I have brain rot because of it. Also this AU will indeed be confusing to those who have no knowledge about sword and shield so here’s a skippable paragraph about the game:
Basically, SwSh is just a Pokémon game (no surprise there) and its gimmick or whatever is Dynamax, which turns Pokémon like. Really fucking large. (Some of them can also Gigantamax which changes their appearance as well as size, but we don’t care about that here bc it really isn’t relevant). In all gyms (except one, Spikemouth) there are power spots, which are needed for a Pokémon to Dynamax. If they’re not close to a power spot, they can’t do it. There are also power spots in the Wild Area (which is, you guessed it, an area in the game). At one point in the game, the villain -- Chairman Rose -- starts up something called “the Darkest Day”, which happened before in the Galarian region (which is where everything takes place), in hopes of getting infinite energy for them or something like that (really makes no sense but like ok pop off ig). To do this, he basically uses these things called Wishing Stars -- which are what allows Pokémon to Dynamax -- to summon a Pokémon called Eternatus. In-game, you basically just summon two other legendaries (Zacian and Zamazenta -- they’re on the cover of the games) and fight Eternatus and then catch the fucker. That’s all context you need for this AU so let’s move on to that now:
The AU is basically that Eternatus sends out a powerful blast which fuses trainers with Pokémon, to varying degrees. The closer to a power spot you are, the more likely you are to get it bad. If you’re far enough from one you won’t be affected at all. A person can merge with multiple Pokémon, but the more of them, the harder it is to not go wild. If you merge with a wild Pokémon, you’ll become a Wild Trainer (and those basically act like, well, wild Pokémon).
If you want more info (which you do want, trust me on this), here’s a post made by the creator themself!! https://lulzyrobot.tumblr.com/post/610890677032747008/pokemon-dynamorph-au-masterpost
OKAY ANYWAY, back onto this specific sketch (wow I really went on a rampage there lol)
I decided to Dynamorph my trainersona(??????) (btw, both the Dynamorph version AND the “human” version are WIPs, I’m not completely happy with either of them) and this was the resuulltttt
- Their name is Robin (because I’m a bastard that does self-insert ships with no shame)
- They merged with their Arcanine (and I’m considering also adding a wild Lycanroc, both so I can give them Epic Claws™ and so that their whole extremely volatile nature makes any sense)
- They have some REAL trouble keeping themself in check. Like. They’re constantly on the edge between becoming a Wild Trainer and being “normal”
- Because I am, like I said, a bastard who does self-ships without any shame they are together with Piers. yes I am a simp for him. 
- Robin has their select group of friends (made up of all gym leaders minus Opal because they have no idea what the fuck is up with her, as well as Marnie, Hop and Leon. No they don’t give a shit about Bede) which they are super protective of. They have to be reminded that they can all handle themselves, because they might otherwise become a bit possessive.
- While they are a raging storm you do NOT want to get involved with in any way to anybody outside their friend group, they are really nice to be around when they really care about you. They may be pretty stubborn, but they always do what they think is best for their loved ones. On multiple occasions, they’ve gone out to collect any sorts of gifts they can find that they think their friends will enjoy. They are super gentle and kind with Hop and Marnie (which, by the way, they’d literally die for either of them) and they’re overall a good friend/partner. Their main flaw here is their temperament and somewhat possessive nature.
- If anybody did something to even moderately hurt any of their friends... hoo boy, you do NOT want to do that. They’ve nearly killed people for leaving so much as a scratch on their loved ones, and have to be physically dragged away so they won’t really kill somebody. 
- However. Despite really, truly believing they'd never, under ANY circumstances, hurt ANY of their friends... they’re wrong about that. The only ones they could truly never purposely cause harm to would be Piers, Marnie and Hop. Yes, it would take A LOT for them to hurt any of the others (like, they’d only hurt the others if they tried to, idk, kill them or something. Or if they tried or actually did kill somebody else in their close circle) but it could hypothetically happen.
- If they ever were to see Rose, he’d probably be torn to shreds on sight. Literally nothing would be able to stop them. 
- While it’s near impossible for anybody they don’t care about to calm them down, it’s pretty easy for especially Hop, Marnie, Piers, Raihan, Leon and Milo (and the others, but less so for them lol). 
- They were right by a power spot, like they were about to step into a den, when the blast happened so they were. Really fucking affected by it. They stayed in the Wild Area for a while after that, searching for their Arcanine who had “mysteriously vanished”, before they transformed. They were basically a Wild Trainer for at least a month before Piers found them and managed to get them to remember who they actually were over the course of two days. It was,, really concerning when they’d at first been texting him pretty much non-stop to update him on what was going on with them just to then go radio silent for a few days, especially since people had begun transforming at that point. Haha angst go brrr
- You must ignore how their clothes still kind of fit despite them growing to be both more ~muscular~ and tall and how it’s not dirty for the sake of my convenience ok
Ok I think that’s all? woah that was a long post lmao
Anyways, here’s the promised extra art (first one is the same sketch without any shading and that stuff (buT I MISSED ONE, I DIDN’T REMOVE THE SHADING FROM ONE I AM SORRY LOL), second is Robin as just a regular trainer)
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Oh also some context for some of the sketches:
Bottom one where they’re screaming “yOU mOthErFuCKeR” is what their reaction would be to one of their loved ones being killed
The one with Milo is Robin just. Being near him. After probably having some sort of panic or anxiety attack because they’re worried about everyone. Because Milo is a really calming person to be around.
Top one in the middle is Robin just patting the red eye-lens-things Raihan got from his Flygon because they find it to be Very Entertaining to just pat them for no reason at all.
The ones where they’re hugging Marnie would take place right after they come back to Spikemouth after their month(s) as a Wild Trainer. They still weren’t used to being around people (and much less BEHAVING like a PERSON) so they were pretty awkward about Marnie hugging them.
The one where they’re surrounded by darkness to the right and kneeling forward is them in the middle of their “transformation” after the blast happened.
Fiery ones at the top right are just Robin being pissed as fuck lol
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(Still haven’t decided if this will be the “official” team of Pokemon I have, but it’s cool for now. Also yes, I added an extra Pokemon to my “team” who isn't actually a battle-Pokémon or whatever. I NEED APPLETUNS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT OKAY)
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First Bite and A Small Death (M)
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“  A desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. In the context of some religions, temptation is the inclination to sin.   ”
guardian demon!jimin x reader
genre: supernatural, fluff, angst, romance, slow-burn
word count: 7.6k
related works: see Masterlist under guardian demon!jimin au
Continuation of Star-Crossed
Warning: this chapter contains explicit description of smut!! (i’m gonna list them all even if it’s minor *just in case*): lots of making out, fingering, little bit of nipple play (can you call it that??), oral (f receiving), little bit of face riding (oops), thigh grinding, multiple orgasms, over stimulation, little bit of dirty talk (oooops), body worship, jimin is a tease (what’s new), strip tease??, (also he thicc), little bit of masturbation (oop!), begging, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (*always* be safe, wrap it up!), creampie (there may or may not be lowkey a kink for it oop), little bit of cock-warming (oooops), rather vanilla though so nothing crazy?? lolll)
A/N: i may not be in time for halloween but i am in time for KINKTOBER?! LOLL oh my god, yall my first smut LMAOOO please do not be fooled by the warning list because gurl it’s...yeah, idk LOLL I will say though, that this smut chapter is on it’s own with no ‘real’ story development (like nothing major happens other than they finally bang), so it is entirely optional for those who are not comfortable (or underage *squinty eyes*). You’re not gonna miss out on much if you decide not to read this, I promise. I’m really sorry for the wait once again!! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️😫😫😫 life and stuff just gets in the way and writing smut but make it plot and not straight up filth is wow hard. Other than that, i love you all for your endless patience and love for this story!! 💜💜💜 Quench thy thirst!! XDD
Tags:@cherryjiminiee @kokobaekkie @breathebangtan @itsadoozie @thatshylatina @chiminieboi @azulamakesmeblank @sectumsemptae @awkwardwookie @aduky @poisonseashell @shortannoyingginger @caramelmac-chiato @sana-b @jiminstinct @beautifulparisiangirl @taelieninvader @ggukjitaejin @xakemi-chiix @vantaenims @atulipandarose​ @moments-of-melancholy @xclo02 @cherub-kookie @gottadreamitallaway​ @indiesy​
He tastes unlike anything you've imagined, something that can only be described in feelings – like the first sip of buttered rum on a winter's day; how it warms your entire body from the inside out, sweet with a spice that burns a hot trail through you, like caramel that's melted over your tongue, rich and smooth, lingering long after you swallow.
It's intoxicating, and you can't get enough.
Your breath comes out in soft pants as a result of your greed to chase after more of him, but he welcomes you, pulls you in closer until the curves of your body melds into his, no space left between you. Goosebumps rise at the feel of his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt, seeking out the warmth of your skin, dipping into the grooves your spine and mapping out the expanse with the careful traces of his fingers.
You bury your hand into his raven hair, the locks gliding easily like silk through your fingers and tug lightly.
“Cherub...” He groans.  
You hum noncommittally, sucking on the fleshy part of his lower lip and he nearly loses his mind. He brings his own hand up to cup the underside of your jaw then. At his coaxing touch, you open your eyes partially, lids heavy from being lost in the feel of him. Jimin's done an amazing job at controlling the pace of kiss so far; slow and sensual, like he's taking his time to memorize the shape of your lips, drawing you in deeper with every deliberate tilt of his head. You're so pliant, practically melting against him but underneath you're burning up and the heat of you ignites his own desires. Every press of your body to his makes him teeter closer and closer to throwing away all of his inhibitions and it takes everything in him to pull apart if only for a second.
“Tell me what you want cherub.” Jimin rasps, dark eyes locked onto you, voice husky. “Otherwise, I don't think I can stop...”
He really doesn't, not when you look so exquisite – flushed cheeks, kiss bitten lips, out of breath, and pupils blown out.
You swallow, finally able to breathe momentarily and even though he keeps you steady with one hand on your hip, the thumb rubbing tantalizing circles into the skin has you barely thinking straight. But you manage, wetting your lips and it doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin, entranced by the movement.
“...I want this.” You say with quiet conviction. You meet his eyes, unwavering and your heart swells at how attentive he is, putting you above his own desires, even amidst the heated moment just now. “I want you.” You've never been more sure in your life.
Something snaps in him at the words, his eyes going dark and hooded as the hand on your jaw moves to guide you back to him. Your eyes automatically slip shut, the sensation of his lips on yours all you want to focus on. It starts off sweet, as though to reacquaint yourselves again before a hunger takes over, turning the kiss heady. You're left breathless once again, the sounds of your pounding heart intermingling with the soft smacking of lips and you part easily at the first feel of his tongue running across your bottom lip.
He gives you no chance to take control, not like you can when he licks into every crevice of your mouth, the perfect balance between the soft caresses of his tongue on yours and nipping of teeth. It makes you weak in your knees but at the slightest shift, you accidentally press into the leg that has slipped in between yours and you let out a quiet gasp at the friction it causes.
Jimin drinks in the sound greedily, stoking his ego and immediately he's eager to draw more out from you.
You feel his hands pause in their wandering in favour of pressing into the backs of your upper thigh. The pressure naturally makes you lift yourself up and despite how drained he might've looked, Jimin has no trouble carrying you. You cling onto him, legs wrapped around his slender waist, paying no mind to where he takes you. If you're gonna be honest, you were more focused on trying to get the infuriating white shirt off of him, fingers tugging at the thin material across his shoulders but you don't make much progress.
Your back hits the plush surface of a mattress, the only indication that you've probably moved to the bedroom and the new position allows Jimin to nestle his weight perfectly atop you, your legs hugging his hips. He parts from your mouth to trail hot kisses down your jaw, licking and nipping and you tilt your head back to give him better access to your neck, nails raking his scalp. When he reaches the place just below your left ear and gives a harsh suck, you keen, body arching into him.
“Jimi – !!”
Eyes wide, you nearly choke at the speed in which you cut yourself off, mouth snapping shut so hard your teeth clicked noisily. At your sudden abruptness, 'Jimin' lifts his face from the crook of your neck to look at you properly.
“What's wrong? Did I hurt you?” He asks, voice full of concern.
You shake your head adamantly but still otherwise withhold your cause of embarrassment. Your face feels impeccably hot, the tips of your ears and neck burning. You're chewing on your lip, heart beating rapidly for an entirely different reason now and can't help but let your eyes fixate on a point in the high ceiling, useless thoughts racing distractedly in your mind (damn, just how big is this place?).
“Cherub,” You hear him call you softly and then feel the gentle press of his lips to the corner of your mouth in an attempt to draw you out of your head. “Talk to me darling.”
Shyly, you turn until you're able to meet his gaze, though you still have trouble maintaining it. He tilts his head in question, deft fingers brushing through the strands of your hair soothingly and your fingers do the same with the hair at the nape of his neck. After a moment, you swallow, finally mustering up the courage to speak.
“I – Um... I just...Don't be mad?” You mumble and you're not even sure if he's able to understand you completely. But he seems to as a small smile pulls at his full lips, and he gives a reassuring peck on the tip of your nose.
“I won't I promise. Go on, cherub.”
Taking a deep breath in, you blurt out, cringing. “I almost called you 'Jimin' and I felt really weirded out by that.”
He blinks, confused. “....But you always call me 'Jimin.'”
“Yeah, but... that's not actually your name is it? You have a 'true name' don't you?”
Your question shocks him for a brief second before understanding dawns on him, then the smile on his face creeps a little wider and his eyes take on a mischievous glint.
“Someone's been doing their homework....” He drawls playfully. “I wonder when did that happen...”
You pout at his implication and he's swift to kiss it.
“I just so happen to come across it at the moment okay? And it made sense.” Another kiss, this time on your cheek.
“You're not wrong; demons do have 'true names', as do all supernatural beings.”
“Really?” Your interest is piqued, but you find it's waning very quickly with every press of his mouth – he's clearly more interested in kissing every part of your skin he can reach. You manage to breathe, “Then...what's yours?”
He hums against your chin in response, “There's power in a name, love. It's not something we give out easily.” Then he rears up, looming over you and in a low voice, he says, “But perhaps I'll tell you if only to hear what it sounds like falling from your lips.”
The dark pensive look he gives is filled with a promise that makes an involuntary shiver run through you and you shift almost restlessly, pulse quickening. He smirks and he looks every bit a demon that he is, hair tousled and shirt practically falling off one shoulder as he leans down until his kiss swollen lips hover over yours.
He presses the word teasingly onto your cupid's bow and you huff a little, miffed at the way he coos, obviously aware of the effect he has on you. The provocation does more than just rile you up though; it has you daring to bite back.
“Well, what name am I supposed to scream otherwise then?”
Your bold utterance makes the demon above you freeze and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel immensely satisfied. The light smirk that had been on his face falters, and for a moment, his mouth just hangs slightly parted, baffled at what he heard. You feel the corners of your mouth twitch.
“What? Did I fluster a de – ah!” Your smug jab gets cut short when you feel a sudden pressure between your legs, causing you to throw your head back as pleasure shoots through you. It leaves your neck exposed and vulnerable and Jimin takes full advantage, going back to give a punishing nip.
“Little minx...” He growls next to your ear, causing a quiet whimper to leave you at the sound, the vibration going straight to your core and your body moves on its own, grinding against the firm thigh pressed into you for relief. The heat creeps back fast and the feel of his hand sliding under your shirt has you sighing out. He breaks away for a second to remove it completely, the air further cooling your warm skin before Jimin's searing kisses trail a new path down your collarbones and the valley between your breast, purple bruises blooming in their wake.
He revels in the soft sighs and pants you exhale, but with each sound it becomes harder for him to control himself, wanting nothing more than to rip away your remaining clothes and bury himself deep in you. He's determined to take his time with you though; to touch and learn all the planes, dips and curves of your body, what makes you sigh, moan or in your words, scream (he shivers in anticipation at the thought) as if you're a language he wants to become fluent in.
And when his hand pushes past the cup of your bra, thumb brushing against a nipple, the hitch in your breath lets him know his patience will be worthwhile.
Your grip on his shoulders tightens, chest pushing into the palm of his hand and at your eagerness, he reaches around to unclip your bra. It falls away easily, tossed aside with little care and wasting no time, his lips latch onto a bud as his hand continues to toy with the other. He tends to them with great care, sucking and rolling with his tongue while letting his teeth occasionally graze over them. Only when they've pebbled does he switch over, making sure to give the other the same treatment that has you gasping and moaning, all the while still keeping his hands busy groping and kneading you.
Once he's satisfied, Jimin releases the pert nipple with a wet pop, and as if for good measures, he blows gently over them, the sudden chill sends goosebumps erupting and you whine. He's quick to placate you with a press of his lips to yours, though you still feel the ghost of a smile at your reaction but you find you can't stay anywhere remotely mad at him, feeling so needy of his attention and him being more than happy to give it to you.
“How long I've dreamt of this...Having you beneath me...” You hear him murmur almost to himself between the languid kisses and the haze of arousal, the words a mixture of being reverent and possessive as does the hand that trace along your abdomen, going lower until they find the button of your pants, prying them open with the zipper and you shift in anticipation, pressing your body into his.
“To ruin you until the only pleasure you know is mine.”
The mewl falls from you instantly when he presses into your folds for the first time, hips rising and he groans at how wet you already are, easily coating his fingers. He rubs along your slit in lazy strokes before circling your clit with the pad of his thumb and you twitch, legs spreading apart. For a good minute or so, you have trouble forming coherent words, any attempts only resulting in breathy whimpers as your nails dig into his biceps.
He doesn't seem to mind, actually loving how receptive your body is and it's with that thought in mind, he pushes a finger into you. Your head falls back, moaning at the feel of the digit sinking knuckle deep inside, sliding in easily. You hear Jimin curse, pausing in his open mouthed kisses at the juncture of your shoulder to take in the way your walls squeezes around his finger, even as he pulls out halfway to thrust back in experimentally.
You can barely keep yourself from writhing, growing steadily impatient with need and how unhurried he seems to be but before you can muster any strength for a complaint, you feel a second finger and you let out a choked gasp instead. He stretches you with a scissoring motion, letting you get accustomed before he begins to set a pace.
Jimin leans back to watch you, eyes drinking in the glassy, half-lidded look in your eyes and your dishevelled appearance; mouth parted and your chest heaving with every moan, flushed and covered with his marks while shamelessly rutting yourself against his hand with every thrust. At the crook of his fingers, your hips stutter and your eyes nearly roll shut. You're quite the sight to behold; his jaw clenching subtly in effort to maintain his composure and focus on you rather than the erection straining in his jeans.
Soon, your moans grow a little louder, your breathing becoming more shallow and the furrow in your brows lets Jimin know that you're getting close, hips bucking up desperately on their own to chase your high but just as you're within reach, he stops, pulling away and you're left feeling frustratingly empty.
“Ugh! J-Jimin!” You whine loudly, voice pitching as if you're on the verge of crying. “I was so close...!”
He gives a throaty chuckle, the sound enough to draw your attention and immediately any more petulant protests are silenced when your eyes meet deep crimson irises that glow dangerously in the dimness of the room.
“I meant what I said cherub,” He says in a husky timbre, ruby eyes never leaving yours as he brings his fingers glistening with your juices to his lips, “You'll be ruined by the time I'm done with you.” And sucks them off clean, humming in approval as he visibly swallows, Adam's apple bobbing.
You clench around nothing at the sight, failing to hide the wave of arousal that shoots through you ten times more intensely than before. God, it always seems like you eat your words a lot when it comes to him, only this time you find you have no regrets for trying to outplay him in his own game.
Every nerve ending in you is vibrating with excitement at what he plans to do and you're not sure if it's a good or a bad thing that he's very well aware of that fact because you know he'll definitely take advantage of it, if the devilish gleam in his eyes is anything to go by.
“Let's get you out of these, hm?”
Your hips lift as he tugs your pants and slides them off along with your soaked panties, discarding them to the side. Now bare of any clothes, you can't help feeling a little self-conscious, an embarrassing heat creeping from your neck all the way up to your face seeing as how he's still fully clothed, much to your chagrin and his piercing gaze is fixated on you. They drag over every inch of you intently that it has you wanting to curl in on yourself but he stops you by situating himself between your legs and a comforting hand rests on your hip bone.
“You don't need to hide from me, cherub.” He says softly, leaning over briefly to place a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, “You're beautiful.” Then he descends downwards, skimming those pillowy lips over the divot of your collarbone, your breasts, stomach and navel until he shuffled to have your thighs resting comfortably over each shoulder.
You watch him with baited breath, so tense and hyperaware of how close he is to where you want him yet you're captivated in the way he's meticulously placing kisses on your inner thigh, nosing along the supple flesh and trailing lower. He chases away any insecurities you might've felt before with every worshipful press of his lips and you willingly part your legs wider for him.
“You smell so good.” He groans appreciatively on an inhale, eyes deepening to a rich maroon as his mouth finally reaches your centre, still dripping and aching for him. It makes Jimin's mouth water, mind already so hazy from that small taste earlier which is why he doesn't hesitate a second longer to dive in, licking one long stripe that has you throwing your head back against the sheets, eyes shutting and exhaling a breathy moan.
You feel one of his hand come up to push your hips back down, keeping you in place as he begins to ravish you.The sounds pour out of you unadulterated with each flick leaving you gasping and mewling senselessly. It only spurs him on, tongue swirling and teasing your nub to coax more of your wetness which he laps all of it up hungrily, letting out a deep moan of his own. The vibration sends a shockwave through your body and your hands fly out from clutching at the sheets to ultimately burying themselves into raven locks.
“So sweet....” He mumbles into your cunt, fingers spreading your folds apart. “All for me.”
There wasn't any hope for you to form an answer, his tongue dipping into your sopping hole and you keen. He works the pink muscle in like he's French kissing you, prodding and reaching places you didn't think possible until it has your walls fluttering and you pull him closer, wanting him deeper still. Jimin doesn't resist, continuing to tongue fuck you with his nose buried into your pussy and you practically riding his face, the amount of raw lust feeding him in more ways than one.
Your chest is heaving from trying to keep up with the onslaught of stimulation but also in a fight to not let the coil tightening in your gut to snap so quickly, head numb with pleasure-filled high that has you barely able to convey a fraction of the jumbled thoughts in your mind.
“Please....! I – Mmph!” You manage to gasp out, hands slipping from Jimin's roots momentarily.
To your relief, Jimin slows down, giving one last lick with his flattened tongue before pulling back. It gives you the chance to finally breathe, lungs burning as you inhale much needed air.
“What is it, cherub?” He purrs, the pads of his free hand stroking much too closely along your inner thigh. “What do you want?”
You manage to prop yourself up on your elbows, swallowing and licking your dry lips and finally able to pry your eyes open for the first time, blinking away the blurriness to focus down on Jimin. You wanted a lot of things; to cum on his tongue, to not cumming until you feel him too, to give him pleasure like he is to you, his name which he hasn't given yet, to maybe remove that damn shirt that he's still wearing for whatever reason but all of that goes flying out the fucking window when you lay your eyes on Jimin.
He looks like the embodiment of sin bathed in moonlight; shadows half concealing his face and cutting sharp, defining angles, hair as dark as the night itself, mussed but falling so effortlessly into hooded eyes that glow in liquid lust, a hypnotizing, deep blood-red ruby as his full lips and chin shine with your essence.
Fuck, he just looks so good between your legs like this, and so obviously content with being there from the way the hunger in his gaze has not yet shown signs of being satiated, not even the slightest. And it makes you want to give as much as he is taking, though come to think of it, at this point you're not sure which is which anymore.
You don't realize your thoughts had wandered off from their intended course, but Jimin is quick to catch on and intentionally gives his bottom lip a titillating swipe of his tongue, smirking at the way you bite yours in response. He chuckles, repeating his question as he almost absentmindedly starts giving you kitten licks, nibbling along your lower lips. “What do you want cherub?”
You go lax, softly whimpering and you flush abashed, a pretty pink deepening your cheeks and Jimin can actually see how hard you're trying to pull yourself together, brows furrowing in concentration and fingers pulling at the bedsheets under you. He doesn't mean to, but the sight makes him even more tempted to unravel you faster, see you become undone because of him. Suddenly, every one of his nerves is itching for it, and so preoccupied with...other things, you miss the way his eyes narrow with newfound impatience.
Focus! Use your words. How – ?
“I...haah – I want – need...you, please!” It's all you manage to get out, a desperate half-pleading and whining but you hope it's enough to get across to the demon. He hums in feigned thoughtfulness, the sound too close to your sensitive pearl and your legs would've clamped shut on Jimin's head had it not been for the strong hold that keeps them apart. You're thankful because you think you would've combusted, horrified but the feeling doesn't last as you feel Jimin inserting his finger in you again, your walls contracting and you let out a surprise squeal.
“I'll get back to you on that, sweetheart.” Was the only reply you get and whatever half-baked arguments you had is immediately forgotten when his tongue begins to work in tandem with his fingers. He laves at you firmly while he thrusts deeply at a steady pace, quickly getting a second digit in and crooking them to rub at the rough patch of nerves, making you throw your head back, mouth falling open. Your body reacts as if it has a mind of its own, hips writhing uncontrollably under the hand still pinning them in an effort to meet each thrust until they jerk at the feel of a third finger pushing in.
You groan at the stretch and Jimin slows down fractionally to let you get used to it but the amount of slick gathered made for the slight burn to pass quickly and soon you're begging him to go faster and harder. He all but happily obliges, picking up speed and swiping his tongue and lightly suckling your clit relentlessly that your hands scramble to cling onto the pillows and sheets for dear life. You hear just how wet you've become, the squelching noise that comes every time he flicks his wrist much louder than before and the lewd sound has you growing hotter by the minute from both embarrassment and arousal.
Your elbows are shaking; how you managed to still remain somewhat upright is a miracle but you know it won't last for much longer, the knot in your stomach becoming almost unbearable, walls clenching with your impending orgasm. All the words you attempt to get out in warning ends before they can leave your mouth, turning into nonsensical babbling mixed in with your increasing moans. So in your brilliant half coherent mind, you muster enough strength to peel your eyes open to look down at Jimin, to try to get his attention that way, only to find that it was a lost cause.
Jimin's eyes were shut, so engrossed in eating you out as if there's nothing else in the world he'd rather be doing. You watch his fingers disappear in and out of you, coated in your wetness and mouth parted slightly to let his tongue work quick, short flicks over your engorged bud. You're a hair's breadth away from falling over the precipice from the erotic sight alone, but as if sensing your eyes on him, he glances up, locking you in a smouldering gaze that has all thoughts leaving you. Then he encases his lips around your clit and sucks and you're gone.
You cum hard, head falling back, body tensing and arching up as you let out a long strangled moan, toes curling and legs shaking. Jimin can't help but let slip his own moan as your orgasm washes over you and into his awaiting mouth. He helps you ride it out all too eagerly, your taste his new addiction and he slurps up your release like he wants to drag it out for as long as he can until you're whimpering from over stimulation.
He finishes with a soft kiss grazing the inside of your thigh, letting your legs go limp on their own and leans back on his knees nonchalantly, taking the time to wipe his chin and mouth with the back of his hand before licking it clean, as if you're not panting like you've ran a marathon and he just didn't give you the best oral you ever had. Slowly, you blink your eyes open (when had you shut them you don't know), dazed from practically seeing stars as you look at him through bleary eyes.
Noticing that you've come back down from cloud nine, Jimin crawls over your splayed out form and grins down at you roguishly, very much looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“You doing okay?” He asks with a slight tilt of his head.
Heart still thundering loudly in your ears and chest, out of breath, hot and a little sweaty all over, you manage a weak raspy hum in acknowledgement but it's enough to earn you a chuckle and a kiss. You lean up as much as you can into those plush lips, tasting yourself in the process and you sigh deeply, your own tongue brushing against the roof of his mouth to chase more of it. Your hands lift automatically to pull him in closer but instead of feeling bare skin and rippling back muscles, you whine out in complaint, grabbing a handful of the offending cotton short sleeve and give a harsh tug, impatient.
“Can you get this fucking shirt off already? Why do you still have it on?”
A rush of air tickles your cheek as Jimin huffs through his nose in response. He pulls his lips away from yours with a soft smack.
“Sorry, must've slipped my mind.” His eyes gleam deviously, “If you ask nicely, maybe I'll take it off finally.”
“I will literally rip this shirt if I have to.”
Your deadpan earns you a breathy laugh but you're completely serious. Luckily for you, you don't have to because in spite of Jimin's teasing, he's just as worked up as you are so he retreats to stand at the end of the bed, reaching up and pulling the shirt over his head in one fluid motion. You rush to sit upright, your eyes pinned to his figure and your breath hitches as he tosses it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
The first time you've seen him shirtless was when you had nursed him back to health after that night and given the circumstance, you had refrained yourself from staring inappropriately. The most you're sure of is that he has a lean build with maybe a little less weight. Now when you're allowed the luxury, you're almost ashamed to admit that you're barely able to handle it. You see the fine lines that make up the sinewy muscles of a toned chest and abdomen, tapering down to a thin waist with deep v-cuts that you can't help but let your eyes get lost trailing to a very obvious bulge below the belt of his jeans sitting low on his hips (you unconsciously swallow, mind immediately going straight into the gutter).
There are signs that he's gotten slimmer but it's like with the way he's naturally built – broad chested, rounded torso – he'll never end up looking scrawny from it, the weight loss showing more in his face than his body. He's still every bit a marble Greek sculpture, and that's actually quite unfair.
But then you see his veiny hands begin to unhook his belt and it's here that you think you truly stop breathing. You watch almost wide eyed and lips parted, glued to the way he loosens it and dexterously undoes the button of his pants, then the zipper as if in slow motion before he pushes them down to reveal his Balenciaga boxer briefs. He steps out of the denim smoothly, and the black cotton he's left in has you biting back a groan – they hug his strong thighs like a second skin and do little to hide the damp patch and the thick outlines of his erection.
You rub your thighs together restlessly, feeling yourself growing damp as his fingers slip under the band of his briefs to drag them off completely. His cock bounces in the air, finally freed from their confines and curving slightly up towards his stomach. He's only a little more than average in size but god he was as thick as from what you could see through his underwear with a prominent vein on the underside of his shaft, head flushed dark and already dripping with pre-cum. Your inner muscles clench involuntarily.
Even his dick is beautiful – honestly something that you shouldn't be surprised at but you bemoan the fact nonetheless.
You don't even realize the small whine you let out when he wraps a firm hand around the base and slowly begins to pump himself, biceps flexing.
“What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?” Jimin's dulcet tone is light and teasing but you catch the subtle airiness lingering in the question, the only indication that he's as relieved to be out of his clothes as you probably are. His thumb swipes at the tip of the bulbous head to smear the pre-cum down his length and he takes in a deep breath, breathing in the heavy scent of your lust and arousal spiking again and the absolute tortured look on your face has his cock twitching in his hand.
“You're such a fucking tease!” You keen out, pushed to your limit and in the heat of it, you let slip all your deepest desires, “I wanted to cum with you inside me. Let me suck you off at least please, I want to feel you.”
His eyes flash and his hand stops in their tracks as you hear a deep growl rumble from his chest. It's the only warning you get before he's climbing atop of you again and your thighs automatically part to make room for him, pulling him flush as he kisses you hard, hips pressing into yours and you moan contently into his mouth as he grinds himself against you.
“Fuck, I can't believe I'm turning down getting sucked off by that needy mouth of yours.” Jimin says through gritted teeth, sucking your bottom lip.
“Mm, I'll make up for it. I just need you in me, do you have a con –  ” Your mind clicks with a moment of clarity; you made it a force of habit to ask the few times you had a sexual encounter, better be safe than sorry and all, but that's just with another human being, not a demon. Your furrowed confused brows has Jimin pulling back slightly, a question in his crimson gaze before you ask, genuinely curious, “Do demons need condoms? Is the whole thing about getting impregnated by a demon true?”
A beat passes and then Jimin snorts, turning to bury his face into his shoulder and clearing his throat, he replies, biting back a smile, “No, it's not true. Demons, and a few select supernatural beings, are sterile upon creation. Wouldn't make sense for God to let demons procreate freely would it?”
“Huh...No, it wouldn't.” You agree, tucking away the new piece of information you've learned. It makes you wonder where that whole concept had come from, but you heard it straight from the source; if an actual demon says they can't impregnate anyone by nature then there's no  need for a condom. That's relieving you guess, one less thing to worry about.
Wait, then doesn't that mean....
Almost instantaneously, heat floods through you, starting from your cheeks, all the way down to the tips of your toes and you find it hard to meet Jimin's eyes. Not that you would need to for him to notice how you've gone suspiciously quiet, and from your reddening cheeks and nervous lip biting, it doesn't take long for him to put two and two together. You've shocked him for the second time tonight but it quickly wears off, replaced by a wicked smile stretching across his lips as he watches you squirm under him, caught red-handed and he's never been more turned on than he is now.
You're really going to be the death of him.
“Oh cherub....” He chuckles, low and sultry, a concealed excitement buzzing in every word. “Do you want to feel me cum in you, fill you up until you're full and dripping of me? Is that what you want?”
You visibly swallow, trying but failing to hide the way your breath catches in you throat at the filthy words spoken in such a velveteen voice. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did he have to make it sound so seductive, so enticing that now that's all you can think about, and the more you do, the more you crave for it.
He shifts to reposition himself, supporting some of his weight on his elbow as one of his hand reaches between your bodies to grasp his length, rubbing it along your wet folds to further lube himself. He feels so hot and hard that that alone sends shivers of anticipation running through you, hips rocking up on their own but he doesn't make a move to do anything more.
“You didn't answer my question.”
“I want it,” You whine without any restraint. “Need you so bad. Please!”
Jimin preens, eyes beaming. “That’s my girl.”
You feel the blunt head of his cock begin to slowly push in, inch by inch until you gasp, tensing and involuntarily your walls clench as you feel the thicker part of his girth enter you, the stretch a little discomforting. Jimin grunts, head bowing into your neck as he stops, a steady hand on your hip bone.
“Relax for me, love.” He strains, placing soft kisses into your warm skin. Your eyes flutter shut, willing yourself to be lulled by his gentle coaxing and once he feels your body easing again, he continues. You try to ignore the burning sensation but a small whimper slips out. Jimin shushes you, whispering sweet encouraging words in between the press of his lips. When he bottoms out, you both let out a shuddering sigh. He stills, arms coming up to brace himself on either side of your head, letting you adjust to the feel of him inside you.
“You okay?” Jimin asks, nuzzling into your cheek, pulling away long enough to brush away a few strands of your hair.
You inhale shakily, eyes peering open to lock with his. “I – Y-Yeah, just...give me a second...” The burning from the stretch has ebbed into a manageable dull ache – still uncomfortable but not as bad as it was initially. You're not quite sure if Jimin moved now, it would get worse or better.
Well, guess that's something you'll have to find out.
“Can you...go slow?” You ask tentatively, unsure if you're being too much. You can practically feel the amount of tension in Jimin's body, like a live wire pulsating with energy yet he's holding himself back for your sake, nodding without a single moment's hesitation. Your heart flips, overwhelmed with emotions that you can't find the words to properly express, how thankful you are to have him here for as long as you have; as a dutiful guardian who has looked out for you, as a friend who quietly supported you, unwaveringly, and now as a lover – passionate, selfless and tender. Without knowing what else to do, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in until your mouths connects, pouring everything you have to convey even an ounce of your feelings.
Jimin startles at your sudden earnestness, so it takes him a second to recollect himself before tilting his chin to better mould his lips to yours and easily deepens the kiss. It helps distract you enough for Jimin to carefully withdraw himself, just enough to still be inside before pressing back in one smooth stroke. The sharp gasp you let out makes you break away but a moan follows quickly after as Jimin begins to move.
The room soon fills with your sighs and pants that intermingle with his, the pain long forgotten and you're left feeling so incredibly full instead. Through half-lidded eyes, you see him watching you, transfixed on the pleasure that's overtaken your face, blood-red irises glowing with the heat of molten lava.
“You're such a good girl cherub, taking me so well.” He says, voice husky and breathless as he continues to roll his hips into you, each thrust slow and deep that has you feel every inch of him, loving the way your warm velvet walls hug him so tightly, like you're meant to be his.
You squeeze around him at the praise and he hisses, hooking one of your leg around his waist and going a little harder. You cling onto him, wanting him closer even when your foreheads press together, nails raking down his back and feeling the strong muscles flex under your touch. Your bodies move rhythmically, like the push and pull of ocean waves crashing along the shores that drag you farther and farther until you're drowning in him.
You want to stay like this forever if you can, connected and entwined. At least this way, you're allowed a small piece of comfort where everything else fades away – no uncertainty for the future, no demons, angels, heaven or hell.
In this moment, there's only you and him.
But you feel your end approaching, the pressure in your stomach building faster than you would have liked and so in tuned with your body, Jimin quickens before you get the chance to try and delay the inevitable. The moans that tumble past your lips are muffled by his hungry kisses, a mess of tongue and teeth that leaves you out of breath yet even still, you will yourself to resist. However, Jimin doesn't let up, determined to have you cum again before him.
A gasp rushes out when you feel his thumb on your clit, head falling back and you know it's a losing battle.
“Let go, Y/N. Give in to me.” Jimin whispers lowly, his breath hot against your ear, nibbling at the tender lobe. “Give in.”
You succumb to his words, the dark temptation too sweet falling from honeyed lips, crying out, body seizing with your orgasm that rips through you and swallows you whole. Jimin moans at the vice-like grip of your walls sucking him in and his hips stutter, slowing to let you ride out your high before he pushes through in pursuit of his own. You let out a strangled whimper, oversensitive and mind still foggy but you don't stop his steady rocking in spite of it – you hold on tighter as if he's the only anchor you have.
The sight of you unravelling beneath him had been magnificent, having never seen such a raw, carnal side to you but this night had blessed him with so many, more than he could've ever hoped or imagined. You were beautiful, the look of absolute pleasure looked so good on you. Jimin doesn't think there was anything else that could hold a candle to you.
Yet now, lying bare on his mattress – eyes glossy, the pure ecstasy on your face with the sheen of your sweat and afterglow from your post-orgasm bliss beneath the pale moonlight – you look divine.
He's not going to last much longer, head swimming with the sounds of your moans and drunk off of a pride from knowing that this is all his doing and that no one, not even Jimin, will ever be able to have you this way.
You're getting embarrassingly loud, every ragged breath you struggle to hold back the noises that follow after as Jimin drives into you roughly, the wet slaps of skin where his pelvis meets yours growing with each powerful snap of his hips. His brows are furrowed in an almost pained expression, throaty moans only increasing, letting you know that he's close.
“P-Please...!” You hiccup, nails digging into the back of his shoulders. “Nn! H-Hah! N-Need – ah! Need you – ! Cum in m-me! Please!”
In your pleasure riddled mind, you hear him whisper it – an intimate secret shared between you in this stolen moment, hidden by the darkness of night.
“Call for me, Y/N.” Jimin rasps, urging you, body caging you in and you're surrounded by him, no way for you to escape. “Call my name.”
You breathe it in as he seals it with sloppy kisses and you try to return them with the same fervour however, you pull away too soon, head thrown back, your control over your body gone and your lungs scream at you for air but you choose to call out to him instead. You say his name over and over like a broken prayer, you say it as you beg for him to fill you, make you his.
You say it until you're sobbing, feeling a new wave of an oncoming orgasm building again.
Spurred on, he pushes faster, cock swelling and thrusts becoming erratic in wanting to reach his climax with you. Your body is writhing uncontrollably but he keeps you in place, not letting up. He sucks open mouthed kisses onto your breasts, collar, neck like he means to devour you and it proves to be too much and you cum with a choked wail, shaking. He follows soon after, burying in your warmth as he empties himself inside you, a deep guttural moan tearing from his throat. He slows until he's grinding shallowly and you let out a quiet shivering whine, soaked walls coated in his milky essence pulsating from the aftershocks and squeezing a few more spurts, making him muffle a groan into your shoulder before he stops.
You both lay in each other's embrace, chest heaving, the sounds of your harsh breathing in sync as is the pounding of your hearts, boneless and completely spent. You're tingling all over but you're content like this, still joined and the comfort of his weight on you. He doesn't rush to part from you either, basking in the rare tranquil peace while pressing soft lazy kisses, retracing the path of his marks until he reaches your mouth.
You let his lips brush chastely against yours – you'd return them with a little more effort if you weren't so tired and fighting the urge to sleep. He pulls away enough to caress the knuckles of his fingers along the edge of your eyes and it's only then you realize the stray tears that had streaked past your lashes, your body's natural reaction to the intense amount of stimulation.
When he finally slips out of you, you shudder at the lost and feeling the heat of his cum seeping out of your hole, thick and wet – the image of your combined releases staining the sheets below sends a tremor rippling through you delightfully. The bed dips as he rolls onto the mattress beside you but your hands blindly seek his touch immediately, sighing when he gently pulls you flushed to him, enveloping you in his arms. He tucks your head under his chin and you blink heavily, vision becoming unfocused with fatigue.
“Sleep if you're tired, cherub. I got you.” You hear him murmur against the crown of your head.
You let out a weak hum in protest, afraid that when you next wake, he'll no longer be there but the gentle combing of your hair subdues you quickly, so you hold him close and drift off to the warm scent of spices and burning cedar wood.
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