#sorry in advance 😔
wizardofgoodfortune · 2 years
i have been lurking in your asks for this moment: for the spotify wrapped fic prompt, #10!!
i'm going to ignore the very obvious and very painful daniel/hob implications of this song because i want to finish the comics first before writing anything outside of the show's canon. so have this instead!!
Dream had been visiting Hob more frequently than he'd like to admit. It all started with Dream wanting to carve out a small place of solace in his life, and what place was more perfect than The New Inn? Built for him like an altar for an absent god.
Though these days, he'd been more present than ever. He wished he had the privilege to say he'd been drunk the first night it happened, or the next night, and the next. But Dream, Lord of Dreams and Ruler of Nightmares, always knew what was going on, and what desires he'd recklessly indulged in again and again.
Tonight was no different. By now, Hob was a veteran in making Dream feel more than welcome. It was all too easy to fall into Hob's arms and into his bed above The New Inn. Somewhere down the line, Dream had made himself vulnerable to Desire's machinations.
But he had somehow convinced himself that it was alright, as long as Hob wasn't vulnerable.
Some nights they talked afterwards, and Dream wasn't quite sure whether it amplified or quieted his regrets. This was one of those nights.
"Tell me about the Dreaming," Hob said, his head propped up on his arm as he looked down at Dream.
"What do you wish to know?"
"I don't know. Everything. You don't work alone, do you?"
"...No, I suppose I don't, anymore. I have Lucienne. And Matthew."
"Ah, Matthew, yeah, we've met. Why does he talk by the way? Nearly gave me a heart attack the first time he spoke to me."
"He was human, before. He died in his sleep and became a raven of the Dreaming."
"Oh," Hob said. He paused. Dream observed the shadows cast on his face by the moonlight. "So if I die in my sleep, I get to stay at your place? As a raven?"
Dream felt the corners of his mouth lift up. A silly notion. "You do not have to die. You will always be welcome in the Dreaming, Hob."
Hob smiled down at him, and Dream felt a warm fire in his chest. "Thank you, love. But what I meant is I never had the chance to visit your, y'know. Your place. Is it a castle?"
"Yes, I suppose you could call it a castle," Dream said.
Hob hummed, and tapped Dream's chest with his free hand. "A wild thing," he said after a few seconds.
"What is?" Dream asked.
"I was just some peasant when we first met," Hob said, his eyes lost in memory. "Thought you were some ignorant lord. In the back of my mind, I thought were you just making fun of me, asking to meet you after a hundred years. Never thought this," he gestured to their bodies, naked under the covers, "would ever happen. Y'know? A wild thing."
Dream hummed in agreement.
"Guess I'm lucky, huh?" Hob chuckled, his fingers still tapping on Dream's chest. "Hey. Would you bring me to your castle some day, show me around?"
"Perhaps," Dream replied.
"Tease," Hob chastised. Then he pressed a kiss on Dream's forehead, then on his nose, and finally on his lips. "I adore you. You know that? I love you, Dream."
Dream froze. He looked into Hob's eyes, saw the fondness in them, and knew that he meant it.
This was just supposed to be a brief respite, some semblance of comfort that he did not have in his day-to-day life. He thought it was the same for Hob, that Dream was just someone immortal to hold onto once in a while. But it wasn't. Not anymore.
I should not have come here, he thought, tearing his gaze away from Hob's. He did not have the heart to say it out loud.
Dream stood up from the bed, already clothed.
This will be the last time, he thought. It was what he thought every time. And maybe tonight it will finally come true. No, it should come true. Lest he destroy even Hob Gadling, like he has many times to his other lovers before. It always ended in tragedy, whether Desire was involved or not, and Dream didn't want that for him.
A hand shot up from the covers to grip his wrist.
"Stay. Stay, darling," Hob said, sitting up. "Won't you stay?"
Dream turned.
Hob's eyes shone, watery in the moonlight.
It should not be fair, Dream thought, for Desire to easily toy with me like this.
"I cannot stay any longer," Dream said.
"Why not?" Hob said, with all the petulance of a child. "Come back. Just for a while."
Dream resisted the urge to climb back in the covers with him. That was his sibling speaking.
"I apologize. I will make sure your dreams are pleasant tonight, and on every other night."
"Will you be coming back?" Hob asked. "You sound like you're never coming back."
Dream said nothing.
"I can wait. I will."
"I know," Dream said. He didn't add, "beloved."
"I'm not sorry," Hob said, gripping Dream's wrist even tighter. "But I won't say it again, if it means you'll stay."
Something cold and heavy sat in Dream's chest.
"So don't go," Hob said, "please."
Dream dissipated into thin air, but not quickly enough that he did not see a tear roll down Hob's cheek. He can still feel his grip on his wrist.
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s2pdoktopus · 20 days
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The cat is ok
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The winner of this poll will go through to round 2!
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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puts in my regular apology 2 the jamiazu tag. i think it would be funny if azul purposefully scared away other classmates with his mafia boss powers so he could partner with jamil during lab class. SORRY.
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teekays · 3 months
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ladies and gentlemen we did it.... the official teddy teekays state of the union as of the end of the 2023-24 season and heading into the 2024-25 season.... the more things seem to change (i hate the canucks now) the more they stay the same (flyers sharks stars 🔛🔝)
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René draw their faces the same challenge (y’all, click to get better quality)
This sucked!
That was an understatement, Mike hated this with a passion. Here he is with his “best friend” arguing in the goddamn basement because of a painting Will decided he needed to lie about. It should be a simple thing to fix but things have been going horribly and Mike is finding it harder and harder to hold himself together. He shouldn’t take it out on anyone, he doesn’t want to but sometimes his mouth is faster than his brain. 
Will is saying something about feeling like he had to lie and that they should just drop it, its just a stupid painting. And if Mike had been listening better then maybe he wouldn’t be reacting as he does. Maybe he’d realize that him and Will had just been feeling a little lost . But all he hears is the fact that Will had just called his artwork stupid and condensed everything that came with it into something small and meaningless. Which hurts so bad in a way Mike can’t even comprehend. Salt in the wound that is the gaping hole from Will lying to him.
“Bullshit, Will! That’s not fair and you know it!” Because even if Will had had a good reason to  lie to him, that doesn’t mean it's right. They never lied to each other. Things kept changing but that wasn’t supposed to be one of them and UGH-
He HATES this!! He hates it. 
Will has been responding to him tenfold with whatever he decides to dish out like its been pent up inside of him this whole time. And to be fair, Will had apologized over and over by now. Probably too many times even and Mike thinks that maybe he should drop it. They could be doing other things. Better things. Like actually hanging out or to a lesser extent, figuring things out with the upside down. He should be celebrating having his friend back. But whenever he gets the thought, everything just hits him all over again at the fact that Will had even lied in the first place. It felt like his heart had been put through a shredder and then sewn back together all wrong. Forced to continue functioning even if it hurts.
Will scoffs pushing back, “Not fair? What’s not fair is being blamed for something I didn’t do!” 
And okay so maybe he has a point there, he hadn’t actually been the one to mess things up with El. Mike was just mad and uncomfortable and hurt. Too much was happening too fast and the world is ending on top of that and his best friend is lying to him. 
Will derails his train of thought, again. 
“I’m sorry for lying! For- for using El’s name,’ he says this part quietly, and Mike watches as the guilt overpowers his anger for a few seconds, “ but, Betrayal?? Really, Mike?” 
Alright, he can admit (to himself not to Will) that maybe, that word is a little dramatic but he lied. Will looked him in the eye and lied!! That’s a pretty big fucking deal. And that’s enough to get him back going again. 
“Lying was the betrayal, Will!!” He feels his voice shake and he wonders how words can make you feel so god damn tired. 
“Friends. Don’t. Lie. Do you even care about that anymore??” Part of him thinks that maybe Will does still care but it clearly not enough cause he still lied, right to his face, disguised it as his sister for some stupid reason, and lied. Maybe he was afraid. 
But Will’s not a coward, he’s not a coward. 
“What!- of course I care, Mike!” A flash of something runs across his friend’s(?) face and Mike feels his fingertips buzz.
“Maybe…” and Mike snaps back to reality as Will pauses, some of the fire leaving his eyes. 
“Maybe I didn’t think we were friends anymore-“ 
“W-what-” why would he think that, why would he think that. 
“You acted like I was some- some creep or- something that you met on the street.” The fire lights itself again in Will’s eyes as he gets frustrated again and he feels his fingers tingle again. He clenched his fist. 
The hell is this? 
“Sue me if I didn’t think my words held any weight to you anymore.” 
This is wrong, this is so so wrong. A silence blankets the room the only thing cracking through being the taps of rain hitting the house that he can just barely make out in the cover of the basement. Why would Will think that? There’s no way things have gotten that bad. 
Sometimes it did feel that bad though, thinking back all that time he spent in this basement once the Byers left. How it had felt like a hole was in him and a weight was sitting heavy in his chest all at once. Those months had felt like some of the hardest times in his life, maybe second to when Will went missing. Only made worse by the inability to even reach Will because of the stupid phone always being busy. He probably should’ve sent more letters. 
Maybe it had sucked just as bad for Will too. He watches as Will bends over slightly, hiding, and shoulders shaking. Tears hit the carpet beneath them and Mike feels like his heart is shattering.
If he’s being really truly honest with himself, maybe he gets why Will lied. He hadn’t been the nicest honestly. But having to accept that they’d hurt each other in any kinda of way. When it didn’t used to be like this.Promising to go crazy together and everything.It was hard. It’s easier to deny it. 
…Will doesn’t deserve that though. 
“Will-“ his name slips through his thoughts but he can’t find himself mad at it. Will snaps himself back up, movements jerky. The tears still run down his face but he’s angry and Mike feels himself pull towards Will. The tingle taking over his whole body. 
His eyes lock with Wills’ and he pauses in his movements. They’re doing that thing again where it’s like they talk but no words come out and Mike can’t help himself feel some relief because at least that hadn’t changed. 
The tears still tumble down Will’s cheeks but his face slips into something more crestfallen than angry and Mike knows he looks the same as he watches Will’s eye flit around his face eventually tracing a tear that makes its way down Mike’s face. 
He’s really crying right now, Jesus. 
Will sniffles, and looks away after a moment but Mike isn’t done cause there’s just no way he’s going to sit here and let his best friend think they aren’t fucking friends anymore. What the hell- 
He pulls him into a tight hug, and feels like the stars have aligned or something incredibly cheesy but very real feeling has happened. Will is a little caught off guard but he leans heavy against Mike, arms snaking they’re way around and he feels the tingles grow tenfold as it happens.  
“I’m sorry.”
And Mike isn’t surprised when he hears them both say it at the same time. The spot where Will is squished into him warming as he speaks into it . Mikes feeling kinda shitty right now but something almost giddy like flutters in him at the feeling. He burrows himself deeper into Will, hunched over but warm. Nose pressed into the crook of Will’s neck and Mike doesn’t know what he was thinking depriving himself of this when he was in Cali. 
They stay there for a minute just soaking in finally being on the same page before he feels Will tug back gently. And Mike has to shove down a pout at the loss of contact. Will doesn’t step away though ;much to mikes happiness. So he supposes it’s okay and allows his hand to linger around the back of Will’s neck. 
Will holds his arms in his own remnant of their hug and he looks him in the eye. Something bubbles in his chest at the sight. 
“You’re my best friend, Will.” He says, a new type of light dancing in Will’s eyes. 
“And- and I love you, okay? Your words will always matter.” 
A whole flurry of emotions flitter across Will’s face before he settles on something fond.  Mike wipes a few of the tears off of him. 
‘I love you too’ his eyes say, at least that’s what Mike thinks.He could be wrong but Will is looking away and mumbling a soft “I love you too”, shy. And okay so what if Mike is smiling a little too hard now. Sue him! Being told I love you feels nice! 
Will looks back at him, face definitely more red, a sweet look in his eye and Mike heart sings a song he thinks only Will has ever made it sing. 
 “Thanks Mike” 
He thinks he should say ‘I love you’  every time he looks at Will if that means his best friend is gonna look like that every time. 
It’s what his Will deserves and maybe it also makes him feel a little nice too but, so what! He thinks he’s allowed that.  
A smile graces his own face,
“‘course” he says easily and Will is smiling a little brighter too. The tears finally subsiding. 
Mike throws an arm around Will’s shoulder, pulling him closer into him. 
“No more lying though, cool?” 
And he can practically hear the eye roll Will does but he doesn’t miss the fondness in his tone when he lets out a
 “heh- Very cool.” 
Thank goodness.
Edit: i dont know why but i giuess the post is a little broken. I’ll be posting on AO3 so I’ll fix it but for now ill try to figure something out. Thanks for reading C:
There’s also just general chapter edits.
Next part >>>
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ddeongies · 23 hours
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wip vs. lockscreen LOL
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foundationsofdecay · 4 months
omg I completely forgot to show my collection of pride bracelets I’ve made over the years!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💖
Some are a bit faded from age (genderq one) and some I made adjustments to color or added stuff as barriers for the sake of pattern legibility (left trans one and the bi one) but I love all the rainbow ones sm and I want to go back and tackle more of the other flags you see here once my current projects are done.
The middle one (og flag) is a wip but I think it’ll be done rlly soon. And yes I included the flannel colored one, don’t @ me about it i will not budge
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
addiel try not to get attached to inherently nurturing & encouraging, and therefore either somewhat or extremely parental, characters challenge (impossible)
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
AAA I'm back (temporarily HHH) to tell you guys I'm waiting to get a new computer cause mine is too old to support my drawing programs anymore xd
This is why I haven't been drawing/answering asks (along with multiple other reasons such as lessons and work SOB) so please be patient with me until I save up enough to buy myself a new laptop so I can post art like usual >:'D
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risingsunresistance · 11 months
smpearth 4yr anniversary this month
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theflyingfeeling · 8 months
hellooo just dropped by to wish you a lovely Tuesday 💖💗 also please look at these cuties being in love in national television 🥺💞😭 (just rewatched this today after a looong time)
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(idk if Olli’s actually holding Aleksi there in the last one but I like to think he is 🤧)
hiiiiiiii happy Tuesday!! 💕🥰
I will never not cry at Olli bonking his head against Aleksi’s shoulder and burying his head in Aleksi’s hair (!!!!!!!!) and looking at him like that and Aleksi sliding his hand inside Olli's jacket and they really did that on national television and it was aired live too, when will y'all's OTP ever?! 😭💞😭💞😭💞😭💞
thanks this was a lovely thing ro reminisce during my break at work 🥺💖
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rockoblanco · 2 months
fml im falling down the content creator rabbit hole -.-
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wejustvibing · 2 years
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goofyjelly · 10 months
I may be a tiiiiiiiiiny teeeeeensie weensie little bit obsessed with a TV show. Again.
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astridcookie · 1 year
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