#sorry in advance for my subpar writing
meguwumibear · 1 year
ngl ive been shitting bricks all day because some of my favorite fic authors reblogged that alpha!megumi fic
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angelatsumu · 7 months
allistic simon x autistic reader was just so heartwarming and relatable to read as i’m someone with the tism that often feels like a burden on others. it was so lovely, feeling like simon didn’t want to change the reader as a person or expect anything unreasonable of them, but rather accommodate them where he can. i also liked that he didn’t have to compromise himself and was able to do an activity he likes, but also care for reader! all around just really enjoyed the piece.
if i may, i’d love to request something where one of the reader’s safe foods/essential items is out of stock or being discontinued and how simon would help them navigate that situation. one of my fave essentials just got discontinued and i’m devastated lol ♥︎
hi there! i'm very happy that you enjoyed my first autistic reader piece. i'm sorry that your safe food is out of stock ): i get fairly frustrated when i can't have access to things that comfort me. i apologize in advanced for the subpar writing that will ensue this message.
allistic simon x autistic!reader: crisis averted
in which your lovely husband attempts to help you navigate the sudden unavailability of your safe food.
simon came back from his meeting on base a bit winded and more confused than when he'd originally left the home. the meeting was a cooperative planning session involving KorTac, and your husband failed to keep up with the newly-introduced objectives and profiles. his head hurt, frankly. the entire meeting he'd only been wondering what you'd been up to and if you missed him. when he finally entered your shared home, he was relieved to have the workday slide right off his broad, strong shoulders.
simon hummed as he heard the tapping of your PC keyboard, knowing you'd likely well into a deep dive of one of your special interests. he took off his boots by the door and calmly took steps toward the study, whistling as he walked. his eyes fell upon you in the throws of your own world of wonder, irises blown as you took in the information before you. Simon cleared his throat to grab your attention, and you peeled yourself away briefly to greet him. ,"hey Si," you hummed back distractedly, and your husband chuckled in response. "hi lovie," he grinned at you, moving to stand beside you and take in the media you were consuming. he stands there for a moment, enjoying your company, before he decides to trek to the kitchen for a snack.
simon peers around the area for signs of your appetite, signs that you had been feeding yourself and staying hydrated. he was met with an empty sink and dishwasher, and the items in the fridge looked untouched. the water filter was exactly as full as when he left this morning. he sighed, shaking his head before a lightbulb went off. maybe we're out of [food item]. that could do it, he thinks to himself, treking to the pantry to confirm the item was missing. he padded back into the study to greet you again, politely asking for your attention.
when you spin around to see a frowning Simon you instinctively feel puzzled, and of course Simon can tell by the way you stare at him blankly. "lovie, you didn't eat today?" he's soft when he speaks to you, ensuring that you don't feel scolded or punished. Your lover has been so understanding of your mannerisms, fully aware that your appetite was fickle and sometimes undetectable. you shook your head in response, words lost on you as you tried to recall your last meal. "there's no food item so I can't really eat right now," you responded cooly, and Simon nods his head in response. usually he'd kept up with the supply of your items, and he was honestly quite shocked that this wasn't upsetting you as much as he'd always imagined it would. he didn't want to press the issue, but he was mildly concerned that you may be pressing it down. "why didn't you say anything, are you not upset?" the question slides over your head, and you direct your attention back to the media in front of you. " 've been busy today," you respond as your eyes focus again on the screen. Simon sighs again, turning on his heels and heading to the bedroom for a change of clothes. he knew he'd be heading to the store now, or helping you through a meltdown later.
Simon had read up quite a bit on the fickle nature of meltdowns, and he was well versed in how unpredictable they may be. he'd listened to numerous autistic media creators mention their experience in reference to valves. when the 'special interest' tank was where you needed it, and your 'manual labor' valve was at a minimum, then that allowed for things like social interaction or emotional regulation. when you had no time to yourself and no time for the things that keep you happy, your mask began to slip and 'smaller' things that you normally coped with began to feel a lot heavier and less manageable. he knew that your special interest tank currently filled your cup to the brim, allowing you to ignore the constant discomfort of hunger and dehydration. he also knew that should this hunger persist it may heighten other, seemingly less significant, senses and experiences and he'd find himself well into meltdown territory. the longer he waited for you to notice your hunger, the more likely dysregulation would occur.
at the store, Simon's breath is stolen from him. the damned item was out of stock. he haggled a store employee, begging them to check their inventory again, but they'd been completely out of it. Simon found himself driving all over the city in search of this item, but he found nothing. at the fifth store he felt defeated, and he decided to search for the item online. to his dismay, it'd been discontinued. there was a pit in your husband's stomach at the information. to Simon's surprise, it seemed that his lovely spouse's support of this item hadn't been enough to singlehandedly keep the item in service. he scoffed as he thumbed through the list of items he knew you liked, all of which seeming a reach to coax you into eating.
Simon drives the 45 minutes back to the home, and you're pacing in the living room with your headphones on. Simon doesn't even have to ask, he knows you've overdone yourself with the screens and now your head hurts and your ears hurt; your ears always hurt when you're overstimulated. No matter how much you loved [special interest], you still found yourself overwhelmed if you indulged for too long.
you turn the music down at the sight of your husband in the doorway, waiting for him to speak. "Lovie, it seems that item has been discontinued." The words take a moment to be processed, but you fail to hide the disgust and frustration you feel about the information. you feel your chest getting tight, and the music doesn't feel loud enough. "i know this is difficult but-" 'How could we not notice it was discontinued? Why didn't i pay attention! It can't be! I don't want that. I don't want it." you began to cry, frustration coursing through you as your ears began to sting. You'd tried so hard to do better, to feel better for Simon, but now you felt helpless. Your brain began to eat away at you, blaming you for not keeping up with your own foods and snacks. Your pacing continues as you find yourself striking your chest repeatedly, trying to dull the pain of the situation. your mind felt like it was melting, and the tears continued.
Simon steps to you slowly, striking his own chest lightly and he nears your smaller frame. he slowly reaches his arms out beside him, allowing you to walk into his chest. his arms remain at his sides, and he allows the painful stimming to be transferred to his chest. your strikes feel nothing close to anything he'd truly suffered, and he hoped this would help you make it through this world-shattering time. he stands there for as long as you need him to, fully prepared for this to last several hours. the tears stain his shirt as you sniffle and sob, strikes getting lighter and lighter. you cry so much it leaves you dizzy, and your arms slowly reach out to simon's to wrap them around your frame. you give him two taps to let him know that you'd like to be squeezed, and he does so without complaint.
"You're safe, lovie. I'm sure this is very frustrating, so how about we order that Chinese food place you like. I know it's not safe food but it will feed you. I even have the exact order from last time, hm?" you offer him another two taps as confirmation, and he smiles.
Once you begin to come down from your meltdown, Simon is sure to help you change into your favorite pajamas and wraps you in your compression blanket. you two spend the evening in your bed watching your comfort show and eating takeout.
an: i hope this as comforting for you as it was for me while writing. simon would be such a loving and comforting partner, and I deeply believe he'd study you and learn you so well that he can help. if anyone you love is having a meltdown, try to remove any extra emotional or cognitive labor for them.
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zbeez-outlet · 7 months
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This is my (unasked for) review and critique of Netflix’s live-action adaptation of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I’m not expecting much of a response, I just have so much to say and no one to talk about it with. I’m putting it here so it doesn’t fester in my brain and it’s my blog, I can talk about whatever I want.
I am going to divide it into two major sections, the first being a review of the show as a stand alone, the second being a comparison to the source material. Each section will have smaller headers so I can stay on topic and organized, I’m going to try really hard not to obnoxiously rant or flood my review with unsupported opinions. I have a lot to say, but I want to make sure I articulate myself well and don’t fall into venting without reason. If you see me doing that, please let me know.
I want it to be made clear now that these are my thoughts on the show, I’m not forcing anyone to think the same as I do or insulting anyone for having different views than me. I also want people to know that this is an extensive detailed review, I’m going to be covering a lot of very broad and very narrow topics. I’m not trying to nitpick inconsequential details, this review is supposed to focus on important and fundemental aspects of the show. I will be harsh, but I’m going to try not to be unreasonable.
This is going to be extremely long. If you’re not interested in reading it all, I completely understand and I’m going to include my initial rating and a summary of why I gave it that rating here.
My overall rating of the show: 4/10
Review Summary: While the visual effects and environments were for the most part really great, the quality of writing fell behind drastically in comparison. There were major issues with characterization, consistency, and plot development that will pose a challenge in future seasons. The dialogue was often dry and overly expository, it allowed no room for nuance, subtlety, or complexity because they’re constantly telling us what everyone is doing, thinking, and feeling. The acting was mostly subpar, but I think that was because the writing suffered so greatly rather than through major lack of talent or skill from the actors. The pacing was abysmal, 8 episodes was never going to be enough time to tell this story. For me, it has a very surface level amount of entertainment but as soon as you try to look a little closer, try to answer questions or search for any depth, the quality drops entirely.
Extensive in depth review below. Because I’m not watching the show as I’m writing this, please let me know if I’m misremembering any major details so that I can correct myself if/when needed.
Sorry in advance for how obnoxiously long this is, I tried to give clear headers so you can bounce around any specific topics that interest you.
NETFLIX ATLA as a Stand Alone Show
In this section, I will not be making any comparisons or references to previous Avatar content. I will do my best to strictly speak on what Netflix gave us and its quality in different categories.
Overall, I thought the design of the costumes and styling was really solid. They felt really unique and representative of the different cultures, which is always appreciated. There was an issue for me though that took me out of the show sometimes. Nothing looked lived in. There was no dirt, stains, wrinkles, or wear and tear of any kind and the colors were so bright. The actors sometimes looked like they were doing a theater play or dressing up for Halloween, not living in a struggling world at war. Overall, costuming and makeup was really good, just throw some dirt on there!
Yue’s wig was terrible, I think we can all agree.
I do have a gripe with Zuko’s design though. His scar looks like a bruise or an eye infection, not a gruesome burn scar. I know I’m not the first person to say this, and I’ll keep saying it until they listen. It needs texture, it needs to be larger, and for the love of god shave his eyebrow.
Environments and Locations
I thought the locations looked great, especially the artful cgi on the wide shots of places like the Southern Air Temple, the Fire Nation and their ships, and Omashu. Good cinematography and just really well done work as a whole. There’s a few times when the backgrounds during scenes looked more like stage sets than lived in cities or villages, but it was rarely anything so drastic it harmed the show for me. I really liked the amount of background clutter and knickknacks that helped with realism and there was always a lot of people that helped these places feel populated. Zuko’s room on his ship especially was so cool, it told so much of his story without ever needing explanation. Having a collection of avatar artifacts and plastering his walls with drawings, research, theories, maps, and plans was genius. I loved that they included animals, once again it helps with immersion and realism, and it would be really easy to just not include them for simplicity sake. Especially the funky animal hybrids, I hope to see more going forward! The use of ice, wood, furs, and bone for the Southern Water Tribe was so good. The massive rib cage for the community hut in the tribe was fantastic. I could go on for a long time. For me, the settings were probably the best part of the season.
Bending Graphics
The strongest elements of bending visually were air and fire. They really captured the movements of each, the fluidity and speed of air bending, and the aggression and passion of fire bending. Earth bending looked okay, the actors did a pretty good job of making it look heavy, but overall it felt like it was moving too slowly to me. I think the scene at the beginning of the first episode was the best example of earth bending. The fight with Bumi was very underwhelming for me.
Water bending looked terrible almost the whole time. The way the water physically looked was pretty good, but there was absolutely no weight behind it. Every time Katara hit someone with water, it splashed with the force of a Nerf water gun. The movements were slow, clunky, and so nonthreatening I probably wouldn’t have tried to dodge a single one of her attacks. Her battle with Pakku was one of the most boring battles I’ve ever seen. There was no haste or desperation in either participant. I’m hoping they’ll figure out how to do this better in the future. The ice was decent though.
As a whole, the fight choreography looked pretty good. Certainly moves I could never do. There were times when characters were completely cgi to account for difficult or impossible moves and it was really obvious. Aang in particular looked very wonky when he was fully cgi during his Avatar State moments or when he was flying around like his introduction scene. So passable but definitely room for improvement, I think the artists who work on these aspects of shows and films are very impressive.
The dialogue is 80% exposition, 19% repetitive conversations about responsibility and duty, and 1% misplaced poorly written humor. It’s unnatural, it’s dry, it doesn’t allow for any nuance, and there’s no room for character growth or connection when they have to waste all their words on making sure the plot is on track.
When the introduction of your main character is him looking directly into the camera and telling us the kind of person he is, there’s a dialogue problem. When so much happens off screen that you have to have characters talk to fill in plot holes because there’s just not enough time to tell the story, there’s a dialogue problem. When you put intentional pauses around bad jokes for people to laugh, there’s a dialogue problem. When characters have to say over and over that they’re family but they don’t feel like family in the slightest, there’s a dialogue and characterization problem. I’m not going to script the bad examples, I don’t have the time or patience for that, but I was very unimpressed. It felt like the first draft of a script to me.
And I dare anyone, of legal drinking age of course, to take a shot every time a character says the words responsibility or duty. I swear the floor and ceiling will switch before you reach episode 3. If characters have to keep shoving their responsibilities down our throats without actually doing anything to solve them, there��s a dialogue, characterization, and plot problem.
Also one of my biggest pet peeves with a series is when the first episode or movie ends with a line like “It’s only the beginning” and then plays crazily dramatic music. But that’s a personal preference, not an actual issue.
First and foremost, I have nothing against any of these actors. I’m sure they’re perfectly wonderful people and they deserve opportunities to prove themselves. My goal here is not to shame or insult or belittle any actor on this show. That being said, none of their performances were perfect and I do have critiques. This is not meant to be a personal attack on any of them or on anyone who enjoyed their performances.
I think the dialogue and overall writing really worked against the potential these actors had. I don’t know how involved the director was in the filming process or helping them with their performances, but there were definitely some failures here.
The strongest performances to me were Sokka, Iroh, Lieutenant Jee, and the Earth bender that threatened Iroh when he was captured (I couldn’t find his name, but he had an unprecedentedly good performance). By far the best was Jee, I felt his emotion more than any other character on the show and would love to see a lot more of him. Sokka balanced well enough with what he was given, but he also had the most character opportunity (which I’ll get into in the next section). Iroh I think filled the mentor roll pretty well, the writing for him leaned a little to close to fortune cookie, but he did feel wise and powerful when he needed to be, mostly. For a comedian though, his humor fell really flat to me, I wish they had given Paul Sun-Hyung Lee some freedom to improv, I think he would’ve done a good job if he could play with the character.
Katara and Azula were awful (so was Mai, but she didn’t get a lot of screen time so I’m not going to focus on her). Katara was so dull and emotionless for the majority of her role, her delivery felt so unnatural. Again, I think the writing was an obstacle, but I felt no connection from Katara at all. And certainly not between her and any of the other characters, which is a major problem for one of the main cast. Her and Sokka felt like strangers half the time, like they were getting to know each other as much as we were getting to know them. I swear Azula’s actress was reading off a teleprompter the entire time, she was somehow robotic and overacted at the same time (I’m sorry, I know that’s harsh, but she just isn’t a good actress, at least not in this).
Zuko had some really solid moments, his scenes with Iroh in particular were great, but overall I didn’t love him. A lot of people seem to be upset at his “tantrums” but honestly I think they fit the character well, though there was one or two too many. He’s an extremely troubled teenager estranged from his family and home, tantrums make sense. Again, I think the dialogue really got in the way of his potential and I don’t think he pushed his acting range enough. Almost every actor needed to show more emotion in one way or another.
Aang has some of the best moments and some of the worst. I have a lot of respect for young child actors, especially ones taking on the challenge of such a massive beloved character or franchise. It’s a lot of pressure for someone still growing up and learning how to be his own person. He handled the few childlike moments Aang was given so so well, he has the brightest little smile and playful attitude. The disconnect came with his more serious moments, he’d get these long monologues and, like Azula, sometimes seemed like he was reading off a teleprompter. I do think it’s a character he’ll grow into really nicely though as long as the writing lends itself to that.
It’s very important to remember that the director signs off on everything. Every performance, every scene, every script (that is also signed off by the lead writer). If something is off, it is not strictly the actors’ faults and should never be treated as such. Do the actors need more experience? Sure, but they more importantly need better direction, scripts, and support from the crew than what they’ve gotten. I’ve seen interviews with the main cast and they all seem wonderful with a lot of potential, particularly the actor for Aang, so clearly the director and lead writer are the ones that are slacking.
Characterization (of the main cast)
He goes through no change or character development from the beginning to the end of this season.
His water bending training hasn’t even started and he has no further control of the avatar state, so power wise he’s remained completely stagnant.
He constantly says how important Sokka and Katara are, because they’re his “friends”, but there’s been no bonding or development of their relationships. If they didn’t tell us so often, I wouldn’t even think they knew each other beyond first day of school ice breakers.
His most profound moment was his conversation with Gyatso in the spirit world, which I actually really liked. I think he really needed support from someone who knew him before. The home being deserted when Aang goes back to see him definitely hurt.
It feels like this show really really wants us to hate this 12 year old boy. Every adult or authority figure is constantly yelling or berating Aang for something he didn’t even do, it was an accident he didn’t come home and got frozen in ice. Especially from the avatar spirits who should know for a fact he didn’t purposefully run from his responsibilities. The tone is all off and I’m not sure the writers understand what they wrote.
Aang’s biggest mental hurdle will continue to be his guilt for disappearing, which he didn’t even do on purpose so the guilt is unjustified, at least the amount others are thrusting on him.
He looks confident at the end of the season, but I don’t buy it because he hasn’t earned it, there was nothing that he did or said that showed why he would feel so confident when he hasn’t learned anything and he hasn’t proven himself capable beyond getting possessed by the right spirits.
His reaction and aftermath to the death of his entire culture was very underwhelming. His grief sent him into the Avatar state and then he mutters a bland apology and the others are mad at him for falling apart when he’s literally lost everything and everyone he’s ever known. It’s something that needs to be handled far more delicately and it’s not.
As the titular character, it kinda sucks how sidelined his character development has been.
If I had no knowledge of this series going into it, I might assume Sokka is the main character because he has the most developmental moments in the season and is easily the most well written character.
Physically handing over the protection of his tribe, while small, was a profound moment for him because he was not only going against his father’s orders, it was the first step to realizing he could be something more than a fishing boy from the south. Which is pretty much his whole emotional arc.
With Suki, he was able to prove himself as someone willing to learn and better himself as a warrior. He learned too fast considering it felt like they were only there for a day maybe, but they were on a time crunch with pacing.
In Omashu, Sokka found that his hobby for invention shows he has a talent for engineering and being a tactician. These are pretty important traits that make him a well rounded character.
By the end of the season, he’s gone through pretty profound loss and change to become the beginnings of a leader.
He was kind of supposed to be comic relief as well, but honestly to me it was done as a sloppy afterthought and almost none of the humor landed. Not just with him, but with most comedic moments.
I’m sorry, I’m about to rip this poor girl to shreds, the writing for her was awful.
She has absolutely no personality beyond the thousand yard stare she gets every time her mom comes up. Every emotion she has is weak and downplayed by exposition, she’s mostly passive and has almost no effect on the characters around her (besides Jet sort of? And I guess Pokku during the most boring fight of the show).
She adds almost nothing to the team besides being a water bender. It’s literally her only characteristic beyond dead mother.
Speaking of water bending, she did absolutely nothing to earn the title of master and no one can convince me otherwise.
She learned six moves from a scroll, trained off screen so we have to take her word for it, made one move that she copied from another bender, and never once had a single second of instruction from an actual master. Getting that title when she’s done nothing to earn it is crazy.
Teaching herself with no support or guidance is not empowering like the writers seem to think it is. It’s just lazy and so unrealistic it’s laughable. She doesn’t have any of the training necessary to be considered a master.
Also I just really dislike how every obstacle for her to be a better water bender is a mental one, first with Aang and then with Jet. Like yes, clearly emotional state matters, but it’s still a physical discipline that requires technique and training of which she’s had none of besides pictures in the scroll.
The fact she was so dismissive and disrespectful of healing bothers me too when it’s a very valuable practice. She didn’t stay for that training either, so how is she going to use the oasis water in the future? Oh wait, Katara’s “a natural” which is just so infuriating because she’s barely struggled to learn a thing the whole season. As soon as she’s in a good mood, her bending works just fine. That’s not how learning or mastering a discipline should work.
Sorry, I know I’m getting into ranting, I’m backing off. It’s just such poor character work for someone so important to the story.
Episode 6, “Masks”, was by far the best episode and largely because of Zuko’s character work. Outside of that episode, he’s pretty consistently narrow minded and angry which doesn’t offer him a lot of depth. But it’s all packed into “Masks”.
I loved that the 41st division was his crew as it was physical proof of his sacrifice and compassion for life. Obviously his scar is also proof, but seeing the people he saved alive hits different. And the fact that he didn’t try to take any credit is very modest and honorable for him.
However, I wish he had chosen to make the 41st his crew rather than it being forced on him as an additional punishment to his banishment. I think if he had made that choice, it would have showed even stronger resolve.
His moment with Aang in the shed after rescuing him as the Blue Spirit was very well done and showed how hard it’s going to be for him to overcome his father’s influence.
Lu Ten’s funeral was a wonderful moment meant to build on Zuko’s relationship with Uncle Iroh, it was quite beautiful.
Unfortunately, outside of the moments I mentioned, there wasn’t much other opportunity for character growth because it had to be so exposition heavy.
Although he did choose to go after his Uncle instead of the Avatar in Omashu and that’s an important value in family that Zuko has.
I do appreciate that they cemented his ideals around honest and honorable glory, but it did get a little preachy and repetitive.
I think overall he has a lot of potential for growth in future seasons.
Whoever thought 8 episodes was enough to tell this story is extremely delusional. Having more minutes does not equal having more time, 8 episodes offers no wiggle room for such an expansive story no matter how long they are. I’m so sick of production companies thinking it’s okay to so heavily compress storytelling, let your characters breathe and give them some time to develop. It’s one thing when it’s something like Queen’s Gambit (which is fantastic, if you haven’t watched it you should!) that only focuses on one person vs Avatar which is balancing four or five main characters, extensive world building, and complicated plots. It’s something that needs time, but is instead rushed so drastically there’s barely any time to comprehend one conflict or character before another one is expositing in your face. Netflix is one of the biggest offenders of this, but HBO does the same. The Last of Us could have used an extra episode or two for Joel and Ellie’s relationship to solidify more (I’m not going to get into TLOU though, so please don’t come for me for this opinion, it’s not the focus and if you want a more extensive review of that, let me know). It feels like writers think characterization and development just happens and they don’t have to take the time to actually write it in.
With 2-4 more episodes, they could have had the time to really explore the things they needed to without overloading on exposition. Ask yourself how much time did you feel like passed between episode one and eight? Did it feel like the few months it was supposed to be? To me it felt like maybe two-three weeks, and that’s not the fault of watching it so quickly. There’s never any indication of how much time passes, which is its own issue, but also ultimately confuses audiences if they have to guess.
Every interaction and conflict is rushed, why are these writers so scared to take their time? If Netflix isn’t offering more episodes, then you need to adjust your writing to compensate, not condense everything like a sardine can and then act surprised when it’s a structural problem. It’s a fundamental issue that affected the entire potential of the show.
Aang should have, at the very least, started mastering water bending. It’s stated several times in the season that he needs to in order to fully become the avatar and be powerful enough to end the war. That is the overarching plot that is integral to the story. And yet he doesn’t bend a single drop of water the entire show until he’s forced to after being possessed by the vengeful ocean spirit (and when Kyoshi also possesses him, but again that wasn’t him, that was the avatar state). Because of the time skips that’ll have to happen between seasons, he’ll probably do most, if not all, of his water bending training off screen. Which is, say it with me, bad writing!
They kept hinting at the comet but never outright said what it would do or when it would arrive. Not giving any kind of timeline for the biggest conflict of the show is really worrisome for their future plans. I understand they have to allow a certain amount of time flexibility to account for the younger actors aging, especially Aang, which I completely understand and respect. That’s why time skips will happen. But to not give any kind of timeline shows really poor planning.
Also, please tell me if I’m misremembering or if I somehow missed it during my watch through, but I’m pretty sure Team Avatar still doesn’t even know about the comet, what it means, or when it’s coming. That’s a pretty big thing to overlook when it’s the catalyst for the Fire Nation’s power.
The fact that the show kicked off with the genocide of the Airbenders, who are all conveniently in the same spot, and Aang just happened to escape it because he essentially went for a walk to clear his head and got caught in a storm that came out of no where is way too coincidental for believable circumstances. It’s, louder for those in the back, bad writing!
They had four years to plan this all out, I don’t understand why it all seems so unfinished and thrown together with pieces from different jigsaw puzzles!
Comparisons to Source Material
In this section, I will be comparing the Netflix adaptation of ATLA to the original animated series. This will be about things that stuck out most to me as consistencies, changes, and valuable moments in each rendition of the story.
Writing-wise, obviously they got a lot of the big plot points down, and I’m not going to list them all. If you’ve watched both, you know what they are. Pretty much the essentials…sort of. The great divide even got a shoutout which I thought was funny.
I mentioned above how “Masks” was by far the best episode of the Netflix season, well it’s not a coincidence that it also has the most parallels and consistencies with the episodes it was based on (“Storm” and “Blue Spirit” which are also arguably the best episodes of Book One). I was going to be so mad if they took away the Blue Spirit part of Zuko’s character, but clearly it’s a fan favorite and for the most part I think they did it justice.
I loved that they kept in a lot of the hybrid animals, at least in dialogue if we didn’t actually get to see them. It would have been a really easy thing to just get rid of for simplicity sake. I hope we get to see some more CGI versions of these animals because the ostrich horse looked really good. Momo and Appa for the most part looked good, sometimes a little wonky but nothing crazy, I just wish they had more screen time. They don’t feel like characters yet, just a pet and a vehicle (essentially).
I was really pleasantly surprised to see Hei Bai, I was honestly expecting them to scrap him. He looked really cool too. I do wish we could have seen him turn back into a panda when Aang helped him, but overall I’m just glad we got him at all.
I didn’t love what they used him for, but Kho was visually amazing and everything I hoped for. Absolutely terrifying, will haunt my nightmares again.
June was also a pleasant surprise, I hadn’t looked too deep into the cast list and wasn’t sure if she’d be included. I did think it was a little weird she was flirting with Iroh vs the other way around (like what was the point of that? just take out the flirting entirely if you’re going to be weird about it) but overall she’s pretty much one to one the same and I still liked her a lot. Nala should have been a little more anteater/mole-like instead of wolfish but overall not bad at all.
We got the Cabbage Man. They teased him a little a first, but we got him.
My Favorite Moments from the Netflix Version that Change or Expand on the Original
I sang its praises above, but again Lu Ten’s funeral scene was just so beautiful and really built on Iroh’s fatherly affection for Zuko. I know it’s mostly a replacement for the leaves from the vine scene in “Tales of Ba Sing Se” because they’re never going to be able to fit in that episode. So it’s nice that they deemed it a moment worth capturing in a different way.
I’m not going to reiterate exactly what I said above so go see Zuko’s characterization again if you need to, but making the 41st division his crew members was a constructive choice that I liked a lot.
I don’t know why but just the idea of Gyatso sticking around in the spirit world to be able to speak to Aang one last time hit me so hard. I absolutely loved it as an addition to building their relationship. Aang always deserved a goodbye, and even though this wasn’t exactly that, it was what Aang needed to cope with his immense loss and the pressure he was under.
When Iroh was arrested by the guards of Omashu and being taken to the pit, he had a really intense but moving interaction with one of the earth bending soldiers. I think it was such a good way to portray war and perspectives from both sides. The soldier rightfully and angrily blamed Iroh for his brother who died at the siege of Ba Sing Se, which Iroh was responsible for. He accused Iroh of being evil, of having never gone through loss, which we as viewers know isn’t true, but he doesn’t say anything. Doesn’t defend himself. Doesn’t reveal his own loss to get even. He takes the abuse and the blame and just utters that enough people have been hurt. Great performances all around, really solid writing. I wish more of the show had followed this example.
That lady hitting Zuko with a brush to stop him from attacking Aang, a child, in Omashu’s marketplace. That was one of the funniest scenes in the whole show. Bring her back!
“Everything I need is on this boat.” - ‘nuff said.
Major Character Differences (I’ll try to keep this concise)
He lost the majority of his lightheartedness which made him so lovable in the first place. He does a lot of monologues and speeches to intense music now. He’s still 12 guys, let him swim with giant elephant koi and dress up as Pippinpaddleopsicopolis the Third to get into Omashu!
I really don’t like that they changed him actively running from his title and responsibilities to just going for a jaunt with Appa to clear his head. That removes so much depth, guilt, and fear that he should have. In the original, it was his choice to run away with the intention of hiding and never coming back, in the Netflix version, it was an accident he never came home. That’s a massive character change.
People called him a coward, but he literally isn’t when it was a very coincidental accident that forced him into the ice in the first place rather than his choice to actively run from his destiny. He’s yelled at and screamed at and insulted constantly, even by people who are meant to help him, when he didn’t even do what they’re accusing him of. He didn’t deliberately run away, he accidentally got caught in a storm. And he just takes all of that guilt and blame and anger from everyone when he genuinely did nothing wrong.
Getting rid of his crush on Katara is a problem, but I’ll get into that more later.
I don’t care why they think they did it, but making Aang agree with Pakku in any respect about not letting Katara train or fight was so extremely disrespectful to both characters.
His reaction to losing his people was way underdeveloped, they gave him no time to grieve. And the fact that Katara doesn’t help him out of his initial Avatar State spiral is so damaging to the friendship they’re supposed to have. Their friendship always came first, let them interact and build that relationship!
His small sexism arc that everyone is up in arms about. Do I think it should have been included? Yes. Is it the end all be all of his character? No, like I mentioned above, he got the most character moments in the show. But it was really important in its own way. I saw someone say, “Sokka may not be misogynistic, but Netflix’s ATLA adaptation certainly is.” And they’re right.
What I really didn’t like was what they did with his relationship with his father and ice dodging. Sokka had a great relationship with Hakoda built on trust, mutual admiration, similar tactical mindsets, and strength of character. He passed his ice dodging test with Bato with flying colors. There’s no reason to completely flip those dynamics, there’s already enough other conflicts to explore without giving Sokka daddy issues he didn’t have in the first place. Whoever made that choice was projecting hard.
Hakoda eventually trusts Sokka to lead the invasion in Book 3, but none of that exists here and it doesn’t feel like there’s a path yet to lead to that. (I have a lot to say about the invasion later)
They have Sokka take over a very paternal role with Katara instead of her being maternal, and he is constantly very overbearing, patronizing, and talking down to her as if she has no (or does not deserve a) mind or agency of her own. They (as in the writers) are acting like the age difference between them is 10 years instead of 1-2 years.
Also taking out the very important moment when Sokka was the one who saved an entire Fire Nation village from Jet was just wrong. Not only was it an important stepping stone towards leadership and diplomacy for Sokka, but it also showed that even on the “bad side” of the war, there are innocent people who deserve protecting.
Sokka wasn’t nearly as funny as he should have been.
Everything about her was wrong, scrap it and try again.
She had none of the passion she should have had. Katara gets mad, she yells and insults and waves her arms around to make her point. She gets jealous and petty. But she’s also so unbelievably kind and caring, she’s the only reason any of them take proper care of themselves. She’s lighthearted and fun when she can be, she plays and laughs and cares so incredibly deeply.
Katara inspires people in a way none of the other characters can, although Aang does learn a lot from her in that regard. She’s incredibly hardworking, loyal, and dedicated to those she loves. And yes, she feels immense pain and sadness for her mother, but that’s not all she is.
LA Katara felt like a hollow shell 90% of the time used for exposition, 5% mom trauma, and 5% sort of emotional. The writing just didn’t lend itself to complexity, flaws, or character depth.
She’s one of the first well written and well rounded female characters a lot of us encountered as kids and they stripped her of everything that made her who she is. Someone for young girls to look up to. It’s shameful.
For some reason they made her explicitly and directly responsible for her mother’s death, which is a very strange and damaging change to make that I don’t think they totally understand the difference of from the original.
They took away all of her maternal behavior, which just tells us what they think of maternal behavior, that it’s a weak trait for a leading character and not worth exploring in a person that had to take that role in her family and village as a whole at such a young age. It’s like the writers thought that Katara being motherly was problematic and sexist, which is a mindset that is itself problematic and sexist.
They’ve essentially turned bending into a magic that relies solely on emotional and mental stability instead of a martial arts form requiring discipline and training. I don’t even think the writers realize they’ve done this, which in and of itself is a massive issue.
Although I will say the water whip on the flaming arrow was a good use of water bending, it just didn’t feel earned to me.
For as much as they focused on her mom, they never once brought up Katara’s necklace?? They took out Pokku’s connection to Gran Gran and never mentioned anything about betrothal necklaces. There’s just so many changes they made, large and small, that feel pointless or contradictory to the source material for no reason.
Frankly, so early into Zuko’s character arc, there isn’t a lot of difference here. Most of his development starts in Book 2. I do like the animated version a lot better, though. I am biased, but I also think that even though they hit on almost all the same points, the original just handled it with far more nuance, care, and time. With the Netflix version being so rushed, any payoffs we had just didn’t feel totally earned.
I do think it was a big shame that they had Iroh kill Zhao instead of allowing Zuko’s attempt to save him from the ocean spirit. It’s a pretty important character moment that shows how Zuko wants to help people, save people, if he can regardless of how they’ve treated him. They can make this point again if they do “Zuko Alone”, but I’m honestly really scared they’ll cut it.
Having Zuko fight back during the Agni Kai against his father in the flash back was way out of character and takes away from the severity of the punishment and the trauma of the abuse. He was a 13 year old child terrified of not just disappointing his father, but of suffering harm from the one person he should trust most. And Ozai convinces him he deserves it, so there’s no world where he would have fought back in that scene. And it changes the meaning from a father violently burning a child that has surrendered and begs for forgiveness to a soldier winning a one-on-one battle against another soldier and branding his victory, no matter how dishonorable it is.
Also, at this point, Zuko is an amateur fire bender with barely any experience or progress in his training. Him getting the high ground over Ozai for even a second is ridiculous and diminishes Ozai’s skill level. It could be argued Ozai did it on purpose to give Zuko an opportunity to prove himself as ruthless as Ozai wants him to be, but that completely goes against the precedent set by Ozai that he hates being questioned or otherwise made to look weak in front of anyone. I think I understand what they were going for, but honestly it came off as an opportunity to show off the actor’s fighting skills rather than holding the weight it should for the story.
I DO like that Zuko has a war journal (*diary*) about the avatar, history, and essentially a map of his journey. I DON’T like that Team Avatar uses it as an expository tool and excuse to not properly explore the world and learn things for themselves or through other people.
I don’t think Zuko said the word “honor” once, but please correct me if I’m wrong.
Similar to Zuko, they hit a lot of the same surface level points with a few misses here and there.
They didn’t show us Iroh’s connection to the spirit world, they just told us right before the battle at the North Pole and we’re supposed to believe it, which we do because we’ve seen the original, but that was kind of lame. (Not including Roku’s dragon was also lame, but I digress).
They expanded on his past in a few different ways which I did like a lot and mentioned above.
The Netflix version comes off more preachy and gimmicky to me than wise, which is disappointing. I think the actor could have done amazingly with the right script.
They didn’t show him redirecting lightning, which is arguably one of the most valuable skills in the entire show and extremely important for the finale for both Aang and Zuko.
And just like Sokka, he was not nearly funny enough.
His characterization was all backwards and wrong and I hated it.
Visually, his makeup and design was pretty good, but that’s the extent of any positives with the Netflix version.
Bumi would absolutely never ever ever have made a joke about the genocide that took Aang’s entire people. That was disgusting and disrespectful to Bumi and Aang.
He was never mad at Aang for disappearing, he was actually extremely understanding and only hoping to teach Aang further about his duties as the avatar. He quite literally welcomed him back with open arms.
The way he treated others, especially his servants, was appalling and borderline cruel.
He never stepped down from protecting his people or became complacent in a way that put them in danger, Omashu was thriving beautifully under his care. When he surrendered to the Fire Nation in Book 2, it was the best way to protect his people without bloodshed and he knew he’d eventually get their home back. He was literally waiting for the Solar Eclipse to do it (which I’ll touch more on later).
This also means that by having Bumi actively fight and lose, instead of surrendering with neutral jing, he won’t be able to realistically give Aang the advice that is supposed to lead him to Toph. Wait and Listen.
I did appreciate the lesson he was trying to convey to Aang about the difficult choices that wartime forces on us, especially leadership (like who gets what food or medicine), but they did it all wrong.
Shame on the writers for what they did to Bumi’s character, I could write an entire essay on everything they screwed up just with Bumi.
They made her into a lovesick day dreamer instead of the strong warrior and leader she was meant to be. She’s going to go off to war, don’t diminish her strength. Her being a fighter should be the forefront of her character, not a lonely girl pining for a boy and dreaming about the big world.
Her and Sokka’s relationship should have been built up over time, their kiss was so misplaced. When not much time passes before Sokka falls for Yue, it makes him seem like a player.
And that moment Suki’s staring at him shirtless is cringy and yucky, they’re teenagers. Don’t do that.
We’ll see how she is when she shows up again…I actually liked the actress quite a bit, but her writing wasn’t good. That seems to be a theme here though.
I do wish her hair was still auburn instead of black, that’s personal preference though.
They did him so dirty with his death, it was anticlimactic with none of the power or savagery that was implied in the original. His skeleton was literally surrounded by dead Fire Nation soldiers, I wanted to see that dangerous potential on screen and am very disappointed not to get it given how explicitly they wanted to show the genocide of the airbenders.
Jet’s vendetta is specifically against the Fire Nation. On some level I do believe he would resort to violence against a traitor giving the Fire Nation information, but I don’t think he ever would have put Tao or other innocent (non-Fire Nation) bystanders at such great risk. Maybe that’s splitting hairs though since in the original he was prepared to drown an entire village, of Fire Nation people specifically, as a whole he felt pretty consistent.
I just don’t like Netflix smashing so many plots and characters together, they deserve room to breathe in their own stories.
I hate that he was the catalyst for Katara’s bending training though, instead of her own hard work and practice or training with actual masters. Jet knows nothing about bending or how it works. It’s another instance of stripping Katara of her skill and work ethic.
As a personal preference, I hate that they made Yue a water bender. She has part of the spirit of the moon in her, so logically I understand where they’re coming from giving her those abilities. But she’s not a water bender! The spirit was working to keep her alive, not to give her powers she shouldn’t have had in the first place.
She’s a princess dedicated to her people and wanting to learn how to lead but also buckling under the pressure of expectations, particularly around her arranged marriage. I saw none of that in the Netflix adaptation, except that she likes to make desserts when she’s stressed, so there’s that I guess. It’s just still missing the depth, but again they don’t have time to really explore these topics.
They make a point with Pokku about the role of women in the Northern Water Tribe and yet somehow Yue is allowed to just call off her arranged marriage. That’s a pretty distinct cultural contradiction. It just shows me the writers don’t know how to portray misogyny as a narrative tool or how to do consistent world building.
Her wig looked awful.
They should have used what happened to Momo (which ouch, that wasn’t necessary) as an opportunity for Katara to prove that she knows how to heal, because she hasn’t done it yet and she’s supposed to bring Aang back from the dead in Book 2.
I appreciated her introduction scene where she exposes a coup against her father while undercover. It was a little cheesy with her reveal, but it does establish her character decently well early on. And the cover she chose, dead brother and mother, is really interesting narratively.
The writers for Netflix went off about how they didn’t want to portray sexism, through Sokka specifically, but then they stripped the main female leads of most of their agency (Katara, Suki, and Azula all fit this category, I’m worried what they’ll do to Toph).
Azula has almost none of the arrogance that she should have, certainly none of the calm calculated intensity that made her so fearsome and intimidating. Azula should be scary, and she’s definitely not here. She just came off as such a brat with a twitchy face and prone to tantrums.
Her fire isn’t blue, that bothers me a lot. Blue fire is hotter than red fire, it’s supposed to be an indication of not only her fire bending strength but also her temperament. Plus it’s supposed to help us differentiate between their powers when she’s fighting Zuko.
Lightning bending requires so much skill, precision, power, and focus. I don’t believe for a second Netflix’s Azula should actually be able to do it. She was only able to do it because she was mad, and that’s not how it’s supposed to work.
She definitely didn’t earn being able to overpower Bumi and takeover Omashu. Although granted it feels like they nerfed a lot of Bumi’s power, he certainly doesn’t feel like one of the most powerful earth benders in the world.
Ozai had originally sent her out to collect Zuko and Iroh, not to lead an army in a battle against one of the greatest (or what should be one of the greatest) strongholds in the Earth Kingdom. It’s unrealistic and silly. And it’s not like Bumi gave up like he did in the original, he literally said “We’ll be ready to fight” when he revealed that the Fire Nation was headed their way.
Ozai treating her like a nuisance is also way out of character. He’s supposed to feed into her ego and inflating all of her more dangerous traits because he sees them as powerful and necessary for the future leader he expects Azula to be. Zuko should be the disappointing son with no faith or support from Ozai, and Azula the gifted prodigy given every opportunity and surpassing Zuko in Ozai’s eyes. As Zuko said, “He used to say Azula was born lucky, I was lucky to be born.” Somehow that dynamic has almost completely switched and Azula suffered the most from it.
She’s very miscast, the actress was awful. I’m sorry, but not sorry enough not to say it.
Ozai should despise Zuko, he’s far more terrifying that way. It’s way more compelling watching a son that’s been so manipulated by his traumas try to win the affections of his father that don’t even exist than the same daddy issues we see in almost every movie or show where the son is trying to live up to his father’s expectations unhappily. Ozai should have no expectations for Zuko, that’s the difference. He sent Zuko on a mission he wouldn’t come back from on purpose, to get rid of him.
That’s terrifying, how disconnected he can be from his son. Trying to make Ozai more human or sympathetic by making him care for Zuko takes away from the monster he’s supposed to be as a villain. They’re not making him more complex, they’re making him more generic.
I just kind of generally don’t like that they’ve revealed so much about him and Azula in Book 1 because part of the well written structure of avatar is that the “villains” escalate from season to season, going from Zuko to Azula to Ozai as the main antagonists. I’d rather they had kept that structure and given more time to better plot and character development.
Plus revealing him so early took away a lot of his intimidation factor for me. Mystery and intrigue is good you guys! You don’t always have to lay all your cards on the table right away.
And at the end when Ozai more or less says that the attack on the Northern Water Tribe was a distraction to take Omashu makes zero sense to me. Not only is it an arbitrary copy of what Sozin said in the beginning about attacking the Earth Kingdom as a distraction for killing all of the air benders (which is also stupid), but thematically and structurally it doesn’t make any sense. The timeline doesn’t add up at all, not that they gave us any indications of timeline. And at this point in the war, the different nations, tribes, and kingdoms are so segregated that the Water Tribe probably wouldn’t have gone to help Omashu in the first place, certainly not in time.
Also I refuse to ignore the blatant contradiction they put in Zuko’s scar story. Zuko is punished extremely severely for INDIRECTLY insulting Ozai, when he’d literally been asked what he thought of the war plans, but when Iroh DIRECTLY questioned Ozai in front of the entire court and spectators (interrupting the Agni Kai, a sacred type of battle in the Fire Nation), there’s no punishment at all. I really don’t understand what the writers are doing with the amount of contradictions.
Botched, I hated what they did to Roku.
Trying to make him funny? That, right away, ruined his character entirely. I won’t ever be able to take him seriously. He would never make jokes when Aang is desperately looking for guidance and understanding. He’s not a funny silly character, it’s like the writers forgot to add in some levity and chose literally the worst character to force humor onto.
Roku is one of the coolest and wisest characters in the series with some of the most badass scenes and they took away all of them. The future of his portrayal does not look bright.
Now, I love Kyoshi as much as the next person, but she got way too much screen time.
Not only did they give Roku’s badass possession moment in the Fire Nation Temple to her for absolutely no reason on Kyoshi Island, but they made her the leading influence of Aang’s spiritual journey (he’s constantly trying to reconcile with the advice she gave him) which makes zero sense.
The hundred year war is the consequence of Roku’s legacy and mistakes, it has literally nothing to do with Kyoshi. Roku should be the one mentoring Aang spiritually and guiding him through the remnants of his choices as the Avatar.
Giving her weird future vision for the attack on the North Pole was really weird and made no sense to me, and completely shifted Aang’s motivations from learning water bending (which he never does even once) to warning the Northern Water Tribe, which they end up not even needing him to do because they’re already prepared to fight. Just a convoluted mess narratively.
She isn’t supposed to be that agro of a character, she’s pragmatic and diplomatic. They based her off the memes far more than her source material and it shows.
Making Kyoshi so much more prominent feels like such an insincere thing to do for the sake of “girl boss strong female characters hoorah” that ultimately hurts the writing.
I don’t really know why they decided to give Kuruk so much screen time when it should have been given to Roku or any other character for some development, but I would say it was a decent portrayal. Just an unnecessary one.
They actually used book material for him, which is surprising given the changes they made, but it was specifically for the “spirit killing knife” which was stupid and no one can convince me otherwise.
Having spiritual conversations with so many of the past Avatar’s this early on feels like they’re going to be removing, or at least drastically changing, the Lion Turtle scene in the finale which has me very concerned.
Egregious and Potentially Detrimental Changes from the Original
Removing Jeong Jeong and Aang’s First Experience with Fire Bending
Aang’s terror of fire after hurting Katara when he got too confident is vital for his development. It’s the main reason he eventually accepts Zuko as his fire bending teacher because they both struggle with having hurt people and wanting to fix their mistakes.
This was also supposed to be Katara’s first use of healing, which again I think is something really important for us to actually see she can do. Because all they’ve said is she’s “a natural” just like everything else and that’s such bad storytelling.
Jeong Jeong is a member of the White Lotus and a really important factor in Iroh’s endeavor to take back Ba Sing Se in the finale. Could they do it without him? I guess, but it’s really disrespectful to me to just not include him.
Taking him out will affect plots all the way in season 3.
Not only that, but Jeong Jeong is a valuable example of someone born on the wrong side of the war wanting to make a difference and change his ways. It’s realistic nuance for war!
What Seeing Wan Shi Tong in the Spirit World Means to Me, the Implications for the Library, and Consequences
Wan Shi Tong, similar to Tui and La (the moon and ocean spirits), came to the physical world with the express purpose of bettering humanity. He made the personal sacrifice of staying away from the spirit world so that the human race would have access to his vast and wonderful knowledge. He couldn’t go back and forth between the physical world and the spirit world because he had to be there to keep the Library standing in the physical world in the first place, it can’t stay there without him. The fact that he’s in the spirit world, to me, means that the library may not be in the physical world at all.
Other indications that his library isn’t in the physical world are that Zhao didn’t get his knowledge of Tui and La from the library, he got it from ancient Fire Nation scrolls and records instead (which doesn’t make a lot of sense), and the sun dial that Sokka would have used to discover the solar eclipse and begin the plan for the invasion is now located in the Fire Nation instead. How is Sokka going to learn about the Day of Black Sun now for the invasion? (There’s a lot of setup for the invasion that they’ve screwed up and I’ll talk about it more in a couple other sections).
So assuming we’re no longer going to have the library, there’s a lot of follow-up implications and consequences. This means that we won’t have Appa’s kidnapping which causes a few problems.
One, Appa’s kidnapping directly leads to Jet’s death, the only major on screen death (or injury that leads to death) in the entire show. I guess you could also count Combustion Man, but Jet’s was infinitely more emotional and important to the story.
Two, Appa’s kidnapping and subsequent rescue is vital for proving to the Earth King that Long Feng is a traitor and the Dai Lee has been compromised. This leads to the Earth King trusting Team Avatar’s word implicitly about the Kyoshi Warriors which allows Azula to infiltrate, learn about the invasion plans, capture Katara, and ultimately “kill” Aang at the end of Book 2. Can the writers work around this? Probably. Do I trust them to? No.
Three, protecting Appa is how the Kyoshi Warriors get overpowered by Azula in the first place and Azula is able to infiltrate the Earth Kingdom in disguise. It’s how Suki is captured and ends up at The Boiling Rock prison.
Four, Zuko being the one to let Appa go is a massive character moment as he struggles to let go of the burdens that Ozai pushed onto him to capture the avatar at all cost to others and himself. It leads to his “metamorphosis” as Iroh calls it, leads to him giving up the Blue Spirit identity, and is what makes his later betrayal so painful. Plus, Appa likes him now which is a stepping stone later for Aang to trust him when Zuko wants to switch sides.
And five, Appa’s brief stop with the guru as he’s trying to get back to Aang leads to how Aang gets any instruction on controlling the avatar state. Which also leads to his “death” at the end of Book 2 when he tries to reopen his chakras like he was taught during the fight with Azula. Again, do I think there’s a workaround here? Yeah, but I don’t think they’ll do it well.
Where’s Haru and What it Means for the Future
Removing the “Imprisoned” storyline takes away Katara’s first and one of her most important moments of being an inspirational leader, learning how to speak up for others, and how to make connections with people outside her culture. But they’ve already stripped Katara of so much of her depth, I’m not surprised they took it out.
The more important issue is that Haru, his father, and their people (all Earth Benders) that she helped rescue were very prominent foot soldiers for the invasion in Book 3. Where are they going to get alliances to build an army against the Fire Nation now? My bet is either they won’t, which is concerning for many reasons, or it’ll happen between seasons off screen which is a massive writing problem! Vital events and plot points happening off screen shows extremely poor planning.
Indications of Removing the Swamp and More Poor Planning for the Invasion (are they cutting it out?)
I’ve pretty much convinced myself that the writers are cutting the invasion out of the plot. I’ve listed many reasons above why I think that’s the direction they’re going, but the last straw was when Sokka and Katara were in the spirit world.
I’m almost 100% sure they’re getting rid of “the Swamp”.
When Sokka and Katara are in the spirit world, they are confronted by their worst memories and most difficult emotional obstacles the same way they had been in the original when they were in the swamp. It wouldn’t make any sense to do that again, so they’re probably getting rid of the swamp entirely.
Which means Team Avatar will never encounter the Swamp Water Benders, which then means they lose even more foot soldiers and allies for the invasion. That’s two major allies that just won’t be involved. Between the potential changes to the Library, the lack of allies, and the fact that Hakoda has no trust in Sokka as a warrior, I don’t see how they’re going to realistically be able to do the invasion. If they do, I’ll be shocked and skeptical of how they manage it.
And as another personal pet peeve, taking out the swamp also removes another facet of water bending, being able to control plants by the water in them (which additionally leads into blood bending).
Other Changes That Really Bothered Me
Exposing the Genocide of Aang’s People and the Comet in Episode One
While I did appreciate (to a degree) getting to see the attack on the air benders and how the fall of the Air Nomads happened, I really don’t like that it’s the first thing we see. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s okay and often more beneficial not to reveal everything right away! I much preferred getting bits and pieces as we went along to put together the whole puzzle and have the time to process each new facet of the war. Giving it to us all at once and as the first thing we see takes away so much intricate story telling.
I really didn’t like that all of the air nomads were in the same place for the attack, that’s so unrealistic that they had to create an arbitrary festival to make it happen.
Originally, the Fire Nation attacks all four Air Temples with the power of the comet to back them up for the initial attack. It shouldn’t take one night where they’re all conveniently in the same place (except Aang) and kill them all, it should take one night to deal them such a severe blow that finishing them off over the next few years is easy. Because of course some would get away and were hunted down, that’s how war realistically works.
Removing Aang’s Crush on Katara and What it Means
Oooooh this bothers me for so many reasons, but I’ll try not to be too crazy about it.
I don’t know why they got rid of it completely, unless they’re just waiting until Aang and the actor are a little older for it to be more appropriate. But with what they did with the “Cave of Two Lovers”, I think they’re scrapping the love between Aang and Katara entirely.
Which they haven’t done anything to help them bond at all as friends in the first place except like two moments of bending instructions from Aang and a lot of dialogue about how they’re family. Aang and Sokka have had way more bonding moments together, I can believe they’re friends at least.
One of the biggest issues will be, if they somehow manage to trick Netflix into letting them adapt Korra as well, Aang and Katara’s kids and grandkids are fundamental to the plot there. But that’s getting way ahead of ourselves, let’s just focus on ATLA.
Aang’s feelings for Katara are very important, particularly for being the sole reason he stops trying to master the avatar state, only to attempt it again later to protect her, and then he ends up “dead” for it. He admits to loving her out right in those episodes.
The thing about Avatar is almost every detail is valuable in some way and dominos into a larger plot point. Their love for each other isn’t a major focal point of the show but it does matter, I just really hope they’re not planning on changing love interests.
Moving Anything from Other Seasons into Season One
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this, but bringing anything from other seasons into season one when you already have such limited time is really irritating because that time would have been better spent on actual character development or including more vital points from season one.
Changing Lore
Aang accidentally bringing both Sokka and Katara into the spirit world with him just because they were in close proximity is ridiculous. He shouldn’t be able to do that. It makes much more sense that they’d be stolen by Hei Bai than piggybacking off Aang when neither of them are spiritually inclined.
Making Avatar shrines the only way for Aang to access his previous avatar is so limiting and irritating, he gets better at it as he becomes more spiritually connected to the avatar state (like in the ocean during the first episode of Book 3 when Aang contacts Roku, or on the Lion Turtle when Aang contacts four past Avatars). Also they completely contradict this rule letter in the season when Aang sees Avatar Kuruk for a few seconds just outside in the Northern Water Tribe. Like they specifically said it, and then completely contradicts themselves, that’s a pretty big consistency error when it’s a change they made.
They removed any significances of the solstices. Once again, giving us no timeline or indication of time passing in the world.
The reason Roku is able to control Aang’s body and powers as much as he can in the Fire Nation Temple is because of the winter solstice when the veil between spirit and physical world is thinnest. But now any Avatar can do it as long as Aang connects with them at their shrine. Kyoshi should not have been to do that to him and it replaced Roku’s very profound moment at the temple.
I don’t like that they said Tui and La are only in physical form one night a year (I think that’s what Zhao said, or something about an ice moon, whatever), and then that night just happened to be near. I can’t think of a single reason why they would make that change. There’s just too many convenient coincidences happening in this version of the story. Tui and La specifically gave up their spiritual forms for vulnerable physical forms for a reason, learn the lore!
The special spirit killing knife was stupid. I don’t know if it’s in the novels and I missed it or if the writers (more likely) came up with it, but it’s seems like really convenient and silly lore that actively contradicts a lot of what was originally set up about the spirits. And added a lot of unnecessary exposition that didn’t even tell us how Zhao got it.
In another similar vein, the MacGuffin of the statue of the many faces goddess spirit that Aang took from Roku’s artifacts to save Katara and Sokka from Kho was just so weird to me. He just eats people now? What happened to him stealing faces if you show an emotion? That was what made him so terrifying, and it was just another moment they stole from Aang and showcasing his potential. It wasn’t his negotiation skills or his self control that saved his friends, but a very convenient object just sitting on a shelf waiting for him.
None of their lore changes made sense or had a purpose to me other than to arbitrarily be different from the source material.
Mature ≠ Graphic
The writers said repeatedly in interviews and articles that they wanted this live action adaptation to essentially be a more mature version. They even likened their vision to be something similar enough to appeal to Game of Thrones fans, which to me was a massive red flag going into the show. Please, do not mix up maturity and graphic violence.
The only thing more “mature” about the live action is that we actually see people being burned alive and killed throughout the season. The original has far more mature writing because of how delicately and intricately it handles very serious concepts. The Netflix writers either do not trust audiences to pick up on subtle and complex ideas, do not trust the actors to portray subtle and complex ideas, or they do not know how to write subtle and complex ideas. Or some combination of the three. Everything is exposition, which I’ve said so many times before, but I will keep saying it until they learn not shove plot right in our faces with no nuance.
The writers simply think they’ve created something more mature because it’s sometimes violent and not a cartoon, which isn’t how that works.
It’s not mature, it’s graphic. Know the difference and you’ll be a better writer for it!
Yes the humor in the original leans a little more childish, but you don’t solve that by stripping the humor entirely in the adaptation! Almost any attempt at humor, to me, felt like an after thought and was mostly misplaced in a scene (like with Roku, I’ll never get over that). Just overall lost a lot of the whimsy. I understand that animation lends itself to way more expressive, cartoonish, and childish humor, but there’s plenty of funny live-action films and shows. Why did it have to take such a back seat? Again, that’s not a sign of maturity, it’s a sign of a very surface level understanding of how writing works and of what the original ATLA had to offer.
What Was The Point and What Could They Have Done Instead (imo)?
Being brutally honest here, I really don’t think there was any point to making this live action adaptation, especially with the limitations they put on themselves. I think it was, overall, a waste of money and resources. In theory, it was really exciting to have the opportunity to see the world come to life. And in a lot of ways I think they accomplished that between the location designs, costumes, respectful and accurate casting, and environments. I just think that was their main focus, making it look right, that the writing took an unfortunate back seat that made the whole show suffer.
There are two directions I think they could have taken instead.
One, I think they should have planned for six seasons. Every book of the original has a roughly mid season event that could act as really solid season finales. They would be able to stretch out the story and not compress or rush their writing so much. It would be structured more like this:
Season 1 Finale - The Winter Solstice and Discovery of Sozin’s Comet
Season 2 Finale - The Siege of the North
Season 3 Finale - Getting to Ba Sing Se and The Drill
Season 4 Finale - Aang’s “Death”
Season 5 Finale - The Day of Black Sun Invasion
Season 6 Finale - Sozin’s Comet and Confronting the Fire Lord
I understand that doing this doubles the length, and subsequently the cost of the show, which is a big ask. But I also think if they don’t have the resources to do it right in the first place, then they shouldn’t have done it at all. Is it better than the 2010 version we got from Shyamalan? Of course, but please allow yourself to have higher standards than literally scraping by the bottom of the barrel of quality.
I don’t expect anyone to have as in depth opinions or critiques as me, and I don’t begrudge anyone for enjoying the show or even liking some of the changes! But I will say that we all, no matter how critical a viewer you are, deserve better than mediocre quality.
The second direction I think they could have taken, and I really think they should have, is to write something completely original within the world setting of Avatar. There are quite literally dozens of avatars that existed before Aang that have no story yet! They had an opportunity to write some original that actually fits into the 8 episode limit they had while also further expanding on the history and world we all love so much.
I just think the audience, that mostly consists of fans of the original, would have been far more accepting and open to an original story rather than a middling attempt at retelling a story that’s already so beloved.
If you made it this far, I am extremely impressed and also worried for your health! This was mostly me needing to get all of these thoughts and critiques out of my head without ranting to friends and family that have no idea what I’m talking about and would get annoyed.
Anyway, that is my very extensive review that nobody asked for! If you need clarification or further analysis on anything I said, or if there’s something I missed that’s a critique for you on the live action, or if there’s anything you disagree with that I’ve said, please let me know in the comments below! But be nice, I will block anyone being mean about people opinions or thoughts. This is an open friendly space, I won’t tolerate bullying.
Thank you for probably far too much of your time!
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love-kurdt · 8 months
i gotta ask, is it coming?
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it is. i promise it is. i’m sorry for making y’all set the date on your calendars and not following through w it!!! i’m just so incredibly busy with school right now. it’s the last semester of my senior year and i need to pass my classes or i won’t graduate. in terms of dbm, i’m writing as much and as fast as i can. i want the end product to be perfect. i’m a perfectionist by nature. and i don’t want to release a subpar story, bc mike and will deserve so much more!! thanks in advance for your patience 💜
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pixiecaps · 10 months
hope you don't mind me writing paragraphs about my thoughts on purgatory in your ask box, if you do mind then thats so fair, feel free to ignore lol
yeah purgatory story wise just kinda sucks from a player's standpoint. like really sucks. taking away the last bit of agency they had (doing whatever they could to save their kids, only for them to end up not even saving them and therefore everything they did the past two months being for nothing) just kinda feel frustrating. from a overall story and general writer's perspective it's cool and ties into themes about having no power, but like... idk is it worth sacrificing your players' enjoyment for that? from a meta standpoint the point of the roleplay is to encourage player engagement so like what was the fucking point
HOWEVER i do have a tin foil hat theory that cucurucho saving the eggs and bringing new ones was a last minute damage control situation after seeing all the purgatory frustration and the team going "guys i think we might have fucked up. how do we salvage this" like its still so so very sloppy but... the damage control also worked so ggs lol.
also i guess we as an audience have no idea what goes on behind the scenes? because admins might be studying for finals for all we know. the writers could be amateurs where qsmp on their first major project. the team could be too excited to properly think through or shut down subpar ideas. maybe q was like "lets make a hardcore tourney" and the team had to figure out how the fuck to fit a hardcore tourney in. who fucking knows
anyways sorry about the purgatory rant i think it just frustrates me because we all know the team is capable of executing lore well. purgatory and its aftermath is just Not that
yeah i fully trust the admins and writers. as we know they have everything planned months in advance and they put love and care into the story. so i trust them. i choose to believe it was just such a new dynamic with purgatory that they may have not realized how difficult it would be to incorporate the lore and story in a satisfying way and thats okay it happens. it just sucks that it all came to such an unsatisfying conclusion. the arc left a lot to be desired. but theres still a lot left from this arc that we haven’t seen yet that could change my opinion. i still wonder where the hell the feds put luffy ya know😭
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years
♣ the anxiety is high today, at least for the moment, so any responses will probably be to short fluffy things... sorry in advance!!
I'll try to get other things written, but im not gonna force anything because 1) my comfort matters and 2) I don't want to give yall subpar writing
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kachinnate · 4 years
Despite herself, Alana snorts. It’s just a silly image - someone who’d be fairly intelligent but at the same time was also (said with the most amount of love) as messy as Jared was sometimes. Maybe it just ran in their family. 
“I guess the fact that she’s a little chaotic would make sense, since she’s related to you,” she says, still in relation to Jared’s sister, trying (and failing) to keep a relatively straight face. And Jared scoffs, very indignantly and in a way that was way too offended just for Alana saying something that was true. Which, of course, just makes her actually laugh at him. If it weren’t for the fact that his phone started to buzz incessantly on his lap, she was pretty sure he would’ve said some semblance of ‘fuck off’. 
Instead, though Jared glances down at the screen and kind of makes a face at it. And then he answers it before she has a chance to ask. 
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chrisbangs · 3 years
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Hi Pals! 🌙🖤🐺
I honestly hadn’t planned this, so if this seems rushed and dizzy, I apologize in advance! But I just had to share my love for all of you openly and give you all a lil extra love! 
I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for everyone who’s followed me, messaged me, become my friend, supported me, cared about me- seriously, this year was insane to me and if you ever reached out to me and were kind to me, just know it meant the world to me. Thank you for 10K followers, thank you for supporting my biggest birthday countdown that I ever did, thank you for always being kind and supporting my subpar gifs. There is nothing but gratitude within me towards every one of you. 2021 was not an easy year by any measure, so to everyone who stuck by me and cheered me on, I hope you know how much every moment meant. Thank you. 
Happy New Year to all my mutuals, followers, and people I follow! I hope that 2022 greets us all with warmth and we’re able to achieve all the things we want for the coming year! 
With all my love, Li 🌙🖤🐺
 @1eeknows // @1zone // @ambivartence // @banghans // @binsuns // @blueprintskz // @ciaozhan // @foxinys // @huiracha 🌙 // @hyeongjunz 🌙 // @hyunj-n // @hyunjinify // @hyunjins // @hyunjinz // @hyunlixc // @hyunnie // @hyunpic 🌙 // @innielove // @inracha // @jaehyungs 🌙 // @jeonginsyang // @ji-sungs // @jizung // @johfam // @leenow // @levhanter // @luvknow // @masturbait // @minhos // @minhou // @moonlit-han // @mydays // @nevoono // @quokki // @realstraykids // @saintmilky // @seo-changbinnies // @seo-trashbins // @seungs // @seungknow 🌙 // @seunglixes // @seungminhos 🌙 // @seungrachas // @strayfeli // @strayhags // @skzflix // @uayv // @yangjeongin
And, if I forgot anyone I’m so sorry! I’m kinda tired but I love you I promise I’m just dumb. Also I left off quite a few mutuals who’ve since left stayblr or are basically inactive at this point, but all of you are so dear to me, don’t forget that. 
(If there’s a lil 🌙 by your name, I left a little extra message for you under the cut! Sorry I couldn’t do this for everyone, I am not really in the mental place to be leaving long emotional sappy messages for everyone- but please know I love all of you so much and am grateful for the things you bring to my dash!)
@huiracha​: Hi Marie! As always, thank you for being the warmest and most supportive. You’re always cheering me on and being the kindest person. I know we finally got to talk again recently, and it makes me so so so happy, you have no idea. You’re one of my fav CCs on here since forever and I doubt it will ever change. I love you so much and am so grateful for you in my life. Thank you for being such a wonderful, amazing, lovely person. 
@hyeongjunz​: Carly... You already know I’m gonna cry while writing this so please prepare to cry WITH me... wfoainfeoiwa....... This year was probably one of the WORST of my life, and yet somehow I also managed to meet one of my closest friends too- you! I cannot believe it’s almost been a whole ass year since we started talking with each other now and :-( like... Wow?? We’ve just kinda come a long way together! I’m so glad that we can chat about anything and everything and that I’m just so lucky to have you as a friend and a part of my life. Thank you for always being the best and making me laugh and chatting with me about anything and everything. You were really there for me through so many things this year and I’m just really so lucky to know you. 
@hyunpic​: MY VILMA!!! Hello lovebug! I hope you know how much I love you. You literally brighten any day when you message me and you make me feel so warm and fuzzy and happy inside. You’re one of the warmest brightest souls I’ve ever had the luck of meeting and I’m so glad I can call you my friend. Your love for Hyun makes me smile and feel so happy and full of love too... It’s literally infectious how cute and warm and good it is... I love you so much and hope that we can talk more often in 2022! I’m so grateful to all the times you’ve supported me and encouraged me- you’re the loveliest human ever and I’m really just so lucky to be your pal... Thank you for the warmest friendship and for the best feelings. 
@jaehyungs​: Miss Sara... Who would’ve known... My embarrassed and lame attempt at becoming your pal would work and now we are just Best Friends... Like I never expected us to get as close as we have- and yet I am SO insanely grateful that we are... You’ve brought warmth, laughter, softness, (a wedding), and so much more into my life. I’ve never really had any close myday friends, so the fact that you’re basically one of the first... It meant a lot to me... I finally had someone I could cheese with over one of my all time favourite groups... It’s not only that though- you also liked the same kinds of songs as me and you feel similarly about things that I do... And to me, that is insanely meaningful... I’m so so SO glad that I worked up the courage to message you about EOD’s beyond live because it literally changed my life and brought me one of my closest and safest and warmest friendships I’ve ever gotten to experience... I love you so much Sara. Thank you for everything... Let’s try to make the best of all the craziness right now... 
@seungknow​: Kep! Hello my pal! I had to write you a quick little thank you here. You have without doubt been one of the people who cheered me on countless amounts of times throughout this year. Everytime you message me and we chat you bring a smile to my face. You said something very, very meaningful to me during one of our chats when I was really down about school and it’s the first time anyone had ever understood my feelings about that subject... It meant the world to me that you heard what I had to say and actually really understood... I will always be grateful towards you for everyhing you do and say and just for being such a warm friend. Thank you! 
@seungminhos​: Hi babie... What even can I say at this point? As if I haven’t already said it all before to you... I know this year really wasn’t great for either of us but I am crossing my fingers and hoping upon every star that 2022 brings something better and warmer our way... At least we’re employed FNOAIWFNOWAI................ But fr... I am incredibly grateful for you and for your friendship and love and kindness and patience. You are always going to be my favourite person and I hope you know how unending my love for you is. Meeting you in person FINALLY was so crazy was probably my highlight of this awful year... It felt so great to just give you the biggest hug and see you and talk to you?? Like... That was so crazy to me- I am so glad that it finally happened. I love you so much and hope that you know how important you are to me. Thank you for putting up with everything and for making me feel like I will always have a home to go to.. You are the best person and if possible, an even better friend. I love you so much, thank you always. 
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beevean · 3 years
I do not understand how everyone is so happy.
(Sorry in advance for my broken english)
Because for them, The "Meta Era" (wtf is this nonsensical name) removed Sonic "heart & soul", that everything in the 2000 era was "good" bc muh dark, mature & ambition, that apparently only the current era has cheesy/cringy lines despite previous era being guilty of these too and how IDW Sonic is the last "good writing" etc...
TL DR : They are biased.
(Sorry for the lil rant, I loss my excitement for Frontiers after learning that flynn is the writer & read the synopsis)
Yeah, I know. I've read many "the important thing is that the Pontaff era has ended" comments.
Look, I get it. The 2010s games were very light in plot and characterization, and the humor was subpar. When Forces tried to be more serious (note that it wasn't actually written by Pontaff though), it was hard to take seriously. I understand that fans wanted thing to go back.
But this ain't it chief lol. I trust Pontaff with Sonic and Eggman much more than I trust Flynn. Their Eggman is phenomenal, for one - how could people get tired of him being the main antagonist?? He's clever, he's resourceful, he's funny, he's determined, I started loving him since Colors and I never stopped since then. Their Sonic... sure, it wasn't perfect, in Colors he was a bit of a cocky dudebro, and in Generations and Forces he didn't have much characterization, but fuck you I'll always defend his portrayal in Lost World. He failed, not because of a dumb reason like "lol imma pretend metal sonic can be redeemed", but because of his genuine, long established flaw of acting before thinking! He felt guilty about it! He was angry and aggressive against the Zeti for kidnapping Tails! He was miserable that his one mistake lead to the apparent dead of Eggman and all his friends!
Lost World Sonic, written by Pontaff, is a much better Sonic than this idiot written by Ian Flynn:
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Also, newflash: I'm a huge Adventure/Dark Age fan, but not everything that happened between 1998 and 2008 was great guys. Eggman being a dumbass who always tried to bite more than he could chew was one of the things that I was happy that it was abandoned in the 2000s.
This is what happens when dumb memes like the one about villains in the Adventure era being cool monsters instead of "just" Eggman get spread. We really going back to when the main antagonist since 1991 wasn't enough. Okay.
... I really hope this is another "the Sonic movie will suck because Gremlin Sonic" situation. I do. I wish I could be as hyped as y'all.
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moccahobi · 3 years
What is Boring [Yoongi x Reader]
Pairing: Yoongi (BTS) x Reader
Summery: During a relaxing day, your mind wanders... are you boring?
Prompt: Adventure for @thebtswritersclub’s March promt
Word Count: 516 words (another 200 is a Spanish version I tried to write)
Genre: fluff, established relationship
A/N: This is... a twist on the word adventure. What is adventure? I have been grappling with the idea of being boring... esp in quarantine because I barely leave my house and barely talk to anyone... and I don’t think that’s inherently boring... so I wanted to explore adventure though this piece! It was actually originally going to be my first attempt at a Spanish fic (and I still attached my unedited (and v subpar) first attempt... I’ve been studying Spanish for 11 years now... and 6 of those  years was acedemically and I love the language... but what I really realized is that my fictional Spanish skill set is lacking~ Which was interesting to find out (I suspected lolol). Either way, if you want to read the Spanish version, I’ve attached it... I am sorry in advance if there are some grammar issues. 
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“Do you think we live boring lives?” 
Your question rang through the quiet apartment, clinging to the minimal decorations, and bringing Yoongi’s attention away from the book he was reading, your pet napping calmly next to him. It was week whatever of quarantine and at this point, you’d found yourself thinking more and more about how little your life seemed to change since going into quarantine. Sure you no longer went to random cafes or your office to work, but your hobbies hadn’t been hindered because you were now limited to your apartment and almost all your friends were online relationships already so it wasn’t as if they had changed much either. 
In fact, you often found yourself talking to them more now that you were on your computer all the time. 
You’d been staring at your empty apartment mindlessly for almost 5 minutes before you proposed the question, your mind slowly circling around the same 4 thoughts.
Were you boring?
What even made something exciting to do?
How would humans look a million years from now?
How many dogs could you fit into your apartment without your landlord complaining?
“How come?”
“I mean… just because what we do isn’t exciting for others doesn’t mean it’s boring.” Yoongi started, his brow furrowed in thought as he looked outside, “I enjoyed our little adventure into making our own pasta last night… even if we ruined our grout by getting flour stuck in it.” 
You hummed and nodded, looking out the window at the moving world. Cars rushed passed by, people quickly walked on the sidewalks, and distantly, birds sang. Your apartment was so quiet compared to the outside and you couldn’t tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. 
Was cooking pasta even an adventure?
“You don’t seem convinced.”
“I’m not.”
“How come?” 
“I wouldn’t call cooking an adventure.” A sigh left you as you readjusted in your seat, “It’s not like it was some grand mountaineering adventure.” 
“True… but it was an exploration of some sort. Neither of us had made pasta before. We were kind of adventuring into the unknown of pasta making. I mean… we didn’t even follow a real recipe.” 
You snorted at that and shook your head. The “recipe” you followed was some coworkers vague descriptions of how she made pasta in the past and it barely gave any measurements… which led to Yoongi thinking it was reasonable to use 10 eggs for 128g of flour.
Spoiler: It was not reasonable. 
“I guess…”
“So we have had some adventures then?” 
“Yeah. I guess.”
“So we aren’t boring.” 
With that Yoongi looked back down at his book and refocused on the adventure happening in it. You continued to think, your mind now cycling through five thoughts as you looked at your pet napping next to Yoongi.
What was your pet dreaming about?
Were they on an adventure?
Who the fuck decided socks were ok to wear indoors.
Was there anyone climbing a mountain right now?
What would happen if you mixed chocolate and water to make homemade hot chocolate?
“¿Somos aburridos?”
Tu pregunta es ruidosa en el cuarto mínimo. Se rompe el silencio y lentamente, Yoongi se mira, su libro se abre en su falda.  pensaba por 5 minutos sobre sí aburrida antes de preguntar, tres ideas corren en su mente:
¿Es aburrida?
¿Cuáles actividades son aventureros?
¿Cuántos perros pueden vivir en su piso?
Desafortunadamente, la respuesta por pregunta 2 está dos, Pero por  las preguntas 1 y 2 no sabes. Yoongi te mira y piensa sobre cómo puede responder. 
“Pienso que no. Si, nuestras vidas no están emocionados, como persona a quien caminar  montañas,  pero no están aburridas. Exploramos cafés y restaurantes, leemos libros aventureros y divertidos, y probamos actividades nuevas cada día.”
Suspiras y miras a Yoongi, el frunces el ceño un poco en pensamiento. Afuera de tu piso,  el mundo se mueve. Coches pasean, Pájaros cantan,  y personas caminan,  pero detrás de su piso nada se mueve. Yoongi y tú están en sus pensamientos y su mascota está durmiendo.
“No somos aburridos.  si hay aspectos de nuestras vidas que están aburridos, pero pienso que no quiero vivir una vida llena de emoción. Encanto los momentos de descubrimientos calmados.  por ejemplo cuando cocinabamos comida nueva anoche.” 
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Lightning in a Bottle | Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Warnings: None :)
Time/Era: Modern AU
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Music is Edmund’s love language, apparently. 
Request: Hey! Could you possibly do a cute high school au with Edmund? Maybe they’re both crushing on each other and everyone knows except themselves, anything you wanna do really haha 😂 thanksss :)
A/N: Thanks for the request!!  God, I love Edmund so much. And here, we have indie boi Ed. This oneshot is inspired by  Electric Love by Børns. (Specifically, the video linked) This is one of my favorite songs, and I thought it fit the indie-main-character-high-school vibe :) I didn’t really nail the “everyone knows but them” thing, but still crushes! Enjoy ~
masterlist | here is a playlist of the songs in the mixtape mentioned | read on ao3
Edmund Pevensie was obsessed with listening to music, particularly with old musical technology. While it wasn’t uncommon to have a fascination with cassette tapes or vinyl records, it hit a special chord within Edmund’s heart. Something about listening to music, old and new, on the outdated tech made the music sound better, hit harder, and stick in his mind better. He was the type of guy who took the AUX on long car rides to play one of his thousand Spotify playlists. 
Another notable thing about Edmund was that he was very intelligent with very high standards for himself. He was a natural at academics, having been in advanced classes since he was young, and he was the guy everyone hated in math class. After dozing off in class, and mouthing off to the teacher every now and again, he still came out as the teacher’s favorite and a straight-A student. 
The majority of the time, though, he tended to keep to himself. While he was genuinely liked by his peers and was rather charming, he didn’t really consider anyone his friend. Unlike his older brother, Peter, he liked to remain closer to the shadows with earbuds in his ears. He knew he could never fill his brother’s shoes; Peter had basically come into Cair Paravel High School to be captain of the soccer team. He was so good that even though his grades were subpar at best, he received a full-ride scholarship to Archenland University to study sports medicine and play on their soccer team. 
Then there was his older sister, Susan, who won her Student Body President campaign by a landslide. Everyone liked Susan; she was patient, gentle, and got along with pretty much everyone. She too got a pretty large scholarship to Beruna State College and is double majoring in child education and European history. 
Finally, there was Edmund’s little sister, Lucy. She was only a freshman at Cair Paravel, and very into student council. Edmund thought she was practically made to be an ASB kid; she was excited, friendly, and much too kind. Lucy made the switch to high school seamlessly and had a big group of friends by the time the final bell rang on the first day. 
Edmund was a senior now and he couldn’t wait to get out of high school. The people were unintelligent, he was constantly compared to his siblings and he was ready to start his life. Edmund had high ambitions to become a lawyer, specifically criminal law. He didn’t really have much to leave behind at this school, so he was just trying to get through it as soon as possible.
One thing he would miss was the quiet girl that sat behind him in his music appreciation class. Edmund didn’t really want to take the class, but at the last minute, he discovered he needed to fulfill an arts credit to graduate. He appreciated music and liked easy classes, so he chose this one. Little did he know it was mostly analyzing classical pieces. 
Y/N was super cute in Edmund’s eyes. She always mumbled sarcastic comments whenever their easily excitable teacher, Mr. Tumnus, would stretch when over-analyzing a stanza of music. By the time October passed, Edmund had grown quite fond of the girl. She almost always was reading a comic book of some sort instead of paying attention in class. Y/N even ended up lending Edmund a few for his viewing pleasures; he always made sure to return them in the exact condition he received them. Batman seemed to Y/N’s favorite. 
Y/N loved watching Edmund write. He held his pencil wrong and always had ink smudged all over his hand. Maybe it was because he was a leftie, or maybe it was because he wrote too fast. Probably a little bit of both. His handwriting was also weirdly slanted to the right, which didn’t make any sense to Y/N. He was left-handed but his letters slanted to the right? Not the mention how half of it was in cursive and half of it was in print. It was definitely messy but, oddly enough, still intelligible. 
“What are you listening to?” Y/N asked Edmund. “Better not be Christmas music. Christmas was last month.”
Edmund pulled an earbud out of his left ear and turned so he was sitting horizontally in his chair. He leaned an arm on the top of her desk and grinned. “Currently, I’m listening to Can I Call You Tonight? By Dayglow. What are you reading?” 
“Currently, I’m reading Volume 1 of The New Teen Titans,” Y/N copied Edmund. “I’ve never heard of Dayglow, are they good?” 
Edmund smiled, offering her his earbuds. “Listen and see for yourself.” 
As she listened Edmund searched her face for any clue to what she’s thinking. Her face housed a small smile so he concluded that she enjoyed it. Once the song ended, she took out one of his earbuds and placed it on her desk. 
“I like it,” She concluded, listening to the next song. 
“Good, so do I. It fits my mood for today.”
“What’s got you so happy today? You have a great way of showing happiness, by the way.” Edmund was dressed in all black with his hood up. Edmund rolled his eyes. 
“What I can’t be in a good mood?” 
“I never said that, Pevensie. You just look very Edmund-y today.” Y/N pulled the other earbud out of her head and held them out to him.
“No, keep listening. I’ll play some music for you throughout class and maybe you can tell me what you think at the end?” He pulled his hood off of his head and smoothed out his hair. “And what do you mean Edmund-y?”
“I don’t know, all black, hood up, dead look in your eyes.” 
“I don’t have a dead look in my eyes!” Y/N giggled at her own joke. “Just for that, I’m going to take this.” He snatched the open comic book that laid open on her desk. 
For the remainder of the class, Edmund dictated what Y/N listened to from his phone. He played everything from The Beatles, to The 1975, to COIN, to Duran Duran. Every now and then, Edmund would peek his head back to see her eyes glued to the back of his head. Her body swayed to the music almost lazily, and a smile graced her features. For some reason that made his stomach feel fuzzy. 
She returned his earbuds at the end of class, and he returned her comic. 
“That was fun,” Y/N complimented, shoving her materials into her bag. “I like the get better song you played.”
“I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers,” Edmund corrected her as they left the classroom. Music Appreciation was the class of the day for them, seeing as they were seniors who left at lunch, so the two started making their way towards the parking lot. 
“You have to meet your sister right?” Y/N asks, pulling out her I.D. so she could leave campus. “The really sweet freshman girl? Honestly, you two are so different I wouldn’t have guessed you were siblings.” 
“Oh, Lucy, yeah. We grab lunch every Thursday before I drop her back off for the remainder of her classes.” The two showed their I.D.’s to the campus aid and walked into the parking lot. 
“That’s sweet. We should grab lunch sometime, or something. It could be fun! We could do our analysis questions about Bach.” Y/N started to walk in the opposite direction and Edmund felt his cheeks warm. Luckily, Y/N’s back was now towards him. 
“Yeah, sure. Don Giovanni, right?” 
Y/N’s laughter could be heard as she grew further away. “That’s Motzart, Pevensie!”
Edmund shook his head and met Lucy. She was leaning against his car looking bored. 
“Who was that? Is that your girlfriend?” Lucy asks, opening the door once Edmund unlocks the car. This made his cheeks flush more. 
“No, she’s just the girl that sits behind me in Tumnus,” Edmund puts the key in the ignition and starts the engine. 
“Then why are you blushing?”
“I’m not, Lucy. It’s just hot in the car, it’s been sitting out here for ages.”
 One day in the middle of March when Y/N walked into Music Appreciation, she noticed a small rectangle box on her desk. Upon opening it, she found a cassette and a note. The note looked as if it was typed using a typewriter. 
I’m not very good when it comes to words, but I’m good when it comes to music. Hopefully, this says it all. Enjoy, my love. 
Side A //
Electric Love / Børns
I Love You So / The Walters
Fallingforyou / The 1975
Your Song /  Elton John
Someone To You / BANNERS
Side B //
Babe, Can I Call? / The Hunna
Tonight (I Wish I Was Your Boy) / The 1975
Luv, Hold Me Down / Drowners
love somebody like you / joan
TV Dream / Larkins
Y/N didn’t recognize most of the songs, but just reading the titles made her blush. 
“Mr. Tumnus? Did you happen to see who left this on my desk?” She held up the cassette so he could see. He shook his head. 
“No, sorry.”
Other students started to trickle in and soon the bell rang, no trace of Edmund. It wasn’t uncommon for him to skip this class, it was basically pointless, but it made Y/N sad every time he wasn’t there. 
The door swings open and a drenched Edmund steps into the classroom. Without even looking up, Mr. Tumnus addresses him. 
“You’re late again, Mr. Pevensie.”
“Sorry, I got stuck behind a group of Sophmore girls who wouldn’t move.”
“In the rain?” Mr. Tumnus raised an eyebrow.
“No, if it was in the rain I would be wet right now, sir.”
He plopped into his seat and started raking his hands through his wet hair. His cheeks were slightly rosey, as were his nose. His lips were pinker than usual and they stayed slightly parted. Hair stuck to his forehead as he ran his fingers ran through it and the hair on the nape of his neck dripped down his back. Y/N had to stop herself from staring at him with her jaw unhinged. 
“What’s that?” He whispered, noticing the open present on Y/N’s desk. He had taken up sitting horizontal in his chair at all times so he could more easily talk to Y/N. 
“It’s a mixtape. It was left on my desk when I got here,” Y/N responded and handed him the note. Edmund took it and began to read; his eyes scanned the paper and his lips moved slightly as he read. Y/N couldn’t help her this time, so she allowed herself to stare. His lips were always so pink and so puffy. She fantasized about how soft they must be. 
“Wow, looks like someone really likes you,” He comments, placing the paper back on her desk. “Do you have a cassette player?”
Y/N didn’t even consider that. Who the hell has a cassette player in the year 2020? Apparently, her answer was evident on her face, and Edmund chuckles. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a walkman and a pair of earbuds. 
“Here, you can have mine. I got a new one last month and I don’t really use this one as much.”
Oh, Edmund has a cassette player in the year 2020. 
Y/N smiled, taking the player from his hand. “Thanks, Ed.”
“Wouldn’t want you to miss out on those songs. Whoever made that has good taste, you’re lucky.” 
When Y/N got home tonight, she took out her walkman. It sat easily in her palm, just big enough for the cassette to fit inside. On the bottom, “E.P.” was scratched into the plastic. She smiled and put her mixtape inside. 
As she listened, she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to Edmund. They had grown much closer in the past few months, even going lengths to hang out outside of school. Y/N learned that not only was Edmund extremely intelligent, but he was the funniest person Y/N had ever met. He always had a sarcastic comeback or joke to offer her, no matter the subject. He had also let many of his walls down, letting Y/N get to know him better. It all felt so comfortable and natural. No longer was he just the cute guy from Music Appreciation, but he was the pain in the ass that Y/N had fallen for. And Y/N had fallen hard. 
Against her first impression of the mixtape, Y/N had actually heard all of these songs. After the first day in January, Edmund had lent her his earbuds near-daily and she would listen to whatever he played for her. Her eyes widened. 
Why would Edmund carry around a cassette player he didn’t use? And to school for that matter? And the note; it was typed because Edmund had such distinct handwriting! Y/N rewound the cassette and listened to it again. Why didn’t she realize in the moment?
“Hello, Y/N,” Edmund greeted in the parking lot the morning, he happened to park next to Y/N. He gripped the coffee in his hand and got his backpack in the trunk. “How are you on this fine morning?”
“Tired, I stayed up, like, half the night listening to that cassette I got yesterday.” Y/N slung her own backpack over her shoulder. He closed his trunk and locked his car. 
“Yeah? And what did you think?” The two started walking towards the building. 
“I thought that the songs all sounded oddly familiar.”
Edmund took a long sip of his coffee. “Like you’ve heard them before?” 
“Mmhm,” Y/N hummed and walked onto campus. She held one of the straps of her backpack as she walked. “Almost as if this dumbass guy I know played them for me a while back,” Y/N’s voice was teasing and light. 
“Yeah? Who is this guy?” Y/N stopped walking and looked up at Edmund. 
“Thanks for the mixtape, Ed.” 
“Whaaaat...just because this guy has great taste in love songs doesn’t mean it was me. I’m flattered though, really,” Edmund took another long sip of his coffee. 
“Oh, what a pity. I actually got excited when I figured out it was you. Considering normal people don’t just carry cassette players in their backpacks. Especially not ones they don’t use anymore.” Y/N’s voice was thick with sarcasm. 
“Yeah. I’ve kinda liked that Edmund guy for a while, but he doesn’t like me back so…”  
“You like me back?” Edmund was grinning from ear to ear. 
“Yes, babe, I like you back. I have since October since I started letting you borrow my comics,”
Edmund placed his coffee on a bench and pulled Y/N closer to him by the hips. 
“October, huh?” Y/N smiled bashfully at Edmund’s tone but nodded. 
“What? You’re cute, I couldn’t help myself. Plus, now you make me cute mixtapes.”
Edmund leans down and places his lips against hers. They were just as soft as she had imagined. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, her fingers quickly finding the hairs at the nape of his neck. He pulls away and leans his forehead against hers. 
“Be my girlfriend, then?”
“You nerd,” Y/N took a small step forwards and pecked his lips again. “I would love to.”
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ryushiota · 4 years
In a big city there are big problems, and who better than Hajime Hinata, the recently graduated Ultimate ??? to tackle them. Somewhere in Towa City on an unsuspecting Sunday, Hajime and his colleagues receive a lead on a case that looked to be pretty much dead. With Hajime heading out to investigate, a future was already being built with each tracing footstep towards the crime scene, towards the suspect, towards his hope. Spoilers for: Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, Ultra Despair Girls + Killing Harmony.
(shameless plug for my komahina fanfiction, where hajime is a cool as fucc detective and nagito’s a- well, rather than spilling the beans you might as well read to find out :P also sorry in advance for any emotional damage i do with my subpar writing)
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shownuslaugh · 3 years
Hi, the clueless about the relationships anon here, who suggested writing things down (as per tradition on speaking about issues one has no experience with😅). First of all, congratulation on your weeding! This news makes me teary, because i first followed your blog back in 2018 and have written to you countless anon asks since (your writing has been a huge help to me, i secretly thought of you as a friend during harsh moments in my life -I once even joked that the only reason i have survived one particularly bad health crisis to read JiJin divorce drama -those were the times 😂), so your absence on tumblr has been felt, but it is amazing to hear that you found the person with whom you are willing to share life. I’m so happy for you, and wish you happiness, health and overall luck with your new role and small family of two 💖 this is a beauty of internet, it makes me emotional about people who don’t even know my name, living through their important milestones. Now, if I may say sth about your problem. Even tho i personally have never been in relationship, i strongly relate to self esteem issues making things impossibly hard at times. I really hope that it is not as bad in your case, but i’m so sorry that you feel this way. The only thing i can advise you is to keep working on your issues, and be honest about your feelings (i know that it is hard but apparently it’s the best way -or so i’ve been told). I hope that people who make you feel bad about your role in your partners life will back off and accept reality, but even more importantly i hope that your future husband will continue to treat you with respect and will keep his assertive stance on any unwanted advances. I really have nothing to offer but best wishes, but i hope that thing will work out fine for you two❤️
Now I’m the teary eyed one 😂 I’m slightly speechless at all your kind words and I’m so happy you’ve made it through everything you have. I wish you nothing but happiness and all the good things in the world. I’m always here if you want to talk or need to vent. I try to get to those messages even if my writing has been subpar and I haven’t fulfilled requests in a while. 
He’s a good man, very old fashioned and loyal, which is hard to find these days. He’s also good at forcing me to talk about things when I try to shut down. That’s helped us through a lot already.
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ncisjes · 4 years
I’d find you in every lifetime
Based off this beautiful gifset by @everythingismadefromdreams and this drabble by @mcgeekle where Ziva is prosecuting a case the team worked. Kudos to them both for creating this amazing AU I am having so much fun writing in. Also a huge thank you to @mcgeekle for letting me continue this. 
@benditlikepress @rareshbones
Read on AO3//FF
Take Your Time
Sipping her second drink of the night, she sits at the bar alone watching what feels like the same old news on ZNN. Being stood up was a rare occurrence for her, but this time she really could not fault the man. In the past two weeks they had agreed to get drinks after work on three separate occasions, and all three times she had bailed to work late. 
The Simmons case was moving along on schedule, but it was still too early to tell how the jury was leaning. Her opening argument was flawless, but the expert witnesses had not fared as well as she had hoped under the scrutiny of the defendants defense team. Their one hundred thousand dollar an hour retainer was clearly paying off for their client. 
Regardless of whatever lead the defense had, she was still determined as ever to win this case. Being new to DC, she needed to establish herself as a capable prosecutor. Her track record here had a much slower start than in New York, but that was mostly suffering through learning the quirks of the system and the judges preferences. She always knew the legal field was cutthroat, but D.C. gave New York a run for its money. 
Luckily for her, the jury had yet to hear from the investigators whose findings built her entire case. She had planned to call Leroy Jethro Gibbs as her first witness, but as life would have it an emergency case had popped up keeping him and his team from attending the hearing. 
Though it had been a month since she had seen him, she had to admit she found herself thinking about Special Agent DiNozzo quite a lot lately.  While his delivery could have been better, his charm was what intrigued her to invite him back to her office to try his luck again at asking her out once the hearing had concluded. There was just something about him that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Wondering what he would be doing on a Friday night like tonight, she imagined him sweet talking his way into some unsuspecting co-ed’s bed for the night.
Taking a long slow sip of her drink, she scans the room in hopes of finding someone to take home herself. Her eyes begin sizing up each prospect, noting their features and what she would like to do with them. Her gaze locks on a brunette that is all legs with grayish brown eyes which jogs her memory of a night a few months back. She cannot remember the woman’s name, but the curl of her tongue is still very vivid in Ziva’s mind. Seeing her arm wrapped around the blonde sitting next to her,  Ziva continues to scour the room in hopes of repeating the ecstasy her mind just recalled. 
Her search comes up empty as everyone in the bar has seemingly paired off. She’s about to signal for her tab and call it a night when she spots him out of the corner of her eye. He’s leaning over the bar talking to the blonde bartender who’s name always escapes Ziva. She laughs and leans over the counter, not only matching Tony’s stance but giving him a much better view down her shirt, Ziva is sure. Her fingers play with the condensation on her glass as she waits for him to notice her. He doesn’t disappoint, leaving the bartender without a second glance a few moments later and hastily making his way to her. 
“Ziva David. Fancy finding you here.” Tony leans on the stool next to her. 
“Hello Special Agent DiNozzo.”
“I see you’ve forgotten my name all ready.” He fakes offense.
“It is a lawyer thing. We have to be proper in court and it transcends into our personal lives.” 
“Deflecting really doesn’t help your case here counselor.” 
“I have not forgotten your name, Tony, and I see you have not forgotten your charm.”
“So you do find me charming.”
“I would not go that far.” She smirks.
“So what’s a girl like you doing here alone on a Friday night?”
“Who says I am alone?” 
“This seat is pushed too far in for someone to have just gone to the bathroom. Unless of course you’re waiting for someone, but judging by your empty drink and the condensation collecting on it you’ve been waiting for quite a while. Our hot shot lawyer from New York couldn’t have been stood up, now could she?” Returning the victorious smirk she had given him moments before. 
“Putting your investigative skills to use on your off time?”
“Only if it means I can sit down here.” 
“I do not think that is a good idea.” She cautions him, her eyes going from playful to serious. 
“Ah come on, who is going to see us? There’s none of you legal types in here. Plus I’m not your witness. Gibbs is.” 
“But you are still a part of his team which makes-”
He waves his hand to shush her, causing her to balk at him.
“One drink.” He holds up his pointer finger as if to make it concrete that they’re only going to have a single cocktail. Somehow she finds herself relenting. 
Taking his seat, Tony waves to the bartender he just abandoned to call her over. Arms crossed over her chest she stares back at him, not moving a muscle. He winks and makes the come hither motion with his finger,  hoping that all can be forgotten with a really good tip on his tab.  She scoffs, throwing the towel she is holding to the ground and walks through the swinging door to the back. 
“Guess we won’t be served by her any time soon.” Tony comments, shifting his body towards Ziva. Before she can respond the other bartender approaches. 
“Hey, sorry about that. Heidi can take things a little too personal sometimes. I’m Jack. What can I get you?” 
“Scotch on the rocks for me and for-”
“I will have another mojito, Jack, thank you.” Ziva answers, effectively cutting Tony off. 
“Sure thing.” Jack smiles and winks at her as he saunters off, causing Tony’s jealousy to spike for some unknown reason. 
“So, you come here often?” Tony asks, drawing Ziva’s attention back to him. 
“Is that what you really wanted to ask me? Generic pick up lines usually work to get girls to take you home with them?”
“I didn’t know that offer was on the table.” He leers at her, grabbing an ice cube from her drink and popping it into his mouth. 
“No I do not come here often, and no it is not on the table.” She glares at him. 
Jack arrives with their drinks, breaking the small amount of tension that had built up. Tony pays in cash and raises his glass to Ziva.
“To future offers. May they be successful and enjoyable for us both.” He gives her a big toothy grin before touching his glass to hers and taking a swig; his eyes never leaving hers. 
Ziva is the first one to break and look away, muttering something under her breath in Hebrew but still finding herself smiling before taking a long drink.
“So tell me, how does the rising star of Mossad find herself practicing law in America?”
“I see you have done your research.”
“It is what I do for a living.”
“Not well enough clearly or you would know the answer. How did one make the jump from Baltimore P.D. to N.C.I.S. with such subpar skills?”
“Answering my question with a question? Deflecting won’t work with me. I use  the same tactic all the time on the job. Nice to know you’re doing your own research on me too though.” He winks at her as he takes another sip of his drink. 
“For the case-”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. Now my question?”
Their gazes lock and the power struggle begins between them, sizing the the other up, their pupils dilating and contracting with each breath. Finally giving in, Ziva breaks away to look at the bar door closing before her eyes settle on the ice in her drink, her hand fidgeting with the straw. 
“After serving in the Israeli army I joined Mossad at my own volition. I advanced quickly through the ranks, earning awards for my exemplary skills and talents. I had just become a handler when I decided to leave and come to America.”
“What made you do that?”
“My brother.”
Tony stares at her intently but does not push the subject. He can sense she is having difficulty discussing this. She takes a long swig of her drink before continuing. 
“He cautioned me about promoting any higher, said I did not know what I was getting myself into or who I was really working for. As a handler, I was given more access and told more secrets, but I still had some plausible deniability in the big picture of how Mossad operates. It was not until he was killed three months later that I realized he was right.”
Tony’s eyes study her body language as she tells him the bits and pieces of what seems like a much longer and much more painful story than what she is letting on. He doesn’t push the subject, instead letting the silence fall comfortably between them. 
“You did not ask me.” She comments after a few moments pass and the drinks lessen in their glasses. 
“What's that?” 
“The one question everyone wants to know; how he died.” 
He doesn’t meet her eyes as he finishes his drink. 
“I figured if you wanted to share you would.” 
She twirls the last of her mojito in her glass, watching the clear liquid dance through the crystal ice cubes. Pausing as if she is really considering divulging the information. 
“He killed a member of the secret service, Special Agent Caitlyn Todd. He was killed shortly after by what was reported as a terrorist bombing but really was Mossad cleaning up their mess.” 
Tony’s whole body tenses, not only because he knew Special Agent Todd but because he remembered the bombing that occurred following her death. The reports played for days on ZNN of the horrific injuries people had suffered caused by excessive shrapnel intended to inflict the most pain. The death toll seemed to climb by the second. 
“After his death I was obsessed with getting revenge. I had already lost a sister to a Hamas bombing and to have my brother taken from me the same way… I was determined to bring whoever took him from me forward. When I found out it was ordered by my own director… I could no longer remain loyal to an organization that operated that way.” 
Grabbing her glass, she drains the last of her drink before slamming it back on the bar nearly causing it to shatter. 
“I decided to come to America to bring justice for those who could not get justice for themselves.”
Her eyes are downcast as her fingers play with the condensation on her glass once again. Tony takes a moment to collect himself before tentatively reaching to touch her shoulder.
“Hey, I’m sorry for your loss, and I’m glad you’re here.” 
She gives him a shy smile, leaning into his touch. They stare at each other for a few moments before Tony breaks the contact. 
“Worked a case with Kate Todd. She was a good Agent.”
Ziva’s eyes widen in shock, not only because he knew her but that they both were affected by the same event. 
“I am sorry for your loss.”
“No, I’m sorry to end your night on such a downer. Didn’t mean to bring up such painful memories.” 
“It is alright. I did not mind spending it with you.” 
The words fall out of her mouth before she realizes what she’s said. Luckily she is saved by a man interrupting them. 
“Hey, Tony, sorry to bother you.” He leans on the bar beside him. 
“No worries McInterruptus. Ziva David, this is Timothy McGee, the other and less attractive member of Team Gibbs.” 
Ziva smiles at the glare he gives Tony before extending her hand.
“It is nice to put a face to the name. I read your report in the Simmons case on how the device’s design was flawed and ultimately caused his death. I was amazed by the immense detail you used and then I found out you have a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins and a degree in Computer Forensics from MIT. Very impressive.” 
“Oh, you’re the prosecutor Tony wouldn’t shut up about and the boss wished he would have sent me to check up on instead.” 
Ziva laughs as Tony strikes McGee across the chest.  
“Quiet McTattletale.” 
“One in the same.” Ziva adds, still laughing. 
“Well it’s very nice to meet you Ziva. Tony I hate to steal you away but Abby had too much to drink and is in the bathroom puking. Jardine is in there with her but she’s probably cleaning every surface. We’re probably going to have to carry her out.” 
“I told you to watch her Probie.” 
“Yeah, you try taking her drink away when she’s ranting about people who say they’re vegetarians but eat chicken.” 
“Good point.” 
Tony stands to leave, pushing in the chair as he does. He stops to turn to Ziva before walking away. 
“Don’t move, I’ll walk you out.” 
She doesn’t understand why she listens. 
A few moments later Tony and McGee emerge from the back of the bar with Abby between them, each of her arms slung over their shoulders. Ziva sees a woman exit quickly from behind them, clutching her bag tightly to her as if not to touch anything. The group stops in front of her as Abby begins to babble. 
“Who’s this? Tony, she's pretty. You’re very pretty.” 
“Not now, Abs.” 
Tony motions for Ziva to follow them and she grabs her briefcase from the bottom of the bar before walking behind them. 
There is a cab waiting outside and McGee drops Abby’s arm to open the door before getting in on the opposite side. Tony struggles to keep Abby upright as she goes limp in his arms. Ziva comes up from behind to grab her other side and help get her into the car. She settles in the backseat with her head in McGee’s lap. 
“Tony did you get her number? Get her number!” Abby calls out as Tony moves to close the door. 
“We have her number Abby.”  
“It was nice meeting you!” McGee yells out to Ziva. 
Tony finally shuts the door, letting out a loud breath, his hand wiping over his face. 
“Sorry about that.” 
“It is quite alright. It is nice to see people taking care of other people.” 
“Do you want to share a cab?” 
“No, I actually live right down there.” She points to a grey building a little ways down the street. 
“Oh so you do come here often.” 
They both laugh at the implication. 
“Well I guess this is goodnight then.”
“Yes, goodnight Tony.”
He extends his hand and she meets him in the middle. The touch lingers for a little while too long, sparking electricity in them both. After several moments, Ziva finally breaks away, turning on her heel to walk away. He watches her walk until she makes it to her building, his eyes enjoying the way her legs strut in her tight pencil skirt. She pauses to wave to him before unlocking the door and going in. Tony turns to heads home, feeling excited for the first time in his career to attend court. 
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sleeeeepytea · 5 years
Nsnsnsksks i love ur writings💞 Could I request hdc's for Sylvain with an S/o who is oblivious to his flirting ?
thank you anon ;; sorry if this is subpar,, I may fix it later...
please note requests are closed.
Sylvain with a s/o oblivious to his flirting
• Sylvain is naturally quite confused when he realises how ineffective his flirting attempts are; he knows (and hopes) you wouldn't ignore him maliciously and gods know his attempts are blatant flirting, so why aren't you responding?
• he expects at least a scoff or maybe even an exasperated sigh, but nothing comes. so, he decides to revv it up to the point where it's painful to onlookers - even moreso than before.
• but alas, his efforts are in vain; you're still oblivious as ever and Sylvain is at a loss.
• eventually, he begins to feel rather disheartened at this. after all, he feels as though you don't realise just how much he loves you! well, he does show it in other ways, but to him, flirting is second nature.
• he continues to flirt with you, yes, but it's much more subtle. he doesn't want to alarm others by completely stopping, but it's hard when there's no response.
• so instead, he begins to hug you more often, slip his arms around your waist and rest his head on your shoulder. if flower-y words won't work, surely such outward affections would!
• eventually he brings it up, casually slipping it into a general conversation.
"Y'know y/n, it's hard trying to flirt with you. I wonder how you even picked up on my feelings in the first place!"
"That... was flirting? You were flirting with me?"
• Sylvain's jaw couldn't have dropped any lower. the sheer thought that you brushed off his advances as anything but flirting was mystifying.
• after said conversation, Sylvain brings back old habits and begins to flirt with you once again. this time, he's sure to accompany it with a quick kiss or a gentle nuzzle - that way you were sure to pick up on it. right?
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whotaughtyougrammar · 4 years
for writing meme: "Seeing his father going on dates wasn’t unusual , per se, but they were uncommon enough that the Close boys liked to make a big production of it – choosing what clothes to wear, what hair product to use, which pair of glasses to accessorize with, what instagram filter to utilize for a selfie – the whole nine yards." (thank you so much!! 💕💕 & sorry about the previous ask, didn't read the prompt clearly. I do love magpie nickname and Glenn's accidental BDSM outfit 🥰👌)
"Seeing his father going on dates wasn’t unusual , per se, but they were uncommon enough that the Close boys liked to make a big production of it – choosing what clothes to wear, what hair product to use, which pair of glasses to accessorize with, what instagram filter to utilize for a selfie – the whole nine yards."
(Thanks for participating!! This will probably be very long and rambly and disjointed, so apologies in advance!)
Glenn kind of comes off as super self-absorbed at times, so I figured he’s a little bit vain about his appearance - hence the choosing clothes, hair products, accessories, etc., even if he’s sort of supposed to have a sort of dirtbag vibe to him. (I mentioned glasses specifically because Glenn feels like the type of person who would avoid wearing his glasses because he thinks they make him look dweeby, before realizing that glasses make you look fucking hot, actually.) What’s that Robert Pattinson’s quote? “The most intense form of pretentious dishevelment I’ve ever seen in my life,” or something like that. That felt very Glenn to me. Plus, his grandfather, Meryl Streep, is old Hollywood glamour despite also being a dirtbag, so it runs in the family.
Glenn’s been a widower for, what, ten years, give or take? Even if he’s still not over it, he’s probably made a few efforts at dating again - he’s probably fucking lonely, and he has a kid. You can’t have your kid being your best and only friend (which has already happened by the time the podcast timeline has started, so mission failed). If he can date and fall in love again, he can have someone who can help him take care of Nick while also having someone who’s his age to talk to - Glenn strikes me as someone who has a hard time keeping friendships. Although if we’re being honest, none of the dads except Darryl seem to have friends outside of their wives and each other, nobody super close at least. But Glenn especially feels like the sort of guy who can strike up a friendly conversation pretty easily, but can’t really keep up the momentum of a relationship going.
Speaking of relationships, that relationship with his son, huh? Freddie says Glenn is a deadbeat - you can’t really be a deadbeat if you’re the only parent in the picture is what I feel, but damn is he fucking trying to be a deadbeat, huh? Glenn’s probably not on tour all the time - I can pretend a Christmas band can be famous, but I can’t pretend they’re that famous - so I figure he’s doing some subpar parenting, like, the minimum it takes not to get your ass reported to CPS. I’m going to be charitable and say he made more of an effort when Nick was younger, but as it is, Glenn’s not looking so hot in the parenting department.
Nick’s around ten, here probably - still in that dad worship phase, probably? He’s going to want to do the things his dad does, or at least take an interest in it, and helping your parent get ready for a fun night out on the town is like, one of the few wholesome things I feel the Closes can do without it feeling completely out of left field, while also not being... music! Disney! Drugs! (Also, drugs aren’t wholesome and a kid shouldn’t be using them.)
It’s weird - Glenn as presented in podcast? Complete fucking trashbag. Absolute disaster of a man. No sense of decorum. Rips his clothes off and shows people his butthole at any given opportunity. I have no idea how he managed to get married.
And yet somehow he managed to lock someone down and have a child with them. Life finds a way, I guess.
In any case, I figure if he somehow managed to find someone who enjoyed his company enough to get hitched, he must have made some sort of effort, whether it was stepping up as an actual competent human being, realizing the world doesn’t revolve around him, or, in this case, taking care of his appearance. Hopefully it was a combination of all three, but we’re focusing on appearances here.
(I’m still doing this, by the way! Leave a passage from one of my fics and I’ll give you a DVD commentary of it!)
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