#sorry jamie
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When I’ve posted snippets two days in a row and neither have included Jamie Tartt.
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blank-house · 9 months
Who from the guys is the most husband material?
*flips a coin between Percy and Elio*
Haha but no seriously, it's either one of those two. Jamie's definitely not part of the running lol
Initially I was leaning on Percy's side-- he cooks, he cleans, and he's the kind of guy who'd prepare a bath for you once you're home for a long day. But then Elio's good with kids and would do all those things too (save for the cooking, he'll try but he might get a few things wrong here and there) so really it's a toss up.
*shakes fist* their parents just had to raise them right
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lil-lunchbox · 1 year
bi jamie confirmed cause after everything they’ve shown us this season the only way it’s possible for isaac to be jamie’s bff over sam is if sam is instead his crush
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alchemical-frog · 10 months
After about five years of programming classes I believe I have come to the conclusion that I do not really enjoy programming all too much
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thedeafprophet · 4 months
The Captivating Princess is a sugar mommy in the worst way send post
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orrsoared · 9 months
I saw “JD getting his first point with the Flyers” and thought “did I miss something with Jake?”
My mind just erased the last two days of insanity with Jamie.
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babytarttdoodoo · 1 year
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jettlawrence · 2 years
minute 7 of Stranger Things star Joe Keery Plays Dungeons and Dragons for the First Time | NowThis is making me insane
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pillow-lover · 6 months
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homoerotisch · 1 year
someone should periodically remind me that trans 101 books dont interest me and/or are a waste of time
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"Ah, ah, ah I wouldn't do that if I were you"
But I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Nobody wants you.
Ted and Ari’s words rattled through Jamie’s head like thunderclaps as he walked from the Crown and Anchor. 
He should have known it was too much to think that one pass would’ve been enough to show Ted he had changed. Apparently, Ted meant all that winning isn’t everything shit he tossed around last season or he would have known Jamie would help them end their series of draws. Or maybe it was just more mind games. Or maybe Jamie just wasn’t good enough. 
Good enough on the pitch.
Good enough as a teammate.
Good enough as a person. 
Maybe he didn’t deserve a team. 
Maybe he was useless.
Maybe his father was right. 
Jamie hastily wiped a tear away he felt fall from his eye and willed his eyes to stop stinging. Too soft to take rejection of his own creation. 
“What the fuck did you think you were doing running off like that? For an ickle tv show? You think they’re going to sit around and wait for you? You think they’ll keep your seat on the bench warm? Christ, Jamie, you only played because they already had the title sewn up. You know you had to work harder to make it, but instead, you fucked off to Ibiza or wherever the fuck you were. What a waste of what little talent you have.”
That was the first voicemail. He shouldn’t have listened to it. And it defintiely shouldn’t have listened to the second.
“You think you can last one week working like I do? Cause now that Manchester City kicked you to the curb, you’re gonna need a real fucking job. All you can do is kick a fucking football around, Jamie. Too dumb, too weak to do anything else. Pathetic, that.”
He didn’t listen to the other fifteen messages his father had left for him. There probably would’ve been more but the mailbox filled before his father got a chance. Jamie regretted not blocking his father’s number when he left for Lust Conquers All, but part of him wanted to hear how angry Jamie made him. 
He should probably block it now that he was back in England and his father wasn’t a safe distance away in another country. Now that he was kicked off Lust Conquers All too. Jamie couldn’t even fuck right apparently. His strategy gone up in flames after jacuzzi sex with Denise. 
Now, no other team wanted him. Not even relegated Richmond wanted him. They would rather stay in the Championship than let Jamie Tartt back into the changing room.
Jamie couldn’t blame Ted. He only makes things worse. His Mum’s life, Keeley’s, hell there was no one at Richmond that was better for having spent time with him. His Mum would be better off without having to worry for him, without him holding her like an anchor, forever connected to James Tartt. Keeley was successful and happy without him.
“Watch where you’re going.”
Jamie hadn’t noticed the pair of men he bumped into until he bounced off the solid form of one of them. 
“Yeah, sorry, mate,” he mumbled, without looking up. 
“Aren’t you Jamie Tartt?”
That got his attention and his head snapped up to scan their faces. 
“Nah, just look like him,” Jamie deferred and tried to step around him. 
“Nah, I’d know that fucking face anywhere.”
Jamie tried again to step around to no avail, one forcibly moved his body in Jamie’s path. 
“Ah, ah, ah I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Jamie was so fucking sick of these two, of this night, of this week, of this fucking year, of his fucking life. 
He was done with it all.
“What the fuck you gonna do about it, pretty boy?” the other said, shoving Jamie roughly with two hands.
Jamie should’ve taken the time to realise both of these men were bigger than him in height and pure body weight. He’d lost muscle mass and strength already during his time on Lust Conquers All; he was skinner than he had been in years. He should’ve taken the time to realise he could turn heel and run, and neither of these fucks could have caught up with him. 
But Jamie didn’t take the time to think about any of that. 
Jamie punched one of the men instead. 
He was quick, dum dum one stumbled back caught unawares by the attack, holding his bleeding nose between his fists. Jamie was fast, but the other man was faster. Dum dum two’s fist connected with the side of Jamie’s jaw before he had time to react. His head whiplashed to the side, and the man followed it up with a punch to Jamie’s ribs. Jamie reared back an elbow, connecting with a crunch to dum dum number two’s nose. Jamie grinned, even as pain shot through his jaw. 
Dum dum one though was just reorienting himself and swung out at Jamie, who ducked it easily. Jamie came back up swinging, connecting with number one’s mouth, Jamie’s ring stinging as it bit into his skin, but Jamie knew from experience it would inflict more damage on the person on the other end. Dum dum two though had recovered enough to lower his body weight and tackle Jamie, american football style. 
The move startled Jamie, and he hit the pavement with an oomph as the air was violently pulled from his lungs. He was still coughing when a fist connected with his face, forcing his head to bounce forcibly off the pavement. A rough kick to his ribs had Jamie trying to curl in on himself, but the weight of number two was enough to keep him firmly on his back. 
“Take his wallet,” Jamie heard vaguely through his ringing ears. 
His hands instinctually went to his pocket, and he fought for hold with dum dum two. Eventually, he was overpowered, his wrists held in vice-like grips of number two as the other pulled the wallet roughly from his jeans. 
“Fuck off,” Jamie said, spitting at the one holding him down. 
A kick to his ribs met his futile act of resistance. Two, still straddling him, wiped hastily at his face. 
“You’re gonna pay for that, prick.”
Jamie spit at him again, bucking his hips, trying to throw the man off him before dum dum one plated a boot painfully on his shoulder. “Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
And as the rest of the hits rained down on him, like a downpour on a hot summer day, Jamie had just enough time to think at least he wouldn’t have to explain this to a coach before he lost consciousness.
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(Outnumbered in a fight)
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boociforme · 3 days
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do you think Remy took a second to take in the view or-
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yrdnzz · 4 months
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and i got eyes on the back of my head, i got eyes everywhere so i know where you go
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izzy-hands · 1 year
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you can’t convince me that this boy did not already own the kit. that he might have had it hanging on his wall in his apartment somewhere. that when he was invited to uncle day he was so ecstatic over the prospect of giving this to roy. of roy enjoying his little joke. just look at his face when roy tells him he loves it. look at it. 
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okay but also the absolute king move of bringing home both of the people whose posters are on your bedroom wall home to meet your mom at the same time. no one is doing it like Jamie
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khaotunq · 1 month
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"You're the worst kidnapper I've ever met." Ohm Pawat as Min (Kidnap, coming Sept 2024)
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