#sorry reposting this bc i like it like this better
knbposting · 2 days
reposting a meta i did under someone else's post bc people have been asking me to psychoanalyse aomine or kagami and i think nobody saw this one :( anyway @cemetery14 's original post is here!
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jumping on for a second to talk about this bc it's so important to me. i'm not trying to mansplain aomine daiki here but his attitude is one of my fav parts of knb so pls excuse me if i say something obvious HSDHSDJH
just as a preface, i spoke about aomine's sense of security in the people he loves HERE, in the context of my aokaga fics. it's mostly hc because it talks about his parents whom we don't get to see in canon, but i'm fairly confident in this analysis to discuss this angle without referencing to that. i founded the parent hcs on how he acts with momoi.
SO. let's discuss aomine's relationships first and foremost. in the series, aomine refers to THREE people by their first names, and he does it exclusively when he feels comfortable and/or friendly with someone enough that they've earnt it. unlike with some of the other characters, he doesn't do it to get a rise out of anyone by assuming familiarity, and he doesn't do it to make fun.
he calls kuroko tetsu when kuroko proves that not only does he love basketball as much as he does, but that he's a good person and someone aomine feels he can trust. even when they fall out, even when aomine believes that kuroko must hate him, and he wants to hate kuroko for his naive view of basketball, he still calls him tetsu. he doesn't waver at all, not around other people, or shouting his name at the top of his lungs from the back of an arena. kuroko is tetsu. it's a badge of honour.
momoi is his childhood best friend and someone he does not believe will ever leave. she is, and has been for over ten years by the time the show starts, satsuki. in my view, he treats momoi as one would a sister, almost, because he treats her honestly pretty badly with no expectation that she's taking him seriously. he's surprised when he makes her cry (like in the rain when she's suggesting he pull out of a competition due to injury), because yeah he's calling her ugly and telling her to fuck off and all of that, but there's an unbreakable bond underlying his meanness that aomine trusts won't break. he shouldn't treat his friends like this, but i'm just trying to come at this from his perspective. he expresses his love for her quietly, but it's there.
as i said in my linked hc post, aomine does not believe that he has to do anything special in order to earn the love of those he trusts. he does not believe that their love is conditional, he does not think that it's linked to his skill or status as a prodigy. for better or for worse, he feels known by these people, and therefore, he's immature about responsibilities and regularly acts up around the people he loves. he ditches people, he shirks chores, and he genuinely does not care about annoying or bothering people.
and now we come to sakurai. aomine and sakurai have a faaascinating dynamic. they're classmates as well as teammates, but i'd love to know how they started talking. neither of them have the kind of personality to just sit next to the other bc they're in basketball club together. sakurai appears skittish, insecure, wet, pathetic, we love you sakurai but you have a reputation. and it's bullshit. sakurai's "drawback", what makes him look weak in the eyes of those around him, is in his need to please others. he takes it bitterly personally when he does something wrong, or he believes he does something wrong, quickly reducing to tears and the classic "i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i don't want to live! i deserve to die!" spiel he usually descends to. but in clutch mode, in his favourite sport, sakurai can be just as arrogant as the rest of touou. he has the confidence to make threes against strong opponents instead of just passing to the prodigal ace. he wants to score points. he isn't interested in proving himself to anyone, he already knows that he's great.
sakurai's actual personality, rather than his perceived one, is probably what draws aomine to him. i can very easily imagine that they're in a game early on, and sakurai looks like he's about to get into trouble with the opposing team who are picking on him a little. but instead of crumbling, he gives them the most disgraceful look of disrespect, and scores an amazing three. it's a moment like that which would make aomine interested, and as he pays more attention, he'd notice other things he also would like. sakurai is kind, he loves basketball, and he is not afraid of aomine. he's not afraid of his skill, however much he is impressed by it, and he doesn't see aomine is someone to prove himself to or compete with. sakurai honestly doesn't seem like he thinks about aomine much at all. which aomine would like. he's also a great cook. again, my idea is that they were eating together, and aomine is looming because he kinda wants to make friends but isn't quite sure yet, and sakurai offers him a little food. you know, like the neighbourhood cat? anyway. once he's had some, he wants to have more, and so, a friendship occurs.
sakurai's food making is one of his more beloved traits in his team, and everyone is comfortable enough with him to snatch and steal etc. like wakamatsu eating all the fucking lemons so aomine wouldn't get any. my fav team. stupid idiots. there are instances were sakurai expresses that he wishes they wouldn't (like the cursed replace novel where aomine eats all sakurai's food he made for the team during a study session to do aomine's homework, without him knowing, and when he discovers an empty fridge, he starts crying and has to be comforted), but overall his protestations are, in my opinion, coming from modesty rather than actual discomfort. sakurai is a strong enough person not to have people walk all over him, he simply doesn't mind being useful to a team he has grown to love and respect.
sakurai is the third person aomine refers to by his first name. sakurai earns this in his basketball skill, he earns it in how he stares fearlessly and disgracefully at nonbelieving opponents. the food definitely helps, but aomine wouldn't have just stolen a stranger's food. he doesn't view sakurai as weak. he doesn't bully him. wakamatsu may think that aomine is bullying him or taking advantage of him, but aomine isn't like that. he doesn't take advantage of the weak, he protects them. like the lady's bag getting snatched. like fighting haizaki when he knew his friends couldn't (not that he thinks they're weak, it's just that their hands were tied). i don't think i've seen him ever take advantage of anyone like that. he certainly takes advantage of friendships as i've mentioned above, but it feels different to me. idk maybe i'm just an aomine excuser at this point. it'll happen again.
for someone who doesn't sincerely smile much, btw, look at how he is in that scene with sakurai:
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sakurai: but... this is... aomine: huh? sakurai: sorry, go ahead!
i think this dialogue is less aomine bullying his way into sakurai's bento, and more sakurai realising that the neighbourhood cat is getting more comfortable with him. would he have told him to get lost? probably not. but he doesn't move away when aomine's near, and he isn't flinching or worried about anything bad happening. if anything, his eyes closing when aomine's draped all over him shows, to me, that he's sort of accepting his fate, bc he knows aomine's not gonna do anything but take the good bits of his bento (not a bully. wakamatsu. please calm down). in fact, look at aomine's reaction when wakamatsu tries defending sakurai, whom he believes is getting kinda bullied here:
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first, he checks on sakurai. look, he's fine. sakurai cries at everything, he's calm here. he hasn't overstepped any boundaries. but to me, aomine's first words being a reply to wakamatsu's claims that he should be at practise, and not about stealing food, suggests that aomine hasn't actually considered that he could be doing anything wrong enough to rile wakamatsu up this much. it has gotta be about coming to practise. he stops eating sakurai's bento and tries to leave. i think he'd probably be embarrassed by the idea that he could bully anyone. mean as he is, selfish as he is, aomine's good at heart. he'd definitely think his whole team was stupid as fuck if they believed that aomine would bully sakurai, or degrade him in any way. aomine's just showing that he's comfortable with him in the only way he tends to: by being a little shit.
phew! aomine brain dump out of the way. let's discuss haizaki more briefly because haizaki is a lot of fun, but he's not as fun to talk about as aomine.
i think it's a super interesting, deliberate choice to introduce aomine as a nuisance and then haizaki as a nuisance in a similar setting. aomine's food stealing, to me, looks like it's founded on habit and friendship. he doesn't view sakurai as weak and pathetic, and i think already by that point is calling him ryou, so they're solid friends. aomine is a definite loner and doesn't seem to want friends, but ryou is one of them. one of three, as i mentioned, whom he refers to by first name.
haizaki's entrance in the food hall is different because he doesn't have that base level of friendship with kuroko at all. from memory, he calls people by their first names and it makes them uncomfortable. that's likely why he does it. he is big on disrupting the balance of things. i know he hates the generation of miracles, i know he hates team play and friendship dynamics (likely because he finds it difficult to relate to people like that, and to forgive when someone does something that he finds annoying or weak). haizaki does prey on the weak. he's a menace to women walking around at night, he's a menace to kise in their match (his views on kise are super interesting but i don't wanna get into them now, but he does view kise as weak). and he definitely thinks kuroko's weak. it's no surprise that he targets kuroko's plate (this is all from memory so i'm hoping i'm right lmao).
haizaki's food stealing is a power play. look at what i can do, i can take what i want. you can't do shit about it. when called out for it, he says this:
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(mido said fuck YOUUUUU aomine) now, i don't think this is actually haizaki believing that aomine is doing it for the same reasons he is. i don't think haizaki gives a shit, and he just sees aomine making a fuss and wants to cause trouble. (side note: aomine's i only take when i'm hungry is so funny. he's saying i'm DYING before i steal from my friends!!! that's so stupid. he's such a pain. but he's never going to say "i only steal from my best friends" because that is crazy talk, this is still aomine, whether he's 12 or whatever.)
murasakibara complains, drawing himself into haizaki's zone of interest, and then haizaki shows he doesn't give a fuck by talking only of the food. i am SURE there are translation issues to be taken into consideration, but haizaki's word choice at face value is: a) your fried chicken looks good too, b) that's mine now. essentially: the fuck are you gonna do about it? he likely doesn't view mura as weak, i think here he's just willing to fight for it. mura plays defence and haizaki loses interest.
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haizaki seeks to remind them that he isn't emotionally invested in any of this shit, he just takes what he wants to because he can. it's a power play, and everyone knows it.
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the fact that it's aomine putting up a fight about not stealing food is telling to how different they are. it doesn't matter that aomine thinks he only steals when he's hungry so it's alright, if he even does view it like that at all (aomine has a history of talking shit and lying sooo). aomine sets them apart by making it clear that he doesn't have any ulterior motives. haizaki is very quick to announce that he does. he isn't doing it because he has to, he's stealing and being a general menace because he wants to. and he tends to target either those he views as weak, or those he knows will fight him.
i wonder why he didn't take from akashi? i wonder whether it's a testament to nijimura's fighting skills or that haizaki didn't fight back when nijimura beat him up?
anyway. i'm so sorry i wrote an essay on your post. i love this topic obviously and i'm critically insane.
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hiddcnhorizcns · 2 months
@ruinedsoulsrp from here
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Emily stood on the other side of the door, her expression a mixture of relief and uncertainty. She knew coming here wasn't the wisest choice, but she needed someone to lean on, even if just for a moment. As Ches opened the door, his smirk and casual demeanor immediately put her at ease, despite the situation. A faint smile tugged at her lips as she met his gaze, the faint smell of cigarettes and beer mingling in the air. She stepped forward, accepting his unspoken invitation, finding solace in the familiarity of his embrace. Leaning into him, she sighed softly, the tension of the evening slowly dissipating. "Yeah, you could say that," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. "Mind if I crash here for a bit?" Emily didn't want to overstay her welcome or impose on Ches, but she couldn't bear the thought of facing her own empty apartment just yet, especially after all hell broke loose in there not long ago.
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
And now my art has been reposted on tiktok, have I finally made it as a creator? 🥺 But like seriously my god, I didn't think I had to say but don't repost??????? I think I've been pretty safe from it cause I normally just draw AU art but ahh making relevant art, it's a dangerous game....I just yeah, don't necessarily know what to do about it, but yeah just don't please?
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1tcaro · 1 year
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angry spot doodles
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wolfietheangel · 17 days
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GEEZ.... tell the difference huh LOL (bottom few are from 2022!)
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emrrys · 2 years
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i offer some pixals in these trying times
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transxfiles · 1 year
the funny thing about having read the spider punk comics is going through the atsv tag noticing people saying things about hobie and then being like "it's canon from the comics!!" to justify things they literally just made up. girl i did the reading and i don't know how to tell you this but nothing you just said is true... you fell for the edited panels from twitter didn't you.
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euphor1a · 5 months
Honestly, I shouldn’t have slept on revamping bewitched so much. I know I hate the way I wrote it and have to cringe at every word while editing and reworking on it but the characters were well-built despite my writing skills and the plot was pretty good 😔? I don’t think a ton of the readers who were hype about the series are around and it’s pretty hard to build a brand new audience.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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this is just a very questionable shin jidai english tl
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Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
How long are you gonna remain here? You’re such a burden
Isn’t it about time for you to leave?
Even though you glare at me for my bad manners
I’m sick and tired of your outdated rules
I don’t need your boring instructions
Who cares about expectations? I’ll just fight head-on
Don’t make light of my abilities
Even a fallen mic onstage still counts as a drop
We’ll sing till our throats completely burn dry
We’ll dance till our bodies collapse
The current era has gone stale and we’re longing for more
So let’s fight it out the moment our eyes meet
Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
Competing and clashing with each other for all eternity
Keeping our distance from each other
Affirming that we’re necessary to each other
Entrusting our lives to each other, we live on
You’ve been cast out of the leading role
You’ll never be able to erase your loss from your memory
Feeling sympathy for you, as you ran away tearfully,
I should’ve apologised with a “sorry” before you got hurt
I turned down your challenge for a fight,
I’d only be seen as a villain if I clashed with you in your victimised state
Don’t show me this side of you
I’ll be sure to forget it all by tomorrow. bye bye
There is nothing that cannot be broken
There is nothing that we cannot achieve
There will definitely be a future for us
So let’s fight it out the moment our eyes meet
Fire a bullet for the Kill
A single hit to your vitals spells the end
We’ve defeated you for good
Let’s show the new generation
A gamble of life and death
Hurry up and realise that you’re no match for us, that you’re way too weak for us
You don’t even have the right to speak to us
We’re the only special ones around
Too bad for you, just give up already
Can you hear us?
Are you wavering?
Are you feeling joy all the way down into your cells?
We’ll transmit it to you through your skin
Empty your thoughts and just feel it
It’s the birth of a legend
We’re passing the torch to you
You can’t move forward if you keep grieving forever
Just abandon your fate
Having accumulated things like feelings of pity,
We will
Throw a punch for a one-hit Kill
Let’s bid farewell to the old era
We’ve defeated it for good
We’ll make a declaration here and now
It’s time to raise the curtains on a new era
Let’s raise a ruckus
Competing and clashing with each other for all eternity
Keeping our distance from each other
Affirming that we’re necessary to each other
Entrusting our lives to each other, we live on
Let’s sing
Let’s dance
With this song
We’ll defeat it all
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amatres · 1 year
another half baked idea i have over the dragon age franchise is they shouldn't have gone back to ferelden at all in inquisition, it should have been solely set in orlais
no i'm serious, i don't think placing a sequel in the same place as the previous game(s) is ever a good idea unless the story is linear bc then you start with multiple plot points you have to consider to either respect and try to work with, or retcon them to make writing easier which Sucks bc then it feels like all the work you did in the previous game was for naught
plus it wouldn't be too hard to change the big explosion to val royeaux bc the chantry was literally Born in orlais, it would make sense to deal with their bullshit in their birthplace. the need to keep up appearances would play a much more important part in the game and make players consider how their actions will affect not only the way the story goes but how they are seen by the nobles in it's hold. you could also have an easier time tearing down the chantry for good instead of Having to work with them just saying
you could even you know, probably fit parts of the masked empire and asunder into the game instead of making them side material books so players actually know what's going on instead of it just being neat references and resolutions to stories the players dont even know.
the whole cole finding out he's a spirit thing? could have been his character quest. the reveal about what celene did, and deciding if you want to side with her, briala, or gaspard? could have been a big choice similar to the landsmeet with in actual game context on what's going on instead of having to have purchase and read a separate piece of dragon age content. felassan could have been a party companion, and solas cold feel more like an ominous built up to villain, or you could have still had solas as a companion and you met him through felassan? solas's betrayal not just being he just fucks off for two years with no explanation, but that he kills another party member (felassan) and then fucks off so your character can have more reason to have complicated feelings on him without the elven god reveal
you could also better center the player characters origins and not just be like Some Guy from elsewhere everyone worships now and actually have a reason to care about what's going on beyond 'i don't want to die'. you could have been a circle mage, or a city elf in orlais, or your noble background as a human could Mean something by giving you a leg up in the politics, or-
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
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Shinjuku Boys (1995) 
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Hi! This is really random but may I know why you don't like Domi? I mean on the rare occasion I watch motoE I don't really vibe with him but I just thought it's because I prefer Eric. Is there any specific reason why?
other than being a massive creep he’s done some pretty unsportsmanlike things during races. at the 2021 motoe finale he and jordi torres were fighting for the championship and he pulled a dodgy move that took jordi out, meaning domi won the championship but he ended up getting a time penalty that was the equivalent of a ride through which meant he lost the championship, then he went on social media and effectively declared himself the moral and true champion (which is bullshit anyways and if he’d not been so desperate he might even have won it fair and square) and then this season in wssp he was involved in a crash, that he didn’t cause he was just collateral damage, and basically faked a concussion to try and get a red flag brought out so he could restart the race, he admitted to doing this the next day and got banned from taking part in race 2 because of it ! finally, and this is just personally, but his fan club just weird me out they’re like a cult almost and apparently only something like ~200 people are allowed to join it’s all very weird and :/
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ilikeyoshi · 8 months
what ppl think anxiety disorders are: stressful things stress me out
what my anxiety disorder is: if i get scared or mad or excited or surprised, any bad OR good emotional rush, my adrenaline goes up to maximum and does not come down until i pass out from exhaustion
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diordeer · 4 months
“but you always really knew, i just want to be with you. and I'm in so deep, you know i'm such a fool for you” - the cranberries (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader, p.s. can we please pretend the beaches look similar i tried SO hard, also why does this lowkey have me shipping the yn and charlie update accounts
description: ahh i love the cranberries! they were my childhood album… my first ever cd was no need to argue!
requested by: anonymous 🫢
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, iamcharliebushnell and others
yn.ln but im in so deep! u know im such a fool for you!!
View all comments.
user1 how yn gotta be feeling after soft launching (?) a relationship but giving us NO physical descriptions of him 🤠
↳ dior.n.goodjohn HIM?! Guys this is me in the photo
↳ yn.ln can confirm shes my lawfully wedded wife
↳ yn.ln do u have to let it linger?!
user4 gal looks magestic
user5 the height difference i deserve
↳ user2 REAL
↳ yn.ln love u more 😘😘
aryansimhadri 👀
↳ yn.ln dont make any sudden movements
user7 shes so cute in the first pic!!
user8 whoevers dating her better be the most chivalrous, respectable, handsome, funny, loyal, kind, gentle guy in the world
↳ yn.ln id say he ticks the boxes 🤷‍♀️
↳ dior.n.goodjohn so do i 😖
user9 idk who this man is but the adams apples got me in a chokehold
↳ user10 OMF WHAT?!
↳ yn.updates CHECK MY ACCOUNT!!!!
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Liked by charliebushnell.updates, yn.fans and others
View all comments.
user1 as MUCH as i want to believe this they could’ve just been at the beach at the same time
↳ yn.updates potentially… BUT he was in her likes!
↳ yn.fans and their chemistryyyy!!
↳ yn.updates they r SO cute together
user2 guys hes so 😍
↳ user4 yns lucky?! LOOK AT HER!!
user5 idk who i want to be in this relationshop
user6 yn.updates carrying us on their back
↳ yn.updates 😘😘
charliebushnell.updates do u mind if i repost this on my account?
↳ yn.updates omg no! Repost all u want!
user7 if they actually are together they would be THE IT couple
↳ user5 oh yes
user9 if this isnt true i think ill have a little bath with my toaster
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Liked by yn.ln, aryansimhadri and others
iamcharliebushnell you got me wrapped around your finger!!
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user2 oh this is SO yn
yn.ln do u have to let it lingerrrrr
↳ yn.updates OMG I WAS RIGHT AHHH
↳ charliebushnell.updates mastermind!!
walker.scobell why did i not know about this 😧
↳ iamcharliebushnell im just so sneaky 🤷‍♀️
↳ leahsavajeffries EVERYONE knew about this, walker
↳ yn.ln you are not sneaky
user5 the first pic… give me the strength
user3 i love the cranberries
dior.n.goodjohn the other womannn 😣
↳ yn.ln im sorry my love 😔
user4 charlie in the second pic 😘😘😍😍
↳ yn.ln omg ikr 🤭
user5 wait so is this like confirmed now… bc i feel like they never actually confirmed
↳ user6 ma’am…
user8 yn.updates carried us
↳ yn.updates i cant believe this 🤭
taglist: @highfidelities @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303
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sanaexus · 11 days
social's as rin's girlfriend
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-liked by itoshi_sae, shiidoryu and 121.1k others
yourusername: rin loving something that isn't football (NOT CLICKBAIT GONE WRONG) 😱😱🙀🙀
tagged: rin.itoshi
rin.itoshi: you're acting as if the only thing that's on my mind is football. ↳yourusername: it legit is though ↳isaichii: that IS the only thing in your mind ↳shiidoryu: balls is like the only thing you can think ab ↳hiyori: why did you phrase it like that ↳shiidoryu: bc i felt silly n cute ↳rin.itoshi: hope yall kys.
julian.loki: wow no credits? i'm heartbrocken y/n 💔🙄😭🤬 ↳yourusername: mb bro ↳julian.loki: yes ur bad, i had to watch yall kissing for like 10 minutes like ???
yourusername: picture credits to the amazing (part-time footballer full time photographer) @/julian.loki ↳megubachi: ah yes being surrounded by sweaty men and balls is my fav passtime ↳hiyori: again what the fuck
rin.itoshi: the picture looks a bit weird, maybe we should redo it but with practice? ↳yourusername: 😮 ↳chigi.who: 😮 ↳isaichii: 😮 ↳nikkoki: 😮 ↳shoei.barou: 😮 ↳itoshi_sae: 😮 ↳yourusername: (im omw btw) ↳rin.itoshi: what?
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-liked by chigi.who, karasu_tabito and 152.4k others
rin.itoshi: fuck y'all
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: rin ily but maybe provide some context to the caption pls ↳rin.itoshi: nah ↳yourusername: NAH I'D WIN ↳rin.itoshi: .. ↳yourusername: ok i'm sorry
shiidoryu: bet, when? ↳yourusername: 🤺back🤺you🤺zesty🤺demon🤺 back 🤺 ↳rin.itoshi: blocked.
user3: wait what is the context to the caption? ↳yourusername: his friends were teasing him ab being a shitty bf and only thinking ab football lol ↳rin.itoshi: they aren't my friends, i'm not a shitty bf and i don't only think ab football ↳yourusername: I NEVER SAID aNYTHING I WAS JS EXPLAINING
isaichii: bro got pissed ↳reo.miikage: are we surprised? ↳nagi.seishiro: no
yourusername: ilysm i'm gonna cry ↳rin.itoshi: if it makes you feel better you look rlly pretty when you cry ↳yourusername: screaming crying throwing up rn
eita.otoya: ofc he tried teaching you football and ofc he mentioned it in the post that was supposed to prove he doesn't only think ab football ↳yourusername: he's js a bit silly like that 😝 ↳yourusername: that football training shi was brutal asf imma stick to js watching ↳rin.itoshi: you barely did anything? ↳yourusername: give me a break
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-liked by nikkoki, kuniisuke and 124.9k others
yourusername: leave the poor guy alone, he does a perfectly good job at being a bf <3
tagged: rin.itoshi
isaichii: WHAT THE FUCK IS THE LAST SHIRT? NO WAY THAT'S RIN ↳yourusername: YES WAY THAT'S RIN ↳isaichii: ... ↳yourusername: HE'S A SOFTIE FOR ME 🥺💕
rin.itoshi: was the last picture necessary? ↳yourusername: yes ↳rin.itoshi: i fucking hate you ↳yourusername: awww i love you too
user4: the hand placement in the second picture?? it's so cute?? ↳rin.itoshi: she makes it cute ↳chigi.who: what the fuck.
shiidoryu: us when rin? 🥺🥺 ↳rin.itoshi: out of my girlfriend's comments ↳shiidoryu: you didn't say no to us 😏 ↳rin.itoshi: i'd rather admit isagi is better than me then ever be anywhere near you
rin.itoshi: you're so pretty ↳user4: fr like all u do is kick balls how did you pull her ↳yourusername: you're my fav ball kicker dw ↳rin.itoshi: i ask myself that everyday and ofc i'm your fav ↳yourusername: your brother's a close second ↳rin.itoshi: .. ↳yourusername: OK MB I'M SORRY ↳hiyori: FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN NO ONE PROPERLY DESCRIBE SOCCER OR WHAT. ↳mikka.kaiser: football* ↳kenyu.yukimiya: boy if you don't stafu rn
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bye i had to repost bc i needed to edit something still had sm writing this
based on this request
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faetreides · 3 months
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summary: rafe cameron x afab maid!reader
cw: titfucking, rimming/ass eating, collaring, power imbalance/dubcon, no real face slapping but reader gets rafe’s rings pressed into their face, gun mentions, rafe talks about wanting to do a line off reader’s tits, throwaway implication that his dad saw you, general rafe-esque warnings 💀, very plotless & possibly ooc (i’m new to the show but i’ve been lurking for a bit), rafe spits on reader, slight dumbification/objectification, hate sex coded but that's more bc i have a love/hate relationship with rafe, he calls reader a bitch once and a also a slut once, use of good girl
block & move on if uncomfortable !!
do not translate, repost, or give ai my work
kinktober masterlist
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This stupid carpet is hell on your knees. Not that there was any time to pull a pillow down under them, you were pulled into the room and shoved down so fast you got dizzy. You’re brought out of your ruminations by a rough palm seizing your face in its grasp and squeezing. 
Rafe huffs, leaning forward to make sure he didn’t miss the way your eyes widened as his fingers tightened. His gaudy rings are going to leave impressions on your cheeks but it’s hard to care about that right now. One second, you’re dusting off the son of your employer’s bedroom, and the next you’re getting a wad of split slung on your face. 
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Your pussy decides to be a traitor and clench in response. 
“Sorry ‘bout that………” Rafe trails off, flicking the spit off your cheek like he was picking at a persistent hangnail. 
The apology is as insincere as it could be but something about the bored inflection in his tone gets you wet. 
“It’s fine.” Your “ice princess facade” as he’s called it  falls apart a tad, an embarrassing heat blooming throughout your face. 
He seems satisfied with his attempt at amateur art and scoops the rest up with two of his fingers. He doesn’t ask you to clean them off, just shoves them in between your plump lips without a word. 
“You’re so fuckin’ messy, being such a shitty maid right now, you know that, babe?” He hums, giving your face one final squeeze. 
You’re not even sure he knows your name, he sure doesn’t act like it. All he does is coo at you condescendingly as you suckle on his fingers, telling you how much better you are at this. Once you’ve done an adequate job of polishing them off, he pulls the digits away and gives you a weak love tap. Rafe’s obviously wanting to wring something else out of you. 
You hate that your first instinct is to say “Yes, sir?” 
You also hate that it’s what actually fucking comes out of your mouth. 
The grin that splits his mouth reminds you of the only time you’ve ever successfully caught a mouse in an old fashioned trap. A vermin that used to disgust you until it stayed and you gave it a name. And then your mom has to turn you away from the sight of Jacque’s tiny body cleaved in two. 
“Get those fucking clothes off, now.” He orders you, palming himself through his khakis. "And toys don't talk back."
You roll your eyes and comply. You ignore Rafe's ramblings about how he wished his dad made you wear one of those skimpy made costumes without underwear, that he way he could stare at your pussy whenever you bent over. The door is wide open, you know you could just make a break for it if you wanted. But you kind of like how the humiliation twists your stomach in a knot. The air in the room gets so much hotter when you focus on the large bulge in front of your face.
As soon as your uniform is lying on the hardwood floor in a rumpled heap, your tits are being squished together. Rafe takes several moments to weigh each globe of flesh in his hands.
"Pretty tits, always wondered what they looked like under that stupid uniform. Wanted to make a mess of you so bad but you had to be all fuckin' stuck up and prissy." He hisses, digging his nails into your breasts.
He massages them in circular motions, forcing them to press together like he could cum untouched to the sight of it alone.
You obediently stay silent as you watch Rafe stagger to his feet and wrestle his leather belt out of his pants. His bottom lip is being toyed with to the point that tiny drops of blood are peeking out of the skin. The leather makes a thwack! sound as it passes through the final belt loop and flops around. Rafe continues to eye your tits like a hawk as he wraps the belt around his hand and kneels down to your level.
He tilts your head up with one finger under your chin, "This is going around your neck, okay? I don't have a leash to go with it, but I'll get one for next time."
You open your mouth to speak or maybe to moan at the vision of the expensive leather tensely coiled around your vulnerable neck like a snake about to strike. The warning look he gives you shut you up, but your damp panties made you want to push him further.
"Don't move a muscle."
The belt was warm to the touch, probably because of all the hours Rafe had spent on the golf course or wherever his "business" takes him. You stay perfectly still as he curled it around your neck, having to wrap it around you again due to the length. The metal belt buckle clicked as he fastens it, tugging it firmly to test how tight it was. It definitely feels like a weight baring down on you, but you seem to be able to breathe so he steps back again.
"There we go, pretty bitch just for me."
His pants fall to the ground unceremoniously, revealing the cock you may have had a stray wet dream or two about. Crowned by neatly and clearly obsessively trimmed hair, it looks about 7 inches and thicker than your forearm. His cock has a slight left curve, with a couple prominent veins and an almost reddish-pink colored tip that puffs out at the sides a bit.
Rafe's cockhead catches the drool that embarrassingly leaks out of your mouth, and you kitten lick the slit as you stare up at him through your lashes. You want to smile at the punched-out groan emanating from above you, but he might slap you for getting cocky, it wouldn't be unwelcome.
"You like it, babe? Yeah, I bet you do."
He brings your hands up to your tits and you pick up on what he wants you to do. Anticipating Rafe Cameron's needs is part of your job after all. You scrape the sides of your chipped painted nails against them as you softly cup and squish the globes together, creating a perfect pocket for him.
"Good girl." He chuckles, ruffling your hair like you were his pet.
He savors the wet slide of his cock through the valley of your breasts. You hold them impossibly closer together, ignoring the discomfort by getting lost in the game of peek a boo his tip is playing with you during every thrust. A near constant stream of precum is flowing from the silt and ending up all over the tops of your tits.
Rafe pants as he speeds up his thrusts, his pupils expanding as he takes in the spectacle of you hot dogging him with your tits. For how preppy he likes to act sometimes, he sure does seem to enjoy painting you with his bodily fluids. He weaves his hands down from their deadly hold on your hair to pinch and flick your nipples.
" 'G-gonna cream all over these gorgeous tits, get them messy, then snort some coke off your nipples after.”
It doesn't take as long as a man like him would prefer before he's spilling all over your heaving chest with a sound so inhuman you'd think he was possessed.
You're past caring if he sees you hungrily open your mouth as wide as possible in the hopes of catching some of his cum in your mouth. You grind your sopping wet cunt against the floor when you do, and fuck it tastes better than it has any right to.
A quiet 'shit' rings out and the room spins as you're swiftly flipped on your stomach. Rafe crowds behind you and yanks your hips up. You don't think much of it until you feel warm breath on your ass. You jolt in surprise, and he gives you a light smack on both cheeks before spreading them with his thumb.
"Bet you thought I wanted your pussy, huh? Well, this tiny hole right here looks much cuter, you can't blame me. We'll get you some cute plugs." Followed by a flat tongue licking a stripe over your rim. He gives your hole a strangely soft peck and then teases the tip of his tongue past the entrance.
You squeal, which you'd be mortified by if the sensation of Rafe's tongue filling up your ass didn't feel so good. The way he curls it and jabs it deeper between your cheeks in short busts is running a huge risk of causing you to go insane. It's like he's exploring every nook and cranny, you should be laughing because the man that treats you like a back-alley whore is up to his ears in your ass. His groans and grunts are muffled but they give you the confidence to be louder.
He drags his face away and hangs his tongue over you until a load of saliva drips down onto you. You shiver when it meets your hole. A high-pitched moan comes out when he massages it into the puckered skin with his thumb.
He dots sloppy open-mouthed kisses up and down your rim, nipping the flesh as he goes.
"I would say it's gonna be too tight, but sluts like you can take anything, right?"
You're too busy nodding to notice the sound of shoes hitting the floor in their rush to get away, or that the person wearing them softly closes the door behind them.
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