#but yes sorry this turned into a rant 🙏
girl-bateman · 3 months
Blood-work came back fine which either means I really do have a mysterious deadly illness OR its my mental health that's fucking up my physical health. Now my dilemma for my upcoming appointment .. do I mention how neurotically devastated I've been feeling these last months, knowing the doctor might be relieved to blame it all on hysteria instead of doing more testing ? Or do I just... not say anything about that.. lol
#i feel very very uncomfortable referring to diagnoses or specific mental health conditions that i cannot confirm i have (!)#but if this is indeed all linked to that stuff that happened 4months ago#which hypothetically would be linked to some unpleasantness that idk about from the past#then yes. my physical symptoms could technically be explained by a triggered trauma response#made worse by anxiety stress hightened cortisol levels etc etc#HOWEVER lots of doctors tend to dismiss women abt physical symptoms in favour of blaming mental health issues#and i dont want to give them any reason to do that in case i really am sick fr (as in dying lol)#bit then again i kinda am hysterical 👍#im relieved my friends have been so gentle with me abt this but it kinda makes it harder to have a reference point for how insane/normal#my thoughts and reflections are. bc they're just doing that empathetic listening thing. not rly saying what THEY think u know#and dont get me wrong! thats prob the right call! but for once id just like for someone to be like#'obviously u were xx' ??? bc they just keep saying they dont wanna speculate. and i dont either! but im going mad trying to find anwsers#and ig i just want someone to tell me what i should think and do and whats normal and whats not#like??? is it rational for me to think something bad happened or am i being delusional. evil and paranoid ???#am i in denial for believing that nothing might have happened at all and that there might be other things to explain whats going on ??#i just want to know what the normal ppl think bc i feel very far from normal rn#and i can tell my friends are having so many opinions that they are leaving unsaid#which low key is not helping the paranoia BUT once again i know that they are doing it out of kindness and sensitivity 🙏💓#i love my friends and this is not a diss to them !!! i just have a lot of conflicting thoughts and feelings abt it looool#sorry these tags always turn into a rant#diary entries
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nereidprinc3ss · 9 months
hii! could i request something w spence where he asks uni reader to move in with him and r is kinda nervous about it please🙏🙏 love all of ur fics, and thanksss 🫶🫶🫶
yass this is super cute!!!! thank you for the request, hope i did it justice
warnings/tags: fluff!! a teensy bit suggestive at the end if u squint... i cant help myself. i'm an animal
requests are open! sfw and nsfw welcome
(a/n: this is probably an awkward spot to put this but I didn't wanna make a whole other post: THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT!!! i have gained over 100 followers since i last posted and have over 1k notes on both of my recent works thats literally bonkers insane crazy town ACTUALLY. i love hearing your thoughts and reactions to my work even if its just a silly little comment. so yeah. thanks and so much love to u ALL)
“So basically, I’m not allowed in the dorm except to sleep because she always has her boyfriend over, and I told her that’s literally insane—I’m paying thousands of dollars to be there just like her. If she wanted privacy she should have gotten a single. She can’t just lock me out of our shared bedroom all the time! I live there!” 
You’re stabbing violently at your food by the time you finish your verbal tirade. 
“Okay, maybe put the knife down before you hurt yourself,” Spencer suggests, readying a hand to take the implement away from you if necessary. The knife clatters against your plate as you drop it. 
“She’s driving me fucking crazy,” you mumble, rubbing your eyes until you see fireworks. “And the housing department said I don’t have grounds to transfer rooms, so I’m stuck with her for the rest of the year.” 
There’s no reply from your boyfriend, and a pang of guilt in your chest makes you look up at him again. His expression, as so often is the case, is inscrutable. 
“I’m sorry for ranting. I’m really happy to see you and I don’t mean to ruin dinner, I just—” 
“You could stay with me,” he interrupts. 
You blink. 
“Like... when she locks me out?” 
Spencer laughs self-consciously. 
“No, like... permanently.” 
For a moment you just gape at him like an idiot, trying to comprehend his offer. 
He wants you to move in... with him. Permanently. He wants to live with you. 
You realize you’ve been staring at him for far too long, and you lean back, inhaling deeply as the world launches into motion again. 
“That’s... a big step, Spence,” you breathe. His eyes scan you head to toe, and you realize he’s most definitely analyzing your body language. 
“You don’t have to say yes. It was just an offer,” he shrugs, standing up and clearing the plates from the table.  
“Wait,” you call, following him to the kitchen. “Are you upset now because I leaned away from you when you asked?” 
He turns from the counter, looking at you blankly. 
“Of course not. That would be ridiculous.” 
Oh, he totally is. 
You tentatively step forward, gently lacing your fingers through his—but unable to meet his eyes.  
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” you begin gingerly, “but I’m... I’m not done with school. We always said I would move in once I graduated.” 
“That’s an arbitrary limitation we set for ourselves. There are plenty of ways to get you from here to campus every day.” 
“But you’re not even here sometimes. I would just be alone.” 
“You would have the whole apartment to yourself. You would have my bed. You wouldn’t have to share a shower with an entire floor of college students anymore. And ultimately, we would get to spend a lot more time together.” 
You try to speak but find your throat is tight. Spending more time together is exactly what you’re afraid of. 
“What’s your real objection here?” he asks quietly, running his thumb back and forth over the underside of your wrist. You swallow, watching the motion of his hand.  
“I’m afraid, that if we move in together... you’ll stop liking me.” The words come out paper thin, barely audible. 
And he laughs. Your teary eyes dart up, surprised by the reaction—slightly hurt, even. 
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I’m not laughing at you,” Spencer says, sobering up when he sees your baleful expression. “I just can’t believe you think I’d stop liking you.” He wipes away the tears beading on your eyelashes delicately. “I’m in love with you. Neurologically that is pretty hard to undo.” 
You study his face, looking for any sign of hesitation or dishonesty. All you find is pure fondness in the curve of his lips; utter devotion in the soft set of his eyes. 
“You promise you won’t start hating me as soon as I move in?” 
“I promise.” 
You lean against his chest, craning your neck to look up at him. 
“I can be pretty annoying.” 
“I think I can handle it.” 
“I take really long showers.”  
He kisses you softly. “Me too. I’m sure we can figure out a way to conserve water.” 
Despite your reservations you smile against his lips. 
“Okay?” he asks. 
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wcbblife · 7 months
pls literally anything kate martin it’s so dry out here 🙏🙏 maybe like kate x influncer reader or something idk
Sure can! We'll get through this drought together ✊ (Did I write too much? Yes. Do I regret it? No.)
Kate Martin x influencer/soccer player reader
How you two met: You play for the soccer team at Iowa university. So naturally, after the season ended you usually spend some of your afternoons playing pickup soccer at the local parks nearby to satisfy the itch to always be playing your sport. Another hobby you also like to do a lot is to record your journey. You vlog about your flights, your training, practices, your tips on how to have a balanced life between sports and studies, and some behind the scenes with your team members. You have a fairly large following of 500k subscribers due to your personality and engaging content. On one particular afternoon, your fiery competitive spirit and impressive skills are able to catch the attention of one particular person amidst the small crowd that always gathered to watch the simple matches. It was none other than Kate Martin. Once the match ended you had seen one of your teammates walk over towards you and Kate followed right behind her (since Kate seems so friendly i def think she hangs out with other athletes outside of basketball). As you packed your things, you felt a pair of pretty eyes staring at your every move. You decide to start the convo up by saying that you watch all her games because you love the way she plays. You watch as her cheeks get a little rosy and she goes on a cute little rant about how she watches your vlogs and videos and that, whenever she could, she would drop by to see your team play. You joke that you guys should hang up so she could teach you to play basketball before your teammate says that she and her girlfriend (who was someone you play with and against constantly in these simple matches) had to go. She leaves you alone with Kate and you bring up that you guys should definitely hang out and she brings out the idea of going to recovery together cuz why not since she will undoubtedly be busy with her own season starting. You agree and that’s the beginning of how you two started talking.
How you got close: So as mentioned above, you guys definitely see each other around the athletic and rehab center in the university. Since you practice off season, you prefer to be safe than sorry and attend your recovery session religiously. Thanks to this, you guys are able to strike up conversations here and there but they're never too long. Not until you need to get into the dreaded ice bath for one session after being inexplicably sore for days on end. You decide that it's the perfect time to get your camera out and record your funny reaction to it to later post it. While walking over to your doom, you come face to face with Kate. You shamelessly note that she was wearing really revealing clothes. She smiles and asks where you’re headed and you explain and she immediately asks if she could join you cuz she was going over there too. Once you get there you turn on your camera and explain to the viewers what was going to happen. While you did that, you felt Kate looming behind you. You stop the camera and ask what’s wrong and she gets a little embarrassed asking you cute questions about how the camera worked. You laugh and give her a little class while you two sit side by side while you show her the basics. She jokes that she would love to be your camerawoman and you don’t have it in you to say no. Not with the way she stares at you with her eyes. (Anyway before I get carried away) You set the camera up so that it catches you both while you get into the big tub of ice. She laughs as she watches you shuffle awkwardly towards the cold pit of despair and pokes at you with jokes about how you look rn. You shoot her a look and grab a handful of water to throw her way. She shrieks and grabs your wrist to stop you, letting her hold lingering a little longer than normal (you also note just how strong Kate is). Snapping out of whatever was between you all of the sudden with her touch, you look at the camera and think screw it, getting in hastily without double thinking about it. You regret it immediately, screaming and Kate doubles down with laughter. What she doesn’t expect is for you to yank her inside out of spite. In an attempt to stop herself from falling into the cold water, she holds a hand out towards the edge, but you’ve tugged her down enough for her to have no choice but to step over the edge and fall into the tub. This, however, leads to you being placed in another unfortunate position. She holds the edges of the tub, trying to adjust to the coldness, while single handedly pinning you to the edge of the metal tub. It takes a few seconds to register, especially with you looking up at her while she lets out short puffs of air, while her muscles on her toned stomach contract. Kate seems to notice this and moves back to the other side. You clear your throat and turn to the camera with a funny face while you ignore the rosy blush that has settled on Kate’s face. After this it was just a mixture of flirting and flattery between you too.
She went to see you often when you played and brought you snacks or just went to simply support you. It’s obvious you started to show up more recently to her games to watch her play in person instead of from your home. It’s hard to say if that was the reason, but whenever you went to her games she always showed off. Whether it was double-doubles or even one triple-double. When the games would end she would act all cocky and say that it was normal but you would see the blinding smile on her lips when you would tell her good job. What you liked was how the adrenaline crash would hit her (not in a bad way) after a hard and long game and win. She would be super soft and slow and be all cute. You once insisted on driving her towards her dorms because she was too tired and she insisted on putting on music. You let her ofc and what follows is her singing her heart out while lazily looking over towards you every now and then. She reaches over and uses your hand as a mic and you can’t help but laugh. After a few songs you notice how the playlist switches to flowers songs and Kate never lets go of the hold of your hand.
No question she loves being in your vids. She has also definitely made you do a challenge video about hot sauces (ik it’s random but she def would). Other than that, you both do a bunch of silly challenges together. She also gave you the idea of starting this new “series” of her just basically teaching you the basics for basketball and vice versa. This becomes a huge hit online. What goes on behind the scenes is different tho. On video, you guys seem strictly platonic and playful with you cracking jokes and making fun when you mess up really bad on one certain move. However, once the cameras are off Kate is more free and less tense. She is more touchy, especially when showing you how to shoot the basketball properly (Like you can’t tell me this woman wouldn’t wrap her arms around your shoulders to position your hands on the ball. Don’t even get me started with defense and the way yall would be so close). You (I) also find it lowkey hot whenever you guys are done with your little secession and she’s panting and sweaty. You lowkey like it even more when she gets out of the locker room showers all clean and fresh.
How she asks you out: After basically a few weeks of her popping up in your vids both of your fans suddenly notice you two getting closer and closer. One day you’re recording while walking to get a massage. You turn a corner and come face to face with what seems like a wall. You jump back when you realize you just ran into Kate. You turn the camera off and smile up at her. You ask her where she’s headed but something’s off. You watch as she doesn’t look at you and avoids any type of eye contact as she fumbles over her words. A laugh comes from you as you go up to turn your camera back on but she shocks you by snatching the camera away. You ask her what was wrong and she mumbles something you can’t catch so you ask her to speak up and even get on your tiptoes to lean into her space to hear her better. She tries again and you can faintly hear her asking you out on a date. To say you were shocked was an understatement but you would be lying if you said you didn’t feel something forming between you too after these weeks spent together. Ofc you said yes.
You guys go out to a cliche aquarium date (bc i love aquariums what about it). Once you guys get there it seems like something has lifted off her shoulder and she’s acting like a totally different person. She’s more touchy and a real charmer (shamelessly putting an arm around your shoulder and uses her height over you to her advantage. When someone gets too close she definitely stands next to you and the person to create distance and def had a sweet interaction with a kid I mean c'mon). She’s taking sneaky pics of you and trust she would kiss you under those tunnels with the blue lights and fishes, making her look so good after you both tiptoe around it all day.
How it is to date her: (keeping it on the DL is so sexy idc what anyone says) Although Kate isn’t a huge name like Caitlin, you both reach an agreement to keep it on the dl. That and the addition of your evergrowing vlog page. This being said, Kate would appear more in your videos and it’s not really a secret. She shows up in your study videos in the background, helps out with your workout videos, does Q&As with you, and when you're off season she definitely travels with you.
She’s a very caring person and def loves to cuddle after a long day. She also kisses the ground you walk on (You can’t tell me she doesn’t have photo albums of you and her). (Can I also say that she’s a tremendous kisser? TRUST that she will make out with you in a secret room in the stadium because she just can’t wait until you get home after a game). Kate is your personal cheerleader in games and would treat you like a princess after your games (she’s drawing a bath and brushing your hair and basically doing all the work for you while praising you on how well you did).
After a hard loss however it’s a whole different story. You can’t lie tho…It’s your favorite side of Kate. You can see it in her as soon as the buzzer sounds (especially after she scores a lot and still loses oml). Kate basically disappears into the crowd and into the locker room before you can catch her. After a bit of time and unanswered calls and text messages, you decide to walk towards the locker rooms and are surprised when you're tugged into a small storage room. Kate immediately gets to work and smashes her lips with yours and lets her hands wander around you. You just love the way her rosy cheeks look and how sinful her eyes were as she let them shamelessly look you over. Kate isn’t up for any talking tho. Her moves are sloppy and desperate, like she couldn't care less if someone busted you two right then and there. Whenever you try to talk and try to get her to calm down she just goes back and kick starts another makeout sesh.
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miowritings · 2 months
Maybe a fic of pjsk boys learning English with non-Japanese reader who’s good at it? (Feel free to ignore :D) have a nice day!
I-i-i love you!♡
Tsukasa tenma, rui kamishiro, akito shinonome, toya aoyagi x gn reader
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✮a/n: sorry for being offline all of the sudden, i was thinking of quitting tumblr since i dont open it much, plus busy with school, im not gonna quit<3 more like a hiatus, ik how much it hurts to see an idol quit and i dont want yall experiencing that🙏 im more online on my ig account (@/yumi.anami) so if you want to talk, im here :DD, TRANSLATED WORDS ARE DOWN THERE!!
✮sypnosis: you, teach the boys how to speak english fluently.
✮contains: corny, sappy, love🥺
✮taglists: @akitosheart @nogenderbee
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Tsukasa Tenma
-tsukasa decided that today was the day he decided to start using english! He already knew your first language wasn't Japanese, so he learns english with you, even if you speak japanese fluently
-while teaching him, he would have to ask for things in english only, yes he does know a bit of english but, its hard to communicate with such little words no?
-you introduce him to japanese and english dictionaries, flash cards, anything of the sort, even going as far as to make him listen to english songs!
-when asking for something like a ketchup or remote, he would have to say it in english
"Ah, y/n, could you please.. uh.. pass the... The.." he stutters, making some sort of movement in his hands, you know damn well he wanted that ketchup, so why not tease him? "Huh? The salt?" You ask, faking your obliviousness, tsukasa shook his head in frustration, then sighed in defeat. "The.. ケチャップ!!" He exclaims, you sigh, handing him the ketchup bottle. "Its ketchup kasa, but its okay, you got half the sentence right" you giggle.
-once he learned a bit more about the english language, he was getting the hang of it, except for his pronunciation..
-"ehem!" He clears his throat, then exhaled "i, live in a... A... Ru..ruru.." he stumbled, reading a post cards intently. "Rural, back from the top!" You stated, he groans but he knows that mistakes happen at first.
-"okay! I got this..! I, live in a ru... Rur..." He quits, groaning again, "y/n!! You picked the hard one didn't you..?!" He exclaimed dramatically, hugging you by the waist, you chuckle and carefully pushed him away. "Its a simple sentence.. i live in a rural areas ruu-raall" you exclaimed, making sure to emphasize rural "Dont push yourself okay? Theres still time.." you say, turning around to sit on the chair.
-tsukasa read the post card over and over and over until he was sure he's right! She walks up to you, reading the postcard. "I live in a... Ru...rural area! I live! In rural! Areas!!" He exclaimed in a much more louder than before, you got up and started cheering him.
-"hahaha!! Told you y/n! I dont need extra days to learn yknow?! Im like a champion!" He says playfully, you chuckle at his joke "y/n.! My dear, thank you for helping me.. ehem!" He clears his throat, making you face him "y/n! You are a.. beautiful person!" He exclaimed, making you bug eyed.
-"eh?! Since when did you know how to pronounce beautiful..?" You ask, still skeptical but impressed. "I practiced some words on my free time.. my friend said beautiful was both hard and simple.. it was challenging too.." he sighs "but i did it!!" "Yea, yea.. im proud kasa..but please dont yell in my ear.." you winced "oh.. sorry.." he chuckles.
Rui kamishiro
-rui already knew english, in fact he was good at it, so there was no need for teaching.. though he is a bit teasy with his english
-when you when you talk to him in japanese, sometimes he'll randomly speak english.
-"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" you ranted, you see rui have the mischievous grin on his face. "Oh..? At a ball? Thats very silly" he responds, in english, you sigh, knowing he would do something like this.. "really? Do you want me to speak in english or what?" You ask in english "日本人お願いします。" He stated, nodding intently.
-despite being good at english, sometimes rui has a hard time saying english words, sometimes he gets the pronounciation wrong.
-when he does get it wrong, he gets all peeved.. he knows that you'll tease him about it, but if it makes you happy, he'll laugh along.
Akito shinonome
-akito isnt that good at english, nor bad at it? Hes just there.
-ofcourse, you taught him proper english, he's still kind of pissed that he needs to study..
-"ugh.. cant i just speak to you in japanese..?" He groans, looking at the paper in his hand. "Didnt you ask me to teach you english? You cant back out now.. we went this far.." you plead to him, he sighs and reluctantly nods. "Fine.."
-even though he hates studying, he's very eager to learn, he wants to communicate well and to make you proud of him!
-akito takes alot of time when studying, so learning a new language would take wayy too long, but eventually he'll get there
-"Hmm.. say this?" You hand him a flashcard, which says "今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?". "Oh..! Uh.." he clears his throat, analyzing the sentence "do..dont you.. think the.. weather looks nice today..?" He mutters, sounding unsure, his head tilting, looking at you to see your approval. "Hm.. its actually "dont you think the weather is great today?" But i'll let it pass, same meaning" you sigh.
-akito was very happy to know he translated it well.. sure it was a little.. different than the one on the flash card but it still works!
-once he knows english that much, its obvious he would tell his friends first, to flex and all.
-"Thats great shinonome-kun.!" Kohane chirped in, toya smiles proud in akito for actually studying.. an chuckles while exclaiming loudly "haha! Are you gonna speak english for the rest of your life?" She teases, smirking while waiting for a response. "Hello no.!" Akito groaned.
Toya aoyagi
-toya's already good when it comes to english speaking, hes not fluent, but its understandable.
-he would sometimes mispronounce words or get the meaning of the words mixed up, so he was glad to have you by his side.
-he would sometimes ask for you to tutor him english, the complex part of english learning.. he sometimes finds himself enjoying these study sessions..
-once he was good enough at english, he wanted to thank you so he wrote you something..
-it was a love letter, all in perfect english, he knew that it wasnt that big but he wanted you to know how youre teachings are important.
-"I know it isnt much.. but i just want you to know that our study time together paid off.." he mumbled, looking down, once he looked at you, he saw how happy, shocked and gentle you looked, he smiled at you and pulled you into a tight embrace
-"small..?! This is way too big...!!" You exclaimed, pulling hum close with a sigh.
!!Translated words!! (Translated by deepl!!)
"そしてこの犬はずっとボールに向かって吠えていた!私はただボールを取って犬に渡した" → "and this dog kept barking at the ball, so i simply took the vall and gave it to him.."
"日本人お願いします" → "japanese please.."
"今日は天気が良さそうだと思いませんか?" → "dont you thing the weather looks great today?"
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
I'm sorry for spamming you I'm just really excited--
Reader who also streams and just rants a lot while they play Stardew Valley?
Like mid milking a cow or something they pause the game and rant about how to kiss someone or smth?...
-🌕 anon! <3
AH OMG DONT WORRY ABOUT SPAMMING I LOVE YOU GUYS 🫶🫶🫶 but I absolutely love this LMAO I made this into a preference setup instead of a oneshot bc I didn't know exactly who you wanted and I was having difficulty finding a way to stretch it out that long anyways. idk much about stardew valley so bare with me, I rewatched Tommy's video of him playing w Molly to help me 💀💀
MCYT ; stardew valley rants
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, freddie badlinu, niki nihachu, foolish gamers & quackity
warnings ; language
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you'll just be doing some tasks and be like "you know, I've never kissed anyone before. like, how does that work?"
meanwhile Tommy came over a little bit ago to hang out after stream and he just looks at you like 🤨😨
"youve never kissed anyone?? wait... we haven't kissed before? y/n/n, what?"
you shake your head no, confirming that you guys actually never kissed somehow, your relationship was kinda new in both of your defenses.
"we've only been dating like, 2 months, it's fine"
literally have your first kiss on stream bro
the cutest shit ever
you literally paused the whole game mid-farming to rant about some restaurant you and ranboo went to the past day
chat was exploding with "oooo they went on a date" and you were just like "guys it was good food, 10/10"
they get you to join a call with them and you guys talk about it together and your whole experience and how awesome the food was
not to mention the aesthetic of the restaurant was so well put together
you got back to your stream with a little story for your viewers
you started ranting about a movie/show you're fixated on at the moment
went through all the lore, all the characters, background info, etc
Freddie was watching and using tts to talk to you
he encouraged it dw
like he was holding a convo w you and everything it was the cutest shit ever
the edits.
also people clipped the whole like half hour long thing and posted it to YouTube like "y/u/n and badlinu talk about ___!"
you don't even remember it within a week but HE DOES
just one of those cute relationship moments he loves to think about
you were playing stardew while he was playing gta and you were on a vc together
so obv it kinda sounded crazy 💀💀
"y/n I'm gonna drive my Honda Accord over there and kill all your cows!"
"I swear to God, quackity, don't even dare"
not really ranting but you were yelling threats at him and shit LMAO
you guys were playing together 🫶
you were teaching her how to do everything and stuff
you eventually went on a tangent about things you do and don't like about the game
she was agreeing to your solid points and stuff
that turns into a rant about hair color and if she can color your hair for you LMAO
"Dude, how do people do that van life shit? I'd die doing that"
straight up hour and a half rant about how much you hate van life tik tokkers while playing stardew valley
he's in your chat like "Yes 100 percent" and adding onto your points LMAO
you both share a hate for van life mfs
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franciswasteland · 6 months
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Summary: You land the role of Veronica Sawyer in a musical your high school is putting on, and your tech boyfriend tries to be supportive and reassure you when you need it.
Warnings: Highschool!au, Mortal!au,already dating fic, Beware spelling errors, im lowkey dyslexic. I DONT KNOW HOW TO END FICS….
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You were in the drama/theater club at your high school, often appearing as the leading or supporting roles in musicals your school would put on in the auditorium. It was amazing, both fun and something you were good at! But what made it even better was one of the tech kids, Leo Valdez—Who was your boyfriend!
A few weeks ago, you scored one of the lead roles—Veronica Sawyer—in a musical your school was putting on called ‘Heathers’. But, there was a rather… intimate scene with another character, Veronica’s love interest, in the show during the song ‘Dead Girl Walking’, and Leo tried to tolerate it and support you the best he could, but it was getting a little unbearable for him.
“Baby…” Leo whined as you ranted to him about your role in the musical, even though you should have been practicing your lines. “Shouldn’t you be, uh, practicing or something?” He didn't want to send you away like that, but he could go on hearing you talk about that scene.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. I’ll go practice my lines. Thanks for the reminder. Love you, bye!” You say apologetically, kissing his cheek quickly (If any teacher or adult at the school saw you do that you’d probably get detention.) and running out from backstage where you were talking to Leo as he worked on… Whatever he does.
It was a few hours from the first showing of the show as your high school was doing a morning and afternoon show. You were backstage getting ready, changing into costume, and makeup, making sure you had your lines completely memorized and you could hit each note in the songs—Which you could. Expect you couldn’t help but be a bit worried about this. Sure, you had played so many roles before throughout the years you’ve been in high school, but you were worried about little things, a lot of little things which slowly added up to become one big thing for you to worry about—Making sure you’d sing the school appropriate version of the lyrics, making sure you wouldn’t blank on stage (How embarrassing would that be?!), making sure you were perfect.
Then you got an idea.
There was one person that you knew for sure thought you were perfect. Your boyfriend, Leo! Of course, you’d be able to get reassurance from him! So naturally you ran—Not too fast though, you couldn’t ruin your costume—off from where you were sat to find him.
It didn’t take you long to find Leo, he was exactly where you had expected him to be after all. “Leo!” You called out as you walked up to him, placing one of your hands on his arm so he would turn around to face you. And he in fact did turn around and face you like you had suspected he would.
“What is it?” He asked, sounding confused. He thought you would be getting ready for the musical, not running up to him for a chat. “Did ya miss me that bad you had to stop getting ready to come find me?” He added with a short chuckle, gaining a smile.
“Nono,—Well yes, but that’s not why I came to find you.” You replied, worry practically seeping through your words the more you spoke. Leo noticed almost immediately.
Your hand was still on his arm, Leo put his hand on top of yours. “Wow, I’m hurt.” He teased. “Well then, what is it? Whatcha need?” That was one of the things you loved about Leo; he always seemed to know when you were worried or upset about something, even if he didn’t know how to comfort you.
“I dunno, I guess I’m just nervous about this. I’m scared of messing up on stage.” You admit to him, and Leo seems to immediately understand what you mean. “Oh, don’t worry about it. You’ll do great, trust me.”
Then, when you were finally getting that reassurance from your boyfriend, it was about roughly 15-to-20 minutes until curtain—Until you would be on stage. Oh, brother.
You were feeling a little more better as you rushed back to the backstage area of the auditorium, Leo’s words ringing in your ears. The backstage was suddenly not as easy to navigate as it was before you ran off to find your boyfriend. People—Either in the show themselves or apart of tech like Leo—Were running around, trying to make sure the preparations were all set and everything was ready for the first showing of the musical.
Then you got told by one of the tech team members to get in your place on stage.
After about 2 and a half hours, the morning show of your high schools performance of ‘Heathers The Musical’ was over. You bowed before the audience, sweating, your throat sore and hurting from singing for almost 2 hours straight. At this point, all you could think of was the bottle of water that was waiting for you by your bag backstage.
As soon as the curtain closed, you ran off stage to where you had set your bag in desire of the bottle of water you had gotten before hand. And there it was waiting for you, along with Leo, your boyfriend.
“See? What did I tell you? You did amazing, just like I said you would.” Leo said, wrapping one of his arms around you, seemingly not minding the fact that you were practically covered in sweat.
“Yeah yeah, I know,” You groan in reply. “Just lemme grab my water before you start praising me.” You let out a dry laugh, —Dry to the fact that your throat was now killing you. You reached out your hand for your bottle of water, but Leo grabbed it before you could. You thought he would hold on to it tightly and reach his hand up high, making you reach even farther for it, but he didn’t. Instead, he opened it for you and handed it to you, seemingly recognizing how tired you were after performances.
“You look tired,” Leo mused, knowing exactly where this was going to go. After most shows and performances, you would be tired and feel miserable. So miserable and tired that you would just crash in his arms. “Come here..” He said, opening his arms for you to fall into. You quickly leaned your whole body against him, leaning into his arms.
“Thank you,”
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sidekick-hero · 6 months
Requesting End of Beginning for WIP Wednesday! 👀
Yes, yes, yes, thank you! I'm having way too much fun with this one, so have a few more lines 💜🙏 This picks up where the snippet HERE ended.
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Steve wants to thank Eddie, but he only gets as far as giving him a smile of his own because as soon as he opens his mouth, Robin cuts him off. "You'd think, right? But Steve here is not sure if he should take it. He's actually thinking about studying business in Indy instead, can you believe it? That's like saying you'd rather kick puppies than rescue kittens from trees."
Eddie looks at her rant with wide, unblinking eyes, clearly stunned, before putting his hand between his mouth and Robin and stage whispering to Steve like he's sharing a big secret, "I think your friend has some pretty strong feelings about this whole thing."
"I think my friend's pretty drunk. It always makes her extra dramatic," Steve corrects him, though that's only half the truth. Robin does have strong feelings about his decision, but only because she knows why he's even thinking about turning down the offer and going to Indy to study business instead. It would be a last-ditch attempt to make his parents proud of him, even though they stopped caring what he did years ago. Old habits die hard and all that. "I'm sorry she dragged you into this."
Eddie waves off his apology. "Eh, you're both really fucking weird, man, no lie, but lucky for you, I love weird. And you two are a lot more entertaining than Jeff mooning over his on-off-on-again girlfriend."
Steve raises his beer in acknowledgement, and Eddie clinked the bottle in his hand. "Glad to be of service then."
Robin, meanwhile, looks between them like she's trying to watch a tennis match before apparently giving up, declaring, "I need another drink," before getting up and doing just that.
Make me write 🙏🥰
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digitaldoeslmk · 11 months
What are the problems with Wukong’s and Macaque’s relationship in the show (you can ignore this question if you want to)
Can we get a timeline for the AU in picture form pls🙏? I’m sorry I’m just getting way too confused
And also, can we get the rest of the crew design like Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, and Mo
Oh, and one more thing are the golden silver demons still the same as they are in the book.
Um, do you mean a jttw timeline or a lmk one or both?? just for the sake of clarity cus imma be honest, the lmk timeline just canon wise is a mess xDD but i can give you the general timeline for my au?? im sorry im unsure what you meant here xvx
and I'll work on their designs soon!! im a bit busy this week and the next, so designs will be on a drip feed for a bit. havent even gotten to LBD yet ahsbwbs
as for the horn brothers, they are the same, yes! in the book they were two apprentices of Lao Tzu who were sent by Guanyin to test the pilgrims, and that still goes. except that their little adventure on the mortal world got them wanting to break bad, which had them kicked out by Lao Tzu as punishment, so now they are demons again.
and for your first question.... i might answer later, i might not. i am very lmk critical and im not shy about it, but if i do explain all my grievances eith those two monkeys, this sideblog might turn into a rant blog ahsbhsbzbsb
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Hi! This is really random but may I know why you don't like Domi? I mean on the rare occasion I watch motoE I don't really vibe with him but I just thought it's because I prefer Eric. Is there any specific reason why?
other than being a massive creep he’s done some pretty unsportsmanlike things during races. at the 2021 motoe finale he and jordi torres were fighting for the championship and he pulled a dodgy move that took jordi out, meaning domi won the championship but he ended up getting a time penalty that was the equivalent of a ride through which meant he lost the championship, then he went on social media and effectively declared himself the moral and true champion (which is bullshit anyways and if he’d not been so desperate he might even have won it fair and square) and then this season in wssp he was involved in a crash, that he didn’t cause he was just collateral damage, and basically faked a concussion to try and get a red flag brought out so he could restart the race, he admitted to doing this the next day and got banned from taking part in race 2 because of it ! finally, and this is just personally, but his fan club just weird me out they’re like a cult almost and apparently only something like ~200 people are allowed to join it’s all very weird and :/
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rvrindousvpet · 3 years
Can I request like a scenario where Shinichiros in highschool and it’s like when he first starts dating y/n and he’s like completely lovesick like he stares at her with hearts in his eyes all class and stuff like that Yk?
note : sure you can anon! i apologize in advance if he's too ooc and if this is vv shitty 😬🙏 also anon i can only do headcanon for now because I'm shitty at scenarios or drabble 😔😀
warnings : uhmm idk probably swearing?
character : sano shinichiro (slight mention of takeomi, wakasa n benkei)
lovesick high school shinichiro !
ha! this man, he is literally obsessed in love with you even before you become his girlfriend and it stays like that even now, okay here's the thing. it's not a phase thingy, cause he never grows out of it.
will wake up early to go to your house just to see you waking up with your sleepy cute face
"pst, y/n I'm so sorry to wake you up, but we have school remember? we can't afford to get late.."
"h-huh? shin...? how long have you been here?" you ask him as tilt your head while yawning
but hmm? why he isn't responding???
let's see what's in his mind shall we?
"shin? shin? hello??" you waved your hand in front of his face and then you decided to cup his face in your hand
when he snaps of out it, his face is turning into different shades of red !!! why?? well obviously cause your cute ass face is right in front his while pouting-#(£?£?
shinichiro.exe error!!
uhmm, you may or may have not broken him in the early morning
you go to school with him using his bike and everytime before you get on his bike he will put on the helmet for you <33 but he will also nag at you that you should hold him tightly and get on carefully !1!1!
when you arrived at school, he'll cover your legs with his jacket and bring you down himself ˶O_o˶ of course he did that, because he ain't letting those horn dogs stares at his beloved legs-#?#? besides he is the only one who can do that ! 🙄🙄🙄
yes, you guessed it. both of you are in the same classroom yey!! but unfortunately shin and your seat is wayyy too far from each other, your seat is in the middle of the class while his is in the wayyy back of the class sitting with wakasa, takeomi and benkei.
i feel sorry for wakasa though because usually he is the victim who shin will rants about how beautiful, cute, lovely, adorable, perfect, pretty, kind, endearing and how much he love and adores you. he did it everyday, so wakasa's ear can never get a rest :(
since you guys sit farr away from each other, he will use that advantage to stares at you with loving eyes~ he'll observe you every single moment, gush about how beautiful you look while writing notes, how cute when you scrunch your nose if you having a hard time understanding, and how focused you look paying attention to the teacher
so you're probably wondering, didn't he learn/study/pay attention to the class?? the answer is yes!! he didn't. the reason? well let me quote what he said "y/n is here so why should i focus on other things that isn't important??!? 🤔"
and his book is full of doodling with your and his name beside each other surrounded by cute little love <33
when the bell rings for lunch break he'll immediately rush to your desk and will offer you to hold your bento box !
holding hands while heading to rooftop cause that's where you guys usually eat ^^
hmm while eating, if he sees you talking to wakasa he'll definitely be on guard and will playfully say
"oi, this is my girlfriend not yours go search for your own will ya? this is one is mine and only and no one can take her away" and will hug and kiss your cheeks while saying that omlshsh I'm embarrassed-
will sometimes feed you, and if you're kinda bit messy eater he'll have a napkin all the time so he can wipe your mouth, finger and your messes from eating !
so he's lovesick right?? i just had a feeling that he WILL baby talk/cooing to you while wiping your messes •˶-˶•
"aww, don't worry baby it's okay to make a mess sometimes hmm? lemme just take care of you. you don't need to do anything. i love taking care of you okay my love"
okay now you're the one who's malfunctioning 😔🙏
fast foward to bringing you home, he will hug you and give you kithes and will cup your face and will gush about you and will prolong your stay outside the house because he loves you sm he ain't ready to let you go ಠ ೧ ಠ
will nag at you about don't forget to brush your teeth before sleeping, sleep early, take care of yourself, to eat and etc or he will ehem he will baby you in front of other people
let me tell you, you better do what he says or you're going to ended up feeling embarrassed for GENERATIONS !!
every.single.night.he.will.have.his.y/n.brainrot.moment 😲
i ain't kidding, this motherfucker will open his gallery that's full with your pictures and will stare at it nonstop fanboying about every single shit that's bout you
will definitely say "goodnight my love" right before he sleep 😳
bonus : you find out that he likes you cause, there's this one time you forgot about your things in class and coincidentally shinichiro and wakasa is in ze class at that time. wakasa do notice your presence though, he was about to tell shin who didn't notice you but! shin decided to do his daily gush/rant about you to wakasa. he literally shakes wakasa's body while doing that, poor waka :( it goes a bit like this
"....y/n is so fucking cute i might die-#?£?# did you see how cute she is when she's offering the teacher to help him?? i mean-#?£!£ god why can't she be mine, i just wanna keep her in my pocket forever BECAUSE SHE IS THAT PRECIOUS!!! ughdhdsb i wanna be her boyfriend so badly, WAKASA LISTEN! I LOVE Y/N SO MUCH THAT YOU DIDN'T UNDERSTAND, SHE IS LITERALLY AN ANGEL SENT FROM HEA-"
uhh yeah, his word is cut off because you accidentally dropped sumn... so yeah he noticed you.. he avoids you for 3 goddamn days before you catch him and confess to him that you like him too! he may or may not cried from happiness when you confessed 👉👈
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
Can I please have Angry with “girl/boy next door” and “watching the sunset together”. So they live in apartments right next to each other. And they stand on the balcony to watch the sunset and see the other person on the other balcony nearby. Then they talk to each other and make it a habit to watch the sunset together. I hope this isn’t too confusing. Thanks 🙏.
— souya (angry) kawata // girl/boy next door // watching the sunset together
[𖤐] hello myls! i was able to type this up between study sessions, so i wanted to post it as an apology for not having any time to write :,) we're actually almost at 3k, but there will be no event since i am still writing things from my 2k event ! (help me :,) ) i hope you all enjoy this in the interim <;3
masterlist || 2k masterlist
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it was relaxing, at most times.
watching a myriad of colors paint itself across the sky, burning hot, yet somehow also cool enough to douse the fire of thoughts running around in your head.
the colors would then dim down into the night, always leaving you feeling better and more clearheaded than you had started.
yet, even as the chill of the fall wind ate away at your body, your mind was still unable to douse its thoughts, leaving you feeling a bit troubled.
it was hard to place a finger on what you were troubled about; it was only some vague idea that you still had yet to put into words. maybe you were still trying to figure it out when he has called out to you that day.
“are…are you alright?”
turning your head to the side, you saw a boy standing on the balcony next to you, looking at you with a rather…angry look on his face, (how was his facial expression so diffferent from the concern that had been laced in his voice before?).
taking a bit of a closer look though, despite the expression on his face, you could now tell that there was a bit of concern in his face, although maybe not evident at first glance.
“um…” realizing you had been staring, you looked over to the side, a bit embarrassed that you had been staring at him so openly.
“sorry. but um, yes, im alright,”
“it…seemed like there was something on your mind. you can tell me if you want to.”
it was from then on that you started to become friends with the boy who lived next door to you. everyday, without fail, the two of you would watch the sunset from your balconies and talk, (although it was mostly you, since he didn’t seem to be much of a talker).
in the days after your first meeting with him, you learned that his name is souya kawata, and that his nickname was angry because of the expression that seemed to naturally make its way into his face.
you also learned that he had a twin brother, nahoya, who was nicknamed smiley, and that together they were a part of the tokyo manji gang. it had definitely come as a surprise that somebody who was as nice and quiet as he was was a part of a gang, but hey, who were you to judge?
and so, your friendship with souya continued to blossom beautifully.
he really was a great listener, always nodding and listening carefully to you rant on about whatever it was that was plaguing your mind. even when you didn’t feel like talking, the two of you would just standing on your balconies and not say a word. it was never awkward for some reason; it was always natural.
however, it was hard to ignore your growing feelings. you knew perfectly well what it was; the way your heart would skip a beat every time you looked at him, the way you would always sneak glances at him when he wasn’t looking, the way he made you feel.
nothing you could do about it though, so better to just let it go.
“hey, you mind if i join you over there instead?” you grinned at him when he hesitantly shook his head no, probably expecting for you to go around through the door.
when you started to climb over the railing of your balcony, he immediately called your name, rushing over to try to stop you.
“oh chill out, i’ve done this a million-!”
even thinking back on it, you’re not really sure how you slipped.
it wasn’t a lie that you had done it a million times; your best friend lived in the apartment on the opposite side, and you would do it all the time to freak them out.
so, why did you slip?
maybe it was because in that very moment, you saw the look of sheer fear in his eyes, and it shocked you.
“(y-y/n)!” with his hand firmly locked around your wrist that you lost grip, he hurriedly pulled you over with a surprising amount of strength, pulling you so hard that you both fell over onto the ground.
“(y/n)! are you alright?!” hearing his voice from beneath you, you mumbled that you were alright, still a bit confused on what had just happened.
a few moments later, you were finally able to sit up, trying to get your bearings.
“um…(y-y/n), you’re-“
“woah, looks like i interrupted something, you sneaky little bastards!”
“huh…” looking around, you realized that you were…sitting on top of souya, who was looking to the side with flushed cheeks. nahoya was looking at the two of you from the screen door, cheeky smile on his face, (or maybe disgusted, you couldn’t really tell).
quickly getting off of him, you could feel your heart thumping, embarrassment flooding through you.
“ah, sorry! i didn’t realize…”
“well, i’ll leave you two alone, but no getting frisky on the balcony, okay~?” shutting the screen door, you were left with your embarrassment and souya, who was still recovering from having you on top of him, looking anywhere but your direction.
“you should be more careful…” even though he wasn’t looking at you, you could hear the worry in his voice, making you feel a little bad for worrying him.
“ah, right, yes. sorry.” tears of shame started to well up in your eyes, and you cursed yourself for it, trying to swipe them away before he could notice.
“maybe we should check if you got hurt- (y/n)?! what’s wrong?”
suddenly looking at you with those blue eyes, they glanced at your arms and legs, trying to see if there was some sort of injury he hadn’t noticed.
“s-sorry, i don’t know, i just…” you could tell that souya was starting to panic a little bit because he had no idea what to do, which just made you even more embarrassed.
just as you were about to flee to your own apartment, a warm hand gently held yours, touching you as gently as one would touch a fragile flower.
“sorry, it was my fault. do you still want to stay here?” he didn’t wait for your response, immediately pulling you up to your feet and facing you towards the view of the sky.
“um…it’s beautiful, right?” souya quietly said, his eyes looking to you instead of at the sky.
“yeah…it is.”
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useramor · 3 years
hey uhh if anyone is good at giving advice on stuff i would love to hear it!! i’ll explain under the cut but yes would love to hear some words of wisdom lol
tw for mental health stuff but it’s not rly current it more just mentions past things
ok so i graduated hs class of 2020 and i didn’t go to college. like i never applied my senior year i just. i had no intention of going following my senior year of high school. i’m TERRIBLE at academics, and school was always SO hard for me (it’s not that i’m dumb either. my skulls not that hollow. i was just terrible at school). so i was like “absolutely not i’m not spending another four years in school i’d rather 😵🪦” but now it’s kinda something i wanna do? and idk how to even start going about that yknow??
and i’m like. kinda….. stuck. like very stuck. i have a long history of mental illness, which just made EVERYthing soooo much harder especially bc i had to do in school suspension and detention and make up hours every year cuz i would miss school for therapy and psych appointments or the school would send me home for panic attacks and breakdowns blah blah and i was hospitalized a couple of times and i missed school so often that they weren’t allowed to keep excusing it even if it was for medical reasons.
so idk what to do! idk how to get out of the spot i’m in! i’ve been on the proper meds for 2 and a half years. i FINALLY got my license (had my permit since i was 15 i turn 20 in a month and i got my license….. a week ago) but idk where to go! and i moved w my family to a new state the last week of june (and then spent literally the entire month of july in a psychiatric residential lmao) but i hate this state. i hate living here. but going out of state for college is so expensive and i’m finally being in a place where i feel willing to give it a shot.
THIS IS SO LONG IM SO SORRY BUT JUST IDK WHAT TO DO AND IK ITS NOT GONNA GET EASIER IF I KEEP NOT DOING ANYTHING??? and ppl give me a lot of shit for doing nothing which makes me feel terrible too lol
honestly even if u have nothing to say getting this out there was enough i internalize my shit like mad literally no one ever knows what tf is going on 🙏 trying to change that and ranting under the cut of a tumblr post is the first step? ig? 💀💀
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
this one is lowkey weird but can you please write edr platonic!ellie x reader where ellie plays more of a motherly role towards the reader and is cheering them up after they had a bad day 🙏🙏
sorry i lowkey only request evil dead but ur the only dude that writes them and you write them so well 😭 -🛒anon]
OMG HELLO WELCOME TO THE FAMILY 🛒 ANON (the shopping cart is my favorite emoji omg) ; and oh my lord thank you so much!! and yes I've never really drifted out of this fandom, I only got more attached to it LMAO, please spam me w edr reqs bc I love writing for it lol 🫶🫶🫶
ELLIE BIXLER ; motherly love
summary ; you had a bad day and retreat to the Bixler's apartment
warnings ; language, motherly type of affectionate nicknames (baby, sweetheart, & honey)
genre ; platonic fluff
word count ; 543
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You'd had a rough day at school, which you ranted about the whole rainy bus ride home with Danny. You'd already gotten confirmation that you could come over from the blonde, considering his mother loved you like you were her own, and also because your own mother couldn't love you like how she did.
You threw your things down in your apartment and immediately ran down to the Bixler's, knocking on their door. Kassie opens the door, welcoming you in as she informs you why Bridget wasn't in school today since she was sick. You quickly find Ellie, working at her desk.
Once Bridge scoops up Kassie to help her with the hot glue gun, you turn to the woman you viewed as your mother, tears welling in your eyes. She quickly looks to you, and stands up, wrapping you in a hug.
"Oh, baby, what happened? Are you okay?" She asks, knowing that you got off the bus with Danny no more than ten minutes ago. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know what I'm gonna do with my life, and my fucking guidance counselor was like 'you're gonna be a senior soon, you need to make something of yourself' and I don't know what I'm good at! And fucking no one knows how to shut their mouths and I have no friends other than Danny, and it fucking sucks and I hate this stupid shit!" You rant, crying into her arms. Her red hair slightly drapes over your shoulders and your head, wrapping you in a sort of protection, in a way.
She hugs you a little tighter and rocks you a bit, comforting you by listening and rubbing circles into your back. She listens calmly, holding you tight to give you a sense of protection from the world so nothing could hurt you.
"You're okay, honey, it's okay. I can help you"
"I'm tired of feeling like a fucking loser! I want to do shit with my life, I don't wanna be a deadbeat like my stupid parents!"
"It's okay, you're okay." She strokes a hand through your hair, listening to your weeping, your tears temporarily staining her shirt. "I'll help you, honey, it's okay"
You look up at her, your arms wrapped around her midsection tightly. "Please help me, I can't do this anymore"
"I will, baby, you're gonna be alright. You're gonna get through this. " She lightly smiles with a nod, reassuring you.
You loved that she didn't dumb down your problems or tell you it wasn't a big deal, or that you needed to grow up. Ellie understood you, she understood you more than nearly anyone else in this world, she was your favorite human. You started calling her mom long ago.
She made you dinner and brought over leftovers for you frequently. She bought and brought you old clothes, she was there to comfort you when you were down, and there to help motivate you when you got so depressed that you couldn't function.
"I need help, Mom. I'm scared" You sob, clinging onto her.
"You're gonna be okay, I promise you, I swear to you. Just calm down, okay?" She whispers, noticing you beginning to hyperventilate and hiccup.
"I love you"
"I love you too, sweetheart"
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empressbitch · 3 years
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I posted 24 times in 2021
13 posts created (54%)
11 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.8 posts.
I added 66 tags in 2021
#hamilton - 12 posts
#alexander hamilton - 12 posts
#historical hamilton - 7 posts
#oneshot - 6 posts
#one shot - 6 posts
#chubby hamilton - 6 posts
#hamilton fanfic - 5 posts
#hamiltum - 5 posts
#hamliza - 4 posts
#fan art - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 73 characters
#yes i did name most of my rats after english historical figure what of it
My Top Posts in 2021
Hey! Love your fics theyre so good :D . I do have a question though,,, are there any ships (hamilton ofc) that you are uncomfy with? Just so we all know :) i hope you have a good day!!
Aww, thank you! It really means a lot. 
I can get quite particular about my ships. I’m okay with most ships, but with restrictions? If that make sense? 
Also, I’ll only be talking about ships that involve Alexander. My favorite ships are Hamliza, Lams, and Jamilton. The rest is where things get tricky for me.
Obviously, any incest ships make me VERY uncomfortable. Like eww, no-no-no. Also, I know none of you guys would do this, but please DON’T ship Alexander and his children. No. no. Oh god, please no. 
Pheaker can die a slow and painful death. 
It depends on what stage of life Alexander is in. If Alexander is in his early twenties or younger, then NO. I don’t ship it. But if he’s 26 or older, then yeah, I’m comfortable shipping him with much older people. This goes for Jamilton, but most Jamilton fanfiction have Thomas be the same age so it’s not as much of an issue.
Side rant: I read I fanfic where Thomas was 30 and Alexander was 17. That’s just wrong. Don’t do that. Thomas was waiting for Alexander to be 18 so he could be with him. That’s so weird and gross I can’t get into it. 
So basically, I’ll ship Alexander with anyone unless he’s related to them, as long as they’re around his age or as long as the younger of the two are at least 26.
Wow, that was a long-winded answer, I’m sorry.
17 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 07:15:04 GMT
Hi! I saw that You're taking Hamilton request. Thank you for being born and still active in the fandom! I love stories about Alexander and Eliza post Reynold's Pamphlet where Eliza gets some male attention and Alexander gets jealous and is like "I can't sit back and watch you runaway with another man without of fight" Please and Thank You 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
//Thank you for your request! I love Hamilton, I won’t be leaving this fandom any time soon. :) I hope you enjoy it! 
P.s. Mr. Norton is a made up character. He is not based on anyone, either.
Eliza giggled as Mr. Norton paid her yet another compliment. She made sure to be purposely loud in her responses. 
“You are too kind. What ever did I do to deserve such comments to be bestowed upon me?”
Mr. Norton smiled triumphantly and took one of Eliza’s hands, carefully holding it.
“A woman like you deserves such compliments and more.”
Eliza cringed on the inside and wanted to retract her hand from his. She looked to the corner of her eyes, noticing that Hamilton would intermittently glance towards them. He appeared to be having a conversation with someone, but he was not listening much to them. 
She smiled to herself, her gaze swinging back to Mr. Norton. Eliza forced a charming smile on her face, which caused him to squeeze her hand.
She wanted to slap him right then and there, but the knowledge that Hamilton saw them gave her all the strength she needed to continue. Unfortunately for Mr. Norton, when Eliza noticed that Hamilton’s attention was back to his talking companion, she retracted her hand and excused herself. 
A sigh of relief escaped from her lips as soon as her back was turned. She had kept this act up for two weeks now, and her husband said nothing about it. Eliza knew that Hamilton was not an easily jealous person, but this was getting ridiculous! She was trying so hard to make him envious, and yet he said nothing! 
There were only two explanations for her husband’s bewildering behavior in her mind. Either Hamilton did not love her anymore, or he was so ashamed of himself that he was just taking the punishment. No matter how upset she currently was at him, she refused to believe the first option. The latter fits more to his character, she thought (besides him being so quiet, that was strange of him).
Even after the pamphlet, he managed to unpleasantly surprise Eliza yet again. 
Two weeks. 
Betsy had been doing this for two weeks, and Hamilton was not sure anymore if she was doing it just to upset him. That is what he had expected at first, but as more time passed, the more he became unsure of that. By now, he believed that she held some sort of genuine affection for this ‘Mr. Norton’. After all, it was not in Betsy’s nature to be so cruel. This must be real; Hamilton’s living nightmare.
He wondered how long it would be until she asked for a divorce to run away with Mr. Norton. That was ridiculous, of course, but his panicked, self-conscious brain was not rationally thinking about the situation. 
Hamilton did not know what to do. He did not want to let Betsy run away with some other man, but he knew that is what he deserved. He just wanted her to be happy again...and if Mr. Norton made her happy, why should he deprive her of that? 
It was painful to watch, nonetheless, even if Hamilton knew he deserved it. He was living on edge for the entirety of the two weeks that this was occurring. His anxiety was much higher than usual, and he felt ill more frequently. 
Even though this was causing Hamilton much grief, he could not find it within himself to be angry with Betsy. How could he be upset with her? It would be such an audacity if he did!
The next time they met Mr. Norton, Hamilton had finally had enough. He had smiled, taken Betsy’s hand, and kissed it, all while Hamilton was standing right next to her. This went too far, even for her. She snatched her hand away and looked to Mr. Norton in disgust.
“How dare you? The audacity! This is the height of rude behavior, and I will not stand for it!” Hamilton shouted angrily, glaring at Mr. Norton. The man was confused; the seemingly silent husband was screaming at him, and the woman he had been “successfully” flirting with was angry with him too.
Before Mr. Norton could reply, Hamilton took Betsy’s hand and dragged her away. 
Once they were out of earshot of any other people, Hamilton burst out with words.
Eliza was relieved that her little game was over, it was getting exhausting, and she was starting to feel guilty for it. She did not expect it to go on as long as it did. 
“I’m so sorry, my angel, but I could not take it any longer! I know I am in no position to comment on your relationship with Mr. Norton, but...I must admit that it greatly upsets me. Which I know you do not and should not care about! Please just tell me if you intend to be with him. I...I will let you. I want you to be happy, my love, and I have failed you on that. It would...it would just be easier if it were clear what you wanted.”
He quickly paced back and forth, his hands shaking uncontrollably and tears beginning to form in his dark blue eyes. Eliza looked away, a terrible mix of guilt and residing anger washing over her.
“For goodness sake! I do not intend to leave you for Mr. Norton. I do not like him in the least. I wanted to make you jealous, to make you feel, even a little bit, the pain that I feel. It has gone too far; I did not think you would seriously believe that I wanted to be with Mr. Norton. I still love you, even if I am worse off for it. I will not be getting rid of you that easy.”
Hamilton looked up at Eliza, his eyes wide and hands suddenly still. He wiped the stay tears that speckled his freckled cheeks away and stared at her.
“Yes. I have not forgiven you. I am not okay. But I have no intention of leaving you.”
There was a stiff silence that was broken when she gave him a tight hug. He hugged her back just as tightly. 
18 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 13:15:44 GMT
Rat Introductions
It appears I have siblings now, so it’s time to introduce everyone to their nieces and nephews. They are rats. If you don’t like rats, I don’t like you (unless you have a phobia, that’s understandable and not in your control).
I have two rat groups which I call the upstairs and downstairs group. I think you can guess by the name that their cage has two floors.
I’ll start with the upstairs rats!
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This is Caligula. He's my oldest boy at 1 year and a few months. He lives with girls because he's been neutered. He's aggressive to other boys and can't live with them. He is the first rat I had along with his deceased brother, Nero. I named them after "crazy" Roman emporers (I realize that might be myth, but it's still funny).
Caligula loves to "stare into the abyss" (aka stare into the empty void below him when on the couch), loves cuddles, and is probably the smartest rat I have.
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The white rat is Elizabeth, named after Elizabeth the first of England. She is albino and best friends with Caligula! We also called her Lizzy. We got her after Agripina died. Unfortunately, her sister Mary was very sick and died a week after we got them. I got her spring of this year shortly after mother's day.
Elizabeth is a crazy bitch! She climbs every where, had water sprayed on her face once and opened her eyes more as if to say "COME AT ME BITCH". She definitely has the most character.
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This is Catherine Parr (Light grey) and Anne Boylen (darker grey). They are named after Henry VIII's second and sixth wife. I just got them last month and they're still babies! Anne is best friends with Elizabeth. They are crazy Bitches together. She copies Elizabeth. Catherine is very gentle, has the softest fur, and is very demure.
Time for the downstairs group!
I got the boys all at once in late August from a breeder! I picked them up at the train station. It was quite an adventure.
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The white rat is George, named after George III. Yes. THAT one. He's really dumb and follows Henry. He copies him. He's the sweetiest of the boys and loves to cuddle.
The brown rat is Henry, named after Henry VIII. He lives up to his name sake! He's the fatest of my rats, loves food, and is SO reckless! He does what he wants and it always the one causing trouble.
The black rat is William, named after William the Conquer. He's the only one of his brothers who isn't dumb. He's aloof and does what he wants, but he's way more sneeky than Henry. Together they both beat up George.
Those are all my rats as of now!
27 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 13:00:20 GMT
Birthday Cake
((Happy birthday, Eliza! I thought it only appropriate to write something for you guys on such an important day. Modern AU but with historical appearances, though you can imagine them however you want. I certainly can’t stop you :) ))
It was already dark by the time Eliza’s birthday celebrations had ceased. It was even darker by the time they'd said farewell to guests and got all of the children to bed. All that was left to do was clean up the mess left from the party and then tuck themselves into bed. However, Eliza, the birthday girl herself, had other plans.  
Alexander was standing on a step stool, trying to get a banner off the wall, while Eliza cleared off the tables. She briefly stopped to stare at her husband as she returned from putting dishes in the kitchen sink. She was standing behind him, and since he was higher up and leaning forward to procure the banner, she got a wonderful view of his plush behind. 
Eliza smirked to herself as she went into the living room to throw wrapping paper leftover from when she’d opened presents earlier. While she filled the trash bag, she said, mock innocently, “You know, there’s still one present you haven’t given me yet.”
Luckily, Alexander was quick to get the hint, which he more often than not didn’t. “Oh? I think you're right. How could I forget? I’ll have to amend that then.” As he put the banner under his arm and prepared to get off of the step ladder, Eliza came up from behind him and slapped his butt, just to run her message home; and for her own amusement, of course. Alexander squeaked in response, which only pleased her further.
Both of them quickly, if not hastily, finished up cleaning the house. Eliza had grabbed Alexander’s hand and all but dragged him into their bedroom. Once they got there, she pushed him onto the bed, pinning him down. He laid there submissively as Eliza sat down on top of him. She effortlessly undid the first few buttons of Alexander’s shirt as she said, “Stay there. I’ll be right back.” 
He watched in confusion as she left the room. He nevertheless stayed obedient and didn’t move an inch until she returned. She was holding a plate that had the leftovers of her birthday cake on it when she came back. “Betsy, why did you bring the sorry remnants of your birthday cake into our bedroom?” 
Eliza laughed and closed the door, “Sorry remnants? I’ll have you know that it’s going to be your job to eat all of those sorry remnants.” 
Alexander quickly sat up and whined loudly. “You want me to...again? Why do you make me do such things?”
She rolled her eyes at his dramatic phrasing and set the cake onto his nightstand. “It’s my birthday, you have to.” He whined once again and added a pout to match, hoping his begging would dissuade her. It did the opposite, in fact. Eliza knew that he too enjoyed her preferences in bed, he was just being stubborn for the sake of it. 
“Fine, I guess I’ll oblige you, but only because it’s your birthday!” he said, trying and failing to sound begrudging. Alexander was just as excited as Eliza was. 
She grinned widely and pounced on him, quickly unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. Said shirt was thrown onto the floor, followed by all of the other clothes Alexander and Eliza had been wearing. His hair tie was yanked out; he was pushed back onto the bed. She hovered over him, doing nothing but admiring her beautiful husband. 
To her, Alexander was perfect (physically, at least). He had all of the attributes Eliza loved. Her favorite was his soft figure, with his doughy thighs, round belly, and squishy cheeks (of both varieties). Alexander was embarrassed by this and rolled over, his cheeks just as red as his hair. “May I ask what you’re doing, my angel?” 
“Just admiring my beloved,” she replied huskily, running a hand through his dark red curls.
“It’s your birthday, you should be the one who’s being admired.”
“No. It’s my birthday, I get to do whatever I want.” Eliza grinned victoriously as Alexander gave up. He always surrendered to her, just as it ought to be. 
She got off of him, picked up the plate, and handed it to him when he sat up. After only a moment's hesitation, Alexander took his first bite. He loved cake, Eliza knew, and soon the plate was entirely cleared off. “I can’t believe you made me do that,” he complained as if he hadn’t willingly eaten his favorite food. 
She gave him a loving kiss and delighted in the fact that his lips tasted like cake. After, Alexander groaned and laid down, rolling onto his side. “Aww, does your stomach hurt?” Eliza cooed, laying down next to him and gently stroking the afflicted area.
“I ate half of a cake, what do you think?” 
“Getting testy, are we?” she teased affectionately. “I know just the thing to make you feel better.”
She went to the other side of the bed, leaning down and peppering his sensitive stomach with kisses. Alexander sighed happily and closed his eyes, enjoying the treatment very much. Eliza wrapped one arm around him, cuddling close, and using the other to rub gentle circles on his belly. Indeed, this did wonders in lifting Alexander’s mood and getting rid of his stomach ache. Eliza once again got on top of him and did the other thing she really wanted to do.
With both of them a panting and sweaty heap in the sheets, Eliza pulled Alexander even closer. He wrapped an arm around her and nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing her neck and shoulder. She lazily kissed his chest in return, but it wasn’t long before they had both fallen asleep.
Suffice to say, Eliza was very happy with her birthday present. 
35 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 19:54:11 GMT
Fic request: Hamilton’s been so busy with work that he’s forgetting to eat. Eliza worries that he’s getting too thin and makes him a big dinner to fatten him up a bit. Bonus points if he has a stomachache afterwards!
//Ask and you shall receive! I hope you enjoy it!
He looked up at Eliza. It was dark. The room was lit only by a single candle and the moonlight streaming in from the window. He was illuminated by the candle, revealing a pale, sickly face. "Yes, Betsy, my dear?"
She placed her hands under Hamilton's arms and managed to pull him up, eliciting a small whine from him.
Eliza could pull him up with no issue…
"You need to eat something. You have not been eating lately. I am starting to get worried." He squirmed and dropped his quill. Hamilton’s hands were stained with blotches of black ink.
"I am sorry, my angel. I did not mean to worry you...I have just been so busy." She sighed and shook her head, pulling him out of the room with relative ease. He complied with little resistance.
"I know that. If you really do not want to worry me, then you will come and eat something." Hamilton really had started to wither away. He had always been overly devoted to his work, but he was going through a particularly bad streak lately. It was common for him to work himself into sickness, but he had never lost this much weight before. Hamilton was all skin and bones, and there had not been much of him to begin with! Eliza dreaded to see him in such a state.
"Of course, my love. You are completely right, as always." He took her hand and followed her to the dining room. She smiled smugly.
"That is right, and do not forget it."
On the table was a rather large plate filled to the brim with food. He stared at it as if it were a scary monster. “You do not expect me to eat all of that, do you?”
Eliza pushed Hamilton into the chair and lorded over him with her hands on her hips. “Oh, yes. We are not leaving until the entire plate is empty. You are worse than our children when it comes to finishing your food!”
He looked up at her with pleading eyes, hoping to charm his way out of the situation. Not today, though, she deemed this too important. He gave up, sighed, and began to eat his late dinner. After a few bites, Hamilton asked, “Are you not going to eat something as well?”
“I have already had dinner with the rest of the family.” He felt a twinge of guilt for not having joined them. Averting his gaze from Eliza, he quietly continued to eat. Was this some sort of punishment from her? With only a fourth of the plate eaten, he put his fork down and looked up at her.
“I am full.” Hamilton placed a hand on his stomach.
“Awe, that is bad for you, is it not?” Eliza put her hand on his shoulder and forced him back down as he tried to stand up. He took her hand and kissed it.
“Please, I cannot eat anymore. I will go to bed with you, please do not make me finish it.” She had to admit she found Hamilton’s attempts to get out of this very endearing. She smiled fondly at him and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“You are very cute, but I am afraid I cannot let you do that. You have hardly eaten a thing! You are finishing your plate.” Eliza paused as she realized her firmness would not work. She had to initiate the guilt trip, then.
“Do you not like it?”
He quickly shook his head and replied, “Of course not! Your cooking is great as always-”
“Then I do not see the problem.” Hamilton opened his mouth to protest but soon closed it again. He pouted, utterly defeated, and picked up the fork again.
Eliza smiled triumphantly and ruffled his hair, “Good boy.”
He made sure to whine and complain the entire time, but eventually, the plate was cleared. She cleaned it up before coming back to help Hamilton stand up. “And now it is bedtime,” she announced, dragging her husband to their bedroom.
He uncharacteristically flopped onto the bed and rolled over onto his side. “Betsy, my stomach hurts. Why did you make me do that?” Eliza sat down next to Hamilton and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Oh darling, it was for your own good.” He shook his head and groaned once more.
“My stomach and I beg to differ,” he countered. She shook her head and began to unbutton Hamilton’s waistcoat.
“Only because it is not used to eating as it should.”
“I suppose you are right, but did you need to be so rough with me?”
Eliza had to laugh. “Rough? Well then, I will have to make it up to you, won’t I?”
He did not respond, being in too much pain to come up with something to say. She did feel bad, just a little, but it was hard to feel too bad when her husband was so adorable like this. Once he was only in his shirt, she climbed into bed next to him. Eliza put a hand on Hamilton’s stomach and began to rub it in small circles. A sigh of relief came from him, he was already feeling much better. This was not so bad after all, he thought. It got even better when she peppered his aching belly with kisses. After a while, Eliza noticed that Hamilton did not have that pained expression on his face, so she ceased her actions.
This immediately elicited a whine from him. “Why did you stop?”
She grinned and kissed him. “My mistake, I did not think you needed it.”
“...I do. I rather like it, actually.”
35 notes • Posted 2021-06-15 12:36:54 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Wow, I don't know how to feel about this. Cool feature, though! I guess I should post more often lol
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