#sorry that this is the second palette with a lot of blue in it. that's probably going to continue i like palettes in this color family
mtsworkshop · 2 years
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Saegusa Ibara icons in Leonie at Dawn! Please credit if using, likes/reblogs appreciated as well!
Part of my Enstars Edit Roulette challenge.
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shares-a-vest · 9 months
Prompt: Family Heirloom and Starry Night (Discord Drabble) Two prompts in 24hrs, the drabblers are spoiled today. It's Lex's birthday! @thefreakandthehair I'm so sorry that my Frankenstien prompt for your b'day is also Steve Sad Boy™ hours. But it has a light-hearted end!!! 🏈🏈🏈 tw: death of a grandparent (way in the past)
"Why would mom mail this to me?" Steve finally mutters from his position at the kitchen bench.
Eddie shimmies upright on the couch and rubs at his eyes, long glazed over from forcing himself to pretend to pay attention to tonight's game. He'd flipped it over a good half an hour ago as the space he had given Steve started to linger on a little too long for his liking.
He just wasn't supposed to almost fall asleep while waiting for Steve to join and watch his favourite team win all those... points? touchdowns?
It doesn't matter nearly as much as the package that was delivered late in the afternoon – one that has left Steve glued to his kitchen stool.
A heavy but small and thin box with 'FRAGILE' and 'DO NOT BEND' emblazoned all over it, the red warnings leaving just enough space for their address and the return label.
Steve has opened it, Eddie realises, looking over his partner's impossibly hunched shoulders when he reaches him.
"I don't remember ever seeing that in your house, sweetheart," he says, standing close and snaking his arms around Steve's middle.
He frowns at the small framed print of Vincent Van Gough's Starry Night painting and rests his chin on Steve's shoulder.
"Mom hated it," Steve explains, "Refused to hang it anywhere in the house after my Grandpa passed. He left it to her."
Eddie hums in the affirmative.
The gold and gaudy frame doesn't exactly scream Mrs Harrington's taste in decor...
"Should I call her?" Steve rasps, setting the print down to pinch his nose, "What if something's wrong and that's why she is sending it to me?"
Eddie can feel his lip quivering.
"Maybe we should talk first, hmm?" he suggests, giving Steve a reassuring squeeze.
"Or..." Steve continues, his tone becoming bitter, "She's sending it now to make it official. That I'm no longer..."
He cuts himself off with a shaky exhale and looks around their relatively new (but technically very old and rundown) apartment. A quiet little spot in Indy they'd scored without too much searching.
One that they soon filled with their records and clothes, Eddie's amp and guitar and Steve's old trophies. Too many knickknacks they'd thrifted with the help of Robin and a lot of second-hand furniture Wayne found.
An apartment they are still in the process of making their own as they work themselves out together.
Their place in the world. Their home.
Eddie looks over to a patch of blank wall by the phone.
A spot that could use something...
"Do you like it, the painting?" he whispers, pressing a kiss to Steve's ear.
Steve grips the frame, his knuckles quickly turning white as he tenses up. He nods his head vigorously and sniffles.
"My grandpa..."
"Starry, starry night," Eddie sings low, "Paint your palette blue and grey..."
He reaches out to place his hands over Steve's and feels them relax in his touch.
"Look out on a summer's day..." Steve continues wetly, "Yeah..."
He sighs and closes his eyes, shifting his weight back onto Eddie.
"Looks like a pretty good heirloom to me," he says, swaying them just enough to leave Steve humming contentedly without threatening his position on the rickety kitchen stool.
Eddie continues humming the song, a favourite of Wayne's that he only ever passively listened to enough to pick up on the opening line and tune.
"Wanna watch the game with me?" he asks, nodding back to the television as he finishes the song.
Steve giggles, his shoulders gradually shaking them both.
"Baby, I watched that game two Sundays ago."
"But it's your favourite," Eddie argues, jostling their conjoined form, "The Cubs!"
"Eds, that's baseball!"
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kyufessions · 1 year
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synopsis: you walk in on your daughter giving your fiancé a makeover
genre: fluff, domestic
pairings: fiancé, non-idol! jeno x g.n. reader
word count: 2.2k
a/n: i really went off with this lmao. this is the most inspired i’ve been in a while for a story so hope y’all enjoy!
general taglist: @jwnghyuns @eaudenana @soobin-chois
nct taglist: @jungsusvillain
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Glitter was going to be everywhere in your house for the next two weeks, but you honestly didn’t care much. on any other day you would sigh about it and remind your daughter, aecha, to ask you first before doing so or remind her to use her designated playroom rather than the living room but coming home to see your fiance sitting across from a four year old as she smothers his face with cheap eyeshadow and glitter, you couldn’t help but find yourself amused by the sight. There sat an almost six foot tall man in grey slacks with a light blue button up shirt and a loosened tie in the middle of your living room floor, across from him was a little four year old girl using a barbie eyeshadow palette all over his face- the purple glitter hitting pan as she used it for nearly everything.
“Sit still!” she demanded in her tiny voice as she smeared a green shade across his one eyelid, the other one already light pink with a sparkling shine. The concentration on her face was very evident, her cheeks puffed out as her eyes squinted to get a clearer look.
“Sorry, sorry.” he mumbled, a small chuckle leaving past his lips as they upcurved into a grin. He tried looking up at her to watch what she was doing but she reminded him to keep his eyes down so she could get all the color on him, earning another mumbled ‘sorry’ from the grown man. “What color are you using?”
You stood against the door frame watching in silence, the door still slightly ajar as to not warn anyone of your presence. Instead, you took out your phone to record the moment quietly. When you first started dating jeno, you were scared he wouldn’t accept that you were a parent of a two year old. You had been on countless dates within the past few months, but none of them ever went past the first two because as soon as they found out you had a child they didn’t want anything to progress further. With being in your early twenties, you figured not many people would want to see someone that was already a parent. And you definitely didn't want to date anyone who was a lot older than you, so you were stuck. Well, until you met jeno that is.
You remember the day as if it were yesterday: you were at the local park down the street from your old apartment complex, watching as aecha played in the sandbox with some other children. All the other parents were older and ignored you for the most part, judgemental stares were never not thrown your way when you would explain she was indeed your daughter and not your niece, sister, or cousin. But you always ignored them, not caring much about what people thought about you. Having aecha was something you had never regretted, not even for one second. As you sat there in your thoughts and sipped on your iced coffee, you felt a presence sit next to you on the bench. You glanced at them from the corner of your eye, noticing it was a man in a navy blue plaid shirt and jeans. He seemed to be around your age, maybe younger by not much. Silence hung between the both of you, but it didn’t seem too awkward- just that type of awkwardness you feel when meeting a stranger for the first time.
“Uncle!” you heard a child yell as they ran towards him, his arms up in the air asking to be picked up.
And the stranger did just that, picking up him gracefully and putting him in his lap. “Hajoon!” He greets him with a smile, and when you glance at them for a second you can notice how both of their smiles are practically the same. “What’s up? Are you feeling okay?”
The child nods, his smile turning into a pout. “Yes! But can we stay a little longer? I want to help them finish their sandcastle!” his little finger points towards the small group of children your daughter was sitting with, their little selves working hard at building a sandcastle as tall as the tree next to them- or at least, that was their goal.
As soon as the stranger tells him it's okay, he hops off his lap and runs back towards your daughter and her group of friends she's made. You both sit in silence again for a few moments, watching the children carefully as they get to work. It wasn't until you were mid-sip on your caramel iced coffee when the stranger spoke up.
“Which kid is yours?” the deep voice asked, making you turn your head in his direction as you pointed towards your aecha.
Quickly swallowing your drink, you finally responded. “The one with the pigtails and bows in her hair with the rainbow overalls.”
Jeno watched how you smiled at her when she waved at you, making his lips turn into a shy smile. Through your simple actions he could tell you adored her more than anything, and he admired that right off the bat. “The loud one in the dinosaur shirt is my nephew, hajoon.” you nod, taking another small sip of the remainder of your coffee. Not wanting the conversation to stop, he continues on. “Is she your niece?”
You shake your head, finally turning your head towards him. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made your stomach flip for a split second before you brushed it aside, choosing to ignore how handsome this stranger was. “No, she’s my daughter.” The shock on his face was subtle, but the change in his facial expression gave away his surprise. You just smile at his expression, used to it by now. “I had her young, but she’s everything to me.”
For the next half an hour, you both sat there as the kids would knock down and rebuild their sand castles before jeno received a call that it was time to start bringing hajoon back home for dinner. Throughout that time, you both got to know one another. You learned how he was a year younger than you and how he had just started college, how he also enjoyed doing music on the side here and there for extra money at times. And although you were still young, he admired how you still put yourself through school and two part time jobs just to give your daughter what she deserved. When he learned of you being a single parent, he mentally cursed at the person leaving you to care for a child at such a young age. How dare they do such a thing?
“Will you be okay getting home?” he asked as hajoon jumped on his back, his arms wrapping around his shoulders to hold on tight.
Nodding, you fix aecha’s hair quickly before grabbing her hand and standing towards the opposite direction. “I’ll be okay, thank you. I live right down the block.”
From then on, every Saturday you would ‘coincidentally’ bump into each other at that same park, him with hajoon and you with aecha. But what you learned after you both officially started dating for a few months was he would volunteer to hang out with hajoon every saturday. He'd take him out for lunch, sometimes take him shopping or to the arcade, but one thing he never missed was taking him to the park around the same time every weekend. It took jeno a month of that same routine to finally ask for your number, then another month to ask you on a proper date, and then a third month to officially ask you out. It’s now two years later and jeno is nearing the end of his graduation with a job already secured for him, while you had finished your college degree a year ago and was able to work from home most days. The day after your graduation jeno had proposed, but asked to wait until he graduated to move forward with wedding planning. Agreeing, you both divided to just move in together for the time being and secured a three bedroom apartment together closer to where his new job would be located. Everything with jeno seemed like a fairytale you never thought would happen.
“Green!” aecha exclaimed, a proud smile appearing on her face.
For a few moments more you watch them talk about how green would and wouldn’t match his outfit best, and aecha offering jeno one of her princess dresses that would look better than his ‘ugly outfit’. Chuckling lowly to yourself, you stop recording and close the door behind you before walking towards them with a smile.
Aecha automatically runs up to you with a smile, her body clinging to your legs as you bend down to her level and envelope her into a hug. “What's going on here?” you ask her, finally noticing the small specks of glitter on her face as well. You smile at jeno as he looks at you with a playfully defeated look, the lipstick that your daughter chose everywhere except for his lips.
She tugged at your hand, pulling you further to where your fiance sat with his legs crossed. “I made daddy pretty!” you both laughed at her comment, using your pointer finger to turn jeno’s face more towards you for a better view. No words needed to be exchanged, all you did was smile at one another as your eyes said it all. “Do you like it?”
Turning to her, you kiss the top of her head and pat it afterwards. “I love it! Can you do my makeup tomorrow for daddy and i’s date?” as she starts jumping up and down with joy, you stop her quickly by putting your hand on her shoulder. “But only if you can do one thing for me.” she nods eagerly, waiting for the deal. “If you start getting ready for your bath, you can do my makeup tomorrow. I’ll even give you bubbles for tonight, how does that sound?”
Before you know it, she runs down the hall and up the stairs to her room, you both watch as she runs into her room and closes the door behind herself to start changing. When jeno turns around, he sees you kneeling down to his eye-level and smiling at him in an attempt to hold back laughter. Failing as soon as he smiles back at you with a toothy grin, you sit on his lap and wrap your arms around his neck as you press multiple pecked kisses against his lips as you both laugh together.
“How was work?” you ask after smothering him with kisses, bringing your thumb up to his face to smudge away some glitter from the apple of his cheek. “Your day seemed eventful.”
He takes one hand off of your waist and takes your hand in his, placing a kiss on the back of it. “It was good, the internship is promising and I have my last day of classes this Friday before graduation.” jeno starts blinking rapidly as he feels glitter in his eye, quickly rubbing it away and grabbing your hand again afterwards. “Aecha and I made ramen for lunch and then she wanted to do my makeup. I know how you feel about glitter but I, unfortunately, had no say in the matter.”
“It's okay as long as you help me clean it up afterwards.” you say, sneaking your phone out of your pocket and taking a few quick pics of jeno before you get up and drag him towards the bathroom to wipe the makeup off his face. He watches you do so, admiring every move you make. Even though you looked tired from work, you still had a glow that he never got tired of. Alluring couldn’t even begin to describe how he saw you, no synonyms could ever begin to describe. Even though your face was straight, your lips always had an upcurve to them that came across as welcoming and friendly. And when you were concentrating, you bit the inside of your bottom lip ever so slightly as your eyes were slightly squinted.
“Let's have another.”
Giggling, you stop what you're doing and look him in the eyes. “What do you mean, ‘let's have another’?”
He grabs your hands, intertwining your fingers together before kissing your knuckles as he speaks. “I mean, let's have another kid.”
You always knew jeno wanted more kids, and now that aecha is in daycare and has friends who have siblings she keeps asking for a brother or sister more often than not. After your daughter, you always told yourself you wouldn’t have more kids until you were older- maybe early to mid thirties. But with life falling into place, you couldn’t imagine a more perfect time.
“I like that idea.” you confess, smiling from ear to ear as jeno lifts you up by your thighs and kisses you deeply. But the kiss is soon cut short as you hear aecha coming down the stairs towards the bathroom.
You just couldn’t wait to grow your little family even more.
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calummss · 1 year
Perimeters | Thomas Shelby
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summary: you were only supposed to get thomas shelby’s signature but got his signature one night stand instead
pairing: fem! reader x thomas shelby
words: 3.8k
a/n: confident reader!! also i’m sorry but i had to reuse some smut bc i’m simply unable to write good smut atm. please don’t take great offense :/
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Small Heath was far from a perfect little town; no greens, no blues, no singing birds, no smiles. Grey skies, dying wilds, only lips pressing together, everyday the same, every day becoming more clouded by the smoke of fire. Industrialised goods being made that half of the town couldn’t even afford.
Your newly bought shoes you only bought a couple of days ago didn’t last long. Dirt and shit on the streets claiming their place on them as soon as you stepped onto the ground. Unfamiliar streets that weren’t used to a member of the Young family to step onto. Claimed territory of the Shelbys. Shelbys were starting to cover every corner of Birmingham like rats. Infesting the city sewers, canals, streets, buildings. Shelbys were starting to take over and your father couldn’t have that.
You were supposed to meet up with Thomas Shelby, go over the drawn up contract and sign the agreement to not take eithers perimeters. Given the shithole you were standing in you doubted if you ever wanted control of a place that looked like it did what it’d please. You only met Thomas briefly a few years back. Back when you still lived with your mother just outside Small Heath. The infamous Peaky Blinders had always piqued your interest. You often caught glances at him, his dark raven hair, blue eyes like the first water, lips so plush. The wave of smoke that lingered long after he’d gone, pervasively invading your head. You were interested in the past. Even now if you were being completely honest.
‘Miss Young.’
You turned around to meet a young boy, a mere ten or nine, the peak of his cap falling below his eyebrow line, propping it up every few seconds. Dark streaks across the bridge of his nose, similar stains smeared on his jumper and shorts.
‘I will take you to Mr. Shelby.’
‘How kind of you.’ You smiled at him, following him as the boy started to walk the direction you had just come from. ‘Lead the way.’
The boy didn’t say anything. He stayed silent for most of the walk, only the crunching of dirt and gravel accompanying your thoughts. You definitely hadn’t missed the stench of Small Heath. The look of it either. You detested the past entangled between the bricks. That was what made it so abhorrent.
Not long after and you both came to a holt, right in front of the Garrison’s doors.
‘He’s inside.’ The boy said, turning away, ready to leave.
‘Thank you and hold on just a moment.’ You replied, rummaging your coat’s pockets.
Pulling out a chocolate treat, you gave it to him.
‘Thank you.’
‘Go home now. Go somewhere safe.’
With that he left.
Opening the door, the familiar squeaking of the floors echoed through the room, a hidden figure behind the glass fixing himself a drink. Your hand reached for the second door, a small jingle of the bell disrupting the silence of flowing liquids and shifting upon the old wooden floorboards.
‘Couldn’t even fetch me yourself, could you.’ Pulling off the gloves you were wearing and held them in one hand, taking in the Garrison interior.
It sure had changed a lot since you last set foot in it. It was very red and very gold, not the typical colours that fit around Small Heath and definitely not the colour palette of Thomas Shelby.
Thomas stopped pouring, bringing his lips to the glass, his deep cough bringing you back. ‘I know you.’
He looked as good as the day you left Small Heath. His dark raven hair now fading to a grey, similar to the smoke he was dragging from his cigarette. Dark suit, dark hair, dark soul.
‘I am not sure you do, Mr. Shelby.’
‘I remember everyone’s faces,’ smoke left his lips. ‘Marianne’s daughter? Hung up washing every other day. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.’
‘I prefer not to speak of the past.’ You cleared your throat, sitting down on a bar stool, placing your gloves on the counter.
And just like that your mind thought even more of him. What his hands would feel like on your skin, his lips on yours, what it would feel like to hear your name on the tip of his tongue in amorousity. What would his face feel like in your hands as you pulled him closer, him snaking his firm arms around your torso trying to pull you closer.
‘You look different.’ Thomas took a look at you: hair done, dress, mink fur coat, lips coated a wine red, heels that cost more than a house on Watery Lane.
‘I much prefer this look.’
Thomas stayed silent, grabbing another glass and poured a hefty serving of some whisky that he was sipping himself. The amber liquor left a burning sensation, warming you up, the need of your jacket fading as your temperature rose. Thomas refilled it as soon as you placed it back down.
‘What has your father come up with?’
Reaching for your briefcase you had brought with you, you took out a stack of papers, placing them onto the counter next to the whisky glasses, turning them so he was able to read through it. ‘This contract states that each area that is currently controlled by Peaky men and Youngs will continue to belong to them. Neither party is allowed to take territory,’ you pointed your pen onto the sheet of paper, ‘infiltration of any kind is prohibited as well as causing crimes in each other’s perimeters.’
Another shot fired down his throat. Wetness coating his lips, lips licking the last drops of gold.
‘I will give this a good read before I sign anything. I’m sure you understand, Miss Young.’
‘I understand completely. We were sure this would happen so just have it signed by the end of the week. Mail it. And please, call me Y/n.’
‘What happens if I don’t sign it?’
‘Well I wouldn’t know,’ you chuckled, taking out a cigarette for your own.
Before being able to reach for your pack of matches, Thomas had already burnt a stick, holding it towards you.
Taking a long drag you let the hot smoke fill your lungs. ‘I’m simply acting as an ambassador. I prefer not to get my hands dirty.’
‘But your eyes.’ Thomas tossed his bud into the empty glass, bracing himself against the counter, his darkened eyes staring a hole into you.
‘What about them.’
‘They like to get dirty.’
‘I’m sorry?’ You tapped your cigarette, the corner of your lip curling.
‘Do you want to fuck me, Y/n.’ His eyes went through you like a blast of his, his directness almost causing you to choke on your drink.
Puffing out the smoke you had inhaled you leaned forward, ‘I mean I came for the signature but I wouldn’t resist if that’s what you’re asking.’
‘Why?’ You tried suppressing a laugh, ‘have you looked in the mirror?’
Thomas turned around to face the Garrison’s mirror, briefly meeting your eyes, staring at his reflection.
‘What do you see?’ You slowly got off your seat, walking along the bar, your hand dragging along the counter to meet him behind the wooden wall that had separated you too many times.
He turned around facing you, raising his eyebrows with an unreadable look on his face, the type of face that let people know that Thomas Shelby was a man to reckon with.
‘I see a good looking man,’ you carefully placed your hand on his cock, covered by the fabric of his trousers, another border you wanted to cross.
His hand shot up to grab your face, pushing you against the bar’s wall, the slam of the wood sending a short wave of tweaking pain down your spine, covered by his thumbs pressing into your jaw, almost hindered you from moving completely, heat rushing down to your cunt as you finally had gotten Thomas’s touch you craved since too long. Remembering too many night you had spent with your hands between your legs, moaning the name of a man you had thought paid no attention to you.
‘Is this some kind of trick?’ He hissed, his torso closing in on you, your chest filling with heavy breaths making your chest move against his, arousal dripping down you like damp hair after a steamy shower.
‘Isn’t a woman ever allowed to simply fuck a man because he’s pretty to look at?’
His eyes held yours, his forehead inching closer as his lips hovered over yours. His hot breathing ricocheting off your red lips, breaths of smoke mixing pervasively.
‘One night.’ He whispered, his lips so close you could almost taste them.
‘One night.’
Barely a sound escaped you before he cupped your face, his lips colliding with yours and his force pressed you even further into the wall. Your bodies pressed together against the wall, breathing heavily as his lips marked their way down your neck. You could taste your shared breath of smoke, feel the pounding of your heartbeat as you fumbled to take off one another's clothes.
Heat arose from your stomach to your chest and spread out your entire body. You waited a few seconds before giving into his touch and parting your lips to kiss him. He deepened the kiss, as if trying to reach the back of your throat. You hungrily kissed him back, tongue pushing past his teeth. The bristles of his stubbles scratched against your flushed cheeks as you gripped his head firmly, as to keep him from escaping.
Tommy’s left hand travelled down your figure to grab a hand full of your ass. A moan escaped your soft lips making him groan in lust.
Tommy’s lips smashed against yours, pushing your body on top of the counter, clearing everything in sight. His arms found themselves to your lower back, your hands tangled in his coal hair.
‘Thomas,’ you mumbled out a concealed moan.
His lips and teeth gently sank into your skin whilst his tongue was rubbing against your delicate skin. Your arm was thrown over his neck, your hands playing with his hair. He moved down to your shoulder removing the strap to gain more access to your body. Your continuous moans filled the room mixing in with the muffled sounds of men fighting just outside the Garrison.
‘If I had known you were this pretty under your bruised body and dirty drapes, I would’ve fucked you sooner.’ he stared into your eyes, before lowering his head to your naked chest.
Tommy's wet tongue made contact with your hard nipple, gently blowing onto it. His tongue glided on the outskirts of your tits, kneading them thoroughly. You hissed at the pleasure you were receiving. His teeth found their way to your nipple gently nibbling, his wetness increasing your arousal..
‘You like the way I touch you, don’t you?’ you could feel his smirk against your skin.
You nodded, feeling his hand make its way down to your cunt. Tommy’s finger went along your slit, earning a twitch from your body. He parted your lips with his index and middle finger and started to explore your already wet pussy.
‘We haven't even started, and you're soaked? Just for me,’ he chuckled. ‘What a good whore you are. You're only this wet for me.’ he pushed his fingers inside of your pussy, making you arch your back.
‘Does this feel good? Do you like my fingers inside of your wet cunt.’ Thomas spoke into your neck.
‘Yes, yes it feels s-so good.’ you moaned.
His lips kept him busy at your neck and collar, leaving dark marks. He began to pump his fingers out of you slowly, too slow for your liking. Your hands grasped his wrist, nails digging into his skin, trying to ask for more.
‘Such a needy little whore. Aren’t you satisfied?’ he cocked at you.
You barely had time to take another breath, before he attached his mouth to your already aching cunt.
‘Fuck,’ you yelled out, grabbing a fistful of his blond hair. A deep moan escaped Tommy’s lips, sending vibrations through your body.
He added another finger going even faster than his previous pace, curling his fingers, hitting your spot, making you lose it. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of you, making you cry out in euphoria. With every forceful hit you felt your orgasm draw nearer and nearer. It felt like a knot inside of your stomach was going to explode any second and he took notice of it. Just before you could release your screams, he pulled out his digits and grinned. But before you could argue with him, he re-attached his mouth to your clit and started to swirl his tongue in every possible direction, gathering more moans that left your lips. Your hands were grasping his hair, whilst your toes were crinkling and your back was arched. The sequins of your green mini dress pressed into your skin adding to the pleasure.
‘Please just make me cum,’ you whimpered.
His hand shot up and grabbed your neck tightly, forcing you to look at him. He put pressure onto your throat, leaving you to gape at him, his chest rising with each breath he took.
‘What did you just say to me?’
‘Can you please make me cum.’
‘From the moment I touch that wet little cunt of yours, you are mine. My property. My whore. So I get to decide when you cum. Understood?’ he growled.
You nodded.
‘Speak up when I ask you a question!’ he got up on his feet and towered over you, dark eyes staring into your soul.
‘Yes sir, I understand.’ taking a huge gulp, you watched him take off his pants and jumper.
His chest swelled with air as he trailed his finger down to the base of his cock, twitching under his own touch. Your breath hitched, trying to get as much oxygen into your lungs, as you watched him come towards you. His hand still stroked over his hardened shaft, collecting a small speck of pre cum.
‘On your knees.’ he said, and like a well trained dog, you obliged.
Grabbing your jaw, thumb gently rubbing over your lips. You were at eye level with his cock, and it was bigger than expected. ‘There we go.’
‘Do you want this?’ he asked.
‘Yes,’you answered, feeling your cheeks heat up.
‘Yes, what?...’
‘Yes, Sit, I want your cock.’ you said.
Growling, he pushed the head of the shaft past your lips, hitting the back of your throat.
Tommy tangled his fingers into your messy hair, eager to push in deeper. You swallowed around his throbbing member earning a huffed moan.
‘You like that don't you,’ he thrusted in and out of your aching jaw. ‘You liked being used for my cock don't you.’
You nodded, not being able to speak, but he didn't like the non verbal communication.
He pulled out his cock giving you time to breathe.
‘I said, don't you?’
‘Yes Sir, yes! I love being used for your cock.’ you gasped out for air before he slid back inside of you.
You pressed your tongue against his shaft, trying to satisfy him.
‘So, so eager for me, aren't you, pet.’ he groaned.
His hands found their way to your hair and pulled your head back, allowing him further access to your throat. A mixture of tears, saliva and cum were streaming down your face, but he didn't seem to mind, deep groans continuing to escape his deep-pink lips.
‘Such a nasty whore. Look at you. Pathetic’" he glanced down, staring into your eyes. ‘You look so good taking my cock. Maybe this will teach you something about manners.’
A pool of cum was now dripping below you. You couldn't help it, you were so turned. You needed him. Before you could register, your head was yanked up.
‘Look at me!’
Your eyes shot up and stared into his eyes.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck.’ he moaned loudly before releasing into your mouth, slowly pulling his cock out of your aching mouth.
‘Swallow like the little slut you are.’ he ordered.
You swallowed his load, which tasted bitter and sweet, with a hint of saltiness.You opened your mouth, stuck out your tongue, showing him you obeyed.
‘What a good little fuck toy you are.’ he smirked at you before ordering you to sit back on the bed.
‘Do you deserve to cum?’ he asked.
‘Please Sir, please let me cum.’ you begged him, ‘I need to cum.’
Tommy laughed, tracing his fingers along his cock. ‘And what will you do if I let you cum?’ He snickered, clearly finding the sight of you rather amusing.
‘Anything!’ you breathe out, not realising how bad you needed him.
‘So desperate for me.’ He trailed on. ‘Lets see if I can make an excuse.’
He lowered his body towards the floor and moved to your neck where he started placing wet, sloppy kisses below your earlobe. His tongue drew down to your stomach.
‘Just make me cum.’
Immediately regretting your words, your eyes shot wide as he stopped and retrieved his head from your stomach.
‘Watch that filthy little mouth of yours or do I have to fuck it again!’
A hot sting was burning up on your cheek. He slapped you.
You shook your head smiling. ‘I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again.’
‘You filthy whore, you like it.’ he narrowed his eyes, gripping your chin. You were silent.
In a matter of seconds, he raised his hand and brought it down to the opposite side of your face, sending your head to the side. You winced in pain, knowing it would leave red marks for at least 48 hours.
‘Fucking whore.’ and in one swift motion he struck you straight in the jaw, making you see tiny black spots.
The taste of liquid metal dripped onto your tongue, and out of your mouth, hitting your chest. Blood. When your eyesight came back to normal, you saw Thomas watching you, chest falling heavily.
‘I hope that taught you some manners, otherwise I'm going to have to continue,’ he gritted through his clenched teeth.
‘Yes sir, I have learnt my lesson.’
‘Now tell me, what do you want me to do?’ he asked, watching your eyes trail to his cock.
‘I want you to fuck me.’ you said, not being able to withstand it. ‘I...I want you to fuck me me.’
‘Of course you do, little whore.’ he pumped his shaft faster, groaning.
Thomas placed you on the counter, brushing the tip of his cock against your opening. You wanted to roll your eyes and swear at him, but you couldn't. Instead you bucked your hips back, trying to give him a better reach. He grinned before placing his knee between your legs, before thrusting into your core, making you yelp out.
‘Fuck!’ you shakily whispered. That one thrust was able to stretch out your wet cunt.
Your face was held in place with Tommy’s hand, forcing you to look at him again.
‘Quiet, pet.’, he said. ‘Or did I say you could talk?’
You shook your head.
‘Then stay quiet.’
He continued to pump in and out of you, moans muffling into his chest. The room filled with the loud slaps of your bodies colliding.
‘You're so fucking tight.’ he grunted into your neck. ‘It's like you were made to make my cock. Look at you, taking my cock like the good, filthy, little whore you are. My pet. My fuck toy.’
Suddenly the door to the Garrison opened.
Arthur and John stepped into the room as Tommy’s cock continued to pound into you.
‘Thomas,’ Arthur coughed, his lips pressed together as he uncomfortably tried to look away, at John, hiding away before slowly turning to witness the sight. ‘Y/n…’
‘Don’t worry we won’t look,’ John said, making his way across the room, both of their eyes not leaving your body.
You glanced at them, having felt their lingering eyes on you.
‘Arthur,’ a soft moan escaped you as you gazed at him, watching make his way to the backdoor.
John snickered, aggressively throwing himself at Arthur.
You took a look at John, the knot in your stomach tightening, ‘John!’ You cried out in euphoria, as Thomas pulled you into a climax, sending your body into shudders. He kept on thrusting, overstimulating you, until moments later, he reached his high as well, filling you up with his cum.
Tommy slid his cock out of you and stared down at the sight of you. ‘What?’ he scoffed. ‘You think I’m done with you? After what you just did?’
Arms steadying your body, you were pulled off the counter in a swift motion, ass against Tommy’s cock as his hand wrapped around your throat pulling you close to him.
‘I’m done with you when I say I am. Understood?’
‘Yes, Sir.’
‘We will now leave…Sir.’ John snickered.
Before you could think about sneaking a glance at them, Tommy’s cock slipped back into your pussy. You threw your head back in pleasure, biting your bottom lip. Waves of pleasure hit your body like a tsunami ready to destroy everything. Every nerve in your body was on fire and engulfed your entire body.
‘Open your mouth.’
Opening your mouth you stuck out your tongue and stared into his eyes smiling.
‘Such a good fucking slut.’ He hissed in pleasure before spitting in your mouth.
‘Swallow like the good girl you are.’
Swallowing his saliva you stuck your tongue back out, grinning in seduction.
Your orgasm was coming close and washed over your body in no time. Panting, you rested your back against the wall not being able to move just quite yet.
‘Such a good girl.’ he said, as he slid two fingers up your throbbing cunt, collecting your juices. ‘Taste yourself.’
As he commanded, you opened your mouth, letting the fingers slide into your mouth, tongue wrapping around his digits, sucking off all your cum. Pulling his cock out of you, his lips brushed against you once more, the taste of one night fading into addiction.
‘One night.’
‘One night.’ You caught his lips once more before he left, surrounded by your clothes, just as alone when you got there in the first place. Just as alone in your past. Always and inevitably alone.
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shae-mermaid · 4 months
Part 1 of my very FIRST fic EVER!
Part 2!! | Part 3!!! | Part 4!!!! | Part 5!!!!! | Part 6 (FINALE)!!!!!!
A/N: This doesn't even have a proper name yet, and I'm writing it on a whim, but I'm curious (and honestly hopeful) to see some possible interest in this from more than just me, before I try to post it to AO3...
Update: I've posted it on AO3, under the title "You Are A Queen". My username is shae_mermaid, if you're interested in subscribing for any other Hazbin fics I may make in the future~
Critique is encouraged, but just try to be polite about it please! <3
TW/CW: mentions of s*****e, but not in this preview, so all is well...for now. (Tell me if there's anything I should've warned about that I missed! Sorry in advance!!)
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(Lucifer x plus sized fem! reader)
You had been in Hell for not even a day, waking up in a daze, and for a second, thinking you were still living. Then, realization and dread set in.. You look down to see your arms and hands, a seemingly unnatural shade of blue, in contrast to the overwhelmingly red palette of this place. And… were those scales?! Great, you thought, I’m a fuckin’ lizard or something. But then you took a closer look at your hands. You spotted fins, in between your fingers. That actually got you a tiny bit excited, honestly. Fish were something you were fascinated by in life. But, your train of thought came to a crashing halt when you heard a deafening explosion close behind you. Well, more like above you. 
You were terrified, to say the least. Woken up in the middle of the street to what you only assumed was some kind of turf war, hearing lots of blood curdling screams running past you as a building started to collapse, with fire quickly eating up the building.
The person (or,rather, half-demon) who had swooped in to your rescue, was none other than Charlie Morningstar, but you didn’t know, nor care in the moment. All you knew was that the next second you’re being scooped up, white-knight style into the woman’s limo.  But, after that initial rush, and looking back on it, you were glad she saved you, and to have met her as soon as you did. Otherwise, you weren’t sure how long you would’ve survived out there. But with a quick knock to the dividing window, signaling the driver to go, you all zoomed out of there just in time, before a grenade that was thrown a second before blew up near you all, too close for comfort.
Charlie was too excited to dive right in and go on and on about her newly renovated passion project to even remember to properly introduce herself and her girlfriend, Vaggie, who had to remind her to do so by placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. After that, Charlie finally slowed down just enough to shake your hand vigorously and introduce them both.
You finally introduced yourself to them, and the conversation flowed surprisingly well throughout the ride back to the hotel. You told them a little about your previous life on Earth, leaving out some embarrassing parts and dark parts, like how you came to be down here.
You mostly lived a quiet life, being the child of two avid, eternally committed churchgoers, who also happened to both be musicians. Your mother played piano, while you and your father would sing and help lead the congregations in singing hymns. At least, that’s how you lived your life in youth.
You conveniently left out a few details, like how later on in life, you started resenting your parents’ wishes a bit. They always knew that you hated performing in front of people, having one of the world’s worst cases of stage fright. Not only that, but also the fact that you were always (and, judging by your ever-present tummy, forever will be) a chubby person, which you felt only made you a target for your peers to throw all manner of cruel words at. Your mother stubbornly kept insisting though, saying “A gift like yours shouldn’t be wasted!” and “Use your talents to praise Him!”. A lot of good that did.
Thankfully, Charlie and Vaggie never seemed curious enough to ask how you died. That was a subject even you hesitated to think about. No, Charlie got so excited when she heard that you sang, asking if she could hear you sing something for everyone sometime. You had to politely and shyly decline, saying that that part of your life was over (literally), much to her dismay. You immediately felt the usual guilt-trip your mother often gave you, creep up on you, making you backtrack a little, giving her a hesitant “maybe,” if others would join you. She squealed in response, hurting yours and Vaggie’s ears a bit, saying that she’d love to, if you’re ever feeling the inspiration and confidence to. 
Then she went on a tangent on maybe making another lesson plan about gaining confidence through positive thinking, to which you barely listened. Your “people-ing battery”, as you so accurately called it, was just about out at this point. So you just nodded and hummed a quiet response, while sneakily watching Pentagram City go by from the window. You also started wondering how Vaggie could still hear, from how often her partner surely made such noises. 
You all finally made it to the hotel, with Charlie starting the tour off by introducing the few people that were hanging out in the lobby and bar area. First, her business partner, Alastor. He gave off the vibe of a gentleman. An old-fashioned and frankly creepy one, but a gentleman nonetheless.
“Why hello there, Y/n! Pleasure to be meeting our newest guest, quite the pleasure!” he said in his radio filtered voice, as you both shook hands. You noticed that he wiped his hand off on his coat immediately afterwards. Rude, you thought, so you subtly responded by doing the same, which he narrowed his eyes at, giving you the impression that he’s always gonna be watching. With that creepy and obviously fake smile on at all times. You made a mental note to be veeeery cautious around him…
Charlie started to sense that there was the tiniest bit of tension in the air between you two, so she gently put a hand on your shoulder and grandly gestured at the incredibly lanky spider demon sitting at the bar, and the frankly unamused and tired cat/bird demon behind the counter. “This Angel, our very first guest, and of course Husk, our Bartender!” 
Husk just responded with a two fingered salute and a quick “Yo,” while Angel temporarily put his work attitude back on and playfully greeted you with a “Hey, gorgeous! Nice to meet ya!”, which honestly made your cheeks tingle a little from a small blush of embarrassment.. 
Charlie starts to announce “Everyone, this is Y/n. Our newest guest!”, to which you give out a shy “Hi,” using what you call your sweetheart voice, and awkwardly wave at everyone. 
Suddenly, you see a blur zooming up to you and spiral up your body, until you finally see the face of a tiny cyclops lady with an adorable 1950’s style poodle skirt and apron on. Honestly, you froze like a deer in the headlights as soon as you felt the frenzied crawling, but that didn’t make you half as tense as her sharp-toothed, crazy big smile did. Hers is almost as bad as Alastor’s, you thought.
Charlie let out an awkward laugh while Alastor grabbed the little thing, basically using his claws like tweezers picking up a bug. “Oh! I almost forgot! This is our maid, Nifty!” 
Almost as if Alastor had switched her crazy side off as soon as he picked Nifty up, she put on a deceivingly innocent, almost cute smile while she was dangled in the air in front of you, giving a very childlike “Hi!!,” with a small wave back before proceeding to wiggle like crazy, prompting Alastor to just drop her on the floor. You almost said something in protest as she fell face-first onto the floor, but you stopped when you immediately heard her shout “YAY! PAIN!”, then scurry off up the stairs, as if nothing had happened. You could tell she might provide some much needed entertainment when you’re bored.
“We’re about 80% sure she’s harmless,” Charlie said to you in a hushed tone, only then remembering what her little friend did to Adam in the last extermination. “Ok, maybe 75%. But that’s still good!”
You let out a small chuckle at that comment, as Charlie smiles at you and breathes out a long exhale, reassured that she was doing well and that you felt comfortable. She, Vaggie, Alastor, and you, all gave a final wave goodbye to Angel and Husk as Charlie told them “We’re going to show Y/n around a little more, then take her to her room. See you guys in a bit!”, as she grabbed you and Vaggie’s wrists to pull you both up the stairs, so incredibly eager to show her newest guest around her new home. Alastor calmly followed suit as you all disappeared up the stairs.
The rest of the tour was just a lot of repetition, to be honest. Most of the floors looked practically identical.That is, until Charlie and Vaggie guided you all to the top floor. You saw a red door slightly ajar right across from the stair landing. “This is Vaggie and I’s room!” she said, then quieting down as soon as she heard a timid little “mew!” from inside her room. “Oh! I guess she wanted to make an appearance too,” she said, slowly opening the door a little more to reveal an adorable little cyclops tuxedo cat, rubbing up against everyone’s legs. “This is Kee-kee,” she said with an awkward giggle. “My cat. I’ve had her since I was young. My dad created her.”
Your eyes lit up like fireworks were going off! You adored animals, especially cats. Your shy demeanor immediately turned to poorly-contained excitement, gasping at the site of her confidently walking towards you all. “Hi there!”, you say as you kneel down and reach out your hand, offering her an up-turned palm to sniff. She just ends up looking at you weird for a second, then cautiously head-butts your hand, with you starting to give her little scritches, exhaling a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. “I didn’t know there were actual animal-animals down here!” 
Charlie giggled a little, “You’ll be surprised by a lot of things in your time here.”
“You should see Angel’s pig sometime,” Vaggie chimed in.
Your eyes lit up once more, your head snapping in Vaggie’s direction. “THERE’S A PIG?!”
Now, that got Charlie and Vaggie laughing more naturally. “We can have a little pet show-and-tell sometime, if everyone’s up for it,” Charlie went on to say.
You eagerly nod your head in agreement, standing back up before twisting your gaze to either end of the hallway. On one end, a dark red (almost black) door, and the other, a white door with red and gold filigree along the edges.
“Oh, those are Alastor’s and my dad’s rooms,” Charlie said. “I’m surprised my dad hasn’t shown up yet.”
“Probably off doing his job, babe,” said Vaggie.
“‘Bout time,” you heard Alastor say under his breath. You give him a sideways glance, quickly looking away as soon as he looks at you. You have slightly better hearing than the average person. A blessing and a curse, really. 
Charlie sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right. Probably lots of work to catch up on from the past few years.” She sounded a little down and frustrated about it, until Vaggie gingerly took Charlie’s hand in hers. “I know you just got here, so just to let you know, my dad’s the King,”
It takes your brain a second to catch up and process. “Wait. Does that mean your dad’s literally SATAN?!”
Charlie laughs again. “No. Satan’s one of my uncles, and ruler of an entirely different ring,” she paused a second. “My dad’s name is Lucifer.”
Your eyes went wide. You couldn’t help but picture some huge, burly old man with a smile even creepier than Alastor’s, if that’s at all possible.
“I know what you’re thinking, and he’s NOT like that! At all!” Charlie said, making a sweeping X motion with her arms. “He actually is quite nice. I think you’ll like him,” she went on before escorting you down the stairs towards your new room.
Oh, how little you or anyone else knew just how much you’d “Like him”.
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A/N: I hope you liked it! Please leave any/all opinions in the comments. This is pretty personal to me, so I'm SO excited to see what you all think!!!
~Shae <3
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I started playing around with my Charlie’s design a little bit. I wanted to add some more covert wolf/dragon-like qualities, and I’ve also been ruminating on the white-savior narrative a bit as well as colorism… I know that they are technically half black in my version (they’re basically albino and albino black/bipoc people exist and, of course, should be acknowledged; I don’t want to overlook them, however, there is something to be said about how lighter skinned people or characters tend to fill the kinds of protagonist roles Charlie is in at a disproportionate rate….for very obvious reasons…., and idk how I would feel about playing into that even if I aim to critique it, especially if this ends up branching off into its own little thing) and that I chose the white coloration to comment on the ways we perceive whiteness as purity (lamb deception) whilst demonizing darkness, but I’m still on the fence. Like I said, I also wanted to play around with wolf patterning, so I landed on some vitiligo (ig?)- coded ideas. I’m not sure if I’m sold on it right now, but I do like the concept. I was also gonna try darkening their skin tone, but that one’s still in progress (Sorry, I don’t do a lot of digital art, so I’m kinda bad at it lol)
If anybody has any thoughts on the subject, I’d love to hear them.
Also, some more fun facts: they definitely have a more extensive wardrobe as royalty, and the colors I associate with them are black, white, pastel blue, and red (so original lol). They wear more red around their father or whenever they feel crappy since this palette is based on flame coloration in accordance to heat (high spirits = blue and white; low= red and reddish orange) and in my version, red would be a color closely associated with specifically Lucifer’s presence (instead of…everything), so they’re subconsciously trying to match his energy. They wear more contrasting black and white outfits when hanging around Alastor. With V, it’s more the typical blue (their usual attire is made to complement each other through pastels). Oh, and V finally has a name: Vanesa. That should have taken two seconds to come up with, but indecisiveness strikes again. I’m still second guessing.
Alright enough random color dynamics:
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mqole · 1 year
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hbjhkgvhj ok here are uh. some character designs i did abt a year ago
these are all based on the incredible @kayzero's fic zero win game, which is a rewrite of ztd with akane as the protagonist, and it has possibly THE BEST characterization of akane ive ever read- listen just. just go read it you will be enriched i promise.
im not putting an image description bc i dont know where to start (sorry!!) BUT ill put a bunch of character design notes below the cut for people who are insane like me <3333
ok first of all. i know when i sent these to kay the other day they said there were some details canon to zwg that i missed (akane's lil hoodie pocket, aoi wearing white to contrast junpei's black (which is SO inspired btw.)) so just. PRETEND those are there bc i forgor <3
i spent the most time on sigma, phi, akane, junpei and aoi just because they've had multiple iterations of designs. it was fun to take bits and pieces from each version of them, so thats why they get a feature page
you can see a lot of my little pink notes with criticisms of the ztd designs there. in general, i really dont like the ztd designs, they all feel unnaturally bland to me (although thats probably also the artstyle).
most people whove looked into the colour symbolism in zero escape are probably familiar with the whole red/blue thing: that is, theyre colours representing the morphogenetic field. akane and aoi are the most obvious examples of this. 'aka' means red, and 'ao' means blue. in the first nonary game, akane and clover wear red - the colour for transmitters - and aoi and light wear blue, the colour for recievers. in 999 proper, akane wears purple, to symbolise how she can recieve AND transmit, while junpei wears red and blue by themselves. you can do a whole analysis of these colours and i will not put it here thats a whole SEPERATE post
anyway! the actual designs!! i'll start with sigma. i wanted to reconcile his vlr design with zero ii's design, and initially i planned on giving him a coat, but it didnt really have a nice silhouette, so i ditched that idea. instead, i turned his jumpsuit from vlr into a polo shirt - much like what he has in ztd - and gave him some zero-y accessories: the white turtleneck, the belt and the gloves all come from zero's design. once id included the white turtleneck, making the pants white felt really logical. in character design, its generally best to limit the palette of colours as much as you can, so it was a good excuse to reuse a colour while also paying homage to his ztd design. i also cut his hair bc hes a scientist and he'd do that.
phi's design is a lot more like her vlr one than her ztd design. the blue coat was her hallmark accessory, and im shocked that they ditched it for ztd, so i gave it back - along with her boots and hair accessory. i kept her pants and glasses from ztd, as well as the way the bottom of her shirt is tucked into her pants. they just have a much nicer silhouette to me. between my first pass of colours and my second pass, phi's colours changed the most - i realised i had too many blue guys in the lineup, and wanted to make the colours stand out individually. so i leaned into phi's orange-ness. giving her hair accessory, pants and boots an orange hue instead of a blue one, as well as shifting her coat to a more teal colour really helped make those colours pop.
AKANE MY BESTIE!!!! her design was probably the one i had the most fun with. i basically just took her ztd design and purpled it. I did want to include some more details though - her neck scarf was in both her 999 AND vlr design, so it felt wrong not to include it. i also added some gold highlights to her design, just to complement the purple - her boots are also toned yellow, so it felt fitting. the cut of her sleeves, as well as her hair, felt really natural: i gave her the side ponytail from ztd, while letting more of her hair fall to the side to retain her silhouette from 999. i stole the sleeves wholesale from vlr akane, but can you blame me. look at that robe. its so pretty.
overall i have mixed feelings on ztd junpei as a character, but i think his darker turn is at the very least a fun direction to take him. I do like the jacket he has in his concept art. IT SURE WOULD BE NICE IF THE MODEL ALSO HAD A JACKET. his design went relatively unchanged overall, i basically just retoned his hair, gave him a button-up instead of a t-shirt, and puffered his jacket. the red and blue from his vest in 999 is reused here, but in darker, more muted tones. you can see in the corner of the drawing i played around with swapping the red and blue, but the red focus felt too edgy for junpei. the blue also pops really nicely against his dark clothes, so i kept it.
anyone who has spoken to me for more than ten seconds will know how insane i am about aoi kurashiki i mean come on my name is santa. i think a lot about his two designs: that of the first nonary game and in 999. in the first nonary game he wears a blue scarf, harkening to his role as a reciever, but in 999 he wears monochrome. my personal interpretation of this is that his 999 fit was him purposefully disguising his connection to the morphogenetic field. so post-999, since he doesnt have to worry about that, i gave him his blue back!!! his general fit is the same- his pants and shoes are artistry so obviously i kept those, and i ended up making the rest of his look black to contrast his 999 design. if i were to redesign him now wearing white, id probably go a different direction altogether. that third little drawing ive included has some test outfits for him, carlos, and maria, but i never really went anywhere with them. also i gave him dark roots to show his relation to akane a bit more. and also because i like projecting my roots always grow back SO fast
that brings us to the 4 characters introduced after vlr: carlos, mira, diana, and... maria??? yeah like i said go read zero win game. do it. maria is such a fun character. she was, coincidentally, ALSO the only character where i had to design someone from scratch. you can see i fiddled a little with colour palettes, trying to figure out how to give every character a unique look. diana and carlos' designs actually go almost unchanged here- i think dianas design in particular is actually pretty great, and works as a nice foil to luna in vlr. carlos is just kind of normal. he can have his silly polo shirt.
miras ztd design is. ugh ok look its FINE but i hate the boobie designs in zero escape because they always feel like they were designed seperately from the character. mira in zwg is still a sussy baka, but she's a lot more cordial- i enjoyed seeing her more as a snake lying in the grass. I ended up giving her green because its a fun colour to give characters who youre meant to distrust. SO MANY TIMES reading zwg i was like "oh maybe mira's chill - oh wait maybe shes not - oh wait maybe shes chill again" and i love her for that honestly. she still gets boobies because i love women but i gave her a fun little long sleeved corset top. the amount of skin she shows directly correlates to the amount you should trust her (i am only half joking.)
i wont talk about diana because honestly the only change i made was giving her a little blue strip at the bottom of her skirt, but i'll talk about maria and carlos together. carlos i kept as a little pink boy because i love him and i love pink and listen its my character design ill do what i want. maria in ztd AND in zwg experiences reverie syndrome, which is connected to the morphogenetic field. her and carlos' designs both incorporate red and blue again- (just realised diana also has red and blue. pretend that was intentional) -to show their connection to the field. yes yes i know its pink but listen its red enough. like aoi, i gave maria and carlos both different iterations of their designs. i'm less sold on carlos', but i did actually like the baggier, heavy designs for maria. with those ones she looks more depressed than she does wearing overalls, so im calling that a win. maria's was the design i was least satisfied with overall, but hey i did these like a year and a half ago and ive gotten much better since then soo.
if youve read this far this is once again a reminder to read zero win game by kayzero on ao3
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fivetrench · 1 month
hey I was wondering if you could design a new outfit for two (or just one) of my characters since I saw you are working on character design
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(1)The first guy is Tyrone he is an absolute extroverted and just fun to be around. He mostly smiles a lot of the time but is a very good listener. His favorite color is deep blue and his favorite character is sonic everything els is on the character sheet
(2)(YES THOSE ARE EYES BY HIS SHOULDER. Sorry people have been missing it) the second guy is trans and is an aebe. His name is Loomin he is mute(not by choice he was hurt really bad in an accident while visiting the aebe bee community. While they were doing a a race one of the competitors crashed into his neck really bad banging him up damaging his vocal cords and almost killing him)(I made his braid to long lol but can you keep the braid in his design?)
his blood is the color of his tongue but lighter
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@yellow-computer-mouse made the species btw you should check them out
Very sorry for the long dump of stuff but thank you for answering (and supporting my art so much and just being an artist it helps me improving in my art)
I would love to! Do you have any preferences for the styles of their outfits? Like, particular aesthetics or color palettes? Having something to start off with would be helpful :3
And ty for the sweet message at the end! I’m happy to support you <3
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beastabyss666 · 1 year
Ok......So, the new HB episode is out, how unexpected for me. I apologize to my fellow readers for not reviewing the previous episode, but I was so tired and busy, having to deal with a lot of work. The cat must have got my tongue when I saw the dildo scene, I'm sorry. And what can I say......Actually, this episode is the best one in the 2 season at this moment. I mean, at least it wasn't that cringe and plot ruining as the other ones. ‼️TW‼️: Abuse, **cest
The animation looks pretty good in action scenes(and not so good in other, especially when some characters speak). The backgrounds look good, and I somewhat like the fact that the Sloth Ring is pink. Looks so sweet, bubblegum and cotton candy-like. But the floating pieces of ground are very cliche for a fantasy world. Also I think there were too many sound effects, when sometimes it feels like there's a lack of them. In principle, everything is as always. Stolas is a damsel in distress again, Moxxie and Millie are boring, Stella is evil(and extremely stupid for some reason), Blitzo is loud and annoying and spits cuss words every second because the authors think it's funny. Also Loona just...... didn't speak in this ep at all. No words. Don't know if it's good or not. The plotline of her going to doctor and being afraid of shots is pretty boring, tbh. I still have no idea why hellhounds are treated like some pets in this universe when they're competent and sensible beings. Also, I don't know if anyone told that or this is just me, but I absolutely hate the idea of putting fucking westerns in "Hell". I know Vivzie isn't so original and her universe is super bland and uninteresting, but shit, westerns just don't stick in the setting of Hell at all, it's not that vibe and it looks ridiculous. And that's not because I don't like westerns. Striker's song felt absolutely redundant, and Striker himself seems....unnatural? Seems like Vivzie made him that masculine bigot guy who's bigheaded and is obsessed with having a huge cock(because dicks are funny according to the writers). They have finally showed Andrealphus, Stella's brother, and there's nothing interesting about him to say. I'm just glad they didn't make him a stereotypical gay. Knowing Vivzie's "rep" and how feminine he looks, it would be predictable. As I've said before, he looks like a shameless Elsa ripoff, as his blue ice castle(covered with red fucking sky, god, these palette choices burn out my eyes). I've heard some controversial and suspicious stuff considering him and Stella(more precisely, someone says that originally they were going to have **cestuous relationship). Not sure if it's true, and I do hope that Vivzie won't go so far in making Stella an unredeemable villain.
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I didn't see anything "weird" or vulgar in their conversation, it felt like puerility. I like to imagine that their relationship is like a niminy-piminy brother always cheering up and complimenting his little sis because he can. I've seen some cartoons with a similar character dynamic and a certain part of their fandoms found indecent connotation in this, and that's their problems in their depravity. And yeah, I know that my thoughts aren't true and they obviously have a manipulative relationship. Andre straight up insulted Stella and manipulated her, btw. If Viv really wanna do them having **cest – fine, another reason to quit watching this show. But something tells me that she won't dare to lose a bunch of fans and be yet again cancelled in social networks.
Summing up, this episode was pretty good by the standards of the season and bad by the standards of..... something qualitative I guess? Viv still hasn't learned how to separate drama from comedy, which makes it difficult, no, impossible to feel Stolas' sad shit. This character is one of my personal winners in the list of the most repulsive and annoying creatures and him always being sex-crazed about Blitzo pisses me off. How the hell are we supposed to take him seriously if all he wants is a dick? The rest of the time he whines about how unhappy he is and pretends to care about his daughter. Season 2 continues to look like terrible Wattpad fanfiction and it discourages from watching this series. It's not even fun to hate or criticize it anymore, it's just...... Ehh.
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dualdeixis · 1 year
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[Image description: A ten-page digital comic featuring Ventus and Vanitas. There are full descriptions of all of the pages under the cut. End image description.]
[Image description: First page. The palette is mostly limited to very dark blue and wine-purple; the golden speech bubbles are styled after canon, complete with mini Kingdom Keys hanging from the ends of certain bubbles. Additionally, Vanitas’s speech is aligned to the left, while Ventus’s is aligned to the right. The two of them are sitting on one of the Land of Departure’s cliffs, looking out into the starry night sky. Vanitas wears a sleeveless, shortened yukata which has tassels at the ends and is ripped on the right side. It is fastened by a black obi with a charm shaped like the Unversed symbol as the obidome. He also wears a black, high-collared undershirt with attached fingerless gloves; bandages wrapped around his legs; and black knee-high combat boots. Ventus wears his usual armor with a cropped jacket that has only the right sleeve; a gi fastened by the crossed straps and Land of Departure emblem over his chest; the same black undershirt but with only the left sleeve; his checkered wristband; and cargo pants. He says, “…Why could you feel what I felt, and not the other way around? Was it because something was stopping me? The light? Sora? My training?” Vanitas: “Oh, please, it’s not that complicated. Of course a shadow knows everything about the person that cast it. I’m always right behind you—what else can I look at? You just never turned around to notice me.” Ventus: “Well... I have now. I’m looking at you, too. …I’m sorry that it took so long.” Vanitas: “Pff. Don’t apologize, idiot. You should be glad that it did.” Ventus: “…No, I should be apologizing for a lot of things.”
Second page. Ventus turns to look at Vanitas with a hard expression and says, “I mean, I killed you. Do you not want me to be sorry for that?” Vanitas doesn’t meet Ventus’s gaze, continuing to stare blankly ahead. His thoughts are stylized as a blue dialogue choice box with three options: “You’d better be. Traitor. / I wish it had stuck. / All you did was kill yourself.” Instead of choosing any of them, he turns his face away from Ventus and says, “…Quit it. What’s the point? It’s been years, and you failed. I’m still alive. You wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t tried to kill you first, anyways. So shouldn’t I be the sorry one?”
Third page. Ventus looks down, keeping his hard expression; instead of a panel border, he is surrounded by the silhouette of No Name. He says, “That’s because you were—” Vanitas interrupts, “But I’m not sorry.” No Name’s Gazing Eye takes the place of the circular lamp beside Vanitas, who turns back towards Ventus with a face darkened completely by shadow; his eyes glow starkly yellow. Casually leaning back on his hands and crossing one leg over the other, he continues: “And neither are you.”
Fourth page. The χ-blade appears in the same bright yellow, and Ventus and Vanitas are drawn over it in their battle gear, positioned as if they’re being impaled by it. Vanitas says, “How could we be? We both have our roles as Keyblade wielders—and we’ll never let anyone stop us from playing them. No matter the cost.” Ventus stares silently at Vanitas with a slightly unsettled expression, turns away as his horror grows, and brings his hands up to his sweating face. He is contrasted with panels that show shards of glass floating in a void. He says, “I want to be sorry... I want to, I swear I do... Why is this so hard...?”
Fifth page. Vanitas smiles and says, “Because you’re an idiot.” Ventus hunches over and says tensely, “Don’t call me that.” Vanitas: “Idiot.” Ventus: “Stop.” Vanitas: “Idiot.” Ventus presses his fists into his temples and snaps, “SHUT UP! Why are you doing this?! I was trying to apologize to you and now you’re—!” Vanitas laughs, “Ha, it’s only natural, isn’t it? We were created to fight each other, not be friends! After all… the only reason we could forge the χ-blade was because you hated me just as much as I hated you. So don’t get all self-righteous with me, guardian of light.” Ventus glares silently and intensely at him.
Sixth page. Ventus says bitterly, “Yeah, I hated you.” Drawn in a full-page closeup, he pulls his hands away from his head with a less intense but still conflicted expression. He is framed by a bright yellow panel.
Seventh page. The page is divided by two borders which cross in an X-shape. Vanitas is drawn from the shoulder up in the top-center of the composition, his helmet reflecting a hazy silhouette of Ventus. The top segment of the X has the background as Destiny Islands, while the left and right segments show the Keyblade Graveyard. The bottom segment shows Vanitas and Ventus in the midst of their final battle: Vanitas wields the χ-blade, Ventus wields Lost Memory, and the shattered pieces of their shared Station of Awakening float around them. Ventus says, “Even when I found out who you were—that you were really me… I still hated you so much. I get what you mean, actually. It felt natural to hate you. Because it was just another way to hate myself.” The next dialogue bubbles are arranged in an incomplete circle: “Being beaten into the ground, beating myself into the ground, it felt like something clicked into place: ‘This is exactly what I deserve.’”
Eighth page. Ventus and Vanitas are drawn in separate panels, facing away from each other with their expressions cut off. Ventus says, “So in the middle of the hatred, I was… happy, I guess. Relieved. Because it was right. You felt that too, didn’t you?” Then, over an image of the softly glowing shards of glass as they try to reform into a Station, Ventus says, “…But I don’t… want to hate you anymore.”
Ninth page. Two panels show Xehanort’s gloved hands reaching out with tendrils of darkness surrounding them. Another panel shows Terra possessed by Xehanort, and the last shows Vanitas as he is currently, with a darkened face but an affected expression. Ventus says, “It doesn’t mean that what you did to us never happened. But I know you only did it because of him. If you’re my brother, then I’m hating my brother because he got tricked by a horrible, evil man. I couldn’t do that back then. I can’t do it now. And if you’re me, then I’m hating myself. I don’t want to do that anymore. I’m so tired of us blaming ourselves and each other. It’s not fair. When we fight, we’re just doing what he wanted us to do.” He bursts out, “It wasn’t our fault! We didn’t deserve any of it!”
Tenth page. The panels are drawn unevenly, with borders that don’t quite interlock properly. With a trembling voice, Ventus says, “It’s not fair… It’s not fair to hate each other instead of him… So even if I can’t give a real apology, even if you can’t accept it from me… Let’s just stop it, please…” He puts his face in his hands. Vanitas stares at him with an aghast expression, sweating, and then exclaims, “O-okay, okay, I’ll stop! D...” He reaches out a hand as Ventus wipes at his face, but pulls away before they can actually touch. Now wiping at his own face, Vanitas says in a similarly trembling voice, “Don’t cry...” End image description.]
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robo-nonagon · 1 year
Hi, sorry to bother you! I just wanted to say your art is so so beautiful, the colors are always so mesmerizing! If it's ok, could you possibly share some tips on how you pick colors//shade//anything else for your backgrounds in particular? Thanks a million, and have a nice day (❁ •͈ ꒡ •͈ )
aaaa thank you so much kind anon!! 😭 I take a lot of inspiration from makoto shinkai's movies, the mangaka kii kanna, and ghibli movies amongst many other things (nowadays I find myself being inspired by harusono shou's art a lot as well), but in general I always try to create very warm and comforting environments like them.
in order to achieve that I emphasize the lighting and liveliness of the environment a lot, which can be seen through these sketches of my digimon adventure 02 summer piece
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the first sketch was made in 2020 and the updated second sketch was in 2022 - back in 2020 kii kanna was more of my main inspiration so I didn't apply the same techniques and colour palettes that I do now. while the colours in the original sketch aren't necessarily worse, in general my sense of lighting/rendering/shading was weaker. when compared side by side it's clear that I opt for a much stronger blue shade now with my shadows, and that's because I like the way it contrasts the brighter parts of the background and creates a peaceful yet somber mood if that makes sense. it's definitely a matter of preference in terms of the colours, but I think more importantly I learned that painting different textures + understanding lighting + shading are really important to make backgrounds look more fully realized.
I would go more in-depth but honestly I'm really bad at explaining things SDFJKG but I hope this was helpful in some shape or form!!
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gracebethartacc · 2 years
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Ermmmm design notes/hcs bc I don’t remember ever going into detail the first time soooo:
-more pleasing/more coherent color palette/color coding (orange for Jackson blue for Holt) bc god the og colors are way too all over the place
-sun/moon, yin/yang, half n half etc motif (the necklace, pants, sweater, earrings etc etc)
-holt isn’t straight up blue because.... brother look at his og design.... -_-
-slightly darker skin tone than canon just bc I think darker skinned Jackson designs are cool, tho I’m not 100% certain on his ethnicity just yet? Still up in the air like I said it was mostly just bc it looks cool to me lol
-more punk/emo type clothes for holt (patches on his jacket, nail polish, platform boots etc (tho technically I like the idea Jackson was the one who bought the platforms just bc I think he really likes emo fashion but doesn’t want to outright wear it))
-also keeping the clothes the same/consistent bc i find the logic of them magically having entire different wardrobes when they switch kinda strange lol ?
-hybrid features (you can’t see it here but Jackson also has fangs not just holt, and the “dyed” part of his bangs i like to imagine is actually side effect of being part fire elemental and his hair might slightly flare up if he’s mad methinks) (holt is the same too like his hair fading from Jacksons brown to the orange instead of being just full on fire, also his skintone being a bit human leaning and not like multicolor) I’ve not designed Heath but if I did then holts human aspects would be a lot more apparent to have a full fire elemental for comparison
-holts patches on the jacket are all just lots of dad rock bands I grew up listening to that I think he’d like (if you’re curious considering a few of them are just logos/not got the name, in order: Queen, the cramps, the white stripes, David Bowie, Michael Jackson, twisted sister, nirvana, journey (I saw them at concert actually!!), Pink Floyd, and cheap trick!^^)
-if it’s not also obvious from holts jacket but: duality boys got the transmasc/bi swag, alsoooo some autism/adhd too (tho not sure which one it would be specifically ?)
-hc that instead of music it’s overstimulation/stress that causes the switch, for holt tho I’d say it’s the reverse so like it would be understimulation? (This idea isn’t very new tho I’ve seen a lot of ppl do it but it just makes a bit more sense to me tbh, also plays into the duality aspect more) I’d say things go more by DID rules (tho canon does that too kinda? But also not really??), so fronting isn’t strictly stress related and can be controlled/at will, and I hc they have a kind of head space type thing but I’ve yet to get it down on paper just yet
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Based the cardigan on the one komos has in the movie bc it’s one of my favorite outfits that they used :D
Um I think there might have been more stuff I wanted to say but can’t think of anything else, sorry if this was rambly/I said stuff I’ve already talked abt it’s just bc I’ve not done MH stuff for a hot second so wanted to do a little hc recap, plus had fun going over the character design stuff !! ^^
ALSO: holts patches in full quality bc they where fun to edit/draw for a few of em:
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Okay, so the second idea was Enid and reader practically forcing makeup on Carl- 💀✋
Poor dude is just squirming and annoyed the whole time too lmaooo (but low-key is having fun cuz it's his two besties)
Like, goth make-up maybe? DEFINITELY eyeliner!!
And an alternative version where Enid and reader are doing eachothers make-up, then Carl walks in and gets a lil' curious about make-up if that makes sense sifjskjdk-
So he pretty much just shyly asks if Enid and reader will put on a bit of makeup for him (eyeliner, mascara, gloss, the good stuff hehe).
Enid and reader are so giddy about it too! And the three of them just have lots of fun playing around with makeup they collected on runs. Just pure fluff really :,)
THISSS i love this sm. i am gonna do the alternative bc i have a vision for it 😭 hope you enjoy!
warnings: none!
a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are currently closed but i’ll have them open again really soon :)
“stop squirming.” Enid instructed, holding your face in one hand as she applied the eyeshadow to your eyelid. it was a pinkish-purple shade. “it tickles,” you whined.
“i’m almost done, pretty. just sit still.” she said softly, pressing a quick kiss to your nose. you scrunched your nose slightly. Enid closed the eyeshadow palette and grabbed her eyeliner, pulling off the cap.
“okay, don’t open your eyes until i say so.” you nodded and Enid held your head as she concentrated heavily on your eye. she carefully drew a wing and filled in the empty space.
she moved on to the other eye, drawing the same wing just as carefully. as she started to fan her hand over your eyes to dry the eyeliner, your bedroom door opened. Carl popped his head in.
“what are you guys doing?” he asked shyly. Enid removed herself from your lap and sat next to you, “we’re just doing each others makeup. we found some when we snuck out earlier,” she smiled.
Enid already had a face full of makeup, you did hers before she started to do yours.
Carl walked closer, examining the art on both of your faces. he then looked down at his hands, fumbling with them. “can… can you guys… put some on… me? i wanna know what it’s like.”
you and Enid turned to each other with wide smiles. “yes! yes come sit!” you exclaimed, patting the space between you and Enid. he sat down and took his hat off.
you picked up the hat with an idea in mind. you reached over and placed it on Enid’s head, your smile widened at the sight. “that’s so cute, oh my god.”
Carl scrunched his face, “you guys are gross.” Enid hit his shoulder, “do you want your makeup done or not?”
“yes! i’m sorry.” you shook your head, opening up an eyeshadow pallet, “you better be. what colors should we do on him, Enid?”
Enid leaned over in front of Carl to further look at his eyes, “well, his eyes are like… the brightest shade of blue they could be. so something that won’t make them brighter. it’s kinda creepy.”
“your eyes are literally bright green.” Carl retorted. “shut up. maybe we can do purple, Y/N. because i feel like any color might make his eyes pop, and that purple right here is really pretty. i wanna try it on him.” you nodded and picked up a small makeup brush, dipping it into the shade of purple she pointed to.
“close your eyes.” you instructed. he closed his eyes and before you could apply the color to his eyes, Enid stopped you. “we need to put his hair back, it’s too long and this part right here,” she lifted up his bangs that covered his entire eye, “is in the way.”
he opened his eyes back up, this time widening them. “you are not putting my hair back.” the two of you groaned dramatically, “Carl! we need your face to literally do the makeup. we’re just gonna use this headband to put on your head, we won’t tie it up.”
“okay- okay fine.” Enid reached behind her and grabbed a fluffy headband. she put it on his head and pushed it back until it was just barely resting on his forehead. “i feel empty.” he mumbled.
“stop being so dramatic. close your eyes again.” he closed his eyes and you held onto his head as you started to apply the shadow to his eyes. you gently moved the brush across his eyes, making sure the color stretched into every crevice of his lid.
“how does this look?” you asked Enid. “oh that’s so pretty. maybe you can add in a little blue at the top, blend it in.” you nodded and opened the pallet back up, dipping another brush into a blue shade. you lightly added it to his lid, blending it in with the purple. “yeah, that looks so good.” Enid smiled.
you did the same thing to the other eye, making sure they looked almost the same to each other. “wanna do the eyeliner?” you asked her. her face lit up and she nodded, picking up the one she just used on you.
“keep your eyes closed, Carl. and do not open them until i say so. this can smudge onto the shadow and will ruin everything.” he laughed a bit, “alright,”
when she drew the first line, Carl flinched. “sorry. it’s cold.” he whined. you laughed as Enid shook her head. after she finished, she repeated the same action she did to you and fanned her hands over his eyes to dry the liner. then she slipped the headband off his head.
“open.” Enid instructed. both of you gasped when he opened his eyes, “holy shit. we did such a good job. Carl you look incredible.”
you handed him a mini mirror for him to look at himself. he turned his head left and right, and brought the mirror closer to his eyes. “wow. i look… really good.” he laughed. you and Enid smiled at each other, proud of your works.
“we need to savor this moment. look what i found in Rick’s room.” you smiled mischievously, pulling out an old, scratched up polaroid camera. “you stole that?” Carl asked. you shrugged, “i like the word borrowed better.”
“smile!” you raised the camera above all of you, and held a peace sign up to your eye. they all did their own pose as you snapped the photo. it slid out of the camera a few seconds after.
“oh that is so cute.” you laughed at the photo, looking over at them to see their reactions. you placed it on your bedside table.
suddenly, your door swung open once more. “have you or Enid seen Car- oh.” he stared at the three of you with a blank expression. you all sat frozen.
with a shake of his head, he walked out the door without another word. it was silent for a moment, and then you all looked at each other before bursting into loud laughter.
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Hey. Girly. I got your guy right next to me .. he's absolutely conked out on an Entei. The other brat who looks like him is absolutely beggin' to .. "take him to their world" or whatever.
Should we wait till he wakes up? Or just .. let em' go? He's kinda cute, but I don't care what we do with him. Kanto ain't much warmer, but it's not in total ruins. Best place I can think to take him is Viridian .. it's weirdly unscathed.
- 🥇
It’s Miss Palette, thank you very much! I think you should wait for Silver, the sleeping Silver, to wake up. But tell the other guy to slow down a bit. Silver isn’t… He isn’t okay. He was made not to be okay. He hardly knows what life is like outside those cold walls. It will take a while. It’ll take a while to set in “I’m finally free.” but it’s going to take forever to decide “what next?” now that the Masked Man- Pryce. Pryce is gone. It’s going to be a lot to know that the person who hurt him, hurt you and all of Johto, is truly gone. That nothing will snatch him away in the night. That any connection he had won’t be frozen before his very eyes again, whether he met them before or after their icy tomb.
Viridian is a good place. There’s someone there who might know how to help. I don’t know, for certain, actually how they’ll be. But you ought to trust my judgement by now, right? I haven’t lied about the extremely important information! Jokes aside, still, it might be good to let him rest and recover there.
So, in short, let him decide… Please. And if he’s ready, if he’s stable, and willing. I want him to click this ‘read more.’ It’s just for him. It’s only for him, but Silver, I have to tell you I’m sorry I had to trick you. Lying to anyone is easy. It’s second nature, but… I have to admit this stung a little. I didn’t think when you were there. In that hellscape that if I revealed who I was to you that you’d take it well. If you’re afraid of what I’m going to say and show you, you don’t have to. I just need you to know that. You’re brave. You’re brave no matter what. I wanted to protect you and this… might not protect the thing I wanted to protect the most. So, please, please, understand that if you’re connecting the dots right now I’m not going to hold it against you.
[A hand is over a camera, darkening it. A soft hum as the camerawoman checks that it’s on. Her voice following not soon after:
“Well, it’s maybe not a good idea for me to do this, I was playing the part of mystery operator so well!” She singsongs, but it grows to a seriousness, something that seems foreign for the girl as she lightly chuckles. As if she’s not sure what to say. “But… I feel a kind of need to. You’re done with all the torture. You get to be done. And I’m sure not going to be ‘who was the mystery operator’ in the middle of a too anxious to sleep session.”
The hand pulls away.
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“Hi, Silver. I’m not sure if you’d- One hundred percent recognize me- I mean, my charm is pretty hard to forget but…” She pauses. That unfamiliar, awkward little guilty smile on her face. “Well, you’re smart. You would’ve connected the dots anyways even if I didn’t do anything here.
“I bet it’s… strange. To see, I mean. I’m almost all grown up. And well, your sister’s a ten year old still. And you’re ten too. It was strange for me too- don’t worry, when I… Never mind, never mind! This is you. And I- I hope you grow up too, you know? I mean, given how I prefaced this message, maybe you’re grown up by now!”
There’s another pause. The silent air saying instead unspoken, “You were forced to grow up too fast anyways. We both were.”
Blue smiles, that slightly sad but still trying to be a holding it together big sister, but it’s fond, “So, my name’s actually Blue. Funny how that is, hm? Buuut I don’t mind the nickname for sake of clarity! It was cute, wasn’t it?
“And, well, it’s not exactly the same but if we’re anything like each other. I think your sister, your Green, would want to say this. Would want you to hear it, over and over again. So she could say it to you whenever you’re scared again. Scared that the people who hurt you, scared of the man that hurt you could ever possibly hurt you again even though they’re gone. I know you know what I’m going to say, but, I think you need to hear it.
I love you, Silver.”
The video cuts shortly after, the uncharacteristically complete straightness and seriousness of the young woman still ever prevalent, and you can almost just see a tear in her eyes.
Not just hearing it, but saying “I love you” was impactful, after all.
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haovcrse-a · 3 months
2, 4, 5, 6, 7,  8, 9, 11, 17, 22 for sunhao kit <3 (sorry i know its a lot… this is kust my favorite type of content hmmmmm)
sorry this took so long!! was making sure my lore was alright with this fdkjgh
2. ) what is your character's “faction” (e.g., Belobog, Xianzhou Luofu, Intelligentsia Guild, IPC, etc.)?
hmm i think zhao would probably be part of pencony in game feature wise! he's more of a traveller though and doesn't stick to one planet so it's hard. maybe the xianzhou as an alternative??
4. ) what is your character’s path (e.g., hunt, destruction, nihility, etc.)?
now this was a hard decision. on one hand, i want to make it fit with his lore where he's a bodyguard. on the other, preservation paths can be quite underwhelming & he was originally a rogue traveler. but bc the dmg they do is underwhelming—since they're mainly just sustainers duh—i wanted to make him a preservation who does actual dmg!! if he weren't preservation, he'd be destruction :DD
his kit summarized: he scales off of attack. so for example, his talent multiplier would be something like "applies shield equal to __% of zhao's attack plus another ___ (flat) amount every time he attacks someone inflicted with (status). shields can stack.
his eidolons would make it so that allies can get shields themselves by attacking enemies inflicted with his status mark! a little op, i know, which is why im gatekeeping that behind either e4 or e6. it's fun to think about a fully offensive sustain. we came close with fu xuan & aventurine but im a little tired of hp and def being factors lol.
5. ) what element type is your character (e.g., lightning, imaginary, wind, etc)?
ooh originally, i wanted him to be sunday's counter part element! so originally he'd either be fire or quantum based on sunday leaks. but currently im leaning towards fire bc of colour palette reasons…
6. ) are they a five-star or four-star character?
five star! gotta make people grind for him y'know? LMAO plus i doubt a four star sustain would do what he does so you have to swipe.
7. ) what type of weapon does your character use?
in in-game story wise, he's a melee and also long range depending. actual game-play, he utilizes a fiery spirit in the form of a tiger to attack. and a gun hah!
8. ) what are the major visual motifs in your character’s battle animations?
emphasis on flames and the colours of them (red to blue) and also tigers!! bc. obv. y'know lol.
9. ) what are your character’s idle animations?
the first one is him twitching his ears before he reaches up and scratches at them. his tail also flicks back and forth a bit while this happens!
the second one is a little harder to describe. red flames start to exude off his body. not like an anime power up scene, but like a spirit is being lifted out of him. the faded form of an open mouth with sharp teeth starts to manifest behind him. we see looking down at his hand before he clenches his fist, the fire and scene turning blue before fizzling out.
11. ) what are your character’s basic, skill, and ultimate attacks?
basic — charging up, zhao fires off his gun, dealing fire dmg equal to ____% of his attack to a single enemy target, and deals additional fire dmg to adjacent enemies.
talent — when enemies inflicted with “Prey” status are attacked by Zhaoyi, he will provide a shield for all teammates, with the exception of himself, equal to __% of zhao's attack plus another ___ (flat). shield will last for two turns. “Prey” will last for three turns of the enemy. 
skill — with a silent command, zhaoyi sends out a flaming tiger, dealing a large amount of fire damage equal to ___% of his attack to all enemies. In addition, there is a 100% base chance to inflict the status marker “Prey” on enemies.
ultimate — deals fire dmg equal to ___% of zhaoyi’s attack to all enemies. targets marked with Prey will receive bonus fire dmg equal to ___% of zhaoyi’s attack.
technique — after using technique, all teammates gain the "tiger's watch" effect. while under this effect, dmg received by teammates is reduced by 25%. upon entering battle, zhaoyi will immediately use his skill.
17. ) what are the best team comps for your character? which characters do they synergize well with?
any characters work with him !! if you get his combos right, he almost always provides shields. his only downside is that he doesn't provide a shield for himself. he can be played as a main dps too! so running mainly supports to buff his dmg is a viable, but also sort of meme, team comp.
building him with crit stats is highly recommended bc of his attack scaling. he has the highest base attack among preservation characters and is up there with a couple dps characters too.
the only one who wouldn't work with him well is blade due to the shields.
specific characters that would work exceptionally well: yanqing, tingyun, sparkle, bronya, dot characters, squishy people in general.
22. ) is there an event or story quest associated with your character’s debut? if yes, tell us about it!
he first appears in the story when sunday does hah! he trails behind him for the most part in the first act. the idea is that zhao already knows about the dreamreflux and the "death" that haunts penacony, but is forced to silence by the other members of the family. when he sees that the astral express may be of help, he forgoes most of what he knows to offer them a hand.
that scene where sunday gets stabbed? yeah... zhao was not happy about that. he didn't realize that was what gallagher planned in order to bring sunday to the dreamreflux. nearly lashed out and scorched the bartender before he shook it off.
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foxetails · 2 months
Your art rocks. What process do you go through to pick your color palette?
AHH!! Sorry tumblr didn’t notify me for this!! Also thank you!!
For the most part, when I go into a piece, I already have a general idea of what I want the colors to portray. For example, in this first piece here, I knew I wanted the background to be really bright and eye catching, and for the subject to be a little less bright. And in the second screenshot, you can see that I originally chose this greeny-blue and red (picking near complementary colors helps for contrast.)
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A lot of my process after that has to do with color adjustments and sliders. If I’m really unsure of how the base colors would look in a certain color environment, I lay them down raw and then adjust with overlay layers, the curves function or through manual color replacement (drawing over them again).
Some more tips/other bits (hopefully I explain this well):
- My white colors are almost always not pure white, instead they tend to reflect the background or general color palette I’ve chosen. In the first example I provided, my white is purplish, and in the second its blueish.
- Color palette websites can help too! I use those a lot when I’m stuck, and just generate colors until I really like one or two of them. I’m a very colorful person in general, so I like a lot of bright things haha.
-I shade/highlight with adjacent hues! So if my light source is warm toned, and I’m drawing something green, I’ll highlight with yellows and shade with blue hues. This gives a little more depth to your colors!
That’s about all I can think of right now! If I remember anything else I’ll add onto this post but hopefully this answers your question! 💕
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