#sorry the begining is gross
duckytree · 7 months
its alright you can just say the truth that its mid
i think it’s a very problematic story disguised as a feminist retelling despite putting down every single woman who does not condone the cradle robber relationship. the justification is that persephone is 18 and ignores that her lover is old enough to be her father and she barely exited teen hood. if she was one year younger then hades would’ve been a groomer, but apparently the added year has made their enormous age gap completely okay. anyone who says that she’s technically a very old goddess remind me of the people who say that lolicon is okay because the 6 year old girl is actually a 1000 year old demon.
it also villanizes a good mother who mourns her daughter’s kidnapping by making her a control freak who won’t let her daughter grow up. ironically persephone is portrayed as naive and easy to take advantage of which completely justifies her mother’s worry. it’s also very creepy how she’s constantly infantilized while also sexualized as if her childlike innocence adds to her sexual appeal
i hate everything about the way her SA was handled, i hate that apollo is a comedically terrible supervillain for absolutely no reason, i hate that the fan base will rip you apart for not worshipping the narrative which is spun out the author’s 7th grade ao3 account. the whole thing is a self insert x mads mikkelsen fanfiction which teaches young women that it’s okay to fall in love with your 35 year old boyfriend because you’re so mature and independent and everyone who tries to protect you is against you. art is cool. wish that not everyone looks like the same person in a different swatch and —
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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11.06.23 🥹
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
ok here's the cottagecore rant lol
i'm definitely not the first person to complain about cottagecore and like the 'cottagecorification' of lesbians but i've just been thinking about it tonight and i feel like the two main facets of what irritate me about it are like:
the way it mysticizes femininity. like...i am generally skeptical of any form of gender essentialism but especially this whole "divine feminine" sort of rhetoric that i've seen floating around the internet, which essentially acts as though a proper response to the gender roles created by patriarchy is to take the gender role of "woman" and shout really loudly about how good it is, which like...i understand the desire to take historically stigmatized aspects of femininity and reclaim them and push back against stigmatizing narratives, but mysticizing feminity does nothing but take us back to gender essentialism, which will always inevitably take us back to a gender hierarchy, so it's like....idk babe read some audre lorde. master's tools will never dismantle the master's house and all that. like there is no inherent goodness to womanhood and portraying femininity as this dainty pretty thing isn't actually really doing anyone a favor in the long-run. also -- i feel like this ties in to the ways that people will sometimes talk about lesbians and lesbian relationships like "wow women are just so beautiful and magical and amazing and lesbians are just so perfect and lesbian relationships are all just so perfect" where it's like...k. tell me u don't see lesbians as people but make it woke ig.
the way it sanitizes lesbianism. and like again i am not the first person to complain about this but anytime i see lesbianism portrayed as just like "omg uwu cute picnics and matching little fairy outfits and watching the sunset together" i'm just like...i'm not 5 years old??? like it almost feels as if in trying to avoid lesbians being oversexualized we've just decided to turn them into a children's picture book?? and it's like....idk babe u do u but if this is your impression of what being a lesbian is about then....yikes.
and the thing is like this combo of mysticizing femininty and sanitizing lesbianism i think leads to this weird anti-masculinity sentiment within queer and wlw spaces where people will be like "feminine = good and masculine = bad" and then we get all these "jokes" where people just repeat the same rhetoric about masculine lesbians being creepy ugly predators and it's like....i am literally going to rip ur spine out. i am. going to kill you. seriously the fucking "hey mamas" jokes and shit?? ohhhh i could go on and on maybe i just need to make a separate rant for that but yeah. making fun of masculine lesbians is literally only ever punching down and if you don't understand that then u have an incredibly warped understanding of like queer politics and also have probably never studied even a crumb of queer history.
ANYWAY at the end of the day all of this also just goes back to like. turning queerness into an aesthetic for the consumption of a broad audience and this is an issue throughout queer spaces i think because people don't actually want to accept queerness they just want to consume it as a form of entertainment but with lesbians specifically it just sucks that the palatable aesthetic is always going to be some kind of hyperfeminine conventionally pretty little package that is either completely devoid of sexuality or sexualized in a way that is very consumable for nonlesbians. and it sucks when people within the queer community buy so heavily into that aesthetic without seeing the ways that boiling a sexuality down to an aesthetic is harmful. like -- it's okay to enjoy or identify with certain aspects of "cottagecore" like shit man i like picnics too and if ur into cute dresses and shit u do u but if your queer identity revolves around aesthetics then there is very little that is actually queer about it and you will likely struggle to actually be in community with those who don't fit into your sanitized and palatable narratives of what it means to be queer. so. work on conceptualizing queerness beyond aesthetics maybe!
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elaena · 10 months
I was talking about this with someone but the argument of "x didn't deserve that" on media rings so hollow to me because well. Death and the atrocities inflicted on someone aren't a moral judgement. Discussing whether characters deserved to be punished or tortured or killed or have Bad inflicted on them isn't exactly going to lead anywhere—bad stuff happens to good people and good stuff happens to bad people always; discussing how we got there and what caused it and what purpose it serves (and what are the undertones on it) is a more productive conversation imo
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sturnioloho · 26 days
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quillkiller · 9 months
if i see one more tiktok about ******** again im going to start killing people probably
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thewhizzyhead · 5 months
you know when you get a friend that was even more "tomboyish" than you were in your teens and then as the both of you grow up and enter college, you see them explore expressing themselves more femininely and absolutely fall in love with it and with the concept of womanhood - while you on the other hand become all the more estranged with "being a woman" because good God you really don't fucking get it and that seeing your once-tomboyish friend find joy and an emotional connection to womanhood makes you really realize that you have no such connection whatsoever, hence making you feel left behind in actually "becoming a woman"? Anyways what I'm trying to say here is I'm definitely not fucking cis-
#when i told my cis girl classmates that i feel nothing but indifference towards the concept of womanhood or girlhood#they felt really fuckin sorry for me#and i'm like my bros my dudes i dont really give that much of a fuck for something i don't really understand in the first place#like of course i know feminist theory and all that and as someone born a woman i know and experience and study gender struggles deeply#be it with double standards or dealing with gross perverted dudes#that being said - i dont know what being a woman is outside of our shared struggle in patriarchal structures#like when u take away all the shit we definitely need to fight for - what else is there left for me to enjoy on a personal level#and the answer to that is nothing because i never really gave a fuck about gender be it now or as a child#perhaps its due to my upbringing as well na like i was more responsibility minded but still#to see once really tomboyish classmates grow to love being a woman makes me feel lonely because how can i love a concept i cant comprehend#so anyways when i told this dilemma to a nonbinary-questioning friend of mine he jumped with joy because BESTIE SOLIDARITY#and my bro here was never female to begin with and yet he fully understood my disconnect to concepts of gender#and the coming of age rites that come with them like 'nagiging dalaga na talaga' 'ay nagbibinatilyo na to'#so um yea#thats my ramvle for today and my update on my gender crisis#i dont mind being called a woman tho like im used to it and it doesnt unnerve me - but id rather not be like trapped in having to be that#so um woo#personal shit
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musecheerios · 7 months
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"When you're into a guy that's much taller than you, the looks don't matter!"
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caruliaa · 1 year
got a sudden urge to listen to the twisted soundtrack and now i am. i should rewatch it
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gigantomachylesbian · 8 months
Who the fuck is shipping Mariner and Boimler??? How would you ever possibly arrive at that conclusion???
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devotioncrater · 8 months
you're actually beyond help if you say you denounce violence as a legitimate response to genocide. my god what the fuck is not clicking in your smooth brain. it's GENOCIDE. HELLO???????? GENOCIDE.
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slashpaws · 2 years
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dubiouslexism · 2 years
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fieldtomatoes · 2 years
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WUH OH!!!!!
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okayigetitifuckedup · 7 months
So this exists….
It is very short lol.
I did as much research as I could, but if anyone knows more about anatomy and has tips for the Gorey bits, I'm not above pleading for help haha. I mostly used internet sources and memories of my father cleaning his hunting kills as a child, so I'm aware of much of this might be unrealistic, but I'd love to make it more so. :) I just don't know any Med students/doctors who are gonna be cool with this convo.
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eyesopentv · 8 months
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