#sorry the delay my luv </3
ne0nlightzz · 1 year
car engine?...
I blinked, glancing down at my shoes.
Getting to skip the doctor's office and stay home alone? Hell yeah, I haven't been home alone in so long because mom rarely trusted me to be alone and Scarlett always assumed the worst so she never left me home alone either, but it's not like something will ever actually happen so what can really go wrong?
I quickly glanced through the blinds of the kitchen window, but not being able to see who exactly is at the door due to the window being set up to point more towards the side yard, i did see a old pick-up truck at the very end of the driveway.
...weird? i guess?
my head had started to slightly ache and a low static or buzzing had started to fill my head, i placed the palm of my right hand on my temple and slowly blinked before moving to rub my eyes then attempting to ignore the growing static and ache.
what the fuck.
I hope yall are excited for the long past due part five of 'Don't Forget The Sun'!! i know im excited to finally be done with part five and hopefully be done with the damn writer's block and lack of motivation that played a large part in the delay of this chapter. also please keep in mind this is sorta a filler chapter and was supposed to be shorter but im pretty sure its actually closer to 4000-ish words- hopefully part five will be the last chapter that's paced like this and will help the plot move forward-
anyway, im going to stop ranting to avoid spoiler's and hope yall are excited for chapter five and hope this isn't to shitty of a teaser, ive never been great at teasers and descriptions- but part five will hopefully be posted at some point Thursday or Friday! [im finishing up some editing and final details as we speak]
also i highly suggest yall read my lates DFTS announcement/update on my Wattpad and Qoutev activity as it does fill in alot on the story and where ive been and also just reading my last few things on those should explain it pretty well to!! anyway again hope yall are excited and im very sorry its so damn late! also hopefully a new part of my story "We Are Young" will be out this month plus maybe some older WP reqs and Tumblr reqs!
-Luv Lee<3[ur local inconsistent writer]
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headmates-4-you · 17 days
The embodiment of scene, like, js scene as a person!! :3333333 hope this isn't too hard T^T
We've been suuuppeerrr busy with back to school and stuff, and also new hyperfixations and new alters making it hard to focus on much else T^T
but this was an interesting request, so I tried my best ^^
PS: got some dividers for the blogs :3
PS (2): irl we got two Funko pop keychains of 2 of our MHA fictives and have them on our bag :D also new MHA book and guitar capo?! lemme know if there's any good songs you can play with capo, cause I couldn't find any ;-;
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(alt text: basic info)
Name(s): Carmen, Staci, Cathy, Jade/Jayden/Jaydee, Xo_Scen3St4ci
Pronouns: shxy/thxy. 3rr0r/3rr0r. 666/666. 2000/2000. 3ds/3d. :3/:3. ?!/!?. ay/aym. bark/bark. bi/bim. bite/bite. black/black. bling/blingee. blood/blood. bone/bone. bow/bow. brace/bracelet. bright/colour. byte/byte. cat/cat. cata/catatonic. ce/cer. check/checkered. chem/chem. cir/circut. cos/cos. cry/cry. cut/cut. dead/dead. death/death. die/die. dino/dino. e/e. emo/emo. epic/epic. ev/ev. exe/exe. ey/em. eye/strain. fang/fang. fringe/fringe. ghost/ghost. gir/gir. girr/girr. glit/glitter. glitter/glitter. gloom/gloom. glow/glow. glow/stick. gore/gore. grr/grr. gun/gun. gut/gut. h3/h1m. hor/horror. hx/hxm. it/it. ix/ix. kan/kandi. kand/kandi. kandi/kandi. kill/kill. kit/kit. knife/knife. lix/lix. luv/luv. mask/mask. meow/meow. mew/mew. mlp/mlp. mon/monster. music/music. neo/neon. neon/neon. net/net. nya/nya. nya/nyan. nyan/cat. pika/pikachu. pix/pix. pixel/pixel. plur/plur. pony/pony. pop/pop. pop/tart. queen/queen. quiet/quiet. rain/rain. rainbow/rainbow. rave/rave. rawr/rawr. raz/razor. red/red. rei/reina. scene/scene. scene/scenester. scream/scream. sh3/h3r. si/silent. skull/skull. slash/slash. slice/slice. spi/spider. spook/spook. stab/stab. stick/sticker. sticker/sticker. stud/stud. thxy/thxm. tutu/tutu. txt/txt. vamp/vamp. video/game. x3/x3. x]/x]. XD/XD. xe/xem. xey/xem. xy/xyr. ze/zem. ze/zer. ze/zero. zi/zim. zim/zim. zom/zombie. zomb/zomb.
(apologies, most of the pronouns are from a scene ID pack that I saw fitting to thxyr identity)
Age: conceptage, permateen (15)
Species: human
Gender(s): scenebodiment, 2000saesthetigender, 2000sscenic, demigirl
Sexuality: bisexual aromantic
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(alt text: system info)
Sources: the concept of scene, 2000's aesthetics
Role: protector
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(alt text: personality)
Interests/Likes: Monster, My Little Pony, cartoons, MySpace, the scene aesthetic, the 2000's
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(alt text: radqueer info)
TransIDS: transradioactiveblood, permateen, transharmed, transharmful, transselfharmscars, transabuse, transscars, transseverityabuse, transseveritytrauma, conceptage, transageless, perma2000's, 2000'sstuck
CisIDS: abused, s//xually assaulted, trauma, dark hair, dark humour, scene, silly
Paras: necrophilia
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Emoji signoff: -🦇
Kins: Marceline from adventure time
aesthetic/vibe: scene queen :3
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kouijas · 9 months
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City Of Colors event results
🥇1st place: @h-anis , @jaes1lvr & @yeossemble ♥︎
🥈2nd place: @yeojly , @tarucide & @markirlse ♥︎
🥉3rd place: @y-vna & @yuqi-luv ♥︎
Tysm for joining everyone!! 💗💗 this is my third event and dw there is more to come so pls stay tuned! Sorry this is delayed 🤧 also kinda rushed so super sorry 🫶
Prizes under the cut
🥇1st place: 250 reblogs , 5 mbs, blog s/o, 5 custom icons, 2 loc sets 💗
🥈2nd place: 200 reblogs, 5 mbs , 3 custom icons, blog s/o & 2 loc sets 💗
🥉3nd place: 160 reblogs, 3 mbs, 3 custom icons, 2 loc sets & a blog s/o 💗
Dm me for your prizes!
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captainfern · 10 months
hi beautiful people <3
the next part of my rugby!au will be a bit delayed. i’m sick and not feeling well at all, so no writing for me today :(
sorry to those who have been following the series !! hopefully i’ll be back into writing it tomorrow
ok lots of luv <3
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okamirayne · 5 months
Hi Rayne <3 How are you going? Are you doing ok? I just wanted to add my voice to the readers/writers/fans who follow you and say that as someone also going through burnout (what you described about the difference between block vs. burnout really helped btw) I'd definitely support and love to see you chart your recovery as you get back to writing. Any tips/tricks or insights of your own journey back to writing/wellness would be awesome. Sending you bunches of love. Laci xxx
Heya Laci Sweetheart, 💜
Thanks for your message. Bless you. I'm cracking on as best I can with the hiccups I'm facing atm, luv. Just annoyed because it's delayed my writing/posting the next HHU chapter. But, trying to do the patience thing.
Ah! I'm happy to learn that my response to the block vs burnout ASK was useful to you. I can understand how people might confuse them, but my god, they are entirely different demons. I'm so sorry you're going through burnout - it sucks major hairy balls.
I'd definitely support and love to see you chart your recovery as you get back to writing. Any tips/tricks or insights of your own journey back to writing/wellness would be awesome.
Oh wow, gotcha.
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Solidarity. Burnout sucks. If I can share something that helps, sure thing. I got you. 💜 I'll start doing this if it helps.
Big love coming back at'cha, Laci. Thank you! 🥰
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comvi · 7 months
silver time silver hi silver.
silver does not like any creature (but whisperer and lucky.)
silver's spikes cannot be controled, "standing up" as a reaction to stress and worry.
silver feels calm and safe around whisperer
silver learnt how to wag his tail from lucky
despite not liking chief for talking to whisperer (it thinks scavs are evil, as they are the ones making rumors about it.)
rumors about it are: "It's an alien!" (made silver get sharp claws on its "slugcat paws")) "It's a weapon for someone!" (Made spikes form on it.") "It lures people in with its mimicking!" (Made it learn to "speak") "It's just alive goop!" (Made silver drag its tail.) "Its unbound!" (Made it grab people.) not all of them but whatever.
silver is perfectly fine with whisperer touching them. but calls him off from it cause they dont know what would happen.
silver's pearls are called boons. What do boons do? help whisperer directly. holdon ima paste some things. Voice, you know anything about this thing? Bring it closer to your eyes can you even see? whatever. OH WHAT THE What? whats wrong? what is it? Uhm...throw it away! what happened to being poetic. and why whats it do Uhm... not good! just...dont keep it! i cant trust you, im asking ...it about it. You better not oh yes i will. Little thing, you are bleeding in MANY places. i'd like to see you walk. You know i can walk. You have 3 seeping marks on your chest, leaking blood, you nearly got your foot-paw bit off. Your arms bleeding and infected, You have scratch marks all over you, and your ear is also bit. Yes, and? ...fuck you. You two. I ran outside, pretty sure it would be there anyway. and it was "Hey!" it seemed.. "happy?" to see me? i hopped down and accidently dropped the pearl i tripped over it and fell flat on my face... embarrassing. i sat up and it somehow was in front of me, tail...wagging... when could it do that? "Y-you came back! H-HH-Hiello!hi!" "You said like all those words wrong but hi." "Why are you--B-BB--B" it covered its mouth "Why you back?" "The uhh...gift? what is it?" i felt the ground, still staring up at it... spooky. "O-O-Oh! it..b-bb-boon!" "a what." the fuck is a boon. "P-P-PLEAsENO!-Place... it onsomething!!" why does it seem so happy... good for it? "What will it do..?" "D-DONT!D-Depends, let me see..." Without warning it yanks it from my paw and holds it close... reading it? "Boon: circle of healing." "Why did you." why. "whydid you say that in perfect speech." i dont. "idont like how you did that why didyoudothat." it ignored me and placed it back on my paw. WHAT! NO IT CANT! cant... what? "I-T-Ilike you enoug.h...T-TOM?GGETOU" it covered its mouth again "Ilike youenough,i think it will help!" "Why uhh....thank you?" BUT IM PUNIsHING YOU! IT CANT ! ARG! i stood up quickly, ready to run off but before i could it stopped me "H-hey!" "What..?" "Iliekyour....eyes..." I forgot my eyes glow in the dark at night. thats...nice? "Thank you???" i quickly ran off, scurrying back into my den. Lucky is still sleeping..."place it on something..." hm.. I use a bundle of rocks to stand the goop colored pearl up.
^ from whisperers head
silver kills people by stabbing them. (claws r cool.)
silver loves nudging whisperer
silver is embarrassed by how they speak.
silvers tendrils will randomly grab things beside it.
the only not covered parts of silver are its feet, and half of its face.
silver is happy with this form.
silver is aware and alert about whisperers injuries, thinking he should lay low for a while.
silver has a predatory grin as a smile.
ifyouwanna knowmore about their boons ask.
who nect...
okay finally answering this!!! so so sorry for the delay! I dont have a big answer this time around cuz were not in that kinda headspace to dump a bunch of information on something i like, but ive read this a few times & i really enjoy how mysterious yet, oddly “cute” (?) silvers nature can be :0) love luv that whole thing where popular/known rumors will often become reality in some way!! + that added bonus fact about whisperer where we’ve found out!! his eyes glow!!! neat neat!!!
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maizumis · 3 years
🏹 — appearance matchup for :: @itskierrababyy ::
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you and matsukawa issei are straight out of heaven !
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🏹 — runner ups: miya atsumu, nicolas romero
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ghostpainters · 3 years
Do you have any tips for showing different textures? Mine always turn out exactly the same.
Hey Luv, sorry about the delay.
My biggest tip to you, is to be an observer of nature. If there's something you want to draw, really look at it. What are the colors? Where are the shadows? How does light reflect on it? That's been the most helpful tip I've ever gotten as an artist.
But if you're looking for a quick fix, I'll share a little cheat sheet I made with you ;)
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1) Start with a base gradient
2) For shiny surfaces, start with a brighter color and add the light patterns. For duller surfaces, used a shadow color and add the shadow patterns
3) For shiny surfaces, add your block shadows. For duller surfaces, add your lines, details, and highlights
And that's it. Hope you found this at least a little useful. Best of luck my Luv, and stay awesome <3 <3
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lynihana · 3 years
hi luv your work is honestly soooo wholesome 🥺🥺 I am not sure if you are still taking requests atm because I know you are busy plssss pls pls ignore if you have too much <3 I wanted to request maybe a small headcanon or scenario (whichever you can) about Inui, Mikey, and Shinchiro with an s/o who is short (preferably 5’1) and maybe kinda throw in like some teasing from them and all. again your work is amazing and pls stay hydrated and get lots of rest <3
『𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠』 : seishu inui, ‘mikey’ manjiro sano, shinichiro sano.
『𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞』 : fluff.
『𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬』 : ooc characters, a bit suggestive, cursing, not proofread.
『𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞』 : I decided to do headcanons and short scenarios and also sorry for the delay anonnie! </3 tagging the shortass mf @cakeysposts @narcissusstuff why did this took me so long to finish....
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:⌇➭ ok listen, seishu is 177 cm or (5'10) and you who's barely 5'3?? Oh my gosh. expect some light teasing from this man right here but don't expect him to go cross the line because he knows when to stop.
:⌇➭ seishu would lift you up just to grab something on the higher cabinet but not without saying “you know your look so cute when you jump and try to reach for something high, makes me love you more” <3
:⌇➭ if someone is hitting on you and seishu sees that he would literally snatch you and throw you on his shoulder gently while glaring at the person who was flirting at you and he told him to fuck off in the most unnicest way <3
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“seiiii!” you said to the sunflower blondie that's currently carrying you on his shoulder, this is the 15th time this week and it's only wednesday! “nope, ain't never gonna put you down unless I want to which is not gonna happen anytime soon.” you pouted at him.
Trying to wiggle out his hold that seems to be impossible to escape you still tried anyways but you felt a soft slap on your ass “did you just slap my ass?” you asked seishu “yup!, sorry about that and don't even try to escape also we're getting food anyways! It's lunch time and I'm hungry, I'm guessing you are too?” cue your stomach starts to rumble “fiiinneee you win this time! you also better pay for the food!” you whined and said to the male “of course. It would be very unrespectful of me to take you out and make you pay for your own food after all.”
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⩩┊Mikey is 162cm (5'3) meaning he's literally a bit taller
⩩┊we all know Mikey loves teasing people and he doesn't meet much people that's shorter than him and you being shorter kind of give him some more superior and dominant vibes
⩩┊mikey loves teasing you but at the same time scared teasing you about your height because honestly, when you're mad it's like you're another person and Mikey is scared
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“yo mikey where the fuck is my phone?” you looked at mikey who's currently eating some sweets and of course dorayaki “hm? Why are you asking me?” you sighed “Look mikey just give me back my phone I really need to join the (game) event. It only happens once a year! so I can't miss that shit. and by the way did you just ask me a question when I asked you?” mikey looked at you with a offended look and if you were one of the people who don't know him that much, you'll probably assume that he's literally offended ‘This again?’ you sighed again “bubs I swear I didn't hide it! can't you see that I'm eating my food peacefully for the past 2 hours?” mikey sighed looking at you disappointed “mikey this trick won't work. I know you hid it somewhere.” you gave him a cold look and mikey knows it's time to say the truth “fine... it's at the top of the refrigerator..” Mikey pouted at you and you looked at him dumb founded “okay Mikey what the actual fuck? You do know that none of us can reach the top of that huge ass refrigerator right? AND ALSO HOW THE FUCK DID YOU EVEN REACHED THAT PLACE” you said “ehe....about that....i actually don't know....” mikey scratched his head and he looked up seeing you holding your slippers “hahaha...y-y/n we can talk this out r-right..?” you tch at him “I'm gonna miss that event if draken don't come here fast....you do know that right...?” you smiled at him menacingly and Mikey gulped as he starts to sweat and then he suddenly felt your slipper hit his head harshly and you continued to do that as Mikey let's out the most girliest scream you've ever heard
Looks like you'll need to call draken again for the th time this day
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⩩┊HELP WHAT?? THIS MF IS 182cm (6'0) KFKWK and then there's you with your short ass
⩩┊i see shinichiro as that "sorry I did it accidentally" and the type who would apologize to you for teasing you about your height because he thinks that he's being mean to you and rude.
⩩┊This man would legit be careful around you because he's scared that he might step on you and you found that very stupidly cute
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You were struggling to see the dancers that are currently performing on the streets in Shibuya where you're currently in “Someone literally need to guide all the short people on the front to see” you mumbled and luckily shinichiro heard you “if you want to see them then why didn't you just told me?” you dumbfounded at him “if I don't want to see them I wouldn't put too much effort jumping and all this shit” shinichiro nodded at you “mhmmm, ok then!” you sighed again “let's just go now, there's no way we're gonna see them–” you suddenly feel someone lifting you in their arms “eh?! What the fuck!” you bit the arm of the one who's lifting you “ow! Hey love! It's only me!” shinichiro told you and you saw that it is him, you unlatch your mouth off his arm “you dumbass you could've warned me.” and shinichiro just laughed at you “ahaha sorry 'bout that!” you sighed at him and shinichiro place you on his shoulders “why are you placing me here–” shinichiro cutted you off “you wanted to see them right?, So why not take advantage of my height?” he smiled at you and you nodded your head to him as a way of saying thank you because you're too embarrassed to say it
and another reason that shinichiro did this is because he wants to feel your thighs around his head but you don't have to know that :))
but goddamn your thighs are looking so delicious so shinichiro decided to bit your thighs gently
“ack! what the fuck shinichiro–”
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axigailxo · 2 years
When are we getting 6th chapter? I saw you said you were working all night? Be easy abi 🥹
😞😞ahhh, ik ik i’m trying to limit myself but i’m also like a rly big perfectionist so once i start writing something i don’t stop til i’m like 100% satisfied w the final product, and chap 6 is the longest one yet and i’m only on scene 3 😭😭
chap 6 has been rly frustrating so far bc of writers block and several other factors but i rly want to finish before jk’s bday (no specific reason, just a basic timeframe) but idek if THATS gonna be possible bc so far i’ve rewritten the first two scenes like 3 times🥲
I HATE DELAYING IT SM AND IM SORRY 😭😭 trust me, i wish i was finished with chap 6 by now too
but yeah, it’ll take a little more time than usual and i rly do appreciate you all for having patience 💕💕
(also my sleep schedule is so messed up rn so that’s why i’m up all night hehe, appreciate your concern luv!!❤️)
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oblivious-nuisance · 3 years
Heyooo, could I request a headcanons for Dazai and oda who’s s/o is mori’s daughter.
I luv your blog. Stay healthy and happy, thank chuu
awww, i'm blushiing, make sure you take care of yourself as well!! (๑TᴗT๑)♡. sorry for the delay, hope you enjoy this tho :") (also she's loooong okay) it should also be noted that in dazai's beginning i got my inspiration from the ending scene in fight club, along with the song that played in the background during said scene ("where is my mind" – the pixies). happy imagining <3
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↳ includes: pm!dazai osamu, oda sakunosuke
warnings: gn!reader, fluff, mentions of suicide (in dazai's case), season 2 (dark era) spoilers (in oda's) so it gets kinda angsty towards the end (i apologise)
↳ part 1 ; part 3
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"oh my, are we getting all shy now, love?" he whispers in your ear as explosions go off around the two of you, debris and iron bars and broken glass falling from the sky as you buried your head further into dazai's neck. "i told you that i would destroy anything and everything if it meant that i could court you, my dear."
the embodiment of "i hate everybody else but you"
i also feel like mori didn't really have a say in this
but he did, however, make bets and secretly plotted it all so that you two would end up together
pfft he just really ships it
since dazai will most likely inherit the title of boss, you just kinda hit the jackpot
expensive dates are a must, my friend
but also some quality alone time, when it's just the two of you
"dazai, father's gonna see this..." you sigh, exasperated, as you're rubbing soothing circles on the bite mark that now graced your shoulder
"and what's the old man gonna do about it, hm? tell ane-san?"
"you're impossible."
the concept of double-suicude hasn't yet passed his youthful mind, but his tendencies still upset you sometimes
"fine, i'll postpone it. for you." he'd whisper in your ear after a particularly rough incident what a dramatic teen i stg
now, onto the spiciest part. his comrades' reactions.
chūya's jaw was on the floor.
"are you mad? you wanna grow out white hairs faster and don't know how to?"
although he's not really fond of the situation (mainly because he feels sorry for you), he just adapts and grows even more attached to the two of you lmao
he's always regarded you as a close confidant, and now even more so (considering the fact that you could handle dazai, and that was no easy task)
oda shrugged and nodded when dazai told him
not too many reactions, but his slightly curious gaze followed your antics and mannerisms the entire night
"well, i can only hope that you'll stop being so reckless now."
"nice try," you couldn't help but huff. "but i don't think that's gonna be the case with this one."
oda just smiled and patted you on the head.
otherwise, he was neutral about it, but, judging by the warm look present in his eyes whenever the two of you would engage in one of your usual heated discussions, you could say that he at least enjoyed your company
deep inside he was so proud of dazai awww (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)
ango politely smiled and bowed in your direction, urging you to do the same thing (you noticed his eyebrow curve slightly upward, but you chose to ignore it)
"i see, so he's the formal guy."
"i'm happy to see that you found someone, dazai."
still, the man's eyebrow remained quirked as he studied you throughout the entire time he stayed there
he was looking for resemblances to your father i'm telling you
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"you're a little menace, you know that?" he smiles as he gently caresses your damp hair, sliding his big hands down the wet skin of your shoulders and slowly massaging them, soothing the sore muscles in the process. "if your father finds out about this, we're screwed." he says nonchalantly, pulling you into his warm chest regardless, savoring the peace that only the cramped and badly lit bathroom could offer
he insists on keeping it low-key
after all, he isn't exactly mori's favourite yk
when he asked you that you keep quiet about it, you couldn't bite back the fact that you're old enough to make decisions on your own and absolutely do not need to give your father any explanations whatsoever
"i understand, love, although it would be quite funny to see you talk to him like that"
"please, don't."
although you two behave normally in public (and it's pretty frustrating to some extent), he makes up for it with soft touches and kisses on the forehead when you guys are in the comfort of your home
literally man doesn't take his hands off of you the moment your apartment door is locked
surprisingly, the whole ordeal lasts
a lot
i mean, as long as it could last, considering what happened to oda
and even though the boss found out much later about the you two, a young executive, one port mafia secretary and a bunch of kids were overly curious as to how in the world did sakunosuke oda end up with the forbidden fruit of a criminal organization
when oda told him, dazai was genuinely happy
"my, my, such a risk taker, odasaku. i can see why, though."
he was obviously behaving like his normal self, but somehow softer?
definitely sees you as a parent figure as well, so he asked you if you'd be willing to accompany him on errands and other business he's got to do
good luck with that tho bc he's a handful
ango stayed neutral, as he usually would, but he let you take photos with his fancy camera, so you could say that he felt comfortable enough in your presence
"it's good to see that you still got some nerve, keeps you young and fresh, oda."
he couldn't help but throw in a sassy remark, maybe because dazai rubbed off on him a tad bit
and now, the kids
the kids were absolutely ecstatic
they wouldn't let go of you, they all wanted your attention
the boys, kōsuke, katsumi, yū and shinji, wanted to learn more about how the gun you held in your belt loop worked, and sakura asked so many questions about how nightlife looked and felt in yokohama, that it made you dizzy
oda's heart fluttered in his chest at the sight
mori found out about the whole ordeal only after oda's death, when you couldn't bear it anymore and you had to wail somewhere
and that somewhere ended up being in your father's arms, as he gently patted and rubbed soothing circles on your back
it all reminded you of that first moment in the bathtub with oda and you started whimpering a little bit harder against mori's shoulder
this was probably the only time he scolded himself for not listening to dazai, and discarding oda with no second thoughts
say what you want about him, but he wouldn't deny his child all forms of affection alright (take elise as an example, and she's not even his biological daughter)
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©oblivious-nuisance - all rights reserved
no translations, edits, copying, reposting etc.
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lotti-lyric · 2 years
Hola! I saw your post and I wanted to request a romantic matchup! I would very much prefer a male U-A student (if you can make that possible).
Ok so I am a female, and I am 5’9 (ik I’m that one tall kid lol). I have long brown hair/curls (like very curly). I would like to call myself an ambivert because one minute I can be chill and just relaxing my bed, and the next minute I could be bouncing of walls. I am a Scorpio (and some how a mix of Libra). I am Demisexual but I do prefer males/he/him. I have brown eyes that are usually dark, but kinda light up in the sun. I’m a minor teenager! I wouldn’t say I’m big, but I’m definitely not skinny either, so probably more on the curvy side. I have skinny legs, and skinny arms but wider thighs (and dare I say it, stomach rolls).
My dress style is kinda weird. Like one day I could wear all black, and the next I could be in a mix match mood. However I do prefer the dark/light academia aesthetic.
Ok my personality is a lot of things, I can be very sweet at most times but I have probably one of the shortest tempers in the world. Whenever somebody gives me attitude, I tend to reflect their attitude and give them the same one back. I try to avoid lying as much as possible, but I am very sarcastic. In school I am mostly known for my sweet and sassy character (mostly for laughs lol). I am socially awkward, and I (unfortunately) do have anxiety that puts me into bad moods sometimes. If there is a friend group, believe it or not; I’m the mother of the group. Sometimes I can be a control freak, but I tend to realize days later. I do like being the sender of attention (in the good way).
I have an obsession to listening to music. At random timss of the day, I will pop on my Bluetooth earphones and begin dancing. I like pop music (preferably Ariana Grande), Rnb music, and music in my saved TikTok sounds.
If I know somebody very well I get very comfy around them. Idc how preppy my clothes are out in public, at home I like to slip into an oversized shirt/hoodie, some comfortable pj shorts, and some high top socks.
My favorite season is Summer cause I for some reason love to be in the pool.
If I’m mad, I promise you if you give me some food (preferably Italian) I’ll forget our entire fight. I am also a huge chocolate lover.
I constantly search and wonder everyday how I will be able to achieve my dream job of becoming an actress. It’s absolutely my dream career, and I really hope to pursue it.
I cuddle with my pillow at night, because the thought of having someone next to you, comforting and holding you is my dream :(
When I’m bored I scroll through TikTok, instead of really making them.
I’m always flipping or dancing if you ever see me. I’ve been dancing since I was very little, and I got into gymnastics a couple years ago (unfortunately I had to quit cause of covid)
I’m not much a fearful person as I get older, the only thing that really scares me is death. I can watch horror movies like Chucky (cause he’s LOWKEY kinda funny), but Lord knows that you should never show me Annabelle. If you show me something scary, at night I will be clinging onto you shaking and begging you to turn some kind of light on.
Although I can tend to be lazy sometimes, I’m actually a very active person.
I sing, dance, act (you know the whole performance arts package).
I find humor, and kindness the most attractive thing in a person. I also kinda like people that can be sweet or fiery (you know getchu comebody who can do both).
I’m sorry for so much reading, this is my first time doing this. I hope this dosen’t make you struggle, so take your time! Luv you <3
charlottes interlude 💗- hi!! so i’m probably going to begin repeating characters if i feel it’s the best match!! but all the headcanons will be personalized and different so don’t worry, nothing really changed!! sorry for the delay loves, i’ve had class for 9 hours today (im still in class rn oops🧍🏼‍♀️)! i hope you enjoy, have a great one!! you seem so fun!
warnings; swearing, anxiety mention
i match you with…
Hitoshi Shinsou!!
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- this for you both!! ^^
- absolutely loves everything about you!! you’re the most stunning person he’s ever seen and he’s not afraid to make sure others know that
- so expect a hand always around your waist
- he loves being surprised by your style each day! it’s become a game for him to message you his guess for ur aesthetic every morning!!
- crashing in comfy outfits in his dorm with him just holding you while ur playlist blasts on your speakers 💗 its so ethereal
- he loves how sweet you can be but also finds your attitude super cute!! he’s a pretty mellow guy but can also match the snarky, sarcastic energy you give him, leading to a lot of playful banter
“Can’t wait to absolutely decimate you for all you’re worth in Mario Kart later Toshi 🤪”
“Ohhh tsk tsk, in your dreams sweetheart, that mushroom cup has always belonged to me”
- he’s honestly such a sweet guy but ur humor aligns so well it’s so CHAOTIC
- always makes sure to help you any way you need if you feel anxious, even if it’s just through cuddles!! he loves your caring nature but he also loves to spoil you and give u a lot of attention!!
- he cannot dance. he loves watching you dance though!! he’s so amazed by what you can do!! he’ll try if you ask him, he wants to sweep you off your feet 💗 doesn’t mean he’ll be good though 💀
- have y’all slept with all the lights on after a horror movie binge?? absolutely 💀 worth it though
- loves to watch you preform!! you just light up UGH you’re his star GOODBYE
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deceasedlxver · 3 years
@bobateasilverpearl asked for a mashup of her and subaru but i accidentally deleted the ask because im new to this 💀 i posted it by mistake when it wasn't organized so here is my second attempt <3 sorry for the delay i took extra time. luv chu.
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H E A D C A N O N S :
you two would he my fav new couple cause you're just the perfect match!
you'll teach subaru how to control his anger. he finds himself relating to you because you're both tsundere hot heads except you're a lot more rational
you'll just have such a perfect healthy relationship of understaningness and bond <3 he has never met anyone who fully related to him like you do and he loves you so much for it
with that being said; you two would spend hours watching true crimes, murder mysteries and horrors because of how much you'll get him into conspiracy
you'll end up chatting the whole night about your interests and he'll be super invested 10/10
just a flawless duo. love it.
(also peep how the cats look like you cause you have black hair and he has white hair lol)
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btsandvmin · 4 years
A Vmin throwback - 2019 (Part 1)
3 years I have been making this post now, and every year people keep saying Vmin is dead, less close or even fake. I usually say: Do you have eyes? 
Vmin surely proved you wrong this time and I think at this point their bond is hard to deny. This post has been really difficult to make, both because of the amount of moments and also because it’s more difficult to find good gifs for everything and I can’t include twitter videos in this type of post. Just know there was a lot of moments I had to skip.
2019 was the year of the pig, aka. the year of everyone born 1995. So in this year of Vmin of course they have given us plenty of moments to gush about. In fact despite the break we have gotten spoiled with a lot of really great Vmin moments. So without much further ado let’s get this started!
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There is a lot more Vmin under the cut. You have been warned.
I will cheat a little and start with Taehyung’s birthday bomb, which wasn’t released until 2019. Vmin were very cute in it.
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The first time I saw this I couldn’t believe it. Who looks at someone like that while they are feeding them?
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The year started of with a lot of good Vmin selcas, but even though we might not have gotten many tweets in total what we did get was still great!
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And don’t you all dare forget that Jimin posted this the day after Valentines!
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Then admittedly we had nothing in terms of selcas for almost the rest of the year, but thankfully Jimin came through and tweeted for Taehyung’s birthday.
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Something big they did this year was of course making songs! Jimin released Promise right at the end of 2018 and Tae (the best photographer) provided the cover photos.
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One month later Tae released Scenery. But not without Jimin accidentally spoiling it first.
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He was very apologetic about it.
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They both supported each other a lot and gave us a lot of cute moments in relations to their songs.
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Jimin even sang Scenery and basically just promoted and loved it a lot. But even that was nothing compared to what was to come... I am talking about Winter Bear of course, which Jimin loves so much and has promoted more than anything ever before.
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He did three vlives in a row where he gushed about the song and promoted it, and even told us stories about him and Taehyung. 
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He also mentioned how he wanted to keep the song and his friend (Taehyung) to himself. The name of the first Vlive was even Say hello to me, a line from the song. Basically Jimin is both supportive and possessive in regards to Taehyung.
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He sang it constantly and told us he listened to it every night falling asleep to it and even dreaming about it. 
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True love and support right there! He also gifted Tae the two bears he used on the cover.
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Movin on let’s look at the Run episodes of this year, because as usual they provided us with tons of Vmin moments.
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It’s actually kind of overwhelming so I had to skip a lot because right off the bat they just...
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First Run episode of the year and we already were in for a great start! And who knew we would get to see Vmin hold hands for minutes? I mean, Vmin seems to just have glued their hands together this year.
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Stick to my side might as well be the Vmin slogan of the year. :P
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And Run just kept on giving…
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Tae wants Jimin to be sexy. But not too sexy….
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Of course they also took selcas we will never get to see…
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And some we did get to see…
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The Canada episodes truly blessed us.
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We even got to see Vmin share a bed for the first (but not the last) time, even if I don’t have a pic included.
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They don’t even have to be on the same team...
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Or even win… They still somehow congratulate each other.
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Wo do love Vmin on the same team though.
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They have both just seemed really happy and carefree this year!
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I don’t even know how many times Jimin has said I love you to Taehyung this year… But it’s a lot.
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Actually we have seen Jimin trust Tae a little too much.
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But let’s move on, because we have much more to go through. This year we actually got some really good vlive moment from Vmin (besides the ones for Winter Bear I mean.). It started with the Grammy vlive.
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We had Vmin doing, something… In the Hobi birthday Vlive.
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And not soon after we got the infamous Rkive Vlive. Showing us some of the weirdest Vmin behaviours yet.
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The clinginess is a lot… I see why they might avoid Vlives alone, because they can’t even behave when they are with someone.
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I already mentioned the Winter Bear vlives.
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The year also ended well with some nice Vmin from Jin’s Bday Vlive.
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We of course also had a comeback with Boy with Luv that Taehyung made sure to add some Vmin to right away.
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And Vmin really made sure to make this their song. Love is nothing stronger...
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We also can’t forget the Lights MV.
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And then for the tour. Obviously we got a ton of Vmin moments.
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Special shoutout to Hong Kong.
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I mean tours are always good, but the amounts of hugs and happy Vmin.
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Tae holding Jimin’s hand to comfort him in Brazil when Jimin was sick and couldn’t sing well.
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We also got Tae comforting Jimin in London.
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And with this sweet moment, that I was lucky enough to see live, let’s end this post. It’s too long anyways, and will likely crash for many of you. As you may know I started this post in late 2019 but had so much trouble making it as Tumblr didn’t want to save my changes. I tried to remake it several times and at some point just gave up.
Then, I realized that the post is too long anyway and I might as well just post what I had if it managed to save the end part. Meaning this text here. So basically all of this post except this ending part was written and put together years ago. I know it says part 1, but I am not sure there will be a part 2 considering the problem with long posts. Just know 2019 was a great year for Vmin (as every year is), and that I didn’t even get to include everything (note the absence of Bon Voyage for example).  But finally it is done! I am so glad it saved this part and the tags. T_T
Thank you for reading, liking and reblogging (if tumblr allows it), and sorry for the delay.  💜
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manjiroro · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 500+ followers! Can I ask for tokrev matchup? Preferably male.
About myself
My top kins : Draken and Hakkai in between, and sometimes Yuzuha
Introvert (INFJ specifically)
I have short black hair, hourglass figure w/ little chubby tummy and legs that make me sometimes insecure 💦
I might seem intimidating at first due to my preference in all-black clothes (including a mask, I luv wearing them so I don't feel bad about my face, it's not that pretty btw) But the more they get to know me, the more they know that I can be laid back, considerate, straightforwardly kind, reliable,  hard-working, and I can be sarcastic and sassy... a little. I'm more serious when I'm in work tho. But mostly I might to act intimidating because I'm shy and nervous!
I have bad habits that I sometimes lazy and tend to keep my emotions to myself. I'd prefer crying alone to calm myself down.
Likes : cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters and non-venomous snakes.
Dislikes(scared) : spiders and scary insects (bees, etc.), when people yell at me
Dislikes : inconsiderate people
My love languages are physical touch, gifts, and acts of service.
Hobbies : drawing, writing, singing, dancing
Interests : art, fashion, cafe, museums, perfumes, history, music(any kind tho I'll listen to it repeatedly if it's good)
Fav traits in people : mature, kind, serious but a wild person would be nice i guess? 😅 But mainly prefer a person who make me feel protected and secure. (And I kinda have a trauma of a man yelling at me, espacially when they're furious for no reason)
What would I like to do with my s/o
My preference of dates are cafe (coffee dates), shopping, movie (can be either way between theatre or netflix), beaches, library, museum, just not crowded place in general (except book fair) and I love riding motorcycle at night, it kinda feels good smh
Thank you for reading this and I hope you are having a good day! Remember to have a rest and take you time! 💘💗💟💕💞💓❤❣💝💖💌
500 milestone event (closed!!)
hi hun!! thank you for joining and im so sorry for the delay!! i hope you like this <333
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i match you with.. MITSUYA TAKASHI
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ooh yesyes mitsuya is the man who will love every single aspect of you
will hype you up or tell you how pretty you are but if youre still being insecure he’ll shower you with everything he has
that includes lots of affection, gifts, service anything he can offer
mitsuya is the one to help you with any shyness, he encourages you and supports you when you need it
oftentimes when he overhears people saying how intimidating you are, he laughs because to him youre his beloved princess <3
he’s a sensible and understanding guy, he’ll give you the space when you need and will be more than happy to help you out with anything bothering you as well
and he has such a gentle voice when soothing you too
yes he’ll also help with any bug problems youre having uhuhu
watch him make clothes for you and watch with love in his eyes as you wear them out
he’ll shower you with all sorts of compliments telling you to perfect you look
maybe he’ll sneak in some kisses here and there
honestly i dont see mitsuya and you getting into fights or him getting pissed at you, if he does get pissed he’ll probably isolate himself for a moment before coming to talk it out with you
i see mitsuya as the kind of boyfriend to take you to anywhere you’d wanna go just tell him and he’ll bring you
because to him anywhere is fun as long as he’s with you <33
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anqrllz · 3 years
hi luvvv i just found your acc aND IM IN LOVE saving EVERYTHING CUTE ! i really really want a jungwon layout can u do that for me pls? jungwon w black hair and iF possible sum pic where he shows his dimples ? if you could do that i WOULD LOSE MY MIND EHWKWJIWGWI2G3IEHK love your blog baby keep up w the good amazing work ;) <3333333
Hiiii!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LUV!!!! I’m so so sorry for the delay!! I just posted them!! if you don’t like them, then tell me and I’ll do another one!! Thank you so so much for your sweet words bby!! :( ily <3
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