#sorry this took so long i kept forgetting it was here which is no excuse but also
milswrites · 1 month
Somewhere only we know
~ Azriel X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Azriel comes to visit you for the first time in a while.
Warnings: Angsty goodness
He could hear it now; your call beckoning him closer.
The dulcet tones of your laughter echoing amongst the evening birdsong as Azriel approached.
It was a path the shadowsinger had walked a hundred times before. The bowing oak trees and the familiar tune of the flowing beck all working to guide Azriel towards his final destination.
Towards you.
Yet even the forest wasn't safe from the golden hands of time. The gnarled roots and overgrown canopy a glaring sign that it had been far too long since Azriel had last come to see you.
Where he was once able to run freely alongside you, Azriel now found himself uncomfortably squeezing through the wild underbrush. Wings tightly curling into his back out of fear of catching them on the thicket of brambles which now lined the once clear path.
Perhaps a year was too long to wait.
Perhaps Azriel should have visited you sooner.
Your voice continued to grow louder with each step taken, the wind beginning to carry the recognizable scent of your sweet perfume.
Azriel inhaled deeply, allowing the delicate aroma of honeysuckle and jasmine to wash away his worries. A calming peace, that only ever makes itself known when in the presence of your company, began to warmly settle in his chest.
"Hello my love"
Azriel called softly into the air, the gentle twinkling of a wind chime greeting him in response as the evening sun broke through the canopy above to lay a welcoming kiss onto his cheek.
"I've missed you," the shadowsinger continued, moving towards the fallen trunk of a tree in order to take a seat, "I'm sorry I've been gone so long."
Another melodic chime answered, assuring Azriel that his absence needed no excuse.
"But I couldn't miss spending my birthday with you, I don't think you would have let me"
The wind laughed in reply, a soothing breeze coming to caress his smiling cheek as Azriel lifted a shaky hand to meet the ghost of your own.
Eyes beginning to water at your phantom touch, the male cleared his throat before reaching into the pocket of his leathers. "I've brought you a letter," Azriel started to explain, pulling out the carefully folded piece of paper, "of all the things you've missed since I was last here. I wrote it all down just so I didn't forget to tell you anything."
The orange sun glowed a little brighter, so as to provide Azriel with enough light to read his letter. The forest falling into a peaceful silence in order to ensure that you heard every word the shadowsinger had to say.
"Feyre is pregnant again, I think Rhys would kill me if I didn't tell you that first," Azriel grinned at the smile of excitement he could picture you wearing at the news, taking the time to burn the image into his mind before continuing, "Nyx is convinced it's a girl, and if it is her wants her to be named after you of course. He always talks about his favourite auntie."
Azriel allows himself to pause, needing a moment to calm his wavering breath before he could say any more, the harsh lines of a frown beginning to cross his face.
"Cas says hello. He'd come here if he could, you know that. But I don't think I'm quite ready to share this place with anyone else yet. He's fine, Nesta too. They're kept busy by little Sofia most of the time, ever since she learnt how to fly she's been wreaking havoc all over Velaris."
A robin flittered down from the trees, perching by where Azriel was sat, its small head tilted in silent understanding. Appreciating the company, a slight smile flickered across Azriel's lips as he turned his watery eyes back to the letter grasped between his trembling hands.
"Elain and Lucien are finally back from their trip around Prythian. They went to Spring - to that meadow I took you to for our anniversary. She . . . she brought me back some flowers, said they reminded her of you."
Azriel's tears finally began to fall as he carefully folded the letter once more, tucking it away into the safety of his leathers, placing it into the pocket right above his heart.
"And me . . ." Azriel started, voice cracking as he tried to recall what he had done since he was last here, his surroundings taking him back to a time when you had once been sat here with him, "Well I've not really done anything at all."
The male's hands move to clasp onto the two rings resting on a chain around his neck, thumb working to brush the cool metal in the hope of receiving some comfort, "Some days it feels like time has scarcely moved at all . . . On those days I like to close my eyes and picture you - us - here in the forest. Running through the trees like we used to do, hiding from our responsibilities for as long as we could."
Azriel deeply exhaled as he watched the robin fly away, tears still falling as he continued to speak, "And then I open my eyes . . . and remember you're gone" Azriel's words are interrupted by a harrowing sob falling from his lips, "I don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm getting old my love, sometimes I worry that one day I'll come back here and you won't recognize me anymore. That our love will fall victim to the hands of time just as the forest has."
The chimes twinkle once more, a gentle reminder that you are never truly gone, the ever-changing wind whispering promises that your love was one to last for eternity.
"I know" Azriel sadly smiles, letting go of the rings in order to brush away his tears, the thought of your heartbroken expression enough to dry his eyes, "I just miss you, that's all. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you."
The trees lightly rustle in response.
Azriel stayed to talk to you long into the night. The conversation never fading, nor growing dull, even when the moon had said its goodbyes and the sun had risen once more.
If time was all Azriel could offer you these days, then his time was what you would receive. For each hour spent in your special spot, was another hour of keeping your memory alive.
Another hour Azriel got to spend with you.
When the time came for Azriel to reluctantly leave the forest, his responsibilities too pressing to ignore for much longer, the shadowsinger whispered a promise into the wind that he would return once more. Swearing that you would not have to wait so long to see him again.
With each step he took, the scent of rosemary and sweet pea grew stronger, your calming aroma fading as Azriel walked further and further away.
And as Azriel turned to look at you once more, he could have sworn he heard you calling after him. Words unintelligible as your voice became lost amongst the birdsong.
But he could feel it, the assurance that he wasn't alone.
The piece of you that had been trapped here, now safely tucked within the confines of his heart.
So carry you home he would.
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alltheirdamn · 1 month
Killing Me Softly | (Joel x teacher!f!reader)
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Chap. 5 Nevermore
Chp. 5 Summary: It's hard to understand why everything feels so right. Rating: 18+ Explicit MDNI Word Count: 5.5k Warnings: Pre-outbreak AU, language, heavy kissing, unprotected piv sex, semi-rough sex, creampie, praise kink, (kinda) size kink, aftercare, fluff and a LOT of angst, light banter, lots of emotions, mentions of past trauma, brief flashback of trauma, another cliffhanger (sorry) A/N: Well, if you're here, I hope you're prepared for what's coming. A HUGE shoutout to @loonmartell for helping co-conspire the trajectory of this story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it as always <3
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I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in—
“Miss Smith?” 
Your head jerked up at the sound, and the pencil you were drawing circles with fell against your desk. Bradley, one of your students, was standing at the edge of your desk with his test in hand.
“Sorry about that, sweetie,” you smiled, extending a hand. “Thank you.”
Bradley eyed you curiously before turning and skipping back to his desk. You dragged a hand over your face, wanting to crawl into the furthest corner of the world and never be seen again. Beth’s words had been plaguing you for days since you called her. Over and over again, they annihilated your thoughts, a constant broken record that you couldn’t shut off. You still had your nightly calls with Joel, talking past midnight and falling asleep together, but you kept making excuses not to see him. 
“I’ve got lesson plans to make,” you lied.
“I’ll help,” Joel had offered.
“You’re a distraction.”
“I ain’t that bad,” he huffed.
The next night, you lied and said you were going out with Maria, which was an even worse lie since you were avoiding her at all costs. Telling Beth the news was one thing, but telling Maria was another matter. She was nosey and a bit too loud-mouthed to trust. The last thing you wanted was for the entire faculty to know your dirty secrets. Joel had to remain a secret—at least for now.
It’s not like you wanted to avoid Joel; you were just scared. You were not ready for this new territory, and if Beth was anywhere near correct in her assumptions, it only made you want to shy away more. The only problem was parent-teacher conferences this week, meaning you’d have to see Joel and Sarah…together.
The class bell rang, and your free period between classes began. You dropped your head on the desk and took a few deep breaths, trying to wrangle some semblance of calm back into your body. The final class of the day would be Sarah’s, and you’d be lying if you said you were prepared to see her. The blaring reminder that her dad had fucked you sore over the weekend still hung over your head, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for it. How was your fall break, Sarah? Oh yeah, mine was great. Your dad fucked me so hard I ended up having a complete breakdown. 
You wanted the day to be over. 
The free period went by much faster than you wanted, and as you watched the next slew of kids take their seats, you made a conscious effort not to stare at Sarah as she walked in. She wore her usual smile, the impression of her dimples digging into her cheeks. Some wild thought popped into your head that you had no time to recover from: if you and Joel went any further, God help you, you’d be Sarah’s step-mom one day. Your stomach rolled with nausea as you tried to will those thoughts away. Joel wouldn’t stick around that long; you were a lost cause. There was no chance that would happen. Right? 
Clearing your throat, you rose from your desk and made your way over to the projector to set up the lesson for the day. Since the school year was nearing Halloween, you decided it would be fun to teach Edgar Allen Poe, completely forgetting you had chosen “The Raven”—which was about losing someone. This would have a bite to it that you weren’t ready for.
“Okay, everyone,” you announced. “Did we all finish the reading assignment this week?”
There were a few nods and murmurs of agreement, and you quickly shifted to the first few slides of your presentation. 
“Alright, so who can tell me the overall theme for Poe’s ‘The Raven’?”
Georgia, one of your top students, shot her hand up without a beat.
“Yes, Georgia?”
“It’s about his grief for losing Lenore,” she answered.
“Good,” you smiled. “Can anyone tell me what other theme the poem contains?”
“Madness!” Another student chimed in, causing an uproar of laughter amongst the students.
“Okay, okay, settle down. Very good, you guys.”
You switched to the next slide, staring blankly at the words typed out. Lenore is gone forever. Something struck you as you silently read it, realizing you weren’t too far off from Poe in his grief. Although Bennett wasn’t dead, he wasn’t coming back. That fact hadn’t hurt as deeply throughout the last few weeks, especially with Joel around, but it still threw salt in the open wounds still scattered over your heart. 
“In stanza two,” you cleared your throat. “In stanza two, Poe refers to Lenore as ‘nameless,’ which can imply that she has died, and he’s now consumed with grief. Where else did you guys find his grief prominent?”
Georgia quickly raised her hand again, and you motioned for her to speak. 
“In stanza four, he talks about his dreams, which I think he means he’s dreaming of her to return to him. But if she’s dead, there’s no way she’s going to come back,” Georgia said.
Fuck. You felt the sting of tears rim your eyes and briefly paused to gather your bearings. Bennett left. He left, and you had spent years dreaming he would return. 
“Good,” you choked out.
You glanced around the room, your eyes connecting with Sarah’s. It took all your strength not to break down and cry as she studied you with the same concerned furrow in her brows as her dad would do. 
Clicking to the next slide, you exhaled, focusing on the following theme to discuss. Madness. 
“Now, with the theme of madness, where do we see this begin? Obviously, the dreams can be interpreted as his descent into madness, but what else do we find?” You asked. 
To your detriment, Sarah was the one to raise her hand.
“Sarah,” you sighed, nodding.
“It’s the raven,” she said plainly. “The raven is what drives him mad.”
“What does he do to drive Poe mad?” You questioned.
“The raven only says one word,” she explained. “And that word drives him mad until the end of the poem.
“And why does it drive him mad?”
Sarah shifted in her seat, looking around at her classmates before responding.
“Because it’s the answer Poe doesn’t want to hear. Poe doesn’t want to be reminded that Lenore is dead, but that’s the only response the raven will give.”
You were swaying in place, trying to hold yourself together as the memories started ricocheting back into your mind. Now wasn’t the time to collapse, not in front of twenty students staring at you, confused and concerned. You only responded with a nod and flipped the projector off.
“Good job, you guys. Now, does anyone have any questions on this unit? Any questions about the stanza format or the themes?”
Sarah raised her hand again.
“Did his madness kill him?” She asked.
“Oh, um, no. Well, it’s a mystery, really. Some people say he died of delirium, so, I guess, madness. But other people speculate he drank himself to death.”
The class grew morbidly quiet, which made it harder for you to continue. No one else spoke up after Sarah, so you resorted to handing out the quiz and sinking back into your desk chair.
One by one, the students came up to turn in their quiz, and you averted your gaze each time with a nonchalant ‘thank you.’ When the final bell finally sounded through the room, you hardly had the energy to wave goodbye. 
Sarah was the last to leave, and that same concerned look lingered on her face as she shuffled out. 
That night, you didn’t pick up the phone when Joel called. You stared as it rang repeatedly, watching the light fade from the screen when the ringing stopped. You buried your head under the covers and tried to sleep, but then the nightmares started.
You woke up to your alarm, hyperventilating and drenched in sweat. Squinting at the morning sun streaming through the blinds, you grabbed your phone to check the time. Your fingers froze as you read the screen.
Seven missed calls from Joel
Two voicemails from Joel
With shaky fingers, you pressed play on the first voicemail.
“Hey baby, it’s me. I just wanna make sure you’re okay. I’m hopin’ you’re just asleep, but if you’re up, please call me.”
Then you played the next.
“Baby, it’s me again. I miss you, and I’m worried ‘bout you. Please don’t shut me out, okay? I just wanna hear your voice and hear ‘bout your day. If you don’t wanna talk, that's okay. I understand. Just please lemme know you’re alright. I’ll drive my ass out to you if I need to just to make sure you’re okay. Call me when you get this. G’night, baby.”
You dug your knuckles into your eyes to try and force the tears back. Last night, you had the worst of the nightmares: the memory of something you tried to forget. You hadn’t touched that memory in so long. It was just the brutal realization you were truly at fault for everything with Bennett. No matter how badly you wanted to blame him, it was always your fault. 
Glancing back at your phone, you rechecked the time: 7:35. Fuck, you were running late, and you really didn’t want to call Joel back right now. At least not right now. You’d muster the energy and strength to do it later, but you needed to gather yourself and get ready for work right now. Tossing off the sweat-slick sheets, you rushed into the bathroom and quickly showered. You couldn’t bother to put makeup on, so you opted to go without it and found a simple dress to wear. It was still in the high eighties in Austin, and a dress was the easiest option for the day. 
Scrambling for your purse and keys, you ran to the garage to start your car and head to the school. 
It wasn’t until you pulled into your parking spot that you realized you left your phone on the nightstand. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Maria questioned, sipping her lukewarm coffee. 
She had nagged you into spending your free period in her classroom, demanding that you tell her everything that you had been withholding. You sat on the edge of her desk, your dress flowing over your knees as you stared out her class windows. 
“Nothing, Maria,” you lied. 
She said your name sternly, forcing your eyes to snap to hers. Her usual chipper demeanor was replaced with that ‘mother’ look, her lips pursed and eyes narrowed. 
“Something is going on,” she pressed. “Could have something to do with Mr. Miller?”
“Maybe,” you mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. 
“You did it, huh?” She raised a brow. 
You exhaled heavily, nodding your head—no point in lying now. 
“We talked on the phone the entire break, and when I got home, he insisted on taking me on a date. Then one thing led to another… and yeah, we had sex.”
Maria squealed, clapping her hands and grinning wide. You stared at her blankly, unamused by her reaction to your words. 
“This isn’t a good thing, Maria,” you said pointedly. 
“Why wouldn’t it be? You’re finally putting yourself out there! Oh my god, was it good?” 
“It was,” you sighed. “It was good—really good. He’s so sweet and caring.”
“I feel like there’s a ‘but’ in there somewhere,” she interjected. 
“But I can’t let it go any further,” you finished. 
Maria leaned forward and placed her hand on your knee. 
“Does he make you happy?” She asked softly. 
“So fucking happy, Maria. I hate it.”
“You deserve to be happy, sweetie. That’s all I’ve been saying for years, and now you have it! Don’t force it to fail before it even begins. I saw the way he looked at you at the father-daughter dance. You can’t fake that.”
“I know. I know. I just—ugh,” you slid off the desk with a groan. “He’s too good for me. I’m still trying to get over Bennett and everything that happened. He doesn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of all my misery. That’s not fair to him.” 
You were pacing around the room, your eyes darting between the science posters hanging along the walls of Maria’s classroom. You heard her desk chair scrape against the floor as she approached you. She gripped you by the shoulders and leveled you with a heavy stare, but her eyes remained soft. 
“He’s still around, right? I don’t think he’s going anywhere, sweetie. If anything, I think he’s in it for the long haul.”
You didn’t know how to respond, so you leaned into her, letting her wrap you up in a motherly embrace. She rubbed circles against your back, hushing you as you wept quietly. 
The rest of the day passed by in a numbing blur. You packed your things quietly and headed to your car, ready to drown yourself in a glass of wine. 
Joel’s truck was parked in front of your house as you turned the corner onto your street. His tall figure was leaning against the driver’s door; his eyes focused on your car as you pulled into the driveway. You inhaled sharply before putting your car in park, mentally preparing yourself for whatever anger he might unleash. 
You barely shut the car door before Joel had his arms around you, tugging you into a warm embrace. You couldn’t make sense of it; why wasn’t he mad? He should be angry at you. 
“Joel?” you whispered, your fingers twisting into his shirt. He smelt of cedarwood and smoke, the lingering scent of the workday still on his clothes. 
“I was so fuckin’ worried ‘bout you,” he muttered into your hair. “Been tryin’ to get ahold of you all day.”
“I left my phone at home this morning,” you explained. “I listened to your voicemails from last night. I’m sorry I didn’t call back. I was just running late this morning.”
“Why didn’t you pick up last night?’ He asked, pulling away. 
“I needed some space. I’m just trying to figure this all out. I want you—I want this. I just don’t know how to be fully vulnerable. I know that’s silly to say since I’ve cried every time I’ve seen you.” You laughed at the thought of it.
“You coulda just told me that, baby. I would’ve understood,” Joel sighed. 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
“Of course not,” he smiled softly. “Had me worryin’ like crazy, but I ain’t mad. I know this is all new, and you’re scared. Just don’t shut me out, ‘kay? I wanna talk to you and understand what’s goin’ on with you. I told you I wanna work on it with you.”
“I’m s—.”
Joel was pressing his lips against yours before you could say those two words. The kiss was all-consuming and tender, strong enough to erase every thought in your mind. Your mouths moved in unison, tongues intertwined and exploring. It was dizzying to be kissed this fervently; the first kiss couldn’t hold a torch to this moment. You tangled your fingers into the curls at the base of his neck, slanting your lips to open yourself even more to him. Joel’s hands twisted into the fabric of your dress that hugged your hips and pulled you tighter against his body. You whimpered at the feeling of his cock straining in his jeans, and he hauled you upwards until you were wrapping your legs around his waist. 
Spinning you around, he pinned you to the metal of your car door, breaking away from your mouth to kiss down your neck. Was it possible to be branded by a dozen kisses? He left a trail of sweltering kisses over every exposed part of your upper body, and all you could do was pant and moan helplessly. To hell with the neighborhood and their lingering eyes; the world around you could collapse, and you’d still be clinging to his body. 
“I told you I didn’t wanna hear those apologies,” Joel muttered against the hollow of your neck. 
“What are you gonna do about it, Joel?” You moaned, his teeth grazing your collarbone. 
“All I want right now is to hear you screamin’ my name, so you better invite me inside before I fuck you right here.”
“Jesus Christ,” you whispered.
“Wrong name, baby.”
With one strong arm braced around your back and a firm hand on your ass, Joel carried you out of the driveway and through the open garage. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses against the bare patches in his beard. Joel stumbled into the living room and sat you on the edge of the couch. You clung to him, refusing to lay back, too afraid to disconnect from his body. There was something so addicting, so right about being in his arms—almost familiar. 
“Y’look so beautiful in this dress, baby,” Joel breathed. “Turn around.”
You unattached yourself from him, spinning until your thighs pushed against the leather of the couch. Joel’s hands roamed over your calves, dragging your dress up until it piled against your lower back. You gasped as his fingers tore apart your underwear, the scraps falling down your legs and piling at your feet. It was embarrassing how wet you were already, your slick coating your inner thighs. 
“Joel,” you whined as he swiped a finger through your wet folds.
“Use your words,” he hummed, slowly pushing in two fingers.
“I need you, Joel.” He curled his fingers against the spot that left you breathless, coaxing you to speak more. “Need it rough—please.” 
You needed to feel how bad he needed you; you needed to show him you wanted him, even if it meant doing it without saying it aloud.
“Y’want it rough, baby? I can do that. If it’s too much, you tell me, okay?”
“Okay,” you exhaled. 
Joel pulled his fingers from you, bringing them to your mouth and smearing your arousal over your parted lips. You hummed as you tasted yourself, pushing your ass back into him. You heard the clang of his belt and the soft sound of his jeans hitting the floor before he swiped his cock across your slick entrance.
“Don’t be gentle,” you moaned.
“Anythin’ you want, baby.”
That was all he said before splitting you open, the fullness of his cock inside you robbing you of all the breath in your lungs. Joel kept his hips flush with yours, his fingertips drifting down the fabric of your dress covering your spine. 
“Joel,” you whined. 
You shifted yourself onto the tips of your toes, nudging yourself back until the tip of his cock rubbed against the right spot inside you. You mewled at the sensation, wiggling your hips to find some sort of relief from the pleasure churning inside your stomach.
“Impatient, baby?” Joel teased.
He moved against you slowly, letting you adjust to his size. You had been in such a haze last time you hadn’t realized how big he actually was, but now you felt every glorious inch of him inside you. You let out another frustrated whimper, and Joel responded with an onslaught of forceful thrusts. Your body shoved further into the couch, your midsection rubbing against the edge every time Joel snapped his hips against yours. 
Joel’s hand snaked around your neck, drawing you back into his chest, the angle of his cock spearing deeper inside you. Your wails turned to sobs as you listened to Joel grunting harder behind you, his fingers squeezing rhythmically around your throat. 
“That’s it, baby,” Joel crooned. “That’s it. Doin’ so well for me.”
You gasped for air as the desire coiling within your core became agonizing and all-consuming. Your fingers wrapped around his hand holding you up, clawing at his skin as his thrusts became erratic and determined. You were teetering on the edge of euphoria, your body buzzing with pleasure. 
“Touch yourself, baby,” Joel whispered into your ear. 
You fought against your dress to find your clit, the instant connection of your fingers causing you to cry out. Joel’s mouth ravaged your neck, sucking marks into the skin as you drew tantalizing circles over the sensitive bud. It was right there— that explosive pleasure bubbling under the surface. 
“Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice strained under his grip. “Don’t—right there. Right there, Joel!”
Joel quickened the pace, your eyes blurring as your orgasm raced through your veins and set your nerves ablaze. Your sex clenched around his cock, forcing him to slow his thrusts as he groaned into your ear. 
“S’fuckin’ good, baby,” he punched out, releasing your neck.
“More,” you heaved. 
“Think y’can take it?” He asked, pinning you down onto the couch cushions.
“Just want you, Joel,” you said. Your words were muffled into the couch as you exhaled, “Want everything with you.” 
You didn’t know if Joel heard you, and you prayed he didn’t. Your brain was lost in some euphoric haze, dizzying you and your ability to control your emotions. Joel knew every part of your body, like the back of his hand. He knew exactly what you needed and what you wanted, and it was so confusing. 
But all your thoughts grew quiet as the lewd sounds of your arousal and his ragged breathing echoed around the house. Joel’s hand pressed into your hair as he pushed you further into the couch. Bent over this way, you were entirely at his mercy, putty in his hands, and helpless. 
“Swear y’were fuckin’ made for me, baby,” Joel grunted. “You’re mine, baby. Mine.”
“Yours,” you cried. “I’m—.”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as Joel seized up, choking out your name as he spilled into you. His body slumped over yours, the weight of his chest heavy against your back. The hammering of his heart matched yours as you both recovered in silence, the house growing quiet aside from your labored breathing. 
“Too rough?” Joel muttered into your hair. 
You shifted your face to the side, rewarded by his lips pressing into your cheek. 
“Perfect,” you sighed. “It was perfect.”
“You weren’t lyin’ when you said you weren’t a fan of vanilla, huh?” Joel chuckled, pulling out of you. 
You slumped further into the couch, laughing softly. 
“I was talking about cake, Joel. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Sure you were, baby. Stay right there, okay?”
You heard his footsteps disappear toward your bedroom, the distant sound of water turning on and off floating down the hallway. A second later, Joel was behind you again, the cool touch of a towel making you jerk away in shock. He gently rubbed the cloth over your inner thighs, taking extra caution of your sore entrance. You’d feel him everywhere tomorrow, and you didn’t hate that for some reason—you wanted the reminder of him. 
“C’mere,” Joel urged, helping you stand. 
He pulled you over to the couch, curling you into his arms and bracing you against his chest. Joel intertwined his fingers with yours, his breathing evening out as you shimmed further into his embrace. Maybe it was the sex, maybe it was just being around him, but all your doubts and worries seemed to fade away. It was just this moment; you and him with limbs entangled together. 
“Tell me somethin’ no one knows about you,” Joel whispered. 
“Only if you tell me something in return.”
“Of course, baby.”
You paused, considering all the possibilities of what you could share. You had forgotten pieces of yourself over the years, the layers of heartbreak and trauma suffocating the person you once were. You still weren’t sure if that girl you had once been was still inside you. 
“I hate pancakes,” you said.
Joel laughed, his body shaking behind you as you buried your head into the couch. 
“Pancakes? Really?” He teased. 
“I just don’t like them!” You defended. 
“Y’gonna tell me why?”
“I don’t know,” you grumbled. “They’re just too sweet.”
“So y’don’t like sugar in your coffee, and y’think pancakes are too sweet,” Joel mused. “What do you like?”
“Don’t tease me, Joel.”
His fingers prodded your sides, forcing you to shriek at the contact. You hated to be tickled and hated it even more when he kept you pinned to your chest with nowhere to go. You rolled toward him, squirming against his touch. Joel leaned in to kiss you softly, muffling your protests as you settled into his arms. 
“Your turn,” you sighed. 
“Hmm, well, I like pancakes.”
“Be serious, Joel,” you frowned. 
“Okay, okay. I love watchin’ cartoons.”
You giggled, watching that grin stretch across his face. 
“Been watchin’ them with Sarah since she was a kid,” he chuckled. “I still do sometimes, even if she ain’t home.” 
“That’s cute,” you smiled.
You brought your fingers to his face, scratching at the stubble covering his chin and jaw. Joel’s eyes shut as your touch drifted over the patchy spots, your fingertips drawing circles in the places his beard disconnected. 
“Tell me somethin’ else,” he said.
“I think you’re really handsome.”
It was a quick response—almost too fast—but you couldn’t swallow back the words. You glanced up at him, peeking through your lashes to see his brown eyes soften. 
“Handsome, huh?”
“Well, I can’t call you cute,” you scrunched your nose. “It doesn’t fit you. I like handsome more.”
“I like it,” he smiled. “Call me handsome all y’want.”
You dragged him to your mouth, saying everything you couldn’t form into words. Joel moved with you, his head tilting and mouth molding to yours. He made everything feel so simple; maybe that’s what scared you. It was too easy with him—falling into this idyllic routine. Joel mumbled your name, pulling himself reluctantly from your lips. You chased one more kiss and settled back into his chest. 
“Did you know it’s good luck when it rains on your wedding day?” You thought out loud.
Joel tensed up, his arms flexing around you. 
“Superstition says it means your marriage will last,” you continued. “I’ve always thought it was funny, you know? I used to believe in that before my wedding, but after that, I figured everyone had lied to me.”
“Baby,” Joel whispered. 
“No, it’s okay. There’s a point to this, I promise.”
“Tell me,” he urged softly.
“I think the rain was good luck. Maybe not in the way people think, but I don’t think Bennett and I were meant to get married. My sister hated me for going through with it. We didn’t really talk once Bennett and I got engaged. Everyone warned me about him; they told me he wasn’t who I should be with. I was so stubborn to make things work. He—he was there for me during a really awful time in my life. I thought I owed it to him to stay.
“But then here you are, and it makes me re-think everything. The rain? It’s still good luck, just in a different way. I wasn’t meant to be with him because maybe… maybe I was meant to be with you.”
Joel was painfully quiet, his eyebrows furrowing together as he closed his eyes. Oh, fuck. You had rambled out everything you were scared to say, and now it was biting you in the ass. This was why you were too afraid to acknowledge your feelings: the rejection. Joel didn’t see it the same way; he didn’t think of you in the same way, and you just made a complete idiot of yourself. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you muttered, trying to pry yourself out of his grip. You kept the tears at bay, trying not to let yourself succumb to the heartbreak shattering inside you. 
Joel’s hands wrangled you back to his chest, his eyes leveling with yours. You inhaled sharply as his fingers brushed away the rogue tears falling down your cheeks. 
“There ain’t a doubt in my mind y’were meant for me, baby. I’m thankin’ God every day for bringin’ you into my life,” Joel confessed. “I know this is all new, but I promise to keep provin’ myself because whatever this is between us, it’s real.”
“It’s real,” you echoed. 
“Don’t run away from me,” Joel pleaded. “Gimmie all the good and bad stuff. I swear I can handle it.”
“What if you get tired of me? What if I’m not enough?” You rambled. 
“I could never get tired of you, baby. If anythin’, I keep wantin’ more.”
You snuggled further into his embrace, inhaling his scent as you pressed your nose into his chest. Joel ran a hand through your hair, his fingers catching on a few knots left from earlier. 
“What’d you mean when you said he was there for you durin’ somethin’ awful?” Joel asked after a beat of silence. 
Flashes of the crash came back into your mind, or at least the ones you could recall. You squeezed your eyes shut as your nightmares began to see the light of day. It was a memory you never liked to revisit.
“Easy,” your mom whispered. “Easy, honey. Don’t move too much, okay? Take it slow.”
Your eyes fluttered open, the harsh lights above you burning into your retinas as you tried to adjust to the room fading into the forefront. You were tucked into a hospital bed, IVs and tubes sticking out of both arms. Your head was pounding, and everything hurt. That’s all you could focus on. Everything hurt so fucking bad.
“Bennett?” You croaked, searching the room. 
Your mom, dad, Beth, and Stella were all grouped around the foot of the bed, their eyes glassy with tears. Bennett was nowhere to be found. Beth’s fear-stricken eyes shifted from your mom to your dad before she bolted from the room.
“I’m going to go get the doctor,” your mom announced, turning and leaving the room.
Stella shifted uncomfortably and promptly followed, leaving your dad alone at the foot of your bed.
“How’re you feeling, peanut?” He asked, rounding to the side of your bed.
“Pain,” you cried softly.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he assured. “It’s all gonna be okay.”
“Baby?” Joel said cautiously. 
“S–sorry,” you mumbled. “I don’t know if I really want to talk about it.”
Joel’s brows scrunched together, his eyes staring at you with concern. You turned away from him, lifting yourself from the couch. Pacing the living room, you stared blankly at your bookshelf beside your entertainment center, still collecting dust after two years. You heard Joel shift against the couch behind you and glanced back to see him staring at you intensely. Anxiety was thrumming in your chest the longer you stood in front of him, too many thoughts reeling inside your mind. You never talked about the accident; you didn’t want to be reminded of what had been the catalyst in your relationship's failure. Because that’s what it was. You owed everything to Bennett for sticking by your side through it all, and in the end, you weren’t enough. Nothing you did was enough to salvage what had been your life with him before it all.
“Hey,” Joel exhaled. “C’mere.”
“I—I need a minute,” you cried.
You bolted from the living room and went down the hall, gasping for air when you reached the edge of your bed. The room was spinning as you dropped your head in your hands, the nausea surging up inside you the longer you stayed stuck in the memory. You needed out of it; you needed out. You needed—.
Joel rushed into the room, falling to his knees in front of you as he said your name over and over to coax you out of the trance. Nothing was working. Your head was throbbing in pain, and you couldn’t work around it. 
“Breathe with me, baby,” Joel whispered. “Breathe.”
You heaved in a lung full of air, only to choke on it and gag back the nausea crawling up your throat. Joel rubbed his hands over your thighs, the sensation of his touch jarring you enough to make you cringe. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” he crooned, a distant echo of your dad's words. “It’s okay.”
The shrilling sound of your phone ringing pulled you both from the moment, and you crawled over the bed to grab it. 
“Fuck,” you groaned. “I can’t—I can’t answer it.”
“Give it to me, I’ll do it,” Joel offered with an outstretched hand. 
You practically tossed it at him while you crumpled into the sheets with your hands clutching your head. 
“Hello?” He answered with a brief pause before he said, “This is Joel.”
“Fuck, okay. Gimmie a second,” he replied.
“Baby, she needs to talk to you,” Joel said.
You stifled your cries before taking your phone from his hand, already hearing Beth’s frantic voice on the other end of the receiver. 
“Beth, what is it?” You asked, your body shaking. 
“It’s dad, sis. You’ve got to come home, okay?”
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vqrtualheartss · 10 months
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ| (Yes that is my name)
I'm getting a lil' emotional cz like, my page is growing?? Again, I love y'all for it and like thank you so so much and I promise to get started on atmv3 as soon as I can
I've been seeing these all around so I'm giving them a try
Might turn these into stories
There's are what the title says, plus character pairings
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Online Dating AU |
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 On facetime with Miles you told him "I love you" for the first time thinking he wouldn't hear because he was playing CoD until you saw him try to physically wipe the smile of his face with it returning wider each time. He was stuttering trying to say it back after he realized you were looking directly at the screen smiling. (He was basically talking gibberish until he gave in and said it in Spanish). —Bonus, you didn't understand the Spanish so he tried saying it in English and was still stuttering so he used Spanglish—
(💜) "yo love you también- I mean tienes todo mi corazón- Yo estaba tratando de decir I love you"
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(💜) Had a 3 hour long call with you two doing hair but kept going offtrack arguing which hair products were better for 4c, eventually he admitted that he just wanted to hear you talk
(💜) Drew a big ass portrait of you in Brooklyn but decided against showing you over the phone promising himself that he has to show you in person one day. It took him days to perfect with him being The Prowler and all
(💜) Visiting unknowingly, Rio caught him singing Spanish love songs to you and teased him about it.
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Break up AU |
𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪 His friends practically begged you to speak to him because he's been out of it in studies, on the court etc. Turned into having that deep talk and you both sobbing, holding each other. Or making out who knows
(💜) "Why are you here ?" x "I didn't know where else to go"
(💜) There were multiple times where you caught each other staring, the tension wasn't anything rough or edgy though, more like unfinished business.
(💜) Both found each other getting wasted trying to forget about one another, when confronted about it y'all had that gaze set upon the other waiting to see who'd make the first move you want to. (Kinda like a Lil Tjay and Rubi Rose moment)
(💜) Made up an excuse that he came for his stuff just so he could see you. (He left them there btw)
(💜) Over the phone he had that honeyed laughter saying " Tesoro, you're not my ex if we're gonna come back to each other? Aún te amo y sé que tú también"
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ִ ࣪𖤐 (Y/N) x e42 Miles Tropes
(☁️) Laughs at kids falling x Covers mouth if they do it in broad daylight (vice versa could work too)
(☁️) "I'd never let my girl out like that" — "My wife can do whatever she wants I have a glock"
(☁️) Brat x "Yell at me again and I'll give you a real reason to scream"
(☁️) "I hate my hair today" x "I really don't care. You still look beautiful and I'm trying to not kiss you senseless right now"
(☁️) "Are you making a hickey on me??" x "How else are people supposed to know what's mine?"
(☁️)"I'm nothing special" x "You're special to me"
(☁️) "I don't think I'll be able to give you what you want right now", "It's a good thing we have forever"
(☁️) "I'm so fucked up all I want is you" "I love you too"
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I'm so sorry it's short, I needed something to keep my page alive, I have like 3 stories I want to write and have not started one. lol
©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
139 notes · View notes
mattsdae · 9 months
help wanted part 4
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read part 1, part 2, and part 3
tags: joe young x masc reader , leather/latex , frotting , making out , nipple play (?) , reader likes joe’s tits but can we really blame him , gambling ig , honestly not a lot happens , mostly fluff and plot shit
synopsis: joe looks good in his new costume, but reader feels like he’s being… watched.
word count: ~5.4k
a/n: sorry for the long wait! hopefully this is at least a little worth the 3 weeks with zero updates lol also i’m using readers forgetfulness to my advantage cuz idk any of the side characters names so i just wrote that reader doesn’t know anyones names.
joe was asleep by the time the lion king ended. turns out, crying your eyes out for the entire morning was tiring, so he took a little nap. the only issue was that he fell asleep on your shoulder. he was worried about you, so he got nice and close, cuddling up and falling asleep.
you had to sit through his nap, which sucked since the remote was out of reach and you couldn’t put another movie on. you sat still, listening to his little snores as he clung onto your arm. you let boredom (and comfort) take over, falling asleep with him on the couch.
you woke up a few hours later, curled up with a blanket over you. at first, you didn’t question it, rolling over and pulling the sheet up to your chin. it took a second, but you suddenly remembered joe. you popped up, looking over the living and dining room. you looked at the coffee table, finding a handwritten note.
you fell asleep, so i decided to go. i rewinded the tape for you! i had a lot of fun. we should do this more often!
joseph young
you didn’t realize, but you smiled as you read the note. he had nice handwriting, simple but neat cursive that was still easily legible. he put a proper signature at the bottom as if it were a legal document, which only made you smile more. it was endearing to say the least. you kept the note, putting it in your bedside table drawer.
as you tidied up the tapes, you started to make up excuses in your head for what happened. it wasn’t like it was a date or anything. all you did was watch movies, it wasn’t a big deal. even though it ended with his head on your shoulder, so what? you could excuse all of it. you decided to ignore the dry humping and the fact that you came to the thought of loving him.
later that day, you got a call from dave talking about another orgazmo film you were going to do lighting for. you agreed a little too quick before catching the date and time. now, it was that date and time. you were talking to one of the prop designers, leaned up against the wall outside as you smoked a cigarette.
“honestly, i don’t get it, but maxxx asked for it so here i am.” he took a drag from his own cigarette. like most people on set, you didn’t know his name. people come and go pretty often, so you learned to tune out any names. it’s gotten to the point now that you can’t remember who anyone is, even if they’ve stayed around for months. usually, it gets to the point where it’s too awkward to ask.
“so is it supposed to be sexy? the whole orgasm-inator thing or whatever it’s called?” he shrugged with a smile.
“maxxx is into some weird shit, dude. i wouldn’t put it past him.” you nodded, smiling as you remembered multiple examples of his weird fetishes.
“y/n! need you in here!” dave called out. you answered before putting your cigarette out and going inside.
“what do you need-“
you cut yourself off, staring at joe as he spoke to the costume designer. he was wearing a new outfit, one made of latex or possibly leather. either way, it was tight fitting and shiny, hugging every inch of him perfectly. his shoulders and arms were exposed, which weirdly turned you on more than anything. you’d seen his dick, yeah, but never his bare arms.
he was muscular, much stronger than his loose button ups and long sleeves showed. his chest hair poked over the material, bringing attention to his expose collarbones. you felt insane, getting worked up over something like arms and collarbones. like an early englishman calling women harlot’s for exposing their ankle.
“you good?” you blinked, brought back to reality as dave snapped his fingers in front of you. your face heated, quickly adjusting yourself for no particular reason. “i just need you to set another umbrella by the couch.”
you nod, quickly getting to work to avoid any more suspicious. just as you tightened the knob, locking the angle in place, joe walked up.
“hey!” he grinned. you smile subconsciously.
“hey..” you hummed. you blushed, realizing you deepened your voice like a middle schooler trying to impress his crush. he giggled.
“why does your voice sound like that?” his eyes twinkled, a large grin on his face as he asked. you almost smiled just looking at him, but you stopped yourself.
“uhh, i’m a little sick.” you committed, keeping your voice weirdly raspy and deep. you felt your face warm up as you heard someone nearby huff out a small laugh.
“oh, really? are you okay?” his eyes widened, concerned. you shook your head, turning away to mess with the already set up light.
“yeah, i’m fine.” you turned away, squatting down in attempt to end the conversation. he put his hand on your shoulder.
“are you sure? you need to get some rest if you don’t feel well.” you shook your head, avoiding looking at him in case you spaced out again.
“i’m fine, joe. i promise.” your voice faultered. finally, you looked up at him. he always had a pout, a small downturn of his lips that only got more exaggerated with strong emotions like worry. you kept eye contact, refusing to look anywhere else.
“okay..” he leaned back. you went back to your job of acting busy, only for him to stay put. “did you see my new costume? it’s a little weird, right?”
“yeah, i saw it.” of coarse you saw it, it was the first thing you witnessed when you opened the door and yeah, it was weird. that’s why you were so freaked out about being turned on by it. “it looks good.”
“really? it’s a little.. tight.” you didn’t look, but you heard his hand run over the costume, likely trying to point out where it was tight. you refused to look, knowing what would happen if you did.
“i think it looks fine, man.” you keep your gaze away. he says a small hmph before walking away. you kept doing your work, finishing whatever dave asked you to do. eventually, you had a break and went outside for another smoke.
you heard the backdoor open slowly and shut just the same. you knew who it was, you didn’t even have to look. you felt joe walk closer, stopping a few feet away. you glance, catching a look at his costume in broad daylight. it looked just as hot as it did inside.
“are you okay?” joe asked. you nod.
“yeah. why?”
“you just.. you’re acting weird. ever since we kissed, you’ve been avoiding me and you didn’t even look at me when i was talking to you earlier..” you kept your head down, unable to say what was so clearly on your mind. “are you mad at me?”
“no! of coarse not! i just.. i dunno. i’m just not my normal self right now, you know?” he nods. he crossed his arms, subconsciously covering himself. “i think the costume looks great. sorry for not saying it earlier.”
“you think so?” he lit up, now smiling.
“yeah. you look really nice. can i say something? and promise you won’t laugh.” he agreed. “i wasn’t looking at you ‘cause i was worried i’d get hard.” you heard shuffling above you, but you decided to ignore it.
“really?” he beamed, clearly excited by the fact that you found him sexy. you nod. “i didn’t know people were into this stuff.. so you like this?”
the truth was, it wasn’t the outfit that turned you on; it was his body. the way it hugged every little curve perfectly and showed off parts of his body you never thought to notice. it showed how strong and sturdy his body is, contrasting his sweet gaze. it was whiplash, switching between eye contact to checking his body, going from an innocent little mormon boy to a strong man.
“yeah, i guess i do.” that was an easier answer. he nods, looking away. you flick your cigarette, glancing over his body again. “can i touch you?”
“hm?” you didn’t even mean for the question to come out, but with it now floating in the air, you committed.
“can i touch you? i think you look really nice and i.. i want to feel it.” you chewed on your lip as you waited for an answer. you glanced up above you, noticing the suspicious open window directly above the two of you. he looked around before taking your hand and leading you inside. as you two walked through the door, everyone looked before quickly averting their gaze. you blushed, narrowing your eyes as the entire crew acted busy while joe dragged you up the stairs and into a makeshift dressing room, which was just a bedroom with only a futon and different clothes hung up.
“where do you want to touch?” he asked, shutting the door behind you and locking. you glanced down his body, struggling to choose. deciding against answering, you instead responded by kissing him, pulling him close by the back of his neck and leading him to the futon.
as joe sat, you straddled him, legs planting on either side and holding him still. his hands moved to your waist, holding you as well. while his thumb rubbed circles onto your hip, you explored. your palms, sweaty from anxiety, squeaked over the material. he hummed.
“you look so good, baby..” he huffed as you felt over his chest, brushing over his nipples. “just can’t get enough of you, can i?”
he nods in agreement, unaware of the subtext. a subtle confession. you circle your hips, slowly grinding against him as he did before. he whined, fingers digging into your sides. you pull back from the kiss, glancing over him. his face was pink, rosy cheeks matching his flushed chest. his forearms tensed as he moved your hips himself, frustrated by your recess.
“you’re just too much.” another quick confession that could be covered up. you tried to stay professional, avoiding any hint of your true feelings, but you weren’t sure joe would notice if you were being obvious.
one of your hands wandered to his face, holding his jaw and cheek before returning to the kiss. it felt just as intimate and experimental as the first time. joe gripped your hips, still pushing and pulling. your brushed his nipple again, making him whimper. you pull away, looking at him.
“can i touch you here? is it okay?” you gave a little pinch to make the message a little clearer. he whines, nodding. you closed the gap, hand moving away from his jaw and to the straps of his costume. you slowly undressed him, studying how every touch felt. his arm lifted, letting you take it off. his skin was smooth, gentle and soft in contrast with the muscles underneath.
you removed the other strap, moving it low enough to expose his chest. you nearly drooled at the sight. the shock made you realize how little you’ve seen of him. even though you’ve seen his most private area, you still didn’t get the privilege to see the rest of him. his shoulders tensed, shy under your gaze.
“you look so pretty,” you hum. he nods, reassured. considering you were ‘straight’ only a month ago, you were shocked by how infatuated you were. his chest flushed, rising and falling slowly as he looked over you at the same time. his hands moved under your shirt, exploring your skin. you buried your face in his neck, moaning into his flesh as he massaged. you kissed, licking over the muscle and causing him to squirm.
“off..” he mumbled, pulling at your shirt. you pull back and he lets go of the material. you chuckle, leading his hands back to the hem.
“if you want it off, you gotta take it off.” he makes eye contact, expression nervous and seeking approval. you nod. he lifts the shirt over your head and looks at your abdomen. he stares.
“you’re skinny.” you start to laugh, which makes him shy. “no, i didn’t- you’re shirt..”
“it’s fine, baby.” he’d never seen you with a shirt or pants that actually fit, usually 2 or 3 sizes too big. he was confused by it, you could tell by the fact that he offered to give you extra shirts he had that would fit better when you first met him. his hands found their way to your waist. he squeezed, making you squirm and giggle.
“you’re ticklish?” he grinned. you shook your head, straightening your expression and pushing his hands off.
“nah, man. i’m not-“ he grabbed at your sides again. you whined, trying to wiggle away as one of his arms wrapped around your hip and held you still. you pushed against his chest as he smiled up at you. he let go after a few seconds.
“you’re such a liar!” he giggled as you complained. you felt a twinge in your chest, guilt burning for just a moment before he kissed you again, cutting off your rambling. a small smile formed, melting into his touch as he started to unbutton your jeans. your hands hovered over his, waiting for him to go for your sides again, but he was far too focused on what was in your pants.
you reached for his chest again, making him whine as he touched your cock over your boxers. he was gentle, almost scared to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. you grind into his hand with a moan, confirmation to keep going. you stayed attached to his chest, circling his areola. he shivered, bringing a smile to your face.
“you sensitive there?” you teased. he nodded, head kept low as he moaned. he touched you the same way you did him, trying to mimick each move in the same order. his thumb rubbed just under the tip, you moaning in response. “come on, baby. touch me. please?”
he obeys, sliding your boxers low enough to expose you to him. he stared for a few seconds, watching as you twitched in his palm. you whined, pinching his nipple to make him move. he moaned, his cock now twitching from within his suit.
“why don’t you touch yourself, too?” you suggested. he glanced up as you took a hold of his hand, tracing over each indent on his palm. “you got big hands, i’m sure you can hold both at the same time.”
he nods, also pulling his pants just low enough to expose himself. you bit your lip at the sight, watching him pull your hips closer. he hooked his thumb onto his cock before taking a hold of yours, pressing them together. you moan as he moves his hand slowly. he nodded, taking your moan as verbal encouragement and quickly jerking both of you off.
your hips bucked, thrusting into his fist every so often as you fondled his chest. you buried your face in his neck, licking the skin before attaching your lips. he moaned, his free hand grabbing onto your bicep. you pinched again.
“there.. just like that.” you moan into his mouth, mumbling praises as he sped up, desperation taking over sensuality. you whined as he moved away from your lips, pressing his face into your shoulder. he moaned rythmically, just as you did. you lifted his chin, pushing his head back before dipping down.
he gasped when you licked over his nipple, teeth grazing over it as he grabbed onto your hair. he twitched, the jump made evident by your touching cocks. you moaned as well, the brief friction taking you by suprise. you suckled on his breast, just like you did to girls. he whined as you did so, unable to decide between watching and throwing his head back in pleasure.
“i’m.. i think i’m close-“ joe whined, gripping harder as he did the same to your cocks, desperately moving up and down. you moan at the admission.
“you think you can wait for me?” he nearly wailed, making you smile against his chest.
“kiss me. i’ll cum faster if you kiss me.” he quickly grabbed onto your hair, pulling you up and pressing his lips to yours. you melted, openly moaning into his mouth as you throbbed within his grip. he kept pulling, remembering how much you loved it before. he took advantage of it, yanking at your locks passionately.
before you knew it, you were cumming all over your own bare chest and his latex costume. he moaned as you did, rushing to catch up and cum at the same time. he succeeded, pulling your hair one last time as his hips stuttered against his own fist. it was overwhelming. his hand in your hair, fist squeezing your cocks together as it moved, his lips against yours. it was all too much.
you whined, softening in his grip as he slowly lets go. he whimpered, too. your cocks lazily pressed together, just barely overstimulating both of you. you finally pull away, ending the kiss. he looked up at you, pupils blown and eyes wide.
“what?” you ask, wondering why he looked at you that way. his expression didn’t change as his eyes flicked between each of your features.
“i know you’re a boy but..” he trails off. his hand reached up to your face, his thumb running over each of his favorite features. he parted your lips, noting their reddish hue after kissing, before caressing your cheeks while looking into your eyes. it was intimate, letting someone caress your face while pointing out their favorite features with each touch. you flushed under his gaze. “you’re pretty.”
“you think so?” you didn’t mean to ask the question, it slipping out before you could catch it. you voice was soft, barely above a whisper. he nods. you felt hot, heat suddenly overwhelming you as he looked away from your eyes and studied your features ahain. there’s a moment where both of you watch eachother, you being too scared to even think about what he meant. eventually, you pulled apart and cleaned up.
filming felt awkward now. for some reason, it felt like everyone was watching you. filming ended and while joe usually left soon after wrapping, he stayed behind, waiting for you to leave. at first, you didn’t understand why he’d stay, but he quickly made it clear as he made conversation.
“i’m hungry. do you want to get something after you’re done? my treat!” he smiled at you. you agree absentmindedly. “can we get mcdonalds? i heard the big mac’s good!”
“you heard?” you chuckle as he confirms. “so you’ve never been to mcdonalds?”
“no. my mom always cooked for us ‘cause that’s what a woman is supposed to do.” you grimace.
“you know, women can do other things, right?”
“yeah, but that’s what my mom and dad always said.” you decide to leave it there, too tired to explain feminism to him. you were frustrated anyway, considering you were left alone to clean up all by yourself. you assumed most of the actors left, but the film crew should be helping disassemble everything. you knew the lazy assholes maxxx hired as help usually fucked off and waited for you to finish, but at least dave would help. even he was nowhere to be seen.
joe stayed behind as you did a final sweep to make sure everything was reset. you found one of the doors shut and a distant rumble of voices behind it, a suspicious sight considering you assumed everyone was gone. you opened, slowly poking your head in and finding the entire crew, actors included, standing around yelling at eachother.
“no, dude! did you see the way they were looking at eachother? they’re totally fucking!” a voice called back, continuing a conversation you missed the first half of.
“man’s looks in love! they’re totally dating!” a girl spoke up.
“why not both? you’re acting like it’s one or the other!” you stepped in, shutting the door behind you as you entered.
“i swear! they were flirting outside and y/n was complimenting him!” you furrowed your brow, just barely recognizing your name in the sea of words.
“i just don’t see him as the type.. i mean he doesn’t even look gay. also, didn’t he fuck ava?”
“he probably likes both, dude. dave likes guys and girls, too.”
“he’ll fuck anything as long as it has a pulse. either way, joe’s the queer one of the two.” joe? why were they talking about him? you glared at the man who said it, who quickly realized you were listening in and stopped talking.
“what’s going on?” you asked slowly, watching as a few people held their hands behing their back. you stepped forward, looking at the producer, who turned with you to avoid showing his backside. “what are you holding?”
“uhhh…” you grabbed for his wrist, making a 100 dollar bill fall to the ground. you paused, staring at the cash as some people snuck out of the room. “why are you holding that?”
“y/n, it’s fine.” dave spoke up, directing your attention towards him. he was sat at a fold up table, a shoebox next to him along with a clipboard with multiple columns and rows. “it’s just a friendly little bet. gotta keep morale up, right?”
“what’s the bet?” at this point, the room was almost fully empty as everyone escaped. you and dave stared at eachother, him smiling innocently. he looked away for a second, fiddling with the corner of the paper.
“i just want to preface by saying, i didn’t tell anyone anything.” you furrowed your brow, only getting more confused. he slid over the clipboard. on the paper, you four columns, each labeled.
not gay | fucking | dating | both.
the worst part was, fucking was the most betted. you stared, mouth agape. “everyone saw you eyeing up joe the last couple of times you worked together, so when people started talking, i told them to put their money where their mouth is. most people thought you just had a fat crush on joe, but lily said she saw you guys flirting outside, which kinda skewed the vote.. everyone wanted to change their votes, but rules are rules. they know they can’t-“
“you’re fucking with me, right?” he paused before shaking his head. “how long has this been going on?!”
“yeah, well, people noticed how you changed your shirt in the middle of filming and how you stared at him. not to mention the fact that he’s waiting for you to finish putting everything away so you could go out. there’s actually a lot of proof. he keeps dragging you off into his dressing room, you spaced out when you first saw him in that costume..”
you stared in disbelief, unable to even find an excuse. everyone was watching. everyone knew you liked him and everyone assumed he liked you. you felt sick. the idea of the entire crew and a legion of pornstars betting on yours and joe’s queerness made you ill.
“obviously, i’m the bookie because it’d be cheating for me to vote since.. you know.” you cringed. “but it’s all for fun! i promise there isn’t any malicious intent.”
“you’re making a bet off of me and joe being gay, that sounds pretty malicious.” dave shrugged.
“it’s not out of ill-will. it’s just a fun bet-“
“about me and joe being gay?”
“yes!” you scoff, grabbing onto your hair and groaning.
“you have to call it off, dude. if joe finds out-“
“he’s not gonna find out-“
“if joe finds out,” you emphasize. “he’s gonna freak out.”
“how do you know? he seems pretty into you. he probably thinks you guys are already dating.” you rolled your eyes at the assumption.
“joe just got ex-communicated. if he finds out that what we’re doing is gay..” dave laughed, a large grin spreading as he held onto his chest.
“what? he really believes that bullshit you spew about just being friends?!” you glared, ready to argue back before he interrupted. “i know you think you know joe well, but be honest with yourself. you barely know the dude outside of sex, how would you know how he feels about being gay. did he ever mention the idea of being gay as a bad thing?”
you stayed quiet, realizing that no, he hadn’t said being gay is a bad thing. even when he questioned it, he never said it was wrong. he called it a sin once, but he easily could have meant masturbation. you looked away.
“maybe try talking to him. you know, not about how hot he looks in latex.” you flushed. “ava said you two were gonna go out to get something to eat, so you got the perfect opportunity. bring him to mcdonalds, get him some shitty nuggets and a big mac, large fry too, and ask him about himself. spend some time together. actually do something that doesn’t involve sex.”
you glared, genuinely angry at dave for assuming what you knew about joe. you hands trembled a bit before you huffed and walked off. you stormed down the stairs and found joe, sat cross-legged on the ground, poking around at some of the cameras. he jumped back when he saw you, quickly putting it back into place.
“oh, hey! did you see everyone? i thought they all left and they came down the steps, but they were acting all weird. did you talk to th-“
“let’s go.” you grabbed his hand, practically dragging him towards your car. “what do you want from mcdonalds? you said a big mac, right?”
“oh, uhhh.. i heard the nuggets are good-“
“whatever you want. you can get nuggets, a burger, a fuckin’ mcrib, i don’t care. it’s on me.” joe nods, following quickly as you opened the car door for him. he thanks you and you quickly get in on the other side, rushing to the nearest mcdonalds.
there was a few minutes of silence, you too angry to start speaking and him feeling the rage radiating off of you. you tried to think of an ice breaker. it was awkward, realizing that dave was right. you didn’t know anything about joe. you knew what he looked like and where he liked to be touched, but nothing personal. you cleared your throat.
“so.. tell me about yourself.”
he did. he talked about his childhood, being a middle child with 5 siblings. he talked about his mom, how she loved cooking and he always wanted to help, but she’d shoo him off and say it was a womans job. he talked about being mormon, what growing up was like within the mormon faith, he even mentioned a girl he was supposed to marry before they broke up. he also talked about what he liked and what he wanted to do. turns out, he always thought video games were cool, which started a conversation about your playstation and the games you had.
you got several things from mcdonalds, creating a buffet for the two of you when you got back to your place. you showed him the games you talked about and taught him how to play tony hawk’s pro skater 2. he loved it and you did too. both of you fell asleep on the couch, him laying on your chest while you played, mumbling to him about techniques, even though he was clearly unconscious. the next day, you hung out some more. you made breakfast together, went out to the mall together, got lunch together. it was amazing and by the end of the day, joe stood awkwardly outside your car door, fingers twiddling.
“so.. i’ll see you again, right?” you nod. he looks down. you took what dave said to heart, refusing to have sex with him during your time spent. you were sure that’s what he was thinking about. he had fun, but the one thing you two were comfortable doing was excluded.
“if you want to come by, just let me know. i had fun.” joe nods. there’s a moment of silence, only the crickets chirping making noise. he circles your car, going to the driver side. you roll down the window. “what are you-“
he kissed you. a quick peck like a couple would do before parting. he pulled away, taking in your features for a split second before rushing to his car and leaving. you flushed. maybe he did like you.
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sunshinebuckybarnes · 2 years
Fell in love with how u wrote Ransom in the last time! He us such a dick and yet he's so magnetic !
I wanted to ask u ... so... do they ever try like really try or is that the end for them?
Don't answer if u don't want!
Sending love 💘
The last time part ii
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Authors note: This is so so sweet 🥺 thank you so much! And I'm so sorry for how long I've been sitting on this 😂 I just wanted to make sure I gave them a good ending and I'm still not entirely convinced but I hope I've done them justice ❤️
Read part one here
It had been two months. Two months since you'd used Ransom like he had used you. Two months since you walked out on him.
Yet, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
A small, maybe big, part of you had hoped that Ransom would have shown up at your door with some grand romantic gesture, apologies slipping from between his pretty lips as he begged you for forgiveness.
But, as you were well aware, that wasn't Ransom's style. You'd half expected a bullshit "you up" text at two am but that never came either. It had been radio silence since you'd walked away.
And even though it had been your decision, you'll never forget the look on his face when he said you could stay and you left instead.
Your friends kept telling you that you were better off without him. That Ransom never cared for you the way you deserve to be cared for. Deep down you knew they were right. But they never saw the Ransom you saw. They didn't know the Ransom that showed up with your favourite wine and chocolate when he knew you'd had a bad day. Or the Ransom that sent you silly selfies when you were at work because he knew they made you laugh.
No one saw Ransom the way you did and that was the problem. You saw snippets of what a relationship, a real relationship, could look like with him, which is why it hurt knowing that you would never have the real thing. That you weren't good enough for the real thing.
So, you decided to put an end to the pity party for one. You threw yourself into your work, your hobbies and hanging out with your friends.
The past few days had seen you wrapping up the last minute details for an upcoming work event that you'd barely had time to think of anything but work which gave you a nice little break from pining over trust fund pricks.
You smoothed down the front of the navy velvet dress as you took in your appearance in the mirror. The high slit made your legs look endless and the material hugged your curves like a glove. This was the first time in months you finally felt like yourself again and it brought a smile to your lips. You looked good.
Your phone pinged to alert you that your taxi had arrived and you grabbed your necklace off your dresser, putting it on as you rushed from your apartment.
The charity gala was in full swing and you finally let out a sigh of relief as you looked at all your hard work coming together. Yet, you couldn't stop thinking about the last time you were here. The way Ransom had brought another woman for the sole purpose of riling you up. The way he had taken you apart piece by piece in a storage closet.
Feeling the familiar heat rising in you, you excuse yourself from your colleagues and head out to the balcony for some fresh air.
Looking out into the city lights, a smile pulls at your lips as thoughts of old flames vacated your mind. You looked incredible, you'd pulled off a great event and even your boss had showered you with compliments on a job well done. You weren't going to let thoughts of rich arseholes ruin all the hard work you'd put into the night.
But unfortunately the universe had different plans.
"It's good to see you again, princess."
Your body froze at his voice. A voice you'd longed to hear for the past two months.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before turning round to face him. The sight of him almost knocks the wind out of you. His hair is perfectly slicked back, his suit tailored to fit every taut piece of muscle in his body. The same suit he'd worn when he'd fucked you in the damn storage closet.
"Ransom," you nod. Not sure what else to say as a wave of emotions overcome you.
He steps towards you and it's only then that you notice the two champagne flutes in his large hands.
"A peace offering," he smirks, holding the glass out for you.
You scoff but take the drink anyway, thankful for something to occupy your hands.
"It's going to take more than a glass of champagne to butter me up."
Ransom laughs, coming up beside you to lean against the stone wall, "how about four? That was the magic number last time."
"Things are different now," you mutter, taking a long sip.
Silence settles around the two of you, the tension growing thick as time goes on.
It feels like an eternity before Ransom breaks the silence, both your drinks now empty.
"I never thought you'd leave."
"Well, I was sick of giving you chances."
"I wanted you to stay," he whispers. It's quiet enough you could have missed it but the words shoot straight through you and you can't help the anger that courses through you as you round on him.
"You wanted me to stay? Are you kidding me? I spent almost a year waiting for you to want me to stay and you know what that got me? Nothing but hurt. A year of you throwing me in the dirt time after time. A year of you ignoring my feelings because as long as you got what you wanted nothing else mattered," you seethed, not even giving him a moment to interject as you continued to ramble, pacing up and down in front of him, "and I tried Ransom, fuck, I tried but it was never good enough for you and I deserve more. I deserve someone who knows what they have when they have me. Not someone who waits two months, turns up at the place I work out of the blue and says that-"
"you're right, I'm sorry."
His voice has the words catching in your throat as you turn to look at him with wide eyes.
"Excuse me?"
He sighs, shaking his head slightly before peering at you, "please don't make me say it again, princess."
"Oh, you're going to say it again and you're going to look me in the eye when you do," you state, crossing your arms across your chest.
The smirk on his face isn't what you expect and once again you feel your emotions bubbling under the surface.
Ransom takes one step towards you, almost brushing against your crossed arms as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I said," he begins, titling your chin up with two fingers so you're looking straight into his piercing eyes, "that you're right. I'm an asshole and I didn't appreciate what I had when I had it. And I'm sorry."
You don't believe him. You don't want to believe him. But you can't deny the way your heart begins to beat faster, not only at his words but of how close he is, the woodsy scent of him, the way he's looking at you with such fondness that you remember seeing glimpses of.
"I don't believe you," you whisper, "this is just another one of your games and I'm tired, Ransom."
"oh princess," he says, stepping closer to you as he cups both your cheeks in his hands, "it's not a game I promise. I can't get you off my mind no matter how hard I try."
His thumb brushes your bottom lip lightly and you can't help but close your eyes on a sigh. Your mind is screaming at you to run, to slap his stupid pretty face and never look back. But the moment you feel his lips tenderly touch your own you push every sane thought down as you succumb to him again.
He tastes like you remember; completely intoxicating. Against your better judgement you push your body closer to his, your hands coming up to tangle in his neatly styled hair.
Ransom groans against your lips as he feels you giving in to him and the sound has you coming crashing back down to the present.
"Stop," you grunt, pushing out of his arms, "you can't just show up after two months and kiss me like nothing happened!"
"come on, princess," he steps towards you, "I've missed you, okay? And I know you've missed me too."
You laugh, taking a step back before he can touch you, "you miss getting your dick wet. Have you really made your way through all the girls in town, you're having to loop back round?"
"I deserve that," he sighs, not making a move to come any closer, "but I mean it, princess, I miss you. Turns out that whole 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' bullshit is true."
You want to be mad. You want to be mad so fucking bad. But the truth is, you have missed him. And it's not every day you get an apology from Ransom Drysdale.
"What can I do to get you to change your mind?" He pleads, taking another quick step and pulling your hands into his own.
You look at him, from his soft pleading eyes to his pretty lips that are almost pouting. If you weren't so conflicted you'd smile at the way he's looking at you. Your mind is running a mile a minute trying to make a decision.
Could you really take getting hurt again? Propably not.
Did you actually believe he had changed? Possibly, you never in your wildest dreams expected for him to ask for you back, let alone apologise!
Was he worth the risk?
You sigh when he squeezes your hands slightly, "if I give you another chance, we do it properly."
You don't have a chance to appreciate the smile on his lips before he's crashing them to yours in a fierce kiss.
Pulling back breathless you stifle a laugh, "I said if."
"I can work with if, princess," he grins, peppering kisses across your jaw, "any chance you want a repeat in the closet? I've got a lot of making up to do" he smirks, yelping when you smack him in the arm.
"In your dreams, Drysdale. Take me on a real date and we'll see where it gets you."
He grins, framing your face in his hands again, "I'll have you in the bathroom of the restaurant by the end of it."
He ignores your groans and giggles as he peppers kisses across your face. You never were any good at saying no to Ransom Drysdale.
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I've been so nervous about coming back to these and I've been back and forth on how I wanted it to go but at the end of the day the soft bitch in me won 😂 thank you for reading, as always comments and reblogs are super appreciated ✨❤️
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castlecult · 2 years
saw you wanted frank castle requests!! how about him after he did something dickish (like get overly protective and preachy abt readers safety) and now readers not exactly giving him the silent treatment but isn't as affectionate. thank you!!
an : hello anon !! thank you for sending in a request and sorry it took me a few days to reply <3 i’m not very proud of the initial part, i think it’s a weak reason and it’s poorly written but anyway *looks away* … i chose to write for gender neutral reader bc you didn’t specified a gender, i hope it’s okay and that you’ll enjoy it !!
warnings : use of pet names ( baby & darling ), sad frankie, sad but fluff in the end !!! not proofread
gif here
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“why would you treat me like that?!” you stormed into your apartment, followed by frank. “why would– are you being serious now?” frank raised his voice once the door was closed.
“yeah, i am! you acted like a piece of shit, all of that in front of matt. just because i’m slower than you, that doesn’t mean that i don’t know what to do or how to defend myself, okay?” you said while pulling off you jacket, trying to keep your tone low given that it was almost five in the morning.
frank didn’t agree. “bullshit! you almost got hit by a sniper, you completely lost your target and were about to die if it wasn’t for red!” he kept screaming at you. you knew it was just his fear and worry taking control but you couldn’t really excuse him now, you two have been working together for so long it disappointed you that his trust in your abilities was that low.
“oh thank god daredevil exists!” you turned to look at him. “i’m tired of arguing frank, just say that you don’t trust me and go,” you said before walking towards your bedroom.
“hey! do not walk away now, huh?” he followed you and you rolled your eyes, sighing. “i wanna sleep, okay? i don’t care about whatever excuse you have for your behaviour. i hope the couch is comfortable enough for you,” you pushed a pillow and a blanket to his chest, then waited for him to exit the room.
frank stared at you for a moment, a bit taken aback by your behaviour. he mumbled something under his breath and then walked into the living room, leaving you alone.
“hi baby,” franks voice filled the kitchen. you were eating, sitting by yourself. “hi,” you simply said, keeping your gaze focused on the newspaper.
frank sat by your side and kissed your cheek. you said nothing and kept reading the news, ignoring his presence. “i’m sorry about the yelling, it was really late,” he said after a while.
“yeah,” you got up and started washing the dishes, sighing. frank just watched you, a bit confused. he cleared his throat and got up, scratching his neck. “so um… i got a thing, to do…” he started, hoping you would turn around. “with curtis.”
“have fun, i guess,” you simply shrugged, without looking at him. “it won’t take long,” he added soon, getting closer, “okay, frank.”
he didn’t say anything, just kissed your cheek once again and got ready to leave the apartment. once you heard the door closing you released a long breath you were holding.
“asshole,” you muttered. you hoped he would enter and apologise for his behaviour, but instead all you got was an apology for the last night’s yelling, which you didn’t really care about because it was a consequence of what happened.
you spent the day doing stuff around the apartment, you also went out shopping.
you were almost falling asleep in front of the tv when the door opened and closed, you heard his heavy steps and quickly sat up, almost forgetting the way you decided to treat him.
“darling, i’m back!” his voice filled the apartment. you yawned, tiredly. you turned off the tv and freed the couch for him. “hey,” he finally showed up and noticed you were approaching your bedroom. “welcome back, frank,” you simply said before closing the door behind yourself.
frank silently stared at the closed door, confused once again by your behaviour. he finally understood that you were angry about something and he was the main reason you were acting like that.
what he would never think about, not even for a second, was that the reason you were upset was the way he treated you the other night, in front of matt.
you laid down, groaning. you weren’t expecting him to come into your room, so when he opened the door and entered you slightly jumped up.
“what now?” you asked, annoyed. “okay, enough,” he said and came sitting on the bed. you faked confusion, watching him. “don’t act a fool, i know what you’re doing,” he added.
“oh, i see,” you nodded and laid down again, turning your back to him. “stop treating me like that, y/n,” he sighed and gently grabbed your hand. you freed yourself and kept silence, staring at the wall.
“i’m tired,” you said, noticing frank was still sitting there, without moving or saying anything. “i know, but i can’t wait to talk tomorrow,” he said, his tone serious. “no, i’m tired about you not trusting me,” you corrected.
frank felt his chest tightening, scared he was about to lose you. “w-what?” he chuckled nervously, as if the words you just said were foreign to him. “you heard me,” you replied.
you sat, angrier than before. “you think you’re the best out there. well, i guess you are… but that’s not the point,” you shook your head. “you always complain about matt, and i understand that because you guys have different opinions, but me?” you met his eyes, taking note of a glimpse of fear. “you always complain about what i do, you say that it’s all because you want me safe, that i risk my life every time i try to help you guys, but you try to protect me in the worst way possible.”
you took a deep breath, noticing frank wasn’t gonna say something. “i know that you care about me, you care so much about the people that you love and maybe you don’t even realise that… but frank, you gotta stop acting like a dipshit, getting angry because people don’t do exactly like you said,” you moved a bit closer to him, sighing. “there are good intentions behind your actions, i know that for sure, but it hurts… the way you look at me, the way you speak in those moments…” you noticed him looking away for a moment, clenching his jaw.
“i’m sorry,” he muttered, closing his eyes for a second. he reopened them and met your eyes, gently grabbing your hands. you let him, waiting patiently for his next words. “baby, i- shit, i’m scared of losing you, like… i hate when you come along with me and red, but not because you’re not good, but because i’m scared that the second you’re out of sight you won’t come back to me.”
you felt him squeezing your hands, nervously. “frank, baby, i know that this scares you, but maybe we can find a way to work together… i mean, being a better team okay?” you tried to show him a smile, letting him know that you weren’t that upset with him. “you always act like you have to protect me, like you have to save me… but i’m here to help, not to make you more stressed,” you caressed his cheeks, comforting him. “i wanna help, but you gotta let me do it,” you spoke softly.
“i know, baby… i can’t help it, it’s just…” frank sighed, struggling to find the right words. “it’s okay, i know what you mean,” you said before hugging him, holding him close to your body. “i’ll stop treating you bad, but i make no promises about the protect you part, you got that?” he said and you chuckled. “i figured you would say that, but that was the point,” you kissed his cheek and then his nose, making him smile.
“i’m sorry for my behaviour,” you looked at him, feeling guilty. “don’t. i probably deserved that, i’m a piece of shit,” he caressed your cheek and stared at your lips for a moment. “i still don’t know what is holding you back from walking out that door and never come back,” he said that chuckling, but you knew that deep down frank feared that day with every cells inside his body. “you give the best bear hugs and no one can resist to those,” you kissed his lips and smiled.
extra an : feedback and reblogs are super appreciated !! if you wanna send me your thoughts about frank hit my inbox <3 have a good day
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sugar-omi · 11 months
I would say how fast the forgiveness went is my biggest critique with Baxter's DLC, but considering it is already the longest and the time crunch, I can also kind of see why it is that way. How would you have lengthened the angst before the forgiveness finally came?
yeah same!! i totally get why its the way it is and i dont think its bad at all, but i do think there's more avoidance and then sudden hashing out n forgiveness. also i think the difference is MC has 5 years to get over baxter, while we have 5 minutes more or less to make the decision so i think thats what makes forgiveness, sudden.
but to answer your question!!!
honestly i think i'd just make it longer n add some more options for those who hold grudges like me lol or just wanna snap on baxter bc i feel like mc never had a chance to really tell baxter how much it hurt. and for the most part baxter kept brushing it off whenever MC tried having a conversation.
although it does make sense cause of the wedding, and thus i'd have it play out more near the end/after the wedding bc i think that took a lot away from the problem, although it did help bring mc + baxter together which i think is a cute trope n i enjoyed it BUT ANYWAY
i think i would totally revamp the scene where mc confronts baxter and in the end it comes to nothing and he's like "im sorry, i can't give you what you want." or "its me, not you" basically
instead i would have a scene, probably before the wedding/baking the cake where MC snaps at baxter.
yelling at him, or at least ranting about how hurt they were. and maybe it ends in tears on your end
or talking about how they felt, and they start crying and ranting about how they felt, how they felt abandoned, etc.
overall i think it definitely ends with baxter hugging you (if you want it) or at least him holding your hands and he's on his knees in front of you, telling you how sorry he is and reassuring you that he wouldn't do it again
because thats one thing i think is iffy about the dlc, realistically you'd be afraid of baxter leaving again but instead its more you reassuring him that you won't leave him and that you want him. but i really wanted that reassurance instead, especially after a conversation on how he left
i would definitely have a option where MC ignores or acts more coldly with baxter, like a silent anger, and would try to not to be around baxter.
and baxter wouldn't talk too much about their moments together- at least if MC is around, but when he did the MC would get upset about it and maybe even walk off or just roll their eyes and go "that was in the past. forget about it"
just MC would be very distant and baxter would chase the MC instead, beg them to talk to him
and maybe baxter catches MC after a session with jude & scott, and he runs up to them, catching them by the wrist/hand
and MC: snatches their hand away, tenses up but doesnt pull away, doesnt pull away from shock/they dont really want to pull away...
and baxter starts going on about why he did it, he doesn't excuse it, he's just trying to explain but hes in front of you as if he didn't tear you apart half a decade ago and you snap at him.
you yell/raise your voice about how he left, how he shut you down when you asked to keep contacting, and now he's here and wants to act like it never happened but you cant do that.
you snap, ranting but keeping your voice even as you tell him how he left and how you had to pick yourself back up. about how he left so cruelly and now he wants to act like it's okay but its not.
you cry, telling him how you can't act like things are okay because you spent a long time trying to get over him. and maybe it worked, maybe it didn't, but either way it hurts.
at the end, you tell him you still love him but you can't go through this twice, that you can't trust him to not hurt you like that. that you love him but you need more than what he's doing.
and he apologizes, asks for a chance to make it up to you. to help you trust him again to which you agree.
basically i just would have a deeper confrontation and less avoidance, less wedding, and a more irritable/distant MC
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lunarsun12 · 4 months
Heesung True Colours - Part 1
Previous Part / Next Part
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It has been a week, since Niki made the declaration, that Jungwon is no longer his parent. He is absolutely enjoying the freedom, from his ‘new’ family.
However another crisis has started, this time Sunghoon declaring he will disown Jay. As he didn’t give enough love from a certain someone. This leads to huge chaos among the group chat, mainly Jay begging Sunghoon to stay. As well Jungwon trying to talk to Niki.
However Sunoo find Sunghoon sudden outburst suspicious?
2 hours before…
Sunghoon was getting frustrated with his family. As heard a rumour that Jay only pretended to love him but in secret he loves Sunoo more than him. Which lead to a distressed Sunghoon sitting outside the company building. Until Heesung walked out and saw Sunghoon looking upset and walked over to ask what’s happened.
Heesung: Hey buddy! Why the long face?
Sunghoon: I hate my family! Appa always shows favouritism to Sunoo! He never cares about me
After the words left Sunghoon mouth, Heesung ears immediately perks up. He knows this is a good opportunity to finally get his back on Jay. By using his child as the weapon.
Heesung gave Sunghoon a pat on the back.
Heesung: I’m sorry, that your Appa doesn’t treat you right! If you were my son, you will be treated like royalty
Heesung: But as the uncle, I have to do the right thing. I need to tell you, that you Appa wasn’t planning to share the company with you but Sunoo only. I heard him talking to me and your Uncle Jungwon about it.
Sunghoon after hearing the news froze, he felt like his life was a lie. He didn’t know what to do or say. Heesung saw Sunghoon reaction, he immediately knew he took the bait.
Heesung: How about we teach you Appa a lesson? Say it publicly you disown him. It will make him ever regret making you sad. Then come live with me. You will have so much fun with Jake and Niki!!
Sunghoon: R-really? Okay I trust you! I will teach Appa a lesson
Sunghoon: Now if you excuse me, I will pack my things
After Sunghoon left, Heesung gave a smile. Saying your time has come the both of you, I am the top dog here.
Enhypen Family Chat
Today 18:00
Jay💸: What?
Sunghoon❄️: You gonna give the business to Sunoo? And you love Sunoo more then me
Jay💸: Who did you hear it from?
Sunghoon❄️: You don’t need to know! That person has brought a new light towards me! That you are a liar!
Jake🐶: Sunghoon? Looks like Uncle Jay screwed up again
Niki🕺: Hyung, Uncle Jay always screws up as he is a big p a b o
Jay💸: P-pabo?
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Niki! Don’t call your uncle Jay a pabo!!
Niki🕺: Ahjussi, shut up! You are not the boss of me
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Ahjussi??
Heesung🦌: Ahhh, I’m sorry about Niki behaviour. He is a bit shaken up. Niki apologise to your Eomma
Niki🕺: You are my Eomma! This Ahjussi is not my Eomma! Since you asked I will apologise
Niki🕺: Sorry UNCLE Jungwon…
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: U-uncle?
Heesung🦌: Jungwonie, I’m so sorry. Niki kept calling me his new Eomma. I will try to talk to him
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: Don’t forget to give Niki his daily vitamins and as well remember to take him to his dance class tomorrow!!
Jay💸: Enough about Niki! Why is Sunghoon calling me a liar…?
Sunghoon❄️: You see this proves everything! You always loves Sunoo more than me! I tried so hard to be the perfect son!!
Sunoo☀️: Appa loves me more than you? That is new? I thought he loved you a tiny bit more…
Jay💸: Hey hey! Sunghoon let’s talk it out
Sunghoon❄️: I’m done talking!
Heesung🦌: Calm down! Sunghoon, why don’t stay over at mine for a couple of days. You can cool things off with your Appa
Sunghoon❄️: I don’t have a Appa anymore…
Sunghoon❄️: You can be my new Appa!!
Jake🐶: Yay! More new siblings! I love playing with them!!
Sunghoon❄️: Beat it Ahjussi, don’t sass my new Appa!!
Sunoo☀️: Eh? This is so out of character for Sunghoon. He never acts so irrational
Heesung🦌: As much as I dislike your parenting style Jay. Maybe it can do your child good, learning from excellent child Jake
Jay💸: You…
Jungwon and Jay Chat
Jay💸: He took the bait! Thank god Sunghoon didn’t mention it to Sunoo
Jungwon🐈‍⬛: I think Sunoo is suspicious, he has been talking non stop. That Sunghoon behaviour is sus
Jay💸: We cross that bridge, plus Sunoo won’t figure out anyways
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prettygirl-gabi · 1 year
"Dancing in the rain like dirty dancing"
Rating: Teen And Up
Warning: fluff, angst, long distance
Category: F/M
Fandom: ATEEZ (Band)
Relationships: !non-idol Jongho x poc fem reader
Summary: you started off as classmates then you became lovers, but what happens when jongho has to move away? will your love stand the distance or will it falter under the pressure of time?
The Romantic Trope Series ML
First love is a feeling that cannot be described in words. It is an emotion that takes over your entire being and leaves you breathless. For you, and Jongho, your first love story was something that either of you would never forget.
Jongho had always been a quiet and reserved person. He kept to himself most of the time and didn't have many friends. However, when he met you, everything changed. You were outgoing and bubbly, and had a way of making him feel alive.
One day, while they were sitting in the park together while working on a project, Jongho mustered up the courage to tell you how he truly felt. "Y/n," he said nervously, "I know we've only known each other for a short time, but I can't help how I feel about you. I think I'm in love with you."
You looked at him with surprise in you eyes as you slowly tucked the papers in your binder. Part of you had never thought of Jongho in that way before, but the other part of you did. With how you looked at him now, you realized that those feelings were mutual.
"Jongho," you said softly, "I think I might be falling for you too."
From that moment on, your relationship blossomed into something beautiful. Between school and everything else you both spent every moment could together and talked about everything under the sun, and the moon.
One day while walking through the park again hand-in-hand Jongho asked what made you fall for him?
"Well," you began with a smile on your face "You're kind-hearted and gentle even though you don't talk much."
Jongho smiled back at her feeling his heart swell with happiness hearing those words from someone he cared so much for.
As your relationship progressed you faced challenges like any couple does but your bond only grew stronger through it all.
However as life often does it threw the both of you a curveball when Jongho received news he would have to move away due to his father's job.
You both were devastated at the news but Jongho promised that you'd make it work no matter what.
"I'll call you every day," he said, "and we can write letters to each other. We'll make this work, Y/n."
And you both did, from talkin on the phone every day and writing letters to each other, sharing hopes and dreams for the future.
"within the first year everything was going great, even though jongho had moved you still made time for one another. it wasn't until the second year that you began to doubt if this relationship would actually work.
~flashback~ "hey jongho it's y/n, this is the third voicemail i've left. i'm at the airport waiting for you, it says your flight should've been here an hour ago but there's no sign of you- can you please call or text me so i can know your okay at least" you sigh and look up at the flight screen. what had been an hour slowly turned into two hours then from two hours to four, you soon got anxious and called jongho's dad. that conversation lead to you finding out that jongho never left new york, in fact he didn't even mention your two year anniversary that was approaching which was even more concerning. feeling slightly defeated you gather your things and head home.
~four hours later~ shortly after you arrived home you were receiving calls every few minutes or so, none of which you replied to.
It took you about a week and a half before you talked to him again. "What, I'm at fence practice." You say as you focused on your practice partner. "Baby i'm so sorry, it was never my intention to forget such a special date, i have a lot going on right now and i know that's not an excuse. please just call me back when you're done...i love you" jongho sat the phone down with a sigh, he knew what he had to do. he check his laptop for the next flight to your town then he began packing his clothes.
He sat on the flight question what would be the things he would say to you or how could he even make it up to you. He had talked your best friend and asked her to help him surprise you. It took him about a day and a half to plan everything with the help of your best friend. "Thanks again y/bff/n, I hope she listens to me and we can work this out."
~~timeskip after school~~
You close my locker as you set off to the front of the building to get to your bike. Your phone beeps with it’s a text from my mom. [*will be working late, dinners in the oven just heat it up for 30 minutes on 350*] .
What you didn't know was that she was in on the suprise. So you send a quick ok back as but as you try to put your phone away you and Jongho collide with each other sending yoyr phone and schoolwork flying everywhere.
This had caused you  to land on the ground with a oomph “oh no, im so sorry- are you okay? i didn’t hurt you did i? here let me help you up.” i’m pulled up by none other than jongho, i dust my pants off “yeah i’m fine, Jongho. But what are you doing here.”
"I have a surprise for you baby and I know it's going to take a lot of talking but i want this and us to work, so will you go on this date with me." You agreed and the both of you went to this open field that was one of second special spots for the both of you.
"I missed you so much, pretty bear," you had managed to say as you looked over to his now relaxed face as the both of you watched dirty dancing because it was one of your all time favorite movies ever.
Jongho held you close feeling like he was finally home again after all these years away from you. "I've missed you so much more my pretty bun bun but for now let's dance, yeah." He ask you as he got up holding his hand out to you. "Oh why of course my lover boy.", from the moment you took his hand it started to rain.
Neither one of you wanted to stop dancing, so you both danced until you were shivering cold. "I brought spare clothes for just incase we slept here tonight wanna get in the truck or no?" "Let's just keep dancing, yeah." Movie long forgotten as you both swayed to the melody of what Jongho was humming.
You both danced until the rain had stopped. "Um should we do another movie or start this one over." You asked as the both of you finally changed into dry clothes. "We can change it to something Marvel." Jongho stated as he kissed the top of your heard, "And might I say you look beautiful in my shirt and your oh so small shorts, baby."
You hit jongho on his chest. "I swear you are a perv." "Me a perv I'm only 3 years older then you plus your dad approves of me",  he said as he poked your side.
Your love story may have started out small but it grew into something that lasted a lifetime. Some how you both were able to prove proved that distance couldn't break each other apart. As time flew by faster, you both got married and had two amazing kids, and with those kids and your marriage came many more amazing and loving moments.
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the-void-writes · 1 year
“You’re the only one who understands.”
You mentioned it a while ago, and I’m so sorry it took so long, but I managed to make a short but sweet snippet for Rio starting to bond with Will. It’s been fun setting them up because they have more in common than they see at the moment, which I hope to explore later 💖
Freaks Of Preston - Remembrance - Will and Rio
Rio briefly glanced over the division’s orientation checklist as Will took a seat in front of him. The poor kid looked exhausted, but at least he wasn’t shaking like he had been when he came to them. He kept forcing his eyes back open, reminding Rio all too much of his father— his true father, Jason. They didn’t share blood, but they were more alike than most other families. Rio had to stop himself from thinking any further about Jason, about any chance at a family with him…
“This shouldn’t take too long, kid,” Rio said. “Just some standard questions. You can just sit back, help yourself to whatever’s in the bowl.”
Will peeked into the bowl on the table between them and reached in with his free hand. He picked up a small brown bar wrapped in clear plastic, and as he examined it, Rio suddenly spoke up.
“Oh, not those ones. They’re coffee-flavored.”
He seemed to tense up after hearing himself speak. Will stared at him, confused and slightly concerned.
“How do you know I hate coffee flavoring?”
Rio rubbed the bridge of his nose, staring at the ground in shame. He clearly wanted to make an excuse for himself, but there was nothing to say except the truth.
“Jason told me. Whenever he couldn’t sleep, he would talk about you.” He closed his eyes. “I know more about you than you’d prefer.”
He waited for the kid to storm out, or throw something at him. Instead, Will stared at him somberly.
“What did he tell you?”
“If you’re afraid of me knowing so much, don’t worry. I can always forget it—”
“It’s not about that,” Will said, his voice shaking. “I want to know how he remembered me.”
Rio couldn’t help but feel bad for him. He put down the clipboard and pulled up a chair.
“You love space,” he said, “that was the one Jay always went back to. You liked to cook breakfast with him because you thought he was some kind of food wizard. He took you to a zoo once, and he just couldn’t pull you away from the aquarium.”
Will chuckled, remembering the trip clear as day. “Was that all?”
“Do you really want me to say it all?”
“I just want to know how he saw me, please.”
Rio sighed. “You couldn’t bear to step on flowers, even by accident. You traded bedrooms with your sister because she thought hers was haunted. Jay could list your favorite songs from his records in order. You used to collect all the feathers that fell from his back, and you kept them in a drawer so you could make your own wings one day, because you wanted to be just like him.”
He stopped before he could get any more personal. Will was watching him carefully, no doubt scared of how much this stranger knew about him. Rio lowered his voice in shame.
“My point is, he told me every single thing he could remember, because at the end of the day… you meant the world to him.”
Will wiped a stray tear. “And— You remembered everything?”
Rio nodded. “Because Jay meant the world to me.”
They both jumped at the sound of a cane hitting the floor with a soft thud. Jason had tears in his eyes, but he couldn’t bring himself to look at Rio.
“How are things going in here?” he asked.
Rio tried to think of what to say, but Will stepped in.
“Mister Manuel’s been super kind to me. Orientation won’t be so bad.”
Jason smiled, which surprised Rio for only a second before he realized that the smile wasn’t for him. He walked over to Will and brushed a pale hand through his hair. Despite his happiness, his stare seemed miserable.
“Everything the world has done to you, and still, you choose to forgive.” He closed his eyes. “I’m so proud to call you my boy.”
Will sat completely still, dumbfounded by the praise that he had been lacking for so long. Finally, Jason spared a single glance at Rio. The malice in his eyes was gone, but if any love between them remained, it was hidden deep under betrayal and exhaustion. Rio found the courage to speak.
“Whatever the boy needs, I’ll get it. He’ll be safer than he ever was out there, I swear.”
Jason turned his head to the wall. “You can’t promise that. Not here, of all places.”
Rio stared down at the floor, shame burning in his chest. Then, like the gentle and familiar touch of snow, Jason’s hand fell on his shoulder.
“Thank you for saving him,” he whispered, and he left without another word.
For the briefest moment, Rio felt every cell in his body compelling him to get up and run after him… but he knew there would be nothing waiting for him. He had lost Jason for good. The best he could hope for was better speaking terms, and even then, he knew he barely deserved that right.
“You’re not a monster.”
Rio had almost forgotten that Will was there. The boy’s eyes shone with sympathy as he spoke.
“Neither of us think that. You protected your family, same as Jason would, and you’re still looking out for us. That’s not what a monster would do.”
Rio blinked slowly. “How… Why would you…”
Will smiled. “I guess we both understand each other better than we’d like.”
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Sorry Means Nothing From You (short story)
The worst and best thing that could possibly happen to Ferndoe has happened to her, and her mind was completely empty. 
She had reunited with one of her kits, Greykit, her darling eldest daughter. She had looked exactly how Ferndoe had remembered her, precious little ears and orange spots all. Seeing her was the last thing she expected to happen today. She had cuddled her, held her close, apologized profusely and told her how much she loved her. Yet it felt like it was ending all too soon. 
Then again, even if she knew better than Starclan how safe kits could be here, she knew how cruel Starclan could be to kits who left, and she was not going to put her kit at risk for her sake. Not again.
What made things worse was that Poppyhill’s own daughter, Mottlekit, was here as well, which meant Poppyhill had padded alongside her as they took their kits to the border tunnel. When the two kits reluctantly, but happily crossed through the tunnel, shouting cheery good-byes as they went, Ferndoe’s swelling love dissolved into disgust. Disgust at herself, and for the cat standing next to her.
Ferndoe waited until she could no longer hear Greykit, and then some, then began to turn away. Unfortunately, Poppyhill had other plans.
“Our daughters are best friends,” she said simply.
Ferndoe fixed a glare on her. “And? We’re not.”
Poppyhill only kept staring blankly at the tunnel. “I forgot what she looked like. Is that weird?”
Ferndoe curled her lip. “Are you referring to your kit or the one you manipulated me into killing?”
Poppyhill didn’t seem to hear her, infuriating Ferndoe further. “I was obsessed with her and Oatkit for so long. I dedicated everything to avenging them. I hurt innocents for them, and I can’t even properly remember what they look like.”
Ferndoe’s fur burned in anger. She turned on Poppyhill fully. How dare she speak to her about killing her kits and act like her biggest sorrow was forgetting how her own looked? Ferndoe would never forget! She can never forget any of it, because of Poppyhill! “Put those tears away! You won’t fool me again!” She felt suddenly very aware of the kits in her belly, and her rage increased tenfold.
In spite of the threat, Poppyhill only seemed to flatten against herself. “I’m sorry,” she breathed, surprising Ferndoe. “Really, this time,” she added. “I…I couldn’t see my victims–your kits, your brother, you, for anything other than pawns to hurt Goldennose. I just couldn’t bear losing my kits, I had to make that she-cat suffer, even if it meant causing pain to those that never did anything to me, even if it meant hurting you.”
“I trusted you,” Ferndoe spat. “You used my grief against me. You made me kill my kits for your little revenge plan.” It took everything in Ferndoe–mainly the reminder of her unborn kits and their need for safety–not to leap and claw at Poppyhill right there and then. “You think excuses will make that all go away now?”
Poppyhill vigorously shook her head. “No, no I don’t. I know no reason that I give will make any part of it better. I did trick you. I swooped in when you were at your lowest and manipulated you, forced you to do the worst thing imaginable because I made you believe that it was the best thing for them. I knew,” she went on quickly when Ferndoe snapped open her jaws for a sharp retort, “I knew what I was doing, grief or no grief. That makes it my burden alone. You were only a victim. You did nothing wrong.”
Ferndoe shook, but as harsh as she wanted to be, she couldn’t think of a thing to say. As little as that may mean coming from Poppyhill, the words still resonated deep within her, gripping her heart in sharp talons, tugging it from her ribcage. 
She showed her fangs, feeling them drip saliva, flattening her ears until they pressed against her skull, and snarled. “Stay away from my family!” With that, she turned tail and fled, racing through the trees, ignoring the spiraling of thoughts and the painful pounding in her chest.
--Sometime after when Greykit and Mottlekit find Wormkit. I had no idea how to write that interaction, so skipped to this one!
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obstinaterixatrix · 11 days
I think I woke up a couple of times and kept losing more of the dream, 1) I dreamt in some library/gala event nathan lane was there, me and sister found a packet of things related to wise guys, nathan lane wanted pictures of two things: 1) [???] (I forgot), 2) a purple tie with irises by van gogh (just looked it up, real painting). Dream me was taking the picture and was like ‘so do you want me to airdrop them or do you want. me to email them to you [trying So Hard to be casual]’ & nathan lane told me to email him and it was the email he used for medical stuff (???) and I kept having to ask him to repeat it because the email address was like. ‘w[???] the indomitable [???] for whom it is a miracle when he stands’ and in the end I asked him to type it out for me and I was so sure he was annoyed by that & dream me was like (internally) NOOOO I’M SORRY MR LANE I’M TRYING I REALLY AM… there was also rare footage of victor garber as willie doing a bit with some guy (real estate guy? government guy? some serious business guy) as some extra vaudeville in the show that got cut
I think I woke up here and was trying to remember the email address but went back to sleep
the second dream was I was at some charity auction at a theater with someone (idr who) and it was happening onstage and when I was trying to find my seat, which I had thought was with my companion, the number which was supposed to be really close to hers ended up really far away, and then a flock of old ladies enlisted me to swap my seat next to a different old lady who didn’t have her grandchildren to keep her company so I did, and when I sat next to her she didn’t respond at all, and then her grandson who was like. either a teenage or adult guy who just sat on me like I was part of the chair and he just started talking to his grandma while I was slapping his side to try to get him to stand up and in the end I just shoved him off. I left with the excuse that I was going to try and find out where people were getting bananas (I wanted to look at the auction but I didn’t know if I was actually allowed, and one of the old ladies was like ‘where are people getting these bananas). I think it semi-morphed into my undergrad because a big thing was there was always a bowl of fruit available. I found a bowl of shitty bananas and didn’t want to go back with those. Around the stage I found better ones, and then I decided not to go onstage to look at what was there because as long as I didn’t know then I wouldn’t want it (uuuhhhhh) (ok.) I took three bananas, went back to the seats, and gave one to the grandson and grandma.
this might’ve been where I woke up again and got even more fuzzy on nathan lane’s email
the third dream was willie from stardew (or a lookalike?) (rather than stardew it could’ve easily been influenced by chip’s nautical guys) had a brother that was near comatose and I was on the dock and going like. so. I don’t want to overstep. but are you playing something for him? like dramas of music, it really sucks to sit around with nothing if he has any presence of mind. and not-willie harrumphed a little (MAYBE CAPTAIN HADDOCK??) but said his brother can see the sky, the shifting clouds, and it was scientifically proven that something something something. and I told him, ok, that’s good. this one’s easy, I was worried about grandpa at the end of his life with everyone more focused on his physical care (understandable) to the point that they might forget to add something enjoyable to his unpleasant experiences.
anyway I’m awake for real. I can’t believe I had three celebrity dreams in a row, what the hell is my brain trying to process. can it be done already
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momoiiiyume · 1 year
throughout the times
knight au limbo x risa wc: 1169
note: a bit of reincarnation in this au. limbo is risa's personal knight and she was a princess. in this life, they forget their past lives but some of it has accidentally slipped out lol
“Can you believe who Limbo brought to the party?” 
She hears voices on the other side of the stall. It makes her voice hitch. 
“Oh yeah, it’s unbelievable. Of all girls to bring, he brings her.” Their voices cackle. “We’ve known him for longer. I’m sure he knows this bimbo for like 2 days at least.”
“She’s probably uneducated. Dumbass bitch.”
“God, did you see her clothes? It’s awful. I’d rather be dead than wear something like that.”
It’s almost true what they say about rich, entitled people on TV and in Movies these days. She could laugh at their insults, but she feels a little insecure when it’s pointed at her. They hadn’t known it was Limbo that picked out that dress. He spent sometime picking it out. They were unknowingly insulting his tastes!
She doesn’t want confrontation and cause embarrassment to Limbo, so she waits until they leave. This party was in honour of him. He was celebrated for achievements she honestly can’t remember but is proud of him nonetheless. Just a few days ago, he asked her to be his plus one. She was hesitant at first considering this was a big thing for the university. She didn’t go to this school. She went to a lower-class university and she had already graduated. In botany. 
Most of the flowers decorated around the venue were from her store. On Limbo’s request.
So while this was a party for law students and professionals, they were right in the sense she was dumb in this subject.
She prepared herself for the oncoming questions Limbo’s peers and colleagues would ask her. 
Things like, how do you know Limbo? Where did you study? What do you study? Something, something about the law, Are you and Limbo dating?
Okay, in retrospect, she was not prepared for that last question. It stunned her. Though the answer should’ve been straightforward, however, she feels like she’s known Limbo for a long time, despite meeting him 6 months ago. It’s weird. 
“I…I love you…”
She keeps hearing that phrase whenever she’s near him. It’s in his voice but the accent is kind of off for Limbo. He sounds different. And he hasn’t said that to her. They’ve hung out a bunch of times but it’s only as friends. 
“Now if you’d just turn your attention to the stage, we’d like to start giving out some prizes for the night. Limbo, if you could. Please announce the first one.”
She could hear the speaker from the bathroom and she heard shuffling from the bathroom sinks. “Oh come on, Katie. We have to see Limbo!” The two girls quickly pack up their things and then head out. Risa only comes out of the stall once she hears the bathroom door close. She always hated those kinds of girls who spew mean, nasty words behind others’ backs. It’s gross.
She heads to the bathroom sink after flushing to wash her hands.
Once out of the bathroom, her eyes find Limbo immediately on stage. He does look handsome. They hadn’t had the chance to talk all evening because everyone wanted to keep talking to him. The last they saw each other, he was pulled away by professors and he looked back at her before he disappeared for good. 
She used that time to eat some food that was laid out on a table. It looked good and it was something she hadn’t eaten before. 
She did talk to some people but it was only small talk.
She kept watching Limbo and some people on stage, until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She looked to her left and it was a man.
“Excuse me, miss. Sorry to interrupt you, but I just have to say, you look lovely this evening.” He impromptu took her hand to kiss it which made her flinch a bit. 
“Uh… Thank you but…” She hadn’t known what to say, she was aghast. “Are you alone? I don’t think I’ve seen you at this school before.” 
“I’m… not from this school. I’m just here as a plus one for…”
“Would you like to go out sometime?”
“Huh?” He cut her off to ask her out. Did he even listen to her? “Sorry but I’m not interes-…” 
“Oh, but I insist. I’ll make you have a good time.” He suddenly got close to her. “Come on…”
To make a scene or let this man do things to her… Before she could come to her answer, she felt a body slot between her and the man. 
“She said no.” 
She looked up and it was Limbo. Wasn’t he on the stage? When did he show up? If she recalls, she was far away from where the stage. How did he get here so fast? Regardless, Risa clutched onto Limbo’s coat and clung to it. She was more than relieved.
“Professor. This isn’t very professional of you. You may be my boss, but that does not mean you can corner my princess like this.”
My princess?
She blinked at the nickname. Where did that come from? He’s never called her that before.
“Limbo, I wasn’t aware. You must forgive me but tell me, you tell me you wouldn’t ask a beautiful girl out when you see one?”
“She’s half your age…” He muttered under his breath. “Not if it meant harassing her. I don’t want you anywhere close to her.”
Before hearing his answer, Limbo grabbed Risa’s hand and led her outside to the front.
Upon reaching the front doors, she noticed Limbo was huffing erratically. “Limbo…?” She tried.
“I’m sorry…” He was quiet and not looking at her. “Limbo, there’s nothing to be so-”
“No!” He shouted to cut her off. She was startled when he raised his voice. It was the first time he’d raised her voice at her. “There is! I shouldn’t have left you alone. I should’ve brought you along with me while I talked to my peers. As your personal knight, I should’ve been at your side at all costs.” He clutched both of her shoulders as he talked. He looked sad.
Knight? She was confused, why did he say that?
She exhaled, feeling sorry for him. “Don’t worry about it, Limbo. You got me out of that mess and I’m grateful for that. Sucks it had been your boss though. I’m sure this won’t affect your work as a TA.” 
“It’s fine, he’ll be retiring tomorrow anyway. I’ll be assigned to another one in the later weeks.”
“Oh, okay then.”
He looked away to a valet and asked him to get his car. “You’re going home now? Shouldn’t you still be at the party? You’re the star of the party…”
He shook his head and opened the door of the car once it arrived. “I didn’t want to be there any longer. I’m tired.” He put Risa gently on the passenger seat, closed the door and then went to the driver’s side. “I’m sure you’re tired too.”
He was right about that. 
0 notes
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks - Morty tbh haha. He's a bit spacier than the more methodical Falkner and is also likely to get distracted by a spirit while working on something.
who worries more about the other - Falkner. He's prone to worrying in general and especially after losing Janine (even if it was something they both knew was coming long before it happened) he tends to fuss over Morty a lot. His biggest concern is something supernatural happening to his husband that he won't be able/equipped to help with. (This habit of worrying extends to their children as well, he's definitely a rather overprotective parent.)
who is more afraid about the other leaving them - Morty. While the whole situation was very complicated and is over and done with, Falkner did break up with him to marry Janine, when you break it down to bare basics, and that does still sting for Morty even now. While he knows that it's extremely unlikely such a situation could arise for either of them now, the fact that it did happen places a seed of doubt in Morty's mind sometimes.
who is more likely to leave (for any reason) - Probably Morty? After everything it'd take a pretty serious situation for either of them to leave the other, but Morty's line of work (dealing with spirits/people's ghost issues) is dangerous and he knows that Falkner isn't the hugest fan of it. If he ever felt like he'd maybe attracted some bad attention from a powerful ghost/spirit or was putting his family in danger in any way, he'd leave for their sake. Falkner knows this and doesn't like it at all, but does understand. It's probably one of the most common things they argue about.
who is more likely to drunkenly confess - Falkner. While he's usually on the more reserved side, he's more open about his feelings when tipsy. Drinking usually just makes Morty fall asleep.
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason) - It depends on when in their relationship we're talking? If it's earlier on, then Falkner, who tended to dislike showing 'weakness' in front of Morty and preferred being alone when he was having a bad time. However, as things progress he ends up being more clingy and while he never is the type to initiate talking about his feelings when he's upset, he prefers if Morty were nearby or just holding him quietly when he needs it. Morty would be the more likely one then later on, since sometimes things can be overwhelming for him between his empathy and his spiritual awareness and he just needs some alone time.
who picks fights more often - Falkner. He tends to start arguments more just since he speaks his mind more openly than Morty does, so if his husband is doing something he finds objectionable he'll say it outright, even if it leads to an argument.
who usually apologizes first - Morty. Even if he doesn't know what he's apologizing for. If he senses that Falkner is upset, he'll usually apologize, which Falkner finds quite annoying since why apologize if you don't even know if you did anything? But at least it usually leads to Falkner talking about why he's upset, and if he knows he started the argument/fight he'll typically apologize first since he's quick to anger quick to cool.
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other - Morty. He knows he's a bit... odd and intense in a way that a lot of people would probably find off-putting, so he'd rather wait for someone he was interested in to make the first move. (Which is probably why he attracts people like Falkner and Jasmine who are indeed the type to make the first move if they think they have a shot.)
who is more likely to lash out at the other - Falkner. Though that's not to say Morty doesn't have his moments, especially when he's stressed and/or overwhelmed.
who gets more jealous - Falkner. He went through a lot to end up where he is now, finally married to Morty, so anything or anyone that he thinks threatens that... (Morty, on the other hand, despite the one who was in a situation where the man he loved was married to someone else, just isn't the type to get jealous. He mainly just felt sad about himself during that time period and tried to move on and wish Falkner the best.)
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy” - MORTY MORTY MORTY. It already happened earlier in their relationship haha. (Though in that case it was a bit of a situation of "As long as you're happy, Falkner, I'll support yours and Janine's relationship." "But it's an arranged marriage, Morty, and Janine said she doesn't mind if we keep seeing each other." "No it's ok, I understand, you don't have to make concessions for little old me I'll be able to move on, please, be happy with her." "......... for an empath you sure are dense sometimes.")
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hehe, i’m back at it again with one of these long ass posts but this idea’s literally been in my head all day long so here you go !! obvious nsfw warning :)
tw: this whole post is just nsfw and embarrassing to read so read at your own risk >:)
𝙳𝙰𝙸𝙲𝙷𝙸 » during a super intense and loud session, his voice cracked as he asked you “does that feel goOD- good baby?” to this day, he still prays that you couldn’t hear him over the sound of your own moans
𝚂𝚄𝙶𝙰𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙰 » you were riding him and he went to slap your ass, but something went wrong either because you were riding too quickly or he was shaking too much, boy ended up slapping himself in the balls. you’ve never heard that boy scream that loud in your life
𝙰𝚂𝙰𝙷𝙸 » literally pulled out in the middle of sex to get up and rush to the corner of his room to flip around his childhood teddy bears. your just laying there with your tiddies and coochie out waiting for asahi to shield the eyes of mr. wiggles
𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙺𝙰 » you two were having pretty intense shower sex until tanaka did the number one thing your not supposed to do during shower sex; this muthafucker slipped while holding you. long story short, y’all were okay but just ended up having nasty shower floor sex??
𝙽𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙾𝚈𝙰 » this tiny ass 5′2 man was unconsciously humping your leg while you were both asleep?? his presumably pleasurable wet dream had turned into a sudden nightmare when you literally had to KICK him off you to stop the humping. bad nishinoya, bad!
𝙺𝙰𝙶𝙴𝚈𝙰𝙼𝙰 » came WAYYY too early inside you, but he was too embarrassed to say anything so he just... kept going. sadly, no one had warned kageyama of the intense effects of overstimulation. he was shaking and whimpering so badly behind you to the point where you had to ask him to pull out and bring him a glass of water to calm down
𝙷𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙰 » the first time you squirted on him, he just blatantly asked you these exact few words that left you feeling mortified: “did you just piss on me?” nuh uh hinata, this water fountain ain’t yours to drown in anymore >:( 
𝚃𝚂𝚄𝙺𝙸𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙼𝙰 » kei was hitting it from the back pretty hard this time, so hard that you were suddenly... on an angle? suddenly, now you two were much closer to the floor than before. the bed ended up collapsing, yes literally collapsing due to kei’s powerful thrusts. worst part is, nobody got to finish since kei dragged you to ikea to grumpily buy a new bedframe. but hey, he bought you ikea meatballs; that shit hits so different
𝚈𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙶𝚄𝙲𝙷𝙸 » one super duper intense night, he passed out the SECOND he came. no matter how much you flicked the temple of his forehead, yamaguchi was dead asleep. you had to literally slap him awake to get him to clean up, you ain’t risking a ranky stanky UTI puthy in the morning
𝙾𝙸𝙺𝙰𝚆𝙰 » kept calling himself a sex machine during the act. i don’t know if it was due to the 6 tequila shots he had beforehand or just his inner ego revealing, whatever it was it was about to make your pussy close
𝙸𝚆𝙰𝚉𝚄𝙼𝙸 » this one time, he kept going in at a weird angle which caused you to repeatedly queef for 7 minutes straight. every time you told him to pull out and go in properly, he laughed and kept going in at that one weird angle!! was your embarrassment a turn on for him?? maybe!! but were you mortified? absolutely!!
𝙼𝙰𝚃𝚃𝚂𝚄𝙽 » i’m sorry to have to be the one to announce this, but this man had the worst case of full blown bush you’ve ever seen. like, he didn’t even try to manscape or anything at all. you ended up begging him to trim just a tiny bit because you weren’t gonna risk choking on a pube whilst your going down on him
𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙰𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙸 » rubbed your left labia thinking it was your clit. and he kept doing that. the whole. fucking. time. even when you subtly moved his fingers towards your clit, he just kept going back to the left lip.
𝙺𝚄𝙽𝙸𝙼𝙸 » had the most dry and dull dirty talk you’ve ever heard. like, it’s not even dirty talk at this point; it’s just clean talk. there’s no passion when he talks! he uses the same tone he would use for anyone else at any other moment. to paint the picture, imagine riding kunimi and he’s just there with a furrowed expression like “yup, that feels really good”
𝙺𝚈𝙾𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙸 » tried to pull one of those unexpected anal scenes that he saw from a porno, without telling you beforehand. life lesson here; if you party at shit's house, don't be surprised if shit's at the party
𝙺𝚄𝚁𝙾𝙾 » you two were looking to get a little more kinky in terms of BDSM, so kuroo watched like 30 tutorials on youtube on how to safely tie you up so you won’t fall or anything. this bitch ended up tying rope knots that were practically impossible to undo, which resulted in you hanging from the ceiling for approximately 2 hours pussy-ass naked while kuroo tried to cut you down with a kitchen knife
𝙺𝙴𝙽𝙼𝙰 » wanted to spice things up with some dirty talk, like the real nasty talk they use in pornos but not the normal pornos; the shitty company ones with horrific acting. he really ended up announcing that he was going to “fuck your fucking fanny off, you twat”
𝙻𝙴𝚅 » got super excited while he was opening the lube since he hadn’t gotten to fuck you in a WHILE, which resulted the lube leaked everywhere and a giant 6′5 man slipping and hitting his head on the bed frame. worst part is; he had to go to the ER with a hard on that refused to go away
𝙱𝙾𝙺𝚄𝚃𝙾 » speaking of boners that wouldn’t go away, let’s not forget that one time bokuto took two viagras when you texted him to come over for a special occasion. he horribly misinterpreted the ‘special occasion’ text, because he showed up to your house with a huge buldge in his pants as your parents stand before him holding anniversary cards, completely horrified
𝙰𝙺𝙰𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸 » wanted to make valentines day sex as romantic as he could, so he did the classic lighting candles and giving roses. everything was beautiful, until he accidently knocked one of the bigger candles over during missionary. this not only caused a huge ass fire in your bedroom, but he came right as the fire began to spread. boy was debating on whether his orgasm was to die for or not
𝙺𝙾𝙽𝙾𝙷𝙰 » had a nose bleed when he was going down on you and you both were immediately horrified, you thinking it was your period and him thinking he just ate coochie blood. yet as you went to go clean up, you realized his face had much more blood on it than your coochie did. to this day, he still blames it on your period 
𝚄𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙹𝙸𝙼𝙰 » threw you onto the bed and your head went through the wall. he didn’t even bother to ask you if you were okay, he just sighed and went “well, now i have to make a call to the construction guy. excuse me” and he left you and your concussed ass head sit there once again, pussy ass naked
𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙳𝙾𝚄 » during a blowjob, he held your head down right as he was coming causing the cum to shoot up your throat and somehow pour out of your nose. by the time he pulled out, he could barely breath from laughing at you. sure, the classic ‘milk shooting out of nose’ thing was funny at first until you got a sinus infection and had to breath out of your mouth for the next three days
𝚂𝙴𝙼𝙸 » always insists having sex in the most inconvenient places?? like he would pull you to side while grocery shopping and start grinding up against you as you pick which brand of cheese would be better??
𝙶𝙾𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙺𝙸 » he kept getting frustrated that his bangs were clouding his field of vision, so he irritably grabbed a hair tie and frantically tied up the sides of his bangs while he was fucking you. you immediately burst out laughing since he looked exactly like boo from monsters inc. 
𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚄𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙼𝙰 » got so drunk that he ended up fucking the couch. like he was just there on top of you, and his dick was just sliding between the folds of the leather couch. you decided to let him finish like that
𝚂𝙰𝙺𝚄𝚂𝙰 » had a really bad reaction to one of the products he used while shaving and ended up getting super irritated down there so he kept having to pull out in-between thrusts to itch his crotch. to make things worse, you joking suggested that he looked like he had syphilis and he got so disgusted at the idea of that thought that he literally had to pull out and take a breather 
𝙾𝚂𝙰𝙼𝚄 » drizzled ‘warm’ chocolate down your chest and was about to seductively lick it off until you screamed in pain and horror as the chocolate was literally burning your skin off. osamu panicked, obviously not knowing what to do if chocolate was burning his partners skin off so he just... frantically licked it off. you still had to go to the ER afterwards to get treated for mild burns
𝙰𝚂𝚃𝚄𝙼𝚄 » didn’t know what a hymen was until the first time he tried to have sex with you. no matter how much he tried to shove his schlong in, it really just wasn’t working + “yer puss is broken”
𝚂𝚄𝙽𝙰 » pinched your nipples so fucking hard to the point where you started crying. he thoughts these were tears of pleasure until you literally had to kick him off you. but hey, he gave you ice for your sore nipples and mcdonalds! what more could a girl possibly want :)
uh the end lol
also, this idea was inspired by the first haikyuu headcanon i ever read, “awkward sex moments” by @bbytetsu <3
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christowhore · 3 years
Redeeming Myself
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pairing: chris evans x professor!fem!reader
summary: after breaking your heart and losing your trust, chris makes it his mission to prove to you how much you mean to him.
word count: 6.3k
warnings: age gap (reader is 29, chris is 40), angst, reminiscing on past actions, fluff, talks with therapist, chris makes up for bad behavior, slight alcohol consumption, smut, happy endings, rpf !!! 18+ MINORS DNI !!!
notes: the final installment of Pining for Professor. it was only supposed to be a one shot, but i got inspired and expanded it. it took a while cause writers block, but it’s here. for anyone who has read the series, thank you and hope you enjoy ! 💓🥰
i do not allow the reposting, rewriting or translating of my fics. these are works of my own and i do not give permission for any of the acts stated above.
join my taglist !
For a month and a half following that afternoon, Chris began to go above and beyond to mend his mistakes in an effort to regain your trust.
He knew that he shouldn’t have been forgiven for the hurtful words he hurled at you, the voice he raised, and his cold demeanor through it all. But you forgave him nonetheless, which he was eternally grateful for.
Chris suspected that his venom-laced words still took a toll on your overall being. He sensed it in the way your usual humming was kept to a minimum, as did your soft caresses to his body. The fun facts that you would randomly blurt out had basically become nonexistent.
You hadn’t tried initiating sex with Chris due to still being affected by his actions, which was understandable to the brunette.
He could tell you were being cautious around him, which broke his heart more than he could’ve imagined.
The two of you never really talked in depth about what happened, deciding to push it under the rug and move past it. But ignoring the elephant in the room could only last for so long.
That morning was no different. He had spent the night at your place and decided to wake up and make you breakfast in an effort to mend the faltering relationship.
You woke up to an empty bed, something that you were used to since Chris had always been an early riser. Getting your morning routine out the way, you made your descent downstairs with the smell of pesto guiding you down the steps.
Walking into the kitchen, you saw the sight of your topless boyfriend, donning only a pair of boxers and an apron. You watched as he studiously focused on the skillet in front of him. His intense focus and the sounds of eggs frying in the pan made him oblivious to your arrival.
It wasn’t until you made your way towards the fridge next to him, that he registered your presence. “Morning princess, you sleep well.”
“Yeah, I slept fine,” your voice still a bit gravely from your slumber. You poured yourself a glass of orange juice, ignoring the intense gaze from Chris in your peripheral vision.
He was so used to having you touch him in the mornings. Not so much in a sexual way, but more intimately. The way your lips would ghost against his shoulder blade, your palms would hold his sides and pull him against you so that way you could bask in his warmth. Your arms would wrap around his front until your fingers absentmindedly toyed with his lower abdomen, playing with the wisps of hair on his happy trail.
He missed when you would move your lips until they met the space behind his ears, giving light open mouth kisses. The sound of you whispering ‘Morning daddy’ would leave him awestruck. Even though the words were a regular occurrence for him to hear, it was the way you would say it in your morning voice that made it ten times more special.
Though those actions might seem minuscule to others, they meant the world to him and it was killing him that he hadn’t been able to experience such tender moments with you in a while.
“I’m making breakfast- pesto eggs and some bacon for you. It’ll be done in a minute.”
You nodded along before heading to the table, phone in hand while catching up on your morning news.
It didn’t take long before a steaming plate was placed in front of you, the scent of garlic and basil already making you salivate.
Chris sat besides you and watched as you dug a fork into your meal, a smile reaching his face as he heard your content moans.
The two of you ate in silence, only the sound of soft chewing and utensils hitting your respective plates could be heard.
Every so often, you would feel Chris peek at you, hoping for you to start up a conversation with him like you always did. It’s not like you didn’t want to, it was just that you were still hurting due to his words. You know from a psychological standpoint that there was something going on inside of him that caused him to lash out, which you understood. But it didn’t aid in diminishing your apprehensiveness towards opening up to him, afraid that another fight would break out and hurtful words would again be hurled.
He could sense the internal struggle battling within you so he spoke up, breaking you out from your subconscious.
“I know I’ve been saying this repeatedly over the past few weeks, but I want you to know how sorry I am,” Chris sympathetically stated, “You didn’t deserve what I put you through, the things I said. I just hope that we're able to someday go back to how we were.”
You sat there staring at the man in front of you. Was there a way that the two of you can revert to what once was? Could you actually forgive him?
Not knowing how to properly respond, you simply nodded. A tight lipped smile was evidence that Chris had a lot of making up to do.
Finishing up breakfast, you excused yourself to your office to go and work on your dissertation, leaving the brunette alone with his thoughts.
He knew that he needed to do something big to make up for his actions. He also knew that he needed to figure out why he lashed out on you.
Taking out his phone, he clicked on a saved contact and listened to the dial tone ring in his ear.
“Morning, I’d like to make an appointment as soon as possible. It’s an emergency.”
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Chris sat on the plush maroon couch, his eyes getting reacquainted with the familiar setting. The office had a few knick knacks littered around the space. A potted plant here and there. Motivational, yet cheesy posters on the wall. An assortment of magazines on the coffee table.
He hadn’t been here in a while, his usual talks were about his anxiety and dealing with fame. But for this appointment it was about you- specifically how he treated you.
The new topic was foreign to him, resulting in the brunette not knowing how to address it. So he silently sat there as his therapist, Dr. Reynolds, held her pen in her hand and studied his behavior.
“So,” she cautiously started, “What brings you in today?”
Chris sat there twiddling his fingers at her question. There could’ve been a few reasons that brought him in, but the main one was why he said the things he hurled at you.
He proceeded to spend the next 10 minutes recapping the events that had transpired, making sure to not spare any detail. After his spiel, Dr. Reynolds skimmed through her notes that she jotted down during his explanation.
Looking up from her notebook, she locked eyes with the brunette. “Do you think that some of your actions correlate with self-sabotaging behaviors? How, when you opened yourself up to her so suddenly it made you feel scared? Scared that you might need to face those fears that are plaguing you.”
Chris sat there incredulously, “Well- I mean no. I don’t think so.”
The pair talked for over an hour, going over the usual allotted time as they broke down why Chris had acted a certain way.
He realized the anger he felt was a coping mechanism to avoid feeling what he truly felt: fear. Mainly his fear of commitment. Part of him was scared that any future marriage would end up like his parents, in divorce. He feared that you would stop loving him. He feared that he would stop loving you.
And that fear was ultimately pushing you away from him. Which uncovered the biggest fear of all, losing you.
Dr. Reynolds eventually received a knock on her door, indicating a waiting patient, causing their therapy session to be cut and saved for another day.
“Thanks doc, I think I know what I need to do now.”
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After some much needed self-reflection made in the meeting with his therapist, Chris knew what he had to do. Leaving the office, he pulled out his phone and dialed his publicist, Megyn.
A few rings later, he went into detail to the blonde about his plan. Not caring about what the press might say, or how his fans might react, he needed to get it done.
She wasn’t too keen on dealing with the impending press that would come from it, but she was happy that he was able to find someone that he truly loved.
He went back to your place that evening with a refreshed mind. The rest of the day went by as usual, you both did your own respective things, the tension still heavy in the air.
As you both started on your own night routine, his main focus was on you. He didn’t even know he stopped brushing and was staring until you snapped your fingers in front of his eyes.
“Earth to Chris, everything alright?” your tone was light and airy, hinted with a bit of joy.
Chris looked at the slight smile on your face and was reminded all over again as to why he fell for you. That smile was something that was so ingrained in his mind that not even old age could make him forget it. It warmed his entire being whenever he was sad and it made him realize he could never take it off your face for the rest of his days.
“Yeah princess,” he whispered, still lost in you, “I’m alright.”
You nodded along to him, though your eyes squinted a bit due to being curious of his change in demeanor. Before he was overly cautious around you, now it seemed as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
Before you could set your toothbrush down and set out for bed, he stopped you with a hand on your elbow, pulling you into him. Not caring that there were still dribbles of toothpaste in his mouth, he leant down and attached his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft, he was desperate to feel your softness against him though wasn’t trying to rush the act in any way. Moving his hand up, he held onto your cheek in an effort to pull you even closer than you already are.
The smell of your lavender night cream instantly calmed him, making him feel safe in your embrace and absentmindedly smiling into the kiss.
Chris finally pulled away, only slightly, to look down on you with a dopey grin. “God I’m in love with you.”
For the first time in weeks, a genuine smile reached your face to match the man across from you.
“I love you too love bug,” you sighed against his lips, “You probably should’ve rinsed your mouth though, I can taste your toothpaste.”
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest, “Sorry, just got caught up in the moment.”
Chris kept you secured in his arms as he continued to stare down at you. There was something different about him, specifically the way his gaze was directed at you. Though you were not complaining.
“How about we bring back date night? I can cook and we can finally sit and talk to one another like we used to.”
Your heart fluttered in your chest at his pleas. It had been a while since you two sat down and basked in each other’s presence. The thought had you hopeful that things could go back to normal.
“I would love that,” you began, “How about Friday? I have a test for a few of my classes this week so we can do it once I’m all free.”
Chris smiled down at you with eyes evident of his admiration for you, “Friday is perfect.”
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The rest of the week went on rather differently than previous ones. Your touches came back to his body, fingertips grazing alongside him whenever he was close. Chris would regularly kiss your cheek or top of your shoulder anytime he had the chance.
You did take notice of him on his phone a lot, part of it filled you with uneasiness but the rational part of your brain told you it wasn’t something to ponder too much over, so you let it go.
Chris had been spending the entire week making sure that his plan was rolling smoothly. He had the entire date night planned to a T. He informed his family about it, who were ecstatic for him, making his own mother tear up due to how happy she was. He made sure to have everything ready at the house so that everything would be successful.
The day of the planned affair, you were stuck in your home office grading the last set of tests before being able to officially clock out for the evening. Inputting the grades into Blackboard, you were brought out of focus due to the sounds of buzzing from your phone. Picking up the device, you unlocked it and saw the incoming text from your boyfriend.
Chris: Baby, I know you’re still probably finishing up, but dinner will be ready at my place at around 7. I put something on your bed for you to wear. See you soon!
The endearing message made you smile and also feel a bit elated. You missed the intimate moments shared between you and Chris. The loving looks sent your way, the delicious food and engaging conversations. But most importantly, you missed the sex. Before, the two of you were like jackrabbits, the longest you both went without getting hot and heavy was about 2 days. Now going on over two months, you were becoming insatiable.
Quickly inputting the final test scores in your online grade book, you got ready for your night in with Chris. Heading up the stairs, you walked into your room to be hit with a bit of nostalgia. Laying on the bed was the same black dress that you wore on your first date with him.
With the amount of dresses you had in your wardrobe, it was a shock that he was able to find the specific one you wore that night. The sentiment warmed your heart and filled you with hope.
Rushing to get ready, you went and got dressed, making sure that you appeared your best before heading out.
It was only a quick drive to his home, before you were sat in his driveway.
Your mind was plagued with worry. You feared that if this night didn’t go well, then it would ultimately mean the end of your relationship with the man. Taking in a deep breath, you calmed your nerves before exiting the vehicle and made the trek towards his front door.
Using the house key you still had attached to your own ring set, you unlocked the door and walked in though you didn’t get far when the sight before you made you stop and gasp.
Starting from the front door laid a trail of rose petals leading you through the house. The thoughtful effort made tears begin to form in your eyes and your breath unsteady.
Following the trail, the same smells of vegetables sautéing brought you back to that time over a year ago.
Once you made it inside the kitchen, you saw Chris with an apron adorning his massive frame on top of his suit. Once he took notice of your arrival he turned around and smiled at you. “There you are sweetheart. I was waiting for you to show.”
He turned down the fire before gliding towards you, about to reach down and kiss you when you beat him to it.
Grabbing a hold of either side of his face, you slammed your lips to his; the action surprising you both. You delivered him repeated pecks which caused the brunette to laugh between every one of your kisses.
Getting enough of your intimate fill, you pulled away from him and looked up. “What’s the special occasion? I mean I know it’s date night, but still.”
Chris brought his hands down to rest on the dip of your back before pulling you in closer to him. The action caused your neck to crane up to look directly into his eyes.
“I wanted to make things right with my best girl.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at the slight Captain America reference before delivering another kiss, “Thank you, I love it.”
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The meal went according to plan, the two of you enjoying the same shrimp scampi dish he made on your first date together.
You were sipping on your glass of wine when you heard Chris speak up.
“Though I’ve said it more times than either of us can count, I need you to know how regretful I am of how I acted.”
You sighed at his words, “Chris, I said it’s-”
“No, it’s not okay (Y/N),” he interrupted you, “It wasn’t okay for me to lash out at you. It wasn’t okay for me to hurt your feelings.”
“Tonight, I tried to recreate our first date together to show you just how much you mean to me.”
Chris had rehearsed what he was planning on saying for the past few days, but here now in this moment he couldn’t remember a single prepared line. So he just decided to follow his heart.
“(Y/N). The day I met you, it was one of the greatest days of my life. It wasn’t supposed to happen, but fate brought us together- well I guess I should say Ma did with her insisting.”
His words caused you to chuckle, “I can see where you got your determination. She really didn’t quit until she finally got us in the same room.”
The memory of Lisa bringing you two together that afternoon warmed both of your hearts.
“That day we met was the day I knew that there was no one else in the world that would matter to me as much as you would. Every single day that I get the pleasure of seeing that look on your face will forever make me the luckiest man on the Earth. So when I hurled those words at you and took that smile away, it made me feel horrendous.”
You didn’t even realize you had started crying until you felt the warmth of your tears sliding down your cheeks.
Chris reached across the table and curled his fingers around your hand, slightly stroking the back of it with his thumb.
“I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend that I could be. I realized that my own fears of commitment caused me to take out my frustrations out on you, and absentmindedly pushed you away. But I realized that pushing you away was the last thing I ever wanted to happen.”
He felt his heart rate race and his organ beat heavily in his chest, his anxiety slowly rising.
“You are the greatest thing to happen to me. You make the worst days seem minuscule whenever you’re around. I love the way you’re able to always help push me through any obstacle I face, no matter how big or small it may be. The way you easily get along with my crazy family. And I love how you make me feel like I am floating on cloud nine anytime I kiss you.”
Chris felt his hands begin to sweat. One of his hands clasped onto yours, while the other held onto the small box in his left pocket of his slacks.
“A few days ago I had a session with my therapist about you. And during it I realized how much I care about you, and how losing you, even though it was brief, was the worst thing I had ever experienced.”
Slowly standing up on shaky legs, he brought you up with him.
“I had to secretly figure out the right size while you were sleeping the other night,” he began to joke, “You don’t know how hard it was to get the measurement done considering how light of a sleeper you are.”
You felt your heart pound in your chest. You suspected that something was different about his behavior and this evening, and your suspicions were slowly coming to light.
“I can’t ever experience the feeling of not having you by my side again. Waking up to a cold bed and not seeing the way your nose would sometimes crunch up while you're deep in a dream is something I never want to go through again.”
Chris reached into his pocket of his pants and pulled out a cherry red box. The sight of the gold inscription labeling 'Cartier' made your breath catch in your throat and tears fall freely down your face.
The height difference was changed when he steadily dropped down on his left knee, his tear filled blue eyes looking up at you.
“(Y/N), you make me the happiest man in the world. And I know it’s a stereotypical line for me to say, but it’s true. I love how you’re able to bring the best out of me and everyone around you. I love how you love everyone unconditionally. God, I love how fucking breathtaking you are. I am in love with everything about you.”
Letting go of your hand, he held the box in his grasp before cracking it open. The action caused your hands to cover your mouth and you to bend at the knees. With the aid of the lights around the room, it unveiled to you a marquise cut diamond. One either side were two stones. On the left was a pearl, indicating his June birthstone. The other side showed your gemstone, the rocks pairing perfectly with one another.
“So,” Chris began with a shaky breath, “(Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you do me the honor and make me the luckiest person in the world. Will you marry me?”
Your body shook with sobs as you nodded along to his question.
“Wait, are you saying yes?” Chris asked, excitement evident in his tone. “I don’t know if that’s you nodding yes or no.”
Removing your hands from your face you grasped on to your now fiancé’s, “Yes, I would love to marry you.”
Chris didn’t even get the chance to put the ring on you before raising up and slamming his lips against yours. Both of you tasting the salty tears that expelled from the other.
It was his turn to lay a continuous stream of kisses to your lips. Soft chants of ‘thank you’ leaving his mouth between every one.
Pulling away, he retrieved the ring from its box as you held up your left hand. You watched as he slid the band down your finger until it situated perfectly against the base. A content sigh left the both of you.
Chris brought your hand up and kissed the back of it and then your ring finger before locking eyes with you.
You two stayed like that for a while, your gaze flicking back and forth between each other’s lips until finally you two connected them.
This time, the embrace was intimate, more passion filled. Your hands folded against the nape of his neck, the coolness of the gold band making him smile with contentment.
With his hands holding onto your hips, he guided you back until you were met with resistance from the wall behind you; the sudden force causing you to lightly grunt into his mouth.
Lowering his hands until his palms rested on the back of your thighs, he tapped on your skin, an unspoken request for you to jump. While securing your hold on his neck, you jumped up and rested in his palms. With you in his hands, Chris began to walk the two of you towards his bedroom. Since Dodger was staying at his mom's house, he didn’t bother closing the door, not worrying about any sudden intrusion.
Your mouth was still attached to Chris when he laid you down, you head against the soft pillow on the plush bed. His frame towering over you as he shook off the suit jacket from his body, kicked off his shoes and toed his socks away.
“I love you so much (Y/N),” he swooned through kisses.
“I love you too Chris.”
Untying the front of your wrap dress, the silk material fell to the sides of your body, revealing your figure which was only covered by a thin, lace pair of underwear. The sight of your half naked self made him growl down at you in desire.
Removing his lips from yours, he descended down your body, leaving kisses in his wake.
“You’re all mine.”
His lips kissed around your taut nipple, his tongue poking out to flick at your pert bud.
“Forever and always.”
You felt him leaving traces of wetness from open-mouth kisses on your abdomen.
“The love of my life.”
His fingers dug into the sides of your thong before dragging it down your legs.
“My beautiful fiancé.”
You breathing hitched as you felt his warm breath fan across your exposed cunt. The hot air was a stark contrast to the cool slick of your dripping wetness.
“The future Mrs. Evans.”
And with that, Chris flattened out his tongue before running a long stripe up your pussy, lapping up your wetness until he curled it around your clit. “Oh fuck, Chris.”
How exhausting the sexual hiatus that you experienced with the brunette was evident due to how you were squirming on the bed. Your hands spread throughout the sheets, gripping and tugging in an effort to gain some form of steadiness. Over two months without having him on you had you mewling into the air. “Please baby, don’t stop.”
With his tongue occupied, Chris continued to devour you. His tongue alternated between long drags and quick flicks between your folds. You felt the tip of his tongue prod at your opening in a desperate attempt to taste more of you- to feel more of you.
Removing his mouth, he heard you begin to groan in disappointment before it turned into a moan when he spat on your cunt then suctioned his lips around your clit. With one hand holding your stomach down, he used the other to enter your soaking hole with his index and middle fingers.
Chris was gentle with his digits inside of you, dragging his pads alongside your ways, stroking your contracting walls and feeling every ridge. Once he was knuckle deep, he scissored your cunt, basking in the sounds of your squelching around his fingers paired with your content moans of relief.
He replaced his mouth with his thumb, using the limb to draw slow, tortuous circles on your mound as he watched you fall into the deep recesses of ecstasy.
He observed your neck stretch back, exposing a slightly bulging vein running up the expanse. The way your lips quivered as your moans flew freely out. Your legs began to shake when he hit the spot he was all too familiar with deep in your core.
“Look at me,” Chris demanded, his Boston accent evident in his request, “Need’a watch my pretty girl cum all over my fingers.”
The eye contact with the brunette was intense, more fierce than ever experienced before, but you reveled in every second of it. You noticed how his pupils had become blown out, only showing a small ring of blue surrounding the black.
You tried to keep the gaze locked until you felt your orgasm come full force through your body like a tidal wave. “Christopher!”
Upon hearing your screech of desire and feeling your essence begin to soak his digits, he replaced his thumb back with his mouth, longing to taste every single drop of your sweetness. His fingers continued to pump inside of you, prolonging your release and causing more of your juices to flow into and around his mouth.
Chris finally removed his fingers to drink more of you until you attempted to feebly push his head away, the orgasm causing you to lose most of your strength.
“Sorry princess, you know Daddy just can't get enough of you,” Chris moaned as he licked your essence off his lips.
He rose up your lower half and hovered over you staring down at your exhausted self. You mustered the power to raise your arms and grasp his face in your hands before bringing him down to connect lips once more.
The kisses were lecherous, the both of you yearning to taste every single part of the other. Your tongue was firm against his as he massaged yours while you swallowed each other's moans.
Your body felt on fire with the way his large hands were massaging and caressing every inch of your exposed skin. His fingers digging into your softness and pulling you flush against his frame.
Taking your hands away from his face, you began to unbutton his dress shirt, peeling away the material until it unveiled his tattooed chest. Your fingers tracing the large design on his chest before making its way down to his belt, unbuckling it in the process.
Dragging the leather through the loops and away from his body, you unzipped his trousers before reaching in to palm his obvious erection. The action made the man above you keen against your tongue. “I wanna taste you Chris.”
With your thighs around his hips, you nudged him until your positions were switched. His head against the same pillow, he watched as you tugged down the material on his lower half, leaving the two of you completely bare for one another.
You laid down on your stomach between his legs before grabbing hold onto the base of his cock, drawing a hiss from Chris.
His head craned back at the feel of your wet mouth tonguing his length, the wet muscle licking a stripe from the base to his tip. “Ohh- that's it baby.”
You collected your spit before it dripped from your mouth and on his head, the liquid cascading down the massive length. Using it for your advantage, you began to stroke him while attaching your lips around his tip. Your tongue flicked his slit while drinking up his precum.
“God, I love you so much (Y/N).”
Removing one of your hands, you began to swallow his length, stroking off what you couldn’t take down. His moans and groans only stir you on as you bask in the feel of him throbbing in your mouth. With your free hand, you began to palm at his balls; the action making him grip the sheets as well as tenderly holding the side of your head.
His mouth was parted, showing only his tongue, as he panted out. “That’s it baby, such a good girl for me.”
Chris felt his peak slowly approaching, the buildup steadily growing with every swipe of your tongue, suction from your lips and tug at his balls. Though he would’ve loved to release down your throat and watch your mouth milk his balls, he wanted- needed to feel your warmth surrounding him as he coated your walls.
He went to unlatch you from his cock and raise you towards him. “I need to feel you,” he breathed out, “I miss the feel of you around me (Y/N).”
You crawled up his body til you were straddling his hips. Reaching down, you pumped his length a few times before positioning it for entry. The second you began the descent and his head met the resistance from your cunt, you both groaned out.
Chris couldn’t wait any longer so he brought his hands to your hips and fully sank you down on him, sheathing his entire cock inside of you. The action made you lurch forward with your hands planting themselves on his chest in search of stability.
“Oh that’s it princess,” professed Chris, “Missed this tight fucking cunt choking my cock. Missed you so goddamn much.”
With the help of his hands on your hips, you began to slowly work yourself on his dick. Every rise and fall of your hips made you experience the delectable feel of his veined shaft drag against your channel.
“Oh Christopher,” you cooed as you felt him throb inside of you.
“That’s it princess, I’m right here.”
You brought your hands from off of him and covered his large ones. Removing them from your body, you intertwined digits. The new position of your hands allowed the newly added engagement ring to gleam under the light.
If he had a camera, he would’ve wanted to capture the beauty of you in that moment. Every buck of your hips caused your breasts to bounce, the action enticing him even more than already. The sweat that began to form on your body caused your body to shine from the bedroom lights, making your body appear as if it were glowing.
He wanted to frame the glorious sight of you, but he decided to settle with the fact of knowing he would be able to recreate this exact moment for the rest of his life. Recreate with you as husband and wife.
He rose up from the mattress and maneuvered your legs to wrap around his waist before sitting on his haunches. The new position of your naked chest pressed up against his own while he fucked you on his cock was a sort of intimacy that couldn’t be explained.
The closeness of your faces allowed you to feel each other’s breaths warm your features. You could see pupils being blown, feel the sweat dripping off one another, and hear every single sound that escaped the other's mouth.
Attaching his lips to yours, Chris moaned into your mouth. “That’s it baby, cream all around my cock. Milk me til I fill you up with my cum.”
The heels of your feet dug into his lower back and your fingertips gripped onto his neck, leaving scratches in its wake.
You knew for certain that you would have bruises on your waist with the way he had latched onto you, raising you up and down his length.
With every thrust, your sweaty skin slapped together as his balls spanked up against your ass.
“Ahh baby, I- fuck Chris I’m almost there.”
“I know (Y/N), I’m right behind you.”
A few more harsh thrusts as his tip slammed against your g-spot and you were suddenly slammed into the blissful abyss of your orgasm. The tightness of your contracting walls caused Chris to achieve his own release. The shouting sounds of you two reaching your respective peaks echoed throughout the room.
Warmth flooded your body and your cunt as you felt Chris’s cock shoot ribbons of his seed deep into you. He continued to drag you along his length, hoping to prolong the glorious feeling of your pussy throbbing around him.
After the sensation of your peak began to wane, he fell back against the mattress, bringing you down with him.
The two of you laid there in each other’s arms, basking in the warmth radiating off the other.
Chris strokes your back, long traces of his thumb running along your spine as you both regain your breath.
“I’m in love with you (Y/N). So goddamn much.”
Still a little too spent, you nodded while your hands toyed around with his chest.
While you two sat there, a realization popped into the brunette's head, making him begin to stand up. “I’ll be right back.”
You watched his ass jiggle with every step out of the room, the sight making you chuckle. When he returned, he held his phone in his hand.
“Seriously Christopher, you wanna make a sex tape right now?”
A boisterous laughter left him at your assumption, “No sweetheart, not that.”
Chris sat back next to you on the bed as he scrolled through his phone gallery. After a few flicks on his thumb, he finally found the photo that you two took on your first date. You were as beautiful as ever, smiling at the camera as he looked in awe at you.
You watched as he loaded up Instagram and clicked on the plus sign to create a new post. “Chris, what are you doing?”
“Something I should’ve done a long time ago.”
Choosing the desired photo, he went to begin typing out his caption that would unveil you to the world.
chrisevans: A little over a year ago this photo was taken on our first date. I knew from that moment that I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, that’s why I eagerly asked you to be mine. (Y/N) you make me the happiest man that I could be. I know this past year and a half has been a tough one, especially with everyone in the world claiming that they were dating me while I kept you in the shadows, but enough is enough. There’s no one else that I would rather be with. There’s no one in this entire world that holds a candle to you. To your beauty, your kindness, your everything. You are the love of my life. As of tonight, my fiancé. And soon to be my wife. I love you more than words can describe princess. (Y/@/N)
Chris finished typing out his message before looking down at you, silently asking for approval. He watched as your index finger raised up and clicked on the share button, indicating the end of your secrecy.
A dopey smile made his face before he looked at you, phone in hand, “Now, about that sex tape.”
You laughed at his joke as he made his way to kiss you once more. The embrace was full of contentment due to knowing that things were back to normal with a growing relationship full of unwavering love, reinstated trust, and pure happiness.
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A/N: and that's a wrap folks. thank you to everyone who read this series.
also i would like to say that this is in no way an indication of chris evans personality or character. this is just fiction.
if you enjoyed this, please make sure to reblog and comment. feedback is much appreciated !
* divider credits : @firefly-graphics *
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