#sorry uh. tangent.
quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
supernatural should be more about people getting cannibalized. not enough of it in the show. metaphorically and literally. someone should eat those winchesters.
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flowersfortony · 20 days
now that more of the internet (specifically tiktok) is loving logan, gotta say, i’ve seen a lot of people not really understanding the baseline of his character. like in that scene in the honda (before they physically fight) in deadpool and wolverine, when logan is chewing up wade and voicing is own hurt— for some reason people don’t like that that happened, but specifically in the ways of “he would not say that” and to that i say, yes he absolutely would. when he went into that spiel, not only was there the underlying theme of how he was talking more about himself than wade and how much a failure he is, pushing that onto someone else instead, but it’s 100% in character regardless if he was just being plain mean.
logan is a mean guy, even though it can be argued that it’s a defense mechanism. i mean, hell, his first appearance overall was him getting in a fight with the hulk, which is stupid and mean. logan is the most complex character i love, and maybe in general in the marvel universes, and this is not me saying he’s a heartless man or this is all he ever is, either. he’s a lot more than being mean, but i just feel like it’s best to understand this aspect of him as well.
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huginsmemory · 2 years
Trigun and Christianity
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In lieu of trigun Stampedes choice to make Wolfwood an undertaker instead of a priest (to, well, my disappointment), I thought it might be interesting to look at some of the Christian themes in Trigun, and then also look at why they might have decided to choose for Wolfwood to be a undertaker then a preist, and a potential reason to why Trigun has these Christian themes. Also, btw, this is chock full of manga spoilers so, beware!
To start it off... trigun is actually... pretty heavy on Christian themes. Fuck man, the main character is basically an angel, and in one of the first volumes they literally describe the plants as something divine (although they are later declared to be something humans made... But nevertheless the very clear imagery is there). Also what features very strongly is pacifism and the themes of unconditional love; Vash's refusal to kill coming from believing that going forward, anyone can change, even when he is literally being harmed or attempted to be killed by others. These themes of pacifism and unconditional love are very Christian, and Vash's actions very much centre him as a Jesus-like character. In fact, even the way that he (and knives) was born, a virgin birth, also could be seen as an allusion, as well as the way that he holds a physical form as a human while being more than human- Jesus being considered a 'son of man' while also being the son of God; ie, something in-between, something both divine and human. Knives as well is written in that angelic and divine light, although he is done so in a dark opposite of Vash, with an emphasis on his 'divinity' for imagery as he is obsessed with it. Interestingly, contrast to Knives, Vash, who goes around as a human, is multiple times called a Devil for his reputation, although he is the one that actually is virtuous... This in a way also alludes to him as a Jesus-like figure, as that Jesus was ultimately sought after by the authorities and in some places hated and even driven away by people.
12 disciples
As well, Nightow is pretty blatant that the gung ho guns, of which there are 12, is a allusion to the 12 disciples; hell, Wolfwood calls them straight up disciples when he is at Jeneora Rock. One might argue that then whether that posits Knives as a Jesus figure as that they follow Knives directions, or if one would consider Vash to be the Jesus figure, as the 12 literally seek out, and 'follow' Vash, and of which one of them literally betrays (although, technically, Wolfwoods betrayal goes both ways). However, I don't think that argument is really one that matters, as it's more of the aesthetic of Christianity that Nightow likes in this matter, not the philosophical implications.
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As well, as mentioned above, Wolfwood is very Judas-coded; he gets close to Vash, only to inevitably betray him and deliver him up to his fate, while clearly being torn up about it. Vash is not surprised at all when Wolfwood tells him that he was one of the gung ho guns, and you get the sense that he knew about it all along, and knew exactly what he was walking into. Yet he still loves and forgives Wolfwood for all of it. Which... is exactly the same thing that occurs between Judas and Jesus, Jesus willingly going with Judas even though he knew what lay before him.
As well, quite obviously adding to the heavy Christian themes of trigun, is that Wolfwood calls himself a priest. Although indeed it's part of his front, it's clear Wolfwood in the manga is religious, challenging and calling upon God in response to seeing the Knives born, and his response to the fifth moon incidence where he questions if it was the hand of God (which, actually, is caused by Vash's hand... again alluding to the 'divinity' of Vash and Knives). This clear religious affiliation continues through the series, such as when he is rescuing Vash from Knives, and even praying while he is on the ship with the people that helped vash.
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Wolfwood also throughout the series is very clearly is morally wraught with guilt over his choices and sins... Something that's very Catholic/Christian. Hell, the fact that the punisher, the insignia of his murderous profession, is a literal heavy cross that Wolfwood carries with him, is poetic irony; he's literally carrying around the embodiment of his sins and his guilt from his profession and choices, which weighs both heavily on his physical body but also him emotionally. Wolfwood's guilt over his sins and choices comes to its climax when he's about to die when rescuing Vash from Knives, after betraying him; where he questions whether he can be forgiven for what he has done and whether he was wrong, and in response Vash saves him, declaring that he is not wrong; not wrong to go against orders, leaving his vocation of being a murderer behind, in trying to save Vash and moving forward. In declaring Wolfwood that he was not wrong, what Vash (heavily implied divine, Jesus-like character) is declaring is that Wolfwood can be forgiven for his sins, is already forgiven for his betrayal (unconditional love, anyone?), and that Wolfwood can change, that his past doesn't define him, because his future is also a blank ticket.
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As well, this is followed up later by Wolfwoods confession to Vash that he hates killing:
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The confession and the way he phrases it- seeing all humans as his brethren (although, in this sense he may be speaking tangentially about Livio) is something that also has Christian overtones. (Also, the way that they mention Vash sees the whole of humans as his relatives, also ties into that; except personally I'd argue that's more of a Indigenous view then a Christian, but theres plenty of things that overlap with other theologies and philosophies within the manga that aren't just characteristics of Christianity).
Redemption via acts
There's also a theme of redemption via acts, which both Wolfwood and Vash lean into heavily as a result of guilt from their 'sins', something that is very... Well, again, Christian, especially Catholic. Vash, from being unable to stop Knives and having obliterated July and just his and knives general existence, and Wolfwood from his profession, and so they both struggle with immense feelings of guilt. As a result both are very self-sacrificing; Vash very obviously so throughout the series, and Wolfwood in a quieter way, in choosing to continue to work to protect the orphanage, even though he desperately wants to escape the life he leads and hates killing people. They both don't believe they deserve to be loved because of the weight of their sins, and so they redeem themselves the only way they know how by self-sacrifice; this literally causing Wolfwoods death as he didn't reach our to Vash for help, and is evident in the way Legato looks at Vash at the end and realizes he sees a man that only sees himself as a tool and hates himself. This belief of Vash's that he doesn't deserve love/nice things is something that is also interesting, because he so aggressively pushes the 'blank ticket of the future', ie, unconditional love, while clearly being unable to apply it to himself.
Tldr: the point is, Trigun is very heavily Christian themed, both in aesthetic and philosophy, and the characterization of both Vash and Wolfwood reflect that. The show is rampant with such Christian philosophical themes as unconditional love, sin and guilt, confessions, forgiveness and redemption through self-sacrifice; for aesthetic ones, well, literal 'angels' as main characters, Wolfwood being a priest and carrying a cross, the 12 gung ho guns as 12 disciples.
Wolfwood as an Undertaker
Since Trigun is so heavily Christian themed, it makes it... well, a bit of a strange choice to pull the fact that Wolfwood is a preist out, since him as a preist further emphasizes the moral quandries within the story and the themes of sins/guilt/forgiveness and unconditional love. However, as one other post here on tumblr mentioned, stampede as an iteration of trigun is more directed towards a more modern and Japanese audience, some of which can be seen with the revamp of the character designs to make them more relatable, and I think they mentioned some specific character traits with Meryl. This re-vamping, especially one specifically for a Japanese audience might explain why Wolfwood becomes a undertaker instead of being a Christian priest. Nightow in the back panels in the manga is clearly is very enthralled with American culture- and his knowledge and love of the American genres shows pretty strongly in the themes and the setting for Trigun. In fact, the 1998 anime was better recieved in the west then in Japan, and a possible likelihood for it's higher popularity within the Americas is going to be directly because of the western audience being more familiar with the Western genre, as well as specifically, the Christian themes within the show (since western countries cultures are Christian based, even if one wasn't raised religious). As well, compared to the other typical gunslinging space western anime, Cowboy bebop, Trigun contains more Christian themes, which would make it less relatable, and less popular to the Japanese audience (of course there are many other differences in the shows, so I would be reluctant to chalk it up to just the religious themes in trigun- hell, Cowboy Bebop makes some great criticisms of capitalism that is not present in Trigun). Circling back to them revamping the show, if they are trying to make it more relatable to a Japanese audience, then removing more overly American influences, such as one of the characters literally being a Christian priest, would fit that bill quite well.
Trigun and Christianity... Why?
Also, I personally think that Nightow didn't exactly mean to make a story that is really heavily Christian themed. My sneaking suspicion from reading chapter 0, is the Nightow thought that writing a western with a main character gunslinger that is a pacifist would be a fun and interesting prospect, and then when he began to elaborate on it, he began to pull in more western (both cultural and genre wise) themes and aesthetics into the story, resulting in something that is very heavily Christian themed in the end.
EDIT: it's been raised to my attention by the lovely @trigum, that it says in the wikipedia on Nightow that he was raised buddhist and converted to Catholicism, although there is no source for that information. If so, this would, well, very obviously explain why Trigun is so heavy on Christian themes and negates the paragraph above. I'm not giving him enough credit then, my apologies Nightow!
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Edit 3 (Feb 3): made a somewhat part 2, specifically looking at the phrase the 'bride of Christ'.
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spilledmilkfkdies · 9 months
Dunno if anyone asked this but like…Wizard redemption arcs?
I’ve got my own takes on them as well for my rewrite:
-Orgon would never, too goal-oriented
-Anagan probs would through Flora
-Duman’s a 50/50, he’ll probs stick with his band
-Gantlos is a wild card arsonist but I believe he can do it, may take a lot of time though (90% of this is headcannon skcjskxjsk-)
But those are my takes what about yours?
Idk this is kinda hard because like?? Not to be a stinky wizard apologist I am, but I like a bit of "you both suck wtf happened here bro" in my planet history, which makes a clear cut redemption a bit more difficult ig?? Like in whose eyes are they being redeemed? The fairies' who were also very much morally bouncy? Or uh maybe the audience idk- I forgive em.
That being said though, depending on if you try to tackle the whole group at once or take it one at a time, it could both be interesting.
I've had thoughts where you have Ogron, Gantlos and Anagan: No Circle (object), no Duman, half their powers if not a quarter, washed up and heavily in mourning- At that point just. Talk to them. They're in no position for a full on revenge spree, they are SAD, they're weak. Either just leave them be or talk them into joining a cause for mutual and equal benefits, then if they ever do get back to full strength they'll simply not bother you again. Rough concept kinda, but yeah. Side note that in this timeline, if Duman does eventually claw his way outta the Gardenia grave, he's not going to be happy. Actually maybe giving the washed up wizards their Duman back would do all the work by itself? They'd show genuine gratitude and Duman wouldn't be allowed to be mad. Win win.
Then we have one by one, many many many possibilities there too. Like the best order? There isn't one. Several delicious routes, some more difficult than others. Play onto Gantlos following Ogron to the ends of the world, Anagan already having been mentally done with the hunt for ages- Does modern day Ogron care deeply enough about the others to put their well being and safety above their goals? Or at least more so than early days/in his prime Ogron who CANNOT relate. Again, don't put Duman last though. Cornered animal core fr I'm so serious. Which is where my pLANS COME IN- jkjk
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matryx7728 · 9 months
Thoughts about Gabriel ultrakill and the heavenly council
okay okay okay okay okay so
i’m assuming this is referring to the tags i rbed that one post with so. youngings avert your eyes maybe idk how deranged i’ll get while typing this
gabriel ultrakill has such an impossible appeal to me and i’m going to attempt to put it into words
first of all. look at him. he’s so fucking pretty it’s insane have you seen that guy he’s beautiful in a way i can’t wrap my head around
he acts the way he acts he gets beat for the first time ever literalky ever by a machine and falls in love with it but mistakes that love for hatred and then when he reports back to the council they blame him for getting his ass handed to him like hello ???? you can’t just do that to him this is not what this post is supposed to be about im getting off topic
the way he acts his character his flow hsi jehevrnrgehrgrgrhuuuuuggaggggggggghh he triggers such a primal carnal desire within me that i’ve not felt my entire life until i witnessed him do you fucking grasp how much just how much i need to just be Near him do you understand how much i want to just hold his hand or to grab his stupid tiny little waist i want to place my hands on him in any kind of way okease oh my god please i need to cling to him i NEED to watch him do common normal things like twisting a doorknob or tie a knot oh my god i need to see him tie a knot you know how you have to pull the strings taut i need ti see him di that i need to see him lift something slightly heavy i need to watch him throw something into the air and catch it or alternatively i need to see him almost not catch it and do that jolt thing people do when they almost drop something to catch it i need to see him do that i need ti see him grip something i need to watch him stand up from a sitting position i need to watch him forget the direction he’s supposed to be going in and then do that weird pause and glance around before turning around and speed walking in the opposite direction i need to see him pick up a spherical object and watch the way his hands wrap around it i need to watch him reach around to try and grab something slightly out of reach
i need to jump on him i need to cling to him i need to climb all over that guy i need to feel the ridge of his spine i need to watch his adam’s apple shift as he swallows or speaks i need to watch his throat do that when it’s like you know when you lean your head back and the skin over your neck is pulled taut and the movement of yiur throat is much more significant i need to see him do that i need to watch him preen his wings i would collect his shed feathers and keep them in a little box or put them on a necklace and he’d be like Why Do You Have Those and i’d be like 😊😊😊😊😊😊 i think his wings are so fucking pretty i also think they’d be warm like they change temp depending on his mood notmally they’d be relatively warm like a heated blanket enraged they’d be like the temp of the surface of the sun and ecstasy they’d be even hotter donyou get me
there are so many things i think about him i have no words for them i just think he’s so catastrophically attractive ok in every way possible my view on him varies all the time sometimes i’m like Wow I’d Really Like To Be Friends With That Guy and other times i’m like I NEED HIM IN ME ummmmmm thats
okay getting only slightly more unhinged i’ll cut it here just in case cause we’re enterying hornypost territory
do you understand the amount of lust my body contains for gabriel ultrakill i would love to be pinned down by that guy by the shoulders or to have his hand run along the length of my spine or against my jaw i need to press my body up against his i don’t care how i just need to Touch him i NEED to hear that archangel whimper (<- listened to the gabriel whimpering audio clips 67 times) i need that guy down my throat uhhhhmmmmmm yeah i’m cutting that one short it seems my rational mind has finally kicked in
have fun reading my category 7 autism event
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(Alright, going to stop procrastinating and finally make this post.) After playing through the new trilogy in French to see what was different, here are some things about the French localisation of Spirit of Justice I thought you should know:
First of all, I usually like the French and English versions of the games equally. This marks the first time I've actually enjoyed the French version... more than the English one?? Especially Turnabout Revolution? Don't get me wrong, I already loved it in English, but I think the next time I replay it I'll actively choose French. Idk man it just hits different when a bunch of French people are talking about revolution and overthrowing the tyrannical regime etc
Oh yes, speaking of which, yes, the "Japanifornia" parts of the game take place in Paris, France, as usual. No, I have no idea how Kurain village can be next to the mountains and also the sea while also being in the vicinity of Paris. I also don't know why the entire population of a small country in the Himalayas are fluent in French and use it on a daily basis. But seriously, the main characters mention SO OFTEN that they're French and from France, like, all the fricking time. Remember the incredibly Japanese rakugo case? Imagine that taking place in France.
The Khura'inese pun names are hysterical in French. An example that English speakers can get too: the first culprit's name in French is Sterh'uey Tu'heiven. I'm not making this up. That's his name.
Unfortunately the Holy Mother giveth, but she also taketh away, and they gave Nahyuta a crunchy old man voice that doesn't suit his ethereal appearance at all...
Athena has now added German and Italian to her random English and Spanish phrases from the prev game. I mean... it made sense before, since she was meant to have lived in the USA in this version, but now I guess she just does it for fun? Who knows
French Roger Retinz uses €50 notes (euros) to fan himself instead of dollar bills
Inga's full name is "Inga Karkhuul Kel Nomh Bowkhou Tro'lon Pohm'peu Eh'Duhr Apronh Ons'ai Khura'in III" ("quel nom beaucoup trop long, pompeux et dur à prononcer")
Nahyuta's nickname in French is just "Yuta"
Ema and Apollo now use informal pronouns for each other, so do Ema and Trucy now, Maya starts using informal pronouns for Apollo from almost the first moment she meets him (though he uses formal pronouns for her lmao), and yes Dhurke and Apollo use informal pronouns with each other the whole time, even when things are awkward at the start. Rayfa and her mother always use formal pronouns for each other, which is a little depressing.
AS FOR NAHYUTA AND APOLLO... HOHOHO. Obviously they're both using "vous" (formal) in court, but in the scene afterwards Apollo switches to "tu" (informal) when he asks Nahyuta if he remembers him. Later in Turnabout Revolution, Apollo has gone back to vous but he's at least saying "Nahyuta" rather than "Prosecutor Sahdmadhi" or whatever (I think that happened in the English version too). Then during the final trial, after that one insanely angsty scene, Apollo starts using tu again and even (internally) uses the nickname Yuta once! Nahyuta eventually starts referring to him as Apollo and starts using tu after finally openly acknowledging Apollo as his family aaauuuuuugh ;o;
(Listen Apollo usually always tries to be formal and professional in court so this is a big deal!!! It's a big deal to me at least!!!!!!!!!)
In the English version there were a few times our good ol' American Apollo had a sort of "haha I'm just a foreigner I don't know anything here" vibe which... no you're not lol. The French version didn't have that (or at least toned it down a lot) and made him feel less like a tourist and more like an immigrant returning to his old home country with complex feelings, which he is. It makes it more personal that he's the one to bring about the revolution imo -- he's not some random foreigner swooping in to save the day, this is his home and his family, he belongs here. (As an immigrant myself I find aspects of him relatable and will defend his Khura'inese backstory to the death DON'T TEST ME)
The "what's crack-a-lackin' homie" line in all its glory:
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persy-r-bozo · 4 months
birdcage… genius
Yet Another silly DHMIS shipname!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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oceanwithouthermoon · 8 months
sorry people can do whatever they want but i think its so silly when people have in their bio like "dni if you like ships that i dont like, or hc characters as things i dont hc them as"
like what do u.. mean.. what do u mean? what, does it make u feel like a character is cheating on their partner when u see them shipped with someone else or something?? does it make u feel like theyre being misgendered when someone uses pronouns for them that dont match up with the gender u decided they r in ur head? im so genuinely confused
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yuridovewing · 1 year
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Nice to see Hawkwing’s Journey keeping in line with Clear Sky’s DotC characterization: disregarding the females.
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korattata · 6 months
meta videogame bullshit my beloved
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mundanemiseries · 6 months
🤔 that fandom misinterpretation meme tho gimme a sec i wanna spitball some ideas
all of them, all of them getting it w/ the good ol' bisexual erasure beam™ just ignoring that the boys are all also attracted to women, just happening to have a lean towards men. they're just gay lmao get fucked
Joel and/or Koko: "omg soft baby they've never done anythign wrong in their entire lives 🥺❤️" ignoring that both of them have killed and have body counts prolly on the 100+ range at minimum (according to Koko's wf stats 1mil+ now)
just....crank Raven's fem aspects up to stereotype levels, also forget all the stuff about missing everyone he's ever loved, the nature of the world changing around you while you remain immortal as you are, his relationship to loss and change, he's just horny nothin else, would give s.laanesh a run for their money (which...speaking of ppl s.laanesh isn't just sex they're also drugs and rock and roll ffs like....excess in general)
The Joel can't count joke would get run into the ground....so hard. like ik i already occasionally meme on him being bad at math but god they'd take that seriously i stg
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tragedykery · 10 months
believe it or not but assigning morality to phones/phonemes isn’t the haha quirky little joke you think it is!
#like that has uh. a History!#elli rambles#there are definitely some Posts in the linguistics tag sometimes.#it definitely isn’t the most egregious example I’ve seen/heard and the op probably didn’t mean anything by it but. hm!#haha funny alignment chart. now quick tell me what you think about foreign languages. or the sapir-whorf hypothesis perhaps.#ok to take off my Silly Mask for a moment: what I’m getting at with those understatements is that assigning morality/any qualities really to#language has a bigoted—& more specifically: usually racist—history. language has often been used as a tool & justification for oppression.#take a look at the languages currently & historically deemed ‘pretty’ or ‘civilised’. compare that with the ones deemed ‘ugly’ or ‘barbaric’#who speaks them? ​exactly which features make them ‘worthy’ of those adjectives? is it only phonetics? if so: in what way exactly?#is the categorisation of sounds of speech as having certain inherent qualities truly objective—or do they happen to align with certain#cultural or personal biases? what purpose does this categorisation serve?#are a people deemed ‘barbaric’ because the language they speak is inherently & objectively barbaric—or is it perhaps the other way around?#could this type of view of a language possibly be used to justify the subjugation of its speakers under the guise of ‘civilising’ them?#Perhaps?#which is obviously not to say phonetic features are the only ones used to assign certain qualities to languages! but it was what the post#I’m referencing was about so#anyway sorry I went off on a tangent. I just feel quite strongly about this#languageposting
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saturdays--sun · 11 months
💕 for your drrr insert!
she's so. she's really just the whole package. she does arson. she carries a knife around. she's been in multiple gangs. she spends all her time watching anime and playing video games. she writes self ship fanfiction. she's got a skewed moral compass. she's a tsundere. she has horrible trauma. everyone in ikebukuro desires her carnally. /j
she's so funny because every time you think you've got a grasp on who she is as a person, you realize that you don't — but you do, but you also don't at all. on the surface, she just seems like some kind of weirdo nerd who prefers fictional worlds to the real one — which is true; but then you realize it's because, on top of just being a hobby, that was how she coped with every bad thing the real world forced onto her. and then you realize she's Been Through It™, so you think she's anxious and scared of the world, but that can't be further from the truth — she's a little codependent maybe (though, is it really considered codependency if it's more so the notion of "i've been with this person for damn near a decade, so no kidding i'd be utterly lost if he suddenly disappeared"?), and she still gets scared of things, but she's pointedly unfazed by things she probably really should be fazed by. like that one incident — you know the one; the one with the kidnapping. that one fucked her up — she still, every now and then, has nightmares about that night — but she can still look the guy who did that in the face and mouth off to him without so much as breaking a sweat.
but she's also just... so tragic. she's better now — it's easier to bury now; easier to act like herself again — but there's still so much genuine sadness lingering just below her surface. the seemingly endless amount of fanfics she writes about her and whatever 2D man she's currently into might just seem like a weird hobby at first — and it is — but it's also the only way she can really allow herself to even be loved in the first place. for as much as she thinks about it — hell, for even as much as she's surrounded by it — the concept of a real, tangible love scares her. so she avoids it — denies it in herself; denies it when it's looking her in the face; avoids it at every turn; convinces herself that it doesn't exist at all. if she ignores it, she doesn't have to face it. if she tells herself the person hitting on her isn't serious, then she doesn't have to be, either. if she convinces herself that she's too broken to ever be loved, then being alone won't hurt as much.
but it does hurt — but if she pretends it doesn't, maybe she'll be able to handle it for a little bit longer.
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ethernetmeep · 11 months
stood out in the rain a bit to see if that would help my current state.. all it did was have cold water hit my pajamas and hair. somewhat relaxing, if not for the bucket of emotions festering in my stomach— feeling like hot magma and ice are injected into my veins, eventually going to mix together and come to a standstill. but not right now. right now both of them are only somewhat starting to mix, the head on collision of two such contrasting forces feeling like a face plant into concrete. or like skinning your knee so bad in a race you know you’re going to lose, but volunteered for anyway; knowing you would be last no matter what you did.
…yeah, the last part did happen to me when i was younger, unsurprisingly. as soon as i fell i felt hot tears run down my face in a mix of both shame and embarrassment. i knew i wouldn’t get far, but i did it anyway. almost nobody even knew i was gone, or volunteered at the last second in the first place.
when i was younger, i hated that fact. hated nobody even realized i was there in the first place, but also simultaneously didn’t want to stay on the field with a knee gushing with blood and dirt either. looking back on it, i think i just wanted somebody to realize i was gone and say they hoped i was okay.
now things are difficult, confusing. the friends i had as a little girl aren’t the same ones i have today. i still wish for people to hope im okay, but i don’t say it; don’t really ask for it.
life is.. a lot. im having to process new things (new things which are so common and easy for other people, but extremely new to me) and i don’t know what to do about it. i can’t do anything about it. and you’re gonna say “no, you can! you can do this!” but it isn’t that simple. nothing is ever simple, really.
i guess its as myhouse.wad said in its diary section of the mod— “happiness has to be fought for.” which is true! i’ve fought tons of awful shit just to be where i am right now. i mean, im not perfect, but i’m here! i still exist! that has to mean something to someone, right? if not to anyone else, then to me!
…but even then, it’s not like i’m fighting for just my own happiness. i always wanna do whatever it is in my power to make sure everyone around me is okay, too; and doing that makes me realize that i’m not.. well. to put it in gentler terms, i’m never going to be my happiest. letting others be happy, or helping them achieve that goal, is great! its what i want to do, really. seeing other people light up is worth it to me. all i want is for the people i care about to be happy, whether i’m apart of it or not.. which hurts. the part of not being apart of it, i mean. it stings, feeling akin to being burnt alive to then being frozen over— (dramatic, i know..) but i’d rather i be the one to go through that than for anyone else to endure a fate as of that nature.
…granted, theres no exact reason why i should be the one to be put through that. i realize im a decent person all around, and a fate as that would make more sense for someone else of more cruel personality and actions.. but i don’t really mind. i can take that placement— because i know i can still see the good in things, regardless of how shitty the situation is. all in all, i won’t get the future or life i know i want.. and that’s okay. i’m fine with it. of course, not really— as i want more than anything to achieve the things i so desperately strive for— but soon enough i’ll be fine with it. if not now, soon i’ll be okay.
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fabcreature · 1 year
me: *desperately needs praise for the work i do or i will shatter from the heartache*
also me: *at least once a month cries and shatters from the heartache bc i'm convinced every single bit of praise i ever get is either a lie just to be nice, or misguided bc they don't realize i'm a fraud*
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thecatspasta · 1 year
What is the point of having art tags if I never use them?
No clue. Still have them tho. It be like that sometimes.
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