#sorry. anyway if i missed somebody obvious tell me in the tags. or crush me into dust the choice is yours much like this poll...
korrasamibottles · 9 months
Please review the evidence below the cut before delivering your verdict:
1. Tahno
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2. Amon
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3. Varrick
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4. Unavaatu
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5. Bumi
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6. Zuko (old)
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7. Aye Aye Spirit
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8. Ryu
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9. Ghazan
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10. Wu
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tintinwrites · 4 years
i dream too much | Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader | Part One
A/N: Just wanted to say that this is going to be a mini series, probably around six parts!!
Rating: 18+
Warning: Fem!Reader. It says Frankie x Reader but it is also Santi x Reader as well (this is a pining fic, my hoes). No smut, but it gets close...a lime if you will goodbye I am Ancient. Naughty words. Frankie gets his heart broken. Everyone is just stupid.
Word count: 2,251, apparently!!
Summary: Frankie decides to tell you he loves you, but he finds you in bed with someone.
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GIF credit: ^ Please let me know if you don’t want me using your GIF!!
Tags: Open!!
Frankie wondered if he should’ve dressed up a little more, but you’d never been one to insist on fancy dress.
How many times had you laid on his chest in nothing but a T-shirt and shorts when he was just in a shirt and jeans?
Regardless, he pulled off his V-neck and replaced it with a button down shirt, though it was short-sleeved and covered in a niche print.
It was fancier than his normal attire and showed that this was important to him, that this was an occasion that mattered and he wanted to show you that this meant a lot. That he wasn’t just looking for a good time because you were his friend and you had tits.
God, the way he zoned out in front of the mirror for a couple moments just thinking about your breasts wasn’t the point.
The point was that he’d been in love with you since practically the day he met you; your smile, your laugh, the way you touched his arm, all your jokes that nearly had him weeping from laughter...he never stood a chance, did he?
At first, he tried to convince himself that it was just a little crush because you were pretty and you were sweet to him, but it seemed like he just fell for you more and more each day. Even years into your friendship now, he still found little things about you that turned him into a fucking dope.
He was so terrified to ruin your friendship that he just kept it as a horrible, gnawing, yearning secret until he just couldn’t take it anymore. Not only was it eating away at him to pretend he wasn’t completely in love with you, but he didn’t think it was fair to you that he was having thoughts like this when you considered your friendship to be innocent.
When he went on another date with another person in his attempts to find someone as a way to get over his feelings for you, he realized it was definitely time that he told you for both your and his sake.
You would probably turn him down which would be okay even if it hurt like hell. He just didn’t want to keep harboring the secret like this even if you didn’t feel the same way.
That part made him a little nervous, but then he would remember one of the reasons why he was in love with you; you always called him ‘sweet Frankie’, even had it as his name in your phone with a couple heart emojis with it, and that made him think that maybe…
Well, it gave him the courage to admit to you what he felt whether you returned those feelings or not.
He decided to buy a bouquet of your favorite flowers and then panicked that it was a stupid, lame idea to buy you flowers, but he stuck with it so he wouldn’t have wasted the money. They were pretty, they smelled nice, they were a lot like you and he figured it would be good to lead with that.
I bought these for you because they reminded me of you and I love you.
That was stupid and didn’t even sound like something he would say. He hadn’t told someone he loved them since he was in his twenties and they broke up when he was thirty, and he hadn’t exactly had a long term relationship since then.
Every line or speech he planned just didn’t sound right, so he was just going to say whatever came to mind so it could be natural.
He hesitated when he stepped off the elevator and approached the door to your apartment, quickly forcing himself to knock before he could get scared enough to walk away.
You needed to know. He needed to tell you everything.
There was no answer and he thought that he tried to talk to you when you weren’t home, but he tried the doorknob and found that it wasn’t locked. Maybe you were just showering or something.
He stepped inside and shut the door, and he was just about to call out to you so he wouldn’t scare you with his presence when he heard the distinct sound of your laughter.
It was coming from the bedroom so he thought instead that you were just watching television, setting the bouquet down on your coffee table as he made his way down the little hallway that led to your room.
The door was open and he started to say your name, but paused when he stepped on something and looked down with his brow furrowed to find your bra on the floor. And your favorite shirt. There was a pair of lacy panties right outside the door and he had to force his gaze away from it as he moved closer.
He worried that maybe he was encroaching on some...alone time and he stared at the floor until he realized that you weren’t alone.
A man’s moan had him immediately jerking his head up to see that you were underneath someone; lips pressing, legs tangling, his hands wandering over your hips and your thighs and one of your hands moving in an obvious way within the man’s underwear.
Frankie’s heart would’ve dropped even if it was some complete stranger you’d picked up in a bar, but this wasn’t a stranger. Pope, his best fucking friend, was currently reaching between your legs to touch you.
He didn’t tell Santi or any of the other guys about his feelings for you, fearing ridicule or that they would tell you, but that didn’t mean it didn’t kill him to see his own best friend on top of the woman he loved.
It didn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see how enthusiastically you were enjoying him.
He’d been in love with you for years and Santi still beat him to you.
Not that it was a competition, not that you were a prize to be won, but...seeing the person he loved in the arms of someone he couldn’t even compare to was a bitter pill to take.
All he could do was stare in shock and disappointment, and there was a hollow ache that made it feel like someone was trying to push his chest right through his back.
What the hell was he supposed to do now?
Start telling you he loved you when Santi inevitably started fucking you? He couldn’t do that now, couldn’t tell you what he felt and humiliate and hurt you by awkwardly putting you on the spot when you were about to sleep with somebody else.
Once he was back in his right mind and realized he was impeding on a private moment and that his heart was sinking lower with each passing second, he knew he needed to leave. He would never tell you he’d been here and try to forget it himself.
That might have worked better if he didn’t step on your discarded underwear, slipping slightly since it was on the wood floor and stumbling into the wall. “Fuck!”
He heard a gasp and immediately looked to see that you had pushed Santi aside enough to see him, looking entirely mortified.
“Frankie?!” You hissed something to Santiago as you quickly shoved him off, grabbing the rumpled throw blanket from the foot of your bed to cover yourself.
Between your speed and Frankie’s respectfulness, he didn’t see more than a glimpse of you, but that didn’t stop him from blushing and sinking further against the wall in hopes that it would just swallow him and spit him out on another continent.
No such luck. He was still there, staring at the two of you. You were looking at him like a deer in headlights and Santi, though he covered the bulge in his underwear with a pillow, was grinning at him.
“You miss seeing my ass in the army showers or something, pendejo?” he teased since, yeah, Frankie would’ve gotten an eyeful of his ass if he’d just stood there silently.
“I was just...fuck, I was in the neighborhood and the door was unlocked…” He had a habit of taking off his hat and wringing it when he was anxious, but he only touched his hair when he reached up because he wanted to look good for you and hadn’t worn a hat.
“How much did you see?” Your question was practically squeaked out in embarrassment.
“Nothing.” Frankie was quick to reassure you, holding his hands up. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I should go.” His own embarrassment at his plans to tell you he loved you and at the two of you discovering he was there outweighed his pain for the moment, but he didn’t know how long it would. Both emotions made him want to run far, far away anyway.
“Oh, Frankie…” You started to get up and the way the blanket fell bared your hip to him and he—
“Don’t get up! I...I just stopped by because I was in the neighborhood, it’s not a big deal.” It was supposed to be a big deal. He supposed it still was, just not in the way he wanted.
He was supposed to tell you he loved you and he was supposed to be the one in your bed, but you’d chosen Santi before he could even get a chance.
He couldn’t help the jealousy that welled up in him; Santiago had always been handsome and charming where Frankie was average and too shy to go for half the things he wanted. He’d always looked up to him for that and now…
“Do you want some coffee?” you asked softly, looking guilty for the awkwardness of him witnessing such a moment.
With your offer was Santi’s hand rubbing your hip, trying to keep you in the mood despite the interruption, and you didn’t move away. Meaning you wanted to continue and Frankie was just a nuisance in that moment. “I’m good. I have, uh...a hip...appointment.”
He knew why he had hips on the brain, but his quick excuse just sounded silly to the two of you.
“You gettin’ old on me, ‘Fish?” Santi asked, eyebrows raised.
“Is everything okay?” The genuine concern in your voice made his chest squeeze, not any less in love with you than before even though he kind of hoped he would be.
“I mean...chiropractor appointment. I think I threw something out and I need, like...aligned and shit,” he mumbled, just wanting to leave as much as you two wanted to fuck.
“Oh, okay. Text me, let me know how it goes?” You smiled at him sweetly like you always seemed to do.
How could anyone be expected to not fall in love with you? He couldn’t even blame Santi for wanting you.
This was all probably just a hookup if he knew his friend, but he couldn’t bring himself to tell you now. Or ever. Not knowing that you wanted Santi first, imagining the sympathy in your eyes when you would tell him you didn’t feel the same way.
What was a few more years of pretending he didn’t love you to a man who’d already spent this long doing so?
Maybe this was the push he needed to move on from his feelings for you and give his dates an actual chance before deciding he didn’t like them because they weren’t you.
“Please fucking go, man.” Santi’s tone was desperate and meaningful, nodding towards you subtly as if to tell Frankie he was about to fuck you and needed alone time like he didn’t know.
“See you.” He hated the way the other man was just acting like they were two buddies in a bar and you were just some pair of pants Santi managed to flirt his way into.
He quickly turned and made his way down the hall, kicking off the panties that were still wrapped around the toe of his boot. He didn’t even remember the bouquet of flowers, just walked to the door and left as quickly as he possibly could.
Frankie had been broken up with a couple times in his life; middle school, high school, his one long term relationship that ended when he was thirty. But none of those even compared to this.
Maybe it was because you didn’t know he loved you or maybe he felt a sense of betrayal despite never admitting to Santi how he felt. Maybe he loved you more than he’d ever love anyone in his life and this made his yearning permanent.
All he knew was that this hurt like hell and he couldn’t believe he ever thought a fucking love confession was a good idea.
You could have your pick of anyone and this just proved it. Why the fuck would you even look twice at him when there were guys like Santi around?
Being so close with you was more than enough and he was almost happy that he didn’t ruin it now, trying to convince himself that the whole situation had saved his ass.
It probably was just a crush he’d been harboring since he met you and he was just reading into it too much.
But as he climbed into his truck, and shut the door, and let his head thump back against the seat, he knew that he loved you and that now he would never be able to do a damn thing about it.
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nelavili · 3 years
I'm still processing Season 6 and as an unpopular opinion I'm not too happy about it as a whole. I feel horrible for not enjoying it as much as the Cast/Crew would like me to, but I just can’t change this feeling I have.
Just to clear my head I'll write the things down that irked me. I don't want to start any discussion, they're only my thoughts on stuff ‘n thangs. Huge spoilers ahead, please don’t read if you haven’t watched.
I admit it, I have probably more sympathy for the bad twin than I should. And after the whole S5 I thought we get a bit more closure with him. I didn’t expect a redemption arc, after Michael killed Remiel, Dan and Chloe it would have felt wrong. But after the “Everyone deserves a second chance” the dude is down in hell, scrubbing the floor with a toothbrush. Really, Lucifer? That’s cruel after such a righteous line.
When Luci realized he could help everyone, even if he hated them, I hoped for a dive into the twins’ relationship but it was like Michael didn’t even existed anymore. And if someone needed therapy it would be the twin with the huge inferior complex. That could have been so interesting. (I had hoped that he'd sat on the couch at the end, but noooo we get the Frenchman.. such a disappointment.)
Maybe Tom Ellis didn’t want to play 2 roles again, or there was no time, but I feel that was a huge opportunity wasted.
What even was the plan of Michael? To get God to retire and wreck havoc on earth to get Dad back, so Mickey can take over as the new God? And then what? Wipe out humanity? I see no endgame here.
I liked Ella’s Story so far. But she stole the personal file of Carol and even broke into his house.. and everybody is cool with this? Carol might be crushing on Ella pretty hard but if somebody tells you they broke into your house, because they feared you were hiding something bad, You run for the hills. But the dude isn’t even phased.
I’m glad Carol is a good guy, though. Even if he’s kind of bland.
Ella finding out the truth on her own came out of nowhere. I would have found it better if they would have her act a little suspicious over the whole S5. But since they wrote S6 while S5 was shot, a little to late for this.
The scene at the wedding was amazing. I had so much fun with her outburst there.
Ghost!Dan was my favorite by far in this season. And I really liked how he wanted to help and tried to find out what he still felt guilty about.
I am so glad he got to spend his afterlife with Charlotte and I laughed so hard with the pudding. Didn’t expect that, in a positive matter. :D
The scene with Trixie killed me. Bawled so hard as soon as Kevin got teary eyes. That really gripped at my heartstrings.
But how could he go to heaven while in a body of a killer when his daughter stands right next to that killer?
Comedy-wise Dan is top notch
I missed her so much.
It felt like she was an afterthought with everything. She recently lost her Dad and Chloe spends most of the time with Lucifer. I really missed the scenes with her and Luci, they always were so adorable.
They explain it later that she’s at a science camp, but I honestly thought Chloe chooses Lucifer (and later Rory too) over her.
She wasn’t at Chloe’s deathbed but here I’m not sure if the scene with Rory isn’t placed somewhere at the threshold to heaven where only celestials are able to enter. But if she wasn’t there because Chloe sidelined her in favor of Rory, then I can understand her absence.
I love Linda, she always gives good advice but nobody’s ever took it.
Her book probably would fly under the fantasy tag if she ever published it. Still, it felt cringey.
It was so sad that she thought she was a bad therapist.
Apparently she wants to keep helping celestials because it’s better than helping humans. In the end, celestials have the same problems as humans just on a bigger scale. But okay.
Amenacop was good, and a nice nod to Dan who put in the application.
It made him realize that he only can change things when he has more power. I’m white and no american so I don’t know if the BLM theme there was well enough executed. Got me wondering.
The apocalypse just being Angels who are incompetent was a letdown. Like this whole season.
I really like him as god. And I am glad he took the position in the end. Even if he could have decided this a bit earlier.
I like her sarcasm and her character.
Didn’t like the whole time travel, time loop and daughter spiel. I’m not a big fan of time travels or couples getting a kid just for the sake of a happy end or to add extra drama. I could have lived without a Deckerstar baby. Instead they could have focused on Trixie for a change.
The time she spent with Lucifer on the 4th August was precious though.
How in hell did the Frenchman capture her? How did he even know how she looked? IIRC Dan hasn’t seen Rory while in that body. Dan just went over to Trixie that’s why I thought he’d capture her and not Rory.
He found his calling to help the souls in hell only because Rory traveled back in time? No man, he already took the step with Jimmy Barnes in preparation to take over as god. I don’t think it’s far fetched to believe that he would have the same epiphany without Rory there.
But without Rory, he wouldn’t have been helping Ghost!Dan to go to heaven. Though, before Rory traveled back in time, Lucifer was already trying to help Dan. They probably would have needed more time to figure out about what Dan felt guilty about, but figure it out anyways.
How did he even got Chloe pregnant? Was it his subconscious deciding he was ready to be a father? Amenadiel had to believe that he was human to get Linda pregnant. Or maybe it’s because they always thought they couldn’t impregnate a human and self-actualized it that way. Anyways, it’s a tiny hang-up I have with it.
Somebody else besides me thought that the scene in the panic room was awkwardly long? I know they thought Lucifer would vanish somehow, but it seemed too much to me.
His singsong while the magician talked about the trick. :D
I don’t want to even get into the whole time loop thing because I think it’s ridiculous(ly bad).
It took a lot of time for him to realize that he didn’t want to be god, after he put it on hold for a second time. Even Chloe could have asked him if that is really what he wanted. Could have spared us an episode or so. Why is the communication on this show so bad? Q.Q
I loved that he helped Maze with Eve to get the wedding back on after their fight.
He didn’t say goodbye to Trixie  - again. What a nice step-devil..
It’s been Chloe, Rory and his family since he found out she’s his daughter. Not even mentioning the one kid who probably loved him before even Chloe fell for him.
For someone who is all about free will and led a rebellion against God for it, he was quick to accept that he has a “fate”. I thought he’d find another way, or at least try to. Nope, he just did what his child wanted. And they disguised it at his “choice”. Doesn’t look like a choice to me if your daughter begs you for it and you have to promise it. Just getting along with what your child wants.
Why does everyone need to shoot him? Just cut him until he bleeds. The Americans and their fixation on guns. Nice parallel to Chloe though.
Lucifer trying to fix the relationship to Rory with gifts was so cringey. I don’t know why but I couldn’t watch him sing/dance in that scene.
Both him and Amenadiel didn’t want to become like their Dad because of the reasons stated in S5, yet Lucifer exactly did. Another letdown.
As soon as she knew Rory was her and Lucifer’s daughter it was all only about Lucifer and Rory. No thought of Trixie? I understand she was worried about being a bad mother to Rory, but come on, you’re being a bad mother to your first child right now.
She was ready to go to heaven with Lucifer. And Trixie does what exactly without her parents? Living with her Grandma because one of her parent died and the other one is abandoning her? It’s like the writers forgot about Trixie while forcing Rory on us.
The addiction to the necklace got old pretty fast.
And that whole fight against Lucifer felt unnecessary just to add more drama.
She gets mad at Lucifer for not telling her everything while not telling him that she went back to the LAPD. It’s Lucifer, he always has things on his plate. Double moral, pretty much.
She looked so gorgeous at the wedding, oh my god.
Most of the Deckerstar scenes were good. I got tired of the obvious naked cuddle times, surprisingly. Somehow it felt not like the ones in S5 and it bothered me.
I thought Chloe would finally get to know about everything Lucifer did for her, but I didn’t expect her to read it in Linda’s book. And that she only took away that he left her every time they had an emotional breakthrough.
They spend Lucifer’s last day at the beach and once again, no thought of Trixie. I’m sorry I repeat myself here so often. But this whole season wronged Trixie so much.
They face the baddie without any backup.  At least get Amenadiel with you.
Other things
The use of music between scenes was too much for me. Got annoying at some point.
I appreciate that they wanted to show us snippets of past Deckerstar scenes but here too, I felt like it was too much.
Couldn’t really follow the timeline. Maybe it were the cuts.
What’s been the point of bringing Adam into the mix? Just to wrap up Maze and Eve’s story? For Linda having another celestial to therapy?
The animation in the Jimmy Barnes Hell loop was AMAZING. I laughed so hard.
I’m not saying that Deckerstar shouldn’t have sacrificed everything for the time loop to stay intact, I say that the whole daughter-time travel plot shouldn’t have had happened. They never even talked about having kids, and then ignore the whole existence of the one kid that’s already there.
I really need all the Michaella fanfics, please. My first ship that’s actually a raft, because they never officially have met. RIP lmao
The acting was great as usual, all my problems come from the writing and the plot.
In the end, I really feel frustrated, underwhelmed and disappointed by the whole season. I didn’t have high expectations other than the same writing quality like S5. My excitement for that Season died as soon as Rory told Lucifer that she’s his daughter, to be honest. I waited for a plot twist that never came. Then the whole time loop shit.  I’d rather have waited one more year for S6 if the plot would have made more sense, since this felt like a first draft of a whole other show. And now I wished that S5 would have been the last season. If I could travel back in time, I’d rather not watch S6.
I can honestly live with the fact that Luci and Chloe are in hell, trying to help souls to get to heaven. (But hello, not the murderers perhaps? Or I want Michael sitting on that couch right now.) But the fact that both “chose” to sacrifice their time together with their family and friends just because it’s fate now and parents have to make sacrifices for their children; and anyways there’s an afterlife because (human) life is just a blip in our existence… nah thank you. I do not want it.
I’m probably not gonna rewatch S6 anytime soon.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Tell a Tale of You and Me - Chapter Seven
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: You knew that making a bet with Sirius Black was like making a deal with the devil but you just couldn’t help yourself. You had never been a heavenly woman.
Warnings: fluff, angst, pining, Sirius being oblivious
Words: 2233
A/N: This is a little bit of a filler chapter, it sheds some light on what happened in fourth year and how Y/N became a badass! I hope you guys enjoy, please let me know what you think and let me know if you would like to be tagged! I love you all very much! xxx
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Chapter Seven
Three years previously
Wincing, you massaged your aching hand before you moved your quill down your piece of parchment, tapping the point of the eagle owl feather against your chin as you thought what to write next. You were writing an essay for History of Magic which was definitely the most boring subject at Hogwarts and the mention of all the blood always made you feel squeamish.
You jerked your head up when you heard footsteps approaching your desk and you sincerely hoped that it wasn’t the Slytherin girl from the other day. You smiled in relief as you saw that it was Remus. Though, you were still a little nervous around him, obviously you knew him but you didn’t really hang round with him. It was mainly because he hung around with Sirius and every time you spoke to Sirius you stuttered and blood always rushed to your cheeks. You were so hopeless around Sirius but you couldn’t help it, he was just so handsome. But, he barely thought of you as a friend.
Remus was really nice though, “hi Y/N, can I sit down?” he smiled, sitting down when you nodded, “doing homework?” he asked with a teasing grin that made you flush.
“Yeah,” you whispered, you didn’t want to get yelled at by Madam Pince, “it’s for History of Magic so it’s a wonder that I’m not asleep,” you giggled and Remus nodded understandingly.
“Oh yeah, I can imagine, it should be an interesting subject but Professor Binns has an extraordinary talent of making it so boring,” he chuckled and you noticed that he looked tired, he was ill about once every month, “do you mind if I study with you?” he asked kindly as he pulled some parchment out of his bag.
You nodded, “of course I don’t mind but thank you for asking,” you answered meekly.
To tell the truth, you didn’t actually study together, instead you both did your homework in silence, only really talking when it was necessary but you liked being in his company. At one point, you passed him your inkwell because he had run out of ink and he touched your arm ever so gently, his eyebrows knitted together as he saw the bruises that littered your arm.
“What happened Y/N?”
Biting your lip, you shook the sleeves of your robes over your hands, “I bumped into one of the Slytherin prefects and she decided to hex me. I’m not very good at standing up for myself,” you wished that you could be braver but you just couldn’t. You hoped that he wouldn’t laugh at you.
Instead he sighed, his soft hazel eyes full of sympathy, you hated it when people looked at you like that, “Y/N,” he trailed off, frowning as he looked over your shoulder.
You turned around to see what had grabbed his attention. It was Narcissa Black, a beautiful but cold girl; she was also Sirius’ cousin. Her friend Morgana was at her side and she was also very pretty. They were probably two of the most popular girls in your year and they were smirking at you. Well, Narcissa was smirking at you, Morgana looked rather bored.
“Y/L/N,” Narcissa smirked before her cold ice blue eyes flicked over to Remus, “scram Lupin, I need to have a girl talk with Y/N.”
Remus opened his mouth to argue, promptly shutting it when somebody called his name from the doorway, “god Moony, you’re always in the library!” you recognised that loud teasing voice, your heart recognised it. Casually, you looked over at Sirius and froze in place, he was so breathtakingly beautiful, “hi Y/N,” he grinned. It felt like all the air had been stolen from your lungs as he carelessly raked a hand through his messy hair.
Your face flushed as you nodded at him and turned to Remus who had been watching you with worried eyes, “I’ll be fine Remus,” you mumbled, “you can go.” Remus sighed as he gave you a quick hug, glared at the Slytherin girls as he caught up with his friends. You chewed your lip nervously as Narcissa and Morgana sat opposite you.
“Tough break about what happened between you and Rosier’s girlfriend, I was sorry to hear about it,” Narcissa started, though she didn’t look sorry as malice sparkled in her eyes, “I know that you’ve got a crush on my cousin Sirius, it’s revolting the way you look at him. A blind man could see it.”
You sighed, feeling your body go hot at the mention of his name and you knew that there was no point in trying to deny it, “yeah, and so have many other people. Have you had this conversation with all of them?” you asked, your tone was a little snarky and Narcissa obviously heard it because her eyes flashed dangerously.
“Actually, we don’t,” Morgan drawled as she inspected her nails, not even looking up at you, “because Sirius doesn’t fancy them. He fancies you.”
Your mind went blank at Morgana’s words, you didn’t know Sirius all that well but you were sure that you would know if he fancied you. Your heart soared happily for a split second, just a split second before it plummeted down to your gut as you started to question Morgana’s words, “he can get anyone he wants, and he does. He’s not shy about people he fancies either. How would you know if he fancies me anyway? You don’t really talk to him, do you?”
Narcissa sighed as she rolled her eyes, it looked as though she thought of the whole thing as tiresome, “I overheard him telling James, and besides you’re rather pretty,” she shrugged.
“Why would you tip me off about this whole thing?” you muttered, you just didn’t know why two Slytherin girls, who weren’t very nice would tip you off about Sirius.
“Because it’s like I said, its revolting seeing you pine for him so just tell him how you feel already, because he feels the same,” she smirked, “see you, Y/L/N. Good luck,” she almost floated away.
Something just didn’t add up about the fact that Narcissa had been rather pleasant to you, she had something of a reputation but finally, you decided that you didn’t care. You dawdled in the corridor, trying to take as much time as possible, nerves and excitement swarmed in your stomach and mixed together to create the most wonderful feeling. It felt like you could do anything, it felt like you could walk on air. Though, you felt like this was all too good to be true.
100% of the time you would stutter and deny it when you were paid a compliment, but you were very pretty, even if you didn’t think so, everybody else thought so. Everybody who knew you had a crush on Sirius – and mostly everyone knew, you were so obvious – all thought that you deserved better.
With a slightly manic grin on your face, you climbed through the portrait hole, ready to confess your feelings. When you walked into the common room, your stomach filled with anxiety, you wanted those wonderful butterflies back, and you felt sick. Lily looked at you with wide green eyes and Remus chewed his lip, his eyes on the floor. Trying to hold your tears back, you glanced away from your friends, looking at the scene that was unfolding before you.
Sirius was very passionately snogging some random girl, right in the middle of the common room, on your favourite armchair, “Sirius,” you muttered, though you didn’t mean for his name to escape your mouth.
To your horror, the beautiful boy heard you and pulled away from the girl with a horrible sucking sound. Sirius grinned at you while the girl rolled her eyes and shot you a venomous glare, “how are you love?” he asked and you wished that he wasn’t so handsome.
You wished that you could just turn your feelings off but you knew that you weren’t the only girl who had had their heart broken by him. You supposed that he was making fun of you when he had told James that he had feelings for you.
“How  could you?” you whimpered, pretty much running out of the common room, not caring that quite a lot of people saw you. You ignored Alice and Lily’s call of your name. You had never known such pain in all your fourteen years of life, why would he do this?
Because you had just run out of the common room, you obviously couldn’t hear the conversation that was going on inside it, “Merlin, she is so weird,” the girl giggled before leaning in to kiss Sirius again.
His eyes flashed angrily as he backed away from her, “you need to leave. Right now,” the girl scoffed at his demand, “no, I mean it. Y/N is not weird, she’s wonderful, and she’s my friend.”
Sirius rounded the corner at high speed, ignoring the amused flirtatious glances he was receiving as he ran a hand through his tangled hair; he’d fool around with someone later on. Remus panted as he almost had to jog to keep up with his best friend.
“Merlin, Sirius. Would you slow down? I know that you want to ask Lily about Y/N, but come on!” he grumbled and Sirius shot a smirk at him over his shoulder.
“C’mon on Moons, you’re not getting old on me are you?” finally, Sirius spotted Lily walking down the hallway with Alice, James was walking on the other side of Lily, looking at her adoringly, she looked very bored. Peter was at an extra study session because he was failing Potions, “Evans! Oi, Evans!” the pretty redhead looked up and rolled her eyes.
“What the hell do you want Sirius? Get lost by the way Potter,” she raised an eyebrow while Alice sighed. Sirius chuckled as James winked at him and he walked over to join Sirius and Remus.
“Is Y/N okay? I hardly see her anymore!” they weren’t very good friends but Sirius still missed her.
Lily sighed, “she’s fine, she’s just studying really hard. But I’ll tell her that you were asking after her,” she made to walk off but Sirius stopped her.
“Please, Lily. The only time I ever see her anymore is either in class or at mealtimes and even then she won’t speak to me. And, in the evenings she’s already up in the dormitories,” he gnawed at his lip, feeling guilty. He hoped that he hadn’t done anything to hurt her feelings; Y/N was really sweet.
Lily smirked at him but her green eyes looked angry as they flashed at him, “wow, you’re actually concerned about someone other than yourself, has hell frozen over? Maybe she just doesn’t like you, can’t say that I blame her. Catch you never,” she strode back down the hallway, arm in arm with Alice.
James sighed wistfully as he looked at her retreating back, “she’s so wonderful. How I wish she was mine.”
Sirius scowled at both Lily’s words and his best friends reaction to them, “c’mon Remus, James we have a free period, hopefully she’ll be in the common room,” Sirius climbed the staircase, taking two steps at a time.
“No, I don’t think that’s such a good idea, really Sirius. Maybe we should just leave her be,” Remus tried to reason with him and James agreed.
“He’s right Pads, if she’s not talking to you it must be for a reason,” James sighed, hurrying to keep up.
“And, I’m going to find out what that reason is,” he dismissed his friends words; he had to know what was going on with her and apologise if he needed to.
When the three boys entered the common room, they discovered that Y/N was sitting by the fire, engrossed on the book she was reading. Sirius cleared his throat, ruffling his hair nervously as Y/N looked up, politely startled. Her pretty eyes lingered on Sirius for a second before she looked at Remus and James, her face breaking out into a warm smile. There was no trace of the usual nervousness in her smile.
“Hi boys,” her voice was a little louder than usual and as she closed her book and stood up, it seemed like she was standing taller.
“Uh, hi. We just wanted to check in on you, we have hardly seen you in ages, Y/N,” Sirius started.
She shrugged, “I’ve just been studying, I want to have a future after Hogwarts you know,” she smirked.
Sirius was so confused; she wasn’t acting like her usual self, “are you okay? You’re not acting at all like yourself,” Remus sounded just as confused as Sirius felt.
“Oh don’t mind them Y/N,” James smirked, “I like you like this, no offense.”
“None taken James,” she winked at him before looking at Remus again, “I’ve grown up quite quickly in the past couple of months, I hated being meek and obedient, it didn’t feel like me,” she strolled over to Remus and kissed his cheek, “thanks for checking on me though,” she smiled at James, ruffling his hair. She hardly spared a glance at Sirius. Remus’ cheeks flushed as he looked at his best friend.
By the look of it, he didn’t understand what was going on any more than Sirius did. James just looked like he was having a great time.
@approved-by-dentists​ @thefuturelawyer​ @a-miserable-hufflepunk​ @firelordmillie​ @seriouslysiriuss​ @sleep-i-ness​ @play-morezeppelin​ @pregnant-piggy​ @sleepingalaska​ @smiithys​ @blisfvll​ @rexorangecouny​
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maryqueenofmurder · 4 years
Impulse x Grian x Ren
We r so close to the end guys, sorry I dropped off the face of the earth again.  School, new fics, etc.  Thanks to my Beta Reader for beta-ing as many chapters as they could!!  If u r reading this and want me to tag you, I will!
Impulse watched, captivated, as Ren poured out his heart to a musical tune. It was beautiful.  That wasn’t enough, it was captivating, stunning, enthralling. Try as he might, Impulse couldn’t truly describe it. Not with words.
It didn’t rhyme, didn’t sound rehearsed or planned, just raw feeling. Like an impassioned ramble, or a speech. Something charismatic, something that pulls you in and tugs at your heartstrings. It was Ren telling Grian exactly how he felt.
Ren with his eyes shut tight because he didn't have the courage to watch and see what his song did to Grian. Ren who had started out with a wide smile that soon wavered and fell. Ren with his crystal clear voice, and the face he always made when he concentrated. Ren who had honesty written on every inch of his face, somehow still pleading for Grian to return the sentiment.
Grian’s expressions were different.  There was no fear in his eyes. He only had love and joy in them. Grian had watched Ren astoundedly, not expecting his simple request of a love song to have such strange consequences.  Not that hearing Ren’s song was a consequence.  Grian had an overjoyed grin on his face since before the moment Ren began singing.
While listening to Ren sing, Impulse felt like he was on cloud nine. Once again, for lack of a better word, it was beautiful. Even though the song wasn’t meant for him, Impulse still felt happiness surge through him just from the proximity to such a sight, such a sound. He couldn’t help but sway to the music.
Once it ended, Grian and Ren embraced. Impulse was hit with the realization that they had such a wonderful relationship. One that had no room for him in it. They loved each, he knew, and not him, no matter how much he wished they did. Impulse was going to have to hide how he felt.  He would have to watch them be in love and suffer silently, no matter how proud he was of them for getting together. It was nearly enough to make him cry.
Scratch that, he was crying. It wasn’t sobs, or sniffles, or globs of snot.  It was just a couple of tears blurring his vision in the campfire light, and running down his cheeks when he blinked.  It was totally silent, and he would never have even guessed he was crying if he couldn’t feel the wetness tracing its way down his face and dripping onto his clothes.
For a while Grian and Ren continued to hug, maybe kiss, Impulse was facing Grian’s back and he couldn’t tell even if he wasn’t because the tears were making his vision blur. Impulse watched them, feeling like he’s intruding on something private, but he couldn’t leave without having to field awkward questions later about why he left. Impulse prepared to stand up, he could just say he wasn’t interested in watching the two do whatever they were doing and they won’t press. They’d probably go back to staring in each other’s eyes or something romantic like that.
“Hey, Impulse, you okay?” Grian said from right in front of him. Impulse nearly startles, so caught up in his own pity party he forgot the two people he was pitying himself about.
“You’re crying,” Grian continued unnecessarily. Impulse reached his hand up and swiped at the tears halfheartedly. New ones simply formed in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks eventually.
“Happy tears,” Impulse said hollowly. It rang of a lie. “That was beautiful, Ren,” Impulse directed his second sentence at Ren, who had come over as well at some point.  It sounded far too plain.  Impulse wanted to tell Ren that his song wasn’t just beautiful, it was more than beautiful, but he can’t articulate it quite right and he’s sure the words will sound much different than they do in his head.
“No, dude, something is clearly wrong.  And we hippies gotta stick together, right?” Ren sat down next to Impulse.  “Seriously though, Impulse, you can tell us anything,” Ren adds. This caused the tears in his eyes to fall faster because he can’t. Impulse doesn’t want to risk losing them. He can’t tell them everything, he can’t tell them anything.
No, that’s not true. They can know he likes somebody. Somebodies. They can know the people that he likes are together. They just can’t know that it’s them. No, he tells himself internally, they’ll figure it out, they aren’t dumb. But, he argues back, they are incredibly oblivious. Impulse has nothing to say about that. It is true. It would be good to get this off his chest, to tell somebody else besides Tango. It’s a stupid idea, but he’s going to do it anyway.
“There are these people I like. The song made me think about them,” Impulse says haltingly. Ren made a strangled noise, like a dying chicken.
“People?” Grian asked carefully. Impulse’s stomach tightened. Stupid, stupid! He hadn’t even considered that Grian or Ren might not approve of polyamory.  He gave a nod.
“Do you want to talk about them, my dude?”  Ren asked, his voice sounding off from the happiness it had been exuding earlier.
“Right. So I’m bi, and there are these two guys I-like. The problem is that they’re dating, and obviously in love,” Impulse stutters slightly, too shy to say he loves them out loud. “I’m worried that I’ll lose them as friends if I tell them, and I don’t know what to do,” Impulse finished.
“I just wish they liked me,” Impulse said despairingly, and resisted the urge to pull his knees to his chest.
“Impulse,” Ren said as he sat down next to Impulse, “You’re good at redstone and at building.”
Grian grabbed Impulse’s hands with his own. “You are handsome, talented, patient, and kind!”
“You have an eye for details, and a willingness for boring, tedious work. You are amazing my dude.” Ren interjected, before being interrupted by Grian.
“And if Zedaph and Tango can’t see that, it’s their loss!” Grian declared passionately. Wait, what?
“What do you mean Zedaph and Tango?” Impulse asked curiously, wiping the growing tears from his eyes. They had complimented him. Impulse hadn’t been able to stop himself from blushing, and could only hope that they would assume it was from his crying.
“Well…” Grian trailed off uncomfortably. “It’s fairly obvious that the two you harbor crushes on are Zedaph and Tango.” Grian said, sounding pained. Impulse wasn’t sure why he did what he did next. Maybe his crushes complimenting him gave him courage. Maybe he just really needed to say something instead of keeping it a secret from the people he was in love with.
“It’s not Zedaph and Tango I have a crush on, it’s you and Ren.” Impulse blurted out, trying not to think about what he was doing. Grian sat there, stunned. Ren seemed shocked as well, but he quickly shook himself out of it.
“Well, Impulse,” Ren flashed him a blinding grin. “You’re in luck, then.” He pulled a still gaping Grian forward. “He and I happen to have some pretty strong feelings for you as well.”
Impulse watched them, barely able to believe it. They liked him back. Wait. The three of them had been pining after each other for months!
“Well then,” Grian said giddily. “Want to go on a date? We can do something classy for once, instead of just egging Mumbo’s base.” Impulse stared at Grian. A date? Yes. Yes, he wanted that so much, and now? He couldn’t think of a single reason he couldn’t have it.
“Alright,” Impulse smiled.
“Yes,” Ren fist-pumped.
“I’m going to bed. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t!” Grian yelled over his shoulder as he ran to his R.V. Impulse lifted an eyebrow.
“That was… odd. Any particular reason he ran off?” Impulse questioned.
“We’re set to watch the sunrise tomorrow, and he doesn’t want to miss it,”  Ren said. A sneaky smile slipped onto his face.
“Do you want to join us?” Ren asked.
“I. Yes, yes I do,” Impulse admitted.
“It’s a date, then,” Ren grinned, then winked before sauntering off to his R.V. Impulse watched him go with a love-stricken smile. He had no idea how he got here, but he was glad he did.
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andorerso · 4 years
for the prompt “Help me I’m being hit on at a bar please be my fake boyfriend for a second” which was requested on AO3, but @asunachinadoll also asked for it. I wasn’t originally going to do it because I initially chose your other prompt, but since somebody else also asked for this one, I figured I’d tag you too. Hope you enjoy! :)
It was Friday night at the Falcon, and Jyn was not having a good time. Shara was ill and had to cancel, Leia was now fifteen minutes late without an explanation, and the guy who’d seen her sitting alone and thought it was an invitation to join her would not get the hint. And she wasn’t even subtle about it.
It was obvious he saw “conquering” her as a challenge and wasn’t about to give up soon. Guys like him made her wonder why she even bothered to leave her apartment when she could very well get drunk and have a good time at home. But Leia and Shara both preferred to go out drinking, thus Jyn was outvoted.
Now she was alone and she was seriously contemplating leaving. If Leia didn’t show up in the next five minutes, she would. In the meantime, she had to figure out how to get rid of this creep, and since “I’m not interested” clearly didn’t cut it, her options were limited.
She could punch the guy, she supposed, but she didn’t want to get banned from the bar, especially because Leia had an obvious crush on the bartender and would not be happy about it. At a loss of other ideas, she reverted back to the old classic.
“I have a boyfriend,” she lied, hoping this would be enough for him to back off. Some guys wouldn’t take no for answer but would have some kind of fucked up respect for the “territory” of another dude. It made Jyn sick, but if it got him to leave, she’d take it.
Unfortunately, he didn’t seem to be one of those guys.
“I don’t see him anywhere,” he said, looking around the bar pointedly. Jyn contemplated punching him once again.
By some miracle, she saw a guy walking towards their general direction and she reacted without thinking.
“He’s right here,” she said, standing up and catching the stranger’s arm to draw him to her side. She felt him tense up, obviously caught off-guard by her boldness.
Oh Jesus. She felt so awkward and she hoped the creepy dude didn’t pick up on it. Please just play along, please just play along, please just play along.
She knew this could potentially backfire really bad, but she prayed to some god that the guy whose arm she was currently clutching was decent enough to help her out here. She glanced at him quickly, momentarily stunned by the dark brown eyes that met hers. Woah. He was kind of handsome.
Ignoring that revelation, she gave him a pleading look, hoping to convey that she was not crazy, she just needed some backup. He furrowed his eyebrows, glanced at the creepy dude who’d been harassing her, then gave her a small, almost imperceptible nod.
Maybe she was in luck here.
“You her boyfriend?” creepy dude asked, sounding suspicious. He talked directly to the stranger like only his opinion mattered here. Jyn really wanted to punch him.
“Yes,” the guy said without blinking, and she was surprised by how genuine it sounded. Someone was a good liar, apparently. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t harass my girlfriend.”
Creepy dude held up his arms, clearly not looking for a fight. All talk, no bark, it seemed. Most of them were.
“Hey man, no harm done. I didn’t know she was taken.”
“I told you I wasn’t interested,” Jyn answered darkly but the guy didn’t seem remorseful in the least.
“They all say that,” he shrugged. Before Jyn could open her mouth to tear him apart, the other guy cut in.
“I suggest you leave now,” he said, a clear warning in his voice. Jyn looked up at him, surprised by how much she liked his dark tone. At first glance, he just seemed kind of stand-offish, but not the kind of guy who could do serious damage to anyone. Now, there was a dangerous glint in his eyes, and he looked like he was capable of holding his own in a fight if pushed to it.
Jyn gulped and quickly looked away, realizing that she missed the moment creepy guy actually left. Finally.
She turned to the other man, letting go of his arm and giving him an apologetic but grateful smile. Immediately, the dangerous expression on his face cleared up, replaced by compassion.
“Sorry about that. He was pushy.”
“It’s no problem at all,” he said, then gave her a quick once-over. Her face heated up. It didn’t feel leering, rather assessing, but she liked it a little too much. “Somehow, you don’t look like the type who needs to be saved though.”
She gave him a feral grin. “Oh, you didn’t save me. You saved him.”
“Now I regret it,” he laughed, and she warmed all over. Damn, why was her heart beating so fast?
“Well, thank you,” she said. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Leia finally walk through the door, and she almost felt disappointed. But he probably had to go back to his friends too – unless he was here alone? Then maybe she could invite him to –
No. She wasn’t here to pick up someone, she was here to laugh and hang out with her friend, and she wasn’t interested in a drunken hook-up anyway.
“My friend’s here so…” she trailed off, a little awkward, and he nodded. They both paused. He looked like he might say something, and she contemplated saying something… but it seemed neither of them were brave enough.
“Have fun,” he said before leaving. She followed him with her eyes, watching as he found his table and sat down in front of another man with short-cropped hair and wiry glasses. So he was here with friends. It was a good thing she didn’t make a fool of herself then.
Leia arrived with a flourish, gesturing towards the guy with her finger.
“What was that about?” she asked as a way of greeting. Jyn glared a little bit to let her know she was mad about her tardiness.
“Some guy hit on me and he pretended to be my boyfriend,” she explained, looking back at him again. She realized she didn’t even know his name. She wondered if she’d see him again.
“He’s cute,” Leia offered as they both sat down, and Jyn shrugged, trying to play it off.
“Why didn’t you get his number?”
“I’m not here to meet people.”
“But if the opportunity presents itself…” Leia trailed off, a sharp grin curving on her lips.
Jyn sighed and glanced at the guy again. This time, he was looking back, and her face went red as she quickly averted her eyes. Jesus. Could he tell they were talking about him?
Leia’s eyebrows were raised when she looked back at her.
“Go over there and ask him,” she said, and Jyn crossed her arms across her chest.
“Oh, for Christ’s sake,” Leia groaned, and before Jyn could stop her, she was up and heading towards the guys’ table.
“Leia!” Jyn hissed but Leia was no longer paying attention. Jyn watched in horror as she reached the other table and addressed the cute guy. She was too far away to make out what she was saying but Jyn could just about imagine. She buried her face in her hands, wishing for the ground to swallow her whole, and only looked up when Leia was back at their table.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” Leia huffed, holding a piece of paper in her hand. “He liked you too, you know.”
She smirked and held out the paper.
“Here. His name is Cassian and he said he didn’t feel right asking for your number when you just got rid of one creepy dude. So. Solid guy. Consider it a consolation prize for being late.”
Jyn took the paper, glanced at the number, then looked towards his table again. Cassian. She liked it.
He was looking back, and when their eyes met, he gave her a tiny smile. Jyn felt her own lips curve up in response, her heartbeat picking up. Her face was aflame by this point, but she held up the paper to let him know she got it. Would it be too soon to text him tonight?
Jyn turned back to Leia then gave her a shrug. “You’re forgiven.”
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srawesleyghuewrites · 5 years
Back To You - Chapter 7
Tumblr media
Series: Back To You(Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6)
For desktop users: masterlist
For mobile users: mobile masterlist
Pairing: Drake x MC(Anna Grey)
Faceclaim: Daniel di Tomasso as Drake Walker, Elizabeth Olsen as Anna Grey and Paul Wesley as King Liam
Book: The Royal Romance
Word Count: ~ 1700
Rating:  M for language
Drake and Anna finally face her decision and all the consequences that follow.
Author’s Note:
HEY EVERYBODY!!! I’VE MISSED YOU GUYS AND TUMBLR SOOOO MUCH IT’S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE... I’ve been away from tumblr for quite a while now, because I’ve been studying and writing like a mad woman but now along with THE ROYAL HEIR, I’M BACK!!!!!!!!!
And so is my good old Back To You fanfic, I’ve finished writing and now I’ll start posting again. It’s a lot of angst until the very end(which might me angst too???) and I hope you all like it, keep reading and comenting about that.
I’m really glad to be back and very excited to be a part of this wonderfull comunity agaaaain. So, grab your tissues and read along!
Let me know if you wanna be in or out of the tag list and I appreciate feedback!(And I’m not sure the tags are working so always check my blog for updates):
@debramcg1106 @simplyaiden-blog @lizeboredom @writtenbycandy @drakewalkerwhipped@naomisveil @nazarihoe @taliahunt @cocomaxley @mymandrake @the-everlasting-dream @honeylightningambition @walkerismychoice @drakewalkerstan@trueauthor @innerpostmentality  @liam-rhys @agent-zephyrkah  @her-imperial-hangman-s  @wolfsterrr @bluediamondsapphire @glorious-fandoms  @desperue @bellamystorms@journeytohomesworld @fanfictionrecommendations-com @liamxs-world @easyobsession @nikkis1983 @tacohead13 @findingdrake @beautifulobsessionforpink @jenp02cutie-blog  @confessionsofabrokegirl @mrsnazario1223 @trr-fangirl @littleredroseonthevalley@darley1101  @moodygrip @missevabean  @pilitella  @littlewonderbear  @queen-maximoff  @puppymaster101   @clarissafics  @boneandfur  @countrymusicandncis-blog  @damienazariostan   @mpbeaumont  @christopher-powell  @bella-ca @asprankle  @sue9659​  @american-duchess​   @parkerattano​  @ads0036  @personthatlovesshippings​   @eileendannie​
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me(except for Anna Grey),  I just borrow them from Pixelberry!
The consequences are brutal
We never got it right
Playing and replaying old conversations
Overthinking every word and I hate it
'Cause it's not me ('cause it's not me)
“Liam proposed.”
“An-n-nd I sa-aid no.”
The words are as blurry as her vision and Anna’s not sure why the tears are building up, maybe because that’s the first time she told this to someone or because she’s finally confessing just how deep her feelings for him go, either way her hands are starting to sweat. And the time it takes for him to express any reaction is torture, like there’s an ocean of possibilities hanging in those inches between them. She can see her future, their future being decided and it scares her every bone.
On the other side, Drake’s brain is still trying to make sense of what she just told him. Running through many different scenarios where this is a dream, a prank, if Anna is having a delusional moment or maybe if she’s really telling him the truth and she doesn’t wanna marry Liam, but Maxwell or Hana. He’s well aware of how everybody has fallen for her graces and though he doesn’t think anything happened between them, it’s way more possible than what he wishes for it to mean: that she’s not marrying Liam because she loves him and wants to be with him.
She tries to recompose herself, breathing deep and letting the air leave her lungs along with all the hesitation from before. The decision was already made and now Anna has to own it, so she repeats the sentence in a firm tone, her green eyes filled with tears now have a gleam of confidence:
“Liam proposed to me, and I said no.”
He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. It doesn’t make any sense and he barely knows what to think, even less what to say. Anna’s already growing impatient, after everything she had to go in order to get this moment and when everything’s finally arranged Drake simply freezes. She takes a step closer to him, her hand coming up to caress his arm to get his attention and it works because his dark irises shift to her fingertips touching him. However he just stands there, looking at her little affectionate move until Grey finally breaks the silence and speaks again.
“It would be nice if you said something right about…” She pretends to check a clock on her wrist “ now.”
“Wh… why?”
“You know why.”
Another step towards him and now she’s standing so close he could easily wrap his arms around her, which is why she moved at all. There’s the hint of a smile on her lips, a provocative one, hope that this will answer his unfounded question. Why the hell would she say no to Liam and then come tell him? For Anna seems pretty obvious, meanwhile Drake struggles not to get distracted with her proximity. He needs her to tell him.
“I need you to tell me Grey.”
She takes his face in her hands, forcing his eyes to find hers, both of them with sparkly tears building up. From this close she can see the how tense he’s by the way his breathing catches every now and then and he can see the loving smile that takes place on her lips. Soon touching his in a gentle kiss.
“Because I love you.”
He doesn't have time to smile and answer because somebody knocks on the door and they both jump, wondering who could that be when the sweet voice of Hana is heard in a whisper:
“Anna, Liam is looking for you and he said it was important. Sorry to disturb.”
Hana hates the fact that he has to do this, but the worry in Liam’s voice and his commendatory tone left her no choice. Maybe he was just hurt from the rejection, or maybe it was something actually serious, anyway she wouldn’t risk it.
On the other side of the door Anna and Drake exchange a look. His is a sad one, like the moment they just lived escaped through his fingers too fast and there’s nothing he can do about it. Hers is an apologetic one, hope written all over her features as she takes one last look at him before opening the door to find not only Hana but Liam standing next to them.
Hana doesn't seem to notice the king right away, not understanding the shocked look in their eyes until a deep voice comes from behind her:
“I was just coming to tell Hana it wasn't so urgent, but I guess I'm too late.”
The words cut through the air like a sharp knife, hurting more than just one heart as the guilt appears in both Anna and Drake’s faces, and the pain in Liam’s. Finding them getting out of a bedroom together definitely wasn’t on his plans and it feels like a punch to the gut, though, with his many years of training if there’s one thing he’s learned is to recompose quickly.
“Well, I was waiting to explain to you how we’re going to present you officially as a Duchess but that can wait, for I know you two have other matters to discuss.”
“Our conversation can wait too Liam, don’t worry. I’ll leave you to it.”
Drake motions to leave, however the King stops him by putting a hand on his chest,  staring at his best friend’s eyes with a mix of anger and sorrow. He got the girl of his dreams, he’s been winning her heart during the moments Liam couldn’t be there, and as happy he wants to feel for them nothing could hurt so much as the way Anna’s still staring intently at Drake, not him.
“Please Drake, I didn’t intend to disturb your moment so do not let me. Lady Hana, shall we go? I’m afraid Maxwell might do something dangerous without any supervision around.”
Hana quickly nods, a relieved smile crossing her face as she interlaces her arm with Liam’s. They engage in a conversation about the young Beaumont and leave Anna and Drake alone together with a polite wave.
The second they cross the hallway, getting out of their sight, Anna closes the door behind her attracting Drake’s attention. He looks at her through the could of pain, guilt, shame since he knows Liam to well to realize how badly they’ve hurt him.
“Did you told him about us?”
“Yes. Would you prefer I lied?”
“I don’t know Grey. All I know is that your decision crushed him.”
He brings his hands to his face in a desperate act to calm himself down from the mess they made. Now that she’s not caressing him anymore and the memories of Liam’s devastated expression just a few moments ago keep coming to him, there’s no more comfort to linger on. And Anna’s not giving him anything until he’s done with the bullshit, which is why she answers in a rispid tone.
“I’m not here to talk about him.”
“How can we not? What else is there to talk about?”
“Us Drake! We have to talk about us.”
“But Liam…”
“Why? Why do you still fight this like hell? Why do you put him between us?”
“Answer me.”
Her angry tone is evident and suddenly everything feels too big right now. That’s why he doesn’t even think before blurting out:
“I don’t put him between us, that was all you.”
“Oh you want to play that game huh? Yeah Drake, I was the one who got involved with the two of you at the same time and I was the one who made Liam fall in love with me but I said no, alright? I said no to him and took him out of the equation, because it wasn’t fair to anybody. And you’re the one who doesn’t let him go.”
Anna lets out a gasp and then a dry laugh, thinking about how stupid she’s for still being there trying to make him understand that they’re free to be together. She’s not sure that this is still what he wants, the thought makes her shake her head ‘no’ to stay there and she starts to walk away from him.
Until he stops her by holding her arm gently, Drake’s eyes finally facing hers after she told him ‘I love you’ and for a moment she believes everything will fall into place. Little did she know that Drake was still confused about the situation, about how anyone would ever reject Liam to be with him, he’s still looking for a hidden reason. And being tired of the subjectivity of their talk, he decides to go straight to the point:
“Why didn’t you say yes?”
“I already told you that Drake.”
Being Liam’s shadow is a habit as old as himself, and a very hard one to turn away from so Drake can’t help but compare everything about both of them and everytime he does that, someone chooses Liam over him. It’s the obvious choice, the only choice.
“But why? It doesn’t make sense. He wants to pamper you, take you on fancy romantic dates, be the perfect gentleman. Fuck, he wants to marry you Grey, to give you a castle, a title, a crown, a whole fucking kingdom. He wants to give you a future, he can give you a future. He wants to. Liam wants everything with you.”
“And you can’t… or you don’t want to?”
Drake doesn’t know the answer, he has no idea if he’s ready to give her a whole future or if the future he can give her will be enough. The little box in his pocket makes all the situation harder, after everything he still believes she would be happier with Liam. That she should be happier with Liam and that he’s just standing in the middle, being something to distract Grey from her real destiny and love.
To Anna, his silence is answer enough and she doesn’t wait the tears forming in her eyes to fall before unhooking her arm from his hand and walking away. From not just the moment, or the fight, or Drake, but from all what they could’ve been.
To be continued...
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mrsmodric · 6 years
(Not) Just A Name
Pairing: Ivan Rakitic/Luka Modric
Summary: Luka has adopted a son and Ivan visits to meet the new family member. Then he overhears Luka talking about him and things take their course.
Note: The wonderful and beautiful @croatian-nt inspired me to write this. Thank you so much for trusting me with your idea, Rin, I hope you like this. 
The door bell rang. Luka straightened himself and waited for another moment, as if he hadn't been waiting right by the door the whole time. Taking a deep breath, he opened it. Outside stood exactly the man he had expected to see, his smile even a bit wider than what Luka had imagined.
"Hi, dad," Ivan said in a happy tone and pulled Luka into a hug with one arm, the other one being hidden behind his back.
- "Hello, Ivan," muffled Luka into his chest. 
Ivan let go of him, put his free hand onto Luka's right shoulder, and scanned him top to toe. "Fatherhood suits you," he said and grinned. Before Luka could reply anything, Ivan pulled out his hidden hand from behind and held something grey and fluffy in Luka's face. "A koala," he explained. "Thought I could endear myself to your little fella by bringing him something that reminds him of his dad."
Luka just sighed as a reply, stepped aside and gestured Ivan to come in. Ivan did as he was wordlessly asked to, handing Luka the koala and then walking straight forward to where he knew the child's room had to be. "There are worse things to be compared to than koalas, believe me," he said. Ignoring Luka opening his mouth to reply something, Ivan continued, "I'm really happy for you, honestly. But-," he stopped and turned around to Luka who obviously was still thinking about the koala bear -,"I can't believe I wasn't- I mean we weren't included in decorating his room."
- "I’ve already explained it to you," Luka began. "I didn't want to tell anybody, because until the very last moment I feared something could go wrong."
It was true. He had planned on adopting a child for more than one year. Always wanting a child, Luka had waited for the right person to have one with. Life being life, the right person hadn't shown up. Only that in Luka's eyes he had, but they weren't together. One way or another – after thinking a bit about it for a while, he had asked himself why he should wait any longer. He wasn't exactly poor and should be able to get a child trough life. Fast forward and the adoption agency he had picked out had called him with good news. Although having planned the decoration and everything else already a long time ago, Luka couldn't believe it until he had finally held his four month old son in his arms for the first time.
"But it didn't, right?" Ivan asked and Luka shook his head, smiling. Ivan returned the smile, then continued moving to the right room. The door was open, but he hesitated before he stepped in and turned around again. "Am I correct when I assume that I'm the first one to meet him?"
- "From the team, yes, you are," Luka confirmed. "Don't be smug about it," he added when Ivan looked rather pleased about this fact. "Come on now, if you're lucky he's awake right now," he said, entering the room. Luka, who of course had been here multiple times, walked directly to the crib, putting the koala directly next to his son and a little sheep plushie that was already with him. Ivan had stopped right behind the entrance and looked around with fascination. The whole room was basically designed as a forest, the walls painted with trees, deers, birds, foxes and rabbits. The changing table and a cupboard were perfectly integrated into the painting. A rocking chair stood by the window facade, the crib was placed in the middle of the room.
"If you want to put down roots by not moving, you'll perfectly fit into this room," Luka said, grinning at the sight of Ivan being lost for words for once.
Looking from left to right, Ivan slowly moved towards Luka and the crib. "It's pretty, it really is," he finally said, when he arrived. "And so is your son," he added, when he eventually took a look at him, Luka growing taller from pride at the words "your son". The baby was barely awake, obviously fighting the sleep, but still eyeing Ivan with some kind of curiosity.
"May I hold him?" Ivan asked, already stretching out his arms.
- "Of course, just be careful," Luka replied, holding his breath while watching Ivan picking up his son. However, his worries were unjustified, as Ivan did it with such softness that Luka never before had seen of him. He bit his lower lip to hold himself back from swooning when he saw how Ivan smiled at his son, stroking his cheek with one finger. 
The right person, Luka thought, watching a picture unfolding in front of him, that he had secretly dreamed of.
"So," Ivan said, interrupting Luka's thoughts, "I'm Ivan, nice too meet you. And you are-?"
Luka chuckled. "Ivan, this is Ivano," he said.
- "Ivano?"
"It's just-"
- "I'm flattered." Ivan laughed as if he were joking. The truth was, he was really touched, although he knew all too well that it most likely meant nothing. Deciding to joke about it, he nodded at Ivano and said, "Big footsteps you're going to walk in."
Ivano's reply was to fall asleep. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek, which made Luka so weak in the knees that he for a moment feared, he would need to sit down, Ivan laid him back down into his crib. He turned to Luka, forrowed his brow when he noticed Luka's open mouth and his stare, and then put his hands onto Luka's arms, giving them a short slap.
"Naming him after you favorite, huh?" He grinned. "The most beautiful and talented man you have ever met?"
- "It's just a name." Luka tried to laugh it off. "I thought it was nice, but then...yeah. Quite common, right? I didn't want it to be exactly yours, you know, confusion reasons and stuff."
"Sure, yeah." Ivan rested one hand on the crib and crossed his legs, as if he were just about to get started. And he was. "Let's see if he will play more after my style or after yours."
- "He-"
"Ohhh," Ivan made, ignoring Luka, "What do you think, who will he look like more, once he's older? He's got my nose, don't you thi-"
He was interrupted by a ringing phone. "I'm so sorry," he quickly said when Ivano started crying.
Ivan rushed out of the room to answer the call, leaving Luka behind, who picked up Ivano, who calmed down immediately in his dad's arms.
"You hopefully know," Luka said, "that you don't have to play football at all if you don't want to. But if you do and you get to the national team, please do me the favour of not choosing the number seven for you. Ivan would rub that under my nose until the day that I die. Hell, if Ivan would die before me, he would somehow manage to put 'He chose the number seven' on his gravestone." Ivano just yawned at this information. "Anyway," Luka continued. "It also doesn't matter how you'll look when you're growing up, because in my eyes you'll always be the cutest child no matter what, okay? But...if by some kind of witchcraft you manage to get Ivan's smile...that would be good for you. Because it's one of the most beautiful things in the whole world." He kissed his son on the forehead and put him back down. Watching him falling asleep, he just went on. "You know, I lied earlier," he explained. "I totally named you after him. It was the obvious thing to do, right? Name you after the man I love?"
- "You love me?" He heard an all too familiar voice saying behind him. Startled, Luka turned around, rushing towards Ivan.
"Shit," he said, fumbling with his hair. "I shouldn't have..I mean, I'm sorry, you shouldn't have heard that. I never even should have said it."
- "If only I had known," Ivan whispered.
"What are you-"
Ivan shook his head. He couldn't help but tearing up. "I love you so much," he said. "I have loved you since forever. I didn't even get it at first. I tried to tell myself how it wasn't even a crush. That it's normal to love a face as much as I loved yours from the beginning. That it doesn't mean anything."
He licked his lips and shook his head again, not looking at Luka. The words just spilled out. "After realizing that I couldn't hide it from myself anymore, I hoped you would magically become mine. But then you didn't." Ivan now looked at Luka with a pinched face. "And you know what I did? I literally prayed to God he would take the feelings away. But he didn't. And I...I didn't want to be in love, you know? Not with you. Not with somebody I would never be able to get." Ivan wiped over his face once. "I know I'm joking a lot. About flirting, too. But every joke has a litte bit of truth in it, right? I love you," he repeated and the tears started falling again. "So please don't tell me how you shouldn't have said what you said. Please don't. Please-"
Luka just couldn't bear it any longer. Without replying, he grabbed Ivan by his collar, pulled him down and started kissing him. Ivan didn't hesitate for one second but kissed him back at once. Hidden in the kiss were all the secret looks they had thrown at each other. All the moments they had wanted to hold each others hand but didn't. All the missed opportunities. They were all in this kiss, like they wanted, like they needed to make up for them.
Suddenly Luka broke the kiss. Ivan looked confused, almost desperate, as if he feared that it would be over already. That Luka would tell him how it was a mistake.
Instead, Luka said, "I love you, I love you, I love you so much it hurts."
Ivan smiled and laughed a short laugh, but then made sure to close the small distance between them again by taking Luka's face in his hands to continue the kiss. To also say I love you over and over again. But this time without words.  
Thanks for reading! You can find my other Rakidric fics on my blog under the tag melanie wrote.                                   
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alexross123 · 7 years
Born to be Wild Part 3
hey Royals, i’m having a pretty bad day, but i’ll manage to pull through, but anyways, here is a new chapter, sorry in advance...
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Word Count: 1433
Pairing: Analogical & Royality (Logan/Virgil) (Roman/Patton)
Warning: Angst Af
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Everyone is school knew that Roman was a huge flirt, if it was human, he will flirt, it’s in his nature, sometimes he want to say something seriously, but instead it comes out as a flirty comment, that’s what gets him in trouble..
“Hey Lo, cute tie” Roman never intended to wink at him, his eyes just randomly closed at that moment, he knew it sounded flirty because of two things:
One-Logan blushed
Two-Virgil glared at him and got closer to Logan
It was never his intention; Verge has to know this, HE HAS A MASSIVE CRUSH ON PATTON FOR THE LORDS SAKE!!!!!
Talking about Patton, he approached them “Hey guys, what you up to?” Verge grinned because Karma is a b***h, and he was glad this happened, because every time Patton got close to him, Roman turns into a blabbering mess , Verge saw that he was starting to sweat like crazy, Logan decided to interfere “Hello Patton, we are about to walk to our individual classes” Patton Looked at him and said “Perfect.... Don’t know what you said, but ok” Logan rolled his eyes and said “We just chillin here bro, we are going to class” Patton finally got it and said “OH!!!! Now I get you, your vocab is Infinitesimal” he grinned towards the boys, while Verge and Logan looked at each other “ok, let’s go” Logan accidentally hit Virgil on his left arm, causing the boy to flinch in pain “Oh lord, please forgive me Virgil, please understand that it was never my intention to inflict physical pain on you” Verge laughed at the way he apologizes, but it wasn’t the small hit Logan gave him, to be honest, he is a street fighter, he gets his money by fighting with random people who challenge him, to his luck, he has never lost a fight “Don’t worry Lo, I’m just sore, you know, the gym and all” LO physically relaxed, he though he hurt Verge by the way he flinched, and talking about flinching “ Verge, oh m g, I need your help, please come” Verge couldn’t even answer when he was being pulled by Farrah, Patton got closer to Lo and said “Someone has a crush on Virgil” Logan’s eyes became as huge as a pan, he turned to the bubbly guy and said “I can assure you Patton, I do not have feelings towards Virgil, we are mere friends” Logan decided to hide the fact that he does in fact have feelings for Verge, I mean, who in the entire school doesn’t have feeling for him, with his cold eyes, his fair skin, his purple hair and his bad boy aesthetic, he was dreamy, but Logan can’t get his hopes up, Virgil is just being nice to him and protecting him from Chris and his gang, plus, the ‘chemistry’ he has with Farrah was undeniably strong, Farrah likes Verge, and who wouldn’t like Farrah, she is beautiful.
Once Lo and the other guys turned the corner, their jaws opened and dropped to the floor, Farrah had Virgil pinned to the wall, almost eating him alive, Roman felt like slapping the light out of Virgil, Patton felt sad for Logan, and Logan, well......he decided to run away, ignoring the calls from the other two, Logan ran all the way to his secret place, a small tree located in the back of the football stadium, he sat there a calmed down.
Verge pushed Farrah away once he heard Logan’s name being shouted, Farrah had pinned him down and forced kiss him, he felt disgusted when she did, how desperate was she in order to force kiss someone? He walked up to the guys and said “ What’s wrong guys” Roman tightened his jaw and said “Turns out Virgil, Logan and us saw you sucking faces with Farrah and Lo ran away” Verge went cold, how is he going to explain to Logan what happened “Let’s go find him” Ro looked at him and said “Let’s? I think you have done enough damage for today Virgil, I don’t want to see you near Logan again, and that’s a warning, come on Pat” Pat nodded and followed Roman, Farrah got close to him and said “Finally, now where were we” She wrapped her arms around him, but in a blur, Verge pushed he away from him, he told her with clenched teeth “Listen Farrah, I will never, and I mean NEVER go out with a slut like you, get this in your little brain, I. LIKE. LOGAN. Ok, I’M GAY” from his anger, he ran outside from school and drove off in his motorcycle to nowhere.
“Why does this hurt too much, I knew I would never have an opportunity with Virgil” He thought too himself as he breathed slowly, Meanwhile Roman and Patton looked all over the campus to find Logan, they were afraid for him, but they were really mad at Virgil, especially Roman, how could he say to have a crush on Logan and still devour Farrah’s face, he would make sure to keep Verge away from Logan, if Verge didn’t protect Logan, Patton and hi would do it “Have you seen him Ro” Pat was starting to get anxious, a state Roman, and in this case, nobody from school has ever seen him “Please Pat, calm down, he couldn’t have disappeared, what if we check the stadium” Pat walked with him towards the stadium, once there , they looked every were, Patton could see a small silhouette from afar, and once he got close enough, he saw “Logan” He lifted his view from the ground, and saw Patton walking towards him “Oh, Logan, I’m glad we found you, I was worried sick about you, don’t you ever leave us like that” Logan could see the relief on Patton, and behind him was Roman “You ok man?” He smiled towards him in sympathy “I am ok, I did not feel well, so I came for fresh air” He knew he couldn’t mask it, but he was going to try “Look, I can tell that the whole scene was what caused you to leave so abruptly, don’t worry about Virgil, I’ll make sure to keep him away from you, as for Chris and his gang, you have me know, and I’m not leaving you” Ro kneeled down and placed his hand on his shoulder “I may not be strong, but I’ll kick them in their butts if they dare touch my friend” Logan couldn’t help but to grin when Pat called him friend, somebody actually cares for him...
The day passed, and everyone was talking about Verge storming out of school, Logan decided to not pay attention to the word around school, it was 9:30 pm, he was about to go to bed when he heard a small hit on his window, once he looked outside, he saw Virgil in a horrible state “Virgil, why are you in my house, please leave” Verge climbed up a tree which lead straight into Logan’s room, Logan could smell alcohol all over his body “Virgil, you reek of booze, have you been drinking?” verge laughed and made his fingers indicating small “Just a little bit” Logan still was hurt from the event of the day “Please leave my residence Virgil, I do not wish to be your acquaintance anymore” Verge flinched and said, well, more like slur “Please Lo.... Don’t say that, please don’t leave me” Verge started to cry at the thought of Logan leaving him, he just couldn’t “Virgil, please keep quiet, my mother is in the other room” Verge placed his finger on his mouth and laughed “Why are you here Virgil” Logan placed him on his bed and Verge said “I wanted to say sorry about today, I never wanted to kiss her, she forced me” Logan didn’t know if to believe him or not, but he had to get enough proof “Virgil, I do not care if you kissed Farrah, you obvious like her” Verge shot up and said “That is not true Logan, I don’t like her, I like someone else” Logan turned around and said “Who is it then, the news spread around school, so the girl you like might now you kissed her” Verge laughed at his statement, but the word her made him laugh harder “Logan, I can’t believe you still don’t get it, the way I act with you, the fact I gave you my jacket, and me protecting you from everyone who dares look at you wrong, Logan..... I love you”
Tag List: @novagalaxy4real @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @bobatea-boi @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @lamp-calm-sanders @michealawithana @random7happens @bubblycricket @chocolatey-umbreon @hanramz-the-fander
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soft-imagines · 7 years
Basketball Confessions {Lai Guanlin}
Lai Guanlin
Basketball Fluff
Synopsis: An accident turns into a short game of HORSE and cute confessions.
“Y/N I want to go to the park~” my 5 year old sister, Hwasung, whines.
“In a little bit, okay?” I tell her while pulling her onto my lap. “Let me rest from our game of tag.”
Hwasung nods but pouts while staring at my phone screen with me.
The truth is, I don’t want to go because it’s the same park where my long-time crush is playing basketball… Lai Guanlin. I was sort of stalking his Snapchat when I saw one of his friends, Samuel I think, hacked his Snapchat and recorded him shooting a basket at the park.
Guanlin and I have only really talked to each other once. I wouldn’t even call it talking. We were chosen by our teacher to act this part of a play out in our literature class and let me tell you that that has ruined my life of becoming an actress because I had to face him and I just became so flustered that I could barely speak and our teacher had to help me.
“Is that your boyfriend?” Hwasung asks while looking at my home screen.
“Uhm, yes?”
Hwasung giggles and pokes at the screen. “He’s so handsome~”
“Isn’t he?”
She nods. “Can we go now~??”
All I can do is laugh and ruffle her hair while getting up. “Let’s get ready.”
After many outfit changes, I stick with a messy ponytail, a regular white sleeveless shirt tucked into ripped high-waisted shorts, and black Converse high-tops. I pick out an outfit for Hwasung and have her change, then I start to braid her hair while humming ‘Oh Little Girl’. Finishing off Hwasung’s braid, I sling on a small backpack with snacks and my wallet in it and take her hand.
“Eonni look! It’s Somi~” Hwasung croons while pointing at her friend on the swings.
“You can go play,” I tell her with a smile.
Hwasung giggles and runs off, and I hop onto my phone real quick to check Guanlin’s story. On his story, his best friend Seonho is screaming nonsense.
And Guanlin appears and takes his phone back.
I don’t realize I’m smiling like an idiot until somebody sits beside me and taps my shoulder.
“Oh, hey Jaesoo,” I say while smiling.
Jaesoo is Somi’s older sister who’s my age. We’re not best friends, but we see each other at school a lot. She smiles back and asks me if I’m okay.
“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?”
“I mean, it’s kind of obvious you’re obsessed with Guanlin when he’s your home and lockscreen.”
We both look at each other for a moment and then we start laughing. She takes out her phone and shows me her phone.
“Don’t worry, I’m obsessed with Park Woojin,” she laughs. “I may be even worse.”
“Oh don’t say that. We just… Admire them from afar.”
Jaesoo nods and sighs. “Too bad all those other girls are always around them.”
“Right? I hate how they act like the boys are their property. I mean yeah, we’re obsessed with our choice members, but I wouldn’t be clingy like that.”
“Okay, seriously I want to at least talk to one of them. I can’t even talk to Haknyeon and there’s only like five girls following him around.”
I laugh and nod. “Actually, I talked to one of them once… Oh, Park Woojin!”
“I went to my locker and when I was on my way back to my classroom, he walked by, smiled, and said ‘Hi Y/N’. I nearly stopped in the hall because I was so shocked he even knew my name.”
“I would’ve been smiling like an idiot. Oh my god Y/N you are so lucky.”
“It was weird like I don’t know how to explain it but the way he smiled was like he had it planned or something.”
“Well, you were lucky enough. Anyways, Somi and I have to go get some errands done. See you tomorrow?”
I nod as she calls out for Somi and Hwasung. They both hurry over, giggling.
“Somi we have to go,” Jaesoo tells her little sister.
“Awe, why~?” She whines. I laugh and she bear hugs Hwasung. Jaesoo and Somi leave, waving as they go. Hwasung and I wave back.
“What should we do now?” I ask her. I’m hoping she wants to go to the basketball court for no reason.
“Let’s take a walk and play ‘I Spy’. But instead of three guesses, there’s only two.”
I nod and laugh while taking her hand and we start walking past the playground, going on a trail that goes around the park. We start off simple. But then Hwasung throws me off by saying that my white shirt was the thing she spotted, not the clouds or the wildflowers we passed. The highlight?
“I spy something… Stunning,” Hwasung says.
I look at her. “The sky?”
“Um… The scenery?”
“No, silly, it’s you~!”
I smile and giggle while crouching to her height and placing a kiss on her head. “You are way too sweet Hwasung.”
“Awe, but you are too, eonni.”
We start another round, and in the middle of a guess, Hwasung yawns and I start to scoop her up, but she refuses.
I frown and a thud sounds. She’s suddenly on the ground, a basketball rolling away.
“Hwasung are you okay?!” I worriedly ask while examining her arms and legs.
She nods while rubbing her side. I gently lift up the side of her shirt, where a bruise is just starting to form. I sigh and look up, finally noticing that we were by the basketball court.
The first person I see is Daehwi. He looks shocked and worried.
Then, Guanlin, Lai Guanlin, is running towards us, completely over-looking his basketball. He crouches down beside me to a now standing Hwasung, and I watch him as he asks her if she’s okay and if she’s hurt.
“It’s only a bruise oppa,” she assures him.
He frowns and bites his lip finally glancing at me. We both stand up and he rubs the back of his neck, his face suddenly flushing. “I’m so sorry Y/N. We were just passing it and I threw it over Samuel’s head and-”
“Guanlin, Guanlin… It’s okay,” I tell him. “It will heal in a few weeks.”
“I just… I feel so bad…”
Hwasung grins at me and I must look confused because she giggles and pokes Guanlin’s arm.
“The least you can do is let us play basketball with you. It’s fine oppa, everything’s okay. Don’t feel too bad!”
Guanlin looks at Hwasung and he smiles his gummy smile. Ah, that gummy smile. He looks at me again. “Is that okay with you?”
I nod and try to compose my face to make sure I don’t turn a peachy pink like Daniel’s hair. Guanlin smiles, again, and grabs his basketball, then comes over to us.
“Follow me.”
We both follow him to the basketball court just a few feet away, and Seonho stops to talk to him.
“Hey we’re heading out to eat. You coming?” Seonho ask, looking over at me and smiling while saying hi. I smile back and say hi.
“No, I promised Y/N and her sister that I would play basketball with them.”
“Oh, okay.”
Everyone starts to leave and I sit on the bench, sitting beside Hwasung. A girl says she wants to stay. Probably one of Guanlin’s groupies.
“You should eat with the others quick and go home so you’re not late for your curfew,” Guanlin tells her.
She smiles and nods. “Okay. You’re so caring, Guanlin oppa~”
She scurries off, and Seonho slides next to me. Woojin sits beside him.
“Hey Y/N, does Jaesoo like me?” He asks.
“Um, I don’t want to break it to you, but she likes Woojin.”
Seonho pouts and looks over at his hyung, who grins and says, “all the girls love me.”
“I can give you her number,” I suggest.
Seonho nods excitedly and I read him her number. He bear hugs me and runs off while tapping away at his phone, probably spamming Jaesoo. Woojin scoots a bit closer and winks. He then runs off and shouts, “HAVE FUN!”
I just laugh at Woojin and Seonho as they hurry to follow the others.
I look over at Guanlin, who’s standing in the middle of the court. In response, I nod and take off my backpack, setting it beside Hwasung who unzips it and drinks a juicebox.
“Do you know how to play?”
I stare at him, a bit offended actually, and look at Hwasung who cheers, “Y/N eonni was the captain of her old basketball team!”
Guanlin grins and I walk over to him. “HORSE?” I suggest.
“Go easy on me, it’s been three years.”
Guanlin chuckles and nods while bouncing the basketball a bit. “So you don’t know how to play?” He jokes.
“I… I am so offended,” I say in mock hurt.
Guanlin laughs and passes me the ball. “Fine, you’ll go first.”
I smile and start easy. The free-throw line. I completely miss.
“A little rusty there?” Guanlin jeers as he goes out of the three-point line.
“Oh whatever,” I laugh, watching him get into stance.
He shoots. And guess what. This tall CUBE chick, of course, makes it. He grins triumphantly and I go catch the ball. Hwasung cheers for me and Guanlin pouts in response. I just laugh and he points where he shot it from as he stands right above it.
“That’s farther than where you shot it!” Hwasung shouts out at Guanlin. He looks over at her and sticks his tongue out and she does the same.
I laugh and go under the basket. I look over at Guanlin and he smiles and nods. I attempt a lay-up. And I miss.
“You’ve sucked at lay-ups since middle school,” Hwasung retorts from the sideline.
“You’re no help, Hwasung ,” I tell her.
I go over and grab the ball, bouncing it a bit before it’s stolen by Guanlin.
He laughs. “Come over here.”
I walk over to him and face the basket like how he is. He bounces it a few times and looks at me.
“Watch and learn.”
I roll my eye and cross my arms, watching him do a perfect lay-up. He passes the ball to me, and I try once again. After 30 minutes of abandoning or HORSE game, I start to get the hang of it. Hwasung gets off of the bench and reaches for the ball in my hands. I hand it to her and Guanlin carries her by the hips, making sure not to touch her bruise. He holds her the highest he can and she shoots, the basketball bouncing off of the rim.
“So close!” I tell her while laughing.
Guanlin sets her down and she giggles excitedly while hugging his leg.
“Thank you Guanlin oppa!” She croons. He smiles and crouches down to her level to slightly pinch her cheek.
“Anything for you Hwasungie.”
I smile and Hwasung giggles and goes back to the bench to eat snacks. Guanlin finds the ball in the grass and he looks at me. “One on one?”
“Oh my god, please tell me you’ll go easy on me.”
“… Maybe.”
“Lai Guanlin, I swear.”
He just laughs and motions me over to mid-court so we can check off. He lets me go first, and I straight up just throw it from mid-court. Hwasung cheers as it makes it in and Guanlin pouts while dribbling it over to his side. He jukes me out and I watch as he does a lay-up. I dribble and he steals the ball. Ten minutes into the game, and I’m losing by ten points.
“You said you would go easy on me~” I whine while trying to catch up to him.
Guanlin makes another basket and I grab the ball and dribble it in one spot. Guanlin gives me a tired smile and comes over to me. He steals the ball but then tosses it away. I just stare at him, confused, and then he leans toward me and hugs me. I hug back, flustered, and he pulls away while shyly looking away. He steps back and rubs the back of his neck.
“Sorry Y/N I just…” He starts. I wait for him to finish. “You were just so cute.”
I blush and bite my lip, not sure what to say. I look over at Hwasung who’s motioning for me to talk to him.
“Guanlin…?” I say. He finally looks at me and I smile at how flustered he is. He suddenly looks away again and I take his arm.
“Hey, look at me.”
He meets my eyes again. “I really like you Guanlin.”
“Y-You do?” He trembles, looking relieved yet flustered.
I nod and he embraces me again. “I like you too Y/N. Will you… be my girlfriend?”
“Of course. And you’ll be my boyfriend, right?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
I laugh and Guanlin chuckles to himself. “I’m so glad you like me back I was so worried and Woojin hyung-”
“Woah woah Guanlin calm down,” I tell him, pulling away and taking his arms. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah… It’s just… The other day, Woojin hyung said he said ‘hi’ to you in the hallway at school to tease me and it made me sort of-”
Guanlin looks at me and sheepishly nods. I giggle and pat his cheek. “Aigoo, don’t worry, I’m only here for you,” I assure him.
“Really?” He says.
“Of course. Now, do you want to continue or-?”
“Eonni, I’m tired,” Hwasung calls out while rubbing her eyes.
Guanlin and I look over at her and we both go over to her. I pack the garbage into the backpack and throw it on while Guanlin talks to Hwasung. I check the time. 5:46. Just in time to go back for dinner before 6. We’ve been here for two hours now.
“Ready to go?” I ask her.
“No, I don’t want to ruin your guys’ date.”
I blush and look over at Guanlin who chuckles and takes Hwasung’s hand and mine. “We can go on more dates later. We have to get you home, okay?”
Hwasung nods and Guanlin carries her on his back.
“Guanlin I can-” I argue but he interrupts.
“No no, I got it Y/N. Let‘s go. Lead the way.”
He takes my hand a bit awkwardly and we start walking home. We start talking about Seonho’s mega-crush on Jaesoo, getting more comfortable, and then we hear light snoring from Hwasung.
“Aigoo, she fell asleep,” I say while poking her cheek. She mumbles and I giggle while looking at Guanlin. He stares at me.
“What?” I say.
“Nothing… I just love the way you care for everyone, especially Hwasung.”
I blush and mumble a ‘thank you’ before getting a text from Jaesoo.
Jaesoo aka Park Woojin’s Wifey: YOU GAVE SEONHO MY NUMBER?!?!?!
I laugh and ignore her by going back to my homescreen, scrolling through my apps. Guanlin and I exchange numbers and he finally adds me back on Snapchat after admitting he was too scared to.
“Is that me?” Guanlin asks, noticing my pictures for my homescreen.
I nod and show him my home and lockscreen and he laughs.
“I can update them for you,” he tells me.
“What do you- Ohhh.”
I hand him my phone and he gently rests an arm around my shoulder while stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. He takes a selca and I make a ‘v’ sign in one. He tells me which ones to set and I thank him with a quick peck on the cheek. He becomes flustered and I laugh at him as we approach our house.
“Here, just bring her inside and lay her down on the couch.”
Guanlin gently sets her down, and I take my shoes and the backpack off, letting them sit by the door. I sit by her feet and Guanlin smiles at her.
“Well, I should get going now. Jinyoug and Jihoon are my ride back to the dorm because I can’t depend on Seonho,” Guanlin says.
I laugh and get up. He leaves a kiss on my head and I lead him to the door. He smiles, pulling me into a hug.
“I’ll text you tonight and see you tomorrow?” Guanlin says.
I nod and smile before he leaves while waving bye. I wave back and close the door, leaning against it. I get a text and I smile to myself while reading it.
Swaggy Chick: I miss you already T^T
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konowhore · 7 years
Lai Guanlin [Basketball Fluff]
Anon: hi i really enjoyed your baejin fluff ;) could you do one for guanlin. maybe like a basketball player guanlin ;) or whatever you like ! thank you so much !
Okay this is just a cute idea I’m actually becoming soft inside??? Like just thinking about it makes me love him even more > <
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(credits to owner)
“Y/N I want to go to the park~” my 5 year old sister, Hwasung, whines. 
“In a little bit, okay?” I tell her while pulling her onto my lap. “Let me rest from our game of tag.”
Hwasung nods but pouts while staring at my phone screen with me.
The truth is, I don’t want to go because it’s the same park where my long-time crush is playing basketball... Lai Guanlin. I was sort of stalking his Snapchat when I saw one of his friends, Samuel I think, hacked his Snapchat and recorded him shooting a basket at the park.
Guanlin and I have only really talked to each other once. I wouldn’t even call it talking. We were chosen by our teacher to act this part of a play out in our literature class and let me tell you that that has ruined my life of becoming an actress because I had to face him and I just became so flustered that I could barely speak and our teacher had to help me.
“Is that your boyfriend?” Hwasung asks while looking at my home screen.
“Uhm, yes?”
Hwasung giggles and pokes at the screen. “He’s so handsome~”
“Isn’t he?”
She nods. “Can we go now~??”
All I can do is laugh and ruffle her hair while getting up. “Let’s get ready.”
After many outfit changes, I stick with a messy ponytail, a regular white sleeveless shirt tucked into ripped high-waisted shorts, and black Converse high-tops. I pick out an outfit for Hwasung and have her change, then I start to braid her hair while humming ‘Oh Little Girl’. Finishing off Hwasung’s braid, I sling on a small backpack with snacks and my wallet in it and take her hand.
“Eonni look! It’s Somi~” Hwasung croons while pointing at her friend on the swings. 
“You can go play,” I tell her with a smile. 
Hwasung giggles and runs off, and I hop onto my phone real quick to check Guanlin’s story. On his story, his best friend Seonho is screaming nonsense.
And Guanlin appears and takes his phone back. 
I don’t realize I’m smiling like an idiot until somebody sits beside me and taps my shoulder.
“Oh, hey Jaesoo,” I say while smiling.
Jaesoo is Somi’s older sister who’s my age. We’re not best friends, but we see each other at school a lot. She smiles back and asks me if I’m okay.
“Yeah why wouldn’t I be?” 
“I mean, it’s kind of obvious you’re obsessed with Guanlin when he’s your home and lockscreen.”
We both look at each other for a moment and then we start laughing. She takes out her phone and shows me her phone.
“Don’t worry, I’m obsessed with Park Woojin,” she laughs. “I may be even worse.”
“Oh don’t say that. We just... Admire them from afar.”
Jaesoo nods and sighs. “Too bad all those other girls are always around them.”
“Right? I hate how they act like the boys are their property. I mean yeah, we’re obsessed with our choice members, but I wouldn’t be clingy like that.”
“Okay, seriously I want to at least talk to one of them. I can’t even talk to Haknyeon and there’s only like five girls following him around.”
I laugh and nod. “Actually, I talked to one of them once... Oh, Park Woojin!”
“I went to my locker and when I was on my way back to my classroom, he walked by, smiled, and said ‘Hi Y/N’. I nearly stopped in the hall because I was so shocked he even knew my name.”
“I would’ve been smiling like an idiot. Oh my god Y/N you are so lucky.”
“It was weird like I don’t know how to explain it but the way he smiled was like he had it planned or something.”
“Well, you were lucky enough. Anyways, Somi and I have to go get some errands done. See you tomorrow?”
I nod as she calls out for Somi and Hwasung. They both hurry over, giggling. 
“Somi we have to go,” Jaesoo tells her little sister.
“Awe, why~?” She whines. I laugh and she bear hugs Hwasung. Jaesoo and Somi leave, waving as they go. Hwasung and I wave back. 
“What should we do now?” I ask her. I’m hoping she wants to go to the basketball court for no reason.
“Let’s take a walk and play ‘I Spy’. But instead of three guesses, there’s only two.”
I nod and laugh while taking her hand and we start walking past the playground, going on a trail that goes around the park. We start off simple. But then Hwasung throws me off by saying that my white shirt was the thing she spotted, not the clouds or the wildflowers we passed. The highlight?
“I spy something... Stunning,” Hwasung says.
I look at her. “The sky?”
“Um... The scenery?”
“No, silly, it’s you~!”
I smile and giggle while crouching to her height and placing a kiss on her head. “You are way too sweet Hwasung.”
“Awe, but you are too, eonni.”
We start another round, and in the middle of a guess, Hwasung yawns and I start to scoop her up, but she refuses. 
I frown and a thud sounds. She’s suddenly on the ground, a basketball rolling away.
“Hwasung are you okay?!” I worriedly ask while examining her arms and legs. 
She nods while rubbing her side. I gently lift up the side of her shirt, where a bruise is just starting to form. I sigh and look up, finally noticing that we were by the basketball court. 
The first person I see is Daehwi. He looks shocked and worried. 
Then, Guanlin, Lai Guanlin, is running towards us, completely over-looking his basketball. He crouches down to a now standing Hwasung, and I watch him as he asks her if she’s okay and if she’s hurt. 
“It’s only a bruise oppa,” she assures him.
He frowns and bites his lip finally glancing at me. We both stand up and he rubs the back of his neck, his face suddenly flushing. “I’m so sorry Y/N. We were just passing it and I threw it over Samuel’s head and-”
“Guanlin, Guanlin... It’s okay,” I tell him. “It will heal in a few weeks.”
“I just... I feel so bad...”
Hwasung grins at me and I must look confused because she giggles and pokes Guanlin’s arm.
“The least you can do is let us play basketball with you. It’s fine oppa, everything’s okay. Don’t feel too bad!”
Guanlin looks at Hwasung and he smiles his gummy smile. Ah, that gummy smile. He looks at me again. “Is that okay with you?”
I nod and try to compose my face to make sure I don’t turn a peachy pink like Daniel’s hair. Guanlin smiles, again, and grabs his basketball, then comes over to us. 
“Follow me.”
We both follow him to the basketball court just a few feet away, and Seonho stops to talk to him.
“Hey we’re heading out to eat. You coming?” Seonho ask, looking over at me and smiling while saying hi. I smile back and say hi.
“No, I promised Y/N and her sister that I would play basketball with them.”
“Oh okay.”
Everyone starts to leave and I sit on the bench, sitting beside Hwasung. A girl says she wants to stay. Probably one of Guanlin’s groupies. 
“You should eat with the others quick and go home so you’re not late for your curfew,” Guanlin tells her.
She smiles and nods. “Okay. You’re so caring, Guanlin oppa~”
She scurries off, and Seonho slides next to me. Woojin sits beside him.
“Hey Y/N, does Jaesoo like me?” He asks. 
“Um, I don’t want to break it to you, but she likes Woojin.” 
Seonho pouts and looks over at his hyung, who grins and says, “all the girls love me.”
“I can give you her number,” I suggest. 
Seonho nods excitedly and I read him her number. He bear hugs me and runs off while tapping away at his phone, probably spamming Jaesoo. Woojin scoots a bit closer and winks. He then runs off and shouts, “HAVE FUN!”
I just laugh at Woojin and Seonho as they hurry to follow the others. 
I look over at Guanlin, who’s standing in the middle of the court. In response, I nod and take off my backpack, setting it beside Hwasung who unzips it and drinks a juicebox. 
“Do you know how to play?” 
I stare at him, a bit offended actually, and look at Hwasung who cheers, “Y/N eonni was the captain of her old basketball team!”
Guanlin grins and I walk over to him. “H-O-R-S-E?” I suggest.
“Go easy on me, it’s been three years.”
Guanlin chuckles and nods while bouncing the basketball a bit. “So you don’t know how to play?” He jokes. 
“I... I am so offended,” I say in mock hurt.
Guanlin laughs and passes me the ball. “Fine, you’ll go first.”
I smile and start easy. The free-throw line. I completely miss. 
“A little rusty there?” Guanlin jeers as he goes out of the three-point line. 
“Oh whatever,” I laugh, watching him get into stance. 
He shoots. And guess what. This tall CUBE chick, of course, makes it. He grins triumphantly and I go catch the ball. Hwasung cheers for me and Guanlin pouts in response. I just laugh and he points where he shot it from as he stands right above it. 
“That’s farther than where you shot it!” Hwasung shouts out at Guanlin. He looks over at her and sticks his tongue out and she does the same.
I laugh and go under the basket. I look over at Guanlin and he smiles and nods. I attempt a lay-up. And I miss. 
“You’ve sucked at lay-ups since middle school,” Hwasung retorts from the sideline. 
“You’re no help, Hwasung ,” I tell her.
I go over and grab the ball, bouncing it a bit before it’s stolen by Guanlin. 
He laughs. “Come over here.”
I walk over to him and face the basket like how he is. He bounces it a few times and looks at me. 
“Watch and learn.”
I roll my eye and cross my arms, watching him do a perfect lay-up. He passes the ball to me, and I try once again. After 30 minutes of abandoning or H-O-R-S-E game, I start to get the hang of it. Hwasung gets off of the bench and reaches for the ball in my hands. I hand it to her and Guanlin carries her by the hips, making sure not to touch her bruise. He holds her the highest he can and she shoots, the basketball bouncing off of the rim.
“So close!” I tell her while laughing. 
Guanlin sets her down and she giggles excitedly while hugging his leg. 
“Thank you Guanlin oppa!” She croons. He smiles and crouches down to her level to slightly pinch her cheek. 
“Anything for you Hwasungie.”
I smile and Hwasung giggles and goes back to the bench to eat snacks. Guanlin finds the ball in the grass and he looks at me. “One on one?”
“Oh my god please tell me you’ll go easy.” 
“... Maybe.”
“Lai Guanlin I swear.”
He just laughs and motions me over to mid-court so we can check off. He lets me go first, and I straight up just throw it from mid-court. Hwasung cheers as it makes it in and Guanlin pouts while dribbling it over to his side. He jukes me out and I watch as he does a lay-up. I dribble and he steals the ball. Ten minutes into the game, and I’m losing by ten points.
“You said you would go easy on me~” I whine while trying to catch up to him. 
Guanlin makes another basket and I grab the ball and dribble it in one spot. Guanlin gives me a tired smile and comes over to me. He steals the ball but then throws it away towards the other side of the court. I just stare at him, confused, and then he leans toward me and hugs me. I just hug back, flustered, and he pulls away while shyly looking away himself. He steps back and rubs the back of his neck. 
“Sorry Y/N I just...” He starts. I wait for him to finish. “You were just so cute.”
I blush and bite my lip, not sure what to say. I look over at Hwasung who’s motioning for me to talk to him. 
“Guanlin...?” I say. He finally looks at me and I smile at how flustered he is. He suddenly looks away again and I take his arm. 
“Hey, look at me.”
He meets my eyes again. “I really like you Guanlin.”
“Y-You do?” He trembles, looking relieved yet flustered.
I nod and he embraces me again. “I like you too Y/N. Will you... be my girlfriend?”
“Of course. And you’ll be my boyfriend, right?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
I laugh and Guanlin chuckles to himself. “I’m so glad you like me back I was so worried and Woojin hyung-”
“Woah woah Guanlin calm down,” I tell him, pulling away and taking his arms. “Are you okay?”
“Hm? Yeah... It’s just... The other day, Woojin hyung said he said ‘hi’ to you in the hallway at school to tease me and it made me sort of-”
Guanlin looks at me and sheepishly nods. I giggle and pat his cheek. “Aigoo, don’t worry, I’m only here for you,” I assure him. 
“Really?” He says.
“Of course. Now, do you want to continue or-?”
“Eonni, I’m tired,” Hwasung calls out while rubbing her eyes. 
Guanlin and I look over at her and we both go over to her. I pack the garbage into the backpack and throw it on while Guanlin talks to Hwasung. I check the time. 5:46. Just in time to go back for dinner before 6. We’ve been here for two hours now. 
“Ready to go?” I ask her.
“No, I don’t want to ruin your guys’ date.”
I blush and look over at Guanlin who chuckles and takes Hwasung’s hand and mine. “We can go on more dates later. We have to get you home, okay?” 
Hwasung nods and Guanlin carries her on his back. 
“Guanlin I can-” I argue but he interrupts.
“No no, I got it Y/N. Let‘s go. Lead the way.”
He takes my hand a bit awkwardly and we start walking home. We start talking about Seonho’s mega-crush on Jaesoo, getting more comfortable, and then we hear light snoring from Hwasung. 
“Aigoo, she fell asleep,” I say while poking her cheek. She mumbles and I giggle while looking at Guanlin, He stares at me.
“What?” I say. 
“Nothing... I just love the way you care for everyone, especially Hwasung.” 
I blush and mumble a ‘thank you’ before getting a text from Jaesoo. 
Jaesoo aka Park Woojin’s Wifey: YOU GAVE SEONHO MY NUMBER?!?!?!
I laugh and ignore her by going back to my homescreen, scrolling through my apps. Guanlin and I exchange numbers and he finally accepts my Snapchat after admitting he was too scared to.
“Is that me?” Guanlin asks, noticing my pictures for my homescreen. 
I nod and show him my home and lockscreen and he laughs. 
“I can update them for you,” he tells me. 
“What do you- Ohhh.”
I hand him my phone and he gently rests an arm around my shoulder while stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. He takes a selca and I make a ‘v’ sign in one. He tells me which ones to set and I thank him with a quick peck on the cheek. He becomes flustered and I laugh at him as we approach our house. 
“Here, just bring her inside and lay her down on the couch.”
Guanlin gently sets her down, and I take my shoes and the backpack off, letting them sit by the door. I sit by her feet and Guanlin smiles at her. 
“Well, I should get going now. Jinyoug and Jihoon are my ride back to the dorm because I can’t depend on Seonho,” Guanlin says. 
I laugh and get up to hug him. He leaves a kiss on my head and I lead him to the door. He smiles and kisses me on the forehead.
“I’ll text you tonight and see you tomorrow?” Guanlin says.
I nod and smile, giving him another hug before he leaves while waving bye. I wave back and close the door, leaning against it. I get a text and I smile to myself while reading it. 
Swaggy Chick: I miss you already T^T
I just- Excuse me while I write more fluffy stuff for these boys
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zyndaya-blog · 8 years
i have no explanation for this other than i wanted to procrastinate studying for a test!!! so under cut there are 159 otp tags that u can use for ur cute 1x1s or indies or any ships at all!!! i got all of these from lyrics of one of my fave bands of all time, the nbhd separated by album/ep!! enjoy and pls like/reblog if u find this useful :)
I’M SORRY - EP (2012)
otp: you fooled me from the start
otp: leaving tonight
otp: i’ll be gone in the morning
otp: baby came home
otp: told me to stay away
otp: you knew the game and played it
I LOVE YOU. - LP (2013)
otp: don’t tell them anything
otp: think i found love
otp: use the sleeves of my sweater
otp: let’s have an adventure
otp: touch my neck and i’ll touch yours
otp: you in those little high waisted shorts
otp: one love, two mouths
otp: no shirt, no blouse
otp: let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater
otp: nobody said it'd be easy
otp: fell in love today
otp: just can't wait for love to destroy us
otp: the only flaw, you are flawless
otp: my mind is tangled between your little flaws
otp: maybe it’s you and it wasn’t me
otp: what do you want from me?
otp: maybe we'll fight 'til it move us along
otp: back in 1991, when the story first begun
otp: let it struggle just a little more
otp: i’m afraid somebody else might take my place
otp: you’re too mean, i don’t like you
otp: fuck you anyway
otp: you make me wanna scream at the top of my lungs
otp: it hurts but i won’t fight you
otp: you suck anyway
otp: you make me wanna die
otp: if you leave me then i’ll be afraid of everything
otp: if you're gone, then i need you
otp: if you're gone, then how is any of this real?
otp: want you to touch me there
otp: make me feel like i am breathing
otp: don't wanna be alone
otp: lied to be someone else for you
otp: she brought me down
otp: you say that you love me but you act like you don’t
otp: you used to adore me
otp: don’t take this the wrong way
otp: you put me in harm’s way
otp: when we had our first kiss it was your favorite thing
otp: you weren't lying when you said it would sting
otp: imagine our children, how fucked would they be?
otp: mommy's a psycho, daddy lives in a dream
otp: i told you i'm sorry
otp: couldn't thank you enough
otp: thought that i loved you but we weren't in love
otp: you were my dream
otp: you liked to think we would push through the bad
otp: ignoring the problems just to hold what we had
otp: test my patience
otp: if i made it too hard for you maybe you should've changed it
otp: i'd say i was wrong just to make it fill all the spaces
otp: if i gave you control would you say that we could've saved it?
otp: i hope you find a way to be yourself someday
otp: pray for the best for you
otp: wish you could be honest with me
otp: why’d you stick around? 
otp: why’d you stay with me?
otp: why’d you fake it?
#000000 & #FFFFFF - MIXTAPE (2014)
otp: you are the only one
otp: he is your plan, but i am your lie
otp: so baby girl who you choosing?
otp: hear your voice bring chills to my spine
otp: lose my mind until you’re mine
otp: you were crazy, but I miss you
otp: hoping for paradise
otp: obsessed with the thought of me breaking your heart
otp: keep thinking ‘bout you and i
otp: need you to be someone for me in my life 
otp: can't let you go but you cheated on me
otp: think about you kissing him baby
otp: my love never seems to come out right
otp: she's not my girl
otp: can't even believe what you did to me
otp: you fooled me twice
otp: did it make you feel bad when you cheated on your man last night
otp: feel like you're worth it
otp: your blue eyes and those red lips
otp: fuck what your mother say, let's run away
otp: we’re made to love
otp: you're a waste of my time
otp: fallen for her more than once
otp: just hoping you would call my phone
otp: someday we will reunite
otp: promise that i'll make a baby with you
otp: you need to get off my mind
otp: tried to love you baby
otp: tried to satisfy you honey
otp: i'm the one for you
otp: you're a fool for me
otp: fool for you
otp: i want to destroy you
otp: i'm thinking we should ride to a place that we don't know
otp: last thing we should do is go slow
otp: i'll fucking digest you one kiss at a time
otp: you wish i was yours and i hope that you're mine
otp: met a stranger yesterday
WIPED OUT! - LP (2015)
otp: hoping that you'll keep your heart open
otp: if you don't ask, i won't tell
otp: it all hurts just the same
otp: don’t wanna fight
otp: i know i'll fall in love with you baby
otp: hope you won't ever lie to me
otp: when i’m with you breathing
otp: don’t let me go
otp: don’t wanna be alone
otp: make you need me
otp: don't wanna let you down
otp: if i told you that i loved you
otp: if i told you that i hated you would you go away?
otp: been relying on you
otp: been calling you friend
otp: hope i don’t burn you
otp: meet you in the middle
otp: you make me feel little
otp: need you here with me
otp: take you like a drug
otp: i taste you on my tongue
otp: tell me something i will forget
otp: it's crazy what you do for a friend
otp: go ahead and cry little girl
otp: if you were my little girl
otp: i would run away and hide with you
otp: tried to write your name in the rain
otp: keep on trying to let you go
otp: dying to let you know
otp: i gave her everything that i had
otp: her socks were at the end of my bed
otp: got our names tattooed on each other
otp: you can put it all on me
otp: i loved you from minute one
otp: handcuffed and i thought of you
otp: made love and i thought of you
otp: don't think you should be worried for me
otp: don't tell me about the rules and break them
otp: met her at church but she could be satan
otp: you and i are two oceans apart
otp: we're on earth to break each others hearts
otp: you’re the flame i use when it gets dark
otp: you've got enough pain for both of us
otp: you and i are few and far between
otp: don't know if we should be alone together
otp: still got a crush, that's obvious
otp: if nobody's around what's stopping us?
otp: don’t ever mind sharing oxygen
otp: just wanna get lost in your lungs
otp: love to watch her dance
otp: don't think that we should be around each other
otp: when you're in the room you get my eyes
otp: i can make you laugh until you cry
otp: you know you got all my attention
otp: she was my baby girl
otp: don’t mind being patient
otp: she's my soulmate
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