#sorta red queen modern au?
whimsi-clown · 5 months
What's the Best Way to Start a Story? Ah, yes. Death.
Part 1 of the Reverse lsekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(That I made on a whim)
Warning: Lots of Curse Words and a bit OOC
In a series of unfortunate (or fortunate, depending on how you view things) events, your eccentric rich bitch of an employer had just died.
Sad, I know. But they had it coming. Sorta.
Nobody really liked them. They were, to put it bluntly, an asshole of the highest degree, and they didn't have any living relatives or descendants.
As such, with you being the only person in existence who still stuck by them, gave a shit about them, and had the balls to deal with all of their bullshit, they decided to leave you with their inheritance.
From their large plot of land to their unrealistically big ass mansion with a private beach close by, along with everything inside of it. Money included.
It was all yours for the taking, and you were all too eager to accept.
At this point, you had everything you needed to live the life of your dreams. A large plot of land, a mansion, a near infinite amount of money.
Now, all you needed left in this big and lonely mansion...
Was companionship...
Yea, no. We'll skip that for now.
So, with that in mind, after setting down the remaining boxes of your belongings that you had just brought in, you decided to stroll through the halls of the place, eager to familiarize yourself with your new home.
Your eyes perking in interest as you spot a door that you had never seen before, curiously entering it with a new wave of excitement as to what you could find (or possibly sell) on the other side.
Nothing could ruin this day for you!
Something has just ruined this day for you.
You groaned, dragging your hands down your face as 12 of the most iconic Disney Villains settled on the set of couches before you with crossed arms, disgruntled expressions, and glares aimed your way.
Maleficent sat on the lone couch to your left, while Grimhilde, the evil queen, sat on the other couch to your right, both looking at you with displeased glares.
On the main couch sat Ursula, Cruela De Vil, Dr. Facilier and Jafar. All sharing the same disgruntled expression, like they have better things to do than be in this predicament.
And those who decided to stand behind the couch were Hades, Captain Hook, Shan Yu, and Gaston. All of them with their arm crossed.
Finally, seated on the carpeted floor before the couches are Scar and Oogie Boogie. Who looked bored out of their minds.
You let out yet another groan.
How did you end up in this situation again??
Ah, right. The mysterious room.
For those of you who are wondering, here's what went down literal hours ago.
You had entered what looked like an old storage room, flicked the light switch on, and discovered that it was filled to the brim with various antiques and junk.
Looking around, you felt like a kid in a candy store, discovering the various curious objects that your former employer collected, lining each shelf.
Everything was so interesting (and sellable) to you.
But what stood out to you the most, though, was an assortment of random items set up on a row of pedestals.
A staff broken in half, a shattered mirror, an unlit greek looking torch lying on its side, a dusty lamp, a tarnished silver hook, a vintage hunting rifle, an old scattered deck of tarot cards, a weird wavy looking sword (a quick google search informed you that it was a serrated jagged jian), a lion skull (not even gonna question how your employer got their hands on these ethically), a gold nautilus shell necklace, an exotic black and white fur coat of some animal (again, not gonna question how they were ethically acquired), and finally a set of red hand carved dices.
With a wide shit eating grin and dollar signs in your eyes, you decided on the spot that these would definitely sell for a large amount of money and decided to take a picture of them to post online.
However, before you could take the shot, you realized something.
No one would buy any of this junk if you sell them as they looked now, like junk!
So, with a new goal in mind, you quickly set out to grab whatever cleaning materials you could find.
And when you came back, you glued together the two broken parts of the staff, put back the pieces of the shattered mirror back in place, set the unlit greek torch up, rubbed the dust off of the lamp, polished the silver hook, cleaned the vintage hunting rifle, stacked and rearanged the deck of tarot cards, sharpened the weird wavy sword, dusted the lion skull, washed the gold nautilus shell pendant in soapy water, and brushed the exotic fur coat.
When all was done, you stood back with your hands on your hips, a prideful grin stretching across your face at having cleaned all of the useless junk before you.
If only you had the same amount of energy and enthusiasm when it comes to cleaning the rest of your house.
You were about to take a picture again when you realized you weren't completely done. There was still one item left.
The pair of red dice.
You stared down at the dices in contemplation. For some reason, something about them didn't seem to sit right with you.
One dice had a six facing up, while the other had a five. Making it an eleven in total.
You grabbed the dices, shaking them around in the palm of your hand and without much of a thought, threw them onto its pedestal. Watching as it rolled on the surface before stopping, both dices landed on a one.
Snake eyes.
All of a sudden, the lights in the room started to flicker and turn off completely, leaving you in the dark.
You cursed under your breath as you were about to turn the flashlight on your phone when you noticed that the dices were glowing green, like one of those shitty glow in the dark star stickers you had as a kid.
Suddenly, the dices weren't the only thing glowing as the fur coat was glowing white, followed by the shell pendant glowing gold, the lion skull glowing green, the sword glowing a dull blue, the tarot deck glowing purple, the hunting rifle glowing red, the hook glowing gold as well, the lamp glowing red too, the torch glowing blue which also lit up in blue flames on it's own, the mirror glowing purple, and finally the staff glowing green.
Each of the items slowly hovered in the air, wind seeming to pick up around you despite the lack of windows, and then suddenly a burst of green smoke spread throughout the room, temporarily blinding you as you coughed into your fist.
You swatted your hands around to clear the smoke, rubbing your teary eyes when a sound caught your attention. Not just any sound, it was the sound of a person, no, people! It was the sound of people!
When the smoke finally cleared, you were greeted by the sight of a dogpile of people, all groaning and moaning in pain, some muttering curses under their breaths as they struggled to get up from their current positions.
"Get off of me, you fools!"
A comanding feminine voice exclaimed.
"Ugh, you first, I can feel you stepping on my tail."
Another masculine voice grumbled.
"Ugh, get your slimey apendeges off of me, woman!"
Another masculine voice exclaimed in disgust.
"For the last time. It's not slime, you narcissistic oaf, it's mucus!"
Yet another feminine voice retorted.
"She's actually right, ya know? It's mucus, not slime. Had to learn that the hard way."
Yet another masculine voice says, agreeing with the person who spoke before them.
Whilst they were still arguing with one another, you figured now would be a great time to escape, slowly backing away, careful not to make a sound when you flinch as your back hits something sturdy and warm.
With a nervous gulp, you slowly crained your neck up only to see a tall gray skinned man with shark like teeth and blue flames for hair, looking down at you with a wide toothy grin.
"Hey there, nice to meet cha', you goin' somewhere, babes?"
The gray man asked in a casual tone, a hint of a threat hidden beneath it. Before you could respond, you yelped in surprise as you were suddenly grabbed by the back collar of your shirt and lifted a few feet away from the ground.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?~"
You froze as you were suddenly face to face with a big talking sack, your face growing pale when you noticed a centipede crawling out of its open stitched mouth.
The thing before you seemed to notice this, grinning even wider as they brought you closer to its face.
"What's wrong, little one? You feeling ssscaareeddd?~"
A snake had just slithered out of its mouth like a tongue and hissed at you as it trailed off the word 'scared'. Which made you scream as you kicked at his face in response, causing the thing to drop you as it held its face in pain.
The commotion seemed to finally catch the others' attention, finally registering your presence.
Before you could run off and escape, though, a tendril of black smoke wrapped around you, restricting your movement as it pulled you closer to the blue flame headed guy who merely chuckled as you thrashed around in his grip, successfully getting your arms out before trying to tug and yank the rest of the smokey tendrils off of you.
"Hey, fellas, I think I found the culprit to our little... Heh, predicament..."
The blue flame haired guy announced as he pulled you closer to him and grabbed ahold of your cheeks with one hand, forcing you to face the rest of the group.
The rest of them then approached, crowding around and glaring down at you.
"So you're the reason why we're in this mess... Speak. Why have you brought us here?"
The beautiful woman before you asked, no, commanded. Her pose is regal and sophisticated even as she looks down on you. She wore a golden crown atop her head, with a purple velvet dress and a black cape.
Your face morphed in confusion as you stared up at her, practically scanning her features.
For some reason, you feel like you've met her before.
You turn to the others as well, scanning them from head to toe.
A tall mean looking lady with greenish skin and black horns, a grumpy arabian guy dressed in red and black, a big intimidating asian dude, a woman with melanie martinez's hair but if she were emo, a guy that looks like a himbo, a fat drag queen with tentacles and light purplish skin, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat dressed in all red, twinkish looking man with a fancy hat no. 2 dressed in all purple, and a literal fucking lion.
After staring at the crowd before you, you turned your head back to properly look at the other three you had just met. The fat sack of creepy crawlies, the shark teethed flame head, and the literal fucking queen.
Stupid. That's what you currently felt. Not scared, not happy. Stupid.
How could you not recognize the people before you?? They were your literal childhood before you grew out of them. Gods, you felt so dumb for not realizing it sooner!
They were all Disney Villains!
Noticing that you seemed disappointed about something rather than fearful of their presence, the villains turned to one another with looks of confusion. Not used to this kind of reaction.
Hades, who still held you hostage decided to shake you out of whatever it is you were so hung up about.
"Oy, kid. You still with us? Kinda rude to just space out on people ya know?"
He asked, successfully snapping you out of your momentary internal berating.
"I... I know you guys..."
You muttered out loud, still in disbelief of the situation.
This caused the villains to smirk and perk up a little smugly, their ego rising at the thought of being recognized by someone they deemed lesser than then. Especially a certain muscle head.
"Ah yes, of course you've heard about the great Gasto-"
"You're all disney villains!"
You unintentionally cut off him off, your eyes widening as you clamped your mouth shut with your hands in realization of your mistake.
The villains were also caught off guard, not by your interruption, but by your statement.
"Disney... Villains?..."
Shan Yu slowly repeated, confusion evident in his tone.
You kept your mouth clamped shut, refusing to respond until a silver hook was pressed against your neck.
"You better spill, little one, or I'll slice through that pretty little neck of yours, and you don't want that now, do you?"
Captain Hook threatened, pressing his hook closer to your neck, nearly breaking the skin.
That was what led to all of you gathered in the living room, after begging asking to be released so you could explain to them, glancing at each disney villain from Maleficent to Oogie Boogie.
When Oogie Boogie noticed that you had glanced down at him, he sent you an eerie grin that made shivers crawl down your spine.
Out of all the Disney Villains present, He unsettled you the most.
The other's existence was reasonable and made sense to you.
Evil human beings of higher power and capabilities? Fine. A literal dark fae, an octupus lady, and a greek god? Good. A talking lion? Amazing. But a literal walking, talking, sack of bugs?
Burn it to the ground.
You take in a deep breath, exhaling through your nose in an effort to stay calm (spoiler alert it is not working) as you face the group of animated evil doers come to life with an uneasy smile.
"So... What would you like to know first?"
End of Part 1
Next Part
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solar-halos · 5 months
i’ve skipped so many mood board mondays, so here are a ton of mood boards. they’re all Annie Cresta themed and how i think she’d dress/accessorize in a modern au. this one is gonna be lengthy tho i luv fashion
don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend: queer couture*
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comments: this one was the hardest only bc i couldn’t find a lot pics of patchwork jeans + smudged (and ugly in an on-purpose-fuck-beauty-standards type of way) makeup and i feel like that is a fundamental part of annies style in this fic. also shes in hs and i feel like that is the peak of diy-ing things that are ugly but obv pinterest didn’t have much of that. but in the fic she loves red+black color combos and sanrio and also mitski so i included that here. also, had to include a heathers pic. and before anyone says that this doesn’t count as alt pls remember something: i don’t care
* (as in annie is queer in this fic, not that u have to be queer to wear this. just btw)
fond boy with a flower in his heart: lipstick lover*
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comments: her style isn’t rlly described that much in the fic but i think it’s very much winx and barbiecore. lipstick lover* to the max. she is also the queen of sporty spice athleisure
*in a “pink panther” by Scene Queen (the musician) way, not a luver of lipstick way. although annie is both in this fic
a deep dive into the mind of annie cresta: man eater couture
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credits, first and foremost!
i found the first pic (starting from the top left hand corner) on pinterest. this is the second pic dress pattern. third pic is also pinterest but it gives me johanna and annie vibes. this is the fourth pic (it’s still a tester pattern so i just linked her account!). this is the fifth pic. this is the sixth pic. i found the seventh pic on pinterest. this is the eighth pic. i found the ninth pic on pinterest. this is the tenth pic (can you tell i love madebymolly? lol)
comments: okay, so at first i wanted to focus more on materials like linen bc i think d4 would be more focused on practicality than glam, but as you can tell it’s mostly crochet pieces bc i’ve saved SO many pics that gave me boho beach vibes. but also some outfits (like the green dress!) are outfits i described in the actual fic and then found on instagram later like “wait….. this was literally something i had in my head and they made it into something real.” like how fucking cool is that imagine sewing something from ur own two hands (esp lace!). but also the cheetah (leopard?) print underwear is so annie cresta after she won the games bc i feel like she’d embellish everything she owns like the fashionista she is
miscellaneous: i-t g-i-r-l
ok when i was first pondering abt annie cresta’s style @turtlesandwhales678 put this into the universe and i haven’t been able to stop thinking abt it: vintage styled annie cresta! i know i didn’t do this concept justice bc most of the outfits are condensed to a select few decades but there was an era in my life where i would refuse to post anything on my instagram stories except vintage pictures/photoshoots, so here are some i had in my arsenal that i dug up:
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first pic (top left corner) is from the nanny! love that show u should watch it. i know the second pic looks like an invasion of privacy but i swear it was for a photoshoot in 1969 for life magazine. i found the third pic on pinterest, it’s lisa bonet on “a different world” i believe. the fourth pic is from my instagram stories archive arsenal. same with the fifth pic. this is the sixth pic. seventh pic is from my stories archive. this is the eighth pic
comments: i kinda said everything i needed to at the beginning. the ninth pic is giving me odesta vibes
okay, that’s it! i know this was sooo long but i was scared of uploading it to ao3 cos the last time i did something like that it got taken down. but to be fair it was sorta my fault. anyway this was sooo fun and im in a very big procrastinating mood so i will literally make a mood board out of anything / any other styles. i was thinking abt doing a cottagecore one but i heard that style has racist undertones? idk i haven’t looked into it but i should. anyway bye hope these were pretty
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firstprince-ao3feed · 1 month
The Difference between Rugby and Football
by Djokodal_Fan “Ok, so the multiverse theory deals with the hypothetical set of all Universes. It’s possible that we exist in many equally real Universes, but with varying histories.” Henry tells Alex. “What I’m trying to say is, in each Universe there’s a different way we probably meet. I can think of one where you’d be- well, I don’t know, the First Son of the United States or something...” Alex guffaws at that. “Well, in that Universe, you would undoubtedly be a Prince of the United Kingdom, your Majesty,” he drawls, only for Henry to tickle him mercilessly and almost make him topple over into the campfire. “As I was saying,” laughs Henry, “I think for every Universe, there’s a version of me that meets a version of you. Maybe in one, we’re childhood friends and swim teammates who fall in Love. Maybe in another, we’re actors who had a misunderstanding, but fall in Love when we star opposite each other. In every Universe, we seamlessly become a part of each other’s lives.” "Of course we do," says Alex, pulling Henry in for a deep kiss. --------- Or, an exploration of one AU, where Alex and Henry's first meeting across two lifetimes, centres around the question - The Difference between Rugby and Football. 🙂 🏉 🏈 Words: 5224, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue (2023), Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gabriel Diaz, Harry Hanover-Stuart, King James III (Red White & Royal Blue), Queen Mary (Red White & Royal Blue), Philip Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Original Characters, Real Life Character(s) Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Gabriel Diaz/Harry Hanover-Stuart Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - World War II, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Army, Alternate Universe- Normandy Landings, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - High School, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Teammates to Lovers, Rugby teammates, American Football teammates, Resolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Romantic Tension, Mutual Pining, Yearning, Requited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Past Character Death, Kinda /sorta reincarnation (if you squint), Growing Up Together, Crushes, Crush at First Sight, Puppy Love to Love, infatuation to love, Alex Claremont-Diaz is Not First Son of the United States, Non-Royal Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor via https://ift.tt/c4iUClq
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skierisa · 2 years
Red queen characters if they played genshin impact
(they would have to be from our time to play it, so let's imagine it as a modern au) and I may regret mixing this two things part 2
- has all 5 stars, both limited and standard banner.
- not f2p at all
- more crystals than primo gems
- thinks mondstat is the best region
- likes to fight against La Signora and hates fighting against Oceanid, since his party consists more in pyro and geo characters (i headcananon it as Diluc, Zhongli, Itto and maybe Hu Tao but he's always swapping the fourth space)
- when he started playing, he was a Kaeya main
- chose Aether
- listens mostly do boss theme music
- favorite one is Raiden Shogun second fight theme
- doesn't like fighting Dvalin
- looses 50/50 constantly, always to Qiqi
- has almost every character, but really wants Ayato
- lost his 50/50 to Keqing once, but she was already C6, so... Completely useless
- the reason Cal downloaded genshin
- could be using money to buy crystals instead of doing daily commissions to get 60 primo gems? Yeah, totally
- why he doesn't? He wants to enjoy the game and run away from reality
- got mad while fighting Raiden Shogun when he first arrived at Inazuma and lowered his world level so he could beat her
- finally won
- hates Yae Miko with a burning passion
- his favorite region is Inazuma, but prefers mondstat ost
- his team is pure elemental reaction
- kind of accidentally chose Lumine
- thought he could change it while playing
- Childe apologist
- reasons: cool backstory, cool designs, nice voice, he's hot, very strong character, he's hot, cool design
- never, ever gets good weapon
- one of his dreams in game is to get a 5 star and it's character weapon
- worse boss to fight in his opinion is Raiden Shogun and Azhdaha
- Kujou Sara and Beidou main
- wanted Ayaka, got Ayaka C1
- Gisa helped her doing her daily commissions, ofc
- her favorite region is Inazuma, not because it's the land of lighting, she just likes it and the music too
- loves fighting against Childe and Raiden Shogun (her favorite part of Inazuma's chapter was the first fight with her) and hates fighting against Dvalin
- because of the camera angle, ofc because EVERYONE hates it
- hates the fatui mages with her whole soul, because she's main electro
- and cryo cicin mages are just devil's incarnation, so she avoids them in general
- chose Lumine
- answered "emergency food" when Amber asked what Paimon was
- when she started playing, she tried to get Barbara's C6
- constantly kills Timmie's birds
- she doesn't like using bow and arrow, so she avoids wishing for characters who uses bow and arrow
- wanted a 4 star in Yoimiya's banner and got Yoimiya, a bow user
- probably the first amongst everyone here to play genshin
- converted Shade and Kilorn, who converted Mare to play this
- somehow, almost never looses 50/50
- started as a main Lisa
- loves Liyue region and also it's ost
- chose Aether
- loves fighting against Oceanid, since she uses cryo and electro in her party
- Patiently waiting for Kazuha's rerun
- thought he would just be a 5 star Sucrose
- used to fear ruin guards, now she kinda likes fighting them
- she really wants Yelan
- probably accidentally activated Bennett's C6
- he'll never forgive himself
- accidentally got Itto while trying to get Barbara's C6
- cellphone player
- can't type while fighting
- hates fighting against fatuis
- very bad at building his characters and at least one time someone will ask to help him build his characters better
- chose Lumine
- doesn't have a favorite region, but is excited to Sumeru update
- loves Liyue ost
- plays the game out of pure fun, doesn't care if he has all or none 5 star characters
- surprisingly, the first to explore the chasm
- her main party consists of Eula, Raiden Shogun, Kujou Sara and Fischl (fischl is there probably because it's one of her girlfriend's main)
- saw Elane playing and decided to join
- wants Yun Jin so bad but it's the only 4 star she doesn't have
- chose Lumine
- loves anything related to Liyue
- believe it or not, her favorite boss is Azhdaha because it's the only challenging thing in the game til now
- mains cryo
- Yelan wanter
- among the silvers, she was the first to play this
- Already knows Fischl's lines and repeats them with her while playing
- Raiden Shogun apologist
- loves both Liyue arc and Inazuma arc
- everytime she comes back to mondstat she finds it very nostalgic
- y'know those little elemental plants? Yeah, she hates them too
- loves fighting against Childe and La Signora, and is patiently waiting for Scaramouche to become playable or a boss
- chose Aether
- hates fighting cicin mages in general and the hydro and cryo fatui duo
- almost never looses 50/50
- got Diluc as her first five star, but she wanted Jean and never even leveled Diluc past lvl1
- probably in the fandom
- will probably scream once she sees Dottore in-game
- Saw Shenhe and knew she had to get her
- got her after 10 wishes
- the slowest of the character's in playing, since she plays it only sometimes and after maybe 3-4 updates
- but she build her characters well
- probably loved the Windbloom festival and the second lantern rite
- chose Aether
- hates fighting La Signora, because her main party consists of Chongyun (cryo), Shenhe (cryo), Thoma (pyro) and Barbara (hydro)
- probably listens to the Inazuma OST while working
- favorite OST is Raiden Shogun boss fight theme 2
- may or may not shed a tear in Imperatrix Umbrosa act II
- got Gorou and never ever thinks of removing him from any of the four partys
- loved the Windbloom and Lantern Rite festivals so much
- tried to get Xiao, lost it to Diluc
- now he has a level 1 C6 Diluc
- chose Lumine
- hates fighting against Childe but almost everyone in his party needs one of Childe's material drops
- Uses Rosaria because she reminds him of Farley
- trying to get Gorou's constellations
- really wants Kokomi rerun
- he's still waiting for it
- but Childe got three reruns :D
- also, he hates Ajax/Childe
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ginemrys · 3 years
the world has somehow shifted
oooh here it is, a modern royalty AU where Lily is the future Queen of England and James is the US President's son. Sorta Princess Diaries inspired, sorta Red, White and Royal Blue inspired. Enjoy.
“So while you are at this event, I want as little press issues as possible. Got it Sirius?” Marlene asked from the front of the car, tapping on her iPad.
“You got it, Mar, you know we'll be good as gold.” Sirius said, putting his feet up against the seats.
“I mean it. No getting with some European princess. This is the palace, you have to be on your best behaviour or your mother and your father will murder you both. Got it? We’ve not exactly got the best reputation at the moment, so buck up and make us look mildly okay.” Marlene said, threatening them before the car pulled to a halt and the door was opened.
Flashing lights filled the car as the two of them climbed out to walk up to the castle. Calls of James and Sirius came from the photographers.
“Pose, we look amazing.” Sirius quipped, smiling a dazzling smile and wrapping his arm around James’ shoulders.
"You are insufferable sometimes, you know that right?" James asked through gritted teeth, smiling widely for the cameras.
“I know it.” Sirius laughed, fixing his jacket before walking into the building. “This is fancy.” He exclaimed, taking a drink from the waiter.
“Sirius, literally every event we go to is fancy.” James rolled his eyes but there was no malice in his voice as he also reached for a drink. “Though… Well, this is surprisingly fancy. I didn’t realise English castles were so… So posh?”
“That’s because this one is a palace not a castle.” Sirius said, walking down into a large ballroom where there were lots of people standing around taking in the fancy building. “At least we should know some people here…”
“What’s the difference really?” James sighed, sipping his drink as he glanced around. “We are so out of our depth…”
“One has princesses guarded by dragons in towers, the other is this?” Sirius smirked, walking over to the wall and leaning against it. “Saying that this one has princesses that are just stuck up…” He smirked, sipping his drink.
“Yes, we’ve all heard the stories.” James muttered, trying desperately to keep his voice down, unlike Sirius who couldn’t care less if his comments were overheard. “Let’s just hope we don’t have to deal with that tonight and just enjoy ourselves for once.”
“Hah, says you. Don’t they call you king of the douchebags, or is that just behind your back?” Sirius laughed.
“You’re such an ass.” James grinned, shoving Sirius’ shoulder which led to his friend stumbling backwards, bumping into someone behind him. “Oh shit.” James muttered, cringing. He just hoped that person wasn’t someone important.
“Do you mind?” The red-haired girl said, wiping the drink off her hand. “Oh… You’re the US President's son, aren’t you.” She said, scowling.
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earthnashes · 4 years
Super Mario: headcanon brainstorms
HEYOOOO Ya’ll! Sorry for the slow posting as of late; outside of Patreon content I’ve been really hitting an artblock ;w; I think I’m starting to break through it though and with it comes some new ideas. Specifically, for Super Mario headcanons, which is something I’m consistently asked about. I think it’ll do me some good to switch gears for a bit too, so that I”m not focus near exclusively on LoZ anymore.
SO I figured I could share some of the base ideas and thoughts I had for the new headcanon/au to at least get myself started; a lot of this is brainstorming so subject to change, but it’s a start nonetheless! uwu Basic idea for the AU is to focus more on Modern Fantasy and Slice-of-Life, so instead of a huge grand adventure it’s more about the everyday lives of the characters and how I interpret that. owo THAT SAID, have some quick headcanon bunnies:
-The Mario crew and the Koopa Clan are basically frenemies with a friendly rivalry goin’ on. None of the plots Bowser pulls is out of any real malice and is more treated like a super intense game of “King of the Castle”l; it’s to a point where it’s basically tradition! Everyone in the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms are in on it.
-Bowsette is Bowser’s younger sister and, technically, co-ruler of Koopa Kingdom. However, I’d like to think that she overall hates the idea of being involved with politics and has gone off to do her own thing, much to the chargin of both her parents and the frustration of her older brother. Debating on the idea that she’s a part of a super small traveling band, trying to make it big on her own terms but thus far not really having much luck. She always phones in big bro to “borrow” from the family private treasury on promises she’ll pay back. Bowser knows she won’t but supports her anyway.
-Peach is the youngest rulers amongst the current Kingdom Leaders, having been unofficially crowned queen as a teenager (she’s currently late 20s). This is due to her father being unfit to rule in his current condition, and while he is still King his daughter has effectively taken on all of his duties. Why he is unfit to rule is something I’ve yet to decide.
-Luigi and Mario will keep their sidejobs as plumbers but they both have a secondary occupation! Mario is the acting bodyguard to Princess Peach and her best friend; he’s so good at his job due to his unassuming appearance. Luigi on the other hand owns his own bakery! He and his Yoshi companion Peppers (a red yoshi to mirror Mario’s green Yoshi friend) specialize in sweets, especially cookies, but they also bake fresh bread and bagels. uwu
-Pauline is the president of Metro Kingdom instead of the Mayor. I’d imagine Metro Kingdom is very different from any other kingdom due to it relying on popular vote over monarchy, with Pauline as the most recent leader of the Kingdom. She’d be highly popular amongst the citizens of the Kingdom and is damn good at her job. She also isn’t native to Metro Kingdom; I think I like the idea of her being originally from wherever Mario and Luigi are from before she ultimately moved to Metro Kingdom. They’re old buddies. owo
-I’m thinkin’ the Yoshi are sorta-kinda like Pokemon in terms of their role in society? They’re intelligent and in the wilds have their own basic societal structure, but in the Kingdoms (particularly Mushroom Kingdom) they are companions to the residents. A common misconception outside of the Mushroom Kingdom is that they’re pets; they are nothing of the sort.
-The Koopalings are not Bowser’s biological children but he has adopted them as his own kids. Toying with the idea that they’re teenagers and they maybe met Bowser through either a job ad during one of his bouts with the Mario crew, or perhaps he hired them all to babysit Junior (yes, all of them; Bowser is a very protective father) and it just snowballed from there. We’ll see!
-Rosalina is a goddess who makes her home amongst the stars and the Luma. She’s also pretty close to Peach; I love the idea of them having a older sibling/younger sibling vibe. I don’t think they’d be blood-related although that might change, but right now i’m trying to consider how they met... maybe Peach wished on a star when she was young, and Rosalina herself showed up? hmmmmm....
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND that’s all for now folks! I think I’ve made a pretty good starting point for myself so let’s see where this takes us! owo Art will be made soon; right now I’m workin’ out a style that’ll fit the tone I want. In the meantime, feel more than free to ask any questions or comments ya might have, and thank ya for taking a read! uwu
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twotommyolivers · 3 years
Title: A Princess by any other title
Pairing: Anastasia Romanov and Dimitri Floydrovich Sudayev
Modern "Flowershop" AU, sorta (see below). As a child living in a particular tenement, Dimitri was friends with a young girl with bright red hair who always called herself "Czarina," which was funny because she was too young to be anything but a princess. Sadly, the tenement burned down in a fire and everyone was displaced. Many years later, an adult Dimitri finds himself wandering around a home store when he accidentally bumps into one of the employees. While apologizing, he notices her name tag: "королева цветов" or "flower queen." Dimitri thinks its odd that someone would call herself queen despite being so young, especially with such bright red hair...
Original call to action
This was a toughie
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celestialflamesme · 4 years
| KARMA AND CRAZY MIDGETS | A Venai One-shot Modern AU | Fairy Tail Next Generation |
Ships: Raidyn Dreyar x Venetia Redfox
Dedicated to @primaverafrog @luna-chan00 @biorckstudios18 @animaration-fts @cxndy-stxrs (Lol, I can't believe that no-paragraph breaks worked😂 I fooled Tumblr, y'all!😎😆)
You'd think having a town overtaken by the mafia would make people more apprehensive, if anything. But if Magnolians were anything, they were huge (and he simply could not stress this enough) idiots.
Raidyn prided himself in not partaking in anything Fairy-esque which was more than what he could say about some of his colleagues (Yes, they named themselves Fairy 'Tail' of all things! How no one in this town even got the spelling right was beyond him....)
"Did you hear about Fullbuster and that Fernandez chick? They're together now!" Some red head he'd forgotten the name of (What! It was too late to ask her now!) stage-whispered.
"Who? Storm?"
The entire cafe burst into laughter. "Like Storm would even look at a girl that's not Nashi."
Point proven. They!! were!! on!! first!! name!! basis!! (He bet no one in this room even knew his last name, let alone first. Not that it mattered. He liked slinking in the shadows, although it was practically impossible with his snow-white hair)
Geez, did these people have no lives? They were talking about delinquents for Pete's sake! And ones that sure loved messing up the town in their infamous brawls. But did the people care? Nooooo.
Ugh, one more year and he'd be out of this whacked up place. Wiping a tabletop, he forced a smile on his face and pretended to be interested in the topic.
"Cass, I'll have a black and a burger with fries," a voice interrupted. A voice he was very familiar with.
Did he happen to mention that the most annoying one of them all had made this her hangout spot?
At 5'1, you'd think Venetia Redfox would be the least intimidating person ever. But with crimson red eyes and a Devil-may-care attitude that made up for it, no one dared mess with her. She also caused 75% of the fights in town and had a smirk straight out of a Wattpad Bad-boy fanfic.
Boy, did he hate her.
"You're gonna chip it off with that grip, Blondie."
Oh my god, she did not just-
Raidyn shot her a glare and strode to the back of the register, faintly registering a chuckle (Who the hell did she think she was?) before picking up another order.
Little Miss Redfox however sat at a corner table and continued doing whatever the hell she usually did every Tuesday and Friday for 3 hours in a row (he should know, he was there glaring at her at closing time).
But the kicker this time was, at that moment, her phone rang. You have never really seen your world end right before your eyes if you haven't seen a 5 foot psychotic looking delinquent decked in leather that drove in a motorcycle there by the way (How does one willingly ride on a metallic death-trap like that?!) mumble the words 'Cha cha real smooth' and pick up a call with the most deadpan look ever.
Raidyn almost cried. Almost.
"Are you kidding me? Do it yourself! I swear to God, you always do this shit, Dragneel!" She got up from her seat and walked out, just like she looooved doing smack dab in the middle of her classes back at Magnolia High.
Good riddance.
He jinxed it. Karma was such a bitch.
Though no sort of karmic revenge could explain the shit he had to go through that week.
First off, he had 4 assignments due in by the end of the week. And turns out that was the exact week his dear red-head colleague decided would the perfect time for a vacation (It's the middle of September, where in hell's name was she planning to go to?)
Guess who had double shifts now?
This clown.
Ugh. Talk about chivalry and all that loyalty shit.
And yes, of course his car had to break down, and the local bus had to change it's schedule, which left him with his last resort: walking 4 and a quarter miles to school (Oh, he found that out the hard way all right) to college. Nashi and the Fullbuster kid (He sure loved walking around shirtless a little too much) decided to brawl (again) and bam, his locker got caught in the crossfire.
In fact things were so overly shitty that he became skeptical come Thursday when the day seemed relatively normal.
"You've been scowling all week, Dreyar. Anything the matter?"
Raidyn snapped out of his reverie and groaned. "Dad, why not just call me by my name like any normal person would?"
"Because that doesn't build-"
"CHARACTER!! WE GET IT!" His mom, Mirajane mimicked with a scowl. "Well, we're just going to get two Happy meals and then we're off, honey!"
He faintly registered Hunter snickering in the background (How immature. Raidyn wasn't one to get embarrassed by his parents. Plus, none of it would ever compare to the Disco Fiasco of 2001. How else do you think he got his car? Sweet, sweet guilt-tripping....)
The day buzzed past but his suspicions only intensified tenfold. (Call him a pessimist, he didn't care) And like a bull in a China shop, a tiny midget Redfox (the one and only) strut in.
Now, he was behind the counter at that moment handling the red-head (he really ought to learn her name someday) so he didn't notice 5 feet of brute strength that climbed up behind him and dragged him (poor, unsuspecting him) into the supply closet.
Oh no, he was not kidding. The supply closet. Of all the places the perpetrator could've-
The lights flickered on and he screeched (What? Any human would!) at the red irises staring determinedly into his own non-red eyes. (Seriously, were those even real?) Raidyn wasn't scared of no judgement, what did scare him (maybe not that much, now that he knew who those belonged to) was Satan's minion and her RED AS FUCK EYES! LIKE SERIOUSLY-
Clearing his throat and trying to salvage some faux dignity after that dramatic display, he grunted, "Touch me one more time and you're-"
"Yeah, yeah I get it, big guy. Look, I need a favour."
Venetia Redfox crossed her arms and stood threateningly in front of the entrance.
Who was she kidding? "Nope," he muttered and swerved right around her and made his way to the counter. (Pipsqueak. She really should've seen that coming.)
And right as he turned right towards the display case, he found her leaning against it with her shoulder, looking bored. "Yes. And now."
"Parkour." She deadpanned.
Raidyn gave Venetia a long, long look and sighed, striding towards her. Her smirk widened in anticipation as-
He picked her up like a sack of potatoes and tossed her over his shoulder.
"Technically, you cornered me first," he stated matter-of-factly and dropped her on her feet (she looked like a hissy kitten, hmm.) Then proceeding to close the doors at her, he picked up a poster of her (he kept posters of all of them for a day like this. Ah, foreboding luck. He could feel it.) and pinned it onto the front door.
(Was he even allowed to do that, you might ask, but bah, who cares? Rabid girls are a nationwide threat.)
As he wrapped up and prepared to leave, Raidyn had a niggling feeling he forgot something very, very crucial. Uh-
A body collided onto his own and climbed (I kid you not) him (THE FUCK KIND OF ANIMALS DID MAGNOLIA OWN?) before a tiny, rough hand muffled him. Oh no.
"Yoph kiphing mmph!" Raidyn groaned.
"I need you to teach me how to solve a Rubix Cube."
What. Excuse Raidyn for not knowing, but was Rubix cube some mafia codeword for mafia stuff? Stealing a car, fighting goons, skipping classes or drug dealing? Raidyn Dreyar had a long jail-free life ahead of him, mind you.
(Some might say he really had to stop reading those novels his mom bought. Some might be right. Whatever.)
Back to the topic on hand, he mumbled inaudibly. Her cropped hair tickled the sides of his face as she squinted at him, "What?"
Was she kidding right now? He pointed at her hand covering his mouth and her eyes widened as she let out a nervous laugh. (Geez, talk about stupid.)
He took in a deep breath and shook her off him. She stood there patiently (As patiently as a Redfox could, anyway.) as he straightened his shirt.
"First things first, NO!" And he stalked away.
He registered a groan from behind him and quickened his pace. However, the midget in question managed to propel herself at break-neck speeds and no joke, TACKLED him.
Karma was such a bitch.
Macao, the guard standing by the parking lot, huffed, "They don't pay me enough for this."
The only reason he was doing this was because she offered to fix up his car. (How did she even know it wasn't starting?) Also because it had been a while since he brushed up on his Rubix skills. Also because he wanted to get rid of the midget before she followed him home. (He figured his mom and dad would ENJOY her presence and replace him with her. He had crazy parents.)
Everyday she'd make sure to meet him (mostly by cornering him in the hallways) and in exchange for these classes, she'd work on his car at the weekend.
The first time she came over to his house (to work on his car, but he didn't know that) was rather embarrassing because he kinda sorta thought she was a burglar and locked his garage, yelling at the top of his lungs. His dad, Laxus came out with a taser (Dad sure loved his tasers.) Of course, when he finally opened the garage doors, he was met with an unimpressed look from the Redfox in question. (God, he was such a drama queen.)
The midget had a lot of trouble twisting her hands at the beginning of her sessions and he loved teasing her about her 'butter fingers' every time she accidentally flung the cube across the room or out the window in one rare occasion.
You know, she was kind of fun to have around.
"And that's the algorithm! You're all done!" He cheered, glad to have this behind him.
"Geez, you don't have to sound that excited to get rid of me." Venetia teased.
"What? No....." He feigned innocence.
"D'aww, admit it, you enjoyed my company."
"Please, more like I was scared for my life." He mumbled. She snorted.
"Catch you later, alligator."
Did she just- "NO WAY, JOŚE!" (That was lame even for him. Gosh dang it, she was laughing at him....)
Fricking Redfox.
That weekend, Raidyn thought he deserved a good ol' evening out with his friends/colleagues (technically it was the manager that suggested it and he tagged along for the heck of it. He wasn't much of a social person, per se.)
He guessed Karma was still on a streak when Venetia Redfox entered the very same place they'd chosen for karaoke night and sat herself on one of the tables in front of them. And proceeded to order nothing.
The raven-head didn't even have her notebook (that always made her look disarmingly tiny) or her phone. Oh well, she must've been waiting for someone.
As the hours passed, he found himself exceedingly irritated for no reason.
"Who in their right mind would stand up The Venetia Redfox?" His colleagues whispered (rather loudly, according to him) and she just tapped her fingers away, oblivious to it all.
Fine, whatever.
"Sup." He towered over her and greeted, moving to take a seat next to her.
She blinked at him.
Okay, you couldn't exactly judge him. She was a regular and tipped good and people were being annoying about her and oh, her tapping was distracting and he had a massive headache coming. That's all. Simple as that.
"Don't you have better shit to do?" Red irises stared at him impassively.
"What are you doing here by yourself?" He asked coolly.
"Well, Nashi was supposed to-"
"I'M HERE! I'M HERE! I'M-" Both tilted their heads just in time to see Nashi ram into the glass doors. The now groaning pinkette was sprawled on her butt in front of the entrance. "Fricking doors."
"That's her." Venetia deadpanned. Raidyn shook his head sympathetically.
"Heyo Ven! Heh, kinda lost track of time beating Frostbite at Mario Kart," her doe eyes scanned him. "Raidyn! I didn't know you guys were friends!" She grinned.
Raidyn gave her a two-finger salute in greeting.
Nashi's eyes suddenly widened in realisation. "YOU'RE TEACHING HER THE RUBIX?!"
"Yup." Venetia smirked. "He's a great teach. His parents have taken me in as their own."
"Just like that, Blondie. What can I say? It's the charm," She grinned at his bewildered face.
"You guys are all ready for the challenge then?" Nashi wiggled, now nervous, "Ven, I didn't mean to drag you into this, but Clint was-"
"It's cool, dumbass." Venetia shrugged. "Ain't your fault that they're dipshits."
At his confused look, Nashi clarified, "People like picking on us just because we're Fairies and held to the same standards as our parents. This frat dude decided he had to prove he was smarter than the Fairies and decided to pick a Rubix cube challenge of all things." She rolled her eyes. "Bet he taught he was real original thinking that one up."
"Bet he did." Storm scoffed. (Wait, what?)
"From- the front door?" Storm scratched his head in genuine confusion. (As if Raidyn was the weird one that sneaked up behind people like a stalker!)
Nashi facepalmed. "Why the heck are you here, Frostbite?"
"Just like that."
"Gosh, you're so annoying."
"Wanna say that to my face, Flamebrains?!" Storm yelled. (Oh, not again....)
"Guys, please don't...." Raidyn said, but both didn't seem to be paying attention to him.
"I SAID YOU'RE ANNOYING! FIGHT ME!" She threw a punch at him and before he knew it both were throwing napkin holders and vases at each other.
Venetia seemed to be enjoying the show, and pulled him to the back of the room, "This might take a while," she stated. "Wanna grab a milkshake?"
Well, he was kind of craving one. "Why not?"
Today was the day of Venetia's challenge and Raidyn found himself nervous.
"You sure they won't wreck the place?" He grumbled for the umpteenth time.
Venetia groaned. "Do you have no faith in my abilities, Dreyar?"
"Nope. None whatsoever."
She raised an eyebrow, "Shame on you, then. I wouldn't let a good friend lose his job on my behalf. Dally ho, now!" She cheered.
He blinked at her, giving her a small reluctant smile. "Kick ass, Ven."
She tilted her head toward him and gave him a grin that knocked the breath out of him. "Thanks, Raidyn."
Shit. When did- when did she get so pretty?
"Look who we have here. You sure you're in the right place, Redfox?" A voice condescended. The owner of the voice was a grimy looking kid that looked like one of those middle-school spelling-bee losers that bragged about it whenever they met someone new.
"Clint." Venetia deadpanned.
Raidyn broke out into a fit of laughter, making 'Clint' (What kind of sad name was that?) glare at him. (Oh please, Little Clint was totally quaking in his boots! Why'd he even bother coming?)
"Let's begin then! Pick a shuffler." Clint drawled.
Venetia picked Nashi while Clint, after a moment of deliberation, picked one of his gang-mates (What did they call it? The Math club?)
"You may begin."
Both Nashi and the grimy dude shuffled for the better of 15 seconds. Clint just scoffed and clicked like a pretentious know-it-all, making comments like, "You're making it easier by shuffling harder, you know. Make it tougher for me, Nashi dear."
Raidyn had to give it to the pinkette, he would've smacked the teen by now.
"Okay," the referee, Storm cheered, (even though he looked like he was ready to kill Clint) "Timer starts, NOW!"
Both twisted and turned the cube furiously, Venetia sticking her tongue out in concentration while the teen twisted his arms like a man possessed.
"I'M DONE!" Venetia dropped the cube with a thud onto the table. "How's that for a Redfox?"
"E-excuse me? That's insane! It's only been," Clint checked the timer like the sore loser he was, "31 seconds!"
"Too bad," she smirked. (Well shit, that was hot...)
"I demand a rematch!"
Nashi moved to protest, but Venetia silenced her with a hand, "Whatever you say, kid..."
"This time, we swap cubes!" He whined like the little weasel he was.
3 minutes later, the rematch began and Venetia plopped her cube on the table with a glare.
"You think you're smart giving me a faulty cube, don't you?"
"And I'm done!" The weasel had the nerve to say. "I don't know what you're talking about Venetia, I used the same cube and it worked just fine. Maybe it was a stroke of luck on your part the first tim-"
He couldn't finish his tirade because Raidyn took that opportunity to check the cube (He didn't have to though, he believed Venetia enough to know she wouldn't make up excuses.) and yeeted it at his face like he'd been itching to do from the moment he saw the turd.
"OH NO, YOU DON'T!" Nashi growled, "I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW!"
Oh dear.
Okay, maybe the fight wouldn't get too big, these were scrawny kids after a-
Yeah, Nashi Dragneel just flipped a table on them.
There goes his job.
"GO, NASHI!" His manager cheered. (Okay, thank God this town was crazy.) "Raidyn! You can take the day off, kid. Have fun!"
Storm chose that moment to enter after his momentary toilet-break. "I WAS GONE FOR 3 MINUTES, WOMAN! WHAT THE HELL?!"
Venetia, unbothered by the chaos behind her, pulled him by the arm, her eyebrows furrowed at him, "Well, I tried. But hey, looks like you still have your job. That's a win, right?" She scratched her neck, laughing.
He sighed, putting caution to the wind. This was Ven after all. "Ice-cream date? My treat for today's win."
A smile erupted on her face, "Only if we take my bike there."
Bonus (That no one asked for):
"Okay, so you have to grip it right. Not too tight. Just enough to nudge it in the right direction." Venetia explained, from where she was seated in front of him on the death tra- bike.
Raidyn nervously laughed, "I've got this in the bag, I don't know what you're worried about." The tilt in his voice gave away his panic, however. She raised an eyebrow.
"Humor me then."
"DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES, YOU IDIOT!!" Venetia screeched. She reached over and took over the handlebars just in time as they nearly crashed into a tree Raidyn was headed for.
He got off the bike and tripped, falling face-first on the ground. Fricking Jelly-legs. "I am never riding that death trap again." Raidyn groaned.
"What the heck?!" Venetia questioned, bewildered. "How'd you even get your driver's ed with such sucky basics?"
"Fight me Ven, I'm never getting on that thing again!"
"Too bad, I have to drop you back home too." The sneaky devil dared smirk at his plight.
Fricking Karma.
He wouldn't have it any other way, though.
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pheita · 4 years
STS time! :D If you wrote (or have written) an AU for your project, what would it be? What kinds of things would you change and what are things you'd definitely keep?
Oh Meri, you caught me red-handed!  Drugs of Love is an AU of “Always Prepared” which started weeks ago from an STS ask by @madmoonink about who would run a criminal organization and bam there I was.  So it is an AU in which Nesryn is the personal secretary of Lorkin who runs an import/export company with Nardik, Irideska (who both are his cousins in this version) and Kinarrah ( who is his sister in this version) but the company is actually the cover for a drug ring they sorta inherited from their family.  Nesryn is new to the job and has a hate-love relationship with Lorkin from the start because of his peacock behavior and his arrogance he shows sometimes pushes the wrong buttons in her. The whole thing became an erotic romance with so many foreshadowing stuff right from the start it is crazy. I am on chapter 17 right now and about 43k words deep, and by now every reader should be able to guess where the foreshadowing will lead to. *evil smile* But since it became so big I decided to make it a thing of its own once I finished the draft and exchange the names and some details.  If I had to write another AU I would go with a modern AU in our world which means I have to switch Lorkin’s job as a magic guard to a security guy or something like this. On the other side, seeing him in a different profession would be fun as well. I somehow can imagine him as drag queen. Don’t ask me why, but I can. Maybe because canonically he already does cross-dressing to a certain degree to express his genderfluid identity.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 94
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
do you guys know that fic where steve hulks out bc bucky mentions having an open relationship ( with logan the wolverine) and its super funny with lots of pure sam and jealous steve? im bad at describing but thanks :)
Anon sent in Bucky Barnes' Guide to Ill-Advised Home Renovation by AggressiveWhenStartled (oneshot | 3,565 | T) - also in Podfic: [Podfic] Bucky Barnes' Guide to Ill-Advised Home Renovation by quietnight
Anon 2 said:
Weirdly specific request. I remember in an au one of them, I think Bucky, collected mugs and said he had a ton and became easy for people to give gifts to. Can’t remember anything but this haha wondering if it rings a bell for anyone!
Anon sent in Do You Walk in the Shadow of Men by shadesfalcon (complete | 54,765 | M)
Anon 3 said:
Hey guys! I'm looking for a fic where Steve confesses to Bucky he is gay and goes dancing to a queer bar. And Bucky is pretendind to be cool with it but really doesn't know what to do with that and one day Bucky decides to join him and dances with a drag queen and later realizes that he is in love with Steve. I can't remember if it was a pre-war fic or an au. Also I think Bucky was trying to prove to Steve he was also gay. I love your work so much guys. Thnx for doing this.
Anon sent in More Man than You* by ladygray99, Mikey (mikes_grrl), tawg (complete | 36,330 | E) *underage, graphic violence, rape/noncon
Anon sent in Pure as the driven slush* by Odsbodkins (complete | 10,959 | E ) */others
Anon 4 said:
been looking for a kidfic but the only detail I remember is a scene where I think bucky hands a toy phone to the kid and says "here it's for you" and then acts all silly when the kid "hangs up" on whoever it is. I think its Steve's kid and Bucky is the babysitter/stepdad. thanks!
whitewolfbucky sent in My Arms Were Made To Hold You by portraitofemmy, rainbow_marbles (oneshot | 55,101 | E)
cuddle-cult said:
I've been looking for a fic I read a few years ago and an unable to find again. It's a modern no powers au. Bucky is a homeless veteran that has been looking for his war buddy Clint and winds up getting very sick on the streets. Doctor/nurse Steve finds him and helps get him healthy again before helping him find Clint.
Anon sent in For Words to Say it Right by Squeaky, Taste_is_Sweet (oneshot | 25,411 | T)
  Anon 5 said: torture cw
Hi I’ve been searching all over for a fix where bucky gets recaptured by a group seeking revenge (not hydra) and Steve is forced to watch his torture. Also there’s a part where tony is about to find bucky, leading bucky to be severely electrocuted.
drjezdzany sent in Episode One: Red Vines* by Lorien, Lucidnancyboy (complete | 73,679 | M) *graphic violence, torture
Anon 6 said: canonical character death cw
I looked in the Becca and family tag but I couldn’t find the one I’m looking for I think it’s Becca and Winifred cleaning out the boys apartment after they “die” and realizing they’re together I think I feel like something else happens but that’s all I can remember. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Anon sent in A Mother Always Knows by readergirl1013 (complete | 16,729 | T)
Anon 7 said:
Hi! I’m looking for this fic i read not too long ago. basically bucky is still the winter soldier but he never forgets steve but steve does forget bucky for some reasons. and one day bucky is sent to kill him and things goy complicated from there? thank you im pretty sure i wasn’t just dreaming it
Anon 8 said:
Hey! Can you help me find two fics 1. Bucky is reading books about Steve and one of them describes him as completely dependent on Bucky and useless 2 Steve's shield is like thorns hammer it's some kind of magic object . Thanks so much
resurrectionofdawn said:
I'm looking for any information on a story where Steve rescues Bucky from Azzano and doesn't take his new body's requirements into account. He faints from hunger and Bucky sorta lays into him about that. I don't remember what happens after that, but if you can help, that would be wonderful.
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thefatalmarksman · 5 years
Tumblr media
Hey I Finally Joined That Modern Mythos AU With @verumace & Others Because Why Not Have a Depressed Luxu Being A Prometheus Parallel And Also There’s A Possum Involved So That’s Gonna Be Neat
[[bio subject to change/additions if necessary]]
Name: Luxu, but he’s not totally married to the name
Parallel: Prometheus
Age: Gawrsh he’s pretty old by now but he looks like he’s early- to mid-forties
Birthdate: He’s claimed May 22nd to be His Day
Height: 6ft (About 183 cm)
Weight: 180-ish lbs (About 82-ish kg)
Race: Titan
Sex/Gender: Cisgender Male
Orientation: Pansexual / Demiromantic
[Excerpt from an unpublished and untitled autobiography in an old spiral notebook sandwiched between a beat up and mockingly-hand notated copy of Atlas Shrugged and a vintage 1995 “(Not Only) Blue” magazine]
Once upon a time---
Well, this ain’t too much of a fairytale, really. But then again, most folks are more comfy with the glamorized, watered down, hippie-dippie Disney versions of Grimm’s Fairytales, which are, like, way crazier. Did you know that at the end of the Little Mermaid she just straight up fuckin’ turns into sea foam? And the evil queen in Snow White was punished by wearing red-hot iron shoes and was fated to dance until she just straight-up died? Like, geez, that’s pretty fucked up.
But I digress.
There were gods. Like... a lot of ‘em. And I just happen to be one of ‘em. Gone through a lot of names, a couple different faces when I had to, but you can just call me “Luxu” for now. And, despite my currently dashing good looks (the eyepatch and scar? Killin’ so many of the ladies I should be arrested for mass murder) and youthful posturing, I’m pretty up there in years. Just had a birthday, and I’m in the upper-(muffled noises) by now. Give or take. But ya can’t be sure given I was around before, y’know, time was even invented.
Freeze-frame, record scratch---I bet you’re wondering how I’m here now, then, huh?
To be honest, most of the partying I did back in the early ADs turned my brain to partial mush, and makes some of the details real sketchy and coated with a gossamer blur effect, but it all started with Chaos. But really, when doesn’t it? And boy was it Calamitous, and from that swirling Aether, you got your Titans---amongst them, yours truly. But then you start getting siblings, and then you gotta deal with them, and try not to give ‘em wedgie burns---and then, eventually, you kinda realize that they’re way more interesting than your other Titan siblings that aren’t willing to be crafty and sinister, and you sorta, kinda just end up switching sides.
Anyway, Shit calmed down. But then Shit un-calmed when I got to make humanity. Lemme tell ya, I did a right bang-up job---wish ya coulda been there during those first Golden Days. Y’all look like damn gremlins in comparison to what I made. And I’ll be honest, I took a shine to ya. Even went out of my way to trick my Big Baby Brother---y’know, the Dude with the ‘Tude who got to run everything up on his Mighty Throne Up There---so that y’all could get the best pieces of meat and not have to sacrifice ‘em unto us.
Which was pretty funny, but it pissed him off pretty fierce, and he ended up, y’know, taking away your only means of cooking that meat: fire.
But not only that---not only literal fire---but the “fire” of inspiration, the fire of thought and sentience. Again, y’all were so Grade A right when I made ya, but without that beautiful flame burnin’ bright in ya? Y’all were as effective as wet twigs rubbin’ together to make a spark.
I mean, I coulda just left it at that. But back in the day, I had a wee soft spot for y’all, and took it upon myself to restore that fire so you guys could, like, eat and all that. I mean, raw meat back in the day wasn’t stuffed with all the chemicals that clean it up and make it juicy. There’s a whole diet dedicated to that, y’know. But takin’ it straight from the diseased cow’s haunches---not too good for the stomach lining.
And with that, I gave you guys your Sight back---of creativity and exploration. I ain’t called “forethought” for nothin’, y’know.
But yeah, if I thought he was seein’ red before from the meat ordeal, it was probably only pinkish in comparison to what were now intense oxblood levels.
I mean, if I could go back, I don’t think there’s really a lot that could be changed. Y’know, insert some kinda sentimental bullshit about ‘I wouldn’t be the person I am today---’ yadda yadda. But if I could have skipped the whole being chained to a mountain and plucked apart piece by piece then being subsequently devoured daily by a horrific beast for offering mankind a slim chance of survival bit? ...Yeah, I might actually take a change or two.
Not to say I’m jaded by your Collective Ungratefulness, but, y’know, not having even a handful of olives placed on your altar in over two-thousand years kinda toasts my buns a little.
Though that Black Box bit for you guys wasn’t too pretty---y’know, it opening up and unleashing all the Evils of Humanity from the Void and into the world---but it makes for a fine conversation piece on my mantel, now that it’s come into my possession.
...Eh, maybe it evens out in the end.
So how many centuries of that exquisite torture did I endure, you might have the audacity to ask? Well, you lose count at about one-thousand, and eventually you’re just noddin’ your head in relent when the Chimera with three heads and five-hundred jagged teeth between them crawls on out of its cave at noon-sharp, and you’re just like, “yeah, yeah, get on with it already, I’ve got a date with the boiling summer sun in an hour.” I mean, gotta admit, my tan was pretty sick at that point. Haven’t been able to replicate the look since, but I almost managed it when I visited Australia for a few months. Was sorta shocked I didn’t see a Chimera there, to be utterly honest.
Then some dude comes along and cuts me free. The best part---oh, the absolute bestest part? Turns out he’s the son of the Dude that put me there. And he’s, like, totally okay with it. What a coinkidink, am I right? But I’m not gonna launch a complaint or look a gift Pegasus in the mouth, and slink on off to enjoy my freedom after, well, not having it for who knows how long.
And to be honest, I don’t... really know what to do with it. Partied hard, been ‘round the world a thousand times over, maybe had a few kids (no official paperwork and no one’s bothered me for child support, so I think I’m in the clear), killed my liver a total of seven times---yes, I know, after having it spooned out by a forked tongue for a millennia, you’d think I’d take better care of those things---and here I am. Writing this... mess. I mean, it’s all just rough ideas in diary-form right now, and I’m trying to figure a working title---something catchy---something that’ll have it flying off the shelves. Give the likes of ol’ Hesiod and Judith Viorst a run for their money in creativity.
I’m thinkin’...
I Gave You Guys Fire and This Is How You Repay Me SMH
...Yeah. Really rolls off the tongue.
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tearsofwinter · 6 years
Writing Process Meme
I was tagged by @thejourneymaninn and @hollyand-writes (and perhaps someone else >_>)
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Short stories. I would like to write a novel- and I have before- but it’s exhausting for me. I wrote novels for my first fandom, but I think I burned myself out. Ever since then, I’ve only stuck to oneshots. 
What genre do you prefer reading?
Romance. Doesn’t matter if it’s historical romance, modern romance, fantasy romance, if it is romance, I’d read it. If it doesn’t have romance, then fantasy. It at least has to have a fantasy element to it. 
What genre do you prefer writing?
Also romance. Since I do read a lot of romance, my stories tend to be romance as well. 
That being said, my favorite genre to write is actually crack. I love humor. About 95% of the time, if you see me post smut, I always end the smut on a wise crack line. 
Are you a planner or a write-as-I-go kind of person?
I’m a planner, which is both a good and bad thing. Good, because I know where I’m headed when I write, but bad because I plan it so much, that I get tired from writing the outline before I even write the first sentence of the fic. I have outlines for multichapter fics that’s around 10k words, and I’ve never posted even one chapter of the fic online. 
Most of the stories I do post, have minimal outline, and is more of “write-as-I-go” sort of feel. 
What music do you listen to while writing?
None. I don’t like distractions when I write. Sometimes I will listen to one song on repeat until I can tune it out, but once I really, really get into the writing, I have to turn it off. 
Fave books/movies?
That’s really hard to say. I’m not sure if I have favorites, but there are some books that I always reread. 
Midnight’s Daughter series by Karen Chance. The fourth book just got released Jul 31, 2018. Prior to that, I always reread all 3 books because I really enjoy the main protagonist and her love interest, but also beyond that, her family dynamic is very fascinating. I reread this series about once a year. 
Raven’s Shadow Duology by Patricia Briggs. I reread this once every 2-3 years. 
The Queen’s Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. The first book is a miss for me. Read it as a child, and it was forgettable. But starting from the second book, it got me hooked with the political intrigue. I really enjoy the second and third book. The second has a bit of questionable romance, but I’m still like wow, cool. The third one is amazing, showing you how capable the protagonist really is. 
Any current WIPs?
If you’re talking about current WIPs I have posted, I have a few over on AO3, all fenders. 
A tentacle porn one that I still need to work on
A soulmate au where Fenris and Anders’ magic and abilities seep into each other because they’re soulmates.
If you’re asking about WIPs I haven’t posted, my god......that’s so many. I start on the fic, but then I get distracted and start on another one. I think a Red Riding Hood au, that I wrote 2 years ago, only has about 500 words written lol. 
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Honestly, it depends on the weather, but you’ll usually find me in my PJs. Since it’s hot right now, it’s a tank top and shorts, but if someone was to draw me, I think I would be in my blood donation shirt. It’s a dark grey T-shirt that says, “Blood donation. You never know when accidents can happen” and it has a stick figure doodle swimming, and a shark lurking under him. 
Create a character description for yourself:
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
No. Sometimes I might incorporate myself in the writing bc OCs are the easiest when you base it on yourself, but otherwise, I never base someone I know in my writing
Are you kill-happy with characters?
Most of the time I don’t, but sometimes I do write stories where one half of the OTP is already dead, and the remaining one has to cope with the lost. But that’s rare. 
Coffee or tea while writing?
Slow or fast writer?
Slow. Super slow. Well. I used to be fast. In my previous fandom, I posted about 3k fics every week, and updated once a week. And that’s why I burned out so quick. 
I also sorta used to do that with Fenders too, posting once every 1-2 weeks, but I stopped because I didn’t want people to think that’s the quality of my writing. 
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Movies, music, books. 
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
As the youngest girl of 4, I probably would’ve been sold off at a young age. 
Most fave book cliche? Least fave book cliche?
Fav: Arranged marriages where they hate each other at first, but learn to fall in love
Hate: Love triangles. It’s always obvious which two ends up together. And I always end up rooting for the one that doesn’t get chosen. 
Fave scenes to write?
I’m not sure if I have a favorite scene to write. I suppose romantic scenes?
Most productive time of day for writing?
At night. Somewhere around 1am-7am. Which is why you tend to see me post at 6am in the morning. 
Reason for writing:
When I really, really fall in love with a ship, I like to write for them. 
I tag @stealyourshiny @contreparry @starla-nell @storybookhawke @araglas1989 @diamonddragon33
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TAGGED BY Stolen From: @i-nsubordination​ TAGGING : Whoever wants to steal this~
NAME: Moritura NICKNAME: Mori GENDER: Female AGE: 18, 22 in Queen verse DATE OF BIRTH: March 4 OCCUPATION: Dark Mage In training, Full Time Little Sister/Daughter, Queen (In certain AUs)
EYE COLOR: Violet HAIR COLOR:  Deep Purple HEIGHT:   5′1″
SCARS:  A few on her arms she covers with cloth bands. OVERWEIGHT:   no. UNDERWEIGHT:   yes (due to being an orphan and all)
COLOR: Blue, Yellow, and Red! ANIMAL/S:  Chinchillas MOVIE/S:  Chick Flicks (Modern AU) TV SHOW:  Ben 10 (modern AU) FOOD:   Anything (FE verses), Burritos (Modern) DRINK:  Water, Tea BOOK: Comics, History Books, Fantasy Novels
██▒   ARE THEY
A VIRGIN:  yes A KISSER:   No SCARED EASILY:   Yes JEALOUS EASILY:   Yes TRUSTWORTHY:  Yes, but might not look like it to some. IN LOVE:  No SINGLE:  yes
HAVE THEY HARMED THEMSELVES:   yes THOUGHT OF SUICIDE:   yes ATTEMPTED SUICIDE: yes, but not on purpose? Kinda? She just sorta climbed up a building and almost fell off WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE:   yes DROVE A CAR:   No HAVE/HAD A JOB:   yes. HAVE ANY FEARS:  yes
██▒   FAMILY
SIBLINGS: Non PARENTS:  Unknown, Naeva Adopted Mom tho. CHILDREN:  N/A PETS:  Chinchilla named Chillis (Modern AU only)
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Hi, I just really need to talk about modern AU great Comet hcs Please love me
an unprompted ask?? for me??? this is the content I signed up for
so yeah i’m just gonna make a big ass list of headcanons lemme know what you think,,, i love modern au so much so this is also a long post beware!!!
these are random as hell but are heavy on the Andrierre, which is good and bad because I love this ship but also I haven’t read War and Peace so some of the Andrey headcanons might be dead wrong
and of course feel free to correct and/or add on to this list! I’d love to hear what you guys have to say about this and I’m always up for talking about Great Comet
so let’s begin
 Anatole is a picky picky picky eater, he’ll only eat very specific things like That One All-Natural Organic Overpriced Brand Of Mac ‘N’ Cheese™
9 times out of 10 Helene is going to or drinking Starbucks
Dolokhov will eat ANYTHING but he still ends up going to Taco Bell way too often
he drinks too much Mountain Dew
Pierre keeps his shirt on at the beach/when swimming
he only leaves the house to walk to the local convenience store and buy snacks, and the liquor store to buy booze
Marya loves couponing
Dolokhov prides himself on his cool sneakers
Sonya plays the ukulele
she wears a lot of scarves and flannel and loves autumn
Andrey owns a lot of soft gray sweaters
Mary has a really old ipod nano that has like ten songs on it but she listens to it and dances while she cleans in the morning when her father is asleep
Helene wears athletic wear (track pants, cool sneakers, etc) for the aesthetic but isn’t much of a fan of working out
Andrey goes for a run every morning
Natasha uses the dog filter on Snapchat way too much
Balaga wears a weed hat and weed socks
there’s a 99% chance Anatole has texted “send nudes” in the last 12 hours
Pierre has a lot of t-shirts with random bands on them
Marya loves strong coffee
Natasha and Sonya share a room that’s decorated with fairy lights
Andrey works a bunch of jobs and has really weird hours
lucky for him, Pierre never sleeps
so they often go to the local diner together at 3am and get milkshakes and cheese fries
Pierre fucking loves cheese fries
Sonya had a weeb phase
Dolokhov is still in the tail end of his emo phase tbh
Anatole secretly loves Buzzfeed quizzes
Balaga is an uber driver
Sonya watches a lot of Food Network and HGTV
Natasha loves The Bachelor
Dolokhov watches roast videos
Pierre once watched vine compilations for 13 hours straight
somehow word got around that Dolokhov secretly has an embarrassing tattoo (something along the lines of “I love my mom,” perhaps?) but when confronted about it he turned bright red and vehemently denied its existence
Helene wears those Aesthetic™ shirts with random French words on them from like Forever 21 or something
Dolokhov wears Timberlands and track pants and snapback hats
he also wears his socks pulled up high like your friendly neighborhood fuckboy
Natasha has worn the same pair of Uggs for a long time
Balaga unironically wears Crocs (often paired with his weed socks and oversized denim cutoffs)
Dolokhov takes snowball fights very seriously
Andrey can drive but he hates doing it
he bikes to work and around the city
Mary also hates driving, but that’s because she’s deathly afraid of it
Pierre bought contacts but never uses them, he just wears his glasses instead
Dolokhov is really into sports, both watching them and playing them
his favorites are soccer and basketball
he forces Anatole and Helene to watch some games with him and they hate it
they just rate the players’ attractiveness instead and end up talking and wolf-whistling over all the commentary
Dolokhov is annoyed by it at first, but always ends up joining in and marveling at the muscles on these guys! look at those fucking biceps
Natasha visits Pierre once in awhile and brings some gifts and food (usually baked goods that her and Sonya make)
they just sorta hang out and talk and eat, sometimes Pierre makes tea for them and they have a little tea party
Pierre’s very awkward but Natasha is good at diffusing the awkwardness, mostly by talking a lot about nothing
one time she convinced him to let her paint his nails and honestly??? Pierre kinda liked it
he wanted to tell Andrey about it but Andrey still doesn’t seem ready to talk about Natasha
Pierre’s ok with it though, he’ll give it time. Andrey will come around eventually.
Mary swears by medicinal teas and herbs for almost every ailment
she also collects flowers and dries them and hangs them in her room
Dolokhov does parkour
Balaga runs a meme account
Marya has everything you could ever need in her purse, including napkins, Advil, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, tampons, pepper spray, tweezers, Beyonce’s entire discography, the whole city of Moscow, etc
Pierre has a lot of books on the French Revolution
one Valentine’s Day, Andrey got Pierre a locket with Napoleon’s face in it and Pierre was so confused until he opened it and he just looked so pained while Andrey laughed
honestly Pierre thinks it was actually really fucking clever and it’s kinda sweet that Andrey noticed how into the French Revolution he was
also, he had never seen Andrey laugh as hard as he did in that moment and that made it all worth it
Pierre’s favorite TV show is Gravity Falls, though Ancient Aliens is a close second
he also watches reruns of Jeopardy a lot and is surprisingly good at it
sometimes Andrey will watch it with him; Pierre gets all the history stuff and Andrey gets more of the pop culture questions
Helene listens to Lana Del Rey, Dolokhov has a soft spot for twenty one pilots, and Anatole is always a slut for some Britney
Pierre listens to Radiohead and other depressing existential indie/alternative rock
Natasha is a sucker for a good love song, Broadway musicals, or any happy boppy pop song tbh
Sonya loves folk music and anything with string instruments
Andrey is partial to some good 90s grunge rock (Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Weezer, etc)
Marya listens to pop music of the 70s and 80s music, stuff of the “good old days”
boy oh boy can she GET DOWN to Dancing Queen
Mary thoroughly enjoys Christian rock
Andrey secretly loves to dance, he’s one of those people that just kind of loses himself in the music and is just completely in the zone while dancing
honestly??? Pierre’s jealous because 1. how do you relax while there are people around you and 2. how the hell does Andrey still look cool
Pierre is either too self-conscious to dance or he just kind of nods his head to the beat, that’s all he’ll do
(unless he’s alone in which case it’s WILD)
Dolokhov’s dancing is basically just jumping with some fancy footwork once in awhile
Anatole and Helene twerk. c’mon of course they do
one time Natasha tried to teach herself how to twerk and Marya walked in and grounded her for a week
Pierre thinks The Shawshank Redemption is the pinnacle of cinema and will fight anyone who thinks otherwise
Natasha sings in the shower
Anatole loves chick flicks and has a crush on Ryan Gosling
he forces Dolokhov to watch shitty romcoms with him as revenge for Dolokhov forcing him to watch sports
but I mean they’re all curled up on the couch with their arms around each other and Anatole’s crying and Dolokhov’s laughing at him and they’re eating ice cream and takeout from the one place that Anatole actually likes and it’s just them because Helene’s knows that this is just Too Much™ so she left and she’s basically the voice of reason in their friend group and it’s really quite the experience
Pierre was in a really shitty cover band in college
Balaga is always high
Sonya loves oversized sweaters and leggings
Dolokhov has his ears pierced
Helene has a nose ring
not a day goes by when Anatole doesn’t quote Mean Girls
Mary owns a lot of those wooden blocks with random little quotes on them (you know the ones – they’re in any given Marshalls and dearly beloved by suburban wine moms), like “Be happy” and “Jesus loves you” and “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy chocolate”
one of Andrey’s many jobs is waiting tables at Applebee’s. Pierre has visited him there a couple times and boy did Andrey look dead inside
the only reason Andrey works so many jobs is so he can afford his own place because his father is a piece of shit
Pierre offered to help with the financial aspect of it but Andrey wouldn’t let him pay for it
still, Andrey ends up sleeping over Pierre’s a lot, not that Pierre minds
Old Prince Bolkonsky exclusively watches FOX news and he yells at the TV a lot
he eats the same thing for lunch every day: a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, which he makes Mary prepare
fun fact: Mary is allergic to peanuts
Sonya works at an ice cream parlor and brings home desserts for Natasha and Marya
Marya loves chocolate ice cream, Natasha prefers vanilla with rainbow sprinkles
Sonya is a butter pecan kind of girl, if we’re getting into it (and we are)
Anatole likes French vanilla (it has to be French), Helene likes coffee, and Dolokhov is partial to death by chocolate (or something similar)
Bolkonsky has to have peanut butter ice cream, Mary likes strawberry
Andrey prefers sorbet, but if he had to pick, he’d go with pistachio
Pierre’s favorite is cookie dough
Balaga probably found a way to make weed ice cream tbh
Mary loves scrapbooking
Sonya writes fanfic
she loves to read and wishes she lived in a Barnes & Noble
Andrey and Pierre play video games together and they’ve gotten really good at it
neither one of them likes intense fighting games but they do really like Mario Kart
Andrey plays as Yoshi and Pierre plays as Bowser
Pierre tried to teach Natasha how to play but she kept falling off cliffs
her favorite character is Princess Peach
her and Sonya dressed up as Peach and Daisy for Halloween once and it was really cute
Pierre has worn the same black hoodie for two years
Natasha runs an aesthetic blog
she also writes poetry on said blog
one of Andrey’s coworkers keeps accidentally calling him Andrew and it makes Andrey so irritated
the Kuragins can’t swim
Dolokhov tried to teach them but it didn’t work because Helene’s bikini kept falling down and Anatole wouldn’t go under water because it would ruin his hair
if Andrey goes over Pierre’s during the day, he’ll help him clean the house because Pierre has no motivation to do so
about once a month Marya will stop by and remark how disgusting the house is and before Pierre can even defend himself the whole house has been vacuumed, the windows are washed, the laundry’s done, the clothes are folded, the shelves are dusted, the bathroom’s scrubbed, the beds are made, and there’s fresh flowers on the kitchen table
then they hang out and complain about people to each other and it’s a grand old time
Pierre’s really grateful to Marya, but she refuses to take a compliment
let’s be real though, she relishes in watching Pierre keep saying nice things about her because she keeps denying them and he feels obligated to make her agree
Pierre has a shitty Toyota Corolla from the early 90s that has no AC and is being held together by duct tape and he’s afraid to drive it but too attached to sell it
Sonya has a folder on her laptop that’s just pictures of Tegan And Sara. that’s it
Marya doesn’t know how to whisper
Pierre loves the movie theater but will only go if Andrey or Natasha go with him
after the whole Anatole Fiasco™ Natasha and Sonya blocked Helene on Instagram so she kept making fake accounts until they accepted one of the follow requests
Andrey takes Halloween very seriously
Pierre bites his nails
Helene taught Anatole how to do makeup and now he won’t stop contouring
Anatole takes an obnoxious amount of selfies
Sonya’s wardrobe is almost exclusively from Target
Pierre spends an embarrassing amount of time on Wikipedia
Marya had a flip phone up until a couple months ago when Natasha and Sonya convinced her to get an iPhone
Marya hates it because she doesn’t know how to use it and it makes her feel stupid
but Natasha’s teaching her how to use it and it’s kind of growing on her, it’s just so practical and functional and now she has a pretty red case for it that matches her nails and
Marya goes and gets her nails and hair done every couple of weeks, it’s her mandatory “treat yo’ self” ritual
Anatole pretty much only wears pastel colors
Dolokhov pretty much only wears black (or very very very dark gray)
he has a black jean jacket decorated with lots of pins that he wears all the time
there’s a skull pin and one that says “Jesus hates me” and a Blink-182 one and an Obama one and a gay flag one and an eggplant emoji one and one that says “I love my boyfriend” and it’s fucking iconic
his favorite shirt to wear it with is his Batman shirt
Dolokhov likes DC better than Marvel, Pierre’s the other way around (is that what the duel was fought over??? lmao)
Anatole doesn’t care but he thinks RDJ is hot
Andrey likes both and doesn’t understand why everyone’s so angry about it
Helene has an extensive collection of bralettes
Natasha hates pants and only wears skirts or dresses
Sonya doesn’t think she’s very good at drawing or painting but she still does it anyway because it makes her really happy
Pierre once said “love you” while talking on the phone with Andrey and he didn’t know what to do so he just PANICKED and chucked his phone across the room but he forgot to hang up and it turns out Andrey didn’t even hear what he said after all
ehhh hopefully this is pretty good? it was fun to make and made me laugh while writing it but let me know what you think!! and please add on to this post, i need more modern au headcanons hhhhhh
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ao3feed-swanqueen · 7 years
Some Chances
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wHzuVc
by LoveLikeGods
Emma has an allergic reaction to some peanuts and a brunette goddess comes to her rescue. Can she ask the brunette out, or will her annoying roommates keep getting in the way? Swan queen and others. Slow Burn (sorta) Modern au. The beginning was inspired by We Bare Bears. The rest is from my childish and slightly dirty mind. Rated T because of some certain words and situations. Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Words: 2015, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M
Characters: Emma Swan, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time), Prince Charming | David Nolan
Relationships: Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan, Prince Charming | David Nolan/Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Dorothy Gale/Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Mulan/Red Riding Hood | Ruby
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net, Swan Queen - Freeform, Snowing - Freeform, Ruby Slippers, red warrior, Both Ruby pairings make an appearance, Snow and Emma are sisters, Ruby still is a fuckboy, past Emma Swan/Lilith Page, Not sure which will be endgame tho, Sorry Not Sorry, Regina is Henry's mom, Emma used to be a fuckboy
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2wHzuVc
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