#source: bill and ted 2
djcanipe99 · 2 years
Dwayne : Your probably noticed we havent given you our gifts yet.
Cody: That's because...
Dwayne : Um...
Cody: Um...
Cody and Dwayne : 'cuse us dude.
[Cody and Dwayne take their girlfriends to oposite sides of the pool]
Cody : [Takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this myself.
Dwayne : [Also takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this last night.
Dwayne : [Begins to read] Taylor .
Cody:Also begins to read] gwen.
[The two talk simultaneously]
Cody:As I wander through this dark and lonely forest of life, surrounded by various beast, Bears, vipers, squirrels. Not to mention small tree growing lichen, woodpeckers, slugs, gila monsters. Oh no, that's the desert.
Dwayne : As I swim through this dark and fearful sea of existance, surrounded by various creatures, sharks, eels, yellowtail, and also barnacles, and algae, man-o-wars, starfish, blowfish, catfish. Uh oooh, that fresh water.
Cody : The point is, I know we promised you a better life.
Dwayne : What mean is we told you the future had some really good stuff.
Bill: But all that stuff hasn't happened.
Cody and Dwayne : But it will, I hope.
Dwayne : The day after tomorrow, if things workout.
Cody : What I mean is....
Cody and Dwayne : [Turn to each other and give a shrug. Then turn back to their girlfriends.]
Dwayne : Will you...
Cody: ...Marry us.
Taylor : Dwayne ...
Gwen : ...I'd love to.
Cody and Dwayne : [Smile, take out a plastic pink and purple heart ring. Holds it up for the other see that they suceeded, and then places it on their respectible girlfriend's finger. The then give a quick air guitar to the other, and recieve a kiss on the cheek by their girlfriends.]
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incorrect-losers · 1 year
*Eddie hearing about Richie and Bill’s fight*
Eddie: What did you do?
Richie: What do you think I did?
Eddie: Punched him? Headbutted him?
Richie: Keep going
Eddie: Did you murder him?
Richie: No. Worse. I fucking forgave him. It’s disgusting, isn’t it?
148 notes · View notes
ghcstpyre · 4 months
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*•.¸♡ ted "theodore" logan x f!reader
PART ONE. ted is still a virgin. you offer to change that.
contents: virgin!ted, afab!reader, a bit of fluff, angst if you squint, post-excellent adventure, pre-bogus journey, drug use (weed), fingering (f receiving), oral (m receiving), slight praise kink, unprotected p in v sex. MINORS BEGONE!
word count: 7.5k
a/n: after sitting in my drafts for 2 months, it's finally here! i'm so excited to get this one out of my brain and into writing and i really hope you enjoy reading it as much as i've enjoyed/am going to enjoy writing it! :)
taglist: @scarlettspectra
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The thick smell of weed hung heavy in the air of Bill and Ted's apartment, its source pinched between your index and middle finger. You'd perched yourself atop the kitchen countertop in one of the few un-cluttered spaces, lazily toking from the joint in your hand.
It was evening in the middle of July and the colours of the sunset shone through the little window opposite you, bathing the messy kitchen in a gold and orange glow. You and Ted had forgotten to crack open a window before you lit up, but by the time either of you had realised you were both too baked to care and the damage had already been done.
Ted was sat on the sofa, his old acoustic guitar in his hands, fingers plucking away an unknown tune. Or maybe it was a tune you should know, but the fingers on the strings were too inexperienced for you to be able to tell what it was. His guitar playing skills had improved somewhat since the History Report fiasco, but not by a huge margin.
You thought that having a literal princess as a girlfriend to impress would help spur him on, and for a time it had done, but you'd noticed Ted becoming more withdrawn since his relationship with Elizabeth had ended. He 'd been pretty torn up over it at the time, but it had been over a month now since they ended things on friendly terms and you'd picked up on his change in demeanor.
It felt cruel, but you couldn't say you were too heartbroken for Ted when he broke the bad news to you. The thick, green worm of jealousy had wriggled its way under your skin and buried itself within your chest the moment Ted introduced Elizabeth to you as his girlfriend. It had been festering there ever since, making its nest within your heart.
Of course, it was your own fault for realising your feelings for Ted a little too late. Everyone always said 'better late than never', but you didn't think you could apply it to the crappy situation you found yourself in.
But now Ted was single again. It seemed the universe had decided to give you another chance.
Slowly, you tilted your head to the side, dragging your gaze away from the view of the sunset to look at the object of your affection. He'd gone from plucking the strings to strumming them listlessly, clearly a million miles away.
Your whole body thrummed with the buzz of your high, a faint ringing in your ears. You knew you were high as hell - it felt like your skull had been stuffed full of cotton wool and your eyes were heavy, sclera tinted red and lids droopy.
As heavy as your eyes felt, you managed to drag your gaze across Ted's form. His mop-like, dark brown hair had fallen into his face like it usually did, but the blazing glow of the sunset shining through the living-room window cast an orange halo around his head, making him look almost angelic. The usual chocolate hues of his eyes were glittering hazel as he sat with the guitar in his hands, basking in the warmth of the setting sun.
Your eyes followed the movements his large hands made on the strings and fretboard of the beat-up guitar. There were a few stickers littered around the front of its body, faded and torn with age, and scratch marks where someone had obviously tried to peel stickers off with little to no success.
For a brief moment, like you'd done so many times in the past, you imagined what it'd be like to have Ted's hands on your body, his fingertips rough and hardened from the strings of his guitars. That familiar and inevitable heat sparked in your core and you squeezed your thighs together against the slight pulsing between your legs.
"Hey," Your voice was mellow and slow as you tried to get Ted's attention. "You gonna help me smoke this or what?" You asked, holding the joint out in his direction.
Ted was promptly pulled away from his thoughts at the sound of your voice, hands ceasing their movements on the acoustic guitar as he looked over at you, and then at the smoke pinched between your fingers. A lopsided grin tugged at his lips. "Oh, yeah."
He set the guitar down next to him and pushed himself up from the dingy green sofa, the old springs within it groaning in protest at the sudden shift in weight. The soles of his white sneakers squeaked on the tiles of the kitchen as he eagerly stumbled his way from the living room, still feeling the effects of your last spliff.
His long fingers took the joint from your own and he settled opposite you, leaning up against the counter next to the sink, just in front of the fish bowl. He lifted it to his pink lips and took a nice, long drag, the cherry on the end burning as orange as the sunset. After a few beats of holding it in, Ted released the smoke in one long exhale, filling the space between you with a thick, pungent cloud.
The red basketball shorts Ted wore hung low on his hips, the waistband of his boxers poking out above them and concealing just below the bottom of his dark snail trail. You had to do your best to drag your eyes away from the mouth-watering view and instead focused your gaze on his chest. It wasn't any less tantalizing - his old San Dimas High School tank top was a little too small for him now and clung to his torso in all the right places, giving you a wonderful view of the slight muscle definition on his body and arms that he usually hid behind baggy t-shirts and jackets.
It wasn't until he'd said your name for a third time that you realised Ted was trying to get your attention. "You okay there dude?" He asked, genuine concern in his eyes, sclera just as bloodshot as yours and lids just as heavy.
You swallowed hard as you composed yourself, offering him a reassuring smile and hoping he hadn't caught you checking him out. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just really stoned."
Ted gave you an amused smirk in return, flashing you with a bright, toothy grin as he brought the joint to his lips once again. "Excellent."
You muffled a snort against your hand. The way Ted and Bill spoke was something you'd always found equal parts amusing and endearing. It was goofy, but somehow you felt it added to Ted's strange charm.
A soft padding could be heard below you as you lightly swung your legs back and forth, your heels knocking against the cupboard door as you watched Ted pull from the spliff. His features took on a somber edge and his eyes glazed over slightly, clearly miles away once again.
"Hey, Ted? Are you okay?" Your voice was soft, cautious almost, as you got his attention. "You've been kind of distant lately. I know breaking up with Elizabeth must've been tough but...do you wanna talk about it?"
He regarded you silently, pursing his lips a little with a slight furrow in his brow. Ted's gaze fell to his feet and he tapped the tips of his sneakers together. Eventually, he nodded. "...Yeah, " His voice was hoarse, almost like the word was a struggle for him to get out. "I think talking might do me some good."
It hurt seeing Ted so visibly deflated like this, but you were glad he was willing to finally open up about things - even if it did mean you had to listen to him pine over his ex. Still, more than anything you just wanted to be there for your friend, as a friend.
Ted offered you a grateful smile, the corners of his full lips quirking upwards beautifully. He reached out to pass you the joint and tingles ran up your arm as your fingers brushed his before taking the joint from him. He swallowed thickly, trying to figure out where and how to begin while he watched you fumble with the lighter, sparking the smoke up again and breathing new life into the cherry on the end.
"It's just...bogus, y'know?" He started, running a hand through his glossy hair. "Elizabeth was my first proper girlfriend - she, Bill, Joanna and I basically did everything together. Being with them was always a most excellent time."
You nodded along as he spoke, toking from the joint and turning your head away slightly to blow the smoke out, away from Ted's face. The green worm coiled around your heart squeezed.
"But now it's just the three of us and I'm a total third wheel all the time. Or - or it's the three of them, without me. Elizabeth said we're still friends but that she needs some time - which is perfectly okay, I mean, I'm not about to force things like a dickweed or something, but..." A long, frustrated sigh left his lips.
Ted already felt like a complete jackass for feeling this way about his friends, and even more so for complaining about them in the open like this. Friends weren't supposed to talk smack about each other behind their backs. He looked at you from beneath his long, dark lashes, almost like he was seeking your approval. He'd always had a nasty habit of second guessing himself - undoubtedly put there by his asshole of a father - but this was uncharted territory for him and he felt like a fish out of water.
Sensing his need for guidance, you tilted your head and offered him a sympathetic smile. "You miss your friends." You finished for him.
He nodded slowly, the tension in his shoulders he didn't even realise was there beginning to ease. "Yeah, exactly." He looked up at you properly, meeting your gaze. "It's why I'm most grateful for you offering to hang out so often since Elizabeth and I split. It's been a totally lonely time, but seeing you has made it a bit easier."
Your chest tightened and your heart stuttered. Of course you'd wanted to be there for Ted as he dealt with his first breakup, but you couldn't deny that there were selfish motivations lurking beneath your good intentions. Guilt mingled with the fluttering of your heart.
"I'm always gonna be there for you during your hours of need, dude." You smiled.
Ted watched as you puffed from the joint again and blew out the thick cloud through your plush lips. The smoke rising from the glowing cherry swirled as it hung in the air, twisting around you lazily like a living thing, high off its own fumes and glowing in the light of the sunset. His chocolate brown gaze dropped to the KISS logo plastered over the chest of the t-shirt you wore - his t-shirt that you'd stolen some time ago now.
Elizabeth always told him it was strange that he let you wear his clothes sometimes, but he never thought anything of it. It was only now, however, that he noticed just how much he liked it when you did.
Is that weird? Ted thought to himself. Since when did she get so...bodacious?
He'd always thought you were pretty, but there was something different about you that he'd started to notice. Ted found his gaze lingering on you longer than it should, sometimes on places he definitely shouldn't be looking at. Especially now with the light of the sunset setting the colour of your hair ablaze, his t-shit hanging comfortably on your body, and your summer short-shorts clinging to your upper thighs.
His eyes dropped a little lower as the comfortable silence you found yourself in stretched on a bit longer. He noticed the way the flesh of your thighs spread out on the countertop, the bare skin below your shorts sticking to the marble in the summer heat. Ted swallowed thickly before looking you in the eye once again.
You noticed the way his eyes trailed over your body but decided not to comment, despite the way your heart hammered in your chest. "Plus, I guess this makes band practice difficult. That's gotta be frustrating."
"Yes! God, yeah, it is most vexing." Ted looked at you like you'd just put everything he'd been feeling over the last few months into words. If he'd known how liberating it would be to vent his frustrations, he would've come to you to talk sooner. You always had a knack for finding the words to describe how he felt. "How is Wyld Stallyns gonna be the most triumphant rock band in history if we can't even practice?"
A giggle slipped past your lips, glad that he seemed to have perked up a little. Wyld Stallyns were terrible, but you'd supported them unconditionally no matter how bad they sounded. "Just give it more time, Ted. I promise you she'll come round and you guys will be able to practice and hang out again just like you used to. You're doing really well, just have a little more patience."
The idea of Elizabeth and Ted spending time together again didn't exactly fill you with glee, but you doubted they'd get back together - at least, not immediately. You hoped.
His eyes dropped to your thighs again as you passed the joint back to him, the tip of his tongue poking out to wet his lips. "There's...kinda something else that's been bugging me, but I don't know if I should..." Ted trailed off, a light pink hue rising to his cheeks.
"Go on," You urged, nodding at him to continue. If there was more weighing on him, you wanted to coax it out of him.
He avoided your gaze, eyes sliding off to the right. "Okay...y'know how Bill and I explained that the princesses are...chaste?" You nodded and hummed in understanding. "Well, it took me eighteen years to finally get a girlfriend. Now I'm twenty-three, single and there are things that most guys have done by now that I still haven't experienced." The embarrassment was evident on his face; he couldn't meet your gaze at all.
You simply blinked at him, processing his words. Then, the penny dropped. "You're a virgin?" Your mouth was blurting the words before you could stop them.
Ted's cheeks flushed crimson and he let out a frustrated groan. Although he completely respected Elizabeth's boundaries and was more than happy to have waited until marriage to finally experience the intimacy he craved, he couldn't deny that it had been a ball-ache - metaphorically and in some cases, physically. Bill had cracked a joke about their right hands being their second girlfriends; at the time Ted had found it funny, but now it just depressed and frustrated the hell out of him.
"No-!" He raised his voice slightly in defense, almost offended by the 'V' word. He shook his head. "-I mean yes? I mean-" The hand that wasn't holding the spliff reached up to drag his palm over his face as he visibly deflated. "It just sucks, dude. I feel super lame." He let out another long sigh, defeated.
Ted brought the joint to his lips, taking one final, long drag before stubbing it out in one of the nearby dirty mugs in the sink. He looked back down at his shoes again, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his shorts.
"Teddy, hey," The nickname caught his attention, but he didn't have the courage to meet your gaze just yet. You unstuck your thighs from the kitchen counter and hopped down, stepping forward to close the distance between the two of you. When he still refused to acknowledge you, you brought your hands up to rest on the sides of his exposed biceps and squeezed gently. "Teddy, look at me."
He hesitated for a moment before lifting his head to look at you and your sweet smile.
"You're not lame. Like, at all." You reassured him, your thumbs rubbing slow, comforting circles on his skin. "In fact, I think it's totally chivalrous of you to have waited for Elizabeth."
Ted tilted his head to the side like a confused puppy. "...You think so?"
Cute. You thought.
"Of course!" You smiled brightly at him, having to tilt your head up to look him in the eye. "Not many guys would do that. Most would just get bored and dump their girlfriend after a few weeks so they could go and get some."
His face soured at the notion. "Heinous."
You giggled and his expression immediately brightened as the sweet sound filled the kitchen, his dark hair falling into his eyes as he dipped his head down and chuckled. That was one thing he always liked about you - your laugh. Especially when he was the reason for it.
You retracted your hands from his arms and he mourned the loss of contact, his skin tingling where your thumbs had been circling.
"Besides, there's nothing bad about it. Everyone experiences things at different paces. Like, you smoked weed before I did." Your words had a small grin pulling at the corners of his mouth. "Do what you wanna do at your own pace and don't care about what anyone else thinks. Just because you haven't had sex yet doesn't make you any less of a catch."
He lifted his head to look at you again. "Thanks, babe. I really do appreciate it."
The bright expression on his face was the sign you needed to know you'd made him feel better, at least for the time being. The two of you stood there for a few moments, dissolving into stoned giggling. Ted's cheeks were flushed and his eyes shimmered with mirth, the sight being enough to make you swoon internally.
With the orange glow behind him, Ted looked like a dream. A dream you wanted to be a part of.
Hold on a moment. Did Ted call you babe?
An idea popped into your baked mind, head still hazy from the joint you'd just smoked. You weren't really sure if it was a good idea, but you figured if it all blew up in your face you could just blame it on the weed. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin the friendship you had with Ted, especially since his others were currently rocky, but you were high and you wanted him.
"Hey..." You started, your heartbeat picking up the pace. "...If you're still worried about that kind of stuff, I could help out."
Ted's giggles died down and he cocked his head at you in confusion once again. "Huh? What d'you mean?"
Of course he had to pick now to be dense. "Well, y'know..." You tilted you head forward and looked up at him from beneath your lashes, hoping he'd get the message.
His brows raised in recognition and he formed an 'o' with his lips before breaking out into a grin. "Ooohh, you wanna be my wingman?"
You scrunched your face up. "What? No."
"Then whaddya mean?"
"You know what I mean!"
"Babe, I have no idea what you're saying."
"Do you wanna have sex with me?"
The smoke still swirling between you seemed to freeze in place, your words hanging heavy between the two of you. You could feel how hot your cheeks were and you could hear your pulse thumping in your ears, but you were determined to hold his startled gaze.
Ted simply blinked at you, completely dumbstruck, the gears in his head whirring as he tried to process what you'd just said. He was struggling to comprehend if he had actually heard you correctly or not.
You worried your bottom lip between your teeth, chewing on the soft flesh nervously and your eyes were trained on his every movement like a hawk. His silence didn't comfort you and although it only lasted for a few moments, to you it felt like an age before he finally responded.
Anxiety simmered in your stomach, threatening to bubble over into frustration. You were already embarrassed enough as is and Ted's utter confusion didn't help your hammering heart.
You breathed in slowly, trying to calm your nerves. "Do you wanna hook up?" A small, shy smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "With me?"
Ted's heart thumped rapidly beneath his tank top and your eyes followed his Adam's apple as it bobbed up and down. His hands trembled slightly within his pockets - equal parts nerves and desire. Ted was usually one to articulate himself using large, goofy hand gestures, but right now he was glad his hands were tucked away so you couldn't see how much his hands shook.
"Are you - are you serious?" He asked, his deep voice cracking adorably.
A few strands of hair fell into your face as you nodded, your fingers fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt. "Y-Yeah. I mean, we're both high, we're friends-" You swallowed thickly and wet your lips with the tip of your tongue. Ted's eyes followed the movement and you took a small step forward, "-You're cute...plus, it'll mean you'll have one less thing to worry about, right?"
His eyes flicked up to your eyes, down to your lips, then back to meet your gaze again. It didn't go unnoticed.
One of Ted's hands retracted from his pocket to reach out and gently brush away those fallen strands of hair from your face, tucking them behind your ear. You were sure then, if it could've done, your heart would've leapt right out of your chest and into his hand. Your breath hitched and your smile turned from shy to hopeful.
"I...yeah, I guess that makes sense." Heat rose to Ted's cheeks and his smile matched your own before faltering slightly. "But, won't it make things, like, totally weird between us?"
You shook your head. "Nah. I promise we'll still be friends afterwards." Lifting a hand, you wiggled your pinkie finger in front of him. "Pinkie Swear."
With a small, amused huff, Ted linked his little finger with yours and held it for a few beats before pulling you towards him using your pinkie. The hand that had remained inside his pocket moved to rest on the curve of your hip, his thumb rubbing your soft skin over the material of your top. Your own free hand came to tentatively rest on his chest.
Now that your hips were almost flush against his, and thanks to his loose-fitting shorts, you could feel his length pressed against your thigh. He was already a bit hard.
"Is that a yes?" Your voice was breathless as you asked, not expecting the sudden surge in confidence after his initial confusion and bashfulness.
Ted's voice was low and husky when he responded, his tone immediately causing heat to pool between your legs. He leaned in, plush pink lips only an inch away from yours.
"Hell yes."
Finally, Ted's lips captured yours in a kiss that, for you at least, felt like a long time coming. The nervous simmering in your tummy exploded in the form of happy fireworks as his lips moved slow and tender over your own, giddiness and lust threatening to take you over.
This was Ted's first time so you were determined to keep your own desires in check - to go at his pace.
His pinkie finger released yours in favour of snaking his hand around your neck to cradle the back of your head as he towered over you, lips still connected to yours. Your own hand lingered in place for a second before joining the other on his broad chest, savoring the feeling of his excited heartbeat against your palms.
You pulled away from each other for a moment to catch your breath. Ted's pupils were blown wide with desire, his deep brown eyes looking like inky black pools. Combined with the crimson hue blooming across his cheeks, your best friend looked absolutely delicious.
Neither you nor Ted could believe this was actually happening.
"Whoa..." A big, toothy grin spread across his freshly kissed lips.
You didn't even get a chance to respond before Ted's mouth descended upon yours again, this time with a little more urgency. The hand that gripped your hip circled around your waist to hold you tightly against him while his other threaded his fingers through your hair. You practically melted into him, raising onto the balls of your feet to wrap your arms around his neck and push him back against the counter behind him.
The ache between your legs urged you on. You traced your tongue along Ted's bottom lip, desperate for more. He was more than happy to oblige, parting his lips for you and letting out a soft groan as your tongue slid against his.
You were sure that that little sound was enough to send you to heaven. Or at the very least, would be living in your head rent free for the next...well, forever.
The inside of your mouth tasted like weed, smoke and the chocolate you'd snacked on earlier when the munchies hit, and Ted briefly wondered if there was any part of you in that moment that he didn't find completely intoxicating. Every kiss, every touch, every swipe of your tongue had his cock throbbing inside his shorts, straining against the fabric and aching for attention.
Without even realising it, Ted began grinding his rigid length against your thigh, pulling a little gasp from your lips. The friction paired with your tongue in his mouth was almost enough to make his toes curl in his sneakers.
Ted could count on one hand the number of girls he'd kissed, but this was by far the best kiss he'd ever had.
Why hadn't he done this with you sooner?
Sensing his need, you slid the palms of your hands down his torso to the waistband of his boxers. His breath hitched in his throat and his dick twitched with anticipation as you smiled against his plush lips, your fingers dipping just below the elastic to toy with the waistband.
"Can I touch you?" You breathed against his mouth, desperate to feel the size of him in your hands, in your mouth, and buried deep inside you.
Ted's eyes fluttered open and he nodded, letting out a shaky breath. "Y-Yeah."
In one swift motion you pushed down his boxers and shorts, letting them pool around his ankles as you sunk down to your knees. His cock sprung free, long with a thick vein running up the underside and a lovely pink head, a bead of precum already forming at the tip.
He was absolutely gorgeous. If you weren't wet before, you were surely soaking through your panties by now.
You reached your hands up to run your fingers down his flat stomach, trailing them over his cute snail trail and through the dark thatch of curls sitting above where you wanted to be most. He watched you the whole time through heavily-lidded eyes, his bottom lip caught between his pearly white teeth.
The sight of you on your knees before him was the hottest thing he'd ever seen and you hadn't even touched him yet.
Ted's whole body jolted as you wrapped a hand around his shaft, your other hand resting on his thigh. You gave his cock a few slow, long strokes, looking up and drinking in the sight of him as he gripped onto the edge of the kitchen counter and gazed down at the most excellent view of you with his dick in your hand.
The whimpers that escaped him were all the encouragement you needed. Without warning you leaned in to lick a hot, wet stripe up the underside of his shaft and press a kiss to his wet tip. Ted practically keeled over, inhaling sharply.
"You okay?" You asked, concern swimming with the lust in your eyes as you pulled back a little.
Ted nodded, the corners of his lips quirking upwards in a small, sheepish smile. "Y-Yeah, I'm good. Just wasn't, uh, expecting that."
You squeezed his thighs affectionately. "Want me to carry on?"
"God yes."
Having the go-ahead, you leaned in again and took the head of his throbbing cock into your mouth.
"Oh fuck."
Ted managed to release the vice grip he had on the countertop to thread his fingers through the hair on the top of your pretty head as you began bobbing your head, the other hand still gripping onto the counter for dear life. You took a little more of him into your mouth with each motion, swirling your tongue around the swollen head when you pulled back.
"Fuck babe, that feels so good."
The salty taste of his precum on your tongue sent bolts of heat straight to your core, now hyper aware of the aching need between your legs. Unable to handle it anymore, your spread your thighs apart and slid one of your hands into your shorts to rub slow circles on your clit through the damp fabric of your panties.
It was taking all of Ted's willpower and restraint to not buck his hips forward into the warm, wet heat of your mouth. The sight of you touching yourself as you sucked his dick was almost too much for him to handle and he had to clap the hand that white-knuckled the counter over his mouth to muffle the loud moan that slipped out.
His moan was like music to your ears. You needed to hear more. Steeling yourself, you pulled your wet lips off his cock with a pop, inhaled deeply, and then took his entire length down your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut as the coarse curls of his dark pubes tickled your nose and you moaned around his girth as your fingers worked on your sensitive bud.
"Oh shit," Ted practically yelled, throwing his head back and letting out a long, low groan of pleasure. His fingers tightened in your hair and his toes curled in his shoes as he desperately fought against the urge to cum down your throat there and then.
He pulled on your hair, gentle enough to not hurt you, but hard enough to get you to drag your mouth from his dick.
"Fuck babe - I almost came." Ted panted, completely breathless as you gazed up at him, tears pricking at the corners of your glassy eyes and your lips were red, swollen and shiny with spit.
He unthreaded his fingers from your hair to help you up to your feet and immediately pull you in for another kiss, each press of his lips harder and hungrier than the last. His hands were quick to find your hips and you gasped against his mouth as he squeezed them tight and kicked his boxers and shorts from around his ankles.
Ted began pushing you backwards until your lower back hit the edge of the counter. His irises were completely engulfed by his inky black pupils and his large hands slid up underneath your t-shirt, savouring the feeling of your soft skin beneath his palms as they travelled up your waist to your ribs.
His burning desire was swallowing him whole and he was acting purely on impulse. Ted had been worried he'd fumble this with his lack of experience, but judging by the way you responded to his advances and touches, it seemed that just letting go was working in his favour.
Before you could say anything Ted's lips were on yours again, his kisses absolutely feverous and starting to make your head spin. Just as you pulled away to catch your breath, his hands cupped your breasts and squeezed gently. Your head lolled back and you pushed your chest forward into the sensation, seeking more attention. Ted was more than happy to oblige, kneading the soft flesh of your tits beneath your top with his large hands.
You twitched and let out a needy whine when one of Ted's thumbs grazed over your nipple, his mouth swallowing that sweet sound. He pulled his lips away from yours to repeat the motion again, this time circling both his thumbs over your hard, sensitive nubs. Wonder swam in his jet black eyes as he watched you arch your back into his touch and gasp, unconsciously canting your hips into his and gripping onto his broad shoulders.
Your fantasies could never have prepared you for the real thing. The pads of his fingertips were hard and rough from the hours upon hours he'd spent almost every day pouring over his beloved Gibson, and they felt heavenly on your soft skin as they trailed down from your breasts to your hips once again.
"Can I...?"
Ted's voice was hoarse as he mumbled against your lips, his fingers toying with the button of your denim shorts as he pulled back slightly to meet your heavy gaze. He knew he'd need guidance for what came next and he prayed to the gods of music (Oh great god of metal, Mr Osbourne, dude...please don't let me fuck this up!) that you would be willing to help him out without too much judgement.
If you were to laugh at him, he was sure he'd shrivel up and die on the spot.
You blinked up at him and smiled, giving him the go-ahead with a confident nod. Despite the way his hands trembled, Ted popped open the button on your shorts and shimmied them down over your hips and thighs, taking your panties with them.
Rather than letting you step out of the material, Ted lifted you up to place you back in the space on the kitchen counter you'd been sat in before. The bright, toothy grin on your face told him that that was definitely the right move. He had a feeling that all those evenings spent watching raunchy rom-coms with Bill, Joanna and Elizabeth were going to come in handy.
Ted paused, his shoulders tensing. Wait, no. He shouldn't be thinking about Elizabeth right now.
He was promptly pulled from his thoughts by your legs hooking around his hips and pulling him into the space between your parted thighs, your hands finding their way to his broad shoulders once again.
"You okay?" You asked, sensing his hesitation.
It was incredibly difficult to ignore the press of his erection against your inner thigh, but you wanted to make sure he was still okay with what was happening between you before you went any further.
He nodded, albeit stiffly, and the tips of his ears burned hot. "Y-Yeah, just...I, uh, might need some help with this part."
The sweet smile that you gave him had his heart doing flips within his ribcage. "That's cool," You said, your fingers twirling in the incredibly soft, dark hair at the base of his skull as your voice took on a lighter tone. "I happen to be intimately familiar with myself so I'm really gonna be the best teacher you'll get right now."
Your words drew an amused huff from Ted and the tension in his shoulders eased off. "Awesome. So, um, how do you like to be touched?"
It was such an innocent question but it made your pussy throb something fierce.
You took one of his hands into your own and brought his thumb to your lips. Ted's eyes zeroed in on your mouth and he inhaled sharply as you sucked on it. You coated the appendage with spit before guiding it down to your clit, his head dipping as he followed your movements.
"Here," You shuddered as his callused pad pressed against your little bundle of nerves. "Start with slow circles."
Ted did as he was told and began moving his thumb in slow, steady circles over your clit, mesmerized by the sight and sensation of your sensitive flesh beneath his touch. The soft sighs of satisfaction coming from you spurred him on and he picked up the pace. His other hand moved back underneath your top to gently pinch your nipple.
You gasped and spread your legs further, scooting to the edge of the counter and seeking more of that delicious friction.
"Want your fingers in me, Ted."
Uncertainty and lust swam in his eyes as they snapped back to yours, his cheeks flushed a wonderful shade of pink.
"Don't worry," You comforted. "I'll guide you."
Doing his best to steady the tremble in his hand, Ted dragged his middle finger over your slick folds to gently rub at your entrance. The corners of his plush lips quirked upwards - you were so wet. Not just wet, you were soaked.
"Whoa, babe. You're totally dripping wet right now." Ted grinned, flashing you with a bright, toothy smile filled with pride.
Giddiness bubbled in your chest, delight rushing throughout your body and you curled your toes. You matched his grin. "Duh; my hot best friend is about to fuck me. Of course I'm wet."
He blinked at you owlishly and his cock twitched against your inner thigh. "...You think I'm hot?"
You hesitated before nodding. "I...have done for a while-"
Your confession was cut off by a gasp as Ted slid his finger inside you without warning. The walls of your pussy instinctively squeezed his long digit as he slowly pumped it in and out of you experimentally, his eyes on your face the whole time to check for any signs of discomfort.
"That's it," You breathed. "Now add another finger."
Ted savoured your praise did as he was told, pulling his hand back to push both his middle and ring finger into you. You moaned softly this time and lifted your knees to give him better access and a better angle, the slight stretch filling you will a little more satisfaction.
You'd gotten so used to the feeling of your own touch you'd almost forgotten what it felt like with someone else. God, you missed this.
"Ah!" Pleasure shot through your nerves when his long digits brushed against that sweet spot deep inside you. "There, Teddy - curl your fingers right there."
He pushed his fingers into you to the knuckles and curled them as you said, his calloused fingertips rubbing against your g-spot and pulling more delightful sounds from your lips as he fingered you. Ted could feel the way your walls clenched around his digits and the wet sounds of your soaking cunt taking his fingers so easily had him so hard it almost hurt.
Judging by your reactions he was pretty damn sure he was making you feel good, but he wanted to hear you say it - no, he needed you to tell him.
"Is that good?"
The doe-eyed look on his face paired with his fingers working you like magic was enough to make you whimper. He may not have been able to play the guitar that well, but he was playing your pussy well enough to have you singing.
"Y-Yes," You nodded as your thighs began to tremble. "Feels so fuckin' good, Teddy."
Ted couldn't hold on any longer. Retracting his slick digits from you, he dipped down to press a quick, searing kiss to your lips and then rest his forehead against yours.
"Babe, I gotta fuck you now."
"Please," You panted, hooking your legs around his hips once more as he reached down to line himself up with your entrance.
Ted looked into your eyes as if waiting for permission to go past the point of no return. You nodded in confirmation, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as your whole body buzzed with anticipation.
Slowly, Ted pushed his throbbing length inside you, inching in bit by bit as the wet walls of your pussy accommodated his size. Your fingernails left little crescent moon marks on his smooth skin as you gripped onto his broad shoulders, closing your eyes and doing your best to relax as he inched further in.
The low, loud grown from Ted made the sensation of his cock stretching you out all the sweeter. Your hot breaths mingled as Ted bottomed out, his hips flush against the soft skin of your inner thighs and his hands moved to rest on your hips.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments, holding each other and unmoving. You expected Ted to begin thrusting not long after pushing all the way in, but he was as still as a statue for long enough that it had you concerned.
"Teddy?" You opened your eyes to look at him. "You good?"
There was clear concentration on his flushed face, mixed with something akin to frustration. His dark brows were furrowed with a deep crease etched between them and his ears burned hot with embarrassment.
"Ted? Are-"
"I'll bust if I move." He blurted, voice cracking.
You had to bite back against a laugh, thoroughly amused by his choice of words. How was it possible for Ted to still be adorable during a moment like this?
Ted inhaled deeply, trying to steady the rapid thumping of his heart. "Just - just gimme a sec."
It was incredibly hard to not think about the fact that he was balls deep inside you. The thought alone was enough to have Ted teetering on the edge. Your pussy was warm and wet and tight and unlike anything he'd felt around his dick before. Quite frankly he was amazed he'd even lasted this long.
After what felt like an age, Ted let out a shuddering breath and pulled his hips back slowly before pushing into you again. You sighed, relief and pleasure flowing through your veins as he finally gave you that much needed friction your body craved so desperately.
His large hands gripped your hips tight as he thrusted in and out of you, keeping the pace slow and steady - mostly for his own sake - while his confidence gradually increased with each little pleasured sound that fell from your lips.
"Fuuuuck Ted, that's it," You praised him as he picked up the pace, the two of you becoming lost in your combined pleasure. "That's it, you're fucking me so good - Ah!"
Ted's hips suddenly snapped forwards, slamming the full length of his cock into you and filling your cunt to the brim. Your wet walls throbbed around him as the head hit that wonderful little spot inside you and your fingers gripped at the soft hair on the back of his head.
"Shit, sorry-"
Your mouth swallowed his apology in a hot, open mouthed kiss. Ted was quick to reciprocate, groaning as you nipped and sucked on his bottom lip.
"Do that again."
That was all he needed to hear. The lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin bounced off the kitchen walls as Ted pumped his dick in and out of you, the sensitive skin glistening with your slick arousal. He did his best to angle his thrusts so that he was hitting that spot that had you clawing at his back and moaning his name, desperately wanting to make you feel good as he chased his own release.
"God babe - ngh - pussy's so fuckin' tight," One of his hands relinquished the vice grip it had on your hip to slide back under your t-shirt and grab your breast and squeeze. "Feels too good, fuckin' excellent, m'gonna - mmnh - gonna cum soon."
You reached a hand down between your spread legs to rub your swollen clit, aching for attention as that familiar heat began to coil in your abdomen, tighter and tighter as you neared your peak.
"Me too Ted, m'so close - so fucking close-"
The coil inside you snapped.
Your body shook and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your orgasm hit you, pleasure coursing through your veins in heavy waves. Ted's thrusts became sloppy while he fucked you through your climax, the feeling of your pussy clenching around him as you came on his cock being too much for him to handle.
"Shit babe, gonna cum-"
With a low, loud groan, Ted pulled out of you and gripped his throbbing length. After a few quick pumps of his fist, he spilled his cum over your skin, coating the soft swell of your lower tummy and the hem of your top in pearly white ropes.
The two of you stayed silent as you caught your breath, chests heaving. You let your legs drop and Ted placed his large hands on your thighs, steadying himself as his own legs threatened to give out from under him as he came down from his high.
Nervous bubbles began to simmer in your stomach as you watched Ted through lidded eyes. How would Ted feel about you now? Would this change things between you? And most importantly: Would he regret it?
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a small smile tugged at the corners of Ted's kiss-swollen lips.
"Now that," He met your gaze. "was most excellent."
A bright smile broke out across your face and your heart did flips, giddiness shooting right down to the tips of your toes. "Agreed. You feel a bit better now?"
You watched Ted closely as he took a step back and bent down to shimmy his boxers and basketball shorts back up his long legs, before retrieving your own shorts and panties from the kitchen tiles and holding them out to you with a smile that shone with earnestness.
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will80sbyers · 5 months
Do you still have the list of movies that inspired ST4? I had a picture of it but I lost it and I haven't been able to find it since. Please and thank you in advance.
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Long post warning lol
2001: A Space Odyssey
47 Meters Down: Uncaged
12 Monkeys
28 Days Later
13th Warrior
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Altered States
American Sniper
Analyze This
Assassins Creed
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Almost Famous
Batman Begins
Batman V. Superman
Basket Case
Battle at Big Rock
Beauty and the Beast
Behind Enemy Lines
Beverly Hills Cop
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Billy Madison
Black Cauldron
Black Swan
Boondock Saints
Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Burn After Reading
Broken Arrow
Blade Runner
Con Air
Cast Away
Children of Men
Cabin in the Woods
Crimson Tide
Dukes of Hazzard
Don’t Breathe
Death to Smoochy
Dark Knight
Deep Blue Sea
Drop Dead Fred
Die Hard
Die Hard 2
Die Hard 3
Don’s Plum
Dances with Wolves
Dumb and Dumber
Edward Scissorhands
Enter the Void
Ex Machina
Event Horizon
Emma (2020)
Forrest Gump
Fisher King
Full Metal Jacket
Ferris Bueller
Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Good Fellas
Girl Interrupted
Godzilla: King of the Monsters
Get Out
Good Will Hunting
High Fidelity
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
High School Musical
Hurt Locker
Hunger Games
Hell or High Water
Home Alone
I am Legend
It’s a Wonderful Life
In Cold Blood
I am a Fugitive from Chain Gang
Inside Out
Island of Doctor Moreau
It Follows
Interview with a Vampire
Inner Space
Into the Spiderverse
Independence Day
Jupiter Ascending
John Carter of Mars
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
James Bond (All Movies)
Karate Kid
Knives Out
Little Miss Sunshine
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lost Boys
Leon: The Professional
Let the Right One In
Little Women (1994)
Mad Max: Fury Road
Men in Black
My Cousin Vinny
Mystic River
Minority Report
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Neverending Story
Never Been Kissed
No Country for Old Men
Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
North by Northwest
Open Water
Orange County
Oceans 8
Oceans 11
Oceans 12
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Ordinary People
Paddington 2
Pulp Fiction
Pan’s Labyrinth
Pineapple Express
Peter Pan
Princess Bride
Paradise Lost
Primal Fear
Peter Jackson’s King Kong
Reservoir Dogs
Road Warrior
Rogue One
Reality Bites
Raider of the Lost Ark
Red Dragon
Sky High
Sword in the Stone
Step Up 2
Spy Kids
Saving Private Ryan
Shape of Water
Swept Away
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Silence of the Lambs
Source Code
Starship Troopers
Silver Bullet
The Visit
The Italian Job
The Mask of Zorro
True Lies
The Blair Witch Project
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Craft
The Guest
The Devil’s Advocate
The Graduate
The Prestige
The Rock
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Fly
The Mummy
The Guardian
The Goofy Movie
The Peanut Butter Solution
Toy Story 4
The Ring
The Crazies
The Mist
The Revenant
The Perfect Storm
The Shining
Terminator 2
The Truman Show
Temple of Doom
The Cell
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Good Son
The Orphan
The Birdcage
The Green Mile
The Raid
The Cider House Rules
The Lighthouse
The Book of Henry
The A-Team
The Crow
The Terminal
Thor Ragnarok
The Descent
The Birds
Total Recall
The Natural
The Fifth Element
True Romance
Terminator: Dark Fate
The Hobbit Trilogy
Very Bad Things
Wayne’s World
What Women Want
War Dogs
Wedding Crashers
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to Marwen
Wet Hot American Summer
What Lies Beneath
What Dreams May Come
War Games
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Weird Science
Wizard of Oz
Young Sherlock Holmes
You’ve Got Mail
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
📋 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐌 𝐯𝐢𝐚 𝐀𝐑𝐎, 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟒𝟎𝐱𝟒𝟎 📋
📌 ARO jam recipients (as of May 27th, 2024)
Tracy Robbins (designer, wife of Paramount Pictures CEO Brian Robbins) *
Delfina Balquier (Argentine socialite, wife of Nacho Figueras) * and Nacho Figueras (professional polo player) *
Kelly Mckee Zajfen (friend, Alliance of Moms founder) *
Mindy Kaling (actress and comedian) *
Tracee Ellis Ross (actress, daughter of Diana Ross)
Abigail Spencer (friend, Suits co-star) *
Chrissy Teigen (television personality, wife of John Legend)
Kris Jenner ('Momager') *
Garcelle Beauvais (actress, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) *
Heather Dorak (friend, yoga instructor) *
📌 Archetypes podcast guests
Serena Williams 🏆
Mariah Carey 👑
Mindy Kaling (actress and comedian) *
Margaret Cho (comedian and actress)
Lisa Ling (journalist and tv personality)
Deepika Padukone (Indian actress)
Jenny Slate (actress and comedian)
Constance Wu (actress)
Paris Hilton (entrepreneur, socialite, activist)
Iliza Shlesinger (comedian and actress)
Issa Rae (actress and writer)
Ziwe (comedian and writer)
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (former wife of Canadian PM Trudeau)
Pamela Adlon (actress)
Sam Jay (comedian and writer)
Mellody Hobson (President and co-CEO of $14.9B Ariel Investments, Chairwoman of Starbucks Corporation, wife of George Lucas)
Victoria Jackson (entrepreneur, wife of Bill Guthy: founder of Guthy-Renker, leading direct marketing company)
Jameela Jamil (actress, television host)
Shohreh Aghdashloo (Iranian and American actress)
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (actress and singer)
Candace Bushnell (Sex and The City writer)
Trevor Noah (South African comedian)
Andy Cohen (talk show host)
Judd Apatow (director, producer, screenwriter)
📌 40x40 participants
Adele 🌟
Amanda Gorman (poet and activist)
Amanda Nguyen (activist)
Ayesha Curry (actress, cooking television personality)
Ciara (singer and actress)
Deepak Chopra (author and alternative medicine advocate)
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris (former Surgeon General of California)
Elaine Welteroth (former Editor-in-Chief of Teen Vogue)
Dr. Ibram X Kendi (professor and anti-racism activist)
Fernando Garcia (creative director of Oscar de la Renta)
Gabrielle Union (actress)
Gloria Steinem (feminist journalist and social-political activist)
Hillary Clinton (politician, wife of former US President Bill Clinton)
Katie Couric (journalist) *
Kerry Washington (actress)
Chef José Andrés (founder of World Central Kitchen)
Melissa McCarthy (actress)
Princess Eugenie (member of British Royal Family)
Priyanka Chopra (actress)
Sarah Paulson (actress)
Sofia Carson (actress)
Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (former wife of Canadian PM)
Stella McCartney (fashion designer, daughter of Paul McCartney)
Dr. Theresa "Tessy" Ojo - CBE, FRSA (Diana Award CEO)
Tracee Ellis Ross (actress, daughter of Diana Ross)
Unconfirmed - Edward Enninful (former Editor-in-Chief of British Vogue)
Unconfirmed - Daniel Martin (makeup artist) *
An official list of all "40x40" participants was never disclosed
source 1 // source 2 // source 3
📌 Notes:
Names with an asterisk (*) indicate that they follow ARO on Instagram
Notably missing from these lists: Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos and wife Nicole Avant, Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez, Beyoncé, Tina Knowles, Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King, Kevin Costner, Ellen DeGeneres, Portia Rossi *, Brooke Shields, John Travolta, Kelly Rowland, Holly Robinson Peete, Misan Harriman *, Michael Bublé
Wedding guests missing from these lists: Jessica Mulroney, George and Amal Clooney, David and Victoria Beckham, Idris Elba and Sabria Dhowre, James Blunt and Sofia Wellesley, Janina Gavankar, Elton John and David Furnish, James Corden and Julia Carey, Patrick J. Adams and the rest of the cast of Suits, Joss Stone, Tom Hardy and Charlotte Riley, Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford [Source]
Sunshine Sachs must've called in a LOT of favors to get so many famous names on board the Archetypes Podcast and the 40x40 project. Vanity projects that went... nowhere.
Without Sunshine Sachs, IMO it's highly unlikely that M will ever be able to reach the same level of celebrity access on her own.
If there are any names missing from these lists, please comment below 👇
Post link
author: SeptièmeSens
submitted: May 27, 2024 at 06:44PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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As a loud and proud billeted shipper, I have to ask, WHERE DID COREY SAY THAT BILL IS IN LOVE WITH TED
all I have found is other people saying that he said that. Give me the source, please :(
He said during one of the nmt2 back talk streams, (I think the one for ep 2), you would've had to of gotten a ticket for them to see the full stream but people have posted the clip before
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auntieclimactic · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written :)
I keep telling myself, “I’ll type out a nice, thoughtful response on my laptop with proper grammar and everything,” and then I don’t. Please pardon my thumb typing.
I loved getting this ask! I look at so much of my writing with a critical eye, so this was a nice exercise in reframing. In no particular order, here are my five favorite creations:
1. He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven - Our Flag Means Death - Stede / Ed. Writing this fic allowed me to relive my sailing years and leverage that hard-earned knowledge to make horrible, horrible puns. The only sex scene I’ve written while cackling manically.
2. Apostate - Under the Banner of Heaven - Jeb Pyre / Bill Taba. This was the first fic I wrote just for me. The source material pressed all my buttons on religious trauma and sent me down a 44k rabbit hole about how sometimes loosing your faith is the first step to finding yourself.
3. in loco parentis - Ted Lasso - Henry Lasso - Ted / Trent pre-slash. Literally the most fun I’ve had writing from a character’s POV. Henry and Louis scheming to get Ted and Trent together is the best ending I will ever write.
4. Scar Tissue - Hannibal - Will Graham / Fred Chilton. Listen. Can I explain it? No. Do I love it? Yes. Unapologetically, yes. When I reread this fic o’ mine, I can ignore all the (many) flaws and see how invested I was in the emotional baggage of these two fucks, and sometimes that’s beautiful.
5. Acts of Service - Ted Lasso - Ted / Trent. I almost abandoned this fic. Who wants to read BDSM in the most wholesome fandom ever? Well, I did, and apparently so did a lot of people. This fic is the one that pushed me the most as a writer. I came out of this story with a stronger grasp of characterization, character-driven plot, and emotional subtlety. Plus it made people who would become some of my closest fandom friends slide into my DMs, making this the fic that keeps on giving!
Thank you again for this ask! I would have never looked through my AO3 profile considering the joy my own writing has brought me without it!
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muutosarchive · 1 year
wip secret menu bc i have no chill
Liviana Charvanek/Romulan Commander (star trek: the enterprise incident, Star Trek novels)
Number One (The cage and TOS only /hisses at strange new worlds)
Christine Chapel (Star Trek tos based only)
Ar'alani / Ziara (Star Wars / Primarily adapted to fit the Star Trek universe)
Project Alice Abernathy (RE Films)
Sex-Head (rob zombie's 31)
Daycare Attendant / Sun + Moon (fnaf; security breach)
Lolbit (FNAF: Sister Location/UCN/Help Wanted/ adapted for Security Breach)
John Wick (John Wick Franchise)
Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager)
Captain Kathryn Janeway (Star Trek Voyager)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds)
Papa Emeritus III / Terzo Emeritus (The Band Ghost)
Mountain Ghoul (Drummer/Earth ghoul - The Band Ghost)
Zephyr (Chair) Ghoul (The Band Ghost)
Adam Stanheight (Saw Franchise)
Elle Driver (Kill Bill)
Vincent Demarco (Original lore / original character; father of Raegan. bio found on oc page.)
Raegan Demarco (Original lore / original character; daughter of vincent)
Magnus Angst (shapeshifting, fear eating demon oc based on original lore and multiple media sources)
Cirice Iglesia (The Band Ghost based original character, based on the song of the same name)
Ted Theodore Logan (Bill & Ted Franchise)
John Constatine (Constantine 2005)
Captain Jack Sparrow (POTC)
Harley Quinn / Harleen Quinzel (mixed media based/ mainly nolan verse & TAS, and the Arkham Games)
Tank Girl (Tank Girl film based primarily but heavily heavily comic inspired)
Stuart 2D Pot (Gorillaz, headcanon & lore based, mostly lore compliant)
Freddy Fazbear (classic / withered Freddy, circa FNaF 1/2/UCN & pre-game canon)
James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes (not compliant with earth 616 OR marvel cinematic universe).
Virgo Ghoul (the band ghost oc with fandomless elf verses, as well as a Tolkien Silvan Elf (Mirkwood) verse, and a five nights at freddy's compliant verse. also a human-verse where she's an elementary school teacher. Her name in other verses is still Virgo, tho the surname will change depending on the verse. fc: Beyoncé Knowles Carter)
Fitness Barbie (original character, fc madelaine petsch. based on this barbie doll)
Dr. Krista Dumont (The Punisher, Netflix series)
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duffertube · 6 months
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▶️ S.S. Kresge Background Music Record No. 256
1.) I Was Kaiser Bill’s Batman - Unknown Artist 2.) My Sweet Lord - Magic Guitars 3.) Satin Doll - Tony Mottola 4.) Unknown 5.) Swinging on a Star - Frank Chacksfield and his Orchestra 6.) The Big Hurt - Wes Montgomery 7.) Put Your Hand in the Hand - Unknown Artist 8.) Unknown 9.) The Hammer Song (If I Had a Hammer) - Percy Faith 10.) Love is Here to Stay - Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops Orchestra 11.) Jealous - Billy Vaughn 12.) Mr. Bojangles - Unknown Artist 13.) I'll Never Fall in Love Again - Ted Heath 14.) Sloop John B - The Hollyridge Strings
Source: Internet Archive
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aftonfamilyvalues · 1 year
I tried for a while to hang out in a fandom space composed mostly of hehims and theythems; that's most of the art crowd and a guaranteed female space to boot, and I thought I could be an example of a cool gnc woman to look up to. But, god, the whiplash. They talk to each other like Bill and Ted which would be charming if it wasn't for the occasional jumpscares of grotesque pornography. Surprisingly, they seem to understand what misogyny is, but I don't understand how they reconcile it with 1/2
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gotta curate that experience so hard. the insistence that their headcanons are correct and if you disagree youre "queerphobic" or whatever is annoying! like no, that character is not canonically trans and knowing that isnt some hate crime. no, that character is not gay, he has a wife and youre trying to ignore her existence because she gets in the way of your uwu sinful gay baby obsession. no, that guy being a single dad doesnt mean hes trans or gay either? what? did you even engage with the source material?
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djcanipe99 · 2 years
Lincoln : Your probably noticed we havent given you our gifts yet.
Clyde : That's because...
Lincoln : Um...
Clyde : Um...
Clyde andLincoln : 'cuse us dude.
[Clyde and Lincoln take their girlfriends to oposite sides of the pool]
Clyde : [Takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this myself.
Lincoln : [Also takes out a folded piece of paper from his pocket] I wrote this last night.
Lincoln : [Begins to read] Taylor .
Clyde : [Also begins to read] Chole.
[The two talk simultaneously]
Clyde : As I wander through this dark and lonely forest of life, surrounded by various beast, Bears, vipers, squirrels. Not to mention small tree growing lichen, woodpeckers, slugs, gila monsters. Oh no, that's the desert.
Lincoln : As I swim through this dark and fearful sea of existance, surrounded by various creatures, sharks, eels, yellowtail, and also barnacles, and algae, man-o-wars, starfish, blowfish, catfish. Uh oooh, that fresh water.
Clyde : The point is, I know we promised you a better life.
Lincoln : What mean is we told you the future had some really good stuff.
Clyde : But all that stuff hasn't happened.
Clyde andLincoln : But it will, I hope.
Lincoln : The day after tomorrow, if things workout.
Clyde : What I mean is....
Clyde and Lincoln : [Turn to each other and give a shrug. Then turn back to their girlfriends.]
Lincoln : Will you...
Clyde : ...Marry us.
Taylor : Lincoln ...
Chloe : ...I'd love to.
Clyde and Lincoln: [Smile, take out a plastic pink and purple heart ring. Holds it up for the other see that they suceeded, and then places it on their respectible girlfriend's finger. The then give a quick air guitar to the other, and recieve a kiss on the cheek by their girlfriends.]
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incorrect-losers · 8 months
Eddie: Bill, you have to try this crab
Bill: No, I’m fine
Eddie: Just on bite. It’s so delicious
Bill: I’m fine, I got my own food
Eddie: Just a baby bite
Bill: I don’t want any
Eddie: Just try just one bite
Bill *louder*: Jesus Christ Eddie! Why is it always so important that I have some of what you wanted?
Eddie: I want you to have some of this because I think you’ll like it
Bill *shouting*: If I wanted the goddamn crab I would’ve ordered the goddamn crab
Eddie: But in the car on the way home I can say “wasn’t it good?”
Bill: For god’s sake alright alright
Bill: *grabs a forkful of crab*
Bill: Oh god dammit! God dammit that’s better than what I ordered!
Eddie: You see? I knew you’d like it!
Bill: Yeahhh
Eddie: I can’t wait to talk about it later. I wish we were in the car right now
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docrotten · 3 months
MOTHER’S DAY (1980) – Episode 261 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“You get what you deserve in them Deep Barons, you lez-beans! You won’t be causing no one no trouble no more!” Really? That’s all you got? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they celebrate one of their favorite holidays Troma-style with Mother’s Day (1980).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 261 – Mother’s Day (1980)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
Two brothers kidnap and brutalize three women for the pleasure of their demented mother.
Directed by: Charles Kaufman
Writing Credits: Charles Kaufman, Warren Leight
Produced by:
Alexander Beck (executive producer)
Michael Herz (associate producer)
Charles Kaufman (producer)
Lloyd Kaufman (associate producer}
Michael Kravitz (producer)
Cinematography by: Joseph Mangine
Editing by: Daniel Loewenthal
Production Design by: Susan Kaufman
Art Direction by: Sandy Hamilton
Assistant Art Director: Rex Piano
Costume Design by: Ellen Lutter
Special Makeup Effects by: Josie Caruso, Rob E. Holland
Selected Cast:
Nancy Hendrickson as Abbey
Deborah Luce as Jackie
Tiana Pierce as Trina
Gary Pollard as Ike (credited as Holden McGuire)
Michael McCleery as Addley (credited as Billy Ray McQuade)
Beatrice Pons as Mother (credited as Rose Ross)
Robert Collins as Ernie
Peter Fox as The ‘Dobber’ (credited as Karl Sandys)
Luisa Marsella as Terry (credited as Marsella Davidson)
Kevin Lowe as Ted
Scott Lucas as Storekeeper
Ed Battle as Doorman
Robert Carnegie as Tex
Stanley Kaufman as Older Man at Pool Party
Mother’s Day, directed by Charles Kaufman and featuring an admirable performance from Beatrice Pons as “Mother,” looks far better than it deserves to look. Except for Pons and cinematographer Joseph Mangine, Mother’s Day features a group of relative novices, and yet, the acting, story, and humor propel this film from beginning to end, even though it’s a bit tough to watch in places. Hey! The three lead victims of Mother’s clan even have story arcs! Eli Roth’s favorite movie can’t be all bad, can it?
At the time of this writing, Mother’s Day is available to stream from Shudder, Tubi, PlutoTV, and several PPV sources. The movie is available on physical media from Vinegar Syndrome in a 2-disc Region Free Set: 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Jeff, will be Roadgames (1981), directed by Richard Franklin (Patrick, Psycho II) and starring Stacy Keach and Jamie Lee Curtis. Get ready for some Ozploitation!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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irishgop · 5 months
Ted Williams (4/20/1939) debut day
April 20, 1939 - The Boston Red Sox show off their prize rookie Ted Williams before 30,278 in their opener at Yankee Stadium, delayed two days because of rain. After striking out twice, Williams collects a double off New York Yankees pitcher Red Ruffing, who wins 2 - 0. Lou Gehrig makes an error, goes hitless, and lines into two double plays in the only game featuring the two great sluggers. Other notables in what will become a historic box score include Joe DiMaggio, Bill Dickey, Jimmie Foxx, Joe Cronin, Bobby Doerr, Red Rolfe, and losing pitcher Lefty Grove. New York scores its first run on a home run by Dickey and its second tally on an error by Foxx. Boston has baserunners in each inning, but Ruffing tosses just the second opening day shutout in Yankees history. Four umpires work the game including third base ump George Pipgras, the starting pitcher for the Yankees in the 1929 opener against Boston. Curiously, his opponent for that day was Ruffing.
[Source: Facebook page of Graig Kreindler
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deadlinecom · 6 months
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1uppod · 1 year
Join Andy, Ben, Orange, and Foxy for a uniquely 1UP Pod look at the best and the worst of video games based on the movies and TV shows that we know, but not always love! The Movie Tie-In games!
Andy, the only OG 1UP Podder representing on this episode, has been left in charge of our three newest team members and that goes about as well as you could hope for �� as he accidentally insults everyone introducing the ‘What Have We Been Playing?’ segment. This section includes games like Divinity: Original Sin 2, Gris, Civ 6, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, Powerwash Simulator, and Andy inflicts another one of his unhinged game choices with Torrente 3: The Protector (a movie tie-in game!) and we’ll let Andy explain what’s so wrong with that game!
The movie tie-in games discussion starts out quite positively with everyone sharing some of their personal favourites – featuring The Thing, RoboCop 2, Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets, Disney’s Aladdin, Revenge of the Sith, Disney’s Adventure Game featuring Hercules, Blade Runner, and Alien Isolation.
Discussion turns to the negative side of the spectrum with talk/rants about Disney’s Story Studio: Mulan, Terminator 2: Judgment Day (on the Atari ST), Minority Report: Everybody Runs, and Bill & Ted’s Excellent Video Game Adventure!
Unexpected movie tie-in games were up next – and we’ll keep that a secret – followed by games that stray far from the source material including Chronicles of Riddick, Small Soldiers, and more!
The big discussion of the show is ‘do movie tie-in games still have a place in modern gaming?’ so stick around for some enlightening/depressing thoughts!
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And always remember to get a life and play video games.
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