#source: jonathans creek
sweetiepeteypie · 6 months
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peteys + aesthetics 💕✨
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Porky: H-h-h-how come when I stay at y-y-your place you get the bed and I get the s-s-s-sofa, but when you stay at my place you s-s-s-still get the bed and I get the s-s-s-sofa?
Daffy: Because you were being terribly chivalrous and gentlemanly and very stholicitouths of my welfare [Pause] Don't I get anything to eat?
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morbidology · 4 months
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Growing up in the projects in New York, Jonathan Luna always dreamed of going to college and making his family proud. He graduated from Fordham University and the law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He eventually settled down in Elkridge, Baltimore, where he got married and had two sons while working as an Assistant United States Attorney.
The 4th of December, 2003, started just like any other day for Jonathan. He kissed his family goodbye before departing for work. He had been working on a trial which involved two men who were suspected in running a drug ring. One of the men was also facing a murder charge. Jonathan had spent the entire evening working on the case and left a voice message to a co-worker at approximately 9PM that night, saying he was ready to go home and that he would see him the following morning.
They were going to offer the two men a plea deal and Jonathan said he was going to work on it at home throughout the night so it would be ready for the morning. According to the clocking out system in his office car park, Jonathan didn’t leave the officer until 11:38PM, leaving behind his phone and glasses, which he needed to drive.
What happened next is shrouded in speculation.
At around 1AM, Jonathan’s car entered Delaware where $200 was lifted from an ATM. He then crossed into New Jersey and on to Pennsylvania at around 4AM. His E-Z Pass was used on the I-95 into Delaware but after this, he started to purchase toll tickets. His car was then parked behind a Sensenig & Weaver in Denver, Pennsylvania. At around 5:30AM, a worker of Sensenig & Weaver arrived to discover the discarded car with blood smeared all over the door and the front of the car.
When the worker peered into the car window, he found a large puddle of blood on the back seat and back footwell. The car was partially in a creek and underneath the car, the worker discovered Jonathan’s bloody body. He had sustained 36 stab wounds with his own penknife.
The pathologist that performed the autopsy said that Jonathan's hands had been “shredded” and that his scrotum and throat had both been slashed before he drowned to death in the creek. Inside the car, detectives found that the purchased toll tickets had blood smeared on them, indicating that he was already injured when purchasing the tickets. Additionally, the puddle of blood in the back seat indicated that he hadn’t been driving the car, but somebody else.
While the death was initially ruled as a homicide, “law enforcement sources” soon began to speculate that he had taken his life and thus a smear campaign on Jonathan’s reputation was born. It was soon reported that Jonathan had most likely been involved in a robbery case in which $36,000 went missing. The Baltimore Sun implied that Jonathan was involved in the robbery and had ended his life because he feared losing his job. Everybody that knew Jonathan had nothing but pleasant words to say about him and found the allegations to be “a well timed hit job on Luna’s reputation.” The FBI ascertained that Jonathan had ended his own life but the local Lancaster counter authorities were adamant that he had been murdered.
What happened to Jonathan Luna from the moment he left his place of employment until he ended up stabbed and slashed in a murky creek still remains a mystery.
While the FBI believes he ended his own life, this leaves too many question. For one, how could he have driven approximately 95 miles without his glasses? Why did he switch from using his E-Z Pass to toll tickets? Why would he have stabbed himself 36 times as well as slashing his scrotum, throat, and hands? What would motivate him to end his life when he was known by all to be an upbeat, full of life, family man? The case still remains open with a $100,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.
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batmanfruitloops · 1 year
Onto Jonathan Crane, the ever terrifying and sleepless Scarecrow.
Jonathan was born to Gerald and Karen Crane, although never knew his mother as she died in child birth. His father was a country man and a biology teacher, and he did his best to show Jo (Jonathan's nickname for the sake of convenience) all the love he could as well as inform him about nature and animals. At 4 years old, however, his father asked his mother in-law, Marion Keeny, to watch Jo while he looked for a better job in Gotham City. Despite holding great resentment towards Gerald for "taking her daughter away," she agrees to look after Jo. Gerald is killed due to gang crossfire and Jo is then fully in his grandmother's custody.
While in Marion's care, it was quite clear that Jo was unwanted. Being a highly religious woman, she hated the fact that Gerald and her daughter Karen had eloped, unable to believe that she herself had driven her daughter away by being controlling and lauding holiness above all else. To make matters worse, she also blamed Karen's death on Jo, believing his existence to be demonic in nature. Marion had workers on her farm, but when Jo was home, he'd be the only one getting chores done. Being tired or hungry was no excuse not to get work done, nor could he slack on religious study or his school work. Any little thing that made her angry would lead to a beating; either by her own hands or to crows pecking at him on their property or while locked in an abandoned church. Due to this, Jo developed depression from a young age and had confided in his grandmother once, only to be told that it wasn't real and that such a notion would upset God. It's also during this time that Jo hurt contemplating hurting himself, but avoided doing so only because he feared what his grandmother would do if she found out.
The only good thing that came from living with his grandmother was the animals, especially an Irish Draught Mare named Ashpuddle. She was his source of comfort with which he could tell anything and pet and hold her as needed. He rode her around the property to do chores and sometimes to get away to a small creek in a far corner of the property.
Jo's school life wasn't much better. He was bullied for his appearance being similar to that of Ichabod Crane. Too lanky, too tall, peircing silvery blue eyes, a smile that made you shiver, and a soft yet deep (how deep still depended on his current age), raspy voice that made anything he said seem ominous. They were overreacting, of course, but it cut deeply, nonetheless. How could Jo believe anything else when that's all he heard? The crows that his grandmother had sent after him also had a habit of following him if they knew where he was, and that only added to people's fear, as well as Jo's own. He was physically bullied as well as verbally. Mainly by Bo, his girlfriend Sherry, and all of his other friends. Jo got used to slinking through crowds and booking it out of school to get home. If Bo caught up, Jo would be beaten and harassed. This running also lent to Jo's innate skill of being super flexible and being able to move in ways that others couldn't, such as jumping over a fence, or climbing up alleyways to spots that Bo couldn't feasibly follow.
Despite his reputation, Bo's girlfriend Sherry had developed a crush on him. In their sophomore year, she confessed to Jo alone, and he had politely declined, although he wasn't against just being friends. Sherry became full of rage because of this, and convinced Jo to meet her alone once again to spend some quality time together. Unbeknownst to Jo, Bo was hiding in said room, dressed as The Headless Horseman and ready to strike. Jo was confused by the dark room but decided to trust Sherry. She was the first person to agree to being his friend, after all. Suddenly, Bo popped up and yelled, scaring Jo terribly and he left more hurt and angry than he had in a long time. He was going to get them back, and they were the ones who'd never be able to forget being terrified.
It was the night of the Halloween dance, and Jo had dressed up as a Scarecrow, mounting Ashpuddle and waiting in the trees near the road. When he saw Bo's car approaching, Ashpuddle dashed out, and he pointed a water pistol at them. Horrified, Bo swerved, and Jo laughed as he saw them steer into the woods, unaware that he caused them to crash and be injured for life. Unlike most versions, Sherry doesn't die but is still terribly injured, and Bo is paralyzing from the waist down. Jo goes home satisfied with himself, and is even more delighted when Bo and Sherry are not at school for the next couple of days. However when he learns that the reason Bo and Sherry aren't at school is because they're in the hospital, he freaks out. He had only meant to scare them. He had no intention of either getting hurt, let alone for life. It makes him feel like he's just as much the monster as his grandmother says he is.
Not soon after this event, Jo comes home from school to find that Ashpuddle and all the animals are gone. He confronts his grandmother about this and she admits to having sold them all. She needed the money, and they weren't worth keeping around anymore anyway. This breaks Jo's heart, and any support he got from Ashpuddle is gone. Because of this, it isn't long before Jo is fed up with his grandmother more than usual. He's being too slow to make dinner and she's about to hit him. Too scared and just wanting it to be over, Jo stabs her with the knife he was holding, continuing to stab her until she stops moving. When Jo comes to and realizes what he's done, he shuts down. He still calls the police on himself, but he doesn't have the energy left to fight. He just sits there and lets them take him away when they arrive.
Since Jo was only 16 at the time of the murder, he's placed in Gotham's foster system. They weren't very good, much like most of Gotham's medical and care institutions. Jo refused to be adopted and so they didn't make him, although they were certainly begrudging about caring for him and providing him the schoolwork he would have done, had he still been attending the one from before. It is also during this time that Jo hurts himself for the first time, getting ahold of a razor and cutting up his arms. The staff finds out and is annoyed instead of sympathetic, grabbing Jo by the injured part of his arms and making him do whatever task he was supposed to, not caring if the cuts started bleeding, if not for getting blood on themselves. Jo never developed a connection with anyone there and only solidified his distrust of others and gave him time to be curious about fear and how it affects people.
After making it through the foster system, Jo makes his own way through odd jobs to make as much money for college as possible. It's basically all he did before attending, spending little time on himself or any of his hobbies, really. Even in college, Jo continued to work hard with his head down, trying to avoid as much attention as possible. He was even able to land a job as a psychiatrist freshly graduated because of just how capable and intelligent he was. Occasionally drawing, raising crows, and working is what he does until he's 30 years old currently.
He even used the curiosity he expressed in understanding fear to fuel his want to create his iconic fear toxin, although that wasn't it original use. Jo had hoped that trials and clinical research could result in helping with anxiety related concerns, but was turned down based on his appearance and the idea seeming "scary." This worsens Jo's depression, and he contemplates ending his life. It's while staring at the noose he prepared that he changes his mind. If he's going to go down, it's not going to be without a fight. Thus he becomes Scarecrow and tests his fear toxin however and on whoever he pleases.
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starqueen87 · 2 years
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Contralto singer Carol Brice was born in Sedalia, North Carolina on April 16, 1918 into a musical family. Eventually she became one of the first African American classical singers with an extensive recording repertoire. Brice trained at Palmer Memorial Institute in Sedalia and then enrolled in Talladega College in Alabama, where she received her Bachelor of Music degree in 1939. She later attended Juilliard School of Music between 1939 and 1943 where she trained with Francis Rogers. In 1943 Brice became the first African American musician to win the prestigious Walter W. Naumburg Foundation Award.
Carol Brice first attracted public acclaim at the New York World’s Fair in 1939 when she performed in the opera, “The Hot Mikado.” Her next major public performance came in 1941, when she sang at a Washington concert honoring the third inauguration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Her brother, the pianist Jonathan Brice, was frequently her accompanist at concerts and competitions.
Ms. Brice’s Broadway career accelerated after World War II when her talent for both opera and musical theatre became apparent. In 1946 she received her first recording contract from Columbia Records for Manuel de Falla’s El Amor Brujo, which was performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra conducted by Fritz Reiner. She sang with the Pittsburgh Symphony for all of 1946 and later performed as Addie in the New York City Opera’s 1958 production of Marc Blitzstein’s Regina. Brice remained with the New York City Opera until 1963. She performed with Volksoper in Vienna, Austria from 1967 to 1971 and the Houston Grand Opera from 1976 to 1977. She played Maria in the Houston Grand Opera production of Porgy and Bess. The recording of that performance won a Grammy and the entire show moved to Broadway where it won a 1977 Tony Award for Most Innovative Production of a Musical Revival.
Brice also had a successful career on Broadway. She played Kakou in the original Broadway cast of Harold Arlen’s Saratoga (1958) and Maude in the 1960 revival of Finian’s Rainbow. During the 1960s her numerous roles included Catherine Creek in The Grass Harp, Harriett Tubman in Gentlemen, Be Seated, and Queenie in Showboat.
While performing in Vienna in 1968, she met her husband, the baritone Thomas Carey. The couple had two children. Mr. Carey returned to the U.S. in 1969 to teach at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, and Carol Brice joined him there after another stint on Broadway. Ms. Brice officially joined the University of Oklahoma faculty in 1974. One year later she and her husband founded the Church Circuit Opera Company in Norman, Oklahoma. The company was renamed the Cimarron Circuit Opera in 1981 and continued until Thomas Carey’s death in 2002.
Carol Brice died on February 14, 1985 in Norman, Oklahoma. She was 66.
Source: Black Wall Street, Facebook
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Downtown Denver (No. 7)
On November 22, 1858, General William Larimer and Captain Jonathan Cox, Esquire, both land speculators from eastern Kansas Territory, placed cottonwood logs to stake a claim on the bluff overlooking the confluence of the South Platte River and Cherry Creek, across the creek from the existing mining settlement of Auraria, and on the site of the existing townsite of St. Charles. Larimer named the townsite Denver City to curry favor with Kansas Territorial Governor James W. Denver.[30] Larimer hoped the town's name would help it be selected as the county seat of Arapahoe County, but unbeknownst to him, Governor Denver had already resigned from office. The location was accessible to existing trails and was across the South Platte River from the site of seasonal encampments of the Cheyenne and Arapaho. The site of these first towns is now occupied by Confluence Park near downtown Denver. Edward W. Wynkoop came to Colorado in 1859 and became one of the founders of the city. Wynkoop Street in Denver is named after him.
Larimer, along with associates in the St. Charles City Land Company, sold parcels in the town to merchants and miners, with the intention of creating a major city that would cater to new immigrants. Denver City was a frontier town, with an economy based on servicing local miners with gambling, saloons, livestock and goods trading. In the early years, land parcels were often traded for grubstakes or gambled away by miners in Auraria. In May 1859, Denver City residents donated 53 lots to the Leavenworth & Pike's Peak Express in order to secure the region's first overland wagon route. Offering daily service for "passengers, mail, freight, and gold", the Express reached Denver on a trail that trimmed westward travel time from twelve days to six. In 1863, Western Union furthered Denver's dominance of the region by choosing the city for its regional terminus.
Source: Wikipedia
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How Yates County’s towns got their names
By Jonathan Monfiletto
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Maybe I’m just a nerd (OK, I am a nerd and I admit it, but that’s beside the point right now), but I enjoy learning the origins and meanings of various words and phrases in the English language. That is particularly true when it comes to the origins of place names; I love knowing how certain communities around our state and country came to be called the names that they have.
So, especially as Yates County marks 200 years it was formally separated from Ontario County and established as its own county on February 5, 1823, I wanted to investigate the origins of the names of the nine towns in the county. Some of the towns, I already knew where the name came from; others of the towns, I thought I knew how they got their names. In both cases, I wanted to compile the official record of the namings as best as I could.
At first, I consulted former Yates County Historian Frances Dumas’ book “A Good Country, a Pleasant Habitation,” as I thought I had read a certain origin story in that book only to realize later I had seen it somewhere else. Though I did find several records of name origins in that book, when I couldn’t find a precise story, I look through our subject files on the individual towns. I even cracked open Stafford C. Cleveland’s “History and Directory of Yates County” to see what he had to say.
Then, of course, when I was researching a different topic in our collection of digitized newspapers, I came across an article written by Walter Wolcott – a historian of Penn Yan and Yates County – and published in several local newspapers in December 1920. The article is titled “How Names of Towns Originated: Names of the Nine Townships in Yates County Have Interesting History Information.” Voila, eureka, exactly what I was looking for.
With the information from Wolcott’s article and through research of my own in other sources, I now present the origins of the names of the nine towns in Yates County. Akin to what a playbill would do, I present these towns in the order of their incorporation.
Jerusalem, established as a town in what was then Ontario County in 1789, probably has the most well-known, and thus easiest to find out, origin story. As most people know, the Society of Friends, which followed the Public Universal Friend and became the first group to settle what is now Yates County, had a vision to create what they called the New Jerusalem – a place where they could set up their homes, their businesses, and their community. Though the territory of the current town is not where the Friends first settled, it is where the majority of the sect ended up and took its name for the vision they had for their community.
Middlesex was also organized as a town in 1789, shortly after the first permanent non-native, European settlers arrived on the western shore of Seneca Lake. However, at first it was called Augusta, though any source I consult indicates no one knows why that name was given. It seems another town in Oneida County took that name (possibly after this town was formed and possibly after a General Augustus VanHorn), so this town renamed itself Middlesex in 1808. This name apparently came from Middlesex County, Massachusetts where many of its settlers came from.
Benton was formed out of Jerusalem in 1803, though it originally was named Vernon (except a town in Oneida County took that name the year before) and then Snell (after Jacob Snell, a State Senator from Montgomery County who had no apparent connections to this part of Ontario County). It wasn’t until 1810 the town took on its current name; it could have been after Caleb Benton, who bought the title to this township and built a sawmill on Kashong Creek, or it could have been after his cousin Levi, to whom Caleb eventually sold the land. My sources point to Levi as the namesake.
Italy, even at its settlement, was the most remote and least populous part of what is now Yates County, and it remains so today. It was created as part of the town of Naples, which was organized as Middletown in 1789 and renamed in 1808, and Italy was split off from Naples in 1815. It is said Naples received its name from a surveyor who gazed upon the scenery around Canandaigua Lake and felt reminded of the seaside Italian city. When the town was divided, it is said, the decision was made to name the eastern portion after the city’s country.
Milo was formed out of Benton and organized in 1818, though it had been “settled almost as early as the very first pioneers came to City Hill,” according to Dumas. Its original name may have given Yates County another Italian flavor, as it was proposed as Milan after yet another European city. However, at the same time, a bill in the New York State Legislature organized a town of Milan in Dutchess County; thus, Samuel Lawrence, the Assemblyman for this area at the time, changed the name to Milo. According to Cleveland, the name could have come from a Greek athlete, a Roman tribune, or the Greek island of Milos.
We need to pause here for a moment and recognize Yates County, as these five towns alone made up the county as it was originally established 200 years ago. The name of the county is simple yet interesting – Joseph C. Yates was the governor of New York State at the time Yates County was formed. As Wolcott states, the governor reportedly signed his name on the bill creating the county “in a larger hand than usual.” Perhaps it was his exuberance for the legislation that led to the county being named for him or its being named for him that excited him.
Though they were not added to Yates County until 1826, Barrington was incorporated in 1822 and Starkey in 1824, albeit both were part of Steuben County at the time. Steuben County had been formed from Ontario in 1796, with Frederickstown – named after German immigrant Frederick Bartles – as its northernmost town. The town was enlarged in 1804, had Reading split off from it in 1806, and was renamed Wayne in 1808. Barrington was formed from Wayne in 1822, and Starkey was formed from Reading in 1824 when the latter became part of Schuyler County.
Like Middlesex, Barrington took its name from an area of Massachusetts – the town of Great Barrington – where its early settlers had come from. Starkey, meanwhile, was named for John Starkey, who had opened a store in 1816 and a post office in 1820.
Potter, which was “almost universally known as Potterstown,” even when its larger town was called Augusta, was officially established as its own town in 1832 and formed out of Middlesex. Finding the name origin of this town is almost as easy as finding the name origin of Jerusalem, and it is closely connected to that town. The Potter family, led by Judge Arnold Potter, were prominent followers of the Public Universal Friend and had purchased a tract of land comprising nearly the whole extent of the town. Judge Potter and his family also established the Potter Mansion, where they lived and which still stands in the town today.
Last but not least, Torrey has the dubious yet interesting distinction of being the site of the first permanent settlement of non-native, white Europeans while being the last town in Yates County to be officially incorporated. Its territory was taken from the southern portion of Benton and the northern portion of Milo, and it was named after Henry Torrey, the Potter town supervisor who was chairman of the county Board of Supervisors when the town was incorporated in 1851. Reportedly, the initial plan before the board to create a new town was voted down, but the board was persuaded to reconsider when the chairman got this honor.
Previous articles have covered the settlement and development – including name origins – of Yates County’s four villages, Penn Yan, Rushville, Dundee, and Dresden. And now you know the rest of the story on the origins of the towns’ names.
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This year's Royal Brindleton week has captured the attention of all as Prince Jonathan, son of Queen Claire, made a vibrant statement by wearing an LGBT-themed suit. This bold choice comes after his coming out, sending a powerful message of inclusivity and acceptance. The kingdom of Willow Creek warmly embraced their prince, showering him with applause.
Sources confirm that his strongest supporter is his sister, the heir to the throne. The royal siblings have always shared a close and supportive relationship, further solidified by their mutual respect and understanding.
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adamofingolstadt · 5 months
Okay I had a few weed cigarettes and here's how I would fix Scooby-Doo
I have three propositions:
A kiddie show, like A Pup Named Scooby-Doo. The gang are preteens or young teens, they have to cycle/scooter/skateboard everywhere because no one's old enough to drive, they go to summer camp, etc. There may be a few morbid jokes, but the tone is generally light and fun, and there's a nostalgic Halloween/Goosebumps-esque aesthetic. The mysteries should be interesting to kids and promote critical thinking. Daphne is a wannabe broadcaster (or vlogger, to appeal to the younger generations), she films the evidence they find, and the unmasking at the end. This opens up some options for creative camera work too. Fred is very similar to his counterpart in A Pup, he believes everything he hears and is desperate to track down a real cryptid. Velma is still the brains, but she has trouble communicating. She often solves the mystery before the others, but can't communicate her brilliant ideas outside of strange, out-of-pocket statements and questions. Shaggy is a nervous beanpole of a kid, he has a slight stutter but he's greatly comforted by his emotional support puppy, Scooby. There can be an episode introducing the child audience to what service dogs are and how to respect them and their humans. The entire show would have disability and diversity themes and education sprinkled throughout. Scooby talks to them like normal, and he is just a puppy at this point, so the animators can have fun squashing & stretching his proportions for comedic reasons.
A show for older kids, similar to Mystery Inc, Gravity Falls, etc. This one is much creepier, with a heavy emphasis on spooky atmosphere and memorable monsters. There should also be more complex mysteries than in the kiddie show. Daphne has reached her girly teenage era, and she has mostly grown out of believing in monsters. She and Fred are very close friends, and confide in each other, despite the fact that Fred still believes in monsters. Fred can have his autistic trap obsession, I don't want to write-out his one and only joy. Velma is fascinated by speculative biology and parapsychology, she wants to disprove the hoaxes that she feels make a mockery of cryptozoology. Shaggy canonically has an anxiety disorder, his parents got him a support dog (from an unvetted source), but unfortunately the dog (Scooby) also has an anxiety disorder. You can do some implied stoner jokes, but nothing explicit. Scooby can still talk to them, but he's shy talking in front of people who aren't the gang.
An adult swim-style show for teens and up. The gang are in college, and the tone is part stoner movie, part black comedy, and part cosmic horror. The monsters and aesthetics are as disturbing and creative as ever, and the mysteries are more like the plots of something like Jonathan Creek. The gang might be a polycule, or maybe a QPR, either way they are often seen toking up together while discussing the eldritch horror mystery of the week. Daphne is a west coast college girl studying psychology. She refused her parents buying her a house and demanded to dorm with a roommate (Velma), Fred is studying physics, he's very social and empathetic, allowing Shaggy to stay on his couch for weeks at a time. Velma is studying criminology and she's a lite version of Esther from The Solve it Squad Returns; her brain is so efficient she has to smoke a lot of weed to slow it down. She is also as wry and sarcastic as ever. Shaggy is a full stoner. He specifically smokes when he's nervous/scared. It's never revealed what he's studying. Scooby can talk, but only to Shaggy. It's left ambiguous whether they're really talking or if it's all in Shaggy's head, but the gang never questions whether they are talking, and believe Scooby wholeheartedly.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Hopworks Brewery hosts the Salmon-Safe IPA Fest, April 22nd.
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Press Release
PORTLAND, Ore…. Certified B Corp Hopworks Brewery is hosting the second Salmon-Safe IPA Festival on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023, at Hopworks’ Powell Brewpub. The festival will feature 20 different beers made with certified Salmon-Safe hops and grain, from 18 brewers in five Western states. 
The festival, returning for the first time since its 2018 debut, was created to highlight the importance of a healthy, robust watershed to the brewing industry. The impact is two-fold: challenging brewers to use only Salmon-Safe ingredients in their beers can have a lasting impact on their brewing methods; and educating beer drinkers about the benefits of looking for the Salmon-Safe label on their brews can help create more demand for sustainably brewed beers.
“By sourcing Salmon-Safe hops and malts, the craft breweries at the festival are helping lead a movement towards climate-resilient agriculture that’s protective of Pacific Northwest salmon watersheds,” said Dan Kent, co-founder and executive director of Salmon-Safe. “And when consumers select a beer with the Salmon-Safe label, that inspires additional Northwest grain and hop growers to transition to environmentally innovative farming practices.”
Kicking off at noon on Earth Day, April 22, the festival will feature a variety of IPAs made with Salmon-Safe hops and grains. Participating breweries include Georgetown Brewing, pFriem Family Brewers, Steeplejack Brewing, New Belgium Brewing, Sunriver Brewing, and a collaboration brew from Aslan Brewing and Lost Grove Brewing. The Oregon Brew Crew, an alliance of homebrewers, will also be presenting two beers. The complete list of brewers can be found on the ticketing website. Live bands, a DJ, a burrito truck and a photo booth will add to the festive vibe. The event is sponsored in part by Salmon-Safe hop grower Roy Farms.
“It's super-important for brewers and beer lovers to understand the link between fresh beer and fresh water, and it all begins with selecting the right ingredients,” said Hopworks founder Christian Ettinger. “Beer is the perfect platform for enlightened discussion around impact reduction, and this festival is a great reminder that we should all vote with our time and our dollars to support organizations that are working to preserve the land and water around the Pacific Northwest.”
The Salmon-Safe IPA Fest strives to be a zero-waste event. Organizers encourage attendees to participate in a neighborhood cleanup, such as the SOLVE/Hopworks Earth Day Neighborhood Clean Up during the morning, and to travel by bike instead of car, if possible. 
Tickets are sold for two separate sessions. From Noon to 4:00 pm, all ages are welcome. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm, only attendees over the age of 21 will be admitted. A free Salmon-Safe Grower and Brewer panel discussion will take place from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Each ticket comes with a 16-ounce glass tasting mug, and ten tickets for four-ounce tastes of beer. Tickets are $30.00 per person over 21, and are on sale now. $5.00 from each festival ticket sold goes to Oregon Wild to support their work, which ultimately benefits every Oregonian.
"Oregon Wild is honored to be the beneficiary of the Salmon Safe IPA Festival,” said Jonathan Jelen, Oregon Wild’s development director. This generous support will help us be a stronger voice for protecting Oregon's forests and watersheds - including through a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to advance Wild & Scenic River protections for over 3,200 miles of Oregon's threatened rivers, creeks, and streams."
Why Salmon-Safe?
Event partner Salmon-Safe has certified more than 95,000 acres of farm and urban lands along the West Coast of the United States, helping implement farming practices and developments that protect water quality, maintain watershed health and restore habitat in Oregon, Washington, California and British Columbia. A thriving salmon population is a key indicator of a healthy Pacific Northwest watershed. With more than 80 percent of US hops sourced from the Yakima and Willamette Valley watersheds, choosing Salmon-Safe beer, wine and food products contributes directly to restoring this region’s waterways and native fish.  
Oregon Wild & The Brewshed® Alliance
Oregon Wild has been working since 1974 to protect and restore our region’s fish and wildlife, ancient forests, and the rich diversity of public lands and landscapes that make the state so unique. The Oregon Brewshed® Alliance was started by Oregon Wild to engage brewers and industry stakeholders in the act of protecting our watersheds. Because great beer depends on great water, Oregon’s brewing industry is intimately connected with the health of the region’s land and water. Brewshed® Alliance members include brewers, craft beer affiliates, and conservationists who pledge to educate the beer drinking community about protected watersheds and their essential role in the state’s renowned craft brewing industry. Members also advocate for clean water and forest protections and support Oregon Wild's conservation mission.
About Hopworks Urban Brewery 
Celebrating its 15th year in 2023, Hopworks was founded by Christian and Brandie Ettinger to create world-class beer and food with sustainable business practices that protect the environment and support our community. Family-owned and operated, Hopworks sources thoughtfully, operates efficiently and minimizes waste in an effort to protect the planet. The company’s 20-barrel brewery produces 10,000 barrels of beer a year for Hopworks’ brewpubs and distribution throughout Cascadia. Hopworks is the first Certified B Corporation brewery in the Pacific Northwest and is Certified Salmon-Safe. HopworksBeer.com | @hopworksbeer 
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from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/3K274Iq
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nathanielmiller · 2 years
Five Super Helpful Ideas To improve Dating
You take the great with the dangerous, you study and adapt and, if you are simply lucky and skilled sufficient, you develop your very own set of useful dating superpowers that will guide you thru the daunting and treacherous dating atmosphere with no less than a little extra ease. Leon Burns has had not less than one earlier relationship. Who did you like the least? Men sent paper letters to their admirers, they usually cherished them even though they'd no thought what they appeared like in life. Also Read: Got a unique App Idea! Based on your choice you'll be able to strategy a longtime mobile app growth firm in your locality. Modesty. In the event you start thinking about your self quite bashful and will by no means ever muster up the courage to approach a stranger in a membership, by no means fear, dating on line is the perfect methodology forward. Actor best recognized for his position as Ryder in the American martial arts drama Into the Badlands. What are the most effective apps for making friends or dating in Greece?
The next options are indispensable for creating trendy chat and dating apps and messenger apps. Many people say sure, and a surprising number of fashionable relationships have all began with a click, a search or a swipe. The two Creeks radiocarbon dates at נערות ליווי בצפון the moment are regarded as a key lead to creating the fashionable understanding of North American glaciation at the end of the Pleistocene. This blog post can be of some assist to these who're planning to take a plunge as entrepreneurs within the sphere of growing chat, messenger and dating apps. Then again, creating a dating app can enable its goal prospects to introduce new patterns of verbal and written communication. I can inform instantly. It almost makes you marvel about the longer term profile captions on The best Stuff: “Hey. Whether you both aspire to be parents, you want to reside in the identical city, or you both aspire to be world travellers, being on the same page about the long run is a good sign the connection is meant to last.
You're geared up for a primary date with somebody you met through associates and your date says they're down for whatever you need to do. “I’d advise folks to state their preferences and say, ‘I’m the kind of one who likes to concentrate on one person at a time’, or that ‘I get pleasure from assembly lots of latest people’,” Quinn says. Furthermore, even when you did consider somebody to be good once you met, since people evolve over time, that sense of perfection doubtless will not be fixed. Someone who spoke too quickly probably. Who has Paula Zahn dated in the past? Jonathan Morris just isn't dating anybody as of 2022. Jonathan, who's 49 years previous, is a successful businessman. With 18 years of expertise, it's worth becoming a member of on this site. Although there are quite a few sources that discuss Amanda Pavillard’s web worth, salary, and earnings, on-line estimates of her price range.
Is Amanda Pavillard having any relationship affair? Dating is a crucial time in a relationship. Using simulated data, we show that their estimation accuracy is just like that of essentially the most sophisticated methods, while their computing time is far faster. In fact, the present time is dominated by the use of quick messaging apps for the aim of communication. The present day world is step by step drifting away from the behavior of MMS and SMS which was once the preferred way of texting messages. To know if your associate is “the one”, ask your self what a world with out them would look like. She is a social worker by commerce and wants to make the world a better place. Remember that you should make decisions collectively, not individually. With the web and dating apps, there are so many individuals to satisfy and make worthwhile connections with. You might get weird appears to be like from folks around, notably if the gap in your ages is kind of obvious, but so long as you're both pleased, then it’s all good. If you happen to care about them, then sure. Finding out who is dating Ashton Irwin is relatively straightforward, but protecting monitor of his flings, hookups, and breakups is more difficult.
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sweetiepeteypie · 7 months
Skimming for Stephen Claithorne (Spoilers)
never watched an episode of jonathans creek before but i hear this is a halloween episode so im stoked!! literally all i know about stevie claithorne (not to be confused with stevie daker) is that hes a priest. thats it. otherwise im going in fully blind.
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well, helloooooo, father~
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always the lil smile 🥹🥹
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the father is shocked and appalled (and very on-edge, bless him)
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just what is it about men of god thats so breedable....
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he has vibes like if campion was a kicked puppy with an even more intense resting bitch face. i love him. (he has such kind eyes....)
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not petey but 'ouija world' is such a fun book name holy shit
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father claithorne about to make me ACT UP
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my love, youre not going to be the killer again, are you? (since lance, i can never tell if youre being perfect and lovely bc thats just what you are or if youre plotting 🤔🤔)*
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oh hes so cute im gonna barkbarkbarkbark ggrrrrrrrr
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he is befuddled and perturbed (but how much do we believe his wife is the killer? and who assisted her if she was?)
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blurry anger. also yeah it makes sense that his wife teamed up with her step-dad to kill her mom. only thing is, can stevie forgive her? (also were they fucking or was this not like a romantic thing hmmm)
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ohhhh hes angy. sarcasm 100
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he said 😐😐
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oh hes absolutely going to have a crisis later, bless his little heart
*he wasnt the killer, he really is just adorable and the nicest man to ever live
in summary;
soft boy just wants to help his wife despite not being terribly fond of her mother. tries to help his wife as she grieves and ends up finding that she and his father-in-law were in cahoots to kill his mother-in-law.
he seems to have strong morals but will he put those aside to stay with his wife? (not if i have anything to say about it)
he absolutely needs to do some soul searching
i wanna say hes a very affectionate service top (maybe more experienced than one would give him credit for)
i want to say he was probably a born-again christian? idk i just get the vibe that he wasnt always devout
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htvewor · 2 years
Exhale by output in sonar x3
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#Exhale by output in sonar x3 install
#Exhale by output in sonar x3 pro
#Exhale by output in sonar x3 mac
Madison County Attractions include the Madison County Fair held in early July of each year, Madison Lake State Park, the nationally historic Red Brick Tavern, miles of Rails to Trails, the Jonathan Alder Cabin, and Big Darby Creek, a State and National Scenic River. Madison County is also home to the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA), the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification & Investigation (BCI), London Correctional Institution and Madison Correctional Institution. Annually in September the Ohio State University hosts the Farm Science Review, one of the largest farm exhibitions in the world, at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio. Madison County ranks fourth in both soybean and corn production throughout the state of Ohio. Primarily an agricultural area, 88% of the land consists of farms.
#Exhale by output in sonar x3 pro
forge pro 11 pc 25 sound forge pro 2.0.
#Exhale by output in sonar x3 mac
suite 9.2 para mac 35 magix samplitude music studio 20 dv2 + content (8gb) 30 sibelius 7.5.1 pc y mac 35 finale 2014 pc y mac 35 sound. Named after James Madison, 4th President of the United States, Madison County is located in central Ohio between Columbus and Springfield. cakewalk sonar x3 para pc 35 ableton suite 9.2 para pc 35 ableton. Your source for Official Madison County Government Information. 46 Step 32: Build the controller: protoboard soldering advice. 46 Step 31: Build the controller: clock frequency. 43 Step 30: Build the controller: layout. 4.Drag and drop the REAC templates downloaded from the page.
#Exhale by output in sonar x3 install
42 Step 29: Build the cube: attach cables. In order to install templates, 1.Go under the Cakewalk Content Folder on your computer. 42 Step 28: Build the cube: cathode risers. 41 Step 27: Build the cube: mount the cube. 39 Step 26: Build the cube: create the base. 38 Step 25: Build the cube: solder the layers together. In this case, SONAR will automatically assign the missing output port to the available output port. The Missing Audio Outputs dialog box is not shown if there is only a single missing output port and only one available output port. 37 Step 24: Build the cube: bend the pins. Cakewalk - SONAR X3 Documentation - Changing I/O devices. 36 Step 23: Build the cube: straigthen the pins. 33 Step 22: Build the cube: test the layer. 32 Step 21: Build the cube: solder a layer. 32 Step 20: Build the cube: test the LEDs. 31 Step 19: Build the cube: soldering advice. 30 Step 18: Build the cube: create a jig. Deeper Smart Sonar START Technical Specifications Weight: 2.1oz / 60g Size: 60 x 65 x 65-mm / 2.3 x 2.5 x 2.5in Sonar Type: Single beam Frequency (Beam cone): 120 khz, 40 Depth Range Max/Min: Max. 28 Step 15: Choose the size of your cube. 24 Step 9: IO port expansion, alternative solution. 22 Step 8: IO port expansion, more multiplexing. 21 Step 7: Cube size and IO port requirements. Check out some of these amazing projects, and get inspired to build your own reality. It's compact, it's straightforward, and makes embedding electronics into the world-at-large fun and easy. Anything is possible with the mighty power of Arduino. It is no wonder that Arduino literally translates to "Strong friend (masculine)" in Italian. These authors have turned their wildest dreams into reality with the power of Arduino, an easy-to-use microcontroller development board. Introduction Here are twenty amazing Arduino projects that you almost wouldn't believe, if not for that they are the real deal.
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morbidology · 2 years
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Growing up in the projects in New York, Jonathan Luna always dreamed of going to college and making his family proud. He graduated from Fordham University and the law school at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He eventually settled down in Elkridge, Baltimore, where he got married and had two sons while working as an Assistant United States Attorney.
The 4th of December, 2003, started just like any other day. Jonathan kissed his family goodbye before departing for work. He had been working on a trial which involved two men who were suspected in running a drug ring. One of the men was also facing a murder charge. 
Jonathan had spent the entire evening working on the case and left a voice message to a co-worker at approximately 9pm that night, saying he was ready to go home and that he would see him the following morning. They were going to offer the two men a plea deal and he would work on it at home throughout the night so it would be ready for the morning. According to the clocking out system in his office car park, Jonathan didn’t leave the officer until 11:38pm, leaving behind his phone and glasses, which he needed to drive. What happened next is shrouded in speculation.
At around 1am, Jonathan’s car entered Delaware where $200 was lifted from an ATM. He then crossed into New Jersey and on to Pennsylvania at around 4am. His E-Z Pass was used on the I-95 into Delaware but after this, he started to purchase toll tickets. His car was then parked behind a Sensenig & Weaver in Denver, Pennsylvania. 
At around 5:30am, a worker of Sensenig & Weaver arrived to discover the discarded car with blood smeared all over the door and the front of the car. When the worker looked into the car window, he found a large puddle of blood on the back seat and back footwell. The car was partially in a front creek and underneath it, they discovered Jonathan’s bloody body. Jonathan had sustained 36 stab wounds with his own penknife. 
The pathologist working on the case said that his hands had been “shredded” and that his scrotum and throat had both been slashed before he drowned to death in the creek. Inside the car investigators found that the purchased toll tickets had blood smeared on them, indicating that he was already injured when purchasing the tickets. Additionally, the puddle of blood in the back seat indicated that he hadn’t been driving the car, but somebody else.
While the death was initially ruled as a homicide, “law enforcement sources” soon began to speculate that he had committed suicide and thus a smear campaign on Jonathan’s reputation was born. It was soon reported that Jonathan had most likely been involved in a robbery case in which $36,000 went missing. The Baltimore Sun implied that Jonathan was involved in the robbery and had ended his life because he feared losing his job. Everybody that knew Jonathan had nothing but pleasant words to say about him and found the allegations to be “a well timed hit job on Luna’s reputation.” The FBI ascertained that Jonathan had ended his own life but the local Lancaster counter authorities were adamant that he had been murdered.
What happened to Jonathan Luna from the moment he left his place of employment until he ended up stabbed and slashed in a murky creek still remains a mystery. While the FBI believes he ended his own life, this leaves too many question. For one, how could he have driven approximately 95 miles without his glasses? Why did he switch from using his E-Z Pass to toll tickets? Why would he have stabbed himself 36 times as well as slashing his scrotum, throat, and hands? What would motivate him to end his life when he was known by all to be an upbeat, full of life, family man? 
The case still remains open with a $100,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.
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Joyce: My son is pansexual. Murray: Mm-hmm, I've heard of that. I know what that is. That's, uh, that cookware fetish. Joyce: No. Murray: Mm-hmm! Joyce: No, no. Murray: No, I read about that. Joyce: No. He loves everyone. Men, women, women who become men, men who become women. I'm his mother, and I always wanted his life to be easy. But, you know, just pick one gender, and maybe, maybe everything would've been less confusing. Murray: Well, you know, Joyce, when it comes to matters of the heart, we can't tell our kids who to love. Who said that? Joyce: You did.
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Tantomile: Do you want to go to lunch with me? I'd like to discuss this experiment I’ve heard about...
Rumpleteazer: Then you don't want to go to bed with me?
Tantomile: Excuse me?
Rumpleteazer: I'm not very good with subtext, so I've found the safest thing is just to ask.
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