#source: metal gear rising
sepublic · 2 years
I don’t know why I made this
*Luz enters the scene to see an injured Hunter*
Luz: Hunter! Where is he…
Belos: Well if it isn’t Luzura. Just a little too late, as usual.
Luz: Philip?! Impressive little spell you’ve got there, but your plan ends here.
Belos: Fool. You’re not ending our plan, you’re expanding it. Check Penstagram lately?
*Luz’s scroll vibrates and she opens it to see a frantic Raine on the other end*
Raine: Luz! The covenscouts have left Blight Industries.
Luz: What? How’d they know?
Raine: Belos has eyes everywhere, the isles are up in arms!
Luz: How did they… Alador destroyed the Abomatons? Then Belos’ plan is ruined…
Raine: The hell it is! The story just went live, and already the covens are talking of the dangers of wild magic!
Luz: But no covenscouts were harmed.
Belos: And yet coven authority was defied.
Luz: By a coven witch! Besides, the loss of a few million snails is tragic, but nothing to punish an entire way of life over!
Belos: That’s just the spark, child! The excuse we’ve been waiting for! The Boiling Isles has wanted this spell for years! The Titan, he knew covens were good for magic, millennia later and his will lingers on.
Luz: The Day of Unity…
Belos: He left us his great covens… Potions! Abominations! The Emperor’s Coven! Welcome institutions for those with no faith, without guiding communities of their own. Give yourself up to the whole; No need to think for yourself! You’re part of a coven, you fit in! Then the only thing left is wild magic, so we’ll do whatever it takes to keep it sealed! Even genocide. ESPECIALLY genocide.
Luz: Bullshit!
Belos: The Titan planted his seed, we don’t need him around to filter and foster his message any longer. We’re spreading it just fine ourselves! Every witch and demon… We’re all children of the Titan now!
Belos: We just need something to unite this population. This loss of faith since the death of the Titan!
Luz: And the Day of Unity? Forcing countless to abandon their homes is going to help the community?
Belos: Covens, utopia; Creating a sense of belonging, Luz! All those witches, binding themselves with a coven seal, trust me; A little persecution can work wonders!
Luz: So create a sense of Us VS Them? Is that it?
Belos: Relax, Luz. It’s a war on wild magic. We’re not out to kill civilians… Rebels. Criminals. Wild witches.
Luz: …
Belos: Of course, that would have to include you. Wouldn’t want any witnesses to my memories complicating the message!
Belos: Slippery little brat. I don’t have time for this!
*Belos powers up*
Luz: Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
Belos: Let’s. GO.
Luz: The hell are you thinking-
*Belos catches Luz by surprise with a sudden force of power*
Belos: Played sports y’know.
Luz: At that cushy St. Epiderm!
Belos: Try Gravesfield High! Could’ve gone pro if I hadn’t joined the coven. I’m not like one of those magic cheaters. I could break the pope in two, with my BARE HANDS! Don’t fuck with this Emperor!
Luz: What the hell are you?!
Belos: Hahahaha! Why don’t you stick around and find out?
Luz: Typical dictator… Big promises, but all talk.
Belos: What?!
Luz: ‘The Titan’s will’? What a load of BULLSHIT! All you care about is gaining power and control over witches… That, and your approval ratings! You’ve got no coven bindings, just like all the wild witches! If the isles are plagued by wild magic, you’re just another practitioner!
Belos: All right. The truth then. You’re right about ONE thing. I do need magic, and witches in my coven. Wanna know why? I have a dream!
Luz: wut
Belos: That one day, humanity and all those in God’s domain will be unfettered by the sins of magic! A world of the truly righteous, dammit! A world of virtue, not magic, ruled by faith, not anarchy! Where the demons cower before humanity, NOT the other way around! Where freedom and security are back where they belong, in the hands of the devout! Where every human is free to think and act for themselves! Damn all these brainwashing witches and backstabbing covenscouts! Damn this 24/7 Penstagram spew of memes and coven propaganda! Damn “The Titan’s Will”, damn the bards! Damn all of it! The Demon Realm is diseased, rotten to the core. There’s no saving it. We need to pull it out by the roots, wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new humanity will be born! Enlightened, but untempted! The freaks will be purged, and the normal thrive, free to live as they see fit. THEY’LL MAKE HUMANITY GREAT AGAIN!
Luz: What the hell are you talking about?!
Belos: You still don’t get it. I’m using magic to become powerful! So I can END magic with this power. In my new world, humans will die, and KILL, for the God they believe! Not for magic. Not for witches! Not for what they’re told is ‘right’, every human will be free to pursue their own faith!
Belos: So, what do you think?
Luz: How the hell did you get elected…??!?
Belos: Well, I don’t write my own speeches. You should try fighting for the humans YOU have back home, not for a coven or for a Titan or any other demon!
Luz: Maybe I was wrong about you…
Belos: Am I finally getting through?! I’ll rid this world of evil, Luz.
Luz: I was wrong… You’re not greedy.
Luz: …You’re batshit insane!
Belos: WHA-
Belos: We’re making the mother of all omelettes here, Luz! Can’t fret over every palisman!
Luz: Not when you’re ‘saving humanity’, right? What do you know about being human? You weren’t ostracized. You’ve never been the outcast. You don’t know what it’s like to be put in a box, punished just for being who you are!
Belos: But you WERE punished! And you learned from your mistakes, growing to become a better person! With your own two hands, you took back your life among society!
Luz: And now, I’ll take yours…
Luz: Why won’t you die?!
Belos: Palismen souls, Luz. They heal me in response to physical trauma. You CAN’T hurt me, Luz!
Belos: What did I just say? Time to end this. DIE! DIE! DIE YOU WICKED WITCH!
*Luz is seemingly defeated*
Belos: All right, I think we’re about done here.
Hunter: Luz!
Luz: Hunter!
Hunter: Repeat his message, Flapjack.
Flapjack: “For my entire life, I’ve been working toward this. And on the last day, Evelyn has me doubting the whole thing. We’ll leave it up to fate then, shall we Flap? A duel to the death. May the best brother win…”
Luz: Caleb…
Flapjack: “I cut him down, and that’s that. Back to our regularly-scheduled magic. But if he beats me, if I die here… I want you to lend your power to a new witch. Whatever happens after that, is up to you Flapjack.”
Belos: Even dead, that guy is a pain in my ass. So… You think that little bird can save your friend? Well go ahead then! But make no mistake, Hunter; When I’m finished with her, you’re next!
Hunter: You didn’t make me to fear death.
Belos: Eh?
Hunter: However, my purpose as the Golden Guard is to support the Emperor unconditionally. To die here would violate that mission.
Belos: That’s a good nephew.
Hunter: However, Luz showed me friendship… I’ve learned from her. When I saw your memories, I wasn’t sure what to think. But that’s changed. I’ve established new relationships now, created my own dreams.
Belos: You little fuck- !
*Despite his efforts, Hunter succeeds in throwing Flapjack to Luz*
Belos: Damn Grimwalker!
*Belos hurts Hunter, as usual*
Luz: I said my staff was a tool of magic. Not used as a means to an end. Not used for violence. But now… Now I’m not so sure… And besides: This isn’t my staff.
Belos: Come on!
Luz: Okay… Let’s dance!
*They fight and Luz deals the decisive blow*
Belos: Well done, Luz…
Luz: Your dream dies with you.
Belos: Maybe not… You’ve guaranteed the demon realm will go on, for a while longer at least. Magic will continue as a practice, as a temptation. Humans will be drawn into evils they don’t understand. False idols, they don’t believe in. But at least I’ll leave a worthy successor… You, Luz. You’re a human hero who’s left your own impact here, changed these witches and demons. You don’t let their norms get in the way. And if it costs the lives of the monsters? So be it…
*Luz finishes Belos off and he lies dying*
Belos: Heh-heh… Deep inside, we’re… Kindred spirits… You… and I…
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kur0mi-kat · 4 months
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why are they fruity (happy pride month lol)
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skys-metro · 4 months
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If I have some MGS fans here's some renders I made in SFM a while ago :)
(plus a Dante)
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heavenpierceher · 2 months
decided to practice video editing by making one of those mecore videos ^_^
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*Bowser emerges from his war machine to confront Mario*
Bowser: Well well well, if it isn't sussy Mario.
Mario: Bro, are you high?
Bowser: Let me check... yes.
Bowser: And there's nothing more American than shooting a man in this Walmart of a world!
Mario: What is Walmart?
Bowser: It's Heaven Mario. Check the internet lately?
Luigi, over the comm: Mario, hop on Twitter, you need to see this!
Mario, truning on his phone: Fuck, I hate this website.
Luigi: It's all fucking weebshit Mario, it doesn't even make any sense. They're being distracted with utter nonsense!
Bowser: These baboons don't even know they're at war with Sarasaraland.
Mario: This one's calling me a redditor.
Bowser: And that's just the beginning! E-Girls? Gacha? Memes? All petty distractions so real men can get down to business.
Mario, with sudden realization: Amogus.
Bowser: And as you know, American Imperialism is absolutely justified because we had a black president once.... BEFORE I FUCKING KILLED HIM!
Mario: That's a nice argument Bowser, why don't you back it up with a source!
Bowser: My source is that I made it the fuck up!
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angieexistsnow · 10 months
do you see now? all this murder and you still aren't based
you bastard
shuut the fuck up
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A'Sharad Hett: “Aurra Sing! My father said his lightsaber was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now…now I’m not so sure. And besides…”
(A'Sharad grabs a metal pipe)
A'Sharad Hett: “This isn’t his lightsaber!”
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junuve · 2 years
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blade wolf render from a long longgg time ago
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sanshiroiv · 3 months
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Happy 4th, guys
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saiyan-of-fairy-tail · 4 months
Yamato VS. Eikþyrnir in the next chapter. I don't really know if that'll be the case, but…y'know.
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Rian, after being accused of killing Mira: Nice argument, Skeksis, why don't you back it up with a source?
SkekSo: My source is I made it the fuck up.
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kur0mi-kat · 4 months
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based off this fanart!
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matiru · 2 years
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Monsoon of the Winds of Destruction
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lobsterenthusiastt · 10 months
Nanomachines, son.
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Galeem: *gets knocked to half-health, promptly flares into sunburst with a furious screech*
Sonic: So... You from Jersey?
Snake: Really, Sonic?
Sonic: What? I can’t make a joke in the middle of the craziest thing ever? That's how I cope!
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angieexistsnow · 11 months
go go gadget concealed carry
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