#south node transit
astrologicaldiary · 3 months
Aries north node transit and Libra south node transit : Scary Enlightment and Revolution (hopefully....)
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Sooo....Ummm, some of the so-called astrologers didn't really talk about the significance of these node transits. I have always wanted to talk about this topic, but there are some reasons:
-Life has LIFING
-There are so many genocides happening everywhere!
-The government leaders are preparing us to be a Hunger Games society by pushing out laws to imprison and control us. I guess nobody isn't being mad enough to go FRENCH!
-Sending out our taxes to fund genocides!
There is so much shit happening, and I'm a human being and I feel like I want to make a change but these evil entities are limiting it and violating our basic human rights.
I'm going to explain about these two nodes, and you can see how it's relate to current circumstances. FYI, I'm not a professional astrologer but I'm a learner and a curious being.
Currently, we have a north node transit in Aries. I thought that I would like this energy but I'm thinking that it's kind of scary. As you can see, there are too many wars happening in our countries that is very cruel and evil. In these conflicts, there is a lot of abuse that is happening to innocent civilians and some of to leave home. And in Congo , sadly some women were raped violently. This is a very traumatic time for everyone in the middle of the attack. I mean we see that our so-called powerful nations are in support of these attacks and seems like they don't want to stop the attacks anytime soon ! To me , I'm like how many more bloodsheds do we have to witness....Right now, it has overpassed the limit.
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I guess the positive side of this, is that true and genuine human beings are fighting back! People are protesting, donating, and spreading awareness about what's going on. Some are going out their ways to disturb government officials at their homes and gatherings, AND AS THEY SHOULD!
You are silent about the genocides occuring but seeing how much our taxes are being used and sending it to a terrorist state that is killing innocent people and they are proud of it! Yeah, stop using my money!
A lot of people are being hopeful and creating ways to be heard to make a change. If you are doing whatever you can, I love you, and I know that it's tiring, but please don't lose hope. These people who are living in terror need our voices even more NOW!
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With the Libra south node transit, this has manifested as people separating themselves from political parties, as you can see we see in the government of those who disagree with GenocideJoe. I saw the clip of the State of the Union, some weren't even applauding for that devil. And the government is trying to away women's right to control their bodies...
There are a few that is calling out celebs for being silent and not saying a word! There were a few that went to a charity as a photo opp just to show that they care about the cause...but if you aren't dumb, clearly it's a publicity stunt! I can't even listen to "Break My Soul" anymore...I know that B is a talented woman, but I'm honestly disappointed in her the most because she was on this trend of black liberation. But I'm not surprised either because we saw her speech she did on Instagram for BLM when an innocent black man named George Floyd was unalived by a cop, her speech was a bit off. It was almost like she wasn't connected, and it seemed like she was reading off a paper and she was very silent about what was happening in Nigeria... I guess it's fair to say that these celebs like her only care about their capital and their brand so much! But what I do is that when you die, that money and fame aren't going to be with in the grave! Some fans are stupid and delusional, and willing to side with celebs but if shit hit the fan, these celebs aren't even going to look our way!
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And with this south node transit, we are seeing people not wanting to unite. Clearly, it's a very divided time. Even among social activists, there was some drama on TikTok. There's a hero name Angie who created a #CoffeeRevolution as a way to meet other open-minded individuals in person and make plans to better our communities and make a positive change. But there were other people who disagree and feared that they might end up meeting FBI agents or they didn't feel comfortable meeting strangers from the internet... I'm like we will never be free or seek change because of this shit! Now, I understand, but sooner or later we gonna have to leave social media and meet on the streets. And now I'm hearing that New York subways are under surveillance by national guards...And TiKTOK might be banned soooo... we gonna have to meet up regardless.
And we are seeing these dangerous laws to silence us and ignoring the genocides. And we see that most of the politicians are sponsored by a group called AIPAC so it makes sense why we can speak or say that terrorist state name! Oh, and we saw how they used western media to weaponize people that went against them about their actions. It seems like 9/11 when the media was spewing hate saying that Muslims are terrorists and bad guys! But all know who are truly the terrorists now...
I'm not really fucking with these node transits at all...But hopefully with Pluto in Aquarius, it could bring so positivity and make our world a better place.
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bewitcherella · 10 months
I love to read and gain as much information as possible about transits that are currently happening! Whenever I find information that I think is incredibly valuable from the books I have read, I want to share them and credit the author who I've gained this knowledge from. With the north and south node having moved into Aries and Libra on July 17th of 2023 I was incredibly excited to see where this would impact my life. As a tropical libra rising the north and south node were transiting my 8th and 2nd house when it was in Taurus. Now that it has transitioned to Aries and Libra it is transiting my 7th and 1st house until they switch to Pisces and Virgo on January 12th 2025. I hope you enjoy this excerpt from the wonderful April Elliot Kent, and if you're interested in a personal reading where we can dive deeper into what this transit means for you personally the links are in my bio! :)
As the North Node transits your first house, the road to happiness lies in putting yourself first. This is easier for some of us than for others. Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you will give nothing to your loved ones. This transit comes around only once every eighteen years, so you needn’t worry that it is going to make you a selfish egomaniac! In fact, as the North Node transits the first house, the South Node, representing what’s easy and comfortable, is in the people-pleasing seventh house. If your instinctual response in every situation is to honor others’ needs, that must be brought into balance by having more respect for your own.
The gift of this transit is a deep and hopefully lasting sense of your importance. The confidence of the second house has nothing to do with being more significant than other people. It’s simply the confidence that comes from knowing you have a place in the world and that you are valuable. While the North Node transits the second house, the South Node is transiting the eighth house, the house of support from others. It’s a common mistake during this transit to imagine that you need others to validate you and that confidence is a gift bestowed on you by others. Real friends will support you by encouraging your self-reliance, not your reliance on them. During this transit, and particularly when eclipses fall in this house, you may confront financial challenges. There is usually a change in direction between relying on others and gaining confidence by proving you can take care of yourself.
Time to bring your focus and skills to bear on a long-contemplated goal. To go after your dreams, you need to fill in some gaps in knowledge, credentials, or skills. This transit will bring eclipses to your third house, and the need to improve your résumé will reach a critical point. Problems may arise with neighbors or siblings, but that will be a blessing meant to move you to a more nourishing location or improve your family relationships. When the transiting North Node is in the third house, the transiting South Node is in the ninth. The safest action is to stick with what you know. But the road to growth is to remain curious about everything the world has to teach you.
This transit evokes the moment near the end of The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy wishes aloud that she could return to Kansas. Glenda the Good Witch points out to Dorothy that she’s had the power to go home all along. This is the transit when you truly realize that whatever fond wish your natal North Node holds for you is well within your grasp, and that, indeed, the power to achieve it has been within “you all along. Sometimes this transit involves literally sitting in your home and working on something that will eventually lead you farther along your evolutionary path. And sometimes you simply need to look within yourself to find the answers you’ve been looking for. The South Node transits the tenth while the North Node is in the fourth, and it’s tempting to use work and status to hide from these tasks. The North Node transiting your fourth house means there will be an eclipse or two in this house, as well. Eclipses in the fourth house can bring changes in residence, often connected to your career, and changes in personnel at home. Most of all, they bring a sudden, surprising awareness of feelings you didn’t even know you had.
Whatever the dream of your natal North Node, the transiting North Node in the fifth house asks you to examine whether you are pursuing that dream with your whole, true heart. Are you going after it in a way that makes you completely happy, regardless of how others react? As the North Node transits the fifth house, the South Node will be in the eleventh house. The urge will be strong to fit in, be part of a group, and blend in rather than standing apart. This is the comfortable path, but not the one that will lead to growth and happiness. This transit will bring an eclipse or two to the fifth house, signaling a moment of truth: Will you give birth to a dream created in your true image or settle for giving the world what it expects from you?
Your greatest spiritual growth during this transit will come from offering support and service to others through your work, sacrifice, and acts of compassion. It’s often a transit that brings a change in the workplace, or perhaps even a new career. You may also find yourself in a position of needing to support a partner or some other important person in your life. This can require great compassion, both for the person you’re supporting and for yourself, should feelings of resentment arise. It can be a very challenging transit, especially during the months when eclipses fall in the sixth house, because it is not particularly fashionable in this day and age to put others’ needs and desires above our own. While the North Node transits the sixth house, the South Node is in the twelfth house. It would be the easiest “thing in the world for you to retreat into self-pity and self-destructive behavior now, or to give in to the feeling of being overwhelmed by your responsibilities. But this is the time to acknowledge things for what they are and to take practical steps to improve them.
Are your relationships fair and equal, or have you been doing more than your share of the heavy lifting? While the North Node transits your seventh house, and particularly when eclipses occur in this house, you’ll increasingly feel that you can’t continue with any relationship that doesn’t honor both individuals equally. Relationships often end during this transit, and ones that don’t will need some fine-tuning to get the scales in balance.” “While the North Node is transiting your seventh house, the South Node will be transiting your first. You may be tempted to play the lone wolf, remaining alone rather than meeting others halfway. But there is another road available, one that leads to life-changing relationships, provided you have a strong enough sense of your own identity that you know how much you can afford to bend for others.
Can you trust the people closest to you? Are they there for you when you need them? Do they show you the respect that you deserve? What about your possessions—do they serve you? Are you spending too much of your energy fixing things that are broken, nursing plants back to health, keeping your ancient jalopy limping along? While the Moon’s North Node transits your eighth house, the path forward in your life depends on ridding yourself of the dead weight. If someone you’ve been calling a friend hasn’t phoned you in ten years, what you have on your hands is less a friendship than a friendly habit. If you’ve been giving your energy and money to a cause that is important to you, but others are not showing the same commitment, you may need to let it go. When the transiting North Node is in the eighth house, the South Node is transiting the second house. The comfortable approach to this transit is to maintain the status quo and hold on to what you’ve got. But if you’re living in a house that is too large, too small, too old, or too packed with junk to move around, you need to get some boxes rent a moving truck, and take a trip to the dump.
As the North Node transits the ninth house, and in particular during the months when eclipses fall in this house, it’s common to experience a crisis of faith. As the North Node transited your tenth house, you had a chance to review your standing in your career and your community, your status and reputation. Based on that review, you now feel the urge to take a leap of faith into something new. You may not feel you’re ready, but the universe sees it differently, insisting that it’s time you made a big change. The South Node is transiting the third house as the North Node is in the ninth. The third house is where we are eternal students, asking questions, collecting endless pieces of data, convinced that if we just have enough facts we’ll know everything. But the North Node’s “ninth house message is, “You’ve been a student long enough. You have all the skills and information that you need. Now, it’s time to throw yourself off a cliff and learn to fly.
The natal position of the Moon’s North Node hints at the sorts of dreams that, if realized, could lead you to great happiness. As the North Node transits the tenth house every eighteen years or so, you don’t necessarily achieve these dreams, but you absolutely find the determination to put a plan into action to help you achieve them down the road. Often this means a change in career or your living situation, which is likely to come about during the months that eclipses fall in your tenth house. As the North Node transits your tenth house, the South Node is simultaneously transiting your fourth house. Since the South Node shows where old patterns and habits need to be released, this is a transit when it’s especially important to become aware of how the past may be holding you back from success, and to be willing to make the changes necessary to change that pattern.
Even if you are a lone wolf by nature, there is some truth to the adage that “it takes a village to raise a child.” Children, or creative projects that are like our children, are found in the fifth house, but the eleventh house is where we all raise the children or collaborate on artistic visions together. During this transit of the North Node, reach out, however tentatively, to groups of people who share your creative passions. As the North Node transits the eleventh house, the South Node, representing the easy path, is in the fifth house of individual self-expression. If you prefer doing things on your own, that’s okay; you don’t have to change who you are, and you don’t have to work with groups “the rest of your life. But explore them as a possibility now, instead of retreating into your solitary, creative cave. This transit will bring an eclipse or two to your eleventh house, and you might find you’ve reached a turning point in the hunt for a group of compatriots you can call your own. Sometimes this means letting go of associations that no longer enrich your life.
Usually the North Node’s transit through the first house puts you in a position of dealing with rapidly changing circumstances. You may have to move or deal with issues in a relationship, and you find yourself feeling constantly under siege. But once the North Node moves into the twelfth house, things generally calm down a bit. This is when many of us collapse for a while, retreating from the demands of the world as much as we can. Don’t resist; this is the right time for you to get some rest and spiritual rejuvenation. While the North Node is transiting the twelfth house, the South Node is in the sixth house of work and daily routines. The temptation will be strong to escape into overwork, exercise, and other behaviors that, while healthy on the surface, can actually be counterproductive. The twelfth house beckons you to spend time with your inner self. Use the sixth house gift for an organization to engineer a daily routine that has plenty of room for downtime.
— Astrological Transits: The Beginner's Guide to Using Planetary Cycles to Plan and Predict Your Day, Week, Year (or Destiny) by April Elliott Kent
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middlenamesage · 3 months
One thing the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra has been getting me to see is “boundaries” aren’t really about how many people you can shut out, or how quick you can be to shut someone out at the first sign that they could maybe be problematic. I’ve lost out on many opportunities to learn from people and to receive love or support, doing this in my past.
No, healthy boundaries are something you have to be willing to work on within relating. By all means, if someone clearly purposely screws you over, turn your back on them and never look back. But if you’ve been taken advantage of a lot in the past, you might be prone to seeing potential toxicity someone will bring into your world, where it doesn’t actually exist.
I’ve learned that pushing away people before even actually learning what they’re about is not a flex. Also I’m no longer worried about being open to someone who turns out to have tendencies I can’t be around. Because I’m now confident that I can utilize boundaries other than just never letting anyone into my world in the first place. (And I had to be willing to be open to interacting with more people again to even be able to practice this.)
What a lesson truly synthesizing Aries and Libra. My boundaries these days are starting to feel so much more productive for me and I’m grateful. 🙏
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seafoamreadings · 2 months
sun on the north node (opposite south node)
an aspect like this guides you from your karma toward your fate, wherever it is you are going, whatever destiny you have made for yourself or been granted. you get the chance to step out of what you have been, into what you'd prefer to be. the sun is like the light at the end of your tunnel.
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bbybladeee · 2 months
lunar eclipse enters hasta nakshatra on march 25th @ 4am EST
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We currently are experiencing a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Hasta (हस्त), the nakshatra that pierces the veil of illusion through discernment. This nakshatra fully resides in the sign of sidereal Virgo, in the center of an earthy and materialistic sign. For the next six months, we are focused on obtaining our goals by refining our skills and sharpening our intelligence. Eclipses bring our attention to what is ending so something else can begin. Lunar Eclipses ask us to let go of our deep emotional baggage (likely feelings that have been building for months or even years) and release them so that we can make room for positive change. Lunar Eclipses can be emotional times that heighten our senses, perceptions, memories, dreams. Odds are, the eclipse will trigger an unexpected event either perceived as good or bad that you will later understand in-depth why it happened the way that it did. The purpose of an eclipse is to shine light on the truth when you’re blinded by your emotions and desires. Eclipses clear away all obstacles obscuring your vision so that you can see your life path clearly. Lunar Eclipses tend to lead to the end of bad friendships, draining careers, and all other setbacks. There is little to no chance of getting things reversed. Eclipses demand that we move forward.
Hasta is embedded with sthapaniya agama shakti—the power to place things directly into our hands. Hasta’s goal is to attain the never-ending knowledge of the divine and explore the world around us with humility. It has the ability to bring goals to life quickly and place tangible results in our hands. The overall purpose of Hasta is to find spiritual liberation, or moksha, through the journey of naming a goal and then accomplishing it, the ability to speak what you want into existence. Although Hasta is in the materialistic sign of Virgo, it has the deep desire to transmute the spiritual into the material and back again. It craves to understand the connection between the two planes.
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Hasta (हस्त) can mean “hand,” indicating skill, artistry, and a hard-working nature. The common English language words like hand, handy, hassle, haggle, haste, hard, harness etc are said to be derived from Hasta or Hastha. Hasta is ruled by the stars α Crv, β Corvi, δ Crv, γ Crv, and ε Crv, all residing within the Corvus constellation. The constellation of Corvus is supposed to be a crow. In Greek mythology, Princess Coronis was the lover of Apollo. When Coronis became pregnant, Apollo appointed his personal messenger, a white raven, to guard Coronis for the duration of her pregnancy. While carrying Apollo’s child, she became sexually involved with Prince Ischys, a mortal. When the raven realized what had happened, it brought the news to Apollo of his lover’s infidelity. Apollo became so angered that the raven didn’t peck out the eyes of Prince Ischys on sight that Apollo cursed the raven’s pure white feathers to be scorched black. Apollo then kills Prince Ischys and sends his sister Artemis to kill Princess Coronis in a funeral pyre. But before she was murdered, they removed her baby, Asclepius, from her womb. And afterwards, Coronis was tossed to the heavens to become the constellation Coronis. This tale warns the listener of the consequences of ego, ill speech, lying, infidelity, and disloyalty, all vices of the nakshatra Hasta. The Lunar Eclipse in Hasta inspires us to believe that we can achieve all that we put our minds to, and that we can manifest anything into the material realm.
Hasta is symbolized by hands, fists, and open palms. This represents power, dexterity, communication, and blessings. Our hands possess the fate of our souls. It acts like a map that translates the cosmos into lines on our palms (e.g. palmistry). This is because the hand symbolizes creation, craftsmanship, hard work, and skill. Hasta blesses us with a lot of skills that help us to survive in this material world, especially problem solving and putting things in order. The symbolism of the hand suggests the grasping nature of Hasta, and an ability to grab and hold on to all sorts of things. This grasping nature can be material, spiritual, mental, emotional, or physical. The symbolism of Hasta is a representation of attainment of the end or material object over the procedure of the attainment. The very symbol refers to the fact that Hasta holds the promise of immediate acquisition of the desired object by dint of sheer skill. This nakshatra also symbolizes agreements and greetings as represented by the hand shake. Hasta represents our urge to serve the Divine through being of service to others and nature. Mudras are positions that we can place our hands in that have various meanings. You can find mudras in all types of religious symbolism from Hinduism, to Buddhism, to Christianity. Most of the type you will find Divine beings with mudra hand placements that represent bestowing blessings and peacefulness. The hamsa symbol is also associated with Hasta nakshatra. Hasta can also represent the fingers, rings, wrists, bracelets, and bangles. Rings can represent beauty and even love and marriages. Rings and bangles represent the eternal commitment that comes with marrying someone. Both rings and bangles can be used by married women in times of hardships. When getting a divorce, annulment of a marriage, or death of a partner, rings and other jewelry have been used in place of a proper dowry to help a woman who has lost her main form of income (her husband).
Hasta is related to the anahata chakra (अनाहत), or heart chakra, because of its association with the hands and arms. This chakra is said to be connected to our feelings of compassion, understanding, kindness, and love. It is at the seat of one’s life force energy. In the Upanishads, it is described as a small flame residing within the heart. Anahata chakra is also said to have the ability to make decisions outside the realm of karma. One can make decisions based on the heart or one’s higher self, not the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about siddhis, or psychic abilities. As such, Hasta has a connection to the mystical realms and usually has an understanding of the esoteric and occult. But first, one must leave behind their old way of thinking before being able to accept that esoteric knowledge and occult understandings are real to begin with. Hasta can also be symbolized by the sun, sunrays, and bright stars in the night sky. And just like our hand has five fingers, the most popular modern depiction of stars are five-point stars. The sun’s thermal energy sustains all life on earth and keeps it nourished. When humans first moved from the hunter-gatherer lifestyle to farmers, the most important part of this transition was our ability to use tools and our ability to care for livestock. Animal husbandry changed the way we farmed the land, and thus cattle and sheep are considered to be symbols of life and even civilization. All modern civilization revolves around livestock. We owe our technological advancements to our ability to care for animals. The potter’s wheel can also act as a symbol of Hasta, representing hard work, refinement, and the time required to achieve perfection. Another symbol of Hasta are cattle and buffalo. Cattle is the animal of life while buffalo is the animal of self-sacrifice. Both animals give until there is nothing left to give. This represents the sacrificing and giving nature of Hasta, often donating to charity and volunteering their time to the collective. Hasta feels the best when others put their faith in them and think highly of their abilities. Hasta enjoys being in service to others, however it must not give away all of their light.
Hasta is ruled by Savitar, the god of the Sun and its light. Savitar dispels the darkness of ignorance from our mind and infuses it with Divine intelligence. He shines as the light of intelligence, skill, health and positivity within us. He inspires us to see everything in a more positive light. He blesses us with the power of recognition and understanding of things. Savitar has the ability to manifest what we are seeking and place it in our possession. He is also the source of the creative and procreative energy of all beings. Yet, strong intellect, if not balanced by an open heart, can also make us too self-centered, insensitive or even greedy and egoistic.
Hasta is also connected to the Moon. Bhuvaneshvari (भुवनेश्वरी), or Parvati (पार्वती), is the Mahavidya associated with the Moon. Bhuvaneshvari is a compound of the words Bhuvana Isvari, meaning “Goddess of the World” or “Queen of the Universe.” She is mother of the world, or whose body comprises all of the fourteen lokas (syncretized with the seven circles of heaven and seven circles of hell) of the cosmos. She embodies all of existence, acting as a representation of the material, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. Bhuvaneshwari is the creator of the five elements. Bhuvaneshwari is the creator of the five elements. The Saptha Matrika, the Seven Mother Goddesses) are said to have emanated from her beeja mantra: Hreem (Hreemkara). Just like how there are 7 days in a week (seven solar cycles, or days, in every week), there are seven powers that Bhuvaneshvari possess, symbolized by the saptamatrika.
This particular Lunar Eclipse has the Sun, Mercury, and Rahu on one side with the Moon and Ketu on the other. Mercury is the signifier for Hasta, so Mercury being involved is a good sign. However Mercury is opposing the nakshatra of Hasta. So this Lunar Eclipse is all about balance: balance of the mind and body, balance of the mental and emotional, balance of the upper and lower. The Moon being with Ketu allows for us to reach new emotional and spiritual heights, but we have to be willing to remove ego from our feelings. We must not get caught up in judgements, critics, and negative opinions. We must remove ourselves from the need to belittle others or ourselves verbally. When we can detach from our primal emotions, we can unlock our ability to see beyond that which is in front of us. Both the Moon and Ketu are in Hasta nakshatra. However, the Sun is in Uttara Bhadrapada while Mercury and Rahu are in Revati. We are getting to the root of what allows us to feel like we have purpose in life. But we might become entitled and blinded by what we want if we aren’t careful. We can slip into our ego state easily with Rahu irritating the Sun. And Mercury might accidentally say something it doesn’t mean if we aren’t careful. We need to  keep up unnecessary comments and complaints to ourselves or we risk saying something that creates setbacks in our goals. Our words hold more weight and meaning than we may realize at this time.
Individual Interpretation
Full Moon Lunar Eclipses are connected to our emotions, feelings, moods, and needs. Hasta Lunar Eclipse intellectually creative and able to come up with original ideas and new ways of doing things. Our speech and writing are more thoughtful, allowing us to express how we feel more effectively. It helps us to interact with the world and engage in its game with a little bit of healthy detachment and sense of humor. It encourages us to take things more lightly and look at difficult situations in life or obstacles with curiosity of a child, rather than taking it too seriously. Challenges, after all, are our opportunities to learn, progress and grow stronger. Your foresight and intuition are heightened. With Hasta and Virgo stimulating our mental faculties, we are becoming more aware of our surroundings and how we can move in order to get to our goals. You are making better decisions now as you are more capable at perceiving all angles of a situation and predict possible outcomes beforehand. You quickly find solutions and can convince people of your perspectives. You’re more aware of your surroundings, heightening your listening comprehension skills.
You may be excessively critical when under stress and lose your natural patience. You often do have to deal with stress in your life—you might feel overburdened or repressed, and may struggle with your self-esteem. If you start to indulge your every sensual desire, you could fall into a lifestyle that is morally and physically unhealthy. Spend more time enjoying nature as this can be a great healing activity. The serenity of nature can calm your mind. However, be mindful of your general environment both in and out of nature as you may be prone to getting yourself into hazardous situations.
Hasta Lunar Eclipse is encouraging us to find wealth and abundance in our everyday lives. Although it may not happen immediately, it’s likely that you will achieve success within the next six months. It is important to work towards a goal consistently. Consistently is the key right now. Hasta is great for anything involving the hands: skill, dexterity, craftsmanship. Hasta imparts the “midas touch” into all things that will put our full attention on. It’s important to develop our skills now so we can use them for success and achievement later. Finding a path that offers spiritual fulfillment, rather than just material success, will create a positive shift for you. Hasta could encourage a more competitive side that values winning at all costs even if it brings your undoing. Comparison is, however, the thief of joy. And getting caught up in what others are doing is merely a distraction from what you are to be doing. Hasta wants us to zoom in on what we are good at ourselves, not asking us to be good at what others are good at. This transit is for our own betterment. We are only in competition with ourselves. Avoid stressing yourself, overburdening yourself, or repressing how you feel. You may  struggle with low self-esteem if you don’t focus on yourself. Avoid being highly critical of yourself and others.
We are going to be more focused on our home, family, and close relationships, seeing our private life and being the foundation to all our successes. If our home life is peaceful and serene, we have the necessary basis to be able to focus on other important objectives. This is a time for you to dedicate to your family and close relationships. Hasta nourishes all that you love to pour your time and efforts into, and thus your family and close relationships can flourish with this eclipse. This is a time for letting go of what prevents you from showing up as your full self and other relationships that distract you from what is important to you. You’re re-evaluating who drains your light and who allows you to shine your brightest.
Those with Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Svati, Anuradha, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati placements will have the most positive experience under this eclipse (especially Svati). If you have Bharani, Krittika, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Vishakaha, Mula, and Dhanishta placements, this eclipse will be so-so for you. This eclipse will affect those with Ashvini, Jyeshtha, Shatabhisha, and Purva Bhadrapada placements the most negatively. You may find it hard to not focus on what isn’t working in their lives right now. There could be a tendency to get overly emotional as Hasta asks you to be honest with yourself about why you feel stuck and incapable of moving forward in life. You can’t escape from this feeling. You must sit with discomfort in order for it to pass. Be careful to not make promises that you cannot keep during this transit.
Collective Interpretation
We as a collective are becoming more compassionate and understanding to our peers. Spiritually, that is the direction we are mostly headed in at least, but some might become trapped in a critical way of thinking. There could be more personal projections going on. Some might feel comfortable trying to tell you who you are based on their own perspectives and ideologies. Be careful to avoid this! Focus your time on spreading the nectar of empathy and love towards all beings. And make sure to put your energy towards building up your auric field so as to not absorb the feelings and emotions of others around you. The goal is to remain sovereign in your own feelings and experiences. Hasta is all about energy exchange, but we must be mindful of when we choose to share our energy with others.
Hasta supports all artisans and craftsmen. If you work as an artist, creative, performer, writer, author, publisher, typist, jewellerymaker, beautician, manicurist, tradesmen, manual laborer, inventor, banker, accountant, housekeeper, maid, cleaner, gardener, and herbalists you will see more flow of income during the next six months. Art and expression, especially visual and linguistic, is becoming more appreciated. The healing arts are also going to be appreciated as people look towards alternative healing methods and practices to help relieve themselves of aches and pains. Hasta is also related to thieves and con-artists. It’s important for us all to be more aware of our surroundings and avoid getting into dealings with those who are trying to swindle us out of your wealth. Avoid people with sticky fingers.
The public is becoming increasingly more critical and observant of world news and how their national/local governments are making decisions. The collective may become more divided as each side gets deeper into their own world views, noticing how some of their needs and wants aren’t being met by world leaders. There is a possibility that we are getting more details on what political ideology we align ourselves with. We are asking ourselves if our government or nation actually serves the people or are they serving themselves. Are they making sure they have money in their pocket and food in their fridges before making sure the people are safe and secure? Are they making business deals behind the scenes at the expense of the population? Are the laws they are focused on passing related to what we are experiencing on a daily basis? The next six months will be eye opening for all of us. And this time is important because this is the biggest election year in decades. The people are highly watching their government officials right now so any wrong move or slip up will be focused on. Everyone will be talking about it and judging whether someone deserves to be an official again next year. This goes for both local and national elections. Pay attention to what’s going on in your town/city, county, state/provinces, territories, and country.
Both Virgo and Hasta encourage us to spend time giving to our community, volunteering our time or donating our money for the greater good. Hasta supports all giving and receiving to people, animals, and nature. The public needs to be focused on developing a sense of community and togetherness. We should all be focused on the greater good, and how we and the government can do more to service the community. We must all bear the burden of responsibility.
There could be a resurgence of spiritual and religious ideology as Hasta is associated with spiritual devotion. Hasta wants to gain material wealth by devoting itself to a higher being. This could encourage others to seek devotion as an access to God or a Higher Power.
This transit will last for a total for six months at least. At the most, it can last two years. This is subjective as the nature of the Moon, Rahu, and Ketu are subjective.
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oceanbaby888 · 11 months
The Nodes Have Changed!!! I repeat, the nodes have changed!!! 💥🐏⚖️🐊
Note: Work of TarotLadyTalks LLC. Please do not steal or repost without credit.
The nodes are now in Aries (NN) & Libra (SN). This pair is about action, reaction, and when to escalate and de-escalate in our daily life. Think of the good cop bad cop dynamic. We seen with the nodes in Taurus and Scorpio the true meaning of having values and standing on the principle of said values, and we definitely had enough time to internalize this. With Aries and Libra, this is where we externalize this realization. We won’t let anyone or anything get in the way of what we want, but we also have to fair and socially conscious about whether what we want is harmful to our community. And with Saturn being exalted in Libra, there is definitely a scoreboard going about who is harmed and who is doing the harming, and the social repercussions will follow (this is where Aries will come in). Are you excited for this shift? It’s also on the heels of a New Moon in Cancer! Where are these transits in your chart? Happy transits!
Claude 🪐
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supermoongirl9 · 6 months
I feel like that tropical Libra South Node transit is making a lot of people trying to find excuses as to why they're not people that you'd like to have around - it's always about external circumstances/past traumas but never about admitting that they're not working on themselves.
You cannot blame it on others, on your past or on people close to you not explaining what were their boundaries for ever - at some point, some of y'all need to also realize that you're not even making the effort to act decent (something that should be easy imo).
And I feel like it has to do with the fact that a lot of people have an inherent issue with not being able to do whatever they want all the time - y'all think someone asking you to be considerate towards their feelings is controlling and that's why you might end up alone.
I feel like it's on brand for how it's happening during that Chiron in Aries transit that started in 2018 already : people don't see the difference between being told to not do something because it's rightfully bad vs them feeling like there's an inherent abusive dynamic to fight.
Also unfortunately, doing whatever you want all the time doesn't go well with being in community with others - and it doesn't mean that they're controlling you or else. It's about balance, about mutual respect but it doesn't exist if it's one-sided (just like genuine love).
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lifeofuswithmt · 7 months
Astrology Notes✨🎋
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Rahu-ketu transit 2023🌌🌏🌼
Rahu is going into the sign of pisces.
Ketu is going into the sign of virgo.
Rahu is our desires, obsession, stubbornness, a kind of thirst. So wherever is Pisces in your chart, Rahu will affect that house. Rahu will create a thirst in you for the things of that particular house. Now whether you take action to get those things or not is up to you. But Rahu is trying to make you achieve that.
Similarly ,wherever is virgo in your chart that house will get affected by ketu. Now what ketu does is it makes things related to that house difficult to achieve. But if you detach yourself from those things, those things will come to you by themselves. That is the lesson ketu is trying to teach.
Example for better understanding:
If rahu-ketu transits is affecting your 11-5 house then( that means pisces is in 11th house and virgo is in 5th house).
Rahu(desire amplifies/obsession/stubbornness)in 11th house-chance for multiple income streams, network-friend circle increasing./control it, don't make it an obsession. If you're having desire, do it.
Ketu(kneel down/detach) in 5th house- you tend to get more distracted in your studies.relationship with your elder child, spouse of elder sibling may get cold/bad. Only remedy to that is just accept it and embrace it. Do things for them. Its literally like kneeling down to them.In reality, If you merely accept what is written above heartily and actually comprehend intuitively. Your relations will get better.
Problems with romantic affairs, conceiving etc might also be seen. Just detach from these, also this person will be focusing in 11th house activities due to rahu so that can help accept and detach.
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in the natal chart(where rahu- ketu are originally present in your chart), Rahu-Ketu imparts the same properties but for a lifetime. But in transit, this is happening for 18 months.
So for next 18months the person in above example will be experiencing above mentioned things.
Note-rahu means north node
Ketu- south node
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suniastrology · 10 months
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North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra
So, what to expect?
This a very significant even in Astrology which occurs in every 18 months. On July 18, 2023 the Nodes of the Moon changed signs. The North Node (known also as Rahu) is currently in Aries whereas the South Node (known as Ketu) is in Libra (opposite sign). This energy is bringing a new dynamic and focus in our lives as a collective and individually.
On a collective level, tendences may be seen as more dramatic and drastic because North Node in Aries could be expressed as an anger, fights, conflicts, social unrest, rise of criminal activities. Military actions, policing or people in charge of safety, protection and security of countries; organisations, institutions or communities may get more active and involved in peoples lives, globally, for many reasons. Alliances and unions between many countries may end up for good; or existing ones need to renegotiate or adjust some terms, conditions and agreements to the current global situation.
On a positive note, this energy suggest that countries, institutions or organisations may develop new innovative strategies, especially, business/economic wise to function more independently and self-sufficiently. Actions towards making peace, fair agreements (political, economic or social) and fights for equalities (on many instances) are very likely to be a collective agenda too, for the next one and the half year. New trade unions or partnerships internationally may occur with much more innovative approach to business and diplomacy.
On a personal level, the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra could bring many positives in our lives, if the energy is used consciously and constructively. It is definitely an invitation to put ourselves first – ‘my desires and my goals’. It is a calling for self-expression, courage and actions towards our will and dreams; to go and get it, no matter what – a strong Aries expression and North Node – desire and obsession. The South Node in Libra, however, is asking us to let go of ‘people pleasing ’behaviour, attachments to partners, lovers or friendships which more or less are reasons for loosing our true identity by putting our personals desires somewhere at the back yard just because we ‘have to’ support others. Therefore, during this period some personal or business relationships may end up or they will exist only if each side interests and priorities are respected and even encouraged in aim both (or more) parties to grow in their evolutionary path. (North node is our future destiny and evolutionary path which we are heading to - as an individual and collective, and the South node is what we have to detach, leaving our comfort zone by taking our past knowledge and experiences which support our journey towards the North Node).
This astrological period could be very beneficial for new beginnings and ventures, especially, related to enterprise, sport, fitness; everything what requires competition and physical activities. Independent work, assertiveness, leadership, innovation and pioneering will be greatly support under this energy. If you are an activist, a lower who is fighting for injustice (of any type) this energy could bring you success and personal satisfaction. This is also a great time to set up new goals or to achieve a certain goal which was set up in the past. We may also be braver and more courageous to do things which we were afraid to do before and to take risks with the North Node in Aries. However, we may also be prone to impatience, conflicts and anger but physical/sport activities of any type could be a good way to calm this fiery , youthful energy of Aries. Be also aware of accidents and incidents, speed driving; headaches and head injuries, inflammations could be experienced too.
In general, this is a very ambitious, action taking astrological time where changes, initiatives and innovations are encouraged and supported. It’s time to express and act on your individual talent and power which could also inspire and impower others.
Keep in mind that these are GENERAL ASTROLOGICAL TENDENCIES and how exactly this energy will influence you it’s depending on your personal horoscope, but most definitely you will feel these astrological events in one way or another, especially, in some areas in your life. And remember, that singe astrological event does not represent the whole picture in a personal or on a collective level.
Best wishes
suni astrology
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black-lake · 2 years
Saturn transits experience
Hey guys
I just wanted to share a bit of my story in hope it reaches those who need to see it. Especially the souls that have given up on hope or on faith in themselves or the universe. 
This year I’ve had so many Saturn transits, which led me to understand Saturn as a planet even more. I felt its effect on all aspects of my life, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Saturn was conjuncting my SN, opposing my NN, conjuncting my MC in the 10th house. And let me tell you, Saturn was messing with me on steroids lol. Having NN opposing my MC I’m used to feeling like I was being held back from a career my whole life. I overwork myself in anything I do. Success means a lot to me, not getting it was always my main source of sorrow and depression. But with the transits, I had to quit and leave many things behind.
I was gradually hitting rock bottom. I lost everything, my house, friends, structure, freedom, belongings, just name it. I had to stay with others where even food was hard to get, I starved a lot. I was left with myself to seriously face it in the mirror, grieving all the losses. I worked hard on myself, my abilities and my faith in the universe. I admire my recent past self for holding on, releasing, crying it out, forcing a smile and sarcastically believing that things would get better! Because they did, and better than I expected. Now I’m getting everything I lost back and more. I got a better house, better environment, better people, and better perspective. I’m working on having more success. My life is being built on a much stronger and clearer foundation. That’s what Saturn does after destroying those weak foundations. I’m feeling more stability and security than ever. I’m truly thankful. 
So if you have a transit of any of those difficult outer planets, or if you’re going through a hard time in general please please hold on. It’s a preparation for a better life. It’s always the darkest before dawn. You got this. Imagine a brighter future because you WILL get it, I promise. Be stubborn in your vision. ♥︎
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middlenamesage · 3 months
The transit South Node, in my experience, brings such beautiful healing. And it’s not like a Pluto transit where you have to be cracked completely open first. No, it’s more like just finally finding the strength to let go of a belief, habit or any other type of pattern in your consciousness that hasn’t been working out for you.
It’s funny because my natal South Node seems to be hell bent on keeping me sucked down in an unhealthy and very unproductive focus on its house. But transit South Node gets nothing but my praise, because its transit on my Moon and Pluto in Scorpio, followed by its current transit on my Black Moon Lilith in Libra, is really just the prescription I needed to help sweep away detrimental self beliefs and stubborn trauma responses that had been compromising my lunar security for ages. And I’m honestly struck by how graciously and almost painlessly it’s been managing to do it.
There is a lot of info out there saying South Node transits can bring the pain. But maybe if you’re someone whose consciousness tends to be in the past anyway, then the South Node can just provide assistance to help you finally let go of beliefs, responses or habits you’ve known for ages are no longer serving you. Maybe these transits are only painful if one has to be confronted with ways they weren’t even aware they needed to let go.
My 9th house Scorpio Moon no longer feels like it has a chokehold on the entire rest of my chart, due to the toxic self beliefs I learned from my nurturing. There is space to form new beliefs now. And my Black Moon Lilith in Libra can finally see herself as capable and worthy of being in loving partnership. This transit of the South Node has really shown me the face of my Lilith in her power; not the face of her when she abandons her power and self sabotages.
Anyone else have any observations about what the South Node in Libra, Scorpio (or any sign!) has done for them? The lunar Nodes can be such a critical force from all that I can see. They’re so worth paying attention to in transit, and especially if the Nodes are big in your chart or if you are a lunar person.
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seafoamreadings · 3 months
mars trine south node (sextile north node)
what you desire also desires you. this is huge for manifestation, goals, 5-year plans, or lustful pursuits. these are the desires that come from fate. they are in some way beyond you or your free will, and yet it is your will that will fulfill them. but you have to go for it.
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astrologicaldiary · 3 months
I just want to point out like what the coincidence that Oppenheimer has been taking up a lot of film awards, and the north node transit is in Aries ?!👀 🔥
And Barbie pulled a lot heart string, especially on women and their relationships, and of course womanhood. The south node transit is in Libra, Venus is the ruler. And it’s also is a feminine sign 🫡.
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astroartmuse · 11 months
Happy Nodal Shift Aries Libra / New moon Cancer 24°
"Harmonious blending of all aspects of self"
The focalization of complex inner potentialities in harmonic and concrete relationships.
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montystarotchild · 10 months
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I had a thought the other day about the North & South Node transiting Aries and Libra. I thought about resentment in correlation to the North Node in Aries and the emotions that end up breeding resentment. It made me think about the fact that nothing get’s in Aries’ way but Aries. And when it comes to the completion an idea, it may fall short due to any number of things including the lack of balance within responsibilities.
The North Node moving through Aries may ignite dormant feelings of regret or resentment towards any unfinished or incomplete ideas that you’ve had in the past. Especially if those projects or ideas were placed on hold because of relational responsibilities (which we all have in one form or another). It’s beneficial to look at the Lunar Nodes as a spectrum of possibilities for this energy to manifest in your life. So while this may not be directly work related, it could definitely be connected to something that you value deeply depending on what house this transit is happening in for you.
I don’t see Aries as a selfish energy, especially when their creative outlets are fully functioning. In fact, Aries can lack the stamina to continue with creative endeavors because of the desire to continuously help others put out their own personal fires. What I believe this transit is here to reveal to us is that we have to incorporate the self into the whole. It is here to teach us true autonomy.
We have enough selfishness masquerading as autonomy in this world. Authentic autonomy looks like us taking the same advice we give so freely to friends and family. If you are the notorious encourager of the friend group, this transit may be inciting you to take a look at how you encourage yourself and in what areas of your life you may be needing to hype up first before sending that accountability text. Blame is not a useful tool during this transit. No one is waiting around to give you the permission to live freely. And you having a bleeding heart while the World is suffering ensures that you are placing yourself as a last priority. But you have pain too and it’s asking to be expressed.
Those of us who feel the influence of this current transit may be struggling with feeling like no matter what we have to offer to the collective, it never seems like enough to fill the gaping hole of need that exists. We are collectively being called to let go of the harmful sacrificial habits that we have grown comfortable with. The World will always have a need and it may always feel urgent. But we must remember that solutions on that scale don’t come in a one size fits all container and they definitely don’t appear over night. Make time for yourself. Meditate while the flames of society continue to slow burn vigorously around you. During this transit, do what you can to remind yourself that you can’t win the war with an exhausted mind and a down-trodden soul. Your peers need your light and inspiration, the internal flame that only persists when you cater to the fire.
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piscesseer · 11 months
Understanding Nodes: Unlocking the Cosmic Crossroads
This week, the Lunar Nodes are shifting into Aries and Libra. This signifies a shift in our lives. But what are the Lunar Nodes and why are they so important?
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The movement of celestial bodies brings forth transformative energies that shape our lives and guide our spiritual journeys. One crucial event that holds profound meaning is when the lunar nodes change signs. These celestial shifts, known as the nodal transits, herald significant transitions and offer us new opportunities for growth and evolution.
Astrology offers a fascinating lens to explore the universe and ourselves. A key concept in astrology is the nodes. The North Node and South Node are two points in the sky that are calculated based on the positions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth, also known as the Nodes of the Moon. The North Node and South Node are not physical bodies, but rather points in space where the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, which is the apparent path of the Sun across the sky. 
The North Node is said to represent our destiny or karmic path, while the South Node represents our past karma or what we have already learned. The relationship between the North and South Nodes can be seen as a metaphor for our spiritual journey.
The North Node and South Node form an axis in astrology, creating a cosmic dance that influences our lives. This dance highlights the delicate interplay between our past experiences and our future aspirations. The interaction between the nodes provides valuable insight into the challenges and opportunities we encounter on our life path.
When the lunar nodes change signs, it signifies a significant energetic shift in the collective consciousness and individual lives. The nodes spend approximately 18 months in each sign, bringing their unique lessons and themes to the forefront of our experience. As the nodes transition, new areas of growth and challenges emerge, creating opportunities for personal and spiritual transformation.
We will dive into the realm of astrological nodes and uncover their significance in our personal and spiritual growth.
The North Node: Embracing Destiny
The North Node, also referred to as the True Node, is a significant point in the birth chart that represents our future path, growth, and evolution. It indicates the lessons we are meant to learn and the experiences we need to embrace in order to fulfill our destiny. This point symbolizes the direction we should strive for in this lifetime, often suggesting qualities and traits that may feel unfamiliar or challenging.
When the North Node shifts signs, it illuminates the areas of life where we are encouraged to expand and evolve. Each zodiac sign carries distinct qualities and energies, and the North Node's journey through different signs invites us to embody and develop those traits. This transition may beckon us to step out of our comfort zones, embrace new experiences, and explore uncharted territories aligned with the lessons of the particular sign.
The North Node's placement indicates the specific areas of life where we are encouraged to expand and develop. It guides us towards new experiences, relationships, and opportunities that can propel us forward on our spiritual journey. Although these experiences might push us out of our comfort zones, they hold tremendous potential for personal and soulful growth.
The South Node: Unraveling the Past
As the North Node moves forward, the South Node, its complementary counterpart, simultaneously transitions into a new zodiac sign. In contrast to the North Node, the South Node represents our past lives, ingrained patterns, and areas of comfort. It signifies the qualities and characteristics we carry over from previous incarnations. The South Node may reveal talents or skills that come naturally to us but can also denote repetitive patterns or unresolved issues that hinder our growth in the present.
The changing South Node brings to light areas where we may feel the pull of old habits, beliefs, or relationships that no longer serve our growth. While the South Node reflects our comfort zone, it can also be a place of stagnation if we cling to its familiar energy too tightly. It serves as a reminder to explore the lessons and experiences of the North Node, as they are essential for our growth and development in this lifetime. Integrating the qualities of the North Node while acknowledging the tendencies of the South Node allows us to strike a balance between our past and future selves.
The Dance of the Nodes: Finding Harmony
By embracing the lessons of the North Node, we can release outdated patterns associated with the South Node, ultimately stepping into our full potential. This process can involve embracing unfamiliar territory, taking risks, and embracing personal transformation.
The nodal shift offers an opportunity for balance and integration. While the North Node guides us towards future growth, the South Node reminds us of the wisdom gained from our past experiences. It is essential to acknowledge and honor the lessons of the South Node while embracing the new directions and possibilities presented by the North Node's influence. Striking a harmonious balance between the energies of both nodes allows us to harness the full potential of the nodal transits. The nodes in astrology serve as beacons of guidance on our life journey. They illuminate the areas of growth and transformation we are called to explore, and the lessons we must learn to fulfill our destiny. 
The changing nodes not only impact individual lives but also contribute to collective transformations. As the nodal axis shifts signs, it influences societal dynamics, global events, and cultural shifts. These transitions bring new themes and challenges to the forefront of our collective consciousness, stimulating shifts in beliefs, values, and priorities on a larger scale.
Through conscious awareness and embracing the transformative energy they offer, we can unlock the potential within ourselves and align with our true purpose. Remember, the nodes are not constraints but rather gateways to self-realization, inviting us to explore uncharted territories and embrace the infinite possibilities that lie before us on our soul's journey.
The changing nodes in astrology signify a potent period of growth and evolution on both personal and collective levels. As the North Node ushers us toward new opportunities and experiences, the South Node reminds us to honor the wisdom of our past. Navigating the shifting nodes allows us to find balance, integrate lessons, and embrace the cosmic dance of change.
As we embrace the cosmic evolution signaled by the changing nodes, let us open our hearts and minds to the possibilities that lie before us, trusting in the wisdom of the universe to guide us on our sacred path of growth and self-discovery.
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