scared-tobeloved · 5 months
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bananonbinary · 2 months
its wild to me when people debate how problematic a show is with this or that odd implication, when im out here watching corny scifi comedy eureka, which is bald-faced eugenics. sometimes a thing can be enjoyable and have loveable characters and fun family friendly plots and also be deeply deeply offensive.
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bagog · 7 months
I always feel bad for reblogging stories, especially Mass Effect stuff, but sometimes I accidentally set a fic to come out in the middle of the night and so nobody* sees it and I am tempted.
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foxsketch6543 · 1 year
✌️VBros w/o Context III✌️
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death2statues · 10 months
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simayeeet · 1 year
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when u gearing up to fight a world-ending terror with a buncha humans that dress like sluts you might as well do so yourself
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roughentumble · 1 year
god. "you exist because we allow it and you will end because we demand it" kinda fucks
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autumnhobbit · 2 years
boy you wanna talk about Midwesterners. if I were a poor overworked Wisconsin dad whose daughter was literally hit by a car driven by the asshat who's now lecturing me about pronouns while he pretends to be a lawyer, I definitely would not be able to respond anywhere near as respectfully as every single one of these people have been towards this jackass.
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No but with my setup, during the 2 year gap, how fucked up would it be for the Normandy survivors to get a message from Staff Commander Adrian Shepard asking if anyone has any kind of leads on his child- even just her dogtags. Her parents have pretty much given up on a body at this point (& console themselves with the fact she'd opted for cremation anyway), but dogtags. Armor fragments. Anything of hers, however minor.
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
just saw an article that referred to danielle smith as the frontrunner for the UCP leadership election and I'm having to restrain myself from looking up properties in BC.
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nunalastor · 1 month
Thanks to the suggestion of that one anon, Horseman of the Apocalypse! Alastor is a need, not a want. I also hc that Alastor has a decent physical resemblance to Eve (as a human) and Roo (in his demon form, which, well, that can already be seen).
To take it to our usual material, imagine that as Lucifer and Alastor slowly warm up to each other and Alastor takes his walls down just a bit, that's when Lucifer starts noticing that something is Off(tm) about him. He was too annoyed and set up in his presence before, but now he's realizing that Alastor really is abnormally powerful even by sovreign overlord standards, he's noting names in official registers that track present and former overlords and how none of the ones Alastor got to seem to have ever been sighted again. That seven year gap keeping niggling at his anxiety.
Most of all, once his features aren't constantly twisted in consternation around Lucifer, the latter has the uncomfortable realization that Alastor has the same eyes as and smiles-REALLY smiles-like a certain lady he'd known, before everything had gone to shit.
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kikosartsewer · 1 month
@tulipsempai Hosted a Hungergames type event and I submitted Cel into it Here's what the little dude got up to during it
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Sky belongs to @running2reanimation The-Saviour belongs to @racoon-hybrid Name belongs to @12k4rman0va12 Bullet belongs to @blueberry-thebiggestdarksimp The Shadow Sovreign belongs to @xdruby1234 Eri belongs to @herikbrine Ella belongs to @ellathebirb Cyber belongs to @simplychestnut
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archie-sunshine · 4 months
Ok so rung seems super chill about sex with his patients and all cuz he genuinely believes it helps- what about when he’s in a relationship? Would that change how direct or unabashed he is about it? Or is that man straight up shameless no matter what?
I'm personally of the belief that Rung would be Demiromantic(i figure being functionally immortal gives you a long long time to consider being official with someone) and I believe he's so AGGRESSIVELY sex positive, it'd be hard for him to get in a relationship with someone who wasn't of the same opinion, especially when he considers it part of his job.
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I have my own opinions about what's considered normal sexual conduct on cybertron, but generally I believe Rung is a free lovin polyamorous demiromantic who would run a queerplatonic polycule the size of a sovreign city state if he could.
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themeridian · 4 months
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star light or something (idk i haven't listened to sovreign state)
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meredoubt · 6 months
The next time we get a Vega and Warden's Bizarre Adventure update, it better start with an act of just unspeakable public violence
I want Vega to be, idk. blowing up dams that are secretly on leylines and are thus magical shackles to the Sovreigns' jail cells. Something.
It would make it much funnier if he's doing real plot shit, and yet it hasn't been remarked upon by any other characters. Like, it will make the wolves planning their no doubt ugly double wedding much funnier if this has been happening in the background.
Like when was the last time we got any update on the demon prison break? Does the public even know? Is the department actively on fire, at this exact second, when we've got three distinct actors trying to free the Sovreigns, thus literally killing anything and everything that isn't a demon? What have the Asset, Starlight and Avior found out about the Meridian and how to save it? Is anyone actually looking for Regulus, who is basically a known freed serial killer? Is there any public or government response to anything that has happened post Inversion? Like. What is happening in the wider world. How bad is it? Because it feels very adrift. Hush is the most interesting we've gotten, but without context of the world he's arrived in, it's not hitting as hard as I'd like
I want Vega to blow something up
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inqilabi · 2 months
what are ur thoughts on the israel palestine conflict?
i mean very broadly, ofc i am pro-palestinian. I have written on it before so i haven't said much around this time. I think Israel will fall soon enough, because US is declining. So as a puppet state, Israel will fall when the master falls if that makes sense. Palestinian resistance will succeed at some point.
I think the protests in the west are mostly protests of solidarity and they wont make a difference materially because unfortunately vast majority of the mass protests/protests in the west do not know how to protest. With a few exceptions like PAL Action, most protesters just gather and post on social media. Which is precisely the type of protests western gov would be cool with because they are ineffective.
Effective protests would only happen in port cities like bay area - if they are blocking shipment of arms, or in cities at factories where they are manf arms. Effective protests have to disrupt the supply chain of the war machine. Unfortunately these are not the protests that have mass participation, mass coverage etc.
I also don't think of hamas as terrorists - i think of them as palestinian resistance. And ive also talked about this before as well how historically all resistance that is actually effective is considered to be some kind of terrorist. so it disappoints me to see people label hamas as that when they have mass support of the palestinian people and rising. And theyre the orphans of the previous intifada etc. People often talk about their conservative values and lack of rights towards populations - which there isn't even evidence of. But also logically doesn't make sense. All further development of social rights come after basic rights of living - life, sustenance, and sovreignity as a nation. They aren't even a nation yet and are fighting for the most fundamental right - a right to survive. Every other social right develops after they have the main one. So i really find it so paternalistic in the western sense and depraved almost, when people are like - oh Hamas doesnt support womens right so i cant support their right to exist. You know what would help women and minority rights??? If there existed a soverign nation, the gov of which thet could participate in! You need a nation first!
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