#soz for the lag
ultramantr1gger · 2 months
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mega monster battle ultra galaxy we love making gifs
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ourdreamsareneon · 5 months
I think it's weird that as a culture we just stole the word mana from the Māori/Polynesian language(s) to use in video games because it's kinda magic in a way if you understand nothing about the culture youre taking from and white dudes from Ohio still debate the pronunciation like it isn't a real word.
The Māori vowels are
A = ah (as in are)
E = eh (as in there)
I = ee (as in three)
O = aw (as in or)
U = oo (as in two)
You will often see a macron (ā, ē, ī, ō, ū) which just denotes that it's a long vowel sound instead of a short one.
The constinants are fairly easy, there are just a few things to keep in mind like "wh" is a "f" sound similar to the "ph" in "phone" and that "nga" makes a "nah" sound similar to the "nah" in "yeah, nah...yeah."
Additionally, te reo Māori is a very nasal heavy language and uses soft rolled R's more along the lines of French rather than Spanish if that helps.
Te reo Māori was once an exclusively oral language. It wasn't until the Dutch, French, American, and English "settlers" arrived in the 19th century that white people tried to write it down. It is also an endangered language that we need to work to keep alive, especially when the New Zealand government is actively trying to destroy it.
You Americans and Europeans wrote this language down. The least you could do is learn to read it.
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parasyte-brainrot · 1 year
i dont even like this song but this part has been stuck in my head for 3 weeks now
edit happy 10 year anniversary to this song i wish it a very please stop putting this in “SOOPER SKARY SHOCKING GORE VOCALOID SONGS EVA” top ten playlists without the rest of the series edit 2: actually stop putting this song full stop masa hates this song himself and theres better erotica gore masa songs out there
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leejeann · 1 year
Alright, midi go brrrrr because I haven't had the motivation to really try learning it on guitar and also my amp is broken anyway, so! swingy Call Me What You Like cover with midi! Sorry it cuts off so abruptly lol
Lil bit to say 1) this instrumental is very much unfinished, obvs. I like how it's coming along though! 2) the vocals were recorded late last night just to see how it sounded with them (I like to play around with instrument harmonies and sometimes they end up clashing w/ the melody later so I like to have a ref). They're a little low energy and quiet, soz and 3) my computer kept lagging as I recorded so there's a few weird glitches in the vocal track....and me just messing up words sometimes lol
But like the concept is here, right? Like, you see the vision? If I finish this one I will have a swingy cover of a James Marriott song, a Good Kid song, and then a Lovejoy song. Somehow feels like I'm completing a set lol
I'm only like half sold on this delivery of the spoken section, so it might have a different feel to it by the time I finish this. Or it might not change much aside from recording a better take! We'll see. I think I leaned a bit into sounding more angry than like, idk, stage-showy? like the original, so I might try to lean back the other way a little
Bonus fun fact: the file is called "call me what you swing idk.mp3"
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batllethinker · 1 year
So I read your ghost!Wanda fic, but imagine the modern day version ghost!Wanda and college!Yelena, like some Casper type shit but romantic.
Oh! Yelena moving into a new apartment/house and she just starts experiencing a bunch of shit, and she's absolutely freaked out until she meets the ghost haunting her and then she falls in love, which leads to deep conversations and also teaching Wanda how to function in this new world, I would totally talk more about this but my brain is lagging ALOT (soz 😬)
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sweetnestor · 5 years
this is not a dream #9 | stop you’re scaring me
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
read at your own risk.
Needless to say, Ethan had to pay for the damage. After Kathryn helped him clean up, he left behind whatever cash he could get ahold of and fled. He took his flight to Maine a little earlier than planned - that’s what he told the group chat, anyway.
The only thing is, he didn’t remember sending that message. He didn’t remember leaving, either.
To say that Ethan was shell shocked by his own actions was a bit of an understatement. He knew he had a knack for destruction every so often, but to break an entire couch with his bare hands? To cause damage through screams like El on Stranger Things? Hell, to fucking kill more innocent people?
Yes, over the last few months, Ethan found himself crying in some alley covered in blood because he took another life. He always called the team, and they helped him every time. Maybe that’s why he never left. He wouldn't know how to clean up his own mess and get away with it. He didn't even know how the team got away with it. To the public eye, these people were just YouTubers. Influencers. Idols. Good people.
That thought made Ethan's insides turn heavy. He was considered good people too. People online thought he was good people. Maybe some of those people were dead because of that thing, he would never know.
He was stronger than he thought, and he couldn’t control it. He was dangerous. He was bad. He should be on every kind of medication, or even locked up. He should be dead, but we all know how that ends up.
Was he going to turn himself in, though? Ethan sat in his car, parked in an abandoned lot on the outskirts of LA. He didn’t take anything with him when he left. He didn’t have any sort of getaway plan. He couldn’t even think. He didn’t remember getting into the car. This stupid thing did everything for him and landed him here. Didn't even get him very far.
Ethan just wanted to know why this was happening.
“I told you to stop this,” he spoke at last. He was sweating and shaking, breathing so hard that the windows fogged up. He couldn’t help but think of each time he saw one of his friends in this state. Did they feel as shaken up as he did in this moment?
Maybe he had to go back and talk to them. Ethan sat up in his seat and shook himself. He wiped away the tears and slapped his cheeks a few times, trying to get himself together again. He’d have to go back eventually, right?
He turned over the engine and took a deep breath. He had to face the music - the very loud, very disturbing music - eventually. Then, he adjusted the rearview mirror, only to discover a figure  in the backseat. Immediately, Ethan jumped and tumbled out of the vehicle, his heart pounding.
There was a shadow. It was already dark inside the car, but Ethan could make out a shadowy figure in the back. He backed away, terrified, but then he felt something knock him over. An invisible force pushed him on his chest and made him hit the back of his head on the pavement. He landed directly under one of the lamp posts, the light nearly blinding him. Ethan squinted, disoriented. The silhouette of a person stood over him. The outline was oddly familiar, but still terrifying.
Then he felt something hit his chest, making his sternum crack. Slowly, each of his ribs broke one by one. Ethan cried and whimpered, convulsing and cringing.
“Please…” he begged through a strained voice. “I-If you want to kill me… just do it… please. I want this to be over…”
The mumbling filled his ears, sending another wave of intense panic. Ethan tried to bring his hands to his ears, but any movement caused even more pain in his ribs. He started to yell.
“Stop this! Please! I just want this to be over! I'll do anything! Please just stop!”
And then Ethan sat up with a deep gasp. There was nothing standing over him. He didn’t have any pain in his chest or ribs. The only thing that hurt was the back of his head. His car was exactly where he had parked it. He looked around the parking lot, not another person in sight. It was all in his head. Why couldn’t have someone just decided to rob him instead? Why couldn't he have been murdered once and for all?
Cautiously, Ethan got to his feet and dusted himself off. He slowly stepped towards his car, checking the surroundings. He felt weary as he sat inside again. It was more than obvious that something was very, very wrong. He still felt like he being watched. He could still feel the figure in the backseat, even if he couldn’t see it. He already knew what it looked like anyway. He knew what those eyes looked like.
“Please…” he said helplessly as he placed his hands on the steering wheel. “Please… just stop…”
Whatever it was probably grinned wickedly. It's black eyes creased through the mirror. It made every hair on Ethan’s arms and back of his neck stand up.
His face suddenly fell, and his head went limp, hitting the steering wheel. His eyes closed, and when he opened them again, they were pitch black.
“I told you guys not to have the party here!” snapped an angry Mark.
He and the team had just arrived to the trashed office on Kathryn’s call. In hindsight, it had seemed like a good idea to show Ethan the truth about what he is. But instead, they ended up with a damaged workplace and a friend who had gone off the radar.
“At this point, it would be easier just to tell him,” Tyler said as he stepped inside the place, gazing at the pile of broken furniture, ruined birthday decorations, and wasted food scooped up under the broken window. He shook his head in disbelief.
“What, and have him think we’re insane?” Mark bitterly replied.
“He thinks he’s the crazy one,” Amy spoke after some silence. For once she wasn’t smoking or shooting up. “His thoughts are so loud, even I can catch them.”
“You sure it’s his thoughts that are causing that?” Her boyfriend’s tone suddenly changed. He grew concerned. “Maybe it’s… you know.”
Amy sighed. “Then we already know what’s gonna happen.” Then she started itching at the side of her neck, noticing her peeling skin. She pulled her hand back and saw her skin getting caked under her nails. Startled, she dug her fingers into her neck again and pulled. A piece of her flesh came off like some stretchy glue. “Shit…”
It wasn’t the first time the team had seen something like this, but it was never easy. Tyler looked away, Kathryn placed her hand over her mouth, and Mark… he just had a look of heartbreak on his face. He knew what this meant, and he never liked it.
“Are you even gonna come back this time?” he asked, a hint of resentment in his tone.
“I always do,” Amy replied, not sounding reassuring at all.
“Okay, so we have to stay put for you,” Kathryn said, diffusing the tension. “Which means we can’t go out and find Ethan.”
“He said he was flying to Maine tonight,” Tyler said. “So we won’t see him for a couple of weeks, right?”
“I checked his apartment,” Mark told him. “Well, I didn’t… but he didn’t take anything with him. He’s still in the city somewhere.”
Thinking about Ethan made him angry all over again. Mark paced around the room, running his hand over his face. He looked at the floor, at the pile of rubble. How could a guy of Ethan’s size do something like this?
“Fucking coward can’t even show his face…”
“Better here than somewhere he could get in legal trouble for,” Tyler pointed out. “We can’t stray too far out these walls, remember?”
“Now we don’t have any walls to stay within!” Mark’s voice echoed. “He’s destructive and out of control!” He cracked his neck. “How long will these fucking mortals keep us waiting?”
Kathryn immediately looked around the room. Any bottle of liquor that had been coveted was now destroyed. She turned towards her boss again, watching his eyes roll into the back of skull just before he collapsed to the floor. This was bad. She slipped out of the room before they could spot her.
As soon as Dark was out, Peevils and Stoneface appeared too. The room went black, and their auras shone bright. The air was tense, angry. Dark was flickering all over the place, making the lights spark and burst.
“I don’t feel good,” Peevils said, out of breath as she slid down to the floor. “I can’t be here for very long.”
“We need you right now,” Dark told her as he appeared standing in front of her. “You’re the most… compassionate of the three of us. When the time is right, you need to be the one to speak to Blank.”
She sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall. “But my mortal… look at her!” She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling out a shocking amount of strands. She scratched at her chest, practically peeling off pieces of skin and leaving red, inflamed flesh underneath. “She’s falling apart. I need to go and fix her.”
“Perhaps, it’s time to find another mortal?” Dark suggested. “This one is… wearing thin. It would be much easier to find a new mortal.”
Peevils looked up, glaring at him. “Mine is wearing thin? Yours is all but-”
“Another time!” Stoneface cut her off. “What about Blank? What about the human? She could help us.”
“The human?” Dark repeated with disgust. “She went to get her friends’ coping items. We know whose side she’s on.”
“So why haven’t we killed her yet?” Peevils wondered. “If she’s so bad, then why haven’t we gotten rid of her?”
Dark looked at her, a hard look on his grey face. “Why would you even ask that?”
The blonde shrugged, unfazed. Then she raised her eyebrows, detecting the first sign of vulnerability, and she read him for the first time. “Oh… I see.”
“What is it?” Stoneface asked.
“Don’t you dare,” Dark growled.
Peevils scoffed and ran her hand through the image, once again reminding herself that she couldn’t touch him. “And what will you do about it? You’re nothing but a hallucination.”
Just as she was about to stand again, she was pushed against the wall. She felt an intense pressure on her neck, and then she was slowly raised up into the air. Her eyes widened in fear as she choked and sputtered, spitting up human blood.
“Dark, stop!” Stoneface yelled, trying to counter the attack with his mind. He succeeded, relieving the pressure.
As soon as Peevils was dropped to the floor, hey greyish yellow aura went away. She kept coughing and gagging, pulling at her hair and neck. Heavier tufts of hair were falling out, and blood kept dripping from her mouth.
“If the mortal goes, then Peevils goes!” Stoneface yelled at Dark, who had appeared by the broken window. “Do you want that?”
Dark merely stood on the other side of the room, his hands behind his back.
“You’re... “ Amy coughed violently. “You’re… nothing… without us…”
And that’s when Kathryn burst through the door again, ready to bring her friends back.
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shiyachi??? :3
ah, a classic
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kyogos · 5 years
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skullinacowboyhat · 6 years
process video for my Visas Marr piece
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servegrilledcheese · 2 years
is your game lagging still? mine is lagging so bad still, i have uninstalled and reinstalled the game several times, mods are up to date, taken my mods folder out, and even uninstalled and reinstalled origin? thank you if you have any idea what could be doing it and help <3
i'm one of the very few players who were spared by the lag of the pronouns update, so i can't really help you, soz. if anything, the update actually made my game run smoother and i have no idea how the hell that happened. my nsb2 save runs like butter, it's incredible.
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Nuclear Family I
A/N: As requested (accidentally deleted the ask soz) a Dad!Harry where you visit him with your daughter and you live together as a family even though the reality is far from it. But for the sake of your kid you put up with it. The next part gets better promise!
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V
“Charlie don’t get too far,” I call out to my three year old. She gives me a disappointed look but I return one of my own and she drags her feet back to me.
Sometimes it felt like it had always been just me and Charlotte and other times it was hard to believe it would be almost four years since I’d had her. The moment she was born-two weeks early-on a rainy August day, I knew I made the right choice to keep her.
“When are we getting on the airplane?” my daughter pouts. She reminded me so much of her father with her bold eyes framed by her lowered brows. I remember when I held her for the first time in my arms and she blinked up at me, her big eyes were a dewy field reflecting her father. It was then that it hit me that no matter where he and I were on earth-we were still somehow connected. And since I was still in love with him then, it hurt. But I learned soon to pour my love into Charlotte and focus on raising her the best I could.
“We’ll be boarding soon." I pick her up and hold her on my knees to keep her from running off again. This was my first time travelling with her-her father generally came down to LA a few times a year to visit her so we never had the need to make the trip. This time, for her fourth birthday, we’d decided to go to London and stay there for the month. And since I was my own boss, I could take my work anywhere.
“I want to see daddy,” Charlie whines.
"We will babe,” I try to soothe her.
“Daddy” was Harry Styles, the Harry Styles. We met through a friend over six years ago when he was in LA. Up until meeting him, it felt like I was living a grey version of my life. Our chemistry was explosive and our connection instant--colouring my world a vibrant hue. We were in love-so in love I moved to London a few months later to be with him and it was going perfectly until I got pregnant. We agreed to keep the baby-it was a no brainer, but as the months went by and the reality sunk in, our relationship took a hit. Suddenly we were arguing about insignificant things, Harry stayed out late with friends or in the studio and wasn’t as supportive as he should have been, and I wasn’t happy. When I brought up the separation Harry looked almost relieved-which hurt. When I brought up moving back to LA he was enraged, but after a few days he agreed. Now, our Charlie saw him a few times a year when he lived in LA and she would stay with him. Our interactions were limited to picking her up and as I’d heard it Harry had a steady girlfriend for the past year. Despite all that, I still loved him. What we had was unlike anything I’d felt, seen, or read about before. I knew he'd felt it too, the music he released spoke the words he never said. But the ugliness of the last few months of our relationship always kept me from remaining wistful. Harry didn’t want commitement. He only had room in his heart for our daughter and I was fine with that.
We were staying around the corner from Harry’s at an air bnb for convenience. Ever since having Charlotte, I hadn’t been outside of the US so this was exciting yet daunting. The idea of seeing London again, all my old friends, and Harry gave me a rush of mixed emotions.
The landing and locating of our luggage had a few bumps and a minor tantrum but our taxi takes us to the flat where we are met with the hostess.
“There’s been a terrible mistake,” she wrings her hands as we stand in the heat of the summer afternoon.
“What kind of mistake?” My heart drops and there’s a tugging on my dress. Charlotte demands to be picked up.
“We accidentally booked another couple to the flat.” The woman responds.
“What?” If I wasn’t this tired, I would be shouting. “How can you make a mistake like that? I booked this well in advance!”
“I understand,” the woman says. “Your booking must have been accidentally cancelled and I-the couple is fine with sharing the flat-”
“I have a small child with me as you can see,” I cut her off not going into detail why our privacy was extremely important. “I’m not living with two strangers when I secured the place for all of August. This is bullshit,” I spit out, forgetting Charlie could hear me. This trip was not going how it should be. “I’m contacting air bnb and-”
My rant is cut short when my phone vibrates. Harry.
“Hi,” I answer.
“Daddy!” Charlotte yells into my ear. I hush her with a glance and try to listen to what Harry was saying.
“-landed? I was trying to reach you where are you?”
I sigh and give the woman a dirty look. “We’ve just arrived at the bnb and apparently there’s been a ‘mistake’ and it’s double booked so now I don’t know where-”
“Shit, stay with me,” comes Harry's steady voice.
“I couldn’t,” comes my own, slightly less steady voice. Staying with Harry would be bad for me. It would only stir old emotions back up and make it harder to leave once again. I just knew it.
“I’m right around the corner Y/N. Just stay until you find another place at least.”
I couldn’t argue with that. I agree and order an Uber, giving the woman a piece of my mind before I go.
Charlotte had fallen asleep on my shoulder in the midst of all of it so I struggle with the child, our luggage, and my phone when I reach Harry's.
“I’ll be right down,” he says. My stomach is suddenly doing sommersaults and I can barely feel my legs. I saw Harry near Christmas! Why was I suddenly so nervous?
“Hey,” Harry enters the lobby in a black shirt and jeans and his glasses sit atop his mess of hair. “You look lovely Y/N, but that’s nothing new.”
Harry's grin is like a crack in the ice surrounding us and I give him a quick hug hello.
“Let me get that.” He grabs the luggage and we wait for the elevator again.
“She fell asleep,” Harry brushes our daughter’s hands and she shifts on my shoulder.
“She’s been doing that since the ride,” I say. “I think jet lag is already doing her in.”
Harry smiles at her and the tenderness in his gaze holds me captive. It was a while since I saw Harry look like that.
Harry gets the luggage onto the lift and I follow him in. The mirrored interior reflects the glimpses he takes of me but I stay staring forward, not wanting to give in.
“Won’t your girlfriend mind?” I ask Harry when we enter his flat. “That we’re staying with you.”
“About that,” Harry scratches his nose. “I’m sure she’ll understand. We should talk though…about the trip.”
“Of course, let me just put Charlotte to bed.” Harry points out the spare room and I can tell Charlie will like it here with the amount of stuffed animals Harry's decorated the bed with. She was spoiled.
“So you can stay as long as you want here,” Harry begins. “Or if you want to find someplace else I understand. Whatever you feel comfortable with.”
He holds my gaze as he talks and I nod along. It was all very proper and polite, almost as if we’d never had anything more than a friendly relationship.
“What’s your schedule like?” I ask. “I know we already figured things out but if I’m staying for a few days here will I be in the way of anything?”
“I’m filming in a few days, I took a lot of time off the next couple weeks for Charlie but that’s it. Then I'm in the studio after that." Harry scratches the back of his head. “Just make yourself at home don’t worry what I’ve got to do.”
“I don’t want to get in the way. I know we didn’t plan for this,” I flush. Harry reaches over and squeezes my shoulder.
“I want you to feel comfortable, love...”
I’m suddenly 21 and Harry and I are on one of our first dates at a bar. He holds onto my hand and tells me he really likes me. He asks me if we wanted to take our relationship past the dating stage. I’m giddy and drunk on love and kiss him yes.
“Mom?” A small voice calls out.
“Yes!” I jump up and shake the memories off, rushing to the spare room. Charlotte sits up in bed with a frown on her grumpy face. “I’m right here babe.” I scoop her up and she holds onto me, already holding a stuffed koala in the other hand.
“So you’ve met Mr. Blake.” Harry walks into the room and points to the koala.
And just like that Charlotte is jumping into her dad’s arms and bubbling with laughter, explaining how his real name is Oreo. My heart squeezes watching the two interact. Charlie is more awake than before the plane ride as she continues with her endless chatter. Harey is wide-eyed and drinking in everything she says. She says something funny and he throws his head back laughing, kissing the side of her head while she giggles. Seeing them two made my heart full.
“Momma I’m hungry,” Charlie says abruptly.
“You must be,” I look at the time. “It’s been a while since we ate.”
“Let’s have an early dinner out,” Harry suggests.
“That’s not necessary-” I try to say but Charlie cuts me off with a big cheer and soon Harry joins in and he’s off with her riding his back with her hands clasped tightly around his neck. I would never win with those two together so I find my wallet and join them.
“I didn’t realise how much I needed this,” Harry says on our walk to the restaurant. It was a ten minute walk Harry wanted to take, reassuring me that we wouldn't be bothered. Charlotte holds her dad’s hand and stares in wonder at the new city around her. “I can’t believe you-she-Charlie hasn’t ever been down here.”
“She was so excited to finally see where her Dad lives,” I laugh at the image of her bouncing off the walls in happiness.
“I think the weirdest thing for me is that my baby has an American accent,” Harry comments.
“I never thought about that!” I laugh. “At least she won’t be saying things like crisps and the loo!”
“Oi that’s offensive,” Harry jokes. “My english is just as good as yours mate!”
“Now you sound Australian!” I tease.
Harry laughs and bumps his shoulder into mine.
“Australia has kangaroos,” Charlotte comments randomly.
“We’ve got a clever one,” Harry winks at me. “They’ve got massive spiders too.” Harry says to our daughter but little does he know she actively picked up spiders.
Charlie starts jumping like a kangaroo and soon Harry picks her up and sits her on his shoulder where she shouts to anybody who listens that she was on top of the world.
“I always tell people she’s got that energy from her dad,” I tell Harry quietly. There a shine to his eyes as he looks to Charlie and she looks down at him and shouts it louder.
“My mum and dad were thinking of coming around this weekend to see her,” Hadry suddenly says.
“That would be nice for her. To see her family,” I say.
“I mean you’d be there too?” Harry says.
“Oh, right.” My mouth dries at the thought of having to see his family. They were a great bunch but the way Harry and I ended things so abruptly was an uncomfortable reminder. “I’ll try to make it.”
“Charlie can have some sort of a normal family dinner,” Harry jokes.
“Both parents and grandparents? That would make her trip actually.” I say with a little bit of sadness. Charlotte wouldn’t grow up with both parents like Harry and I had the privlege of and that hurt me thinking about it.
“I wish she could have that all the time,” Harry sighs. He glances over at me as he says it and there’s something unspoken. But Charlie grabs a fistful of his hair and he has to get her down in her drunken power.
The restaurant is cozy and Charlie talks a mile a minute with the attention of both her parents. Every so often when she says something ridiculous or something related to an old inside joke from years past, Harry will glance over at me with a smile. It’s a secret language between us, and I swear I even feel his hand brush my own but I chalk it up to accidents. Harry had a girlfriend, he had no business doing that with me.
It gets more confusing later that night. Harry had plans to go out at 8 and Charlie falls asleep by half past 7. Being in LA time, I stay snuggled in the couch, watching a random movie Harry recommended. My eyes drift shut halfway but I’m awoken by a bang. My eyes squint in the dark as my hand feels for my phone. 1:47AM the bright display reads.
“Sorry,” comes a voice. The lights flick on and Harry stands dishevelled in the clothes he went out in. “I was trying to keep quiet I di'know you were sleeping!”
He was drunk-whispering which meant his voice was only slightly lower than normal. He stumbles towards me and falls onto the sofa, yanking his shoes off with a great deal of effort.
“Were you sleeping?” He asks me up close.
“I guess so,” I respond. “Did you have a good time?”
A part of me feels awash with sadness, the dull and familiar ache settling into my chest. Another part of me is angry at myself for still being in love with a man who could not love me the same way.
“It would have been nice if you came,” Harry reaches out and twists a strand of my hair. “Are you naturally a brunette?”
“I am,” I say gently. “You should drink water before bed.”
“No-no don’t start taking care of me!” Harry puts a pillow on his lap. “I’m supposed to be taking care of my girls. But I’m doing a shite job I guess.”
He stifles his laugh. I try to stifle the pang in my chest when he says 'my girls’ because it meant nothing more than just words. I couldn’t afford to read into these things. But when Harry switches the pillow to my lap and lays his head down, all self-control gets chucked out he door.
“It’s been so long since we talked,” Harry tries to whisper again. He reaches out to touch my hair again, his fingers lingering on my face before lowering to his side again.
“You came to LA a lot,” in my statement is also an accusation. He never came in to my apartment or asked me to go out.
“You never invited me in,” Harry says quietly.
“Surely I did?” I tell him.
“No,” his reply is almost a sigh. I realise maybe I didn’t make it so explicit.
“My mistake,” I admit. “But you know you were always welcomes.” I trace the bridge of his nose.
“I know,” Harry says with a boyish smile. “I was slightly nervous when we were on your terf. I didn’t ask either-you’re right.”
Involuntarily I brush my fingers through Harry's hair. Instantly, his body relaxes with a sigh as he closes his eyes. So I remove my hand immediately and nudge him.
“I should go to bed,” I wait for him to clumsily get up. We walk to the stairs together where Harry wishes me goodnight. He leans foward and misses my forehead by an inch, kissing my eyebrow instead.
“Night,” I back away into the spare where Charlotte sleeps, rubbing my eyebrow. In bed, I try to sort through my feelings. My eyes land on the sleeping body next to me and I pull her into me. She was all I needed, I try to remind myself. I was only here for her. Harry and I were never getting together again.
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yoonjinkooked · 5 years
I Miss You | Jungkook
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Pairing: Y/N / Jungkook
Genre: Fluff, a bit of angst (mostly pining) and comedy, oneshot
Warnings: (cursing, brief mentions of anal sex (jokingly), banter, oblivious Jungkook, heavy pining on both sides)
Word Count: 3666
Summary: You are in love with your best friend and he doesn’t know it. When the two of you start breaking a long term tradition of yours, feelings become more obvious on both sides. 
A/N: Jimin’s bday gift for JK fucked me up. ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ is one of my all-time favorites and today it pushed me back into Blink 182 and ��I miss you”. So, I wrote this in like two hours completely inspired by the song, even though I had other stuff to write. I will go do that now. I hope you enjoy this, let me know what you think! 
You could laugh at how stupid this whole thing is.
It is so ridiculous and plainly stupid but it still affects you, more than you would like to admit to anyone.
Since you were 18 and a broke college student, you and a fellow broke college student became friends, bonding over your love of music, movies, TV shows and essentially irrelevant pop culture knowledge. It didn’t take long for you and Jeon Jungkook to have weekly movie nights together, whether at his dorm room or your run down rental apartment.
It also didn’t take long for those weekly movie nights to end up being limited on one movie and one movie alone: The Nightmare Before Christmas.
There was something about that masterpiece that drew you both in, time and time again, never becoming boring. Of course, you needed to make sure of that: a few months down the road, movie nights were still a weekly occurrence but ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ nights were monthly.
You obsession went as far as dressing up as Jack and Sally for Halloween – it was a horribly executed costume, tragic even, but the two of you loved it. It was your thing. No one understood it but no one needed to – the two of you have always known.
Adulthood came knocking, graduations came and went, jobs became a daily and not a temporary thing but somehow, you and Jungkook still followed tradition.
Even three months ago, when Jungkook packed up and moved half the world away. Even with seven hours between the two of you, you still spared one day a month for your tradition.
Granted, you barely even watched the movie anymore – you would be too interested in catching up with one another, Skype was a bitch and constantly lagging and the first 15 minutes would always be spent in trying to play the movie at the same time. After yelling at each other and blaming the other one, and of course Skype, you would both just play the movie at your own terms, barely paying attention to it because you could finally look at each other again, even over a computer screen.
You were supposed to be having your movie day/night now. And for the first time in 6 whole years, Jungkook stood you up.
Twice before, movie night was cancelled. Once by you, once by him, very much in advance. And even then, it would simply end up being re-scheduled. Nothing stopped your movie nights, not illnesses, not real-life drama, not a whole ocean between the two of you.
Which is why it is actually painful now, when he did not show up.
He is online – you can see the little green light shining on his Skype name. It’s not yet late night in his time zone – he should be here. Or at the very least, texting you and asking for a last minute re-schedule.
And yet he isn’t. It’s stupid and it’s trivial and who the hell would be hurt with this but it also makes perfect sense because this? This feels like an ended chapter. No, a whole closed book.
Over the years, you and Jungkook always hovered between being the best of friends and maybe, just maybe, something a little bit more.
Frankly speaking, you had a stupid crush on him for several years and never did anything about it, perfectly aware that said crush had ruined every single attempt at a relationship you have ever had. You tried to leave it behind, knowing you would never be able to put your feelings into words, much less actions. You knew your longing for Jungkook would always remain unsaid and you tried to move on. There were men, one night stands, serious relationships, all of it – and none of it worked.
Him moving miles away didn’t have the desired effect either. It was still there, in your heart, annoying you and making it painfully obvious just how strong the stupid crush is.
But this? This situation from today? It finally did what nothing else could do.
It showed you that you and Jungkook will never be.
Seemingly meaningless to someone else, a punch in the gut for you.
  JK: Y/N? You there? [4:24 AM]
JK: Y/N!!!!!!! Come on! I know you’re up! [4:36 AM]
JK: btch, I know you’re up and watching Walking Dead or something [4:39 AM]
JK: Ugh, fine, whatever [4:51 AM]
Y/N: I was sleeping, dumbass [9:08 AM]
Y/N: What do you want [9:08 AM]
JK: Finally! I wanna reschedule our movie night – I couldn’t make it last night, sorry. You wanna do it tonight? [9:14 AM]
Y/N: Can’t do it tonight – have work to do. [9:14 AM]
JK: Tomorrow night? [9:16 AM]
Y/N: Soz, work. [9:16 AM]
JK: Any night in the next two weeks? [9:17 AM]
Y/N: Ask me in a few days, I will know more. [9:22 AM]
  “Thank you so much for taking me out tonight,” you smile at your date, trying to make the awkward first-date goodbye a little less awkward. Hoseok is a kind, charming guy – on paper, he is exactly what you need, what you had hoped to find. Stable in all the right ways and not textbook proper. If you were to let your imagination run wild, Hoseok would be a perfect long term companion – yes, one date was more than enough for you to realize that.
“It was my pleasure,” he smiles brightly at you, a smile that should make your stomach somersault. It doesn’t. As much as you want it to, it doesn’t. “I would very much like to do this again. Are you free on Monday, for example?” he suggests.
“I’ll have to check my schedule,” you avoid giving him a direct answer, despite knowing you have absolutely no plans for Monday night. You don’t want to lead him on but you are not brave enough to say it to his face. “I’ll message you once I know. Thank you so much and have a good sleep,” you tell him, hand already on the car door – you didn’t want to give him a chance to do something more.
“Bye Y/N,” he smiles at you as you close the door, the sound of it making you flinch.
He is perfect but he is not him.
He is not your stupid best friend, the one who eats too much ramen and misses scheduled movie nights and snorts when he laughs and cries during cheesy romcoms and makes you laugh like no one ever has.
He is not the guy you are insanely comfortable with, the guy who had made you shed every single mask you have ever worn and show yourself to him for who you really are. He is not the guy you want, he is not the guy you need.
But unlike Jungkook, he is here.
You cannot string Hoseok along and you cannot let your feelings for Jungkook take over you – it’s over and you know it. You just need to learn how to live with it.
  You are so sure that you’re dreaming, you don’t even bother lifting your head, much less answering your phone when you hear it ringing. Soon enough, it stops and you almost fall right back into your dream before it rings again – and this time too, you don’t even bother because it’s obviously a dream.
The third time it had started to ring, you know you’re not dreaming.
You also know that it’s fucking late and as ‘How I Met Your Mother’ had taught you, nothing good happens after 2AM.
With a sense of dread, you do reach for your phone, not bothering to open your eyes as you try to slide your finger on the right area.
“Hey… it’s me,” you recognize his voice instantly.
“Jungkook what the fuck do you want?” you sigh. “It’s almost,” you pause to look at your phone’s clock, nearly blinding yourself in the process, forcing your eyes shut as soon as you saw the exact time. “It’s past 4AM. What the fuck?”
“I’m sorry, I know it’s late,” he apologizes instantly. “But I just wanted to see what you were up to.”
“What I-,” sometimes, like right now, you cannot believe the stupidity Jeon Jungkook can utter. For a genuinely bright and knowledgeable person, there are times when he truly is the biggest dumbass you have encountered in your whole life. “I’m sleeping – what the fuck did you think I’d be doing?”
“Sorry for waking you up,” he mumbles. He doesn’t even have to be in front of you for you to know that he is pouting – right about now, he is looking like a kicked puppy, making you want to hug him and punch him at the same time, because even with an entire ocean between the two of you, he is using his charms in his favor – he knows how fucking whipped you are for his pout, even if you can’t see it.
“Did something happen?” you ask, finally realizing that he must have some reason to call you at this hour.
“Why weren’t you here today for our movie night?” he blurts out.
“Huh? Jungkook, we didn’t plan a movie night today.”
“No, we didn’t but we always have it on a Saturday,” he tells you. “I just assumed after weeks of not having one, we will have one this Saturday.”
“I never confirmed that,” you mumble, suddenly not as sleepy as you were seconds ago.
“I watched it alone,” he admits, his voice sounding oddly sentimental. However, you are still sleepy and could very well be imagining the whole thing. “It felt so weird, to watch it without you. It felt wrong.”
“I watched it alone the last time we had our movie night,” you remind him, hoping that you don’t sound too sour. You are not angry – you’re really not. Yes, you are still a little bit hurt, but not by his actions. You are hurt because those actions made you realize the truth you have been avoiding for years now. “It felt wrong then too. But life goes on.”
“What do you mean life goes on?” he asks.
“Life goes on,” you repeat. “We live in different places now. We have our own obligations. I had a date tonight – last time, you had… whatever it is that you had. We are not those stupid students anymore, Jungkook. Traditions are cool but real life gets in the way.”
“I don’t want life to go on without our tradition,” he uses his kicked puppy voice again.
“Me neither but tough luck.”
“Was the date good?”
“It was,” you answer honestly. You could never lie to Jungkook – not in person, not over text, not over the phone. Keeping things to yourself was a more common practice than you’d like to admit but never have you lied to him. “It was good but there won’t be a second one.”
“That’s very contradictory,” he points out.
“I know,” you sigh. “I guess I just had to admit to myself that he wasn’t what I am looking for.”
“Y/N, do you even know what you are looking for?” he chuckles.
Better than you might think. “I know exactly what I am looking for. Sleep. Goodbye Jungkook.”
“Y/N, wait-“ he tries to stop you.
“We will talk in a few hours. Goodbye!”
You had to end the call before you ended up saying things you will likely end up regretting. They were there, on the tip of your tongue. It would have been so easy to say them, to finally not carry that burden with you. It would have been easy, therapeutic even. But the aftermath? The aftermath would have destroyed you and you knew it.
  You curse when the ringing drags you away from your dream – it was a good dream too. You were eating chicken wings and someone, you can already imagine who, decided to pull you away from it.
Jungkook and you had a timetable of times when it is socially acceptable to call the other one – different time zones made you do it. For four months, both of you were perfectly capable of sticking to it. Except, over the course of last week, Jungkook had decided to blatantly ignore it, several times.
“Jungkook, this is the third time this week you wake me up at the dead of night,” you answer the phone angrily, not even checking the caller ID because you know it’s him. “What do you want?”
“I miss you.”
“You truly could have waited a few more hours to tell me that.”
“Actually, I couldn’t,” he tells you, to which you just roll your eyes. “Y/N, I’m going to need you to not interrupt me now – I have something to say. Are you awake enough to listen?” he checks.
“I am,” you mumble. Yeah, now you are, when the dumbass woke you up.
“I miss you,” he tells you the same thing again, the words not having much of an effect on you because you know he is not missing you in the way you want him to. “It pisses me off that we don’t have our movie nights anymore. It is just so wrong to watch ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ without you and it pisses me off that it’s like that – it’s just a stupid movie. I should be able to watch it without thinking about you every damn second.”
You want to reply to that, of course you do, but his earlier request and frankly, your surprise, leave you speechless. You do however sit up, knowing that even if you ended the call this second, you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep for the remainder of the night.
“I know that this is not something I should be doing right now,” he continues. “It’s wrong and if I am going to say it, I should at least say it to your face and not over the phone, at the dead of night. But I just… I can’t keep it in anymore, you know? I miss you. I miss you so fucking much Y/N.”
You want to ask him why, you want to brush it off. After years of keeping your hopes down, you don’t want one misunderstanding to get them up. You know, you just know, he doesn’t miss you like that.
“Ever since I got here, I have kept living with this horrible feeling,” Jungkook admits, swallowing lumps as he speaks. “I know I have made a mistake. I knew it even before I left. I thought it would clear my head, lessen your influence or whatever… and it just didn’t. I am still feeling the same way about you as I did before and now I can’t even see you. I sabotaged myself.”
He is talking about his feelings for you, he said it in those very words and still, you don’t want to believe what you’re hearing, knowing that if you believe it, the eventual truth will leave you broken. Your heart however gives you away – it starts beating faster, excited at what this could mean.
“I miss you, Y/N. And I don’t just miss you as a friend. That’s a given, that will always be true, even if you don’t ever want to see my face after tonight. But I just needed to put it out there before I… exploded. I miss you. I want to be right there, right next to you. Kissing you, holding your hand… doing all sorts of things to you, things that would make you blush and kick me in the shin if I were to voice them. I don’t want to scare and chase you away, I don’t want to lose you as a friend, that’s exactly why I haven’t said this for so long but I just can’t keep it in. Not when you are ditching movie nights and going on dates and living your best life while I am… pining after you. And I don’t blame you – you didn’t know, I made sure of that. But now you do. And whatever your response is, just know that I will always consider you my best friend, whether you let me fuck you into oblivion and hold your hand 24/7 or if you never want to see my sorry ass ever again.”
For the first time in a very long time, your heart and mind are on the same page. One is not trying to hold to hold the other one back or to push it into something that makes no sense. No, your heart and mind are not working together, both perfectly aware and very accepting of that fact that for you, it was always going to be Jungkook.
Whether your feelings are returned or not, whether it never happens or lasts a lifetime, it was always going to be him.
And now, when your mind is finally accepting, and aware of Jungkook’s feelings, you can finally embrace the feeling you have spent years, fucking years, trying to escape.
He likes you. Hell, if he’s anything like you, he is in love with you. ‘Like’ is too weak. You like someone you barely know. When you know the person you like, when you actually know them, the way you and Jungkook know each other, it’s more than just ‘like’.
“Can I talk now?” you ask.
“I kind of want to say no,” Jungkook sheepishly admits. “But I know you have to. So go on, Y/N. Go on and break my heart. For all I know, that may be the exact thing I need.”
“Okay, now I’m going to ask you to shut the fuck up,” you deadpan, not surprised when you hear silence on the other side – Jungkook was never a push around but the truth of the matter is, he knows how scary you can get when you are angry. He doesn’t want to make you angry, not right now. “Seeing as you moved your ass to a different continent and couldn’t wait till the morning to call me, you are obviously blind and completely unaware of the massive crush I’ve had on you for years.”
It’s his turn to be stunned to silence.
Or maybe he’s quiet because you asked him to. Shit.
“I’m done,” you tell him. “Your turn.”
“That’s all you’re gonna say?”
“Are you seriously complaining right now?” you ask in disbelief. “What more do you need? I like you, you dumbass. I have liked you for years! I want you here, next to me, holding my hand and all that shit. And all the things you say you want to do to me, if I were you, I would compile a list of them before coming back home because I’d let you do them all.”
“Y/N, are you-“
“Well, maybe not all. I’m still iffy about the butt stuff.”
“Are you seriously talking about anal while confessing your feelings for me?!”
“I just didn’t want you to get your hopes up for nothing, that’s all,” you admit in a low voice. You know you’re going to end up regretting saying this. Jungkook has a horrible, yet endearing habit of reminding you of all the embarrassing things you have ever said in his presence and mentioning anal sex in the middle of such a heartfelt conversation will definitely make the cut.
“I miss you even more now,” he admits, sighing into the phone. “Do you seriously like me?”
“Yes,” you reassure him. “It’s weird, I know.”
“It is!” you argue. “You are my best friend. It wasn’t supposed to happen that way.”
“Or maybe it was absolutely supposed to happen that way,” he counters. “Is there a better feeling than falling for your best friend?”
“Hell yeah, it’s a horrible feeling,” you laugh. “It only feels good when you know it’s not one-sided.”
“Okay, you do have a point there,” he chuckles. You find yourself feeling all giddy on the inside, biting your lip and fighting the urge to yell out of pure happiness. It’s actually happening. After years of not being able to keep him out of your heart, you finally don’t have to. Sure, the whole conversation is weird as fuck but it’s also very Jungkook. Very you and Jungkook. If it had happened in any other way, it would not be so characteristically you. “So… now what?”
“You’re the one who moved away – you need to answer that one.”
“Temporarily,” he sighs. “I tell you this every time Y/N, it’s temporary-“
“Yeah, yeah.”
“-because I literally can’t stand being away from you,” he ends with a sigh, making your heart flutter all over again. “I’ll still be here for two months. I’d say… maybe you should go to your living room and play our movie. And we can watch it once a week, sticking to our tradition. And then, when I come back home, I will kiss you silly and make both of us regret being silent for as long as we were.”
“You gonna date me?” you giggle as you get up and head straight for your living room.
“I’m gonna date the shit out of you,” he announces.
“Are you gonna meet my parents?”
“I already know your parents, Y/N,” he laughs and you chuckle too, as you turn on your TV. “But I’ll gladly meet them all over again. We need to discuss how much you’ll be bringing into our marriage, after all.”
“Oh, fuck you!” you laugh.
“Give it two months babe and you will do just that.”
“You are insufferable.”
“And you love it.”
Watching ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’ was always a special tradition for the two of you, but never more special than now, with him half the world away and on the phone with you, while you banter and ignore the growing feeling in your chest, acting as if this is a completely normal thing to do on a Wednesday at 3AM. Because for the two of you, it kind of is.
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Return to New York
Part 3
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Riley Brooks never returned after being thrown out of the Coronation. Liam cleared her name, and they tried to find her with no luck. One day they returned to New York and by fate she turned up at a cafe due to Daniels ‘meddling’.
Using combined tags for this one shot turned mini series- as always let me know if you want to be removed:
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“Please don’t marry him.” Drake sighed regretting saying this. “I just... I am in love with you Riley Brooks, and I can’t watch you with him... I want you to be happy... honestly I do... just give me and Cordonia another chance... then you can make your decision...”
“Drake, I’m marrying him in less than two weeks... I can’t ... I love you too... I... I should go...” Turning around she placed her engagement ring back on her finger, whilst shaking. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I was thrown out of the coronation Drake, here’s my number. Don’t be a stranger.” Fuck what am I doing? I don’t want to leave him. “Ri... I hope you’re happy. Don’t forget that I love you and always will do.”
Leaving the room she slid down the wall in the hallway unable to contain her emotions- almost reconsidering her actions, wanting to storm through the door and claim Drake as her own as she wanted to all those years ago. Wiping her tears, she was undecided about what her future held for her.
Drake threw the whiskey bottle against the wall as she left, feeling frustrated allowing her to walk away from him again. Believing now that it was never meant to be. The last time Drake cried was possibly when he had lost his father, years later he found himself crying over the girl he lost yet again.
Eleven days after they returned to Cordonia from New York, Maxwell knocked on Liam’s study door. Usually the King would answer straight away- ignoring protocol the Lord barged through the door, immediately regretting his actions.
“Your Majesties, honestly....” Tutting and shaking his head. “Is this what they call working nowadays?”
“Maxwell! Get out of here!”
“Sorry Anna, Jesus I can practically see the baby’s head appearing...” Covering up his wife, Liam’s eyes widened a she focused his gaze towards his friend.
“Maxwell this better be important. What’s up?”
“Ohhh I’ll give you a minute to clean yourselves up... I just needed to ask a favour... rather than sex, why not try giving her a spicy curry?” Maxwell suggested- Liam grit his teeth, his wife felt him become tense. Pulling her pants back up, she jumped into his arms and passionately kissed him.
“I love you Liam, I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you too my queen.” Reaching for the scotch, he was annoyed that his friend had cockblocked him in his own private space. Sighing as taking a sip, he hoped that this was important and not nonsense.
“Erm, I had an SOS call from blossom last night...”
“Is she okay?” Liam asked in a panic stricken tone of voice- he cared for Riley beyond words even when she disappeared out of their lives.
“I’ve been speaking to her since we left, she’s having cold feet. I can’t go to the wedding tomorrow and watch her marry someone she doesn’t want to...”
Riley was at her final dress fitting, most brides would be excited the closer it got to their wedding day- but not her. Covering the bruise up with make up, she had hoped that the dress would cover it up- which it did, luckily. The night of her kiss with Drake she returned home, Harry immediately smelt whiskey and cologne on her- in a jealous rage he grabbed her arm pleading for the truth from her, which she eventually confessed. Loosening the grip, he apologised immediately for harming her - reviving his normal personality, the one she fell in love with. Ringing Maxwell up on the way to work; she needed advise but didn’t want to inform him of the injury on her arm.
“Hey Max!” Maxwell excused himself from the table, gesturing for Olivia and Hana to follow. Ever since he found out that they had been in touch with her over the years, he had been plotting with them a way to get her back in Cordonia. Since their return, Drake had kept himself to himself- not wanting to talk to anyone no matter how hard they tried to convince him.
“Hey Blossom, how are you?”
“I’m ... erm.... I’ll be fine. How’s Drake?”
“Quiet.” The two women answered in unison.
“Hey you two. Max.... I keep breaking hearts, everyone is going to hate me. I just don’t know what to do. I want to run. I want to scream. I cry all the time.”
“Do you want me to come now?”
“No. I’ve got this stupid rehearsal dinner. Shit. I can’t do this.”
“You’re the stupid bitch who fucked her boss, got engaged to him. If you don’t want this don’t do it!” Olivia snapped, she had spent three years being frustrated with Riley’s attitude- she wasn’t exactly Drakes biggest fan but at this moment in time she knew that they were made for each other.
“Max, I’ll see you in a couple of days- I expect a good speech at the wedding. Love you all.”
After reiterating the conversation on the phone, Maxwell’s eyes pleaded with his friend- the King, to help him. “So what favour do you need?”
“I need the jet... for a runaway car- well plane- well jet... you know what I mean.”
“And what if she marries him?”
“Then I’ll be travelling back in luxury your Majesty- but you know how persistent I am...”
“I hope you succeed in bringing her back. Take Glen with you. I’d suggest Bastien, but I’ll need him here.”
“Yes Sir. House Beaumont will revive.” I hope so, Liam thought to himself.
Riley added the finishing touches to her bridal look, unable to look at herself in the mirror- guilt for breaking Drakes heart. Drake. That’s the man she was thinking about on her wedding day to another man. Even during the rehearsal dinner, her thoughts lingered on Drake Walker- wondering what he was doing, was he thinking about her too? Providing fake smiles towards everyone that attended the rehearsal dinner, Harry had no inkling regarding Riley’s true feelings- if she learnt anything from Cordonia it was from Liam- his stoic expressions. Holding the three handwritten letters in front of her, she had an hour to make a life changing decision.
Maxwell opened the door slowly yet quietly not wanting to announce his presence, viewing her staring at her reflection in a trance- his heart broke for her.
“Surprise Blossom!” Lifting the white lacy material up, she turned towards him- tears flowing down her face uncontrollably. “You look beautiful Riley, like a princess.. you should be happy.”
“I... I can’t do this.... I can’t marry him Max...”
“Well you know what to do....”
“Take those shoes off before you break your neck and run. I’ll race ya.” Still undecided about what to do, Maxwell knelt down- removing her shoes. “You don’t want this Ri. Don’t put yourself through anymore heartbreak. Follow your heart.”
“Can you do me a favour? Can you give these letters to Harry and Lissy?”
“Of course. Who’s the other one for?”
“Drake. If I went through with it, I needed him to know the truth.”
“Well you can give him it yourself. Then maybe have make up sex.”
“Max! We haven’t even slept together before. We’ve just kissed.”
“But I bet you had scandalous dreams about doing more with the handsome commoner?”
“Shut the fuck up- are you getting me out of this marriage or not?”
“Yes Lady Riley Of House Beaumont- I will deliver the letters. Then we run.”
“Yo dude....” Maxwell shouted walked down the aisle, over dramatically bowing to the guests.
“Shouldn’t you be walking down with my bride?”
“Yeah about that... here... sorry dude but you’re just not the one for her. Nice knowing ya. No hard feelings mate, soz. See ya.” Running back up the aisle, through the echo of gasps- he knew they had to run before Harry convinced her to marry him. Entering the room, he hoped she was ready to leave.
“Whatcha doing still in your dress?”
“I can’t get the zip down... fuck it. Let’s go, I’ve been looking at flights.....”
“Don’t bother, we are travelling in style- the jets waiting quick!” Grabbing her arm, she stopped him.
“I need my things Max.”
“Why do you think I was late? Glen broke into your house and literally threw everything into boxes.” Before Riley could react, he grabbed her hand again- leading her out of the hotel. Running into the middle of the road- he hoped a cab would stop.
“You’re going to get yourself killed!”
“But it worked it... so it’s all okay... jump in blossom.”
After a long flight, they arrived back in Cordonia- Riley’s hair had become slightly dishevelled but Maxwell still believed she was still beautiful. Laying on his chest during the flight- he was eager to text Drake immediately, but decided against it. Feeling smug with himself for wedding crashing, he couldn’t wait to see everyone’s expression when he walked in with Riley.
Glen opened the door of the SUV when they arrived at Ramsford- Riley had fallen asleep again, deciding to carry her he was grateful that she was as light as a feather.
“Honey I’m home!” Maxwell shouted, laughing to himself. Walking into the lounge, he saw all their friends look gobsmacked that the spare heir, the ‘dopey’ friend had succeeded.
“What have you done to her? Drugged her?”
“Jet lag... why would I drug her Liv? Shh... she’s waking up... blossom? Welcome home baby.” Bertrand knelt down, he never believed in Riley during the social season but he was glad that she was home.
“Hello Lady Riley. Welcome back.” Helping her sit up, she rubbed her eyes- removing the remainder of sleep. Still wearing her engagement ring, looking at it made her for the first time feel guilty. “Thanks Bertrand. Nice to see you all.” Noticing that Drake wasn’t there she felt slightly disappointed but didn’t blame him one bit.
“Lady Riley, I’d like to introduce you to Queen Anna- my wife.”
“Hi Anna, Erm your Majesty. It’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
“And you too. I’ve heard so much about you. All these lot ever do is talk about the infamous Riley. Especially Drake.” Providing her with a soft smile, Riley tried to ignore the fact that she mentioned his name. Noticing Liam and Anna hold each other tightly yet lovingly, Riley in a way was glad with how the past events occurred.
“Well I did cause quite a stir during my short time here.. I’m just going to get a drink of water, have a wander around. Get my bearings again.” Maxwell was about to become her shadow until Olivia pulled him back down.
“What the fuck Olivia?”
“She needs this time alone...” Emphasising the word alone, everyone but Maxwell knew what she was referring to.
After helping herself to a glass of water, her mind led her to the ballroom. Closing her eyes, her memories from the infamous Beaumont bash rushed through her mind.
Welcome to the Beaumont Bash... you’ll recognise some of these fine floral arrangements as yours...
Brooks... you look...
Ready for the party. Everything here really came together.
I know, right? Though... you don’t look like you’re dressed for the occasion.
You don’t like this look? This shirts clean.
I guess that’s the most I should expect. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you dress up for these fancy events. It might be a nice change of pace.
Eh. Fashion is subject. Besides, people are here to see the prince, not me.
“Not everyone was here to see Liam. I wonder if Maxwell wants a replay of truth or dare tonight? If I was stranded on a deserted island, where I’d never see anyone or any civilisation ever again- I’d always choose Drake.” Laughing at the memory, she raised her glass into the air- to friendship.
“Be honest Brooks, you just want me there so I’m suffering as much as you are.” Turning around following the location of the voice, she believed that she was hallucinating. Seeing him leaning against the wall, folding his arms wearing that infamous smirk- she placed the water on the windowsill.
“Mostly just to see how you’d look in a grass skirt.” Both deciding to walk towards each other, closing the distance- Riley jumped into his arms holding him tightly. Leaning down kissing her, it somehow wasn’t the same as before. In his mind, this time someone had actually chosen him or so he hoped. Parting away from the brief reunion kiss- they stared at one another longingly, neither knowing what to do next. Drake still held her protectively and leaned back in- their lips crashing together, their tongues battling against each other’s, both fighting for dominance. Placing her back on the ground, he pulled her flush towards him- laying her head on his broad chest, she listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat increasing.
“I knew you’d change your mind. I knew you’d come.”
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thedanasaurous · 5 years
Get to know my play style
Thank you @fleurgrimm for tagging me!
FAMILY SIZE AT THE START: this depends, usually I start with a couple or I start with a single sim. Depends what mood I am in!
LIFESPAN OF MY SIMS: Usually normal- though I wish there was an lifespan between Normal and Long
FAVORITE FAMILY I HAVE PLAYED: Probably the Olden legacy I played a very very long time ago....
AM I A MALEVOLENT OR BENEVOLENT GOD: Benevolent but with a little malice thrown in there 
WHAT I LIKE BEST ABOUT THE CURRENT VERSION OF SIMS I PLAY: The fact its actually playable? *sips tea* by that, before y’all come for me, i mean loading screens don’t take an age and it doesn’t lag?
I tag @teanmoon @teekalu @javitrulovesims and @retro-pixels - soz if you’ve already been tagged, don’t worry about doing this tbh <3
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theapexchampions · 5 years
Mun is doing art tonight so maaaaaay lag soz
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jae-daddy · 6 years
(Get ready for spam you asked for it) MTL: Give cunnilingus WITHOUT being asked.
You literally made my laptop lag so congrats omg
cunnilingus: Oral sex in which a person’s clitoris and/or vulva is orally stimulated.
Bambamhis just following trends lol, but once he sees how much you enjoy it, he’ll start doing it for himself more than you. He loves being able to make you feel so good. 
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Jacksonthis boy will worship your body, and always want to make you feel right before himself
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Jaebumthis guy is a sexual being; he believes in love and your bond deepening with sex, pleasure and sexual pleasure lol. So i think he’ll give you oral play just to show you how much you mean to him.
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Jinyounghe’ll just do it just to see you vulnerable. Also, because I think he is a kinky little shit, and he’ll love to see you at the optimum level of pleasure. ALSO, what does he do? READ BOOKS, and what do sexy books about sex love the most? You guessed it;  cunnilingus
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Yugyeomhe heard that it makes a girl feel super good from Bambam, so you’ll catch your baby boy being a big boy oppa and cunnilingus-ing you so fucking good you’re crying. 
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MarkEven though mark is from US, and therefore, should culturally be mooore than willing to do this; I think he will find it extra work. He’ll go down on you, but on special occasions, or when you ask for it. 
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Youngjaethis boy will fuck you so fucking well, but he’ll be hesitant to the cunnilingus. soz, but you definitely will have to ask him 
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