#blankgameplays fanfic
franklyshipping · 2 years
You Laughter Will Set You Free ~ A Markiplier and Crankgameplays Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @darkipli-ler
Blankgameplays was full of the giggles, and for a very good reason. He was being hunted by the most intimidating, malevolent, merciless tickler of all: Darkiplier. Blank hurried through the manor with Dark not far behind him, the sharp-suited ego smirking as he chased Blank down yet another corridor – the sound of his bubbly mirth made him more and more eager to tickle the hell out of him. What had Blank done to incur this chase? Nothing whatsoever, the pair of them just felt like being silly and having a little fun together upon the Eve of Christmas.
‘You can’t run forever Blank, you know I will catch you.’
‘No you won’t!’
Dark’s chuckle echoed menacingly as Blank tried to speed up, not daring to look behind him lest he get distracted.
‘Ohh yes I will… and I am going to take great pleasure in making you squeal.’
Blank giggled, his cheeks gaining a tinge of colour as he hurried into the living room. He skidded around the coffee table, his goal to get to the other side and reach the stairs. Of course, Dark adored the thrill of the chase as much as the next ler, but now all he wanted was to capture and play with his ticklish prey. Dark surged at Blank, using his shadows for extra momentum, and hugged him from behind with a smug growl.
Blank yelped and squirmed, struggling as he started giggling nervously.
‘Nonono using shadows ihisn’t fair!’
‘That’s too bad for you. It seems they rather like you Blank.’
Dark chuckled as his shadowy wisps teased and whispered against Blank’s ears, making him giggle harder as Dark playfully dragged him to the couch. He pushed him down onto it and climbed on him, straddling his legs and smirking down at the flustered, raven haired man.
‘Oh this is going to be fun.’
Blank whined, his skin already feeling tingly from the anticipation… but then his joy faded dramatically when a series of things happened. Dark took hold of his wrists carefully, pinned them down above his head, and then leant in close – so close that Blank could feel his breath against his face. Dark had tickled him so many times before, and each time had brought Blank joy, fulfilment, and the distinct warmth of feeling loved. It just so happened however, that Dark had never actually pinned his wrists down until now. No-one had ever done that to Blank, in fact. The sensation, with great suddenness and intensity, made Blank panic and start struggling.
‘W-Wait n-no let go, l-let go I don’t… I-I can’t…’
Dark’s eyes widened in surprise. Of course, he saw the genuine panic and released Blank instantly, his shadowy wisps receding back into his body as they felt Blank’s distress. Though even as Dark got off him completely and sat on the edge of the couch, Blank was hyperventilating. Luckily, Darkiplier had the most soothing voice known to man.
‘It’s alright, take slow, easy breaths.’
Blank took in the deep, silky tone and tried to focus on it. The panic had made him sit up, tucking in his arms and knees to his chest as his whole bloodstream seemed to seize and shudder.
‘I’m right here Blank, I’m right here and I promise you are safe. You’re doing so well, just keep breathing.’
Blank whimpered with the smallest of nods, focusing on Dark’s careful, loving, repeated words of encouragement. It took some time, for all panics must be treated with patience and respect if they are to be banished correctly. Dark spoke, Blank listened, and back and forth they went until slowly but surely Blank’s breathing started to slow. At one stage Dark hovered his hand nearby, and a nod of consent allowed him to gently rub the top of Blank’s back, which served to comfort him further. Then eventually Blank’s breaths were normal, and he grimaced with a sniffle as he wiped his watery eyes.
‘Th-Thanks… s-sorry I freaked out…’
‘You have nothing to apologise for.’
Dark replied, his voice was calm but his eyes were imploring. No one can be blamed for feeling panicked or afraid, for it is a part of our nature just like everything else. Blank nodded, sniffing a few times as he pressed his mouth against his knees; making himself smaller made him feel safer, Dark knew. Dark tilted his head to him gently.
‘Do you feel ready to talk about what made you uncomfortable? I very much wish to ensure I never do it again.’
Dark asked, and Blank felt another wave of calm at Dark wanting to be so considerate and caring. Blank nodded and swallowed, before he cleared his throat.
‘I-It was… the hand pinning. I just felt so trapped but in a really not-fun way and even though I really trust you I just got super anxious a-and I just–’
‘Breathe Blank, it’s alright, take some more slow breaths for me.’
Blank had started to edge back into nerves, but Dark’s words brought the calm back into his system after a few moments. When Blank was soothed again, Dark cupped his cheek gently with a warm smile in place.
‘I promise I will never pin your hands, and if you want I am more than happy to spread the word within the household. That way, no-one else will make you uncomfortable.’
A wave of relief passed through Blank, and he smiled happily at him.
‘I-I’d really like that, thank you.’
‘You are very welcome.’
The last twitches of anxiety had faded away from Blank’s body and mind now, and Dark wanted to make sure that Blank didn’t fall back towards those unsettled thoughts. Soothing someone from a panic attack is just the start, which is something not many people realise. Yes, you have banished the fear from that person, but that’s where a lot of people stop. What is essential, is now filling that newly empty headspace with something that will bring that person to the brighter, happier end of their emotional spectrum; so that is precisely what Dark intended to do.
‘If you don’t mind me asking, would you still like to be tickled? I am more than happy to oblige, but if you’d rather we do something else together then we have plenty of options. Including napping, if you’d rather rest.’
Blank smiled again, and got pleasant butterflies in his stomach. There weren’t words to describe how happy he felt to be so taken care of, to be given options and choices and to be communicated to with so much patience. It is tempting to want to coddle someone, to wrap them up in cotton wool after seeing them in distress. Dark knew however that only Blank knew what would be best for himself, and so he wanted to show that he would be there to help with whatever that methodology might be. And Blank knew precisely what he wanted, or rather what he still wanted.
‘I-I… I-I’d still like to be…’
He looked away bashfully, making Dark chuckle fondly.
Blank’s cheeks flushed afresh as he nodded, which Dark thought was ever so adorable. The suited man stood up, and offered Blank his hand with a playful smile.
‘How do you feel about being the little spoon?’
Simply put, Blank’s face completely lit up. He beamed and took Dark’s hand, which was all the answer Dark needed. Dark led Blank to his bedroom, since he figured the more gothic lighting and ambience would help maintain that underlying sense of safety for Blank. They got snuggled together under Dark’s black covers, Blank cozy in a foetal position as Dark nestled against him from behind – honestly, platonic cuddling is so underrated. Dark’s lips brushed the back of Blank’s neck, and his hand rested gently against his lean stomach.
Blank felt so safe and secure, and then squeaked with a giddy smile when Dark softly nuzzled the back of his neck. Dark chuckled against his skin, his facial hair scratching and making Blank start to giggle – especially when Dark whispered.
Dark’s fingers curled against Blank’s thin black t-shirt, making him snort and squirm in Dark’s embrace.
‘Shuhuhut uhup!’
Blank squeaked, always the first to verbally fight back against even the smallest tickle tease. Of course, even though Dark was tickling out of affection, that didn’t mean he was going to tolerate bad manners.
‘I beg your pardon?’
Dark growled, skittering his fingers over Blank’s stomach as he nuzzled behind his ear, making him squeal very adorably.
‘I hope you weren’t being rude just then. That would be a mistake.’
‘I-Ihihihi wahasn’t Ihi wahasn’t, I dihidn’t sahay ahahanything!’
Blank spluttered in response to Dark’s threatening purr, to which Dark’s eyebrows shot up. Denying his own words? Dark was certainly going to have fun with this. He nipped the shell of Blank’s ear and snuck his fingers under Blank’s t-shirt, grazing them against his bare stomach as his voice got even lower.
‘I think you’re lying to me.’
‘Nononohoho I-Ihihi’m nahahat!’
Blank’s giggles were frantic as Dark dragged his blunt nails in circles and swirls against his stomach, making him tremble and twitch incessantly. Blank knew that no matter what he said now, he was completely screwed… and that made him so happy. Dark grinned, his ler-head thriving from being able to tickle and tease Blank like this.
‘Do you know what I do to people who lie to me, Blank?’
Dark made his hand into a claw shape against Blank’s tummy, and snarled.
‘I make them scream.’
Dark squeezed Blank’s soft tummy with ruthless abandon, making Blank shriek and burst into the happiest cackles known to ego-kind.
Blank out of instinct tried to curl up and somehow roll away, his arms flailing about around him at a complete loss of what to do. Of course, Dark kept him close and secure at his chest, teasing with evil delight.
‘Trying to escape? Interesting, given how much I know you’re loving this.’
Blank let out a very indignant, flustered wail-like noise amidst his mirth because excuse you Darkiplier that was completely fucking unnecessary!
Dark laughed warmly, flicking his tongue behind Blank’s ear as his teasing words dripped out of him like the spiciest liquor.
‘What would you rather I say instead? Tickle tickle tickle, or perhaps kitchy kitchy coo?’
Dark started squeezing Blank’s sides now too, making the poor man yelp and descend into wild laughter – well, that tends to happen when someone tickles you in your worst spot.
Dark smiled and sighed happily, but only spent ten or so seconds tickling Blank there. He could never take it for long, and the last thing Dark wanted was for Blank to feel overwhelmed. So after those seconds passed, Dark had mercy and used his hands to rub Blank’s arms warmly. Dark also had the pleasure of listening to Blank’s cute, residual giggles as he collected himself – he could hear the joy within them, but Dark of course wanted to make certain Blank had enjoyed himself.
‘How was that?’
Blank hid his face in his hands, snorting out of his happy embarrassment as he tried to sort his giddy brain out. Then Dark beamed when Blank reached down, took his hand, and interlaced their fingers together.
‘A-Amahazing… thank yohou.’
‘Anytime, Blank. Anytime.’
Then Dark laughed when Blank rolled over to face him, and promptly buried his face in his chest with a cute yawn.
‘Best Christmas present ever…’
Blank trailed off tiredly, and Dark sighed gently as he wrapped his arms around him and let his eyes slowly shut as he smiled.
‘I couldn’t agree more.’
A few moments after Dark’s whisper, they were both asleep. The already dim room darkened, with Dark’s wispy shadows sneaking out to maintain the soothing darkness. If this tale holds any kind of message, I suppose it is that there is no distress, panic, nor fear that cannot be banished with a little patience, and a little care. There is no void that cannot be replaced with joy, no anxiety that cannot be replaced by relief, and no hand that need remain cold and empty. You will always find someone to hold you, whether they be family, lover, or just a friend. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever you celebrate, there will be a love waiting for you, and it will bring you peace.
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You! Yes I see you! You probably want your fanfics to come alive! Today folks I’m doing requests for writing! I want to improve my writing skills! With these free writing requests they can be long or short/
I’m a creator who loves art and writing! This will give me something to do and maybe could turn this maybe into a side job/
So what fandoms can you request? That simple, YouTubers and their characters!
Jacksepticeye and septic egos
Markiplier and the ipliers egos
Thomas Sanders and sander sides
Plus any people/other egos for example Amy/Peevils.
I will write honestly anything but no NSFW or any hate, I also will not write ships of real people for example Sean x Mark.
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sweetnestor · 5 years
this is not a dream #9 | stop you’re scaring me
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
read at your own risk.
Needless to say, Ethan had to pay for the damage. After Kathryn helped him clean up, he left behind whatever cash he could get ahold of and fled. He took his flight to Maine a little earlier than planned - that’s what he told the group chat, anyway.
The only thing is, he didn’t remember sending that message. He didn’t remember leaving, either.
To say that Ethan was shell shocked by his own actions was a bit of an understatement. He knew he had a knack for destruction every so often, but to break an entire couch with his bare hands? To cause damage through screams like El on Stranger Things? Hell, to fucking kill more innocent people?
Yes, over the last few months, Ethan found himself crying in some alley covered in blood because he took another life. He always called the team, and they helped him every time. Maybe that’s why he never left. He wouldn't know how to clean up his own mess and get away with it. He didn't even know how the team got away with it. To the public eye, these people were just YouTubers. Influencers. Idols. Good people.
That thought made Ethan's insides turn heavy. He was considered good people too. People online thought he was good people. Maybe some of those people were dead because of that thing, he would never know.
He was stronger than he thought, and he couldn’t control it. He was dangerous. He was bad. He should be on every kind of medication, or even locked up. He should be dead, but we all know how that ends up.
Was he going to turn himself in, though? Ethan sat in his car, parked in an abandoned lot on the outskirts of LA. He didn’t take anything with him when he left. He didn’t have any sort of getaway plan. He couldn’t even think. He didn’t remember getting into the car. This stupid thing did everything for him and landed him here. Didn't even get him very far.
Ethan just wanted to know why this was happening.
“I told you to stop this,” he spoke at last. He was sweating and shaking, breathing so hard that the windows fogged up. He couldn’t help but think of each time he saw one of his friends in this state. Did they feel as shaken up as he did in this moment?
Maybe he had to go back and talk to them. Ethan sat up in his seat and shook himself. He wiped away the tears and slapped his cheeks a few times, trying to get himself together again. He’d have to go back eventually, right?
He turned over the engine and took a deep breath. He had to face the music - the very loud, very disturbing music - eventually. Then, he adjusted the rearview mirror, only to discover a figure  in the backseat. Immediately, Ethan jumped and tumbled out of the vehicle, his heart pounding.
There was a shadow. It was already dark inside the car, but Ethan could make out a shadowy figure in the back. He backed away, terrified, but then he felt something knock him over. An invisible force pushed him on his chest and made him hit the back of his head on the pavement. He landed directly under one of the lamp posts, the light nearly blinding him. Ethan squinted, disoriented. The silhouette of a person stood over him. The outline was oddly familiar, but still terrifying.
Then he felt something hit his chest, making his sternum crack. Slowly, each of his ribs broke one by one. Ethan cried and whimpered, convulsing and cringing.
“Please…” he begged through a strained voice. “I-If you want to kill me… just do it… please. I want this to be over…”
The mumbling filled his ears, sending another wave of intense panic. Ethan tried to bring his hands to his ears, but any movement caused even more pain in his ribs. He started to yell.
“Stop this! Please! I just want this to be over! I'll do anything! Please just stop!”
And then Ethan sat up with a deep gasp. There was nothing standing over him. He didn’t have any pain in his chest or ribs. The only thing that hurt was the back of his head. His car was exactly where he had parked it. He looked around the parking lot, not another person in sight. It was all in his head. Why couldn’t have someone just decided to rob him instead? Why couldn't he have been murdered once and for all?
Cautiously, Ethan got to his feet and dusted himself off. He slowly stepped towards his car, checking the surroundings. He felt weary as he sat inside again. It was more than obvious that something was very, very wrong. He still felt like he being watched. He could still feel the figure in the backseat, even if he couldn’t see it. He already knew what it looked like anyway. He knew what those eyes looked like.
“Please…” he said helplessly as he placed his hands on the steering wheel. “Please… just stop…”
Whatever it was probably grinned wickedly. It's black eyes creased through the mirror. It made every hair on Ethan’s arms and back of his neck stand up.
His face suddenly fell, and his head went limp, hitting the steering wheel. His eyes closed, and when he opened them again, they were pitch black.
“I told you guys not to have the party here!” snapped an angry Mark.
He and the team had just arrived to the trashed office on Kathryn’s call. In hindsight, it had seemed like a good idea to show Ethan the truth about what he is. But instead, they ended up with a damaged workplace and a friend who had gone off the radar.
“At this point, it would be easier just to tell him,” Tyler said as he stepped inside the place, gazing at the pile of broken furniture, ruined birthday decorations, and wasted food scooped up under the broken window. He shook his head in disbelief.
“What, and have him think we’re insane?” Mark bitterly replied.
“He thinks he’s the crazy one,” Amy spoke after some silence. For once she wasn’t smoking or shooting up. “His thoughts are so loud, even I can catch them.”
“You sure it’s his thoughts that are causing that?” Her boyfriend’s tone suddenly changed. He grew concerned. “Maybe it’s… you know.”
Amy sighed. “Then we already know what’s gonna happen.” Then she started itching at the side of her neck, noticing her peeling skin. She pulled her hand back and saw her skin getting caked under her nails. Startled, she dug her fingers into her neck again and pulled. A piece of her flesh came off like some stretchy glue. “Shit…”
It wasn’t the first time the team had seen something like this, but it was never easy. Tyler looked away, Kathryn placed her hand over her mouth, and Mark… he just had a look of heartbreak on his face. He knew what this meant, and he never liked it.
“Are you even gonna come back this time?” he asked, a hint of resentment in his tone.
“I always do,” Amy replied, not sounding reassuring at all.
“Okay, so we have to stay put for you,” Kathryn said, diffusing the tension. “Which means we can’t go out and find Ethan.”
“He said he was flying to Maine tonight,” Tyler said. “So we won’t see him for a couple of weeks, right?”
“I checked his apartment,” Mark told him. “Well, I didn’t… but he didn’t take anything with him. He’s still in the city somewhere.”
Thinking about Ethan made him angry all over again. Mark paced around the room, running his hand over his face. He looked at the floor, at the pile of rubble. How could a guy of Ethan’s size do something like this?
“Fucking coward can’t even show his face…”
“Better here than somewhere he could get in legal trouble for,” Tyler pointed out. “We can’t stray too far out these walls, remember?”
“Now we don’t have any walls to stay within!” Mark’s voice echoed. “He’s destructive and out of control!” He cracked his neck. “How long will these fucking mortals keep us waiting?”
Kathryn immediately looked around the room. Any bottle of liquor that had been coveted was now destroyed. She turned towards her boss again, watching his eyes roll into the back of skull just before he collapsed to the floor. This was bad. She slipped out of the room before they could spot her.
As soon as Dark was out, Peevils and Stoneface appeared too. The room went black, and their auras shone bright. The air was tense, angry. Dark was flickering all over the place, making the lights spark and burst.
“I don’t feel good,” Peevils said, out of breath as she slid down to the floor. “I can’t be here for very long.”
“We need you right now,” Dark told her as he appeared standing in front of her. “You’re the most… compassionate of the three of us. When the time is right, you need to be the one to speak to Blank.”
She sighed as she leaned her head back against the wall. “But my mortal… look at her!” She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling out a shocking amount of strands. She scratched at her chest, practically peeling off pieces of skin and leaving red, inflamed flesh underneath. “She’s falling apart. I need to go and fix her.”
“Perhaps, it’s time to find another mortal?” Dark suggested. “This one is… wearing thin. It would be much easier to find a new mortal.”
Peevils looked up, glaring at him. “Mine is wearing thin? Yours is all but-”
“Another time!” Stoneface cut her off. “What about Blank? What about the human? She could help us.”
“The human?” Dark repeated with disgust. “She went to get her friends’ coping items. We know whose side she’s on.”
“So why haven’t we killed her yet?” Peevils wondered. “If she’s so bad, then why haven’t we gotten rid of her?”
Dark looked at her, a hard look on his grey face. “Why would you even ask that?”
The blonde shrugged, unfazed. Then she raised her eyebrows, detecting the first sign of vulnerability, and she read him for the first time. “Oh… I see.”
“What is it?” Stoneface asked.
“Don’t you dare,” Dark growled.
Peevils scoffed and ran her hand through the image, once again reminding herself that she couldn’t touch him. “And what will you do about it? You’re nothing but a hallucination.”
Just as she was about to stand again, she was pushed against the wall. She felt an intense pressure on her neck, and then she was slowly raised up into the air. Her eyes widened in fear as she choked and sputtered, spitting up human blood.
“Dark, stop!” Stoneface yelled, trying to counter the attack with his mind. He succeeded, relieving the pressure.
As soon as Peevils was dropped to the floor, hey greyish yellow aura went away. She kept coughing and gagging, pulling at her hair and neck. Heavier tufts of hair were falling out, and blood kept dripping from her mouth.
“If the mortal goes, then Peevils goes!” Stoneface yelled at Dark, who had appeared by the broken window. “Do you want that?”
Dark merely stood on the other side of the room, his hands behind his back.
“You’re... “ Amy coughed violently. “You’re… nothing… without us…”
And that’s when Kathryn burst through the door again, ready to bring her friends back.
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koficlouds · 2 years
Midnight Snacks(JSE X Crankgameplays Fanfiction)
I wanna try and get back into fanfic writing before Whumptober and Goretober so I’m just gonna make this small fanfic with Blank x Anti because I can. <333
It was 11:30 and Blank was curled up under his blankets from a harsh thunderstorm that kept the anxious ego up. He found himself unable to fall asleep at all due to the noise. 
The rain was no issue, he could fall asleep easily if it was just rain. But the loud thunder was too much for him to handle.
He quickly hopped up out of his bed after a loud clap of thunder startled him. The fifth time already since it turned 11:00. His eyes were watery with black tears so he wraps himself in his weighted blanket and began his way downstairs to the kitchen. Blank figured he’d grab a midnight snack since he’d be up for a while now. 
Making his way to the kitchen he noticed Anti asleep on the couch, cuddling a pillow. Blank held his blanket close to his body and went to the kitchen for a bag of mini muffins. He grabbed a few bags and a bottle of water and went to go back to his room before he heard a slight movement and a light switch turn off. “You should have turned the light off when you walked out” The tired glitch muttered.
“O-Oh..I-I’m sorry..I forgot..” Blank kept his glance down while he spoke. Anti sighed and walked over to the ego. He picks him up, surprising him a little when he did so. Anti brought him back to the couch and sets him down, heading to the kitchen and retrieving more snacks. “We’re gonna watch a movie and have some of these if you can’t sleep” Anti grinned as he returned. Anti sits next to the smaller ego and lets him lean against his shoulder. “Ya should have told me if ye couldn’t sleep” He calmly spoke to the ego, given his anxiety and sensitivity to Anti’s usual glitchy and harsher tone. Softer than how Dark sounds but closer to Mad Mike which is why it usually startles him.
About a half an hour in, Anti could feel Blanks head laying on his shoulder. He looked over to him, seeing the ego fast asleep. Anti chuckles and smiles. “You sure were tired”
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asleepycoyote · 3 years
Stuff I write
What I write:
Ego x reader
Crack oneshots
Ego x Ego (eh I'm kinda iffy on this but eh)
Text oneshots
What I don't write:
Who I write:
Markiplier Ego's and characters:
Wilford Warfstache
Bim Trimmer
Abe the detective
The Jims
Dr. Iplier
King of the Squirrels
The Colonel
Actor Mark
Ed Edgar
Silver Shepherd
Captain Magnum
Eric Derekson
Jacksepticeye Egos:
Dr. Schneeplestein
Marvin the Magnificent
Chase Brody
Jackieboy Man
James Jackson
Robbie the Zombie
Crankgameplays Egos:
Blank Game Plays
Mad Mike
If there is someone on here that is similar to them and you would like to request don't be shy, I'll look into it and see if I would be able to write it!
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deery-fiction · 4 years
I’m taking writing Prompts!
I’ve decided to bite the bullet and open up a writing side blog! As such Requests are open, prompts will be accepted and I would love to chat with you all to come up with ideas!
I’m currently accepting requests for:
- Markiplier egos
- Jacksepticeye egos
- Crankgameplays egos
- Sanders Sides
- Unus Annus characters
-Dream Smp
I can’t wait to get more involved with you all! And here’s to hoping that my ADHD ass can keep focused! So apologies if some prompts take longer then others!
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vampirenestor · 4 years
I’m beginning to write a story about Ethan and Blank if y’all wanna read the first chapter 🥴🥴🥺💙
Pretty please read it, it would mean the world to me🥺🥺🥺💙
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lildevyl · 6 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Well this is interesting.  I guess you can call this my first Markiplier FanFic.  So, yeah.  I got inspired reading through @septic-dr-schneep​ Markiplier’s tag list and then I went and started to look at different Alter Egos of Teamiplier.  Okay, enough of my rambling.
Enjoy the show!  HAPPY WRITING!
Summary:  Thinking there was absolutely now way, that there would be an Alter Ego of himself.  Tyler agree to let his best friend, Markiplier, tell the Community to make fan art/theorize/write fanfics of his "Alter Ego" Xyler.
(Markiplier's House)
It was an ordinary day.  At least that's how it started out.  Mark was doing his monthly Charity Live Stream and one of the members of the Community asked when Mark would do a video featuring Fan Art of all the different Egos.  Mark smiled and laughed and said that was actually a good a idea.  That he might actually do that.  Then he nonchalantly glanced over at Tyler, with mischief in his eyes.
"Wait," Mark lazily smiled. "I don't want to do just my Alter Egos, oh no."  His smiled widened and then asked.  "How about it, Tyler?  Want the Community to make an Alter Ego of you?"
It was an innocent question.  Tyler looked over at Mark.  He wasn't too sure about that.  He wasn't computer savey to say the least.  That was Ethan, Bob, Wade, Mark and Katherine.  They all knew their way around a computer and could easily edit things themselves without any trouble.
Tyler on the other hand, yeah, he couldn't do any of that.  He wasn't computer savey at all.  He knew how to film, read a script, helped with scouting places and even did a lot of the behind the scenes scenarios to help out Mark and his friends. Merchandising, mailing, filling out the orders, e-mails, getting them delivered. Tyler knew all that.
But Tyler wasn't naive.  He met all of Mark's Egos.  He even met Felix's dark self, Infelix (DIEpie) and Ethan's dark persona (BlankGamePlays).  But a part of him - just wasn't sure.
"I don't know man," Tyler said trying to brush it off as if it was nothing.
"Oh come on man!"  Mark insisted.  "Aren't you at least a little bit curious?"
Oh yes, Tyler was, extremely curious!  It was itching in the back of mind.  Wanting to get out just to see it for himself what would happen!  He saw all the different theories, fan art and even read a few fanfics himself with some of Mark's Egos.  Hell, Tyler even met the Septics!  And a part of Tyler was curious. 
'Oh come on Tyler!  It couldn't be that bad!'  A little voice in the back of his head told him.  'So what's the harm?'
What was the harm?  After all, Tyler didn't have a YouTube Channel.  He was just that guy helping his friends out in different skits and videos!  Helping his friends out with the different charities they did.  He was that guy that helped out on stage with Mark and the others.  He was just Mark's friend.  Mark's best friend.  And Tyler   .   .   .   Knew all of this!  So why, was he so hesitant about all of this, then?
'Oh, come on, Tyler!'  He chastised himself.  'You've been in a ton of videos with Mark before!  A Date With Markiplier.  Who Killed Markiplier?'  Tyler stopped himself right there.  Ever since they did that mini series   .   .   .   What was he doing again?  Oh, right!
"Well, yeah, I'm curious!"  Tyler finally exclaimed after a while.
"Then what's the harm?!”  Mark asked.   “Let the Community do an Alter Ego of you!  I actually want to see this now!"  Mark was so excited that he barely could contain himself.
What was the harm?  There was just no way that he, Tyler, could ever have an Alter Ego!  Come on!  He was just that guy in the videos.  The co-star!  So, what's the harm?
"You know, what?"  Tyler finally came around.  "Why not?  My curiosity's piqued."
"Alright!  I want to see fan art, theories, and if you guys want to, even fan fictions of Tyler's Alter Ego!  Uh, what should we name him?"
Several people in the Community were going off in chat with different names and what the alter ego should be.  One name caught Mark's attention immediately. His smile growing ever larger.  "Ooohh!  I like that one!  Xyler!”  Mark turned to Tyler.  “Your evil twin!"
Tyler busted out laughing.  Mostly, because of how ridiculous that sounded.  Both in the name and the whole cliché.  But Tyler nodded a yes to Mark. Gesturing for him to go for it.  Even Tyler was now looking forward to what the Community would come up with now.
"Okay, everyone after this stream is done.  Tonight!  I want to see fan art of Tyler's evil persona, Xyler!"
(Iplier Mansion)
"And who might you be?"  Darkiplier asked with an authority to be reckon with, with this new Ego.
The new Ego sat across Darkiplier's desk with a lazy smile.  "My name's not important but what is important.  What’s important, is what I can do to help you."
"Help me with what exactly?"  Dark demanded.
"Getting rid of Mark."  The new Ego said with an air of cockiness.
That got Dark's attention.  "And why would I be needing your help?"
"I know how to get to Mark.  Make him hurt.  Make him suffer without the need to kill him."
Now, this new Ego has Dark's full undivided attention.  "And why do you want to help me?"
"Simple.  The man that I was created from needs to step out of Mark's shadow. He's been nothing but over shadowed by his so called best friend.  And then over shadowed by his best friend’s other friends as well.  He needs to step up. To have an actual backbone for once.  He can't do that with Mark still around calling all the shots."
Let me know what you guys, girls, demons, ghouls and JSE Fiends think!  Like, Comment and Re-blog if you like this story and like to see where it might go.  Or if you would like me to write some more Markiplier/JSE FanFics.
Tagging:  @septic-dr-schneep​, @starlightxnightmare​, @huffletrax​, @egopocalypse​, @dolphintreasureart​, @kisstheashes​, @epicfangirl01​, @the-scribe-speaks​, @markiplier​, @snowy-dreemurr-gaster, @shadowsonthemoon, @dezzydynamite, @miishae
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glorious-idiot · 6 years
Darkiplier does Halloween
Sorry it's a little late but here goes
Gears costume is super complex but fully operational
It took him 2 months to do
Apacolypse has a shirt that says boo
It took him 2 minutes to do
Dark went with a gory fake blood costume
We think its fake
Although he did leave for two hours and come back fully "dressed"
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Gear is fully in the Halloween spirit and insists they decorate and hand out candy
(Because that's what wikipedia said to do)
Gear drags apacolypse around to help hang up decroations
Dark is not helpful and wants to make everything scary
"Dark! I said no to the bodies hanging from the ceiling! I dont care how long it took you to get them and hang them up! Take. Them. Down"
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Gear buys so much candy but apacolypse keeps eating ALL of it
They decide to carve pumpkins
Everyone gets a knife but dark
He gets a spoon
They all know why
Gears is super detailed and technical
Apacolypse went with a very simple and small smiley face
Dark found a way to set his on fire
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When trick or treaters come they better hope to get gear or apacolypse
Gear will compliment their costumes but only give them candy if they say trick-or-treat
Apacolypse doesnt like to share his candy and just throws candy in the general direction of the kids and slams the door shut
Dark on the other hand tries to scare the sh*t out of the kids
The kids that dont run screaming (which is most) get 1 candy each
Parents always double check that candy for some reason
Gears favorite Halloween movie is the nightmare before Christmas
Apacolypse is Frankenstien
And Darks is Halloween 2
@markiplier @crankgameplays @maybalator @nighttimeblurbs
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i-am-a-fan · 7 years
Hey you know what’d be great
A fanfic with the extra googles
But one where it starts off ok then google gets a virus and all the other egos start to worry
but they shrug it off
Only to find it become harder to move
And work
And think
Eventually they can’t move
Idk if it should end with google finally getting better and saying “ some errors had to be patched” as he looks at his other lifeless shells
Or maybe anti killing them and having fun
Or blank/ corroded giving a smirk as the other mark egos get rid of the bodies.
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franklyshipping · 3 years
The Giggliest Narrative ~ A Markiplier and Crankgameplays Ego Fanfic
TAGGING: @the-authler
Blank had literally no idea why he was here. He wasn’t exactly someone people would come to if they needed the help of someone scary or intimidating . . . and yet for some reason, the Author had come to him. Blank was sat in the Author’s suite, cross-legged on his couch, with a script on his lap. Author was sat next to him, nibbling the end of his pen, experiencing something many of us know well: writer’s block. Except in this case it was more like precise dialogue and characterisation block. Author was working on a story that included a sentient monster, but was having a hard time visualising it and giving it true detail. So, he had asked Blank to act out the part of the monster, so he could see the true effect of what he’d written so that he could figure out just how to edit accordingly.
‘So uh, I just read from here?’
Blank asked, and the Author nodded, crossing his legs as he replied.
‘Indeed, just emulate the creepy subtlety as much as you can, the dialogue should do most of the work for you.’
‘Uh, okey dokey.’
The Author fought a smile as he watched Blank look down at the script, softly clearing his throat; he thought he was pretty damn adorable. Now though, Blank took a few breaths, and tried to deepen his voice as he read the Author’s words.
‘I’ve turned out the lights now, and yet still you stumble. Fumbling for a door handle. A window latch. But all that’s left for you is me. I’ve been the lump in your throat for long enough . . . and now the whole of you, will be swallowed down mine.’
When he finished, Blank looked to the Author with a soft smile, whilst also trying to hide how many chills he got from the Author’s amazing writing. However, the Author had his fist subtly pressed against his mouth, having to try even harder not to smile. Somehow, despite the nature of the words . . . Blank made them come across adorably! His voice had still been soft and his eyes had been bright; he’d let his excitement shine through. The Author cleared his throat and smiled lightly, trying to be encouraging.
‘Uh-huh, okay good, that’s . . . that’s alright. Perhaps try it again but really imagine you’re trying to scare someone, make someone fear you, that kind of thing.’
‘O-Oh yeah, yeah sure.’
Blank really wanted to help the Author out, so he tried it again. However, the words still came across the same, with the Author not even getting a hint of a goose-bump. So he asked Blank to read a different portion, one which had snarls interspersed in the dialogue . . . but when Blank did them, he honestly just sounded like a puppy snarling. Blank just kept coming across as so cute! The Author was being incredibly kind as he asked Blank to do more do-overs, but Blank was getting annoyed at himself; he felt like he was letting the Author down, and that was the last thing he wanted!
‘I-I’m sorry, I’m trying to get it but I-I’m not good at this stuff! And your writing is so good-I’m sorry Author-’
‘Hey, hey don’t apologise! You’re not doing anything wrong, it’s just that not everyone is at ease embodying an evil figure.’
Author interjected in a comforting manner, not wanting Blank to get upset. He reached and squeezed his shoulder, and smiled warmly as he added.
‘And actually, that’s probably a good thing.’
Blank smiled bashfully, and did feel a little better from the Author being so kind to him; although, the Author could still see he was disheartened. Blank was a naturally generous soul, and not being able to fulfil his selflessness just really brought him down. Author certainly wasn’t going to have that. He nibbled his lip in thought, and tilted his head at Blank curiously.
‘Blank . . . have you ever actually gone out of your way to intimidate someone before? Even just harmlessly?’
Blank fiddled with his sleeves and shook his head.
‘No, no I never have.’
The Author smiled subtly, his eyes glimmering as he replied.
‘Would you like me to teach you? I wouldn’t be teaching you how to cause anyone true harm or discomfort, just a few pointers on how to make someone get goosebumps in your presence. Or even just make their blood quicken, and their adrenaline build at the mere thought of you.’
Blank shivered at the mere thought of all those things, but honestly, the fact that he wouldn’t be harming anyone was a large incentive. Also, he would take any opportunity to keep hanging out with the Author . . . he liked the guy. So he smiled and nodded.
‘Y-Yeah, yeah I’d like that.’
The Author now grinned a slightly more wolfish grin, and his reply came out as a dastardly purr.
Before Blank could react, the Author tossed the script out of the way . . . and manhandled him effortlessly. He gripped him by the forearms and got up on his knees, and before Blank knew it he’d been forced into a lying position on the couch, with the Author straddling him and pinning his wrists above his head with one hand. Blank’s eyes widened and he squealed at the suddenness of it all, struggling and stuttering as his heart raced.
‘A-Author wh-wha-?’
Blank was cut off, by the Author putting his free hand over Blank’s mouth (gently, of course). The Author sneered down at him, leaning down nose to nose as his eyes glimmered and his voice seemed to get oh so cold.
‘Hush now, little thing. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll only speak when you’re spoken to. Understand?’
Blank let out a cute little whimper and nodded, so the Author removed his hand from his mouth. Blank’s lips were parted in the most adorably shocked way. Blank knew of course that the Author was putting on a show, but it was so incredibly terrifying! The Author then let out a sigh and stroked Blank’s cheek, tracing his cheek bone.
‘Such soft, tender skin . . . such shaky little breaths. What a dainty little darling you are.’
Blank quietly whined, shivering at the Author’s soft touch as he got goose-bumps. He felt so intimidated. The Author trailed his fingertips down Blank’s jaw, his neck, and over his Adam’s apple; he chuckled at feeling him gulp. Then he teased his collarbone, and the Author noticed how all of a sudden . . . Blank seemed to be trying not to smile. It clicked immediately of course. The Author smirked as he realised Blank’s ticklishness, and that just cemented the climax of his teasing plan in his mind.
‘I’ve been meaning to acquire a new subject for my torturous practises . . .’
Blank was nibbling his lip constantly now as the Author’s lean fingers trailed down his torso, awakening his nerves in the most tantalising, flustering manner. Blank’s mind was racing, but then his eyes widened at the Author’s final words.
‘. . . and you are just perfect.’
Blank let out the most adorable shriek of a laugh when the Author dug his fingers into his lean stomach, tickling him speedily and causing Blank to arch his back and wriggle in utter shock.
The Author chuckled as he kept tickling, relishing in Blank’s mirth as he replied nonchalantly.
‘I’m just showing you how to be an intimidating monster, isn’t it obvious?’
Poor Blank was so flustered and confused, gazing up at the Author pleadingly as he whined through his laughter.
The Author snickered, and lowered his voice with a chuckle as he replied to him with the most teasy glee imaginable.
‘Ohh, perhaps I should have elaborated . . . I’m the tickle monster!’
In under a second, Blank just went utterly beet red, and his hands flailed about as the Author now used both hands to scratch and squeeze at Blank’s tummy. The Author was chuckling gleefully down at him as Blank exclaimed.
The Author grinned and mused in his reply, meanwhile Blank’s erratic batting did absolutely nothing to dislodge his tickle torture.
‘Mm, not quite, but I appreciate the compliment! It’s most kind of you to give my ego a little stroke during your predicament.’
The Author winked down at him, and Blank snorted heartily at the innuendo as he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. His smile was the widest that the Author had ever seen it, and the longer the Author gazed down at him and admired him . . . the more he realised something. Warm joy melted through the Author as he realised that was utterly in love with Blank.
‘Ohoho my dearest, you have no idea.’
The Author replied with delighted playfulness, and he leant over Blank now as he lightly walked his fingers up towards his ribs. Blank gasped and immediately pressed his arms in, blocking his ribs off completely. Blank giggled amidst his pants when the Author raised an eyebrow at him.
‘I assume that your blocking was mere instinct, and that now you’re going to be a good boy and move those arms for me?’
Blank giggled, and then shook his head. The Author started to smile less sinisterly and more playfully at him, since he couldn’t help but find his clear giddiness so damn endearing.
Blank giggled again and nibbled his lip. Inside he was just the happiest person alive, and he had realised something so preciously fundamental. He was utterly in love with the Author. The Author now inched his face closer to Blank’s as his smile broadened playfully.
‘So . . . you’ve decided to be a naughty boy, have you?’
Blank giggled harder, and immediately nodded up at the Author, not bothering to hide how much fun he was having. The Author chuckled, and purred with delight as his fingertips twitched at the base of Blank’s ribcage.
‘Ohhh but my dear, tickle monsters dole out the most torturous kind of tickling to naughty boys . . . are you sure you wouldn’t rather do as you’re told?’
Blank felt himself becoming more and more breathless as he gazed into the Author’s eyes, but he still shook his head, and cheekily replied.
‘Y-Yohou cahan’t make me mohove my arms!’
The Author smiled fondly, let out a warm sigh, and tilted his head down at him as he replied softly.
‘Mm, technically you are correct. I cannot make you move your arms . . .’
Then, the Author leant down to whisper huskily in Blank’s ear, making the pinned man go even more red-faced.
‘But I don’t even need to speak, to move them myself.’
The Author then executed what he liked to call, a non-verbal narration. It only works with the simplest of actions, and though he could have just spoken the command aloud, he found himself wanting to be particularly suave with it. So in an instant, Blank’s arms shot above his head, and he gasped with giddy terror as the Author loomed over his exposed torso . . . and started pushing up his t-shirt with a grin.
‘Ohoho nonono dohohoon’t!’
‘But when it’s all laid out so handsomely for me, how can I possibly resist?’
The Author replied to Blank’s stammers, and pushed his t-shirt all the way up to his chest so all his ribs are exposed, and he eagerly danced his fingers up and down his ribs. He was featherlight with his tickly touches, making Blank arch and let out the most precious, high-pitched fits of giggles.
‘Thahahat’s nahahat fahahair! Nohoho pohohohoweeers!’
The Author laughed affectionately and teased.
‘Well I would apologise, but alas, I’m not actually sorry.’
Blank snorted through his giggles, but then let out some particularly noticeable squeals when the Author came to tease his top-most ribs. He was incredibly ticklish there, and the light traces and scratches were just driving him mad!
‘Nahaha nahahat thehehere!’
The Author raised an eyebrow, and eagerly kept up the tickling at his top-most ribs as he taunted him mercilessly.
‘Ohhh so this is where you like it? I imagine these pretty ribs are extra sensitive, with them always being hidden . . . but not anymore. Now they’re all mine to tease and tickle, and all you can do is squeal and squeal and squeal . . .’
Blank arched his back even more, letting out a plethora of whines, squeals and giggles as the teases invaded his mind. This was unlike any tickling he’d ever gotten before . . . and he loved it. The Author’s fingers were a devilish musician, and he delighted in being the instrument at hand.
‘Plehehehease! Plehehease ihit tihihickles!’
The Author beamed, and used his nails to particularly tickle Blank’s highest rib bones as he purred.
‘Oh I am so glad to hear it!’
The Author also adored laughing along with him, feeling so buoyant and overjoyed by Blank’s laughter and expressions, all of it just filling his senses. He especially grinned when Blank wailed preciously.
‘Plehehease gohoho sohohomewhere ehelse! Ahahanywhehere ehelse!’
‘Anywhere else? Hmm . . . well now that I think on it . . .’
The Author stopped the tickling, and Blank managed to briefly catch his breath . . . but then gulped when the Author smiled a feral smile.
‘. . . I’ve always wanted to know how your neck tastes.’
Without further ado the Author dove in and started ruthlessly nibbling at the crook of Blank’s neck, whilst also mentally releasing Blank’s arms, since he liked to think he wasn’t entirely cruel. He grinned happily when he heard Blank’s yelp filled laughter, and his hands grasping at him adorably.
‘But I’m soooo hungry, and we tickle monsters have a diabolical appetite!’
The Author eagerly nibbled as fast as he could, making Blank writhe beneath him as he got tears in his eyes. He really didn’t know if he could take much more, even though he was loving every bit of the new closeness that they had now.
The Author laughed at his exclamation, deciding to nip behind his ear and lie on him a little as he teased.
‘Oh you will, will you?’
The Author laughed warmly, and nipped his earlobe with a smug little growl.
‘Oh I’d love to see you try.’
The Author then reared up so he could smirk down at him, preparing to dive into the other side of his neck and give it the tickle treatment it so deserved . . . but Blank managed to act first. Blank gasped, took in a breath . . . and yanked the Author down by his black shirt so he could kiss him. The Author’s eyes widened, but then all sense of the tickle monster melted away as the Author succumbed to the kiss with happy delight. They made out for a lovely few moments, both of them smiling and adoring every second, which was honestly long over-due. Then though, Blank moved away with a giggly gasp.
‘O-Oh my-ahah, I-I c-cahan’t breathe . . .’
‘Oh my daharling, come sit up, sit up with my dearest.’
The Author replied affectionately, letting out a few giggles of his own as he helped Blank sit up, whilst gazing at him with all the love in the world. Blank eagerly held the Author’s hands as he caught his breath, and the Author was so smitten. Before they knew it, they had locked eyes, and giggled together sweetly. Then, the Author raised a playful eyebrow and grinned.
‘So . . . do you feel you have a better idea about what an intimidating monster is like?’
Blank pursed his lips at him, his face immediately flushing, which made the Author laugh . . . but then he gasped audibly when a cushion suddenly hit him in the face. He blinked as he looked at Blank, seeing him holding said cushion in his hand with a little smug grin in place. Then though, Blank gulped, and got intense butterflies when the Author smirked at him, his eyes glinting.
‘Oh dear . . . it seems you need another demonstration.’
Blank squealed and immediately bolted from the couch, with the Author immediately giving chase. Of course, Blank didn’t try to escape as seriously as he could have, and the Author wasn’t as cruel to him as he could have been. Well, that indeed is love.
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sweetnestor · 6 years
this is not a dream #7 | i don’t like you
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
read at your own risk.
~January 2017
There were many, many wires. It was practically second nature for Ethan to feel the urge to strangle himself with all of them. But he was actually being watched this time. He was going to be watched the whole night, and hopefully something logical will come out of his disturbing sleep habits.
He had been putting this off for months for various reasons, one of them being that he was very busy. Another reason was that his sleep was so disturbed and spotty that he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the cause of it. He also didn’t want any of his friends knowing that he was here, and it was hard to shake them off these days.
But now Ethan was here, lying in a bed, surrounded by machines, and hooked up to practically all of them. The specialist was a lady who had streaks of color in her hair. She had been very thorough with explaining everything that would go down tonight. Ethan paid attention to less than half of what she had said. The wires attached to different parts of his body would determine what exactly he does in his sleep. That was the gist of it, right?
The only problem was that Ethan had walked into the clinic feeling the least tired he had ever felt. He looked up at the white ceiling, waiting for sleep to come. Then he picked his head up and looked through the window on the opposite end of the room. The colorful haired lady was on the other side, writing something on a notepad, not paying any attention to her patient.
Ethan returned to staring at the ceiling. He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes. As soon as they were shut, he felt moisture in the corners of his eyes, trickling down his face. He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't. Was he asleep already?
He could still feel his surroundings. He was still laying down on the bed. There were wires still attached to his head, chest, and arms. He could feel goosebumps on his skin as the room got ten degrees colder. Oh no…
Suddenly, Ethan could see the room. The colorful haired specialist was still on the other side of the glass except… she was glitching? One flash was her just sitting and staring, then she was limp in the chair with her neck split open and her eyes burned out of her skull. It made Ethan actually vomit, except he couldn't open his mouth, so he choked.
He tried to move, but the wires felt like restraints. His body was stuck to the bed. Not only that, the mumbling was starting to return, just behind his ears.
No, please…
Coughs finally came out, and Ethan was sick all over himself. Dark red stained blood his skin and his white hospital gown. He still couldn't move, despite how repulsive and absolutely disgusting everything was. He just wanted to get out of his own skin.
Good idea.
It started at the bottom of his feet. Searing pain was moving right underneath his skin. Ethan couldn't scream out loud or cry for help. He internally yelled at himself that none of this was real. It's all in his head.
Of course it's happening in your head, but why should that mean that it's not real?
The mumbling was getting louder. The skin was getting ripped off his legs, slowly moving up his body. It was unbearable, Ethan wanted to strangle himself with the wires. He wanted to inject something into his chest to make it all stop. He would much rather cut into his veins again.
And then it happened. Ethan was staring up at the white ceiling, and he felt a thousand white hot needles poke into his arms at once. He screamed, but no one heard him. He coughed up more blood, he choked and sputtered. He could feel someone standing over him, their face slowly coming into his line of vision. The vision flashed so quickly that Ethan couldn’t make out any facial features.
Make it stop. Please just make it stop. I'll do anything, I just want this to be over.
“Alright, Mr. Nestor, you're all set to go,” said a kind female voice.
Ethan's eyes opened. Of course that had all been a dream. He felt the specialist remove all of the wires from his body. He kept his eyes away from her, not wanting to be reminded of her burnt out eyes.
“How long was I out?” he asked, his voice raspy.
“The whole eight hours,” she replied as she removed the last of the wires. “You were perfectly still and undisturbed throughout the night. We'll give you a call as soon as we see the results.”
Ethan left the clinic feeling completely unrested and shaken up. He could still barely make out the mumbling in his ears and it made him even more uneasy. This wasn't a medical problem after all. There wasn't a logical explanation for this.
He got into his car and just sat there for a moment. He felt strange. Confused. Very out of place. His reflection in the rear view mirror was in his peripherals, but he didn’t dare look at his own face. His skin was crawling so much he scratched at his arms. The only thing he knew now was that he never wanted to sleep again.
The drive back home was a blur. Ethan spaced out a lot, even without whatever was going on with him lately. He was always aware of this little quality, but now it freaked him out. What if he spaced out long enough for him to not come back? What if whatever he saw in his sleep came back and took over?
“That’s ridiculous,” he breathed out as he entered his quiet apartment. Suddenly he didn’t like living alone anymore. “It’s just a dream.”
It’s not like he saw anyone anyway. It was just a bunch of bad feelings and physical pain that was a little too vivid.
~March 2017
No matter how bad things are, conventions always did some good. It was why Ethan looked forward to PAX East in Boston. Well, he always looked forward to it, even when bad things were not happening in his life. It was fun to meet people in his community and hang out with his long distance friends. Plus, he got to visit home for a while too.
Being close to home helped quiet down the things in Ethan’s head. He noticed that when he was home last Christmas. He didn’t have a single nightmare, and he didn’t hear any mumbling in his ears. He still hung himself in his room late at night, but having less weird things around him was better than what he got in LA. You could say that Ethan missed home because it kept whatever this was quiet.
Three of his YouTube friends offered to room with him for the weekend. For once, Ethan turned down all the offers. He couldn’t risk having any of his friends seeing what he does in his sleep. He felt bad about denying everyone, but it was for the best. He just had to come up with a valid excuse as to why he had to bunk alone.
The actual convention was just what he needed to boost his mood. Ethan was happily distracted by games, merch, and subscribers. He hung out with Kathryn, Brian, Sean, and Signe pretty much the entire time.
It was almost therapeutic.
On the last night of the convention, Ethan found himself walking back to his hotel room, Sean at his side. A group of their friends met up at the bar in the lobby, and all Ethan knew was that there were many shots involved. Sean decided to bring him upstairs. Good friend, a very good friend. But if it was Kathryn, then Ethan wouldn’t feel as anxious about the things his drunk self was going to spill.
“I don’t normally do this,” Ethan mumbled. “You’re a good friend, I love you so much.”
Sean put his arm around Ethan’s shoulders. “Of course, man. I’m here for you. You really went at it tonight. Like you were drinking away your demons.” He chuckled.
Ethan wasn’t tipsy enough to miss his friend’s almost knowing tone. But he was tipsy enough to keep talking.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Silence dawned between the two of them as they walked down the hall. Sean looked down at the floor, putting his hands in his pocket. Ethan tried to see past the haze in his head. He spoke again when they approached his door.
“But I’m fine.” He wasn’t sober enough for this shit. “Thanks for bringing me back…”
“I know what you mean,” Sean finally spoke while Ethan fumbled for his key. “I don’t know why we’re like this. You’d think we would be happier, given all that we have.”
Now Ethan felt the need to help his friend. This was something he had never heard from Sean before.
“You would think I would be able to sleep more.” He wasn’t sure what made him say that.
Sean gave him a confused look, and then took the key from Ethan’s hand. “Okay, you definitely need to go to bed.”
At least Ethan could use the excuse of too much alcohol for his nonsense.
“You would think I wouldn’t hear things that aren’t there…”
“Okay, bouncing baby boy…”
Sean followed him inside the room. Maybe he wanted to listen in more on Ethan’s drunken rambles.
“I think I'm immortal,” Ethan whispered.
He stumbled past Sean to get to the bed, but a hand went tightly around his upper arm. Ethan wasn't drunk enough to mishear the change in Sean’s tone.
“Let's find out, shall we?” It was turned rough and grainy, like it was glitching in real life.
Ethan yelled as he was shoved into the wall. He swore he heard it crack behind him. He looked into his friend’s eyes; They were suddenly pitch black. One eye looked like it was leaking black tears going in all directions. Then he heard a clicking sound, and his body acted on its own.
He wasn't sure what made him do it, but Ethan instantly raised his arms to deflect Sean’s attempts to stab him with a pocket knife. The point of the blade came way too close multiple times, making the adrenaline spike through Ethan’s body.
His hands caught Sean's wrist before the knife could meet his heart. Ethan was breathing rapidly, his mind blank, holding his friend back with strength he didn’t know he had. His fingers dug into the black long sleeve, and he heard the slightest crackling sound coming from the bones.
Sean growled under his breath, madness in his black eyes. Then, in the blink of an eye, he pulled a second knife from his pocket and slashed across Ethan’s stomach.
Ethan gasped, feeling several things gush from his abdomen. He gurgled and groaned as he felt the knife puncture his torso multiple times. His hold on Sean's wrist loosened, he was sure to die this time around.
He felt himself slipping away, but his body still moved. Ethan’s hand snatched the first knife away. Then, as if he was being propelled forward, he pushed Sean into the opposite wall, the knife piercing him right through the throat and into the plaster. Sean choked and spit blood in Ethan’s face, and returned the favor by sticking the knife right into the boy’s chest.
The two stared at each other, still holding the handles of the knives. Ethan would have panicked, had he not felt his own blood drenching his body. Sean's eyes went back to their usual blue, except they were faint and staring without seeing, and he loosened his grip on the knife.
Ethan stumbled backwards, his vision blurring. He just killed his friend. He needed help. He needed to tell someone.
He mustered up enough strength to get out of the hotel room and limp down the hallway. What was Mark's room again? Were they even on the same floor?
His vision went blurry. He stumbled into somebody's door.
He felt himself falling… But suddenly he was walking again… He had tunnel vision, almost like he was peering through the lock on a door. He moved down the hall… Ethan was too weak to continue watching… Maybe someone found him…
Ethan woke with a start. He was lying on a bed, covered in blankets and cold sweat. He sat up, looking around the dark room. He almost thought he was still dreaming because he was in his bedroom in Los Angeles.
“The fuck…?” he whispered as he got out of bed. He walked around the space, searching for the light.
Well, it was definitely his room. His apartment. Wasn’t he in Boston last night? Wasn’t he supposed to be in his hotel room?
Suddenly, a deep knot formed in Ethan’s stomach. The hotel. Sean.
That had to be a dream, right? There was no way…
Next thing he knew, Ethan was running out the door to the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror, tore off his unusually sweaty t-shirt, and looked at his body. He could still barely feel the knife going through his chest, yet the skin there was unmarked. He remembered walking around with the handle of the knife sticking out of his body. He could feel his insides-
Ethan physically gagged. It was way too real to be a dream. He turned on the sink and splashed water on his face, trying to get back his sense of reality. Whatever was going on in his head, whatever was living in there… It was playing with him.
He jumped when he heard his phone ring in his room. Since when did he have the ringer on? Ethan felt weary as he stepped back into his room. His phone was left on the nightstand, and it was lit up with a new text message.
Sean: “Look at us being crazy bois!!”
It goes without saying that Ethan cleared that notification without looking at the attachment. So Sean was definitely alive. It was wild that Ethan had to confirm that. Did he dare ask Sean if he remembered what happened? Was it even Sean who texted him?
Aside from that, how did Ethan not remember coming back home? Did anyone else remember him coming back home? Surely not, considering that Ethan probably would have had more texts and concerning phone calls from the friends he saw. He looked through his social media and found nothing weird on his part. What the hell was going on?
Whatever this was, it didn’t want to be seen. That’s why his sleep test results were normal. That’s why PAX East went well.
This thing wanted only Ethan to know about it. It wanted Ethan to go crazy trying to figure out what it was. That was the only thing he was sure of. He was definitely losing his mind.
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What's ur au?
I call my AU the Demon AUThe basics are the Iplier Egos all live together in the Office, a sentient building and grounds in its own little subspace or pocket dimension. The Septics, Sanders and Blankgameplays all have their own houses that are interconnected to the Office, making them 'neighbors' of sorts. The egos in my AU are what are known as Tulpas, beings made of mental and psychic energy, however, their souls had to be pulled from somewhere. These souls were pulled from any souls that were passing between the dimensions for whatever reason, either on their way to the afterlife or due to them having the power to move between dimensions. The backstories I created and subsequently named my AU after, are those of Bim, the Jims (who are a group of four brothers in my AU), Dark, Anti, Virgil, and Blank. They are all demons of varying types, rank, and power sets. The biggest grouping of this idea is shown in my fanfic titled Vocal Mayhem which you can find on this blog or my writing side blog @tired-college-student-writing Other backstories that I've cemented are the Googles and Bing, who are androids from the Detroit: Become Human universe. Host, who was brother and co-host to Cecil Palmer, lovely radio show host from Welcome to Nightvale, Doctor Iplier and Doctor Schneeplestien who were both fellows to Doctor Gregory House. Mask, my own character who I created based on the positivity cult from Mark's trip back from Cincinnati last January, who is a Nephilim child, and The Sanders who I made an entire post about their backstories. The only other major thing about my AU is the fact that the Office they life in is just as sentient as Markiplier Manor was in WKM but instead of being controlled by the malicious entity that joined with Damien and Celine to become Dark, the egos have the soul of The DA mother-henning and pranking them. The DA doesn't have any Autobiographical memory, so they don't remember anything about themselves, so they can't remember their name or gender. They prefer to go simply by Them or The Office.
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dark-puppet-832 · 5 years
BlankGameplays Headcanons
First thing first: What is an Headcanon? The answer is given by Wiktionary:
Elements and interpretations of a fictional universe accepted by an individual fan, but not necessarily found within or supported by the official canon.
Link to the page:
So, I'd like to remind you that these are MY Headcanons, if you don't agree with me then I'd like you to be mature, so don't insult or mock me, respect others' opinions.
If you like my ideas and you're going to use it for a story, then I'd appreciate to be tagged or given credit to, not doing that it's called plagiarism and, even if it's not a crime itself, it's a nasty thing to do. People got into serious trouble with the law for not giving credit and stealing others' ideas, so, tag me or give me credit, thank you :)
Link to the page of Wikipedia:
After this infinite, but necessary, introduction, let's begin with the Headcanons:
Blank is not evil, he has no intentions to harm others and does not want people's suffering. The was he's portrayed resembles more a sad entity rather than a malevolent one. He's always seen mumbling, crying, or, in general, being sad.
Darkiplier manipulated him into thinking that without him he's nothing more than rubbish, that he does not deserve to live and that nobody would ever love him. He needed an obedient assistant, who would serve him without questioning him, and, in the meantime, idolise him.
Due to the manipulation, Blank now sees Dark as his saviour, rather than his tormentor. He firmly believes that Dark saved him from nonetheless, from being useless and hated, that he gave him life. He admires him beyond the limit, and sees the abuses and the beatings as a way to teach him a lesson, and that he deserves that.
He has a ton of problems with anxiety, he suffers from depression (and, sadly, he will never be able to recover completely, even if he will get out of that relationship at some point) and most of his phobias are related to the never ending abuse.
His phobias are:
Haphephobia (phobia of physical contact. He's beaten almost every day and he's scared that someone wants to touch him only to cause him pain)
Acrophobia (phobia of heights. This one is a little bit difficult to explain, but I'll try: one of Blank's powers is elecrokinesis, the power to control electricity and be immune to that. Dark, who has always seen Blank as an object and nothing more, decides to take advantage of his power and use electricity to find a new way to torture his victims. In order to do that, he made Blank climb power lines during thunderstorms, as his electrokinesis works better if close to an electricity source, and he made him stay up there for as long as he liked, no matter how much Blank would cry and beg him)
Mnemophobia and Oneirophobia (phobia of memories and dreams. When he will finally snap at Dark and kick his ass, he won't still recover completely. He will be afraid of memories and dreams, because they will always remind him of the times with Dark, the abuses and humiliations. He will have nightmares for a long time before finally experiencing normality.
Phonophobia (phobia or aversion to loud noises. Blank is really, really, really emotionally unstable, if he's scared or angry his exaggerated powers can snap and cause serious damages or even death to those who are around him and himself. Loud noises don't help. Particularly, the noises that can utterly terrify him are screams: one would thing that being yelled at every single leads a person to being used to it, but in reality the more he was screamed at the more terrified he became.)
Atelophobia (phobia of not being good enough, a disappointment, imperfect. He was yelled at whenever he made a mistake, that led him to think that he had to be perfect in every way possible)
He's a perfectionist, he's absolutely obsessed with perfection, he NEEDS to be perfect otherwise he'll feel worthless.
Ethan and him were actually on good terms, before they argued: Ethan tried to warn him that Dark didn't give a shit about him, that he's only a toy, a marionette, and siding with him will be a bad idea, but Blank, already fascinated by that authoritative character, strict and firm on his decisions, didn't believe him and this led to an argument. But don't worry, once Blank got out of that relationship, they slowly became friends again.
He has an hard time trusting people. Due to the trauma from the relationship with Dark, he just doesn't trust anybody anymore, not even Ethan. Deep inside, he still thinks about the argument that happened a long time ago. There's only one person that he trusts completely, but I will explain it in a next post.
He not trusting people doesn't mean he can't love them: he loves Ethan like a brother, he's important to him, he just... doesn't trust him.
He suffered from Stockholm Syndrome for a long, long time. I still can't decide if only in a platonic way or in a romantic way. Well, I'll leave it to you.
He's demisexual and gay and has a boyfriend.
He's atheist and, generally, cynical.
That's it, I think. I have actually a lot of things to say about him but hey, I already showered you with enough information, so if you're interested you can ask whatever you want.
0 notes
sweetnestor · 6 years
this is not a dream #8 | the wrong side of reality
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
read at your own risk.
~October 2017
“What do you mean you're going home for your birthday?”
Ethan was used to hearing shit like that. Somehow, he was easier to convince these days. It wasn’t only the people he spent the most time with who were able to sway him. Over the last few months, Ethan felt a looming presence over his shoulders. It was like someone was constantly following him and breathing down his neck. It wasn't like the team, who would constantly pester him with stupid shit. This felt more sinister, and it had more control over Ethan than anyone else.
He didn't like admitting it, but it was probably safe to say that he was possessed, or losing his mind.
“I want to spend my birthday with my family and friends back home,” Ethan finally responded without taking his eyes off the computer screen. He lost his focus on the video he was editing, but he didn't really want to look at the group.
“We're friends,” Amy said cautiously. “Practically family, and you live here now, so you're already home!”
“Yeah, why wouldn't you want to be here with us?” Kathryn added.
“You really don't want me to answer that,” Ethan told her. He didn't notice how silent it had gotten, he didn't really care at this point.
Separation from the team was probably for the best. That's what he wanted to believe, anyway. Being around this group had gotten to be suffocating over the last few months. Ethan was still getting tormented by them, usually in the form of passive aggressive comments. He wasn't sure how he made it for almost a whole year.
Actually, he did. He moved into his own apartment a few months prior, so having his own space helped his sanity… when it came to the people he worked with. That, and he was constantly reminded of how he got here in the first place, so he felt bad about any thoughts he got about quitting. Where else would he go anyway?
Then, there was the thing following him. He still wasn’t sure how it worked. It could control things outside of Ethan’s body. These days, Ethan was waking up every morning with at least one new sticky note on his pillow, desk, or keyboard. It disturbed him so much that he eventually stopped buying notepads, notebooks, or anything of the sort. It didn't really matter what these notes said (usually something eerie or borderline threatening), Ethan just knew that this thing was up and running in his sleep. He still didn’t know what was going on, or why this thing in his head was doing this.
He wasn't unconscious for days at a time anymore,like at PAX. Ethan still didn't know what happened during that weekend, but maybe it was better off that way. All he knew was that Sean had no recollection of the hotel room incident. Not to mention Sean was definitely still alive, judging by the steady stream of videos being put on his channel. Was he immortal too?
Anyway, Ethan was very close to turning 21. At this point, he just wanted to party and drink the stress and dark feelings away. He needed it to happen, and he needed it to be far away from this city and these people. It wasn't just the thing in his shadow saying that. And yet-
“We'll party here!” suggested Mark. “Before you go back to Maine. We'll throw a party for you!”
“Do we have to?” Ethan asked softly.
“I'll make some calls to get a caterer,” Tyler said as he grabbed his phone. “And a DJ, maybe?”
“Yes! Oh!” Amy exclaimed. “What if we go to that trampoline place after?”
They all made plans, disregarding Ethan's wishes. It better be a damn good party.
First sign of disappointment: Ethan was summoned to the office on the afternoon of this birthday party he had no say in. He did get excited over the days, though. For once, the team were actually nice about this. They had gone through all this trouble of planning it, though he wasn't sure how or why they agreed to have this party at the office.
He went into the building, noticing the empty halls and unusual silence. Were there no people here? Then he walked into the office, except it wasn't the office. The couch and armchair were still there. There were more chairs back to back each other on one side of the room, maybe to play a certain game. The small coffee table in front of the couch was spread with snacks, drinks, party hats and party favors.  The desk against the wall didn’t have the computers on the surface anymore and instead had a massive sheet cake with bright blue frosting. There were also blue balloons all around the corners the room. Blue streamers lined the ceiling and the doorway. Ethan didn't even have blue hair anymore.
That was all that was here. The TV, computers, and any camera equipment were all gone. There was also nobody else in the room.
Ethan looked around, confused. “Is this a prank? Am I being filmed right now?” He checked every crevice for any hidden GoPros, but there were none. Surely there had to be one somewhere. Why else would there be no one here?
He went back out into the hall, listening for any other person. Why the hell is no one here?
“Hello?” Nothing. “Whatever, more cake for me!”
After putting on a shiny, blue party hat, Ethan plopped down on the couch. Then, he pulled out his phone and sent a message to the group chat.
“Having a rowdy time by myself!”
Not even a read receipt.
If this was a prank, what was it supposed to be? “Hey, let's ditch Ethan's birthday party! It'll be hilarious!” Real dick move. Just like the challenge videos. Was this a repeat of that, minus the cameras?
His hand twitched. He clenched it into a fist, not liking the weird tingles. It didn't take long for the daunting feeling of dread to creep up on him.
“Alright, you got me!” he called out, throwing his arms up in the air. “I'm losing my mind here! Ha, ha! Funny joke!”
He got up again, leaving the room. He scoped out the hall, looking in every room for anyone at all. Was this just a cruel joke? How did he not think of that sooner? Or did they just not like him? They went through all this trouble just to make that known. As if the rude comments weren't enough. They really did that.
Now fuming, Ethan went back to the party room, slamming the door so hard he heard something crack. He grabbed his phone again, checking the chat once more.
One read receipt. From the guy who made all of this happen.
Ethan wanted to scream. Instead, he chucked his phone across the room, making it shatter against the window. He was losing control, he was slipping away, but the sound of the device shattering into a million pieces was cathartic in a way.
He went to the coffee table, shoving the food onto the floor. He crushed the flimsy hats and plastic cups in his hands and then threw them on the floor as well. He grabbed the knife that was meant for the cake and took it to every single balloon. Then he rammed the blade into the couch cushion.
Even that wasn't enough. He couldn't stop himself from throwing the chairs around too. Some hit the walls, making several cracks and dents. One chair hit the whiteboard, making it detach from the wall and fall to the floor with a loud bang. Another chair went out the window. It felt good.
In a blind rage, Ethan went to the desk against the wall. He pushed it off its legs, making the cake splatter all over the place. Frosting speckled onto his face. It reminded him of Marsha.
He couldn't take it anymore. It was bubbling up in his throat, threatening to spill all over the floor. Ethan stormed around the room, huffing and puffing as he pulled at his hair. He punched the wall once, twice. Then his knuckles were bleeding.
The sound of the door opening caused Ethan to turn around. He wanted to speak, ask questions, cry. But instead he let out a blood curdling scream.
The windows cracked and shattered at the sound. The TV on the wall rumbled and came crashing to the floor. The metal table that had been turned over suddenly bent like it was squished together. The entire room shook, including the person who had walked in.
Kathryn stood at the doorway, holding a neatly wrapped gift. She had been rooted to the spot as she watched her friend yell his lungs out. Her eyes then scanned around the room, disturbed and startled. Then she looked back at Ethan when he finally went silent.
Blood was dripping out of his mouth and his nose. His eyes that were once alight with rage were now soft and drained. His voice was raspy as he spoke one last time.
“I couldn't control it.”
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sweetnestor · 6 years
this is not a dream | masterlist
the real reason ethan was taken under the teamiplier wing | teamiplier/ego au
WARNINGS: suicide, murder, blood, self harm, drug abuse, alcoholism, sex addiction
read at your own risk.
1. no, something seems wrong
2. saying my prayers, don't take me back there
3. a stain that never comes off the sheets
4. would you be scared?
5. if this is what you want, then fire at will
6. you are not a human being
7. i don’t like you
8. the wrong side of reality
9. stop you’re scaring me
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