#spear overlord vaggie au
thesupernaturalhouse · 7 months
Vaggie becoming an accidental overlord is giving fae vibes but in reverse. Like sinners wording shit before the handshake in a way that Vaggie now has their soul. All the other overlords think she’s just faking not knowing how many souls she actually has meanwhile Vaggie is having a crisis thinking she somehow fucked up and “tricked” the sinners.
Yesss, "call on me anytime you need a favor" Vaggie doesn't realize by them saying that though they are giving her their souls until their 'favor' is completed, and afterwards they'll be 'free' (though not everyone she trains does it, obviously)
So she jsut thinks it's a weird thing but doesn't think twice about it....until she's called to the overlord meeting, at first she thinks it's for Charlie but it's not. It's for HER, and Al makes sure to tell her this on the way there
She isn't even sure how to check how many souls she owns- not that she knew she owned any in the first place!! Whe jsut thought all those surges in power were from her angle magic adapting to hells environment!!
I can imagine Carmilla having a one-sided rivalry with Vaggie. I can also imagine that Vaggie is far more skilled at fighting in hells environment because now she actually has experience fighting with sinners via sparing, unlike in canon. So when her and carmilla do fight she doesn't get her ass kicked(as much) here
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ironborealis · 5 months
Just a little thing that's been itching at me, with your lovely Charlie's Toy AU.
"...I was starting to think he was just a figment of my imagination," Charlie yawns, and Vaggie pauses brushing out her girlfriend's long blonde strands for a moment.
Before today, Vaggie had thought that Alastor was just a childhood friend of Charlie's, one who maybe died during an Extermination Day, and that's why Charlie always seemed a bit sad when she talked about him -- another reason she was so passionate about ending the exterminations.
The demon that appeared on their doorstep today like a demented Mary Poppins was nothing like what she'd pictured her girlfriend's childhood best friend to be.
She'd come running when she'd heard Charlie shrieking in the entrance, spear at the ready.
She'd been about to throw it at the red demon that had ensnared the now sobbing Charlie, when a black tentacle had wrenched the spear from her grasp and firmly planted it into an adjacent wall. The spear hit with such force that the plaster cracked and one of the pictures fell to the floor.
"Oh Charlie," the demon cooed, "Don't your friends know better than to run inside with spears? Now dry those eyes, give me a smile, and introduce me to your new friends."
The words were sticky sweet, but the look in the demon's eyes was utterly cold. This, Vaggie knew instinctively, was not a demon to be trusted or crossed.
"Mmm... It was like one day he was here and the next he just poof! Disappeared. Mom and Dad said he went to go live on a farm in one of the Upper Rings, but I knew that couldn't be right because he wouldn't just leave me and not say anything -- eventually they wouldn't talk about him at all. I started to think that I made him up... It wasn't like I had a lot of friends, it'd make sense that I might make one up."
Vaggie's heart breaks a little at the thought of Charlie ever being lonely as a child -- because Charlie is so good, so kind, and it seems like few people really appreciate that about her.
She doesn't think Alastor appreciates that about her either, except as something he can use to manipulate Charlie. Why else would he disappear for fourteen years, only to show up and offer to 'help' with the hotel out of the blue?
To (grudgingly) give Alastor credit, his magic made renovations a lot faster.
He was also someone powerful enough to summon other demons, including a minor overlord like Husk, to come work for the hotel.
There's something off about Alastor and Vaggie's going to get to the bottom of it, hopefully before he can hurt Charlie again.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
OBSESSED with the way you write Vaggie talking to her spear like a grizzled detective in a noir movie doing the voice over of their thought process
new chaggie au Vaggie drops into hell and tries bringing some justice with her by becoming a grumpy hard boiled P.I. who's shit at lying but dogged at digging up enough dirt on Overlords so they have to treat at least SOME of their enslaved souls better. Everyone thinks she's doing some kind of edgy Exorcist-wanna be cosplay. Also, she talks to herself.
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"It was a bad idea for washed up ex-Exorcist angel in hiding to take up lodgings with the clingily princess of Hell, whose rainbow sprinkled dreams and abandonment issues could be seen all the way up from Heaven...
but it was a bad idea with a hopeful smile, no rent, and amazing legs, and I was almost as out of shape as I was out of cash. As long as I didn't sign off my soul to her, I figured I'd be fine.
Then I lost my fucking heart to her instead. And even worse she thought that was pretty sweet, so now I'm stuck lying to her between kisses."
I really had to fall all the way to hell to fall in love, huh?
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Someone knocks on the door just as Vaggie's passing by. She glances towards the kitchen, where most of the others are gathered. Charlie is off somewhere else in the hotel, probably checking up on the spare rooms.
The knocking happens again, louder this time.
Vaggie frowns. She isn't the most powerful in the hotel—that title goes to Charlie first, then Alastor—but she's pretty good in a fight, if she says so herself. It's better if she's the one to open the door rather than any of the others.
Before she can second-guess herself, she's turning the knob and pulling the door open.
Vaggie, of course, regrets her decision immediately.
Standing there, in front of the hotel door, is Vox. Yes, that Vox. The Technology Overlord. The CEO of VoxTek. The demon with a TV for a head.
He's standing in front of the hotel door holding a box in one hand with the other poised to knock.
Vaggie stares.
She shuts the door on him, trying to process what's happening.
Vaggie opens the door for the second time, just to make sure he's really there.
She shuts the door again, now fully realizing that Vox is here, he's standing in front of the hotel door, and that's definitely not a good thing since he and Alastor are arch-nemeses who hate each other with a passion. They're going to see each other and then this place will be destroyed when they start fighting.
"Charlie?" Vaggie calls out.
Charlie peeks around the corner. "What is it Vaggie?"
Vaggie points over her shoulder frantically. "Charlie, the Technology Overlord is at the door!"
Charlie blinks. "What?"
Vaggie's not sure why but she has a foreboding feeling. "What do I do?"
"Let him in, of course!" Without missing a beat, Charlie waltzes up to the door and throws it open before tackling the Overlord with a hug. "It's so good to see you!"
Vaggie stares incredulously. "Huh?"
Vox returns her hug with full force. "Charlie! I heard some music on the radio today so I thought I'd drop by. Where is he?"
"He's in the kitchen!"
"Thanks kid." Vox shoots her some finger guns before heading towards the kitchen.
Vaggie runs after him. She cannot let him and Alastor meet. Charlie's dream depends on it.
She gets there just as soon as Vox and Alastor lock eyes with each other.
Vaggie takes in the situation quickly. Angel looks more nervous than usual, and he's avoiding looking at Vox. Husk looks grumpy as ever, and he's not even paying attention to whatever's going on. Niffty is staring at Vox, smiling.
Vaggie prepares herself to summon her spear in case anything happens.
Charlie comes up behind her.
Vaggie watches Alastor stare Vox down. He doesn't look angered, like she expected. He looks more annoyed than anything.
"You're late," Alastor says flatly.
Vox looks Alastor up and down. "Sorry babe, traffic was a bitch."
Alastor rolls his eyes and turns back to the stove. "Go set the table."
What the fuck?
Vox flashes him a grin before heading towards the cabinets.
Vaggie stares thoroughly baffled.
Charlie laughs nervously. "Yeah, uh, I may have forgotten to tell you about my other other dad…"
Vaggie sighs. She'll deal with this later. It's dinnertime and Alastor's food is something she doesn't want to miss out on. She smiles at Charlie. "Tell me after dinner hon."
I love this I love this I love this so so so SO much. New context w Vaggie being an exorcist Charlie really couldn't be mad at her in this au bc the conversation would go like
"You didn't tell me you were an angel??" "You didn't tell me you have three dads and two are dangerous overlords" "...touche"
Post(s) this is referencing: will add later
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sinner-sunflower · 7 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 4/?
PART 1 , PART 2, PART 3, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
Thanks to your support, I am so committed to this. When I finish this, I plan to make it into a long, proper, one-shot- better format and everything!
I've been doing these chapters in the middle of work lmao, so if you see a typo or some edits, it's me rereading it after work.
I'm trying to include more Alastor but he's pretty hard to write.
I used Velvette so much here cos I love her as that bitch you love to hate. She is obviously the spokesperson of the Vees
The hotel lobby is filled with unbearable silence as hell's overlords and high members of the Ars Goetia arrive one by one.
Just a few hours ago, Alastor heard from Carmila Carmine that the king had called a meeting for the top ruling people of hell. Charlie doesn't know why her dad called for it in the hotel.
The Ars Goetia (minus Stolas) were whispering among themselves and shooting the sinner overlords dirty looks every now and again. The overlords were good at pretending they couldn't hear anything. Apparently, they at least have the sense to know that that would be a fight they cannot win.
The hotel's residents collectively claimed it as their spot. Husk is talking with Angel quietly, keeping him distracted and out of view of Valentino, Vaggie is holding her spear as she keeps a close eye on the strangers in their home, Nifty is obsessively cleaning a corner of the bar (Husk keeps telling her that it is still dirty just so she won't venture elsewhere), and Cherri is playing with an unlit bomb in her hand.
Rosie and Stolas decided to approach Charlie and Alastor at the bar at the same time, both slightly bowed to her.
Charlie: Prince Stolas. Rosie.
Stolas: Hello, princess.
Charlie: How's Octavia?
Stolas: Via misses your outings together. But she is fine. She's with her mother today.
Rosie: Not that I'm not happy to see ya, Alastor. But why exactly are we here? Our Carmila has not stated a reason why.
Alastor: You know as much as me, my dear.
Stolas: It must be dire. His majesty rarely calls for the Goetia's presence. He is not here yet?
Charlie: No. He went down in Sloth earlier. I'm worried. After what happened yesterday, I..
Rosie: Yesterday? Did something happen, sweetie?
Charlie realizes the slip up and backtracks.
Charlie: Nothing, Rosie!
Rosie gives her a look that tells her they're going to be talking about it later. She gives the overlord a weak thumbs up.
Meanwhile, Velvette decides enough is enough and they have wasted too much time waiting.
Velvette: Ugh! Vois, let's go. This is a fuckin' joke.
Carmila: Velvette, calm yourself.
Valentino: Why should she? I had very important shit to shoot today and me being here is making me lose money.
Alastor: Then perhaps you should step down. Having to attend the bare minimum duty of their title must be so difficult for someone so... undeserving.
The Radio Demon has a giant patronizing grin plastered on his face. Alastor's comment prompted Vox to speak up.
Vox: Oh, you timely piece of shit! Fight us right now, Alastor!
Alastor: How unbecoming. Throwing tantrums in front of royalty!
Velvette: I for one, don't want to sit here waiting for a no-show fossil
Charlie's demon side flares as the demon insults her dad.
Charlie: How fucking dare you?!
Random Goetia: You shall know better than to disrespect your king, insolent pest.
Velvette: Ha! You think we're scared of a bunch of birds?
Alastor: Should have known you three cannot behave for a simple meeting haha!
Soon everyone was yelling obscenities at each other, filling the hotel with chaos. Before a proper fight could break out, the door opens with a bang, silencing every demon.
Lucifer has arrived, following him were the other Sins. They were arguing amongst themselves from behind him. Charlie can only catch glimpses of what is being said as voices overlap each other.
Beelzebub: Bel-
Mammon: Are you fuckin-
Satan: Wrath is-
Leviathan: We cannot-
Asmodeus: Evacuation-
Belphegor: Grown another mile-
Lucifer says nothing the entire time and just takes a seat in the middle of the semi-circle table he conjured up. With the way the table was placed in front of everyone else, Charlie gets the feeling of deja vu of her hearing in heaven. But now her dad will be the one passing judgment.
Most of the sinners in the room back up as the Sins continue to argue with their full form.
Lucifer sits back and raises a hand and the yelling stops.
Back then, she never really understood why demons were afraid of her dad. He was always a silly and happy guy when spending time with her. But one time, she sneaks into his rare meetings with the Sins and sees why he was called the devil.
The anger she saw then could have given her Uncle Satan a run for Uncle Mammon's money.
Lucifer: Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I will cut to the chase. I have called you all here because something is brewing at the very depths of hell. Something that may affect us all.
Stolas: The Ars Goetia is at your disposal, sire. But may I ask what is this about?
Belphegor: I can answer that. A few months ago, an anomaly appeared at the edge of Sloth. It was not a problem until-
She pressed her touchpad and a hologram screen appeared showing the infected ground.
Not a single demon didn't widen their eyes.
Angel: What the fuck is that?
Belphegor: We wouldn't have called you all here if it was not this severe.
She taps and shows a mutilated demon pig.
Belphegor: This is Patient Zero. An animal on a nearby farm made contact with the anomaly. It instantly infected the whole body, controlling the creature whilst killing it slowly. If it can affect an animal like this, we fear what it may do to-
Velvette: And what do you expect us to do about it exactly? Why the fuck would we care about some old place we can't even go to.
Belphegor is briefly stunned by the interruption but ignores the sinner's disrespect.
Belphegor: Because you would have to be naive to think that it will stop in Sloth. We cannot be too careful.
Velvette: So you think we would risk our lives? Yeah. No thanks. How do we even know that it will affect us? It's just a pig. The worst we can get is horrible floor decor.
Lucifer stands up and moves silently towards the middle for everyone to see.
Lucifer: Free will does not mean you are free from consequences.
The king starts to remove his shirt to everyone's panic, except Belphegor.
Mammon: Woah woah, mate. The fuck ya doin?
Lucifer shrugs off the last piece of clothing to reveal the glowing, infected marks. It has not been a day since he touched it but the veins are already covering the entire right half of his torso.
Charlie: Dad!
The princess attempts to go to her father's side but Vaggie holds her back.
Lucifer: Shall we proceed without any more interruptions?
What to look forward to in Part 5:
the rest of the meeting
more dialogue from the other Sins. Cannot decide what personality to give to Leviathan.
My HC for Satan is he's like one of those old butler types but has a jacked body (I know he has that workout app, but I'm leaning more of the liver king type of a gentle strongman with anger issues. I don't want him to be a fuckboy gymbro)
more badass lucifer
the Vees getting scolded like the children they are
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phenphoenix · 6 months
Vaggie pulled her mask off, trying to catch her breath. Nailing another sinner through the torso.
They were all screaming.
Didn't they know this was mercy?
She flew down another alley, and found a small child. The kid was trembling, pressed into the wall.
What had a kid done to get into hell?
...they were doing the right thing... right?
Screams answered her.
This wasn't right.
"Go, now," she whispered, pulling back her spear, and the kid bolted. Vaggie let out a sigh.
She needed to tell-
"Vaggie, what are doing?!"
Vaggie spun around. Emily-?
Before she had a chance to respond, the seraphim had moved, and-
Pain. Horrific terrible pain.
Vaggie screamed, falling to the ground, grabbing her eye. Or... the socket. Her eye lay on the ground. Emily moved over it.
Vaggie screamed as she was pinned to the ground, and felt a quick motion. Her wings!
Emily backed up, looking furious, holding her blade tightly....
The anger faded, and the seraphim looked horrified. Glancing at the golden ichor laying around, then at Vaggie. Emily's shoulders tensed, but she turned around and took flight.
Vaggie struggled forward.
Grimacing, she yanked her halo off her head and stumbled to her feet.
She needed to move.
I think it would be interesting if Vaggie still has her halo. Emily isn't quite as cruel as Lute, but in a fit of rage she would actually cast Vaggie out, but leave once she realized what she did. Does she tell Sera what exactly she did? Does Vaggie actually still have her halo, or is that how Velvette found out? Was it trashed with her uniform?
This AU has me in a chokehold, so I hope you like what I wrote.
Ohgggg I love your guy's brains sm-
I'd say that, yes, Emily would leave in a hurry. Leaving vaggie with her halo. But vaggie trashes it herself. I'm still not sure what exactly gives her away to Velvette, but I do like the idea of it being a culmination of things. In this AU, the only thing that can cause an angel to bleed is angelic steal. More specifically, angelic steal used with intent to protect. So vaggie bleeding to get revealed never happens. Which in and of itself kinda gives her away. I also like to think that angels (even fallen ones) Heal very quickly. So even just by the time Velvette found vaggie in that alleyway, the scars on her back and face had looked like they'd been there for a while. But still, two long scars down someone's back... someone who, no matter how hard you try, never bleeds. Who never talks about their time alive and despite being a recent member in hell, doesn't fully understand current Earth trends....or any trends at all. Someone who also seems rather knowledgeable about certain overlords, some even long sense been dead. The pieces start to add up eventually....
Also, I will say that while vaggies skin is strong, she can still get bruises. Because of the color of her skin, tho they don't look all that different, then what'd you'd expect. But if one is deep enough, there is a slight golden tent. This could also be what hits the final nail in the coffin for Vel.
Angels can be hurt in many ways, but anything lethal can't be done to them unless it's by another angel or demon wielding an angelic weapon. But both still need to do it with the intent to protect and be "out for love"
(I've also had the thought that Vel somehow learns this and gets angelic fibers woven into her gloves, so hitting vaggie hurts her even more than previously. Vel using her twisted love for her image and status as a way to still fit into the rule)
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sparklingsora · 6 months
I wanna know more about Charlie, Vaggie and Angel in your swap au. I'm very interested in this
ok so, first things first, they're called the halos because they all have a connection to angels - charlie is a fallen angel, vaggie is usually seen with angelic weaponry (and is also an angel herself but shhh nobody knows that), and angel because of his name so to start off, yeah swap!charlie is a fallen angel instead of a hellborn in this au. she used to share emily's position in heaven, bringing joy to its denizens. i haven't... exactly figured out the reason behind her fall yet, maybe something to do with her finding out about the exterminations? but point is lucifer and lilith didn't stand up for her and just let her fall so she's really salty about that. in hell, she is a very popular singer-songwriter (i imagine the songs she sings are similar to 'good tonight' from the bad guys, or the shrek 2 version of 'holding out for a hero'). she's sort of like a siren, she can hypnotize people with her songs to mirror canon!vox's hypnosis ability. she's the face of the halos basically, the "main guy" of this trio. she arrived in hell soon after brimstone eden disbanded and kinda slid in as the next big musician of hell. she acts as a sort of foil to adam - whereas adam thinks he's better than all the other sinners (save for eve and vox), charlie is sorta the other extreme, where she embraced her new home and its people a little too hard, leading to her closely associating with someone like angel and basically seeing no issue with it oh also she's a total attention whore and needs people to adore her ('adore me' from black friday is a song i associate with her) as for vaggie, she's an exorcist angel sent down by lucifer to watch over charlie, bc although swap!lucifer is a giant douche, he still kinda cares about charlie?? he made vaggie after charlie fell, so charlie wouldn't recognize her. anyway vaggie is the head of SPEAR, a huge network of mercenaries and hitmen. you'd be hard pressed to find an assassin in pentagram city who's not contracted with her. although she mostly stays out of the limelight, she is the de facto leader of the halos thanks to her levelheadedness. she constantly has to rein in the impulsiveness of the other two (though she fails for the most part - charlie and vaggie still have that dynamic of "vaggie tells charlie not to do something, charlie goes and does it anyway") angel is... well, he's angel. head honcho of pride's porn industry, and the only actual overlord among the halos. got a gayass rivalry with husk. not much to say about him tbh 😭😭😭
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hazbinsillynight · 6 months
New facts and ideas for Vox angel Au!
A few little ideas and facts for the Angel Vox AU! If you have questions about this AU, don't hesitate!
• Angel Vox doesn’t have electrical powers, only sinner Vox does. He fights with a spear just like Vaggie and Lute. Vaggie was the one who taught him how to use it. From all the exorcists she’s the one with whom he shares most of his ideals.
• When she disappears overnight after an extermination he’s devastated. The angels can’t die, so she has to be fine, right? Adam refuses to say anything else than she’s fine where she is.
• He’s not a big fan about killing demons but Adam and the seraphim said it was the right thing to do so… He can’t help but feeling guilty after an extermination, usually he would talk with Vaggie about it but now she isn’t here anymore.
• Once he settles the camera system, he immediately tries to find his friend but in vain. It’s like she’s nowhere to be seen. The deer demon he found is interesting, at least. If he could just stop trying to bite him, it would be nice.
• Hiding his new friendship with Alastor became necessary as soon as it started. Adam felt more hateful towards demons by days. Speaking about Alastor wasn’t even an option. Staying with the red Overlord opened his mind completely. He learned so much about Hell and how it works. Exterminations seemed way too much for him now.
• When Adam finds out it’s the beginning of Vox downfall. The angel leader thought Vox was his. His soldier, his man, his co-second in command, his right hand just like Lute. Learning he was fooling around with a demon angered him so much. It was a betrayal he wasn’t waiting for.
• Vox is shocked when he falls. He did a lot for heaven, and they were just throwing him away. When he opens his eyes again he’s in Cannibal town. Rosie found him. She helps him like she does with every new sinner that appears in her territory.
• When he finally goes back to Alastor, the red Overlord doesn’t recognize him. Worse, he refuses to believe him and thinks Vox did something to his angel. Because they don’t look alike at all. This one is clearly a sinner and looks nothing like his beautiful angel. That impostor isn’t Vox. He just can’t be.
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h3llishh0und · 8 months
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My Hazbin Hotel Redesigns (so far)!! These were made FOR FUN!!! i always do redesigns and such for most fandoms I'm in anyway. Also most likely an AU ?
Ideas yet but i think i am actually gonna make in my redesign/au whatever the fuck,
Vaggie and Charlie aren't dating yet, AD is her QPR and Cherri Bomb is his bestie.
Vaggie is an Angel thats very slowly seeing the corrupt side of Heaven, and meets Charlie by almost killing her. But obvi doesn't.
ALSO i think I'm gonna rename Vaggie, Cupid bc SUPPOSEDLY it is a mixed mytho anyway and i know Cupid isn't an angel ? But i figured Eros could be the real deal and Cupid is just Vaggie's nickname MAYBE or smth.
Bc i kind of think it would be interesting if Cupid was a fallen Angel .
The spear was her Angel weapon n then the bow n arrow is her later weapon
Ough i forgot to say i just got wrapped up in the sudden Vaggie/Cupid idea but UM
AD is gonna be an Ex overlord bc i said so. Instead of a pornstar.
He's still a SW but pole dancing is for fun more than anything and none of it will be seen as "gross". I'm not taming him down TOO much. Hobby wise etc.
Umm also Charlie is gonna be Grey Bisexual and Aromantic.
Cherri isn't there often bc she still likes the chaos. I like to imagine she used to work for Velvette but then escaped later on bc she wants to do shit her own way.
She loves art, esp like spray paints. Her bombs even have paint inside of them so theres a splatter everywhere she goes.
I think Cherri would also be friends with Sir Pentious in the end tbh. Haters to Besties.
Little details for the characters and their partners:
AD having mint colors + feather for Husk
Vaggie slowly getting blue details as she's in hell, hinting she's gonna be with Charlie
Charlie Having pink make up to hint she's gonna be with Vaggie.
Not shown:
AD and Charlie have matching phone charms
AD and Cherri have matching knives
this is all a WIP but I'll prob do screenshot redraws at some point! I wanna maybe work on making OCs first.
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Note: Do not copy (inspiration is fine !!!!), steal, repost, use for NFTs/AI art, Do not trace etc. Okay to tag as kin/ID/fictive/me, okay to make fan art of!! And its 100% okay to have our designs interact and/or our designs interact with ocs !!!!!!
( please click on them, tumblr ruins the quality )
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inola-celest · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel Au idea
Okay so I've seen a lot of AU's and decided to make my own
It's kinda a swap Au but a bit different. Here's what I got so far for Vaggie and Charlie
Character Changes:
Personality: She's less optimistic, more stoic and less openly emotional. She's a bit more pessimistic and has more of Alastor's personality but toned down
Other: Charlie lent out the hotel to Alastor. She takes on more of Alastor's role, helping Alastor at times but mainly there because it's entertaining. Sinners fear her because they know she is powerful but not what she is like. They are afraid of the unknown about her. She does own souls, not many. Keeping Overlords in check, she runs the Pride ring.
Personality: Way more docile. She gets angry and will fight, but she is a lot less defensive than in the show. She has a general slight fear of sinners, thanks to Angel training.
Other: Unlike in the show, Charlie is well aware that Vaggie is an Angel as does everyone else. From the spear to the x over her eye it was obvious, not to mention the golden blood.
Their relationship:
Charlie did still find Vaggie in the alley way, she took her in of course but the biggest thing is that Vaggie and Charlie made a deal. Vaggie wasn't really taught a lot about Hell and deals in Heaven, so she was unaware of the consequences. Vaggie's soul is one of the few owned by Charlie
Charlie doesn't necessarily take advantage of it so to speak, more so making it known that she has an Angel under her control, adding to the fear factor of how unknown Charlie truly is to Hell's population.
Charlie really treats Vaggie more like a pet than anything, spoils her and takes care of her in return that Vaggie is loyal to her and acts the part in public. Charlie would never lay a hand on Vaggie, but she does remind her from time to time who is in charge.
When it came to the Hotel, Vaggie was the first to be brought in as a staff member, level headed enough to be a manager while also enough under Charlie's control to give Charlie power over said Hotel.
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thesupernaturalhouse · 7 months
Listen jsut- not planning to make a fic of this, but it popped into my head and I'm pretty sure my friend is needs a break from me always bugging him with hazbin hotel aus(/j)
So now it's your turn!!! So jsut, listen, overlord vaggie au
Carmilla deals weapons right? Well, I think that's Vaggie would more so offer training- like defensive measures
And i can imagine her not even knowing she's an overlord until she's summoned to a meeting and Alastor drags her ass over there(which he later regrets)
I imagine that it starts off with her offering to teach a random sinner how to fight. Maybe after saving them from doemone else and she's like "I don't want payment so stop being an ass." "...." "ugh I, could teach you some moves so this doesn't happen again or something."
Then it slowly spreads, and maybe people give her their souls just cause she's deemed 'safe'or smth, and she doesn't even know. She just thinks the handshake at the end of certain lessons are friendly (no one could take her soul even if she let them)
Not them giving her soul for a favor, or smth along those lines
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eros-agape-art · 7 months
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The gang is finished, everyone has complete bases. So! Detailed descriptions of my changes below 👇 Alan is not included because he already has a description in the post I introduced him and the most recent post about Alan.
Charlie- I decided to go more the "goat" route with her design. She is nearly as tall as Angel Dust, she just seems shorter than she should because of her pose. She has small feathered wings, to represent her angel heritage, however they are small because they are underdeveloped. She is unable to fly as she cannot move them to the extent needed for flight capability, she can barely move them at all, nor can she tuck or fold them. I gave her more definite horns with a floating apple motif at the top, think of it like jewelry. She often goes by Charlotte although her friends and loved ones call her Charlie.
Vox- Vox is the Hotel Benefactor in this AU and supports Charlie in her ventures. He acts more like a solid father figure than Alastor and is more of an open person. When he was alive, he was a TV host. A charming personality and a kind man at heart. In '55 he was briefly drafted into the Vietnam War until he was too injured to continue and was sent home. He regretted many of the decisions he had to make there, feeling like a monster as he was only 25 at the time. When he returned home he recovered some and resumed his work, this time opting to produce affordable technology for those who could not afford it. Unfortunately this would be his demise. One poorly timed installation of a television set during a thunderstorm led to him being struck by lightning. He still distributes tech after his death through his company Voxtech Industries. I made him a little bulkier than the original and gave him a more 50's look, complete with a 50's TV. He is also still an Overlord.
Niffty- I decided to make her more bug like. I took inspiration from a tortoise beetle and a stag beetle.I didn't change too much with her personality wise, she is still a manic, but she puts more effort into caring for those who can't care for themselves... in her own weird and twisted ways. She runs a company know as NCRIM or Niffty's Cleaning and Revitalizing Interpersonal Maintenance, and she is an Overlord.
Husk- I didn't change too much, his concept is pretty solid to me as a surface level concept. I only tweaked slight things to tend to my au better. In this au he is still an Overlord and still runs his casino.
Angel Dust- I changed Angel quite a bit design wise, but not so much personality. Angel still works for Valentino, still a porn star, and will still love Husk. For the design, I made Angel still very tall and slim, but I gave him more of a solid chest. I like the idea of him having the fluffy chest, but I feel like the "fluff" doesn't move as it should in the show, it is just fluff after all, so it shouldn't be as solid as it seems to be. I also gave Angel some mandibles and the "spider butt". I also changed Angel's hair because it looks right for the show but it looks off for me personally. I also gave him the "small spider feet" I don't really know how to call it, but I gave him thin feet. I also moved his arms up to the shoulder with the other pair, because anatomy I guess, it just made more sense to me.
Sir Pentious- I didn't really change pentious, he's still pretty much the same except for the eye placements on his inner hood and tail. His personality isn't really different either.
Vaggie- I changed quite a bit for Vaggie. I decided to lean into the moth theme more and bring that put in her design. I gave her moth wings and antenna and more anthropomorphic legs. I like to think that the moth look came after her fall, as the time she's spent in hell has changed her like metamorphosis. So the longer she stays in hell the more it influences her, the more she becomes a part of hell. She is heaven born in this au so she would assimilate into being a hell born. I also changed the design of her Spear for no apparent reason other than why not.
Cherry Bomb- She is pretty different than in the show. I haven't changed her personality but her physical appearance is different. I've decided to make her bombs more of a physical part of herself. She has what I depict as horns that "grow" her bombs as a biological process. Like how one kind of insect I can't remember the name of does. I also made her feet into heels, like permanent pumps.
Lucifer- I lent into the goat for the legs to relate him to Charlie more as well as the horns with the apple motif. For his wings, I heard somewhere [don't quote me on this I've never read the bible] I think it was from LovesArt123, that when Lucifer fell his wings burnt and became more like bat wings in structure. I sort of did the same thing for his tail as well. I gave him more of a proper halo, I honestly wasn't planning that but I rolled with it, and I gave him more than one pair of eyes. He's the king of hell, shouldn't he have more eyes to view others with? The pose I used had the person carrying a lantern and I thought it would be funny if he just lanterns to head to the fridge for depression food at night. So he uses lanterns to navigate at night, not that he can't see in the dark because he can, it's others not realizing he's there that he uses the lantern.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
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.... well this noir Vaggie au edit got waaay out of hand ha ha!
self indulgent au lore under the cut bc WEEEE
Detective Vaggie finally got enough blackmail on Valentino for Charlie and Angel to pin him in a corner, but as Vaggie expected, Angel Dust ends up doing what almost every other Sinner has done after Vaggie hands the evidence over to them, and chooses to just accept Valentino’s renegotiated and seemingly better soul contract rather than break it and make a mortal enemy out of an Overlord
Of course the first thing Val does is force Angel Dust to destroy the evidence they’d used against him, just like every other Overlord Vaggie's worked against always has, leaving Angel at his mercy again
And also leaving Charlie devastated. She'd given Angel her promise of protection as soon to be crowned king of hell-
(long story) (Lucifer wanted to kill Vaggie for scarring Charlie a few years back and Charlie had to beat him up to stop him) (the Overlords, led by Velvette and the Vees, decided to flex their power by saying this invalidated Lucifer as king and made Charlie the new ruler of hell) (she reluctantly accepted because..)
-hoping it would be enough to counter any Overlord threat against Angel once he was free
Ironically though, Angel Dust having come to see her as a friend after all this and not wanting to put her in the line of fire ends up with him sticking with Val instead, who gloats about it, and tells Charlie to her face what he'll do to her friend and her pet P.I. if she (as soon to be king) doesn't back down and let the Vees do all the real running of hell (like they already have been)
Charlie the Pissed let's slip she's had enough of Val as she leaves his studio (both her and the studio being on fire)
No one takes her little threat seriously, except for Vaggie, who sees Charlie picking up and weighing Vaggie's spear in her hands when she thinks she's alone. Vaggie freaks out realizing Charlie is about to go do a murder
So Vaggie decides to break her own no-more-murder vow AGAIN for a girl AGAIN (last time was for Velvette) and she kills Valentino before Charlie can reach him, regaining her wings (kinda), absorbing his demonic energy (yuck), belatedly becoming one of the Vees like Velvette had once wanted (not in the way Velvette had wanted), and accepting all Val's soul contracts including Angel’s, which she breaks
She also breaks the truth of everything to Charlie on coronation day-
(maybe also breaking up with or getting dumped by her, even though they weren’t even dating)
-confessing to the murder and her exorcist past
Now that she’s an Overlord and Charlie’s about to be King of Hell, anything publicly personal between them (like Vaggie staying the basement of Charlie's abandoned hotel instead of sleeping in an alleyway next to a dumpster every night) would throw the other Overlords into a rage over the power imbalance with normal sinners caught in the crossfire or getting used as canon fodder, something neither Vaggie or Charlie can stomach
Besides which Vaggie feels 0% worthy of Charlie anymore after breaking her no-murder vow, and Charlie is feeling more things than she knows how to name about that and the exorcist thing, none of them good
Their last kiss (for now) leaves claw marks on Vaggie’s face to match the scar she gave Charlie all those years ago-
(which Charlie has finally also confessed to her about, to Vaggie's horror, Vaggie having blotted the memory out after binge drinking with Husk the following week)
-the scar from when Vaggie happened to still be holding her spear as Charlie reached out to help her, and ended up lashing out instead of flinching back, unintentionally driving away Charlie and their happy life together
(this shit luck is what pinged Overlord Husk's gambling powers and led him to Vaggie, meanwhile Angel dropped a paying client to go check on the random demon chick- Charlie- soon to be nicknamed Apple Slice by him- holding her bleeding face in her hands as she stumbled down the street in a daze)
Charlie and Vaggie made do with other friends when what they both most needed was each other
They’ve both been miserable and lonely since then, had only just started to build up what they should have had together all along while camping out at the old hotel working on Angel's case together, but the case is done and now…. this
This is NOT a good timeline for them (yet)
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fantasticalbiology · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel swap: Fate rewritten- Charlie
So, I have an idea for a Hazbin Hotel role swap au where things prior to the series are changed a little bit and the characters aren't just character A with character B's personality sometimes its that, but not completely
First who is swapping with whom
Charlie <- -> Alastor
Angel Dust <- -> Vaggie
Nifty <- -> Husk
Vox (A fight manager who manages through controlled shocks) <- -> Valentino
Lute <- -> Adam: Nothing really changes here
Lilith <- -> Lucifer
Cherry Bomb <- -> Sir Pentious
Camilla <- -> Zestial
Mimzy <- -> Rosie
As the title suggest we start with Charlie.
Charlie is still the princess of hell, but unlike Alastor isn't as polite. I mean she's still as cheery as her normal self and the plastor smiled Alastor has, but she has that Chaotic energy of someone like Alucard from Hellsing Ultimate abridge.
Relationship to other characters
Alastor- She greatly respect the radio and doesn't overstep her boundaries around him, but finds his efforts amusing
Husk-Wherever Alastor put those Overlords he kidnapped is where Charlie pulled the now deranged Husk from. He listen to her without question
Vaggie- In an uncharacteristically nice move, Charlie actually helped Vaggie. She undid it by sending her to Vox, but its the thought that count. Despite that Vaggie and Charlie are friends... with benefits and after learning the meaning behind her name Charlie nicknamed her "her most lickable friend." In addition already figure out Vaggie was an angel.
Lilith and Lucifer- To put it simply she thinks the world of her father, but doesn't her mother and actively avoid Lilith
Things that change with the cannon episode
Ep 3: Scrabbled Eggs (Cooked bombs?)
Angel Dust asks Charlie to humanly get rid of Cherry bomb's Bomb boys, the first thing she does is use them as golf balls until Angel Dust order to try something else.
Follows Camilla to the Overlord meeting (she likes messing with the Overlord, she often drops in on any meeting their having)
Ep 5: Dad Beat Dad
She spends the whole time actively avoiding any contact with Lilith
Ep 6: Welcome to Heaven
Because Alastor is stuck in hell (obvi) he begrudgingly asks her to be the Hotel's representative and plead for the case of the Hotel. She agrees and takes Vaggie with her
Create a two way communication portal so Alastor can talk to Heaven so she doesn’t have to then sits down on her phone not paying attention to anything
After all is said and done, and Alastor fails to plead, Charlie stands up grabs Vaggie’s spear and chuck it at Adam, breaking his mask drawing some blood on his cheek. She chuckles as she says,“First blood, and there will be much more.” she grabs Vaggie and teleports back to hell through a dark portal
Ep 8: The Show must go on
Puts a throne on top of the roof of the hotel, the night before the battle. She sits down in it and Dazzle and/or Razzle give her a glass of wine. She chuckles as she toast the sky saying “On to Alastor’s victory or on to death”
In Combination with Alastor creates the barrier to stop the exorcist that is broken by Adam.
Lute chucks a spear at Charlie aimed directly at her head, but Charlie simply moves her head and it hits the throne.
Gets into a one sided fight with Lute, only to get bored and challenges Adam who starts mollywopping her. As she lays there defeated Adam grabs her and chucks her off the roof. When she hits the ground, she alive and Adam says to the exorcists “Don’t kill her, let her be a lesson”
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contrivedchaos · 6 months
I am imagining Carmilla training overlord Sera since in life even as an arms dealer Sera wasn’t a great fighter she was skilled at managing and organizing stuff and being the person who ran it while her underlings did the dirty work. The only way she knows how to defend herself with involve guns since that's what she sold and delt with in her life. But Carmilla won't let her have a Angelic steal gun to dangerous to random bystanders so she has to learn to use a spear or something and Carmilla is teaching. Carmilla seems to put her hands on Sera's hips to help fix her stance a lot Sera isn't sure it's strictly necessary but isn't going to question it.
For this AU, we need to just to switch up the roles of "Out For Love" and re-orchestrate it with Sera instead of Vaggie. Carmilla teaching Sera how to fight for love and not revenge, all the steps are the same, Carmilla even roughs her up a little bit to show off! Then they do the whole song and dance sequence. I am looking respectfully! 👀 For research.
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seas-storyarchive · 6 months
Another request. From @minilollypop
Best friend - genderbent au
The whole gang, save for Charlie it seemed, was just.. dumbstruck.
Alastriona, THE Radio Demoness, touch averse queen herself.. was allowing for this well dressed, rose pimp lookin' fuckin' schmuck move her around like she was his toy doll or some shit.
Husk knew better than to touch Alastriona. He'd tried, once, and she used the chain around his neck to pull him away and threatened him with death if he ever tried to touch him again.
Angel had been smacked with her microphone cane.. walker.. thing. All he did was brush up against her arm. And she screamed at him that he was a pervert and- she looked angry and, afraid? Is that it?
He'd learned not to touch Alastriona after that, and even ask her about her day, getting sarcastic answers but that was fine.
Alastriona hated Lucifer. He didn't know why. She was reminded of her father, mostly his attitude.
And she DIDN'T want him to touch her. Ew. No. She'd rather rip off and eat Vox's arm.
But yeah.. this pimp lookin' schmuck was freely hugging her close, her even nuzzling cheeks with this fuck.
Vaggie was stupified at this.
Husk wanted a drink, screw it being 9am.
Angel wanted to make a sex joke, but he knew that it wouldn't end well so he shut up.
Cherri found this.. cute? Would she and Pentious be this cute?
Niffty was happy that Alastriona was happy. And they had a Matching Aesthetic!
Lucifer wasn't impressed. He found this Rory guy to be tacky. Miss Antlers sure had a certain way to pick her men.
"Who the hell is this guy!?" Vaggie snapped, pulling out her spear.
"Oh! Apologies, Vagatha, everyone." Alastriona said, now on her feet, a hand on Rory's shoulders. "This is the most daring, dangerous, overlord in his pocket of the pentagram, Rory!"
Rory moved Alastriona's hand from his shoulders before he bowed to everyone. "Hello, everyone. It is a pleasure."
"Dha fuq is yous and Smiles relationship, Grinny?" Angel asked bluntly.
"Angel!" Charlie snapped at the spider.
"He's my friend." Alastriona said with soft smile, putting her hand back on his shoulders as he put a hand on her waist.
"So are we! But you don't let us freely toss you about like dough for a pizza!" Angel gestured to the nonexistent space between the two cannibals.
"Angel.. she's known him longer. And that's fine." Charlie was trying to calm the situation down.
"I mean.." Husk had to agree, but with whom was unknown. Smart cat.
"He's nice!" Niffty said with a wide grin as she scrambled over and climbed up Alastriona's dress to rest on her shoulder, getting a pat on the head from Rory.
"And you are very sweet." Rory said with a tooth showing smile.
Niffty looked from Rory to Alastriona, "Ma'am, I like this one. He's THE guy for you!"
"Okay~! Um, down you go, darling." Alastriona laughed nervously, color coming to her cheeks, as she plucked Niffty from her shoulder to set her down. "There's a bug!" She pointed to under the couch, good, should keep her busy for.. a minute if that.
"Ooh." Angel now felt safe. "Is that why he's able ta toss yous to and fro, Smiles?" He asked with a confident grin.
Alastriona's eyes became a black void with radio dials, Valentino's ownership of Angel's soul can get fucked, "Angel, I am WARNING you!"
Rory blew air out of his mouth, sounding like sputtering, and everyone imagined him rolling his eyes if he had them. Although, be it at Angel or Alastriona.. that was the mystery.
"Okay guys!" Charlie cut in. "Let's all just.. um.. how about we have a trust building exercise!"
"No." The radio demoness said curtly.
Rory tilted his head. "Trust building? Sounds delightful!" He grinned at Alastriona as she looked at him with betrayal. "We still have time to do something before we head to the theater."
"Picture show." Alastriona looked at her nails.
Rory grinned as he put his hands on her waist - the most noist of zones. "Theater." He tapped his fingers, knowing she would cave.
Alastriona let out a laugh, covering her mouth. "N- no! Stoppit!"
"Make me~" he challenged, as friends do, tapping faster.
Alastriona was laughing louder. "I am - haha - a stronger overlord th- than you!" Was she crying laughing? Aww! So nice. "I- I will eat you in a quiche!"
"Bow-chicka-wow-wow!" Lucifer couldn't stop himself.
"Dayum!" Angel laughed.
Fun time over, Rory stopped the tickling to let his friend keep her dignity, hand still on her waist to keep her up right. Eldritch tendrils sprang out of nowhere to smack Angel and Lucifer. Repeatedly.
"I just think it's sweet that you have a Best Friend!" Charlie said to Alastriona with grin.
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