#special guest orange text
detailtilted · 7 months
Comic-Con 2008 - Enhanced Edition of Supernatural Panel
Direct link. Warning: Some of the special content I added has big spoilers for season 4 beyond the original videos.
This video features Jared, Jensen, Eric Kripke, Sera Gamble, and Ben Edlund. If you've already seen the original videos and you're wondering why you'd want to watch this, see the details about the enhancements below. For other enhanced videos, check my YouTube channel or my Tumblr index post.
Video Improvements - Upscaled, fixed bad aspect ratios, improved colors
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I received a great deal of help from @sensitivehandsomeactionman on the color correcting. They gave me tips on how to achieve better colors and they even took a screen shot from my video and corrected the colors on it with their own software to provide me with an example of what was possible. Having that example to reference was invaluable for me, because I'm not good with colors.
Without that help, Jared and Jensen would have looked like they were in training to become the world's tallest Oompa Loompas. Any remaining color wonkiness (Wonka-iness?) is due to my own failure to apply what I was taught and my failure to see the colors properly. But look at that difference! I was pretty excited about this.
Combined Videos to Cover Entire Event
As with my other enhanced videos, I combined multiple videos to create as seamless a video of the event as possible, from beginning to end. For my earlier videos, that meant combining maybe 5 videos. For this one, I used a total of 19 videos from 3 different sources. A lot of those were used for the talking head bubbles, explained further below.
None of the videos are my own. My video description on YouTube has links to the original videos I used.
Good, Color-Coded Subtitles
As with my other enhanced videos, I attempted to provide accurate and as-complete-as-possible subtitles. They're color-coded to make it easier to tell who's speaking. This is especially helpful when people are speaking at the same time, or when the speaker is off camera.
Since there were so very many people talking in this video, I doubled up on a couple colors if I thought I could do so without it being too confusing. Here's the complete color key:
Red = Jared Blue = Jensen Brown = Eric Kripke Pink = Sera Gamble Purple = Ben Edlund Green = General audience Yellow = The person asking the questions. In the first half this is the moderator, Alynda Wheat. In the second half, this is the fan at the mic. White = Mostly the publicist (Holly Ollis), but a couple times it's used for people off camera who I believe were Comic-Con staff. Two shades of orange = surprise guests
Additional Clarifying Content
As with my other enhanced videos, I've added some images to help add clarity to the references used by the speakers. I added images of characters and scenes referenced from the show, images to explain various pop culture references, as well as some explanatory text to help add details or clarity when I thought it might be useful.
I mostly kept this extra content to the sides so that, if it doesn't interest you, you can hopefully ignore it and focus on the main part of the video. Unlike my previous videos, sometimes this is on the left side and sometimes it's on the right side. The margins shift depending on where the talking head bubbles are.
Talking Head Bubbles - Jared and Jensen front and center, but other speakers visible too
This "enhancement" isn't anywhere close to perfect, but it sure as heck isn't from a lack of effort. This represented at least half if not two-thirds of the time I spent working on this video.
I always find the Comic-Con videos frustrating to watch. When the camera moves to other people who are talking, I want to see Jared and Jensen instead. I like to see their reactions and sometimes they do funny things that get missed. But when the camera is steadfastly focused on Jared and Jensen, I also get frustrated because I can’t see the people who are talking. Nope, you can’t win with me! I want to see everything.
I attempted to mitigate this frustration by adding talking head bubbles. The main source videos I used were the ones with the most constant and stable focus on Jared and Jensen. However, if one of the other source videos had a decent focus on another guest, I inserted a small window into that other video as seen below. Eric shows up on the left, because that's where he was seated relative to Jared. Sera and Ben show up on the right, because they were on the other side of Jensen.
Like I said, it's not anywhere close to perfect. Trying to make the bubbles look stable was an enormous challenge for me. Behind the scenes the person in the bubble was bobbing and weaving all over the original video frame, so I had to constantly adjust the position of the secondary video to keep the subject centered in the bubble. They also aren't always bubbles. The people taking the videos often had the writers on the edge of the frame because they wanted to capture Jared or Jensen too, so the bubbles start to collapse when they get too close to the edge because there isn't enough video surrounding them to form a circle.
I haven't decided if the end result was worth how much effort I put into these darn "bubbles", so I'd welcome any feedback -- good or bad.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 8 months
Link Click Musical Masterlist 🔍🌟
#音乐剧时光代理人# <- 'Time Agents Musical' main tag, pictures tab - shows majority of stage pictures in chronological order, updates from official Encore Musicals show up here too.
Tips: 1) Visit the OP's profiles! They usually post more than the one photo you can see in a thumbnail. And it's easier to browse & save pics through the profile.
2) Even though you can scroll the pics tab indefinitely, without a weibo account you won't be able to easily access older posts, as they'll get buried under the user's newer posts (there's a roundabout way mentioned in my guide). So I recommend to visit this tag frequently, if you wanna be sure nothing is hidden away 🔍 Daily or once in a 2-3 days will be enough imo, it's not very crowded tag ^^
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3) ⬆You can also check videos in this tag, the orange tab has 10 most recent clips from the musical (other one has the most popular ones).
接着奏乐接着舞Musicals (Encore Musicals) <- official profile of a theatre that runs LC stage, they post the cast schedules, photos/behind the scenes clips, whenever new actor debuts, there's a special guests or a cast member has a birthday. They also report when an actor goes on a health break. Tip: all LC actors can be found in the pinned post (you'd need OCR 'image-text' tool to copy their names from pics though)
Encore Musicals Bilibili account <- theatre's official profile on a major cn video-sharing platform (more bts clips)
动画师lan <- bonus link to studio LAN profile, that's where they post the mysterious animation frames~
校医来啦 <- profile of a chief producer of LC Musical, Chen Xiaoyi
兮兮兮辞_ <- profile of an executive producer of LC musical
Metablue赛博蓝 <- bilibili of a music producer, she did videos about working on LC musical songs
✨cast visuals promotional photos here✨
their personal weibo profile & actor specific hashtag (the 'diamond tag', you find the most stuff here)
Lu Guang
Wang Minhui - @王敏辉Black 王敏辉
Wu Yihan - @音乐剧演员吴以瀚 音乐剧演员吴以瀚
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭
Du Guangyi - @杜光禕 杜光祎
Zhu Hanbin - @Keb_朱涵彬 朱涵彬
Yin Haolun - @殷浩倫Monster 殷浩伦
Yang Haoran - @YANGHRAN 杨浩然hr
Cheng Xiaoshi
Cai Qi - @超级蔡淇 超级蔡淇
Shu Rongbo - @舒荣波-Bobi 舒荣波
Ji Xiaokun - @原来是纪晓坤啊 纪晓坤
Teng Chunpeng - @滕春鹏tcp 滕春鹏 (cw: heel injury pic is the only post on his @profile ><, just visit the tag)
Ding Xingchen - @D丁星辰 丁星辰
Cao Muzhi - @曺牧之 曹牧之
Bai Zhuoming - @丿日亻卓钅名 白倬铭
Wang Yifei - @王逸飞_V 王逸飞
Jing Yanqiao - @井彦乔JING_ 井彦乔
Guo Hongxu - @郭虹旭_GHX 郭虹旭 (yes, he plays both)
Qiao Ling
Cai Lu - @蔡璐_Katherine 蔡璐
Deng Xianling - @邓贤凌邓阿凌 邓贤凌
Wu Hanglu - @吴杭律 吴杭律
Feng Xinyao - @冯鑫垚smile 冯鑫垚
Qiang Dongyue - @嘀嗒_强东玥 强东玥
Zuo Yiping - @左一平儿 左一平
Qian Anqi - @钱安琪麦麦 钱安琪
Yan Lehuang - @闫乐湟乐乐 闫乐湟
Lu Hongbin/Chen Xiao
Zhang Jiahao - @张嘉豪music 演员张嘉豪
Li Zexi - @李泽熙Zenith 李泽熙
Xu Fangxing - @阿星-许放星 许放星
Zhi Bowen - @智小少总是不靠谱 智博闻
Zhou Bobo - @就叫我波波好了 周波波波波波
Zhang Zhiwei - @张智伟_
Song Yuanming - @教练 我zen勒想打球! 宋元明
Gaoer Jinbaoyin - @高尔金宝音 高尔金宝音
Lin Zhen/Chen Xiao's mom
Hong Guo - @红果其实是洪果 音乐剧演员洪果
Liao Jingyuan - @廖婧媛LJY 廖婧媛
Guo Zhenyan - @郭珍艳Miki 郭珍艳
En Yu - @恩妤Ura
Shen Tian - @音乐剧演员沈恬 音乐剧演员沈恬
Yu Mengying - @于梦滢yummy 于梦滢
Zhu Jiayan - @朱佳艳Rio 朱佳艳
Zhang Ruishu - @_张睿姝_
Zou Ziyue - @-Zou醉是子月 邹子月
A few actors for supporting cast don't have a tag bc they seem to be newbie actors and/or have very small online presence
Tips: 1) Without a weibo account you can scroll through the actor's tag only up to abt 45 most recent posts. The actors perform in multiple plays (duh) so non-LC photos will show up too.
2) Imo the most optimal method, so the limits won't stop you is: go to the main 'LC musical' tag and see what's new. Check schedule for the cast lineup in a recent performance. Go to the actors' tags to see what's new.
3) Sometimes there are 2 performances on a same day, with different actors. So don't be surprised if you find mixed lineups under one date.
4) Mostly QL and Lin Zhen's actresses post behind the scenes photos on their personal profiles. Don't bother looking up the guys accounts, unless it's a holiday or their b-day >< From what I remember, only Wu Yihan posts abt his cat. Zhang Jiahao and Zhou Bobo post selfies sometimes. Ji Xiaokun posts his own photography (he's good!).
5) Google translate, however broken, is enough to translate the captions, so use it for context✨Ppl sometimes give their reviews titled 'repos' from the stage they've seen 🙏
6) You'll find more musical related clips under the actor's tag, than in 'LC musical' main tag. It's usually in an actor's fancam, but not always. Useful when you like an actor or there was a particular moment you want to see from a different angle🌟👌
7) The clips tab (one in the middle) under the actor's tag has no time limited access. You can browse and watch the videos without issues!
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I'll try to add missing tags when the actors debut 💪 And if you find any mistakes or a broken links, please let me know 🙏 For those who read it all, here's a present ;>
光时 <- bonus Shiguang ship tag, they're just like us fr (but way more horny on main), there's lots of art, from cute fluff to nsfw djs >>
OKAY that's all I have🎉
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pancake-breakfast · 3 months
Ok! Notes from the first Orange panel at AX 2024! They were discouraging photography and video so this will just be text (mobile Tumblr hates my photos, anyway). But first, a bit of a TL;DR.
TL:DR: While they talked about Trigun: Stampede, Beastars, and their new upcoming title Leviathan, they mostly focused on Leviathan since Stampede has its own panel later. (I'm not sure about Beastars since I haven't been following the show as closely.)
Ok, on with the notes!
(Edited to add links.)
Studio Orange Presents: Beastars, Trigun, and...
The panel guests were Kiyotaka Waki (producer at Orange) and Yoshihiro Watanabe (producer at Orange and also played translator for Waki), as well as Justin Leach (producer for Eden and Star Wars: Visions).
They started off the panel by noting that exactly zero of the people on the panel (including the mod) slept the previous night.
Then they showed a sizzle reel in honor of Orange's 20th anniversary, highlighting all the stuff they've done in that time. There were a lot of cheers for Trigun, Beastars, and Land of the Lustrous in particular.
After the reel, they talked briefly about the history of Orange, how they'd gone from animating mecha for other people's shows (like they did for Evangelion and Code: Geass) to doing entire properties themselves. They're particularly proud of how their studio has grown from 4 people to... I forgot how many. Much more than 4. And they can now work on multiple titles simultaneously.
On to Trigun! They didn't get into it much since it's getting its own panel at the con, but they did show some pages from the Trigun Bible on Plants, and Watanabe noted he'd post them up on the bird app later today. (Edit: You can find them here.) Watanabe also said they can't release the whole Bible yet, which may just have me thinking hopefully, but hey, there's a chance! He seems to genuinely love sharing pages from it, at least.
On to Beastars! They read a thank you letter from the director to the fans, and also showed a subtitled video that I'd guess was also a thank you from someone else, but I was too far back to read the subtitles. (An ongoing problem with watching anything subbed at this con is the subs being entirely blocked by other people's heads unless you're in like the first few rows... but I digress.) They also showed a new key visual (which I'm sure is gonna be floating around social media somewhere at this point) and noted the third and final season of the show will air on Netflix in December. Waki noted he started reading the manga in 2017, and he's thrilled to get to work on a full adaptation of the story since it's rare to get to do that.
On to Leviathan! I'm gonna break this one up a bit because it's long. This is Studio Orange's new upcoming title in collaboration with Netflix and Qubic Pictures (the studio that did Eden, which was a great story overall and I definitely recommend it). They also worked extensively with the author of the original work, Scott Westerfield, who helped keep them consistent with the characters and themes.
The story is a dieselpunk alternate world WWI story about a runaway Austrian Prince named Alec who meets this Scottish girl, Sharp, on a bioengineered airship, and the relationships these people from disparate backgrounds have with others and each other.
The German/Austrian side of the conflict is a faction known as the "Clankers," who focus on mechs and technology to conquer the world via machines, while the faction Sharp belongs to is called the "Darwinists," who focus on DNA modification of creatures as a way to connect with nature.
They showed a preview of it that honestly looked really cool, but again, no recording. It had flying whale ships. Like... whales they strapped a box to and fly around on.
Orange is excited to get to "go back to their roots" with this and work on a Mecha title again, especially since this title will be theirs this time.
They acquired/absorbed (I'm not sure on the details) a team that specializes in background art for this project, and yeah, the backgrounds are detailed and amazing.
They noted a lot of animators reflect their own lives in their work, and they feel Leviathan is no exception. The international collaboration (they also have people from Europe working on this) lends itself well to a story about people from disparate cultures coming together and realizing they have more in common and more similar passions and desires than they have differences.
They'll be talking more about Leviathan at Otakon in August.
That's all for now! I'll try to update on the other Orange/Trigun panels if I get into them!
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Feline Shenanigans (Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader)
Chapter 1
You'd lit a cinnamon-scented candle to stave off the dark and cold, and were tinkering with one of your smaller projects when you heard a noise in the laundry room. Grabbing your tablet and activating the shockbots, you peeked around the corner. A soaked giant of a Maine Coon lay on the washing machine. Hearing you wheel in, he opened his deep orange...almost red eyes and stared. That gaze looked intelligent.
You sighed in relief, deactivating the bots. "Hello there."
Hm. The window at the top of the wall was open. He must have jumped in to get out of the storm. He didn't flinch as you neared and stopped alongside him.
"I'm going to have to bathe you. Will you let me pick you up?"
You lowered the chair height, dangled your fingers over the side, and lightly stroked his head. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind. After a little longer of getting him used to your touch, you scooped him up and onto your lap. His weight left you a little breathless, but he gave you no trouble besides that.
Something was attached to the plain black collar he was wearing. It was a spherical device with a glowing core. It seemed to be a simple sequence to unlock, but entering it only revealed one more layer. Text flashed on the surface.
Amuse yourself.
Sigh. They really ought to do better with locking up the supervillains- especially ones with her abilities. Back to the subject at hand, what did the cat have to do with things? You'd have to look at the device some more later. You weren't particularly scared, though. Your mother would swiftly put her in her place should something were to happen to you.
Your new guest was strangely well-behaved during his bath. He didn't even yowl when you poured water on him. You chalked it up to his fatigue. He did struggle a bit when you tried to wash his underside, but he didn't bite. And after a little while, he plopped down and accepted his fate.
"There- that's a good boy." You cooed. "I'm not going to hurt you."
As you set him down post-drying, he trotted around and started sniffing the furniture. There were no names or contact info on the collar. You'd have to hold onto him while you figured the puzzle out. What would you call him?
You studied him for a while, seeing if there were any special traits he had. Once his investigation of the living situation was finished, he curled up a short distance away from the candle, seemingly half-asleep. The shifting tones of his dark fur also added to the name brewing in your head.
"It's settled then. Henceforth, from this day in the year of Our Lord 2201, you shall be known as...Cinnamon!"
He opened his eyes and closed them again. You heard something like a huff- like a resigned sigh.
"You seem very jaded for a cat."
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A/N: Divider: @firefly-graphics
Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
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tomtenadia · 8 months
Detours to you - 19
Hello all,
I am off on holidays to Lisbon tomorrow for a few days to celebrate my bday so I will leave you with a new chapter. It's Maya's bday too (she is a January girl like me).
Hope you will enjoy the fluff
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A week elapsed and Maya’s birthday had finally arrived. They had waited until the Saturday for the celebrations and Aelin had closed the shop for a day so they could host the party there. They had invited her parents, Lys and Aedion, Elide was coming on her own since Lorcan was on shift, a few kids from the school that Maya liked and Rowan had the day off but was on call. Aelin just hoped nothing would interrupt the day. He needed a day of celebrations. His week had been hellish. She had accompanied him to the funeral of his three firefighters and had seen how broken he had been. Rowan had been grieving and had been so busy with the investigation that she worried about him. 
Now he was at home with Maya while she was at the bookshop getting it ready for the party.
They had gone for a mix theme of hockey and space. Rowan had started teaching her basic astronomy with the telescope he had gifted her and Maya had fallen in love with it.
A knock came at the front door and she saw her parents. Aelin invited them in with a hug “Hi mum, and dad.”
“Hi Aelin, where’s the birthday girl?”
“Rowan will bring her here as soon as I gave him the okay that the shop is ready.”
Evalin walked around the shop and looked at the decorations “This looks lovely.”
Rhoe looked at the space decorations and Aelin walked up to him “Rowan had been teaching her about the stars.”
“I know,” her father added “She is actually teaching me all about it now.”
Aelin laughed “she is teaching me too.”
“I brought a lot of biscuits and a cake too.” Added Evalin, showing her daughter the box she was carrying. 
Aelin grabbed the containers with food and placed them on the table that they had set up..
“Mum she will love your cake, it has the perfect level of chocolate.”
Evalin laughed “I also have a box for Rowan. I know he is not a fan of sweets so I made him the orange oatmeal biscuits that he loves so much.”
Aelin thanked her mother and she knew that she had always had a special place in her heart for Rowan.
Lysandra, Aedion and Elide arrived not long after together with the other few guests. She had texted Rowan that it was time to bring Maya. When later on he texted her that they had parked the car and walking to the shop, the group had switched off the lights and got ready for the surprise.
Rowan walked with his daughter on his hand and at the shop, he used the key Aelin had given him. As soon as they were inside, the darkness got replaced by a starry sky and slowly the people appeared and Aelin walked to her daughter and Rowan was at her side “Happy birthday, Maya.”
Maya hugged them both and then looked at the stars “mama your shop has stars.”
“Yes, baby, do you like it?”
“I love it so much.”
Slowly they turned up the lights and allowed her to see all the guests.
“Nana.” Maya ran to her grandparents.
“Happy birthday, my love, you are a big girl now.”
“Yes, nana I am six.” She proudly lifted her fingers.
Aelin encouraged the kids to gather in the children section where they had created a corner for them. She had also organised a story telling session with cake after the presents. But most of all, she was looking forward to see the present she got from her and Rowan. They had bought her first bike. She knew Maya was going to love it.
Rowan walked to her side “you have done a wonderful job with the bookshop. The starry sky  is perfect.”
Aelin leaned her head against his shoulder “You should see my mum’s hockey themed cake.”
“She will feel like the queen of the world today.” His arms wound around Aelin’s waist and pulled her closer “she is definitely my princess.”
“I found this young lady running around, does anyone know her?” Aedion was carrying Maya potato sack style and the girl giggled at her uncle antics “Dad save me, the dragon has taken me.”
Rowan laughed and followed the two, pretending to fight Aedion while he growled.
One of the mums walked at her side “He is so good to her.”
Aelin nodded while sipping her juice.
“You know that at school he has won the title of DILF, right?”
Aelin knew. The news had reached her and a lot of the mums had a crush on him. It had pissed her off to no end and she had been jealous too. Just as she was jealous of Lyria. The whole relationship between them was still very frail, they had not set on a label but she wanted to be possessive. Rowan was hers.
“I know and I hate it.”
“My husband was their target until Rowan came up. I know how you feel.”
“I hate them and that Remelle woman and her son caused so much grief to Maya.”
The woman gave a nervous laugh “I had my running ins with Remelle. She almost messed up my marriage with her lies.”
“Mama, we are opening presents!” Maya walked to her grabbing her hand to drag her where all the presents were gathered. 
The adults they all sat down and Aelin took Maya where all the gifts were, and started to hand out all the parcels. 
“Ok birthday girl, let’s open up a few present, shall we?”
Maya started jumping up all excited “Yes! Yes! I want the presents!”
They started with the ones from her school friends then it was then time of Elide and Lorcan who had bought her a pass for the observatory and then a limited edition jersey of the Stags. Maya ran to hug Elide. Lorcan could not be present because he was working  “Thank you auntie Elide. I love it.” 
“Mama, can I wear it?”
“Not yet, after cake maybe but not now. We don’t want to ruin it with chocolate.”
Aelin placed the item of clothing aside and grabbed a present she knew was from Aedion and Lysandra. They had gifted her a super special edition book of Terrasen folktales and then her own hockey stick with the Stags colours.
Maya screamed happily and grabbed her stick swinging as if she was playing “I am playing hockey!”
They all laughed and Maya kept playing happily until Rowan pulled her back to attention for her grandparents presents who had given her a tent for her bedroom that had a space theme and then a projector for her bedroom so she could project the sky in her room.
“Nana and I thought they would be nice for the days you can’t go out in the garden. So you can have the sky in your room.”
Maya ran to her grandparents and hugged them tightly “Thank you.”
“Come on now, you have the last one from us.”
Maya walked back to her parents and Aelin and Rowan sat down beside her and Aelin handed her a small packet. When she struggled Rowan helped her opening it and she looked at her present with a curious face. Rowan lifted the passes “Maya, this is a ticket for a special event the Stag are doing and meeting the fans.”
Maya looked at her dad with big green eyes “Dorian too?”
Rowan caressed her face “yes baby, we are going to meet all the Stags again.”
She threw herself at her dad and Aelin moved closer brushing her back. They remained in silence while they cuddled their daughter then Rowan pulled back “we have one last surprise for you.” He passed Maya to her mum and walked at the back of the shop. When he came back he was pushing a green bicycle and Maya ran to him “Is it for me?”
“Of course,” he grabbed her hand and helped her sit on. The bike still had stabilisers and Rowan showed her how to use the pedals and within minutes Maya was cycling, with a fussy Rowan hovering over her.
“I think you guys topped her presents. Aeds and I tried to give her a cool one.”
“Lys, your presents were great as well.”
Lysandra stared at Rowan with Maya “He is so cute with her.”
Aelin nodded.
“So, are you getting married next?”
She chuckled “Elide asked me the same thing a while ago.”
“Because you both have made some strides and are improving, that is the next logical step.”
Aelin was silent for a moment “As I said to El, we are not there yet. For now, let’s all concentrate on your wedding.”
“Mama look, I am cycling.”
Aelin looked at her daughter on her bike and smiled. Rowan had approached her one day saying that Maya had mentioned about having a bike like the other kids. He said that he wanted to teach her and Aelin had agreed. She loved that Rowan had involved her too after the hockey classes fiasco. Classes that were going to start next week and their daughter was the most excited person ever. 
“You are doing so well, Maya.”
They were all in the middle of having cake when Rowan’s radio became alive. Everyone fell silent and he grabbed it running away to a quiet corner.
Aelin watched him with a tightness in her chest. She knew he was on call and that if an emergency happened he’d have to leave. She just hoped that for one day Orynth would have no drama so he’d be able to celebrate his daughter’s birthday in peace. It was the first one for him and she wanted it to be special for both.
He came back at the front and she knew from his face that it was not good. She had forgotten how easily she could read his expressions “What is it?”
“I need to go. I am sorry.”
Aelin hugged him tightly “Be careful, please.” A soft whisper against his neck, the scent of pine and snow soothing her soul “Come back to me. To us.”
Rowan kissed her on her lips and pulled back, kneeling in front of Maya “I have to go to work and help people.” His heart broke at Maya’s wobbly lip “I will see you later at home, baby.”
Maya threw her arms around him and softly sobbed.
“Happy birthday, my love.”
Rowan then forced himself to stand and take a step towards the door. He cast a last glance at the party and then walked out in a run.
Aelin watched Rowan go.
There was an ache in her chest. An ancient fear rising in her. It was the anguish she had felt when he was on active duty and a regular firefighter. Waiting for him to come home after his shift and knowing he was safe. Aelin had accepted the dangers of his job the day she had confessed him she was in love with him. 
Gods, she loved him. She had to tell him. She let him go to his job without telling that she loved him.
Aelin prayed Mala to bring him back to her.
I will come back to you.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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ask-the-becile-boys · 10 months
Story. Fury
Previous | Next
With special thanks to our guest artist, @phopollo !
[ID: Ten digitally drawn panels, inked and greyscaled with orange and green.]
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[Panel 1: Center of the panel is The Skull, walking forward with furious determination. In his right hand is a smoking revolver. Behind him, Scratch is exiting the storm doors of the burning Becile Manor. The Manor casts an orange light on everyone's side, while the rest of the color is greyscale. No text.]
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[Panel 2: The Jack looks back over his shoulder in surprise. In front of him, Locksmith hunches over, holding his left eye, his cane discarded on the ground at his feet. No text.]
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[Panel 3: Locksmith looks up. The lens over his left eye has been shattered, leaving only a little glass over darkness and a bright green pinpoint pupil. He grits his teeth. No text.]
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[Panel 4: Split panel. Top left: Locksmith grabs The Jack by the front of his vest, SFX: pull. Bottom right: Locksmith throws The Jack bodily out of the way, SFX: toss. The Jack lands a distance away, toward the tree line.]
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[Panel 5: The Skull approaches Locksmith, flipping the revolver around in his hand so the he's holding it backwards. Locksmith turns to face him, green smoke beginning to seap from his face and neck. No text.]
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[Panel 6: The Skull, expression hateful, movement lines trailing his white pupils, raises his revolver, moving to smash the butt of it into Locksmith's head. Locksmith lowers his head, venting more gas. No text.]
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[Panel 7: Locksmith's jaw almost unhinges as he spits a huge cloud of green smoke directly at The Skull, who flinches back. No text.]
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[Panel 8: The Skull is enveloped by the cloud, losing all greyscale coloring, replaced by a faint green tinge. He tries to wave the cloud away to no avail. No text]
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[Panel 9: The Skull stops, brows raising in shock as a familiar voice calls "The Skull (ellipses)"]
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[Panel 10: A larger-than-life figure of Thadeus "Pops" Becile appears before The Skull, towering over him. Thadeus has bright green Rock Candy crystals growing all over his body, particularly over the left side of his face, back of his head, and over his heart. There is a dark sludge dribbling out of his ears, staining his collar. He scowls down at The Skull and says, "Still a disappointment." End ID]
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A Birthday to Remember
Paring: Gaius Augustine, Ade Augsttine (BB MC) and Jake Tweneboah (OH MC)
Summary: Ade spends her birthday with her favourite people - birthday Gift for @aesthetic-aag
Taglist - @aesthetic-aag @princess-geek @secretaryunpaid
Ade's birthday was approaching, and this year, she wanted it to be special. She had spent the last few weeks planning every detail, from the venue to the guest list. Her boyfriend, Gaius, and her best friend, Jake, were both excited to celebrate with her.
As the day drew nearer, Ade couldn't contain her excitement. She had always loved birthdays, not just for the gifts and attention, but for the opportunity to gather her loved ones and create lasting memories.
On the morning of her birthday, Ade woke up to a room filled with balloons and streamers, courtesy of Gaius. He had snuck out early to decorate while she was still asleep. Ade's heart swelled with love as she took in the sight, feeling grateful to have such a thoughtful partner.
Gaius had also prepared breakfast in bed for Ade, complete with her favorite pancakes and freshly squeezed orange juice. They spent the morning lounging in bed, savoring each other's company and sharing stories from their past birthdays.
Later that afternoon, Ade and Gaius met up with Jake at their favorite café for lunch. Jake had brought a homemade birthday cake, decorated with Ade's favorite flowers. They laughed and reminisced about old times, enjoying each other's company over delicious food and drinks.
Ade was still disappointed that Kamilah and Adrian couldn't be with her on her special day. She know that their work was really important to them. They had not forgotten that it was her special day as they had sent birthday texts earlier that day.
After lunch, Ade suggested they take a stroll through the nearby park. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a leisurely walk. They wandered along the winding paths, chatting and admiring the scenery.
As they reached a secluded spot by the lake, Gaius pulled Ade aside and handed her a small gift-wrapped box. Inside was a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a heart. Ade's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Gaius tightly, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness.
Jake, ever the jokester, pretended to be offended by the display of affection. "Hey, what about me?" he teased, holding out a gift bag of his own. Ade eagerly opened it to find a collection of her favorite books, each one carefully chosen by Jake.
"You know me so well," Ade said, giving Jake a grateful hug. "Thank you for always being there for me."
The rest of the afternoon was spent lounging by the lake, soaking up the sun and enjoying each other's company. As the day turned into evening, they made their way to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
The restaurant was adorned with twinkling lights and candles, creating a romantic ambiance. Ade felt like she was in a fairy tale as they were seated at a private table overlooking the city skyline.
Over a delicious meal, they toasted to Ade's birthday and the beautiful friendship they shared. Ade couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for the two most important people in her life.
After dinner, they headed back to Ade and Gaius's apartment for dessert. Gaius had prepared Ade's favorite chocolate cake, and Jake had brought along a bottle of champagne to celebrate.
They sat around the table, laughing and sharing stories late into the night. Ade felt surrounded by love and happiness, grateful for the wonderful people in her life who had made her birthday so special.
As the clock struck midnight, Ade made a wish and blew out the candles on her cake. She wished for many more years of love, laughter, and friendship with Gaius and Jake by her side.
As they hugged each other tightly, Ade couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. This birthday would be one she would never forget, thanks to the love and kindness of her boyfriend and best friend
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ancient-cats-unite · 1 year
Jam Session
The music cats jam out together! What could go wrong? Many things, especially when a guest star gets involved.
"Sorry I'm late!"
Moneko burst into the studio door, almost tripping and sending her pink songbook flying. Ramen Cat, who changed from his work clothes to something more extravagant caught it. He chuckled, handing back to the girl.
Ramen was decked out in a sparkling red and orange gradient jacket. One sleeve was studded while the other had "RAMEN" sewed on with sparkly thread. Ripped jean shorts and boots with yellow laces made him look pretty kickass. Moneko had the complete opposite clothing sense, a strawberry pink dress with a green belt, hair extensions in pink and green with hot pink mary janes.
"Hey Moneko! We're kinda waiting on the Rock Revengers."
The studio was sleek, a stage fitted enough for the gang as well as some speakers set up. The jam session pooled their money together to rent for an hour though Moneko's salary could pay for it hundred fold. Moneko pulled up a plastic chair.
"Neat! I got this cool song I've been practicing for awhile. I miiight play it on my world tour."
Ramen propped himself up on her lap, looking at the lyrics in pink pen. Suddenly the door burst open with a loud kick. The mortar player held a large music case, almost comically large. The others streamed in, rough housing antics ensuing with the bee and the crab.
The mortar player propped up his drum on the stage. The crab ruffled both Ramen's and Moneko's hair.
"Whassup crazy folk?! Haven't seen y'all since winter!!"
Moneko giggled, while Ramen hurried to fix his springy hair.
"Yeah, yeah.. ey, where's the other guy?"
Ramen retied his black hairband. The Rock Revengers stood up, confused. Moneko checked her phone, scrolling through their reserved time.
"Yes! We have another person coming. She's a very special friend of mine-"
The door creaked open, following the jangle of beads. A typical cat with an eye popping headdress rolled in. Alongside her was a mini cat carrying her microphone on a velvet pillow.
There was nothing typical about this cat. She was known for her over the top displays at her concerts. Flashing lights, gravity defying stages and excellent costume design. She was a force to be reckoned with, even after her retirement no one could take her top spot. Her popularity was a hidden gem to the empire. The one and only.. Cabaret Cat.
"Meawuuuuuu! Meaoo!"
Cabaret Cat nuzzled Moneko's leg, sitting next to her on her velvet pillow. She mewled sweetly like it was a sincere greeting.
"..okay, who is this cat?"
The chestnut player asked, lugging his music stand along. He was immediately tackled by the mortar player.
Cabaret Cat begun to groom herself. Dismissing her cat companion, she held her microphone in her mouth. Ramen looked at Cabaret Cat, jaw dropped.
"How did you get Cabaret Cat in here? With US??"
Cabaret Cat was gently carried into Moneko's lap.
"Oh, she just wanted to sing with us! For fun! She texted me on Meowter."
Moneko held Cabaret Cat all the way to the stage. The Rock Revengers stammered, pushing the highest pedestal for the tiny cat and bowing. It was very out of character for them, they bowed to no one.
"H-here you go Cabaret Cat!"
Cabaret rewarded their kind gesture, allowing a pet from each. The rockers were reduced to a grateful mess.
"I.. I petted the Miss Cabaret.. I'm never washing this paw again!"
Ramen rolled his eyes.
"Okay.. Cabaret. Should we, uh, get you anything?"
"Meawuuu! Meaw meaww!"
She shook her head, getting slapped in the face by beads and string. The rockers connected their instruments to the speakers, Ramen pulled out his spare microphone and helped the other two singers connect their microphones.
"So should we start with 'Cat eat Cat world'?"
Moneko set up her lyrics on a music stand. Cabaret bonked into the microphone just to make sure it worked.
"Yeah, thats like the only song we know."
Ramen pulled out a microphone stand in his paws. The Rock Revengers were all set up at this point. The mortar player was hyped at this point, jumping right in.
"Hell yeah! One, two, one, two, three, four!"
Terrible, absolute abhorrent musical skills ensue. Loose and sloppy was the only tempo the rockers were used to. Cabaret sighed in disappointment. When the band got to the bridge of the song, Cabaret let out her signature verse.
"Meawu! Meawu meawu!!"
The floor began to crack. Rumbling the stage, everyone hurried off to witness the magic of the Cabaret. A huge humanoid cat came from the ground in sparkling neon and gold. Cabaret jumped from her seat and landed on the statue's paws. It rose until it broke the roof of the studio, up to the sky. Cabaret, fully confident on her own stage, started her solo.
The cats below were both starstruck and devastated. Ramen looked at the debris that surrounded them. Miraculously no one was hurt.
"I really REALLY HOPE she's paying for this."
"Is that Cabaret's hit single "Meow into my heart"?"
Cabaret had quite a crowd around her as she sung to her heart's content. After she finished, she winked at her friends below. The statue then drifted off into the sunset. The crowd was shook except the band.
"I'm NOT PAYING FOR THIS. Can't you get Cabaret to pay for this Moneko?"
Ramen held his paws up. A whole clutter of voices from the Rock Revengers, Moneko and Ramen overrid any sort of civil conversation.
"I can probably take this out of my budget!!"
"But what about MISS CABARET??"
"Guys please!!"
In the horizon, Cabaret Cat and her statue sat on a large hill. The cat sipped on a pink lemonade, singing her famous tune.
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thestressedsimmer · 1 year
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It's Bailey's birthday! Of course, Willow stayed up all night putting up streamers and balloons. Orange, of course, since that's Bailey's favorite color.
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She also bought her a brand new outfit as a gift. To be honest, these kids only get special things on their birthdays and holidays since there are so many of them - but she found the cutest little sweater dress on plopsy and it seemed Bailey's style!
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And look how GOOD she looks in it! (Jack and Jill both wanted to give Bailey happy birthday! hugs and kisses. They also made her some homemade crafts for her birthday, but that's not pictured.)
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Bailey's birthday falls on a Monday. She got to take the day off from school, but of course the boys still had to go. Noah used that opportunity to shop for a gift at the school supplies store. A private journal!
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She pretty instantly put it to good use. Willow prepared some food and a birthday cake (she's not aging up because of my custom aging system, but house parties always need cake and it's about the AMBIANCE) and Bailey put the Backyard music [her favorite] on blast. IT'S PARTY TIME!
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Noah's half sister, Orion, happened to be good friends with Bailey. So she was invited over to the party. Look at what a cutie she grows up to be!
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In the middle of the party, little Carter stole the show by deciding to clap along to the music!
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Just a little bit of appreciation for Bailey's newest party outfit. I'm not really a fan of orange, but she somehow always manages to pull it off.
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One of the guests caught Noah's eye....
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The feeling was mutual!
The party ended up winding down soon enough. Willow had a little too much whiskey and it was getting pretty late. Alessandra told Noah to text her and Bailey gave all of her friends hugs. Now it's time to get overtired (and hyped on sugar) toddlers and infants in bed. It is a school night for the teens too...
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Presenting (Black Butler x demon!Reader)
That is the servant aesthetic...
A/N: I finally got to watch Book of Circus and I have to admit that I actually liked it. I was thinking about writing a series of fics with this story arc because I thought it would be interesting to see Reader's perspective/humor on things, but that's just me. Hope you enjoy.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
In the Morning…
'A servant's mornings begins early. They must start working before everyone else, they will even iron their Master's newspaper and preparing the morning tea. They do their utmost to ensure that their Master enjoys a consistent and comfortable daily life. That is the servant aesthetic!'
It was like any regular morning at Phantomhive Manor, both __________ and Sebastian had risen early and dressed to get started with the duties of the household. While Sebastian prepared the young Master's breakfast tea and paper, __________ had been busy preparing a warm breakfast of sweet porridge, eggs Atlantic[1] with fresh hot crumpets and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice.
While Sebastian hurried along with the breakfast trolley, __________ had stayed behind already cleaning the kitchen while wondering what to prepare for lunch as well as dessert for afternoon tea.
In no time at all Mrs. Mayerl, the young earl of Phantomhive's dance teacher, arrives for their lesson allowing Sebastian to return to the kitchen to find __________, Tanaka, Finny, Mey-Rin and Baldo all waiting on him for the chore assignments.
"Mey-Rin you will gather and launder all the sheets."
"Yes sir!"
"Finny, tend to the plants in the greenhouse,"
Baldo, prepare some bread dough,"
"Leave it to me!"
"Tanaka, please act as usual."
"Ho, ho, ho!"
"Also we are expecting guests today," Sebastian cleared his throat and had been about to speak further on the subject then Baldo interrupted him.
"Then I, the chef, will make my special dinner--"
"THEREFORE," Sebastian spoke loudly and pointed a rolling pin at Baldo who stopped speaking and winces slightly, "you three please stay quietly out of sight and don't do anything uncalled-for. And I do mean quietly." he finishes with a smile then claps his hands twice, "All right! To your stations!"
The trio agreed and scattered to their assignments, __________ who has said nothing on the subject turns to smile at her cohort, "They seem in a cheerful mood,"
"It's keeping an eye on them where the problem truly lies," Sebastian sighed sounding a bit exhausted.
"Though they mean well,"
"Indeed they do."
In the Afternoon…
Later that afternoon, Sebastian and Ciel were in the study when __________ was just about to knock having brought the serving trolley with a slice of treacle tart she made for his afternoon tea, "I want something sweet now!" the young man whined and just as Sebastian had murmured his reply did she walk in pushing the trolley.
"Did the young Lord request something sweet?" she asked with a smile.
"Honestly __________, you spoil the young Master rotten with your attentions," Sebastian chastises the Maid who now served a slice of the treacle tart, "how will be a proper gentleman if you lavish him constantly like a child?"
"My dear Sebastian, the young Master is indeed a child, who is growing constantly and will have sufficient room for dinner tonight," she then looked into the cup of hot chocolate, "Oh dear no whipped cream? It's a good thing I thought ahead and made some while making the treacle, allow me, Master," she spoke in a warm tone while adding a dollop of the cool thick white cream and drizzled some of the caramel Sebastian had earlier brought with the hot chocolate.
Once finished and dismissed, both Sebastian and __________ stepped out into the hallway in order to begin the preparations for tonight's dinner meeting with Mr. Lau and Mr. Cedric Brandel. Mr. Brandel was the man who had acquired one of the many local tea companies and had requested a meeting with Ciel in order to mass produce his special line of flavored teas to children.
"Brewing something, my dear?"
"Not at all, whatever could you mean?"
"You know what I mean..."
"Well isn't that the Servant's aesthetic? To keep the young Master contented and comfortable?"
"I see,"
"I am simply making sure that the cooking pot isn't boiling over. You wouldn't want a burnt feast do you?"
"Of course, though might I make a suggestion?"
"You may,"
"Keep your hands out of my kitchen."
"Duly noted."
"Now that's settled, shall we begin preparations for tonight's entertainment?"
"Quite so. After all, who better to entertain a guest or two than those who serve the House of Phantomhive?"
Soon both Maid and Butler were in the dining hall with several patterned dishes laid out on the table, they were studying each intricate detail and deciding which plate design would they use for tonight's theme.
"We'll use playful, colorful Herend dinnerware, which suits a meeting about children's goods. Next we will polish the silverware until it gleams."
She was about to reply when both __________ and Sebastian heard a woman's muffled scream from a few doors down... it came from the laundry room.
"That voice..."
"Oh dear..."
They both headed for the room in question the hallway quiet like a tomb when Sebastian opens the door, "Mey-Rin what's going--" both servants stared blankly at the same room overflowed with soap suds while a soap covered young woman pops out of one of the large fluffy clouds.
"Sebastian! __________!" Mey-Rin cries and shakes the bubbles off her.
"What's all this?"
"It's quite obvious isn't it?"
"I used thirty cups of detergent, just like the instructions said, and now the bubbles are out of control yes!" she then held up the soap box close to Sebastian's face, "I don't understand!"
__________ chortled behind a gloved hand, Mey-Rin could be so cute at times. With a slow and pained sigh Sebastian replied, "Look again closely, it's three cups, not thirty."
Mey-Rin did indeed look closely at the box and then she lets out another indignant cry at her obvious mistake, "Honestly, far-sightedness isn't sufficient to excuse what a fool-- rather, what a scatterbrain you are," Both he and __________ rolled up their sleeves, "Now stand back,"
Between the two of them, both Maid and Butler mopped the floor, sorted, washed and pressed the sheets then brought them out to the back to dry on a line.
"That should do it," Sebastian spoke and wiped his brow with the back of his hand.
"Things ran a lot smoother this time around, not bad at all." __________ smiled until she caught a glimpse of Sebastian staring at her, "Sebastian?"
"Do forgive me __________," he said and had reached out to grab for her chest, she could hear Mey-Rin squeal until his hand made contact with a strand of (y/c) hair, his thumb wiped away a lone fluff of white soap, "but you had soap in your hair."
"Why thank you for catching it, Sebastian," she smiled kindly, Sebastian returned it as well.
"Mey-Rin, go inside and clean up the laundry room, please,"
"Oh! Right! Yes!" she saluted and heads back inside with a rush.
Both Sebastian and __________ remained outside until it was Sebastian who spoke gently, "For goodness's sake, it's always when I'm busy..."
"Fifteen on the left and ten to the right, shall we give them a proper Phantomhive welcome?" __________ replied with a sniff.
"I believe it would be rather rude if we did not!" Sebastian turned to smile at her, she then feels for the charm around her neck and pulls off the chain.
Immediately they both ambushed the group of men who had been silently watching the Manor. Their guns were useless as one by one they fell to the ground dead. Whether by cutlery, the sharp edge of a Tailor's scissors or by strangulation of sewing threads.
"Oh what a lovely bouquet," __________ said as she spied some white blossoms while she wiped the blood off her scissors with one of the dead men's coats, "I believe they would make a lovely arraignment as tonight's centerpiece and they would complement the dinner plates you've selected."
"Goodness you certainly have an eye for detail my dear!"
"I will take that as a complement."
Taking the flowers into the house the two continued with preparing the dining table, "Next we will set the table, along with the flower arraignment. It will be a refine mix of snowdrops and Christmas roses, to evoke winter and the napkins shall be folded in a rose-like shape,"
They both looked up simultaneously at each other; (y/c) eyes meeting with a set of mahogany ones. Though the mahogany held an annoyed tone to them; the (y/c) ones had a suspicious curiosity. Heading out toward the greenhouse, both Maid and Butler were greeted to an intense heat along with Finny running back and forth wailing inconsolably.
"Finny! Why on earth is it so hot?"
__________ said nothing for the strong scent of flowers from the heat invaded her nose terribly and had caused her to begin coughing and sneezing, "My apologies Sebastian, I will not be of much assistance this time, the scent of the flowers makes my nose sensitive. I may faint." She then covers her nose with the back of her gloved hand and stepped back a few paces to avoid the overpowering smell.
Finny walked up to them crying and apologizing while explaining the reason behind the heat, "I'm so sorry! It looked like the roses were about to bloom so I tried to speed them up by lighting the stove!" he bawled and clings to Sebastian for dear life.
"To carry a stove out here, you'd have to be brainless-- or rather brawny. It can't be helped."
Finny stood close to __________ who continued to cough and sneeze a few more times until her senses cleared and she no longer had a fit, "Oh dear, that was rather undignified..."
Both watched on as Sebastian at last removed all the contents of the greenhouse outside of the glass building, "What a shame, if not for this we'd have the pleasant scent of roses... Finny, do the rest of the cleanup," he said and walks past him while __________ followed alongside the dark haired butler, "For goodness sake, what a pain."
"There are ten this time, perhaps they think that by sending a small group they would go undetected." __________ suggested by the ten pairs of eyes carefully watching them, "I would have detected them much sooner had it not been for the saturation of roses attacking my sense of smell."
"Perhaps, though it will not stop up from greeting them." Sebastian agreed with a tiny huff, though he was in his right to be annoyed it wasn't proper manners to be lingering in doorways or in this case by trees.
"No, of course not."
Once again both servants attacked at the group of men, only this time Sebastian used his trusty forks to stab and attack while __________ uses her sewing thread to take the guns from each of the men's hands so that Sebastian had a clear shot of killing the small group. As soon as the offending men dropped dead, something else fell from the sky; both Maid and Butler could see that it was a wild pheasant, and a plump looking one at that.
"He will make a fine fillet, may I watch?"
"Of course, there might be times when I need your talented hands for the dinner other than the sweet confections you make for the young Master."
The moment they returned to the kitchen, __________ watched with great interest while Sebastian plucked, cleaned and sliced the pheasant in order to create three fillets of almost equal ration and began to garnish them with salt and pepper to taste before placing them in the skillet.
"Most important of all is the main dish, I will sauté the freshly caught pheasant in a rosemary and sage paste," he then places the first fillet on the prepared skillet, the meat sizzles as the delicious smell of the dinner filled the medium sized kitchen, watching Sebastian cook such extravagant meals was always a pleasure of hers, just as he enjoyed watching her measure and tailor a suit for the young Master, "And I will pair it with a Gran Cru Champagne."
The mood was then interrupted by Bardo who yelled and blasted the far side of the kitchen wall with one of his many explosives. Smoke, ash and wall debris filled the far corner of the kitchen.
"Bardo!" Sebastian called out just as the smoke cleared and Bardo stood at attention covered in ash and soot, "Right... might as well explain yourself..." the poor man sounded so tired as he approached the blond carefully.
"I thought since guests were comin' I'd treat them to a new menu!"
Both __________ and Sebastian face palmed at his response, "How many times must I tell you that cooking doesn't require actual firepower? You're a colossal fool-- or rather just simply a fool."
"You really didn't rephrase that," Baldo spoke nervously, he has had some run in with Sebastian's annoyance before and since then he's tried his best at avoiding a conflict whenever he could.
Sebastian stares at the large gaping hole until __________ caught a whiff of something.
"Again?" Sebastian asked to which __________ replied coolly, "Fifteen."
"Huh? Fifteen what?"
"Bardo, come with me, you will need some supplies," Sebastian smiled as the three of them headed outside, __________ stood by the broken wall while both servant men returned with bricks and cement, "Here you start on with these while I will confiscate this," he spoke and took Bardo's flamethrower away from him.
"Maybe they didn't see us..." whispered one of the men, when Sebastian shoots him with the flamethrower, with a yell the man fell out of the tree and into a heap on the ground.
Taking her scissors, __________ tossed them like a terrifying boomerang which made equal slices across each man's body; some who though had the hopes of escaping the horrible duo were met with Sebastian and his commandeered flamethrower. Finally the last group of invaders were dead and just as they were about to head back into the house did __________ smell something enticing. A large cracking pop is what caught her attention; she smiled at the chestnuts by her feet.
"Mmm it indeed does feel like Christmas tonight, roasted chestnuts... they will taste quite delicious sautéed in butter and cinnamon." she smiled and gathered them along with Sebastian who looked quite put out.
"For goodness's sake, we are getting nothing done."
"It only feels that way but we have and all it needs is for it to simply come together. We still have ample time."
"The guests will be here any moment."
"You worry far too much."
"Come, we must hurry."
"Oh very well..." she said with a gentle sigh and follows him.
They finished their preparations in no time at all just as their guests had arrived both servants stood at the foot of the main stair case quietly, "Thank you for coming today," Ciel spoke as he appeared at the top of the stairs, "I am Ciel Phantomhive, the current earl."
"And I am Cedric Brandel, pleased to make your acquaintance. My I've never imagined you would be so young, my lord." Spoke the man called Cedric Brandel as he reached out to take Ciel's hand in his then gives it a friendly shake.
"I told you that there was no need for you to get worked up, he's so small and cute!" Lau smiled easily which his companion Ran-Mao clings to his arm silently watching the exchange.
"I've had a dinner prepared for us, this way please," Ciel spoke politely and walked his guests into the decorated dining room.
Sebastian pops the champagne bottle and began to pour it over the tower of glasses both he and __________ had set up just in time for the arrival of their guests, __________ had brought in an extra bottle just in case while Mey-Rin was to bring in the hors d'oeurves ... what could possibly go wrong?
"Oh how lovely," murmured Mr. Brandel as he watched glass after glass being filled by the bubbling golden drink, Ciel slightly turns his body to face him, "I thought simply setting out aperitifs lack flair,"
"G-Good evening, yes! Here are some hors d'oeurves..." Mey-Rin stuttered as she walked in trembling with the tray in both hands, "Oh... I'm so nervous..." she whispered then trips on the laces of her boots then falls forward crashing into the glass tower.
Both Sebastian and __________ sprang into action the moment they saw the glasses falling and spilling. Sebastian on his part tosses the half poured bottle of champagne high into the air where it had begun to spin. Between both the smooth flutter of the Maid's skirt together with the Butler's coat tails, it appeared as if both servants were dancing in harmonious sync until all the glasses were caught and were set back neatly onto the table; not a single drop of champagne was wasted. The bottle fell gracefully and was once again in Sebastian's hand while __________ held up the tray with the hors d'oeurves while she offered it toward their guests. Both servants were bowing graciously save for Mey-Rin who skidded across the floor to a stop next to them.
"What just happened?" asked Mr. Brandel who was astonished by such quick reflexes.
"Pardon me, this brand is a bit on the bubbly side, so we've given it a nice decanting. Please have a seat and we shall bring it to you."
"Good show!" smirked Lau who passed by them with his lady in arm, "You'd leap to stardom in any acrobatics troupe[2]."
"Us? Stars? You jest!" __________ smiled kindly as Sebastian continued to speak, "We are both simply two hellish servants,"
"My lord, your home provides no end of surprises. The manor is so beautiful; I can hardly imagine it was in ashes three years ago."
"This makes for dull dinner conversation, how about we simply get down to business?"
"Oh, well I would like my new company to market to children for sustained profitability, and since all the children of Europe love Funtom, I would like to work with you."
"Ah yes, after all children are the better judges of art and food than adults realize."
"Seeing you makes me more convinced of it, my lord. It must be the secret to your company's success in that market."
"Oh? Are you implying that because I am a child, that is why my company succeeds?"
"N-No, not at all!"
"I'm merely joking." he said with a calm smile that seemed to lightened the mood.
At this, Mr. Brandel chuckled, "You're a wicked one, my lord!" Their banter continued this way until the dinner was over and next would be the tea as well as dessert.
Both Brandel and Lau had excused themselves from the table to use the wash room while both Sebastian and __________ prepared the dessert and the tea trolly this gave both servants time to converse with one another.
"He reeks of that same brand of cigarettes from earlier."
"A pity the game has to come to an end like this,"
"I'm rather fond of that story with the Italian[3], when can we play a game like that?"
"Soon I hope, oh he's coming back," Sebastian walks to the door just as Mr. Brandel was about to open it, he then ushers the man inside.
"Oh, what happened to Mr. Lau?"
"He excused himself; something about business he had to attend to."
"As usual, he has no consideration." sighs the young Earl with annoyance.
"What a pity he will not be joining the table for dessert. I dare say it was both a delight and appropriate to prepare it for this evening."
"Indeed it goes absolutely well with your flavored tea."
"Ah! Now I'm curious!" Brandel sounded excited for the dessert.
"Here we are," Sebastian carried a serving tray and placed it before their guest. Lifting the lid, the Phantomhive Butler revealed a delicious golden brown custard cake, the edge was rimmed with a golden crown, "A galette des rois. It's conventional, but we've done it up with a thick creme de marron to complement the flavored tea. According to tradition, one slice contains a doll called 'la feve' and whoever finds it receives this crown along with God's blessing." Sebastian then placed the now filled tea cup with its matching saucer close to their guest and had gone to serve another cup to the young Lord.
"Just a thing for children," Ciel spoke with a quiet smile as he leaned back against his seat, "who like games of chance like dice or drawing straws."
"I thought you would enjoy it my young Lord," __________ spoke, the corners of her lips lifting to a gentle smile, "I daresay you would look absolutely precious with that crown on your head," she hid the grin behind a gloved hand while she watched the color blooming upon the young master's cheeks.
"I see," spoke the guest who seemed to be waiting for Ciel to be served the cake, "a sweet with a game to it. Brats sure think up things no adult would," the older gentleman looks directly at the young boy and gave him a not so nice smile.
Sebastian and __________ both made eye contact at that.
"'Queen's guard dog' or not, you're just a brat trying to show off! The two things I hate the most are cocky brats and bets that don't make money!" Suddenly the clock in the dining room over the fireplace began to struck eight o'clock, "Drop dead, guard dog!" with that Mr. Brandel ducks under the dining table just as Ciel rose to his feet.
The sound of broken glass reverberated around the room as the impacting sound of metal meeting flesh could be heard. Both Maid and Butler called out to the young Master who was now lying face down onto the table while the pooling crimson stained the once pristine table cloth.
Soon the double doors to the dining hall burst open while an armada of men began firing their guns upon both servants as well as the body of the young boy lying dead on the table.
Brandel who was hiding from the gunfire chortled victorious that he at last was rid of the infamous guard dog; that is of course until he once again heard the clock chiming on the mantle-place. Curiosity getting to him he climbed out from under the table to find everything in order. It was as though the events of the warfare had not taken place! What was the meaning of this?
"Did you drop something, Mr. Brandel?" Sebastian asked with the tea pot in his hands.
Looking around the room, the older man could see that the dining hall was perfect. Not a bullet hole or broken glass or dead bodies, nothing!
Ciel snickers softly, "I do believe you're drunk. Please, try some of this and no more alcohol,"
"Does this mean you enjoyed it my Lord? I am most pleased, I was afraid it was too bland for your liking."
"It goes well with the tea."
Brandel sits silently as Sebastian pushes his seat in for him while the man started to tuck in to his dessert, albeit he was trembling or so __________ noticed how his hand shook while he lifted the fork to his lips and takes a bite.
Instantly, Brandel bites into something not part of the sweet dessert when Sebastian grins, "Ah, congratulations! It seems you have la feve."
Brandel spits out the bullet upon the dish and stares at it nervously, his words failing him, "Your friends left this behind, so I will return it to you."
Frightened, Brandel stood up and started to move away from the approaching Butler who further explained the demise of his "friends", "They arrived quite sooner than you did, so __________ and I decided to give them a proper Phantomhive welcome." Sebastian spoke with a smile as images from their earlier activities began to play into both minds of the demon servants.
"But that's impossible! There were at least fifty of them! How could you two defeat them?!"
Both Sebastian and __________ smiled at the frightened Brandel when Ciel spoke, a tea cup in one hand and its saucer in the other, "Lau told me you were dealing guns on the black market,"
"He sold me out?!"
"No. He was never on your side to begin with. Her Majesty is quite distressed by the spread of gun related crime among the underclasses." raising the tea cup to his lips, Ciel then makes a disgusted sound and lowers the cup back onto its saucer, "Sebastian, make a new pot of tea! These low-grade leaves smell foul."
"Certainly," he replied and walks to the tea cart to prepare the high grade tea his Master preferred.
"Master, then you were teasing me earlier when you said the cake was to your liking..." __________ pouted though her cheeks flushed pink.
"I had to say something to get the idiot to eat a piece and find the bullet."
"How cruel," the Maid swooned and turned an impressive shade of red at the young boy's cruelty.
"What nonsense are you spouting off now?"
Rising to his feet, Brandel pointed the gun he held under his jacket and pointed it to the young earl, "Die!" he shouted and fired three times at the young boy.
"This won't do..." murmurs Sebastian who held the tray of tea in one hand while the other held the three bullets Brandel had just fired, "I only just gave you back your belongings and you've already lost more." he then drops the bullets gently onto the carpet.
"W-what is this? How?!" Brandel was now pointing the gun at the Butler, hands shaking.
"I simply can't be killed by such toys, I'm afraid." Sebastian spoke with a smile when Brandel continued to fire his gun as though to prove the Butler wrong. Sebastian pokes the rim of the gun causing it to explode and fire backward onto the older man's hand.
Brandel falls to the floor with a shout and cradles his now injured hand,
"You've forgotten one more thing," Sebastian bowed slightly, his hand over his chest and walked over to Brandel to place the golden crown upon his head.
"M-Monster!" Brandel accused with a whimper.
"Goodness! How very discerning for a human," he watched as the man fell over onto his arse while Sebastian transformed into his demonic self, "Yes... I am one hell of a Butler."
"St-stay away!"
"Brandel," Ciel addressed the man from his place at the table, the black ominous haze slowly begins to fill the room while a red glow seemed to also come from the Maid next to the young boy as well, "Why do you suppose no one knows what punishment the Queen's guard dog inflicts? It's because," he said while removing his eye patch to reveal his demon seal, "Dead men, tell no tales."
Brandel was then consumed by the dark haze as his wails of torment echoed throughout the room.
Lau returned at last with Ran-Mao in tow, "All finished my Lord?"
"And where were you?"
"Well you see, someone gave me this," Lau held up a white envelope with a red wax seal on it, it had the royal crest on it.
"It's... who gave this to you?"
"Some lads in white, they seem to have mistaken me for a servant of the household," "My, my... those are tickets to the traveling circus coming to town. The "Noah's Ark Circus," as I recall."
Meanwhile in town, crowds of men, women and children gather to see the large marching troupe with their colored lights, bright cheerful costumes and various forms of entertainment including a fire breather.
"Ladies and Gentleman, step right up! The Noah's Ark Circus has arrived! Forget the cold weather and bleak news, for the show of the century is about to begin!"
At Midnight...
Back at the Phantomhive Manor, Sebastian was carefully preparing the young Master to bed, "You've worked hard today, my Lord."
"Today's game was dull."
"You never lose while I remain your loyal chessman."
"Loyal? You just want my soul."
"Indeed, my Lord. While this contract remains, I shall go wherever you go. All the way to the end, even should your wish be a foolish revenge."
"'Foolish'? Yes, I suppose it is."
"You have a full schedule tomorrow. Sleep now young master," with a silent bow, Sebastian takes the candelabra in hand and just as he was about to depart the room did he hear Ciel call him back by name.
"Sebastian... stay there... until I fall asleep."
"Yes, my Lord."
'A Demon's nights are long. He or she must keep a sharp watch to prevent anyone from breaking their weak and delicate prey. They do their utmost to ensure that they will receive a soul brimming with despair upon completion of their Master's foolish wish.'
That is the demon aesthetic.
Sebastian gently blows out the candles as he whispered into the darkness, "Good night, young Master."
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A special guest!
Under some strange circumstances, a little kid has stumbled into NRC’s campus!
Participants have to find a way to contact this kid’s guardian for obvious reasons, but it’s so difficult to keep track of them!
Say hello to…
Milo Redd!
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This is a special lil event I’m doing where Milo will appear in my posts at random times. Milo’s text will be in bold, orange, and italic!
Some random info:
Milo is twisted from Oliver from Oliver and Company!
Milo is 9 years old!
Milo is (obviously) a tabby cat beastman! (beastkid? idk lol)
The tag is #Special Guest: Milo Redd!
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collin-coinster · 23 days
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Hello, everyone!
dandy's world oc RP blog!
OOC is in bold.
Collins speech/text is orange.
Special guest can be any other color!
Please don’t send asks about Palestine… I don’t want my inbox filled with that… sorry, please go do that at my main.
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Say hello ( or hi ) to Collin!
He likes glitter. Glitterbomb him.
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0 notes
strawberry-barista · 8 months
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⚅ — @kokorowoutsu asked: — ⚅
⚅ — A text is sent to Hanekoma from Grusha which at this time wasn't unusual anymore. Usually a 'How are you' 'Where are you now' 'Any stories to tell' were sent on occasion but this one held a special surprise -- A little girl of five, a big grin on her face, and freckles dotting her features, eyes that looked almost orange, if not lighter towards the center of her eyes, stared back at Hanekoma with Grusha taking the picture with Sassy and a strange pink Meowth present.
'My cousin had some weird circumstances happen to her but this is her kid, Willow. She likes the chocolate drinks you got on the menu, said she wants to try 'em all. Ah, the Meowth by the way belongs to my other cousin. He got it in Johto from some high-up family. Anyway, my family stopped in and said hello and Willow said she wants to meet you when you come back. Take care on your travles, Boss. - Grusha' — ⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
Hanekoma leaned back in his seat and gazed down at his phone, eyes filling with the warmth of familiarity. He loved getting messages from Grusha, whichever one of them was off and away. And even now he was excited, especially to hear that there were even more friends coming into his cafe. It was a real shame he hadn't been there to greet the newcomers, but it was fine anyway. At this point he would be just a little late.
Smeargle peered over his arm at the photo from his seat beside Hanekoma and at once got to work. A little sketchpad in his lap and crayons to keep him busy, since he usually got nervous when they weren't just walking together. This time he was drawing the photo from the phone, depicting Willow with fascination and making quiet noises to himself. Hanekoma glanced to the side, saw the colors and immediately knew what was happening, so he reached down to pat the pokemon.
"I'd brace yourself, boss," he said softly. "You're gonna meet this one soon."
He didn't get a reply, but he knew he'd been heard, and he got to work sending a text back to Grusha:
Frosty: You're in luck because I'm actually almost home. I am on route in a riding service and should be back at the cafe within the hour. I would have told you as soon as I touched down, but it was rather busy, and Smeargle was getting really anxious. He's a little calmer now, so he should be in good spirits to meet any new guests when we get there. Unless you've already gone home for today? If that is the case, we can always do this another time. I am a little tired and I still have to get my bags in. You just let me know what you would like to do, and I'll set the schedule up accordingly.
0 notes
evillovelust666 · 11 months
Fictional World Role Play: "The Biggest Party Of Halloween Night I'll Forever Remember"
It's Halloween of 2023 I'm at home and all of my B.F.F'S are busy with their own party I understand after the incident 3 years ago then after they went into battle fighting all the villains that ended with my sacrifice of making a deal with Alastor it was a heavy toll on me and everyone a painful memory that they'll never forget aside from that I got a text from them wishing me Happy Halloween with emoji's and gifs and hoping that I'm doing well I reply them back with lots of hearts and hugs letting them know that I still loved them all I heard the doorbell ring I went outside to looked but no one is around until I notice a package on the step with an envelope I pick it up and brought it back inside I place it on the dining room table and saw the seal on the envelope of an apple and a snake which indicate that this is a royal invitation I open it and read it
"Dear Stacy your presence is require to my Halloween party I'm holding at my mansion I invited all of your masters of the Top Villains, Villainy & Evil, and the Honorable Mention Of The Villains You Acknowledge including a few acquaintances of mine that you know from Hell everyone will be in costumes which is why I pick out a special costume just for you to wear that will be perfect for you my dear see you tonight with Evil Love Lucifer"
I looked at the package and began to open it my face went red as I pick up the costume and see it's a revealing batkini dare succubus lingerie with purple and orange gems on them before getting ready I fed Neko, Gambit, and Buneary their Halloween dinner then I went upstairs into the bathroom and took a shower washing my hair then getting out drying myself off blow drying my hair putting the costume on applying makeup fixing my hair putting on black cats design socks and wearing black sneakers with purple shoelaces with that all set I open the portal to Hell that's designated to Lucifer's mansion going in and coming out of the portal standing in front of the mansion it's fancy and really big I went inside and see all the servants rushing and preparing food the decorations look amazing of Halloween theme I stop one of the servant and ask where's the bathroom the servant told me there's a guest's bathrooms and pointed to where to go I thank her and went to the guest's bathrooms inside is fancy with a fish tank that show's the otherside of the guest's bathrooms thankfully the mansion is warm and I don't feel any chills as I'm fixing my hair to make myself more presentable while admiring the fish tank I see Angel in his costume he's dress as the rose bride (from the anime "Revolutionary Girl Utena") and when he saw me he flirty smile and wave at me mesmerized of my costume I blush and wave him back and notice that he looks different like he's gotten a redesign then Valentino dress in his black leather dominatrix costume came and grab Angel by the wrist telling him something and force him out but not before he saw me and wink at me showing his tongue and left with Angel I saw Valentino got a redesign as well and got out to look for Angel only to be pinned against the wall by Laito in his 40's mafia costume
Laito: "Where were you running off to Scare Kitten?" he chuckle I answer him me: "Master Laito I was going to find Master Angel Dust see if he's ok" Laito: "Don't worry he'll be fine Valentino just wanted to talk to him of some stuff now with that aside…." he lifted my leg holding it in his arm and admiring every part of me making me gasp and quiver me: "Nyaa Master Laito wait what are you…..?"
Laito: "You look delicious seeing your lovely skin exposed and your blood pumping through your veins my hands feeling your warmth so tempting" he lick my leg and place kisses on it until he bite down and I yelp as he drank some of my blood then he place my leg down and wiping the blood off his mouth he lean to my ear Laito: "Thanks for the treat Scare Kitten" I blush and answer back me: "Uh you're welcome Master Laito"
with another chuckle he left I use my magic to cover the bite of where he drank and began to walk through the hallways there in the main event room is were all of my villains are talking drinking and having some laughs seeing everyone in their costumes I went toward the crowd and began interacting with them they all saw my costume and eyeing me up and down their eyes glowing in lust and complimenting me while flirting I blush hearing their voices speaking in seductive tone Anti-Cosmo: "So Lucifer gave you that costume you must be honor receiving this gift from the King of Hell"
in his dark mage costume he held my hand placing a kiss on it Anti-Cosmo: "You're truly worthy" I blush me: "MMm (yeah) I don't need to pick out one couldn't figure out on what to wear for this year's Halloween" as I began to walk around while talking to all of my masters I was suddenly grab and place into a waltz I look to see that it's Stolas dress in an Egyptian pharaoh costume as he held me in a dip Stolas: "Ah Stacy it's been a while you're looking quite beautiful I must say"
me: "Thank you Stolas for your compliment it's a gift I got from Lucifer" Stolas: "And it suites you well there's something I wanted to ask you" me: "What is it?" Stolas: "Blitz's been busy with personal matters he didn't text or visit me in the hospital except you came to visit me which was sweet of you after my recovery I've been busy with my own personal matters but still felt lonely and hurt in so long could you…?"
he began placing his hand on me feeling his touch as one hand went down to my private area while his other hand place on my heart me: "Could I what? ahhh mmmnnn" he laugh evilly and lean up to my face speaking seductively Stolas: "Could you mend my wounded heart?"
I hear my heart beating loudly as his beak is close to my lips only to be yanked again by Blitz dress in a horse costume and embrace me in a protect mode Blitz: "Alright enough of that shit!" me: "Master Blitz! um you startle me" Stolas: "Blitz! oh what a surprise!" Blitz: "Look Stolas I'm sorry knowing we've been dealing with a lot of personal crap that's been going on for a while but it's overwhelming me"
the tensions felt awkward between Blitz and Stolas after everything they been through I hug Blitz and he let me go me: "I get it a lot has happen for a long while now and it hurts on that personal subject but still" I went back to Stolas and place my hand on his heart while I lean to his face me: "I promise that I mend his wounded heart and I'm keeping my word" I kiss his lips as Stolas feels the warmth and hearing my voice so sincere and considerate he smile through our kiss after that I'm on all four and walk up to Blitz purring seductively
me: "Don't worry my Master Blitz I would never leave you out on this lovely night" he grin mischievously as I pinned him to the floor Blitz: "Playing dirty huh? me likey" as I stick out my tongue and Blitz open his we kiss in a lustful seduction his tail touching my ass and slid inside my costume I moan as we continue until a string of salvia left from our mouths taking a breather I got up and place my hand out for Blitz to grab as I pull him up Stolas blush at this while chuckling
Stolas: "Oh my you do enjoy flirting with your master don't you Stacy" me: "Just wanted everyone to enjoy their Halloween night" I smile as they're laughing when suddenly two extension arms grab me as I scream "hey!" Blitz and Stolas looked and see it's Fizzarolli and Asmodeus seeing Asmodeus in dark neon magenta toga costume (note: the Ozzie and Fizz Portrait from the episode of "HELLUVA BOSS - OOPS // S2: Episode 6") while Fizzarolli in a frog costume
Fizzarolli: "Hey cutie look at you so lustful like a fruit I just want to eat you up!" me: "Hh hey! your arms are squeezing me could you loosen up please?" Fizzarolli: "Sure thing Stacy" he loosen his extension arms and let me go me: "Thank you" he saw Blitz smile and joke around Fizzarolli: "Well well well Blitz look at ya you look like you're about to be send to the glue factory" Fizzarolli and Asmodeus laugh
Blitz: "Hey! don't you dare insult on my horse costume!" Fizzarolli: "I'm just kidding Blitz I know how much you love your horses" Blitz: "(sigh) Well how're you doing Fizz?" Fizzarolli: "Oh you know I've been doing good you and Stacy had helped me out so much and now that where friends again…" his extension arms grab Blitz and me into a group hug
Fizzarolli: "Think about the fun time we'll have us the foursome hanging out partying" Blitz smile returning Fizzarolli a hug as I join in the hug as well after he let us go we chat me: "So Fizzarolli how does it feel to be free from that douchebag Mammon?" Fizzarolli: "It feels great! quitting that job was the best thing I've ever done" me: "Hope you'll find a better job that you love instead of being used as profit"
Fizzarolli: "Don't worry I'll be helping Asmodeus with his factory I'm sure I'll think of something to help expand his business" he smugly smile and lean closer Fizzarolli: "Why? are you worry for me? aww how cute" I blush and fluster me: "No! Yy you seem to be doing good now that you're working with Asmodeus I'm glad for you that's all"
he chuckle while my face is red Blitz: "(chuckle) She's so adorable being modest and considerate shit look how red you are" me: "Master Blitz!!!" Asmodeus: "This is why everybody likes about you the tone of your voice the expression you shown it what's pique everyone's interest" he evilly laugh me: "(sigh)"
after we chat I went to Fizzarolli rubbing my body against him seductively and nuzzling his cheeks me: "(purr) Hey since I'll be pleasuring you how about we have a little fun?" Fizzarolli: "Oooooo you like what you feel down there? oh baby keep touching me there" Fizzarolli: "Does this mean you'll call me master now?" me: "Don't push it I said I'll be your plaything be thankful for that" he giggle as I lick his cheek and whisper sexy against him
me: "Are you ready for your special treat?" he grinned while Asmodeus was right beside me as I talk to him me: "Unless you too want a trick instead of a treat" Asmodeus: "Mmmmm how about you give us both Rare Gem?" they both began groping and fondling me as I moan feeling both their hands rubbing my private area both Stolas and Blitz's face went red blushing at seeing this Blitz: "OH FUCK!"
me: "Nyaa! mmmnn! shit they're touching every sensitive part of my body ahh!" they kept on doing that until they both stop teasing me as I feel a little wet they walk away going to grab a bite from the snack table as my body shiver Stolas: "Oh dear are you alright?" Blitz: "You're wet" me: "I'll be fine just using my magic to cover the scent I'm giving out"
after covering my scent I chat with Blitz and Stolas for a bit me: "He seems to be doing well" Blitz: "I'm glad we call it truce Fizz looks so much happier" me: "I wish that goes the same for someone else" I looked around seeing where Angel is after seeing him getting grab from the wrist aggressively from Valentino in the guest's bathrooms I'm still worry about him if only he could be free from that as I was deep in thought on that I turn and see Alastor arguing with Vox
me: "Well better go over there before anything else happens" I kiss Blitz and Stolas on their lips and walk towards the 2 overlord me: "Hi Happy Halloween Master Alastor Master Vox" they stopped arguing and looked at me noticing my costume Alastor in his black New Orleans Axeman costume while Vox in his fancy high-tech costume in black and neon turquoise me: "You both got a redesign and you both looked cool in your costumes" Vox held my hand and place a kiss on it grinning evilly from hearing my voice
Vox: "Why thank you Stacy you looked lovely as well don't you agree Alastor?" he was silent as I looked away embarrassed me: "I'm sorry Master Alastor I know this isn't to your liking and I'm not lady like" his face went red and grab my hand and placing a gentle kiss on it while his other hand grab my face making me looked at him Alastor: "You still look beautiful I don't see anything wrong with what you wear" as he lean towards my face ghosting my lips Alastor: "Darling"
deepen the kiss while Vox growl under his breath then Vox grab me and held me close Vox: "Alright you had your turn let her get to enjoy someone else's kiss" as his hand grab my cheek and stick his tongue into my mouth kissing me while Alastor's eyes went radio dials after the kiss I turn and stand in front of Alastor me: "Ahhh (breathing) Um I know you don't like seeing me being with someone that you hate Master Alastor but were in the presence of Lucifer's invitation I'll be willing to give you both attention as long as the tension is low and not disastrous"
his eyes went back to normal and place his hand on my back Alastor: "If your keeping your word I'll make an acception" Vox: "That's fine with me I don't mind a temporary truce as long as you promise" Vox began leaning against me on one side Vox: "What's mine is yours" and Alastor lean against me on the otherside
Alastor: "And your's is mine" they both began touching me on each side of my body I moan and felt their hot breaths touching my ear whisper sweet seduction Alastor: "La charité" Vox: "Favorite Plaything" Alastor: "Mon amour" Vox: "Generous Women" Alastor: "Mon cher" Vox: "Cute Lucky Rabbit" Alastor: "Ma chérie" Vox: "Lovely Temptation"
they both lick and teasing bite my ears I moan as both their hands are under my lingerie massaging my breasts and took it off and began sucking and biting my nipples me: "Yada Masters your tongues feels so good ahh!" Alastor: "You feel so sensitive your breast so warm from my touch" Vox: "Mmmm look how erect your nipples feel you love it don't you?" me: "Yy yes"
after a few minutes they were done and left on their own terms I fix my lingerie and made my way to the buffet table grabbing candies, different kind of cookies and cakes me: "Mmmmm aw man these are really good I needed this" there Commander Peepers in his galactic emperor costume was right beside me Commander Peepers: "Happy Halloween Stacy" me: "Happy Halloween to you too Master Commander Peepers"
his eye went sparkle from calling him master then he clear himself and look suave and charming Commander Peepers: "So how're you doing?" me: "I'm doing great thanks for asking" as I was about to grab another piece of cookie I saw a black tarantula crawling on the buffet table I scream scare absolute shit me: "AAHHHH WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!" Commander Peepers: "Don't worry Stacy I'll get it!" as he jump on the table grabbing the knife and chase after it
me: "KILL IT! no scratch that BURN IT!!!!" he almost got it when a long tongue grab it and reel his tongue in as the tarantula went into the mouth of The Chameleon in his hypnotic snake costume chewing it and swallow The Chameleon: "I got this nothing to fear" he came towards us as I help Commander Peepers off the table The Chameleon place his hand on the table in a kabedon position at me The Chameleon: "Don't I get a reward for saving you toots?" he grin and pieces of tarantula remains stuck between his teeths
me: "Uh I can't do that with pieces of tarantula stuck in your teeths" he notice and walk away while talking to me going to the guest's bathrooms The Chameleon: "I shall be back with minted breath" Commander Peepers: "Hey you're ok?" me: "Yeah the tarantula scare the absolute fuck out of me" I shiver from seeing that meanwhile I continue having more conversation with my villains
Vampire Numbuh 1: "Oh Stacy you look like a lovely flower that's just begging to be ravish" me: "(blush) Um thank you for the compliment" in his Count of Monte Cristo costume he began to place his hand on my thighs feeling the veins flowing with blood me: "Damei Master Numbuh 1 your touch feels nyaa" Vampire Numbuh 1: "Mmmm so tempting your body shivers from my touch" he lick my thigh and began to bite down drinking my blood me: "Ya (japanese for no) I feel you drinking every drop"
when he's done he place a kiss on my thigh as I use my magic to heal the bite mark then he grab my hand and place a kiss on it thanking me and went somewhere else as I felt arouse panting quietly me: "Damn it! I feel more arouse I need to be touch more" there I see Angel Dust and Valentino standing by the bar I went towards them while trying to compose myself
me: "Master Angel Dust I been looking for you" there they saw me they can tell that I'm arouse as they both smile darkly Angel Dust: "Oh really? you been looking for little ol me?" he place his hand on my cheek as I blush me: "Mmm-hmm" then Valentino was beside me Valentino: "What do you think of our new looks?" me: "You both look amazing lovelier and sexier" they each took my hand and ask Angel Dust: "Care to have this dance cutie?" he wink and lean against my face me: "Sure I be honor to dance with the both of you" we all went to the dance hall there's a huge stage by the right corner and on stage are the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's Future Mordecai, Future Rigby, Vampire Mordecai, and Vampire Rigby in their okiagari shiki costumes and 2015 Future Mordecai in a Jinrou costume along with their instruments Future Mordecai plays the electric guitar, Future Rigby plays the TRB JP2 electric bass, Future Mordecai 2015 plays the Ibanez TAM 100 electric guitar, Vampire Mordecai plays the drums set, and Vampire Rigby plays the digital electronic keyboard piano that plays different types of music like shamisen organ etc. the three of us went to the center of the dance hall and each took turns Valentino: "Ladies first" Valentino took my hand and began to lead me as the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's began playing Halloween them songs as Future Mordecai 2015 began to sing ("Kuchizuke BUCK-TICK [Shiki Opening Full]" we began to waltz as I dip him and twirl him his 2 lower arms went into my lingerie and stick his fingers into my cunt masturbating I moan as I say his name me: "Master Valentino"
he smile looking at my lewd face and lean to my lips Valentino: "You haven't cum all night huh Baby Cakes?" I nodded as he kept masturbating me while we dance Valentino: "Aw don't worry I'll make you cum just keep dancing with me" I was getting more and more arouse as he chuckle and kiss my lips the lust exhilarating me as we kept dancing while his fingers going in and out Valentino: "Oh Stacy your pussy is sucking my fingers in you want me that badly?" me: "Uh-huh"
we kept going until I'm at my climax Valentino: "Here it comes" he lick my neck I cummed in his fingers cover in juices he took them out and suck them in his mouth my body gave in as I'm on the floor panting Valentino: "Thanks for the treat now it's Angel Cakes turn" as Valentino went to the corner to smoke I felt four arms picking me up as he held me in his embrace while smelling my hair Angel Dust: "Mmmm you smell lovely" the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's began another song ("DIABOLIK LOVERS fanatic of night") I pant and started to stand my ground and I began dancing with him leading while making Angel feel like a lady I twirl him and place a dip then lift him back up and waltz him Angel Dust: "Is your body giving out?" me: "No I'm alright the night is still young I can hang in there" then his lower arms grab one of my hand and place them in his panty while his hand went into my lingerie putting 3 fingers into my cunt I moan while his lips ghosting mine
Angel Dust: "Touch me like how Valentino touch you" he deepen the kiss as were both masturbating while dancing I feel his cock getting hard from my touch Angel Dust: "Mmmm Stacy you feel so good keep touching me your hand feels so soft on my cock" we kept on going until the end me: "Master Angel I'm about too…" Angel Dust: "Yeah me too let's come together" as we finish off with a spin we climax my fingers in Angel's mouth sucking my cum while I suck his fingers in my mouth sucking his cum in an intertwined arms position he chuckle feeling my tongue touching his lips
Angel Dust: "Thanks toots" before he left I held his hand and he looked me: "Um earlier when Valentino grab you out of the guest's bathroom what did he want you for is everything ok Master Angel?" he softly smile and held me in an embrace Angel Dust: "It's just business making sure I behave myself that's all nonthin' to worry about" I nodded and use my magic to summon money to give him Angel Dust: "But thank you for thinking of me Stacy"
continue speaking seductive Italian words to me while kissing my lips each time then he left I began using my magic to get rid of the sweat and cum scent making myself fresh again as I walk I felt a hand twirl me and being held while a kiss is place on it I saw that is Sir Pentious in his new redesign and in his 19th century steampunk costume Sir Pentious: "Sssstacy I mussst sssay you look quite a delectable"
eyeing me up and down me: "thanks um I guess I'm a whore that has no class because of what I'm wearing huh?" being self conscious he notice and his finger lift my chin to make me look at him Sir Pentious: "I'm complimenting you my dear I don't think you're a whore with no classs I'm making an acception I enjoy what outfits you're wearing and besssside" he place me in a dip as his tongue slither my neck Sir Pentious: "The outfit your wearing it'sss ssssaying touch me sssooo alluring"
his tail rubbing my legs through my thigh I moan as I kiss his lips he purr from this as a string of salvia left our mouths leaving hot breaths he move and was right in front of me placing his hand out Sir Pentious: "May I have thisss dance?" I nodded and place my hand with his as we went back to the dancing hall while another song began on stage ("Blood Moon Waltz") we dance and waltz pirouetting after the song end he whisper hypnotic seduction in my ear
Sir Pentious: "Want me to play with you sssooome more?" his tail rubbing against my private area I groan and kiss his lips answering him me: "Yes" Sir Pentious: "Well then let'sss go sssooomwhere private to have our little fun" he picked me up bridal style carrying me somewhere in the halls he took off my costume and began touching me his tail going in and out of my cunt me: "Aaahhh Master Sir Pentious kimochi motto motto keep touching me!"
Sir Pentious: "Oh my your inside feels so good so warm and wet" he laugh sinisternly then he had me in his constrictive grasp his 2 cocks going inside of my cunt fucking me as my breasts bouncing up and down me: "Master Sir Pentious I'm going to cum again!" Sir Pentious: "Yeessss keep calling me your Masssster as I thrush you with every last liquid drips inside of you!" I came feeling his hot cum flowing inside of me me: "NYYAAAA!!!!!"
Sir Pentious: "(laughs evilly) I'M SO EVIL!" after taking a breather I felt something slithering on me and I see Ushari in a vampire cape costume licking his lips from the site of me Ushari: "Mind if I join you?" I'm still hot and bother me: "Huh?" Sir Pentious: "Of course the more the merrier" Sir Pentious held me from behind as Ushari lean up to my lips sniffing with his serpent tongue feeling my body quiver Ushari: "You're very very ssspecial did you know that?" I nodded as he grin darkly
Ushari: "Good" as his 2 cocks came out leaning them against my mouth Ushari: "Now pleasure me" I kiss them while having them both inside my mouth sucking and licking them he purrs while Sir Pentious use his serpent tongue licking my neck Ushari: "Mmmm Yeeessss sssooooo good your tongue pleasuring my cock keep going fuck! don't ever stop"
I kept blow jobbing him until he came inside my mouth as I swallow every last drop then he slither to the other side of my neck feeling both serpent tongues on each of my neck they both show their front sharp fangs and bite down drinking my blood I gasp while I felt Sir Pentious intertwined my hand as they kept drinking me after there done I'm sitting on the floor panting with a gentlemen's bow from Sir Pentious and a nod from Ushari they left I slowly got up and about to use my magic when a black goop slither up towards my body and began to take form it's The Chameleon gropping my body
The Chameleon: "Now then where were we?" he stick his long tongue out and wants me to blow job it sucking it in and out on his tongue he moans enjoying my touch then a large slop of salvia left my mouth as he wink at me The Chameleon: "Thanks toots for my reward"
and went off I grab my revealing batkini dare succubus lingerie only to be tackle by 5 vampire villains each hand hold me as I saw it's The Count (Aka Vlad The Second), NOS-4-A2, Vampire Joker, Count Lasagna, and Jan Valentine in their own Halloween Costumes theme as japanese horror folk tales from ancient times Jan Valentine: "Going somewhere our tasty little morsel?" me: "Hey! I need to freshen up I'm sweating here!"
Count Lasagna: "That can wait blah just wanted to see our special treat" NOS-4-A2: "Besides all the refreshments they had out were not enough for us" The Count (Aka Vlad The Second): "Seeing you struggle against us makes it more sweeter" Vampire Joker: "And we're still thirsty your blood will satisfy our quench now then…" me: "Wha what are you…?"
I tried to move but they enjoy my struggle as The Count began to whisper a hypnotic spell moving his hands all over my body The Count (Aka Vlad The Second): "Come to me darling come, come to me now come closer darling closer and deeper into my power deeper closer" I gasp quietly panting while feeling everyone else's hands touches my body me: "Wait don't stop I…." they each took turns kissing my lips and then they all bite down on each part of my body drinking my blood moaning from them sucking on me I collapse on the floor breathing heavily Vampire Joker pick up my exhausted body and ghost my lips speaking seductively Vampire Joker: "That's it you complete us" and put me down on the floor while they took their leave Count Lasagna: "What a delicious treat blah" Jan Valentine: " Did you hear her moan? she loves it"
NOS-4-A2: " I have to admit her blood taste so much sweeter then robot oil" I slowly got up using my magic but very slowly refreshen myself then putting back my costume on and fixing my hair I walk slowly me: "Damn I need a drink to stay awake and to keep my strength up" I walk towards the bar have a seat taking a breather when Rockoon in his Mumbo the magician costume came and saw me and sat down next to me Rockoon: "Hey cutie having fun tonight?"
me: "Yeah just loss a lot of blood some of my masters are drinking me nonstop" Rockoon: "Why aren't you grabbing some punch from the buffet table over there?" me: "After some asshole left a tarantula on it I don't want to go near that table" Rockoon: "Ooooooh then here let me grab you a drink from the bar you look like your life has been sucked out" he went to the bar and order a Mountain Dew Energy drink and gave it to me Rockoon: "Here it's strawberry melon sharp that should help" me: "Thank you Master Rockoon" I kiss his cheeks and he blush chuckle
Rockoon: "No prob Stacy see ya around" as he left I was about to drink when DemiDevimon in his demonic skellington costume carrying in his claw a bottle of blood capsules pills DemiDevimon: "Here thought you could use this with your drink seeing that you loss a lot of blood" me: "How did you know?" DemiDevimon: "Angel Dust told me and we wouldn't want you laying on the floor unconscious now would we"
I thank him and kiss his forehead as he nuzzle my cheek and kiss it he flew off I took the bottle of blood capsules while drinking slowly at a time feeling my strength returning chilling in the chair when Irontail and Jack O Lantern one in his black warlock costume while the other as a clown jester costume coming towards me grinning mischievously Jack O lantern: "Hello there Stacy did you enjoy our little trick?" me: "Yeah well thanks a lot now I don't want to go near that table can't have more of their candies, cookies, and cakes because of that!"
Irontail: "(evil chuckle) Well it's Halloween the night of fear and fright it's what we do my dear" I sigh in defeat as I felt something slithering around my leg it's Jack O Lantern's vines tentacles going up into my cunt teasing it me: "Hey please stop ahhh damei!" Jack O lantern: "What's the matter Stacy feeling wet down there?" I pant as he kept touching me with his vines then hitting the spot I came his vines retreated as he savor it with his tongue Jack O Lantern: "Mmmmm so good thanks for the treat"
Irontail walk towards me held my hand placing a kiss on it while looking at me Irontail: "The fun has just begun my only rabbit" he left with Jack O Lantern while laughing evilly I use my magic to clean my cunt making myself fresh again me speaking in thought: "Looks like I'm going to keep refreshing myself for this kind of situation plus getting a lot of kisses on my hand tonight" after that I went to a room that's use for gambling and gaming and see Oogie Boogie, Mephisto Pheles, Edward Platypus, and Little Demon (AKA Little Ogre) at the gambling dice Craps table Mesphisto in his honey honey sisters' yukata costume, Little Demon in his ghost demon costume, Edward Platypus in a card duelist anime costume, and Oogie Boogie in a Dice King costume I went to them as they grin at me evilly Little Demon: "Stacy love the costume looks sexy on you" I blush at his compliment me: "Thanks I'm getting a lot of compliments of my costume from everyone" Oogie Boogie: "You're just in time we were about to start a new round care to join us?" me: "Sure I'm in" we all starting placing chips and taking turns rolling the dice Mephisto Pheles: "I heard that you're the lucky rabbit from the chinese zodiac must've got a lot of good luck from that"
me: "Yes that's the year I was born in but in truth with this I get the equivalent exchange I get good luck but with a price I get bad luck in return it's been like that my whole life now and I accepted that" as we continue playing the game I was on a winning streak rolling the dice as they kept hitting 6 me: "HELL YEAH!" as I collect all the chips me: "All right what's the next game?" Edward Platypus: "How about who ever lose strip their costume off" Oogie Boogie: "But with a surprise"
all 4 chuckle evilly me: "Bring it!" we started a new game we're all start taking our costumes off at a losing number from rolling the dices all I had left was the lingerie panty it's my turn so I began rolling the dice until they both hit ones Little Demon: "Snake eyes you lose Stacy" I blush as I took the lingerie panty part off fully naked then Oogie Boogie was behind me me: "Master Oogie what are you doing?" Oogie Boogie: "This is the surprises when you loose we get to do whatever we want to your lovely body"
he open his mouth as the snake began biting down on my neck I yelp from the bite while Edward Platypus pull out his camera and took pictures of me Little Demon play with my cunt using his fingers to open and close my labia as Edward Platypus zoom in on my cunt taking pictures Edward Platypus: "Look at you so wet and turned on"
I looked away embarrassed while Mephisto Pheles was on the other side placing his hand on my cheek to make me face him Mephisto Pheles: "You have nothing to be embarrassed about enjoy every last moment of this" he kiss me deep I moan while Oogie's snake tongue continue licking my neck while Little Demon open up my cunt and began sucking inside with his tongue I moan couldn't move my hands as they were all over me
Edward Platypus: "Mind if I had a taste?" Little Demon: "Sure help yourself" now it's Edward Platypus turn as he marvel the view of my cunt dripping sweet nectar out he grin and stick his tongue out going in and out I felt hot and bother feeling the pleasure coming down from there me: "AAHH Master Edward if you keep doing that I'm going too…"
Edward Platypus: "That's right keep mewing for me" then Little Demon joined in feeling both tongues on my cunt they continue stimulating me until I cum me: "MMMMEEEEEWWWWWW!!!!" as the juices spill out from me hitting Edward and Little Demon's faces they open their mouths as some of my cum went inside I panted feeling my body giving out Oogie Boogie: "Lovely"
as he kiss me with his snake tongue everyone put their costumes back on as I grip the gambling dice Craps table slowly gaining my strength back using my magic as the 4 left thanking me for giving them a good time Mephisto Pheles: "See you around Stacy"
he flirty chuckle and they went somewhere else in the gaming room after another frenshen up and putting my costume back on again I walk further down the gaming room were I see the Jokers (both 1992 and 2004) One in the clown costume (note: from the episode of "Be A Clown") the other in Mr. Hyde costume (note: from the musical of "Jekyll and Hyde") Evil Ego Danger Mouse and #Sinister Mouse one in a fire demon costume and the other in a cyber computer virus costume and Lord Stingray in his superior warden costume
me: "Hey guys having fun tonight in Lucifer's mansion?" they all turn to see me with a sinister grin Joker (1992): "Ah Stacy you came just in time" me: "For what?" Evil Ego Danger Mouse: "Have you heard of the game seven minutes?" me: "Yes I heard about that why?" Joker (2004): "Well instead of the closet you go in here"
they all move aside and I see a casket my face went pale and a little drip of sweat from my head I'm scared seeing this knowing that's were I'm going to end up when I go I'm aware of the inevitable I know that my friends and masters are immortal but I'm not I'm gifted with regenerating using magic and making things possible now I'm 36 and I still grow older as I try not to think about my death it's hard thinking about something else without dying coming back in my head I stare at the casket while my masters are enjoying this seeing my reaction
Lord Stingray: "Aw what's wrong afraid of dying Stacy?" me: "Yes I've been trying not to think about it"
#Sinister Mouse: "Well tonight your next to go in the casket"
I gulped and kept staring at the casket me: "Well who's going to join me in there?" Undertaker: "That will be me" I got startle as a hand grasped on my shoulder I turn to see Undertaker in a cartoon Grim Reaper costume (from "The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy") as the Jokers open the casket cover I shiver breathing shakingly Undertaker: "Aw don't look so afraid I'll be there with you" he went in first making room for me to go in he place his hand out for me to take Undertaker: "Here" I'm nervous as I place my hand in his as I enter inside the casket as they close the cover I breathe slowly while closing my eyes me: "I just want to get it over with I'm only doing this for you Master Undertaker" there was silent nervous I ask again
me: "Master Undertaker?" still no word me: "PLEASE SAY SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE IN HERE!!!!" when I heard a knock outside the casket Undertaker: "Comfy are we?" with a sly chuckle me: "What?!?! wait how did you get out? and why aren't you in here with me?" Undertaker: "That is a reaper's secret we all want to see how long you can endure in there" me: "But….." Undertaker: "But don't worry you'll have lots of friends to keep you company in there"
me: "What?" suddenly I feel something manifesting and there were different species of tarantulas crawling all over me from the feet I kept my eyes close freaking out as they start to crawl up I bang the casket furiously begging them me: "PLEASE LET ME OUT I I CAN'T DO THIS!!! I'M BEGGING YOU ANYONE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!" I can hear them laughing as I kept banging the casket until tarantulas started crawling to my chest sensing that the casket is flooded with tarantulas I hold my breath while covering my mouth as they cover me I still kept my eyes shut and now unable to bang at the casket as they bite me their fangs everywhere
me speaking and screaming in thought: "NNNOOOO I DON'T WANT TO END UP LIKE THIS!!!!!!!" after 13 excruciating minutes the cover finally open I crawl out screaming blinded by their bites staggering as I freak out all the tarantulas crawl off of me and went back inside the casket I'm quivering in a fetal position hearing them laughing at my torment Undertaker laugh hysterically with drool coming from his mouth
Undertaker: "That's the best laugh I ever had in such a long time what bliss!" Joker (1992): "Hilarious! I just love the taste of fear!" Lord Stingray: "Priceless you should have seen your face Stacy!" Joker (2004): "The way you scream brings me pure joy!" Evil Ego Danger Mouse: "This is your kind of hell Stacy of true horror and punishment!"
#Sinister Mouse: "What a site to behold worthy of being painted and hung in a portrait hashtag sheer nightmare"
I almost started to cry when I felt cold metallic hands place on my shoulder I flinch me: "YADA no more please stop!" Fizzarolli: "Hey you're out of the casket it's over now" I got on all fours crawling while keeping my eyes close me: "NO! I can't there all over me I don't want to open my eyes!" as I continue crawling staggering shaking breathing I'm suddenly felt hands leading me to someone and lead me to his lips I felt his warm tongue going inside while we kiss we kept going until a string of salvia left my mouth I heard his voice alluring and calm
Asmodeus: "It's alright you can open your eyes now" I open my eyes to see Asmodeus with his smile as I breathe slowly while laying against his chest feeling his hand stroking my back to help me feel at ease he stare and saw the bites all over my body he pick me up Asmodeus: "Aw my Rare Gem has bites all over allow me to fix that" he breathe and hot flames from his tongue took form of mist and slither around my body making all the tarantulas bites disappear
me: "So warm" Asmodeus: "Feeling better?" me: "Mmm-hmm" Asmodeus: "I think it's time we go somewhere else" Fizzarolli: "Agree" Asmodeus carry me bridal style and we left the gaming room we're back in the bar as he place me on the chair me: "Thank you I'm still shaken up from that horrific game"
both Asmodeus and Fizzarolli took each of my hands and place kisses on them Asmodeus: "Anytime Rare Gem" he wink making me blush Fizzarolli: "Will see you in a while don't let any bed bugs bite" me: "(sarcastic) Ha ha Fizzarolli" he chuckle as they went somewhere else I'm sitting in the chair still scare of that game when on each side there's Skrawl in his Ruler of Chalkzone costume and Nergal in his King of the Underworld costume Skrawl: "Are you feeling alright Stacy? you're shaken up" me: "Yy yeah"
Nergal held my wrist feeling my pulse going fast Nergal: "Whoah! your pulse is beating fast what happen?" I told them about the game and we talk for a little bit Skrawl: "Damn that's a hell of a torture I'm sure you'll get rewarded after this" me: "Mmm (Yeah) I know it's Halloween the night of fear getting scare in terror and fright and you guys enjoy seeing me in torture and torment but I can't do things like coffins and tarantulas I'm at my limit I don't mind the abuse you do to me but things like that mentally put me on the brink of fear"
Nergal: "Well how about some treat to make up from the tricks?" I nodded and they both left at the buffet table coming back with cakes candies and cookies I thanked them and gave them both kisses on each lips Skrawl: "Well let's see what else they had in this mansion" they both left as I wave to them me: "See you around Master Skrawl Master Nergal" as I'm eating the goodies there's Kaput and Zosky one in his mummy costume and the other in his Maximillion Pegasus costume they were eyeing me up and down
Kaput: "(purrs) Nice costume Stacy" Zosky: "Revealing a lot of skin to everyone are you? (sinister chuckle)" my face went red almost choking on the cake me: "It's a gift from Lucifer it was his idea for me on what to wear for tonight's Halloween" Kaput: "Well it looks really good on ya" Zosky was leaning up against me Zosky: "Yeah real sexy so alluring (purrs)" me: "Come on guys you're making me fluster!"
they continue flirting with me when I felt something hit my chest and there's crumbs from the powder donuts spilled off from the plate I turn to see that it's Evil The Cat in his Freddy Kruger costume Evil The Cat: "Oops my finger must've slip must be clumsy" I sigh about to grab a napkin only to be stopped by Kaput as he held my wrist Evil The Cat: "Allow me"
he summon his sharp claws slowly taking the powder sugar off my skin on my chest slowly scrapping after scrapping I blush trying not to move as Kaput and Zosky grin evilly after one last crumb his claw hit my breast area making it bleed me: "Itei Master Evil!" he laugh and lean against me Evil The Cat: "Mmm your blood is coming out slowly might if I had a taste?" I blush shivering from this as I looked away he licked the blood from the cut while Zosky use his power to summon his ears turning them into tentacles as they slither up my legs and slide inside my costume lingerie panty part (note: from giving my masters powers they can use)
me: "Nya Masters mattei" and Kaput grab my hand placing kissing then licking in between my fingers while sucking them Zosky tentacle ears went inside my cunt giving me a slow fuck then they each took turns deepen the kiss with their tongues in my mouth with each string of salvia dripping from my mouth as Zosky hit the vital point I climax panting from cumming his tentacle ears retreated back to normal they chuckle sinisterly and walk to the other rooms I use more of my magic again to freshen up then Doktor Frogg in his William Birkin scientist costume carrying test tubes of drinks seeing mist coming out from them
Doktor Frogg: "Care for an elixir Stacy?" I hesitated but he reassure me Doktor Frogg: "Don't worry it's Mountain Dew Energy" I understood but curious on the mist coming out Doktor Frogg: "That's a villain secret" I took one of the test tube and gulp it down it taste really good me: "Thanks Master Doktor Frogg" Doktor Frogg: "No problem"
he left to give the drinks to the other villains as I'm taking it easy in the bar I feel my body wanting more on lust so I got up and went to one of the hallways and began masturbating myself when 3 coils began slithering taking my costume off until I notice they're Kaa's and Joker King Cobra form the Kaa's are in their dragon's costume of each elements while Joker King Cobra in his Jafar costume
Kaa (1967): Sssssay now what have we here?" Kaa (2003): "It appears she's touching herself Kaa" Joker King Cobra: "Why don't we make her feel more good my slithering friends" they all nodded and were all over me feeling their coils wrap on each part of my body Kaa (1967): "Oooo yesss trust in me Stacy let the lust overtake your mind making you feel numb" my eyes went blank as they continue raping me while giving them each blow jobs on their 2 cocks
Kaa (2003): "Mmmmm ssssoooo good use your tongue to go deeper" Joker King Cobra: "Such delicate white skin you have there Stacy" they all bite down drinking my blood while I'm swallowing each of their cum after there done their tails held my hand and they all place kisses on them I began to try to say something Kaa (1967): "Trying to sssay sssomething Stacy?" I was on all four shaking my body seductively me: "Please kiss me my masters and drink the nectar that's spilling out of my cunt"
they all hiss darkly and kiss my lips one at a time then all 3 went to my cunt marvel at how wet it is and dug their tongues inside while sucking on my clitoris me: "Mmmm kimochi yes more please lick me more!" they all took turns on each part of my vital point making me cum as the juices splatter on their faces they lick their lips and slither to the guest's bathrooms to wash up after my eyes started to come back from their spells I picked up my costume and went to the otherside of the guest's bathrooms and kept on freshening up then summon the briefcase and open it containing the T, G, and the Veronica Virus I grab the needle and inject it in my arm as I feel my body regenerating from the blood loss then putting my costume back on I left and went somewhere else in the mansion I went to the dining room and I see Sideshow Bob in his captain costume (note: from the episode of "Cape Feare") talking about poetry I walked in and he saw me with his charms he ask me to join him
Sideshow Bob: "Ah Stacy care to join me in poetry?" me: "Sure" he went first his is about lament of despair it's interesting as I clap for his performance in poetry me: "That's deep Master Sideshow Bob I felt vibes coming from that poem" Sideshow Bob: "Thank you Stacy and now it's your turn" I ask him if I can use my magic for this poetry and he nodded in approvement I began my poetry using my magic to display while dancing
me: "Where are you going, stream? far far away take me with you, stream take me on your dark journey Devil in the darkness oh, take me far away, turn my heart into shadows the silence I give you my breath my life the silence" he applause amaze at my poetry Sideshow Bob: "Bravo impressive work you come up with" me: "Thank you Master Sideshow Bob I'm gonna check out the rest of the mansion see you then" he held my hand and place a kiss on it as I blush redder every time
Sideshow Bob: "See you then until we meet again" I continue walking throughout the mansion checking every detail of the Halloween decorations there at the library there's Vlad Master in his Salem villager costume with a cape (note: from the episode of "Infinite Realms") leaning against the window while reading one of the books as I enter into the library I spoke me: "Lucifer sure has a lot of interesting things in his mansion"
Vlad Master: "Quite a collection indeed of history of heaven and angels interesting spells and incantations" he stare at me and grin Vlad Master: "Come here Stacy you look lovely under the bloody moonlight from here" my body shivers as I obey him standing in front of him from the window the red aura from the Pentagram moon radiating my body as he move my hair he lean down on my neck feeling his hot breath I gasp as he whisper sweet seduction in my ear
Vlad Master: "Such vulnerability your showing so fragile and elegant" his hand place on my heart feeling my heart beating faster from anticipation Vlad Master: "Your heart's beating rapidly " I gasp again as he kept mouthing my neck he chuckle Vlad Master: "Waiting for something to happen?" I shiver in response as his vampire fangs begin to show and he bites down drinking my blood moaning at the sweet taste I'm giving me: "Mmmmnnnn!"
he kept on drinking as I feel his body leaning against mine me: "More please bite me more! keep drinking every last drop I give to you!" after he's done he lick the blood off my neck placing a kiss on it I'm panting seeing him his lips cover in my blood he use his vampire/ghost magic to heal me slowly gaining my stand from giving out he held my wrist and place a kiss on it feeling my pulse beating fast
Vlad Master: "You're a special treat to make this night worth while" I nodded and began to leave the library continue walking throughout the hallways when suddenly I got jumped on by Tarantulas in terrorize mode while wearing his council space theme costume I yell as I'm pinned to the ground Tarantulas: "Gotcha! (mischievously laugh)" me: "HEY THE HELL MASTER TARANTULAS!" me: "What are you doing?" Tarantulas: "Oh just want to have some fun with my lovely prey"
he took off my costume and his tentacles coming out slithering at my cunt and ass me: "Mmmnnn so hot my body's getting turned on!" Tarantulas: "Just relax and let me pleasure you" his tentacles went inside both while he's biting on my ear fucking me from behind and licking down my shoulder Tarantulas: "Yes oh your ass is so tight! and your pussy is dripping all over my tentacles" thrashing me again and again as I'm gripping my hands on the carpet me: "Master Tarantulas I'm about to cum!"
he chuckles and kept fucking me until we both climax me and Tarantulas: "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" after spilling his cum inside the tentacles left my cunt and ass spilling a little cum from their tips on the outside they retreated back and left me laying in the hallways Tarantulas: "The night is still going there's still more yet to come" he laugh menacingly echoing throughout the hallways I was panting slowly getting up as I was about to freshen up I saw Meowrice in his classic villain with a top hat and cape costume (like the classic tying damsel in distress on the train tracks costume) his mustache more detail to make it look sinister he saw me and chuckle
Meowrice: "My dear why are you all alone in the hallways? someone will take advantage of you when your expose" he saw my cunt dripping he grin darkly me: "Master Meowrice I was about to freshen up in the guest's bathrooms please I can't let you do anything to me when I'm like this" he chuckle and had me pinned against the wall his paws holding each of my hands as I got startle struggling to move Meowrice: "Let me help you freshen up then"
he lean down and place his mouth in my cunt stimulation me my body quiver feeling his tongue going inside Me: "Nya! Master Meowrice your making me feel more arouse! mmnnn so hot!" Meowrice: "Keep moaning for me and I'll make you feel so good" he went back to my cunt sucking on the clitoris my head moving side to side then he lets go of my hands only so he place my leg over his shoulder while his paw holding both my hands behind my back while his other paw went inside my cunt masturbating me he deepen the kiss as I taste mine and Tarantulas cum inside my mouth he kept fingering me while kissing me then hitting my vital point I cum and a string of saliva left from Meowrice's mouth we were breathing heavily as hot mist left from our mouths he kiss my cheek and walk away chuckle evilly I grab my lingerie and use my magic to freshen up over and over again then putting the costume back on I went back to the dance hall I watch in front of the stage as the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's playing a metal version of "Grim Grinning Ghost" as the song end I applause and summon roses to throw to them they caught it and thanked me for that
Evil Future Mordecai (2015): "This Halloween party is the bomb the best performance we ever done don't you agree Stacy?" me: "Yeah this is one hell of a Halloween party I'll never forget" me: "How you're all doing?" Evil Future Rigby: "Business been boomin' we made so much money thanks to your gift" Vampire Mordecai: "Were doing good as well thanks to your special blood we can finally enjoy food besides the blood giving us that ability to do that"
Vampire Rigby: "Finally I can enjoy my Reese's peanut butter cups and look they have king size!" he ate them as I smile while giggling me: "I'm glad I can be of use to you all my masters" Evil Future Mordecai: "Hey why don't you come up on stage and sing a song for us?" my face went red as I'm flustering me: "Oh uh I don't know if I can…." they smile seeing me being shy as Evil Future Mordecai (2015) put his hand out in front of me Evil Future Mordecai (2015): "It'll be fun here" me: "(taking a deep breath) Ok"
Evil Future Rigby: "Yeah that's the spirit!" as I grab Future Mordecai's (2015) hand he lift me on stage as Vampire Rigby pass me the microphone they started playing their instruments while I began to sing (note: inspire from "Adventure Time: Distant Lands" of Marceline broke up song)
me singing: "🎵In my dreams I was living in the life in secrecy hanging out with my best friends and also with the villains my heart was exhilarating from all the content but my parents constantly butting in and ruining everything I'm so glad that I realize I really just don't care anymore I'm so glad that I realize I don't give a fuck on what my parents really feels when I wake up and the mood I'm in I'm angry as hell there to blame for projecting these images inside my brain🎶"
(note: I can't put this part of the lyrics in for safety reason but basically it's about the nightmares I'm been having with my parents that they both mentally pisses me the hell off😡)
me singing: " 🎶 Leaving me jealous abandoned and in pain I'm so glad that I realize I curse they both get all the bad luck I'm so glad that I realize I hope they both get beaten up every motherfucking day I don't give a fuck on what my parents really feels when I'm with my friends and villains the feelings there is real as my masters told me to let go of these feelings of family leaving my mind so numb but my parents constantly keep bothering me with stupid meaningless questions there fucking so dumb!🎵"
I'm dancing on stage using my magic to levitate myself me singing: "🎵I don't give a fuck about mom I don't give a fuck about dad all they do is get me stress and mad and now I'm out here finally free my heart is contented and my mind is at ease🎶" I use my magic to summon the wedding portrait of mom and dad and did a flame kick making it crash in the corner as it explodes like fireworks they holler and cheer at that enjoying it seeing how much I despise my family
me singing: "🎶I'm so glad that I realize I hope that things will never go as plan for them I'm so glad that I realize I want them both to suffer and lose everything I'm so glad that I realize the feelings for family are dead inside I'm so glad that I realize I don't give a fuck on what my parents really feels🎵"
then finish off with a powerful stance I can hear the applause as I took a bow Vampire Mordecai: "Aw yeah! that's what I'm talking about!" Evil Future Rigby: "The moves the rhythm you put on you really know how to rock!" me: "Thank you everyone this feels great being on stage with all my masters I'm having fun here" Evil Future Mordecai (2015): "Glad that you are Stacy"
they all gave me kisses on both cheeks and lips as I hug them then climb off the stage while staying in the dancehall I see The Devil in his B.L. Zebub costume (note: from the movie "The Devil And Daniel Mouse") Robot Devil in his Hawaiian costume Garlic Jr. in his father's conquering emperor wardrobe costume looking just like him Voltar in his Skullossus costume and Bolkar in his fancy 17th century British costume with a top hat fancy cape cane and monocle
me: "Happy Halloween my masters hope everyone is having fun here in Hell" they all turn and saw me they smile evilly and walk towards me eyeing up and down The Devil: "And a Happy Halloween to you too my dear hey hey look at you you're like a tempting spirit craving for lust to only those who are worthy" I blush sheer red
me: "Thank you Master The Devil everyone love's my costume that Lucifer picked out for me" Robot Devil: "It looks lovely on you truly I can see why everyone's been eyeing you and your lovely body (smug laugh)" Bolkar: "Where about to dance care to join us?" me: "Sure let's" out of nowhere a voice came out Alastor: "Perhaps I could be of some assistance" he use his Shadow Manipulation and his demons began making room on stage along with ghost demons that came out of nowhere with their own instruments taking position The Devil signal the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's to play the song while Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons joined in The Devil: "Hit it!" they began to play and the song is "The Devil And Ms. Chalice (Dance Battle Finale)" I dance with The Devil as we dance off doing poses and moves in a dance battle
The Devil: "You dance beautifully Stacy" me: "Thank you Master The Devil your dances are on fire" Voltar place his hand out for me and ask Voltar: "Mind if I had this dance?" me: "Of course Master Voltar" as I place my hand with his we waltz flip doing different style then using my magic I summon my raven and bat demon wings during the drum part I'm flying while Garlic Jr. began started punches and kicks at me I block and dodge as we dance battle in the air
Garlic Jr.: "Impressive I see you stopping my attacks on you" me: "If this is your way of dancing then so be it Master Garlic Jr." Garlic Jr.: "Indeed let us continue" me: "Lets" we kept on blocking kicks and punches as the song finish we landed back to the ground as my wings disappear Garlic Jr. held my hand and place a kiss on it
Garlic Jr.: "Thanks for the dance Stacy" me: "You're welcome Master Garlic Jr." as he went to the bar I kept on dance battling with the others the next song is ("Another Way Out" from Hollywood Undead) Bolkar and Voltar were doing moves on me while I dodge them flipping and pirouette Bolkar: "Look at those moves have you seen anything like it?" Voltar: "She's got the vibe look at how she dodge our moves so evil (sighing)"
they both took each of my hands and spin me round and round finishing off with a pose as we all breath heavy me: "This is some workout were having huh Master Voltar and Master Bolkar?" Bolkar: "Indeed you got style and knowing to keep up the pace" Voltar: "And I know what will make this better" they both evilly grin and both kiss each of my cheeks I gasp while my face sheer blushing red they both laugh as they went to the bar cheering Voltar and Bolkar: "VICTORY!!!"
I began to dance battle with Robot Devil and The Devil as another song began to play Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons sing (【Helltaker Original Song】 "What the Hell") we flip waltz kicking dancing off to each of their moves Robot Devil: "Such grace pure passion you're like a maiden walking down the river of stars with elegant grace" we each took turns dance battling
The Devil: "So beautiful you're a goddess chosen to dance with the devils" me: "And I'll dance with my masters even if it takes me down to the dark path" Robot Devil: "Then let us dance the forbidden dance as it leads you into the darkness of evil!" with the finishing moves they each held my hands and place kisses on them The Devil: "This was fun we should do this more often" Robot Devil: "Agree in the form of a dance battle our way of a fancy spar with our dear lovely Stacy"
me: "I looked forward to our spar my masters" Robot Devil: "Until then see you later our maiden" they both left and I'm alone in the dance hall sighing until Alastor was right besides me startling me Alastor: "May I have this dance my dear?" me: "Of course I be delighted Master Alastor" I was about to take his hand when someone grab me from behind Vox: "Mind if I cut in?" me: "Master Vox! what the fuck!?!? I promise Master Alastor to dance with him you're being rude!"
Vox: "Aw he can wait right now I want to spend some time with you" his screen nuzzling against my cheeks talking seductive to me Vox: "My favorite plaything" then he snap his fingers and a boombox was display on stage giving the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's a break the song is selected and it play (trick and treat (feat. Rena) 【Intense Symphonic Metal Cover】) he held my hand while he place my other hand by his side we twirl and waltz as I try to see Alastor telling him in mouthing "I'm sorry" he was calm no radio dials as he smile quietly we kept on dancing until the song ends then he deepen this kiss see if Alastor reacts to this his ears furred up but kept compose Vox grin as he grab my ass I muffled yelp as we continue the kiss until a string of saliva left from our mouths
Vox: "Thanks for the dance Stacy I'll be seeing you" he kiss my cheek and with a gentlemen's bow he walked away I fix myself and went back to Alastor feeling awkward and embarrassed I ask him if I can lean against him he nodded and I'm up against Alastor apologizing me: "I'm so sorry Master Alastor I didn't expect Vox to take me in for the dance but still I…."
he lift my chin and place a kiss our tongues intertwined I moan as his eyes manipulating me a string of salvia left our mouths with hot breaths Alastor: "Now where were we? Ah! that dance I was asking you about shall we begin?" me: "Uh Mmmn (yeah)" he ask the evil counterparts of Mordecai's, Rigby's, his shadow demons, and ghost demons to play a song and they nodded and began to play while his shadow demons and ghost demons sing (Caravan Palace - Wonderland (Wonderland Meme Song) he held my hand as we jazz and waltz as we dance he lean against my neck whispering to me
Alastor: "My dead heart aches for you seeing you with my enemy I couldn't hold myself" me: "And I said I'm sorry I never make you or any of my masters jealous" he nuzzle against me smelling the sweet fragrance from my hair Alastor: "I know you do amour maléfique I know" with the song end he place his hand on my cheek feeling the warmth coming from him he leans to my lips and kiss me gently while holding me in an embrace my hands on each side of his neck as I moan as we open our mouths with hot misty breaths he did a gentlemen's bow holding my hand and place a kiss on it
Alastor: "Nous allons bientôt nous amuser davantage, attendez-moi alors ma douce Stacy" he walk out of the dance hall I went back to the bar to grab another mountain dew energy in pitch black flavor I drank and walk through the rest of the mansion there I saw Blitz smoking a cigarette down the hall he saw me and wave me to come over I stand against the wall next to him and we chat
Blitz: "So having a good time Stacy?" me: "Uh-huh there were some scary moments but other than that it's been great" me: "Um so how are you doing?" Blitz: "Oh you know drinking eating lots of good shit here having conversations with your other masters that stuff" he smile and had me pinned against the wall laughing mischievously Blitz: "But I've been thinking about you a lot tonight"
I blush as I felt his hand place on my cheek me: "(gasp) Really like what?" Blitz: "How you moan and let everyone touches you seeing you so hot and bothered it makes me more arouse hearing your sweet voice" his tail slithering around my leg going near my panty part as I breathe heavy me: "I've been getting that the way they speak sweet nothingness into my ear biting down my neck their voices lace in hypnotic seductive tones it makes me crave more from their pleasures"
he grin evilly as I told him on what's been going on tonight he lean against my ear placing it with a lick and said Blitz: "Did you touch yourself?" feeling his tail sliding inside my cunt I gasp and answer me: "Yes" we began to kiss in sexual intentions our tongues touching each other as Blitz began taking off my costume while placing kissing everywhere on my body he took off his costume and his erect cock makes its way inside my ass while his tail going into my cunt he held me while I scratch his back fucking me against the wall he bite every part of my skin leaving hickies on them
Blitz: "Oh shit! your ass feels so good my tail going in on that pussy you like that Stacy?" me: "Mmmnnn yes oh yes it feels so good shit! keep thrashing me against the wall Master Blitz" Blitz: "That's right keep calling me your master I know every sensitive part of your body that you'll crave more of me"
he kept fucking leaning against my neck placing a bite on it me: "Itei! motto motto!" drinking the blood moaning from this sensation Blitz: "Oh shit this taste so good I need more!" he bites back down resuming our bodies sweating as we breathe heavy me: "I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Blitz: "I'm going to cum in that sweet succulent ass of yours!"
we both hit our climax I feel his hot cum flowing inside my ass while his tail hit my vital point as my cum burst all over his tail he put me down and spill the rest of his cum on my face while he's sucking on his tail from the nectar I spilled he leans down and kiss my lips again Blitz: "Thanks for the fuck Stacy I'll be right back soon but for now you're gonna have to wait of what's about to happen next"
he put his costume back on and walk off the other way of the hallways I slowly got up grab my costume and use some of my magic to teleport me back to the guest's bathrooms I wipe the cum off my face and did another freshen up then putting my costume back on I went back to the dance hall I heard someone calling me and I turn around and saw Orangusnake in his pirate costume with a crown and a ruby pureheart jewel in the middle
Orangusnake: "Happy Halloween Stacy you looked sexy in that costume" me: "Thanks you too I like the style of your pirate costume you looked like a true ruler of Pure Heart Valley" Orangusnake: "Thank you your not doing anything are you? care to have this dance with me?" me: "I don't mind I would be honor to have this dance with you"
he held his arm out for me to hold as we began our dance the next song play from the evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's and sung by Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons is ( Vampire Knight Ending (Still Doll) ) we held each others hands and began to dance he did a dip and had me twirl like a jewel ballerina dancing while enjoying each others company as the song ends I looked and from the distance I see my Master Zim but he's talking to someone in a dark figure
me: "Hey thanks for the dance Master Orangusnake I need to see someone if that's alright" Orangusnake: "No prob you kept your promise I'll see you around Stacy" he kiss my lips and with a wink he walked off I began to call out to Zim but he's far away while still talking to that dark figure that I couldn't see due to the huge crowd I struggle while I kept on calling his name
me: "Master Zim! Master!" then he began to walk off with the dark figure nervous I kept on pushing me: "No No! damn it Master wait! where are you?" I finally got out from the crowd only to bumped into someone me: "I'm sorry it was an accident I'm not doing this on purpose"
I rubbed my head as I looked up and see a sinister smile it's Black Hat in his El Charro Negro costume he did a gentlemen's bow held my hand to turn it around and place a kiss on my wrist Black Hat: "I accept your apology where were you running off to?" me: "I saw my Master Zim I was going to see him but he was talking to someone and now…" we both looked and he's nowhere in site Black Hat: "Looks like your going to have to spend time with me mi susto conejo de la suerte" he darkly chuckle and place his hand out to me while eyeing my costume up and down
me speaking in thought: "I guess I had no choice wait for me my Master Zim where ever you are" I place my hand with his as he lead me to the center of the dance hall he use his demonic magic and the entire dance hall lighting is red as the red Pentagram moon's aura shine down upon us he ask Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons to play a song for us giving evil counterparts of Mordecai's and Rigby's another break they nodded and began (A combination between "The story of Phantom Manor" and "The Phantom Wedding" from Disneyland Paris) we began to waltz as he lead me through the dance all of my masters came and watch our dance we began to use our magic while I use my purple flames he use his dark magic as our magic began to intertwined we were both in the air slowly spinning they ooo and aww at this marvelous site applauding at our performance
me: "This brings back memories" Black Hat: "Of how you've fallen into me and my dark evil temptations? (evilly chuckle)" I blush while he twirls me me: "Uh you could say that" Black Hat: "I thought so" as we both descend back to the ground we hear all the applause and cheering there were also wolf whistle and other flirty remarks Black Hat: "I must say your costume looks beautiful so ravishing truly an honor from the King of Hell to give you this gift" me: "Let me guess you heard it from everyone because of how popular this costume I'm wearing"
he lean against me my face reflecting from his monocle as I gasp Black Hat: "It truly suits you so well my dear a site worthy to look at" he stick out his tongue as it slithers down my neck I shiver feeling his serpent tongue going down to my collarbone then he place his mouth on my collarbone and starts sucking my hands were having a spasm as he held one of my hand with his in an intertwined I moan as he continues he chuckle darkly hearing my voice then when he finish he left a huge bruise on my collarbone I was panting heavy as he lean against my lips ghosting them
Black Hat: "A trick for this savory treat" he deepen the kiss as he held me in his arms after a string of salvia left from my mouth he walked off I'm quivering from this sensation when I'm settle I continue my search looking for my master Zim I finally found him he's talking to Moxxie Zim in his purple space suit costume (note: from the episode of "Planet Jackers") and Moxxie in his phantom of the opera costume they both saw me and gave me a hug wishing a Happy Halloween while complementing my costume
me: "I've been looking for you Master Zim I thought I never find you" Zim: "You found me now what's on your mind? tell Zim" me: "Well I…." another song about to play and sung by Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons (The Villains' World)
Moxxie: "Hey there playing another song care to dance with us Stacy?" me: "Sure I guess it can wait" they both place their hands out for me as I place mine with theirs we all started to dance taking each turns while Moxxie had me in a dip then lift me up in a waltz Zim took me in a spin as I'm dancing with Zim I began to talk me: "Hey Master Zim?" Zim: "Hmm?"
me: "I know you've been busy at the Top Villains Hotel coming up with brilliant plans and inventing weapons it's just that I really miss you" Zim: "Is that so?" I nuzzle against his neck as I continue me: "These dreams I've been having it's really annoying" (after telling Zim about my nightmares) Zim: "I curse the humans and their ship-ing it never bothers you until now I still can't believe they ship me with my enemy I despise"
he shudders at the thought of it Zim: "Posting fanart of me with him online it's disgusting! I hate it!" I gently grab his shoulder as he pat the back of my head me: "I'll always Evil Love you my Master you will always be number one in my book it's been so long after you change me and help me train with my new life I'm grateful that you did that for me" he smile as he nuzzle against my neck
Zim: "One of these nights I'm sure you'll have a dream with me in an exhilarating moment that will be worth it your brain sure has a mind of it's own when your trying fantasizing of what your dreaming about" me: "Oh that reminds me when I saw you in the crowd you were talking to someone but I couldn't tell because of the dark figure who was that?" Zim: "Oh you'll see him soon then this will explain everything that you witness" me: "Ok I should go back to Master Moxxie don't want him to feel left out and thank you for listening of my issues Master Zim"
Zim: "Glad I help you my only favorite human" he deepen the kiss as he held me in an embrace then letting me go I went back to Moxxie as another song play as Alastor's shadow demons and ghost demons sung (kanon wakeshima suna no oshiro) me: "Sorry about that Master Moxxie I needed to discuss Master Zim on my personal issues" he held my hand as we began to dance Moxxie: "Hey it's okay whatever's bothering you you can always come to me too I'm just glad to see you you're sure busy being with all of your masters from this party"
as we continue I ask me: "Hey Master Moxxie how you been doing?" Moxxie: "I've been doing alright why is it about that incident seven months ago?" me: "Yeah I still can't stop thinking about him your dad" (note: from watching "HELLUVA BOSS - EXES AND OOHS // S2: Episode 3 & HELLUVA BOSS - OOPS // S2: Episode 6") Moxxie: "No matter what happens me, Blitz, and Millie will always be prepare for what comes on the way you were always by my side at that moment when I couldn't see you"
he smugly smile I blush me: "Oi! I said I'm sorry for that I needed to stay behind for both reasons after you got tased and fall unconscious I had to intervene even though I was defeated by your dad and after that after that…" he place his hand on my cheek and kiss my lips Moxxie: "It's ok I forgive you for that I know as your master you get punish for this was my personal matters but you did what you had too because of your heart you're looking out for me and I'm grateful for that you're so loyal to me and everyone you serve"
as the song end he hold my hand and lead me to the hallways with Zim catching up me: "Hey where are you guys taking me?" Moxxie: "Just somewhere where we can have our fun" I blush at what their getting at after finding the spot we had a threesome makeout as Zim took off my costume Moxxie began kissing my neck as Zim follows leaving hickies and bitemarks on me then Zim and Moxxie put their fingers inside my cunt masturbating me I moan and breathe heavy feeling their fingers going in and out
me: "Mmnn Masters this feel so good keep fingering me!" Zim: "Damn look at how wet you are spilling your sweet nectar all over our fingers" Moxxie: "So lustful the expression your showing it's cute look at how arouse you are" me: "Nyaa (lustful moans) it's been so long from you and Master Zim my heart is beating fast from this! (gasp)"
they continue fingering me until they hit my vital point I came as they lick the juices off their fingers then they use their tongues to lick me from down below making their way to the top sucking on each breasts while tease biting my nipples and they each took turns kissing my lips feeling their tongues while tasting my own cum we all sat down taking a breather our hot breaths showing I got up and use my magic to freshen up one last time then putting my costume back on they got up and gave me a group hug
me: "I'll see you around ok?" Zim: "Of course wait til you get the special treat" I tilt my head curiously me: "What special treat?" Moxxie: "It's a Halloween surprise" they both chuckle mischievously as they left I continue walking further and further up the stairs at the top the doors were open I went in and it lead me to the balcony there were roses in black and red and even blood blossoms I walk until I'm at the rail of the balcony I looked up seeing the red Pentagram moon it's warm down here for October then I got a ring from my phone I answer it was Count Duckula
Count Duckula: "Happy Halloween Stacy" me: "Happy Halloween to you too Count Duckula how's show business?" Count Duckula: "Successful and busy the Halloween parts were scary especially the blood I almost throw up" me: "I'm sure you'll pull through the blood is all fake part of the props with water colors" Count Duckula: "Yeah that's why when I'm on set I thought about you how you keep me at ease" me: "I'm just happy you're doing what you love except for the horror movie roles" he laugh as we continue our conversation Count Duckula: "So what are you doing on Halloween?"
I had to lied don't want him to know that I'm with my masters me: "Oh giving Neko, Gambit, and Buneary their Halloween dinners then having chocolate candies drinking ocean spray cranberry juice while watching zombie movies" Count Duckula: "Glad you're doing well will have a Halloween party next year with all your friends I'm sure they'll love that" me: "That does sound nice I know they needed a break after that incident in 2020 then in 2021 I missed you guys a lot"
Count Duckula: "And they missed you too well the director is calling me gotta do another scene in the film talk to you later?" me: "Sure talk to you then" Count Duckula: "I love you Stacy" me: "I love you too bye" we both hung up as I feel the warm gentle wind making my hair wave I scroll in the photos on my phone of me with my best friends and Count Duckula I smile but feel bad that I lie to him sighing I looked up at the Pentagram moon again while holding my silver heart-shaped locket necklace from my neck and started to sing
me singing: " 🎶 Dark the stars and dark the moon Hush the night of the morning gloom Tell the horses and beat on your drum Call from their master, gone will be soon Dark the oceans, and dark the sky Hush the whales and the ocean tide Tell their soldiers and beat on your drum Call from their master, gone will be soon🎵"
as I continue singing a dark figure was spying on me by the door listening to my singing as I finish I heard a sinister chuckle using my magic to hid my silver heart-shaped locket I turn to look and see it's Lucifer in his ringmaster costume while redesign me: "AAH! your majes oh I mean Master Lucifer" he walk around eyeing me up and down on the costume he picked out Lucifer: "My Stacy you look quite ravishing this evening" I blush shudder at the way he spoke to me in an lustful darkly tone me: "Thank you Master Lucifer I see you got a redesign as well I've been seeing a lot of the Hazbin Hotel villains with their new redesign looks" then the snake from his top hat wants me to place my arm out as he slithers towards me cheek nuzzling his snake now in gold
me: "I see you shed your skin looks cool on you" the snake nodded and slither back to Lucifer's top hat Lucifer: "Are you enjoying the festivities on Halloween night my dear?" me: "Yes it's been really exciting and scary at some parts but I'm having fun" he grin evilly as he place his hand out in front of me with his ring me: "It's this your wedding ring with Lilith?" Lucifer: "(chuckle) Yes it is and I want you to kiss it" I got startle at what he's suggesting me: "I CAN'T DO THAT!!! does that ring mean a lot to Lilith?"
Lucifer: "She's been busy with her concert and I've been lonely for a long time there's no hard feelings of you kissing my ring" me: "Oh I don't know I don't think I can do this" he quietly laugh watching me being conflicted on this he place his hand on my cheek making me look at him he smile seductively insisting me to sin Lucifer: "Go on Stacy kiss it" my heart beating loudly I obey held his hand and place a kiss on his ring it began to glow as a combination of blood blossom red and black roses took form he held it in his hand and place it behind my ear Lucifer: "There now you look even more beautiful on this frightful night" I blush after he did that then candles glow around the balcony the blood blossoms and roses were glowing as well he use his magic to summon music he held his hand out to me and ask
Lucifer: "Would you like to dance with me?" I nodded me: "Mmm (yeah) I love to" I place my hand with his as the song began to play (Fiery Pits n' Giggles Part 2 Lucifer Magne Moringstar | HazbinHotel Song) as we waltz on the balcony he twirls me then place me in a dip lifting me up almost ghosting his lips my face want red as he chuckle at my reaction
Lucifer: "I talk to your Master Zim he said a lot of interesting things about his experiments on you how he put you through training and endurance when your limbs being tear apart while in an excruciating painful process of regenerating how amusing!" me: "So your the dark figure in the crowd talking to my master when I saw him!" Lucifer: "(evil chuckle) Indeed I am" as the song ends he did a gentlemen's bow and place a kiss on my hand
Lucifer: "I think it's time we enjoy the rest on this Halloween night with everyone your ready?" he has his arm out for me to hold as I answer me: "Yes I'm ready" we went back inside the mansion standing on the grand staircase in front of the Top Villains, Villainy & Evil, Honorable Mention Of The Villains I Acknowledge, Vox, Valentino, Stolas, and Fizzarolli Lucifer: "A frightful Halloween to everyone!" they all cheer and howling
Lucifer: "I'm glad to see everyone having a evil time on this festive holiday now the time has come to commence as our lovely sex slave give us the sheer pleasures and ecstasy's to make this night a memorable one she'll forever remember!" they all menacingly laugh whooing at what they've been waiting for me speaking in thought: "Is this the Halloween surprise Moxxie was talking about?!? holy shit I'm having an orgy with them!!!"
Lucifer summon the largest bed to have sex in place in the middle I yelp as he lean against my ear Lucifer: "Ready to have pure bliss of this sin Stacy?" he darkly chuckle I feel my body getting hot and arouse from this as his breath hit my neck me: "Yes"
he summon an apple for me to take as I took a bite seeing the cherry blood oozing out while he speaks in a seductive hypnotic satanic spell against my ear I started to get dizzy as the drug started to take affect on me he use his magic levitating me to the bed my visions was all blurry as I barley see them taking off their costumes naked with erect cocks and then everything went black (time skip from the orgy)
meanwhile in Fantasy Forest Grown Up Rudolph and The Last Unicorn Amalthea were walking in the open fields as ghost-type Poke'mon were having fun getting treats from performing tricks with the My Little Pony and Rugrats (1991) Grown Up Rudolph (1964): "They sure are having fun on Halloween" Amalthea: "They sure are seeing them smile and playing makes this night that was suppose to be frightful looks more peaceful" they continue walking
Grown Up Rudolph (1964): "The japanese windchimes are at full power there hasn't been any threats in a long time and still sturdy from the looks of it" Amalthea: "Indeed everything has been flourishing with new life here in Fantasy Forest a lot has change throughout these years I still can't believe the only 2 left that are still here are Thistle and his wife Suncica the Fairy Queen" as they kept talking a portal open in the distance
Grown Up Rudolph (1964): "Amalthea did you see that?" Amalthea: "I do let's check it out!" they ran towards that spot and they were shock when they see me coming out in cum, bites, hickies, and blood dripping everywhere as I fall to the ground on my back breathing heavy but slowly (note: in this pose)
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Grown Up Rudolph (1964): " Get Princess Luna, Cadance, Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and the Poke'mon to help with her wounds!" Amalthea: "Right away!" as Amalthea ran to get help Grown Up Rudolph kneel down next to me to keep me company as everyone clean my wounds and washing off the cum and sweat they carry me to the Great Enchanted Elm tree were they continue healing me the Poke'mon use their healing abilities while the princess alicorns gather plants and flowers that has healing medication in them place them on my body when suddenly my phone ring and Princess Luna use her magic to levitate the phone to answer it's Count Duckula Count Duckula: "Hey Stacy you there?" Princess Luna: "I'm sorry this is Princess Luna" Count Duckula: "What's going on? what happen?" Princess Luna: "She in a state of unconscious something must have happen"
he disappear into a thick raincloud teleporting then reappearing in Fantasy Forest there he saw my state with an iv fluids attach to my arm (note: in this pose)
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Count Duckula: "Oh NO Stacy!!!" Grown Up Princess Twilight Sparkle: "It's ok she's stable she had a lot of blood loss and judging by the smell we had to clean her off"
he came towards my unconscious form seeing the flowers and plants on my body while the Poke'mon each took turns on healing as well as the princesses alicorns using their healing magic
Count Duckula: "How did this happen?" Princess Celestia: "Grown Up Rudolph and Amalthea were walking when they saw the portal open and Stacy collapsing out of it they call us for help" there they heard me speaking but weakly me: "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Count Duckula held my hand staying by my side Count Duckula: "Why is she saying sorry?" Princess Luna: "I'll go and have a look" she use her magic as her horn glows putting her head against mine then began reading my memories everything is black my heart beating loudly as I hear the villains raping me sucking on their cocks as they fuck me in every positions breathing loudly feeling them touching me while kissing my lips moaning as their teeths biting every part of my body drinking my blood as the blood splatters Princess Luna back away panting heavy a drop of sweat sliding down her head
Count Duckula: "What happen what did you see?" Princess Luna panting heavy shaken at what she seen when Princess Cadance nuzzle against her to help her calm down Princess Cadance: "Deep breaths what did you see?" she took a deep breath and calm down she looked at Count Duckula as he held my hand gently and she began explaining
Princess Luna: "I went through her memory it appears that she was invited to Lucifer's Halloween party in his mansion in Hell all the villains of Top Villains, Villainy & Evil, Honorable Mention Of The Villains She Acknowledge including Lucifer's acquaintances in Hell were there and they they…. I can't go into further details"
everyone were shock Count Duckula the most as he look at my unconscious form sadden at hearing this Count Duckula: "You lie only to keep me safe at what you're really doing oh Stacy please don't feel bad I understand now" even though I'm unconscious tears were starting to fall from my eyes while speaking weakly he saw this and pull out a handkerchief and wipe my eyes while placing a kiss on my forehead hugging me
Count Duckula: "I'm going to take her back to my place until she gain her strength" they all nodded in an understanding as they all done their parts Grown Up Princess Twilight Sparkle took the iv fluids off while placing a flower as bandage on it Count Duckula use his cape as a blanket to wrap me in and carry me bridal style
Princess Cadance: "Makes sure she rest she's still loss a lot of blood from this" Princess Celestia: "It's best to leave her naked so the plants can continue their healing" he nodded while looking at me (note: in this pose)
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Count Duckula: "Don't worry I'll make sure she recovers" he disappear into a thick raincloud teleporting the Poke'mon, the princesses alicorns, Grown Up Rudolph, and Amalthea looked on in hope and concern for my recovery meanwhile at Count Duckula's building he place me on his bed taking the cape off of me blushing seeing me naked but cover in flowers and plants he went to the bathroom to take a shower then brushing his teeth putting on his pajamas he lay next to me placing his hand on my hair gently stroking it he rested for a bit when he heard me gasp I look at my surroundings and realize I'm in a different place there I see Count Duckula I began to shaken knowing I lie to him as I began to cry
me: "I'm so sorry I lie I had to keep you safe if I tell you where I really was…." he embrace me placing his hand on my cheek while kissing my lips to calm me down Count Duckula: "Shh it's ok Princess Luna told me everything and everyone in Fantasy Forest were tending to your wounds"
me: "Still I had to go the villains has a strong connection around me and what I done is a sin" he rock me in an embrace slowly while I'm still shaken up Count Duckula: "Now tell me how did you escape?" me: "Well all I remember was that I'm all alone in Lucifer's mansion I struggle to get off the giant bed and with little strength I had left I open the portal to Fantasy Forest before collapsing"
Count Duckula: "Well you're safe now I need you to lay back down so you can rest your body is still in recovering" I looked to see the flowers and plants all over my naked body seeing that this is the princess alicorns and Poke'mon work tending to my wounds I lay back down as Count Duckula held me in his warm embrace kissing my lips
Count Duckula: "Good night Stacy I'll always love you no matter what" me: "I love you too good night Count Duckula" while he close his eyes I felt in my hair the combination of blood blossom red and black roses flower from Lucifer as I touch it remembering in the mansion I nuzzle up against Count Duckula hugging him as he kept me held in his embrace while I held my silver heart-shaped locket necklace from my neck again as we both started to doze off back to sleep me: "This is one Halloween night I'll truly forever remember"
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(Waiter’s POV) by Ela De Leon
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“Hey, uhh,” the manager faltered as he pointed his index finger at a waiter, spinning it around. “You in the…black…vest.”
All the eyes in the room shot towards him.
“Fuzakenna, why does everyone have the same uniform?” muttered the manager, thinking of another distinctive feature for him. Black hair, black eyes, black uniform, black shoes. There was not a feature of his to distinguish him from the crowd of workers.
The manager emphasized on his finger, moving a step closer to him. The waiter slowly pointed his thumb at himself as his eyes darted around the room, finding it difficult to maintain eye contact with him. All eyes were on him. “I have…I have a name tag. I have a name…tag,” he thought repeatedly as sweat began to trickle down his neck. His thumb was shaking as his other hand fiddled with the hem of his vest. 
The kitchen lights were glaringly bright with a broken bulb flickering in the corner of the room. More and more sweat began to trickle down his neck until he was profusely sweating. A drop fell into his eye, causing him to wince in response. He tried his best to keep his composure as he collected himself and wiped the sweat from his face with the napkin in his vest’s pocket. “Pull yourself together. Stop being like this,” he whispered ever so softly to himself.
Suddenly, his phone began loudly buzzing in his back pocket, and he fumbled as he tried to end the call. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up,” he muttered. The manager’s expression remained dour as he watched him end the call.
“There’s a special guest arriving in about a quarter of an hour or so. Please be ready to serve him by the entrance,” grunted the manager. The waiter nodded in acknowledgement, and the manager walked towards him. He pulled the waiter’s tie and tightened it, slightly choking him. “Fix yourself, would you? I said he’s a special guest. I can’t have a plebeian putting a bad name on me.”
The waiter stifled a cough and nodded his head vigorously. The manager looked down at him before turning around and walking away. The waiter exhaled a long breath and brought his phone out. There was a missed call and a text from his younger sister.
Oniichan! I’m by the entrance. I brought you some food from the teahouse.
With a faint smile on his lips, he put his phone back into his pocket and walked out of the kitchen. His break was ending soon; shift starting at sixteen.
“Hey, Yuri. What’s that you got?” he chirped loudly with a smile, masking his disconcerted self. He was still halfway across the wide passage but the entrance was wide open with a silhouette of a teenage girl in a kimono holding it open with her elbow.
The sky was dark with a slight tinge of orange. The streets were somewhat empty with soft chatter and construction filling the air. It had just finished raining, and the gushing wind was chilly as if it were autumn. Though the hotel was air conditioned, the temperature inside was no different to the one outside. 
Yuri’s hair was slightly damp, though he was uncertain whether it was from sweat or from the rain. “Nothing much, really. I just have some leftover tuna onigiri from lunch.”
“Did you make it?”
“No, Mika did.”
“Good,” he said while grinning, taking the paperbag from her hand. He hasn’t been able to eat lunch yet due to the business of the hotel, and he still won’t be able to eat until after his next shift. Yuri can’t know that, though.
Kiyoshi looked at his watch. 
Five minutes.
“I’ve got to go now. My shift starts in a few,” he said.
Her eyes grew wide. “Shit! My shift!” Yuri gasped. Slamming the entrance door shut, she dashed out of his sight.
The smile slowly faded as he turned on his heel to set the paper bag down by the reception table. He walked until he reached the end of the hallway. He leaned on the wall, looking down in exhaustion. “For her,” he whispered, shakingly adjusting the cuffs of his dress shirt. 
For her.
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librarianbusdriver · 3 years
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