#speed running a hyperfixation rn
transmascmarston · 1 month
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Something something red and blue duos
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mycological-mariner · 8 months
Jesus wept it’s only noon.
On the bright side. I’ve just made something I’m rather proud of. It’s still a very early version and rough idea of what I’m going for but it IS something!
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@mythicalmagical-monkeyman asked me 4 my LMK headcanons & I have SO many it’s insane (most r 6EM bcz I have yet 2 stop hyperfixating on him in specific)
Six-Eared Macaque Headcanons:
I love the headcanon that he either used to have white fur or he glamours it away.
My headcanon for his “birth” is an amalgamation of several others I’ve seen (I forget their tags). Basically a piece of the moon broke off and hit the ground, the big ass flash caused a shit ton of shadows (hence shadow powers). The wind formed a mini hurricane around the moon-rock-egg and broke it, which is why 6EM can hear the wind.
6EM glamours a lot, everytime he dislikes something he glamours it away. This led to him hating how his glamored self looks (bcz it looks nun like him), but also hating how his unglamored self looks (bcz bad memories & imperfections & shit).
The shadows are semi-sentient, they’re also very picky with who they “serve” but extremely loyal. (Kinda like a dog.)
Rumble and Savage were 6EM’s first clones. (Their more sentient/have their own kinda personality bcz his 1st time w/ clones was a lot like MK’s.)
6EM & Chang’e are besties.
DBK introduced PIF 2 them all & PIF gave this guy 1 look & went “uhm, excuse me sir, but what r u doing here w/ these bozos?🤨 ur 2 smart 4 this, now come forward let us bond 😌”
The classic his ears are colored & they glow.
Purple blush.
He had to learn to cook bcz ✨homeless✨, but he sucks @ cooking so he learned, like, 2 dishes & cooked them until he perfected it.
Was great w/ kids when he was younger and still is but he’s more awkward w/ them now (besties insecure, think he’ll taint them or sumthing emo like that🙄. CAN’T BELIEVE THE HEADCANON THAT THE FFM MONKIES LUV HIM IS CANON NOW)
I have an entire headcanon for his backstory (b4 he met SWK) but that’s,, long💀
Non-prehensile tail
Sun Wukong:
Gold blush.
ADHD haver and probably autistic as well (no 1 in that show is neurotypical, u can’t convince me they r)
Wasn’t good w/ kids when he was younger but he’s great w/ them now
His fur used to be a gold color but it turned more brown after the mountain (permanently stained)
He’s extremely dense, not stupid. He’s also v selective w/ his knowledge (if he wants 2 know sum there won’t b a single piece of info he doesn’t learn, if he doesn’t want 2 know sum then he won’t know shit abt it)
He loves dresses, rarely wears them bcz he prefers his armor but he loves dresses
Headcanon that the armor he wears all the time is a comfort object & thats y it’s almost always on
The classic “can’t drink/eat hot shit” & red eyes come out when angry/flustered/ect
Will fight Erlang on sight. Literally won’t even listen 2 a word any1 says, it’s all over if he even catches a glance of this mf (Bonus: 6EM totally would 2 but he’s actually scared of Erlang, burning alive will do that 2 u)
He can sew & loves 2 do embroidery & shit
Sandy sumtimes acts like a mad scientist while making tea & Mei will join him
Nezha & 6EM bond thru the power of Mo & loving cats (also bcz 6EM destroyed the sea palace💀)
MK is trans (“ur making so many ppl trans-“ SHUT)
Nezha thinks gender is a scam but is fine w/ any pronouns, mainly uses he/him tho
Ao Lie is a Demi-boy
Speed running through sexuality headcanons: SWK = panromantic/demisexual, 6EM bisexual/demiromantic, MK & Mei r both bisexual, Red Son is unlabeled, Tang is MLM & Pigsy is homoromantic but bisexual, Sandy is AroAce and Mo is Mo
Extra is Spider Queen being pansexual but aromantic, Scorpion Queen being AroAce (they’re in a QPR), the mayor being LBDromantic/j (guys prolly AroAce actually) (that’s all I have rn I think)
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tartsinarat · 2 days
Man grief is a weird thing
also again I’m using this blog to vent out to the void for now, sorry for those who follow me for my toh au and art just ignore this post completely plz
I can’t believe my dad dying has gotten me to think about rereading harry potter again despite his and my hatred for its author
Even though I know he’d be rolling in his grave if he knew but it’s essentially my good witch Azura and it’s something we had bonded on for years before everything kinda started going to shit in my life
It was the first book I remember vividly that he used read to me when I was younger and I got entranced by and hyperfixated to the nth degree
I was reading those books and talking about them constantly until Jk Rowling revealed her true colours about the trans community
As a trans man who wasn’t sure how accepting his parents were it’s bittersweet in a way when that happened as it showed how much my father accepted and understood me, literally the moment he found out about Rowlings feelings on the trans community he immediately became against the Harry Potter books and her
He still kept the books as I managed to convince him to keep them on my book shelf because I didn’t want them to be thrown away as I’m one sentimental fucker and hate throwing away things that mean so much to me and I’m so glad I did that because their old book smell reminds me of him a lot and it’s helped a lot in coping with his loss as he’s
But what’s currently drawing me into rereading hp the most is its themes of embracing death and grief, it helped a lot with reconciling and understanding my feelings when my grandmother passed away and was a even more huge comfort
Even though there’s hundreds of other books that I bonded with him with like the hobbit but I’m currently too raw to do so as that was completely our book, and we used to joke that he was basically a dwarf from middle earth in real life, mostly because of how he was bearded and short but because he genuinely could have fit in perfectly into Thorin and company
It also doesn’t help that my main source of comfort and escapism is the owl house and I straight up can’t see anything owl house related right now without bawling as this was a show that we watched together and watched the show live as it was airing, he didn’t think it was a trivial kids show and understood how much it means to me as a queer autistic teen who struggles with depression
so I don’t think I’ll be posting anything toh related for a while or maybe yeah I do idk I’m speed running though every emotion available all the time rn
Sorry to who ever reads this rant but yeah I’ve been told writing helps and maybe by posting it on the internet someone else can relate to my insane ramblings about loosing a parent as a teen and we can both feel a bit less alone
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pikawarrior · 1 year
Welcome back to reaper talks bitches, i just finished my first playthrough of Shadows Over Loathing and have already started on my second and
I fucking love this game. I mean its made by the people who made of my favorite games ever, West of Loathing so yeah im gonna enjoy it.
But this, this is new, this limits me in sooo many different ways but also opens up the game in ways i couldnt have imagined
[Alot of spoiler filled ramblings of a mad man slightly broken by a weird time/dimension loop that are only vaguely understandable under the cut]
Okay first off, not picking you class right at the very very start is great weirdly enough, atleast for me.
It gave me time to see the world through the basic unfiltered lens of someone who has an idea whats to come cuz of me playing the previous game but also no clue as the game hasnt given me any story yet.
Literally, it starts off with you having a copy of LOOK magazine on your face. You also get to really choose your look or well hair situation mainly, you're a stick person hair and accessories are all you got and its early game soooo
But anygays, it doesnt give you story till thr bus ride and even then you dont know your class or if there will even be classes!
I choose pigskinner or whatever my head is running at a million miles per hour rn cuz this hyperfixation is really new and free so double the speed of thoughts
And yeah i could have tried something new especially since 2 out of my 3 wol saves were that game's pigskinner class (cow puncher(?)) But come on, i like my familiar class also i suck as magic/effect heavy builds outside of my spamming of stuff like bleed or on fire
But anygays, the uncursing stuff is super fun tho pretty confusing. Thankfully you cant mess them up to my knowledge, they really test you puzzle skilss and you remembering that most things in this game are interactable (very very important)
Also omg i love any chance to piss a narrator and there are some great ones, the main ones that i can remember rn is the one about you working at all these different places and even being employee of the month despite you either being super young or not born at that time. And the one about you digging wet globs of hair out of sinks, mainly at frat houses. Gross i know, but i fucking dug through every single spittoon in wol, nothing can stop me anymore
The narrator def regrets following this dumbass (me) around but they cant leave so HA
But back to the uncursing, the sickle curse was actually super scary. Like that scarecrow was after ME, not the person i was currently in the body of, no he was after ME, my character also nick come on buddy you dont take loans/favors from The Shadows, thats like rule #265, your ass deserved a lawnmowing.
Also wtf i got sent the lawnmower i made with a note that said "see you in 66 years" or something like that. Like HELLO???? WHICH BITCH GOT MY ADDRESS AND WHO WANTS A PIECE OF ME AND MY LAWNMOWER
Seriously the sickle curse was hands down the scariest part of a game ive played in years and ive somewhat play resident evil 7
Also gods i love the to do list, don't get me wrong i loved asking my companions for reminders but this is super convenient and go for when my companion cant you know, accompany me somewhere
Plus being able see everything together and whats a main quest vs a side quest helps. And making my own notes in game helps since i still havent gotta a notebook for my gaming notes yet
Also the whole thing with the mob was great, 10/10 i love being chaotic and getting paid the big bucks for it. Seriously its worth it and theres even some more pacifist options in those quest lines to. Im very much a nice person to my core despite my nature darkness and chaos, so being able to handle things nicely or well with limited blood shed is nice. Also helps with you, like me, tend to avoid battles you dont gotta fight. Its also a nice puzzle sometimes cuz i cant just shove like 9 different thing down my throat and kick ass. Its one potion and one food at a time.
The combat is definitely different but more in a "its harder to be able to wipe everyone out in seconds" then a "heres a whole new system to learn good luck"
In wol its stupidly easy atleast for me to become a lesser god and wipe out half the map basically even during early game. Tho thats mainly cuz of my past experience and cuz i was raised really good and weirdly so my skills work with this-
But in sol the fights are actually pretty tough, i found myself really rationing my items out even in late game but also heavily relying on them and effects
Which btw go fucking on items and stuff that cause effects like bleed and on fire, trust me its actually kinda necessary
Also the last(?) fight (and the optional golem fight) are like stupidly hard even with all tbr help (finale(?)) While the golem is apparently a push over yet also god number two idk im working on it, apparently they didnt play test it and honestly it kinda shows (neutral)
Also i fucking lost, i can go back but i decided to learn from my mistakes by starting fresh instead of fixing them after they've already been made
AND im gonna help more people, im gonna save those two kids from that monster that haunts their family, im gonna help rufus find my past/other self from the first game, IM GONNA HELP EVERYONE I CAN ESPECIALLY THE ONES I FAILED BEFORE
Reaps now signing off to work on MEP parts see yall in like another 6 months
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Wait, that was a stupid question. We already are. Then, my actual ask is, what's your favorite pass time? Like what do you do when ur not on Tumblr??
Let me think. Mostly play video games honestly. DS, 2DS XL, Switch and after I move I'll have my Wii U and GameCube to play games on.
I will sometimes draw and paint, most general art. I do write fanfiction and write stories I hope to be published one day. These are all pretty rare since ADHD and fatigue kick my butt most days.
I watch mostly YouTube as of right now. Typically the gaming side of things with like Markiplier, Call Me Kevin, RTGame, Alpharad, stuff like that, but I watch a variety of content.
I'm on my phone a lot. I mostly just check fandoms for my special interests like the Splatoon subreddit or scrolling on here. Or just checking news.
I'm in the process of moving rn so I've been busy organizing some stuff and putting stuff away.
The only show I really watch right now is Bluey just cause I'm a traumatized individual lol, but I'll get with my friend MA on call and we'll watch videos or shows together. Like, we're trying to watch the rest of The Owl House, but with her busy schedule and not getting home till like 9 pm my time, yeah, we don't really got time to do that.
It really does just boil down to mostly video games and watching something and focusing on taking care of my body since disabilities and unable to get help for em thanks to financial stuff and relying on my parents. So I pretty much just spend time in my room, chatting with my friend MA and my girlfriend, watching stuff which is whatever I feel like, playing video games, and working on the boxing stuff up part of moving when I can. I also love reading, but I have a lot of books I bought for my trauma so they can emotionally exhaust me 😅
My favorite past time is def video games and watching stuff that seems so cool to me. For instance, watching speed runs or Mario Kaizo stuff. Since my hands don't respond well, I could not do a lot of it though I do want to get into speed running one day, so I love watching these people do things I cannot do. I love commentary side of YouTube. I love video essays on stuff I would normally not care about or stuff I haven't thought about in a long time, especially when it comes to lore of pieces of media that I will never care about. I have a wide variety of games and game systems to play, I'll also often play with my friend MA when we get the chance. So those are definitely my favorites. Just doing stuff that lets me relax, turn off my brain, or watch something that will make me almost die of laughter. I've played video games since as long as I can remember, starting with like educational kids games on the computer before I could even read. So they've always been a big comfort for me and a big part of my life and I love to challenge myself now with them and explore a variety of different games.
One thing I wanna get back into is Legos at some point. I miss building with Legos and so probably for a holiday or something or if I can save up for it, I'll just buy myself a nice Lego set to build.
I rambled a lot cause my thoughts are very disjointed, but I hope that gave ya an idea of what I do. I mostly play on my switch these days since it's the easiest for my to access. With my set up in my room, it's difficult to play the Wii and GameCube without back problems or the Wii remote struggling with the sensor bar + I'm moving so I'm getting them packed away. And then for my DS's, it's just I don't keep em charged honestly 😅 though I am actually playing Leaf Green on my DS right now so yay, I finally charged one lol. But yeah, that's pretty much all I do :p with video games and YouTube being the most prominent. I also mostly talk to MA and my gf a lot of the time. They're both long distance so texting is our main way to communicate since we can't just like hang out. But yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm gonna stop now lol. It's basically just whatever I hyperfixate on most of the time.
Edit: Pffft, just remembered. I roleplay with MA a lot. Mostly just comfort roleplays for both of us. I used to roleplay a lot and even had an Envy (fullmetal alchemist brotherhood) roleplay account, but gave it up cause of how fandoms can be and just some personal reasons and anxiety around interacting with people. I do that about just as much, when MA is free of course.
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Oh no… I sense my next hyperfixation is Layla… sorry Matt a new fictional character is in town
matthew is sprinting rn he is running full speed to get back in town
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skinks · 4 years
get to know me more 🍓
i got tagged by truffs @trufflesmushroom and I’m procrastinating... also I haven’t done one of these in a while so!!! here we go
🍓 what do you prefer to be called name wise?
Joe, but it’s in my bio so ppl know that already. a lot of people call me Jo irl but I can hear they’re not adding the e
🍓 when is your birthday?
06/06 which is convenient bc it’s the same in both the regular, normal configuration of months and days and also in the american one! it’s the day before Bill Hader’s which is nice. Letting me come before him. He’s so considerate
🍓 where do you live?
Scotland. east coast babey
🍓 three things you are doing right now?
packing in preparation to return my hire car tomorrow, air-drying my naked bod, procrastinating at literally everything else
🍓 four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
I kinda prefer to just enjoy various things rather than say I’m In A Fandom, or Not In X Fandom Any More, especially when my involvement never goes beyond reblogging things and reading fic. But with that said, unsurprisingly I’m still.... eyeballs deep in IT chapters 1 & 2. Reddie. There literally hasn’t been a single day since ch2’s release when I haven’t thought about it, it’s intense. There’s so much amazing art and fic and I love talking about it, plus there’s still fic I’d like to write so I’m staying put for the time being
Aside from that, I’m excited for the new Assassin’s Creed, my AC feelings always flare up with a new release. Uhh... horror movies in general... I’m stoked for Barry s3, Tenet, The Green Knight, idk man between clown stuff and travelling I haven’t been paying attention to much else. OH I’m super interested in what Ben Wheatley does with the next Tomb Raider movie 👀
🍓 how is the pandemic treating you?
I’m extremely fortunate that I’ve been in New Zealand for the whole thing and it was handled very well. I spent lockdown with relatives out in the countryside hiking and biking and walking dogs, so I really can’t complain. I’m the fittest I’ve been in like 12 years
🍓 song you can’t stop listening to right now?
omg so many... I have one playlist on repeat whenever I’m driving but “He’s There... And Then He Does THAT” by Toehider really fucks
🍓 recommend a movie.
how can I pick one ugh.... Alpha (2018) dir. Albert Hughes. I could say Mandy or Paper Moon or The Fall but I feel like Alpha got overlooked
🍓 how old are you?
🍓 school, university, occupation, other?
uni dropout, ex-farm hand 😔 soon to be job-seeking
🍓 do you prefer hot or cold?
HOT. HOT WEATHER, eternal summer, endless heatwave pleaaaase I’ve had enough chilly windy scottish bullshit to last a lifetime
🍓 name one fact others may not know about you.
I believe in aliens but I don’t believe in ghosts
🍓 are you shy?
my social anxiety is leagues better than it used to be, I have no problem talking to strangers or on the phone etc but I don’t know about talking in front of an audience. Idk. Haven’t had any reason or inclination to try
🍓 do you have any preferred pronouns?
🍓 any pet peeves?
people who don’t shut up during movies holy shit I didn’t pay to hear your running commentary. people who drive slow as fuck until the part of the road you can overtake and then they speed up??
🍓 what’s your favorite “dere” type?
I don’t know what any of them mean except for tsundere!!!!
🍓 rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
maybe a 7 rn
🍓 what’s your main blog?
it’s this one lmao [grinch voice] you put your glasses back on and face the hyperfixations
🍓 list your side blogs and what they are used for.
@fyeahedgechronicles for the Edge Chronicles book series and @merhymn is a colour blog. both very inactive
🍓 is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
I’m so bad at keeping regular communication! 😬 I ghost people for weeks and months sometimes but I don’t mean anything by it, it’s just that if I don’t feel like I’ve anything worthwhile to say or contribute then I don’t say anything at all bc I feel like I’m bothering people. I love my friends but sometimes I forget that just because I don’t mind weeks of incommunicado it doesn’t mean everyone is cool w/ that
tagging @thewintermusketeer @benevolentbridgetroll @shrikestrike @iwritesometimes @greymichaela @wordssometimesfail @rockcandyshrike @meremeduse @pohjanneito @lemon-wedges @djtookutz
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absolutely adore how your reblogs triggered my haikyuu hyperfixation and now every time i see you reblogged / posted something hq related i short circuit
Not me being absolutely dazed and functioning on 5% brain rn, reading this whilst making dinner, mistaking the use of the word ‘adore’ as sarcasm, absolutely starting to panic that I triggered someone by accident by the stuff i reblog cue my mind speed running through the last days and content i rb, reading this again, suddenly forgetting the english language, being super confused and then finally relaxing when i clicked on your blog and saw the title daichi’s wifey (congrats on that part!)
This was probably not the reply you’d thought you’d get but I laughing at myself rn for freaking out and had to share this lmao. I can’t with myself today, really, I’m so out of it ioasfhauisdg
Also, you’re welcome hahah! I hope you’re enjoying yourself also i love your profile pic and header a lot!!  @davairys
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smallsoysauce · 3 years
Marvin are I are on a hyperfixation speed run rn
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
Ok my turn! Hyperfixation time!!!
Sakura's first hyperfixation is books! All books! If it has words and smells like knowledge, she wanted to read it, even if she was. Very small.
And, like, her parents..didn't really get it. They thought she was too young to like reading, and they wanted her to get out more and make friends and do regular kid things. So she went outside and tried talking to other kids instead of reading sometimes to make her parents happy, and she learned about Ninja.
And she thought they were the *coolest fucking thing*, and her hyperfixation shifted from 'reading everything' to 'reading everything about shinobi', to 'learning everything about shinobi'.
It starts as something that interests her- something she could read and hear and talk about it about forever. She makes friends with civilian kids who think it's cool she knows so much and low-brow clan kids that think she's 'pretty alright for a clanless nobody'.
So she sucks up information. She learns. She thrives.
*and then she runs out of stuff to know*
There really isn't much available for civilians, especially civilian children, to know about the shinobi system. She's 7ish years old, and knows about as much about shinobi as any about civilian, because there's not a lot for her to learn. It *felt* like a lot when she was a toddler that knew *nothing*, but now she can read books with 100 pages! For all her curiosity and investigation, she can sum up everything she knows about ninja in half that!
So, after much debate and many a meltdown, she is enrolled in The Academy, because really even her parents can see it's the only thing that can hold her interest for longer then a month. They figure she'll learn everything she wants to within a year or two, get bored, drop out, and learn a trade.
They're wrong.
Sakura *thrives* in the academy. Or, at least, she feels like she does. She learns everything she's ever wanted too, has tangible goals for learning more, has access to *textbooks*. She becomes more reclusive and goes back to spending every minute of everyday that she isn't learning something new from a teacher with her nose in a book.
And her social development falls behind. She can't quite connect with kids here- on the playground, she was popular because she knew more then any of her civilian peers about ninja, and the kids she was playing with were kids. They love cools stuff.
But now she's surrounded by *students*. Soldiers in training. The civilians aren't just kids in awe of her knowledge- they're bitter competitors that are jealous of her. The lower clan kids aren't relieved that she at least kind of knows what she's talking about- they're threatened by the thought of a civilian being better then them.
Sakura becomes an outcast, and she doesn't even notice until she *does*. And when she does, RSD hits her like a truck. She starts getting bullied, and only has her familiar books and facts and notes to comfort her.
Then she meets Ino, and adores her. Admires her. *copies her.* hopes that doing everything Ino does will make Ino not stop talking to her. She NEVER wants Ino to stop talking to her.
So she does the thing most kids with ADHD do at some point- she starts trying to hide her hyperfixation, so she doesn't stand out. It almost physically aches at first, not reading a chapter ahead during lunch and following along with the lessons at such a *slow* speed and rarely if ever staying after class just to grill the teachers, but it's bearable with Ino, and soon the pain grows familiar. She still reads more then other kids and gets called a 'paper nin' and 'bookworm' every day, but it works. Ino stays. Sakura slowly makes friends with the other girls.
And then Sasuke happens.
//I. I really don't have the energy to go into Sasuke rn? I'm gonna cut this here for now, sorry. Ur move!!
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autistic--cryptid · 3 years
i don’t have the energy to draw it rn but fuck it. hermits in my other special interests/hyperfixations.
grian in slime rancher would be so good. he’d speed run the whole game and end up with at least once of each slime by the third night. idk where he’d get all the money from but idk i feel like he’d see the cute slimes you can get and then do everything in his power to get them so he’d save and save and save to unlock everything and go everywhere and have enough corrals for them all
bdubs if he was in undertale would just freak out at everything. he kinda already screams like half the words he says and i feel like if he was tasked with fighting undyne he would only get louder
cleo would be best friends with susie if she played kris’ role in deltarune and i think she would like undertale undyne specifically
scar would die like 1000 times in undertale just to get to that point but he would stop playing when he gets to tem village even after all of that effort just cause he thinks they’re so cute and doesn’t wanna leave
ren in mlp would either be a pegasus or a hypogriff. either way he needs wings and i think he’d fly about as much as rainbow does
i feel like grian would be a changling tbh. he just gives me those vibes. mumbo would be an earth pony or a unicorn and grian would constantly come up behind him as some kind of monster end just terrify him just to tease him
xisuma is also a changeling but for very different reasons. he just gives me Creature vibes
wels would be such a good guard. he’d be a pegasus captain and work in place of shining armor since he went to the crystal empire
wels would be so good in undertale, he’d make it so far and he’d only stop when he got to asgore cause he doesn’t have the heart to almost kill him just to get past
stress would stay with toriel for like a year and a half before leaving and she would only leave like bc toriel and her left to go collect snails for the first time toriel has left in years and stress would get lost
iskall would be amazing at slime rancher. no comment needed
so would cub tbh, he’d keep his own personal slime encyclopedia and like take notes on all of them and have the best corrals and always give them their favorite foods and he would just like non stop play until he gets them all
xisuma would be great at horror games i think.
ren would be great at undertale and he’d cry and hug asriel at the end
cleo in the darkworld would get an ax like susie except hers is like. not necessarily magic, but she’s find a way to use magic for it
joe would get through undertale by confusing the shit out of every enemy with really needlessly philosophical comments
joe would be best friends with seam
i think joe would also like spamton
joe would be a unicorn in mlp and cleo would be an earth pony and she’d be like twice his height
tfc would accidentally enter undertale by mining for too long and somehow entering through the side of the ruins right outside toriel’s house and she’d seen him and ask if he was ok and he’d be like “oh hell no.” and then just turn around
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