#spend no time apart ever . fuuuck
angeltism · 9 months
having thoughts abt somebun I don't even interact with that I really shouldn't be having !
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auspicioustidings · 2 months
Breeding w/ Soap
-your wife 🫶
"Beautiful boy" Rudy mumbled.
Alejandro had to agree with his pack mate. They were a two alpha pack (although at one time perhaps they had thought they might have a third, a female alpha with a kink for chaos and beautiful brown eyes) and had never dreamed of this scenario. The omega of the 141 pack presenting for them, sunken into the nest he had made in their home, his hole twitching at Rudy's praise and his back stretched deliciously for them to see every muscle with his face pressed to Ghost's mask.
"Are you sure?" Ale asked, hesitantly crouching over and running his hand through Soap's hair, earning a purr which went straight to his dick.
" 'course I'm sure. You've saved my pack's lives more than once, we want tae dae this for ye. And Price disnae have much love of having a pup, but he is desperate tae see me swell with one. Gaz says when his sister was pregnant she was barely oot her nest, always gaggin' for her alphas."
Ale about held it together, but Rudy couldn't hold back the bark of laughter. It was so very like the 141 one to go this far for one of their Captain's passing fancies. And it was very telling of Soap's own desire to spend 9 months getting his soul fucked out that when he spoke about it slick started drooling out of his hole. Ale being crouched by his head couldn't see it, but fuck could he smell it. Weirdest omega scent in the world, the smell of gun oil, engine grease and fire.
"Did your alpha explain what we needed?" Ale asked.
"Just said ye wanted a pup. Think I ken how it works Ale."
"We want the pup to be ours."
"Both of ours."
"Should think so."
"Ale is trying to ask if you can take both our knots at once Soap" Rudy said, too hard now to watch Ale take so long talking about this.
The burst of scent and slick was too much. Rudy groaned long and low, finding himself buried in Soap's cunt to the root before he had even realised he had moved. It was so wet, so hot and tight. There was nothing like omega slick, nothing like an omega pussy strangling his cock. He was going to tear this creature apart, sink his cock so deep in him that it would fundamentally change him.
He didn't know how long he had been hammering into Soap when Ale's barked order finally had him slowing.
"Enough Sergeant! You knot him without me and I'll whip your ass raw!"
Not stop then. He could accept that. He could wait, help Ale get situated beneath the squirming and whining omega so he could start pressing in beside him. Soap bit into Ale's peck, not a claiming bite, but one meant to try and muffle the keening noises that were spilling from him.
The stretch was unlike anything he had ever known. Why hadn't they done this before? Fuck when he was back home the first thing he was doing was getting on his knees and begging his alphas to fuck his cunt at the same time. Could he take all three of them in his arse? Three knots tearing him apart while he'd no doubt be straining against the cage on his own cock (because anytime they tried something exciting and new Ghost would lock it on him and revel in how he cried over it).
The idea was hot sure, but as Ale growled and pushed past the resistance he thought he was going to fucking die at the stretch. Fuck. His poor pussy would be gaping forever.
"Fuuuck Ale, his ass is trying to suck me in. Mierda, I can feel you throbbing" Rudy moaned, hips pistoning.
"You can take it can't you omega? You're a good boy who's going to take our knots hm?"
Soap didn't even have the energy to bite anymore, instead just laying limp against Ale and drooling on his chest. He was a good boy, a good omega, the best.
"Ye'll tell my alphas?"
"Yes sweet boy, we'll tell them how good you were" Rudy purred, moving one hand from Soap's hip to pet his hair and delighting at how he tightened up at the praise.
No doubt his pack made him earn praises, but it wasn't their style. Ale and Rudy loved pampering him, loved how easy it was to make him melt and tighten and slick for them with just a few words of adoration. Poor thing, they shouldn't spoil him too much or Ghost would have a field day with him when he got home. Although maybe that was the idea.
"W-want it! Gie me knots! Both of them! Fuck it's so much."
"Shh carino, you just sit pretty and let us take care of you. Let us give that pretty pussy what it needs" Ale said.
And then they let him fucking have it. It hadn't felt like they had been holding back before, but Soap suddenly felt like their cocks were tearing a hole straight through to his fucking womb and trying to settle in his guts. He could barely breathe, just having to sob and whine and try gulp in oxygen while they ruined him.
And then he felt the hard knots of them pressing for entry. The pressure broke, their knots pushed inside and Soap came harder than he ever had in his life.
"Good boy, fucking good boy" Rudy growled, straining as his knot locked in jammed next to Ale's and they both drowned Soap with their cum.
He collapsed on Soap's back, glad that they were pupping a male omega and not some soft female who he'd have to be careful not to crush.
"Did so well Soap, fuck you took us so well."
"I'd save your breath Rudy, he's out" Ale chuckled.
Rudy shifted and looked to find that Soap was, in fact, fully out. For a moment he was worried before Soap gave a small contented chuff, mumbled something about puppies and then started purring up a storm.
Beautiful fucking boy.
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kerakeriza · 1 month
and i do wonder... what should i make canon for my own universe? i am not against that thing i just wrote about ra's stealing damian back from the orphanage/the foster parents.
but i think it should actually be more like: talia is having such a hard time saying goodbye to her baby that she asks her father to do it. so ra's says okay, and he really does plan on giving the baby away, but... he changes his mind at the last minute and decides to raise him himself.
HOWEVER! i think damian should meet his mom younger than 8. that's kinda crazy. 5 or 6 is old enough.
plus, if he's 5 or 6, i'm quite sure that's old enough for talia to introduce him to jason. hehe... i like that idea a lot... i am genuinely OBSESSED with the idea of jason knowing damian exists and promising to keep him a secret from bruce.
of course, what i like a lot too, even though it is MUCH harder to write around, is the idea of talia spending at least some time training damian as an assassin herself, ONLY because of her fear that bruce would get himself killed trying to protect his son once he eventually found out about him, which he obviously would. world's greatest detective and all. plus damian would definitely want to meet his father someday, and talia wants that for him too, once he's old enough and ready to protect himself so bruce won't have to.
but with THAT backstory, how the fuuuck do you write in talia still being CEO of lexcorp and taking luthor down in the most badass way ever? talia living in an apartment by herself very much contradicts damian growing up as a full on assassin with no normalcy sprinkled in whatsoever. although actually that also doesn't mesh with ra's raising him and letting him meet talia when he's 5 or 6 lol because talia will still want to take damian with her when she moves out. even if he meets his mom at age 8, that's still around when talia goes out on her own. so either way you're kind of screwed, because talia only finished with lexcorp like, maybe a year in-universe time before damian meets his father. like girl how does THAT mesh!?!?!? it straight up DOESN'T! there's SO much you have to rewrite and retcon if you want both talia and damian to coexist.
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peace-for-levi · 3 years
104th + Vets + Others as Music Majors
As a music major (violin performance with piano accompaniment) I have always wondered what the SnK characters would be like. I will talk about their main instrument, general quirks, how good they are at theory, and what piece they’d play/conduct at their final recital (in case some of you are looking for classical music pieces UwU, i swear it’s not as boring as you think - you probably haven't listened to the right classical music)
content warnings: none, apart from music mumbo-jumbo. this is pure self-indulgent crack. wrote on mobile so formatting may be funk.
@maries-gallery you asked to be tagged
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This boy plays the trumpet for sure. He’s so loud irl, a trumpet just makes sense
He plays very, very well. Natural ability for the instrument but holy shit, he cannot sing for the life of him in aural skills
Is borderline tone deaf (we are worried how he passes his aural tests (though we suspect he pays Armin.))
Gets a few solos in the college’s brass band and really goes to town.
Is okay at music theory and harmony, but makes really, really stupid mistakes (like me irl theory is such a bitch guys)
In the practice rooms when he makes a mistake, he screams “FUUUCK!” and then continues to play - without fixing or correcting the mistake - and pretends it never happened
A piece he likes to play (if you watched Squid Game, you'll recognise this)
This girl plays piano like a champ. Been playing since she was like three and is so, so diligent about it
She is one of those all-around good musicians who is great at aural skills, theory/harmony, playing and gets her assignments submitted on the day they’re assigned. The girl has GOT to take it easy
Very shy in aural skills. When she has to sing for aural skills exams, she requests to go last 
She is one of the few musicians who enjoys practicing scales and arpeggios
A piece she plays well - Rhapsodie Espagnole, F. Liszt
My sweet Aryan coconut plays the flute and the guy’s circular breathing is something else. Like the boy barely breathes. We are all so concerned when he is finished playing a piece because he sweats that much.
Books practice rooms way too much. No life outside of practicing until Eren and Mikasa stage an intervention when he is close to burning out. 
Armin LOVES composing and arranging. On his bedside locker, you’ll see tons of scores with loads of scribbles on them as he writes his next big thing. Writes cute pieces for his friends’ birthdays. He’s so thoughtful guys, I can’t
Reads books on the rules of harmony going to bed and he gets such a headache that he sleeps like a baby from them
Enjoys Baroque music (anything composed between 1600 - 1750) and as such, he enjoys playing the recorder
A piece he plays like a champ!
Saxophone and this girl plays with SO much enthusiasm. Such a joy to play. Great at both classical and jazz
This girl is so good at theory, has perfect pitch (like me uwu makes aural skills so easy) but really struggles with theory. 
Has joined the jazz band at college and is known around the college for being one of the best saxophonists in the degree. Often plays in bars to earn a bit of cash on the side with Mikasa accompanying 
One of those musicians that security has to pull her out of the practice rooms when the school is just two minutes to closing. Has once tried hiding in the cupboards to stay practicing after hours but is always caught
Her favourite piece: a bitta Dubois for your soul?
Wonderful classical guitarist. He knows what he is doing with those spindly fingers of his and he knows it can make women swoon… such a womanizer istfg (waits for the Mikasa will notice him if she ever comes out of her damn practice room omfg)
No, he goes all out. He looks so good, but I’m telling you he slicks his hair back and is wearing a tailored suit for his performances
Spends a regular amount of time practicing. He’s naturally good.
A bit on the tone deaf side like Eren when it comes to aural skills and singing, but at least he can admit it… unlike Eren who will continue to squawk. 
Final recital piece: Paganini Caprice 24, arr. for guitar by
This boy plays percussion. Duh. 
Been playing for years but still gets a rush of excitement when playing the gong
Invites Sasha into the percussion room all the time and gets her to improvise on the glockenspiel or xylophone and he goes absolutely nuts and hits everything inside. Bass drum, gong, snare drum
Poor boy can’t get theory for the life of him. Nothing makes sense to him. Like what is an interval? He also only knows like five Italian expressions and said "SFORZANDO!" every time he's taking a shot. Someone help this boy, how did the pass the theory written exam for his audition?
Very devoted musician to his practicing but frequently suffers from burn out towards the end of the semester. One point it got really bad and he almost dropped out and turned to popular music but Jean and Sasha convinced him the phase was temporary 
Very grateful for them and always collabs with them as a result 
Final piece: I don't know how ppl pull this off in a school setting but anyway here's the concerto
Euphonium. Don’t convince me otherwise 
Big boi Reiner needs a big boi instrument 
Also a talented tenor though and he is one of the few people in the college’s choir that got in without singing being their primary instrument. This motivated him to pursue classical singing and euphonium as a double major
As such, has tried to coach Eren in singing. He tried… and he failed. 
Pretty solid at theory too and even tutors those struggling! 
Final piece if he plays Euphonium and final piece if he sings
Double bassist. He’s very tall, it makes sense lol
A very talented instrumentalist but he isn’t interested in performing the same way his friends are, he is riddled with performance anxiety too much and that is 100% okay and valid. His interest lies in music therapy and the guy is such a sweetheart
Always hugs his friends after performances as he knows how nerve-wrecking they can be
Tchaikovsky stan to the extreme. He’s normally very reserved and shy but holy shit !!!! this boy loves the 1812 overture, no one loves it as much as him !!!! or his 1st symphony !!!! 
Fabulous at theory, rivalling Armin’s knowledge even
Go listen to the Koussevitsky
Was stuck on thinking if she’d be a cellist or a soprano but I picked a cellist in the end???
And she is a fabulous cellist. 
Plays so beautifully but really doesn’t like Baroque music as much as Romantic and Contemporary music. 
Currently is principal cellist in the college orchestra, she’s so good, and is always a winner or runner up in the competitions at school!
Often visits other people in their practice rooms because she gets so bored and just wants to talk to people
She is good at everything but is so damn quiet and never participates that lecturers can’t get a good read off of her until she sits the exams
Final recital piece: some shosty, who doesn't love shost :')
Another double bass player but he dabbles more in jazz than classical
Still a great classical player though
Stupidly passionate for Mahler (who can blame him, Mahler is fantastic) and won’t shut up about him. Loathes Wagner (again, who can blame him) and will rant about him for hours
He has ruined first dates for ranting about Wagner
“Seriously?! Sure, he composed a 15 hour opera and Tristan und Isolde is a beautiful piece… but how can people like Wagner, knowing he was an anti-semite and had five ongoing affairs with his wife… who blissfully turned a blind eye! She even wrote his biography for him! I can’t.” Same Zeke, we all hate Wagner
Absolute genius at theory, never gets anything wrong. People are envious. Doesn’t offer tutoring like Reiner though :( 
Final Recital piece: this bop
Soprano, and a really good one.
She's so timid and quiet normally but on the stage, she really comes out. She's also very good at musical theatre!
Her favourite operas are Faust and Madam Butterfly, but no one sings Airs de Bijoux quite like her. Maybe it helps that she always helps that she SLAYS with her dresses and outfits on stage, so getting into the character of Marguerite isn't too hard
Another person with perfect pitch but people don't know because she's not the braggy type
Some of my singer friends irl are super against cigarettes, and I think Pieck would be too. On a night out, she's looking at all the singers, wind and brass players is smacking them out of people's hands. Any other instrumentalist is fine, just for those that use their lungs to play
Avoided dairy so much out of fear of building up excess phlegm that she now is lactose intolerant
Trumpet player and he HATES Eren the most. They always compete on who is the better musician, but it's just a lot of hooting and making noise on the trumpets that no decision has ever been made
Teaches kids brass at your local music school on the weekend and also plays in the local army band. It's handy cash
Fantastic sense of rhythm. Him and Zeke do Steve Reich clapping rhythms for fun. (it stresses me tf out)
Ha, nerds.
Despite how confident he appears, he has terrible performance anxiety. He'll never sleep before a performance, and has to take a beta-blocker before every performance too.
It's one of the few times Eren and him get along; before a performance, they give each other angry pep talks.
Hope ya like Gershwin! (hehe, accompanying my friend playing this in a month)
Always jokes with Connie about how the oboe sounds like a duck and the boy is always in hysterics. They should be over this joke by now, they have been playing oboe for YEARS
They have NO sense of rhythm. What even is counting??? (Same Hange, same) In their rehearsals for their performance exam, the accompanists are always angrily counting (shouting) out the main beats 
Still a fabulous player, plays with so much expression and their fingers go ZOOM 
Also like Armin in that she sometimes forgets to breathe. The girl is always drenched in sweat after playing a hard piece. Hange take a breath pls. Sometimes Levi and Erwin have to hold her steady after a performance
Genius at theory also. One of those students that has the answer for everything and can explain anything to you if the lecturer is useless
Final recital piece: this fucking banger
You know how in ‘Shigatsu Wa Kimi no Uso’ Arima Kousei is described as the ‘Human Metronome’? So is Erwin Smith
Entered the college as a tenor but quickly reauditioned and changed to conducting. Still had to study an ‘instrument’ alongside it though and stuck with singing
Decent at theory and aural skills but not extraordinary. Like he gets good grades but you can tell he’s not passionate about them. But wow, this man can SING. People do get tearful when he sings
Is so pedantic about rhythm and technicalities that when he is in rehearsals with his accompanist, there isn’t as much musical expression. It comes with time though 
Final recital piece (tenor):
He also likes conducting Barber Adagio for Strings
Multi-instrumentalist. Quick learner and everyone initially hates him. He’s Humanity’s Strongest in canonverse. Well here, he is the Mozart incarnate
If he sat down long enough, he could teach himself an instrument no problem (ofc he’d need a teacher to learn the harder stuff but you know what I mean. The guy is a natural) 
Auditions on violin in the end rather than piano
Very standoffish person irl but his music is so expressive. He is so abrasive irl but there is always a slight sway when he plays violin and it’s gorgeous UwU
Not fussed for theory. Knows it’s important but he has no interest in it
His interest though lies in music history. The guy can give you a run down on any composer. Literally try him. He knows his stuff. Such a dork omg
Ends up doing a PhD in music history and ends up becoming a music history professor but still plays violin on the side
Final piece he plays - Ysaye Ballade
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caratmagic · 3 years
—jung wooyoung—
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contains: slight grinding— you’ll see what happens— mentions of sex
word count: 2.2k 
mika's blog🌻 @marigold-sunflowers & yale's blog🦋 @yateez
🦋taglist🌻: @nikkell @yunsangoveryonder @sunwooyoung @hwanderlands​ @multidreams-and-desires​ @reeateez​ @snacksonwang​ @sunsethw4​ @nevieatiny​
Let us know if you want to be added to the taglist!~
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Enemy Territory
🦋Chapter 3🦋
After a long day at work, and a long night with San. You were not expecting to be woken up by his buzzing phone at 8:00AM. Painfully opening your eyes, as you feel his arm over your naked waist, reach for his phone on the small night stand on your side. Once he has it, you feel him shift around behind you. Soon his fingers hitting the clicking keyboard starts to echo in the room, making you want to sigh. You slowly turn around, his eyes are still focused on the screen.
   “What is it?”
   “Mhh? Oh it’s.. Something for one of my class. The project I told you about last week.”
   “Last week? I thought this one was done.. Which is why you couldn’t come over last weekend.” You ask genuinely curious, as it was what he had told you the previous week.
   “Yeah, well.. Hum..” He hums lightly as he keeps typing. “Something came up again, sorry..” He locks his phone as you are about to lean in to get a peak. You raise an eyebrow but he just gets closer to kiss your forehead softly. “Raincheck for brunch?” He asks without really getting your answer as he’s already getting out of the bed. You watch him put his clothes on, still not answering him. “Y/N?” He turns around after passing his head through his shirt.
   “Raincheck~” A small smile draws itself on your lips and an adorable eye smile shows on his face, making your heart tug in your chest. This time, not entirely sure if it was due to love or.. something else. Something slightly bitter and painful. Maybe it was just due to a long week and having look forward to spending the weekend with San so much.
   Once he has all of his stuff packed, he once again leans in to kiss your forehead lightly before swiftly walking out of the room. Soon, you hear the clicking and a slight buzz, indicating that he had left the apartment. This sound had never felt so loud before.
   You end up rolling your eyes lightly before letting yourself fall back into your bed. Now that San was gone, there was more space in the bed. Is what you were trying to tell yourself to feel slightly better about the frustrating situation. Suddenly, the thought of Wooyoung realizing that San left early get to your mind.
   “He’s not gonna leave me alone, is he..?” You sigh softly before deciding to slowly leave your bed.
   Without looking around, you run to the bathroom to start a warm shower. Your body slightly aching due to the previous night with San. As much as you did enjoy it and his presence. You weirdly did not feel satisfied at all. Something felt empty and somewhat even worst than when he had simply canceled last week. Maybe, because you had set your hopes a bit higher this time. Also, maybe, because a very small part of you felt slightly used.
   You nervously shake your head. This was not the time to fall into one of those long and deep overthinking showers. After ten minutes, you step out of the shower, putting on comfy clothes to stay in for your Sunday. The simple shower and the small self care routine that you had gone over, was able to boost your energy and it’s with a small smile that you step out of the bathroom feeling refreshed. However, that smile dies really fast when you fall nose to nose with - once again - a shirtless Wooyoung.
   “You’re up early~” He coos lightly. “Did mister boyfriend end up getting the Y/N to wake up before 10:30 on a Sunday?” The eye roll was expected at this point. You huff slightly before pushing him out of the way.
   Now, how could a simple touch of your knuckles on his bare and warm skin, make you feel something? I mean, how was this very simple and harmless act, make you feel slightly flustered and affected. This felt ridiculous. He observes you making your way to the small kitchen. The feeling of your hands on his torso, affecting him just as much. Making him wonder, why did such a small act make him twitch ever so slightly in his shorts. However, something ‘tings’ in his brain as he watches you reach for the cereal.
   “Don’t tell me..” A small amused smile grew on his lips.
   “Shut it.”
   “He left!”
   “Wooyoung..” You turn around slowly with a nervous smile on your lips. For some reason, you felt ashamed that Wooyoung could see you like that. Knowing, little by little, those details about your relationship. Making your hatred for him only more powerful at this point. “I will make you eat all of your shirts, one by one, so you will finally have a fucking reason to walk around half naked, in MY apartment.”
   “I don’t know why you’re getting mad at me babe. I’m not the one canceling plans on you~” He says nonchalantly before stepping inside the bathroom.
   “I swear if he comes out with only a towel around his hips.. There will be a murder.” You mutter to yourself before getting your small breakfast ready.
   But, maybe, Wooyoung wearing actual clothes inside of the apartment when it was just the two of you, was too much to ask. He once again comes out with his signature low hanging towel around his hips. His eyes lazily looking at the door he was closing behind him, while his other hand runs through his damp hair. At this point, it would be just dumb to ignore your obvious attraction to your ex. It can happen, being physically attracted to your ex. It’s only normal, right? There was nothing wrong with that, just as long as nothing was to happen between the two of us.
   Before you know it, he is standing right in front of you, his eyes observing you. It feels like you should look away and ignore him, but there’s something. The way he slightly quirks his eyebrow, looking down at the small shorts and very light top you’re wearing. It felt comical to him that you would complain about him wearing so little when you were walking around looking like that. He slightly licks his lips, feeling himself twitch under his towel. As much as he was affected by the view, you hated to admit to yourself that you could feel yourself get wet. Your eyes naturally end up going down to his lips, then down further, letting his chest until—
   “You’re staring dumdumb.” He hums lightly, pleased with the slight blush on your cheeks.
   “Am not..” You turn around directly, going back to the fridge to put the milk back. As you’re about to step back to close the fridge, you feel his bareback press against your barely covered back. His arm resting on the door above yours and the other one reaching for the milk inside of the fridge.
   “I need that.” He says lowly against your ear when you feel it.
   Something poking you, against your thigh. You feel your throat tighten at the feeling of his hardening length against you. For a second, the both of you forget what you are to one another. You naturally press back as he softly pushes against you. After swallowing thickly and feeling a buzz between your legs you have not felt in a while, you snap back to reality. Pushing him away so you can step out of his arms that had you caged in.
   “You could have waited for me to be out of the way.. Or ask me. I don’t know..” You mumble and he smiles a bit amused.
   “It’s fine, I got it~” You nod barely acknowledging him before almost running back to your room. Pressing your back to the door the moment you close the door. Your cheeks were violently flushed red and it felt like you could finally get your breath back.
   “What the fuuuck..” You whisper to yourself in a mix of pure panic and slight excitation. Why was your core buzzing so nicely? “Fuck.. fuck, fuck, noo..” Your hands rubbing your face, trying to maybe wake you up from whatever this was.
   *Knock knock knock*
“Y/N? Are you ok?” A long sigh leaves your lips before deciding to blatantly lie.
“I don’t feel so good, please leave me alone.”
“Oh.. Ok, yeah.” He simply hums before you can hear him walking away.
For some reason, there was a slight pinching in your heart. It was guilt, that you knew for sure. But you were not sure if it was due to what happened by the fridge or due to the way you just pushed Wooyoung away.
Sadly, this heart pinch was far from going away and letting you live peacefully. Not when San cancelling on you was starting to get… more and more normal. It became a routine for him to come on Friday nights to, essentially, just have sex with you. Then, leave in the morning. Even letting you sleep on the side next to the wall so he did not wake you up as he left the bed. Every time leaving you with Wooyoung giving you questioning looks and slightly amused smiles.
This morning was no different. Once again, San had left earlier that morning, not even bothering to give a valid excuse as you watched him almost sneak out of your room. Now, you have to sit, eating your cereal in front of a smiling and shirtless Wooyoung. You instinctively roll your eyes, already ready for him to poke his nose where it doesn’t belong like he does best.
“How are things with San?”
“Good.” He hums simply in response instead of the usual teasing about how he never stays for the day after sleeping over. Insisting that it was just “weird”.
“What do you want to do today?”
“Excuse me what?”
“I don’t know, I’m just asking.. If you want to do something today. I mean, with San canceling on you again, you’re most likely free right?” He smiles at you and you clench your teeth together.
“If it’s for you to just stick your nose in my business and make fun of my relationship. I will pass, thank you..” You almost hiss at him, making him laugh.
“I don’t do that.” He scoffs and you can’t help but to roll your eyes. “I just thought why not. You know, because it’s my last week living here with you, so..” You raise an eyebrow at his comment.
That’s right, he was supposed to only stay for a month. It had felt like such a long time when he first told you, but now.. Weirdly enough, there’s a small part of you that wishes he could have stayed longer?
“We’re not friends like that..”
“No, but we’re still roommates. How about tonight I’ll make you dinner?” He raises an eyebrow and you end up pursing your lips together. Wooyoung knew just how much you loved it when he used to come over to cook for you.
“I have a grill, we can grill meat.” You could already feel yourself salivate.
“O-Ok fine.”
“Perfect! Then, I just have a few things to do this morning but, you’ll come with me to the store later today right?”
“Yeah su--”
*Knock Knock Knock*
The door knocks heavily, making you both turn your heads towards it. You look at Wooyoung and he gives you an interrogating look.
“You expecting someone?” You shake your head at his question.
“No, you?”
“Mhm.” He says no as he stands up to go open the door. The moment he turns the handle, the door flies open to a crying girl.
“Oh my god!! Wooyoung!!” She jumps into his arms, nuzzling her face into his naked torso.
Your heart clenches uncomfortably and your teeth clenches at the view. Any doubt of jealousy was out the window. You wish this girl could get off of Wooyoung this instant. The moment she looks up, you recognize her. She was the girl that had come over that one night when they were watching a movie.
“Wha--What’s wrong?” He asks furrowing his eyebrows.
“My roommate keeps on inviting her boyfriend over and just ugh. I’m so sick of it and--” She looks back up towards me before leaning into Wooyoung’s arms again. “Can we go to your room?” She whispers even though you could obviously hear her.
You instinctively roll your eyes as Wooyoung nods yes. She takes his hand in hers and takes him to his room. While she gives you an interesting look, Wooyoung mouths a small ‘sorry’ while being dragged by her. You purse your lips lightly in response. As much as this was annoying, now a bigger problem was arising. Seeing this girl hug Wooyoung, made your heart clench more than San’s new habit of coming over just for sex. Seeing your ex being hugged by a random girl was actually more hurtful than your own boyfriend’s weird behavior towards you. There was no more denying this to yourself now.
[ chapter 4 >> ]
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dubersbutt · 4 years
can there be a second part of pld and the cheating girl? if not totally understand! i love your writing
TW: cheating
Lol I may or may not have gotten carried away this one
The Drabble in question can be found here 
You let yourself slump against the steering wheel once you pulled into the parking lot. You just got off the phone with your boyfriend after fighting about something stupid. You’ve been dating for a year now, and lately you just couldn’t stop fighting. Every little thing he did upset you, and vice versa.
You made yourself take five minutes to collect yourself before you get out of the car to go to work. When you walk into your physio office you set your bag down and start to get into your routine of spraying and wiping down the table before the boys start rolling in. You’re working on three of the boys today before their game. 
The first two come through with no issues and their normal routines. But you sighed when it came time for the third. Pierre-Luc Dubois - tall, muscular, and the reason for your current relationship problems. A few weeks ago one of your friends had come over for a girls night. A few glasses of wine later, your tipsy brain had let it slip that you found him very attractive. Unbeknownst to you, Sam was listening from your shared bedroom. From that moment, until the you stumbled up to the room, he had convinced himself that you were cheating on him - apparently not liking that your job consisted of having your hands on half naked men all day. He confronted you the next day. It took you awhile to convince him that it wasn’t true, but he eventually believed you. However, it still came up once in a while. 
This morning he made a side comment about keeping your hands to yourself and you may or may not have lost it on him. You spent the whole drive thinking about how you were going to break up with Sam once you got home after the game. You ran through different scenarios in your head while you worked on Boone Jenner; would he take it well? Would he scream? Then you thought about who would gain custody of your puppy. 
“Hey, (Y/N),” Pl says when he walks in.
“Hi Pl,” you respond, “Take your shirt off and sit on the bed,” you say as you turn and see he has already done so. 
He grins at you and you roll your eyes, “Hockey players, you’re all nudists.” 
“You don’t enjoy the view?” He says as he stretches on the exam bed. You have to tear your eyes away from the pale expanse of skin after you’ve been looking for probably a little too long. 
You roll your eyes again to play it off before you start working on his shoulders. You are a professional, you’re used to the feel of taunt muscles under your hands but Pierre is just so damn good looking you let your mind wander. You think about what it would be like to run your hands under his body in a different circumstance, one where you could lean down, kiss the exposed skin of his throat, run your nails down his abs. 
“You alright, (Y/N),” he asks, “Your grip is a little tighter than usual.” 
“Sorry,” you apologize hastily, pulling your arms back quickly, “Just a lot of stuff on my mind.”
“It’s alright,” he says, “Anything you need to talk about.” 
When you give him a look he flashes a smile at you, “C’mon, we’re friends, aren’t we.” 
“I think I’m contractually obligated to say no.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he grins, and his stupid smile wears you down.
“It’s nothing, just men really suck sometimes,” you say before you realize your talking to a man, “sorry.”
“Nah, I get it. I just got of the phone with my sister and she just gave me the ‘all men are trash’ speech.” 
You laugh and change the subject before finishing Pl’s session. 
Since you have to be there for the game you go for lunch with some of your colleagues instead of going home. You knew that Sam got the afternoon off today, and you were planning on spending time with him this morning, but now you have no desire to see his face.
By the time the game rolls around you do your pregame checks and ensure everyone is ready to go. Once puck drops you can relax, your job is done until the end. 
The jackets win 5-3 and you join the boys for a quick celly in the lockers before you need to get back to your office and prep for the boys post-game checkups. Cam is first, wanting to check his shoulder quickly before going to his family. When the next person arrives you’re surprised.
“Pl, Were you scheduled with me?”
“No,” he says. He’s panting a bit, like he ran here, “Boone’s on his way, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here for you.” 
You just cock your head at him in confusion.
He walks closer to you, getting closer. You know you should back away, create space between the two of you, but you don’t want to. You let him get closer until hes inches away from you, let him hold your hands in his. 
“I mean,” he leans close enough for you to feel his breath on your face, “I’m here if you ever want to...talk.” 
You think he’s going to lean in all the way and kiss you. Do the one thing you’ve thought about since you first saw him, but he pulls away when he’s centimetres away from your lips.  He starts walking to the door, and you’re calling out to him before you can stop yourself.
“Pierre,” you call, “I’m parked in the employee parking garage, by the lamppost.  Meet me by my car, I’ll be 20 minutes, 30 tops.” 
He gives you a small smile and a nod before he leaves. You lean against the desk to take some deep breathes to control yourself. Sam was basically your ex at this point. Spending the night with Pierre wasn’t cheating if you were going to break up with him right after, right? All these thoughts keep running through your head until you hear Boone knock at the door. 
When you get out to the parking lot Pl is inside of his car, now pulled next to yours. He drove a spacious SUV - which might have been odd considering he was single with no kids, but perfect for your plans. When he sees you he steps out of the car. 
As soon as you get near him you fist his jacket and pull him down to kiss you. He’s taken aback at first, but kisses you back with the same passion, pushing you back against his car. You reach behind you, fumbling until you can feel the door handle, and falling inside. His car is, thankfully, warm and the backseat provides enough space for your plans.
Once Pl is settled underneath you, you lean down to kiss him again, gripping the short hairs on the back of his neck. 
“Fuck,” he grunts when you grind down on his lap, “You’re so fucking hot. I’ve wanted to do this since I’ve met you.” 
He leans up, kissing your neck. He trails down and unbuttons your dress shirt on his way down. You grind down on his thigh again you stop him.
“Take off your pants,” you command, “I’ve been horny for hours, I just want your dick.” 
He laughs but undoes his belt, but faulters when he starts on his zipper, “Fuck, do you have a condom?” 
You pull one from your jacket pocket, “I swiped one from the supply closet.”
“Those are in there?” He asks as he takes the packet from you.
“I dont buy the supplies, I just use them.” 
He gets the condom on and holds your hips while you lower yourself on. You let a deep breath as he bottoms out.
“Fuuuck,” you moan, “Your dick is so big, you’re going to have to give me a minute.” 
“Take all the time you need,” he murmurs as he kisses your neck. He notices the way you moan when he kisses behind your ear so he does it again, scraping his teeth against it. His fingers rub along your hips as you star to rock back and forth. 
You clench around him and he has to dig his nais into his palm to get a grip on reality again. He thrusts up to meet your hips, taking control back and setting the pace. He sets a quick pace, both of you too wound to take your time. Your hand comes down to brace yourself on the seat next to him. Your hair falls in your face, he reaches up to move it so he can lean up to kiss you. 
He reaches between you to circle your clit. You moan, the sound muffled by his kiss. 
“Pierre,” you moan as you feel that familiar pressure building up, “Don’t stop, please.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it baby,” he says.
A few thrusts later you’re cumming with a scream, biting down on Pl’s shoulder to muffle the noise. You fall limp against him, letting fuck you until he follows. You stay in the backseat, breathing heavy, lying against Pierre as you try to collect yourselves. 
“You know,” Pierre says as after a few moments, “I thought you were just going to invite me for drinks.”
You laugh as you pull away from him, giving him a quick peck, “So was this as good as drinks?”
“Way, way better,” he says leaning up to kiss you again. 
You make out for a few more minutes before you decide leaving is absolutely mandatory. You put his number in your phone before you finally get on the road to your apartment. 
On the drive there you start to feel guilty. Sam never treated you wrong before, was always a god boyfriend - minus the last month. But you decided it was poetic; he thought you were cheating on him with pl but you only did because he was an ass. 
When you get home he’s sleeping on the couch with your puppy in his arms, the TV playing quietly in the background. There’s some take out containers on the coffe table in front of him.
You grab the remote from under him, walking him up.
“Hey,” he says quietly when he recognizes you, “you’re home late.”
“Yeah, Boone’s hip took more time than anticipated,” you lie smoothly, “And I swear I kept my hands to myself.”
He presses his mouth into a thin line, “Fuck, I’m sorry about that.”
You roll your eyes as you move to pet your puppy but he catches your hand and looks at you with remorse, “I mean it. I don’t know what’s gotten into me these past few weeks. I’m so so sorry. When you didn’t show up for lunch today I realized I’ve been such a stupid jerk.”
“Yeah, you have been,” you say, fully intending to tell him off but something stops you when you look a him. 
“No I mean it, I’m sorry,” he says as he grabs your hand, “I really hope you can forgive me. I was stupid and jealous and I was acting way out of line.” 
You have to take a deep breath.
“Let’s put it past us, okay? let’s just move on. I know you’d never cheat on me, and I’d never cheat on you.”
His face lights up, “Really?”
You nod your head, “I’m willing to give this another shot if you are.”
You bite your lip nervously as he pulls you in for a hug. He pulls you on top of his lap to give you a kiss and your muscles start to feel heavy with guilt. He starts to deepen the kiss but you have to pull away. 
“Sam, baby, I’d love to but I’m really tired. I’ve had an extremely long day.”
He nods his head standing up and pulling you with him, “Of course, let’s go to bed.” 
You plug your phone into the charger when you notice you have one message notification. 
Pierre: Tonight was fun, but let me take you on a date so we can do it again 
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galaxywhump · 4 years
Never Alone
Timeline: set after Thorns
cw: discussion of death - murder and suicide, slavery whump, forced relationship, creepy/intimate and possessive whumper, noncon touching and kissing, swearing, alcohol, referenced alcohol abuse, gaslighting, begging, brainwashing, conditioning, hand gagging, creepy comfort, hopelessness, food mention.
On SV-240 even waking up has become a statement of I don’t want this, I don’t want to be here, I’m going to get out of here, a fight to keep the heart and mind free of the pleasant feelings of waking up well-rested. 
Above all, Wren dreads the day when he wakes up happy.
Today is, to his relief, far from that day.
He groans and squeezes his eyes shut when light explodes under his eyelids, and his ears ring from the slightest movement when he curls up further and hides his head between his shoulders.
“Fuuuck, leave me alone”, he mumbles, Daniel’s voice grating on his ears even more than usual.
“Hangover, huh?”
“Take a wild fucking guess.”
“Told you”, Daniel says in a playfully scolding manner, taking away all the weight of what had happened the day before.
He needs it. Just once he wants to ruin himself, drink until all he feels is the burn of alcohol and he wakes up the next day in the familiar pain of a hangover. Just once he wants to regain the worst part of himself.
So he begs.
“But we’ve taken such good care of your problem, sweetheart. Do you really want to ruin it now?”
“N-not ruin.” You never let me drink anyway, asshole, let alone too much. “Just this one time. Please, I… I need some more. Just tonight.”
“You’re going to regret it tomorrow”, and Wren’s first thought is torture, punishment for daring to ask for something that ridiculous, and he finds himself thinking that more alcohol would still be worth it.
“I know.”
And then, for once, Daniel agrees - unusual, Wren notes bitterly, given that the request wasn’t benefitting him in any way.
“Do you want to get up?”
He just wants to stay here, sleep the day away like he would on Earth, alone - even though he knows that the last part is impossible. The first two alone would still be nice, though.
Daniel lays one hand on Wren’s shoulder, and this time he succeeds at opening his eyes to look at him, immediately paying the price of a sharp pain flashing through his head before giving way to dull throbbing.
“See, this is exactly what I wanted to avoid”, Daniel sighs, moving his hand up and down Wren’s arm. “Now you’re out for half a day at least.”
“It’s not like I had any plans anyway”, Wren mutters, averting his gaze.
“That doesn’t mean you should sabotage yourself like that, sweetheart.”
“What, are you playing my therapist now? Leave me alone.”
Daniel sighs again - it’s a heavy sigh that makes Wren’s blood boil, worried, as if Daniel cared about anything and anyone other than himself.
“I’ll bring you breakfast. And water. It should help a bit.”
Wren nods and follows Daniel with his gaze as he gets up from the bed and leaves the room; once he’s alone he fixes his gaze on the wall, trying to fight down thoughts that fill him with unease.
It’s more than he’s even gotten. On Earth he was always alone, left to deal with hangovers on his own. There was never anyone to take care of him, or even just call to check on him, to care.
He just wishes it was anyone but Daniel being kind to him, being by his side, kissing him, waking up before him and bringing him breakfast, saying the three words he’s not sure he even remembers ever hearing before.
He just wishes he had any point of reference. Anyone to have given him all the firsts.
Maybe that was the point, one of the factors that made his price so high. He was a blank canvas with insecurities and issues for Daniel to take advantage of. He had made himself that way, an easy target, not missed by anyone-
Stop. It doesn’t matter.
My name is Wren Rackham. I was kidnapped. I’ve been here for… over a year. I’m still fighting. I’m not broken.
And I’m never going to be.
Daniel comes back, carrying a tray - and Wren can’t help but wonder if it’s the exact same one he once was made to hold up - careful not to drop it, giving Wren a gentle smile that he doesn’t return.
Sitting up makes every muscle in his body protest - he hasn’t had a hangover that bad in years; he supposes that was to be expected after forcible quitting.
“There you go. Need anything else?”
“Yes, I need you to leave me alone.”
Daniel raises his eyebrows as he hands Wren the tray, and shakes his head.
“No need to be so rude, you know. But I’ll blame it on the hangover, and we can move on, alright?”
Wren glares at him briefly, and doesn’t comment further when Daniel sits down on the bed instead of leaving. Doesn’t matter. He’s through despairing every time his requests go unheard… or at least when those requests are this minor.
Being left alone isn’t minor. I’m just giving it up.
Doesn’t. Matter.
Once he’s done with eating, now taking his time drinking the water he was given, reveling in the feeling of no longer being completely parched, Daniel moves closer to him, and there’s touch, as always, a hand on his shoulder, the other brushing his hair away from his forehead, and it’s yet another thing Wren should be disgusted by but isn’t. It’s too frequent for him to care every single time. 
Brainwashing. It’s brainwashing. I should fight it.
“Feeling better, sweetheart?”
He gives a tentative nod in response, focusing on the thoughts, trying to rationalize with them.
I know it’s brainwashing. And as long as I know that… I should be okay. I’m fighting. And that’s what matters.
“I just want you to know that I’m always here”, Daniel says, and Wren shivers, hoping that that will be blamed on the hangover too. “Whenever you have a bad day, like today. I’m here to make it better.”
“You’re failing”, Wren mutters, and Daniel laughs, hiding his face in Wren’s neck, sending another shiver of disgust and fear radiating from the spot, which only gets stronger when Daniel wraps one arm around him, and, just like so many times before, he’s trapped by the casual contact. He flinches away from the touch, but the hold just gets tighter, keeping him in place with a silent threat even when Daniel laughs again.
“You’re hilarious, sweetheart.” 
A moment of silence, stillness, interrupted only by the clink of the glass as Wren sets it on the nightstand and crosses his arms, staring straight ahead. 
“But I’ve been thinking…”, Daniel starts again, amusement fading from his voice, and Wren uses a tiny opening to snark:
That doesn’t get a laugh. Daniel exhales into his neck before pulling back, to plant a brief kiss on Wren’s cheek.
“We have so many years together ahead of us”, he whispers, and Wren’s heart pounds with enough force to cause pain, “but… I’ve been thinking about the day when I can’t take care of you anymore. When I’m too old, too weak.”
He’s been thinking about that day too - the day when, if everything else had failed, if escape had proven impossible and all he can do is wait, he finally gains the upper hand.
It’s been at the back of his mind for a while now. Not plan B nor C, closer to plan Z, really, but it has been a small source of hope nonetheless, and - which he now realizes was a mistake - he believed that Daniel wasn’t thinking that far ahead.
“I’m trying not to think about it. What matters is the here and now.” Wren flinches under another kiss. “But I don’t want you to be on your own when I’m gone. I don’t want you to be left all alone on this planet, sweetheart.”
Wren closes his eyes and swallows heavily, his heart knocking against his ribs, its beating echoing in his hungover mind, his entire body frozen in horror and anticipation, it’s too much, too much, he wants to be alone today, he wants to be alone in all those years.
“So when that day comes”, the words finally come, one after another seeping into Wren’s ears, fueling his panic, and his breath hitches when Daniel’s fingers, feather-light, brush over his neck. “I’ll make it quick.”
The words click, the world stops, and Wren is falling.
“Painless”, Daniel continues, his every word careful, solemn. “And then, sweetheart, when you’re gone - and only when I’m sure you are - I’ll join you.”
“No.” Wren’s voice is choked, bordering on a sob, the word carrying all that’s tearing him apart, and Daniel pulls him closer, brushing through his hair with his fingers in a crude caricature of comfort.
“Shh. No need to be scared. It will take years before we’ll have to do it, so try not to worry about it, okay?”
“You’re- you’re fucking insane-”
Daniel covers Wren’s mouth with his hand, muffling his words which turn into a whimper, despair taking over the weak attempt at a snark.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I know it’s unexpected, but you’ll get used to that thought eventually, I promise.”
And Wren closes his eyes and sobs, overwhelmed, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I’m going to escape long before that, but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t argue, can’t rationalize the two nightmarish thoughts.
That of spending decades upon decades more in this hell - and that of never, ever escaping it, bound to Daniel until death.
Having his life taken from him once again, this time in the most literal sense.
taglist: @faewhump @inky-whump @whole-and-apart-and-between @garbagewhump @slaintetowhump @whatwasmyprevioususername @moose-teeth @procrastinatingsab @insanitywishes @special-spicy-chicken @redstainedsocks @luminouswhump @untilthepainstarts @lonesome--hunter @spookyboywhump @ohmywhump @renkocchi @whump-only @ihaventwritteninsolong @legallylibra @rose-whump @muddy-swamp-princess @one-stop-whump-shop @girlwithacoolcat @wildlywhumping @oliver-zophie-rose @mnmlover2002 @itallcomesdowntopain
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conaionaru · 4 years
Hi so I have a request, so a modern reader from like 2020 (no COVID) get thrown back in time the the Viking era and meets the Ragnar, Auslaug, and the Ragnarssons. And reader explains what Christmas is in modern time. Thank you for your time.
Vikings Christmas request
Christmas carol
I wanted to post yesterday (on the 24th) but I was running on three hours of sleep and two servings of potato salad. So here is my "masterpiece".
I don't own the gif.
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(Y/N) loved wintertime: the pretty white snow, the songs, the cookies, and hot cocoa. Everything was so beautiful and nice.
Even Christmas was fun, although she had to spend it alone. Her parents couldn't come this year, so she was all by her lonesome.
It shouldn't be so bad, they will video chat the whole evening, and then after some movies, she will go to sleep.
She wished for things to be like they used to when she still believed Santa bought all the presents. It was magical back then; now, it was mostly tradition and force of habit.
(Y/N) put on some music while putting the last finishing touches to her tree. It was small and fake, but it was pretty nonetheless.
Her coffee pot was nearly done heating her water, and in time, the video chat would start. So all she had to do was pour her tea and sit on the couch.
"AAAAnd done." The red tree deco looked okay enough to let it slide. "Just the tea and some cookies. I am thinking of cinnamon. What do you think, Petunia?"
Her three-year-old mops looked up from her spot on the couch and yawned. "I take that as a yes. Or is my face boring you?"
The dog yawned again and laid down back to sleep. (Y/N) watched the lazy dog with a deadpan expression, rueing the day she let the pup get lazy like this. The dog is always like the master anyway. This way, they have at least something in common.
The (h/c) haired girl run past the couch to get to the kitchen when she tripped on the rug and face planted the ground. "Fuuuck mee."
"When you are asking so nicely." (Y/N) groaned at the teasing male voice. She was in no mood for mockery at Christmas.
Her head snapped up when her brain finally realized there was no one to talk back to her other than Petunia. And the female dog definitely didn't sound like a man. Or talk at all!
She looked at the man before her dressed in strange clothing with flaxen hair tied in braids. "Who the hell are you?"
"We could ask you the same. You are the one who fell in through the door."
"Not that we are complaining."
"Shut up, Hvitserk." (Y/N) observed the three men, all dressed in medieval clothing with braided hair.
"What are you boys doing?" A woman asked, walking into the big hall from behind a curtain. She was prettier and more graceful than any woman (Y/N) ever saw.
"She barged in." One of the boys spoke up. One of his eyes was strange and looked like a snake eye.
"I am sorry. I have no idea what happened. I was just decorating my Christmas tree when I tripped. Next thing I know, I am here." (Y/N) looked around confused as Hvitserk helped her up.
"Christmas? What is that?" The snake-eyed boy questioned.
"Christ. She must be a Christian!" The voice belonged to another boy; this one crawled next to the graceful lady.
(Y/N) shook her head rapidly when she saw the boy pull out an axe. "Christmas. You know, the holiday in winter? Gifts, fish, and decorated pine trees?"
Everyone watched her in wonder and confusion; the youngest seemed psychotic. The door opened once again, and another man walked in. This one was older and looked like the oldest of the brothers.
"She is crazy. Broke in and talked about some weird things!"
"Shut up, Sigurd! No one cares." The mother frowned at her son, and halfheartedly scolded him.
"She mentioned something called Christmas," Ubbe explained to his father, who nodded in understanding.
Ragnar walked to (Y/N) and introduced himself. "Christmas is a Christian holiday. Like Yul, but they celebrate their Jesus."
"Is this true? So you are a Christian then." Aslaug murmured and looked down at her in contempt.
(Y/N) smiled awkwardly and shook her head, trying to defuse the tension. "It is not only celebrated by Christians. Some people just give gifts to each other and spent time with their families. Eat and drink while listening to music. Not everyone goes to churches."
The family nodded and invited her to sit. They didn't think her a threat anymore. Her strange clothes and English accent were more interesting. But there were some things about Christmas that interested them more.
"The songs?"
"Yes! Are they good?"
"They are great. Some singers make Christmas themed songs. Some are catchy, others annoying. But the traditional ones are very good." Sigurd grinned at the knowledge and toasted to her words.
"What else do you Christians do?" Ivar spat. Out of all the brothers, he seemed the most annoyed with her. He hated her all the same, even if she didn't tell him what faith she had.
Ragnar found her amusing, like a child with a new puppy. Aslaug didn't trust her much while Ubbe and Hvitserk kept flirting with her. At least Ubbe wasn't so blunt about it, other than Hvitserk. He kept on suggesting showing her their traditions in bed and how good he was at them. Sigurd was cautious and Ivar hateful.
But all her talking of Christmas was making her sad. More than anything, she wanted to go home and see her parents and Petunia. Not play teacher for a bunch of Vikings. No matter how attractive they all were.
"My family used to play games to pass the time. We sang songs and told stories." (Y/N) smiled a sad smile at the memories.
Aslaug left to pray to the gods for answers. She wanted to find out how to send (Y/N) home. Ragnar left his sons with the foreigner to get ready for some sacrifice they would hold for Yul.
"Do you have some traditions that are more fun?" Hvitserk teased, leaning closer into her personal space.
"Ehm... Kissing. We kiss under the mistletoe."
Hvitserk smirked at that and ran off to find some of the plants, not giving up on his chance with the (h/c).
"You seem sad. Why is that?" Ubbe asked, watching her in confusion.
"I miss my home. My parent too, and my dog."
Ubbe and Sigurd left as well, bored by her already. Ivar was the last one left and kept glaring at her in silence. The boy made her uneasy.
He reached into his pocket and threw something at her. "My necklace?"
"You dropped it when you arrived. It has a picture in it." (Y/N) opened the necklace; inside was a photo of her with her parents when she was younger.
The (h/c) trailed her thumb over their faces, tears gathering in her (e/c) eyes. "They must be so worried. I was supposed to call them, and now I have been here for three hours."
Ivar frowned at her sentiment and left her alone too. (Y/N) sat in the hall alone, crying silently over the photo.
"Protection runes to keep you safe and return you home safely," Aslaug announced, handing the girl a wooden carving.
"Thank you." The Queen smiled at her and stalked off to start the ritual that would bring her home.
Ivar returned as well, handing her an item too. "You said you play games. Play Hnefatafl with me. And stop crying; it's annoying."
So she played with the youngest son of Ragnar Lothbrok. The boy may say what he wants, but her happiness bothered him more than he let on.
After her eleventh lost game in a row, she had enough of his teasing. "Thank you very much, Ivar. It was fun. Even though you crushed all the pride and confidence, I had."
Ivar smirked in victory, but his smile froze when he felt her kiss on his forehead. "You are nicer than you seem." He opened his mouth to tell her off, but she wasn't there anymore.
Hvitserk barged in, breathing heavily with mistletoe in his hands. Ivar ignored his annoying complaints and touched his forehead in wonder.
When he prayed to the gods for Yul to be different, he didn't imagine them sending a girl from the future. He looked down at the Hnefatafl board and smiled. He got his wish anyway.
(Y/N) woke up on the carpet to Petunias barking in her ear. The tea cattle whistled on the stove, and her phone rang loudly.
"I am home." When the words caught up to her brain, she jumped up in glee. "Petunia, I am home! I bet I was just dreaming. That's all. Just a dream from my concussion."
She walked around her apartment to turn off the cattle and pick up the call. The whole time she didn't notice the wooden carving covered in runes—the only proof of her adventure.
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dprwolfgang · 4 years
2. Can I? (m)
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Gif - @imjaebeoum​
Remember to wrap it before you tap it.
Hope y’all enjoy. 
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“Jae.” She calls out as she enters the apartment. Shoes off at the door she pads through the apartment in search of Jaebum.
She throws her bag on his bed just as he exits the bathroom. Hair still damp from the shower he must’ve taken as he slips a white t-shirt over his head.
“I missed you, happy birthday.” Arms wrapped around his waist and a feather light kiss pressed to his back as he applies moisturizer to his hair.
He doesn’t need to reply for her to know that he missed her as well. It’s in the way he looks at her once he turns in her arms. The way he caresses her face as he angles it towards him so that he can press a kiss to her lips.
“It is now that you’re here.” He smiles at her. “How was your day?” He asks as he lifts her in his arms and walks them over to his bed where he sits up against the headboard with her in his lap.
“Shitty..” she sighs raising her head from his chest. Arms around his neck as she plays with his hair. He found it adorable how she found comfort in doing the most mundane things like playing with his hair or his ears or even just tracing the contours of his face and though she thinks it’s weird he enjoys it.
“Is Christian still being mean to you?” She nods and sighs. Jaebum knows that whatever is going on between her and Christian is bothering her especially since he’s like an older brother to her.
“I can handle Ian, honestly I’m just stressed about finishing this final semester and applying for grad school plus I need to stop slacking on gym day. I just need a breather.” She rests her head on his shoulder and snuggles closer to him.
“You know you can always come over, even when I’m not here right? I gave you the code for a reason. I already told you that you don’t need to lose any more weight.” He says twirling her hair around his finger.
“It’s not the same especially when you leave for tour. I just come by and make sure everything is in check and maybe smuggle a shirt or four. I didn’t even lose that much.” Jaebum chuckles and the sounds vibrates through his chest.
He didn’t mind her taking his shirts, quite frankly he found that they looked much better on her especially in the mornings when she stays over and is at the stove making breakfast or standing in front of the ceiling to floor windows sipping on her preferred brew that morning. He liked it even more when she wore nothing underneath as it gave him easy access to the ambrosia between her thighs. Jaebum didn’t care that she wasn’t some dainty little princess either well she was his princess but he liked-loves- her full figure. Her soft womanly curves that he loves running his hands over, her tummy that she didn’t quite like but he couldn’t help but rub every time she laid with him. It was something that had become quite soothing for him as they got closer. He didn’t want her to lose weight because he thought she was perfect the way she was but he also knew that it was her body and if she felt like losing weight the only thing he could do was support her. He prayed she didn’t lose those thick thighs the most, he could spend the entirety of winter between those and not be cold which is why he often found himself being the little spoon during cuddle sessions. Between her thighs, legs wrapped around his waist with his head on her chest as she played with his hair or ears, Jaebum swore that was some of the best sleep he’d ever had.
“Jae, baby what are you thinking about?” She questions.
“Nothing really” he says not wanting to give away where his thoughts had gone. They weren’t even sexual but he knew he was aroused.
“Then why are you hard?” She teases as she bounces on his lap once. He groans as he grips onto her waist.
“The guys are picking me up in less than an hour, don’t start nothing we can’t finish baby.” He whispers in her ear as his palm smooths over the curve of her ass before smacking it lightly, feeling it jiggle against his palm.
“We’ve made each other cum in less.” She bites back grinding down on his lap.
He lets out a pleased hum before turning to his side, flipping them over so that he’s situated above her. “Careful what you wish for sweetheart.” He nips at her earlobe as he makes his way down her neck.
Hands that once caressed her sides slides to her knees, spreading her legs apart and fitting himself between them. “Are you sure you gotta work today? It’s your birthday.” He didn’t have to look up to know she was frowning and as much as he’d love to spend the rest of his birthday with her, the session had already been booked.
“It’s not gonna be that long, it’s just to finalize some things and then I’m gonna come back here for you and we’re gonna go chill for a bit until we decide to come home and cuddle.” He smiles brightly up at her from his position between her legs. “Until then however, I want a taste, it’s been so long and I know you’ve been pent up from the stress of school and exams. Can I?” He asks but he already knows the answer as his fingers hook in the waist of her tights under her skirt pulling it down along with her underwear and tossing them over his shoulders.
With school and work she was preoccupied until the week before Christmas and by then Jaebum had already left to visit his family for the holidays. He had only gotten back over the weekend for work and didn’t have any time to go see her.
“Please..” she whispers threading her fingers in dark hair. His thumb traces circles into her outer thighs as he takes a tentative lick at the nectar between her thighs. Jaebum groans lowly before he throws both her legs over his shoulders and reacquaints his face with her sweet cunt. He loved the way her body reacted to him, he relished in the fact that he was the first to bring out a side of her that she’d kept hidden because of insecurities.
“Jae, b-baby fuuuck just like that.” She moans out at the little bites he places on her clit. Her little penchant for pain mixed with pleasure released a side of Jaebum that he didn’t think much about before her. Sure he’d read about fans saying that he held a very dominating aura and while his sex life before her was not vanilla, the things they did with each other were down right filthy and he loved every second of it.
“God you treat this pussy so good baby.” She grips on his hair and pulls him closer to her heat, rolling her hips up against his tongue. Hands locked firmly on her thighs, he flips them both over so that she’s sitting on his face. He knew she low key enjoyed it but would never say it out loud because she had this fear of suffocating Jaebum between her thighs and to be honest he honestly didn’t think it was a bad way to go.
Her hips still on his face but one harsh nip to the inside of her thigh and she’s gripping his hair again fucking herself on his tongue. He knew she was close, he prided himself on the fact that he could make her lose herself with just his mouth and maybe, just maybe he had developed a bit of an oral fixation.  
“Close…baby please,” she whines.  “Fuck yessss… make me cum.” She whispers looking him in his eyes. Thighs shaking on either side of his head, she releases onto his awaiting tongue and he happily licks her clean. She falls next to him on the bed trying to catch her breath and he chuckles lightly at the blissed out look on her face.
“My ego’s gonna go to the roof if you keep looking at me like that every time we get done.”
Propped up on one elbow she laughs at his comment, quickly leaning over and kissing him. “Your turn.”
“As much as I’d love that, we got like fifteen minutes before the boys come bursting through my front door…ten max.” Without a word she rolls onto her stomach and pushes backwards until she’s on her knees, back arched and cheeks shaking to tease him.
He laughs at her antics knowing that she knew exactly what she was doing. Kicking of his sweats he angles her body to face the long mirror he has behind his bedroom door. Stood behind her, she winks when they make eye contact and Jaebum grips her hips with one hand, the other in her hair as he pulls her back against his chest and down on to his awaiting length. He pulls out ready to slide back in but instead hears “Yo, JB!” and the slamming of his front door.
“Shit.” he mumbles against the side of her head looking at her pleading eyes in the mirror. This wasn’t the first time they’d been deep in each other only for someone to appear on the other side of the door. The last time had been her friend Mariah who’d come over to chill unexpectedly. Both hid in the closet in her bedroom and fucked for a good half hour before Mariah eventually left after trying to call her and got no reply as her phone always went on do not disturb when they spent quality time together.  
“You’re my good girl aren’t you princess?” She nods at him. “ you’re gonna stay quiet and let me fuck you with my brothers right on the other side of that door?”  
“Yeah..” she whispers breathlessly, her pupils dilated as she takes in the sight of Jaebum’s damp hair, the hand on her hip holding her skirt up to display the way they connect and the hand that had traded her hair for her throat. “So are you gonna fuck me or not daddy?” She smirks at him.
“Hyung, are you ready?” a voice calls from outside his bedroom door as he slides back into her and starts a brutal pace. Hand tightening slightly around her neck he fucks into her like hated her.
“Hyung?” Yugyeom he thinks to himself.
“Yeah, just got out the shower, give me like ten minutes and I’ll be out.” He shouts out never faltering in his thrusts. Her walls clench around his length and he bites into her shoulder to muffle the loud moan that escapes his mouth. The hand on her hip slides down between her thighs rubbing figure eights on her clit. Her back arches off his chest and Jaebum removes his hand from her throat letting her fall onto her stomach.
“That’s it princess…so fucking tight no matter how many times I stretch you out.” Her cunt clenches tightly around his length at that.Two sharp thrusts and she grabbing at one of the pillows on his bed and moaning into it as her orgasm washes over her. Thighs twitching, he doesn’t give her time to come down from her high as he starts back a brutal pace hurdling towards his end. Jaebum covers her body with his, face hidden between her neck and shoulder groaning and moaning as he fills her up with his warm seed. He feels her walls tighten around him once more as he body twitches under him.
“Shit, did you just cum again?” He chuckles grinning from ear to ear.
“Mhmm..” she mumbles as she turns her head to face him. Jaebum kisses her forehead and nose before pulling out of her and heading for his bathroom. Quickly cleaning up himself, he heads straight for his closet grabbing a pair of jeans and a jacket to throw over his t-shirt as it was cold outside.
She’s still lying on her stomach when he’s finished getting dressed and so he flips her onto her back and drops to his knees cleaning up the mess he made between her thighs. He presses a kiss to her mound once he’s done and laughs when she shuts her legs and swats her hands at him. He helps her out of her skirt and pulls down the sweatshirt he recognizes as his own over her thighs before pulling his covers over her body. A soft kiss to her lips and forehead before he realizes that she’s asleep. Turning off the light he quietly slips out of his room and down the hall to his living room to meet his brothers and head out.
Jackson pulls him into a hug as soon as he sees him only to pull back, face scrunched up. “Why’s your shirt all wet bro?”
“Shower, no time to dry my hair properly.” He says smoothly while ushering them out his front door and locking up behind him. Once they get to the van and settle in, he’s pulling out his phone and sending her a text to wake up to.  
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buckysmischief · 5 years
there you go, princess
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: language, drinking, angst, mentions of cheating (not Bucky/reader), and uhhhh probably poorly written smut (this was my first time writing it so please be nice) please don’t read if you’re under 18
Summary: Bucky has always been there for you when your heart got broken, but you both secretly want more.
“C’mon doll, let me help.”
Bucky had been instant on helping you get over your break ups. You two had been close friends for years and he would do this anytime you would confess how bad your relationships ended.
When you found out the doctor you dated a while back was sleeping with his intern, Bucky called in a few favors and got you both into an early screening of a movie you’ve been looking forward to for months. 
A few months after that you met a law student at a local bar, his name was Jamie. Bucky and Natasha didn’t like him from the start, but they kept that to themselves. That was until you called Steve at 2 am in a panic to pick you up from Jamie’s apartment.
You two had been fast asleep when your phone, at least you thought it was yours, kept vibrating under your pillow. In a sleepy daze you check it to see if there was an emergency, but instead you found texts from someone named Eleanor telling your boyfriend that she can’t wait until he comes back to Vermont so they can spend the weekend together.
When you got back to their apartment, Bucky was already awake and making you pancakes. Ever since you were kids he just knew how to make you feel better. Sometimes you almost found enough courage to tell him that you’ve been in love with him since you were young, but you keep it to yourself. 
Fast forward to a year later, you find yourself sitting alone on your kitchen island drinking from a bottle of wine, rereading Bucky’s texts. “Let me help, please..” You never texted back, knowing he would just show up unannounced like usual. Moments later you heard your apartment door open and close, and you see Bucky carrying a grocery bag full of junk food in one hand and a duffel bag in the other.
You’re looking out at the sunset when Bucky is suddenly standing in between your legs with his hands cupped around your face. After a few minutes of uninterrupted eye contact, he pulls you into his chest and you listen to the beat of his heart until you finally speak up. 
“Who will be here for me when you find someone and can’t give me all your attention?” It came out needier than you intended, but Bucky didn’t notice.
He brushed the hair out of your face and spoke so gentle and soft you almost missed it. “Guess I’ll be single forever then.”
Not knowing how to process his comment at the moment, you decided to take another sip of wine.
“Nope. No more. I’m cutting you off.” You didn’t put up a fight, knowing that it was pointless.
Halfway through 10 Things I Hate About You, you start to sober up and decide to, kind of, talk about what happened.
“What about me screams, ‘I’m a doormat, walk all over me’? Or ‘Its okay, you can just abandon me. You wouldn’t be the first!’”
Nothing, Bucky thought, you’re perfect. I can’t be the only one who sees that..
But before he say anything, you snap. “Why do you always look at me like that? I don’t need your sympathy!”
Bucky’s whole demeanor changed. His usual soft eyes are now filled with hurt and confusion. The smile he usually wears has been traded for a frown and your heart instantly breaks. Why did I say that?
“Is that- is that what you think I feel for you? Sympathy?” You couldn’t help but notice the way his voice cracks.
“No. I just- I don’t know why you always make it your mission to take care of me. You could be doing so many other things this weekend and yet you brought enough clothes and food, I’m assuming you’re staying here instead.”
Bucky had to make a decision and he didn’t have long to make it. He could either tell you what he’s always planned on telling you when this day came, You’re my best friend, yn, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn’t there for you?
Or he could tell you the truth, that he’s been in love with you since you were kids. It was the summer your dad left and you climbed in Buckys window crying telling him about the fight your parents had. He decided then that he would always be there to protect you.
“Yn..” he took his time, making sure you knew how serious he was. “Yn, I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember.”
Your jaw dropped slightly, and before you could tell him how you felt, he continued.
“It’s okay that you don’t feel the same but I—“
“Bucky shut up for a second!”
He looked at you as if you held his heart in your hands, and whatever you said next would decide if it continued to beat or not.
Not trusting your words, you ran your fingers through his hair and slowly pulled him closer. When your lips finally touched, it felt as if all the air had left your lungs. Bucky quickly pulled you onto his lap and a moan escaped your mouth.
It was then he pulled away, giving you both a chance to catch your breath. You looked into his eyes and could could see the love he had for you, but there was something else. Lust.
Bucky held onto your hips and brought you down enough so you could feel how hard he was beneath you. It was then you remembered you weren’t wearing underwear, just a thin pair of sleep shorts and one of his old shirts.
He starts kissing your neck and behind your ear when he whispers, “I can feel how wet you are, yn.” His voice wasn’t helping your situation. “How about we go to bed and you let me take care of you.”
Your breath hitches as he chose that moment to grind you against him again, needing just a bit more friction. “Let me fill you up and make you mine.” You instantly nodded your head, not wanting to waste another second.
Bucky chuckled against the sweet spot on your neck. “Use your words, princess.”
“Yes. Please, make me yours.” 
“There you go, princess.” he said as he carried you to your bedroom.
After placing you on the bed, he starts to undress you both. After admiring how beautiful you are in the moonlight, Bucky sits you back on this lap. Only this time his cock is in between your exposed core.
“Bucky please. We can play later, I need you.”
He wanted to take his time and learn all the parts of your body he wasn’t allowed to know before. But you were so needy and asked to nicely, who was he to deny you?
Bucky then slightly lifted you and placed you on his hard member. He was stretching you out more than you expected, but it was worth it. When you finally bottomed out, he began to kiss you until you were ready to move.
When you slowly began to ride him, Bucky turned into a moaning mess. Holding your hips tighter, he flipped you onto your back and put one of your legs around his waist and the other over his shoulder.
You began to see stars as he thrusted into you, going deeper with every thrust. “Fuck you’re so tight, so wet. All for me baby”
“All yours, only for you. Right there—fuuuck.” Usually you were quiet, never having a reason to be so loud or vocal in bed. But that’s because you’ve never been fucked by Bucky Barnes. Your best friend, who is reminding you he loves you as he’s stopping himself from coming undone before you.
“That’s it, come for me princess. Come all over my cock, you’re doing so well.” That’s all it took and you were having the most intense orgasm of your life. Your walls squeezed around him, and a few thrusts later Bucky pulled out of you and and came all over your stomach.
After catching his breath, he walked to the bathroom and got a warm rag to clean you off with. You just watched him, still feeling euphoric.
Soon Bucky was cuddled up next to you, thinking of the right words to say. “That wasn’t how I planned to tell you, but it was great.”
“Me either, but I fully expect a proper date.”
“Anything you want, doll.” He smiled, kissing you goodnight.
Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes @valkyriesryde @buckysdumbmetalarm @rogvewitch @infj-slytherclaw @whimsicalatbest @readeity @nea90sweetie @aestheticrelated @pinknerdpanda @justabitoverobsessed @imsoft-barnes @im-just-another-monster-too @actualdpshuri @goalexis123 @https-bucky @stuckyandsciencebros @moli1497 @agentpeggybarnesfanfics @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam
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valkyrisffvii · 3 years
Setting: Mithra’s apartment in the Shinra Building, Midgar
POV: 3rd person
Summary: Mithra invites Sephiroth over to her home so the new couple can spend time together, and she reveals some of her deepest secrets.
Mithra sat on one of the barstools in her kitchen area, mindlessly staring at her phone. She finished cleaning up her apartment earlier to make it look presentable, as Sephiroth was going to be spending the night with her. Apparently, her apartment was nicer than even the 1st class SOLDIER’s, as it was originally a suite for Shinra’s guests. 
The two of them had been together for about a week now. Mithra still felt somewhat overwhelmed and in disbelief at the fact, but Sephiroth had reassured her that he loved her and wanted the relationship. Also, thankfully, there were no rules in SOLDIER that forbade dating among members. Additionally, the two of them had agreed that their relationship could become public, as doing such would prevent fangirls from causing problems. 
There was a knock at her door, and Mithra quickly hurried over. She peered through the peephole and saw the tall, silver-haired First standing on the other side. Heart racing, she opened the door to let him in.
“Hello, my dear,” his smooth voice did nothing to calm her down. He placed his duffel bag down and pulled Mithra in for a hug. Normally, Sephiroth would never perform such a physical act, but Mithra somehow brought out this side in him. Mithra hugged him back, burying her face into his shoulder.
“Hello, love,” she mumbled into his coat. She leaned up to kiss him, which he gladly accepted. Mithra then led him into her living area.
“Your home is very nice,” he said. “I now understand why Zack and Cloud like to hang out here so much.”
“I do my best to accommodate. I made Zack his own jar of puppy food.” 
Sephiroth could not help but crack a small grin; Mithra knew her friends too well. The living area had a television as well as a large couch and a coffee table. The kitchen was in the same room, with a nicely-sized kitchen island that sported several bar stools. Sephiroth spotted several of Angeal’s cookbooks perched on the countertop, showing that Mithra had been borrowing them and experimenting with new recipes. 
Mithra opened one of the doors that led out of the living area to reveal the bedroom. Maroon sheets and pillowcases adorned the king-sized bed, and a matching comforter was draped over the foot. Each side had a nightstand with a pink salt lamp, and the nightstand on the left had a caddy with several small items. Opposite of the bed was a full-length window whose curtains were currently drawn. 
“You can leave your bag there.” Mithra gestured to the dresser against the wall next to the door. “The left side of the bed is my side. I hope you don’t mind sleeping on the right side.” She paused, getting nervous again. “Unless you don’t feel comfortable sleeping next to me, then you could sleep-”
Sephiroth shushed her.
“Relax, love. I’ll be more than comfortable sharing a bed with you. I’m sure your bed will be much warmer with me in it.” He winked at her, inciting a giggle from the now-relaxed Second. As she helped him get settled, Mithra could not help but adore the way Sephiroth could both fluster her to the point of blushing and instantly relax her all in the same breath. 
The evening had consisted of the two talking about their lives and gossiping about their friends. Mithra cooked them dinner with the help of Angeal’s cookbooks, and, unlike the times she cooked with Zack, the kitchen stayed relatively clean. They also played chess, which Sephiroth won every single time. Mithra and Sephiroth only grew closer during that time. She had always known that they were more similar than she originally thought, having no clue who their parents were and being mostly solitary in their youth. It almost seemed like they were meant to be together.
It was 9 PM when they both decided to get ready for bed. Mithra showed Sephiroth to her luxurious bathroom, which sported separate shower, whirlpool spa, and toilet rooms that both connected to a vanity and sink area. Not even the prestigious 1st Class SOLDIERs had this amenity.
“I know that you’ll be taking a while with that hair of yours, so I’ll go and shower first.” Mithra gathered her clothes and went into the shower room, finishing her shower within five minutes. She changed into her preferred sleepwear which consisted of a sports bra and shorts, and she went back into the bedroom where Sephiroth was sitting on the bed. 
“You look quite adorable,” he said playfully, which resulted in an equally playful punch in the arm. He pretended to be hurt and chuckled as he went into the bathroom to shower.
Ten minutes had passed, and knowing that her boyfriend would be taking a while, Mithra went to the bathroom and opened up the small skincare refrigerator that sat safely on a vanity away from the sinks. She applied her toner and creams, considering asking Sephiroth if he was interested in trying out one of her mud masks sometime. As she walked back to her bedroom, she failed to notice the large, slippery puddle that a certain someone had dripped in the middle of the floor.
“Fuuuck!” she cried as her feet slid up from underneath her. Luckily, before she could collapse on the floor, a strong pair of hands saved her by catching her under her arms. Instead of laying flat on her back on the floor, Mithra’s body was now propped up by her heels and her rescuer. 
Mithra opened her eyes and looked up to see her silver-haired lover who currently sported the most smug face she’d ever seen. To add to her embarrassment, the only thing covering him was a white towel wrapped securely around his hips. She could feel the heat rising in her face as she gained her footing and looked away. Sephiroth stepped in front of her, smiling at how cute she looked. She looked up and was met face to face with a broad, naked chest, which she could not take her eyes off of. She was snapped out of her trance when she felt his velvety lips press against her forehead.
“Sephy! Why are you walking around and leaving puddles everywhere?” she cried. “Go dry yourself off and put on some clothes while I clean up the mess you made!”
“You know, I could use my towel to wipe the floor...”
“No!” Mithra practically shoved him back into the shower room and went to mop up the puddles, all while fighting the urge to peek in on him getting dressed.
After she had wrung out her mop and left it out to dry, Mithra headed back to her bedroom and sat on her side of the bed. She laid back against the pillows as she doodled on her tablet with her prized stylus. Drawing proved itself to be a favorite pastime of hers. It helped her relax and unwind in between missions and long training sessions with Angeal. She had drawn portraits for all her friends, which they appreciated immensely. 
Mithra was currently working on yet another sketch of Sephiroth. She knew that she was falling for him when she found herself drawing him over and over, constantly trying to get more and more accurate with her portrayal of the famous SOLDIER. Having spent plenty of time with him lately, she basically had his entire face memorized.
The bathroom door opened, and Mithra turned her head to see Sephiroth standing there. His hair still laid flat on his head with dampness, and he had slipped on a pair of black sweatpants, leaving his bare chest exposed. Mithra could not help but crack a small smile at him. He came over to sit next to her, peering at her tablet and the drawing she worked on.
“Drawing me again, aren’t you?” He asked teasingly. He looked more closely at Mithra’s work, his eyes sparkling.
“I’ll probably be drawing you a lot more, my dear,” Mithra responded, looking up at him and getting lost in his minty-green eyes. She noticed that his usual slit pupils had dilated slightly, now resembling ellipses. Before he had confessed his feelings towards her, Mithra had rarely seen him look at anything with the amount of love and adoration he currently exhibited. He was always so serious and dedicated to his work. He chuckled in response to her statement. 
“If you ever want me to model for you, I’d be honored.”
“Remind me to bring my pen and tablet when we go to Costa Del Sol,” she laughed, placing her items down and scooting herself in between his legs with her back resting on his chest. Sephiroth wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace, burying his face in her hair. He then leaned back against the headboard and began to mindlessly fiddle with Mithra’s short brown locks, a stark contrast to his long silver mane. 
As she shifted her head, he noticed something peculiar under her hair right behind her right ear. He pushed the hair aside to reveal a long, raised scar that marred her skin from right behind the tip of her ear to about halfway down her neck. He could not stop staring at it as his finger went to trace along it, causing Mithra to cease her movements.
“How did you get this scar?” He asked curiously. Mithra did not respond, as thoughts of how she’d explain its story swam in her head. Even though it had been so many years since that event, the memory was still fresh in her mind. It was one of the things that made her hate her life in the slums, and how glad she was to have been able to find a new life at Shinra. 
“Mithra?” She turned slightly so she could look at Sephiroth from the corner of her eye, and her scar was still fully visible to him. 
“I got it when I was sixteen. I was in the slums and I was leaving a bar because I had to return a stolen item to a client,” she explained. Sephiroth only stared at the mutilated skin, running his thumb along the length of the healed scar. “I was just outside the entrance when a man reeking of booze grabbed my arm and told me I looked pretty. He asked me if I was interested in having some fun with him; he was obviously trying to get me to sleep with him. I refused and tried to pull away, and he eventually got so mad that he slammed his half-empty bottle into my head. He aimed for the right side of my face, but I was quick, so it ended up hitting me behind the ear.” Her hand came up to meet his. “It still hurt like a bitch though. If I didn’t jerk my head I probably would’ve gotten glass in my eye and gone blind on that side.”
Sephiroth only looked at her in horror. How could someone do that, and to a sixteen year old no less? He concealed the anger and hatred he felt towards that man; Mithra was most likely safe from him for good now, but that wouldn’t stop Sephiroth from killing the offender if he dared to show his face. By now, Mithra had turned around to face him, her hands on his shoulders.
“I know what you’re thinking. I give you full permission to impale him with Masamune if you see him. I still vaguely remember what he looks like.” She paused to reach behind her ear and touch her scar. 
“Experiences like that one are what taught me all the skills I’ve needed to survive. After I staggered from the pain, I ran for my life. It wasn’t until a year later that I had the courage to leave when I knew that I had had enough,” she sighed, looking down. “I had to hide from several people who were angered by my refusal to submit to them. That’s how I became so good at staying in the shadows and being undetectable. Well, my job as a thief helped me also.”
By now, she felt like she had said too much. Mithra hung her head, afraid to see her lover’s facial expression. His hand came under her chin and gently forced her to look at him, just like how it did when he kissed her a week ago. She stared into his eyes and swallowed thickly.
“Mithra,” he began, “I am so sorry that you had to experience that. I did not know that your skills were the results of such traumatic events.” He pulled her in for a tight hug, her head buried in his neck and his hand stroking her hair. 
“You are such a strong person. I have seen the compassion you exhibit and the hard work you put into everything you do. You have overcome so much adversity, yet you still have a kind heart.” He pulled away slightly to caress her cheek, looking into her eyes yet again.
“I love you so much, Mithra, and I promise that I will do everything within my ability to protect you. If anyone tries to hurt you, they will have to go through me first.” By now, Mithra was blinking back tears of love and adoration. She slammed her lips against his in a long, passionate kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck and his arms around her waist. She knew he was the one for her, and he knew it too. They separated for air, resting their foreheads together. 
“Sephy, you were the first man to catch my eye and the first man I fell in love with. I will always be by your side,” she said, her voice full of raw emotions. By now, there was an evident sleepiness in her voice, and, despite trying her best to look at him, her eyes were drooping. Sephiroth chuckled and kissed her nose in thanks.
“Someone is falling asleep. Why don’t we call it a night?” Mithra nodded eagerly, turning off the lamps. Sephiroth laid on his back, extending an arm to her. She happily nestled against him, her head on his bare chest. She could hear the calming rhythm of his heart beating. His arm came to wrap around her waist, and she tangled her legs with his. Peaceful slumber overcame her almost immediately, and her mouth was frozen in a small smile.
“Good night, my love,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. He soon drifted off as well, looking forward to what the future held for the both of them.
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allelitefics · 5 years
Characters: Santana x Reader
Warnings: smut, definitely smut, a little angst.
Summary: Santana needs to step up with you before he loses you completely. This one is for @allelitexo​ who requested something to be written about Santana. Love those guys but Santana is def my favorite as well. 
...that was the only Santana gif i liked... lol 
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You were the girl who had the personality that just attracted people towards you. Even when you tried to downplay it, so that you weren't bringing attention to yourself, it never made a difference. Being in a job where you are social all the time was something you knew you'd excel at, and as a wrestling fan being in charge of the social media department for All Elite Wrestling was a blessing.
One of your favorite things about working for AEW was that it really was like a family, since day one you could just feel it in the air. You had prior experience working for some other indie promotions, and it was definitely different when you stepped foot on your first day into AEW. There were also some people that you automatically clicked with and they were all pretty different, one of them being Santana ... you both immediately bonded over growing up in NYC - although he grew up in the Bronx and you grew up a less rough area, you often found yourselves talking about different spots you both went to growing up. Joey Janela was another one of your favorites, same thing growing up in the same general area, and you worked with Joey a lot on the indies. You loved the girls that they brought into the roster Britt Baker and Brandi quickly became ladies you looked up to, as well as the makeup team they might've been your favorites to hang around during your down time.
Dynamite was your favorite part about AEW because of everyone going out together afterwards. Of course some would opt out, but you loved the socializing, it was honestly super motivating and promoted your own mental health. Every Wednesday the crew would find a spot, whether it was a local bar or the hotel bar - and you were there with your whiskey sour or glass of wine depending on your mood.
Santana was in the corner of the bar with his tag partner of several years, Ortiz. He watched you, he always watched you and became more and more protective as time went on. You weren't dumb, you always felt his eyes on you, watching every movement you made. He had quickly become one of your best friends, at least thats how you felt. If you were ever lonely, he was the first one you texted. No matter what time, day or night, he was there. But on these nights you went out as a group you found yourself surrounded by Joey, Britt, sometimes Sammy and a few others and Santana would isolate himself.
An hour after being at the bar and him remaining in the same area you finally went over after a conversation with the group came to an end. "Hey!" you say with excitement, glass in hand from behind him running your hand down his bicep to get his attention. He turned around with a smirk, "Hey baby girl, whatchu up to?" "Why don't you come join the group? Come hang out with me." you say, trying your hardest to charm him. You really didn't have to try that hard because he wanted you, he really did. "I'll come over in a bit." he says. You feel yourself slump, because he says that every damn week and never does. You frown slightly, "Yeah..right." You turn to walk away and once there is no way for you to hear them Ortiz speaks up. "What the hell man!" he says hitting Santana's shoulder. "What?!" "Maaaaaan, for WEEKS! She's been hinting at you, what the hell." "I don't know man, I'd do literally anything for her. She's too good and I man...you know me I fuck up every relationship I'm in." Ortiz shook his head in disappointment. "You ain't even gonna give it a shot?? You're pushing her right into Janela's arms.. literally." he said nodding over to where you were with the group.
You dug the hot dirtbag kind of thing that Joey had, for some odd reason you did. So you didn't mind the flirtatious relationship the two of you had developed. But he wasn't what you wanted and it made you so bummed out that 30 minutes had passed and you didn't even see Santana in the bar anymore.
You whipped out your phone to text him. "Where did you go?" you sent to him. "Back to my room, sorry baby." You hated when he called you petnames, especially when he knew you were probably pissed. "What the fuck Santana." you sent back to him and then put your phone away, you didn't even want to see what kind of reply he would come up with. You were completely helpless when it came to him though, you were attracted to everything about him. That thug vibe was a huge turn on for you, and you found yourself constantly looking at his social media, especially the photos in the gym, you were smitten hard. At the same time as much as you wanted him you couldn't keep with the empty promises from him. Maybe this would've been that indicator that you two wouldn't make it as a couple.
When you got back to your room that night you slumped right onto the king sized bed in your room and finally pulled your phone back out, several unread texts from Santana. "Let's see tonights excuses" you say to yourself.
"I'm sorry, I was really tired" ..the first text. "You know that I love spending time with you" ... "Shit, are you really going to ignore me?" .. "Text me when you get back to the room?" .. "I'm sorry Y/N." "At least let me know that you made it back safely.." ..
That last one got to you, because if he hung out with you tonight then he would know you got back safely. Asshole. You roll your eyes, not wanting to send him anything back, but you couldn't help yourself.
"I'm fine and back in my room." you texted him. He immediately texted you back which made you smile a little, at least he's been waiting by his phone all night, maybe panicking a little. "Are you mad at me?" "What the fuck do you think?" .. you hated to be like that, but at this point thats often the language you two used with each other. "I know, can I come by your room?" You sat there and threw your head back because you were annoyed with yourself because you knew you were going to say okay. But if he came by tonight, something would need to happen because if it didn't, then this friendship/flirtatiousness had to end. "201" you responded. 5 minutes later and he was there at your door, white v-neck shirt, his adidas workout pants and he always had the best shoes for his outfits. Just in that simple outfit he looked so damn good. The mix of alcohol and loneliness had you wanting him more tonight than you had before. You opened the door then turned around. "You gonna be cold to me?" "I don't know Santana, I'm so over this shit." "What shit?" You were so annoyed he was playing the stupid card. "Oh my god, this...us....either put up or shut-up because this is ju-" you were quickly cut off from your rant with his lips pressing against yours and his arms wrapping around your waist pulling you closer into him. He broke apart after a few moments. "I'm done too, let's do this, forreal." "Really?" you ask with big eyes which makes him smirk down at you. "Yeah." "Ugh finally." you say and you pull him back towards you for your lips to press against each others one more time. Your back hits the mattress and you knew all the tension was going to be let go tonight. Your legs wrapped around him as he then kneels up to take his shirt off. He nods at you gesturing that if you don't do the same he'll rip your shirt off in a second. You sit up and do the same and then he continues to kiss you, your lips, down to your neck, when he gets to your hips, he pulls down the jeans you had been wearing, your panties soaked at this moment and he bit his lip when he looked back up at you. You were so nervous but so eager. "You want this right?" you double checks. "Yes!" you say rolling your eyes and that just fuels him with confidence. You knew Santana was an experienced guy and really had no doubts about his talents in bed, but damn it was better than you ever expected. The way his tongue moved against your most sensitive area, then pumping his fingers inside of you, you were completely his melting right into him. "Mmmmm, fuuuck" you moaned out when you were coming close to your climax. "Cum for me baby...cum for me now" he starts sweet and then growls and you feel yourself tighten around his fingers, his tongue flicking against your nub. When you came, it was that release you'd been craving and that was just with his tongue and fingers alone. You pulled him to kiss you, tasting yourself on his lips. You then look at each other and he searches your eyes, wanting them to tell him what to do next. "Fuck me" you let out. That damn smirk, it showed on his face once again, he did exactly what you told him. You moaned out loud when you felt him ease his length into you and you gripped onto his biceps. "You good baby?" You nodded as the breaths you took got more and more shallow. Time was nonexistent as he put you in all kinds of positions and then finally both of you climaxing at the same time.
He laid on his back his arms sprawled out and pulled you into him. "I'm sorry...fuck I've been an asshole." "Not an asshole, just an idiot." He laughs, "Yeah okay, an idiot. I don't want to hurt you, that's all I'm worried about." You look up at him now, resting your chin on his chest. "Stop doubting yourself, if you could just be the Santana I know, then we'll be fine." A genuine smile creeps upon his lips as his hand moves to the back of your head pulling you in for another sensual kiss.
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ds-ts-smut-fics · 5 years
Sweet on You [Chapter One]
Summary: Moxiety sugar daddy/sugar baby au [Daddy Patton, baby Virgil, transboy Virgil, switch Virgil, dom Patton, fwb analogical, romantic moxiety, sympathetic Deceit, romantic loginceit], hurt/comfort
Trigger warnings: Nsfw, “female” body parts described on Virgil, everyone- including virgil -jokingly calls Virgil a slut, lmk if i missed anything
A/N: Writing this fic rp style with my dom, @mirror2thespirit. We’re posting twice a week, on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Reblog pls and let us know what you think!
The restaurant is very fancy, everything on the menu is extremely expensive, and Patton is eating there for free. In front of him, sits one of the handsomest men Patton has ever met… and yet... Patton is not having a good time. 
While stirring his food listlessly, he tries to smile and enjoy the story that the enthusiastic thespian before him is spinning, but he knows it’s likely falling flat. 
“-and I thought I was going to be kicked off the cast!” Roman cries, laughing. He very suddenly notices Patton’s expression, though, and frowns. “Hey, are you okay?” 
Jumping a little, Patton offers a soft and weak giggle, "I'm fine, daddy!"
“You know, Patton…” Roman smiles, reaching over and taking his hand. “I know it’s only our second date, but I’m thinking… Maybe we aren’t the best fit.” 
Giggling nervously even as he lightly flinches, Patton sips the wine before nodding a little, "O-Oh? I'm sorry…"
“Sweetheart, you’re perfect,” he insists, kissing his knuckles. “But you don’t seem very happy. And you know, I don’t think I’m quite fit to be a daddy. It was worth a shot, but I don’t think it’s for me.”
A genuine smile spreads across Patton's lips. "You are a bit more happy when you're getting pampered rather than being the gift giver, true." Roman sputters a little but acknowledges the truth with a blush. "Yeah… but there's nothing wrong with that! I’ll get the check,” he said, “and I can thank you for your time. I really enjoyed being with you! Maybe we can keep in touch?” 
Nodding happily, Patton grins, bouncing a little in his seat. "I'd like that! While we don't click as a couple, I think you're a lovely friend, Roman. Thank you!" 
“I wish us both luck in finding a daddy!” He said, a bit too loud. He blushed as some people looked at him strangely.
Paying the check, he leads them outside, giving Patton a soft kiss before writing out another check, this one for Patton. 
Blushing as he takes the check, Patton hugs him, "I know you'll find someone perfect for you... and I think maybe I'm not meant to be a baby, just like you aren't really a daddy."
Looking concerned, he frowns. “But how could you be a daddy without money?”
"I, I don't know… but I like to care and protect rather than be showered with things?" He shrugs. "I'll figure it out, I guess."
“Well…” He forced a smile. “I hope it works out!” He didn’t seem that hopeful. “Shall I call you a taxi?” 
Leaning up, he kisses Roman's cheek, "That would be lovely…. thank you, Ro!"
Roman smiled and called Patton a taxi, giving the driver the address of Patton’s college. 
“See you soon, hopefully!”
Waving, Patton slides into the car, "Hope so! Have a great show run, RoRo!" 
Kicking off his shoes in his dorm once he arrives, Patton rubs his face. Slumping at his desk, he opens the website, scrolling through the available entries, updating his own profile to switch from 'in a relationship' to 'looking' and 'baby' to 'daddy'. Adding a little paragraph about his situation, he hits 'submit' and pushes back from the desk a little. Here goes nothing, I guess?
Virgil got home late. 
Logan was waiting in his apartment, as he usually was. Virgil came over to the couch and flopped down with his face in Logan’s lap. 
Laughing, Logan pets his hair. "Long day, V?"
“Not the day,” he mumbled. “Just got back from another date. Another poor little broken gay kid from some people my parents know.”
Wincing a bit, Logan sighs. "You know… maybe we should try and find you someone from outside this little fishbowl your parents keep digging in? You're basically looking for a sugar daddy, just you've got plenty of sugar!" 
“Hear me out.” Virgil raised his head a little. “The sex is good. I love the sex, actually. But I’m just- I’m really sick of all these guys and their internalized homophobia for only one night. I want- I want a boyfriend, Lo. Only- Without the commitment.” 
Nodding, Logan pulls out his phone. "I get that, I do! See, these guys are basically auditioning for exactly what they're willing to do… One night and on up to permanent, sex or just gifts and affection, you can get exactly what you want if you just make an account, they'll court you!"
“For the love of God, Logan,” he groaned, “I’m not getting on your stupid sugar forum! My parents would kill me.” 
"What can it hurt? They'll never have to know, and if it doesn't work… just delete! One week, just try it, V?"
He hesitated, resting his head back in his friend’s lap. If his parents found out… It would be the end of him. But otherwise, Logan was right. He’s seen Logan’s profile- There was a place to write exactly what you were looking for in the relationship. This forum was where most people went for unusual arrangements. 
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to try. 
“Fine,” he sighs. “Help me set up a profile.” 
Grinning broadly, Logan hugs him close, "Of course!"
Virgil sat up, pulling his laptop off the coffee table. Taking it, he boots it up and finds the site, starting the process to sign up, "Okay… here we go! I'll type if you give me the data!"
“Well, you know all that.” Virgil gestured to the first section. 
Name: Virgil Hearst
Sex & gender: Afab, male (he/him) 
Age: 22 
"Well, do you want a screen name? Might get more or less interest if they don't know who they're chatting with?" Shrugging, he taps the other line. 
“Hm… You pick,” he said. 
Smirking, Logan giggles and taps the 'hide name/ set screen name,' typing 'Anxiety' as a screen name. "How's that?"
“God, that is funny.” He snorted. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Copying Virgil's little two finger salute, he smirks, "Yup! Next section... location and preferences!" 
Virgil wrote down his general location, and checked the box next to “baby.” He checked the box that said he was bisexual as well.
"Forgot one! Age range of people you want to be your daddy, or mommy, I guess! Oh, and how far of a range you're willing to go out to meet them… " 
“Not far,” he mumbled. He typed in 25 miles, and thought for a moment, before typing a 15 year gap at most. 
"Nice! Okay… no picture for obvious reasons. Pick an icon at least? And, time to write up a profile statement of course!" Logan claps a little, happy for his friend.
He took the laptop from him, fingers hovering over the keys. 
I’m looking for an abnormal arrangement, he wrote. 
While I want to be the baby in the relationship, I’m looking to offer the money. 
Virgil’s brain froze. He couldn’t think of how to continue, so he groaned, shoved the computer back at Logan, and said, “Your turn.”
Gently rolling his eyes, Logan types, 
I'm looking for an affectionate individual who wants to spend my money to pamper and treat me well. Regular sex is preferred, so long as there's other activities as well. I have an high libido, and am looking for someone who can keep up with it. 
“Just wait until I get on testosterone,” Virgil chuckled. 
Poking him in the side, Logan grins, "You'll be a fiend then! You're already a fucking slut!"
“God, I’ll be ravenous.” He looked at the profile nervously. “Is that all?” 
"Hmmm… Maybe… oh! Did you want to include any other kinks on there?" 
“You can just put that I’ll try anything,” he said. “Also, uh… Daddy kink, obviously, praise kink, uh… I don’t know, Lo, what other kinks do I have?” 
Laughing softly, he reads out loud as he types, "Kinky bastard who's willing to try anything once if you talk to me pretty enough.”
He nodded. “Yeah, that‘s accurate.” 
Smiling, Logan reads it over. "Looks good! Anything to change before we go live?"
Virgil almost told him to delete the whole thing. He wasn’t sure about this… “Let’s go.”
Squeezing Virgil's hand, he smiles, "You'll be fine… the right one is out there!" Pressing the 'save and post' button, he grins. 
“I get horny when I’m anxious,” Virgil grumbled, squirming. 
Logan rolls his eyes. “You get horny when you breathe. Want some help or a toy?"
“Yeah,” he said plainly. “If you’re up for it, fuck me.” 
Setting the laptop to the side, he kisses his friend on the mouth, pushing him down on the couch. "Gladly, V… but you're wearing too many clothes!"
Virgil grinned, biting Logan’s lip. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
He chuckles as he slides their clothes off, groping Virgil lightly. "Slut… should I get a condom for this? How needy are you?"
“Don’t bother,” he pants. “Want you in the back tonight.”
Grinning, he lets his fingers slide over Virgil's ass as he switches positions to pin him to the fabric of the couch, sliding a finger inside slowly. "Mmm~"
Virgil spread his legs, relaxing back against the couch and sighing. 
Slowly fucking him open on more fingers, he uses his thumb to rub at Virgil's clit. "So handsome… almost jealous of your daddy!"
Virgil whined, grinding against him. “Right,” he pants. “If I even get one.” 
"You will!" He sucks lightly on Virgil's neck, he slides a third finger inside with a low hum.
“Just fuck me,” he groaned, wrapping his legs around Logan’s waist. 
Pressing a little harder against Virgil's clit, he smirks, sliding the fingers out to press inside, thrusting slowly, "Always so needy~!"
“Ah, yes,” he whimpered, meeting his thrusts. “Harder, Lo!”
Spanking him, he grins and speeds up his thrusts. "Going to fuck you brainless, V~!"
He moaned. “Yes, yes…” 
Rubbing at Virgil's clit as he fucks him hard, he sucks a mark into the arched neck. Virgil let out a whimper as he came, his back arching. 
Moaning out, Logan gasps, cumming hard into Virgil. “Oh! Oh, fuuuck, V~!"
Virgil sunk back against the couch, sighing. He felt immediately better after coming- Lighter, and more relaxed. 
He held Logan close to him. “Thanks, Lo,” he whispered. 
Cuddling him, he grins, kissing Virgil's lips softly. "Anytime! Feel better?"
“Much better. You spending the night?” 
"I can, sure!" Going to pull out, he grin. "Besides, you might need more comfort!"
Virgil cracked his back and sat up, yawning. “Come on, you dork. Let’s go to bed.” 
He didn’t bother with his clothes, grabbing Logan’s hand and leading him up to the bedroom. 
And his phone, forgotten on the coffee table, buzzed with a new message from the sugar forum.
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a-pretty-nerd · 5 years
Dance (Dean Taylor x reader smut)
Request: "Hiyaaa! First off I just wanted to say I’m a huge fan of your stuff and secondly can I request a smut x reader with any Devon character (I suggest dean taylor from the entitled) where it’s like a strip tease or the readers giving them a lap dance and then they do it (omg this is so bad I’ve never requested anything like this before dhdjehyfrhbfbf) thanks!" ~ Anonymous
A/N: Ahhh...to be young and new to the fanfiction community. And um, hi, hello? DID I JUST RECEIVE A DEAN TAYLOR REQUEST!? HELL FUCKIN YES! If you don't know who that is, he's an emo piece of shit from The Entitled movie.
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This bitch.
Warnings: Sex, drrrrugs? (Cigarettes/alcohol), etc.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The night was still young at 2am. At the very least it felt that way as you drunkenly starred up at the ceiling of the small apartment. Oh what a night you had. It mostly consisted of friends, beer, a blunt or two, cigarettes, and the occasional shot. And even though most had gone home, you were still left on that couch.
Your friend Dean, whom you had been flirting with all night, came in with yet anothet beer from the kitchen. He placed one on the table in front of you before slumping down into his seat and taking another swig of his.
"Haven't you had enough?" You giggled at him.
"I haven't had THAT much." He argued. You blew him off and started to crawl over the couch to sit closer to him. The boombox played rock music loudly as the two of you sat there alone. Then the song changed and you felt the need to dance.
"Oh I love this song!" You shouted as you turned the music up and began swaying back and forth in front of Dean, who watched with a confused gaze. He watched you back up slowly as you danced until you were directly in front of him, waving your ass at him, basically.
He left his beer pressed to his lips as his mouth hung open ever-so slightly. He watched you, and then he felt you. You had taken a seat on his lap and began swaying and grinding to the beat.
"What are you doing?" He muttered.
"Aww Cmon Dean, dance with me!" You smiled as you took a hand of his and placed it on your hip. You never really looked at Dean in a sexual way, but you had been spending more and more time with him. He was cute. Dean, while he had always seen you sexually, he never really considered you an option. You just seemed like you could have done...better? But who cares about that now? You're both out of your minds, running on pure adrenaline and desire. Dean set his beer down and held your hips and guided them as you moved.
"Fuck you're hot." He moaned. You bit your bottom lip with pride as you slowly started to feel his erection through his jeans.
"You think?" You toyed with him as you leaned your head back and rested it on his shoulder. Dean closed his eyes and nodded. "Show me then." You whispered softly in his ear before nibbling on his earlobe. He took in a deep breath and you took his hand again, you pressed it to your crotch. He began teasing you, rubbing his fingers against your jeans. Your ass pressed against him still as you rocked back and forth. He reached down your pants and began toying with you, gently rubbing your clit as you teased him.
"Fuck Y/N." He groaned as you moaned into his ear. The pleasure rushed through your system and yet you craved more. You pulled off your pants and continued to tease Dean, taking pleasure in the little sounds he made. "Ah, god-damn it," he huffed, "quit teasing me."
"Oh, you think thats teasing??" You giggled before standing again. You helped him out of his pants before kneeling and pulling his cock from his boxers. His chest began to heave as you placed it at your lips. You licked and sucked little by little as he twitched and moaned. You watched him from your seat as you took all that you could, slowly, and then pulled him back out. It was so fuck to watch him squirm. "Had enough?" You asked as you started to slowly stroke him.
"Oh fuck, cmon Y/N, give it to me." He pleaded.
"Give you what?" You stood and straddled him as you threw your shirt and removed your bra. "These?" His eyes starred at them as he reached out to grope and suck them. He pulled you in close, his cock pressing against your panty covered ass. He bucked his hips up for any sort of friction.
"Please baby, you know what I want." He moaned into your chest. You smiled and stood to hand him a condom to hastily apply, and to remove your panties. You sat over him once again, your wet entrance hovering over him as he watched you. You slowly slid down on him and you watched his eyes roll into the back of his head. "Ahhh fuuuck." He moaned.
You started to bounce and grind on him as you pleased, watching him helplessly under you as you fucked him. You moaned as the pleasure flowed throughout you, it drove you closer and closer to the edge. You started to ride him fast, your eyes closed as you arched your back and looked up to the ceiling. Fuck, you were close. More, more, faster, Faster. You bounced and his moans and the way he called you "baby" it all drove your further.
"Fuck, I'm gonna-" before you knew it, you felt yourselft tense and then release suddenly as your orgasm washed over you. You came to a slow and then stopped as you realized Dean had cum soon after you. With heavy eyes he wrapped his around your torso and rested his head on your chest.
Needless to say your friendship was ruined. But hey, now there were more benefits! Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink!
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calteahood · 6 years
First Timer {Calum Hood}
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Rating: M — Please be 18+ to read!
Requested: Yes! "Calum takes readers virginity, very cute and patient but rough once they get into it"
Warnings: SMUT! Includes dirty talk, naughty writing, & the tiniest bit of spanking.
Word Count: 3k
Author's Note: Whether you're single, taken, a virgin, a lover of sex, I think that this scenario is ideal for anyone who has even looked at Calum Hood ever. Here is Calum taking the reader's v-card, enjoy! xx
Never in a million years did you ever think you'd be here.
You met Calum about half a year ago, at your twenty-second birthday party. One of your girlfriends was close with one of his good friends, so when she asked if her buddy could bring Cal along you didn't think much of it. That is until the three showed up. They immediately went to find you, tell you happy birthday, and introduce the then-brunette man to you. Fuck, you fell hard. That was for sure. You weren't expecting the night to end with him giving you his number after a couple hours of talking. After that night came a couple double dates with him and the two others, which eventually trailed off into just the two of you hanging out at one of your houses, going out to dinner, and seeing movies together.
Calum pulled out all the stops when it came to you, which was surprising considering before your birthday party neither of you were relationship people. He was against love after how his last relationship ended, known to be the 'single' member of 5 Seconds of Summer, and you couldn't care less about finding a boyfriend when work and your social life made sure you were always happy. Life before each other was fine, but a light turned on in each of you after meeting.
He asked you to go on a drive with him on a Saturday night a few weeks after your party. You both stayed up for hours wasting gas and sharing your life stories. At the end of the night, when the two of you sat in his car outside of your place, he asked you to officially be his girl, and you were thrilled. 
Nothing felt more right than being with him.
During that late night drive, you told him everything he had yet to learn about you. You told him your career plans for the future, your experiences during school, fun little adventures that you and your friends have gone on. You also told him about how you hadn't had sex yet. At first he was surprised because you had openly talked before about past makeout sessions where things had gotten a bit physical. When you told him that you hadn't felt comfortable enough with anyone yet, and you were also just not really worried about it, he understood. It didn't bother him much, physically, considering you guys could still fool around. But what was most important was that you were comfortable with him in general; that he made you feel safe and happy. And he did just that.
Time went by. You two would attend concerts and parties with your hands locked together. Calum would surprise you with flowers or candy "just because." You spent nights at each other's places, cuddling until you would fall asleep, usually with Duke snuggled between the two of you. A month ago, after he took you out to eat at a fancy restaurant, you guys said your first "I love you," to each other, sealing it with a kiss, promising to love one another.
Now, six months after meeting him, you were laying on his couch with him on top of you, slowing grinding his hard-on into your core. You never expected Calum Hood to be the man you loved, the man you were comfortable enough with to go that far, but here he was. And you were ready for him.
Pulling away from his lips, halting the lazy make out session you two were busy with, you mumbled, "I want you, Cal."
The furthest you two had gone were blow jobs here and there, and a couple times he managed to play with your clit during moments like this. But he had never been inside you, not even with his fingers, so he held on to the hopes that you were finally going to say—
"I want you to fuck me, Cal."
His eyes widened, a bit in shock. "Are you sure?" Calum asked. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. You know that."
You giggled a bit, moving your hands from playing with his freshly-dyed hair to cup his cheeks. "You know I love you, right?" You run your thumb over his lips and he playfully nips at it. You move your other hand down his chest, over his white t-shirt. "Love you a lot."
"Yeah," he chuckles, "I love you too, I just want you to be sure of everything." He sits up, unfortunately separating you two, leaving you longing for the weight of him between your legs.
You lean up as well. "Cal, I'm completely sure about everything. But above all else, I'm sure about you. I'm not making a mistake or letting my wants get in the way. I trust you, and I love you. I'm ready, and I'm comfortable. I promise." You stand up, extending your hand out to him. He grins, taking your hand and following your lead to the bedroom.
As he quietly closes the door, careful to not wake up Duke who was sleeping in the living room, he mumbles, "As long as you're ready, love."
You turn to him, sitting on the edge of the bed with a wicked grin. You were nervous, of course, but you couldn't let him know. You wanted this, you wanted him, and knowing Cal if he saw even a hint of nerves he would stop every ten seconds to ask if you were okay. "Of course I am, baby. So, are you gonna take care of me or what?"
He laughed, walking to the nightstand and opening a drawer. You peered over to see what the hell he was doing, and he definitely caught you looking. You watch as he opened up a new box of condoms, pulling one out, as well as a small bottle.
"If we're doing this," he starts, moving to untie the string on the inner waist of his sweatpants, "we gotta have the right stuff. Make sure you're nice and wet for me." Well fuck. It was like something came over him instantly. He had never spoken like that before, but still, his words went straight to your center, your thighs shutting tight to cause some sort of friction.
You nod, breathing unevenly. He sets down what he had in his hand, walking until he is stood right in front of you. You instinctively spread your legs again, allowing him to slot his body in between them. "Cal.." You don't have a chance to say more before he leans down and catches your lips into a deep kiss. He softly bites at your bottom lip, and you open your mouth to move your tongues together. His hands slide from your hips to the waistband of your shorts. He was so grateful you had decided to spend the night. With you already in your sleepwear, consisting of a t-shirt, pajama shorts, and panties, he had easy access, and he loved it. You lift your ass up so he can pull off your shorts, taking your panties with them. The shirt you wore still covered your lower half, but you knew it'd be gone soon.
He broke the kiss to trail his lips down your jaw and to your neck, sucking on your sweet spot. He took this time to scoot you further up the bed, letting your head rest against the pillows. You took this as an opportunity to pull down his sweatpants. You were especially thankful you wouldn't have to worry about boxers, considering his own pajamas were just a white tee and joggers. You slowly pulled them down, and his hard cock sprung out, the weight of his thick member hanging down above you.
Calum pulled away from your neck, smirking. One hand went straight to his dick, and he began to slowly pump himself. The other hand went to the hem of your top. You helped him remove it from your body, doing the same to his shirt, and once they were finally off you two were bare in front of each other.
His hands immediately went to your tits, squeezing them before he pinched and pulled at your nipples. You let out a breathy moan, and his smirk grew. He trailed down to the bit of heaven in between the two of you, thumb giving your clit a light rub, testing the waters. When you groaned, arching your back for more, he happily obliged. He had never eaten you out before, but now with your legs wide open for him he just had to duck down and devour you. He used his thumbs to spread your pussy lips apart, opening you even more for him. He gave a low growl before attaching his lips to your clit, making you scream for him. He loved it.
Calum knew how to use his mouth like no other. The way his tongue circled your sensitive bundle had you moaning his name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. It wasn't until he added his forefinger into the mix that you were shaking. Your hands grabbed onto his hair, legs swung over his shoulders, while his finger slowly worked into your tight pussy.
"Fuuuck," you moaned, tugging on his hair.
He glanced up, murmuring a quick, "You good, baby?" When you vigorously nodded and pushed his head back down, he darkly chuckled and went back to sucking your clit.
The pain of your first time definitely wasn't seeming as bad as people make it out to be. Then again, Calum had you incredibly wet for him. When he went to push in another finger you only spread your legs wider, giving him more room to gradually open you up for his cock. His fingers separated inside of you in a scissoring motion that made you turn your head, searching for the lube he had grabbed earlier. You reached out to get it, shoving it towards Calum. He looked up and took it from you quick, knowing that you were going to need it, and a lot of it at that.
Cal popped open the bottle, pouring some on the fingers that were leisurely thrusting in and out of you. He sat up, looking down at his movements. He closed the bottle and laid it down next to you, adding in a third and final finger while his thumb circled your clit.
Your hands slammed down next to you before going to tug on the ends of your hair. "Fuck, Cal… fuck, it's so much stretch…" Your eyes were shut tight, your body taking the pressure of his three fingers. He was working you open damn good, making sure you weren't in pain, but you couldn't deny the odd feeling of your tight hole trying to fit his fingers in preparation for his dick.
Calum removed his hands from you, grabbing at the condom as well as the lube again. His gaze found yours, the sly smirk still on his lips. "Feelin' good?" Cal asked with a devious laugh. He knew exactly how to work you up.
You grinned. "Of course, I'm feeling great, hot stuff." You winked at him, and he knew at that moment that you had to be the sexiest woman alive.
He ripped the condom package open, tossing the trash to the side so he could roll it on. He hissed at the tightness of it, and the way his hand felt squeezing his cock, making sure it was on properly. Then, he poured a bit of lube on his hand. He coated his cock with it, then added more on his hand only to rub it onto you. He rubbed it on your clit and all over your hole, making sure you would be extra wet for when he would slip inside you.
He closed the bottle and threw it by the pillow beside you before settling comfortably on top of you, your legs wrapped around his waist. He gave you one last look. "You ready, love?"
You nodded, lacing your fingers with his. "Yeah, just go easy on me, I'm a first timer."
He giggled at your little joke, burying his face into your neck to nip at you. He used his free hand to circle your clit with the head of his thick cock before positioning himself. He gave himself a few good pumps then finally, he pressed forward, allowing the tip to slip into you.
It was a sting. It wasn't ripping you apart. You didn't feel like you were on fire. No, he had prepared you well, but it there was still this uncomfortable sting you felt at your core. "Slow, Cal," you reminded, nails digging into his shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah…" He hissed once half his cock was in you. He hadn't felt anything like that since meeting you, and now that he's gotten to be inside you he never wanted to be with anyone else. You were it for him already, but your pussy only confirmed it more. "Fuck, you're so tight." He groaned into your neck.
Calum pushed in, letting the rest of his cock fill you up. It was a pressure you'd never felt until now. He was slow, taking forever in between thrusts and only pulling out and pushing back in inches at a time. He was taking his time, making sure you were feeling good, and you couldn't be more thankful. He started with working just the head in, making sure it felt comfortable for you to feel it in and out of your pussy, getting used to it. Then he’d thrust halfway, until you let out little gasps, letting him know it felt good. That's when he began his long, incredibly slow thrusts. His whole cock buried in your warm, wet cunt before taking it all away, waiting a couple seconds, and then giving it to you again.
Moans began to build up. The sting was fading, but just in case he grabbed the lube to make it a bit slicker. While slowly thrusting, he poured it on your clit, letting it drip down to your hole that was stuffed with his cock. The coolness of the liquid compared to the heat you felt at your center made you shiver, adding some of your natural wetness into the mix due to the incredible feeling.
Once you were finally comfortable, feeling pure bliss with his gentle and easy thrusts, you started to move your hips with his. You clenched down, squeezing his cock tightly.
"Baby," he warned.
"What?" You giggled a bit, allowing him to halt his movements to look at you. You clenched again, this time making him glare at you. It was as if you found his weakness.
He grabbed your jaw, asserting some sort of dominance over you. "I'm about ten seconds away from pounding your little pussy, so don't test me."
Before he could start his controlled, calm thrusts again you tightened your legs around him. "What if I want you to pound me? What if I want it hard?"
He groaned. "I'm serious, I don't want to hurt you—"
"I'm fine! Please, I'm fine, I promise. I need it, please," you begged.
"Fine…" He pulled out of you, causing you to groan. He got up on his knees, and before you could even register what was happening, he grabbed your hips and flipped you over. "You want rough, I'll give you rough." He positions your ass in the air as you're face down and gripping the sheets. Fuck yes.
He grabbed your ass, spreading your cheeks apart for the perfect view of his cock sliding back into you with a groan. He took no time to pull out to just the head and slam back in.
"Fuck… Cal! God—" A sharp slap to your ass had you silent real quick. Another one landed on your other cheek, causing you to become even wetter.
"Quiet," he barked, "Let me fuck you hard, just like you wanted."
You nodded, not opening your mouth except for the moans that need to slip out. He was thrusting hard, the sound of his thighs hitting yours filling the room. You felt his hands grip your ass tight, using it as leverage for pounding into you. His balls hit your clit with each thrust, stimulating you more than the other position had.
He moved a bit, planting his foot next to you so he was kneeling behind you, his cock hitting your pussy at a new angle, ramming into your g-spot. "Calum!" You couldn't help it, he was fucking you too good.
"Yeah," he growled, "Love me fucking your tight little cunt, huh?"
"Yes, yes! God, Cal—" Another moan escaped your lips. You were thriving as he filled you with his cock. Plus the way he was talking to you and treating you? You were a goner.
His hands left your ass, one pushing your head into the sheets and the other moving to rub your clit fast, ready to push you into the best orgasm you've ever had. "Fuck! Cal— I'm gonna—" You cried out, despite being muffled by the bed. Your legs began to shake as he sped up his thrusts, fucking you harder and harder. You couldn't stop yourself from cumming on his cock. "Calum, oh my God—"
He pulled out, turning you onto your back again, pulling off the condom and jerking his cock until thick ropes of cum landed on your stomach and tits. He wasted no time in using his thumb to wipe some up and feed it to you, your mouth happily taking it in to suck on. You swallowed the cum, swirling your tongue around his digit before pulling away.
Calum huffed. "Fuck… that was—"
"Intense?" You looked up at him. You were still covered in his cum, and he was still leaning over you, completely spent.
He nodded. "Oh yeah." A smile formed on his face before bending down to press a gentle kiss to your swollen lips. "So," he said as he pulled away, "pretty good for your first time?" He kissed your cheek, his lips tickling you.
You giggled. Of course, Calum could make even the sexiest moments sweet and funny. There was no question about it. He was the man of your dreams. Attractive, gentle, basically the perfect package. You couldn't be happier that Calum was your first.
"Yeah, baby. Pretty damn good, and that's a promise."
Me: It'll be a short oneshot.
Also me: *Writes 2,000 more words than I was originally going to.*
Taglist: @flannelpunkcalum & @gigglyirwin (I know it’s a small taglist, but trust me it’ll grow [hopefully].)
Send me an ask if you’d like to be added to my tag list, and don’t forget to tell me what you thought! xx
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Texting Strangers
Author: Kennedy
Characters: Fem!Reader and…?
Story: Y/N, who’s going through a rough patch, texts a random number in search of a friend.
Rated PG-13 for language, mention of drinking
Warnings: Reader is going through a rough patch, but I tried to keep it on the lighter side. Also, use of language.  
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“Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight? Are you sorry we drifted apart?”
The lilting voice of The King floated in through the open window as Y/N sat at her desk, staring at the blank screen in front of her. There was plenty of work to be done, sure. But what was the point now. She hated her job, her coworkers, the tiny cubicles, the sound the water cooler made every time an air bubble floated up. And here she was on a Saturday working from home to try and finish whatever dry, boring project her boss had saddled her with, knowing that Y/N was the only person who would actually get it done. Nevermind that Marc had ten years of experience on her two, or that it was actually Kayla’s department that was in charge of this particular project. Or the fact that Y/N was still technically an intern.
“Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare? Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?”
And to throw a cherry on top of this hate-my-life sundae, today marked the official six month anniversary of Jeremy moving out. Break ups were always tough, of course. But things could have certainly been easier if he hadn’t literally picked up and left in the middle of the night. It seemed as though the past year had been one big non-stop “fuck you”. Work? Terrible. Relationship? Long-dead. Family? Radio silence. Friends? Moved away. Apartment? Actually starting to feel like a cave.
Y/N glanced around the room at the stack of empty takeout boxes, the pile of paperwork, the week-old laundry. Motivating oneself to clean up seemed an immense task when the overwhelming feeling in life was ‘why bother?’
“Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?”
The sad song was just too ironic to handle at that moment. Her neighbor across the courtyard was a huge Elvis fan, and listened to old records nearly every night. For the most part it was nice to have the soft music as a background when she was home, but tonight it was a glib reminder of how lonely she actually was.
“This is bullshit,” Y/N muttered to herself and closed the laptop.
It was saturday night and she wasn’t about to stay at home and mope her way through another weekend. No sir. And so with all the energy and false confidence she could muster, Y/N grabbed an outfit out of the closet, threw on some makeup, and headed out on the town.
Okay, so maybe the nightclub scene wasn’t what she was after. Thirty minutes to get in, twenty waiting for a drink, then a whole lot of sitting around on garrish plush furniture waiting for someone to walk over and strike up a conversation. The closest she came was two drunk girls telling her they liked her shoes before stumbling off into the sweaty fray. And now this overpriced, watered-down drink was going straight to her bladder.
Y/N set the now empty cup on a table and headed off for the line to the bathrooms. Surprisingly, she only had to wait for two people before she got in and locked herself into a stall. The walls were as high as the ceiling and provided a satisfying amount of privacy. Behind the safety of four walls, Y/N finally had a chance to breathe. And once again the stress of the past months settled in, despite the cheap liquor pumping through her bloodstream. She leaned her head against the wall next to her and sighed, tracing the faded graffiti.
“Satisfaction guaranteed. Call now!” and a number scrawled below, along with a doodle of a stick figure with a ‘censored’ bar over its lower half. Giggling to herself, Y/N snapped a picture and tucked her phone back into her purse. With a defeated groan she clicked back out to the sinks.
“Oh my GOD, couch girl!”
The shrill voice cut through the bathroom, and Y/N (along with everyone else) turned to glance at its owner.
“Come here, come here,” the blonde girl from earlier gripped Y/N’s hand and dragged her out into the club again, “Come dance!”
And then the evening descended into a blur.
Y/N woke to the bright morning sun pouring through the window of her own bedroom. Her head was pounding, her feet ached, and her stomach felt sour. Last night had turned into a long, drawn out drunken dance fest with her two new friends (whose names and numbers she had never managed to get), and in the cold light of day Y/N vowed to never try and drink her woes away again.
After much groaning, she managed to shuffle to the kitchen and set the hot water on, all the while cursing her past self. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed her phone and checked the screen. One unread text.
“Dammit,” she groaned.
Work never stops. Reluctantly, she opened the message.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to drop me a line again.”
An unknown number, great. Y/N scrolled back up through the rest of the conversation. And was surprised to find several hours worth of back-and-forth with the mystery person. Somehow, in her intoxicated state, she had poured out her heart to a complete stranger, telling them all about the stress and sadness and heartache over her life. In turn, they had offered support and humor, and if she hadn’t known better she would have assumed this was a conversation between close friends.
“What the-”
Y/N recalled the number from the wall of the club bathroom. In a panic, she checked the photos on her phone. But the number didn’t match the one she had texted. At least not exactly. Somewhere during her night out she had attempted to text this mystery man but instead had hit up some poor clueless stranger and had a long drawn-out conversation over the course of the evening.
With an exasperated sigh, Y/N tossed her phone on the counter and retired to the couch in defeat.
“You look really tired,” Kayla’s brunette locks appeared above the edge of Y/N’s cubicle.
Y/N nodded; “It was a long weekend.”
“Did you finish the projection project?”
“I put it on his desk this morning.”
“Ah man,” Kayla sighed. “I was hoping I could hand it in to him. I have some, um, stuff I had to go over.”
“Like taking all the credit?” Y/N thought to herself.
“Oh well, I’ll get the next one. Thanks!”
Then she bounced away, heels clicking loudly against the floor.
Y/N leaned her forehead against the desk and groaned.
Her phone buzzed and Y/N sat up, rubbing her temple, and pressed the notification.
“Hope they aren’t giving you too much crap today.”
Y/N frowned; it was the stranger from the night before.
“I’m sorry, who is this?”
It was only a moment before they replied; “You mentioned you might say that!”
“Ha ha sounds about right. But that doesn’t answer my question.”
“A friend.”
“Okay,” Y/N whispered to herself, frowning. “Is this being cute? Or shady…”
“A friend with a name?”
“I thought you said we weren’t doing names?”
“Of course drunk me would say that,” Y/N thought.
“Okay friend. Tell me a little about yourself.”
“I’m a member of a secret organization who kept me in a lab for the first part of my life in order to mold me into a super weapon. Now I spend my free time saving the world.”
“You’re funny.”
“You don’t believe me?”
Y/N smiled to herself; “Okay ‘friend’ I’ll leave it be for now. You’re a superhero.”
“Really just a run-of-the-mill hero.”
“Mm-hm, I’ll take your word for it.”
“If you didn’t have to do your job, what would you want to be?”
The question caught Y/N off guard; she hadn’t thought about it in so long. She had been fully focused on getting through school, then getting a job that could get her out of her parents  house and on her own. She hadn’t thought about what she actually wanted to be.
“Um, idk”
“That’s not good.”
“I have a job. That’s what really matters,” she paused, then added, “Do you like your job?”
“I love it.”
“You’re lucky.”
“What do you like to do?”
Y/N sat for a few minutes and considered this.
Another text came through: “???”
Finally she typed, “I love to cook. I actually took a bunch of cooking and culinary arts classes in school. But I would hate being a chef. The hours are outrageous and it gets stuffy in the kitchen.”
“What about a food truck? You could make your own hours, drive to different places every day, you could even travel.”
Y/N actually laughed aloud to herself. She had never considered cooking for a living. She had worked as a waitress when she was in highschool and the kitchen staff were always miserable and overworked. Not to mention kind of mean. She had written off cooking for a living right then and there.
“I’d never thought of that.”
“What is your favorite thing to cook?”
“Breakfast food and baked goods, mostly.”
“That is perfect food truck food!”
“I suppose it is…”
“You should check this out,” they replied, then sent a link to an article titled ‘Considering Opening a Food Truck? Read these fifteen true stories from other chefs who did the exact same thing!’
“I’ll check it out, thanks!” Y/N name typed back, still smiling to herself.
“Hey friend, can I text you tomorrow? I have to go save some kids from a bus on fire.”
“Of course. Be safe, Superman!”
“Hm, nah. Call me ‘Batman’.”
“Okay, be safe Batman.”
“Read that article; I’ll ask you about it tomorrow!”
Y/N chuckled as she pressed save contact and typed ‘Batman’ into the name.
To be continued... 
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