#spero talks
sillyspero · 2 months
with how busy/unavailable my friends are this summer (not their faults) i’m gonna start posting about them like a desperate fan of an old band like
“guys they’re gonna be in the same town for a full day!! is a full band reunion underway??”
“apparently they’ve been calling again… perhaps to plan a reunion tour?”
“OT4 reunion 2026? never say never!!”
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sidmjkgc · 2 years
No, vedi, non avete capito... “Se siete anime sensibili, cambiate canale” non era per il pubblico woke che può trovare offensiva la sua comicità. Era per tutti quelli che dicono cazzate più intelligenti senza troppi sforzi ma poi non si vantano di fare il comico.
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sparkle-heart-anon · 9 months
More bad poetry (that is hopefully slightly less bad)
The scenarios I make up 
as my head hits the pillow at night 
have changed. 
I no longer dream of you buying me sunflowers, 
Of holding my hand as we ice skate, 
Of tucking locks of hair behind my ear 
As you kiss my forehead 
And tell me you love me 
I have stopped wishing you would ask me 
Anything about myself 
How could you go so long 
Not knowing my biggest achievements in life?
Especially when I dropped loaves of breadcrumbs along the way
I picture your would-have-been sour mood,
Like the curdled milk left in my fridge 
When I would have told you I got into Oxford.
Things would have been different, 
Because you are a patriot,
And I am a girl with a dream of flying far away 
Or if you did support me going
And if somehow you found yourself next to me
On a plane with the beautiful green tail
I would find myself smushed in the middle seat 
Because you prefer the window. 
I dream at night 
Of all the chances you had to hold the door open for me 
You walked in so confidently. 
I don’t mind holding the door,
But I shouldn’t have to beg for the favour to be returned
You talked of marriage 
Far too soon
But I didn’t trust that you wouldn’t buy me a yellow gold ring
Or that you would want to learn 
Since I was a girl in pigtails 
I wanted nothing more than a sapphire to grace my finger
I think at night 
Of the list of baby names 
I have tucked away in my notes app
How I have always wanted a daughter 
To name her after the weeping tree. 
But you didn’t like I wanted to wait a decade 
Before ruining my body,
Subjecting her to abject torture 
Because you were older 
At night, though, 
The wonderful memories creep in too. 
How you held my hand proudly.
I was not your trophy, 
Nor your secret, 
But a human.
I think of how you called me beautiful,
Of how you fulfilled dreams I never thought
I would be worthy of. 
Of how you held me close at night,
And touched me hair. 
Of how you made diary entries of the teenage girl
Who wanted nothing more than to disappear
Come true.
I think of the bad things too.
They keep me from crawling back,
Begging on my knees for you to take me back. 
I think of how 
You said I love you
Before you asked me to be your girlfriend 
Or how you didn’t talk to me on dates 
With the sea of distance roaring between us. 
I think of the lack of sunflowers, 
$4.99 at Trader Joes.
Or how you didn’t ask me about my dreams,
To write a book, 
Like your mom, 
Or become a clinical ethicist, 
Like your grandfather.
I think how I know so much about you,
And you knew nothing of me. 
I’ve stopped dreaming 
That you would ask me about myself,
And think about the love you said you had. 
You loved a girl you did not know. 
It keeps me at bay, 
To dream of that. 
It does not hurt any less, 
To dream of that. 
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profumo-di-mare · 1 year
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fonte Pinterest
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transmascrage · 2 years
Video by ErinInTheMorning on TikTok
[Transcript (there's captions on screen but in case you can't turn on audio):
Erin: "File this one away for the transgender history books, whenever they write about our history; today Lindsey Spero, a trans man, stood in front of the Florida Board of Medicine, which was about to vote to medically ban all gender affirming care for trans youth.
He stood there to deliver his testimony, he delivered a little bit of it, but then he took the remainder of his testimony time to stand there and inject his hormone therapy in front of all of them in stunned silence, and then he turned around and raised his fist. Watch this."
Lindsey: "My name is Lindsey Spero, I'm 25 years old, I'm a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida. I'm also transgender.
I am someone who was subjected to treatments that have been questionable, that were mentioned by people like that woman who came up and spoke, I can tell you for a fact that her child is going to grow up hating her.
I'm sure you've heard many stories that sound like mine already, over the last few months my trans siblings and family members have stood before you, put their hearts on full display and vulnerable pleaded with you to listen to our stories and perspectives.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has condemned your actions and our federal government has spoken out against the actions you seek to take regarding the necessary health care for trans youth.
I could stand here and tell you about the times I attempted to end my life because I didn't have access to gender affirming care but I know, I know you don't care. I see you sneering at us while we come here and talk to you.
Instead I'm going to take the rest of my time to demonstrate the sacred and weekly ritual of my shot in front of you, in this body.
My medication is life saving, I will use HRT for the rest of my life, your denial of my need for this medication, doesn't make my existence as a trans person any less real.
I will be giving myself my subcutaneous shot in my stomach. If you have a needle phobia, please look away."
Lindsey injects his T-shot in silence, helped by another person who passes him a needle and the testosterone in its vial.
After finishing, he raises his fist and turns around to the audience.
Lindsey: "Tomorrow and forever."
The crowd cheers and a few people get up to clap.
Erin: "That, that is what I'm talking about! Good job Lindsey! This is the kind of resistance that matters!"
End transcript.]
(As a sidenote, it seems that Lindsey identifies as nonbinary, not necessarily (or exclusively, anyways) as a trans man. Some articles identify him as transmasc but all of his socials state nonbinary.)
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veilofaponia · 1 month
Dum Spiro, Spero
yandere chrollo x reader
warnings: yandere content, kidnapping, implied dub-con, chrollo really sucks
word count: 1.6k
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You feel dirty.
No matter how hard you scrub at your skin, how much soap is lathered onto your hands and dragged down your body, it still feels soiled.
The cause of your despair is situated in front of you, a pleased expression on his face while he hums a melody of a certain composer he seems particularly infatuated with lately.
He busies himself by combing his slender fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp meanwhile. If you close your eyes, you can pretend you’re sharing an intimate moment with a lover rather than the one who took you away from everything familiar.
You’re no actor, how much longer can you stand playing the role of a character who you vowed to never become?
This is what you've been working towards for weeks. You can't let this chance slip away.
“Chrollo,” Your voice is quiet, an embarrassingly stark contrast to minutes prior. “I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
The hands that were previously untangling the knots in your hair spring to a halt. His gray eyes try to meet yours, but you don’t allow them to. You keep your wavering gaze focused on the bathroom tiles next to you. If you were to look into Chrollo’s scrutinizing eyes, he would immediately be able to read your intentions. Any confidence you had managed to scrape together would immediately be crushed, its remains tossed away into the wind.
Chrollo has always emphasized how much he loves your unfiltered thoughts and imagination. You hope he keeps this mindset even now.
“I really, really want to see my family. So... Could you please take me to see them?"
He says nothing. This time, you do meet his gaze, hoping that you’ll be able to gleam his thoughts by staring into the pits. The eyes are the window to the soul, they say.
Chrollo’s eyes are blank, though. There’s no amusement, no sign of mockery, not even anger. His thoughts are impossible to read, no matter how much you study his facial expression.
Desperate to make your point clear, you ramble to fill the silence, to have him understand just how much this means to you.
“I won’t tell them anything, I swear! And I won’t try to drop hints either, you’re smart, so you’d be able to notice them, anyway,” praising him will surely make him become more agreeable, right? “You can lead the conversations, a-and basically say everything in my place so I won’t say anything stupid. You can choose how long and where and when, I just really want them to know I’m okay,” somewhat. “and I want to know that they’re okay too. Please…”
After a silence that’s far too long for comfort, he finally speaks up. Both his voice and countenance refuse to betray what he’s feeling or thinking in the moment. “Your family is in fine health.”
Is that really all he got from your spiel?
“I’m glad, but I really want to see them in person. Please just let me–”
Your tongue freezes, even if you desperately want to keep talking. He gives you a look you’re all too familiar with. The one that tells you to stop pushing your luck, that he’s made up his mind.
If you drop the subject now, he’ll pretend it was never brought up, and you can both bathe in each other's presence. But you refuse to go down like this. He can have you experience luxuries you couldn’t have dreamt of before him, but the pros don’t extend much further than that. The freedom to go out without having to gain Chrollo’s favor first or socializing with whomever you want were taken from you, stolen by a wanted thief.
Against your better judgment, you pursue the topic.
“But!” “[First].” A final warning. You don’t heed it. There’s something to gain, but nothing to lose. “But I’ve been good, haven't I?” You try not to linger on the implication of the word, feeling more like some kind of glorified pet rather than human. “I even let you…” The words are stuck in your throat, making it feel as if you’re choking on your own indignity. There’s no need for you to clarify, anyway, the implication far too obvious to miss.
You feel disgusted at yourself, even if you don’t have the guts to voice that which is obvious. You let him touch you in ways you swore you would never grant him the pleasure of. It was the last part of you he didn’t have in his grasp, and yet you handed it to him on a silver platter, clinging onto hope that maybe if you gave him this one thing he’d acquise to one of your more serious requests.
He sighs, drawn out and heavy. His hand slowly trails up your body, surely noticing but not commenting on how you bristle at the contact, and lingers on the area of your chest a bit too long for comfort. It takes a commendable amount of self control to not slap his hand away, but you manage to force yourself to keep your arms limp by your side.
When his hand reaches your face, he holds your cheek and strokes his thumb over it. The gesture is probably meant to be comforting, but there’s no comfort to be gained from it. No, comfort is a foreign concept when Chrollo is involved.
This set-up feels almost romantic. Maybe it could be, if only he could keep his mouth shut for once. A shame his words effortlessly destroy any semblance of romance the atmosphere had been able to take on.
“You enjoyed it, no?” You blank at his words. It was a reality you were set on ignoring, but Chrollo always seems to be able to tell which topics you want to avoid. It’s unfortunate those happen to be his favorite to discuss.
“Are you intent on ignoring this reality forever? To make yourself feel better about yourself, you convince yourself this was something only I wanted, that you had no choice but to accept whatever I did.” By your stiff posture and pleading eyes, he can easily tell you want him to stop. But he doesn’t relent. “Yet, it was you who initiated. You willingly entered my bed and leaned into my touch.”
Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, this truth wouldn’t have been shoved in your face, and you could keep pretending you were as unwilling as you thought to be, just so you could justify your actions to yourself.
“Even during it all, I could see the determination in your eyes. You truly are a sight to behold. I could see the inner turmoil, the justification of why you let me claim you. I was content letting you lie to yourself all you desire, but, ah, you seem to have forced the words out of me.”
He gives you a smile of faux guilt. Had you not been feeling so utterly defeated, you might’ve reached out to slap it off his face.
The water is lukewarm, you bitterly note in your head. Even with every remaining part of your dignity being completely destroyed by Chrollo’s words, you refuse to humor him with a response, or any acknowledgement in general. Busying yourself with counting the amount of bathroom tiles seems to keep your mind off the situation at hand for a few seconds, but your tormentor won’t allow you to not give your full attention.
You’re pulled flush against his bare chest. He ignores the yelp you let out in response, placing his face into your neck. Your entire body feels heavy and useless. You want to claw him off, to prove him wrong with both words and actions, but you can’t muster up the energy. Is there even a point, when Chrollo always manages to have everything end in his favor?
He begins to press light kisses against your neck, the skin still sore due to his prior actions. His arms hold your waist in a warm embrace, yet a shiver runs down your spine at the contact.
“You’ve never been the type to give in easily. It’s a trait of yours I truly admire, along with many others.”
In the past, a heartfelt compliment like that would’ve had you beaming at the words and scrambling to give him a compliment back. But in the present, it just has the feeling of despair inside of you growing. He doesn’t voice it, but he doesn’t need to. The words left unsaid are clear.
He made you give in.
When you began hinting towards sex to him, you told yourself that this was for your own gain. That for once, you would be the victor. Chrollo would benefit, yes, but you would too. You could finally have something you truly wanted.
You told yourself this when his kisses got more heated, more passionate, the calm and gentlemanly demeanor he’s always wearing slipping away. You told yourself this when clothes were shed, when he lined himself up with you, when you felt your resolve slipping during the heat of it, when he finally pulled out and it was over.
Throwing away the last shreds of your pride was painful, but you endured. You refused to acknowledge any pleasure he was bringing you, keeping your mind focused on your goal so you could finally win once, as miniscule as your victory may be.
But in the end, Chrollo was the only one who gained anything.
Just like it’s always been.
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formulapookie · 1 month
under the cut to read
it started as something @giuventus asked me to write, amo spero sia bella, l'ho scritta mezza da fatta e l'altra metà da addormentata
They can only dream beznaia, 1.6k words
They’re running late, they both know that, they spent way too much time in the shower making out and jerking off like teenagers and way too little actually getting ready for the press con they have to attend in 5 minutes.
“Pecco I told you we had to be quicker, they're gonna ask for our heads, ITS FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM HERE how are we supposed to make it?”
“We would’ve been there on time if you didn’t tease me back in the room.
Do you think I am a man intelligent enough to not think about railing you when you walk around in just  my jersey and nothing under it?”
“No, that’s why I do it but -PECCO THE LEFT TURN DIOBO”
They almost miss it, but somehow manage to get there in 10 minutes, parking the bike somewhere random next to the Ducati garage and sprinting to the press con room.
“Where were you two?” Carola is furious, rightfully so, but hands them the pass.
“actually I don’t wanna know, just go in there and fucking act normal”
“What do you mean normal?”
“Like you didn’t just fuck maybe? I don’t want this 
type of mess to deal with right now”
Bez is red as Pecco’s jersey now, Pecco throwing Carola a look that kills while pushing Bez to the room.
“She knows?”
“She’s my sister guess it’s like -siblings thing or something”
They make a run for the room and find Martin already sitting there, smiling at Pecco, just waving at Bez. 
Him and the Spaniard don’t have the best relationship, but he knows he and Pecco in the past have shared one too many nights for calling it casual, and one too many moments together for Bez’s liking.
“Bastardo” he says before sitting on Pecco’s left side.
“Stop it Bez we’re live”
“Tell your little friend to stop being an asshole then”
He shuts up, knowing it’s best to not piss Pecco off if he still wishes to walk afterwards.
The press con goes by pretty easily, they’re asked usual questions about the championship and how they think they will manage a possible title fight up to Valencia.
Then it’s the turn of those bothering personal questions Bez never liked.
Why do journalists care what one does in private he will never understand.
“And for you Bez, do you feel that for Jorge having a girlfriend could be a distraction?”
Now what kind of question is this?
Like what the actual fuck
“Eh I don’t have idea, I’m not currently taken so I don’t know if it can be an incentive to do better or no, you asked the wrong guy sorry” “No girlfriend for you then?” “Not currently no, am free”
He can feel Pecco’s eyes on him, he can’t look back, he’s sure he would combust if he did.
They ask a few more questions to Martin and Pecco about their battles on track and if they think the championship can go to Valencia, Bez doesn’t listen, he’s trying to hide his blush as Pecco compliments him on a last minute action he pulled last weekend.
They get up for the group picture, Jorge’s arm goes to wrap itself around Pecco’s waist and Bez would very much like to push him away from him.
They go out and cross paths with the other three having to undergo presscon, they greet each other, then it’s only them three.
“So Bezzecchi you really have no girl?”
“Nah, focused on racing, plus I have Rubik he’s great company”
“If you say so, see you tomorrow, I have - company waiting for me”
Bez pulls a half disgusted face, turning towards Pecco, who looks everything but relaxed right now.
“Care to come with me to my motorhome Bez?”
“Yeah sure”
He follows Pecco silently, he looks pissed off, he doesn’t know why exactly, could be a question he didn’t bother to listen to during the presscon.
They get to the Ducati garage, they all greet Bez, luckily enough it’s normal for him to be there, so no suspicions arise between the mechanics.
“Lock the door”
Bez does it with no questions, it’s not like they never lock doors to talk, but usually the room doesn’t feel this charged, it’s a space where they usually chill before and after races.
“Everything ok Pecco? You look - I don’t know you look” “Angry?” “Pissed off, did a question bother you or something? I stopped listening after mine, I knew they were stupid questions anyway”
“It’s not the question per se that bothered me, mostly it was the answer”
Pecco goes to sit on the edge of his bed, the other absentmindedly going to find his place on his lap, as Pecco wraps his hands around his hips.
“Did Martin say something bothersome? I’m going to find him if he did” “No no amore nothing like that”
“Then what?”
They are really close now, Bez can smell the shampoo they both used before on Pecco, it’s something mint scented which Bez doesn’t particularly like, but uses anyway because it’s Pecco’s favorite.
“You saying you’re not taken. Saying you are free. I didn’t like it. People are going to get the wrong idea don’t you think? They’re gonna assume they can flirt with you, and touch you here” Pecco’s hands draw small circles on Bez’s hips, that by now is fucking crimson and sweating.
“Or here” he moves his hands lower, to Bez’s thighs, still drawing patterns on them.
“Or even here” Bez lets out a moan when Pecco presses one of his hands against his bulge, feeling him through the jeans he’s wearing.
“Pecco fuck” he smiles, Bez’s head on his shoulder as he keeps palming him through his jeans.
“Imagine what they could think, maybe that they are allowed to kiss you or feel your pretty mouth around their dick mh?”
“Please” he’s hot under Pecco’s touch, burning with need.
“Do you think I liked that, Marco? Seeing their eyes on you like you were a prey? Seeing them thinking that you’re available?”
“I didn’t - fuck - I didn’t mean for them to think that”
“Oh I believe you amore, I do, seriously, but you see, they are now confident they can have you, and I have to make sure you’re seen as off limits the next few days right?”
Bez can feel he’s close, Pecco’s hand working him up without removing any clothes, he’s breathing hard by now, he tries to go unzip his jeans but Pecco doesn’t let him, he wants to be the one in absolute control right now.
“I bet they would pay to hear how you sound amore, and I honestly don’t think I could spend my money better than that”
“I’m close Pecco fuck”
“You know what pisses me off more?”
Bez mutters a muffled “no”, biting his lip to quieten his noises as much as possible.
“the fact they’d think about leaving marks here, all over your neck, branding you with their signature”
Pecco does as he says, pressing a light kiss on Bez’s neck, then moving up slightly, biting and sucking on the spot, which becomes purple almost immediately, drawing out a long moan from Bez, who’s fighting for the last drops of dignity.
“I need them to see that you are not available, not for them not for anyone else, you belong to me Marco, I don’t like when others try to take what mine”
He’s been jealous in the past, yes, especially with Mig, always flirting with him, or Cele, but not like this.
And it’s hot.
Really hot, knowing Pecco wants him as badly as he wants Pecco, that he wants to mark him to draw a line.
“You look so beautiful, and you’re all mine”
he’s whispering against Bez’s collarbone now, hot breath making him shiver, as he begins to leave a trail of kisses from the collarbone until the juncture between neck and shoulder that always gets Bez weak for it, slowly reaching his neck, sucking deep purple and blue hickeys on it, Bez still trying to hold back his orgasm, a whimpering mess under Pecco’s teasing.
“Don’t hold back amore, you deserve it”
Bez barely lasts another half second before feeling his orgasm overwhelm him, coming in his briefs and trousers, embarrassingly much like a teenager.
“Look how pretty you look, all marked by me”
Bez turns his head back, facing the huge mirror Pecco insisted on having positioned in front of his bed.
He’s covered in bruises and hickeys, luckily they can all be covered by a high neck sweater he currently has, otherwise he would’ve never walked out of here looking like that.
They spend the rest of the time making out, showering and making out again, Pecco sucking a few more marks on Bez’s neck, smiling after each one of them has taken its place.
“See you later amore, come to my room ok?” “Yeah yeah I will, don’t worry”
Bez puts on the sweater, pulling it as high as he can to cover his neck, until he’s fairly far from it, walking like nothing happened just half an hour ago.
“You found a girl in the end, Bezzecchi?” 
“Well it’s either that or you have a very bad reaction to something because your neck looks really…messy”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck.
He checks himself with his internal camera on his phone.
There’s no hiding, they show even if he pulls the sweater higher, and tries to salvage the situation.
“Yeah no, it’s just a uhm a grid girl, nothing special”
“Mh yeah, of course, see you tomorrow Bez”
The curly boy looks as the other goes back inside his motorhome, not failing to notice how he always avoids the same room. 
He thinks it’s hot once again, to be branded by Pecco like he was right now.
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sillyspero · 13 days
hi everyone! not sure who all follows me because of my ateez lore slideshow but i wanted to share a little update and some good news!! i’m super happy to say that i preordered the behind the scenes/documentary set of DVDs that Ateez announced and of course that means i’m also getting the Dear Diary book :000 it’s hard to tell at this point if it’s just going to be a compilation reprint of the existing diaries or if it’s going to be some sort of novel retelling that fills in the gaps as well. regardless, i’m really excited to own it in a couple months and i will be marking it up and updating the slideshow accordingly 🙏 (could also be completely unrelated idk but it’s cool regardless haha). i also wanted to say for those who may have read the slideshow earlier on, it’s been updated to include the lore from the Golden Hour diaries so if you’re interested please feel free to check it out! that section is obviously a work in progress as we’ve only had one installment of diaries but you are all very welcome to check it out. (also feel free to send questions as always!)
anywho that’s all i can’t wait to get the set!! it contains everything i love to nerd out about hehe
the slideshow is pinned on my page and i will reblog it around the time i get the book if i make significant changes (i still have some ages to update because of birthdays that have passed but that’s minor) 💖
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emilybeemartin · 1 year
hello hello! my boromir lives au fic inspired by your (fantastic) art is FINALLY finished and up! sorry it took so long! hope you're recovering well! hope you enjoy this too! https://archiveofourown.org/works/49630162
OhohoHO, this is AMAZING! Hang on, I gotta take my sling off so I can type faster about this.
I love how you personified Boromir on his journey after Amon Hen and how you show his motivations changing--- first in Edoras, where he doesn't trust his own judgement to speak up, which changes to a desire to follow Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead, which turns into contentment with the thought of dying at the Black Gate if it means giving a chance to all the others they've left behind.
I love, too, your thematic use of where there is life, there is hope. I'm from South Carolina, and while our state has EXTREMELY MANY issues, our motto is dum spiro spero: while I breathe, I hope. It feels apt for Boromir's journey here, especially where he reflects on how he'd have thought it trite and meaningless in a previous time but given his time in the Fellowship, he's ready to believe it.
I also love the image of Pippin being the one to finally get Boromir to rest in Minas Tirith---I bet the hobbit would allege that he was worried about Merry and needed someone to talk to, and Boromir would graciously make the time for him, only for Pippin to chatter relentlessly. Boromir would fight to stay awake and listen dutifully but ultimately would drift off to sleep, after which Pippin would sneak away, glad his plan worked.
You have a transcendent writing voice and have achieved something that I struggle with, which is narrating a long span of time in a short form, and doing it evocatively. Well done, and thank you for sharing!!!
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italeean · 5 months
And this event sounds so fun so I had to send in something (no pressure ofc ^-^)
Description: I literally had to go around asking my friends to describe me bc I couldn’t think of much besides that I’m an introvert and pessimistic about myself lmao. So from the intel I’ve gathered: I’m shy, friendly, kind, care a lot about those closest to me, and worry too much about things. My interests are pretty boring, all I do is play videogames (mainly rhythm games nowadays) and watch anime occassionally, although I can get very passionate about them. I don’t have much of a preference to the people I surround myself with, as long as they can handle my more reserved nature and respect my boundaries.
I am a lee leaning switch :3
And I’d like to choose genshin impact as the fandom. I started playing not too long ago and it’s been my new hyperfixation.
With a romantic relationship with a male character!
Oh and my name is Sakura!🌸
I hope I did this correctly kahdjahdjahsh
Have a good day/night‼ And take your time!
Sakuraaa 🥹💕 After months of inactivity, I'm taking back the reins of this event and I'm more than ready to match you up with your special someone hehe ✨️ Thanks for your patience, e spero ti piaccia il mio lavoro 💚🤍❤️ (and I hope you'll enjoy my work) 🍡 *hands you the dango to eat while you read*
🔮 Without further ado, your match is... KAZUHA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. You say you're pessimistic about yourself, and this little ray of sunshine is the perfect way to bring some light in 2. He's delicate and soft-spoken, which won't make you feel overwhelmed by endless talking 3. He's super perceptive, which means he'll understand how you're feeling without you having to tell him, which can be hard sometimes when you're an introvert 4. If you play rhythm games, he might play a tune with leaves to match the rhythm you're playing in the game! That would be so cute... 5. Even he's usually a ray of sunshine, he can have his bad days, especially when he thinks about Tomo, and you'd be able to support him quietly thanks to your personality and your emotional baggage 6. Kazuha is a generally quiet person, so expect many, MANY successful sneak attacks... and if your sides or ribs are sensitive, you'll be in for a bumpy ride 7. He's the personification of gentleness, so he'd be sure to inquire about your boundaries without you even needing to tell him anything 8. He likes the sound of your laughter even more of the song of the wind between the leaves, so tickling you is one of his favorite ways to "bring some light into your pessimism" 9. I feel like he'd LOVE to blow some air into your ears or pepper kisses on your neck if those spots are sensitive 10. He also does mind a few pokes if he needs to be cheered up... and if you do that to get his attention, he'll get the hint and proceed to tickle you as much as you'd like!
🔮 Tickle scenario
Kazuha couldn't ask for a better morning than this. Azure sky with some fluffy white clouds, the music of nature made by the wind that caresses the leaves, lying on the grass in silence with his eyes closed...
... and you.
You and him had started dating a few months ago. He was the best thing that had ever happened in your life, and he thought the same about you. You two didn't need loud love, your relationship could be compared to a warm, soft cocoon. You expressed your feelings through little gestures and by being there for each other.
Unless you were bored.
Don't get me wrong, Kazuha loved every aspect of you, but when you were bored, you were quite the handful. Little pranks, pokes, silly jokes... you would try everything to distract him, and that's what you wanted in that exact moment.
Calling him was an amazing option, since he was a samurai with an astounding control of all his senses, but where was the fun in that? You surely could do much better, so you got up, making as little noise as possible, and approached him with your hands shaped in claws ready to attack.
His eyes were still closed, perfect. You just needed to attack. 3... 2... 1... Now!
Or so you thought...
As soon as your fingertips came in contact with his ribcage, you felt something gripping your wrists and in a fraction of second, you were on the grass, facing the blue sky and a white-haired guy with an ominous smirk that you had learned to fear.
"Were you trying to wake me up, love?" He asked in a sweet tone mixed with a hint of playfulness, "Alas, your reflexes seem a little sluggish, like a lethargic bear cub." He tsked with no annoyance in his voice, just a little mocking.
"Maybe you're the one who needs a little awakening, aren't you, little cub?"
Before you could make up even the faintest argument to object, his hands started zapping your sides with ruthlessly, relentlessly and with the meticulous precision provided by the knowledge of every single spot that made you squeak, squeal or even snort.
"Ka- wahahahait nooo..!" You begged, but your pleas fell on deaf ears, as the tickle assault only increased in intensity. You attempted to swat his hands away, but that was futile as well. His reflexes were much faster than yours.
"Not good, your reflexes don't show any sign of awakening yet. Such a lazy little cub..." He joked, enjoying the blush that invaded your cheeks because of the nickname, "Do we really need to take extreme measures to make the lazy cub arise?"
Your eyes widened in shock and glee, and your laughter became much more nervous. "No no nohoho w-we dohohon't... we don't need to..! Please we do-" Not even Kazuha's refined lexicon had a term to define the high pitch of your scream, and the samurai knew this was his stop signal.
He raised his hands and helped you sit up while you were gasping for air, using his Anemo vision to create a gentle, refreshing breeze for you.
When you recovered, you looked at him with a gaze that meant war and pronounced the words: "I swear to the Seven Archons, I'll get you back."
Your warmongering glare was met with a smug, playful one. "Come at me then, cub, and show me your awakened reflexes" He chuckled, getting ready for a day full of combat.
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sidmjkgc · 1 year
Am i drunk? Yes I am.
I went with my sister and a bottle of champagne to see my dad at the cemetery, a communist who died four years ago (a week from now to be precise) of a tumor. We also drunk for all of our ancestors, all left leaning.
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Helpless part 43, however much we fear the truth we must face it
Hi, I guess I'm doing this now...? Will gave it to me with the second Heartstopper book, I don't really know what I'm doing but I guess I'm meant to write down my thoughts sooooo..... I hate myself, I wish I was dead, I'm a freak, I can't even fucking eat for fucks sake what the fuck is wrong with me, the only good part if my life right now is Will an he's bound to leave soon enough. Fuck I wish I had a fag on me but I already know I won't get away with that in the infirmary, it's not that bad but it makes me feel so fucking useless, maybe if I shadow travelled back to my cabin I could get some, Will would fucking murder me but I might do it.
Here is a list of reasons I hate myself because that seems fucking productive:
1. I'm a fag that deserves to burn in Hell
2. I'm dependent on drugs before I can drive (legally)
3. I can't fucking eat like a normal fucking person
4. I hurt everyone I touch
5. I'm a fucking twig
6. I can't even use my fucking powers now that's how pathetic I've gotten
7. I'm a freak
8. I nearly betrayed everyone
9. I'm a shit brother to Hazel
10. I managed to make my own sister hate me
11. I'm a demigod
12. I can't just be fucking happy for once
13. I over think every fucking thing
14. I need my fucking mouth washed out with soap
15. The Catholic Church
I could say more but I don't think I have time for that, I'm gonna go and think about how I can kill myself while locked up in this place
Fuck is my only thought right now, kill me (PLEASE)
Bianca, mi dispiace, mi dispiace di essere quella di cui hai sempre dovuto prenderti cura, quella che hai praticamente cresciuto solo per riaverla. Vorrei essere morto al posto di te, ogni singolo giorno lo vorrei, vorrei poter essere buono come un fratello maggiore che eri per me per Hazel. Vorrei non essere una fottuta delusione, vorrei che tu non dovessi unirti alla Caccia per allontanarti da me. Spero che ti sia piaciuto essere rinato. Mi dispiace tanto per tutto.
Putain, je n’ai pas écrit en français depuis un certain temps, alors voyons si je me souviens encore comment le faire, si mon orthographe est décente, c’est seulement parce que j’ai passé environ une heure à écrire ces conneries, donc vous devriez toujours être déçu. Qu’est-ce que j’écris ? Aucune putain d’idée, mais j’ai déjà lu Heartstopper trois fois aujourd’hui et je pense que c’est trop gay, même pour moi, de le lire plus que cela en moins de cinq heures. Kayla est venue avec de la nourriture plus tôt, aucune idée de l’endroit où se trouve Will et je n’ai toujours pas mangé de merde parce que c’est à quel point je suis inutile.
I really wish I had a smoke right now, but I know I can't, I feel so fucking stressed for too many fucking reasons and my heads been pounding for hours, Kayla gave me a panadol a few hours ago but that did fucking nothing so yeah struggling to not hit my head repeatedly on a wall out of pain. I don't know why but I can't stop thinking about those nights when I was what, twelve? Probably because of the nightmares, I'm fucking useless aren't I? I couldn't even stop it from happening to Hazel, I'm fucking pathetic. Gods I can't wait to get out of this place, I love Will but I don't know how much longer I can take of this place. The bright lights shining into your eyes so much it gives you a headache, the scent of rubbing alcohol filling the room, the plain white walls that feel trapping, everything feels wrong. I know why I'm here, no one trust's me alone, the part they forgot to mention is that I'd be better off dead. I already know Leo, Piper and Jason talked shit about me on the Argo II, I know they all wanted to leave me in that jar, I know that to Percy and Annabeth I'm nothing more than a burden, I fucking hate myself and so do they so why can't they just let me fucking die?
Guys the bold means it’s written, was gonna do underline but that doesn’t work in tumblr xx
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nepticmancer · 6 days
Wanderlust and Hesperos(Don’t You Worry Child) being best friends as kids
The Showman was said by Aurore to be a godfather to Wanderlust, which actually fits in with my Traveler being a sentient star with a humanoid form hcs bc I can say The Showman is the same way going based on Don’t Stop Me Now
The Showman and The Traveler have always been close friends and whenever The Showman visited he’d bring his son, Hesperos around to play with Wanderlust
The young prince was always so interested in Hesperos because unlike their dads, Hesperos looks more like Wanderlust because they weren’t white like other coaches and when Speros didn’t have star projected onto him, he looked the same just without the stars
Speros was a bit upset about looking different from their dads because he wanted a normal form with a small patch over his eye too but Wander never failed to mention how absolutely awesome he looked
Speros and Wanderlust lost contact as they got older due to their separate duties, Wander buried himself in his Chosen One duties and Hesperos having to find his place among the stars while balancing his love for Lucia(Lights)
But imagine the two meeting once more when Speros is needed to save his childhood friend and his crew
(As kid’s they totally played pranks on their dad’s when they talked about important work, Si’ha helped them, The Showman was always more bothered by pranks than The Traveler given I see him as a bit of a jokester/prankster too, he’s proud of the boys)
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ohsalome · 2 years
What are some amazing, most read Ukraine authors? The only one I know is Gogol and I would like more on my radar.
First important disclaimer is that without knowing ukrainian, your pool of choice is very limited. Unfortunately, our translators haven't done nearly enough to make ukrainian literature acessable for english speakers, so a lot of genuinely amazing stuff would require you to know the language.
The second important disclaimer is that I am going to recommend you a lot of poetry, and, with no disrespect to the translators, it doesn't hit nearly as hard in english as it is in ukrainian. I've recently heard the phrase "to read poetry in translation is like to take a shower wearing a raincoat", and it is so true. So, apologies for this barrier, but there is nothing one can do.
With that in mind, let's start from classics:
The first most important author is Taras Shevchenko. He mainly wrote poetry, but has some prose works as well, and during his life he was more known as a popular artist. The Bible of his works is Kobzar (a ukrainian word for travelling blind musicians), and the same word is also often used as a nickname for Shevchenko - akin to how Shakespeare can be called the Bard. Among the most important poems pay attention to A Dream (the poem for which he was imprisoned by the russians with an explicit ban on writing and painting), The Caucasus, My Testament, Kateryna, A cherry orchad by the house, О thoughts of mine
The second big name to know is Lesya Ukrainka. Lesya is also more known for her drama and poetry than her prose, but she also was a prolific translator and a feminist. Her most well-know play is The Forest Song (a cartoon adaptation is soon to be released after 7 years of production, but from the trailer it looks like it's not going to be close to the text). I find her Бояриня play to be much more interesting and relevant, however, it looks like it has not been translated yet. Among her poems, some of the most important are Contra Spem Spero and Cassandra (the latter has had some successful stage prouctions in Great Britain last year, mayhaps it will gain popularity)
Some links to her works: [x] [x]
Fun fact: there are speculations about Lesya Ukrainka's relationship with her close friend Olga Kobylyanska. The letters they exchanged are quite intimate and sometimes even erotic in nature, which lead some academics to believe that they were more than friends (most still fall in the "gal pals" camp tho). However, if that were true, that would mean that Lesya Ukrainka is the only bisexual woman to ever be printed on banknotes.
The third pillar of ukrainian classical literature is Ivan Franko. Once again, we are talking about partiotic poetry, but there are also many socialistic ideas in his works (although he became dissilusioned with it in his later years ), which I think many western readers will find appealing - (side comment - it looks like "collective west" is going through the same processses that we overcame a century ago, so ehm... good luck, y'all will need it). I haven't been able to find much of his works translated in English, so here is a good master page. Zakhar Berkut is considered to be one of his greatest works (a ukrainian-american co-production movie The Rising Hawk was released a couple of years ago, it was shit). If you manage to put your hands on it, I would greatly recommend The Painted Fox and Moses. Also, reading Eternal Revolutionary imprinted on me so much in childhood and determined who I grew up to be, I pretty much consider Franko to be my spiritual father.
A great event that happened this year is that Valeryan Pidmohylny's The City is finally getting an english translation. I have been gushing about this book on this blog before (you can also find the link to the publisher there), because for the archetypical ukrainian literature this book is a breath of fresh air. It's beautiful, it's modern, it's urbanistic, the protagonist is irredeemable asshole, it's amazing and I should re-read it as well.
Among the authors that are much more difficult to find, I greatly recommend Ivan Nechu-Levytsky. In my humble opinion, he like no other has managed to capture the "ukrainian spirit" and his plots are extremely captivating and dramatic as hell.
I will always, always add Ivan Bahryiany to my lists of ukrainian "must reads". He is an author of the first ever ukrainian adventure novel Tiger Trappers/The Hunters and the Hunted, which is the book that is loved even by those who don't like ukrainian literature. However, I personally find his Garden of Gethsemane to be a much more important (but take care, it is much more depressing as well). This author is extremely important, but I struggle finding PDFs of his work - perhaps, you'd have to search the libraries or ukr diaspora publishers for paperbacks. I have also been unsuccessfully hunting for an english translation of Why I am not going back to the Soviet Union? pamphlet for years - and I know for sure it exists because the USA first lady at that time has read it and it influenced her opinion on the USSR - but I've had no luck so far.
Another very important author of the same time period is Mykola Khyvylovy. One of his plays has actually been recently put to stage in English (shamefully, I haven't watched it yet, but I can vouch for the text it was based on - it's brutal).
I can't speak about ukrainian literature without mentioning crimean tatars, and although their works are much, much less known (in Ukraine as well, unfortunately), please do not overlook it. It is a gorgeous culture, and reading it, I grew to love and value Crimea so much even without ever visiting it. There are some english translations avaliable, including those of Noman Çelebicihan - an extermely important figure in Crimean Tatar history, the founder of the unfortunately short-lived Crimean Democratic Republic, the author of their national anthem, and overall very influential revolutionary.
Now let's jump to the popular modern authors. Many don't have english translation, but the problem is much less prominent in comparison to the ukrainian classics. With these authors, you shouldn't have trouble with finding paperbacks. Among the most influential authors I can recommend Serhiy Zhadan (Timothy Snyder has once said that he expects Zhadan to receive a Nobel Prize in literature and I agree), Oksana Zabuzhko (she either aught to release soon or has already released an english-exclusive book about the russian-ukrainian war), Yuri Izdryk (extremely modern and unconventional, but he's a good represention of the current state of art), Yuriy Andrukhovych (love his mastery of language, hate his characters). These authors are more light-hearted, but a grim necessity for today is Stanislav Aseyev's The Torture Camp on Paradise Street. It is a autobilgraphical book describing his experience being imprisoned by russians between 2017 and 2019. Western journalism often describes the war crimes russians commit on our land, but just listing the number of people lost doesn't show the face of the russian horror. Read this book to understand why we were screaming about the russian threat before the full-scale invasion, and why every time we regain the territory we brace with terror of what we'll discover there - because everywhere russian army goes, they build hunderds of such Isolyatsya camps that the book describes.
Also check out Serhiy Zhadan's band!
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verdemoun · 2 months
Ok, ma finora non hai parlato di Molly nella tua AU. 🧡💙
Mi immagino come "cosa?! Una donna deve lavorare per vivere!?".
Poi spero che impari che la violenza di genere economica è una cosa brutta e capisca quanto sia bella l'emancipazione femminile e trovi uno scopo nel mondo moderno.
Come pensi che sarebbe stata la relazione con Annabelle e il resto della gang? E come avrebbe affrontato il ritorno di Dutch?
Grazie mille!! mi dispiace, non parlo italiano but will try to respond with google's help!
the gang did not find molly! she was actually picked up by a lovely older couple who happened upon her stumbling around the woods where her body was burned/'laid to rest' and took her in
as a result she has to learn to separate herself from the gang and 19th century society a lot faster and very much thrives on it
before she has to address getting a job she accidentally becomes a very well paid 200k+ followers influencer on social media
her main social media account 'itsmollydamnit' is her talking about modern era things as modern era things people assume it's an elaborate roleplay but she is little mermaid style going on live to talk about the marvels of modern era like microwave popcorn and pastel self defense weapons
she loves female empowerment the number of essays and philosophy texts on the role of women in modern era, rights of women, feminism, protest, she reads puts dutch's 'education' to shame.
the gang didn't realise she had timewarped until months later (sean found her on social media) and while she was glad to hear from the 1899 gang she doesn't need that connection because they'd always treated her like an outsider anyway. she has modern friends and modern interests and she's thriving in a world that encourages and expects her to 'dont need no man'
she also discovers she's bi as is the right of passage for any woman who dates dutch van der linde and ends up very happily married to a woman from modern era. her wife doesn't actually know about timewarp and just thinks molly is incredibly intelligent but also adorably naive about some things in modern era
molly does keep in contact with annabelle and bessie because sometimes it is important to have a woman who understands the jarring shift from 19th century to 21st century and will semi-regularly catch up with them for brunch
she is too busy being an internet celebrity to see the gang often but still catches up with them whenever she can
for dutch's safety they never invite him to an outing molly is going to. molly is bold and empowered and has made it clear if she ever sees dutch van der linde again it is on sight. she will try to kill him.
molly also getting some counselling and realizing while she was her late teens/early 20s when she met dutch and she was very much a vulnerable young woman taken advantage of by an older wise talking megalomaniac with pretty words
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yohanseyebrowmole · 1 month
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𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 About me! 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
Hey, hey , hey! I'm Yor and I hope you have a nice stay ᡣ𐭩
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 (she/her), slytherin, daughter of apollo, music lover, kpopie, bookworm, anime lover, INTP-T, Certified simp, Certified procrastinator.
ᡣ𐭩Dark Haired Targaryen lover (Crown Prince Jacaerys and Crown Prince Duncan, I'm talking about you guys!)
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House of the Dragon
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Moira ♧ The crown princess of Dorne and the crown prince of Westeros abhor each other until they don't ♧
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Nepenthes Aelora Targaryen was doomed. She was doomed from the moment she was born, for the mere fact that she was born a woman.
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Percy Jackson & The Olympians
Luke Castellan
Dum Spiro Spero The son of Hermes and the daughter of Apollo were always enough for each other. What happens when one of them starts yearning for more? Luke x Daughter of Apollo Star-crossed lovers
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Prologue: His truest love and his greatest regret
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Veni Vidi Vici In which, Lorelei Astra Cessair Irvine loved him first, but he would always love her more. Percy x Daughter of Thanatos TLT - TLO Full length fic
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Cathartic Helena Alexandra Azara Colette gets thrown head first into a deadly quest with her boyfriend, Percy Jackson. Will they find happiness, or will they be forced to watch as their love crumbles before them? Percy x Daughter of Ares BOTL - TLO Full length fic
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Mon Amon Cara Asteria Callisto was the daughter of the moon and a huntress of Artemis. She knew of the world of the gods, the fates had always favoured her bloodline, not even the gods know why. She knew firsthand how cruel the fates could be but she never thought they would be as cruel as this. Percy x Daughter of Selene TTC - TLO Full length fic
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Made by Yor on the: 14/08/24
Last updated: 05/09/24
Dividers are Softcore Royalty by @thecutestgrotto
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