#spinny lift cuddles
tutuandscoot · 2 years
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📍 ‘How Will I Know’. SOI Hamilton 2015
*Scott skates away from Tessa as part of the choreography and the camera stays on T who has a subtly heartbroken yet resigned to the inevitable look on her face*
*Once the dance has ended, Tessa’s expression changes to a stunning, elated smile as she slyly waits for Scott to return to her*.
*She nods as if she is responding to him saying “are you ok, are you alright my love? Please don’t be sad I promise I’ll never leave you again”. Her tiny little nod like when small children fall over or hurt themselves and you go to them willing them to be ok, but of course she is ok, because her favourite person in the world is about to wrap her up in his arms*
*Their embrace is indicative of two people who love each other so much and never want to be separated, yet as artists they had to experience and express devastating heartbreak. They love to feel that, they love to make others feel that, but they don’t like to feel that about each other. They must start this program and others like it by telling each other “I don’t feel this about you, I will never feel this about you. You know I love you, that is a fact that will never change, but let’s go out there experience all these emotions together because it’s such fun there’s no one I feel safer doing that with then you”. This internal struggle between their desire and love to perform emotions we all feel as human beings, and their overwhelming desire to ensure the other is always safe and happy*
*He returns to her like he’s promising her we never have to go through that again, I’ll never leave you like that again. “My darling Tess I just need to hold you in my arms”. Lifty cuddles are normally only reserved for exhilarating, highly emotional moments. This is not like a post competition celebration lifty cuddle but a “my angel I must feel your heart beating against mine once more” and once she is in his arms, she is home. So how deeply they must have been affected to return to each other like they don’t ever want to be apart again*.
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heartlessstargirl · 9 months
luke hughes headcanon-
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luke is such a black cat it’s wild- he always wants your attention but won’t ask for it.
luke is very protective over his girl, he refuses to leave you alone at social events because he’s scared that you will get lost.
whenever the devs win youre the first person he runs to. he gives you one of those spinny hugs where he lifts you and you grab his face and kiss him.
he def knows the sidewalk rule and makes sureeee that he follows it every time.
luke unintentionally is possessive. like if he sees another guy even looks your way at the grocery store he will pull you closer, he doesn’t even realize it either.
if you guys are at another sporting event, like a football game. every time the team yall are rooting for gets a touchdown he looks at you to see the excitement in your eyes.
he loveeees to scare you, he will pop out of any corner anytime. he always laughs until he’s on the ground.
luke absolutely cannot fall asleep without cuddling you, when he’s on roadies without you he has to use a stuffed animals and all the guys make fun of him.
he’s def a switch, he loves being dominant after a really good win, and after a loss he wants you to make him feel good
once he knows how you like everything, he gives such amazing head
he loves the nights where yall just watch a movie on the couch and he can finger you under the blankets
his biggest turn ons are: your thighs, seeing you cook, helping you (specifically getting things from tall places) and seeing you with kids
his biggest kinks are: SIZE, breeding, praise, and bondage.
luke loves to tell you “no touching” and then pin your hands above his head with his one hand.
he is sooooo vocal never forgetting to let you know how he feels.
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thestarwarslesbian · 11 months
Time to rewatch star wars (2)
Now it's time for:
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A long time ago in a galxay far far away
Once again the tital scrowl.
I love this film, it has to be my favourtie out of all the star wars films.
My sunshine boy is in the snow
I love the design of the tantuns.
I Love that Han is still with Luke and Leia after 3 years since ANH.
Han's blue coat - we love it.
Chewie doesn't like that Han is helping everyone but him.
I can feel the sexual tension between Leia and Han.
Han is a bisexaul disaster at moments in this film.
3PO you are so right he is in danger.
Han really went "Well I'm off to go rescue my twink."
Luke still needs training in the force or he needs to learn about lower power mode on the lightsabers.
R2 is probely worried about lossing another skywalker again.
Han found luke a very disoriented Luke.
I think they cuddled for warmth after Han maneged to set up the shelter.
Han is being sassy again.
I want to see the verison when Han and Luke kiss.
LEIA NO!!! That's your brother. Your twin brother as well.
Han had a major bisexual panic and was floored.
Guess that wasn't a metoer.
The imperial march - I'm always shocked when I realise it's not in ANH.
The falcon is blowing up.
I also like Luke's hair is this film - What can I say his hair is a master peice.
Han does care for Luke.
I love Vader's spinny chair.
Force chock from a distence - disney really did ruin star wars.
Those ships went down like it was nothing.
Trip them up.
Han has to do all the work.
I like that the people in flying the ships have their X-wings parked close by to make a quick escape.
Han going back for Leia and then having to give her a lift is funny to me.
Luke with a grapeling hook.
Vader on the base - at lest they got away fast enough.
Han having to pull 3PO through the door is funny to me.
Guns that pop out from underneath are cool.
At lest Luke knows that his friends got out okay.
Luke is off to dagobar.
Han us truly great at flying.
3PO tried to tell you.
Astroid field time baby.
Never tell Han the odds
Yes fly into the belly of the beast.
Crash landing.
R2s little camera poking out of the water is so cute as it bobs around.
Vader did bot get NHS medical care.
Vader has probely flown in an astroid feild before.
I do love Han and his sas/firting.
This outfit is my favourite on Luke.
You have to charge the driod otherwise you are stuck out there.
Yoda could easily best Luke.
Do you think R2 would have PTSD from Yoda hitting him in the head and when he sees grogu it's just no no no.
Yoda is toatly provoking R2.
The Kiss!!!!!!!
3PO! get out of there.
Giant hologram.
Also first time you see the empror.
Vader must be so confused because he has a son and he didn't realise.
Vader belives he is no longer Anakin and that means that Luke would only be Vader's son if he joined the darkside.
Luke is bitchy and wants to go home and help people already Yoda just doesn't understand that.
I love that Qui-gon had not been created yet and so it was Yoda trained Obi-wan but Yoda is very manipulative of Obi-wan to get him in his own lineage that it ultimalty leads to Obi-wan's death and the fall of the jedi order.
Luke just keeps banging his head he's not to old but to tall.
Of course something lives in the belly of the beast.
I love Luke in this film.
Story time with Yoda.
Do or do not there is no try Luke.
First time I saw the bit in the dark cave I thought it was Leia's face not Lukes.
The score in ESB is amazing.
Run guys.
Lifting rocks on one hand - a great past time.
The force it can lift anything.
You just need some training first.
The X-wing looks so cool to me in this bit.
This just proves how clever Han is and Boba Fett as well.
Lando? Oh yeah just be careful.
Luke is getting better with the force now.
Luke could sense they were in danger before they where.
I like the idea that Lando was a clone but I don't think it would have fit him as a character and am instead glad that they chose Boba Fett to be from the clones.
Lando and his cloak.
Han and Lando toatly had sex.
I want to write an AU where Luke stays on Dagobah and never got that vision.
Luke did keep his promise.
Another? I wonder who that could be.
Han and Leia are couple goals.
That is a way to make dael to keep them away.
Han's really about to go thorough it for a while.
3PO really just wants to be on striaght.
Leis doesn't seem as bad as han.
The way she storkes Han's hair.
Han is very protectove of Luke.
Vader knows it workes he's been frozeen in carbonite before.
'I know' best respone to I love you.
He lies Lando.
Luke be careful Vader is there.
Yeah tell him Leia.
She tried to warn you.
Yeah fight!!!!!
I love that Long Shot with the sabers ready to fight.
This fight. :]
Lando is a bad ass in this film.
Chewie hates Lando now, but Lando is trying to help.
R2 is shokath that 3PO is in pecies.
The cinamatogrpahy in the light saber scence in the carbornite room is amazing, with the lightsabers lighting up the room.
Vader doesn't know about Yoda.
I love that Luke can already use the force to soften his landings.
Through the window you go.
Lando mhas started a mass evaxtuation.
Smoke screen.
3PO's sass is amazing.
Be careful Luke.
Vader can fight just a bit better
Nethermind, Luke has lost a hand now.
my poor sunshine boy.
Luke was like I would rather die than join you even with this new revelation.
I would not have been able to keep that secret.
I think Luke did consider to joining the dark side but decided to nope on out of there and fall down a hole with the force to help and one less hand.
What a conviently placed anter.
I think Luke must have recongined that Leia was force sensitve on some level.
My question is did Luke get the X-wing back I forgot? If so how?
How else would two characters meet other than when one is dying.
Luke probely didn't even realise it was someone new.
Leia. Once again that is your brother.
Vader wants his son alive at least.
Already calling him father, I thought it would take longer to be honest.
Can we talk about how cut my sunshine boy looks minus one hand and looks like he is a dead man walking.
R2!!!! He did it but then he also fell down a hole right after.
Lando just has to borrow clothes now.
Fancy new hand. Anakin's in AotC looked better.
You can see the whole galaxy from there.
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Best star wars film ever.
Next is PM. Yes I am doing them in a werid order.
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kodzuvii · 3 years
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ON TRACK! ✩ [14: so, I guess we’re soulmates?]
next: [15: the rock wannabe]
pairing - iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
genre - crack + fluff :) soulmate au!
synopsis - In a world where soulmates can hear the songs their partner is singing or listening too at any time, Iwaizumi Hajime wants to know who his soulmate is so he can give them a piece of his mind and tell them to stop singing along to soft lofi songs while he’s in the middle of practice because it’s seriously ruining his cool, calm, and collected image.
wc: 4k
warnings!: grammar issues plz ignore + awkward phone call between two overthinking teenagers? 
a/n: this is severely long overdue and I apologize deeply for that. the taglist for this series is open! more info will be found in the note after the story! ty :)
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“Nee-chan’s weakness #16: overthinks more often than usual when under a lot of pressure”
Akaashi loved you. He really did. But if the higher-ups gave him an option to choose a new older sister, then maybe, just maybe, he would consider taking it. As he watched you frantically pace around his room with your dog (who looked quite scared) in your arms, he wondered if you viewed him more of a personal therapist rather than a little sibling.
His evening was going normal. After a long day of practice, all he intended to do was read a book after dinner and maybe watch a movie with Tofu afterwards just before bed. Nowhere in his plans were for you to barge into his room unannounced with an evident look of panic on your face while mumbling incoherent words. 
Your hair was a mess and you were clad in an oversized sweater and superman pajama pants with Tofu in one of your arms while your phone was being held tightly in your other hand. All he could get from the words leaving your lips at a 1.75 playback speed was “soulmate” and “phone call” and “not ready.” 
Akaashi watched you stop in your tracks and pull out his desk chair. You plopped yourself onto the seat, face warm and flushed as you tried to recall how you were feeling. “No Keiji I’m telling you that any second now, my soulmate is gonna call me and uhm? Quite frankly, my brain can’t process that and I am fucking scared.” 
Akaashi hummed, “nee-chan calm down.” Tofu then jumped out of your arms and leaped onto Akaashi’s bed. He walked up and cuddled up near the setters side which made Akaashi smile before turning his attention back to you. 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your legs and spun around on his chair, “no Kei this is serious. This first phone call is basically equivalent to a meet-cute which also means the first impressions. I feel like his first impression already isn’t good because I literally injured his friend so this is my moment to redeem myself” you rambled. 
Akaashi made eye contact with Tofu and even the poor dog looked concerned at your state.
“Kei, what if this is all a mistake? I mean the universe must be against me somehow right? What if he hates me the moment I answer and then next thing you know he’s telling me that he wants us to reject each other and then I’m gonna be left all alone to roam around this miserable world and-mph!”
You flinched back as you felt a soft pillow collide with your face and stop your ramble. You looked down at the pillow on the floor and snapped your head up to your brother, “what was that for!” Akaashi rolled his eyes and petted Tofu with his right hand, “you overthink too much” he replied simply. 
You narrowed your eyes at him but you couldn’t come up with any comeback in your head. He was right after all. You groaned and stood up from the spinny chair and walked over to his bed before belly-flopping down. You leaned over and grabbed the blue pillow near his headboard and Akaashi watched as you screamed into the plush material. 
You were losing it.
“This sucks Keiji, I’m terrible at phone calls. I don’t even answer Otosan’s phone calls so how the fuck am I supposed to answer my soulmates?”
In Miyagi, Iwaizumi unknowingly found himself in a similar state as you. The moon was shining from his window and the light cascaded a soft glow into his room. With his windows wide open, he could feel the cool breeze blowing in and slightly brushing over his face. But the breeze didn’t help calm his nerves at all.
Iwa was a simple guy, really he was. 
As someone who meditated regularly as well as found good coping mechanisms that would help calm his stress levels down, you would think that he’d be relaxed in this situation.
But no, Iwa was also internally panicking. Being the stubborn boy he was, he tried to play it off and cool himself down by fooling himself into believing that he was fine and that he had everything under control.
He didn’t
Iwa cracked his neck and looked back down at his phone. He was sitting on the sides of his bed, hand gripping tightly onto his phone as his eyes stared at your number displayed on the screen right under your name and his thumb barely hovering over the call button. 
“Okay. I’m gonna do it,” he thought to himself for the nth time in the past 10 minutes.
He took a deep breath and gave himself an internal word of encouragement and made the move. ‘So close’ he thought. “This is it, I’m gonna do it” But just as his thumb barely, just barely, made contact with the screen, he pulled it back and harshly threw his phone at his pillow. He closed his eyes and groaned in frustration as he fell back, his back hitting his mattress.
This was starting to piss him off. 
It was just a phone call. 
Him simply contacting and talking verbally to someone through his phone. 
He was fine.
Yeah no, he was totally fine. Pft He’s had phone calls before. In fact, he had done it several times with several people (that’s a lie he only picks up to his parents and maybe Oikawa on good days) Why was this so hard? Phone calls are a natural thing. Especially in the 21st century. He wasn’t some old man who had no idea how to talk on the phone. 
He got this. 
But wait, did you even want him to call you first? What if you wanted to call him first? Wait what if he asked you during the wrong time and you’re tired? 
Iwaizumi then lifted his head slightly to look at the clock on his bedside table. It was 8 pm. It wasn’t that late right? You would’ve told him if you were busy right? Wait what if you’re an early bird who liked catching a full 12 hours of sleep. Or what if you were just too scared to tell him you weren’t in the mood to call. God, there were so many factors he should’ve thought about before asking you. He blinked and heaved a frustrated sigh as he looked up to his ceiling. This was a lot harder than he’d thought. 
If there was one thing he learned from Oikawa’s fangirls is that girls are scary.
You were no exception to that idea.
Iwaizumi took a deep breath before pulling himself back up and leaned over to grab his phone. He turned it to the side and made sure once again that his ringer was on and that the volume was all the way up just in case you know, you wanted to call first and save him from all the stress he was feeling. 
He stared at your contact information and gripped his phone tighter. Your contact didn’t even have a photo and your name was just ‘Akaashi Y/n’ on his phone. Everything that happened between you two from the past couple of weeks flooded his head and he couldn’t help but internally cringe. He silently cursed at Oikawa for bringing him into this situation because maybe, just maybe, he could’ve held off this first phone call and wait for a couple of years when his voice would be a lot deeper and he would be a lot cooler and he wouldn’t be sitting on his bed with a pathetic expression while listening to his phone ring and-
Iwaizumi’s eyes widened as he now realized that he must’ve subconsciously pressed the call button on his screen. This was it, there was no turning back now. His olive-green eyes stared blankly at his screen. He kept blinking and re-reading your name and just hoping silently that it would change from your name to Oikawa’s so he could yell out all his frustration at him. 
A couple of seconds went by before the ringing stopped and he felt his breath hitch when his ears picked up the sound of your voice on the other line. 
Oh, shit this was really happening
It’s been 3 seconds, shut up Hajime. 
Iwaizumi cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck with his free hand.
“Hey, Akaashi-chan right?”
“Mhm but please just call me Y/n! oh and uh hi Iwaizumi-kun” 
Iwaizumi blinked, he doesn’t know why but he felt his cheeks heat up as he heard his name come out of your lips. Iwaizumi cleared his throat before bringing a hand to scratch the back of his neck, “Uh- how are you doing?” he asked. Oh my god, you probably picked up on how unconfident he sounded. This is horrible. He winced and brought his hand to his forearm, rubbing it in an attempt to ease down his nerves. 
“I’m doing okay, did you uhm-- eat yet??” 
Iwaizumi stiffened, taken back a bit at the question but you interrupted him before he could reply. “I-I’m guessing you got back from practice not too long ago right? Assuming you stayed back late and stuff,” you trailed off. Wincing at your own awkwardness. Iwaizumi pinched his forearm and chuckled nervously, “No-uhm you’re right I got back a couple of hours ago. And yeah, I ate already. Did you?” He asked back, You shook your head, “no not yet. Been busy reviewing and all that stuff” you answered truthfully as you glanced up at your stacks of opened notebooks and coloured highlighters messily spread around all over your desk.
Iwaizumi grunted, his nervousness momentarily washing away as concern came over him. “Y/n, you can’t neglect your health. Cut some fruit up or something” You froze for a second at how stern he sounded just now. Then you realized that this could just be his natural voice and you’re just reading into it too much. Oh god you were starting to overthink again. How did Bokuto and your brother get past their first conversation?
Your silent curses towards the world were cut short when you realized that too many seconds passed and Iwaizumi was still waiting for your reply. Like you do in any unsure situation, you stifled a laugh and nodded while scratching your knee awkwardly, “I will I will.” 
A long line of silence then came through and there were no other words to describe it other than awkward. The faint buzzing of your phone sounded louder than ever. You could hear the wind blowing, the clock ticking, and the way your legs would shuffle against each other as you fidgeted. The silence between you two was long, tense, and uncomfortable. The kind of silence that made people want to die on the inside. You both started to question the situation you were in. You had the same goal, both wanting to learn more about your soulmate. Yet you’re lack of comfort and his lack of confidence made things more nerve wracking than it should be. 
In an attempt to ease the tension, you tried to think of something you could say that would loosen both of you up. A quick little sentence that was casual and good for conversation starters. You thought for a second, trying to recall your favourite movie couples and what words they said to each other during their meet cute. You needed something smooth, simple, but something that could address the situation you were in. It then clicked in your mind, 5 words, 5 syllables (or did it count as 7?) whatever.
 All your time spent watching incredibly dramatic romance movies has led up to this moment. 
“So…” you started in a casual tone.
“I guess we’re soulmates huh?”
The moment those words left your mouth your mind short-circuited and you wanted the ground to swallow you up whole. It definitely sounded way cooler in your head. God what were you thinking? And why did you make it sound like it was a question. stupid. Barely 10 minutes in and you’ve already embarrassed yourself. 
You fell back onto your bed (Akaashi kicked you out of his room) and covered your hand over your mouth and moved your phone away from your face and let out a tiny scream so that Iwa would not be able to hear. Maybe you weren’t as smooth as you thought. However, that didn’t matter anymore. The words had been said and now the embarrassment was eating you up and every single bad scenario you had previously imagined began to cloud your mind. This was it, you’re soulmate definitely thought you were a loser, bye-bye happiness and hello staying sad and single until you fall into your grave.
Your ears perked up when you heard him clear his throat. You sat up, moved your phone closer to your ear as you anticipated his reply.
“Yeah I guess”
Your body tensed up at how unsure and bored he sounded. And you thought this moment couldn’t become anymore embarrassing. You physically felt your soul leave your body the moment he spoke those words in such a bored tone. This is gonna be a moment that would forever haunt you in the years to come.  
Phone calls were neither of you guys’ strong suits and that fact was clearly evident in the way neither of you knew what to say next. While you could handle carrying yourself in real-life conversations, the closeness of someone's voice against your ear and their lack of presence in front of you made things made things more stressful than it should be. Iwaizumi was naturally not much of a talker, he usually let his flamboyant best friend that was joint to his hip take control of conversations. It didn’t help that most people found him rather intimidating and unapproachable.
The silence stretched out for another minute and the longer before you decided to speak up once again. You agreed to call because you wanted to learn more about him, your soulmate, and there was no way you could learn anything about him by just listening to the faint sounds of his breath through your phone. You shook your head and gave yourself a mini pep talk in your head. 
Come on Y/n, pussy up bitch.
“Iwaizumi-kun I’m gonna be honest-”
Iwaizumi's hands that were playing with the cotton material of his sweatpants froze. His voice got stuck in his throat and a part of him became worried. Curse his lack of conversational abilities. He was too lost in second guessing himself while structuring his sentences about what he wanted to say to realize that you were probably waiting for him to say something. Did he already mess things up with his soulmate?
“-I suck at phone calls. Like, I’m terrible at it and I’m honestly really nervous right now because this whole thing is a bit overwhelming but I want to get to know more about you because well, you seem pretty cool” you rambled and were met with silence on the other line. Iwaizumi suddenly felt himself get flustered the moment you said that he was cool. 
You sighed and continued, trying to ease the way your heart was pounding against your chest. “Truthfully I don’t know what to say or what we should talk about, so we can start with the basics, yeah?” You cleared your throat and straightened yourself up as you took a deep breath.
“Hi Iwaizumi-kun, I’m Y/n”
It took a moment for his mind to process the words you said. Basics. Yeah, he was capable of doing that. After taking a deep breathe, one that was meant to give him some sort of encouragement, he replied. You felt chills go up your back as his gruff voice echoing through the speaker;
“Hey, I’m Iwaizumi”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 
First real conversations were never easy. A part of you felt like you were back in your first year of junior high when your teacher was forcing you to play ice-breaker games in an attempt to get to know the people in your class. The questions were the usual “what’s your favourite food?”, “when's your birthday?”, etc etc. 
However, instead of getting to know your classmates, the game would usually just result in everyone staring at one another as they waited for someone to speak up. An awkward tension cutting into the classroom as everyone simultaneously realizes that everyone was kinda lame and boring and that they don’t really wanna get to know the people who sat beside them. 
You hoped that wouldn’t be the case with Iwaizumi. You’ve known you’d had a soulmate since middle school. Since then, you’ve always fantasized about your meet-cute. You’ve watched many romantic movies and read more than enough manga to fuel your brain with endless cute imaginations and ideas. 
But alas, the reality of the world is that cute scenarios are simply meant to live in fictional stories. Akaashi had even told you that you needed to humble down your expectations to save yourself from disappointment in the future. 
The first couple words exchanged in your conversation weren’t poetic words of love confessions and sweet nothings. They were typical, short common questions that people generally use to learn more about each other. The expected “when’s your birthday?” and “what do you do in your free time?”
You learned about how his birthday was during June, his favourite colour was dark green, he liked agedashi tofu, and how he spent his free time doing some sort of exercise or physical activity. Iwaizumi was also relatively quiet, truth be told you did most of the talking while he said quiet words to let you know that he was still listening. Along with being quiet, he was private. A direct contrast to you. You were an open book, your mouth moved faster than your mind and you had not much of a problem telling him about little details about yourself.
Iwaizumi on the other hand was selective on what he wanted to tell you. Iwaizumi was simple. A down to earth guy who had his own little sense of edginess to him. He was levelheaded and was someone who strived for realistic goals rather than unreasonable daydreams. You caught that when he simply answered that his goal right right now was to attend nationals with his best friend. When you asked if he had further goals, he simply said that everything else was too far into the future and was out of his reach. You could also tell that even though he used names such as “piece of trash” and “shittykawa” to describe his said best friend, he cared for him in his own way. 
Iwaizumi always had a feeling that his soulmate would be the more talkative one out of the two of them. He wasn’t reserved per se, just wasn’t one to ramble over things when deemed unnecessary. You on the other hand could talk for hours. Just from listening to your speaking patterns and tone of voice, you were bright and confident. You found ways to stray away from the original topic and talk about something completely different. On top of learning about your birthday, favourite food, colour, and basically everything he told you, he also somehow learned about your allergy to raspberries, your admiration for early 2000s movies, how you had a dog who you also considered like another brother, and now he was listening to you retell a story about how you got into baking and cooking.
You were carefree once you became comfortable. Your voice was captivating, one that made people always pay attention to whatever you were saying. He listened intently as you went on about your story, he hummed here and there to indicate that he was listening and nodded along even though he knew you wouldn’t see. 
A part of him felt relieved to hear you speak so freely. While you never directly came to him, he could tell from your Twitter rants that you were going through a lot of stress from school. Iwaizumi may have only met you formally recently, but he’s listened to your taste in music long enough to have an idea about how the songs you were playing indicated your moods. You had been playing such gloomy music during the past couple of weeks but he was still too nervous and felt like he was overstepping a line if he became too upfront and told you to tell him what’s wrong.
Yeah, you were soulmates, but you technically didn’t know him just like how he didn’t know you. 
Nonetheless, a part of him felt relieved at hearing the genuine excitement in your voice because he knew that at this very moment, you were feeling okay.
“-and that’s how I baked a cake to persuade my brother into not telling our Mom that we sneaked out to the convenience store at 4 am,” you said cheerfully as you recalled the memory. You had switched from sitting at your bed to now sitting on your chair and leaning your upper body onto your desk. You moved your word out of the way and had your elbows propped up on the surface of your desk, your head leaning onto your phone in your hands. A part of you felt giddy when you heard the faintest chuckle come from the other end of the line. 
The awkward tension between you two was fizzling out and you no longer felt as nervous as you did in the beginning. You were slowly and surely becoming a bit more comfortable with his presence. Truthfully, Iwaizumi still felt a bit awkward. Not that he minded you talking a lot, he just didn’t know what to say and was worried that you found him boring like how Oikawa said he was. 
He really was trying. It just wasn’t in his character to be so open about himself.
“Y/n, you know how dangerous that could've been?”
“Shh, my brother was practically a giant back when we were in junior high so he was enough to scare any creeps away. Plus, I already knew then that the elbow is the strongest point in the body so I would’ve been able to fight any sort of dangerous threat!” you exclaimed. “That is not a good excuse,” he replied in an unamused tone. 
You huffed, “At least I know something about self-defence” you attempted to reason. You only heard Iwaizumi reply with a simple ‘tched’ which made you laugh.
It was then that you looked onto the clock at the corner of your desk and realized how late it was and it was also then that you remembered that you still had some notes that you wanted to write up before you went to bed. Curse University prep. You were so lost in your conversation with the boy that time slipped past your mind along with your other responsibilities. Just when you two had started getting into a comfortable rhythm too. You sighed sadly which immediately caught Iwaizumi’s attention. 
“Hey, what’s up?” he asked. You shook your head and removed your phone from your ear and pressed the speaker button on your phone screen. You placed your phone on your desk and stood up to organize the notebooks you had pushed aside on your desk. “Nothing bad, just remembered I had a couple more notes I wanted to finish up before bed,” you said with a hint of sadness in your voice. You wanted to continue your conversation with him and you really weren’t in the mindset to review your nutrition notes right now.
Iwaizumi paused to take a moment to look up at his wall clock and realized that it was nearing midnight. Iwaizumi felt a twinge of guilt inside of him when he realized that he kept you up so late. This was even past his own scheduled bedtime. 
“I didn’t mean to keep you up so late, my bad” he apologized. You stifled a laugh as a tired smile spread on your lips. “It’s not your fault. Something tells me that you’re the type of person who sleeps early so I should be apologizing for keeping you up” you replied. 
You suddenly yawned and stretched your arms over your head, “I’m gonna finish up and call in for the night. You should get some rest Iwaizumi-”
“Go to bed” You flinched slightly at how serious his voice got. 
“It’s late, you can finish up your notes tomorrow. Studying when you’re tired isn’t healthy. Get some sleep so you won’t feel extra tired and groggy tomorrow morning. If you’re gonna stay up, at least go and make yourself something to eat for tomorrow so you feel energized” 
You smiled tiredly, “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you Iwaizumi-kun. Oh and thank you for tonight, I enjoyed talking to you and I hope we can do this again” you shyly suggested. You closed your eyes as you clutched the material of your sweater to your chest as you waited for his answer. Iwaizumi felt a sense of relief rush into him knowing that you enjoyed talking to him. A sense of his self doubt momentarily washing away. You didn’t hear a reply for a moment and it worried you that you might’ve said the wrong thing. But a couple of moments passed before you heard a faint “Me too”
You moved your hand to hover over the red call button on your screen,
“Goodnight Iwaizumi-kun, sleep well”
“You too, Y/n”
The ‘beep’ from your phone indicating the call had ended echoed through your room. You stared at your phone for a moment as it dawned on you that you just had your first real conversation with your soulmate. And yeah it wasn’t the large extravagant straight-out-of-movie scene you had always envisioned but that didn’t matter. What mattered now was that you had talked to your soulmate and you knew a little bit more about him and he knew a little bit more about you. 
It was a start.
You yawned and stretched your arms up over your head once again and sighed in relief when you felt your back crack. Your arms dropped to your side and you frowned as your eyes looked down at your notebooks that you had now neatly stacked in your hands. You realized that you were far too tired to even open up your textbooks, let alone finish a couple pages of notes.
Thinking back to what Iwaizumi said, you could always tune in early for the night and finish everything up tomorrow in the library. Plus, waking up to something to energizing to eat didn’t sound so bad. It wasn’t going to take long and you figured you had a bit more energy left to cut up some fruit before surrendering yourself to sleep.
Content with your decision you turned around and made your way towards your door. However, just as you were about to step out you heard three buzzes from your phone come back to back. Curiously, you walked back towards your desk and leaned down to read the message:
“Hey, if you need someone to study with then let me know and we can facetime and I can keep you company. If you want to of course. No pressure if you’re not up for it”
“Oh and grapefruits are really good to have the morning by the way, they’re refreshing”
“rest well.”
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a/n: hello! This chapter is very long overdue and I’m really sorry about that. I’m not gonna go into it but just know that this series is back and I hope to keep a steady flow of updates going :)
I struggled a lot with writing this chapter partly because I myself am terrible at phone calls but I hope this gives an insight to difference between Iwa and Yn!
I will be opening up taglist for any of my newer readers who would like to keep up with the updates of “on track!” Feel free to comment or send me a message : ) Regarding my current taglist, it’s been months and I’ve noticed a lot of people changed their @s so I tried to find everyone who changed their users. If I accidentally tagged you and you weren’t on my list let me know + inform me if i also missed you. If you no longer want to be added, then please let me know if you would like to be removed from the taglist. Thank you all so much for your patience and feel free to let me know about your thoughts down below :)
++ I just want to clarify iwaizumi’s initial care for Y/n’s well-being isn’t meant to be interpreted as “omg he’s falling for her already” and should be seen as just someone who cares about his soulmate and wants them to be healthy. He knows that YN is his soulmate and cares about her because of that. But it’s more of a platonic care at the moment. They’re soulmates, yes, but he’s not in love with her and Y/n is not in love with him (yet at least) ya gets?
yeah i’m just a fan of slow burn
I just wanted to say that just because I’m not confident in the way I wrote him 😅 thank you so much again for reading!
taglist! [OPEN; comment or send an ask to be added!]
 @aircorumble @bunnyuuji-archive @cloudsvna @donteathecake @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @sunabrainrot  @tadashi-simp @agaashesmilktea @sbaepsae @vicassa @akaashikeijisthighs @mariachiii @ayocee @starsinthepavement @cece-lives-here @elianetsantana @gxrleexis-arctic-monks @ssaihanuweol @sazunari​ @kenmacorps​ @simping-for-tendou​ @intoomuchfandoms​ @vxnna​ @froyopet​ @komouri​ @idek-at-thispoint​ @volexis​ @insomniish @amberisnotcrazy @maramalademadara​ @faewraithsworld​ @mjoork​ @mindofess​ @dreamstormings​ @h0ngh0ngh0ng​ @keekee-732​ @daewengol​ @amessypan​ @applekenm​ @ptv-hades​ @killlerqween​ @bakusquadz​ @bbymilkbread​ @bbyhaji​ @sophie-duck​ @marissaraeblr​ @kellesvt​
tags continue in comments w/ my main🤍
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
If you haven't written it yet, can you please write the brothers' (plus undatables if you're feeling up to it) reaction to an MC who's stressing out too much about exams and is pulling an unhealthy amount of all-nighters? (English isn't my first language so I'm sorry if I made any errors ^^")
Literally same-
(Oh and your English was good dw)
Brothers Reaction to MC Stressing Over Exams & Pulling All-Nighters
Always notices your eye bags at the breakfast table and couldn’t help but worry if you’ve been overworking yourself lately
Decides to check up on you quite late into the night since he notices a light coming from under your door regularly, and sees you sat at your desk with your head in your hands, the tension extremely clear in your shoulder
He’s no stranger to overworking yourself, so he knows it’s not healthy to do this much work with so little sleep
Comes up behind you and places a hand on your shoulder, placing a gentle kiss on your ear and asking you to come to bed
After your continuous complaining about how you need to study more, he ends up flinging you over his shoulder and throwing you into bed with him and trapping you in his embrace
He’ll offer to help you with studying if you truly need it, and he’ll make sure you’re pulling no more all nighters from now on
He always knows when his human is overworked or stressed, call it instincts or stalking
He’s clearly seen you attempt to hide your heavy eye bags from lack of sleep for the past week now, and he ain’t gonna let you continue this unhealthy lifestyle, not on his watch
Barges into your room one day, and to no surprise, sees you head down at your desk writing on your text books; obviously very close to passing out
He scowls and marches up to you, wrapping his arms under yours and dragging you away forcefully towards the bed, ignoring your groaning and kicking
Lies you on top of him, kissing your head until you shut up and went to sleep, cause by Diavolo, you need it
Became your study partner from then on and made it his mission as your first to take care of your health and make sure you were sleeping properly
Don’t think he hasn’t noticed you sneaking in and stealing his energy drinks to pull all nighters
He’s normally fine with a couple all nighters, as he does that too sometimes, but you’ve been consistently having them, and that worries him
Checks up on you one night, it was pretty late so he’d hoped to see you sleeping but instead, you were hunched over at your desk, the several energy drinks littered all over the floor around you
He sighs, realising he should’ve hidden all his drinks from you. He wasn’t too sure what to do with you now, though; but he knew he had to get you away from that desk
Comes up behind you and nervously grabs your hand, pulling you up and into bed with him
Strokes your hair, ignoring your complains and resists, until you eventually passed out, silently promising he’d help you study and de-stress
He saw you in the library before he went to bed, work books and paper scattered everywhere, so he left you to study peacefully
But it wasn’t until he got up a few hours later, at almost 3 in the morning, to grab a late night snack that he realised you were still sat there studying
He had a hunch that something was off ever since he saw your light on at ridiculous times during the night, but he took no notice thinking you were just reading
Marches over to you and grabs your hand, lecturing you on how it was bad to study for this long and especially pulling all nighters every night
Sits you down on his bed with him and pulls you back onto his chest, stroking your hair and wrapping his arms around your waist until you passed out
If you needed help, you could’ve just asked...
Oh no no no this won’t do. Those eye bags are something else. He’s going to make you sleep, even if he has to drag you himself
He’s honestly quite worried about your health, you go home and you go straight into your room. He doesn’t want you ending up like Levi...
Comes into your room unannounced and catches you still studying surrounded by crisp packets and cans
He gasps and rushes towards you, wrapping his hands around your chest, yelling that you needed to sleep as he drags you to the bed against your will
Cuddles you close to him and kisses your cheek a few times while smiling into your neck
After that, he visited you every single night to come drag you into bed with him and in the day, he’d offer to study with you, sometimes Satan would come too to make sure you two were actually studying
Noticed you hadn’t been answering his 3AM snack trip texts, even though he could’ve swore he saw a light coming out from under your door every single night
Decided to come spend a night with you after grabbing the entirety of the fridge after once again seeing the light illuminate from under your door
When he walked in, he saw you still studying, even though he precisely told you to step a few hours before. It caught him off guard and he immediately walked towards you to pull you straight into bed
He lifted you up from under your arms and carefully placed you under the covers, getting in next to you to stop you complaining
He kisses your neck gently until he could no longer hear your voice, and cuddles you close to him
Loved the idea of a study session with you, so you and Beel, and sometimes Belphie when he’s awake, get together to help with your work, it’s the least he could do
He just knows when someone isn’t getting enough sleep, so when he finds out you weren’t sleeping after seeing your dark eye bags, he’s quick to change that
Finds you studying at your desk one night, muttering several equations and problems to yourself over and over again, surrounded by empty energy drinks and coffee cups, to which he shakes his head and walks towards you
Comes up behind you and pulls the spinny chair out of the desk, dragging you away from your work as you complain
Picks you up and drops you into bed, jumping in with you and wrapping his arms around your waist
Kisses the back of your head until you stop worrying about your excessive studying; he just wants you to relax and fall asleep with him
Doesn’t mind studying with you after that since it means he gets to drag you to bed and sleep with him
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starlit-scarlet · 3 years
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Wherein Levi comforts reader after the lost of a loved one.
A/N: This fic is also posted on ao3 and is dedicated to @artistic-resonance and another reader from ao3, as well as anyone who has ever lost a loved one. I lost my grandma last fall, two other grandparents in 2018, and I felt like we could all use a little comfort from the sweet, gruff man that is Levi Ackerman—that's how I see him at least.
I'd like to preface this with the following: if you feel that reading this would make things worse, please do not read it. The last thing I would ever want is for something I write to make it hurt more. I did this as a way to help, but my feelings will not be hurt if you decide not to read.
In any case, I hope you enjoy this little bit of comfort from our favorite spinny boy.
It was dark, the curtains drawn in tight, not letting a single ounce of sunlight into the living room—matching your current mood. Curled up on the couch under your favorite throw blanket—one they’d knitted for you—and all you could do was stare blankly out into the room in front of you. The cozy, woven material reminded you of them, somehow still smelling of them, remembering how their scent used to bring you peace—though that may have just been your wishful thinking. Your phone lay on the floor where it had slipped out of your hand the moment you’d received the news.
The five stages of grief, and you were in denial, having trouble believing that they were no longer with you, that you would never see them again, that beloved family member of yours that you’d been so close to.
That’s where he found you when he stepped into your home, lying on the couch, and his concern for you was so sudden that his keys slipped from his hand to land on the floor, the tinkling sound resounding through the quiet room.
It was the only word he whispered before he moved. By your side in an instant, he lay down next to you, pulling you close against him, tucking your head against his chest.
The presence of him had the first of many tears slipping out of your eyes as your hands curled into fists in his shirt. You whimpered as you tried to explain to him that someone in your family had passed away through the sobs and hitching breaths that hit your body. Simply murmuring sweet nothings to you, he pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head, stroking your hair and back, his touches tender, ginger, supporting you as you grieved.
“They’re gone, Levi, they’re just gone ,” you wailed, snuggling closer to him.
“I know, baby, I know.” He was the type of man who struggled with emotions, with poetic words, yet he always tried for you. It was a testament to how much he loved you.
Never once did he let you go, never once did he cease the comforting caresses within your hair as you sobbed in his arms, the well of grief threatening to never dry. He was your rock, the one person who could provide you peace, and you didn’t know what you would have done if he wasn’t in your life at that moment.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wonder.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, the tears began to dry, and you nuzzled in closer against him, your lips somehow curling into a faint smile at the way he kissed the top of your head again. It had taken ages for him to become comfortable with these forms of affection, but he’d learned, and though he still floundered at times, he always did his best.
And that was all that mattered to you.
“Why, Levi?” Your breath hitched. “Why did this have to happen?”
He sighed, massaging at your scalp in a way that made you want to purr against him. “I wish I had a reason, but these things just happen in life.”
His words had you sniffling, more tears threatening to spill. “I wasn’t ready to lose them, Levi.”
“We never are.”
That was part of what was so reassuring with him, that he knew what it was like to lose family, having lost Furlan and Isabel so long ago. You’d been there to help him through it, to help him through his grief, the way he was doing with you now.
“What do I do, Levi?”
“You get through it, and I’ll be here with you, every step of the way.”
It warmed your heart to hear him say that, shivering when he brushed his lips across your forehead. Some people perhaps would wish he was more poetic, more heartfelt. But the simplicity of his responses rang louder than any profound, rhythmic verse could ever dream of being. Somehow, he always managed to give tell you exactly what you needed to hear.
Rising from the couch, he pulled the blanket off of you, scooping you up into his arms, your own coming to wrap around his neck as you cuddled close against him. He carried you into the bathroom, setting you down gently onto the counter while he turned to fill the bathtub with water and some bubble bath before directing his attention back to you once again.
Hands gentle as he removed your clothing, he placed you into the bathtub, your frame engulfed in the water and the soothing fragrance of the bubbles.
He crouched down next to the tub, ruffling your hair in a way that always made you want to hum and purr like a cat. “Do you want me to sit with you, or do you want to be alone?”
“Please, Levi, I...I don’t want to be alone right now.”
He nodded, stripping himself of his clothes, folding them neatly and setting them on the counter next to yours. Stepping into the fragrant bath, he settled in behind you, drawing your back up against his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist.
Head falling back against him, you let yourself enjoy the simple comfort that was Levi holding you. His strong, sturdy arms against your waist, holding you close, reminding you that he would always be there for you. The gentle kisses he pressed along your neck and shoulders, reminding you that he loved you, more than anything in the world. For only you were able to see this soft, sweet side of him, the one that had been locked away before you’d both met.
Tilting your head back, he used a cup— one he kept in the bathroom for this purpose— to pour streams of water down your hair, wetting it. This was his domain, where he was most comfortable. It was how he showed you he loved you, the way he took care of you. You knew it was because his mother had done the same for him when he’d been a young boy.
Her way of making him feel better when he was little, had been to set him in a bubble bath and help him scrub away the day. He’d always been close to her, but had lost her when he was a teen, taken in by his Uncle Kenny shortly after.
A calm sigh slipped through your lips when he scrubbed at your hair with some shampoo, his hands tender, and sweet as he washed away the day, just as his mother had with him. It was a ritual the two of you had shared time and time again, the meaning of it different than between mother and son, but the bonding, the affection, all of that was still there.
Blocking your forehead with his hand, he carefully rinsed out the suds, making sure none slipped down to sting your eyes, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple that had your heart fluttering as you turned to gaze up at him. The warmth in his blue eyes lit up his entire face, the warmth that was only ever there for you.
His hands were ginger and sweet as they caressed down your body, scrubbing and cleaning, seeking to soothe and comfort, not entice and seduce. The gentleness of his hands had you relaxing further into him, reaching a different form of bliss, feeling completely safe and at ease with him.
The two of you stayed that way, relaxing, relishing in the comfort of each other until the bubbles fizzled away and the water cooled. Only then did he rise, lifting you back into his arms and setting you on the floor so he could gently dry you, giving your wet hair a little ruffle before running the coarse fabric through it. Of its own volition, your hand lifted to caress the side of his face, and he simply turned his head to kiss your fingertips.
And people thought him cruel and callous.
Hardly, you mentally scoffed.
Gruff. A bit of an ass. A neat freak. Yes, he was all of those things.
But cruel and callous? How could you ever think him to be that way when he treated you this way? So kind and gentle and sweet. As if you were the most precious thing in his life, and sometimes...sometimes it felt as if you were.
He wrapped the towel around you, moving to dry himself off, though he tutted in amusement when you tried to step out of the bathroom.
“Let me take care of you, alright?”
That had your heart fluttering again, the wings threatening to send it flying, soaring, to land straight into the palms of his hands. As if you could ever resist him.
So when he scooped you into his arms once again, you simply nuzzled into his neck, pressing loving kisses along the skin, already feeling immensely better. The grief in your heart ran deep, but his tender love and care was already helping you heal the wound. It felt as if you were floating, and you almost didn’t want him to set you back down—though the thought was hardly reasonable.
Despite knowing you were perfectly capable of dressing yourself, he helped you anyway, pulling your shirt over your head, followed by a pair of comfortable shorts, chuckling at the way you rolled your eyes at him. That was something else only you and a few select others were worthy enough to see and hear.
His smile.
His laugh.
For only those he felt truly comfortable with was he able to put down his guard enough to enjoy the simple things of life such as humor.
“What do you want for dinner?”
The simple question drew you out of your thoughts once again, and you managed to draw out another chuckle from him when you told him what you wanted. Food from your favorite delivery place, something that meant not having to go out, and meant that he wouldn’t have to take time away from holding you, which is what you needed most.
Once he’d placed the order, he didn’t hesitate to cart you into his arms again—spoiling you to no end—and carrying you out into the living room, where the two of you could settle in on the couch, cuddling close with your legs draped over his. He tossed the blanket over you—the one he knew meant everything to you—and switched on the TV, putting on your favorite show. It was one you knew he hated, but that he was willing to watch if it meant helping you.
That was why he was your sweet, gruff Levi.
As you sat together, you slowly could feel the wounds beginning to mend further.
With him—through helping him through his own losses—you’d come to learn that grief is the love you held for a lost loved one persevering.
You didn’t know how long it would take for you to heal, but you knew that as long as you had him by your side, that you had your friends…
You could get through anything.
One day at a time.
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Vee, what do you and your Mummy usually do when you spend time together? do y'all play games or read or just cuddle? -🤠
m lots ob things ..,, but also nt rlly much ,, we do puzzls sumtimes or talk or mumy reads his books out loud to me . m we sumtimes cuddl,
but mumy doesnt like cuddling all th time so i like um (∩≧ ༝ ≦∩) i like when he is sittin on his swivel chair or armchair and and i sit on his feet on the floor ,, and if he is in the spinny chair sumtimes he lifts me on his feet and spin round
um and this is all when im big ! oh an we always hav music playin too - =・༝・=
Sometimes I'm even lucky enough to hear faer singing to the music. - ⭐️
mumy (。˃̶᷄ ༝ ˂̶᷄。) ur not sposed to listen ,, - =・༝・=
I know, sweet tooth, and I don't try to listen. But you have such a sweet voice, it is hard to ignore when it makes me so happy. - ⭐️
( ´•̥ ༝ •̥` ) m ar u okai wib cubbls now ? - =・༝・=
Of course, princess. - ⭐️
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Typing. That’s all Rohan heard from your studio. He knew you were passionate about your flourishing writing career, but he was passionate about having constant attention directed towards him and his work.
You had just finished writing a line of dialogue you particularly liked when you felt your spinny chair pulled out from your desk and turned around. Rohan glared at you.
“You said you’d look at my manga drafts two hours ago,” he grumbled, crossing his arms.
“No,” you replied, cracking your fingers to alleviate the tension within them. “You decided on your own that I would help you two hours ago, despite not getting my consent, and now you’re being whiny about it because you’re not getting what you want.”
The redness on his ears and on the tip of his nose gave away his embarrassment. “Whatever. Nonetheless, you’re coming with me.”
“No I’m not,” you replied, starting to turn back around. He stopped you from doing so, grabbing onto the arms of the chair. “Let go.”
Rohan didn’t respond.
He crouched down slightly, his arm going underneath your kneecaps as the other went around your upper back, lifting you up. “Fine. I’ll do it the hard way.”
You struggled, but Rohan refused to let you go. He entered his own studio, sitting down in his chair and placing you on his lap.
You went to stand up but he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you against him. “Stay,” he whispered.
You puffed your cheeks out, annoyed, but stayed put. “You’re such a child,” you muttered, hugging his waist tightly and burying your face into his shirt. It smelled like ink and paper. It smelled like Rohan. “But fine.”
You expected him to prompt you to look at his work, but he simply drew in silence, leaving you snuggled against him. You knew he only wanted someone to be close to, only was too proud to admit it.
You leaned forward, giving him a kiss on the forehead. “If you wanted to cuddle you could’ve just asked.”
“Hush,” he replied, “I’m working.”
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niccerooniererer · 4 years
What are some headcanons you have of Spinach x Shiny glitter ... ? They sound very cute aaaaaa
Spinach can and will lift SG whenever she can
She will spin around with her in her arms
Them SG leans down to kiss her
Their fav way to kiss,,
Also like, this is a recent thought of mine but I just started thinking about, what if Spinach prepares vegetable snacks for SG for after her shows? Like imagine, she makes the best salad in the world then they cuddle while eating it nxjd
Also I like to think they would use silly nicknames,like uh
I like to call Spinach Spinchy, maybe even Spinny because of the kissie I mentioned in the beginning
Shining Glitter has a lot of potential,,,, Shiny, Glitzy, and maybe it's just me thinking about the names I give my girlfriend but maybe glamour love
Just any kinda name having to do with sparkly stuff, especially the silly ones,,, maybe with stars,,, when she feels like that
Having both serious and silly names for your partner is the best way to go and Spinach and SG agree
M a y b e SG calls Spinach green babe as the silly nickname aaandjfn
I'm sorry I'm so invested in nicknames, it's one of my love languages I think
Also! As Spinach is strong, she could serve as a bodyguard for SG if some kinda creep approaches her
Like. Imagine, some creep tries to do some stuff SG is uncomfortable with and then Spinach comes to intervene, with like the brightest but most menacing smile ever. She places a hand on the creep's shoulder
"I'm very sorry but Glitzy doesn't have any more time for you, she's busy"
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emmyrosee · 5 years
I just read your thing about Roman and the whole “look into my eyes” piece, and it got me thinking about his girl maybe asking him to do the eye thing on her cause she finds it interesting, and she wants to know what it would feel like to be under his control as well. I always thought Roman’s way of hypnotizing people with his eyes was very interesting to me when I first watched Hemlock Grove.
He would be so hesitant to do it, I feel.
When you’d ask him questions about it, he starts to get weary around you, almost like he’s preparing himself for you to ask him but trying so hard to get you to not.
Because Roman doesn’t want you to know and get comfortable with that side of him. That side of him is scary. That side of him goes away when he’s around you.
So finally, you stop asking questions about it and Roman finally comes out of his shell to talk to you again, everything seemingly better between you both.
“Hey Rome?” You ask one night while cuddling. He hums and continues to look at the screen. “I want you to hypnotize me.”
To which, he chokes on his own breath.
“No,” he says flatly. “Absolutely not.”
“Please, Roman?” You beg, clasping your hands together. “It doesn’t have to be anything serious, just a little one-two to give me the feeling. Please-”
“Nuh-uh. No Fucking way. You’re on literal crack.”
But then you give him those eyes. Those eyes. The eyes that put your whole trust in his hands, assuring him that you know he would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.
“Please, Roman,” you whisper. “I know you don’t want to, but I don’t like hiding things. Please.”
And finally, Roman sighs through his nose, eyes closed to calm his nerves and when he opens them, they’re somehow darker and much more threatening.
“Lift up your right hand,” he says sternly. You world turns spinny and fuzzy as you focus on Roman, the rest of the world spiraling to a blur.
The only thing that is clear is Roman’s voice as you slowly raise your right hand.
“Now... if I ever propose to you, you’re going to say yes. Nod your head.”
You nod your head, and through your lazy eyes, you see Roman smirk.
“Now, on three, you’re going to smack yourself in the face gently, and when you do, you’re going to come back to me; nod again if you understand.”
You nod again, and you hear Roman slowly count to three, promptly making you tap yourself on the cheek, bringing you back to your control.
“Was the smack necessary?” You grumble, rubbing your cheek. He shrugs, “compared to the other things I do to make them come back, yes.” He reaches on the coffee table for the box tissues, his own head spinning slightly as he dabs at the blood.
“That, Roman Godfrey, was incredible,” you gush, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing his cheek wetly. “Thank you for showing me.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Roman says sarcastically, though he isn’t able to hide his proud smile.
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mermaid-reyes · 7 years
my good friend @lena221b recently reminded me of a series of drabbles i wrote in response to anon asks aaaaages ago. i couldn’t find the original posts (we’re talking years ago, that’s too much scrolling for one mortal girl) so i decided to lump them all together here. the following are a few short snippets of derek and stiles’ life together. in my head they’re all part of the same universe. enjoy!
"I dream about riding you sometimes."
Derek drops Stiles flat on his face.
Stiles doesn’t seem to notice, just tries to roll himself back over. ‘Tries’ being the operative word, because he somehow manages to get himself tangled in his hoodie and then he’s just struggling on the ground with his head trapped in the sleeve.
Ordinarily Derek would help him, would feel guilty about dropping him in the first place, but right now he’s too preoccupied with choking on his own spit.
Stiles fights his way out of his clothing and gazes up at Derek.
"You’re so big though, I’m not even sure I could get my legs around you."
Can werewolves go into cardiac arrest? Because it’s happening, Derek’s pretty sure it’s happening.
"And you’re so strong, too. I bet I could just climb up on there and you could keep going for hours."
Stiles smacks his lips and wiggles on the forest floor and seems completely unconcerned with the way Derek’s world is rearranging itself around him.
"Such a scary wolfy," Stiles mumbles, eyelashes fluttering. "You’re also really fluffy though." He reaches out and starts patting Derek’s boot. "Preeeetty."
Derek steps carefully away from Stiles and smashes his head into the nearest tree. A cut appears on his eyebrow and then heals before he’s even wiped the blood away. Because Stiles is talking about riding Derek in his wolf form. Like he’s some kind of glorified pony. And Derek is so pathetically gone on this boy that he’d let him. He’d growl and snarl and snap his jaws and then he’d get down on his haunches and carry Stiles wherever he wanted to go.
He’s absolutely, definitively not disappointed that Stiles isn’t talking about riding him in his human form because that would be gross and creepy and taking advantage of Stiles’ intoxicated state.
Right, Stiles, who is drunk, and burrowing into a pile of leaves.
Derek sighs at his life and stomps over to pick Stiles up again.
"Whoa, spinny!" Stiles shrieks and clutches at Derek’s collar. When he’s got his feet back under himself he looks around and frowns. "Nooo, no standing, it’s nap time."
"It’s three o’clock in the morning," Derek grumbles.
"Which is why it’s nap time," Stiles insists, like it wasn’t his idea to get smashed in the woods in the middle of the night like an utter moron.
"You can sleep back at the loft, okay?" Derek bargains, wrapping an arm around Stiles’ waist and hauling him forward.
"Mmm your bed," Stiles groans, stuffing his face into Derek’s neck. "Been trying to get into your bed for months."
Derek drops Stiles flat on his face.
The first time Stiles walks into Derek’s loft and finds him cooking he’s so stunned that he forgets to actually stop walking and crashes into a table.
Derek raises an eyebrow without looking away from where he’s blanching (blanching) vegetables. Once Stiles has stopped rolling around on the floor he uses two bar stools to pull himself right-side-up and brushes himself off as nonchalantly as he can manage.
"You cook?" he asks, trying his hardest not to appear incredulous, but Derek is wearing oven mitts so it’s not really going too well.
Derek levels him with his patented ‘why am I dating an idiot?’ look. It’s very, very flat.
"Yes, Stiles, I can cook," he says, and pokes at something sizzling in a pan. Stiles boggles. Derek raises his other eyebrow this time. "Why is this shocking? You know I eat."
"Well, yeah, objectively,” Stiles agrees. “I just always assumed you lived off a diet of Hot Pockets, squirrels, and the tears of your enemies.”
So very flat.
“Well, I’d hate to disappoint. I’ll throw this in the bin and then head out to rustle up some woodland creatures.” He goes to turn off the burner and Stiles dives across the kitchen.
"No, no, no. This is good. This is — What is this?" Stiles takes a whiff and just about hits the floor again. "Oh god, feed me.”
(Stiles can cook too, but his speciality is sweet things. Derek couldn’t bake a cake to save his life. They’re a match made in culinary heaven.)
"No," Derek says sternly, giving Stiles everything his eyebrows have to offer. "Absolutely not."
"What! Derek, come on, you know you want one," Stiles wheedles, waggling his own eyebrows at Derek. He looks ridiculous and definitely not appealing.
"I have my hands full enough just trying to look after you.”
"Hey!" Stiles squawks. "I resent that! I am a fully functioning adult, thank you very much," he says, puffing himself up.
All Derek has to do is glance pointedly at the thing curled up in Stiles’ arms and he puffs right back down again.
"I’ll keep her at my place! You won’t even know she’s there. I’ll take such good care of her, I swear." Derek remains unmoved. Stiles pulls out the big guns. “Babe, please.” Damn him. “Just look at that face. You can’t say no to that face.”
The thing is, Derek is dangerously close to letting slip just how true that is. He’ll never be able to say no to Stiles. He might put up a token protest, but Derek knows that the second Stiles asks him for anything he’s already screwed.
And right now Stiles isn’t pulling his punches either. He’s got the big eyes and the pouty lips and his neck stretched out at the most perfect angle and Derek’s ready to fall to his knees and offer Stiles everything.
Except, what, no, not this time, Stiles is starting to make him legitimately insane.
"Who are you?! Hagrid?!" he exclaims. "Put the dragon down, Stiles."
Stiles pulls this heartbroken face, and Derek is almost swayed except dragon.
"But she’s just a baby!" Stiles wails. "She doesn’t know how to look after herself."
"She just singed off Scott’s eyebrows," Derek says flatly. "I think she’ll be fine."
(On the walk back to the Jeep Derek offers to buy Stiles a cat in place of the dragon, because they’re basically the same thing anyway and Derek is a sucker.)
"I told you not to do it," Derek sing-songs, condescendingly, not even looking up from his book. The ass.
"No you didn’t," Stiles moans from his place on the couch. He removes his arm from his face to glare weakly at said ass. "You said, ‘As if you’d ever get your nipple pierced’. Which was basically a direct challenge. Which means of course I did it.”
Derek doesn’t even stop reading to roll his eyes at Stiles. He just kind of widens them slightly with a long-suffering look on his face. The ass.
"This is entirely your fault," Stiles whines. Derek doesn’t respond at all.
Stiles wriggles around making pitiful noises until Derek snaps his book shut with a growl. “What.”
"It hurts," Stiles sniffles.
"Well that’s because you poked a piece of metal through your flesh," Derek bitches, but he gets up and walks over to the couch anyway. He lifts Stiles’ legs and settles himself down, Stiles’ thighs splayed across his lap. Then he curls his hand around Stiles’ knee and begins leeching his pain.
"Better?" he asks, and Stiles hums in the back of his throat, his eyes fluttering shut.
He’s just about to drop off the edge of consciousness when something hot and wet envelops his nipple. Stiles jerks violently and finds Derek staring up at him from his chest, eyes dancing. He grins wickedly and flicks his tongue against the bar and Stiles melts.
(Derek ends up loving Stiles’ nipple piercing. Stiles lords it over him for months until Derek comes home with a piercing in a much more sensitive place. Stiles’ mouth is busy doing other things after that.)
Derek went into this relationship with Stiles with his eyes wide open. Which basically meant he was expecting a lot of sex, because every second word out of the kid’s mouth was innuendo and he smelled constantly turned-on. And Stiles did not disappoint. There was a lot of sex. A lot.
Derek was not expecting the cuddling. But five months in Derek’s beginning to wonder if Stiles is actually a were-octopus and just hasn’t told him yet.
No matter how aggressively he spoons Stiles when they’re drifting off to sleep, he’ll always wake up buried under warm, clingy boy.
When Derek joined the Stilinski’s in visiting the Sheriff’s mother over Thanksgiving, he passed out alone on the couch and woke to Stiles wrapped around him, his face shoved under a throw pillow.
Stiles holds him in the shower, tucks Derek under his arm at pack movie nights, plasters himself to Derek’s back in the kitchen when he’s soft and tired-eyed.
The first time Stiles grabbed Derek’s hip and rested his head on Derek’s shoulder while they were both brushing their teeth Derek spent two whole minutes staring at him in the mirror. The first time. Now it feels weird whenever he’s not lopsided during his entire morning routine.
For years after Kate, Derek was uncomfortable being touched. Other people’s hands made his blood pump harder and his breathing turn shallower and his muscles coil up. Now, the safest he ever feels is when Stiles’ arms are snug around his heart.
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