#spire writes
shovellyyy · 2 months
Sukuna doesn't have many regrets in life. He simply doesn't give a damn if he messes up.
But he does regret giving his nephew his phone number.
"Unc let me in don't tell grandpa 😭"
"Yo can I borrow like... 50 dollars for a pizza? Megumi and nobara are over and we're hungry"
"Grandpa said you'd give us a ride to the theme park this weekend!! Just me, Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Panda, Gojo..."
"Hey unc, please please pick me up grandpa's about to find out I smashed that one vase he liked 😭"
He tells Yuuji every time to shut up and leave him alone, and yet he still finds himself driving to their house or driving a car full of gross teenagers to god knows where.
He wishes Jin were here to control his brat. (He wishes Jin were here at all.)
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splickedylit · 1 year
Things I never get tired of writing
weird cultural worldbuilding, especially with strange, intricate social norms and power dynamics
characters playing little made up card games with implied bizarre, convoluted rules where I blatantly rip off the vibe of Pokemon, MTG, Duel Monsters/Yugioh etc
we see one of my favs from an outside POV: they are hot, badass, terrifying, tragic, or any/all of the above
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sp1resong · 4 months
hi guysss :3 guess who wrote a song. & it's not even a cover this time i just made it
in summary: main character has realized theyre not actually romantically attracted to their partner, but are afraid to break it off for fear of ruining their friendship
[lyrics under the cut!]
Guinevere, my dear, i ought to love you like the movies but Guinevere, my dear, that's not how this story goes Guinevere, my dear, i wish i could tell you i am sorry oh, Guinevere, my dear, i'm just scared to let you know
Guinevere, my dear, i love you, oh, i promise but, Guinevere, my dear, no faster beats beats my heart Guinevere, my dear, i'm not certain that i want this Guinevere, my dear, it's tearing me apart
Guinevere, my dear, you wrap your arms around me Guinevere, my dear, please find a better man Guinevere, my dear, i can't love you the way you need Guinevere, my dear, i just want to hold your hand
Guinevere, my dear, see, i've known you for so long Guinevere, my dear, for years we have been friends Guinevere, my dear, i feel there's something wrong oh, Guinevere, my dear, i don't want this to end
Guinevere, my dear, i ought to love you like the movies but Guinevere, my dear, that's not how this story goes Guinevere, my dear, i wish i could tell you i am sorry oh, Guinevere, i guess i'm just scared to let you go
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ranticore · 3 months
huarvaa, lost at sea
this was my first writing from Siren, I wanted to do a short intro like this to the three main characters but this is as far as I got hehe. Similar to a lot of the stuff I'm written & posted here it's mainly my exploration of the setting and not really intended to be A Story, but i liked it enough to share. Huarvaa goes on a wild goose chase at the behest of their village elder, almost drowns in a deadly encounter with aerated water, and washes up on the shore of the Spire. Then after a lil time skip they encounter even more new concepts; meeting with Eastern phocids, the notion of royalty, being wanted, and what to do if someone propositions you without getting permission from your village elder first
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hussyknee · 5 months
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KJ Charles is an absolute liar, pass it on.
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Gotta say, that "age gap" poll is kinda pushing me to write the two books I've got outlined that feature significant age differences...
A 15 year age gap hockey romance (it's straight, even, which I haven't even thought about in ages, but my BFF has caught hockey brain worms and I've gotten it by osmosis, and here we are)
And an 11 year age gap gay romance with the working title "Airbnb Daddy"
These are all consenting adults, with no power imbalance, and no one is a predator or a victim. Because that's how most adult relationships work, and how age works.
Ugh, I'm gonna overcome the executive dysfunction and be productive out of spite.
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
dude, the wasted potential of the crystalline tree in the underdepths... it looks so freaking cool and feels like it should be more important, but it just. isn't. it's just there.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
sebchal + magic au
"It's a dangerous idea," Pierre had told him when Charles, stupidly, amateurishly, got just a bit too drunk the last time they went out and found himself telling his best friend more than he intended to. "And what's even worse, it's a stupid idea."
"You're stupid," Charles had said, stupidly, and drank the rest of Pierre's Red Bull-vodka. Pierre didn't even notice, staring at Charles like a wide-eyed lemur. Or maybe a meerkat? Charles was never good at animal species. He prefered demon classifications.
"No, I'm pretty sure you're being stupid just now, calamar. Do you even know what all can go wrong?" Pierre had asked.
"Yes," Charles had replied, insulted. "I read, Pear. And I studied the ritual in detail."
Pierre huffed in what Charles was sure was derision. He reached for the drink that wasn't there. Charles played stupid (hah) as Pierre refilled both their glasses. "You could lose your soul if you do the binding wrong. Or your virginity." He paused. "Or, you know. A limb."
Charles frowned. "I'm not a virgin."
Pierre laughed that fox-like laugh of his that always grated on Charles' nerves.
"A blowjob doesn't count." Charles felt himself blush as Pierre leered at him. "No matter how good it was."
"Fuck you, Pear," he mumbled and used the momentary distraction of Pierre's laughter to change the Red Bull in his drink into Monster, just because he could. "You're so full of yourself."
Pierre shrugged. "I give good blowjobs." His face turned somber. "I just don't understand. Why do you need to do it?"
Need, Pierre had said. Not want. That may be why Charles answered truthfully.
"I need to prove how strong I am to them," he had said, much more softly than he wanted. "I need them to understand. I need them to choose me." His voice was steady, but he knew his hands were shaking.
Pierre hadn't said anything after that. What could he say, really, when he understood intimately what drove Charles to even contemplate this? What could Pierre say, when his own binding ritual had failed, and ge was discarded into a lower class, with empty promises of some future, second chance that was no more than courtesy and placating? He just added more vodka to Charles' glass, and moved so he sat closer to Charles on the couch.
Being where he was right now, Charles kind of wished Pierre had pushed, had insisted on talking some more about what Charles was going to do.
"You're very beautiful."
Well. Technically, what Charles had already done. Did. Was about to do. Stupid semantics.
"I, uh, thank you?" Charles replied, confused and scared in about the same amount, which was quite a lot.
The demon standing in the middle or the ritual square licked its lips. His lips. Whatever.
"You're welcome," he purred, and Charles felt himself blush, like an idiot. Or a virgin, he thought. The demon's smile widened. "Oh, you're going to be interesting, aren't you?"
"I am going to be binding you," Charles replied. The demon's smile didn't falter. "I need you -"
"Oh, do you?" The demon leered. Its- his, it took a male form, and it was an appealing form, to Charles' despair. Blond curls, wide smile, and blue, blue eyes which looked black when the candle light hit them right. "And what do you need me for, Charles Leclerc?"
Charles didn't flinch. He knew this level demons had telekinetic and telepathic abilities and so he anticipated the demon would know certain things about him. True, the summoning ritual wasn't quite as it was supposed to be, as it was described in the grimoire. The shadows coalescing were much thicker than Charles expected from a Level Four demon, and the feeling of thunder and heat and monsoon wasn't really what he had been expecting. There was also the small matter of that moment of absolute darkness which seemed to last less than a second and more than a century simultaneously, and the way Charles' very magic seemed to burn around him in the air ever since the demon appeared. It was probably the adjusted summoning circle. The square was Charles' own idea, based on studying interdimensional geometry and runes in his spare time. It was nothing to worry about. Really. It was nothing.
Charles inhaled deeply, sulfur and incence filling his mouth and nose. "I need you to give me your price for a low-level binding. I need you for fifty-four hours, until midnight Monday, so I can show my Instructors that I have managed the Level Four binding." The demon's eyebrows went up, but Charles couldn't decipher it- his expression, so he went on. "I will give you an Oath on my magic that after the alloted time period, I will dissolve our binding. Oh, and that I will not try to amend the parameters of our agreement at any point, unless we both agree of our own free will that the parameters should be amended."
The demon kept silent for a while after Charles finished his speech. The candles flickered over his face, and Charles couldn't catch any emotion in his eyes. They were really pretty eyes, and intense, and Charles forced himself not to follow that train of thought because, well. Telepathic demon. Not smart to give him more ammunition against Charles. Demons were, at their core, deceivers.
As if he heard Charles' last thought, the demon laughed. "That's an interesting proposal. And what would you need me to do for you in these fifty-four hours, Charles Leclerc? Which desires of yours am I to fulfill, with my Level Four powers?" he asked, and his voice was ice.
Charles blinked. "Uh." The demon kept staring at him. "I don't - nothing?" The demon's eyebrow rose. "I mean, it's - it's pretty obvious that you're a demon, and our binding would show to any magic user with enough power to discern, which my Instructors have. I wouldn't - I don't need, or want you to do magic tricks? That's not - I don't think you'd appreciate that very much?" he ended on a question, and if it wasn't absurd, he'd think that the demon looked bewildered. He shut his mouth and tried not to shuffle in his place, and was determined to wait the demon out.
The demon sat down in the middle of the circle suddenly. "Sit," he ordered, and Charles did so before he could think about it. It wasn't a - he wasn't compelled by the demon's magic. It was worse than that, but the demon spoke again before Charles could die of mortification because of his stupid kinks.
"I can see the insignia on your bracelet. You are a Cavallino?" The demon asked, and the way his tongue curled around the word Cavallino spoke of danger to Charles.
"Yes," he replied as calmly as he could. "I am in their training programme, but I am hoping this binding will show the leadership that I can become a full-fledged acolyte."
The demon hummed. His tail - and fuck, how did Charles not notice his tail, red and scaly, fuck - came up, and the demon petted it. "I see. And how did you choose me for your binding?"
"I read through the Grimoires," Charles said. "There are books in the library, books that we have to read. But I found a grimoire that wasn't on the curriculum, a hand-written one by a former, old Cavallino acolyte - Vettel, his name was," Charles said, and the demon pierced him with his gaze. His eyes were pitch black now, and Charles put his hands in his lap so as not to wring them under the demon's furious gaze. "He - he must have lived a long time ago, and must have been under the patronage of Master Schumacher, because I found some texts - but never mind." He cut himself off, because he had the tendency to ramble, and he didn't think the demon was interested.
"Anyways, he hypothesised heavily about certain things. Different ways of summoning, and binding, which did not have to be as - as final, and as..." he trailed off, wondering if he should tell the demon this. It was against the Guild's policy, but he also didn't want to lie to a proper demon. He didn't want to get murdered, or eaten. "Vettel hypothesised that the bindings did not have to be so imbalanced in power. That the demons didn't have to be - slaves, to us mages. And I," he swallowed, kewping eye contact, " I don't much care for slavery. Even if it's a demon in question."
The demon's tail twitched. "You are speaking the truth," he said, and Charles let out a short, nervous breath. "So you went through all the trouble to adapt the standard summoning ritual into this, on the off chance that this Vettel was right?" Charles nodded. "So that you wouldn't have to enslave a demon, despite us being the biggest evil out there?"
Charles scoffed. At the demon's questioning expression, he spoke, somewhat too empathetically, perhaps, but still the truth. "I've seen evil men can do. I've seen evil mages are capable off. I don't think demons are the worst evil out there. Your kind can't help but be who and what you are. For me, human evil is worse, because for us, at least there is a choice. To be bad, or to be good. And that makes all the difference, and illustrates monstrosity as very much a human condition."
The silence that fell between them wasn't opressive per se as much as it was significant. Charles thought of the Bulls, and what they did to their acolytes who didn't reach their standards. He thought of the Silver Arrows, and of the ice cold of their pragmatism. He thought of his own Cavallinos, and the atmosphere that sometimes felt fundamentally tainted, like a spell that misfired. The demon wasn't looking at Charles as he thought on world-knew-what, his eyes far away and long unseeing of the things before him. Of Charles.
"My price," the demon suddenly said, and Charles did flinch this time, lost in his own musings of hypocrisy and secrets, "is for you to listen to a story I will tell you in full." Charles said nothing. "My condition is that you listen to a story I will tell you, about betrayal, and things worse than murder, and corruption, and the vileness of humans sesuced by the promises of power, and that you listen to it from start to finish and think on it, and then tell me if you still wish to bind me to you and parade me before your Cavallino leadership." Charles' heart was beating wildly in his chest. "And after you listen to it, if you are still of the same opinion about certain things, I will let you bind me." The demon grinned. "And I shall not harm you lest you seek to harm me, and I may not even take you virginity." Charles blushed. "Accept you these terms, Charles Leclerc?"
There was a crackling of electricity and thunder in the air as Charles said "I do."
The demon nodded. "Good." He smiled. It was a smile with too many teeth. The shadows around the room coalesced, condensed, and Charles' skin broke out in goosebumps as the demon's strength suddenly surged forward. The light from the candles brightened into balls of light, and the crackling of the electricity in the air became even stronger. It did not feel malicious to Charles, though. Not at all. He settled more comfortably on the floor and tangled his fingers. "I am listening."
"You are, aren't you," demon remarked to himself, his eyes closed. "Alright."
When the demon opened his eyes, they were the bright blue Charles had only ever seen in the paintings of angels. "You made a mistake, Charles Leclerc. You thought you were summoning a low, Level Four demon, but you were not." Charles' breath caught in his throat as the demon spoke from what sounded like a hunder voices at once. There was a huge shadow behind him, and Charles realised in that moment it was a shadow of wings. Fuck, he though. What the fuck. Demons don't have wings. What the fuck, he kept thinking as the demon spread his wings and his arms and laughed loudly.
"I am a Level One demon, Charles Leclerc," he said, and Charles blanched, because - those were fallen - impossible - no no no, he thought. The demon pinned Charles to his place merely by the inhuman blue glow of those eyes, and said the words that would change Charles' life, and the fate of the world.
"My name is Sebastian Vettel, and I am going to tell you my story."
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acidakkerz · 5 months
FINALLY THE AMA IS HERE!! this is (most likely) very very canon to the story i have though t up for her and i hope it’s alright although i grinded it out in a day
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arithmonym · 1 month
the patient needs niche fics to live
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inquisimer · 1 month
which should I regret
A piece where Avexis refuses her Harrowing, for the prompt 'rite of tranquility' as part of @tranquilweek! Shout out to @kiastirling-fanfic for sparking the idea of an AU where Avexis takes Cole's place in Inquisition - it's only hinted at here, but more to come as the week goes on👀
read it on ao3 here
Avexis (Solo) | Rated T | 1255 words | cw: guilt, fear & despair, self-doubt, elective Tranquility
Avexis trembled as she stared down at the ornate font. Its surface was still and smooth, like glass, but it radiated a power that thrummed within her bones.
Pure lyrium.
Enough to send her into the Fade, where a demon waited to tempt her, test her, trick her. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. The first enchanter had been apologetic when they fetched her from the apprentice quarters; she wasn’t ready, and they both knew it. Under ordinary circumstances, she wouldn’t be put to the Harrowing for another few years, in her late teens, after more lessons and instruction and practice.
But hers were hardly ordinary circumstances. All things considered, she was lucky the Templars had given her as long as they had.
Not long enough, she thought desperately. Her gaze darted to the circle of Templars that trapped her here, stoic behind their faceless helms. Each held a downturned sword and one, she knew, bore the task of striking her down, should she take too long, or return as an abomination.
Even thinking the word brought bile to her throat. How could she not fail, with so many doubts? With her history? Surely this demon would see the fingerprints of blood magic that time could not erase, and immediately claim her for its own.
Since the Seeker returned her to the Circle, each day was an opportunity for every enchanter, every Templar to remind her: she was vulnerable. A beacon for demons. Susceptible. Their suspicions of her weakness lingered like fog on the Waking Sea—almost an expectation, an inevitability.
Despair dripped like ice down her spine. What was the point? The doubt coursing through every Templar and the observing senior enchanters rippled through the Fade and left a bitter, metallic taste on her tongue. They had decided she would fail. Those maleficar had decided it, when they stole a child from her bed, because she favored beasts. The Maker had decided it, when He gave her magic and allowed that to happen.
Desperately, she tried to step forward, to force movement from her quaking legs. Get it over with quickly. But she found she could not move; her body fought to live, even when she knew she was about to die.
“You cannot delay, apprentice,” intoned the Knight-Commander. “Make your choice.”
Between her pounding heart and racing emotions, Avexis nearly laughed. Choice? What choice was there to make? She never had a chance, let alone a choice.
There was a choice. And she found that, unlike when she’d been younger, the mere idea of Tranquility no longer choked her with dread. Rather, the persistent tremor of her hands stilled. The fear that permeated her every waking moment and pressed unbearable pain into her chest vanished with a single thought: she could be safe.
She could be safe, without being dead. Without giving whatever influence the maleficar had left in her mind even a chance to see the light of day.
For the first time since the Templars woke her, she drew a deep, full breath. Relief seeped through her. She looked up from the font of lyrium and locked eyes with the Knight-Commander.
“I refuse the Harrowing,” she said, clearly, if a bit quiet. Aborted gasps echoed through the cathedral-like chamber as the gathered enchanters stifled their shock. It was unthinkable to them—they would no sooner give up their magic than cut off a limb. But for Avexis, the gift had become a curse; dead weight that needed severing.
Knight-Commander Laroche’s gaze sharpened. “You know what that means.”
“I do.”
“And you accept those consequences?”
“I do.”
“Very well.” Laroche gestured. The aide at his side pulled a small lever and the floor beneath Avexis’ feet creaked and groaned. She flinched back as the stone under the lyrium font pulled apart. The device receded into the depths of the Spire, and where the floor sealed atop it, a tile mosaic of the Templar insignia slotted into place.
“Kneel, apprentice.” At the Knight-Commander’s order, feeling flooded back into Avexis’ legs. She stepped forward, one pace, two, and knelt atop the flaming sword. The tile pressed roughly against her knees, but she barely noticed.
Knight-Commander Laroche drew a long, gleaming brand from the forge built into the chamber wall. Magical blue flame licked at the narrow opening, heating the lyrium-infused sunburst. It gleamed and hissed in the cool air.
“Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him,” he chanted, voice and footsteps booming off the walls as he descended from the dais and approached her. “Foul and corrupt are they who have taken His gift and turned it against His children.”
The circle of Templars shifted and tightened, closing in on her with every step the Knight-Commander took. From the corner of her eye, Avexis thought she saw a scuffle, someone struggling to breach the barrier, but then they vanished, replaced in her periphery by Templar plate. The Knight-Commander’s shadow fell over her, then, and she forgot all else. Her focus narrowed to the pulse of the brand above.
Her heart thudded against the cage of her ribs, but she could no more look away from the lyrium-infused metal than she’d been able to look away from the font. Transfixed, she awaited the solace it offered.
“The one who repents, who has faith, unshaken by the darkness of the world; she shall know true peace.” Laroche held her gaze neutrally. If he passed judgment, one way or the other, for her magic, or her decision, or her history, it did not show in his face. “Do you repent?”
Avexis took a slow, calming breath. In that beat, she felt warmth, a hopefulness that slipped across the Veil and shielded her from the shadow of icy Despair. You don’t have to do this, it whispered.
“I do,” she said.
That comforting presence tinged with sorrow, but with understanding as well, and it soothed the ragged edges of her conscience that still had doubts. It curled tighter within her chest as Knight-Commander Laroche raised the brand. In tandem, the Templars drew closer as well, and a film coated her teeth as they pressed the Fade back from this place.
“Blessed are they who stand before the corrupt and the wicked and do not falter,” they all chanted. “Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just. Blessed are the righteous, the lights in the shadow.”
The room went utterly still, a dozen Purges overlapping at once. In the silence, Avexis gasped—but she made no sound. She could not draw breath. That strange, hopeful something clenched once around her heart—
Laroche pressed the brand to her forehead.
She had expected pain. But after a brief spike when metal met skin, there was none. Only a hiss as the lyrium and the Templars’ not-magic worked its way through her, took root in her soul and sliced cleanly through her connection to the Fade. The warmth in her chest fled, along with the comfort it had offered, but so to did Despair from her throat, and the Fear that had haunted her for so many years. Like cotton in her ears, the world about her muted, faded to dull, unsaturated tones.
Comfort was gone, but she no longer needed it. She was safe. She would be useful.
Knight-Commander Laroche dropped the rod to his side, lyrium spent and cooling, and looked down at the newly branded Tranquil. Alone, in his deep baritone, he finished,
“In their blood the Maker’s will is written.”
"tell me, father, which should I ask forgiveness for: what I am, or what I am not? tell me, mother, which should I regret: what I became, or what I did not?" -dvoyd
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spireclangen · 1 month
Dragon do you have any titles or names we may call you? Sure a being of such great power deserves to be called something better than their species name!
(I really like the dragon a lot if you couldn’t tell)
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luunaathh · 9 months
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<•>The Celestial Spire<•>
•Many greetings to all who stumble upon this post! My name is Luunaathh and I wish to tell you all about the celestial spire discord server! The spire is an 18+ only server for dragonkind, draconic identifying individuals, dragonhearted, and draconic system members! This is a very relaxed, positive, and supportive server for all manner of dragons to talk, introspect on nonhuman experiences, and make meaningful connections with other draconic identifying individuals! Listed below in this post will be a few of the many wonderful reasons to join the celestial spire!
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•Close Encounters of the Dragonkind•
•Close Encounters of the Dragonkind is a dragonkin and otherkind podcast that takes place either every two weeks or every month in the celestial spire! Close Encounters of the Dragonkind seeks to discuss unique topics regarding draconity and the dragon experience in a productive manner with the purpose of sparking meaningful conversation in the otherkind community as a whole! Members of the celestial spire are free to suggest new topics for future episodes and are usually allowed to speak during the podcast as guest speakers to express their viewpoints regarding the subject being discussed! Members of the celestial spire are also free to suggest new discussion topics for the hosts of close encounters of the dragonkind to discuss during each new episode. We highly suggest that any of those who are interested in close encounters of the dragonkind to join the celestial spire and listen to new episodes when they premier!
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<•>The Draconic Summit Event<•>
•The celestial spire is the adult oriented server for the draconic summit crowd to speak and introspect on the draconic experience after each season of the summit! The draconic summit is a seasonal online event meant to start productive conversations about the draconic experience, discuss every manner of the dragonkind experience, and allow other dragons to make positive, meaningful connections! Every draconic summit, we host special presentations or panels regarding what it means to be draconic and dragonkind, which are often recorded and posted on the draconic summit's official youtube channel. If you want to learn more about the draconic summit as an event or you want to attend the event in the future, then the celestial spire is the best place to get invested in the event!
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<•>A Kind, Accepting Environment<•>
•The celestial spire fosters a very kind, welcoming, and understating server environment. The spire staff work tirelessly to make sure that the server is a genuine safe space for all dragonkind and draconic individuals. We all have experienced being in toxic, horrible alterhuman servers and they are never pleasant. There exist so few genuinely positive and non-toxic otherkind spaces out there, so, the celestial spire seeks to provide a rare safe haven for all manner of draconic identifying individuals to speak without fear or judgement or elitism. Feel free to hang around in our positive space! We promise you will find that this server is much more positive and civil than many of the other alterhuman servers out there.
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<•>Not a Dragon? Not a Problem!<•>
•The celestial spire sometimes makes exceptions for non-dragonkind and non-draconic individuals to enter the spire to interact with the draconic community we have there! If you're just interested in being around a kind dragonkind crowd, then feel free to join the spire regardless of whether you identify as draconic or not!
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•Want to join the celestial spire? Please click on the link provided below! Maybe you have some questions about the celestial spire as a discord server before you potentially join? Feel free to private message my being! I will be happy to answer any questions you may have! We hope to see you in the celestial spire at some point in time! We look forward to meeting you!! 💙💙💙
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sp1resong · 2 months
behold! a... demo, ig, for an original song. this one was inspired by I have a special interest in rabies and like waxing poetic
[lyrics under the cut]
Soon may come your time, Only months, weeks, days 'Till the well runs dry And blows out your brain May you never know rest In fear you are mistaken
I'll be gone by then, It'll have taken me too But I'll live on In the death of you Neither Heaven nor Hell Awaits the beast forsaken
Could you live like that, Knowing you're just like me? The gentleman And the rabid beast? Leave your head at the door And walk the road more taken
In madness or the grave, We will be the same, Don't that scare you to death? Don't that just Take your breath away!?
And I hope you die Like I do I hope I die Right by your side I hope my teeth Break off inside you I hope we lose Our conjoined minds
And if I wake up in my bed tomorrow-- Which you and I both know I won't-- My bones will not move, my throat will not swallow, And I won't remember these words that I wrote
But just for the moment, We're dying alight Just for the moment, All there is is tonight
Just for the moment, We are us, you and I, And just for the moment, We're alive, we're alive,
We're alive!
And you and I, Rendered so alike, Like a shattered mind, Wet fangs catch the light There's no broken glass That I would rather swallow
The agony Is all that's left It's you and me And it's bereft The waters, they rise, And leave me cruel and hollow
Place your claws in mine, Raise a glass to death, Tomorrow's sun will rise Over cursed unrest, Only one can leave, The other must only follow
In madness or the grave, We will be the same, Don't that scare you to death? Don't that just Take your breath
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pupperwduppper · 1 year
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Some more of my thoughts on this, please don't beat me up :D
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paintedbutton · 2 months
I don't really have a lot of authors I look at and say "I want to be like you" but if there is one, it's definitely KJ Charles.
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