#spirit hunter drama cd
jommycham · 6 months
Spirit Hunter NG Radio Drama Bonus CD [Ultra Rough Translation]
[Spirit Doctor Yashiki Kazuo's Consultation Room]
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An honest attempt at a translation of the bonus drama CD that came with the purchase of NG: Extreme Kaidanchi. Beware of some minor spoilers if you have not played through all the Spirit Hunter games.
Note: Only did this for fun, and I am not fluent in Japanese, so inaccuracies are expected.
This bonus CD is an edited version of Yashiki's Consultation Room that was originally broadcasted on the EXP channel. Some questions sent in by viewers have been altered. What occurs in the Consultation Room should be treated as a parallel universe to the main storyline— therefore all comments made in these sessions are NOT canon.
(btw, Yashiki's title here is "Kai Ika" (怪医家)— or literally "Strange Doctor," which is probably where the "Spirit Doctor" came from.)
I did my best with my (admittedly) shoddy translation, and cleaned it up a bit to have it sound more coherent. Again, I do not speak or understand much Japanese, so despite my best attempts, portions can be wrong (though most of it should be reasonably correct). I will highlight those unsure sections accordingly. There are also very small parts I've omitted, either due to it being too difficult to understand (for me) or to smooth the flow of the translation. 🙇‍♀️Thank you very much for your understanding and putting up with my impulsive DM brain rot.
This CD features Yashiki and Mashita answering the audience's concerns/worries. Yashiki receives these burning questions through occult magazines. This time, however, Yashiki specifically calls Mashita in due to a request from OOPArts, much to Mashita's chagrin.
☕︎ Late for School Reader: This question is basically taken from EXP 4th Season #3 Voice Drama (where it's Yashiki, Moe, and Mashita) regarding the viewer who couldn't get up early.
Yashiki: Moe has answered this before, and I suggest rather than buying a cat, to take supplements, don't accumulate stress, go to bed early, get plenty of sleep, and have yourself plenty of coffee and sugar as soon as you wake up.
Mashita: Well, I guess that's the sort of advice you'd give. At my previous job, I'd take a shower or wash my face with cold water.
Yashiki: Even if someone else wakes me up, I still have to put in majority of the effort through the rest of the process.
➥The answers to this question are a lot more fleshed out in the actual livestream VD, such as the cat thing, the supplements being part of Mashita's answer, and Saya mention for the "someone else."
☕︎ Bug Hater Reader: Also a question taken from the above mentioned Voice Drama about a reader asking about how to handle cleaning the house while bugs are roaming during the summer.
Mashita: You're the type of person who doesn't hesitate to pick things up and put it in your bag. You (the reader) can also try hiring someone or contacting a cleaning company.
[Yashiki is concerned that Mashita also doesn't really like touching gross things and asks if he's okay.]
[Mashita explains that both of them are basically in the same line of work, so it's not like he hesitates either to touch things.]
Yashiki: That's true.
☕︎ Summer vacation is almost over, but my eldest daughter hasn't finished her homework. What should I do, Mr. Yashiki? What did you do with your homework during summer vacation?
Yashiki: The Kujo Family already finished their homework early into summer vacation. How about you, Mashita?
Mashita: Well, it's kind of a hassle, so I tried to finish it early. But I always remember not being able to finish my literature essay/book review until the last moment. It was the only part I didn't fully understand.
Yashiki: I loved reading books and I don't remember having difficulties with them. Shou doesn't do his in the first place. Moe and Tsukasa seem to be the types who get it done first thing. Suzu seems like she'd get it done unexpectedly early. Eita probably does it early, too. Ai seems the type to get it done and put the rest of her energy into her hobbies.
Mashita: If your parents are willing to help you, it might not be a bad idea to plan your hobbies and leisure activities for the latter half of your summer vacation and finish the homework by then.
Yashiki: And if you don't finish your homework...
*dramatic sound effect*
Yashiki: ... you'll die at dawn. Well, if you can imagine a curse like that/wouldn't be surprising if there was a curse like that.
Mashita: Tch, I wouldn't want that.
➥ The term Mashita uses here is "Dokusho Kanshoubun," and I am not familiar with the specifics of what summer homework consists of, so the closest thing I went with was a book review of sorts.
➥ I got kind of lost on his descriptions, so I honestly wasn't sure who was being described, so the details may be mixed up.
☕︎ I'm waking up in the middle of the night with the need to go to the bathroom. But there are times where I get scared and don't want to go. What should I do in times like these? If you have any tips or advice, please let me know!
Yashiki: Actually, come to think of it...
Mashita: Wait. Just turn on the lights, that's the answer.
Yashiki: What's the hurry, Mashita? I was just trying to...
Mashita: I'm trying to keep you from making an ill-advised comment.
Yashiki: Was it going to be that terrible?
Mashita: No doubt. With this, we're done with the question.
Mashita: Tch, who was the one who chose this question? Maybe they were half-asleep at the time. Well, off to the next one.
➥ I could not tell if Yashiki was asking if his answer was going to be that awful or he was saying "that's terrible (coming from Mashita)." I went with the former to be safe.
☕︎ One afternoon, I was taking the bus to the hospital, and the bus stopped at a bus stop. It was on a main street with only cars and a few pedestrians passing by, making it look quite deserted. The bus driver opened the doors and stared outside. I watched from the back seat as the driver repeatedly, with an impatient tone, asked someone if they were getting on or not. The driver gave up on asking and started driving off. As the bus drove away, I kept looking outside, but didn't see anyone at the bus stop or on the sidewalk of the main street. I wondered who the driver was talking to, or if he had talked to anyone in the first place.
I suddenly remembered this recently— what exactly happened, and how would you interpret it, Mr. Yashiki?
There's a section where Mashita goes into a short explanation in regards to this particular question. I am not sure if he is talking about the reader's question or their reply— but basically either this question has been submitted before (didn't make it into the actual Consultation segment) or it has been replied to, but the reply was not published. Therefore, the editorial department has requested this question be submitted/replied to again.
Yashiki: I remember this question. My original reply was that since it was the driver's actions, it's technically not a paranormal phenomenon.
Mashita: Well, if we can't be sure, we still need to interpret it from that angle (?). What do you think about the situation?
Yashiki: I think it might be someone from the future who came to your rescue, and thanks to them delaying the bus' departure, a major accident was avoided.
Mashita: You're still naive as ever, but worse. No matter who that person was, in the end, you're the one who created that anxiety. You shouldn't willingly go with their plans.
Yashiki: By interpreting the situation in a way that doesn't make me anxious, it allows me to avoid getting swallowed up by fear.
➥ The specific phrase Mashita uses is "お花畑," or "ohanabatake," which means a field of flowers. It seems to be used to describe someone who is carefree or blind.
➥ The answer sort of starts leaning into the more philosophical side towards the end? At least on the basis where my interpretation of "that person" is the imagined time traveler of Yashiki's explanation. If not, I'm terribly sorry.
☕︎ At my previous workplace, there was a tree (?) that always made a ringing noise at night. It was close to a residential area, with an apartment building and a small community center in its parking lot. For some reason, it doesn't bother me on my way to work, and I only hear it on the way home. It also doesn't bother me during early shifts, so I assume the noise only occurs at night. The sound is different every time, ranging from the metallic sound like that of gold or a sandstorm. On bad days the ringing in my ears causes headaches and anemia. I had heard from a friend that the place was haunted/visited by spirits; so I started wondering if it was a paranormal experience.
Yashiki: I answered this question at the time it was originally submitted, but it remains the same. I can't deny the possibility [of it being a paranormal event]. I'm pretty sure the advice given to you was to sing a song. There's also the option of keeping an omamori and listening to your favorite music through earphones. I don't know how effective it is, but as I have said previously— try to avoid feeling anxious as much as possible.
☕︎ I'm an idol who loves the occult, and I love reading about them. I want to consult Mr. Yashiki, as there have been many instances of paranormal sightings in H City. There are also rumors of new sightings circulating on message boards as of late. I'm a bit nervous about investigating it by myself, so can you please help me out? I wonder if the rumors are true or not...
Yashiki: I don't recommend investigating it, because there's a chance you could die.
Mashita: But I guess they can't just leave it be.
Yashiki: This is a difficult question...
Mashita: In any case, I would like to have some more information so I can do some research on this.
Yashiki: I'm sorry, but I'd appreciate it if you could send what you know to the editorial department. I recommend you never investigate matters like these alone.
Yashiki: Alright.
Mashita: I think this is enough, about 10 minutes.
Yashiki: I’ll hand the audio recording to Moe later today.
Mashita: I'll leave it to you.
Yashiki: I hope this helps someone with their troubles.
Mashita: Perhaps.
Yashiki: Will you be willing to help out next time?
Mashita: ... Tch. Hm.
Yashiki: Please look after me./Thank you in advance.
➥ The phrase is "yoroshiku tanomu yo," which I've seen can be translated into "please look after —" or just used generally for requesting a favor. I was debating using "I'm counting on you" since it sort of made better sense in this context, but Yashiki ended it with "よ" which is much more casual/polite than "ぜ." I ended up opting for a more... gentler way of phrasing this? I genuinely didn’t know how to write it in a way that conveys how he spoke other than this ( ´_ゝ`).
Spirit Doctor Yashiki's Consultation Room: In addition to our regular consultations, we are also accepting everyday troubles. Please contact us here.
Thank you very much for sticking til the end here. ヾ(´ー`)ノ゛ I've been going through some pretty severe rot and this helped to alleviate it somewhat (despite how piss poor my efforts are). It's interesting to see different sides to characters even if it's not entirely canon.
As a lil bonus, I want to show those of you who haven't watched Nezuka Ryo's voice over for the entirety of DM1— Kawabata Yoshiaki's (Mashita's VA) introduction! The gap is... actually really cute in a way???
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pacing-er · 2 months
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Obsessed with how many audio dramas there are where the premise is just Yashiki being weird and off-putting XD Unemployed 40(?) year old man lives alone in his mansion and just fucks around all day when he's not actively being hunted by ghosts. Brews cursed blood-red coffee because it is a little less expensive than normal coffee but decides to buy a grand piano on a whim. Devotes an entire room in his house to displaying mementos of literal trash from his near-death experiences. He calls this room "My Favorite Room." He also has a "Favorite Bag" and "Favorite Car," but he is not shown to own any other bags or cars. His primary hobbies outside of ghost exorcism are coffee and doll-making. He looks like this:
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Obsessed with him
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sleepyminty · 2 months
Controversial takes:
In ng bad end drama, it was stated by yashiki that Rosé was a friend of Saya. Sure sounds normal until u realized that Rosé was actually a doll if u had Rosé killed during the investigation. And in the blue demise, after hearing about Saya’s death, blue demise!Rosé actually grieved over her death. What do i get out of this?
1. Whatever saya and rosé had is the equivalent of whatever yashiki and mashita have right now
2.It’s in the Kujou blood to charm haunted dolls and supernatural beings
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bloodraynebeast · 7 months
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...To the blog where we discuss, post and think about all things Spirit Hunter! Death Mark, Death Mark 2 & NG. Main story, additional content, the manga, CD Voice Dramas, and more! My Asks are always open for questions or discussions! This series is near and dear to me and I love talking about it with other people. Hope you enjoy your stay ❣️...
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k8uh8 · 2 years
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juncebox · 3 years
Okay I know nothing about Spirit Hunter but I’m kinda intrigued. Is it more spooky than ZE? And where do I start if I want to get into the series?
OOOO I’m glad to see that you’re a bit intrigued! This is one of my favorite franchises in addition to ZE! I’m going to go over a lot so if I miss anything you want to know before getting into it, let me know!
I will preface this by saying my sense of horror is skewed.
I found both games tolerable and wasn’t necessarily spooked. While Zero Escape follows more of a scientific route, Spirit Hunter is much more spiritual/otherworldly.
The horror in spirit hunter is more like body horror and a bit of psychological.
Since the games are relatively newer games in comparison to Zero Escape, they may be costly.
So if you are unable to buy them yourself, check out ManlyBadassHero’s play throughs! He is a completionist so don’t worry, you will get pretty much all of it!
You won’t have to worry about how missing out on the spirit hunter experience by watching a lets play. I know with Zero Escape it’s harder to enjoy it through lets plays as much since it’s largely puzzle based.
At the moment there are only two Spirit Hunter game, the third one to be released this year(at least in Japan. When the western release is I am unsure).
The games can be played as standalone games, much like Zero Escape. However, as it is with Zero Escape, the experience of the game is heightened and you notice certain things more often.
The first game is Spirit Hunter: Death Mark, previously simply named Death Mark. The art of this game in particular was done by the same artist who did the art for ZTD: Rui Tomono! Because of the nature of Death Mark, it may be harder for you to bond more with the cast.
The second game is Spirit Hunter: Death Mark. They changed the UI and it looks a little like persona but otherwise the game mechanic is pretty similar to Death Mark. This game has more consistent characters so you bond with them more.
There is a drama CD but I don’t know if it comes with translations. Also the Death Mark Drama CD is based off the previous character concepts, so they’re not in character with the cast but it’s still interesting especially if you want to hear voices.
I do say due to the nature of spirits: the come into existence when something is holding them from passing on so there may be triggering topics. If you are willing to send in an ask of your triggers, I’ll privately respond and tell you if those show up so you could prepare yourself or avoid the games!
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myrainydayloves · 4 years
Japanese Culture
For those of you who always watch a lot of anime or read manga or play JRPGs, you might know there are a lot of common things in those types of media. Like Bathhouses, rice balls, ramen, Golden Week, spa retreats, etc etc. So you might be curious as to what all those things are or want to learn more about them!
Well look no further than my favorite Japanese culture show: Begin Japanology
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It’s put on by NHK World(think PBS but for a lot of countries) and is hosted by the sweetest old man alive: Peter Barakan! 
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It’s a real educational and fun show and I highly suggest it if you wanna learn about the things you see on TV as it were. Here are a couple of episodes about something you might know about and want to learn more about!
- Bathhouses (As seen in Spirited Away and Persona 5 Royal)
- Geisha (As seen in many historical anime like Golden Kamuy and Fuse: Memoirs of the Hunter Girl)
- Onsen (Like seen in every sports anime and the Bungou Stray Dogs drama CD and Animal Crossing New Horizons and Avatar: The Last Airbender)
- Onigiri (As seen in haikyuu!! and shokugeki no soma and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
- Tokyo Alleys and Backstreets (As seen and referenced in Durarara and Persona 5)
And way way more! There are a ton of episodes to catch up on so if you’re staying home to stay safe and love Japan as much as I do, Begin Japanology is great way to learn about it.
Annnnd while you’re learning you might consider donating to my GoFundMe for my study abroad in Kyoto? The link is pinned on my blog but you can also cashapp me at $Cranelover
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tomtefairytaleblog · 5 years
The Witch That Whirls in the Air: The Folkloric Roots of Walpurgisnacht in “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”
“On this night, I became a Magical Girl.”--Homura Akemi, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Drama CD: “Memories of You”
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(The Witch Walpurgisnacht descends on Mitakihara.)
Walpurgisnacht casts a shadow—both literally and figuratively—over Puella Magi Madoka Magica from the very beginning, first appearing in Madoka Kaname’s dream as a looming figure floating ominously in the sky, while Homura Akemi tries in vain to defeat it (the scene accompanied by the appropriately ominous song “Magia”). It isn’t mentioned again until the sixth episode, when Homura tells Kyoko Sakura that Walpurgisnacht will appear in Mitakihara in a couple of weeks, and again in Episode 10, when its importance to Homura’s story and the overall plot are revealed. In the eleventh episode, Walpurgisnacht finally makes its appearance in the city, creating a supercell storm and forcing the civilians into a shelter, leaving the city abandoned while Homura faces off against it on her own. It appears in the middle of the storm, an upside-down giant of a woman dressed in medieval clothing, with gears where her feet should be, heralded by a surreal, circus procession, and accompanied by shadowy, ghost-like Familiars. While Walpurgisnacht may at first glance appear to just be a generic monster with a distinctive name, it has many roots in folklore, not just in its name, but also in its appearance and methods.
(Spoilers incoming.)
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(1668 woodcut of the Witches’ Sabbath, by Johannes Praetorius.)
Walpurgisnacht’s name is a reference to the German name for “Walpurgis Night,” named after Saint Walpurga; it is also known as “Hexennacht,” or Witches’ Night. It was in 1668 that the Brocken—the highest peak in the Harz mountain range in Germany—was designated as the meeting place for Walpurgisnacht, as recorded by Johannes Praetorius’s The Blocksberg Performance (Davies). It was this idea that was further expanded on by Goethe in Faust; a footnote for George Madison Priest’s translation of Goethe’s tragic play specifically refers to Walpurgisnacht as a time that witches hold “carnival” on the Brocken, the highest peak in Germany’s Harz Mountains, a fact that is visually referenced when Walpurgisnacht arrives in Mitakihara with a parade of colorful animals signaling its arrival (Goethe 95). While traditionally set on the evening between April 30th and May 1st, no exact day is given in Madoka for when Walpurgisnacht appears; however, it is not a stretch to assume that it is also meant to be on April 30th.
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(Dame Baubo as illustrated by Ernst Barlach, c. 1923.)
While Walpurgisnacht being a name for a specific witch associated with the day is new, the idea of a central, witch-like figure is not. One example appears in Goethe’s Faust, when Faust and Mephistopheles travel to the Brocken on May Eve, following a Will-O’-The-Wisp to the sight where the witches gather. There they see a group of witches, making their way to the celebration. Among them is a figure riding on a sow—this figure is recognized as “old Baubo,” to which the witches’ chorus responds to with “In front, Dame Baubo! Lead the crew! /A sturdy sow with mother stride, /All witches follow in a tide” (Goethe 96). This figure, Baubo, actually originates from Greek Mythology, as she was a demigoddess most known for making Demeter—who, at the time, was grief-stricken over the disappearance of Persephone—laugh by exposing her genitalia (Theoi). Just like how Baubo is associated with laughter, the Walpurgisnacht of Madoka Magica is portrayed as constantly laughing as she floats in the air; additionally, one can see that Baubo, a Greek figure, has been demonized into being associated with witches and the Christian Devil. This phenomenon of such a figure being turned into a demonic creature is not unique to Faust.
In their article “Becoming the Labyrinth: Negotiating Magical Space and Identity in Puella Magi Madoka Magica,” Sara Cleto and Erin Kathleen Bahl point out that Walpurgisnacht has many visual similarities to European nobility, shown in her “elaborate, blue gown with exaggerated bell sleeves and a cascading, tiered skirt,” while her head has a headdress that “tapers to two sharp points, suggesting horns or a crown.” “She resembles nothing so much as an evil queen,” Cleto and Bahl write, “a figure popularized most by Snow White tales” (9). Indeed, with the other folkloric/fairy tale imagery (both traditional and literary) referenced in the series such as “The Little Mermaid,” The Nutcracker and the Mouse King, and Goethe’s Faust, it would not be too far of a stretch to draw comparisons between Madoka and Snow White, especially since, as Cleto and Bahl point out, a central theme in Snow White is the generational conflict between a young girl and an older woman, which echoes the war between the Magical Girls and the Witches they will inevitably become when they are consumed by despair (9).
But if one looks at Walpurgisnacht’s general appearance—a queenly figure that rides out in the sky and terrorizes the land, especially children (the Magical Girls)—then one can also draw a parallel to the Biblical queen Herodias; specifically, the version of her that became a part of witch folklore. In the Book of Mark in the New Testament, Herodias was the wife of Herod who opposed John the Baptist, as the latter spoke against her marriage to Herod, because she had been Herod’s brother’s wife beforehand. She eventually gets rid of John by having her daughter dance for Herod at a party, who, impressed, offers to grant her anything; she then asks for John the Baptist’s head (New Living Translation, Mark 6:14-29) .
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(Herodias, as painted by Paul Delaroche, c. 1843.)
That is where the story ends in the Bible, but folklore expands a bit on the aftermath. In Ysengrimus, a collection of folktales in Latin written by the poet Nivardus around the year 1148, Herodias is conflated with her daughter as the figure who danced for Herod; after receiving the head of John the Baptist, Herodias attempts to kiss it, having been infatuated with him. However, the head hisses at her, “with such force that she was blown up into the air and out through the skylight;” and since then, “she has been driven through the skies on John’s implacable anger” (Ridenour 135-136). Jacob Grimm writes in his Deutsche Mythologie that the winds in Lower Saxony were believed to be caused by Herodias constantly whirling, eternally dancing in the sky; additionally, she was believed in some places to be a child-stealing demon (Ridenour 136). Just as Herodias is associated with eternally whirling in the air, Walpurgisnacht in Madoka is described as symbolizing “the fool who constantly spins in circles” and whose nature is “helplessness” (Puella Magi Wiki). And Walpurgisnacht, as a Witch who was once a Magical Girl, certainly is helpless, being now nothing more than a pawn in the Incubators’ twisted plans.
In his book Witchcraft in the Middle Ages, Jeffrey Burton Russell refers to the Canon Episcopi, a text written in the early Tenth Century; the text itself refutes the existence of witches, in that it claims that any such stories are the result of people being deceived by the Devil, upholding the opinion that it is impossible for a human to wield magic (Russell 77). Within the Canon are references to witches who rode out in the night with “Diana, goddess of the pagans,” a reference to Diana, the Roman goddess of the hunt (Russell 76). Russell then adds that Diana is one of many goddesses demonized to be associated with Witches by Christianity; another example being the Germanic Holda, who is mentioned in the Corrector by Buchard of Worms, another important document of witchcraft (80-81). In Eisenach, Germany, Holda and her host are said to emerge from the Horselberg Mountain (“Hear-Souls Mountain”) with her horde of spirits on Christmas, Eve, New Year’s Eve, or the Winter Ember Days (Ridenour 132). This idea of a witch-like figure emerging on a certain day is echoed in Madoka with Walpurgisnacht’s arrival creating a deadline that the series’ plot hinges on.
Those familiar with Madoka may also note the idea of a figure being seen as both a goddess and a witch as paralleling Madoka’s status as being both Ultimate Madoka (a goddess) and Kriemhild Gretchen/The Witch of Despair (a witch); in fact, the idea of a goddess being demonized into a Witch by the Church is a pretty close parallel to the Incubators turning Magical Girls into Witches for their own plans. (There is some debate on whether Holda was a goddess or not, due to records describing her as such being made long after Christianization set in; nonetheless, the similarities are there (Ridenour 120).)
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(Frau Holle, or Holda, traveling through the air with her spirits, by Joseph Sattler, c. 1927.)
After her initial attack on Walpurgisnacht—during which Homura throws an entire arsenal of weapon fire at it, barely putting even a scratch on the Witch—Walpurgisnacht manifests a horde of shadowy figures that begin to attack Homura. These minions are described as “countless souls drawn to [Walpurgisnacht’s] vast magical power,” and bear more than an uncanny resemblance to ghostly Magical Girls (Puella Magi Wiki). In concept, as ghastly beings flying amongst the storm, they are akin to the European legends of the Wild Hunt, a folkloric archetype that combines elements of stories regarding “hunting and diabolic hunters, lost souls, and slain warriors” (Ridenour 156). Slain warriors and lost souls—kind of like the Magical Girls of Madoka’s setting, who are shown to often die in battle at a young age; and whenever a contract is made with Kyubey, the result is the girl making said contract having her soul removed from her body, effectively rendering her undead, and therefore able to endure the physical strain of battling horrific entities. While the Wild Hunt is said in many cases to be led by Odin, there are stories where other leaders have been recorded; one such example being, again, Herodias, said to have sway over a third of the world, said third including “unbaptized children,” amongst other supernatural creatures such as elves and gnomes (Kloss 100). A similar belief is attributed to the figure Perchta, who is sometimes associated with Holda, and said to lead the spirits of the unbaptized and unborn out into the night (Ridenour 132).
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(Top: Asgardsreien, by Peter Nicolai Arbo, c. 1872. Bottom: The Clowns serving Walpurgisnacht.)
Finally, while the influences on Walpurgisnacht have thus far been entirely Biblical and European in origin, there is also Japanese folklore to look to for a possible link between the legends of the West and the country of Madoka’s origin. Japan is full of stories regarding supernatural creatures, or “yokai;” there are also stories regarding the event known as the “Hyakki Yagyo,” or “The Demon Horde’s Night Parade,” when yokai were said to swarm through the city of Kyoto. In many ways, it was less of an attack and more of a swarm or manifestation that went throughout the city, akin to the Western concept of “pandemonium,” a “raucous revelry of creepy-crawlies” (Yoda and Alt x-xi). This legend is in many ways similar to the Wild Hunt of Europe; as such, while Walpurgisnacht’s imagery in Madoka is heavily-inspired by stories of witches and slain warriors swarming during a storm, the knowledge Japanese viewers may have of the Hyakki Yagyo would just as easily make Walpurgisnacht’s attack resonate with them, much like the term “Walpurgisnacht” resonates with those in the West familiar with the word as a serious threat in a series whose main enemies are Witches.
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(”Hyakki Yagyo,” by Kawanabe Kyosai.)
While Walpurgisnacht makes only a few appearances in the whole of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, its influence is greatly felt throughout the series; and while ultimately just an obstacle keeping the main characters from reaching a happy ending, it also has a lot of mythological, folkloric, and literary archetypes of witches and hauntings caused by spirits, all rolled into one enigmatic figure (indeed, even after the origin of Witches are revealed, Walpurgisnacht still remains a mystery in everything from backstory to motives). Like a lot of the folkloric and literary references in the show, it is not necessary to be aware of all the history behind Walpurgisnacht to understand the narrative; that being said, if one does choose to look into it, they will find quite a lot of interesting stories.
“Agrarian Gods and Goddesses.” Theoi. Web. Accessed 23 April, 2019.
Cleto, Sara and Erin Kathleen Bahl. “Becoming the Labyrinth: Negotiating Magical Space and Identity in Puella Magi Madoka Magica.” Humanities, 5:20 (2016). 
 Davies, Owen. “Witches and Walpurgis Night.” OUPBlog. Web. Accessed 27 April, 2019.
 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. Faust. Translated by George Madison Priest, William Benton, 1952.
 Kloss, Waldemar. “Herodias the Wild Huntress in the Legend of the Middle Ages.” Modern Language Notes, 23:4  (1908), pp. 100-102.
 Ridenour, Al. The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas: Roots and Rebirth of the Folkloric Devil. Feral House, 2016.
 Russell, Jeffrey Burton. Witchcraft in the Middle Ages.  Cornell University Press, 1972.
 Sekien, Toriyama. Japandemonium Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopedias of Toriyama Sekien. Translated by Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt, Dover Publications, Inc., 2016.
 Shinbo, Akiyuki and Gen Urobuchi. Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Studio Shaft, 2011.
 The Bible. New Living Translation, Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1996.
 “Walpurgisnacht.” Puella Magi Wiki. Web. Accessed 23 April, 2019.
 Yoda, Hiroko and Matt Alt. “About The Books.” Japandemonium Illustrated: The Yokai Encyclopedias of Toriyama Sekien. Translated by Hiroko Yoda and Matt Alt, Dover Publications, Inc., 2016.
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videogamesdensetsu · 7 years
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Jun Suemi / 末弥 純 - Part 1: 1984-1989 Part 2: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167234984220/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-2-1992-1995-part-1-bio Part 3: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167271502030/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-3-1995-1998-part-1-bio Part 4: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167309261755/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-4-1999-2008-part-1-bio Part 5: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167485893875/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-5-2008-2010-part-1-bio Part 6: http://videogamesdensetsu.tumblr.com/post/167554505125/jun-suemi-%E6%9C%AB%E5%BC%A5-%E7%B4%94-part-6-2011-2017-part-1-bio Althought it was originally created in North America, the Wizardry series became very famous in Japan in the late 80s and Jun Suemi's name is often attached to the licence (games, novels, dramas CD, tabletop RPGs). Random trivia: due to a ROM size issue, the Famicom version of Wizardry II has been developed and released after the adaptation of Wizardry III, hence the fact that Wizardry III was rechristened Wizardry II (and Wizardry II became Wizardry III). For some reason, one of the illustrations he created for Emil Chronicle Online was reused in the card game Aquarian Age. Culdcept Revolt and Brandish: Dark Revenant also features illustrations created for previous games from their respective series. To this day, he has worked on more than 60 games. Games pictured above: Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001, PC-88 - 1984) Seiken Achō / 聖拳アチョー (MSX - 1985) Dungeon Master / ダンジョンマスター (MSX - 1986) Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord / ウィザードリィ (Famicom - 1987) Veigues: Tactical Gladiators / ヴェイグス (PC-88 - 1988) Fire Hawk: Thexder the second contact / ファイアーホーク (MSX2, PC-88 MkII SR - 1989) Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィII リルガミンの遺産 (Famicom - 1989) Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds / ウィザードリィIII ダイヤモンドの騎士 (Famicom - 1990) Games he has worked on: Apsaras / アプサラス (Windows - 2000) cover art, chara-design Asuncia: Curse of Matsue / アサンシア ~魔杖の呪縛~ (PS1 - 1997) cover art Brandish 2 - The Planet Buster / ブランディッシュ2 ザ プラネット バスター (PC-98 - 1993) cover art Brandish 2: The Planet Buster RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Brandish 3 - Spirit of Balcan / ブランディッシュ3 スピリット オブ バルカン (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Brandish 3: Spirit of Balcan RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1995) cover art Brandish 4: Nemureru Kami no Tou / ブランディッシュ4 眠れる神の塔 (Windows - 1998) cover art Brandish RENEWAL (PC-98 - 1995) cover art Brandish VT / ブランディッシュVT (PC-98 - 1996) cover art Culdcept Saga / カルドセプト サーガ (Xbox 360 - 2008) card illustrations Dark Seraphim / ダークセラフィム (PC-98 - 1995) cover art, title screen Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen / ドラゴンズドグマ:ダークアリズン (PS4, Xbox One, Steam - 2017) illustration Dungeon Master / ダンジョンマスター (MSX - 1986) cover art Emil Chronicle Online / エミル・クロニクル・オンライン (Windows - 2005) card illustration Final Fantasy XI: A Moogle Kupo d'Etat / ファイナルファンタジーXI 戦慄!モグ祭りの夜 ヴァナ・ディール史上最小の作戦 (PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 - 2009) main illustration Final Fantasy XI: Vision of Abyssea / ファイナルファンタジーXI 禁断の地アビセア (PC, Xbox 360, PS2, PS3 - 2010) main illustration Fire Hawk: Thexder the second contact / ファイアーホーク (MSX2, PC-88 MkII SR - 1989) cover art First Queen IV / ファーストクィーン4 バルシア戦記 (PC-98 - 1994) cover art Front Mission Second / フロントミッション セカンド (PS1 - 1997) chara-design, illustrations Hyaku Nen Senki: Euro Historia / 百年戦記 ユーロ・ヒストリア (Browser game - 2013) character illustration Last Rebellion / ラストリベリオン (PS3 - 2010) illustration (with others) Libros de Chilam Balam / ティラムバラム (PC-98 - 1992) cover art Lord of Arcana / ロード オブ アルカナ (PSP- 2010) monster design x1 Lord of Vermilion / ロード・オブ・ヴァーミリオン (Arcade - 2008) card illustration Lord of Vermilion Re:2 / ロード・オブ・ヴァーミリオン RE:2 (arcade - 2011) card illustration Monster Collection: Trading Card Game (Mobile - 2012) card illustration Not treasure Hunter / ノット トレジャーハンター (PS1 - 1996) cover art Nosferatu / ノスフェラトゥ (Super Famicom - 1994) cover art Okhotsk ni Kiyu / オホーツクに消ゆ (PC-6001, PC-88 - 1984) cover art, manual illustrations Over G / オーバーG (Xbox 360 - 2006) chara-design Renny Blaster / レニーブラスタ (PC Engine CD - 1995) cover art Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory / 煉獄 ザ・タワー・オブ・パーガトリー (PSP - 2005) cover art + chara design Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N / 煉獄 弐 The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N (PSP - 2006) cover art Samurai Souls / サムライソウル (iOS, Android - 2013) card illustrations Seiken Achō / 聖拳アチョー (MSX - 1985) cover art Sengoku Efuda Yūgi Hototogisu Ran / 戦国絵札遊戯 不如帰 -HOTOTOGISU- 乱 (PSP - 2008) card illustrations (with others) Silpheed / シルフィード (PC-88 MkII SR - 1986) cover art, at least one paper ad Silpheed / シルフィード (Mega-CD - 1993) cover art Sōkyū no Sky Galleon / 蒼穹のスカイガレオン (iOS, Android - 2016) card illustration Sword World SFC2 / ソードワールドSFC2 (Super Famicom - 1994) cover art The Belle Isle / ベルアイル (Windows - 2005) illustration, concept art? The Hybrid Front / ハイブリッド・フロント (Mega Drive - 1994) cover art, manual illustrations Trinity Zill O'll Zero - トリニティ ジルオール ゼロ, AKA Trinity: Souls of Zill O’ll (PS3 - 2010) chara-design, Premium Box (posters x2) Veigues: Tactical Gladiators / ヴェイグス (PC-88 - 1988) cover art Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord / ウィザードリィ (Famicom - 1987) Monster Design Wizardry II: Legacy of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィII リルガミンの遺産 (Famicom - 1989) Monster Design Wizardry III: Knight of Diamonds / ウィザードリィIII ダイヤモンドの騎士 (Famicom - 1990) Monster Design, Japanese ad Wizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom / ウィザードリィ・V 災禍の中心 (SFC - 1992) Monster Design Wizardry VI: Bane of the Cosmic Forge / ウィザードリィVI 禁断の魔筆 (SFC - 1995) Monster Design Wizardry: Bōkyaku no Isan / ウィザードリィ ~忘却の遺産~ (DS - 2010) illustrations, monster design Wizardry Gaiden /ウィザードリィ・外伝 (Windows - 2006) monster design, supervision Wizardry: Llylgamyn Saga / ウィザードリィ リルガミンサーガ (Windows, PS1, Saturn - 1998) cover art + illustrations originally created for novels and RPGs Wizardry: New Age of Llylgamyn / ウィザードリィ ニュー エイジ オブ リルガミン (PS1 - 1999) cover art Wizardry Online Mobile / ウィザードリィ・オンライン・モバイル (Mobile - 2010) monster design Wizardry Online / ウィザードリィ オンライン (Windows - 2013) Concept Graphics Wizardry: Seimei no Kusabi / ウィザードリィ 〜生命の楔~ (DS - 2009) monster Design Wizardry Torawareshi Tamashī no Meikyū / ウィザードリィ 囚われし魂の迷宮 (PS3 - 2009) main visual Wizardry: Twin Pack / Wizardry -ツインパック- (PS3 - 2011) cover art Wizrogue: Labyrinth of Wizardry (Android, iOS - 2014) illustrations, chara design, "Concept Visual Creator" Zill O’ll / ジルオール (PS1 - 1999) cover art Zill O'll Infinite / ジルオール インフィニット (PS2 - 2005) Zill O'll Infinite Plus / ジルオール インフィニット プラス (PSP - 2009) illustrations
To be confirmed: Silpheed (PC-88) paper ad which uses the same illustration as the one featured on the Western cover of the game.
Other video game related works: Arcadia magazine #35 (magazine - April 2002) Soul Calibur II poster Dragon’s Crown Artworks / ドラゴンズクラウン アートワークス (artbook - 2013) guest illustration Dragon’s Dogma-The Beginning / ドラゴンズドグマ-ザ・ビギニング- (Novel - 2012) cover art Fate/Hollow Ataraxia () card illustration Luminous Works 2nd – / ルミナスワークス2nd (Luminous Arc 2 Artbook - 2008) guest illustration To Heart 2 (book) illustration Type-Moon 10th Anniversary Phantasm (artbook - 2012) guest illustration Ultima IV: Avatar e no michi Notebook / ウルティマIV アバタールへの道ノートブック (guide book - 1987) cover art
He has worked on so many Wizardry stuff I can't list all of them here but here are some of them: Advanced Wizardry RPG / アドバンスト・ウィザードリィRPG (tabletop RPG - 1995) cover art Shin Wizardry RPG Kihon System / 真・ウィザードリィRPG―基本システム (tabletop RPG - 1991) cover art Suemi Jun Gashū Wizardry / 末弥純画集 ウィザードリィ (artbook - 2006) Tonariawase no hai to seishun ― shōsetsu Wizardry / 隣り合わせの灰と青春―小説ウィザードリィ (novel - 1989) cover art Werdna no Gyakushū / ワードナの逆襲 (novel - 1990) cover art Wizardry Comics (Comics - 1993) cover art Wizardry no Subete Famicom-ban tankō / ウィザードリィのすべて―ファミコン版 (Guide book - 1989) cover art Wizardry RPG / ウィザードリィRPG (tabletop RPG - 1988) cover art
Sources: http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,281/ Apsaras http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/products/products/ee/new/apsaras/apsaras_2.htm Dimension Zero http://dimension-zero.com/story/story01.html Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1084638.html Emil Chronicle Online https://www.onlinegamer.jp/news/12299/ Fire Hawk http://vgmdb.net/db/covers.php?do=view&cover=267612 Hyaku Nen Senki: Euro Historia https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/628404.html Libros de Chilam Balam http://hirosedou.sblo.jp/article/42080527.html Lord of Arcana https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/392120.html Lord of Vermilion https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1213272_1124.html Luminous Arc 2 https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1214312_1124.html Monster Collection: Trading Card Game https://app.famitsu.com/20120309_41957/ Okhotsk ni Kiyu https://twitter.com/Lindberg1999/status/546319634291380224 Over G https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20051102/og.htm Rengoku https://www.famitsu.com/game/news/1153174_1124.html Samurai Souls http://www.4gamer.net/games/226/G022684/20131224024/ Trinity http://wapuwapu.com/archives/52706115.html https://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1224466_1407.html?ref=rss https://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1230559_1407.html Sengoku Efuda Yūgi Hototogisu Ran https://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/20081010/irem.htm Silpheed (PC-88) http://vgmdb.net/db/covers.php?do=view&cover=267612 Wizardry https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ウィザードリィのシリーズ一覧 http://retogenofu.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/08/24/ウィザードリィの関連書籍を_参考価格付きで_ジ https://twitter.com/isouzzye2010/status/723784150805680128 http://www.pekori.jp/~emonoya/goods/card/card_fc1.html Wizardry Gaiden https://www.famitsu.com/pcent/news/2006/03/24/505,1143199980,50564,0,0.html Wizardry III http://marumugi384.blog6.fc2.com/blog-entry-217.html Wizardry V https://twitter.com/erohoshi/status/805722408107679744 http://marumugi384.blog6.fc2.com/blog-entry-217.html Wizardry Online Mobile http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/000/233/233591/
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@mikoe24 - this looked interesting, so I stayed up a bit later than intended working on it xD Thanks for the tag, love, and I’ll be having some Mikuni and Misono headcanons for you after my hiatus is up! (which will be a week ahead of time, woohoo!)
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write eleven new ones. Tag eleven people to answer your questions as well as the person who tagged you.
Pokki’s Questions
1. Do you have any OCs? If so, what are their name(s)?
I have quite a few, yes. I have an entire next gen cast for Natsume's Book of Friends, for a story I have been working on for two years. It recently hit 100k and I am still dead sure this will never see the light of day, lol. It's so self indulgent. For right now it has the working title of Elegy for the Lost One and it takes place in a future where Natsume disappeared under strange circumstances. Thrillers are what I like writing the most - suspense, the build-up to it, and then the inevitable fall as you start putting the pieces together.
Now to give you the run-down on the OCS, haha. So first up is Shiori, who I decided would be a daughter to Natori and Hiiragi. I am always curious about youkai/human relations and how they work in the Book of Friends universe, and I chose to play around with that using Shiori. She takes after her father a lot - flashy, bold, a real show stopper. But she has her mother's sensibility and loyalty. And since I'm mentioning Natori, I might as well bring up Matoba. I ended up giving him a son that develops an unparalleled obsession with the Book of Friends. Then there's Takahiro, Hiromi and Haruki who are the main cast and the ones that the story focuses on the most. They're the ones trying to solve the mystery. Meanwhile, there's Makoto, who is the would-be inherited of the Book of Friends. She is a relative to Natsume, distantly, through Natsume's cousin (Yuuto, if the drama cds are to be believed~).
Then, for an original story I'm working on, I have a few solid characters so far. Annabel, a steadfast young woman who is independant to a fault and doesn't know to ask others for help. She's thrown into a situation where she has no choice but to lean on others - or in this case, on one person in particular. A mentor, a friend, a guiding hand in a world that seems so foreign even though she's been living in it for years. Suddenly, things fail to make sense. What she thought she knew turns out to be different from the underlying reality. The Lore Keeper, her mentor, is the one to help her through it. For his own reasons, but who doesn't have an ulterior motive or two? His is simply ensuring that the future Keeper is an upstanding one. As you can see, he doesn't have a name yet. But that's both intentional and my own laziness lol. So yeah, choosing names is always the last step for me. Developing their personalities is what I tend to focus on the most when creating an OC. The name always comes last to me.
2. What’s your favorite eye color?
I love blue eyes! They're so pretty. Especially light blue.
3. How would you name your kids? Or, if you don’t want kids, what are your favorite names?
Fun fact: I was actually terrified of having children for a long time. I met someone who changed that for me, but eh. I have not given it much thought. I think naming children should be the act of both parents, something I'd want to talk over with my partner, but as for some of my favorite names ... I like short and sweet, so: Iris and Jay.
4. What’s your favorite quote?
I tend to go with Dr. Seuss a lot, heh, so I'll go with Roald Dahl this time: "A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisest of men."
5. What’s the last anime you watched?
... it's been a while, uhhh. Dragon Maid probably. :3
6. Do you like cosplays?
I never personally wore any, but I deeply admire those who do. They put a lot of work into every costume and that takes skill, dedication, and sacrificing their own personal time to make it. They have my respect.
7. Do you have a crush on someone? (A real person or a fictional character, it doesn’t matter~)
Well then, just delve right into my deep, dark secrets why don't you? Hmmm, I guess if I'm being honest: I do. It was sort of an "oh shit" moment for me, but identifying the problem is the first step to finding a solution. In this case, getting my heart to agree with my mind that this is Not Allowed.
Fictional-wise ... idk, man. It's hard enough on me having real life crushes. I suppose Lily and Natori would be my type, though.
8. How many siblings do you have?
I have - had - two older half-brothers. It's complicated, too, so nope. I will not be explaining.
9. What would your ideal date be like?
Probably either a candlelit dinner and snuggling on the couch or doing something we both loved together. With my ex, that used to be hiking at the Cliffs, putting our feet in the water and play fighting with said water, and then collapsing together in the sand. It was sweet while it lasted.
10. Do you like your handwriting? Why?
I do, because why not? It's not perfect, but I've been learning that striving for perfection is a fruitless endeavor. It's also the coward's way out.
11. Now, say something positive about yourself!~  c:
Hmmm. Something positive ... my mind always goes blank when asked this sort of question. I guess, it's my persistence? Even when I play the role my own worst critic, I still keep going because sitting idle has never suited me. I have to constantly be doing something. Whether it's writing, reading, etc. If my mind is happy, so am I.
Avi’s Questions
1: What is you’re favorite series and why? (Could be anything from TV shows, books, anime, ect..)
For books, probably ... the Artemis Fowl series? That writing style is one of my favs :'D
For manga, definitely Natsume's Book of Friends. Gorgeous short stories on their own and a sprinkling of plot that's not too much, so it doesn’t take away from each story and they can all stand on their own. I admire that, since I'm primarily a short story writer more often than not.
2: What is your favorite weather and time of day?
My favorite type of weather is rain, no doubt about it. And for time of day ... night. Definitely night. I am a night owl, ha.
3: Favorite Fictional character? Why?
Why must you do this to me?! At the moment, it's Mikuni. Save me.
4: Favorite video game? Why?
The World Ends With You. Lots of reasons, and since they are personal ... I will instead just gush about how much I loved the storyline and the characters, and how I can proudly proclaim that this is one of the few games I have ever completed 100%.
5: What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, watching anime, video games, fishing, hiking, cooking/baking, and learning new things.
6: If you could pick one fictional world to live in, what world would you pick and why?
Oh gosh, I think the Hunter x Hunter world would be cool, too, but I'd die so quickly ... I'm going to go the safer route and say Tales of the Abyss. Make me one of those NPCs chilling in the background. Just, you know, not in the town that gets completely destroyed (gdi Luke).
7: Favorite animal?
CATS. I have always been a cat person and I will definitely continue to be one looooong into the future.
8: Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names and what are they?
Snow White, my eskimo doggie. And Goldie, my orange and white tabby cat.
9: Do you have any original stories? Tell me something about them!
Since I already talked about my current story alongside the OC question, I'll instead gush about a collab story with a good friend of mine. We've been working on this story for close to ... god, eight years now? It's one of those self indulgent things. It's fun to come home to and work on. It has a super hero setting, wherein she writes the heroes and I write the villains. My alliance is called, wait for it - SASSI. Super Assholes Seeking Suitable Income. They're real particular about the destruction they cause, let me tell ya. It's sort of a goofy series that we put together to hash out why people do the things they do and put a satire spin on it. (The villains are not the only ones we poke fun at, just saying.)
10: If you have any ocs, who was your first? If you don’t have any, who was your first favorite character and why?
Oh wow, that's so long ago. My first OC was a nameless young lady from a story about black cats bringing good omens. I wrote it for English class, because I was interested in myths and old legends in regards to cats. It was around the time I discovered what a Cat Sith is.
11: You have three wishes, what would you wish for?
Is this like one of those genies that twists what we want and we have to be reaaaally careful? You know, Monkey Paw style? If so, then I would hand off the wishes to someone else. They can have them; I'mma strive for what I want with my own dedication and patience. If this is a no strings attached sort of deal, then: 1. for good things to happen to my friends and family, 2. to live by the ocean, and 3. to be able to speak more than one language. As I said, all things I can work towards on my own.
Mikoe's Questions
1. Do you draw? If yes, how many years has it been since you’ve started?
Oh gods, no. I used to be big into drawing animals, but I can't draw people and shit for the life of me. I have a few wolf pictures, still, I think. My spirit animal <3
2. Do you write? If yes, could you copy paste a line from your latest work?
Since I was 11~ And sure, I'll use fanfic: "Do I have to go?" The cat's sleepy yawn gave away its apathy to the whole thing. "Can't I just stay here and nap? You'll be fine on your own."
"Well, they did send us two tickets. It'd be rude if you didn't use it, Kuro. Not to mention," and here Mahiru flicked the cat on the forehead, "I'd kind of die if you didn't come along, you lazy cat. Or did you forget we have a contract?"
3. What is/are your nickname(s)? If you don’t have any, can I give you one?
I joke about having nicknames, because kids call me Apple (or god help me, Cabbage, from A FRIEND UGH), but nah. Not really. You can't really make a nickname out of April, lol. As for receiving a nickname, go for it. Good luck, pffft.
4. When is your birthday? If you’re not comfortable with it, then what is your favorite day of the whole year and why?
August 27th
5. What are the 5 things that never fail to brighten up your day or put a smile on your face?
My pets!!! My friends and family. Really cute pics of animal in general. Reading something sweet. Being out in the fresh air.
6. Why did you join Tumblr?
To reconnect with old friends, mainly. Then I fell into the Servamp fandom, enough said.
7. IOS or Android?
8. In the scale of 1 to 10, how much do you love yourself?
5, it's half and half.
9. Are you the type who pours the cereal before the milk or the milk before the cereal?
Cereal before the milk xD I don't want to get splashed.
10. How is 2017 treating you so far?
My internal thoughts are just incoherent screaming atm.
11. Do you like pigeons? XD
Depends. I like the pretty ones that are small and colorful and land on your fingertips.
My Questions~
1. Where do you see yourself in five years?
2. If you draw and/or write, what programs are your favorite to use?
3. Do you have any phobias?
4. Have you ever traveled? If so, where?
5. Do you have someone you admire or strive to be like?
6. What is your ideal vacation?
7. Do you have a favorite candle scent?
8. What genre is your favorite? (For movies, books, anime/manga, games, etc.)
9. Do you have something you use as a crutch/safety net? Something you couldn't live without?
10. What is a series you used to enjoy as a child? Do you still enjoy it?
11. List five things you want to improve in and make a little time for those things every day.
I tag: @crazyanime3, @stirlingphoenix, @choc0bunnyqueen, @pleasantdreamsart, @saltykarkat, @mikunialicein .... man, it’s hard to pick 11. Anyone else who wishes to do so! And of course, if you’re tagged and do not want to do it, that’s cool too.
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sleepyminty · 6 months
I like how in all three spirit hunter games, Experience keeps the black rabbit reference in the first game as if saying Saya’s soul (or Mu’s) still here even though she was dead for the first minute of the game
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pacing-er · 2 months
Death Mark Canon Content Checklist:
✔️= Read ⏹️= Not Read
Unofficial Translations are linked, other content is physical or available through the English Translation of the games. All credit to translators available through provided links.
-Death Mark Good ✔️, Neutral ⏹️, and Bad Endings ⏹️
-NG Good ✔️, Neutral ⏹️, and Bad Endings ⏹️
-Death Mark II Good ✔️ and True Endings ⏹️
-Death Mark DLC: Little Red Riding Hood Good ⏹️ and Bad Endings ✔️
-Death Mark DLC: The Amusement Park of No Return ⬛ (Not released)
-Death Mark II Bonus: Princess Mach ✔️
-Death Mark II Bonus: Mary's Makeover ✔️ (Unofficial Translation on YouTube)
-Death Mark Art Book ✔️ (Officially Translated in English via LE PS4 Bundle)
-Death Mark Manga ⏹️ (Unofficial Translations only)
-Death Mark Novels ⏹️ (Unofficial Translations only)
-Death Mark: Everyday Life at Kujo Mansion Audio Drama ✔️ (6 total)
-Death Mark: Blue Demise Audio Drama ✔️ (29 total)
-NG Bad End Audio Drama ✔️ (Unofficial Translation on YouTube)
-Death Mark: Chapter 0 and Voice Drama ✔️ (6 total)
-Aksys Official YouTube and Social Media Content ⏹️
-Death Mark Official Website ✔️
I've finally finished playing through the Good Endings of all the base games!! I love when a series has lots of canon extra media aside from the primary content. I'm going to do my best to hunt it all down. Please let me know if I missed anything!
This list is for personal use and for the use of fans like me who need to consume 100% of the content for their fixation 😅
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bloodraynebeast · 3 years
After listening to a little more of the Blue End Drama, writing Concept!Mashita and possessed Yashiki fanfiction is beckoning me. Do I really gotta play with how chaotic this relationship was in this parallel story and how badly it ended? The answer is yes. 
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