#spn 8x04
shirtlesssammy · 2 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 153/326
Supernatural 8x04//Bitten
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
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waywardvamp · 1 year
Ok, I am declaring it now. "Bitten" is one of my favourite episodes. And probably one of the best pieces of werewolf media and found-footage like storytelling I've seen in a while. Amazing episode.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e4 bitten (w. robbie thompson)
let's see if i can keep this to not-absurdly-long and not full of complaints. i have some control over the former, at least.
okay but the copious blood splatter, it not being brightly lit and oversaturated orange pink, music and slightly more creative angles, tonally dissonant-to-the-violent-backdrop music playing.. i like it. (in my post that got lost with purgatory flashbacks i did compliment the production values and called it juiced up early season aesthetic [with the desaturated/dark gritty look])
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the x-files: fight the future (1998) (because all pointing like that reminds me of this)
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is that *squints* an untitled document i see there resting on the desktop of this random laptop that had a post-it to be played which surely no problems with this
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this has been surprisingly engaging and well done but are we about to see them get hate crimed, cute throuple vibes (that feels like it could also go single white female)
BRIAN Come on. Who loves you? MICHAEL Aww. I wish I could quit you.
glad no one was in fact hate crimed
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laughing that the only reason i noticed the impala was because they had the engine rumbling in its best deep throaty growl, job well done
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MICHAEL Is it just me or are you getting a workplace-romance vibe from those two?
i mean it had been a hot minute since a stranger assumed they were a couple. i love that the wiki has, of course, a page for these incidents "They're Brothers"
last one before this: 5.18 Point of No Return: To convince Adam Milligan to join Heaven's side, Zachariah refers to Sam and Dean as "psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other."
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this can only end well.
hey, nice effects on the werewolf transformation! and like. this whole found footage thing means no score and it was creepier than they rarely achieve (without banging on an urban legend you [i] might have been traumatized by, hello bloody mary). this bit actually reminds me of district 9, in particular
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dying! my friend who got me to watch spn to begin with, uses the friday night lights catch phrase to great effect
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KATE Shut up! Everybody, shut up, okay? First things first, those guys – those guys aren't FBI, all right? I'm pretty sure that FBI agents don't say "awesome" that much.
you don't know!
MICHAEL Did – did they say anything else? BRIAN Dude, they just sat and talked about how they have been apart for a year. You were probably right about that whole office-romance thing.
got a twofer
so trueblood werewolf professor man has been in the xfiles, the net, altered carbon and the magicians. maybe tomorrow i'll grab pictures.
that was surprisingly good! so much better than the ghostfacers found footage episode. think they did a great job casting the college kids. nearly complaint-free episode!
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thebeautyofspn · 10 months
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8x04 Bitten
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sui-sleepingcatk2y · 8 months
In Bitten, they didn't say anything about "office-romance thing" that was mentioned twice in the video. I’m pretty sure it was their conscious choice and unspoken agreement.
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minetowalkonglass · 9 months
the three kids in 8x04? yeah they could have been a throuple if it wasn't for the you know. untimely werewolf-demise
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unhinged-jackles · 2 years
SPN Best Episode per Season
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I've only seen like 4 episodes of spn.
Can you tell me what they are?
Charlie (i think?) finishes reading her mom in a coma the Hobbit. That's it. That's all I remember. I don't remember anything about the plot. It was 2013, it's been 9 years.
A dog-werewolf person sadly walks away from his family at the end (I only half-payed attention to that one)
it's like the life-story of their car or the POV of their car, or something like that.
Castiel is in a homeless shelter and all the angels seem to be homeless and workout their godly business in homeless shelters and camps.
Sam and Dean are trapped in a timeloop in Santa Cruz(? idk it had a mystery spot) and only one of them remembers, the other dies repeatedly.
(I've seen the car one and the timeloop one like 4 times, idk how. i've only seen these episodes, but i've seen some of them like 5 times)
Without looking anything up, I believe you have seen
Pac Man Fever (8x20)
Bitten (8x04) (if the person is walking away down a railroad track) Could also possibly be "Party On, Garth" (season 7)
Baby (11x04)
I'm No Angel (9x03)
Mystery Spot (3x11)
Hope this helps
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f-ckingawful · 2 years
thinking about supernatural again and specifically 8x04 "bitten" aka episodes that make me cry. no.1 top of the list baby. the change in episode format, the fucking. vlog the college kids made that ended up documenting them getting turned. the Song. fuck. george costanza voice spn 8x04 got to me alright
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cas-poisoning · 3 years
Was anyone going to tell me there’s a brokeback mountain reference in supernatural or was I supposed to find that out myself
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420technoblazeit · 2 years
alright im solvign this once and for all by rewatching spn 8x04 bitten ill let u know what i think
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deansawthetvglow · 3 years
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charlieshandmaiiden · 2 years
Did Dean decide not to kill this werewolf girl Kate because of Benny? Because we know that he hates monsters and thinks they can't stop killing people blah blah. But now he agrees with Sam to let her be👀
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thebeautyofspn · 10 months
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8x04 Bitten
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vampireinterview · 4 years
I don't think we talk enough about how cool 8x04 "Bitten" was... that could easily be a full feature film, it's one of my favorite episodes and it doesn't even have Cas or Dean in it
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