#kate (spn)
winchestergifs · 2 years
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7.6 Slash Fiction Written by Robbie Thompson Directed by John Showalter 10.4 Paper Moon Written by Adam Glass Directed by Jeannot Szwarc 11.4 Baby Written by Robbie Thompson Directed by Thomas J. Wright Original Air Dates: October 28, 2011, 2014 & 2015
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xviruserrorx · 1 year
Title: "Under A Full Moon"
Oh all the beloved characters who got all of 5 minutes of screen time or who got killed off in a heartbeat. In good old me fashion here's a short little thing in which Hayden doesn't die and with Kate goes and find solace in company in one another including with Garth and his little family, set before s15.... And also in good me fashion this is for @flashfictionfridayofficial #219 but it's uh... it's Saturday 😅. But! It's fine it's all good. Enjoy!
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Fandom: Supernatural
Prompt(s): Under The Night Sky
Relationship(s): Hayden Foster & Kate
Character(s): Hayden Foster, Kate the Werewolf
Important Tag(s): Canon Divergence, Hayden Foster Lives, Comfort no hurt, Talking, Crying, No Beta we die like all the characters in Supernatural didn't
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply, Mention of Death
Word Count: 1,005
"Hey." Kate laid her hand on her arm. "You won't. It's scary, I know, but it gets easier to live with. I mean look at Garth." Hayden chuckled, sniffling and rubbing at her nose. "You've been a werewolf longer than he has." "Yeah, but he has Bess and Gertie. They're purebloods and they live alright. And you have somewhere and someone to come to when things get rough." Hayden smiled, reaching over, laying her hand over Kate's. "So do you." Or On the night of a full moon, Kate and Hayden prep with the Fitzgerald's for a change and talk about a few things.
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"Got the bag?"
Hayden looked over the truck, Kate coming around the car, loading the back seat with two carry on bags.
She shouldered the large duffle in question. "Yeah." She chucked it in the bed of the truck. A sigh escaped her as she turned around and leaned her weight against the car.
A gust blew, making the fur on the hood of her coat tickled the back of her neck. She shoved her hands in her coat, looking up at the stars littering like specks of dust around the full moon.
She heard the door slam shut and gravel crunch underneath shoes.
"You've been quiet."
She tried for something of a smile, knowing fully well she had been quiet to a point that wasn't in her control. "Guess this werewolf isn't a chatterbox."
Kate leaned on the back of the truck beside her. "I wasn't either at first, if that's any consolation."
Hayden looked at her, watching her fiddle with the bracelet on her wrist, looking so well put together despite the looming brightness in the sky that meant the inevitable.
"You never talk about it," she spoke. "How you got… bitten."
Kate forced a smile. "It's a long story." She shrugged her off.
"Shortened version then."
Kate licked lips, eyes flickering down before she nodded her head. "Okay." She took a deep breath. "Let's see. Freshman in college, I made some friends here and there but nothing too serious. Then… there's these two guys sitting across the way from me that are filming me with a camera that they have no clue how to work." She chuckled at the memory. "So naturally I went over and gave them some tips."
Hayden smiled. "Naturally."
"I think you might know the story from here." Kate shifted in place. "Girl meets guy, they fall in love, guy's best friend has a small crush on the girl but nothing enough that she warrants him any attention." She looked down at her shoes, kicking the gravel as the smile faded from her face. "Only it doesn't end with a battle of two guys fighting over the girl, no, because there's a werewolf. The boyfriend gets bitten, and there's two hunters in town on a case."
Hayden nodded her head, knowing all too well who the two hunters were and what led after.
"The best friend loses it," Kate continued, "gets himself turned into a werewolf out of jealousy and he kills the boyfriend; turning the Girl before she kills him." She cleared her throat. "Not the best story, but not the worst either."
"What did you do?"
"That's the longer story, but I ran, up to a point."
Hayden bounced her leg in place, the urge of what was to come burning under her skin, making her want to rip everything off. She rolled back her shoulder, her stomach twisting in on itself all while Kate stood perfectly still; her only giveaway being the skin around her nails she continued to pick at.
She forced out a breath, eyes burning as she dug her nails into her palms. "I don't think I can." 
Her voice broke as Kate looked at her.
"The turn?" Kate asked.
She shook her head. "No—that too, just…." She sniffed. "I can't run. I can't go back to school. I can't go home," she continued. "I drive by my house sometimes and my mom is all alone. This thing that turned me killed my brother and…" She swallowed, wiping at her face for the tears that fell.
"It's best not to go back," Kate said after a minute. "I know you want to, but It only hurts worse, and if you do go back and try to pretend everything's okay, well…" She shook her head. "They end up paying the price and it only hurts them more and you by having to leave again."
"Sounds like you know all too well."
"There's the rest of the story," Kate said. "I went back. Thought it would keep my family from thinking I had run off or disappeared."
"From mourning," Hayden stated.
"Yeah." She nodded. "Then there was the car accident. My little sister… I couldn't see her die so I turned her."
Hayden didn't say anything.
"I tried to make her like me. Just feed off of animal hearts, no humans, no hurting anybody. I tried to get her to stay off the hunters radars so that they wouldn't pick up on our trail." She yanked harder at one of her nails. "But then she went off the rail. She gave in. She hurt people, turning them, trying to make a pack. Then eventually…"
"A hunter got to her?"
She scoffed. "In a way, yeah."
"I'm sorry."
Kate shook her head. "I should have known better."
"Does anybody know this?" She questioned. "I mean, I'm terrified of that happening to me. What if I lose it? What if I hurt someone? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did."
"Hey." Kate laid her hand on her arm, some contact to comfort. "You won't. It's scary, I know, but it gets easier to live with. I mean look at Garth."
Hayden chuckled, sniffling and rubbing at her nose. "You've been a werewolf longer than he has."
"Yeah, but he has Bess and Gertie. They're purebloods and they live alright. And you have somewhere and someone to come to when things get rough."
Hayden smiled, reaching over, laying her hand over Kate's, returning the affection they both knew they needed. "So do you."
"Yeah… guess some people aren't half so bad, huh?"
She smiled again, tightening her hold.
"Hey girls!"
They turned around as Garth walked out of the house with another bag in hand.
 "You ready?"
Bess walked out the door of the house, Gertie's hand in hers as they walked next to Garth, the same warm smile on all their faces.
Hayden looked towards Kate, waiting for that single nod before she turned back to the family.
"Yeah, we are."
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roachingurcoach · 3 months
okay I don't really know how to frame this. but like. funniest way to confirm Dean is Ben's dad is
20 year-old Ben takes a genetics test for fun or whatever, and the results he gets back are just batshit insane. it's like. oh hey. my biological father is a known serial killer who's still on the FBI's most wanted list and has been found or thought dead multiple times. and my uncle. and my grandfather. and my grandmother. and my--
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callsign-bunnie · 10 months
You don't understand. I don't want to fuck that character, I want to put them in a little box and see how they react to every circumstance, positive or negative
I want to understand the deepest facets of their personality and then explore them even further.
I want to know what breaks them and then what repairs them, I want to understand them on a deeper level than I understand myself.
I want to know them.
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abnormal-vacuum · 1 month
task force 141 supernatural au, anyone?
price: he was in the military for years. still became a captain until his team encountered something supernatural— a monster of sorts, maybe. something big and scary. he was the only survivor and afterwards the SAS was trying to be very hush hush about it, so they ‘honorably discharged’ him. for years he tried to ignore / rationalize what he saw until he couldn’t take it anymore and became a hunter. didn’t realize other people went around ‘hunting monsters’ until he met laswell. often uses his military connections to get what he wants / needs for the ‘jobs’.
gaz: he was just some guy, living a fairly normal life until he moved into a new apartment building (that was haunted) and met john on a hunt. after that he couldn’t live normally knowing shit like that was out there and decided to join price. they became a hunting duo, traveling all around the uk together.
soap: his mum always told him ghost stories growing up so his whole life he’s been fascinated with the supernatural. he actively tried to put himself into ‘spooky’ situations as a hobby, trying to find ‘proof’ of the unknown. published a book about local legends from various places in the uk, illustrated it himself.
ghost: his father raised him and his brother as a hunter. he hates the profession but does it because he feels like he ‘needs to’. he (kind of) died once and came back due to a demon (roba) thinking he would be ‘useful’. he was not. lives now as a figment, pretty much not existing on any records. presumed dead, long missing. he’s a local legend that johnny covered in his book, since people say they ‘see him’ when he’s supposed to be dead. like a ghost.
laswell: used to be an active hunter, now just collects cases for the regulars at her pub. nobody knows how she got into the business, and she won’t tell anyone. seems to know everybody and everything. has more connections than anyone.
alex: was on vacation in the uk when he had an encounter with some sort of monster. farah saved his life but he lost his leg to it. with all of this having happened he decided to stay in the uk and work at laswell’s pub. (he fell in love with farah almost instantly)
farah: used to be a hunter in her country until her brother tried to sell her to a demon. he was killed and she packed up her stuff, going to the uk for a while, the memories too painful. she had become close friends with laswell on a hunter forum when the latter was searching for a monster and its mythos that originated from urzikistan. they became friends and when farah told kate what had happened kate told her that she should come stay with her for a little while. she works at the bar and sometimes goes on hunts, although only if an extra man is needed.
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winchestergifs · 2 years
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8.4 Bitten Written by Robbie Thompson Directed by Thomas J. Wright Original Air Date: October 24, 2012
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unfavorableangel · 8 months
yall have no idea how badly i needed michael and kate to meet because i know michael would be sitting in front of that woman sweating, trying his hardest to impress her like he wasn't the prince of heaven.
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thewinterhunter · 3 months
Okay I just need to bring this up because I noticed something rewatching spn a little while ago and it hasn't left my mind since.
Adam was born in 1990 - making him 15 when s1 was happening.
The ghoul pretending to be Adam said that John took him to a ball game when he was 15 (which photo evidence so we can believe this was true).
At the same time though, John believed it was unsafe for him to be near Sam and Dean as they are not only his weakness, but it would put a target on their backs.
Why does this not include Adam.
Surely, being around your two adult sons who at least know about the supernatural and can fight is much better and safer than being around your underaged son and his mum who don't know and cannot fight.
We saw the demons go after his friends, there was nothing protecting Adam and his mum as no one even knew they existed. It is shocking it took so long for them to be targeted due to their connection to John after everything honestly.
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shipping-all-ships · 26 days
Thinking about my Midam cage baby Kate and how the regular angels are shocked at how lenient Michael is. Downright coddling them and eager to grant their every whim. For Father's sake, they can't even fly because Michael just tucks them into his grace and carries them there. It's a miracle they can even walk since both Michael and Adam never seem to put them down!
It's not really a surprise to the other archangles, who Michael did most of the raising and are used to his attentions. Lucifer did try to make fun of them since they can't even fly at 800+ years old but shut up when Raphael reminded him that HE didn't learn to fly until AFTER Gabriel was made.
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4catsinacult · 24 days
Hello!! I am opening requests (this is my temporary rules page btw)
Anyways here is a list of characters I am currently writing/accepting requests for:
-Sam Winchester
-Dean Winchester
-Logan Howlett/Wolverine
-Leopold (Kate and Leopold. 2001)
More will be announced soon lol
Rules: I am not comfortable with writing Smut and will be writing for either gender neutral or female readers. Please be respectful when requesting!!
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pollsnatural · 7 months
The term "Winchester guy" includes John, so Mary and Kate are included in the poll. I counted only somewhat long-term relationships.
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locke-esque-monster · 3 months
It's really frustrating to me when a show acknowledges there could be unique implications to something and doesn't follow through.
For instance, the Kate!ghoul in "Jump the Shark" mentioning that Sam's blood taste's different. Like, Sam's body already had some base contamination of demon blood from 6 months old, and we know that would impact him based on the first 2 seasons of the show alone. And on top of that, he's been chugging down demon blood for at least the last few episodes, so that's got to have some impact on his blood, like any other dietary choice.
But we're not going to dig into that? I have to assume from how powerful demon blood is it's not just a flavor thing. And it's strong enough in Sam from what he's been willingly ingesting they'd probably be impacted. So would it make the ghouls stronger? Or give them powers? Or adversely, would it make them sick like food poisoning? Would it kill them? And by that matter, what about other creatures? What would Sam's blood do to a vampire? Or another human for that matter? Is Sam's blood dangerous to other humans?
And instead - immediate headshot/Dean beating ghoul!Adam to death. No time to determine if it would have an impact, and it's never mentioned again. I haven't been so frustrated since the Termites ate poor infected Bob's leg and died via Rick and co. before any adverse effects appeared. Because it'd be an interesting twist alone if they were either made stronger or partially incapacitated by Sam's blood to impact Dean's fight with the ghouls (and imagine Sam and Dean dealing with the implications of that in the following episodes).
That said, I would bet money this knowledge of the differences in his blood haunted Sam at some point. I can't see him doing things like donating blood once he realized exactly what's in his system.
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ladylightning · 1 year
supernatural (2005) but they look like this
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thebeautyofspn · 3 months
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10x04 Paper Moon
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loversofthegrave · 7 months
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hounds of love - kate bush/supernatural 2x11
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i feel like misha collins could solve the kate middleton situation , no?
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