#spn daphne
ananke-xiii · 4 months
"The Born-Again Identity" is one of those SPN ep that I like despite the fact that there are so many things in it that drive me a little bit insane (truth be told, in part it's only my fault cause I can never completely turn up the "suspension of disbelief" volume and I go to a default "but why?" mindset everytime I see something on screen, so okay it's a *just me* problem). However, I do think that S7 was not that bad and it had some quite intriguing and original ideas while the execution was... well, let's say clunky. So, all in all, I think this episode is kinda cool.
the things that drive me a little bit insane:
the imagery of sam desperately running alone in the night along some tracks in a supposedly dangerous part of town. The "derailing" and "going off the tracks" symbolism was a bit on the nose; him buying drugs from the "tweaker" and sleeping with the guy in his car: mmm I feel like that was, like. a lot. to be just thrown away like that.
sam being admitted to the hospital with no mention of said drugs use and the whole scene with the doctor telling dean that they had to put sam in the locked psychiatric floor. I don't know, it also feels like.a lot. and.all of a sudden. they could ease into that way better, it's too ham-fisted as in: we have to find a way to put sam in an horror asylum-like facility in less than 5 minutes for the ep to make sense. so that what feels like to me.
daphne. everything about her drives me insane. I have a whole story where she has to clean up the mess dean has made and hide the body of the demon or something. she'll later start her own private hero's journey to find emmanuel and bring him back to their white picket fence life so perfect and so based on manipulation and stockholm syndrome.
the demons showing up at the grocery store. like what? it was established just a few scenes before when dean told the demon that he was "hands-off" or something and that the demon was actually looking for emmanuel. so why oh why would the other demons look for dean when there's emmanuel.alone.in.the.car. nonsense.
that one demon torturing sam with the electroshock. what was the point? why were demons there anyway? weren't the brothers hands off? maybe i missed something here but to me just felt like "asylum ep= electroshock scene is a must" and meh.
sam leaving the hospital.just.like.that and "swapping place" with cas. i'm sorry, what? i won't even comment on meg being suddenly hired as a nurse cause okay i want to give the writers that, but wtf? oh okay, this guy that has just showed up here (and has definitely possibly murdered 4 or 5 people at the entrance) is maybe not okay, let's not call his wife or someone, let's just lock him up. whaaaaat?
the quite intriguing and original ideas:
the cas/sam parallel: they are both evidently mentally unstable for very different reasons. cas has, in a way, "left the life" and dean, of all people!!!, is not 100% cool with him regaining his memories because what if he leaves???? sam is quite literally very close to leave life in general because the trauma is affecting his body in an irreversible way. they are both "born" again identities at the beginning and at the end of the episode. Very cooooool.
sam and lucifer interactions: the actors really did their job well in this ep cause everytime I watch it I'm exhausted, like I can't bear to hear Lucifer talk and talk and taunt and I definitely feel worn out like sam. I think Jared works very well with Mark Pellegrino, too bad that the whole Lucifer storyline was a mess in later seasons cause the actors had great chemistry.
meg. every scene with meg is just joy for me. and her storyline? left alone looking for "friends"? sure, she totally plans to use cas as her ally but what's new? (jokes aside, there's a whole pattern of women manipulating and using cas, am i the only one seeing it???).
marin. first of all, hello abigail????? (hannibal memories flooding in). second of all, cool MoTW-Not-So-Much-MoTW story. ofc she's a sam's mirror used to basically explain what happened to sam but the ghost who's tormenting her is also her brother and he must die-die-die because he won't let her go. hello??? paralleling sam's hallucinations with sam's issues with dean was super intriguing and too bad that the MoTW was Not-So-Much-MoTW cause marin's story was maybe not even 8 minute long.
bonus: "Peace of Mind" from S14 echoes this ep brillianty, they even cast one of the same actors (the doctor/the mayor) and they used the same surname for sam (sam smith/justin smith). cool cool cool (although unrelated to s7).
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deadghosy · 2 months
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uh-ohspaghettio · 2 months
If I could pick one person from the spn universe to talk to I’d be very tempted to pick Daphne Allen because girl what do you mean you married the naked guy with amnesia you found by the lake?? I mean Jimmy is a missing person so I highly doubt she even went to a police station to try to find his identity, not to mention he was wanted for killing a bunch of republicans. Also I NEED to know her thought process when a mysterious man showed up making intense eye contact with her husband just like took him and never came back. Daphne girl this isn’t an attack I just want to know your mind.
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drulalovescas · 2 months
Castiel's wife would be like: eye-colour similar to Dean Winchester's, hair-colour similar to Dean Winchester's, lips full like Dean Winchester's. And her name was D-aphn-E A-lle-N.
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Accidental casting accidents.
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redroses07 · 2 months
when the show/movie has a cast that’s so fine you don’t know who to read a fic about 😞
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ajfoxships · 9 months
how does one fuck up this bad?
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Like seriously how? Like each of these groups have dealt with the end of the world before. They each dealt with the goddamn apocalypse. on. Their. own. what could possibly be so bad that you had to call in all of them at once?
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Just saw this meme format and I’m having a ball
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touchstiel · 1 year
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7.17 The Born-Again Identity
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What is it with long-running queer ships going canon in like the most surreal ways possible??
Destiel went canon, and then went canon several more times in different languages, when Castiel told Dean he loved him before getting sucked down to superhell. This event caused so much disturbance on here we now celebrate it as a Tumblr holiday.
Baffy went canon only because the social media person in charge of the Looney Tunes Insta account seemingly has a grand total of zero filter or moderation and posted a bunch of Baffy edits.
Now Velma/Daphne has gone canon in probably the worst adaptation of Scooby Doo so far that everybody hates, in which Velma's insufferable and judgemental and Daphne sells drugs named after Scooby Doo catchphrases.
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spnfemslashbang · 2 months
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Title: The Perfect Woman
Author: @friendofcarlotta
Artist: @kayliemalinza
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Daphne Allen/Carmen Porter
Warnings: Internalized Homophobia
Additional Tags: Comedy, Mad Scientist Daphne, Bisexual Carmen Porter, Minor Castiel/Dean Winchester, Minor Daphne/Carmen/The Djinn Queen
Summary: When Daphne Allen discovers that her vanished husband Emmanuel is in fact the angel Castiel and is happily dating a man named Dean Winchester, she decides to take revenge. Step 1: Create a living replica of Carmen Porter, Dean Winchester’s perfect woman from a past djinn dream. Step 2: Watch Castiel’s relationship with Dean fall apart and dance on its ashes. What Daphne didn’t consider is that Dean is immune to Carmen’s charms these days — and that Daphne herself is not.
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what-do-i-type-here · 6 months
The Emmanuel arc is so fucked up. Like who the hell finds a naked man with amnesia in a river and instead of calling 911 or some shit decides to take him home and fucking marry him?????
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spnhagtournament · 14 days
Welcome to the 2024 Supernatural Hag Tournament!
What is this tournament?
This tournament is to determine which woman in the CW's Supernatural (2005-2020) best performed the role of "hag", as defined below with the help of Urban Dictionary and Glee (2009-2015):
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Why isn't (x) here?
I have chosen these characters because they have fulfilled three categories: She is a) a Supernatural character, she is b) a woman, and she c) has attempted to hit on/get with an arguably gay guy.
But then, why is Dagon here?
Dagon fulfills a subset of hag: the reverse-hag, who attempts to get with a straight woman rather than a gay man. I feel her relationship to Kelly fulfills this unique niche. I will not be arguing about it. Argue with your vote!
Isn't hag an offensive term?
The writers call women much worse within the the show. This is a celebration of these characters as well as the act of hagging itself. We ❤️ hags here.
Is propaganda allowed?
Yes, I will also reblog all propaganda as long as it's appropriate/does not break My personal terms of service. Just don't be gross.
Is voter fraud allowed?
It's not that deep, it's a Tumblr poll. So just don't let me find out about it.
When can I begin?
The Supernatural Hag Tournament will begin at 12 AM, Mountain Time (US) on September 13 (Supernatural Day!). Each round will last a week.
Contestants in the competition are below, and the photo will be updated as each round of the tournament ends:
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Competitors (top to bottom, left to right)
Side A:
Tessa (the Reaper) vs Meg Masters
April (also the Reaper) vs Lilith (from Season 15 specifically)
Daphne Allen vs Cassie Robinson
Jo Harvelle vs Dagon
Side B:
Lisa Braeden vs Karen Singer
Kelly Kline vs Andrea Kormos
Hannah vs Harper Sayles
Amara vs Anna Milton
Happy Hagging!
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insanesonofabitch · 1 year
They really did the “seeing your lover for the first time after a long time apart” trope with Dean and Cas over and over and over again in all the different flavors and expected us to act normal about them?
Like yeah let’s kill Cas off he’s too gay. Wait hold on the fans didn’t like that. Okay let’s bring him back but he comes back with a WIFE. Wait hold on DEAN didn’t like that—
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charliesrambels · 6 months
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suncaptor · 8 months
the only time you need to make sure you stop being attracted to the concept of a fictional character when you age is when you're Dean Winchester and you meet that character as a real person and decide to sexually harass her -_-
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You ever just think about how Dean would be Cas’s third wife?
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