#spn fanic
mishapocalyse · 2 years
hey! can I request a sam or dean (your choice) x reader where one of them is patching the others wounds after a hunt? maybe they're both crushing but haven't admitted it? 🤭 please and tysm! ❤
Dental Floss and Whiskey
Description: Imagine you are patching up the some of the boys and they're heavily crushing.
Warnings: None. Just some fluffy "I'm accidentally going to admit to you that I like you, but only because I'm injured and kind of out of it."
Dean Winchester:
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He cursed like a sailor when that needle pierced into his skin. The two of you had just came back from a hunt that was finished, but not unscathed.
"Ouch, you fucking did that on purpose, Y/N." You shook your head as you continued.
You had to sit on Dean's lap while you worked, the wound was in an awkward place on his chest and merely sitting beside him was not going to go anywhere.
"You want this done or not crybaby?" You grumbled, reaching for the bottle of whiskey he'd been drinking. Popping off the cap you poured it on the wound as Dean hissed through his teeth.
"Y/N you are fucking lucky that I like you-" He stopped himself, as the two of you stared into each others eyes.
Well this was interesting.
Hopping off of his lap you patted his chest, cleaning up the supplies to set them back in your bag. You sighed, as you started towards the door. Dean sheepishly looked at you as you snagged his car keys from the hook.
"I'm taking Baby to get something to eat. Want anything?" You offered.
"The hell if you are." He said standing up to stretch.
"I'll go with you." He continued, practically pushing you out the door.
"I'll even let you drive."
Sam Winchester:
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"What the hell were you thinking Sammy? You told me you wouldn't go alone." You smacked him upside the head as you picked the bullet shrapnel from his leg.
"Hey the ghost picked up the gun and threw it at me. It was not my fault that it hit the ground and fired." You continued to shake your head.
This is how it always went. Sam in particular went out on his own when Dean was off doing angel business with Castiel, and while the others were not around much, you were left with the aftermath of Sam's big ideas.
"You know you could have called me and I would have went with you. Better yet, you should have told me where you were going in the first place." You nagged, standing up to changed your gloves.
While you were away, Sam's eyes disrespectfully checked you out as you bent over to dig through your duffel bag for the first aid kit.
"I can tell you're looking at my ass Sam. Was not born yesterday." Sam laughed and you followed shortly after.
"If you like what you see, you can always tell me. Don't just have to look and sit idly by." You added.
"I would, unfortunately I just have a bullet in my leg that still needs attention." he flirted.
"Hm, maybe next time then?" you reciprocated.
You heard a groan coming from the bathroom.
"Will you two just screw already. It's getting downright annoying listening to the both of you." Dean hollered.
You and Sam share a laugh again.
"Maybe-" Sam began but you interrupted him.
"Ask me again when you are 100% okay, Big Guy?"
Gabriel (Floof):
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"Don't need you to patch me up sugar." The archangel cooed, running a hand against your shoulder.
"But you do. Here let me heal you." he says.
"Gabriel-please stop touching my ass."
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whistlemist · 10 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Jack Kline, Lucifer & Sam Winchester Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Lucifer (Supernatural), Adam Milligan Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Angel/Human Relationships, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dysfunctional Family, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Adam Milligan is Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester's Half-Sibling, Sam Winchester's Demonic Powers, Lost in another world, Sam Winchester is So Done with Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, They had a fight, But when do they not?, Enemies to Friends, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons Summary:
Jack went to save Castiel from the Empty.
In an attempt to get them out safely, they fell into a world that was left unscripted. Where Chuck lost the reigns only a couple of years and into Winchester's Supernatural Series. Trapped there with Wings unable to release Jack and Castiel have to find a way home while dealing with the two brothers who had a falling out.
Castiel must keep Jack safe, get them home, and see Dean once again.
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cursedevermore · 2 years
Chapters: 7/10 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Jody Mills, Charlie Bradbury, Eileen Leahy, Bobby Singer Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Nobody is Dead, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Homophobic John Winchester, Jack being Jack, Jack Kline and Claire Novak are Siblings, christmas happens, Fix-It of Sorts, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Possessive Castiel (Supernatural), Praying to Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Light Dom/sub, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Dean Winchester Has Internalized Homophobia Summary:
After the Winchesters saved the world... again, everything goes back to normal. Well, almost everything.
Everyone moves on. Jack adapts to his role as God and fixes Heaven. The brothers work on having a relationship with their parents. Sam and Eileen create and grow Hunter Corp.
And Dean? Dean just wants his best friend back.
But that request isn't as simple as it seems.
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avocadogirl216 · 3 years
Left Behind
Anon requested: Hey! Would you be willing to write something where the winchesters drop their sister who is in her younger teen years (13-14ish) off at bobby's when they go on a hunt and shes super upset about it so she wont talk to them when they call or even when they come to pick her up? And it ends up with her and Dean having some big argument and Sam having to calm the down?
AN: This story took a lot longer than I expected to write and I am so sorry that you had to wait, whoever you are,  I changed it up a little towards the end, sorry.  And sorry if this was crap.
Summary:  When Sam and Dean leave you behind for a hunt, you don’t take it very well.
Warnings:  Angst, Sibling Arguing, Language, Fluff at the end.
Pairings:  Dean x sister!reader, Sam x sister!reader, Bobby x reader
Word Count: 2252
You were currently in the backseat of the impala listening to your older bothers conversation.  Sam was talking about some hunt in Minnesota.  Dean was nodding his head along with the conversation, both paying attention to Sam and the road in front of him.  You listened with curiosity as you tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together in your head.  There were bite marks on all of the victims, they were all missing blood but they were also missing their hearts.
“Sounds like we’re dealing with a vamp and werewolf combo.”  You said as you leaned over the front seat between your brothers to be a part of the conversation.
“Or...”  Dean said.
“Or what?”  Sam asked as he started to scroll through the news articles to get more information on the case, not even bothering to look up from his iPad.
“Come on.  I know you want to say it.”  Dean said with a smile while looking over to the both of you.  “A were-pire.”  He said with a proud voice.
You and Sam both groaned in sync.
“Dude, just drop it already.  There is no such thing as a were-pire.”  Sam stated in a matter of faculty tone.
“Says you.”  Dean said, returning his attention to the road.
“Anyways... how far away are we from the case?”  You asked as you looked over Sam’s broad shoulder.
“Well lets see.  We’re in Cheyenne, Wyoming and the case is in Stillwater, Minnesota.  So we’re about 13 hours out.”  Dean said.
You groaned yet again to the thought of being in the car with your brothers for that long.  
“What are you groaning about over there Rugrat?”  Dean asked.
“Maybe the fact that I have to spend 13 hours with you two dumb nuts.” 
Sam looked up from his iPad and have you a weird look along with Dean.  “Umm, you’re not going to.”  Sam said.
You were now confused.  “What do you mean?  I’m gonna work the case with you two and in order for me to do that I have to get over there which involves me staying in the car with my brothers for 13 hours.”  You explained in a duh tone.
“Who said that you were coming along?” Dean asked, still looking at you like you just grew two heads.
“Umm... well... no one but I thought that I was going to work the case with you guys.  Right?”  You asked with a hint of insecurity.
Sam and Dean shared a look, having a silent conversation with each other.
“That wasn’t really the plan squirt.”  Sam said now turning in the seat to face you.
“Then what is the plan?”
“We were going to drop you off at Bobby’s and then Dean and I are going to work the case.”  Sam explained.
“What?  I thought that I was going to help you with the case.”  
“Not quite.  You’re not ready for hunting yet.”
“What do you mean?  I’ve worked my ass off with training every single day for the past 3 years and now I can’t go hunting with you two.  How is that fair?”  You said in a pissed off tone.
“Y/N I know that you want to come but your just not quite ready yet.”  Sam said in a patient tone, sensing your anger.
“The hell I’m not!  I-”  You were quickly cut off by Dean.
“Okay first of all, watch your language and second of all, your going to Bobby’s while me and Sam work the case.  End of discussion.”  Dean said in a tone that he used with you when you were starting to take things too far.
“But-”  You started.
“No ands, ifs, or buts about it.  I’ve already made up my mind and that is that, whether you like it or not.”
You sigh as you decided to go with the smart choice and keep your mouth shut.  You leaned back into your seat and start to fidget with the bracelet that you always wore on your wrist, hoping that it would help you cool off a bit.
After another couple of hours in the car, you pull up in front of Bobby’s house.  You grab your duffel from beside you and sling it over your shoulder.  As you start to open the backdoor to the impala, Sam starts to speak.  
“Love you kiddo.”  He said with a small, loving smile on his face.
You get out of the car, slam the door and walk towards the front porch all without saying a word to either of your older brothers.
Its been four days since your brothers left for the case without you.  You hated that you couldn’t be there with them, saving people and hunting things.  The family business that you were supposed to be a part of.  Sure you were only 14 but you knew all there was to hunting and you take care of yourself.
Whenever your brothers are away on a hunt, they call everyday to check in.  Usually you answer the phone happily, eager to talk to your brothers and see how the case was going, but this time it was different.  You’ve been ignoring their calls and texts.  They’ve even called Bobby to try to get a hold of you but you still declined.  You were a Winchester which meant that you were hot headed and stubborn.  
You were now scrolling through Youtube, trying to find an interesting video to pass the time.  You’ve already looked at all possible cases on the police radar but there was nothing other than the case that Sam and Dean were working.  You were about to lay down for a nap, hoping that it would kill a couple of hours but you were interrupted with a knock on the door.  
“Come in!”  You yelled as you turned off your phone and placed it onto the bed next to your thigh.
The door opened and Bobby walked in.  “Hey Y/N.  I was just letting you know that your brothers are back from the case.”  He said.
“Oh, okay.”  You said as you picked your phone back up, showing that you weren’t interested in going to see them.
Bobby sighed while he ran a hand on his face.  “Look I get that your mad at them but at least acknowledge them.”
“I am acknowledging them.  I am acknowledging the fact that I am mad at them and therefore I do not want to make conversation with them.”  You said as you kept your attention on the small screen.
Bobby sighed yet again and walked out of the room while closing the door behind him.  There was a minute of silence then the door opened again.  You raised your head to see who walked in.  You were disappointed and pissed as you watched Sam and Dean walk into the room.  Sam came in first and leaned onto the wall opposite of you as Dean walked in and closed the door.  Dean then turned to face you as he crossed his arms across this broad chest as he stared you down.  You returned the gesture.  After a minute of silence between the three of you Dean finally spoke.
“So Y/N, anything to say.” 
“Nope.”  You replied as you returned your gaze to your phone.
Dean made it across the room in four steps and took the phone out of your hand in order for you to be focused on him.
“Oh so this is the reason why you didn’t answer us, you were too busy being on the internet to give five minutes to your brothers.”  Dean said as he held up your phone just out of reach.
You sighed as you leaned back into the headboard and crossed your arms, not even making a move to get the phone back.  “If you want to assume that.  Like you always do.”  You said in an icy tone.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  Dean asked, anger flashing his eyes.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that I can’t hunt because I’m not good enough.”  
“Who ever said that?” 
“No one did.  I’m just saying what’s on everyone's mind.”  
“Now look at whose assuming things.”  Dean scoffed.
“I’m not assuming anything.  I’m just stating facts.”  You argued back.
“Well no one asked you to do that.”
“Yeah well, no one asked you to come talk to me.”  You said as you stood up and walked up to Dean.  “No one asked you to be here.”
“No one had to.  It’s my job to be here for you.”  Dean said as he looked down at you with a deadly glare.
“Yeah?  How can you be here for me when your on the other side of the fucking country?  How can you be here for me when you just dump me here and take off?  Huh?  Riddle me that!”  You said as tears start to form in your eyes.
“Y/N, its for your own good.  Its for your safety.”  Dean sighed as he drug his hand down his face.  “We’ve been over this.”
“Yeah I know Dean but its stupid.”  You huffed in frustration.  “I’ve trained over and over again for the past three years without complaint.  I’ve taken both of you down before and I know how to use just about every weapon known to man.  Not to mention that you two will be there with me for every step of the way, protecting me from getting hurt or worse.”
“That’s what I’m talking about Y/N!  I know that you can handle yourself, hell you’ve kicked my ass more times than I like to admit but there is always that possibility that something will go wrong.  There is always that possibility that you will get hurt or worse on a hunt.  We don’t take you with us because we’re scared of what will happen.”  Dean explained with some of his anger melting away.
“Don’t you think that I know that Dean?  Believe me, I know the risks of hunting.  Look at Dad, Ellen, Jo, Ash and Pamela, they were in this life and they suffered the consequences of it.  But one thing that I can trust is you two.”  You said as you looked between your brothers.  “I trust the fact that when you two are with me, that everything will be okay.  I trust the fact that you will keep me safe.”
“Then there is your first mistake.  Everyone that was in this life and knew us are now dead.  Dad, Ellen, Jo, Ash and Pamela are all dead because of us.  All we do is get the people that we are close to and love killed.  We can’t protect you anymore than we can protect them.”  Dean said as his voice broke.  “We can’t protect you.”
As you heard Dean say those words, anger started to boil in your veins.  The need to cry was replaced with the need to punch something, preferably your brother for thinking so low about himself and Sam.
You suddenly take a swing at your brother, catching him off guard.  “Don’t you say that!”  You cried as you punched him yet again in the face, making him take a step back.  “After everything that you have done for us, for them!  You cannot just throw that out there like it is true because its not!”  You yelled at him as tears spilled down your face.  You took a step so that you could punch him in the face again but a pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind to stop you from going further.  You thrashed against Sam’s hold as much as you could.  You were practically bawling now.  “You don’t get to say that.”  You said as you finally stopped fighting Sam and you turned around and hugged his toned body.
Dean now had tears streaming down his face as he looked at you with both sadness and shock.  Sam was shushing you, trying to make you calm down a bit.  You had a death grip on his flannel as your tears started to make the material damp.  After a couple of seconds, you felt Dean start to take you into his arms.  You quickly turned and hugged Dean’s torso as tight as you could.  You felt tears start to fall onto your head as Dean silently cried.  After a minute of standing there you decided to speak.
“Don’t ever say that again.  It wasn’t your fault that they died.”  You said as you turned to look at Sam who also had tears in his eyes.  “Or yours.  Don’t ever think that.  You understand?” 
Dean sniffled and looked into your eyes.  “Yeah.”
“And don’t ever think that you can’t protect me.  I trust you two more than anyone.  I know for a fact that you two will be there when I need you the most.  And I’m sorry that I gave you such a hard time this past week.  You were just trying to keep me safe even though I was acting like a total super bitch.”  You explained.  “I trust that I will go on a hunt with you two when I’m ready.  And that doesn’t mean when I’m 30 either.”
Both Sam and Dean chuckled at that.
“Com´er.”  Dean said as he engulfed you in another bone crushing hug.  Sam joined in shortly after. 
You knew that you were going to be okay now that your brothers are there when you need them most.
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wayward-mikaelson · 3 years
Shallow (Dean Winchester x F! Reader)
Word Count: 4549
About: Set during S15 finale, so SPOILERS. You and the boys pick up a vamp hunt while at a Pie Festival. The hunt ends tragically.
Characters: Dean, Sam, Jody, Cas, Young Dean (s15), Lyla (OC)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x F! Reader (Anyone can obviously read it)
Warnings/Trigger Warnings: Language, Angst, Character Death, Depression (mentioned), Time Jumps.
A/N: It's been while since I did a SPN fic! Writing it made me miss the them more!
A/N 2: This might need some tissues.
***This work contains content for the 18 and up crowd, so please read at your discretion. This work is cross posted on other sites. Please don't copy and paste my work; I work too hard on all my stories. You my copy the link to share or you may reblog. I am NOT taking requests at this time. Feedback is welcomed!***
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Supernatural Tags: @lyarr24
Dean/Jensen Tags: @akshi8278 @sandlee44 @squirrelnotsam @thougts-and-funnies
Supernatural Masterlist
Favorite Fics Masterlist
You laid there, feeling the cool body paint move around on your back. Dean’s gentle fingers tracing over your back could put you to sleep. This had been the most calm and rest you had in the last couple years. You deserved it! Hell, Dean deserved it more than you. He had been fighting longer than you ever had.
Dean and you crossed paths six years ago during a demon hunt. It really was your hunt and you wouldn’t want to admit it, but you really weren’t doing too hot. You were extremely lucky the Winchester’s stumbled across your hunt when they did. If it weren’t for them you’d probably be some demon's meat suit or doing the conga in hell with the devil himself. That was until you learned of where the devil really was a few years later.
You and Dean rarely got along over the first few years. The two of you always butted heads and argued during most hunts. It annoyed Sam so much that he actually told the two of you “Sleep together already! I can’t take the sexual tension and the bickering any longer.”
It didn’t take longer after that for Dean to grab your face and kiss you.
“Are you done back there?” You tried to twist a bit but a hand gently pushed you back into place.
“Nope,” Dean enunciated the word. “Almost. This is going to look epic though.”
“Doesn’t need to be the Sistine Chapel,” You buried your face back into the pillow.
Dean gasped. “Excuse me? Your back deserves a painting better than the Sistine Chapel. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t give you the best?”
You chuckled and mumbled something into the pillow.
Once Dean was finished, he reached for his phone and took a picture of it. “There we go,” you heard the smile in his voice. “Now that’s what I like to call the Sistine Back. Here, take a look.”
You lifted your head to see Dean lay on his side next to you. A huge smile painted his face as he showed the screen of his phone to you. What you saw, had you laughing uncontrollably. “Oh, Dean,” you breathed in between laughs. “This is better than the Sistine Chapel. I love it!”
Dean’s face lit up so bright, it could have brightened up the dimly lit room. “Yeah? Maybe I should get this printed out big enough to fit the ceiling in here.”
You shook your head as laughter took over your body once again. “Oh, God, yes! We can stare at the hamburger and apple pie every night we have sex.”
“Yeah,” Dean pushed you onto your back, getting the body paints onto the sheets under you. He plants a gentle kiss to the base of your neck, making you shiver through your entire body. Dean began to kiss down your body until he got to your belly. He looked up at you with those bright green eyes. Instead of slinking down further, he crept back up and hovered over you. Those eyes seemed to stare right into your soul. This man has shown you more love than any other man, including your father, has ever shown you. “I love you, don’t you ever forget that.”
“Never,” you reached up, wrapped your arms around his necK and pulled him to your lips. “I have a surprise for you.” Twisted to the side and pulled a piece of paper out of the side table drawer and handed it to him. You watched as his face lit up and looked between the paper and your face.
“A pie festival?” The excitement was clear as day in his voice. “Oh, Sweetheart, we are so going to this thing. The three of us. A huge family road trip.”
And that’s what you all did.
It was the best trip you all had. Dean tried every single pie he could get his hands on. You and Sam watched as he ate each slice. Looking like he was in heaven with each bite he took. It made you happy to see him so at peace not worrying about anything. There’s no end of the world evil to take care of. There hadn’t been for awhile.
LIfe seemed to be normal.
“You gotta try this one,” Dean sat next to you with another big box full of piece samples. He gave you a fork and pushed a pie towards you. “Don’t give it that look. It’s a honey apple pie with a tad bit of rosemary. So much sweeter than normal apple pie.” You took a small bite and Dean was right. It was sweeter.
“Not going to lie, that was pretty good,” you went for another bite.
“So, guys, get this,” Sam sat down with a newspaper in hand. Can’t be a fun trip unless Sam had his paper to look at. “There was a kidnapping last night. Father murdered and the mother’s tongue cut out. Both kids are missing.”
“Okay, doesn’t sound like our kind of thing,” you reach for the paper. “Maybe leave it to the local PD?” Suddenly, Dean took the paper from your hands and stared at the picture to the article of the tragic story.
“I’ve seen this before,” he mumbled. “Do we still have Dad’s journal?”
“Yeah, why?” Sam asked.
“I think I’ve seen these masks before.”
And Dean. Once he found the drawing John Winchester drew years ago, they matched the ones in the paper. You guys were looking at a pair of masked vamps and you guys were pretty much the closest hunters to take care of it.
“It’s one little hunt,” Dean shrugged as he checked out the weapons in the trunk. “Why don’t we take care of it and then head on home.”
It didn’t take long for you guys to locate the missing children. They were being held in an old barn on the outskirts of town. There three of you, so it shouldn’t be too hard to fight a small nest of vamps. You guys have taken out larger nests in the past.
“Come on, just this once?” Dean had asked. You peaked your head around the trunk and saw Dean holding up ninja stars with a huge smile on his face. Sam on the other hand just stared at him and shook his head.
“Not this time, man.”
Dean put the stars away while mumblings about how Sam was no fun. You smiled and patted him on the back and told him that there will be another time to use them. Dean gumbled some more and you had to remind him that you book a separate motel room away from Sam and that you brought some fun toys.
Even his favorite one to use on you.
Getting into the barn was too easy. Sam and Dean fought the two vamps that jumped out, making it easier for you to grab the two kids and get them to the impala. Once you strapped them in, you were making your way towards the driver side, you were tackled by one of the vamps.
The two of you wrestled in the dirt until you were able to break away and grab hold of your machete. You get to your feet and are tackled again, this time the vamp pins you firmly to the ground. The vamp removed his mask and bit down onto your neck, making you cry out. When the vamp pulled back, you took that small opening to headbutt him and kick in in the groin. You rolled away and quickly stood up and swung your machete. The vamp's head rolled onto the ground. You looked up and saw the terrified look on the children’s face.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you told them when you opened their door. You pulled the blankets over them and gave them some water and the sandwiches you made. “Drink and eat, we’ll get you home soon.” You heard it go quiet in the barn. It was too quiet and something in you told you something wasn’t right. “Hang on tight,” you closed the door and ran inside the barn.
What you saw, it almost knocked the wind out of you. There, Dean’s back was pressed firmly against a wooden pillar with a pained expression on his face. You ran up to him and looked at the damage and felt the tears fall as your heart begin to break.
Dean wasn’t going to come back from this.
“Dean,” you whispered as you met his eyes.
“I know, sweetheart,” He winced as he spoke. You saw his breathing get deeper and more shallow. “I love you. Don’t you forget that when you find someone else.” You squeezed your eyes shut because there was nothing you can do or say that will change the outcome of this. You felt Dean’s hand on your face pulling you towards his lips.
This kiss wasn’t like past kisses. It was firm and passionate and slow. He wanted you to remember this kiss for years to come. “Until we meet again,” Dean whispered, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Take care of her, Sam,” Dean added.
Everything that followed after that, felt like a dream. Your body felt heavy as you drove the kids to the nearest police station with some story about how you found them. The man that you loved, the man who you spent many nights talking about some kind of future, that man was now gone.
When you got back to the barn, the sun was just beginning to rise. You saw Sam sitting next to a covered up heap and the realization, again, hit you hard. The cover heap was Dean’s body. You stopped the impala and got out. Sam looked up at you with red eyes. You knew he had been crying hard. Probably as hard as you had. Sam got up and effortlessly picked up Dean and placed him in the back seat.
The whole way back to the bunker, neither of you spoke. You just took turns crying and driving. Stopping on the side of the road and just letting the other scream out in whatever pain the two of you had left in your bodies.
Back at the bunker, the two of you worked and got a pyre ready. When it was ready, you watched as Sam carried his big brother's body and gently placed it on the wooden display. You stood, with Miracle standing next to you. She had been whimpering off and on. She knew Dean was up there. You knelt down and let her nuzzle you while you let some more tears fall. Miracle was all you had left of Dean now.
Sam had some trouble lighting the pyre so you went up and helped it light it. Soon, the pyre and Dean were on fire. Then the two of you stared at it until it was nothing but ash.
You sat in Jody’s spare room while Miracle laid at your feet. You still wished all of this were a dream because neither you nor Sam, could adjust to the new reality that Dean was gone. So the two of you packed up what you could and left the bunker.
You guys drove until you were on Jody’s doorstep at midnight. She knew something was wrong when she looked deeply into your faces and asked where Dean was. When she saw the tears in your guys eyes, her whole face fell. She pulled the two of you into the tightest hug and held on tightly as the three of you cried silently.
A gentle knock on your door startled you. You got up and answered the door and saw Sam standing there. He was dressed in fresh clothes holding two cups of coffee.
“Are you, uh, doing okay?” Sam asked as you took the coffee from him. “I know it’s a stupid question but…”
You gave a pained smile, “I know I’ll be okay, but I feel like I won’t be okay. I’ve tried praying to Jack but I’m pretty sure he’s busy fixing Heaven.” You recount the hours you cried out to Jack about the loss of Dean. You cried about how you wanted him back. You cried about how you were supposed to move on from an epic love like that. You cried about how you just missed him and needed him to make it better.
“Same here,” Sam ran his hands through his hair. “I’m going to go look at places, apartments, that we can share and see what kind of jobs we can get. Do you want to come along?”
You took a deep breath and looked at the ground. “Not today, maybe tomorrow. I really want to spend time alone and process these last couple days.”
“Okay, no worries,” Sam nodded his head. “I’ll see you when I come back.”
You waited until Sam had been gone for an hour to pack your bags again and head down stairs. You were in the process of opening the door when you heard someone behind you. Turning around you saw Jody standing in the entryway with you. She didn’t say anything, she just pulled a pair of keys out of the bowl next to her and handed them to you.
“Call me when you're safe,” she placed a hand on your face and gave you a smile. “I can’t bear to lose another kid.” A few tears slipped down her cheek.
Agreeing to call her, you slipped out the door and to the car Jody let you use. You got in and made sure Miracle was settled in the passenger seat. Then you were on your way out of town. You weren’t sure where you would go but you knew you needed to get far away from everything.
You needed to start fresh somewhere.
Years have passed and you’ve found that the pain of losing Dean has lessened. You’re able to have random memories of him without crying or hours and days on end. You were able to wake up without feeling like there was a hole on your chest. You were finally able to tell Sam why you ran after you were states away. You promised him it would be for a bit and that you’ll contact him.
Sadly, that day never came.
Two months after losing Dean you began to feel sick. You weren’t sure if it was the stress of losing Dean or starting a new life or both. So, off you went to the doctors and there you sat on the papery bed feeling like you were hit by a truck. The words that the doctor told you, they echoed around in your head.
“And the father?” the words were almost like a whisper in your already loud and spinning head.
“What?” you shook your head.
“That father?” the doctor repeated. “What do you know about the father?”
You took a deep breath and looked at the ground. “Um, he’s not in the picture.” Your voice had been quiet. Your heart felt like it had been breaking all over again. Part of you couldn’t believe this was happening. Part of you believed it, Dean and you were never really safe when it came to sex.
“One night stand? We do have options,” the doctor began to say.
“No no,” you shook your head. “The father, he’s um...he passed away.” You choked on the words. Hearing it out loud, made his death all the more real.
“My apologies,” The doctor whispered.
You took the pamphlets and walked out of the doctors. You didn’t know what you would do. This was all so new and all so painful at the same time. Dean was supposed to be here with you whenever this happened. In the end, you chose to keep the baby. You called Jody and Donna and told them, making them both promise not to tell Sam.
Over the years, you heard about Sam through Donna and Jody. He got married and had a kid of his own. You wanted to reach out but at this point it had been years and the two of you had settled into non hunting life. It wouldn’t be fair to disrupt it.
As more years passed, you saw Lyla become more and more like her father. She had his green eyes and his smile. She was smart and would get her hands on just about anything and that made you wonder, where did she get that from. Smart brains ran on both sides. Maybe something from Sam or something from your father. She loved pie just as much as Dean, and you’d take her to the pie festival every year.
As Lyla grew, she asked about Dean from time to time and you told her what you could. You also told her that when she turned into an adult you would tell her more, that telling her while she was young and child wouldn’t be safe or wise. In the meantime, you told her all the things asked about.
“What was Daddy’s favorite food?”
“What did Daddy like to do for fun?”
“What was Daddy’s favorite color?”
“Did Daddy have a favorite movie?”
The questions were endless, but you loved to answer them. Then one day, Lyla came up to you one morning, her dark hair looking like a bird's nest. Her face was beaming with happiness.
“Mommy,” Lyla’s voice was an octave higher. “Did you know, Daddy is in Heaven?”
You almost choked on your coffee. “What, Sweetie?”
“Daddy, he’s in Heaven. An angel told me,” she walked off and grabbed her stuffed chicken, one that she named Chickie Meow Meow, and hugged it tightly.
“What angel?” you asked. You got up and began to check all your warding, the ones that kept the bad creatures out. Everything seemed to be in place, even that salt that still blended in with your window panels. Then you checked to see if Lyla still wore the anti-possesion charm necklace you had made for her. She still did. “What did the angel look like?”
“He wore a funny brown jacket,” she answered. “He said his name was Cas. He wanted me to tell you that Daddy is fine. That they are looking over us.” You pulled Lyla into a hug and let some tears fall.
You walked into that old abandoned barn. You had left Lyla with Jody for the weekend. You sat down and placed all that you needed to summon Cas. You didn’t want to pray, you knew Cas all too well, he probably wouldn’t show up. But if you summoned him, you knew he had no choice but to come and see you. You lit the match and dropped it into the bowl and waited.
“Y/N” The deep, rough voice said your name.
You turned to see Cas standing there. In the same thing that he had been taken away in. But it was cleaner. “How are you alive?” you asked outright.
“Jack, he brought me back,” Cas took a few steps closer to you. “You know you could have prayed and I would have come.”
“But would you?” you gave the angel a smirk and raised your eyebrows.
“I did it for Lyla,” Cas looked into your eyes. “She prayed about Dean and wanted to know if he was in Heaven. I thought it best that it was me to come to her.”
You looked down, you couldn’t bear to look into the angel's blue eyes. You always assumed things and that always backfired and kicked you in the ass. “Then why didn’t you come to me when I cried out to you or to Jack?”
“I did,” Cas closed the distance and placed a hand under your chin and lifted your face to meet his eyes. “Each night that you cried yourself to sleep, I was there sitting at the foot of your bed. Each night that you drank yourself to sleep, before you found out you were pregnant, I sat there and rubbed your back the way Dean told me too. Then when you were in that delivery room all by yourself, I was there to make sure things went smoothly. Then when you were sleeping, I memorized everything there was about Lyla. I have watched over the two of you these last nine years. Dean would be so proud of how far you have come.”
You stood there and cried silently as Cas spoke. “Cas,” you whispered, wiping the tears from your face. “I don’t know what to say.”
“I can’t be on Earth as much, Jack and I are still fixing Heaven but I can tell you that Dean is waiting for you.” Cas moved his hand to your shoulder. “I have to go, but I was told to tell you, I love you by Dean.”
Then you were alone.
Twelve year passed and you’re helping Lyla with a college event. She had just turned twenty-one and was nearly done with her bachelor degree. At this point, she knew all that there was to Dean. She knew he was a hunter, that he saved the world countless times, that he had some faults, and so on.
Lyla knew of what goes bump in the night. She’s read every note and the journal you kept during the time you had been hunting. When she asked if Dean kept one, you had told her that he didn’t. That he used his fathers and you weren’t sure where that ended up. Lyla even went above and got whatever protection tattoos down her spine.
So, while you’re helping Lyla you had a boy, about nineteen years old come up to the booth and look around. He looked familiar to you. He wore a long sleeve flannel, that was probably why. Sam and Dean always wore flannel. That was probably why and it made you miss the younger Winchester. You should have kept in contact with him or at least told him of Lyla.
“Y/N?” A familiar voice called out to you.
You turned around and your heart just about fell from your chest. There standing with grey hair, was Sam Winchester. He hadn’t changed too much except for the hair and the fact that he wore glasses. He still looked like the Sam Winchester you knew all those years ago.
“Sam?” You crossed your arms.
“The one and only,” he smiled. “What are you doing here?”
Before you could answer, Lyla came up to you. “Mom, we’re going to need some more pamphlets, we’re just about out.” You turned to Lyla who saw Sam. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“It’s okay, take my keys and you can go print some out at the UPS down the street,” You motioned to your bag.
After Lyla had left you turned back to Sam who had watched her the whole time. It was like he knew. “So, you have a kid too?” You heard the tone in his voice. Lyla looked so much like Dean these days, you knew someone from your past was bound to notice. Sam most of all.
“Yeah,” you answer quietly. “Her name’s Lyla.”
“Cool, that’s great you found someone to populate the Earth with,” Sam gestured towards you. That tone he held was still there. The look in his eyes was the very same one he used on you when he called you out on yours and Dean’s sexual tension.
“You know, don’t you?” you lowered your arms.
“She looks a lot like Dean,” Sam whispered. “Is that why you ran? Is that why I never heard from you?” You stared at Sam and tried to hold back your emotions. “Dean’s final words were to take care of you. I failed at that when you ran.”
“You failed when you didn’t come and look for me,” you lashed out. “I thought you would have looked for me despite everything I told you. You should have found me. Then I find out through Jody your married and have a kid, I thought it best not to mess up what you got for yourself.”
Sam stared at you and nodded. “I should have and I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too,” you whispered and looked around. The boy in the flannel was still there. Then it hit you. “Is that?”
“My son,” Sam’s face lit up brighter than you’ve ever seen it. “His name is Dean.”
For the next five years you kept in touch with Sam. You guys spent holidays and birthdays with each other. That was, until you got sick and the doctors couldn’t help you. So, in your hospital room, Sam sat beside you. He wasn’t doing too well either, but he held your hand and smiled at you.
“Tell Dean I said hi,” were the last words you heard.
When your eyes opened again, you were sitting on a bench. Around you was a field of just plain old grass and a few trees. You knew this place all too well. You stood and realized you were back in your younger body. Having that kind of movement again, it was amazing. You began to walk around, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin. It all felt nice and it made you smile.
“Hey, Sweetheart.”
You spun around at the familiar sound. There he stood, looking handsome as ever in his jacket and leaning against the Impala with that heartwarming smile. “Dean,” you said his name like he hadn’t been dead for almost three decades.
Dean pushed himself off the impala and closed the distance between the two of you. He placed a hand on your cheek and brushed his calloused thumb over it. You closed your eyes and took in the touch. “You know, time is different up here. It doesn’t feel like it’s been twenty-six years.” Then he pressed his lips to yours and the feel almost knocked you off your feet.
“Are we allowed to kiss in Heaven?” you pulled away from him.
“I don’t think Jack minds,” Dean smiled and gathered you into his arms and pressed his lips more firmly to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pressed yourself against him. “Wanna go for a ride?” He asked when he pulled away.
“Sure, I missed this beauty.” You ran your hand along the impala and just as you were about to get in, Dean staring at you caught your eye. “What?”
“Cas says you had a baby,” Dean crossed his arms on top of the hood. “I have to ask…”
You smiled at him and leaned on the hood as well. “She’s yours and she’s incredible. Loves pie just like her daddy. I thought Cas would’ve told you.”
“Time moves differently up here,” Dean repeated what he said earlier. “What’s her name?”
“Lyla,” you smiled. “Lyla Winchester.”
“I wish I got to know her,” Dean spoke softly.
“You will,” you got into the passenger side. “I can tell you all you want about her.”
Dean followed you into the impala. “I don’t have to worry about some random dude coming here and claiming you as his wife or something?”
“Nope,” You sat back. “Now drive or I’ll start walking.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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larkiwrites · 4 years
“Redemption” Chapter 9
AU: Supernatural Title: Redemption Chapter: Nine Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader Word Count:  1,925 Pairing: Getting There…. Warnings: None that I can think of A/N: Sorry for any typos/errors, feel free to point ‘em out and I’ll happily fix them! Feedback is always welcome ^_^
Chapter 8  |  Chapter 10  |  Masterlist
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Sam drove the three of you back to the motel in silence. His gaze continued to skim your face in the rear-view mirror every few minutes but you ignored him. You kept your eyes pointed out the window and up at the twinkling stars above. It was a clear night, not a cloud in sight, and it was beautiful. It took your mind off the throbbing pain in your cheekbone, even if for just a moment.
You darted into the motel room once Sam shifted into park, dutifully ignoring the brothers as you went. You needed to find some Tylenol, or advil… ibuprofen? Something. It probably wouldn’t hurt to look for an ice pack, either. Sam and Dean didn’t come in for a while. You were able to get some pain killers in your system and while you couldn’t find an icepack, you were able to use a cold can of coke you found in the fridge to ebb away at the ache. You found yourself wondering why on Earth you had jumped in between the fighting idiots. Why Dean? Why didn’t you step in to protect Sam? Probably because you were physically closer to Dean at the time, honestly, and you were clearly not thinking logically.
Dean came into the room with Sam shortly behind him, shutting the door and locking up for the night. Both stopped in their tracks when they saw you sitting on your bed with your back up against the headboard, holding a can of coke to your face.
“(Y/N),” Dean started, a lot more sober than he was a half an hour ago. You waved him off, not wanting to delve into the drama.
“Seriously, are you ok?” Sam piped in and you shrugged a shoulder in response. Dean was digging through his duffel bag now, looking for something.
“Ah, here they are,” he mumbled and then tossed a gel icepack to Sam and pulled out a small first aid kit. Sam caught the pack with ease and quickly put it in the freezer while Dean came around his bed and closer to you, “Can I, uh…?” He gestured vaguely to your bed, asking to sit.
You shrugged again, your curiosity getting the better of you. Dean sat gingerly on the side of the bed and gently took the can from your grasp. He sat it on the side table next to you and cracked open the first aid kit. He sighed, looking from the supplies up to your face. His calloused fingers hooked under your chin and softly turned your face into the light from the lamp. Your eyes watched him closely as he bit his bottom lip, taking in your bruised cheekbone. You hadn’t noticed earlier, when you were searching for medicine, but apparently your skin had cracked ever so slightly, leaving a small trail of blood down your face. Dean took out an alcohol wipe and patted it to the wound, cleaning your face of any dried blood he could find. You hissed slightly at the sting before biting your own lip to shut yourself up. He muttered a quick apology as he dabbed a cotton swab in antibacterial ointment and lightly applied it to the cut.
“You want a band aid? We’ve got scooby-doo,” he chuckled, his eyes meeting yours. You shook your head.
“Thanks, Dean,” you gave him a small smile. He hadn’t been this kind to you since the first week, when he offered to check on your sutures.
“Yeah, uh, don’t mention it,” he cleared his throat as he cleaned up the trash and packed away the first aid supplies. He took the coke with him and put it back in the fridge before pulling out a new one and bringing it over. It would take some time for the ice pack to freeze and the coke you had been using had grown warm.
“Here,” he handed you the cold can of soda and you smiled again, looking down briefly just to avert your eyes from his green stare. You weren’t used to him making eye contact with you and at this point you weren’t sure how to react.
He sat on Sam’s bed across from you and cleared his throat again, playing with his hands nervously. You realized then that Sam had gone to get a shower at some point while Dean was patching you up. Well, you thought to yourself, that’s awkward. Dean gives me attention for two seconds and Sam is suddenly invisible. It was your turn to clear your throat. You focused on the coke as a distraction and brought it back up to soothe your cheek.
“Look, (Y/N), I…. Why did you do it?” He had meant to apologize but he couldn’t help himself. He had to know what the hell had possessed her to jump in between him and some pissed-off drunk in the middle of a bar.
You had wondered the same thing earlier and still weren’t sure you had an answer, for either of you. You resorted to shrugging and gesticulating widely with your free hand.
“Well,” Dean’s voice became hard again, more along the lines of what you had become accustomed to, “Don’t do it again, right?”
You narrowed your eyes at the man, “I think what you were trying to say here, Dean, is ‘I’m sorry’ or maybe even ‘thank you’.”
“No, because if I thanked you for acting like a brainless git then you would be tempted to do it again.”
“A brainless—Where do you get off, Winchester? You’re the idiot that got drunk off his ass tonight. It wasn’t Sam or I that decided it would be fun to pick a fight with some biker twice our size. We just came to pick you up, ok?”
“Well, Sammy should’ve left you here,” he tensed his jaw, meeting your glare.
“That’s what you’re going with? That is your defense? Sammy should have left poor defenseless, brainless, (Y/N) at the motel?”
“No, (Y/N), that’s not what I mea—”
“Shut it, Dean. I’m going to sleep, you can go fuck yourself,” you cut him off, tired of his bullshit. You placed the coke onto the side table, restraining yourself from throwing it at his head, and turned your back to him.
Dean made a frustrated sound somewhere between a yell and a grunt as he got up and stormed back out of the motel. You briefly wondered if he was heading back to the bar, or if perhaps he was going to sleep outside tonight? You gave yourself a mental shake. I didn’t concern you what he did or where he went, after all.
Sam sighed, having been out of the shower long enough to see the tail end of your conversation. You jumped, startled at the noise. You hadn’t noticed the sound of the water shutting off or the bathroom door opening as you had fought with Dean. The younger brother didn’t say anything, choosing to follow Dean out of the room instead. You rolled your eyes before sliding out of your jeans, unhooking your bra under your shirt, and tossing them both to the floor beside your bed. Fuck them, you tried to tell yourself as you climbed under the sheets. You tried to force yourself to hold on to the anger, but it was hard with the image of a very-concerned Dean biting his lip while trying to take care of you repeatedly popping up in your mind’s eye. You sighed, turning over, and tried to will yourself to sleep.
You woke up to a black eye the following day but you couldn’t say you were surprised. You found it when you went to wash your face and brush your teeth. You hadn’t asked the guys to buy you anything frivolous, like makeup for example, so you had no concealer to hide it with. You sighed, at least I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
“Good morning, (Y/N)…” Sam’s sentence died when he saw your face.
“It’s fine, Sammy,” you answered as you started to pull some eggs out of the mini fridge, “You hungry?”
“Oh, no, I had a smoothie earlier.”
“Before your run?”
Sam grinned, “Yeah, before my run. Why don’t you go with me one of these mornings?”
It was your turn to cringe, “Yeah….about that….”
Dean waltzed into the motel room, the door hitting the wall behind it with a thud.
“I brought coffee,” he announced, carrying a cardboard cupholder with three steaming cups nestled securely in it.
You tucked the eggs back into the fridge at the site of coffee. You didn’t get much sleep last night, tossing and turning quite a bit. You had hazy memories of troublesome dreams but you couldn’t bring the images into focus. Giving yourself yet another mental shake, you gratefully accepted the Styrofoam cup Sam had taken from Dean and offered to you. You took a sip and sighed, your eyes fluttering closed as the ambrosia hit your tongue and lit up your taste buds.
“Did I get it right?” Dean chuckled at your reaction.
Your eyes snapped open to find him staring at you with a hint of a grin still on his face. You narrowed your eyes slightly and bit your tongue, not wanting to yell at him first thing in the morning, especially when he had brought you coffee. This was probably his way of apologizing for last night, you thought to yourself, but you would rather he just say he’s sorry. You nodded your head and hummed that he had indeed gotten your order right; two creams two sugars. How he knew how you liked your coffee was beyond you. You didn’t linger on it, instead offering your help to Sam with research or whatever he needed.
“How long are you going to let me live with you before you let me help you with your ‘investigation’?” you curled two of the fingers on your free hand in the air when you said investigation. You knew they weren’t private investigators; they may as well fess up at this point.
Sam chuckled and shook his head, “You can live with us as long as you want, (Y/N), but we’re not pulling you into our work anytime soon.”
“Or ever,” Dean added.
“Why’s that?” you asked between sips of coffee, following the two men to the small table that held Sam’s laptop.
“It’s not safe,” Dean’s voice came across sternly, as if he was trying to put an end to the conversation. He only piqued your curiosity further.
“Not safe? What, are you secret assassins?” You laughed the same way you had when you asked Sam if he was a drug dealer. You missed the look the brothers shared when you sipped your coffee.
“Yes, (Y/N), we’re assassins,” Sam answered in a flat tone as he booted up the computer.
“Oooh, so you privately investigate people before you kill ‘em?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him.
“Yes, (Y/N), and we’re also ninjas,” Dean added, biting back a grin.
You tried not to glare at him. After last night you may or may not be harboring a grudge.
“Cool. Private-investigating ninja-assassins. Sign me up, boys, I want in,” you grinned, wincing when it stung your cheek.
Dean’s smile faltered as you winced, “You ok?”
You bit your tongue once again, willing yourself to be nice for Sam’s sake if nothing else. Rather than answering him you simply nodded and took another sip of your coffee. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all….right?
-Next Chapter-
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Angel of the lord
“Angel of the Lord” That was the dudes screen name.
Dean had a lot of cooler things he could be doing when he got the chance to slip away from Sammy (breaking and entering was a prime example) but instead here he was, at the arcade, like some kind of nerd. It wasn’t his fault he had found that change purse that wouldn’t have amounted to anything but a couple slim-Jims laying on the side of the road. And don’t get me wrong, slim-Jims are great, but he had been able to see the neon sign from where he stood, and the temptation was too hard to resist.
The high score on his favorite game was was high, but he was higher, or so he thought until he came back the next day and saw “Angel of the Lord” posted at the top again, beating him by just a few points. ‘Oh game on buddy’ he thought.
In the following days, Angel of the Lord and Impala67 fought in a constant battle for dominance, one coming out on top just to be replaced by the other. He wondered who this mystery douche could be. Someone from school maybe? He tried to keep a look out during his classes but no one looked intriguing, everyone’s faces blurred together, and he had stopped caring about that kind of stuff a long time ago anyway.
When he came back on Thursday, after stealing some change from his very least favorite teachers purse, there it was again “High Score: Angel of the Lord.” “Didn’t think angels would be such dicks” he muttered to himself as he slipped the coins inside.
It went on like that for some time, until Dean ran out of money to play.
One night, telling himself he couldn’t let this friggin ‘angel’ get the best of him, he snuck out, hoping by some miracle he’d find money to play with on the way. When he got to the arcade he had had no such luck, so he started scanning the rows, searching in every nook and cranny for some spare change.
He reached his game and kicked it in frustration, surprised when a few coins and a piece of paper fell to the floor.
‘-Read the Bible, Angels are warriors of god’
Shit had this dude been watching him? He spun around and looked for any suspicious faces, but he found none. ‘What a self righteous dick’ he thought to himself as he re-read the note, but a shit-eating grin plastered onto his face anyway.
That night he beat the high score by twelve points.
The next time he came, he found a piece of paper with the words “ASS BUTT” scrawled in all caps, accompanied by a dollars worth of quarters. The dude was obviously upset Dean had beaten his score, he hadn’t been able to top it, and Dean gleamed with pride at Impala67’s place at the top of the screen. He took out the pen he had shoved in his pocket for this very reason (why else would he carry a writing utensil) and scribbled his reply:
Really? Ass butt? That’s the best you could come up with? Seems to me like you’re beat angel, you done tryin’a win?
Out of respect he didn’t play that night (mostly ‘cause he was scared he’d accidentally bring his score down if he did) but his stomach turned in knots at the thought of this mystery guy calling it quits. Sure he seemed like a pretentious douche and Dean had no idea who he was, but he liked the little thing they had going, it was a rhythm, and usually the only rhythm in Dean’s life he let himself get used to, was the lack thereof.
‘Never’ was written at the bottom of the page, and “Angel of the Lord” posted at the top of the screen the next time he came.
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roxy-davenport · 7 years
Days of How and Why
 Pairing: Dean x Reader, previously Cain x Reader
 Word Count: 1,877
My beta: @raspberrymama. Thanks you so much for being my beta and for brainstorming with me. I was sooo stuck on where to go with this. You’re a lifesaver.
A/N: ANGST, depression, grief. I blame it all on the album I choose. This was written for @mrs-squirrel-chester’s Album Challenge with the song, Days of How and Why, which is the fifth song on the album, “Ash & Ice” by the Kills. The flashbacks are in italics and the lyrics are bolded.
Also on A03
 “Could this list be any longer Sam? Organic apples, really?”
 “Apples nowadays have quite a lot of pesticides, Dean. It’s the smart move.”
 You tried not to laugh at the bitchface Dean was giving Sam. Shrugging your shoulders, you took the list and headed to the garage. Dean started the impala and in twenty minutes you would be in front of the biggest grocery store for thirty miles.
 Dean was about to rock out to AC/DC but you placed your hand over his so he couldn’t press the button.  
 “I know how you feel about the healthy food Sammy, and I dig it, so how about you buy all the fattening but divinely delicious products.”
 “Deal.” He looked over at you and kissed your forehead and then boom, blaring music. Man, was Dean predictable.
 The second you got to the grocery store, you split up. You didn’t particularly want to hear Dean bellyaching the entire time about the price of apples.
 If anyone asked you you’d say you had had depression but you were okay now. You dealt with the complexities of your lover dying. You weren’t guilty or in denial about your lingering feelings, right? Nope, you were completely okay. But it seemed the universe wanted to convince you otherwise. Your brain kept on making weird associations; from apples to the Garden of Eden and then to Lucifer who made the Knights of Hell. You immediately stopped your brain from going further down the path. Why was today a bad day? Why the associations today?
 You honestly thought you were okay but grief is a strange thing. You had been with Cain for seven years and it had only been two years since his death. Dean was an amazing boyfriend and he was always there for you. He always reacted immediately and gave you the comfort and support you needed any time, no questions asked. He was your rock, your support system. Which is a bit weird considering that he was the one who killed Cain. But if you were being truthful here, Dean killed the monster Cain became and not the Cain you fell in love with.
 In the beginning Cain was a good man, a loving man. He was always gentle with you despite being named the father of murder. You lived with Cain in his cabin away from prying eyes, away from hunters and demons and any distractions. It was just the two of you. It was calming being close to nature with the man you loved. You made dinner together and told each other everything about your lives. You learned a hell of a lot about bees including how to care for them. The sex was gentle and loving and he always made sure you came at least three times before he came. He resisted the mark for you but he couldn’t resist forever. You just wished you had had more time with him.
 Unfortunately, you were never really good at dealing with grief. You preferred not to dwell on sad thoughts and repressed a lot of your emotions so it was reasonable to assume they might pop up at random times.
 Something you're doing
Ain't doing me good,
I can feel it in my blood.
Wheels spun
I believe anyone.
Always looking,
Never found
How I'm keeping
My head down.
These days of why and how
Get so hard,
I'm not saying another word.
 The aisles were always so small in supermarkets and predictable you bumped right into two shoppers. They were unfazed by it and continued talking rather loudly.
 “Yeah that’s a Cain and Abel story if I heard one. What a rivalry between two brothers.”
 You froze in the aisle when you heard his name and everything came flooding back to you.
  “Cain, you don’t have to do this.”
 “I do.”
 “No, please. I’m begging you. Please. Don’t let the mark control you. You’re better than that.”
 “I have to do this. I have to destroy everyone in my bloodline.”
 “Even the children? What’s wrong with you? People are given free will. They can choose to rise above any “cursed blood.”
 “Like I did.”
 “Yes exactly.”
 “I’m tired Y/N. Really tired. The mark has been calling to me everyday. I just can’t ignore it anymore.”
 “Apparently Collette was better at getting you to stop than I am.”
 “Don’t you dare bring her into this.”
 “Saint Collette, right? Clearly, you loved her more than me.”
 The sound of Cain’s hand hitting your check was the only thing heard in that moment. The chiming of the grandfather clock and the creaking floorboards were forgotten in that moment. You drew back from him, tears in your eyes as you walked out of the door. If he wanted to be a monster, let him. You refused to stand by and watch it happen.  
 “Wait. Wait. I-I’m sorry. I just...”
 “No. Cain. No. I don’t forgive you and I’m not staying to watch you destroy everything we built and lose yourself in sadism. You don’t love me like you loved her. Maybe losing her the way you did made you not able to really love anyone else but I’m not strong enough to bring you back from the brink. If I stay, I’ll destroy myself trying to help you. I can’t do that. I love you Cain, but the man I choose to be with is already dead.”
 You were leaving him to the wolves. There was no hope that he could be anything better than a killer without you but it wasn’t fair for you to stay and damn yourself either.
 When I hear your name
It's like a freight train
Shake shake shake shake
Shaking me
Off my tracks.
The one acting
The fool is nigh
I can feel it in my heart
Silence is the loudest shot,
A train passing in the dark.
All I do is wonder why,
Why and how
you leave me every night
Oh, oh
 You were in the supermarket bending down with a hand on the aisle to support yourself. You felt numb, your chest hurt and your mind wouldn’t stop associating with Cain. You turned to your left and saw McCain food in the freezer section. Fries. Cain’s name on fries? How banal. You walked over to the freezer on shaky legs dropping the food you collected on the floor. Your hand went on the freezer door and you cried.
 The Winchesters needed help, Intel on Cain and so they forced their way into your house desperate to get you to help them. You had no idea how they realized there was a connection between you and Cain but they had. They took you with them to show you the damage Cain was doing. You agreed that he had to be stopped and so you joined them.
 However, when the time came to kill him, you couldn’t let it happen. You ran down the stairs yelling at Dean. You burst into the room and Castiel had to hold you back as Dean killed Cain with the first blade. You screamed and screamed. Knowing this was your fault. You had willingly worked with them, helped them to find him. And even worse, his last words to you were, “I’m sorry.”
 Cain was the villain in the piece so why were you trying to save him. It was a rational argument but every time you felt guilty. Guilty for leaving and guilty for doing what you had to do to save everyone else. He trusted you and you betrayed him. He may have said, “I’m sorry” but you wished you could have told him you were sorry.
  When I hear your name
It's like a freight train
Shake shake shake shake
Shaking me
Off my tracks.
When I hear your name
It's like a freight train
Shake shake shake shake
Shaking me
Off my tracks.
 People in the grocery store were staring at you crying over freezer food. There was quite an audience gathering. You vaguely heard Dean’s voice calling you but you were still lost in the memory of Cain. Dean kept calling all over the store until he came to the crowd.
 Like a linebacker, he pushed everyone out of the way to get to you. He saw the food on the ground and instantly dropped what he collected. He ran over to you and turned you to face him. You slapped him.
 “You killed him,” You whispered in a pained voice.
 Dean knew exactly what was happening. He looked over and saw the Cain food. His eyes softened as he pulled you into himself.
 “I know, sweetie. He loved you until the mark was too much for him. He held off for seven years. That’s a lot longer than I ever could. Let’s get out of here. Come on baby.”
You pulled away from him. “I’m sorry. I.I…” you began.
 “I know, baby. You’re having a bad day. I understand. No anger, no resentment. I just want to make you feel better. Come on, let’s get out of here and talk.”
 “What about your pie?”
 “You’re more important.”
 You were shaking, tears streaming down your face. Dean held your hand every so often on the drive back home.
 “I’m sorry I slapped you, Dean.”
 “It’s forgotten, baby. What happened though? Was it seeing Cain on freezer food?”
 “That helped sure but it was a passing remark from someone. They were comparing something to Cain and Abel.”
 “I’m so sorry.”
 “I thought I was doing better Dean.”
 “Grief is a strange thing, Y/N. This is just a bad day. But I love you and I will stand by you through anything. I promise you that when we get back, I will do whatever it takes to put a smile back on that face. That’s my job as a boyfriend, to take care of you.”
Dean continued, “You looked dazed in there, like you were lost in a memory or something. What were you seeing?”
 “My last conversation with him as a girlfriend and then, ever.”
 “Oh, wow.”
 “Yeah. He needed to be stopped though. He was turning into a monster, killing innocent people and if it wasn’t you who did it, we would have never met. And I would be very upset about that. You’re the best thing that ever happened I have to learn to be okay with this.”
 “It doesn’t happen overnight.”
 “I know. I’m going to see a therapist this week. Using an alias, of course.”
 “Sounds like a great idea. I’ll help you look for names.”
 When I hear your name
It's like a freight train
Shake shake shake shake
Shaking me
Off my tracks.
When I hear your name
It's like a freight train
Shake shake shake shake
Shaking me
Off my tracks.
 Dean carried you out of the car and into your joint bedroom, ignoring Sam. He laid you down gently and sang, “Hell’s Bells” to you trying to lull you to sleep. He knew how you loved to hear him sing and Hell’s Bell was shared favorite between you and Dean. He kissed you on your forehead and watched you sleep; committing himself to do whatever was necessary to get you through this difficult time.
Forever @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth, @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @chelsea072498, @everday-supernatural-af, @kalliravenne, @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @one-shots-supernatural, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @deals-with-demons, @mamaredd123 @atc74, @hamartiamacguffin
Dean Folks from my list: @buckymetallicstump, @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420, @supernatural-jackles, @jesspfly, @webcricket
 @aprofoundbondwithdean, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @dr-dean, @nichelle-my-belle, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @thegreatficmaster, @salvachester, @blushingsamgirl, @bkwrm523 @whispersandwhiskerburn, @lipstickandwhiskey, @impala-dreamer, @samsgoddess, @frenchybell, @for-the-love-of-dean, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @fiveleaf, @deansleather,  @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @waywardjoy, @imadeangirl-butimsamcuriousm  @kayteonline, @supernatural-jackles, @idreamofhazel, @wevegotworktodo, @ilovedean-spn2 , @quiddy-writes, @wi-deangirl77 @deantbh, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @fandommaniacx, @teamfreewillimagines, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @castieltrash1, @supernaturallyobsessed, @memariana91 @writingbeautifulmen, @captain-princess-rose, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @ageekchiclife, @winchester-writes@idreamofhazel, @revwinchester, @supermoonpanda,@i-dont-know-how-to-write, @vintagevalentinexx, @ohwritever, @mysupernaturalfics,@sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepie @itsemmyb, @ezauraemmaline, @matteson-crazed, @charliesbackbitches, @crzcorgi, @gryffindorable713, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom, @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @i-never-said-a-pilot, @thewinchestielboys, @supermoonpanda, @sis-tafics, @amaranthinecastiel, @kittenofdoomage, @samanddeanwinchester67,  @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien, @the-morning-star-falls, @ackleslaugh, @noisilyyoungpuppy, @fangirling-instead-of-working, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess, @chrisatplay @kayteonline, @spnsimpleman, @faith-in-dean, @for-the-love-of-dean, @mamaimpala, @zanthiasplace, @sleep-silent-angel, @pada-ackles-reads, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @beachy2014, @fandom-book-nerd, @tia58, @sams-little-toy, @sunriserose1023, @saving-things-hunting-family, @winchesterswoonathon, @jotink78, @lucifer-in-leather,  @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @supernatural-jackles, @avasmommy224, @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @spn-fan-girl-173, @besslincoln-bruh, @wheresthekillswitch, @shelovesallthethings @maraisabellegrey, @notnaturalanahi
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surly-cat · 10 years
This is really annoying me but was it you that had a fic where Cas got stood up by someone and Dean had to pick him up and then Cas' brother was worried that he would to something stupid and Cas used to self harm? Was it you? Because this is actually crushing my soul I can't remember who it was
Oh, I'm sorry you're going through the 'what was that fic??' thing. Unfortunately, I can't help much, because that isn't one of mine, though it sounds vaguely familiar. I do have a few ideas for you to help you find it though:
- You can try a google search like Destiel fanfiction, Cas, self-harm and then whatever site it's published on; this is how I usually find fics that I've lost to memory.
- destielfanfic.com has a fantastic page, where they've listed tags for pretty much any scenario you can imagine, and a bazillion fics
- spnstoryfinders.livejournal.com is another good resource, and you can look stories up by trope there as well
Does this sound familiar to any of my followers? If so, you mind to be a fandom friend and hook this person up with an answer that I can publish?
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