#spn fic snippet
didsomeonesaybuffet · 5 months
Hello would you like a liiiiittle snippet from this Friday's chapter of If You Can't Stand the Heat... ? Okay well here goes...
‘Couch. Now.’ Was all that Cas could manage to growl in response, and he pulled away from Dean slightly, grabbing his wrist and tugging him toward the sofa. Dean paused for a moment to push his pajama bottoms, socks and underwear all the way onto the floor where they met Cas’ clothes in a pool, and then followed him over to the couch, where Castiel turned to face him. 
They were eye level only momentarily when they reached the sofa, as Dean gripped Castiel’s shoulders and pushed him roughly onto the seat, smirking at the surprised gasp and wide eyed expression it elicited from Cas. Dean knelt down in front of Castiel and slid his fingers into the waistband of Cas’ underwear, pulling gently. Castiel lifted his hips so that Dean could pull them all the way down before tossing them over his shoulder to land somewhere near the growing pile of clothing near the door.
Okay enough for now, see you Friiiiday :)
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wildwestdean · 7 months
"I can't remember the last time I've seen so many stars," you breathed out, staring up at the sky in wonder.
"Hard to believe I get to see them all the time," Dean replied softly, his gaze set upon you beside him instead of on the sky above.
"It must be nice," you declared wistfully. "Living in a town like this. Just so... peaceful all the time."
"Right... small town living," Dean agreed absently, sighing quietly.
He wanted to tell you that what he really meant was I see stars in your eyes every time you look at me, and feel the sun every time you smile. But no, he couldn't. Not now. Maybe not ever.
Not when he knew this wouldn't last.
a little snippet from a new dean fic i've been working on! can't wait to share it with y'all which should be hopefully soon
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thigholstercas · 1 year
"I prayed to you, you know," Dean broke the silence for the first time in a while. He enjoyed the silence, after years of loudness anyway, but he loved talking to Cas.
He wouldn't tell a soul, but these are the moments he treasures the most. Sex is good, don't get him wrong, but the peace he feels afterward is incomparable. Listening to Cas breathe while he kisses each of his freckles. "You have stars on your skin, constellations are formed all over your body, and each of them deserves to be worshipped," Cas would tell him, making him blush because who says those things.
"Every moment I could, I prayed to you," Dean repeats after Cas stops kissing him.
"Mhm," Cas mumbles with a happy sigh. "I'm listening. Keep talking." Cas takes Dean's hand and starts kissing his knuckles.
Oh, he was doomed.
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No one on here seems to favor my writing (totally fine!) but does that mean I should focus more on posting my art? Do people care about seeing snippets of my writing? Do people wanna know behind the scenes info on wips?? Just testing the waters
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(post 15x18)
Dean can barely open his eyes against the Bunker’s lights, so his room stays dark for much longer than it ever has. He had considered wasting away in his room all day, and maybe forever, if it weren’t for the fact that there’s an urgent world-ending trail on their asses. Again. This time, it’s with the wrath of a nosy fucking asshole God setting them up like puppets. It makes him completely ill to think about it, Chuck watching him waste away in that room in the wake of Castiel’s obliteration.
Why does this sound like a goodbye?, he’d said, already afraid. Don’t do this.
If Dean tries to open his eyes and stare at the crack in the door, light feebly shining from the Bunker’s hallway, he sees too much of himself. He sees the sliver of hope he’d had when Castiel returned the last time. He sees the tears gathering in the angel’s eyes, hears the crack in his voice as he said ‘You changed me, Dean’, and fuck – Dean doesn’t think he’s ever heard Cas’ voice sound so fragile and open. 
I love you.
Don’t do this. 
I love you.
Don’t do this. 
Castiel sacrificed himself, and Dean’s voice was strangled in his throat before he even knew how to respond. 
If Dean were a younger man, still caught under the thumb of his father, he imagines that John would come through the door and throw some water on him to wake him up. Tug on his ear. Tell him that death happens, kid, there ain’t no way around it, in that haunted way he always did. John Winchester has no fucking room to judge him, he realizes in this blurry headspace, because he spent his entire life chasing down revenge for Mary’s death. Destroying everything in his wake, leading their childhoods on with loose threads.
Dean thinks he finally understands his anger, as much as he resents it; he understands Sam’s burning rage, hurt, sobs that he thought Dean couldn’t hear (but of course he could, Dean always knows, he raised the damn kid right through every tantrum and heartbreak). 
But then again – he doesn’t think John would offer him any mercy for wanting to say I love you back.
(Does he? Does he? 
In the name of the absent Father, the prodigal Son, and the Unholy Spirits, of fucking course he does.)
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averagedog-writer · 2 years
I SEE your "Yuichi Usagi is an adult with a son" and I RAISE YOU "Yuichi Usagi fills the role of Bobby, and his SON is the Sagi in Leosagi"
Tbh this scene is really just a potential concept, I'm playing around with backstory ideas for the fic (but I might be so incredibly off base with it </3), I wanted to include the Usagis somehow
I'm thinking that, maybe (if the fic miraculously goes that far into the story), Miyamoto could be a member of the Men of Letters, Yuichi is his son (or grandson), raising his son, Jotaro, as a single father
So, um, anyway, here's a lil thingy I wrote (@beanstalk-nicholas this is my apology for chapter five constantly Being Late </3)
“You guys are gonna love him! And he’s gonna love you too!” Mikey beamed and jumped to the porch, “Uncle Usagi pretty much raised Raph and I when Dad wasn’t able to, he taught us most of what we know about hunting.”
“Does he live up to his name?” Donnie raised an eyebrow.
“Uncle wise?”
“Oh, no, Usagi. It’s Japanese for rabbit.”
“Oh!” Mikey turned and knocked a pattern onto the door, “you’ll see.”
Leo yawned and stretched his arms over his head, casually letting his eyes wander the junkyard. He thought this was Donnie’s kind of place, rows and rows of scrap metal and machinery, all untapped. Donnie couldn’t bring himself to think the same, his eyes were locked on Mikey. Leo flinched as Raph tensed his muscles, his eyes shot to him as he rolled his neck.
Mikey perked up as the door pulled in. A white rabbit stood over him with a smile, leaning on a cane with a cigarette in his hand. “Thought I told you to call me before you visited.”
“Ojisan!” Mikey held his arms out, laughing as Yuichi wrapped around him. “Sorry we didn’t call, we’ve been super busy.”
“I can see,” Yuichi pulled away and clapped his shoulder, looking past him. “Raphael?”
“Hai, Ojisan?” Raph took a step forward.
“Your turn,”
Leo leaned to Donnie and whispered, “Wish they’d talk to us like that,”
“The difference here is they respect him.” Donnie muttered back. Leo huffed and crossed his arms.
Yuichi pulled away from Raph and tapped his arm, stepping around him and down the stairs. Leo’s shoulders tensed as he got closer, Donnie grabbed his hand. Yuichi took in a breath and held his hands in front of him, nodding a little. The twins each sat their free hands on a paw.
“Yoshi came to me the day you were taken from him,” Yuichi gripped their hands, “I had only met you once. I never thought I would have the chance to meet you again.”
Yuichi led the boys into the house, waving to his right as Raph kicked the door shut. “Please, make yourselves at home, I promise the couch is clean. I was just about to make dinner, I can make it for six.”
Mikey gasped, “So, he’s home?”
“Of course he’s home,” Yuichi passed through the living room, limping into the kitchen, “he should be down soon.”
“Thank you, Ojisan.”
“So, are we related to him, or..?” Leo whispered.
“No,” Raph laughed and fell into the couch, “Pops and Oji were friends growin’ up, they might as well be brothers.”
Leo hummed and crossed the room, standing over the couch as Donnie took an empty spot. Mikey waited anxiously in the doorway, bouncing on the balls of his feet. His arms were crossed over his chest as he stared at the floor.
Mikey beamed and turned as footsteps thundered quickly down the stairs. “Mikey!” Another rabbit jumped off the bottom step, landing perfectly around Mikey.
“Jojo!” Mikey laughed and stomped his feet as he held him back. They were both beaming, squeezing each other as hard as they could.
They finally pulled apart, the rabbit resting his hands on the back of Mikey’s neck, Mikey holding his wrists. They were squeaking and chirping at each other, having a conversation completely unintelligible to the other boys.
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bleuzombie · 1 year
Get to Know Your Fanfic Writer
Tagged by @underwater-ninja-13
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
August 2021
First Character(s) you wrote?
Dean and Castiel
Main Character(s) you’re currently writing?
Dean and Castiel. I do occasionally write Will Graham/Hannibal Lecture.
Character(s) you haven’t written about before but plan to write about soon?
Anyone from Our Flag Means Death or Crowley/Aziraphale from Good Omens. I also have an idea kicking around about Benny/Balthazar from Supernatual but I have written them before. Just not as the main pair.
Fandom(s) you’re currently writing?
Supernatural and Hannibal
Platonic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
Dean/Castiel, Will/Hannibal, Ed/Stede, Aziraphale/Crowley
Romantic pairing(s) you’re currently writing?
I’m only working on Dean/Cas at the moment.
Your top AO3 tags?
Trans Dean Winchester/Fluff/Serial Killer Castiel. I’m as surprised as everyone else about the fluff.
Current platform you use for posting?
Snippet of the WIP you are currently working on?
Cas/Dean/Cain BDSM story I’ve been working on.
Castiel feels a pang of jealousy. He wants to be the one to make Cain smile. “Dean, go throw your pie in the garbage disposal.”
Dean doesn’t move. Castiel doesn’t bother to turn to look at him. “Go along beloved. You heard him. Bring us the empty pie pan when you are done.”
Dean walks quickly out of the dining room and into the kitchen. Castiel hears the garbage disposal and laughs softly. Cain on the other hand throws his head back and gauffs. The sound fills the entire house.
“He’s a good sub. He just got excited.” Cain shrugs. “I can’t exactly blame him. I was excited about the prospect of getting my hands on you too. I should have checked.” Cain locks eyes with Cas as he picks up his wine and takes another sip. “Do you wish to punish me too, Castiel?”
Castiel looks down at his plate. “Oh,” he says softly. Quickly twirling more pasta on his fork and shoving it in his mouth. He needs a moment to readjust his expectations. Of course Cain is here so Castiel can work him over. It’s what he’s good at after all. Castiel knows better than anyone that a dominant energy doesn’t mean there isn’t a desire to submit. But still he had hoped after Cain castized him in the Shibari class that maybe Cain could be the one to keep Dean safe so he could finally submit. He swallows thickly, his food half chewed. “I can do that for you if that’s what you would like.”
Cain’s eyes darken slightly. “What would you like to do Castiel?”
“I don’t know your kinks Cain but I’m agreeable to most things. I’m sure we can find something we will both be excited about.”
“Dean!” Cain yells suddenly. “Stop!” The garbage disposal stops with a faint “son of a bitch” from Dean. Cain walks quickly to the door of the kitchen and pokes his head in. Castiel can only hear every other word but figures it’s not a conversation he’s meant to be a part of. Cain sits down and leisurely takes another bite of his pasta. “I told Dean to save a portion and bring it to you. I believe he deserves it. You need me more than I originally understood.”
“I don’t understand.” Castiel places his fork over his plate. “Dean keeps me very occupied. I don’t need another sub.”
“No, you need a Dom. Just as Dean suggested.”
No pressure at all to participate. @imbiowaresbitch @nickelkeep @cr-noble-writes @butterflyslinky @friendofcarlotta
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inktrailing · 2 years
SPN: the missing road (snippet)
He finds Lucifer on a street corner, a discarded The End is Nigh sign under his his feet, its owner gone.
It's the most centered Dean's felt in awhile, and it helps that there isn't a monster trying to kill him this time. He feels his axis stabilize. He almost reaches out and instead stuffs his hands in his pockets to stop himself.
“Didn't expect to run into you again,” Dean says.
Lucifer shrugs. Laughs. Says, “You come here often?” and scuffs the heel of his foot through 'End.'
Dean snorts. “Oh, yeah, totally. My kind of place.” A pause. “What're you doing here?”
Lucifer considers him. Glances at the small patch of light in the street behind Dean, then to the slithering darkness roosting over the nearby awning, and then settling back to Dean like everything else really is just normal scenery. “Looking for you,” he says.
He's not lying.
Lucifer smiles, brief. “You know why,” he says.
“Dean,” Sam calls from behind him, cautious.
Dean doesn't swear, but it's a near thing.
“Yeah,” Dean returns, but doesn't look back, his eyes locked to Lucifer.
“Dean,” Sam repeats, stronger.
Lucifer mimics Dean's posture, hands in pockets, and sighs a drawn-out, forlorn thing. Dean feels the pull again as his only warning before Lucifer disappears, and it wrenches something out of him.
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bshmatthews · 11 months
writing some D/s alternate universe fic and having a lovely time. here's a couple scenes (warnings for all the usual D/s universe things plus the fact that this is very much a trope inversion kinda deal)
(Sam is showing Dean (who is in the hospital with sub sickness) his tattoo that demonstrates various traditional pigments for designation markings from around the world.)
“The next two are really cool.” Sam pointed at a box with a bright green next to a more muddled purple. “These designation pigments are used in combination in parts of the Philippines. This one is a Dom mark, like the previous one, but the other is totally different. Goes from light blue to red in the presence of exoalgesotin.”
Dean had never heard of that one in his life. “What the hell is exo-? Exo-al-jes-?”
Sam went a bit pink. “It’s, uh. People who enjoy inflicting pain tend to produce more exoalgesotin.”
Inflicting pain? Dean scooched away from his brother a little.
“There’s nothing wrong with that in a consenting situation!” Sam protested.
Dean raised his eyebrows. “Whatever you say, man.”
Sam made a truly impressive bitchface and pointed at the next line, a deep dark brown. “And this one darkens with endoalgesotin. I’m sure you can guess what it indicates.”
Dean’s head hurt and he was tired. He shook his head.
“…Masochism,” Sam finally said, reluctantly.
Dean's done. “I am learning way too much about you, man,” he protests.
Sam held out his hands with a pleading expression. “But that’s just it, Dean! In some cultures, you would never publicly wear a mark saying you were a sub. Why is it that we get branded with these designations and not those? Why isn’t it… I dunno, ‘sad’ and ‘mas’ instead of ‘sub’ and ‘Dom’?”
Dean tried to imagine it and it made his head hurt even worse. “I don’t think I’m either of those, Sam.” He looked down at Sam’s marks, up to Sam’s earnest face, and back down at the marks. “And you seem to be both.”
Sam rolled his eyes and yanked down his sleeve. “That’s my point, Dean! All these distinctions are arbitrary! You have a sub mark because you produced submitalin when you were a kid. But what if you made dominatone too? What if you don’t produce either, or something else entirely is more important for your health and happiness?”
“‘Radical sub rights terror group “Spank Back!” have announced that they have kidnapped renowned psychiatrist Castiel Novak and are holding him for ransom,’” Stevie read. 
Charlie grabbed Stevies’ phone and started scrolling. “What the hell?”
“Why do they always call us a ‘sub rights’ group,” Claire complained. “We’re designation abolitionists.”
“No we aren’t,” Mia firmly corrected Claire.
“It’s the name,” Rowena said. “It confuses everybody. We should have called ourselves -”
“‘Mega Coven’ wouldn't have lead to fewer misunderstandings, Rowena.”
Rowena casually waved away the objection. “Anyway, how much are we asking for the good doctor's return?”
Stevie put her hands on her hips. “Guys, we didn’t send any ransom note. This is a fake!”
“Oh,” Claire said, disappointed.
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hey gang twitter went to shit i'm back lmao
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deancas-stabfest · 7 months
Are you going through Stab withdrawal? Are you brimming with Stab ideas? Does Stabtember September seem much too far away?
Fear not! The Ides of March are fast approaching. In honor of THE HIGH HOLIDAY OF STAB, we want to bring a little stabby joy into your life.
Tumblr media
Over the next two weeks, we want y'all to send in prompts, recs, shower thoughts, doodles, drabbles, snippets from WIPs, snippets from published fic you want more attention on, anything to do with STAB and STABFEST!
Generally we're expecting this to be SPN, focused on Dean/Cas or a femslash pairing, but that's not a requirement! Maybe Cain and Crowley have some unresolved Stab emotions. Maybe you have a great idea for an implement but aren't sure who should use it on who. We want it all!
Please send us your STABBY STUFF by Tumblr ask [https://deancas-stabfest.tumblr.com/ask], by email [deancasstabfest at gmail], or in the Ides of March channel on The Stabfest discord [https://discord.gg/W8cjCQBQYs].
Some notes:
Be advised that we might have to re-jigger stuff to go under a readmore or add certain warning tags so people can curate their experiences. So please, whenever possible, include warning tags, image descriptions, and notes on formatting. We can also post a link if you're hosting the material on your own blog or on AO3.
If sending stuff by Tumblr ask, please please PLEASE save a copy of it. We don't want anyone's work to get lost because Tumblr ate it or the mods fat-fingered a touchscreen.
The Stabfest Tumblr currently has third-party sharing toggled OFF.
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boywifesammy · 2 months
spn fic rec fest - 1
AUGUST 1 - specific season/era
hii everyone i'm so excited to see all the fic recs that people share this month :) most of my recs are gonna be explicit (whoops lol) + i'm tagging authors that have their tumblr public on their ao3 profile, if you don't want to be tagged then just lmk and i'll remove your @! @spnficrecfest for more info on the event
Stanford Era
Picture You by karmascars (@my-wayward-karma) Sam/Jess, Sam/Dean, 3k, E
Jess calls Dean while Sam and her are doin the dirty ;) scorching hot little fic that has all the vibes of forbidden fruit & horny longing. i love love love how desperate dean is in this one + jess being cheeky <3
Brotherhood by awabubbles (@awabubbles) Sam/Dean, 16k, E
“Sam joins a fraternity so he can be fucked by his 'brothers'—but all Sam really wants is his own.” some of the hottest smut i have ever read @~@ i absolutely explode for punishment & humiliation stuff and this hit allll the right notes. not to mention the amazing art in every chapter. it gets darker near the end but it ends on a fluffy (? to me at least haha) note. painslut sam is so real. to me !!!
if you give a punk a safety pin... by lonely_traveler Sam/OMC, Sam/Dean, 5k, E
“The story of Sam Winchester's safety pin initiation into the punk scene at Stanford.” this one really encapsulates the grimy rebellion of turning freshly 20, and being simultaneously angry and horny all the time. it’s sam & OMC but sam is really yearning for dean. overall super super hot and cathartic.
Might Get Hurt If You Don't Keep It Hid by AnonDude (@anondudeao3) Sam/Dean, 11k, E [underage]
Sam & Dean get caught fucking at a high school party and rumours spread. smutty pseudo-outsider pov. sooo tasty and sam&dean are such horny fuckers even after they get found out lol. i love seeing little snippets of weechesters at school & this definitely delivered. theres also a cute little time skip epilogue to finish it off.
the wrong way track from the good by according2thelore (@according2thelore) Sam/Dean, 7k, M [underage]
“Bobby finds out.” bobby’s characterization in this fic is amazing and the whole thing is just soo painful and haunting. really drives in the extent of sam&dean’s codependency and the tragedy of their upbringing. a sort of fucked up love story if u will. very naice :3
Spin by AnonDude (@anondudeao3) Sam/Dean, 8k, E [underage]
“Sam and Dean play Spin The Bottle at a party, and, well, I'm sure you know where this is going.” AHHHH!!!! outsider POV is my absolute fav and this is right up my alley. i adore how we get little snapshots of not only their weird codependency through external eyes but also how foreign their hunting lifestyle is to normal kids. + a great fluffy smut epilogue!
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I’ve been seeing Dead Boy Detectives around a lot lately but I don’t know much about it, so if you want to tell me about it I’m very interested! I’m also curious about the story Came up from that lake of fire. (And I always love to hear about your original work!) 💚
Dead Boy Detectives is a a delightful show about the ghosts of two British teenagers who run a detective agency where they help their fellow spirits tie up any unfinished business so they can move on. It shares a lot of DNA with your classic monster-of-the-week show (I'm one of the 5 people on Tumblr who has never watched a single minute of Supernatural, but I hear a bunch of people who were involved in SPN are also involved in DBD.)
What sets it apart for me personally is the characters. As is typical for Netflix, there are only 8 episodes, which often hurts characterization in these type of plot-heavy shows, but each character seems like a fully fleshed person with their own goals, fears, and rich inner lives. Even characters who would be nothing but comic relief or plot devices on other shows, like the man who is really a cursed walrus or the grumpy goth butcher (my beloved Jenny) are given depth.
Also, the main characters, Charles and Edwin, have an absolutely fantastic relationship. Whether you see them as platonic, romantic, or something in between, they're the most important person in each other's lives and it's really sweet and beautiful.
I highly recommend it (with the caveat that the first episode has lots of clunky dialogue and exposition, especially in the first half. I promise, it gets better.)
Anyway, it's eating my brain and now I can't stop writing fic about it, so here's a snippet of the next chapter of Came up from that lake of fire under the cut!
“You know, Esther is certain to have collected a large variety of magical items during her long life, including books,” Edwin says. “Something in that house is sure to be of assistance during our search for the Deathless.” A woman browsing through a rack of blouses turns to stare at him and Edwin remembers that this isn’t the type of thing a living person can say out loud while standing in the middle of a thrift store. “In that… in that television game we’re playing,” he adds quickly. “I know how you enjoy your television games, Crystal.” “They’re called video games.” Crystal shoves a stack of shirts into his hands. “Here. Someone must have just donated all their grandpa’s clothes. They’re perfect for you.” “You jest, but I’m not impressed by modern fashion.” Edwin studies the shirts with a critical eye. “I am.” Charles emerges from the dressing room, wearing a red t-shirt emblazoned with the name of a musician Edwin has never heard of and a pair of tight-fitting jeans. “What do you think, mate?” Edwin does not look down at the jeans. “Very modern.”
WIP Ask Game
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Happy WW! Question for this lovely Americana week: If you HAD to take the boys outside of America either on a quick job or to live for awhile, where would you make them go and why? I hate that we had that quick phone call with Bobby where Sam and Dean went abroad (Scotland, I think?) and we saw NONE of it! As much as I love my red-blooded American boys, I think we've been deprived of a great plot point!
hello!! what a great question thank you!!
the short answer: I'm Canadian and would love to see some Canada action, but the only canada-related plots in TV are hamfisted and cringe, so I can't imagine what spn would actually do with that that would be good
the long answer is a snippet from a fic I'll never publish that I KNOW I've posted on tumblr before but I can't figure out where, so I'm posting it again:
"You hung over?" Dean asked. Sam shrugged.
"Nah. Took some Advil."
"Good, good." Dean let a smile spread slowly over his face. "You, uh, really had a few."
"No more than you."
"You went on your little rant again."
Sam went still and looked over. Dean's smile was cranked up to a thousand watts.
"Which rant?" Sam asked carefully.
“You know which rant. Every time I get more than four drinks in you, you find a way to bring up moving to another country and telling people that we have the same last name because we’re married.”
Sam rolled his eyes, but Dean saw his back get tight. He was embarrassed.
“Excuse me for finding creative solutions to the ongoing problem of dating my brother.”
"Have you considered not dating your brother?"
"Shut up, Dean."
Dean put his elbows on the table and his chin in his hands and made faces at him.
"This time it was Portugal. You said we could live in a seaside shack in Portugal. You were worried they weren't progressive enough, though. Then I said, if we want progressive, we're stuck with either California or Canada or maybe Oregon on a good day, and you said that wasn't far enough away, except maybe Canada."
"Would you please—"
"You know a surprising amount of Canadian lore, turns out. Have you been doing research? House hunting? I'm not moving to Canada, we'd never get guns again."
"Canada's too close," Sam grumbled. "Go away."
"Canada's big. And rural. Bet we can find a place backwards enough for our, uh, alternative lifestyle. But—"
"Alright, that's—"
"—I'd be willing to bet that any fucked-up commune that's down with the incest part would be extremely not down with the gay part—"
"—So maybe we'd just better keep being weird, violent hermits in Kansas for now."
"Are you done?" Sam asked, sounding physically pained. 
"Are those pancakes done?"
"If it'll shut you up, they are."
Sam took the plate of warmed pancakes out of the oven and all but threw it down in front of Dean, leaving him to get his own utensils and syrup.
Sam had been very excited about Portugal. Dean thought it was grossly sweet, but he wasn't about to miss an opportunity to rib Sam by doing something as stupid as agreeing with him out loud. He knew it would never happen, but thinking about it made his heart turn over; two matching silver rings tapping on the railing of a balcony, sun-bleached stucco and curtains fluttering in the hot wind. Drinking vinegary pilsners and driving along a winding coastline, two old American guys with omnipresent sunburns and no past. Sam with his hair in a ponytail, reading a book under a beach umbrella.
Dean blinked and shook his head as if clearing sun spots from his vision. Maybe Sam thought about that life while he was drunk, but Dean thought about it sober. He really, really tried not to dwell on that delta. It made everything less funny.
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averagedog-writer · 2 years
UUUGH IT'S THE OTHER HALF OF THE LAST THING FOR @beanstalk-nicholas' SPN AU LITERALLY POUNDING SAND RN (only this one is a first draft because I'm literally losing my fucking mind rn)
He paused. A lump formed in his throat as he saw him. Mikey shifted his weight between his feet, groaning a little and giving in. He pulled the door open and slipped through it, averting his eyes as he glanced at him.
Donnie let out a breath and shook his head. He punched the numbers in the vending machine, praying he wouldn’t talk to him. 
Mikey hesitated before he crossed the room. He stopped beside him, folding the dollars over themselves as he stared at his hands. It was… awkward. They were both avoiding any and all acknowledgement. 
Donnie huffed and knelt to grab his snack. Mikey started rocking back and forth, still folding the dollars beyond their limits. 
“We’ve been seeing a lot of each other, huh?” Donnie stood again. 
“I just, my brother and I, we keep running into you guys.”
“Oh! Yeah,” Mikey laughed a little, “honestly I don’t mind. You guys seem pretty cool.” 
“Yeah, so do you guys.” There was a beat as the boys switched places, “I’m Donnie, by the way.”
“Mikey! Y’know, we should all hang sometime! Grab pizza and beer or something.” 
“That sounds fun, actually.” 
“You should give me your number! I can talk to Raph about it and we can pick a place and I’ll send you guys the address and then we can talk about the time to meet up and–”
“Yeah, I can put my number in your phone while you get your snacks.”
“Oh I was here to get snacks!” Mikey laughed and pulled his phone from his pocket, shoving it in Donnie’s hand, “Here! What snacks do you think I should get? I’m thinking maybe some chips but I think Raph asked for something chewy, and I don’t really know what that would be, I prefer crunchy things 'cause they make fun sounds when you bite ‘em and–” 
“Here.” Donnie grabbed Mikey’s hand and dropped his phone in it. “Saved myself as Donatello, already called myself so I have your number. Buy both crunchy and chewy, so you both have something you like.”
“I think you’re the smartest person I’ve ever met.”
“That is… alarming. But thank you.” 
“Oh, wait! You should meet my brother, Raph! He should be just outside, come on!” 
“Come on!”
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findafight · 2 years
Nebs' Stranger Things Fic Masterlist
I'm finally making a masterlist for my fics/headcanons! hazzah! with brief descriptions) Compiling this I have realized I have written a LOT of stuff?? holy doodles. tumblr fics under the readmore (eventually I'll put them on ao3)
My Writing tag: Finda writes stuff
Ao3 Fics
Robin and Steve's Epic Platonic Soulmate Mixtape WIP. Robin and Steve become friends just after s1, friendship shenanigans as wells as Upside Down s2 (so far) ensues. RaSEPSM tag
Tennessee Ham and Strawberry Jam Complete. Sue Sinclair and Claudia Henderson childhood best friends + Goodbye Earl fic. Standalone but in same series/universe as RaSEPSM
You Don't Fool Me Complete. Steddie, Steve thinks they're dating, Eddie is a bit confused.
Visions of the Things to Be Complete Steddie. Eddie loves M*A*S*H. turns out, Steve also loves it. Eddie's a bit pissed about that.
Starfish on the Beach WIP platonic stobin, steddie. Steve dies instead of Eddie s5 fic, based on my own post
Tumblr Fics
Steddie Focused fics
Stobjargyle and Corroded Coffin au (tag)
Steve's mixtape of government banned songs
Demiro Steve
Addams!Steve (I will def continue this one of these days)
Rockstar Eddie and ~homosexual~ rumours
Human Steve and Spn Human Steve (tags)
Miraculous Au (tag)
Eddie Tweets AU (tag, only one post but will have more)
Baby Eddies checklist to get steve to fall in love with him
BNF Steve ramble
Stobin Focused Fics
Studio Era stobin lavender marraige au (lavender's blue au tag )
Upsidedown death Timetravel au (eventually will continue)
demiromantic steve
QPR stobin in their 40's
Best Hugs
Swimmer Steve au (tag) (possibly stonathan? idk yet tho)
Pjo au (tag)
Post Starcourt haha
Venom!Stobin (tag)
Steve is Seven au
Stobin post order66 au original post (that I'll eventually expand) Dustin realizes Robin and Steve are jedi. Stobin help train Dustin and Eddie is here now
Telepathic Stobin concept
Soulmate Words au snippet
Dream team Steve au prologue p1 (Steve is drafted to the NBA fic with qpr lavender marriage stobin
Misc posts
Steve dragging everyone's taste
Gay Jonathan Byers
Big Brother Steve (tag) original post
He picked up the bat
unrequited Byler p1 (part 2 eventually)
Erica Sinclair post StarCourt
Afterschool care steve
One sided ronance (for Nancy)
Steve doesn't want to be his mum
Bad timeline no Upside Down stancy
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