#spn s10e20
stellernorth · 1 year
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no one but me is brave enough to say this but sam father figure of the year.
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yearningsaphic · 1 year
It’s just a scene from a TV show that ended three years ago of a minor character’s death who only appeared in two episodes. Why are you crying?
The scene:
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hellerradio · 2 years
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These episodes feature two of our favorite SPN ladies…in drastically different ways. On the one hand, we get to see more of Claire in all her badass but vulnerable glory. And on the other, let’s just say we get pretty snarky about Charlie’s untimely and controversial ending. Rest in peace, queen. ⛳️
TW for discussions of death, homophobia, and Nazi mentions
➡️ Listen here!
Episodes discussed:
10x20 - Angel Heart
10x21 - Dark Dynasty
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lower-the-volume · 1 year
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10.20  Angel Heart
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cascaps · 1 year
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spn-caps · 2 years
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fogemorfem · 6 months
I like the fact that Claire has not one, not two, but THREE fathers.
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Flashbacks of Jimmy and Claire
Jimmy and Amelia??
Ah yeah, thought that was impossible
so this guy is stealing tbe grace leftover from being a vessel?
Claire! Looking for a guy
what kind of shit are you in this time girl?
oh, looking for her mom
sweetie 😭
At least the guy called for an ambulance, that's nice of him, he clearly didn't mean to hurt her
aww Cas is waiting by, and he called the boys to come by
- You were both troubled teens. You speak her language.
Cas my man, you're so sweet
I think the reason I loved Claire instantly (even if I wasn't a fan of the Dad Cas thing) is that she reminds me of Meg so much
she looks like her a bit and she has attitude
and now that Cas has figured out how to take care while also keeping his distance (so he can keep living and doing shit), I really like this storyline
Claire ran away again, of course haha
Dean and Cas, rolling together
Dean being bad cop
Sam is SO good at interacting with vics, and in this case, with a runaway teen ❤️
He's good at being soft and listening and manipulating the conversation the way he wants it to go
Okay, that man didn't deserve to die
it's sad
Happy Birthday??
Castiel you sweetheart
Claire looking at the body "Best birthday ever" 😂
Cas is full dad now
Claire is not going, Dean is not going
They can sympathize in their annoyance at Castiel benching them
"Both of you!"
good dad Cas
Cas talking to Dean and Sam about Claire just exposes how fucking different they are
this is what I needed to keep watching Supernatural and to excuse the shit I've seen
I love this
Dean making fun of her 😂
this is amazing content
😭😭😭😭😭😭 "Your father's a hero"
Angel sword then, uh?
doing research with Claire ❤️
Watcher Angels?
Poor Amelia 😭
Aww Dean giving Claire a gun
That felt so symbolic and significant
feeding on humans
cool (derogative)
Claire hugging her mom with her two dads in the background ❤️
Why would they leave Claire and Amelia alone??? they always make the same bloody mistakes!
Claire! Yes!
but 😭😭😭
they found Amelia just for her to die, right away
but, good news: she's going to find Jimmy, for real this time
It's just so sad for Claire 😭😭😭😭
Oooooooh they're dropping her off with Jody! That's so cool!
Awwwww Dean got her a gift!
the movie! and a book on Enochian and angels I believe?
and she kept the Grumpy Cat 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
and now they're good
and she called him old 😂😂
and she asked Dean to keep an eye on Cas 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
and she hugged Cas 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
"Someone just tell me she's gonna be okay" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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deanscaps · 3 years
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quwarichi · 4 years
My reactions+summaries of SPN S5-15:
Supernatural Episodes (that were memorable to me):
Currently: S15E20
[Disclaimer: these were written as I was watching each episode for the first time. It’s literally my brain vomit. Let it be known that I watched the series from season 1 but only around season 5 it occured to me that I might want to remember some episodes, so this was created. I am a pretty big destiel shipper, but it only shows here when I absolutely can’t contain myself. You can enjoy my reactions without shipping them. HAVE AT IT]
Season 5-10: 
Castiel and Dean duo including FBI card incident, Dean pushing Castiel to get it on with a hooker at a club, and a mention of a talk about personal space
S5E04: Dean goes into a future where Sam says yes to Lucifer, Cas is on drugs, and his future self is definitely sad.
Valentine's Day + Cas.
You do the math.
S6E20: Castiel retelling events from Sam's resurrection to current time while wondering what he should have done differently, if at all. It's heartbreaking and beautiful.
S7E12: Dean goes back in time to 1944 and investigates Cronos, God of time. Time travel, shenanigans, Dean being 'Awesome' (Also Dean looks really hot in his 40's suit)
S7E17: Cas gets back. No more needed to be added.
S8E08: Castiel the Hunter is officially a thing now and he's so excited my heart can't stand it.
S8E14: Dean finally gets his own room, complete with a picture of him and his mother + glasses Dean.
S8E21: Apparently, Cas was a bad boy rebel from the start. Also, he told whatshername Naomi to "bite me" as a gesture for his friends.
S8E22: Castiel goes shopping in a 7/11 and he tries guessing what they'll need in the bunker based on his limited knowledge, plus he threatens a store clerk's life because he needs a pie for Dean and there's no more left.
S9E01: Today, we mourn the loss of the trenchcoat and celebrate Cas' start as a human.
S9E03: Cas wears a red hoodie + his homeless adventures. Plus he gets a tattoo. HE SLEPT WITH A GIRL OMG WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. Okay the girl is not a girl she used him NOOOOO. The girl is not a girl she's a reaper she used him. Cas and Dean reunion.
S9E05: Dean becomes a Disney princess able to communicate with animals.
S9E06: Cas starts working at a convenience store. He thinks his manager asked him out but she just used him for babysitting and he brought her a rose :(. He sings a lullaby to a baby.
S9E09: Cas becomes an FBI agent. Cas tries to figure out how to pray for roughly 7 hours. He suffers torture and sees how his kind has fallen. He also finally got his grace back, sort of.
S9E10: Cas, Crowley, and Dean go on a road trip.
S9E11: Cas wants a guinea pig confirmed. Crowley and Dean's Hellish Adventure. Cas just wants to eat his PB&J in quiet. Sam and Cas hug.
S9E14: Kevin haunts the bunker because he can't go to heaven. Castiel follows a lead about Metatron.
S9E16: Crowley is being drugged off human blood. The return of the Moose and Not Moose AKA Squirrel.
S9E18: Cas has a motel room. A porn movie that Dean likes starts playing and then BAM! A SUDDEN GABRIEL. Freaking bless Gabriel's (soul?) soul. The famous Gabriel-turning-Cas'-head.
S9E21: Cas is the commander now. Crowley's son is in the future.
S9E22: Cas is dying??? Dean is WHAT?
S10E01: Dean is a Demon and is celebrating with Crowley. Cas is dying and it's hurting. Sam is slowly losing it.
S10E05: you thought The French Mistake was meta? Prepare for Sam and Dean walking into the school production of... 'Supernatural - The Musical'. Yes it's as horrifying/amazing as it seems. Dean learns he gets shipped with Cas. Beautiful cover for Wayward Son. CHUCK WAS SPOTTED.
S10E07: Cas' mind might have melted for a moment. Crowley's mum.
S10E09: Castiel goes to visit Jimmy's daughter, Claire. She calls him a doof, he tells her to eat vegetables. It works.
S10E12: Dean turns into a teenager. He likes Taylor Swift now, don't hate hate hate hate hate.
S10E17: Bobby and Cas' Heavenly Adventure.
S10E20: Cas gets Claire a stuffed cat from "Hot Topical" for her birthday while looking for her mom. Dean and Claire bond.
S10E21: Charlie died, Styne family are dead meat.
S10E23: Cas and Crowley's Witchy Adventures.
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babygirl06301 · 7 years
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SPN Rewatch → S10E20 “Angel Heart”
↳ “Claire, what happened to your dad, I'm sorry, okay? I really am. But, uh, there's something you gotta know. Your dad's sacrifice was not meaningless, okay? He gave up his body, his vessel. Because he did that, Cas was able to save the world. The world. Your father's a hero. He did not die in vain.”
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lower-the-volume · 1 year
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10.20  Angel Heart
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cascaps · 1 year
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spn-caps · 2 years
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Fic Rec Friday - 6/9
Fuck Standards by@intotheruins Pairing: Meg Masters/Castiel Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Supernatural Kink Bingo 2016, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Castiel, Alpha Meg, Rough Sex, Rough Foreplay, Rimming, Spanking (implied) Word Count: 3,224 Summary:  Neither of them were anything resembling “traditional.” They both liked it that way. Written for the College AU square on my spn kink bingo card.
My Thoughts It’s unfortunately rare to find female alphas in fan fic and even rarer t see them engage in explicit sex. This fic was a nice change not only in the fact that we get to see both of those things but that we also get the wonderful versitility of female alpha/male omega sex It’s fun, snarky, and kinda sweet as well. Meg and Cas are both written really well and the pull a lot of sassy and some sweetness out of each other. 
intotheruins has written other rare pairs and polyships such as wincestiel, winjimstiel, cas/bobby, denny, and sam/bobby. I highly suggest you check this author out because there is plenty of variety and wonderful stories here!
Runaway by @samanddeaninpanties Pairing: Sam/Cas, Sam/Claire, Sam/Cas/Claire Raiting: Explicit Warning: Creator Chose Not To Us Archive Warnings Tags:Soulless Sam Winchester, Possessed Claire, Angelic Possession, Possession, Dubious Consent, Loss of Virginity, End of the World, Demon, Dean, King of Hell Dean, Queen of Hell Abaddon, Sam Has a Large Cock,, Angst, Emotions, Cock Warming, Marathon Sex, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Episode: s10e20 Angel Heart, Season/Series 10, Alternate Season/Series 10, Bossy Castiel, Vaginal Sex, Age Difference, First Time Word Count: 1,540 Summary:  She can’t afford anything nicer than dirty sheets, cockroaches, rooming next to prostitutes and she’s not sure when he’ll show - but she stays in her motel room and imagines the relief she’ll feel when he says yes.
My Thoughts  I feel that I should mention this is dubious consent, so if that is a no-go for you you might not enjoy it. However, I still strongly reconmend it because of how wonderfully written Claire is here. We really get into her head and understand what she’s feeling and her voice in the narrative is excellent. Soulless!Sam here is a total dick and I love it. It’s good.
outoftheashes has written seveal rare pair fics and wincestiel and winjimstiel + benny. If you’re interested in darker stuff I strongly suggest you check out this author. 
Jet-Packing by @bloodandcream Pairing: Sam/Meg Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Alternate Universe, Neighbors, Cuddling & Snuggling, vegetarian sam, Aromantic Meg Word Count: 1,412 Summary: It’s not the fact that she’s still fucking her hot neighbor after several months that bothers her. It’s that she stays the night. Falls asleep in his bed. Wakes up big-spooning the giant. Then he makes breakfast for her. Sometimes Meg even lets him kiss her goodbye at the door.
It’s disgusting.
My Thoughts  Aro characters are a quick way to my heart and I absolutely adore the way Meg is written here. Actually, I adore the way this author writers Meg all the time but that’s beside the point. I also really love that while Sam is a nice guy Meg isn’t totally comfortable with his affections and he’s fine with that and allows her to be comfortable in her own ways. It’s mostly pwp but it does hit on that aspect of Meg’s comfort with romantic touching and I really appreciate that. 
bloodandcream has written so many rare pairs! Seriously, check out this author! I can almost guarantee you there will be something you’ll like in their works, whether you prefer femslash, slash, polyships, or het ships, you will not be left wanting here. 
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annarvby · 7 years
list of all the angels in spn and the episodes they appear in- p1 1: physical presence.
backstory on why i made this list: i’m making a video about the angels and i wanted to include as many as i could (if not all of them) and i thought i would make my life easier and make a list to see what episodes each angel was in. also because spn has so many seasons, it’s impossible to keep track of all of the episodes and all of the characters in a way you could on a show with less characters/episodes.
i also split this list into 2 parts: part 1 (this one) listing episodes the angels were physically present in (also including flashbacks, presence of their true form aka bright lights, and corporeal forms, and their voices)and part 2, listing episodes in which the angels were mentioned and pictures/paintings of them were seen.
under the cut bc it’s pretty long.
SEASON 2 gabriel -s2e15
SEASON 3 gabriel -s3e11
SEASON 4 castiel -s4e01 castiel -s4e02 castiel -s4e03 castiel -s4e07 uriel -s4e07 castiel -s4e09 uriel -s4e09 anna milton -s4e09 castiel -s4e10 uriel -s4e10 anna milton -s4e10 castiel -s4e15 castiel -s4e16 unnamed blonde angel -s4e16 uriel -s4e16 anna milton -s4e16 zachariah -s4e17 raphael -s4e18 (presence only) castiel -s4e18 zachariah -s4e18 castiel -s4e20 anna milton -s4e20 castiel -s4e21 anna milton -s4e21 lucifer -s4e22(speaks through a nun, incorporeal form) raphael -s4e22 (presence only) castiel -s4e22 zachariah -s4e22
SEASON 5 lucifer -s5e01 castiel -s5e01 zachariah -s5e01 castiel -s5e02 lucifer -s5e03 raphael -s5e03 castiel -s5e03 lucifer -s5e04 castiel -s5e04 zachariah -s5e04 castiel -s5e06 gabriel -s5e08 castiel -s5e08 lucifer -s5e10 castiel -s5e10 michael -s5e13 castiel -s5e13 uriel -s5e13 anna milton -s5e13 castiel -s5e14 cupid -s5e14 castiel -s5e16 zachariah -s5e16 joshua -s5e16 castiel -s5e17 michael -s5e18 (incorporeal form) castiel -s5e18 zachariah -s5e18 lucifer -s5e19 gabriel -s5e19 castiel -s5e21 michael -s5e22 lucifer -s5e22 castiel -s5e22
SEASON 6 raphael -s6e03 castiel -s6e03 balthazar -s6e03 castiel -s6e06 castiel -s6e07 castiel -s6e10 balthazar -s6e11 castiel -s6e12 raphael -s6e15 castiel -s6e15 balthazar -s6e15 virgil -s6e15 castiel -s6e17 balthazar -s6e17 castiel -s6e18 rachel -s6e18 castiel -s6e19 raphael -s6e20 castiel -s6e20 rachel -s6e20 (flashback) castiel -s6e21 balthazar -s6e21 raphael -s6e22 castiel -s6e22 balthazar -s6e22
SEASON 7 lucifer -s7e01 (hallucination-sam) castiel -s7e01 lucifer -s7e02 (hallucination-sam) castiel -s7e02 (possessed by leviathan) lucifer -s7e03 (voice) lucifer -s7e04 (voice) castiel -s7e05 (seen in dean’s nightmare) lucifer -s7e15 (hallucination-sam) lucifer -s7e17 (hallucination-sam and cas) castiel -s7e17 castiel -s7e21 hester -s7e21 inias -s7e21 castiel -s7e23
SEASON 8 castiel -s8e02 (purgatory flashback) samandriel -s8e02 castiel -s8e05 (purgatory flashback) castiel -s8e07 samandriel -s8e07 naomi -s8e07 castiel -s8e08 naomi -s8e08 castiel -s8e10 samandriel -s8e10 naomi -s8e10 castiel -s8e17 naomi -s8e17 naomi -s8e19 castiel -s8e21 naomi -s8e21 metatron -s8e21 ion -s8e21 esper -s8e21 castiel -s8e22 metatron -s8e22 castiel -s8e23 naomi -s8e23 metatron -s8e23 nathaniel -s8e23 gail -s8e23
SEASON 9 castiel -s9e01 gadreel -s9e01 hael -s9e01 kim schortz -s9e01 farmer angel -s9e01 gadreel -s9e02 castiel -s9e03 gadreel -s9e03 bartholemew -s9e03 bartholemew’s assistant -s9e03 gadreel -s9e04 gadreel -s9e05 castiel -s9e06 gadreel -s9e06 (unseen) epraim -s9e06 gadreel -s9e07 (unseen) gadreel -s9e08 castiel -s9e09 metatron -s9e09 gadreel -s9e09 bartholemew -s9e09 (unseen) bartholemew’s assistant -s9e09 malachi -s9e09 muriel -s9e09 theo -s9e09 castiel -s9e10 metatron -s9e10 gadreel -s9e10 abner -s9e10 thaddeus -s9e10 castiel -s9e11 gadreel -s9e11 (flashback) castiel -s9e14 bartholemew -s9e14 rebecca -s9e14 (grave) elijah -s9e14 gabriel -s9e18 (illusion)castiel -s9e18 metatron -s9e18 gadreel -s9e18 hannah -s9e18 ingrid -s9e18 castiel -s9e21 gadreel -s9e21 ezra -s9e21 castiel -s9e22 metatron -s9e22 gadreel -s9e22 hannah -s9e22 esther -s9e22 josiah -s9e22 oren -s9e22 tyrus -s9e22 constantine -s9e22 flagstaff -s9e22 castiel -s9e23 metatron -s9e23 gadreel -s9e23 hannah -s9e23 neil -s9e23 asariel -s9e23 purah -s9e23 ingrid -s9e23 homeless angel -s9e23
SEASON 10 castiel -s10e01 hannah -s10e01 daniel -s10e01 adina -s10e01 castiel -s10e02 metatron -s10e02 hannah -s10e02 castiel -s10e03 hannah -s10e03 adina  -s10e03 castiel -s10e07 hannah -s10e07 castiel -s10e09 castiel -s10e10 metatron -s10e10 ingrid  -s10e10 castiel -s10e14 castiel -s10e17 metatron -s10e17 hannah -s10e17 castiel -s10e18 metatron -s10e18 trucker cupid -s10e18 castiel -s10e20 tamiel -s10e20 castiel -s10e21 castiel -s10e22 castiel -s10e23
SEASON 11 castiel  -s11e01 efram -s11e01 jonah -s11e01 castiel -s11e02 hannah -s11e02 efram -s11e02 jonah -s11e02 castiel -s11e03 daniel -s11e03(briefly- different angel named daniel than the prev. daniel) head angel -s11e03 lucifer -s11e4 (as young!john) castiel -s11e04 (voice only) castiel -s11e06 metatron -s11e06 lucifer -s11e09 head angel -s11e09 michael -s11e10 (flashback) lucifer -s11e10 castiel -s11e10 ambriel  -s11e10 lucifer -s11e11 (possessing cas) nithael -s11e11 castiel -s11e14 (possessed by lucifer and himself) lucifer -s11e15 (possessing cas) lucifer -s11e15 (possessing cas) castiel -s11e18 (possessed by lucifer and himself) jofiel -s11e18 metatron -s11e20 lucifer -s11e21 (possessing cas) metatron -s11e21 castiel -s11e22 (possessed by lucifer and himself) castiel -s11e23
metatron -s11e21
SEASON 12 castiel -s12e01 lucifer -s12e02 castiel -s12e02 lucifer -s12e03 castiel -s12e03 lucifer -s12e07castiel -s12e07 lucifer -s12e08 castiel -s12e08 castiel -s12e10 akobel -s12e10 benjamin -s12e10 mirabel -s12e10 ishim -s12e10 castiel -s12e12 castiel -s12e15 kelvin -s12e15
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