#spn: misc
elizabethjenningz · 11 months
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shyshitter · 1 month
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has regularshownatural been done yet? bc this benson quote is all cas
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stonelions · 1 year
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dean from a fic i'd like to write. an empty rescue where he arrives there via somewhat unconventional means, and his presence doesn't.... wake cas up exactly, but it makes cas start dreaming, which pulls dean's soul into the dreams, and those dreams are each their own world, so it would be kind of an empire of shifting sands (pursuit across the 16 hells) as dean chases cas through his own subconscious trying to convince him he's real
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agerefandom · 1 year
10 Favourite Regression Dynamics
I’ve made lists of some characters I headcanon as regressors, and characters I headcanon as caregivers: and I love a good ‘character and reader’ dynamic, but here are some canon dynamics that I LOVE to add age regression to! 
Important note: these aren’t necessarily romantic ‘ships’ and they might not be healthy age regression dynamics but they’re dynamics I find it rewarding to write about! 
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1. regressor!Will and caregiver!Hannibal (NBC Hannibal) 
Starting strong with a regression dynamic that is not healthy but it is such an interesting thing to add to their existing codependence! Will gives me such agere vibes and Hannibal’s existing trauma around his big brother history make this such an interesting dynamic to explore. It definitely tilts the power balance faaaar in the direction of someone who will take the opportunity to do terrible things with it, but that’s basically what you’re signing up for with any story about Hannibal Lecter. 
2. regressor!Jack and caregiver!Bitty (Check Please!) 
No one exudes stronger caregiver vibes than Bitty: I’m definitely a supporter of this as a double-flip pairing (with both regressing and caregiving) but I want the sad hockey man to get cuddles, goshdarnit, and you know that Bitty would just be the sweetest most thoughtful caregiver and I just gah they’re already such a good pairing with such canonically developed communication as a couple and I would love to see that skill applied to something as vulnerable as regression 
 3. regressor!Harry and caregiver!Sirius (Harry Potter) 
If anyone deserves a chance at a second childhood, it’s Harry Potter. And I think that when he connected with Sirius as a young teen, he really saw that possibility. I think it would be so sweet to see Sirius actually able to give Harry that full parenting: both at the age he is now, and all the ages that he missed. I just strongly feel like Harry is a regressor, and as much as I like writing him with peers supporting him, I feel like he deserves a real parent figure who can support him in that role in and out of regression, especially in his teen years. 
4. regressor!Jon and caregiver!avatars (Magnus Archives) 
Okay, this is more of a whump thing than a good dynamic, but I just want to see little!Jon dealing with avatars when they’re being nice to him, and it’s like 90% manipulation but it’s also a bunch of monsters being sweet and you can kind of read it as genuine if you squint. I’ve got a vision and it includes literally any of the not-quite-human characters of the Magnus Archives, ranging from the mostly-sweet (End!Gerry) to the completely-terrifying (Bouchard). 
5. regressor!Tony, caregiver!Pepper (Marvel) 
This is the first pairing that ever made me run to write regression fanfiction, and I do believe that I would not be an agere writer without them. Ironically, I’ve never finished and published any of my fics about them, but they have my whole heart. Taking Tony’s earlier unthinking dependence on Pepper and bringing it back in a healthy way, with limits and negotiation and emotional vulnerability, showing how much they’ve grown as a couple? Yes please!! 
6. regressor!Cullens, caregivers!Carlisle and Esme (Twilight)
I am such! a! sucker! for immortal beings finding a way to reclaim the concept of time and childhood. Carlisle and Esme canonically find a lot of value in being parents, and considering that they’re such a range of ages, I think that regression is a neat way to create that dynamic, and I just like big groups of regressors in a family and it scratches all of those interests in one!! 
7. regressor!Morty, flip!Rick (Rick and Morty) 
It’s the toxicity for me!!! I make no claims that this would be a good thing, but also I enjoy writing about the things that trigger Rick’s ‘oh shit I have feelings’ mode and you can’t tell me that regression would not key into that, both in his own experiences as a flip and then having to face it as part of Morty’s trauma. And Morty simultaneously trying to get away into independence but getting drawn back by Rick’s kindness in this single circumstance ties into all of the terrible themes of the show. 
8. regressor/caregiver flips Dean and Sam (Supernatural) 
Speaking of codependence, I cannot choose which of these boys is more symbolically resonant to have as a regressor, and both of them certainly have enough trauma to make it a viable coping mechanism. I think they have the art of balancing each other down to an art: especially in the early seasons, you can really see that process in the way they take turns being the Angry one. Writing about that balance in the context of regression is an interesting concept, and then the way that Dean relates to caregiving versus needing care, and Sam’s desperation to be the reliable one... it’s just a lot of tasty angst to play with alongside the sweet opportunity for a childhood without the war they were raised to fight. 
9. regressor!Erik, caregiver!Christine (Phantom of the Opera) 
Okay, this one is like ninety percent for the aesthetics, because you do need to do some handwaving over canon to make it fluffy. But Erik needs reparenting, and flipping the relationship from the original dynamic with Erik as a kind of father-figure is a nice way to reclaim the story from the original gothic maiden themes. 
10. regressor!Dave, caregiver!Roxy (Homestuck)
All hail my Ride Or Die regression dynamic!!! It’s basically canon and I stand by that! Dave called her mom and said that it feels nice to think of her as a mom because he had such a mixed experience with his own parental figure. And she’s got her own complicated feelings about parenthood and guardianship, but says that she likes it when Dave calls her mom, and it all just makes me very happy.  
This has been my TEDtalk on my favourite regression dynamics!! Thank you for coming!! 
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mxltifxnd0m · 2 months
happy birthday to my pookie bear sam winchester 😩🥳
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(yes i’m aware he’s 41 and fictional. but do i care? absolutely not)
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thebeautyofspnanime · 5 months
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1x02 roadkill
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shivroyslut · 1 year
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eileen photocards for @eileenguy’s summer bash 2023
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yearningsaphic · 9 months
Thinking about how in the pilot episode of Supernatural, Jess jokingly said Sam would “crash and burn” when he asked would he would without her and she’s ended up burning because he wasn’t there
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Rob Benedict, Jared Padalecki, Richard Speight Jr. and Jason Manns at Jus In Bello Con 13 | Rome, June 18th 2023
Please do not repost without credit.
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sarishim · 5 months
psst, and i'll send something in that canon (aka spn) gabe has said. lmfao.
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crucifysam · 7 months
just how cool would it have been if the Special Children, their abilities, enhanced just by being near one another. even so much so to the point where like, they can adopt someone else’s abilities entirely, even if for a short amount of time. what if in 1.14, nightmare the combination of sams urgency to get back to dean and max’s energy that he was subconsciously feeding off of was what gave him that little extra oomph to push the dresser out the way. some of their powers already sorta criss-cross with one another, we see that overlap, and we know that theres Potential to do More than whatever, i guess, ‘core ability’ it is that they have but GOD.
sam being able to (not without effort) mind-control people when hes with andy or getting that boost in strength with jake, the tips of his fingers tingling with electricity when he’s with scott (rip to my precious boy they never even gave u a fighting chance </3). or with ava, theres just a little more sense of control when having a premonition, maybe even being able to kickstart one when they Want to see in the future. RIGHT? YOU KNOW? like the possibilities are already there but the. thought of all them. as like. a gaggle of freaks. siphoning energy from one another and having this even more intense connection with each other (sense 8 style, even) and their powers just. getting increasingly more. insane. bc of it. its. it makes me crazy.
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yameoto · 13 days
seeing THEEEE jensen ackles (or dean winchester for that matter) on your account caught me so off guard (in a good way !!)
(he’s so fine im salivating i could go literal hours talking about him and my friends are tired of me 😭) omgomg.. what are your thoughts on him 🤨🫵🎤
dean winchester INVENTED pretty boys with daddy issues n severe codependency. okkkk you can only define yourself bywhatyoucandoforyourbrother not only bc HeIsYourWillToLive but also bc its what ur daddy told you and even tho ur daddy is dead (bc of you. for you? because of you. for you) his grip on you hasn’t loosened even 6ft in the grave and what if u died and came back 204 times and what if u were diagnosed with PTSD and LGBT and DEPRESSION and u LOOKED SEXY while doing it
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he’s the reason i started botmaking btw. fun fact. THANK YOU guiltyplcsure’s dean/soldier boy bots .
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hephaestn · 2 years
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corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture
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stonelions · 11 months
supernatural transed my gender raise your hand if supernatural transed your gender
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ruinedsam · 11 months
Why am I the only one that sees the truth (that all trios in media are queerplatonic triads) :/
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angelsdean · 1 year
when u have to choose between reading or writing fic bc can't do both at the same time :( :( :( i need. more time in a day
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