inosukz · 2 years
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lulue-xie · 1 year
When Nandor say “I will have to kill you” he forget that Guillermo will certainly kill him first if he want
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Nobody is talking about these so I will. What are these winged gators on Mandalore. Who are They. As a gator enjoyer I wish to know more about them, they are very cute AND they have wings. Literal itty bitty shitty dragons. Their eyes glow, too!! thats so cool!! peak creature design!!
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I desire more info about the mandalorian swamp kittens
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Are we not Engaged... in bizarro world? Second part.
DLC story spoilers under the cut.
-’Kay so we just fought Elusia and also for some reason Solm.
-Ivy thinks Nel should be on their side. Mauvier fucked up the ritual, nicely done, Alt Mauvier!
-Neither Ivy nor Timerra want to give up the bracelets.
-Nel goes fucking dragon mode and wastes Ivy and Timerra, lol.
-Nel refuses to really explain why she went to such extremes. Alear offers little pushback.
-Only Edelgard is left.
-Oh nvm, Alear’s pissed.
-Nel finally explains that they’re Corrupted. Seems everyone we’ve fought were all Corrupted. Jeez, is there anyone left?
-Yeah, seems like there’s no humans left on Alt Elyos aside from the Four Winds. Well that’s bleak, lol. Nel didn’t tell the Winds or Nil because then she thinks Alear would also learn because Alear reminds her of Alt Alear and she wants to protect her. What? She should’ve known for years.
-Alear gushes about how much Nel takes care of everyone, but this upsets her because of her memories of Alt Alear.
-Oh god, Alt Alear pinky promised Nel that he’d return from battle, lol.
-Anyways she’s been distant from Alear because the memories cause her pain.
-Nel dropped the bracelets, Nil picked them up. He’s being suspicious. Oh yeah he’s gonna try to kill Alear, lol.
-Nil woke up Tiki, seems he can do that.
-So he was faking being useless, lol. Sombron encouraged him to pretend to be weak to outwit his other siblings. Alt Sombron seems to like gaslighting more than ruling by fear.
-Nel’s sulking under a tree. The Winds just chat a lot. A lot. They’re trying to figure out how to make it up to Nel.
-Nel’s come around. She wants to apologize for her past rudeness.
-Nil said he was going to kill Alear but it seems like he just kidnapped her instead. lol. Nil’s putting on his BS “oh uwu me I’m a soft boy woe is me Alear ran off alone” act again, fuck this little twerp.
-Now that I know it’s an act I fucking hate this little asshole’s “oh I’m so weak, woe is me :(” routine.
-Now we’re in Solm. The sky’s blood-red here, too. Nil led them into an ambush and now he’s turning on Nel.
-Zelestia catches on pretty quickly.
-Nil wants to fulfill Sombron’s ambitions, but unless Alt Sombron had a different plan Nil can’t do that.
-Wait, why’d Nil even bother luring them to Solm, he coulda just left them confused and without direction in Elusia. Oh yeah, Nel can’t transform because Nil has her dragonstone. Rip the only thing keeping Nel relevant, lol.
-Four Winds want to hold the line so Nel can save Alear.
-What the fuck, it looks like Nil was keeping Alear close by to where he took Nel, WHY THE FUCK DID NIL BRING THEM THERE, LOL.
-Nil and Alear have the shittiest argument of all time. He wants to force her to do something that’ll help his plan. Nel busts in in dragon form. Again, why did Nil lure Nel and the Winds right to the temple where he was keeping Alear, their death doesn’t seem to further his plan at all.
-Oh hey it’s the mystery assassin from chapter 1. By process of elimination, he’s Fogado. Why did they obscure Fogado’s identity? Trailer bait, that’s it. Also Hortensia’s here.
-Oh god this map looks cancer.
-Apparently I have to heal Alear, who is imprisoned, implying Nel will try to kill her. WHY WOULD NEL WANT TO DO THAT, HE SAID HE NEEDS HER ALIVE STILL.
-Nel tries to reason with Nil. Her mistake is assuming Nel is being remotely rational.
-Chapter 5 was so bad that I got irritated and turned the difficulty down to normal, lol.
-Okay we knocked Nil unconscious. Are we going to... kill him? Restrain him? What?
-No, we’re deadass just gonna leave Nil lying around to come back and stab us in the back later.
-Four Winds are fuuuuuuucked. Mauvier suggests a suicide attack knocking the temple down on the waves of corrupted with the Winds still inside.
-There’s a lot of leadup to the deaths of a bunch of characters I’ve barely had any time to get to know, especially Madeline and Mauvier who just barely arrived.
-Oh Nil’s back up and laughing and shit.
-Nil takes Nel hostage and demands meeting him at the Somniel which isn’t floating in this world.
-Oh, guess Nil isn’t the real Nil, and the real Nil died at somesuch point. I don’t give a fuck. I sincerely don’t. What the fuck is the point of this plot twist, it would be like if it was revealed Ferdinand was actually Zweidinand, the second son of Duke Aegir, and the real Ferdinand died in the backstory and nobody ever knew him and nobody cares.
-More cryptic shit.
-Also, can we go to another alt world if we head for the DLC well in the Alt World?
-Oh, we visit the Somniel but it’s all in ruins so it’s not really recognizable.
-Roflmao, Nel even points out there’s nothing to rule in the alt world since everyone but them is dead but Nil doesn’t care, he just wants power. What a shitty villain.
-Nil gives the reveal to Nel to upset her.
-So wait, were Nil and fake Nil BOTH weak? Just by happenstance? Oh nvm, Nil is sadge and he - oh he’s mind controlled. Of course he is, this is fucking Fire Emblem Engage.
-Oh, all this runaround is because Edelgard’s bracelet is sealed somehow. Alt Alear placed the seal, so Alear can probably break it.
-Alear just INSTANTLY submits and undoes the seal without doing anything to confirm Nel will be safe. Nil turns into a dragon, I guess using the power of the bracelets.
-Four Winds show up to ave Nel. Mauvier dedge. Guess that’s why Mauvier was just identical to his main game counterpart, there was no need for him to... be different at all. Idk, it’s still stupid. Mauvier warped the other Winds out with a Warp Staff, and he died.
-I swear, the Four Winds are getting more development than Nel and Nill, roflmao.
-Seems there was a Veyle in this world, too, and she’s dead.
-This final map is fucking gigantic.
-Why does Nil have two instant kill attacks.
-I was told that Alear can kill Nil over his super duper defensive terrain on turn 1 and I don’t give a shit about playing by the Fell Xenalogue’s rules anymore. Sadly, my Alear didn’t have the damage so I put this on hold until I got Marth back, thinking Divine Speed (and also Veyle’s personal ability) might make up the difference. Unfortunatly this turned out to be a mistake because I forgot Draconic Hex was something you had to unlock on Corrin and I had her on Gregory. Oh well :’3
-Bracelets poof away, “their duty is done”.
-Nil finally realizes he’s “truly worthless”.
-Lol, Nil and fake Nil had an uncanny similarity and much in common. How stupidly convenient. So I know the point of this is that it ties into the found family theme Engage has, but the problem is I don’t think this works because Nel and fake Nil are blood family anyways. They just aren’t twins.
-Lol fake Nil says if they let him live he’ll “bring the world to the brink of ruin” again. I don’t think you can kill everyone and replace them with corrupted when they’re all already dead.
-The Nil/Fake Nil switch is made even more pointless when Nel reveals she knew about it from the start. This is part awkward theme application, part manufactured drama.
-Nel stabs herself for some fucking reason. Apparently this will “ease his pain”. I guess because her dragonstone, which Sombron cursed to control Nil, will break, but couldn’t she just take the stupid thing back? Now he’s mourning, good job, Nel.
-Anyways, Fake Nil is actually Rafal.
-At least Rafal admits the whole mind control spell is a shitty excuse for what he did.
-Anyways, Rafal says he’ll do the whole energy transfer thing Lumera did to revive Nel, and Alear invites him to join her in her Elyos once it’s all done. Apparently the bracelets brought the two worlds closer because this Sombron still wanted to leave the world, so why the fuck then did he want an heir if he was planning to leave Elyos still.
-Alear points out this world’s empty and beyond saving and invites the Winds to join her in the main Elyos. The Winds have a pretty sweet moment planning out what they’ll do, then they agree to go. The Four Winds got better development than Nel and Nil, roflmao.
-So uhhhh, this story was pointless. It just existed to give us a chance to go, “wow, the royals are being weird!” except they drop that plot point about halfway through to focus on the twins, who are both lame characters. This DLC campaign told us nothing of value about the world or anyone in it because there’s no way to know what in the alt world applies to the main world. Bah.
-Back on the main world Somniel, Nel and Rafal showed up sooner than Alear existed. Evidently it’s been a thousand years for Nel and there’s some day inside hour outside nonsense going on, so the devs got to just... NOT show Rafal reconciling with Nel or atoning to her for all the dickish shit he did. Oh well.
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funbearer · 2 years
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babysugarlo · 7 months
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echo-stimmingrose · 9 months
I'm just gonna.... Leave these here....
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Also, their caption
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wastrelwoods · 5 months
god i really thought you people were lying about laios and kabru just for the sake of pretending like there is a gay little thing going on when its questionably textual at best but this shit is for real fascinating. unprecedented. master manipulator kabru playing both sides operating behind six layers of sublimated yaoi to obsessively plot laios' downfall. and on the other side of the coin notable Grade A Grass-Fed Freak laios touden experiencing a completely normal crush on the first pretty man to demonstrate polite interest in his passions and hobbies. i can only imagine laios is gonna be out here milking minotaurs like 'hm. if kabru was here now...i wonder if he would enjoy this too..... that would be nice (:' whilst kabru is pacing a deep furrow in the cobblestones clear on the other side of the dungeon vowing up and down that he will commit to sucking laios' dick meat clean off the bone if it might bring him one step closer to seeing his head on a pike
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artkaninchenbau · 8 months
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Crocodile finds a strange stray cat an 11-year old Nico Robin (AU where they met 13 years earlier. Robin's been on the run from the World Government for 3 years. Crocodile's 27 and has not set up base in Alabasta yet)
It seems like I have become possessed. By some sort of demon.
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awnrii · 2 months
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i don't forgive you. but thank you for this
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ionomycin · 10 months
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All the best boy hugs for Karlach
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transmonstera · 10 months
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[IMAGE ID: "changing your taste for the cissexuals' palate is to sacrifice your own tongue" in black text. there are wolves on either side of the text with a black border and white background. black stars and trans symbols decorate the image. END]
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kedreeva · 6 months
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Trying to play Monster Hunter: Rise and SOMEONE could not stand not getting attention and was repeatedly scaling me with her sharp feet and launching herself from furniture until I put her big soft blanket in my lap and pet her.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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HOT, SINGLE, UNSTUDIED SPONGES. 3000 NAUTICAL MILES AWAY. Come sail the distance and read Tiger Tiger!
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hotgamerwife · 8 months
Okay so I know this is most likely not true but I had a random thought while rewatching the end of part 5 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. And I think that Diavolo IS king crimson. Okay let me explain this, I think that Doppio was born with king crimson, although I could be wrong because I think hearing somewhere that he had gotten his stand after getting the arrows from Egypt for this theory i'm gonna overlook it. Basically how it goes in my head is that Doppio is born with King Crimson and since Doppio does not seem as strong willed as most stand users, especially the type of stand that King Crimson is the stands personality ends up overpowering Doppios personality to the point of causing his split personality. I got this while seeing the chase to the requiem arrow arc and seeing that with KC reveals himself you never actually see Diavolo using Mistas body and instead is entirely using King Crimson to communicate showing that outside of his body that he molded he can't use it aside from basic motor functions. I don't know though it probably isn't intended by Araki but I think it'd be cool nonetheless.
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ninjasmudge · 12 days
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they dont see a problem
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